THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RATUKDAY, AUGUST 11. lPOfl, o - The Omaha Daily Dee. E. ROHKWATER. EDITOR. Kntered at Omaha Poatoffice as second class matter. TKR113 OF SUBSCRIPTION. faily He. (without Sunday), one year. .$100 L'ailr be and Burnley, una year W Sunday ue, ona year J W Haturday Bee, one year DKLIVKRED BT CARRIER- Daily Bee (Including Sunday), per weetc..l7e pally br (without HuntWy), per week..Uo Evening tea (without Sunday), per week o fcvenlng Bee (with Bumlay), per week..l ounday Bee, per copy to Addrtse complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City circulation Department. offices. Omaha The Bee Building. tfoulh Omaha City iiall Building. ' Counrll Bluffs 10 Pearl Rtreet. C hicago 1640 Unity Building. New Tork WA Home Lne Ina. Building V ashington 601 Fourteenth Btreet. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlcatlona relating to news and edi torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The li Publishing Compuny. Only 2-cent stamps received aa payment ot mall aocounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern excnafigeat not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglaa County, as: C. C. Rosewatar, general manager of The Bee Publlshtnr company, being duly worn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sdnaay Bee printed during tha month of July, was aa follows: 1 30,140 IT tl,30 a 31,710 II 31,830 1 39,630 1 31,080 4... Sa.tOO 10 31,080 t 83,800 ill 83,430 S1.M0 II 30,500 7 33,380 tl SUM 1 30,300 24 31,680 31,830 21 31,330 10 31,660 24 31,570 11 31,530 27 81,750 11 83,680 - .. 83,180 II... 33,360 ' 2l 30,560 14... 34,080 t9 31,630 It 80,400 31 SlfeUO It .....32,900' Total 887,860 Less unsold copies 10,866 Net total sales 878,894 Dally average 31,613 C. C. ROSEWATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my prasenco and worn to beor ma this list day of July, l0t. (Seal.) II. B. HUNQATE, , Notary Public, WHEN OCT OF TOWN. Sobscrlbers leaving tha city tern, porarlly ' ksri Tha Baa mailed to them. Addreas will ba With Uncle Sam again in the mar bet for silver, the Colorado mining situation should improve. Nebraska Is said to have more banks per capita than any other state.. And none of them is failing Nebraskans just now. Tartars and Armenians seem to oc cupy the role of chorus in the Russian national tragedy, but the. entre-act is becoming monotonous.. For the heated season Omaha real estate activity ie keeping up remark ably well. Rising values make busi ness In the real estate market. . V Now that ona ! Judge of a Nw York City court has declared another-in contempt of court, laymen will feel freer to declare their own ldep.s on the subject. When those' Missouri mountaineers go on the war path against the grand Jury which indicted the negro lynch ers tbey may prove that Kentucky has no monopoly on feuds. Governor Folk thinks that the power of the chief executive of the state should be Increased, but may be will ing to admit that the success of the plan depends ranch upon the governor. Cashier Herlng's plea that he vio lated law only at the command of President Stensland may mitigate his offense In the eyes of some bank offi cials, but will not do him much good in court. The census taker on the canal cone is showing the effect of his early training. Having found 22,000 people on the strip, be tells how many more there would be if he had counted resi dents of adjoining territory. A valuable suggestion comes as the result of the Chicago bank failure, which Is that bank examiners should notify signers of notes found in banks of the number and face value of all paper bearing their signatures. Russell Sage continued to the last to be unique among American million aires and apparently communicated this attribute to his estate, which is the only one which has so far proven larger than the popular estimate. The air brake on the train on which Governor Folk was riding failed when it was needed and a wreck followed. Legislation covering railway equip ment "win be demanded in Missouri and ahould be enacted by every state. War' has been declared on the Kan sas City Board ot Trade by a rival institution, which alleges , that its rules . makes it a combination in re straint ot trade. But the activity of that board provea that the restraint is at leaBt only "constructive." Candidate Berge has the best of the argument with those democrats who object to his nomination tor governor at the head of the democratic ticket . on the ground that he la a populist. If a populist was good enough to head the democratic ticket two years ago why is he not good enough to head It again this year? One thing Is being surely accom plished by this dispute over the publi cation of the constitutional amend ment notice. Attention is being drawn to the proposed amendment as it never would have been had the notice been published for twice the required time without anything to draw the reader's v eapeciall to It. BTCOXTRACT OR BY GOVERUM EXT. One of the most Important practical subjects which the president has in hand during his vacation is the ques tion, now pressing for early settle ment, whether the Panama ranhl shall be constructed directly by the govern ment or by contract. The law confers authority for either method, and each has advantages as a general policy or peculiar advantages for particu lar parts of the work, and both are being urged btfore the president now. It is especially Insisted that at least such parts of the work ns the locks and the two enormous dams which the plans rail for can be best done under contract, and there are some who would have the whole canal completed in this way. It is plausibly believed that one of the main objects of the president's projected visit to the Isthmus is to gain all possible light on this phase of the matter. Contrary to general belief, the mere work of excavation, which Is implied in the phrase "digging the canal," is the least of the difficulties, and does not ralso the puzzle to which the presi dent is giving so much time. That part of the work, which was begun prematurely by Chief Engineer Wal lace in order to make a showing, is now going rapidly forward on an as sured basts. Forty of the greatest ex cavating machines ever built have been already installed and are in actual operation, so that during the present month an immense amount, of material will be removed and excava tion will be rapidly Increased as addi tional machines are set 'up. So that construction goes forward efficiently the general public will not concern itself much as to method, for which, knowing his Intense interest ' and eagerness to get results, they have full confidence in President Roosevelt. MORE INDIANS THAN EVER. The facts of the offlciaFV record com pletely disprove the popular' notion that the Indians in the United States are dying out. On few subjects has there been more indiscriminate guess ing than the original number of the Indian population, which was long im mensely exaggerated by imagination. Nothing is now more certainly known than that the assumption of a dense native population when this country was discovered Is utterly unfounded. It was, on the contrary, exceedingly sparse, vast regions being entirely un inhabited. Since 1860, at ' least, the national enumerations have been fairly accu rate, and they show a steady though not a large increase of the Indians, amounting to 12 per cant In almost a half century and the total now being 284,000. Afid Major Charles F. Lar rabee, acting commissioner 6f Indian affairs, who is regarded as the best informed authority, goes so far as to assert that the number of Indians within the . boundaries of the United States since the time ot, Columbus was never so great as 11? is today.- ' Undoubtedly the Indian race will ultimately disappear, even if the num ber classed as Indians is now Increas ing, but it wUl not be by destruction in the sensef commonly understood, but by amalgamation and incorpora tion with the mass of other races by which - it is-' now surrounded. The policy now firmly established by the government,' by" breaking down tribal relations andnakins the Indian self supporting, harmonizes with the gen eral course of affairs to hasten this result. A WAR OF CAMPAIQX FUXDS. The coming campaign will undoubt edly be "something fierce," If we may Judge from the preliminary maneuvers of the managers of the several parties. The democratic national campaign committee, alert to let its competitors get no advantage, has now also pro claimed the popular one dollar contri bution plan for amassing a fund. It is true that the republicans and the laborltes were several weeks before hand with this formidable scheme, but It does not 'appear' that t their war chests have in the. Interval been so hugely replenished that their adver sary need despair of matching the contents. President Roosevelt is knowu to have contributed his dollar and several other republicans are alleged to have done the same, but Mr. Gomp ers has not yet reported on the labor ltes' sinews of war. But the democratic committee is said to have already sent out a circu lar letter to the 30,000 democrats who in their enthusiasm contributed a dollar each in the first Bryan cam paign, and the response is awaited at headquarters with great expectations. THE CITY TAX LEVY. A city tax levy ot 61 mills, without including any Jtem to pay accumula ting water hydrant rental, will hardly come up to the pledges to reduce the tax burdens made by the new demo cratic mayor and council when they went before the people In the last city election. The democratic candidates and cam paigners charged the republicans then in control with extravagance and led the taxpayers to believe that a change of administration would result in ma terial relief to them. To leave out of account altogether money needed to pay for water hy drant service in order to keep the levy down even to 61 mills. la so palpably deceptive that it will not fool anyone who does not want to be fooled. The obligation for hydrant rental continues to accrue month by month under the terms of the contract and will have to be paid, if not now, at some subsequent time. To postpone It Is only to put off the evil day and to pytend that the'eity is meeting expenses out of the current revenues, when la fact It is piling up a debt sure to Increase the tsx levy of next year or the year after beyond all reasonable limits. .The various department officials who have charge of the expenditure ac count may be counted on to plead for larger appropriations and to exagger ate the demands which each has to meet. That Is their regular program every tlniea tax levy is to be made. The mayor and council, however, are responsible authorities, who must take Into consideration the whole budget of the city, together with probable rev enues from sources other than taxa tion, and the weight of the tax bur den upon property owners. . FRACTIONAL COINAGE. To relieve the fractional silver coin famine which has become very severe in many parts of the country the gov ernment has found authority through legal construction to purchase bullion for such coinage, of which it Is esti mated about 52,000,000 ounces will be required during the next twelve months. Tne re-entrance after a long interval of the government into the silver market, in which the price dur ing the last three years has risen al most 25 per cent, will naturally have a stimulating effect, although Its pur chases for fractional coinage will be relatively small. The quantity required for the coming year will be only a little more than the sliver purchase act of 1878 required to be purchased each month. Under 'the' gold standard strengthen ing act of 1900 authority was given to mint into fractional coins metal acquired under the sliver purchase act, and during the next three years $33,000,000 of fractional coins were struck, thus absorbing about seven months' purchases under that act. But the entire remainder ot the bul lion mass had been turned into dollar coins early in 1905, so that fractional coinage had to be suspended in spite ot the demand in business. Congress, though urged by the ad ministration, failed at the late session to confer authority to remlnt the dollar coins, which are not wanted fr circulation, into half-dollar, quarter and dime coins, which are so much wanted. The result is that the treas ury must continue to warehouse a prodigious mass of coined metal, while buying more silver, and at the same time maintain its parity as coin or its paper representatives with gold, which is now exchanged for silver on demand. There will be. however, no serious increase of the silver liability because of the purchases for fractional coins, which will be Instantly and permanently absorbed In the circula tion and their final disappearance through, loss or otherwise is always rapid. The unopposed renomination of Congressman Pollard in the first Ne braska district must be taken .to mean that the republicans of that district are satisfied with his services and with his record and believe that his election to fill the unexpired term of Senator Burkett entitles him to another elec tion for a. full term. Congressman Pollard, however, may expect, under the circumstances, to have a stiff fight on his hands at the election should the opposition succeed in massing behind a candidate with personal popularity reaching beyond party lines. Advices from New York are to the effect that 500 Nebraskans are ex pected to attend the homecoming re ception there to Colonel Bryan. It is a little early to say how many people will travel from Nebraska to New York to greet Mr. Bryan on his land ing, but it is safe to say. that there will be hundreds, if not thousands, who will pretend to hall from Ne braska in x order to get places up toward the head of the procession. This is hardly the time of the year to interrupt the work of public im provements by- disagreement between the different departments of city govT ernment, or to allow the public works contractors to proceed without the necessary checks and supervision. The Interests of the public demand that the city officials in disagreement get together. In the meantime, so far as the pub lic is aware, the city's representative on the Board of Appraisers has made no official report of bis finding jbs to the value of the water works plant. Omaha taxpayers ought to be entitled to at least that much in return for the money paid for his expert serv ices. The local democratic organ 6hould not be In such a hurry about the platform pledge on which the demo cratic council was elected promising cheaper gas "at an early date." "An early date" Is one of those elastic terms that can be stretched to suit the occasion. The latent outbreak of Pulajanes In Leyte, costins the lives of five Amer icans, indicates the necessity of bring ing more than Spanish power to bear on the outlaws. Three hundred years of lawlessness makes a difficult prob lem, but the United States must solve it. The Auditorium committee engaged in devising ways and means for com pleting the building is doing well to wait for final figures that will tell ex actly how much more money is needed for a finished job. Let us have no more plere-meal completion. Hoary Alarms. St. I,oula Olobe-Democrat. The Iowa democrats hav denounced in thunder tones ami viewed with alarm In their good, old-fnshloned way. Thia la a logical beginning of a campaign which la certain to end la the good, old-fashioned way, aUo. F.flRAK. SKVATORI I. CAMPAHil Shame farh Christiana. Western Laborer lnd). The good people of the Epworth leasuo have been Imposed upon by some tricky and cunning politician. We do not think Mr. Ilneewater la slwaya right In the many stands ho takes In his paper from year to year. No living newspaper man can be always right. To say Mr. Rosewater Is "an open and avowed champion of tha liquor traffic, a friend of tha lawless and Immoral ele ment and unfit to represent the best senti ment and citizenship of Nebraska," is out rageously untrue. . President Pnn.Avelt thnnffht Mr. fins water fit to represent tha whole t'nltedtlon was also States at the world's postal congress at Rome only recently. Surely ha la fit to represent tho people of Nebraska in the senate. Mr. Rosewater does not use tobacco, rarely ever touches liquor of any kind, and has never been known to gamble, lie la a kind, good husband and father. He is respected by practically all the people of Omaha rich and poor, and es pecially the poor becauso he Is worthy of their respect. He has done more fa vors for people, in distress and helped more men to positions where they could make a living for their families than any man in Nebraska bar none. It is all right for politicians to knock on Mr. Rosewater . to keep him from being, elected senator so that they can get the Job themselves, but tha Epworth league Is supposed to be Imbued with the principles that Christ taught He would never approve of such a resolution aa the above. He would tell tha truth. He would have said: "Let htm who hath not sinned cast the first stone." We venture to' say that If the introducer of tho above resolution had thought of the words of Christ he would never have introduced the above lying and libelous resolution. Shame on such Christians! A Party Tradition. Lincoln Star (rep.). Ever since Nebraska was admitted to statehood the party in power hn.a recog nised the Platte river aa a political divid ing line. It Is a tradition among republi cans that the district north of the Platte river is entitled to name one United States senator and that the district south of the Platte must be permitted to name the other. It Is an unwritten law which haa never been violated. Time after time the leaders of the party In the northern division have agreed upon a standard bearer in the person of the most avail able man for the senate, and have gone Into state convention as his champions. Invariably the leaders of the South Platta country have been guided by the will of the South Platte politicians and have conceded the Initiative to them. So It Was that the senator-makers of the South Platte country espoused the cause of Elmer J. Burkett and made of him their standard bearer In the race for the senatorshlp. Not a single poli tician north of the Platte demurred at this program, but by common eonsent fell In with the plans mapped out by Senator Burkett'a friends. Nobody thought of naming a candidate north of the Platte for tha Dietrich successor. In fact, everybody knew thnt such an effort must prove futile. Bu4 what do we eee this year? The men who succeeded in making good i.ielr plans of two years ago are attempting to name the winner in the pending senatorial tournament, ao they have aet themselves to the task of selecting a United States senator for the North Platte people. That they have little support from the very section wTilch is to profit, this year, by the senatorial nomination . ia very apparent, as their candidate haa carried only one .county north of the Platte, that counlyjelng hla home county, won only after a heated battle. The North Platte counties, If these senator makers have their way, will have little to do with: naming a senator, from the North Platte territory. Ia It a Prohibition liinrl Beatrice Sun (lnd.). The Epworth assembly has resolved that Edward Rosewater is unfit for the senate and has asked all Christian people to op pose any man for the legislature' who will vote for Rosewater. Mr. Brown and his boomers are working a little chuch-and-state busineKS Into their political campaign. While It la admitted that Mr. Rosewater Is not a prohibitionist and that his prin ciples' upon the great question are known, whRt shall we say of his principal op ponent? Is ha a prohibitionist? While the liquor traffic is recognised as among one of the greatest evils, there are other ques tions of equal Importance to the masses. In this connection It might he well for Mr. Brown, who la posing as a prohibi tionist In prohibition communities, and who Is anything to get votes, to define himself and to state openly that he wants the vote of prohibition membera only. Hit the Nail on the Head. Butte Gazette (rep.). Edward Rosewater's speech at the con vention (Boyd county) was very appropri ate, condensed and logical, hitting the nail squarely on the head at every corner and turn. Impractical Prohibitionists. Weeping Water Herald (rep.). The Epworth assembly In session at Lin coln, took enough time one day last week to pass a resolution against the candidacy of E. Rosewater for United States senator. Sixteen years ago they remember that the Omaha editor was against the prohibitory amendment, and now they are working a little politics Into the assembly meeting In order to show their disapproval. Thla la a long time for Christians to hold a griev ance. The church don't love their enemies when It comes to politics. Rosewater did not favor the amendment. He kept tab on Iowa, and knew that the state that Is spotted with saloona gained nothing by such legislation. The republican party haa given Nebraska and Iowa all the temper ance legislation they ever had, but the prohibitionists, not satisfied unless they could head tha party that made the lawa. either voted aa a party or with the demo crats. The prohibition party Is composed nf good Christian men. as a rule, but they did not draw a lesson from the Iowa legis lation as did Rosewater. Work In a Politics Ttironith Rrllalon. I'tlca Sun (rep). The assembly at Lincoln last week de nounced Edward Rosewater aa a candidate for I'nlted States senator. It saems that a religious meeting la a very poor place, Indeed, to start politics and where politics enter Into religious doings, especially where others are Interested that have probably done the ssme aa Rosewater Is supposed HT hive done. It does not show very good rellgleus organization of any kind. Crafty Politicians Overshoot Mark. Alliance Times (ren ). Edwsrd Roeewater, editor of The Omaha Ree' la an able and prominent journalist, a man of the highest character In public, and private Ufa.- Nn matter whom one may prefer for the office of I'nlted States senator, no well Informed person or or ganisation ran afford to criticise Mr. Rose water on his personal record aa an editor and cttlaen. Enthusiastic reformers are sometimes misled by crafty polltlrlana Into doing tMnga that are sot only illogical b-u absolutely Idlotla. OTHER l.M TH4 OIRS. Investigation Into the management cf tha poor houses of tendon developed a scandal of large proportions. The Inmates of most of these Inst Ittitlons are unususlly numer ous, quite husky fop paupers, and pat riot lo to the core. Their patriotism Is wonderful In Its enthusiasm, for the poor house guar dians, who are esteemed by the Inmstes "the kindest ' gentlemen In the worU." Small wonder. The food Supplied these husky spongers Is far better than thnt w-hlch the average honest working mnn onuld afford. ."Pine, fowls," costing aa hlah aa tl each: equally expensive beef and mut ton, frequent lih.ittone of wine and porter, constituted common bills of fare. Atten- enncentrated on the lavish expenditure made br the guardians, who In all their purchases favored local con tractors. It was brought to light tha. dur ing the Inst year, prices of certain Imple ments used In the workhouse have In creased In n mysterious wny, altogether disproportionate to the price paid for the same nrtlcles Ih the previous year. These prices have been paid In plnee of the ac ceptance of much lower offers from other dealers. One of the most Interesting reve lations In connection with one poor house came to light when the farm colony, run In conjunction with the workhouse, wns considered. This colony had been started for the purpose of supplying "profitable" work to tha surplus unemployed who could not get Into the workhouse proper. On a farm of seventy acres, which had pre viously been worked by six men, there were drafted 142 paupers under the man agement of seventeen officials. According to testimony supplied by the local police In the neighborhood of the colony, all these men had a "high old time," and few of them failed to be convicted of misdemean ors. On Saturday afternoons it was usual for these "farm colonists" to visit tha nearest saloons. m "The activity of the French in the Sahara is the marvel of recent exploration." says tho New Tork Sun. "They claim mora than two-thirds of the great waste, and the present prospects are that they will seek out and map every sand dune, well and grazing area throughout their domain within the next two or three' year. The latest flying trip has been made by Cap tain Flye Salnte-Marle, who has traveled west and east through the heart of the desert, his outgoing snd return routes being from fifty to 100 miles apart snd nearly every mile of the way leading through regions never seen before by an explorer, excepting where .he crossed the north and south tracks of other travelers. He ascer tained the lay of the land throughout thla long unknown tract and disoovered a num ber of excellent wells that are believed to have been the source of water supply for the nomad robber bands that have made a practice of swooping down upon merchant caravans which had time to wonder, even as they were beln plundered, from what mysterious source thoae fellows managed to replenish their wafer bags. The French have practically put an end to bandit Ism In the Sahara, and one of their most effective expedients Is to guard . the wells against all whose business on the road Is not mani festly legitimate. "If the development of the Amason basin does not take a mon rapid pace, large areas of it will still remain untraversed and unknown when every Important feature of the Sahara will have been spread out on good maps for the information of tha world." "The closing days of the session of Par llament were so full of achievement that the liberal ministry has won a consider able reputation as a do-something govern ment. In addition to the final passage of the education bill," says the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, "the Commons passed Mr. Bryce's bill for Improving the homes of Irish laborers, a measure that appropri ates a large sum for ' building purposes. besides niacins the trades disputes and workman's compensation bills In an ad vanced position. Mr. Burns secured an appropriation of $1,(VX.000 for meeting ,the chronic unemployed problem next winter, pending his further studies into the gen eral question. The trades disputes ' bill, which exempts labor union funds from suits for damages, was passed to a third reading by a great majority, and the at tacks upon the government through amend ments In the committee stage were dan gerous because they came from the radical wing of Its own party. A group of radi cal liberals, led by Sir Charles Dllke, Joined the laborltes In an effort to make the trades disputes bill atlll more pbnoxloua to the employer class, and their near ap proach to victory over the ministry on one or two amendments demonstrated how very radical In such matters a large section of the premier's supporters are. It Is now clear that the government's South African policy Is very successful, for the time being at leant, for while the radicals are Jubi lant the mining interests are saying that It might he worse. A stroke for the govern ment la Lord Selborne's Indorsement of the essential features of the proposed new con stitution, although he Is on record as favor ing Chinese labor and Lord Sol borne ia the Imperial commissioner to South Africa sp pelnted by the late Balfour government." The appointment of General Plcquart one of the most effective agents In the restoration of Dreyfus to the command of the Tenth infantry divialon in Paris, seeins to have met with widespread approval. The three colonels of hla command have expressed In published Interviews their satisfaction at the prospect of serv ing under one whom they regard, not only as a born leader, but as ona of the beat bfflcers In the French army. General Picquait was born In 1854 at Strassburg, and entered St. Cyr at the age of 18. He took part In 1876 In the repression of the Insurrection at Aures In Algeria. Aa a captain, four years later, he was appointed to a post at the War office. In the foreign armies' department. In 1886 he was sent out to Tongklng, where he remained three years, returning a chef de batalllon and chevalier of the Legion of Honor. He was soon afterwards appointed a profeaaor of the Boole de Guerre, .whence he pasaed to the Information bureau. Promoted lieutenant-colonel In 1696, he remained In charge of the Information bureau where he discovered tha Judicial error which had been committed in the case of Captain Dreyfus. How courageously ha stood by the truth and how dearly he suffered for his honesty are matters with which every newspaper reader Is familiar. The Hungarian minister of the Interior, Count Julius Andrassy, delivered an Impor tant speech In the Hungarian Chamber the other day, fn the reform of the Hungarian administration. Muny Hungarian publlo men. Including Count Andrassy himself, de sired greater administrative centralisation and contemplated the repression of tha autonomous county administrations which seemed to ba obstacle to tha development of tha country. Now, however, Count Andrasy maintains that these autonomous county administrations are so valuable aa a means of passive resistance to tha central government that all Idea of further cen tralization must he abandoned and that future reform must be in the direction of yet greater decentralization, soma of the present power of the country being made over to smaller local authorttlea. Rut for the possibility of certain county admlnls. trationa being raptured by the non-Magyar races It might he hinted, even hays seemed advisable to abolish the position of ihe folspan, or prefect, who represents tha entral and royal authority and often comes into conflict with tha local alllapan, or prefect, who represents the county. Tha A STITC Puy the riano at the very earliest possible moment. Just now you will hen- eflt your puree and please your Ideas far more economically than at any ether time of the year. There are bargains for every slse purse. OUP Great Mid-Summer Piano Sale It Is a closing out of all used, all shopworn, all samples snd even whole tines cf new pianos. We can't do more than tell you through the newepeperw. We have described day by day the epeclel bargains and every day new custom ers come and take them awav. Tour home needs a piano, your wife and your children need It nothing that you could buy would mean so good an Investment 610 SENDS a PIANO HOME 15, , , 10 per month completes settlement; cash prices prevail al ways. Come see if there Is not a riano for your eye and purse. Knnha, Kranlch Bach. Hallet-Mavls, Cable-Nelson, Krell. Kimball. Bush Ijine, Weser Bros., Hospe, Whitney, Hlnze. Burton. Irving, Cramer and others hundreds of them. In new snd used, every one marked at Its lowest price, plain flgurea. The Hospe One Price, No Commlsalnn Plan of selling Pianos Saves You Money and givea you best of satisfaction. Come at once and see If the spa rial Piano, your heart'a ideal, la not here. Special care given to out-of-town correspondence In this sale. Write today, fl. HOSPE CO., ,6,3oDEVT' VI 11TB TOT 9M.00 TO HBO. 00 O A PLUTO. folspan might, however, be required to up hold the authority of the Magyar state against those who might be Inrllrttd to question It. He urged the necessity for better sanitary arrangements throughout Hungary, which he declared to be the most thinly populated country In Europe, with a disproportionately high rate of mortality and a low average longevity. POLITICAL DRIFT. Former Postmaster Coyne of Chicago has been driven Into bankruptcy by the de falcation of a business associate. A Dublin paper announces that "Colonel William J. O'Brien will visit Ireland again before returning to his home at Nebraska. In tha state of Lincoln." Roger Sullivan of Illinois, member of the democratic national committee, says he will fight Bryan to a finish. Mr. Sulli van should engage quarters In a con venient hospital. One of the graveyard grafters of Buffalo, N. T., achieved a sentence of seven years In prison. He was one of the commission ers of Erie county. Three of his associates are booked for trial for like crimes. Distinctions are being drawn In Kansas between tho "old pops" and the "new pops." The "new pops" appear to be the bunch of young republican radicals who swear at monopolies snd swear by Roose velt. Congressman Sibley of Pennsylvania, de feated for renomination, will on his re tirement from congress next year satisfy a long cherished desire to study the In scriptions and hieroglyphics on 'the. tombs arid monuments of ancient Egyptians. The first man. to announce himself as a candidate for congress from the new state of Oklahoma Is Joseph M. Lehay, a Chero kee, who resides in Claremore. Mr. Lahay Is a candidate from the Third district and has long been a prominent figure In the political circles of the Cherokee nation. Justice Brewer chats entertainingly about presidential candidates, and especially about Secretary Taft, whom he credits with as much energy ss the president and a good deal more suavity, diplomacy and skill In dealing with men. He has no doubt that the secretary of war Is the presidents candidate for the succession. One E. A. Carpenter thought he had cornered the nomination for state super intendent of public Instruction in the Idaho republican convention. But Miss Belle Chamberaln, a pretty schoolma'am, cir culated among the delegates and routed Carpenter on the first ballot. There is sufficient political romance in the contest, to produce the v.sual happy result. Aa Important Requirement. Phlladelphla-Jtecord. One of the provisions of the rate regula tion law. regarding which comparatively little haa been heard, Is the requirement of a uniform system of bookkeeping, and the statistician of the Interstate Commerce commission Is now preparing the system. A uniform method of accounting promises to be of even more importance to investors than to shippers. In hel'anol Way. Chicago Inter Ocean. The gentleman who Is to run against Governor Cummins of Iowa for the gov ernorship of Iowa has been named, but that will not prevent the great majority of Iowans from forgetting him. BA1 If you took advantage of our clothing sale last week, you surely got a-targain. v. And There Are Others. To close our summer lines as low as possible before our fall arrivals, we are making some ex tra low cuts and if you come at once you can find suits at $10.00, $12.50, $15.Q0, etc., that sold earlier for about double. With two full wearing months ahead, it's your gain and our loss. A Look Will Convince. $1.00 Soft Shirts, at 85c $1.60 Soft Shirts, at $1.15 $2.00 Soft Shirts, at $1.55 All summer wear for boys and children greatly reduced. Browning, Ming & Co R S. WILCOX, Manager. MIME MERRY JIJGLES. Teacher How many kinds of poetry are there? Ill pll Three. Teacher Whst sre they? Pupil Lyric, dramatic and epldemkx- Cleveland Leader. "But," said the crafty manufacturer, "you wouldn't advertise the stuff as pure.' " "O! No." replied hla partner, we'll ad vet t Iks that It has- a reputation for purity." 1'htlndelphla Press. "Tea. she says she will break her hus band s will." "But her husband Isn't dead, is he?" "No, but she knows what's in It." Cleve land ITain Dealer. "Do you think our orators are as elo quent aa those of our early history?' "juite aa eloquent," answered Senator Sorghum. "Thev are at a disadvantage owing to the fact that It la no longer cus. tomary to force their remarks Into esteem by putting them into the school readers.' Washington 6tar. Miss Knox Tour conversation. Mr. Led den. reminds me of some champagne. J Mr. Ldden Ah! So sparkling aa ail thMtiss Knox-No: but It's extra dry. Philadelphia Ledger The Judge Mr. Twlggles, do you wish to poll the Jury? , , .' . The lawyer (who had lost his case) No, your honor; but It would afford me infinite satisfaction if I could club the Jury. Chi cago Tribune. "There Is a big wash-out, I understand, on this road," quietly remarked the com mercial traveler to his ne'shbor." "Where?" asked the other excitedly. "As far as 1 can see." replied the trav eling man as hla eye followed the frank, family display from house to house as they whirled by, "all along the line. Baltimore American. "Say!" auddenly exclaimed the ther mometer. "Hads"ls supposed to be located In the center of the earth, isn't itf "Yee," replied the barometer, "but, what "I was Just thinking the lower down I should get In that direction the higher up I'd go." Philadelphia Presa. "Why do you cry so, my poor chlldl" " 'Cause mostly folks give me a nickel to stop. Boo hoo!' Brooklyn Eagle. "What was the matter with that wo man?" demanded the editor. "We called her a 'atrong-mlnded person In our paper and she objects." " "Very well, cell her 'weak-minded' here after.'PhlladeJphla Ledger. . . i A SOKO HOMBWHERE. James Whltcomb Riley. There is ever s song somewhere, my dear. There Is ever a something that sings There s i..e song of the lark when the skies And the sonil of the thrush when the skies are gray; The sunsiilm? showers across the grain, And the bluebird trills in the orchard tree; And In and out, when the eavea drip rain, The swallows sre twittering ceaselessly. There Is ever s song, somewhere, by dear. Be the skies above dark or fair; There Is ever a song that our hearts may hear . . There Is ever a song somewhere, my dear There Is ever a song somewhere! There Is ever a song somewhere, my dear. In the midnight black or the midday blue; The robin pipes when the sun is here. And the cricket chirrups the whole night The udRmay blow and the Tnit may grow, . . And the autumn leaves drop crisp and. sere; But whether tha sun or the rain or the snow, . There Is ever a song somewhere, my dear. GAINS v t )