Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
THE OMAHA DA ITT BEE: RATOIPAY. AUGUST 11. 1P0G. 12 Optical dpt. Mill Floor .irFfiiriinrMiFfoiTi w I II II H II I I H rl IVa r- a a? v mw n a m a - , m-mr- s.w e. I I Expert I Optician 5 M3in Floor 5 w ; n nn You can save from five to ten ; dollars on your fall suit if you come to Brandeis Saturday. Metro's uft Sale We bought 3,000 suits of nn eastern maker at practically our own price. He wanted to close out all bis sum mer and fall suits at once. All tbese clothes are up-to-date and high grade. $10.00 SUITS $12.50 SUITS $15.00 SUITS Rummer and outing suits, two pieces, all new and very dressy styles also many 3-piece suits made for early fall wear. We can fit and satisfy you per fectly in one of tbese well made suits at half price or less than half. Five-Niaety-Eiht i i 5 Men's Suits, worth up to 922.50 Suits are single or double breast ed, late popular patterns your choice Saturday, at $9 Clearance of All Our MEN'S ODD SUITS n H We will close out our entire stock of odd pants this month. Many are pants from spring and summer suit and are worth a, great deal more than we ask. All our Men's Two Dollar Pants go at ..... ... . . All our Men's Three Dollar Pants go at . . . All our Men'a $3.60 and $4.00 Pants, at , All our Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Out ' ing Pants, at Choice of our finest Pants in stock worth up to $7.60, at 98c 1.50 1.69 2.49 3.95 BOYS WAISTS Bought from S. Btelnfeldt & Co., 600 dosen boys' "Mother' Friend" Shirt Waist Blouses and Russian Blouses $1.25. tl.UO and 76c values col lar attached or de tached made of fin est madras or French glngrhem, etc., at S for a dollar, or, each 35c Two Big Extra Specials - BASEMENT CLOTHING DEPT. One lot of Men's Odd Summer Coats left over from outing, suits ff 50 and formerly sold at $7.50 II and $10 go while they last One lot of Men's Odd Coats and Vesta, f AO mostly small sizes, all go at l0 Baaement Extras BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' . good wool cheviot knee pants these m are 60c ' ua values at. Boys Waists and blouses, slightly soiled, at each . . . Suits Worth up to 822!!! Your Choice 9.90 C'holre of any liRht weight suit In the house. Including the Alfred Benja min make. Bults that sold up to 115. 118 and J22.50 Your Choice $9.90 Ellen's Pants, Worth up to $4.50, Your Choice $1.50 Choice of any Outing Pants In the house Pants that sold for $3.0, $1.60, $4.00 and $4.60. Your Choice $1.50 Men's Shirts Worth up to $2.50, your choice 95c Men's Soft Shirts with collars at tached and neckties to match, that sold for $2.00 and $2.50, Your Choice i BIG SHOE SALE Our big Oxford sale Is the talk Df the town. . You don't get a rhsnre like this very often. All the celebrated mskps. such as the following, are Included In this BIO SALE: llanan, C'lapp and Boydm FOR MKX; llanan, Foster and Arm trong FOR WOMEN. MEN'S. Ranan'a patent kid colt oxfords $5.60. . Hanan's gun metal calf. and kid oxfords $6 . . Borden's gun metal calf IB I Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St and patent ...4.15 .3.75 3.75 Boyden's genuine French 4 C calf $6.60.. f.lJ Clapp's gun metal A 1 C calf $6.60. . . f.lJ Ten styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt "3 75 Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid QQ 100 pairs odds and ends $3.60 and $4 7 1(1 oxfords t t WOMEN'S. Hanan's patent kid welt aole oxfords $5 Hanan's kid oxfords. welt sole 14.60 It 3.75 3.00 .3.75 3.35 3.00 ..0,7 Poster's patent kid oxfords, ana turn sois r $6 PonWs kid welt - oxfords $4 Armstrong's patent colt . .-' welt oxfords $4 Armstrong's welt oxfords IS. 60.... Five styles $3 oxfords, patent colt inn gun meiai m C calf L.LD Two lines $2.50 oxfords, f ff , turns and welts. . . . . . ..1..U DREXEL SHOE GO, 1419 Farnam St. A Snap For. Rl IS (A Saturday Boyden's $5.00 Patent Colt Unmatch ed Values in Men's Cloiljing I THE RELIABLE STORE V- i ' See Large Id on Page Eight N Oxfdrds Great Clearing Sale of FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Doughs 5fi. It's Just Like This WE HAVE the choicest fabrics the beet skilled tailors most competent cutters and tempting price to make good our boast hat Nlcoll leads for best taJIoiing at nominal cost. i Butt and extra Trousers for the 'price of suit aloe this month. " 10c RIVAL SCALES ON THE SPIT foledo and Dayton Concerns Put to Teit f ' v of Their Honesty. . ' " ONE LOSING MUST. GET. OUT. OF OMAHA Mayor Dahlraaa Sara Each Will Hare Fair Chance, but Neither Caa Cheat People of . Tale Cltr. "The hearing of rival computing scale manufacturers before Mayor D&hlmun started at 11 o'clock Friday morning In his office and at 12:30 an adjournment was taken until the afternoon, - there having been no actual demonstrations of the weighing habits of aii;. scales up to that time. The afternoon was taken up by Mr. Theo bold In demonstrations ' and arguments to show that the Dayton scale errs iri comput ing fractions of a pound. The other side will take Its case up Saturday morning and It looks as though the hearing may laat several days. ' The session Is the result of charges pre ferrtd by the Toledo Cotnputlng Scale ooin pany against types .of. .weighing .devices manufactured by the Computing Scale coin pany of rayton, U., and Is part of a national fight between the two concerns which has bora In progress several -years with the Toledo people as aggressors. Following the condemnation by John Grant Prgg, local Inspector of weights and , measures, , of several Dayton, or Money weight scales. In a downtown butcher shop. General Manager 'Henry Theobold of the Toledo house sent a letter to Mayor Pahlmsn. charging specifically that the Tfeytontfnade apparatus was dishonest and manufactured and sold with Intent to de ceive the purchaser and rob him of a cent or two ram- every ' purchase. Manager E. WS Ray of the Dttyton company canto to Omaha and endeavored to prove that his scales were all right.- The mayor spent , a day with him making the rounds of meat - markets in h effort to satisfy himself of the)' truth. Theobold offered to demonstrate the. crookedness of the Dayton scale and .'the toiayor decided to give him a chance , to ie It. Lawyers aaeV Aareats Preaeat. , ' Both sides had lawyers and various rep raseatailves present, besides the general maaagers. Attorney T. J. Nolan handling the Vagal end of the Toledo company's af . fairs and Attorney' M. K Learned those of the ether concern. At the outset Mr. Bay ' m4e ebargee against the Toledo scale to the effect that it la set. to weigh from one to three ounces .less than a pound, but. at the request of Mayor Dahlman, declined to put the chargea In writing. Dayton scale, bearing the seal of the city ot 106, waa produced and Manager . Theobold talked for aa hour about the con- teat brought against the scale, which he ' characterised as a thieving device. Besides ctrealars issued by Its sellers to the effect that It would save the retailer I cents nut of every dollar Iq handling meat at cost prVos, he produced a copy of the instruc tion hook for agents together and then sep arately and impressed upon the prospective '8 mind the fact that the aggre money value shown of the combined 1 rafts separately was greater than the weight of the articles In bulk. ' ' ' rlaoreh Set Wrens. ' Mr. Theobold ' said he did not charge that the weights were not adjusted prop arty, hut that the figures of the computlag set perpoeely to defraud the ut ef the correct weight; fur t Make Your Selection - m , (JUeoW H m n rrzst r- n n y5sv B tmm. ...u Now from the Very LATEST STYLES 150 Pairs TAN and BLACK $3.50. $4 and 55 SHOES TO CLOSE OUT l(0) (Q) U!LS)I& WILuIm jkHREMO SONS. " 809-1 i'l!lo,';i5th"Bt." - ' . Ifs plain sailing with a Kodak daylight all the way. Before yon start come in and see the new things from the Kodak City. Brownie Cameras, 11.00 to 9.o0. Kodaks, $iM to 1105.00. Kodak Tank Developers for Daylight De velopment, 240 to 160. Eastmaa N. C Film and Everything lor the Kocaker. Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnam. 'Phone Doug.-im Men's Odd Coats and Vests $7.50 to $10 Values at $1.95 and $2.95 A grvnt lot of odd Coats and Yosts, mostly in sizes 34, 33, 3(3 j ami 37, will he lilaoed on sale, Saturday at almost gift prices. These garments are left from suits in our own regular stock, the pantt of which have been sold, are well madv, good styles, worth $7.50 to $10.00, greatest bargains ever known, at our clearing sale 4 QC O QC prices. lVU'UtUO Come early aa they cannot laat long at these prices. Bone larger slies in lot. 1!S "Men's Suits 7s-5o Medium and light weight Suits, in plain or fancy mixed fabrics, well tailored with good linings ; trud trimmings, un- H JTAC matched values." at. . atlU"Vw Men's Outing Suits No place In Omaha will you find the equal of our stock either in variety or value, all newest Bhades and patterns, single or douhla breasted, worth up to $12.60, on sale. yjfj QQ y Men's Outing rants. In Tlalds, stripes, fancy mixed and plain colors, well made and worth up to $4.00, in two lots Saturday, -J 95 2 95 Boy's and Children's Suits at Great Price ItUUblllllJe UUV I UK. IH JflVYe JCC IVill Street Window Display. B , Kli L5UJ L2)iiOlliie)o i Don't Miss This Opportunity. You are fitted by arrad- uate of Europe at tho loweet possible charge, to introduce our work. These glasses will relieve defect of vision which causes headache, nervous ness, red and inflamed lids, crossed eyes, blurrlns-. etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Examination free. 993 X. T. Life Bldg. Tel. 6S78. of Walk-Over Shoes We are ready to fit you in net fall's fashions, because we are here with the goods. $3.50 or $4.00 will dress your feet in styles ahead of the average season. Be a pacemaker by leading In shoe styles irom me Walk-Over Shoe Store, 1521 Farnam 8t. Ed 8. Thompson, the Walk-Over Man. A St2?s: G, 7, 10, 104 and 11 Best Values Ever Offered In the City. YOUR MORNING SMOKE For the convenience of our customers who desire a fresh cigar In the mornlns our store WU1 Open at 6:10 A. M. "very morning. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Ittth Farnasn Street. t her mo re, that it was possible to set them correctly, so there could be no chance for cheating. He said he expected a libel suit In Omaha following those in other cities where he had attacked the rival scale. Msyor Dahlman assured both side they would receive a fair deal and that which-, ever waa proven wrong deserved to be driven out of Omaha. If tho Dayton scales were proven dishonest, he said he In tended to do all in his power to accomplish this end. They are extensively used here. Manager Ray gave notice 'that he pro posed to ask permission to demonstrate the truth of his charges against the To ledo scale. by actual demonstration. It was pointed out that the computing scale, which sells by value and not by weight, is a comparatively new device and that municipal and state laws generally do not guard against it. r. e. .orris 1517 Douglas. ; " nnjj'nin. n (niffj) READ THE BEST NEWSPAPER Subscribe ReKoIarly for The Bee. We Are Going to Make a Specialty of Our L013 Last ing Steel Range This Fall Our Range will last from twenty years to a life time. It won't need repairing In elsht to ten years. We are going to sell any size at 500 down and (6.00 or month, or cut the price for cash. Law Rate Kseareloa ta Mew York. City. On August tt and 2 the Nickel PUte road will sell tickets to New York City and return, at rate of one fare plus ti.on, from Chicago. Return limit, September t. leaving New York City. For detailed in formation call on or address John T. Cala han, general agent. 'No. 107 Adams street, Chicago. . yjw J t "" ev.aii i 1 U: -r $ if j' im AND BACK $ August 11, 12, 13 MINNEAPOLIS Z $7.35 August 11, 12, 13 Spaslal Q. A. R. Train August 11 MILWAUKEE Z $8.00 August 11-12 VIA THE NORTHWESTERN LINE "THE BEST OP EVERYTHING." : THE ONLY DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE. CITY OFFICES 1401-1403 FARNAM STREET Specials in standard table supplies at prices that speak for themselves. We offer you the purest, freshest frroceriea and meats at the lowest possible price all the time. KB AT DEPT. Chuck Steak, three pounds for Round Steak, three pounds for Sirloin Steak, per pound Oood Boiling: Beef, per pound Chuck Roast, per pound Rib Roast, per pound Fresh Dressed Chickens, per pound Fresh Dressed Spring: Chickens, r . per pound " OKOCEBY DIPT. 20 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for it lb. Sack Pnrlty Flour the Lantre Orocery Co's. best 4 ( every ssck warranted Ilu Apples, fancy hand picked, (E. per peck IOC Peaches, fancy large Free- OCr stone, per basket "v 20c 25c . .10c 3c . 5c-7c 8c-10c U'ic 1.00 Fancy Martlet t "Pears, ' orj per dosen VfC .25c ..6c ..20c ..15c Watermelons, extra large enes Sweet Corn, per doxen Lars Juicy Lemons, per dozen Pi Hioet. fresh and big, per peck .' Cucumbers, per OEn bushel 1.... New York Cream Cheese, per pounn . tiai Meai, per 11i- pound .......C nice, taney japan, per pound Grape Nuts, per fackage b. Rum ford Baking ' powder 1 lb. Package Corn Starch CoftVe, good drink, per pound Iced Tea, per pound ......... V. 15c 6ic 10c 20c ..4c ;l24c 25c Tha l rttfaf:eA.A.rA 24th and Cuming St.. Telephone Douttlaa 1530. rc rm Voik Tasa Kaaataa-. NEW YORK. Aug. 10-A large pur eentage of tbe railroad lug boats affected by the strike Wednesday night of several hundred deck baada were running to&a. There Is no other line of merchandise under the sun on whii-h tto many people are fooled, and on which It Is aa eajiy to fool people as on steel range. Our ranga are lime tried and Are tested and ore war ranted to be the largent lasting steel rane made. People who buy thm know thai, and buy them because they dun t take chunces. . j The Sloe tzel Stove Co. 714 So. lElbSt- if i f f. mm ..JIM The Perfect Beei CommaLnds Atteivtion Because or it parity, healthfulnesa and unsur passed flavor. The lady with a case or COLD TOP ia al ways prepared for unexpected guests, for what could be more welcome when trie weather la hot than a glass of cool sparkling foamcreasted Gold Top. We will send a case to your home. v To PORTLAND, ORE., AND RETURN THROUGH You Will Ragrat It If you miss Mt. Shasta and Sacramento. Galley San Francisco and Golden Gate Yosemlte Valley and Big Trees Santa Cruz and Paso Robles Del Monte and Monterey Bay Santa Barbara and Los Angeles Lucln "Cut-Off" across Great Salt Lake LOW RATES UNION PACIFIC TnE ROAD TO CALIFORNIA Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM ST. I'hone Douglas 834 r Cleanliness and Quality aa e t Omaha Headquarters. JetterBrewmgCo. wmM Tal. No. 8, South Omaha, una Main street. Tel. . are the two important factors of the Central Markets. We pride "ourselves on 'having the cleanest shops in the city and when it comes to'quality, we are the recognized leaders of choice meats. SOME SATURDAY SPECIALS. Spring Chickens, fresh dressed, per pound . . . . 17VaC Pork Loins, per pound 9VC Young Mutton Legs, per pound 7Y20 Rib Roast, per pound 80 Pot Roast; per pound. . . 7c and 5c Boiling Beef, 10 pounds for 25c CENTRAL MARKETS. N. E- rfr. lth and Capitol Ave Telephone Louga 1798. N. W. for. lth and Harney Sts. Telephone Duuglas gSti. Drug Store Bargain Sale . We are still knifing the prices on many lines indiscrimi nately. Our SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY will be BOX PAPER. One Lot Papeteries at. -t Af Worth from 85o to 5. sa One Lot Papeteries at IQ. Worth from 36c to SOo. . Plenty of good bargain l;i rubber goods' left. HOWELL DRUG CO., I 1 QiAbCCUtu uuect aim, waptiui ntcuuc, e.assnsjlsjsajssiiS3i paajesjsaisajesjeajsajssjssjssjisjssj i siisnsjsaj I