The Omaha Daily Bee OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXIXG, AUGUST 11, 1906-TWELVE PAGES. VOL. XXXVI-2-XO. 47. SINGLE COrY THREE (TEXTS. r ; v REBATES PAID OX OIL Federal Grind Jury at Jamaetown, H. T. , IndlcU Btandard and Vacuum Cot. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD ALSO, ON LIST Cbaxce ia Making; Bhipmenti at Lais Than Ratee Published. TWENTY-TWO COUNTS IN THE BILLS Maximum Pan alt t Under the Elkina Law is $1,430,000. NEW EVIDENCE FOUND IN CHICAGO Manipulate Rat by Which Rockc feller C Ota bine Haa AItiiKi la Eatlrc Southeastern Market. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.. Aug. 10.-The fed ral grand Jury for the western district of New York today reported j sgstnst the Standard Oil coir York, the Pennsylvania rail. Vacuum Oil company, which . tments 'New les at Clean and Rochester, N. Y.-. ' One indictment la found against e. the defendants and In all there are twe two counts. The Indictment against ti. Pennsylvania railroad charges that It granted rebates on oil shipments to the Standard Oil fcompany and the Indictment . BganiBi in niHnufliu nmrgra inm ll nc- f, cepted rebate from the Pennsylvania. 7 Tha evidence ahowed the,t the Vacuum X Oil company made shipments over the Pennsylvania and that the Standard Oil paid therelght bllla. The Indictment against tha Vacuum Oil company charges specific ally that It ahlpped oil from Olean to Rut lard. Va , at a tariff rate lower than any published by the Pennsylvania railroad or on file with the Interstate Commerce com mission. One of the counts in the Indictments charges that the Pennsylvania railroad did not file with the Interstate Commerce com mission m tariff showing Ita ratea and charges for the transportation of oIL Tha Indictments were drawn under the direction of Special United States District Attorney O. E. Pa gin. Each of the twenty two counts constitutes a separate offense and the penalties. If the defendanta were convicted on all counts, would amount to $1.4no,000. Tha Indictments specify that the, ship ments were made under a common ar rangement between the Pennsylvania, the LN.w Tortt Central and tha Rutland Rail road companies. Important Kvtdenre Discovered. CHICAGO, Aug. 10. Evidence of direct re bat arrangements alleged to exist between the Standard Oil company and certain rail roada was presented to the federal grand jury today by a witness who in the eyes of tha government s attorney la believed to b one of tha moat Important witnesses en this subject Horace Tucker, chairman of tha Chicago A St Louis Traffic as soolatlon, ,waa the. man who gave this tn 1 formation. Other witnesses heard were C. A. Kennedy of tha Chicago Junction Rail way company and J. H. Howard, clerk In the auditing department of the Chicago & Alton railroad. It developed during today's hearing that there la In existence on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad, a tariff on ship ments of oil from Dolton, III., to points south which la very low. The Standard Oil company has Its refinery at Whiting. Ind., a short distance from Dolton, and could easily avail Itself of this low rate while other shippers wishing to reach Dol ton to participate In the low rate south must pay the switching charges In the Chicago district of $6 a car, which makes the total rate prohibitive aa far, as com petition la concerned. According to the testimony, the Standard OU shipped Ita oil from Whiting, Ind., to Dolton, 111., over the Chicago Terminal Railway company for about $1 a car In switching charges. Although the shipment was between two states It was not Interstate because It waa within one shipping district. Tha same consignment waa then shipped south on the Chicago A Eastern Illinois from Dolton on tha low rata from that point. Thla latter road carried tha shipment to Otter Creek Junction, ' where It waa transferred to tha Evanevllle Terre Haute -road, whch took It to Evanaville, Ind. It was then taken to Grand Junction, Tenn., over tha Illinois Central road connecting with tha Southern railroad at that point and distributed through the south by the latter road. It Is declared, that by this combination the Standard OU company was able to reach Orand Junction, Tenn., with Its oil on a through rate of 13 cents for a hundred pounds whereas no other shipper was able to take advantage of the same privilege. Th city of Grand Junction Is thus desig nated as the gateway to tha southeast for tha Standard Oil company, giving. It la charged, a monopoly on the oil business in that part of the country. Tne witnesses questioned concerning this matter were J. P. Brook, an agent for tha Southern railway, and L. B. Butts, in the auditing department of the Illinois Central railway. At tha conclusion of today's testimony the Jury adjourned until August a. at which tlm It will probably make its report. A now grand Jury will convene next Tuesday and take up the esse subsequent i March 3, Taleda Ice Trnat la l.lmrll'M. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. W. The local Ice trust and th railroads alleged to he back of It will be Investigated by the federal authorities. Intersta'e Commerce Commis sioner Clements and possibly Commissioner Cock re U will be here next Tuesday for that purpose. It Is known here that President Roosevelt has watched the K-e trust pro ceedings In Toledo since Prosecutor Wach ahlmer first began his investigation, and he look a lively Interest when Judge Kln caid gave th convicted ice men a prison sentence. Three weeks ago Special Agent Walter of th commission appeared in Toledo and began looking up evidence con cerning the oigsnlzatlon of the Ice trust by offlVlala connected with the Ann Arbor and Pars Marquette railways The hearings to b held Tuesday Is the result. Sanar Rebates Alleged. NEW YORK. Aug. M Aa a result of investigation of cases of alleged rebating by railroads the I'nited States grand juiy today returned six Indictments. They are said to b based on rebating sugar. Tha federal authorities declined to give out tha name of those Indicted, but It was reported that they Include both individuals and corporations. United gtatea District Attorney BUmson said that th grand Jury will resum Its examinations of the re bate matter about September 1. Wlsessils Capital Haad. ! MADISON, Wis.. Aug Ift-Th work of (earing down th old capltoi preparatory I t rotevsUAUs wa -wu 'today. RCOT PARTY lit MONTEVIDEO Secretary f State Olren an Enthusi astic Welcome to CatHal MONTEVIDEO. Aug. 10. Secretary Rmt arrived here today on the cruiser Charles ton. Never perhaps In the history of tha Uruguayan republic hsa popular feeling heen more visibly mnnlfested than by the remarkable, demonstrations of satisfaction on the part of all classes with which the visit of the eminent American statesman to this picturesque capital. As soon as Mr. Root was on shore Dr. Jose Romeu. the minister of foreign affairs, delivered a speech of welcome to which Mr. Root made a brief reply. Aa the visitors drove away, accompanied by Minis ter O'Brien, to the splendid residence In the heart of the city, which had been pro vided for them, tha scene of enthusiasm was Impressive and striking. Mrs. Root and Miss Root shared the heartiness of tha ovation accorded the American secretary of state. i This afternoon there was a reception by the president of the republic at the govern ment house, and a military parade, while tonight there was a gala performance at the theater. The city has abandoned It self wholly to the entertainment of tha visitors. SPANISH MINISTRY FIRM ."verameat Maintains Attitude th Question of Charch and State. , Aug. 10. The government com. to maintain a firm attltuoe on the r. rch and state question. A min ister today declared that while -the gov ernment was' desirous of avoiding a breach with the Vatican It had determined to defend the supremacy of the state. At the first sitting of Parliament the government will introduce a bill making the religious orders amenable to the law controlling industrial corporations and will also Introduce a bill providing that members of orders recently expelled from Trance will be required to become naturalised or leave Spain. The minis ter said that the cabinet was determined to carry these measures and did not fear papal excommunication. FUNERAL OF ADMIRAL TRAIN Impressive Services Held Over Body ' of Dead Naval Commander on Flagship. YOKOHAMA, Aug. 10 Impressive serv ices were held today on board the United Btates flagship Ohio over th body of the tats Rear Admiral Charles J. Tralh. who died at Che Foe August 4. The officers of the cruisers Chattanooga and Rnletgh and of the gunboat El Cano represented the navy. Ambassador Wright, Consul Miller of Yokohama. Consul Jones of Port Dalny and Consul Hayward of Seoul rep resented th diplomatic and consular bodies. The ceremony waa directed by Executive Officer Cbwlea of the Ohio. Th Japanese government waa repre sented by Lieutenant Commander Count Cano, . , . . .. KING EDWARD IN A RACE With Prince of Wales He Takes Active Part la Schooner Contest. COWES. Aug. 10. King Edward and the prince of Wales were active participant in today's racing, being among those on board the schooner Cetonla In the contest for schooners over the Queen's f $4rse. Th other entrants were the Meteor, Sunshine, Qlara and Adela. ' i,. In the race for cutters and yawls the starters were Navahoe, Karld, White Heather, Merry Maid and Nyrla. The weather on this, the last day of the Cowes regatta, continued bright with a good breexe blowing. Foreigners stand By Hart. HONG KONG. Aug. 10. Great uneasiness is felt here over the incresslng evidence Indicating that It is the purpose of the new board of Chinese customs commis sioners st Pekin to override the powers of tha foreign inspector general, Sir Robert Hart. The abolition of the new board aad the re-eatabllahment of the former powers of Sir Robert are considered by the for eign mercantile community here as neces sary in order to protect the Interests of the foreign bondholders and secure fair treatment of traders. Women to Meet la Holland. COPENHAGEN, Aug. 10. The conference of the International League of Woman Suffragists today decided to hold the next conference in Holland during the year 1908 in connection with which there will be mass meetings at Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. The conference also de cided to publish an official paper In Eng lish, in the Interest of th suffragist move ment. Japaa Awaits Report. TOKIO. Aug. 10. (Afternoon.) All facts received up to this time In connection with the Aleutian Islands Incident point to a raid by Japanese poachers. The pres. is refraining from comment. It is generally believed that It will not result in any di plomatic complications. The Jipanese gov ernment, however, is still awaiting lis own report upon the occurrence. Immigrant Steamer Ashore. PONT A DFIGADA, Azore Islands. Aug. 10. The I-ottl line steamer Brooklyn, from Marseilles August 4 for New York, mlth 330 immigrants on board, grounded while entering this port today. Efforts are being made to float the steamer. Turkish Saltan III. CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. 10,-Recent reports that the sultan. Abdul Hamid II, la ill, are confirmed by private advices. DOWIE 0BJECJS TO ORDER Does "t Wani Receiver Hateley to Brrw Money ta Pay Taxes. CHICAGO. Aug. 10. -John Alexander Dowie today filed an objection In th United Stab circuit court to tha borrow ing of t.S.500 by Receiver John C. Hateley of iilon City. When Judge Landia appointed Mr. Hate ley receiver ha ordered him to pay taxes to th Lake county court on Zlon City property in the sum of I7.G00 and send 19,000 to Insure tn buildings in Zlon City. Dowie alleged that ha strenuously objects to thla order and does not want It entered on record. Ha also obejots because, on account of the form of Judge Landis' order he can not Immediately appeal to the United Slate court of appeals. The matter will not be sett.d until Judge Laudls rsturna from bia vacaUotti RADICALISM TO THE REAR Battian Moderates Start Movement Defaat All Extremist. to NEW PLAN ORIGINATES IN MOSCOW latentlon la to Secure Be forms by Gradaal and Peaeefnl Methoda Appeal to Voters for Harmony. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 10.rThe health iest symptoms of tha situation are th ef forts now being mad at Moscow by the new party of pacific regeneration, ex Octoberists. to secure th active co-operation of the moderate minded constitutional democrat and unite the progressive ele ments of society which do not believe In a violent revolution and defeat the candi dates for the extremists of all parties at the coming elections. Should the negotia tions be successful It Is their Intention to issue an appeal to the country, asking all who favor a peaceful solution of the politi cal, economic and ethnical problems, to sink Individual differences, unite and com pel the government to realiie the aspira tions for a constitutional regime, and at th same time save the country from a violent revolution and anarchy. Later It Is the Intention to call a convention and begin an active electoral campaign. Th first financial operation of the gov ernment since the dissolution or Parlia ment Is the mortlxatlon of the Interior loan of $12,500,000, bearing S.6 per cent Interest, with a new Issue bearing 3.6 per cent In terest. Treeing Assailants. The attempts on the lives of Vice Ad miral Doubasoff on May ( and of General Nepluleff, commander of the Sevastopol forces, on May 27. have been traced to the "flying fighting organization" of the so cial revolutionists, of which Pavlnkoff, a member of the central committee of the social revolutionists, and Lieutenant Khol schevnlkoff, formerly of 'the Black sea fleet, were leaders Savlnkoff was ar rested on suspicion of complicity in the at tempt on General Neplulrff's life, but he escaped two days later. DoubassofTs assailant, who was killed by the explosion of his own bomb, haa been positively Identified. A girl student. Mile. Mlshtchenko, who waa Involved In the con spiracy, had three of her fingers blown off and was otherwise terribly mutilated while loading a bomb. She is a daughter of Gen eral Mlshtchenko of 8t. Petersburg, a member of the military council. About WO of the Cronstadt mutineers will be tried by court-martial. The central prison bureau haa sent out a circular warning to the wardens of penitentiaries to be on their guard against a new revolutionary organization formed to release political prisoners with the aid of sympathetic keepers and guards. Many Jail deliveries are already attributed to the work of this organization. Governor Zlnovleff " fit. Petersburg has Instructed the subord... te officials In the country to explain to the peasants that th emperor dissolved Parliament only be cause the members wasted time In making Inordinate demands, like their Insistence n- the granting of general amnesty, which would turn loose robbers and muVderera,' and their urging the abolition of th death penalty, even for a destroyer of the aarred person of the emperor. They had not even presented a solution of the agrarian ques tion, but tha result of their work being an appropriation of $7,500,000 for famine re lief where the government asked for $25, 000.000. French land Damn. PARIS, Aug. 10. The leading senators, deputies, former cabinet ministers ntid members of the Institute and of the acad emy have united in an address extolling the outlawed Russian Parliament as the bulwark on which Russia's population are dependent. The address says: History tenches us that a representative government and Individual liberty are the only certain means on which a nation can found prosperity. As the friends of Russia we watched with profound interest the creation of the Russian Parliament and its struggle for existence. The triumph of liberty In Russia, which .we hope Is near, will permit the Russian and French people loyally to support the Franco-Russian alliance upon the basis of common ideals and interests. The Russian Parliament Is dead! Long live th Russian Parliament! Senator Pierre Berthelot, ex-minister of foreign affairs, forwarded the address of Prof. Mouromtseff. who was president of the lower house of th Russian Parliament. Brigands at Work. MOSCOW. Aug. 10. A band of brigands on bicycles is syatematlcally robbing vil lage churchea In this vicinity, avowedly to secure funds for the revolutionists. VERKHOYANSK, Siberia. Aug. 10.-A roving band of Circassians rode Into tha railroad station here yesterday and robbed the cashier of 117,600. AUTO ACCIDENT IN NEW YORK 1 Driver Attempts to Escape Arrest Whea Machine la I pset aad Woman Killed. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. When an automo bile, owned and driven by Stewart Elliott, ran into a mounted policeman in the Bronx early today Mis. T. W. Noble of Baltimore waa thrown out and so severely Injured that she died tonight In Fordham hospital. Miss Margaret Johnson of this city, also of the party, Is still In the hospital seriously hurt. Mr. Elliott snd the policeman, Harry F. Smith, were slightly Injured. The : mounted officer was riding after the euto 1 mobile In an attempt to arrest the driver I of the machine for an alleged violation of j the speed laws. He galloped alongside the I car, when It swerved toward him. The I horse stumbled and fell and the automobile j was thrown Into a fire plug and wrecked. Late tonight Elliott gave bimself up. Elliott was arraigned before Coroner Mc Donald and paroled until tomorrow, when the inquest will be held. SMUGGLERS KILL TWO PEOPLE American aad Porto' Rlcan Meet Death at Hands of Lawless Dominicans. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10. A telegram was received at the bureau of Insular affairs today from tha comptroller and general receiver of customa at Santo Domingo an nouncing that John Mllbourn, a Porto Rlcan. was killed, snd Charles P. Thurs ton, an American, wounded, by smugglers In the vicinity of Laa Mataa on August I. and that Thurston died of his wounds on August I. Las Mataa la about twelve miles east of th Hsytlen frontier in Santo Domingo. Thurston had been employed as a deputy receiver of customs at Commendador, on the Hsytlen frontier, and Mllbourn was an inspector In the same territory. Corr mendador is th nearest customs house to tha plae where the conflict occurred and was established to prevent smuggllp- rat tfc Uajrtiea Border. SERIOUS WRECK IN TEXAS Fifty-FlTe Persona InJared Whea Coaches Leave the Track Near Dallas, ST. liOflS. Aug. 10. A special to th Post-Dlepatch from Dallas. Tex., says fifty-five persons were Injured today In an accident on the Fort Worth & Denver railroad near Frultland, Tex. A relief train has gone from here carrying physi cians. The wreck occurred about 1 o'clock this morning on a long curve near Frultland, the alerpef ami on day coach going down a twenty-foot err ibankment. The injured: Coleman, Alavord, serious. Joe Davis, Ixmgvlew, serious. P. Carron, Amarlllo. serious. F. A. Gaston, Bowie, slight. One Chinaman, seriously. Pullman conductor, alight. A. Kcrnan, Dallas, arm broken and shoulder dislocated. T. F. Ballon. Matador, serious. O. W. Lasslter and wife, Quanah; wife hurt head and body; man, head and hack. Leslie Stllllngs, Bowie, Internal Injuries. C. A. Roberts, conductor. Fort Worth, scalp wounds. Mr. snd Mrs. R. N. Miller. New Boston, scalp wounds and hurts In chest and bark. Mrs. Miller, injuries serious. J. W. Thorne, Reeves, Tenn.; shoulder hurt. P. T. Bouldtn. Matador, scalp wounds. W. H. Myers. Henrietta; internal in juries; very serious. W. E. Robinson, Hereford, Tex.; back and shoulder hurt. P. W. Cole, Temple, Tex.; Internal In juries; serious. J. F. Smith. postofTlce; slight. J. B. Rymer, Walnut Springs; scalp and knee wound. Mrs. R. M. Hensiey, son and daughter, Prosper; all hurt about, heads. Miss Webb and father, hurt back and shoulder. Miss Ray Saunders, Fort Worth; nose cut. Miss Jennie Bd wards, Cleburne; slight. M. C. Clemens and wife, Fort Worth; slight J. G. Blanke and wife. San Marcos; irm and slight. E. J. Evans, Wichita Falls; i shoulder hurt. W. A. Snyder, Oklahoma; shoulder hurt. Henry Coleman, Klwood; back and hip bruised. Joe Davis, Longvlew; back, head and neck. ' Miss E. J. Moore, Llano, Tex. j head bruised and back wrenched. J. W. Vinson. Sherman; bruised back, shoulder and face. Miss Emma Burkeholden, Shreveport, La.; wrenched and bruised back. O. C. Waters. Springtown; leg ampu tated; very serious. Miss Anderson, Fairfield, Tex ; sprained buck. Miss Lizzie Anderson, Fairfield, Tex.; bruised arm. Miss A. F. Gray, Llano; head bruised. Miss R. K. Board, San Antonio; head bruised and nearly smothered in berth. A number of others suffered minor hurts. The majority of the Injured were taken to Bowie for medical attention and a num ber were taken into Fort Worth. TEAMSTERS START NEW UNION Insurgents Who Object to Shea Farm a Rival Society at Chicago. - CHICAGO, Aug. 10. A new labor union, to be known as the United Teamsters of America, waa formally launched today as the rival of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. While C. P. Shea, the re elected president, and other officers of his staff were winding up the affairs of the convenflon of the old.prganixatiort the new one was In process' of formation." After the name had been decided Upon the dele gates who had bolted Shea's meeting last Tuesday took up the task of working out a constitution. It was decided that the one governing the regular organization would do. If remodeled In some particulars. It Is the purpose of the new organization not to hold an election until after the Shea convention shall have adjourned, and thus It is hoped to secure reinforcements to their ranks. Inasmuch as many would-lie officers of the brotherhood who were de. feated In the election yesterday are ex pected to seek office In the new organiza tion. Meantime, Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federa'lon of Labor, Is hurrying to Chicago with a message from Samuel Gomners, president of the Amer ican Federation of Ijibor. The message Is an arpeal to the anti-Shea contingent to discontinue the secession movement. Sec retary Morrison will arrive In Chicago to morrow and address the secedera. The anti-Shea meeting today was at tended by 120 teamsters, who claim to rep resent forty-three different unions through out the United States. The unions went on record as opposing political action such as advocated by the American Federation of Labor. CHINESE LAB0R FOR CANAL Commission Unable to Find Sufficient Workers of Other Nation alities. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10. Chinese labor will be given a thorough test on the Panama canal. Contracts calling for 2,500 Chinamen for canal work have been pre pared and advertisements will he Issued by the Isthmian Canal commission in a few days asking for- proposals from labor agents. If the Initial S.500 Chinamen prove a auc cess. It Is likely that many more will be taken to the Isthmus to do the work, which la too hard for the Jamaicans now employed there In large numbers. Organized labor has offered much oppo sition to the use of contract Chinese labor, but the Jamaican workmen have proven Inadequate, sufficient Spaniards cannot be had ftnmeidlately to rush the work and the Chines are the last hope of the commis sion. It is the intention of the commission to ask for bids from labor agenta, who will arrange with the Chinese government for the exportation of labor, transport the Chinese to the isthmus under contrsct to work for a fixed wage, and shtp them back to China, thus relieving the commission of all detail work and all responsibility. A bond will be required for all contractors for satisfactory fulfillment of any contract they may enter Irfto with the commission. WOMAN WRITER SUES LOEB Secretary af President Asked for Fifty Thousand Hollars Damages for False Arrest. OYSTER BAY, I- I.. Aug. 10-Wllllnm Ixeb, Jr.. secretary to President Roosevelt, was made defendant in a $.',0,000 dam:tge suit today. In which he is charged with having caused the false arrest of Nadage Dore, a Jewish writer. The arrest waa made last winter In Washington, when Miss Dote waa dis tributing leaflets advertising her work in the defense of Russian Jews at St. John's Kplscopal church. The papers wer served on Mr. Loeb todsy by a New York firm of lawyers. They require him to make an swer within twenty days hi New York. Mr. I,oeh will be defended by the Depart ment of Justice. The arrest, he says, was made by the Washington police fore with out his knowledge. MWs Moree made an ! unsuccessful effort lo see President Roose i vlt at Ojsicr bay last sununer. TELLER COMMITS SUICIDE Employe of Wrecked Chicago Bank 6heoU Himielf Th?on?h the Eeai HALF MILLION IN FORGED PAPER FOUND Latest Estimate Plarea the Atneont of the shortage at Two Mil lions Co-operative Store la Closed. CHICAGO. Aug. 10-Frank Kowalskl paying teller of the Milwaukee Avenue state bank, which failed last Monday, and for some time assistant receiving teller In addition to his other duties, shot and killed himself tonight at his home, 310 North Carpenter afreet. Criticism by neighbors and life long friends who ac cused him of a share In the flowniaii oi the bank is believed to have driven Kowalskl to his death. Knowalskl had romplalned bitterly of the suspicion of his friends and declared that unless his character was speedily cleared he would take his own life. Kowalskl's relatives assert their Arm be lief that he waa Innocent of any knowledge of the mismanagement of the bank by Pres ident Stensland. When the bank failed Kowalskl had 7no of his own money on deposit In the Institialon and his Imme diate relatives nearly fcAOOO. Had the teller known of Stensland's defalcations, they assert, he would at least have noti fied his relatives and would have taken his own money out of the Institution. The dead teller, who was thirty years old. had been with the bank for thirteen years. Half Million In Forged Notes While the search for Paul O. Stensland. the tr'sslng president. Is being extended to all parts of the country. Cashier Herlng. who waa arrested yesterday, spent today with the states representatives and Bank Examiner Jones In examining the hank'a collateral In an effort to determine how much the president Is short In his ac counts. After an all day's search forged notee aggregating more than InOO.ono were found and are now In the possession of the state's attorney, who will use them In the prosecution of the officials respon sible for their utterance. From a state ment Issued today by Herlng regarding loans made by Stensland as banker, to himself, and the shortages found by pre vious investigations, It is asserted tonight that when a final adjustment of the af fairs of the bank Is made. It will be found that President Stensland's defalcations will aggregate nearly 12,000,000. Close Stenslnnd'a Concerns. The first step In the dissolution of outside companies with which Paul O. Stensland is identified was taken when a petition In Involuntary bankruptcy was filed against the Milwaukee Co-operative store by attor neys representing a State atreet department store. The petition waa filed before Judge Bethea and arrangements were made by him to appoint a receiver under the order aa soon as possible. Notice waa given tha Co-operative ator today by an attorney representing three New York creditors that he intended to take almilar action, but In view of the filing of the petition by the local concern It ia now probable that the New York creditora will Join with the petl tlonera now before the court. The stock holdera of the Milwaukee Avenue store number ,000 persons, many of them work men holdera of share of $10 each. Th In dividual liability of the shareholders, it Is claimed, is a mooted point and It may he that the court will hold that the creditors of th company have recourse upon the In dividual property of them all. Henry W. Herlng, cashier of the sus pended bank, was today taken to the Insti tution he Is alleged to have helped ruin. He was taken to the bank by two detec tives and every precaution waa used to get him inside the building without the knowl edge of the several hundred persona who were around the place. Safe Inside the bank. Cashier Herlng Immediately began to direct the authorities around to the differ ent vaults and secret places. Opposition to Receiver. Application for the appointment of a re ceiver for the Milwaukee avenue stor met strong opposition. An attorney for Re ceiver J. C. Fetzer declared that the Mil waukee Avenue State bank had a , large Interest In the concern and that Receiver Fetzer desired to complete hla Investlga-) tlon before any action which would tie up the assets of the store be taken. The case was continued until next Tuesday. Frank B. Schmltt waa appointed special master In chancery In the litigation re sulting from the suspension of the Milwau kee Avenue State bank by Judge Brentano In the superior court today. Mr. Schmltt's appointment was made at th request of Receiver Fetzer, mho filed a petition with the court asking for the appointment. An Intervening petition was also filed In the same court by the Polish National Al liance of Noith America, which organiza tion haa deposited in the bank. It Is claimed, more than $48,000. The court waa asked in the petition to allow the alliance to become a party complainant to the receivership proceedings and officer in the alliance expressed to Judge Brentano their confidence in Mr. Fetzer as receiver. Find "Forsrery Xest." Assistant State's Attorney Olsen found what Is termed a "regular forgery nest" while coins- through the books and raters of the Milwaukee Avenue State hank with I Cashier Herlng and State Bank Fxainlner I Jones today. The "nest was composed of two envelopes filled with hand blank j forms. The blank forms contained signa- tures which had been traced from the ! regular depositors' book. According t' Mr. j Olsen. these were ready to be filled In for ! any amount, which would be charged to the j account of the person whose name was i signed. The other envelope contained notes running up to thousands of dollars with I the names of many prominent business m n lat t ached. The authorities will endeavor to i discover whether or not these names were j forged. The notes were found hidden In President Stensland's vault. F. S. Peabody and F. R. Herpold were two of the men who went to the bank and. with Casiiier Herlng looking on, gave absolute proof that two pieces of the paper found were forgeries Police Inspector Snippy, who was present during tue In vestigation, said: 'The thing is a good deal worse than I I had supposed. We have proved that $500.- ! 000 worth of the paper are absolute for- geries. One iote for $30,000 bearing the which marched overland from Fort Leav signature of F. S. Peabody aas examined j enworth. by Mr. Peabody, who declared It was not j The brigade headquarters of the Ne hlb signature." braska National Guard was notified that Mr. Pt-ahody had heretofore Insisted that Governor Mickey of Nebraska would ar- the nnlv note he was concerned In tan one for $V).0uf'. Tne Herpold forged note was ; for $H.'iO. - Receiver Fetzer made the fol lowing statement this afternoon: "There are r.WOM worth of mortgages, ; the value of which we know nothing about. Considering the developments of the day In regarti to the other securities It Is doubt ful if these mortgages will prove good." NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair and Snnday. Warmer Saturday and Temperafnre at Omaha 1'esterdari Roar. n a. 41 a. T a. H a. n a. to a. It a. IX m. Ilea. . HT Hoar. 1 p. S P. it p. 4 P. It p. P. T p. 8 p. p. nea. , ra , K.t , H.1 at as , si ...... Ml T Til T tot Tl Tl T. T HI IRRIGATION CONTRACTORS FAIL Government Tnkea Possseslna of Two Oatats Working la Wyoming. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 Acting under authority of the secretary of the Interior, the director of the geological survey t.Klay ordered the confiscation of the whole of the contractors' outfit for work on the Cor bett tunnel on the Irrigation project In northern Wyoming. It was ascertained by the secretary thst the contractor not only abandoned the work but waa about to re move all his appliances from the premises. This contract was a married to Charlea Speer. cashier of the Billings state bank. He, in turn, made arrangements for carry ing on the work under the Western Con struction company. The difficulties of se curing labor and the high cost of material resulted In such delays to the work that It apparently became Impossible to finance the operations, and August S the company was unable to pay the four hundred or more men then employed. The bids on the Corhett tunnel were opened September 8, 1W6, and awarded to Charlea Sneer on an estimated basis of 1594.825. The next lowest bid wss made by J. O. White company of New York at 596.750. , The government officers also took pos session of the work and outfit of Prende gast A Clarkson on the Shoshone dam, one of the largest structures In the west on the ground that the firm had not been able to secure necessary men and financial-backing to carry them through the work. The bids for the work were opened September 6. 1905, and awarded on an estimated basis of $515,750. The next lowest hid waa that of J. G. White & Company of New York at $55S.S55. NEW HAMPSHIRE DROPS OUT Another Fire Inanrnnce oneera De rides to Take o llore Call- . forala nisks. MANCHESTER, N. H . Aug. 10-In an nouncing that the New Hampshire Fire In surance company has suspended business on the. Pacific coast, officers of the com psny gave out a statement today, saying that the suspension Is due to the fact that the company desires to permit the unset tled conditions In San Francisco and the Pacific coast slope generally to adjust themselves before taking on further lia bility. "The company," the statement saya, "has not withdrawn from the several states which were operated under Ita Pacific coast department, but has instructed Ita man ager at San , Francises o suspend wrltjjig huslnesa for the present, preferring to await the results of the period of recon struction and to publish further Informa tion as to the possible results of legisla tion In California. The company's losses at San Francisco, the statement says, will be settled for about $500,000. The company's statement of January 1 showed a capital of $1,000,000 ant) a net sur plus of $1,260,000. WESTERN MATTERS AT, CAPITAL ew National Bank Authorised t Open for Business at Wes slngton, S. D. (From s Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 10.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Irving W. Spauldir.g has been ap pointed postmaster at Beverly, Hitchcock county, Nebraska, vice W. T. Todd, re signed. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Dorchester, route 3, Victor M. Stanton car rier, John L. Troyer substitute. Iowa Brltt, route 1, Freeman Wagner carrier, Phoebe A. Wagner substitute; Oakland, route J, Elmer E. Bird carrier, Lucy Whitley sub stitute. The First National bank of Wesslngton, 8. D., has been authorized to begin busi ness with $25,000 capital. H. A. Pierce ! ! president. E. H. Vance vice president and Etl pcholllan cashier. Civil service examinations will be held Aupust 25 at Centervllle, Ia., for positions of clerk and carrier In the postofTlce service. H. Kountz and wife, C. A. Glmmell and MIsk Brandt of Omaha are at tha New Wlllard. FIFTEEN YEARS FOR LYNCHER Leader of Moh That Hanged Three Xegroei at Salisbury, X. C, Speedily Coavioted. SALISBURY. N. C. Aug. 10-What Is said to be the first Instance of th convic tion of a lyncher In the history of the stste was furnished here tonight when Oeorge Hall, a white ex-convict of Montgomery county. North Carolina, who waa one of the party that Monday night lynched three negroes In Jail here for the murder of the Lyerly family, was found guilty of con- splracy In connection with that crime and was sentenced to fifteen years at hard labor ' tn the pt-nltentlary, the maximum sentence I provided by law. Hall's trial ended this j evening at 7 o'clock. The Jury wss out but thlrty-flve minutes. Hall's counsel has i appealed on the ground that Governor ' Glenn was In Atlantic City when the special ' term at which Hall was tried was ordered i and that being out of the state's bounds i he had no Jurisdiction. SHAM BATTLE IN PROGRESS Troops at Fort Riley Receive Blaak Ammunition and Begin the Fight. FORT RILET. Kan., Aug. 10 Today all troops were issued blank ammunition and the first sham battle of the maneuvers took nlace. The regular force at the ramn ' was Increased today by the addition of the Elevent I.. 11-... n,k l,attrv 9 H.M ...III i U rvi, iciiiii w. , iiu aivuiriy. rive at the camp today The headquarters of the camp of In struction received Information from the adjutant of the South Dakota National Guard tl t only one battalion of that state's troops instead of a regl-ient. would be sent here for Instrjrtlnn August 18. The Arkansas regiment waa expected aome Um during tha day. . , CROP- OUTLOOK FINE Corn Gaini Orer Half Point Dnrin the If 09 th of July. FOUR POINTS ABOVE TEN-YEAR AVERAGE Nebraaka One Point Below Irence nd Iowa Sine Pointa Above. WINTER WHEAT MAKES BIG SHOWING Increase of 4.3 Bnthelt Fer Acre Indicated by Preliminary Report. YIELD NEARLY HALF BILLION BUSHELS Spring Wheat and Oata Show Falling Og Compared with Conditions of On Month Ago Sts tlst les of Smaller Crops. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10 Th crop te portlng board of tbe bureau of statistics of the Irpartment of Agriculture finds from the reports from the correspondeuta and agents of the bureau aa follows: The condition of corn on August 1, waa 8S.1, as compared with 87.5 last month, 89 on August 1, 1906; $7.$ at the corre sponding date In 1904 and a ten-year aversge of 84. The following table shows for each of the states having 1,000,000 acres or up ward in corn, the condition on August 1, 190t, with the ten-year August averages; August 1, Ten-Year 108. Averago. Illinois Iowa Nebraska . . . Kansas Texas Missouri 82 95 M 83 7 8 8 85 K 82 89 87 8S 84 5$ 84 8 79 78 8 74 83 to $7 97 eg 90 83 14 84 Indiana 85 Georgia ....92 Kentucky 94 Tennessee 85 Ohio 82 Alabama 92 North Carolina 91 Arkansas 97 Mississippi 92 Indian Territory i.PJ Oklahoma 98 8onth Carolina 84 Virginia 95 South Dakota 85 Minnesota 95 Wisconsin 89 Pennsylvania 95 ioulolana 8$ Michigan 87 United States 88.1 Bia; Winter Wheat Crop. Preliminary returns Indicate a winter wheat crop of about 493,C4.0t bushels, or an average of 1.7 bushels per acre, aa compared with 14 3 bushels per acre last year, aa Anally estimated. Th preliminary estimate of the yield of winter wheat and the estimated acreage on which it la based are subject to such revision and correc tion, when the final estimates of the bureau are made next December as may be found proper through Investigations now In prog ress. The following table ahowa the estimated average yield per acre . In each of th eleven principal wheat states In 1906 and . 1905, th figures for 1905 being th , final estlmatea Issued December 20; 19n- liioi Bu. llu. 16.3 l.a 20 7 18.$ 14.8 12.4 23 2 20 4 19 5 l'i.0 20 4 17.1 17 1 II 17. T 17.1 14 0 5 1 115 g.t 111 IKS 14 7 14 3 Kansas Indiana Missouri Nebraska Illinois Ohio t California Pennsylvania Oklahoma Texas Michigan United States Decrease la Spring Wheat. The average condition of spring wheat on August 1 was 86.9, aa compared with 91.4 last month. 89.2 on August 1, 1905 ; 87.8 at the corresponding date In 1804 and a ten year average of 82.6. Th following table shows for. each of th five principal spring wheat state th con dition on August 1. 1906, with th ten- year average: Aug. , Ten-Year - 1906. Average. 8G 84 88 80 ) 84 92 84 75 90 86.9 32,6. Minnesota .... North Dakota South Dakota Iowa Washington .. United States Oats Off Over On Point. The sverage condition of tha oata crop on August 1 waa 82.8, as compared with 84 last month, 90.8 on August 1, 1806; 866 at the corresponding data In 1904 and a ten year average of 84.8. The following table ahowa for each of tha eleven principal oata states the condition on August 1, 1906, with the ten-year Au gust averages; Aug. 1, 19"6. Ten-Year Average. Iowa 8 71 9$ 90 H4 Illinois 71 82 Wisconsin M 90 Minnesota 90 88 , Nebraska "$ 91 Indiana (7 88 New York 89 93 North Dakota . 98 82 Pennsylvania 89 Ohio . 77 90 Michigan 89 92 United States ( 82 8 84 3 The proportion of the oat crop of last year In the hands of the farmera ia ostl mated st 7.1 per cent, ss compared with 62 per cent of the crop of 1904 In farmers' hands one year ago, 54 per cent of th crop of 1903 In farmers' handa two yeara ago, and a ten-year average of 7.1 per cent. Other Grain Crops. The average condition of barley on Au gust 1 was 9"8. as against 92 6 one month ago, K9 5 on August 1, 1IV6. 89 1 at the corre sponding date In 19'4 and a ten-yttar aver age, of 5.3. The average condition of rye on August 1 was 90 8, as compared with 91.8 one month ago. 92.6 on August 1, 91.8 at the corre sponding date In 13H and a ten-year average of 88 2. The acreage of buckwheat Is less than that of last year by about IS. 000 acres, or 3.7 per cent. The average condition of buckwheat on August 1 was 98$. as com pared with 926 on August 1. 1906. 92 6 at th corresponding date In 194 and a ten-year average of 93.1. The average condition of tobacco on Au gust 1 was 87.2. as compared with 66 7 one month ago, M.I on August 1, 190S, 83 9 at the corresponding date in 1904 and a flvs- year average of 83 2. The average condition of potatoes on Au i gust 1 was 89.0. ss compared with 91.5 one month ago, 87.0 on August 1, 1905. 94 1 at the corresponding date In i:M and a ten year average of &6.3. Preliminary returns indicate a decrease of 1 per cent In the hay acreage. Browasoa Will G to 4sta. WASHINGTON. Aug. 10.-When the maneuvers of the Atlantic Beet Is com pleted this formidable array of fighters l( - t. rilaoersed Hear Admiral Rrnvna,,. 'will take some of lhe best armored cruisers to the Asiatic station, while the other ships will be sent to different places along ths coast, the principal rendsvzoua of most af tuem will be at iiauupton Roads.