T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUOUST 0, --1006. Iw FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OUT THEY GO. , Testerday t our regulif,, excursion d.H. We. sent. II people besides our agents ran ' even -Polimsn carload)', to .. South tJakoti.' Wig gent seven buyer out with- our mm to ' Akron Colo, Incidentally w did Rome local real estate bun Iness, but . wa are certainly proud ci this eaceTlen't , Work . ' our men af doing in tha land and emigration business. Va ' think. there . are seven good , reasons, for .pur phenomenal '- vuooebs. ... .-'.., , 1. Wi. handl only lands krtown to be pood in every re-.- epect. . Wo will not place any- thing on The market whtrli we cannot recommend. I. We effef tower rates for fare than, .any , otbe r land . eompahy hag ever been able to procure. "for their "buyer. Mow " wa do It? Well, that' our business but we do ."It Juat Uie same! - . .,, The other five reasons ore Just abou the same, so they don'l matter much.... . The pufpoea ' of thta adver tisement Is to make you re- member the CONTINENTAL TIKALTY COMPANY; now spefl It C-O-N-T-I-N-E-N-i T-A-L that's right;, now don't forget It. CONTINENTAL REALTY COMPANY, -U V. Sv Nat l bank Bldgi, Omaha, Neb. R&-639 West Farriarn Lot 76 feet east front,-on paved street, half block from Farnam street car line; splendid homea on 'each side ahd across the street-. Price for quick sale HO per., front foot... If you don't . care for 75-foot fot we. can let the afljolnlng owner have 10 or 15 feet, leaving or 60 feet at the same rate, The beat thing for the money In that district, MODERN COTTAGE $2,600 "-room cottnge, east front on jm St.'. half ock north of Leavenworth. Complete plumb Irg, new furnace, shade treea; Th'g'oodj condition. 1 This has ' i V. .... .. I. ... - 1. ... . . wtlrplease you-. ;)4arrjspn &.;Morton, IU N. T. Life.' Tel. Douglas 114. . , . . Rtf-o0 DON'T' WAIT , -f - .- - l-v .... . -- , Fee now .bw ewnvrty- to matt yur title from the -beginnings We hve your title already on our books and ran make " an abstract on-short notice at low prlee, MIDLAND -GPARANTEK .AND TRUST COMPANY, v ..- - 1714 Farnam Street. i- ' ; RB-t50i v IF YOU HAVE ...""$10". : YQU..CAN BUY A LOT FROM US In different parte of the city and pay the balance in weekly or monthly payments. Call ajpd .look over our list. Hastings & Heyden, ' Open Monday evening until a p. m. " 1704 .Farnam St, Groua4 floor Bee- B'ldg. .: GOOD ADVICE ISHEAP t any price, but when you aAa taking. real property, either as a purchaser or as ae 'Curlty or-a loan, you want to rely upon 'the word of aome dlslntereated party as to the condition t the Aitle. Therefore, we advise you to-ail pon- the Mjdtand Cuarantei .and Trust Co. and they will iteli you the' exalt condition cf the title, ) , OFFICE ATjM FARNAM ST. FOR BALE S20 acree beautiful, rioh val ley land. In Holt county Mo., two and one-half rolUs from Bf. R. town, all In corn, wheat and alfalfa; soil a sandy loam: house of six rooius.and fair out buildings; fruit, R. P. L. and telephone- school and church close; In rich neighbor trood; no better investment of better rami In the state. Price, if sold soon Vi per acre. - , This and twelve nth,er farm v choice, In northwest Missouri for sale only. Ad. areas .(I. R. Adkliii, Craig, Mo. - ilJ-M5?r io 150 PLTTS fine level lot. Mth Ave.. between b.hler and Bprague! Prlct reduced lor quick sale. Owner a North 1Uj. re-mj gx U. 8. Bale Bureau. 04 Neville block. Real Kstate and Investments. R&-M425 84 TF.XA8 LAND adjoining new city; 1T0 .were-crop adjacemt; tk an acre only. J vftolian. Land,, Commissioner.. Urand Pa iflc, Chicago, III. . . RE-MS6S IJx FOR RENTACREAGE TAVENTT acres wfth hoose And barn. Ill m mth 'H.' ' - mis MONEY .TO LOAN REAL ESTATE UAKV1N BROS. 104 Farnam, and M pr cent euaas yA teal eaua, nu Oeiay. MOAET TqAN-j-Psyoe Inrestment Co. NV-7M WANTtD City 'loans and warrants. A W. Farnam Smlio A Co., UjO Farnam fit. . r . W-Iii BL'ILDINO loans on residence property; I per cent. W. B. Melkle, Kamge blk. Ll j- i J " LOWEST RAT $ B Be tp la, Psxton Block. F . . W-I67 PRIVATE D. Wead. 14 Doug. ...-.. , . W-Hi H.tOO.flOQ. TO I-OAN on business and. real dence property In Omahk: lowest rstes; no delay. Ihoyvis Hrsitnsk. R. .1, N. V. Llfa.. .' : . ' -W76l WANTED City laaaa. IL J. Peters Co. - ' W lbs Oiy aVfarq loans. tXPj Carson Co.. N.T.U f - W-lsO LOAN it on Improved city property. - W. H. T"os tui Flra'Nal4oni Bfik Bldg. ' - ' , - ' -: W-Il CUIRV0YANTS . " MADAMS Bl'DUHA.' llAWKQ PALMIST OF OMAHA. Lveniful and truthful predictions alven. Call 111 aW lata St., Opp. Boston ProrJ fei-Ml PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOVT AN OPERATION ATX klrMs ft pllrs rured-lnterhal, extemsl, blind, bleedtnc or Itching piles. A guarsntee given in every rane treated, by lr. lsx well, who hss hsd twenty-five yers' ei perlenre In tregMng pllea Hundreds of testimonials given on spplicttlon. M4 Bes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Photie Douglas Hit. U-Mlit Ag31 ANV POORGIHL In need of a frind call or write to the mstron of tl 6!atlon Army llrimfl for Uohion at J.t'4 N. 74th hi.. 0-ne.ha, Neb. U-MlflO Tnr KELL1'3 Laundry. Tnone Dbuglas ti.'O. U iH DR. ROT. Chiropody, R. t 8. 13f4 Parnm. PRIVATE connnement . home; Mrs. Dr. King, MIS N. 21st 8t. Tel. Doug. 39. U-768 PI FATINCt Buttons, Kuchlng, 1 LLai 1I1VJ Embroidering. Dyeing end Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only tc per yard, tjend for price list and ssmple. . . . . A GOLDMAN PLEAT! NO CO., v 'M Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1034. . .,- U 7M ! A 1 1 N H R Y tTi Doug B4. U-747 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs, Garden, 2:16 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. TUB Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41J6 erd wagon will call. y-U M AfrttF.TTf! OSTEOLOGY. Mrs. Rl Room t, ?d floor. U M361 Zit FRKE medical and surgical treatment nt CreiKhton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sis. Hpeclsl attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su- ervlsed by college professors. 'Phone oug. 11S7. .. Calls answered day or nlL THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and . Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 13S7. U-789 PRIVATE home during confinement; ha bls adopted. The Good Bttmarttan Ban Itarlum, 7l First Ave., Council Bluff, la. Tel. 774. U-222 SURVEYING, Bllckensderfer, Jl Bee li'.dg. ... U-770 . OMAHA Btammerer Institute, Raroge Bldg. .. u-ni MAONKTlfl treatment and bath. Mme. , Bmllh, 018 N. 16, 2d floor. U MWU Auglux 8TRINQES, rubber goods,- by mail; cut rices. Bend for free catalogue Myer--Ulion Drug Co.. Omaha. U-77i WE RENT sewing machines at II per week; we sell second-hand machines & up. Nebraska Cycle Co... corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglia lWj. U77I DR8. VOOEL, private hospital for women and for ladies before and daring confine ment. 2318 B. 13th St., Omaha Neb U M397 Augl7 MAGNETIC fk- su second (ioof, room U MI00 ug2 CHIROPODIRT-Dr. Dunbaf, 2M Neville block; halrdressing,. eto. .Douglas 6170. U M14 Augso ARCHITECT Q. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg. ... V 432. Bi Bt'SINESS lunch flfteen' cents. Regular dinner twenty-five cents. Short orders at all hours. F.d Rothery, 111 B. J4th. D. H. Rump, Manager-Prop. J-M47 14x PACKING chins, cut glass and wedding presents a specialty. Address James Burns, 3024 Cass 8t. V M5S t MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills "--11 box. postpaid. Sherman McConneil Drug Ca., Omaha. '. 774 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, , weaknesses: - discharges; Irregularities, cured painlessly and- safely. Withnei) block, 15th and Harney, room 2 Omaha. ' ' ' 4S7 WONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS VACATION MONEY' LVtKVBoUf ,HEKUii If, And thla Is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand In tne way of en- . Joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at thls orllce on HOUSEHOLD uoola. PIANOS, HORSE6. WAUONi ETC SPECIAL RATES "onT SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be- convinced. - RELIABLE CKED1IT -CO. 107-101 Pextou Block.4 X M363 11 YOU.CAN .do without. ('ul " what's the " ' ?- None at IL . uae BORROW MONEY ', .:. on your furniture, pianos, live , to;lf and other chattels,' We .' .; also loan to persons Steadily employed on their plain, note '(. without endorser,'.. .. NO ONE WILL KNOW " you ever had. a loan, ' beardes . you have use of both jrnoney ,and security at the same time. ' EASY PAYMENTS - arranged to suit your purse.' .... . LIBERAL REBATE ' - If paid before due. i. ' - Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., . 119 Board of Trade bldg. Tel. Douglas 229S. (Established 192) '- i bo. mn st..,' - '": ' X-MS61 vr is x: i. v iA.nui niann. . ' ,...I-1J! . . v.. f.Kuw tuiniiure, -jew- 1.1th. V , Bowen, 703 N. Y. life Bldg., Advances private money, on chattels or salary; easy to get. no red tape) yuu get money same day asked for at small coat Open evenings till 7. X nt CHATTEL and salary leans. . Phoenix Credit Co., bii Paxlon block. X-.bu ' EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, acconi inodatlngi all business confidential ijyl Douglas. X 7S1 FLRNITI RE, live stock, salary loans. 1'ufT Green Loan Co., room I, Barker bioc- ' ' x-;m DR PRIBENOW8 PRIVATE MONK loaned on furniture, pianos, salary hoi see,' etc.. In any amount, al less than halt the rate; no red tap; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In-case of sickness or out of employment. Room 114 alarbach block. 0 g. 16th Bu X 2 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others mlthout security; easy pay. ments. Offices in U principal cities. Tol mfcn. room 71i New York Life Bldg CHATTELS, salary- and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. 1604 Farnarw Bt X-7n PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct Wholesale prices, gave on every article. Oar first class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order, bend for oatalocua. B. If. Karol. Ill Harrlaon St, Chicago, III. . - , 714x FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Intelilng -Peeta. Wire Trellis Omaha Wire end Iron Works. V7 Bea Wdg. Tel' Red 6!La ' ' " ' ' -Mali A ANCHOR anC Iron rem-lngiWlre Fencing I per foot fc N. 17th Bu Tel Red lit 144.1 AU COUNCIL Office, 10 Pearl JOKE LANDS A MAN IN JAIL CUrindg If to. Amited at Swhdicr on Account of Eimiltritj of Stm. VICTIMS ARE UNABLE TO IDENTIFY HIM When Qaestlaaed at First He Admits Ha Was Party Who Cashed Drafts, bat Later Proves to the . Contrary. His own admission placed T. A. Wilson, a guest at the Grand hotel. In a bad pie dlcament yesterday afternoon and be was placed under arrest by the police on sus picion of bring the person who on August 1 succeeded lit cashing two forged drafts In this city. On August 1 r. A. Wilson, registering frum Crawfordsville, Ind., at the Grand hotel, induced Chief Clerk Park to cash a drsft for If drawn In his favor by the Btate Savings bank of Crawfordsville, Ind., on the Hanover National bank of New York city. lie also . succeeded In Inducing John Sheftcr of the Manhattan club rooms to cash a similar draft for 12B. The drafts were deposited for collection with the Council BlufTs Savings bank, which yesterday morning received word that the two drafts were forgeries., T. A. Wilson, the man arrested yesterday afternoon, was In the' act of leaving the hotel when the slmllnrlty of the name on the register attracted the attention of Clerk Park, who asked him If he had stopped at ' the house a few dnys. ago. Wilson answered In the affirmative. "Is tnat your signature?" asked Mr. Park, as he' turned to August 1 and pointed out the name of F. A. Wilson. Crawfords ville, Ind. "Yes. Didn't you get your money all right?" "I don't know whether I did or not." replied Mr. Park as lie called to one of the. bell boys to. fetch a police, officer. Th man arrested appeared to have been drinking heavily. At police headquarters he was found to- have In his possession a ticket from Clarlnda, la., to Denver, pur chased Tuesday at the former plsce, also a Pullman reservation which he' had secured- yesterday mnrntng In; Omaha. A pawn ticket showed that he had pledged his watch for fit yesterday morning with a Broadway pawnbroker' but he had only 86 cents on him. .' John Shefler on visiting the T. A. Wil son under arrest at .once stated that he was not the man for whom he had cashed the 1125 draft, Clerk Park was also un able .to Identify him as the party' for whom he had cashed the $85 draft as the appearance of the man had not Impressed Itself upon his mind. The man's admis sion that he was the P. W. Wilson who registered August 1 from Crawfordsville, DEATH NOTICES MONTROSB Miss Cornelia B ; at 620 'South Nineteenth street, aged 78 -years. -- -Funeral from Burket s rooms. 4U North Sixteenth street, Thursday. August 9, MtNt, i p. m. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. BRIGHT Christian,1 August 7. 190$, aged 73 years. ' i Fuperal Thursday, August , 19f. nt 2 p. m.. from late residence', 10O4 Brtuh Sev enteenth street; -."Interment Foreai Lawn. Friends invited. RfcDDE-Jojfin,. father ' of Mrs John Claire, died last flight at :3u p.1 m at residence, 2562 Spalding street,' aged 77. Funeral . Friday . morning, troai . -Barred Hart- church at t o'clock, to Holy Bepul cher cemetery. ... MONUMENTS Qreat Wrstern Granite Co. Douglas 6821. . 704 Aug24 FLORrSTS L. HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 12. -750 . FOR SALEFARMS-- - FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC - RAILROAD CO. Is (Closing out its lands in western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From 13.U0 to tu.00 pr aure. -Take--advanlae of the low prices and tiuy terms offeied, the opportunity -ili soon be gone. Special excursion raUs -to th,e Janda, -For further intormatlon apply to UNION-PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 11 South lth St, Omaha, Neb. ll-M 451 11 Western Kansas ' Wheat Lands 60,0u0 acres of titie wheat landa,. 4.u0 to 116.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write (or particulars. Otobe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb.. and Bioux City; la. HM-4J All GREAT TERMS ON Iowa and eastera Nebraska farms; 115- to 1) per acre down; balance long time. Low-rate of Interest. Get next to some of our bargains. LEREW LAND CO. a So. 13iu St. H M474 13 - PATENTS F. J. LARSON & CO., patent lawyers; patent book .free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 7 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. HtH-ali S. 10th St. 747 Patents procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat l In vestment Co., Douglas BIk., lMh'lt Dodge. . -M4il bt CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER. 611 First Nat. Bank. Power plants, manufacturing ' processes. Ire plants, tests, inspection, reports. . -M3.4 All PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, A inn vi? 8 B corner liith Bt. and ft JURY Hi, Capitol Ave. T4 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO . 110 8 17TH. .-151 AuglO DRESSMAKING PATTERNS cut to measure, McDowell system of dressmaking taught. li( Far . risrn -MU4 B7 WANTED TO BORROW f4,000 on Farnam Bt. property producing I1.J04- per - year. Address. L-64. Bee. ; y is iox FOR EXCHANGE IF' YOU do not And what you want In this column, put an ad- In and you w ill n - LAW & COLLECTIONS J M Msrfsrland. 3'J N. X. L. Bldg Tel. BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. alone prompted Mr. Park to cause his arrest. Wilson, after being detained a few hours In the city Jail, was released. Chief Rich mond, at Wilson's request, telephoned o ClaMnda, la., end Omaha and his Inquiries satlslled him that Wilson was not the man who paused the forged drafts en, August 1. Wilson explained that he meant It as a J"ke when lie said the signature of F. W. Wilson from Crawfordsville, Ind., on the register of the Grand hotel was his. He said he had not been In Council Bluffs for several months and that when here before he had stopped at a Main street hotel. Fonr nia Ones. M'B ARE OFFKRtNrti THI8 WEEK rotTR BIO BPHCIALS IN ENAMEL WARE No. X..10-quart purple preserving kettle, worth 75c, for 4uc; No. t, l!-quart gray granite water pnll, worth 15c, for 40c; No. 3, 14-quart purple dish pan. worth 85c, for 45c; No. 4, 12-quart blue outside, white livslde, enamel pall, worth 11.35, for 76c. . Faddock-Hnndjschy Hardware Co., 41 B. Main Bt. Tel. 67. .iX acres good farm land In eastern Colo rado, IS per acre and up; no Irrigation re quired Can raise nil kinds of small grain und corn. A few good homesteads Join our lands. Bend for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, l"i Main street. Council Bluffs, la. MALONEY'B PEARL BT. NEW LOCATION. MRU MACRAE IOI I D HAVE HAD IT Withdrawal Alone Prevents omlnn- . tlofl for Governor. The Council Bluffs delegation to the democratic state convention at Waterloo reached home yesterday, feeling well pleased. J. .J. Hughes and his friends were Jubilant at his election as .member of the state committee from the Ninth district. That Mayor Macrae stood a splendid chance of being norhlntitd for governor If he had not withdrawn, was the con sensus of opinion of 'the Council Bluffs delegation. Ofi the first ballot Mayor Mac roe received ,3K2 votes as against 59 for Porter,' 130 for Boles, 231 for Ball and 21514 for Denleon. Owing to (he threew cornered fight for the nomination Mayor Macrae's friends Insist he aoold have stood an excellent chance tf ' securing the nomination, but the mayor was not game, as they expressed it. In fact the Council Bluffs delegates Insist that Mayor Macrae received the biggest fright of his life when the vote of the first ballot was read and he lost no time In letting ,it be known that under no circumstances would he accept I the nomination if It was given him. Mayor Macrae was so evidently sincere In his determination not to accept the nomina tion that his friends succeeded In having his name withdrawn before the second ballot. '.' If you are looking forward to your sum mer's outing you -will need a few va cation necessities; if you. are going camp ing with a small party you will want a few delicacies; If you art going to a plcnlo you will want your basket filled with "good things to teat." Sandwiches, olives, pickles, cakes, cheese, frnlta, a cold bottle of ginger ale or root beer In fact McAtee has everything necessary to fill a dainty lunch basket and the best the market affords.' r. V . ' ' Now is your chance for fine photos cheap; our handsome 17.60 folders only 16.00; 16.60 folder, large sise. only 00, and our 1 00 gilt edge panels only I4,50er ,doen; smal ler slses half price foJ-sh6rt time only at Schmidt's studio, r0 Broadway. Where Shall I Bay My Groceries f WE ANSWER THIS QUESTION, FIRST WHERE PRICES ARK RIGHT, SEC OND, WHERE THE OOODS ARE FRESH AND FIRST CLASS.- THIRD, WHERI YOU WILL RECEIVE COURTEOUS AND HONEST TREATMENT. WE FULLFIL THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS IN EV ERY RESPECT. GIVE US A TRIAL OR. DER AND WE ARE SURfc! YOU WILL BE OUR REGULAR CUSTOMER. JOHN OLSON, 739 W. BROADWAY. Real Katnte Transfers. - Thee transfers were reported to The Bee August 8 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council. BlufTs : Di ' "'"hlnson to Ernest E. Hart lot 2, block 5. Park d,l., w. .1... . tj; r.Mi-u0wlirl"l! 8,1(1 husband to arid w d Howard James Hunter ' and ' ' wi fe' ' 'to v'erena Herg lt 6, block 4, Minden, w. a . Alex Shannon to. Oti.fi,. A. nnd Stella '"I".48' 44' 47 ai1' block , , right s add., w. ...... . Benjamin Febr Real J-Xnt company to H. E. Schuster, lot 27. block 31, Ferry add., w. d Richard E. Turner to'.MaVga VV t A- Poncelow. lot 1. block SO, Baylies & Palmer s add., w. d . . . Herts of Henry McMullen to ChariesD 700 CM) 130 100 90 ,, M Bna is block 154. Crescent City, w. d . ;5 Count y t reusiirer-.tr. H. U. ' MrO'eeV 'lot 11. 1. o k n. Morningslde udd., t. rt.... j Frnncls W. DOfino in aii n' i..l ,. I?fKf' blr,tl- . Bryant & Clerk's subdlv., w. d... . Heirs of .loslun True' to' F.' M "True rsrt noH iwij i an,i part nw u; ( i . r, n A.' n"hln"0 " ciare' Robihson, part ni, is-75-14. w. d j Eleven transfers, total lTv7 For Sale. Medium and .high-grade sewing machines. I Cuiry a large line of the latest lm proved machines. I have machines ranging in price from 127 50 up. Can furnish ma chines that make both lock and chain stitch. I sell the finest and only pt i f. tt rotary shuttle machines now on the mar ket. I sell machines on easy payments, with liberal discount for cash: All ma chines taken to your home for trial. I re pair all makes of machines; keep needles, oils and parts of machines; have had twenty-six years' experience in sewing ma chines, all In Council Bluffs. Come In and see my goods and figure with me. I sell Edison and Victor talking machlnea and carry a large atook of records. Ind. 'phone 707-Red; Bell "phone, Red-1157. S. M. Wil liamson, 17 Boirth Main. GREEN AND NORFOLK ' FURNACES GIVE THE BEST BAT16 FACT ION. ASK PEOPLE THAT USE THEM. THEY WILL TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE. F. A. 6PENCER, 161 Broadway. : All persons knowing themselves to be In. debted to Duncan & Dean or the Duncan Shoe company are requested to call and settle at once. Thief Overlooks Cash. ' While one man engaged the attention of Mrs. Elmer Tollman at the front door of her residence, 214 Fourth street, Tuesday afternoon, an alleged accomplice enterud by the kitchen door by forcing the screen door and stole a pocketbook containing 116. The thief, however, was in such a hurry to empty the pocketbook of Its con tenia mat he overlooked a 110 bill i Succeeded In securing onlv IS in atlver After getting rid of trie fellow at the front door Mrs. Tollman on going to the kitchen found that the screen door had been wrenched open and on stepping out Into the back porch discovered her pocket book lying there. At first she supposed the thief had secured the entire contents, and It waa not until yesterday niornliry she discovered to her surprise that the 110 bill had been overlooked. Dou Vaivs. under aritst at lbs city jail on the charge of vagrancy, la ssld to he the man who engaged Mrs. Tollman's at tention at the front door while his part ner entered the house from the rear anl Stole the pot-ketbook. Mrs. Tollman only returned Tuesday morning from Crescent City, where Bun day night while visiting at the home of her parents she was the victim of an at tempted criminal assault by a negro. MALONFY S NEW LOCATION, M PEARL ST. Item ova I Sale Still O. One-third off on short lengths jot picture mouldings. A good time to boy frames. C. K. Alexander, 103 Broadway. We pay tn.00 per ton ror rsstlron: mixed, ttOO per ton; stoves, 17 60; rags, le a lb. rubber. 7c: copper, 14o per lb. J. Rattle, man, 801 South Main. Both phones VX Two geek Divorce. Mrs. Bine Peterson of Underwood, la., wss married May 16. 1905. in this city to Arthur Earl, the Ceremony being per formed by Rev. L. Bcheurer, pastor of 'lie German Evangelical church. The recorda Show that Mrs. I"eterson was 39 years of age, while the husband was five years her Junior. Now In petition for divorce filed In the district court yesterdsy Mrs. Sln Peterson Earl said she was duped by tho man she married. Instead of being Ar thur Earl she says his right name wis Alfred Crakaal and that shortly after their marriage elie learned lie had ' served a term in the Nebraska penitentiary. Afti'r obtaining all her property, with the excep tion of one lot In tho village of Indei wood, Mrs. Earl says her husband de serted her. In addition to the oivorcj Mrs. Earl naks the court to restore to her the name of Sine Peterson, which she bore before marrying Arthur Earl, alias Alfred Crakaal. ' Mrs. Fannie E. Gregory, who was mar ried to Charles Gregory In this city No vember 14. 18S9, yesterday filed 'suit for divorce. She charges her husband with treating her In anything but the kind and considerate manner a dutiful husband" should and with finally deserting her and their two children, a girl aged 16 and a boy aged 10. She asks to be awarded the custody of the children as well as 175 for the maintenance of herself and children pending tho determination of the suit and 15,000 alimony. She asserts that her hus band has money in the bank and asks the court to issue an attachment against it. Mast Go. Thlrtv-nne lots belnnelnr in an nIA west of car house on Avenues A. B and C, First, Second and Third avenues, fifty lots, 1100 each, on monthly payments. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First National bank vuiuiii. com pnones zu3. Owner Seed Money. t can sell S-room modern dwelling at big fllscount. If sold at once. It is In fine neighborhood and on paved street. Call soon. There are several smaller dwellings, too. Tel. 61. Charles T. Officer, 4U Broad way. Delay Issuing Ditch Bonds. As Contractor Wickham has made no move as yet to begin operations on the Pigeon creek ditch, the sunervl flora n'hn tney met yesterday to take un the mutter i of Issuing bonds for the cnnstmetinn nt ; the ditch decided to delay the matter ! until such time as. work was commenced. Accordingly the board adlou rned without transacting any business until Beptem- oer f. The members of the hoard rr themselves as' satisfied that If Cnntraomr Wickham commenced operations nbout September 1, he would have the ditch completed within the time limit. The board . holds' a "1L000 bond from Wickham Which he Is to forfeit n case he does not complete the work within tbe time speci fied In his contract. CENTRAL FLOUR 11.15. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar ket. Both 'Phones !4. A FINE 80-ACRE FARM five miles from Council Pluffs postofflcfi, welt Improved. Will take a $2,000 residence toward It. Address D S. Kerr, 51 Broad way, Council Bluffs. 'Phones 417 and 506 Red. Christian Home Contracts X.et. The contracts for, the new dormitory building at the ClirMtan Home have been let by Manager Lrmen. The cost of the bullying will be but little short cf $27.rH These are the successful bidders: Nels Jen sen, masonry and Iron work. $117: Fred Harman, carpenter work. 111.02?; Bleplmn Bros., heating plant. 12.1IV1; Xew York Plumbing company, pliutblng, J1.S04; Wolf Iivett rompany, electric "wiring. The cost of the electric wiring Is figured Into Her man's bid. . The work of removing the frame cottages to make room for the new building s progressing rapidly and the construction of the dormitory will be begun, It Is expected, by September 1. A. Metsger A Co New . Location of Wholesale Bakery. 616 Mynster 8treet. Co. BlufTs. la. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitors Welcome,. Far Imported wines, liquors snd fiud wotser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, 'wholesale liquor dealer. 51 South Main street. Insane Man Escapes from Hosnltal. H'tiry Hradshaw, an Insane patient, e capd from Bt Rornard's hospital Ispt even ing and gave the police a long and strenu ous chase beforo he was csptured. From the hospital Brndshaw made his wsy t) Harrison street and the Immediate vlclnltv. whej-e his strsnge actions alarmed the resi dents In that neighborhood. Avoiding the The Backbone of a Mighty Nation PROOF ULinsSFOOfJ II is thehia-ewifa that will be ing the valnable suggestions set It is necessarily a story for the family, because it teaches Economy and Good Living in tho Household Tbe story ol the White Heart il the story of PILLSBUKYS Best Breakfast Food-VITOS The White Heart of the Wheat and flavor of the grain. Your s far when vmi bur rillsbary' Best Ureskfast Cereal because it costs only 1 ic 10c for les than a round of the ordinary dr J i urvuHOS prepared foods. famous Pillsbary An All the you will like well ai In Ak publlo thoroughfares Brndshsw took to the bark yards and vacunt lots. Detectives Callaghan, Keellue and Rlch.trdson started In pursuit of the man and he gave them n long chase over the hills until he v.-as finally run down In the bluffs near Flam ing avenue. In the chase Detective Calhig han had the misfortune to drop a nearly new Colt revolver. CUT GLASS TUMBLERS 19C EACH. REMOVAL SALE still continues. We tire offering new bar gains. every day; William A.-Rognrs Kl-ber- pattern plated silverware 6 per cent discount. Special sterling manicure and toilet articles nt 50 per cent. Cut Sun burst Tumblers, new shape with star In bottom. 19 cents each fur this week only. W. A. Maurer china store. Marriage License. TJcenses to wed have been Issued to the following: l Name and Residence. i George F. Rend. (Unalia Age. ... 4.1 ...if ... ;n ... 20 Addle N. Wilson, Beatrice, Neb Henry Bird, Omnhn Josephine Luyben. Omaha John Burtde, Meadow Grove. Neb....... Minnie Moilhnff, Meadow Grove, Neb.. F. E. IaDuke, South Omnha ljuira Hover, South Omnha H. Flager, Lincoln. Neb Mluuie.Fuuth, IJncoln, Neb 25 22 Sti St 60 21 THE MOST UP-TO-DATla RESTAUR ANT IN COUNCIL BLUFFB. GOOD SEl. VICE AND HOME COOKING. The Calu met restaurant, 630 Broudway. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night L691. MIXOR MENTION. Clark's sodas. Stockert sells carpets. x Fine engraving at Lefferfs. F.d Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Plumbing and heating. Bixby & Son. Souvenir postals, Alexander's. 333 B'way. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 17. DIAMONDB AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFKRT ABOUT IT. Georgi Hoagland has the Kansas Shall Brick. All hard brick, det Ills prices. Only ten days more for those 126 suits at Hicks', worth 136 and up. K. S. Hicks. See Stephen Bros, for flie brick and fire clay, sewer pipe, titling und garden hose. Hafcr sells builders' hardware on the auniKphin us iuip.U;r. gulck sales and small profits. BTHIO'ILY CASH FOR ALL SHOES AT DUNCAN DtAN'a GREAT CLOSING OI.T BHOK SALal. . F.iE. I .a Duke and Laura Hover, both of South OinuiiM, were married- In tins city yesterday afternoon by Rev. Henry DeLong at the county court house. We wlioteBole Ice cieam. Shipped to any part of the slate. Special prices to the re tail trade. I. Mucci, 213 Weal Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 364. We have the llnest line of aample monu .nents to select lium n. tliu west. Slieciy . Lane Marble and Grunite Works, Zli ijist Broadway. Council Blulfs. la. State Senator C. G. Saunders left yestr. day morning for Elmo. Mo., where he wt liuoked for an addiews before u Modern .v ouilmi'n of America gathering last even ing. T. D. Metcalf left last evening for Chi cago, where he will Join Mis. Mcicalf, and loai-'thcr they will go to British C'oliiiiiblit, where Mi. Metcalf expects to hunt big nuine for several weeks. Full opening Westi' n Iowa college, Mor riain bluck, Council Bluffs, la., Monuuy August 27. , LjikiihIi, Normal, liovkkcepuirf ano. Shorthand departments. Semi for new catalogue. Both 'phones. Edwin Michael, the infant son of Mi. and Mrs. John R. Toller, died Tuesday The funeral was held vvcsuid.iy morning from the residence, l'n Fourth street, it. -lerinont being in St. Joseph cemetery. Jul received soiiietiiing in new and up-to-date picture moulding. Now is ynur chance to get that pictute framed up you uild away. Berwick, 211 South Main Don't vorry about the price- we will niutte :iiat right. Thieves broke into the office of the Bluff City Lumber company on Third stre-i .Tuesday night. Tlu y attempted ' to break open the safe, but were frightened away evidently by the night watchman before thry succeeded. Mrs. Christina. West, mother of Mnrle Louise West, who was drowned nt Lake Miinawa the night of thH catastrophe jt the KurMial, yesterday took uul letters of administration for the purpose of bringing suit for the death of )i. r unus'liter. J. D. Eomundson of 1 u-a Moines, a former capitalist of Council Bluffs, has tendered through J. J. Stewart of the public, library trustees a set of directories of the vitv of Council Bluffs for the last forty years tor the library. For nonn time past an effort has been made to complete the tile of city directories, but It hud uiet with pool success. Tlmt the ciiy of Council Bluffs whs of sufficient importance forty years is good food food for brain, food for brawn, food that It . strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. ' As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Uneeda Biscuit whicH have come to be recog nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Urvaeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people, thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation. -:- NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY rrijT Story n Interested and profit most by follA. forth in the story of the White Heart. - lhe real essence of nutriment money really goes eight time a pound served, as against MAKf g. Then, too, you get tha WHIM SIRVIB quality. Year Food- it in summer as the winter. Your Grocer sgo to have n city directory was1 news to the members of the library board. , John Morrow, alini John Harlow, the bartender clmtvcd with, breaking a beer kIhss over the cranium 'of John Jones st the Metropolitan hotel saloon, waa flood l.iO anil costs in police court yesterday morning. Harlow ii!kI an apical boiui in the sum of 1iW. Van Brunt vehicles furnish an array of talking points not found on any other vehicles. Others will tell you that tlieu's Is .Htst an good as ''Villi Brunt's.?' You liavo been up ug.4ln.it these "Just OS good" thing before. Call aroiitid and see me; my slim ments are not mere assertion, "but facts." Preparations for the anntwl street fair anil carnival are In evidence. Portions of the big entrance -arch. -which lies done duty for the List two e:irs, were hauled to First avenue and Pearl street yesterday r'iidy to be placed In position. Work will b; commenced on the booths and other structures next week. J. J. Clifton, who conducts a grocery store at 3221 Avenue. U, Is preparing to launch "The Itixister," a purittcnUon In tended as the oftlflul organ of the Improve ment clubs of the city. The first Issue Is scheduled to make its appraraiice August 24. For the present Mr. Clifton says the paper will lie published twice a month, but If the patronage warrants It the publica tion will be weekly. Mrs. Carrie Jensen filed an Information in tho superior court yesterday charging John Halle with Hssiultlng her stin. Halle gave Iwiid for Ins appearance .Saturday morning. Hallo admits giving the lad a thrashing, but asserts , he was Justified. The boy. he alleges, behaved .Indecently before his nnd other little children In tha neighborhood, and when he caught him at 11 he administered the thrashing. . Come up to Fairmount park next Tues day night and enjoy yourselves with 8.000 others who will be there. The- women of the Creche will turn the beautiful hillside and velvet lawn into a setting of brilliance and natural splendor, where the Jolly char acters of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" will step forth und weave and untangle the many laughable situations und mishaps that befell them In the Athe nian forest. Beautiful music will be ren dered during the evening by tbe orqhestra and from the present outlook no better open air performance has ever been given, and surely In no more beautiful spot. The. women have arranged to serve refresh ments and special arangemeiits have been made for several box parties. lEFFERT'S tlWlSH.11 n-,- - The Only Perfect DOUBLE VISION LENS. COME IN AND SEE THEM. EXPERT OPTICIANS. 400 Broadway. SCAVENGER WORK I haul dead animals, H 00 per .head. Garbage, ashes, manure and alt rub blsh; clean vaulta and cesspools. AU work done Is guaranteed. Calls promptly attended t0 'Phone. Red 1173. J. H. SHERLOCK Every Woman t"CSr-V. uiuifrniia ana tnoain know MARVEL Mhirilna .nrJ I Tbe new ImI iFrw . IIUSSSII .turllKH. lMnt-Sf lltl.mil uUyt 1 ODfaninL Pthet, but nrvi namD for full lrticrtlrnd .1trv-flrr. i f Bt Bale By HERMAN - McCUNNi.Lt, DRUfJ Tfl 1th ana Dodge 8t. MYERB-D1LL1N DRUti CO.. ; t. B. Cor. lllta tu4 -araajn ta. " C: t "ia a r i rA -"t VXlf'a ... . i ... i IT 1 n