THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 0, 1906. Telephone Douglas 618. There are still a few of the pretty lawn we are closing out at less than half price. Bargains In white lawn waists lit 9Sc, fl.i. SI. 4 and O CT. : New Fall Suits Kvcry day arMi to our ansnrtmrnt of new fnll suits, good and choir styles for your early selection. Separate skirts, m.-ide by the very best 'tailors In New York, perfect fitting gar ments, altered and fitted by our expert fitters. All the spring weight conts at one-half the regular prloe. The new fall plaid Mill waists are now on exhlhltlon. !. Another Gown .Opportunity for Thursday. There are many who have supplied them selves from these speciwl salt's nnd saved ' money. Tomorrow' will be a day of greater value than any previous sale from this de partment. Read the offerings. Women's gowns of line nainsook, made with round neck nnd short sleeves, pretty trimmings of lace and embroidery. Regu lar prices. $1.60 and 11.75. THURSDAY S TRICE, Jl EACH. Drawers. Drawer of fine lawn cloth, extra well h-nde, perfect fitting, pretty trimming of embroidery with lace edging. SPECIAL, PRICE THURSDAY, G5C EACH. Mid-Summer Clearing Sale of Men's Summer Union Suits. Commencing Thursday morning every men's union suit In the house will be marked at a greatly reduced price. The jest makes only are represented In this lale. You will do well to lay In your next ummer's supply at these low prices. COUNCIL FORCES THE CUT Befnsea to Eanotion Engineer's Appoint ment! in Pnblio Worki Departments. LARGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYES DROPPED Engineer Says Action Will J Bad for City, but He Cannot Get Around It Without Fonda. The city council nt an adjourned meeting yesterday afternoon refused either to con firm or temporarily sanction employment of the asphalt repair, sewer and inspection forces working under the cty engineer. Engineer Rosewuter, announced that he would not take the responsibility of keep ing the men at work and that he "would discharge the' entire number Thursday morning. He said this would disorganize his department, scatter expert, foremen and workmen and perhaps cause the city serious daemage and loss to sewers, but this had no effect on the council, which clung to Its determination to defer action on the appointments one week. The engineer said he Understood his re tention of the office and filing of a new bond and oath made reappointment and confirmation of all the employes designated Imperative. Many of them he requested be kept on the payrolls only until Septem ber 1 and 15, In order that new men might work with old hands to get properly ac quainted with the various kinds of work they are to perform. Mr. Roscwater ex plained that more than two weeks ago he asked for a conference with the mayor and councilman to discuss appointments and other matters, but that scant attention had been paid to the request. Ordinance In Shelved. At the engineer's request Zlmman Intro duced an ordinance seeking to permit asphalt and sewer department employes ft present In the service to remain temporar ily, but the council laid the document on the shelf. The ordinance ordering the paving of . South Twenty-fourth street with Purlngton brick block was passed. ElsaBser brought In a resolution proposing ff err 771 Food Purity raaohaa perfeotlon In Ltebtg Company's Extract of Baef. It Is prepared from tha finest cattle, under the strictest sclentlflo supervision, by special prooesses which ensure the conden sation of all the rich strengthening Juices of beef. Don't expect the cheap meat extracts to be pure. They could not be at their price ) there Is more beef and bettor beef In Lleblg Company's Extract than In any of the Im'tatlona. The Ueblf CsaBanyi aula aslneas Is Um aunatacture si keel extract; It Is ast a y-predoct with then, as wlla ethers, All the best cuts f sect are csacentratea la their extrsct: that la way It Is as clUcadeai ts Uw kltc-hrs mat to ttrtnathenlni la ft alckraosi. U MUST have THIS slgnatu la blue, or It's not genuins Famous for 40 years as the most m j mm !ww lAvai iv, u 3gg Li OMAHA to MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 'The Short Line to Minneapolis." : ACCOUNT NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT. G. A. R. Tickets on sale August 11 12 and 13. Longj'Eeturn Limit. Leave Omaha, 8:00 a. m.; Arrive Minneapolis, 6:50 p. m. Leave Omaha, 8:30 p. m.; Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. rn. Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepers. City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Ctv, Omaha White Lawn Shirt at $2.48, Worth. $6.50. Men's' union " sutts,' blue fibbed cotton, regular $1 qutllty, REDUCED TO 7SC A SUIT. " Men's union suits, ecru ribbed cotton, reg ular 11 quality, '.'.'" . . REDUCED TO 75C A 8UIT. , Men's union suits, ecru ribbed lisle, reg ular $1.60 quality, REDUCED TO $1 A $UIT. . Men union sulfa, pink ribbed lisle, reg ular $1.50 quality, REDUCED TO 1 A ill'IT. Men's union suits, white ribbed lisle, quarter or long sleeves, regular $1.60 quality, REDUCED TO ' A SUIT. . Men's union suits, ecru or blue mercer ised yams, very fine and soft, regular $2 and $2.50 qualities, . . REDUCED TO $1.25 A SUIT. Men's union suits, finest Imported lisle thread, regular $4 quality, REDUCED TO $2.75 A 8U1T. Men's union suits, pink ribbed Isle, reg ular $3 quality, REDUCED TO $2 A SUIT. - Many, of our customers look forward to this sale with great Importance. Do not put off buying, as a rapid selling soon breaks the line of sizes. Come early. Main floor. Material for Men's Negligee Shirts. ' Of. these .materials we have a very fine assortment. People wfio are looking for more exclusive designs than can be had in the ready-made (Shirts will be pleased to find what they want among our Shirtings, besides the big saving In price. We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. "-f i in -i nil rjmdLdwiikm or 'i Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. to ask the presence of Edward Bosewater, G. M. Hitchcock and Mel Uhl at the gen eral committee meeting Monday to help solve the telephone question. Elsasser said he wUhed to avoid "roasting" by the newspapers and wanted to get the assist ance of editors and publishers of the ilaily papers In advance, so as to prevent, If possible, criticisms of the council's action In the matter. Zlmman opposed the resolu tion, saying that while the advice of editors rfnd all other good citiiens was desired by the council, the resolution for the purpose Elsasser named Was uncalled for. It was voted down. Its author alone supporting it. The council completed proceedings neces sary to condemn nnd remove a lot of old buildings which Building Inspector Wlthnell has put under the ban. These are the first structures to be ordered torn down by the city In three years. Wires have been strung In the council chamber In an effort to better the acoustic properties. ' They did not seem to render much Improvement. DEATHREC0RD - Edmund Barrett. ' . Edmund Barrett died at 6 o'clock Wednes day morning at his home, 1920 South Elevt enth street, of ailments Incident to old age, at the advanced age of $4 years. Mr. Barrett was a native of County Carney, Ireland, and had been a resident of Omaha since 1864. He was well known and es teemed In Omaha. He was the father of Mrs. D. C. Rowden of the city hall force. Theodore Ronstnn. PARIS, Aug. 8 Theodore Roustan, former French minister at Washington, died today. HYMENEAL Siulth-lai lea. LOGAN. la., Aug. 8. (Special.) The "mar riage of Attorney Tom C. Smith of Logan and Essie May Davies occurred at the home of the bride's parents In Cehterville on August 1. Both young people are well ! known In Ixgan, where they will resile. No New Trial for Krtmniiria. TIERRE, S. D., Aug. 8. (Special. Tele grom.) The supreme court today, in an opinion by Haney, affirmed the lower court In denying a new trial to Halden C. Ed munds, sentenced from Clay county on a charge of manslaughter DGBD C0MPAI1Y3 EXTRACT OF DEEF concentrated form of beef goodness. VIA mrwmmw9m i "' m mmm Bp, Aug. 8, 1906. Waist Suils shirt waist suits, which a-1nch Percales at 12V4e and 15c a yard.. 32-Inch Printed Woven Madras, 15c a yard. 32-Inch fancy weaves In Printed Madras, at 18c, oc, "c and 36c per yard. 32-Inch Imported Oxfords at 26c per yard. 82-Inch Madras, woven colors, at "5c per yard. 82-Inch Imported Madras, woven colors, at 30c and 35c per yard. 82-lnch Finest Imported English Madras, made by the Tootle-Broadhurst-Lee com pany, Great Britain, at 40c, 60c and 0c per yard. , 32-inch 811k Madras at 60o per yard. 32-inch Mercerised Madras at 40c per yard. "Sotsettes,"- In plain white, erru and cream-colored, at 2Cc per yard. Mercerised "Togo," new cross-barred weave, In cream, at $oc per yard In Base ment. Interesting Prices from Infants' Wear Department. All the thlldren's Colored Madras and Gingham Dresses, all the Wash Hats and Bonnets now selling at HALF PRICE. French Dresses for 2, t and 4 years, made of India linen, tucks and embroidery; full skirts were $1.60, now $1.00 each. Wash Hats at 26c, 60c, TSc and $1.00 each were 60c, $1.00. $1.60 and $2.00. Children's White Pique and Linen Coats to close at $1.00, fl.CC, $1.75 and $2.50 each. Fancy Caps were $5.00, reduced to $2.76 each. Fancy Caps-fwere $4.00, reduced to $2.00 each Main Floor. - ry ih wan v4A . CHANGES IN RUSSIAN CABINET Fremier Stolypin . Asks Czar to Approve ' Vanilelikoff as Minister of Agriculture. COURT-MARTIAL FOR DUMA . MEMBERS Government Will Attempt' to' Execute H. Onlpko far Alleged Com plicity In Mutiny at ' Cronstadt. BT. ,- PETERSBURG, Aug. 8.-Premier Stolypin has gone to Peterhof to secure the emperor's approval of the appoint ments of Prince Vassilchikoff as minister of agriculture, M. Flloesofoff as minister of commerce and M. Iswolsky, brother of the foreign minister of commerce, as pro curator general of the holy' synod. '.The JRoela, Premier Stolyptn's orgart,. ext plaining today the failure of Count Heyden and others to enter the cabinet, says that the emperor does not ' recognize the prin ciple 'of the responsibility of the ministry and therefore declines to permit candidates for portfolios to dictate terms, probably remain In office. Prince Vassilchikoff Is a marshal of the nobility of Novgorod. M. Filossofoft was controller of the empire under Count Wltte. M. Iswolsky Is now assistant minister of education. The Bourse Gazette today announces that Papus, the spiritualist, 'who Is said to have had great influence over the em peror, has gone abroad for medical treat ment, as his nervous system Is shattered by the press revelations. ' According to one paper. Pa pus gave fifty seances to the emperor, receiving $25,000 as compensation. Court-Martial for Duma Member. M. Onlpko. the pleasant member of the la,e Parliament, who was' captured red- nanaea at Cronstadt after . the mutiny there, will be tried, It la seml-offlclally an nounced, according to the rules of war for Inciting and participating In an armed revolt; the penalty for which is death. The authorities are convinced that they have a good case against M. Onlpko and hope that It will Involve several other prominent extremists In . the late Parlia ment to such an extent as to prevent their re-election to any future Parliament. The ministry already. Is beginning a far reaching compalgn preparatory to the election of a more traoable parliament In December. The ministers Insist on a pro gram that will consist,. of the promulga tion of definite reforn and the nomina tion of candidates who will represent these Instead of letting! the elections go bv de fault, as was the-case fn the defunct as sembly. They disclaim al Intention of at tempting to throttle public sentiment, but It Is understood that their first step was taken through the police, who were asked 10 report on the possible candidates for seat.. governmental Cabinet TV.. niaenaara Famine. of the Cabinet todav ...c Tcicii i,i me caoinet today was tiKvuiea 10 measures or famine relief, which j is recognised as one of the most urgent problems in the administration, as well as j being an eloquent campaign argument. It . was decided to recommend to the emperor j an additional credit of $;7,50O,O00 In addi tion' to the $7.wm.0)0 voted by Parliament J for this use. $25.000. noo of which sum is to prrtvlde food and employment ot keep the stricken population from starvation and the remainder for the purchase of seed grain. Among the public works recommended are the construction of florid embankments, v ports and old Improvements on the Volg.i on which the unskilled labor In the chlf famine districts could be employed and for whlrh $550,0(10 was voted at the recnin mend.itlon of Premier Stolypin. The cshl net also , voted to. extend the "state of extraordinary , reinforced security" to all districts of the empire where the semi annual limit Is about to expire. The official telegraph agency tonight re ports the formation at Teks.terinoslav of a reactionary organisation whose purpose Is to exact life for life for every official killed by the revolutionists. The murder of ex-Deputy Hersei-fcteln 'is an example of this procedure. The agency also reports an encounter between police and workmen at Kostroma during whlrh 'Cossacks were summoned and dispersed the crowd with a volley. No mention of the casualties Is made. Dictator Rumor llrnled. The offl.-lal telegraph agency has Issued an authorised statement declaring the state ment published by the Novoe Vrernya that the emiror intends to placs Grand Duk, Nicholas Nicholalevltch In Immediate com. mand ot the whole army to be devoid of all foundation. Quirt al Moscow. MOSCOW, Aug. l-Tue strike here vir tually la ended. RATES IP T0 TOE SHIPPERS E ail way OommiMlon Kow Waits on Bay and Eton" Quarry Men. ORGAN GRINDERS ARE GETTING RICH Folios Arrest Tkera for Making Their Monkeys Dance OTSrtims Woxnaa !':!. - .-. ' a- for Msr us'band and Her Slstsr. (From a Staff Correspondent.)" DK8 MOINES, Aug. 8."(Specla!.) If the' 'farmers and stone quarry men of Iowa desire any cheaper rates on stone and hay thrjiv must make their wants known to the State Railroad com mission. -. Commissioner N. 8. Ketchum re cently conducted fin investigation on the stone and hay . business lo ascertain why so many stone-Slurries 'are Idle1 and why so much hay 1 allowed to rot In the field. - He tilts not concluded his Investi gation but Is -Coming to- the beMef that It fs t be freight 'rates. - In spite of the fact that tnany newspapers of the state pub lished 'the fact that he;, was Investigating the matter the stone men and farmers have shown no Interest In the ijubjcct. Un less they do It Is .quite likely that noth- ing may pe aone. , -- Organ Ortnaers Btch. Two . Italian organ grinders.. Who came to this city from St. Joseph, Mo., were arrested today by the humane officers on the charge that lhu Italians were liter ally' dancing their monkeys to death to make t them" a ' ltvtngi ' When the men were taken' to 1 the" police ' station It was discovered that 'one of ' them' in the two days ho had been ln',Des' Moines had taken In $T9.81'and that ' the other had taken in $70. ' Further evidence was dis closed tht tne'. men during their stay in St. Joseph had collected about $200 each which they had sent to. relatives In Italy, starting in broke In pes, Moines. The humane authorities watched the men and discovered ; that' they kept their monkeys dancing team. early morning to 10 o'clock last night and ascertained from -persons ac quainted -with : animals that the monks could not UVe.! longer! than two months un der such' treatment. When 'the heavy, gaudy oeverfngs Were taken ' from the monkeys It was discovered -that hey were nothing .but ;kini.'anAj bones and nearly worn out nof.; ;( ., Iowa Fsopl Wed. The county clerk .'office In this city did a rushing business today in marriage licenses for people living elsewhere In the state. Licenses ' were issued to C. Whltcomb and Gertrude Phelps of Atlantic; Harry Schoon over and Eva Halterman of Adelphi; J. F. Mutld and Miss Jessie Pearl Darr of Polk City; H. C. Grossheck of Lorlmer, la., and Miss Henrietta Foster of East Peru, and Fred Kale and Annie Link of Wlnterset. Bants Eloping Sister. , Mrs. Arthur Munnel of Newton is in this city searching for her hUBband rfnd her 15-year-old sister, whom she asserts eloped together. She suspects they are In hiding In this city. Murine!, Is 25 years old and Miss Zena Muriel 8mith, his wife's sister, is 15 years old. Munnel dressed himself as a woman and left home with the girl aqd at Colfax, It is susposed, changed his rai ment to that of a man.' Mrs. Munn1 had suspected the elopfment and had taken measures to preveni'lt, but in vain. She has offered a reward of $60 for their arrest. Examine fire ' Insurance. Arthur Hawkhurst, who- has charge of the fire Insurance -business of the Marshal Field company in' Chicago,' today appeared .before,, the Iowa, Insurance commission and gave evidence from, the standpoint of the Insured. He Is thi first of the witnesses on fire Insurance. Officials of" the various fire Insurance companies of the state will appear before the commission from day to day. The investigation of life insurance, both old line and fraternal, Is now about concluded., Omaha Man Arrested. William Moore, a young colored man who claims Omaha as his home, was arrested and taken before Justice Hlnie today on a charge of vagrancy. He pleaded not guilty and asserts he was on his way to the Ep worth league Chautauqua When arrested. Ills hearing has been set for next week. Clgare.tte Tisnd to Xnoxvllle. The firBt cigarette fiend to be sentencpd to Knoxville to the Iowa Inebriate asylum wag sentenced today by Judge James A. Howe of the Polk . county district court. Marion Marsh, a,.youth, was given the sentence. He Is also' addicted to the use of cocaine. Petitions Out, for Cook. T - Petitions are being circulated in Mont- gomery county In. .the interest, of R. E. Cook of that county as an Independent can didate for representative. . The petition is to get Cook's name on the ballot. He will run in opposition to' Representative Jones of Villlsca, who has been renominated. SIES FOR WIFE'S AFFECTIOSS la it a Man Values Them at .'Ten Thousand Dollars. OSCEOLA, rla., Aug. .MSpecial.)-J. C. Prance, formerly a merchanL. at Lacelle, south of here, wants Charles Trembly, mar ried, and a farmer,- to pay him $10,0uo for stealing Mrs. Prance's love and affections. The original notice of the suit has been served 'upon Twombly by the sheriff and it Is expected that the p'etltlori when placed on file will be filled with .-sensational charges. "Mrs. Viola Prance, the woman In the case, is still In Lacelle, and It is charged that It was during Prance's absence In the south after he closed his business at La celle that Twombly became Intimate with her. Prance charges that he discovered the state of affairs upon his return home and that he then consulted an attorney and de cided to commence the action.. BHAKEMAN THROWS FROM TRAIN t'nconsrlODS nnd May Die from Injuries. WEBSTER CITY. 'la.. Aug. 8 (Special Telegram.) Tramps on a fast freight train slugged Brakeman A. Wilson of Ames and threw him from the moving train south of this city this morning. Wilson is likely fatally Injured. He has not regained con sciousness since being picked up. The tramps have not been apprehended. Hnriclars Honnd I'p n Town. " WEBBTER CITT, la., Aug. t-Spepla! Telegram.) Two robbers sacked the town of Kamrar, south of this city, last night. All the larger stores of the town were entered, together with' several residences. No general booty wss tsken, only the To Tired to Eat? 8 Brace up an Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason' MBftliiBUasIiaMlal I ii s lii1" i hi i I cmu t ton Arrow Cl ! Hhrnnk,4rttr Bis peeo Shrank, Uiirtit Size COLLARS C Lt'KTT, PKABOD1 A. CO. Vskert of shim sna Collars. A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy forever. DR. T. Felix Oouraud'e Oriental Cream or Magical Beautlfler. lUmnTM Tan, rirnpi, Frrrklw, Moth Pitclio. Ikub, and tkla Dlara. sis ana tvery Ditmi.B I on fomutv, and n f 1m OMKtlca, II dm stood tne l?t of 67 vara, an4 la eo harmlr! w taatf it tnbeturall ta pmpfrljr ma'ia Accapt noeatnur frit of almllai name. Ir. L. A Pavra aala to I lady of (at ban ton (a patient!: " At you ladief Will DM thro. 1 racnmmeDf fJosrstid'a Cream' a ih tst harmful of all tin kin rrnra'loni." For aale I y all ilrnrita aid Fanfy Ooodi lralcra In tb United btatea, Canxla and Europe FEMLT. HOPKINS, Pram 37 Greet Jonn Strat Kowkl cash drawers being rifled. Not over U.OjO was secured. There Is no clue. Infant Severely Injnrerl. WEBSTER CITY, la., Aug. 8.-(8peclal Telegram.) The year-old son of Richard Johnson ran In front if ft mower this morn ing. The machine was driven by Ills 10-year-old brother. The knife severed one leg and cut the other so badly he may lose It. Iowa Niwi Notes. ADEI Fire of a mysterious origin de stroyed the J. W. Klrtley restaurant and the building In which the business was conducted. The loss will aggregate 1 isoo, fully Insured. Incendiarism is suspected. GRCNDY CENTER A Are supposed to have been started by a drunken prisoner lighting his pipe, consumed part of the county Jail here Inst night. The fire started about ten minutes after the Intox icated man had been consigned to a cell. He was released Just In time to prevent his being burned alive. AMES-Mr. C. Larson, associated pro fessor In dairying at Iowa State college, has been elected to fill the chair of dairy husbandry in Utah Agricultural college, where he will have full charge of the dairy herd and the manufacturing side. Prof. Larson came to this country a poorboy from Denmark, unable to speak a word of English, and has gradually worked his way up to his present position. He has had great, success at the state college. CEDAR RAPIDS-Wesley Shaffer, a German farmer aged 55, was arrested yes terday, charged with the murder of his wife. The woman's body was found at the head of the stairs lying In a pool of Mood. Shaffer said she had fallen down stairs and killed herself and that he had carried her up. No blood could be found at the foot of the stairs, however, and the man was arrested. The couple have twelve children, who testified that their father was a man of violent temper and had frequently threatened to kill their mother. RAIN DID IT, SAYS FLYNN Heavy Waihonla Street Commlnloner's Rrmon for Larue Expend! tares ou Thoroughfares. Inaccuracies In transcribing figures ob tained from the comptroller's . office have conspired to give Street Commissioner Flynn the worst of It inj.he statement that he spent (10.000 In his department during a month and a half tenure of office. .Instead of 110,000, the actual amount was under $7,000. This Is somewhst heavier than the usual average, but la explained by the exceptional rainfall during July, causing repeated washouts and slides, which re quired Immediate repairs and often the doing of the same Job over and over again. Commissioner Flynn's records .are kept in detail and -back up his statements thnt street repair money has not been expended with an unduly lavish hand. He has an nounced that he will run the department on the most economical lines compatible with efficiency and feels that he has been unjustly nttacked before a sufficient op portunity was .given Ym to prove up. The monthly reports to the engineer have been prepared In detail and will be furnished as required by the ordlifcinces. The failure to make the report for June and July Is accounted for by the fact that this duty had been performed by William Coburn, who retired from the office in June, and the matter overlooked by the - new regime, OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Only Slight Increase In Marketing of Hogs Compared with Prerlons Week. CINCINNATI, O., Aug. 8.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Price Current says: The move ment of hogs to market centers was on a rather liberal scale. Total western pack ing was 470,000 head, compared with 46,0OO the preceding week nnd SjO.OOO last ?oar. Since March 1 the total Is ll.lW.OOO- head against 10.430.Ooo a year ago. . Promlneut places compare as follows; lfmr,. i!Vti. Chicago 2,445.(MO 2.3S5.000 Kansas City l.S-ifi.noO 13.S6.taO South Omaha l,150,om l,060,iX St. Louis 7RH.O0O 746,000 St. Joseph 877.000 S'JO.OOo Indkanapolls fOl.tA) 4S8.000 Milwaukee 4l,Oft 326.900 Cincinnati 2M,twO ii',fi.a) Ottumwa 272.000 223.000 cedar Rapids 2i.k) jns.oun Sioux City 47S.iO 46i.0i Hi Paul 381.miO 3S6.WO Cleveland 248.000 260,000 Flailing and tmnplna Hairs to Madi son Lake, Watervllle and Blyslan, Miss, Via t'klcaajo Great Western. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for ten days. Tickets on sale dally until Sep. tember 30. - For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill, Q. A., 1512 Farnam Ut. FlsIO GOKS l FIRVAS CO I STY t'nable to Agree, However, on Candi date for Governor. . BEAVER CITY, Neb.. Aug. S.-(3pertal Telegram.) The democratic and populist conventions were held here today. The conventions were held neparately, but con ference committees from each made ar rangements whereby but one ticket wss nominated. The following nominations tye re made, which received the endorse ment of both conventions: County stior ney, C. M. Kelley, democrat; representa tive. Andrew Denjamln, populist: commis sioner. John Ronenfeldt, populist. The populist convention' passed resolu tions against passes and railway owner ship of mines and In favor of electing I'nlted States senator , by direct vote, and expressed Its preference for Berge for governor, W. li. Thompson for I'nlted States senator end Bryan for president. The democratic convention passed no resolutions, but instructed Its state dele gation to vote for Shallenbcrger for gov ernor. Ram's Horn Dies Suddenly. NEW YORK. Aug. S --Rum's Horn, s 4-year-old colt bv Bute-Aunt Tesaa. winnrr of this year a .-5.'i0 HrlarMnn handicap and I of Inn yenr's Crescent t'lly d-rby at New Orleans, died lud.y in his stall at Uravts- 3 t 3 r FIRE SALE at A 75 Per Cent Reduction on Our Stock Slightly1 ; : Damaged by Smoke Only. Our great -fire pnle still continues and each day wo put oiit new bargains nt greater reductions, to'dccrVnse our stocj before fall. For Thursday we. havo arranged some extra specials that will not last long, so come early Thursday and take advantage of our sale specials. Choke ot'$2,$ft, $1 mid ft waists at, uprrlnl . . .'. .'. . . .'.".-.'r7V- Choice of any Wash Skirt lit the store, worth tip to M.TMV. .". . ,f l.PH NOTICE $7.r0, S10, $12 mid 1S Wool Skirts, choice. . .ff.l (These are the hlgRpst skirt values ever offered In Omaha." ' Wash Suits and Dresses All our stork that sold for 91JVOO ndM ' $20.00, at . . , . . .'.'. . .$.1.0 , Silk Sultfl All color, $:W.OO values . . . .$!.t8 Fall Rult New, swanRer nnd mannish, $.1.1.00 values . , , .$7lo $4.1.00 Fur .Inrkr-ts, box and hlouse effects .$14.08 $05.00 Near Seal Jackets fancy lining , .$24.08 We haven't room to quote prices on all our,, stock but ererj article in the store Is marked below cost. . . S. FREDRICK BERGER & CO. Authorities on Style v Tha Nw Cloak Shop. In Our Fifteen' Years J ' of business we have helped 2,500 persons to secure their homes. Many of these' have rah! out In full and secured the re lease of our m'orfirates; others are paying ' off their, debts and will soon be "out of - the woods." If you want a home and have something . to start with, call and see . . THE LARGEST AND STRONGEST SAVINGS SOCIETY IN OMAHA. Kasonrocs ..... $1,840,000.00 The Conservative Savings and ''.,.;, Y -.' loan'Ass'n, '' lo South' Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska, end race track of Inflammation of the bow els. Ram's Horn had been ailing ever since the Brighton handicap and was too 111 to he whipped to Saratoga, where he was entered In the richest stakes: '; HUSBAND KEPT LATE HOURS Basis on Wblrta Woman Asks District Court to Free Her from Marriage Yoke-. The . beginning , of the trouble between Blonda Richardson and Francis, M. Rich ardson was the .fact that he stayed out very late night after night, according to heir petition tor divorce filed Wednesday in district court. .. . His... actions, she said, aroused grave suspicions In her mind us lo his conduct and caused her great meiitAl and physical .pain. When she asked him about his staying out late. and why he did it he got angry, she says, took all the money In the trouss n-left1ieipenrrlless. Some tiroe later she fpund. ,h!m at .Good land,' Kan., and. went to. htm, .with the ex pectation of . a reconciliation, bu he up braided her for coming and so . she re turned to her home in South Omaha, and has not lived with him. .since. They were married In South Omaha October M, 18S'J. Clara Robinson, wants a divorce from Francis A. Robinson, on the grounds of unfaithfulness. She saya he deserted htr for another woman, but afterward they were reconciled. and lived together again. July 19, 1B06, she declares, h struck her, arid since then she has. not lived with him. She wants the custody, of. their child. Sloop "Effort Wins "first Baoe. NEWPORT. R: I.. Aug i-F. M. Smith's little sloop 'Effort won today's race for the King's cup. --The new - schooner Queen, owned bv J. Rogers Maxwell, led the fleet at the finish, put lost the race by nine sec onds on tirtte" allowance.' ' The name of the Kffort nnd Its owner will be the first to be Inscribed ort."lTie' trophy presented to the New York YalU..Club by, King Edward yil. What thec Best r Beer ts Made Of Procesa pf Leading American Drewery .-. Is tbeStfMdar4 of Excellence. , In the brewing of beer, as in the manu facture of other products, there Is a stand ard of ecce.lenx:ev , Thlg, standard , Is the Pahst exclusive process, and the recognised superior of tall beers,'' Ih cleanness, purity, food value 'and refreshlM. natlsfylng taste, is PaJst. 9Ut laibbon Befcr.. , It may be true that some, brewers cheapen the cost of production and thereby lower the quality of fhelr product, by use of In ferior lngixdlonts, but -Pabst Blue Ribbon' Beer is brews! from, the purest, beat 1 in gredients that money, c,n buy or produce, the ingredient which are essential to the production of the bent beer. These In gredients . are ..the choicest. Imported hops, pure water and Pshst exclusive elght-diiy, malt, grown i from the, nest selected bar ley by the' Pabst exclusive method of sloW growth.' ' ' Malt grown by .the 'rushed four-dsjr' method, the . usual aiethod In breweries, is Inferior malt because Ih the unnatural development of the' larley It's vital food elements are thrcwn off and lost. "Pabst,'" as one eminent scientist has S4M, ."retain a. al! the nourishment of the grain In his ex clusive e(gtit-day process of making malt and therefore Pabst Blue- Ribbon -Beer Is the richest- weli as the cleanes beer In the worldV' Knowing these things to be true we can recommend Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer as the cleanest, purest, most satisfying and most healthful b,er.. byewed.the beer- that Fhnuld be kejt In the home. PABST BRttWlSfG CO. Pkone Doug. 70 1307 I.eaenworth Street, Omaha, Nek. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer WHEN' ORDEnlNa AsK FOH PABtl .d-E.ANLINE.SS" 1 the watchword for health and vigor, coin, fort and beauty. Mankind is learning not only tha necessity but the luxury of rlean bnesa. S A POLIO, which has wrought such changes iq the home, announces hti iter triumph r HMD SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH i special aop.,a.hicht)ergiie the whole body,starts the circulation and leaves an sxhllarsliog glow. A lirirt and druffUtt, i czzi c Li W. .2' P s 1517 Farnam Straat. crrr IF YOU ARE A GOOD INDIAN . you should. "get l,n 'on' .. tills' ?iie, It Is down ta $12.00 now and, won't go any lower; $12.00 buys any $30.00 suit In tha 'atore blacks and blues excepted. ' Sale can't last but a few days longer, because all the goods will Boon be gone. MacCARTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. 304-306 Bontk llzteenta Street, . 'Phone 1808. - i Next Door to Wabash Ticket Ofllee,' rTlHH ingredients Jiof v Ston Beer are the best obtainable.! Barley malt made a from al the choicest' grain grown In the west.( t Bohemian hops Imported direct at three times. the cost of American 1 hops. Is Arte sian waterpi pura and sparkllng.lfrom a 1,400 foot welll. iTha high qualltyjjoflthese Ingre dients greatly. Increases tha costf )of making Ston BoerAYet you fiay no than fot commonXbeer Always order(StoralBeei,.at Qet q u a I llt'y 0 a your moneyajworth.' i fj Bloni Brewlnf; Co .. Omaha.i B! MS w a m mmmWsB :'".fc ' AM'SKMBNTS. LAKE MANAWA SPECIAL'' TONIGHT -l RAG TirJlE BY NORDIN'S BAND FRIDAY Venetian Carnival 'and Pain's Fireworks. " Harney and Itfth 8ts. Itione poug. iBb. Tonignt-at A13. Oaman Concert 7,45. ALL STAR VAUOBWILLE- Best show of thef season Is pn this ares Mme. Kmmy's wonderful fox terriers, gfeateat dug-art fn vaudvlll; William, Nyindnm. . iti ,tl(:rhhrpa, SVinler - Bummerf;: PaOlm t ourt ney, ;i',Tie Acrobatic Brtrg4ai s," bijou Btut'k t'o. In "Barbara "l I'upalar J rlces-loc, '4t jjfij. " INDIVIDUAL CIIICKEII rlE I.IKE MOTHER VBKT) TO MAKE TIH-'BSPAY DINNER AT i ISfj'e CALUMET