Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
L'lfE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1906. SPECIAL I10TICES will ke takes 111 13 m. for the 4IUa ill p. m. for Rates 1 1-Se vrerg Brat Insertion, la a war thereafter. Joining taken far leas thnn Oe for ha flrat lnf tlaa. These advertisements must ran (-oasecattvcly. Advertisers, liy rrqnrstlns a nam bereri rkcrk, can have tiantn ml dressed to a nnmbered Inter In vara af Tna Bra. Anawara ao addressed will ba delivered on preaentatloa at rhrck. MISCELLANEOUS 1906 FALL TERM BOYLES BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY OPKN8 TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. DAT AND NIGHT. New Catalog Free. Tel. Douglas 194. Ad drum H B. Boyles, President. Boylea Building, Omaha, Neb. R 70! OMAHA Bafe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, abutter, doors and safes. G. Andrten, prop., 102 8. 10th 8t. K 708 8ION PAINTING B. H. Cole, UOt Douglas. R-JU TUT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3530. It 710 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnnm. R 711 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1 N. Mlh. Tel. Doug. 1779. Rea. 'phone Doug. 7ul. R-712 EL8AS3ER & BRICE. Machinists, $17 South 12th St- Tel, 6837. K 71S TYPEWRITERS rented, il makes, 12.60. Fox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R-MJ67 Augl8 WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunk, suit casea and shopping bags. Old trunks taken in exchange. Repairing. FREL1NG It STEINLi;. 419 N. 16th St. 't'hone louglaa 95. R Mba Ag BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, home, business or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-M172 Ag31 BUY YOUR HOME ON TIffi EASY WAY PLAN. Pay for it by MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Will either buy or build for you. No money required until house Is ready for occupancy. Call or write for particulars. Agents, who can give good references, wanted in every city "and town In the state. W. G. Templeton, General Agent for Nebraska, Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. V-M3a2 FOR SALE OR TRADE Store building and residence combined: ten rooms on beat corner In Monroe, Neb., alito H.'OJ drug stock In same town; go well In above building. $20-aore ranch In Knox Co., Neb.; dwelling, barn, water, etc., 116 per acre, also good farms In Bun Homme Co.. S. D. and some small tracts near town and State Normal school. Large list sent on appli cation. George W. Snow, Sprlnfleld, B. D, Y M201 11 X 10-ROOM rooming house, full pf roomers; good location. Address u m, care of Bee. Y-714 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about (5.000 cash required; sales $22,u0u, profit $t,UU0. Address K. 47, Bee. Y-MotS Aufc-21 FOrt SALE A first class Job office with A-l newspaper plant In connection, pub 1 llshlng three papers In surrounding towns; Job type all new; doing good Dusiness; excellent reasons tor selling; located at Hastings, Neb. WrUe now, or come, as this snap will not lust long. Prlcss low. Address Box 616, Hastings, Neb. , Y-M14. FOR SALE A stock of general mer chandlse; Invoice about 126.000; In a good, prosperous soutn Dakota town: business last year over 170,000; best of reasons for selling. Address L 42, care or Bee. X M2B0 10 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any size. 1K18 Farnam Q-716 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint, bnerman Mcconnell Drug Co Omaha, W 716 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. Q-71 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of j. n. campoeu, tna man room. y u42 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns-wick-Balke-Collender, 407 B. luth St M-219 WE buy everything in the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 718 OFFICE FURNITURE. On two-drawer Besley - letter cabinet. Two tops for Globe-Wernicke cases. One leather seat chair. One letter press. One Hat top desk. One bookcase with three doors, about i feet high. Two oak pedeatala with base. Call for Mr. Wright, Bee office. Q 83! FOR SALE Steam house heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bae Bldg. Q-MU BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 720 FINE Minnesota ice for sale in carlots. A. O. Gilbert Co.. Council Bluffs. (J-M364 FOR SALE Furniture and carpets of 7 room house, in whole or in part, at a bargain; must go at once. $021 Marcy St. Q M222 x FINE upright piano at a sacrifice. No reasonable offer refused. Dealers need not apply. 1819 Davenport. Q M470 tx COMPLETE household effects; good stuff, well selected, almost new; 40 cents on $1; leaving city. Telephone 2600 IVuglus. Q M468 x QUICK; my fine cow, none better. Tele phone Douglas 2600. Q M467 13x GOOD riding and driving pony, also lino runabout and harness. 41$ N. 26th St. Q 48li PATENTS F. J. LaRSON & CO. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg... Omaha. Neb. -74 SHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-ul2 is. lotn Bt. 747 Patents procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat l In vestment Co., Douglas Blk., 16th A Dodge. M471 CONSULTING ENGINEERS I H GARDNER. 111 Hirst Nit Runic Power plants, manufacturing processes. Km la ma, ivaia, luapeciiuii, reports. M9I4 All WANTEDTO BUY WANTED To buy old feather beds and pillows. Address American Feather Co., uenerai delivery ana ouyer win ran. N-27 x WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, rarpets, clothing and anoea. fay tne Dest price Tel. Douglas rfii. jn hs tu WANTED TO BORROW 14.604) en Farnam St. property producing $1,200 per year. Address. L-14, Bee. V 48 XOx WANTED MALE HELP Omaha Commercial College FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 3. All departments Dv and night session. Write or rail for free souvenir catalogue. R01IRBOUGII BROS., Prop's., "Huh and Farnam Sis, Omaha. B 249 TV" A NTED C'lRar maker; S rollers and 0 bunch breikers: will pay the nm ot pries to go out of town; will send tickets. Address 11 12, car ot Bee. 1J 7:3 DRCO STORES bought nnd sold; drug cleiks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 6J4 N. l. I. B-724 MEN with teams to sell lln of medicines. Star Med. Co., C'linrles City. Ja. H-h'.'l augS.K WANTED Men to learn barber trade; tlio advantages we offer save years ot ap prenticeship; positions waltipg; top waes; the rush for barbers never so great; special offer now. Call or write Moler Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B MUS augnx CIVIL SERVICE-Want young mrn to pre pare. See Underhlll. 3320 North :4th. B M2S6 ougll TOVNf) MAN, Al references, to sell type writers on road. Address Kalling, i Farnam. B M424 augl WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at the Avery brink yard, two miles soutn of Albright; boarding house nt plant 13 M451 WANTED Good marble cutter; good wages; steady employment. uiiaea OMdca, Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B-M4.8 WANTED-For the U. S. marine corps. men between ages 21 and 3o; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation Bee poster In postofflce of any county seat In the state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting' office located therein. B-MMS S30x WANTED Car builders, repairers and truckmen. Cudahy racking ooum Omaha. B M40 A-10 PARTIES desiring to work Irk sugar fac tory at Lavltt. Nch., during tne coming campaign, which is expected to start September 15, will please tile appllcaJion now. The better positions will be as signed parties who file application prior to August 20, and later applicants will be assigned whnt may be left after that date. Address W. II. Ferguson, agent, Leavltt, Neb. B-M214 11 WANTED By old established manufactur ing and Jobbing house, five specialty salesmen to call on grocery and kindred lines; salary and commission. Only men of clean record need answer. Address O. H. D. 42 S. Water St., Chicago, III. B-M529 12 BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, young man, $50.00. Bookkeeper, wholesale house, young man, $ho.00. City wholesale man, young, neat appear ance, $46.00. Stenographer, railroad, $60.00. City bookkeeper, young man, $50.00 to $60.00. Hotel clerk, $26.00, board and room. First-class grocery clerk. $60.00. The above 1b a partial list of vacancies. Call or write us for complete list. Po sitions secured everywhere. WESTERN KEF. A BOND ASSN. (Inc.). 640-41-42 N. Y. Life. B-634 8 600 YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100; brakemen, $80 per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write for particulars at onoa. National Railway Training, Ass'n, HO Taxton block, Omaha, Neb. B M208 septl WANTED Five boys, good wages, per manent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. B M213 WANTED Two first-class tinners, with experience, on furnace work. Milton Rogers & Sons Co. B M232 BLACKSMITH, Iron worker, wire worker and boys 17 to 19 to learn iraae. Appiy at iron works, 611 8. istn oi. B-M269 17 WANTED Laborers for Illinois, Kansas Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, carpenters and helpers. Ed. Rothery's General In formation Bureau, ui o. I4tn. tao jix WANTED Clerk In retail cigar store, state age and experience; give name of previous employer. Aanress iu di nee. o WANTED Sober. Industrious German sDeaklne grocery clerk, must be a hust ler; good wages to right party; stato wages wanted. A. F. Grimm Co., Park- ston, S. D. k Milt tu CARPENTERS wanted. John A. Elnfnlt, Elkhorn, Neb. a M WANTED Good barber: steady Job, $10 per week. Address C. D. Arthurs, Corad Neb. B-M465 Sx WANTED Clerk In men's furnishing goods store; with or without experience; give reference. Address L, 52. Bee omce B-M463 8 WANTED Six bricklayers to work on col lege at Huron, 8. D. ; wages 65 cents per hour and fare. Apply to J. H. Nickel, Huron, 8. D. B-M461 WANTED Experienced man who has worked In wall paper store. n s. mil St. B-M479 i MACHINISTS wanted for light repair work, men Trom country towns pre ferred. 14th and Nicholas. R. ltumblo & Son. B 4 88 8 MEN To work In coal yard and drive teams; Sunderland Bros., 20th and Hickory. B 491 7 AN OLD LINE LIFE INSURANCE AGENT WANTED One with experleni, capable of writing business himself and managing men; salary and com mission. Address, Lock Box 162 5, Lin coln, Neb. B 4 84 13 PRINTER WANTED Good, rell 1 fis printer, to take charge of mechanKal department of well-equipped ami up- to-date country omce. oou town ""n low-living expenses. Will pay $18.00 per week. Answer quick. Address, L-63. Bee. B 4 80 7 ACTIVE man wanted to advertise, exhibit goods and manage branch of large mail order house; salary $18 per week, ex penses paid; permanent position with ad vancement; honesty more essential than experience. National Co., ?J) Chestnut St.. PhlladeJphla. Pa. B SALESMAN WANTED Experienced glass and queensware salesmen with established trade for Kansas and Nebraska to repre sent the largest queensware house In the west; give amount of sales and territory. Address Missouri Glass Co., St. Iouia, Mo. B 623 8 WANTED Good butcher and sausage, maker, married, German preferred, for country market near Omaha; good wages and gooii permanent position. Address L M. Bee. H M524 12x GOOD carpenter wanted. 29th and Popnle ton Ave. B M525 9x WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN WANTED One acquainted with the drug and dry goods trade and familiar with perfumes and toilet arti cles. Address L 36, care Bee. L M22$ 9 WANTED Hardware salesman; an ener getic young man with at least 5 years' experience. Address, with references, L 67. Bee, stating stlary expected. L 217 WANTED AGENTS WANTED Agents to represent us In the sale of our western Kaunas lands. Glebe Land and Investment Co., Omana, Neb., and Sioux City. Ia. J MI45J9 WANTED SITUATION WANTED By young woman, college Sraduato as office asistant or clerk Ad ress L 49. Bee A M3H7 x LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. Ju9 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. iti4 T9 A $28,000 deal Bee Want Ad in the direct cause. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E 7i Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E-728 Thurston hotel; rooms $1.60 up per week. FOR RENT 2 or $ beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Wondjnrd Art Co., 618 Broadway., Co. Bluffs. E-M126 CAPITOL HOTEL, Wth and Cnpltol Ave., soutn rront; rooms with or without nonra. E-71 FURNISHED room in new modern house. ZVH Douglas St. E- ONE large south room, modern, hot water neat im m (.a pPol A ve; e m.vji lax FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O.M.E.Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms cafe. r i.yi NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent board rates reasonable. The Rose, 2020 Harney St. F MOT A27x NICE cool airy rooms, close In, with home cooking. 202 B. 2olh St. F-M423 11 x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL, $ rooms; bath. Tixard. 220 N. 3a. u-Miji $15.00 Ijtrge room and bath, 15th and llarnev. steam heat. $20.00 Two corner rooms, 15th and Har ney, steam neat. N. P. DODO E A CO, 1714 Farnam. 0 48) TWO unfurnished rooms, close in, hot water heat, references. 414 N. Zain ft... G 485 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert rlano moving at lowest prices. lei. uougias ino. ovimn'iici oc Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 733 TTOTTQTT'C! In all parts of the city. R. IlUUOrjQ r p.t-r. & Co.. Bee Bldg. D 734 TTmTQTTQ In all parts of the city. The UUUOJliO o. F. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D 735 HOUSES, insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Bk. D 736 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, loll Farnam. Tel. Doug. Ko9. D 737 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 149ii. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D-73S See us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 739 CENTRAL, 4 or 5-room flats. Tliard, 220 N. i3d D Moll SEVERAL at $12 to $26. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming St. 'Phone Doug. 2040. D 740 414 S. 29th ST., T rooms, modern, $22.50. John N. Frenier. Opp. old P. O. D-M41S COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city. Immediate attention given. 1529-31-33 N 16th St. Tel. Douglas 4019. D M1S9 Ag31 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO.. household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. 'Phone 1062. 1106 Farnam. D M131 FOR RENT 10-room modern house 22d and Seward; inquire J. B. West 2123 Seward. D 466 8x HOUSES. $25.00 New -room flat, modern except furnace, 2902 Farnam St. 17,60 Good, 6-large-room flat, all mod ern except furance, 2706 Cuming Bt. 13.00 3413 Jackson, four room. 10.00 3207 N 2th Ave., four rooms. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam. D 482 ALL new, modern 7-room house, 2404 Burt St.. $35.00, apply H. B. Boyles. Boyles college. Office 'phone, Douglas 1894; residence, 2123 Burt; residence phone, 1721. S7 ALL MODERN 6-rooin house. 273 Cuming St. Inquire Rosenberg & Co., 24th and Davenport Bts. D M519 10x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha, Apply to manager. 1131 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tixard, 220 N. 23d. I Mo09 STORE ROOM for rent, 406 S. loth, Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 1618 Doug las. DESK room for rent. 544 Bee Bldg. I 4S3 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store wlih cement basement and good elevator; 1.07 Douglas. Building will be put in goud order at once, inquire at J-w uougias. John Llnder. I-MG23 ROOM 20x60. tear. 317 8. 15th St. 1859 WANTED FEMALE HELP A MILLION READERS waiting for this book, "Christian Endeavor in all Lands," by Kev. Clark, founder und president of Christian Endeavor; part of profit goes to Christian Endeavor fund; liberal terms. Send at once 25c for postage and receive agent's sample book free. Amer ican Publishing House, Sykes block. Min neapolis, Minn. C 632 Sx WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies for fall season; none other need apply. Address K n. Bee. C 4$1 WANTED Woman cook, $35 per month; must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Be. C M6 GIRL for general housework; good wsgos. 116 S. 36th St. C M406 WANTED A chambermaid at the Ureche, Nineteenth and Harney. C M472 9x WANTED Good plain cook at once, wages $7 a week. The Rose, Jj.1i Harney st. C-M477 9 WANTED Mangle Iris. City Steam C M404 8 Laundry, 211 So. lltli WANTED Some good Ironers and a good strong woman to help with washing. 2M3 Leavenworth. C M521 10 WANTED Shirt flnlfhor, lister and sorters and mangle girls. Model Steam Laundry. C 62o Sx WANTED At once, girl for three hours' work at noon, Young Women's Christian association. Paxton block. C 490 7 WANTED Experienced skirt, sleeve and coatmakers for autumn season. Call at dressmaking parlors, 4th floor. The John Beno Co.. Council Bluffs. C M4" i LOST LOST Gold brooch, in shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee ortlce. Lost il$7x IjOST Lady's rose gold brooch with small diamond and pearl settings. Reward for reiurn to Bee office. Lost 447 9x LOST Watch chain with charm attached; reward. Telephone Douglas-312. Iast 492 7x was closed a few days ago and a serted more than a month ago was Are want ads good investments? FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS. 7C flAO 132 f,rt square, f xorptlonslly J,VAA7 strong built building In whole sale district on a short spur K. R. track. CM A p $.1,150 buys comfortsble large house. 2utn St.. south of Leaven worth. Price reduced from $4.(XO by ownet, who has left Omaha and needs the money. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 7 rnrj Buys a pair of brick houses with ipl t jyjJ gruunu enough for two more; 28th south of Farnam; rental $S4o per year. i finfl Buvs 8-room house, furnace, bath, lP7,UUV barn, observatory, full lot on ridge, short distance from Joslyn residence; easy terms; SNw cash. 47 finfi Bur" splendidly built 8-room , UUU house; up-to-date; two beautiful lots; on a ridge Just south of Farnam. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. il J CO By 5-room cottage at south end ipl ?JJ Hanscnm park car; paving fully paid; rent $150 per year. SOUTH PART OF CITY. nnn Buys enough ground to divide ip7tJJJ into twenty-two lots Just at north end of South Omaha car. NORTH PART OF CITY. ' 90A Bu's new 6-room cottage; porce iPL.,.JJ lain bath, sewer, attic and cellar under whole house, on Wirt St. One block irom car. 50-foot lot. iff 1 ZOO BuV" a l8-1"!' house and large ip7,JJJ grounds, nineteen blocks north of High school. Rent $120 per year. Reason able terms. NORTHWEST OMAHA. VK9 A?fl Bu'" nobby home; furnace, gas, iP.,UJ bath; splendid condition: near 40tn and Seward. 'Reasonable easy terms. iCl nnO Buy 7-room house and barn and iPl, WU fuu lot near 4rtth and Decatur. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. $2,000 Neirly 6 acres about 3 blocks south west of hank, Florence. $: Two lots on east slope south of bank, Florence. $400 Acre on ridge south of Country club. $10 Corner acre Hyde Park. $250 Corner acre Brighton. ($25 cash and n per month on last two.) $2,000 Three acres fruit and 1-year-old 4 room house, ten minutes' walk from busi ness center Council Bluffs. F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOUGLAS. RE M4!M 9 WEST FARNAM STREET DISTRICT See the following modern brick houses and make an offer on any one of them: No.417 North 40th St. Xo. 424 North 40th St. No. 419 North 39th St. No. 361 North 39th St. No. 365 North 39th St. No. 421 North 39th St. Thomas.. Brennan Room 1 New York Life Bldg. , RE 60S 9 Lowe's Sub-Division We are now offering fine building lots in Lowe's subdi vision, located at 32d and De catur Bts.; these lots face on the new boulevard and beau tiful park covering one block, which will be part of the boul evard system. Come early and get your choice. Sold on easy terms. Prices range from $375 to $600. Only one block from car line. McCague Inv. Co., 1506 Dodge St. RE "M 497 9 BUSINESS INVESTMENTS Two-story brick block, nearly new; store below, modern rooms above; cornering on two paved streets $7,500. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE MI99 9 $2,700 New 6-room cottage, com pleted last spring, modern except furnace, on 11th St., near Bancroft. This Is on a good, full tot and Is worth $3,500. Owner la leaving city and must sell before next Saturday. The price on this If sold at once Is $2,700. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Douglas 1064 1320 Farnam St. RE 481 8 EIGHT ROOMS HOT WATER HEAT ALL MODERN DWELLING IN A-l CONDITION $4,500 1120 So. 28th Street. Lot 50x150 ft. with elegant shade and lawn. Five foot cement walk and steps. Splendid porch. This Is one of the best bargains In a home in the city. Open for Inspection. Terms to suit. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY . 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglss 49. RE-605 NORTHSIDE HOME 7 rooms, modern, except heat; nearly new, on pretty street, paved and perma nent walks, small barn, full lot. This pretty cottage home can be bought at the leasunable price of $3.3u). THOS. F. PAYTON 410 BEE BLDG. RE M494 9 NICE five-room cottage In Council Bluffs; locuted on high ground. Owner wishes to leave city; will sell very cheap. A nap. LEREW LAND CO. 3-6 So. 13th St. RE M47I 9 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY las over 10,0' ruplrs of titles, which en ables It to figure lower thsn any other aluttract company in Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglss-82t or call at office, 1714 Farnam. RE Ul 8 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Upper Farnam Street BUSINESS LOT 72H132 feet, on the north side of Farnam, Joining Powell automobile garage. Owned by an eastern banker who will wait for his money until you have made it out of your business. If you want a good location for a high-class store and have the money to rut up your building, this is your chance. FOURTEEN ACRES For a Suburban Home on the Florence boulevard, a few blocks this side of Miller park and not far beyond Rome Miller's new home. Fine build ing site, with large trees and splendid view; gas and city water and modern homes all around. Price, $4,200. Will di vide. Harrison & Morton, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. RE 535 8 Look Quick! They Won't Last Long Good lots within a stone's throw of best West Farnam residence district CHEAP. SMh Ave., near Chicago, 3 lots, 60x136 reet. snaps at $500 each. East front on 35th Ave., 50x151 feet. $650. Davenport, near 36th St.. $650. 35th St., near Chicago, great bargain at $350. All close to car line; sewer, water and gas in street. North 24th St. Property ROOM FOR NICE HOMES IN GOOD NEIGHBORHOOD. Next west of 2808 Ames. $450. 2d lot west 28th, fronting north on Spauldlng, cheaper than anything else in that part of town, $450. 28th. near Pratt, east front. 1150. All close to car line. EASY TERMS. Plenty more Just as good. Call DOUGLAS I960 and find nut. WALLACE, 311 BROWN BLOCK. RE 504 9 Hanscom Park Homes Judge Baldwin's House overlooking the beautiful flower gardens and commanding a fine view of Hanscom park, with 50x294 ft., or two large lots, one fronting east on the park and one fronting west on 33d St., with 10-room, modern house; large attic, finished; ce ment cellars, stationary laundry tubs; good barn; place in excellent condition al! for $10,000 The house la No. 1522 S. 32d St. and can be seen afternoons by arranging with us. $2,260 for a 6-room house; large lot, 60x150 ft., 8. E. Cor. 28th and Pacific Bts.; $500 cash, balance monthly. GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE 608 9 SPECIAL 2211 Grant St., 6-room cottage, bath, gas, sewer, city water, good lot, fenced. Only block to car. Price $2,300. 1624 So. 28th St. 8-room house, bath, gas, sewer, city water, etc. Paved street, permanent walk. Large porch. Price $2,650. The Byron Reed Co., Phone Doug. 297. 212 So. 14th St. RE-M-493-9 PRICE $10,500. RENT $1,320. Double Flat and Two C ottages. Fronts Two Paved Streets, Near 17th and Jackson. GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam RE 610 9 NORTH PART OF . CITY 5 rooms, new, modern, east front, near 36th and Ames Ave. $1,800 . ( rooms, good condition, modern except heat, near 24th and Ames Ave. $l,8uu. Easy terms. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE-M500 9 SATURDAY SALE OF BUILDING LOTS Sheridan Plac Addition prices: $175 to $300 each $10 Cash and io a month Marcy and Mason Sts., between 4bth and 48th Sts., one block from car line, 15 min utes ride to 16th and Farnam Sts., good street car service, all good lots, no hilis nor hollows. These are the best bargains we have ever offered. We only have 20 lota, so you must not delay If you want one. Call and get a plat and pick out your lot before Saturday. We will reserve It for you until Saturday, 10 a. m., If you say you will take it. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. RE M 633 Southside Bargain On S. 20th St., 8 rooms, modern except furnace; In excellent condition. Inside and out; nice houses on all sides; lot 4?xiau; paved street and permanent sidewalks; near school. This place Is offered very cheap for quick sale. Price, $2,7CO. THOS. F. PAYTON 410 BEE BLDG. RE M49S 9 SAMPSON & SONS, 4M Bee Bldg 'Phone Douglas a "A BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. X1B-V343 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WM. D. REED, 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. "WEDNESDAY BARGAIN. Northwest. $2,800.00. $124 California street. rooms, new. If you buy It today it's $2,700. cash; no more; no less. Remember, not tomorrow or next week, but today only, If you want this excellent property, worth at least $3.0oo; you can get It for $2,700. Tomorrow $2.rtV Dundee bargain, new house t $4,76010. North $2,500.00. Near IRth and Manderson Bts., good 7 room house, city water, cistern, gns and elec tricity, good cellar, fruit of of all kinds, full lot. Close In on Chicago St., at the same price, a 6 room cot tage; street and alley paved. VM. I). REED, 609 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3217. RE-516 8 SUBURBAN S lots, 50x131, near Fort Omaha $9no. One lot right on car line, 27th and Fort St. BEMIS, Faxton Block. RE Ma02 9 FLORENCE IIEToHTS. The hills In the north part of Florence, a few blocks from car lines are being sold In small tracts at $?50.X to $300.00 per acre, 4 cash, balance al per cent. No more sightly location about Omaha for suburban homes. WEST DODGE STREET. $72.0rO for 4S0 acres on West Dodge, paved road runs through lsnd. Many high sightly locations for suburban homes. 40 acres on Dodge street. Il.O per acre. 20 acres joining Benson, Improved, $1S0 per acre. M acres on Center stret, well improved, $200 per acre. 30 acres on Center street, $126 per acre. BUSINESS. $lfi0.nno $ per cent net Investment. 77. Vm; 6 per cent net Investment. 30.000, 7 per cent net investment. 8 per cent net Investment on 8. 3,000, 16th St. GEORGE & CO., lftll Farnam St. RE-517 9 BENSON ACRES On Easy Payments. Choice acres (equal to 6 city lots), two blocks north of Country Club and Ben son car line, suitable for fruit, garden truck, poultry or suburban home. Price, $4X) to $550. Terms, $V) down, balance very easy payments. Choice half acres (equal to 3 lots), same location. Price, $250 to $.W0. Terms, $25 down, balance easy payments. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam. RE 600 9 FOR SALE Five-room modern cottage, except furnace, lot 30x140. 1511 North 19th St. $2,100. Nine-room bouse, bath, gas, east front lot 60x141, one block from street car line. Z532 S. 9th Street. $2,700. ALF. C. KENNEDY, 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. RE M-4M-9 17 PER CENT INVESTMENT We have to offer the 2-story and base ment brick building at southwest corner 18th and Burt Sts., with frame house In rear. The brick building, built about one year ago, has 12 rooms, two bath rooms, with nickel open plumbing fixtures and hot water heating plant. The 8-room frame house In rear Is modern and Is heated by plant In brick building. The rooms in Doth houses are arranged with a view to proAtable renting and are now filled with roomers. Bental Income $1,200 per annum. Price, $7.600 about 17 per cent per annum on Investment. R. C. PETERS & CO., 218 South 17th. Ground Floor Bee Bldg. RE 637 9 THE BEST RETURN FOR THE MONEY INVESTED Is when you Insist that the seller or bor rower furnish you with an abstract of title from the Midland Guarantee and Trust Co. for the real property you are purchasing or taking as security for a loan before you close the transaction. You will then know If the title Is perfect, if the taxes aro paid. If there are any unsatisfied Judgments or Incumbrances affecting the title; in fact, you will know If you are safe In completing the transaction. Our office Is at 1714 Farnam St. and we will be glad to see you. Midland Guarantee and Trust Co. N. P. DODGE, JR.. Pres. 1714 Farnam St. RE 530 8 STRANGE THAT MEN will Invest all they have in this world In a home, and fall to require any evi dence from the party from whom they purchased to prove the title, when hy calling on the MIDLANU UL'ARANTEE & TRUST CO. they could gt a perfect abstract of the property, at a very reasonable price. N. P. DODGE. JR., Pres., Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1714 Farnam St. RE 46 T FOR SALE 320 acres beautiful, rich val ley land In Holt county. Mo., two und one-half miles from R R. town, all In corn, wheat and alfalfa; will a sandy loam; hous of six rooms and fair out buildings; fruit, R. F. D. and telephone; school and church clone; In rich neighbor hood; no better investment or better farm In the state. Price, if sold soon, $iil per acre. This and. twelve other farms, choice, In northwest Missouri for sale only. Ad dress J. R. Adklns, Craig. Mo. RE M527 10X DON'T WAIT For a new abstract company to make your title from the beginning We have y ur title already on our books and can make an abstract on hort notice at low price. MIDLAND G1AHANTEK AND TRUST COMPANY. 1714 Farnam Street. RE 462 T U. S. Sales Bureau, $04 NevIHe block. Real Estate and Investments. RB-M42 84 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Special Prices for Quick Sales Valuable business lot on 12th Pt . n-ar Farnam. 33x'. on which la sltnsted an old hotel building Entlro property of. fered for Terms to stilt purchaser. Beautiful Home. near 4tst and Davenport. 12 large rooms, entirely modern; mantels, laundry, etc ; 3 lots." cast front; fruit, shade, etc. an excellent value at M-ii1. Store and Dwelling. Good mnm house, large store room, with fine brick bake oven In pasemeni; for several head of horses; city water, sewer, gns, paved street: lot WX140, east front, on car line, near 13th and Iorcss Rental $4o per month. Price only $4,000; small amount down, balance monthly. $2,300. Choice t-rnom, modern dwelling, newly re paired throughout; full lot, south front; shade trees, bam, fencrs. etc.; desirable,, location, nesr ;!th and Franklin. Easy terms of payment. $1,350 Home Bargain. Nest 6-room cottage, best condition, well situated, nenr i7th and Burdet to $160 cash, balance monthly . Very desirable. 7-room. modern dwelling, In good repnlr, choice location, near I7tlt and I'oppleton. I'rlce, $2.;kv; rnny terms. We have a number of cottage homes and large residences for sale on practically rental payments. See us at once and save rent. Russell & McKitriek Co., 432-S3-34 Ramge Bldg., 15th and llarnev. RE-oOS 9 North Part of City. $6,000 20-room double house near 21d and Cass. $4.50n 7-room house on line lot. $3.260 7-room house, all modern. $2.oo 7-room house on Parker St. J$.70n7-room house on Spauldlng. $2.500 8-room house on Templeton. $2,300 7-room house, all modern. South Part of City. $2.7iO fi-room cottage, near 10th and Ban croft. $1,850 8-room house, 2P10 Rees St. The Kerr-Shallcross Co. 1M4 FARNAM ST. Phone Douglas 6487. RE 615 ON FARNAM CAR LINE. Northeast corner of 42d and Dodge 8ts., two south front lots and one west front lot, all graded ready for building. Property Is advancing very rapidly in this district. Don't fall to get prices on these lots. Only a few good ones left. Payne, Bostwick & Co. 6th Floor, N. V. Life Bldg. RE-R14 9 All Worth More Money FfNE CORNER LOT, 50x128; sewer, water and gas; 29th and Manderson, one block from car $360. TWO LOTS AND 7-ROOM HOCSE. 8. W. corner 2Sth and Grand Ave.; all modern. Snap $2,600. TWO HOUSES, lot 91x130. 2134 North 2th St.; will rent for $28 per month. Fine Investment $2,600. b , , STORE BUILDING and flne corner lot. $oth and Emmet. A chance to make soma money. See me about it. FINE LOT. 60x128, south front. 27th and Manderson; permanent walk. sewer, water and gt-e $626. -ROOM HOUSE, 1821 Miami St. Snap $1,160. TWO ACRES, 36th and Redlck Ave Can ell on easy terms for quick sale, $550. R. H. Landeryou, Tel. Doug. -2151. Board of Trade. RE-607 9 ACRES. 40 acres one-quarter mile from South Omaha city limits. In Sarpy county, lA per acre. ' 20 acres, four blocks from Interurban line, on Sarpy county line and 64th St., at $Jt0 per acre. 40 acres high, sightly ground north of Krug park, at end of Ames Ave.; Ideal place for country home and fruit farm; libo per acre. 10 acres near the above, $1,000. Five acres and new six-room house, $2,000. Two acres and new six-room house, $1.4i0. Acre lots In South Omaha at 40th anil Harrison, $300 to $460 each. Acre lots on Sarpy county Hoe, Just outside of city limits of South Omaha; walking distance to packing houses, $300 per acre. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. Fire insurance, accident and employer's liability Insurance. RE MoiS 9 ANOTHER SUBURBAN BARGAIN. 1514 acres smooth, rich land, with 7-room house, porcelain bath, hard and soft water In house, good barn and other Improve ments; about three acres In fruit; owner leaving the state and will make price that will sell this property. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 72$ N T. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 12'9. RE-612 t) CHEAP BUILDING LOT Why buy a lot in the outskirts of the city and pay $500 o $&rtT I will nell you my fine lot. 41x120, on lth St.. half block north of Itke, for $t00. You can build 24-foot wide house and still have 16 feet vacant eround on either side of your house. Good neighborhood. Two blocks to two car lines. 81 reet once paved, f cubrlng In, permanent walk, city wnter, sewer and gas. Address Owner. L 55, care Bee. RE-622 Sx BEMIS PARK Beautiful 0-ft. lot In Bemls Paik-$1,M). 6-room cottage, new and modern, beautiful, terraced, south-front lot Just north of Bemls Park, half block to car $2,CM). Terms to right party. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE M501 9 CHOICE HOMES FARNAM DISTRICT. IN $2,000. $3,750. $4,600. $7,000. If you are looking for a nice pmierty for a home let us show you some bargains in the West Farnam residence district. GARVIN BROS. 10f'4 FARNAM. RE-811 9 THREE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT HOMES. One at $.60O. one at $9.00n, one at $3,500. All beautifully located and desirable for homfS or as an Investment. Particulars on Tf quest J. II. DUMONT & SON, 736 N. T. Life Bldg.- Tel. Douglas HL-61J 9 1