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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1906)
TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WKDXKRDAY, AUGUST 8. 1906. .X 0- L GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET EekTj Bains in Southweit Etve Icflaesca oq Priest. SHORTS COVER AND WHEAT IS HIGHER tome Talk of Dntt to Shook Cirala la KtiuM'ora Market Irreccnlar, Irpltnbtr Sfrtom ad Dtataat Ftim Heavy. OMAHA, Aug. 7, Wheat showed slight -easiness at the ttsrt, but loon developed strength, advanc ing about c, losing a little of the advance iifar tha olose in the dullness resulting when tha ahorta a topped buying. Cabin were disappointing, but their Influence was euntraced by the, heavy ralna In the southwest. Reports of damage to wheat In the shock came from the southwest, but In the northwest there waa no complaint on tho progress of the harveet. Receipts were much smaller than last week, althuuau larger than laat year. Exporters id foreign bids were out of line. The corn market was Irregular, Septem ber being nervous, while distant futures wera heavy. September was strong arly, but at tha close waa a little lower than yesterday. Rains were general through tha corn belt. Receipts were light. Primary wheat receipts were Sno.ooO bush els and shipments 63.000 bushels, against receipts last year of 846.0M) bushels and shipments of 681,000 bushels. Corn receipts were 1166,000 bushels and shipments 1SW.WQ bushels, against receipts last year of 620, onf) bushels and shipments of 61S.0OO bushels. Clearances were $20 bushels wheat, 10,000 barrels flour. 22.0U0 bushele corn. 2,000 bush els oats. Liverpool closed A lower on wheat and unchanged on corn. Bradalreet'a total wheat Increase waa 978.0K1 buahela, corn decrease 1.84610 bush els and oata decrease 148,000 bushels. Local range ot options: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Yesy northern. 7,rr; rternr.r. 73c; brr. ?3'r; Mav, T'-Vr OATS-To arrive: Nw. yic old and to arrive, 3"c. On Decem- trick. IOIIK 4.EM.H41. MARKET Quotations Varloaa Wheat I Sept.. Deo... Corn Sept.. May.. 65HI -Wi (fK 6SWJ 46i V V 43H 42S! 41 I 66Hi 68 46J 41 t 6S4A 68A 46 A i2 A asked. B hid. Country aoceptsjices are very much lighter this morning on the list. Wheat la especially light. Thla is natural In view of the expiration of the low freight rates with the close of business on Friday. The ad vance on Saturday will be equal to lc per bushel, that much less to the western seller. This promises to mean light ac ceptances for some time even If recent rain had not delayed threshing operations. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. t hard. y4pw74c; No. t hard, uvHo; No. 4 hard. 61S&c; No- spring. 66Hc CORN-No. 3. 4WyffH6c; No. 4, 44HSSc; No. $ yellow, Wc; No. 3 white, 47H0 484C. OATS No. S mixed. Hc; No. 8 white, JOc; No. 4 white, 2S-BWHC. RYE No. 8, 60Hc; No. E. 49Vo. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. I hard. 1 car. 7Vic; No. t hard, 1 car, 64c. CORN No. I white, 1 car, iKc; No. t yellow, 1 car, 46c; No. 4. 1 car, 46V4C Carlot Receipts. Wheat Chicago 648 Kansas City 666 Minneapolis 123 Omaha 130 Duluth 61 8t. Louis 114 Corn. 190 82 iii 'it Oats. 4i 16 12 163 CHICAGO GRAIM ASD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 7. Damage by rain to wheat in shock in the southwestern states caused, strength today In the local wheat market. At the close wheat for the Sep tember delivery waa un VtVte. corn was off Htj'ic. oats were practically unchanged and nrnvlslnns were 214c. lower to 12Vc up. The wheat market waa firm all day. Cash houses who recently had been the leading sellers were the principal buyers today. small acceptances from the country be In given as a reason for thia demand. In addition, there was a good claaa of buying bv commission houses. Selling waa scat tered throughout the session. The chief Strengthening factor wss reports of dam are to winter wheat In the southwest. Ad- r-esTrc.rrf thTft sttttbn "claimed that seferul million bushels of wheat may be lost In Oklahoma, Kansns and Texas because of the uraln In ihock having been drenched by heavy showers. Rain fell during the nlfcht throughout portlona of South Dakota, where harveatlng Is In progress, and this helped to further strengthen the local mar ket. The close was strong, with prices at almost the highest point of the day. Sep tember opened a shade higher to Vitiate lower at 72lvfJ72c advanced to 73'Jc and closed at 73ic. Clearances of wheat and flour were enual to 127.0(0 hu. The world's visible supply Increased 978,000 bu. Primary receipts were 985.000 bu., compared with 116,000 for the corresponding time one yeai ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re- Iiorted receipts of K12 cars, ns against 771 net week and 674 a year ago. Rain throughout Illinois and Indiana, which gave the corn crop In. those states the first thorough wetting It had experi enced In the last sixty days, caused moder ate weakness in the corn market. Soiling at the Start was quite general, but as trading advanced offerings became less numerous, and in consequence a steadier tone developed. Cash Interests were the most Influential buyers. The market closed fairlv steady, although prices showed slight declines. September opened 'SfSc lower at 4!lM9V.o, sold off to 4STtc and then ad vanced to 4HS??,491c. The close waa at 4.1119140. Ioral receipts were 196 cars, with 85 of contract grade. Despite large primary receipts, the oats market ruled quite firm all day, fear of possible damage to the new crop by heavy rain being the main factor tending to offset the free movement. The strength of wheat was a minor bullish Influence. September opened '4,c higher at Jljc, sold between JISc and IlH'ri3lHc and closed at 8m31c. I.ooal receipts were 498 cars. The feature of trading In provisions was an active demand by shorts for September pork. As s result of this urgent demand the price of that product showed a con siderable advance. The market for other products wss about steady. At the close September pork was up 12Hc at $17.124. lnrd was off 2Hc at $8 87H and ribs were up ?Hc at 19 2S. Estlmited receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, KM cars; corn, 107 cars; oats, 197 cars; hogs, t head. The leading futures ranged as follows: of the Day on Commodities. NEW YORK, Aug 7. - FI.OI R -Receipts, 74 097 bbla.; exports. 2.9" bl l ; mar ket steady and unchanged; Minnesota pat ents. H jb'(j4 Minnesota baKers. i 4.'U "; wn.ter i-aients. .i5ut; winur straights, UTr'ulV, winter ex'r,ts, :a Itti; winter low grad-s, " I '8-1 H'? flour, easy; fair to good, U .""io7, choice to Taney, 1.1 VtiA Oo. l.'ORN.MUlnrm; hl(e ami yellow, $W"al.i."; coarse,; kiln dried. ,2.w..,2. KB-Ptill; No. 2 western, 63c, c. I. f. New York. W H EAT Receipts. 67,000 bu ; exports, R2 46i bu. Spot market firm; No. I red. lHe elevator and 7Srtc f. o. b. and afloat, No. 1 northern Duluth, Me f. o. b. and afloat; No. 2 hard winter, sn'nc f. o. b. ami allonl. Except for a little Irregularity around the opening, the option market was generally Arm all day on prospects for lighter receipts, bull support, covering snd firmer continental markets. It closeu Sc higher; May, 84VaKr.Sc, closed at fci,c; i-eptember, 79 3-1079 13-lbc, closed at 79-uc; De ember, s2V(fr;V. closed at sjsc CORN Receipts, 2.150 bu. ; export. 21,819 bu. Kpot market was firm; No. i, 5vlc elevator and 67c f. o. b. and afloat; No. 2 yellow, 6c; No. 2 white, bc. Option market opened weaker on rains, recovered with wheat, but In the last hour wss lower again, closing net unchanged: September, Hi 'aiAc. closed at 66c; December, 63iijj4c, Closed at 64c. OATS Receipts, KS.i'iO bu. ; exports, 1.975 bu. Spot market was steady: mixed, 26 to 32 lbs., 37; natural white, 30 to 33 lbs., 37H fci39c; clipped white, 3u to 40 lbs , 41"V344c. HAY Steady; shipping, 8fa76c; good to choice, Ilo.uxulO.oO. H0V8 Steady : state, common to choice. lfj6 crop, 19i4 crop, nominal; olds, nominal; Pacific coast, 1906 crop, lllfcc; 19"4 crop, 12c; old, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to IS pounds, 20c; California. 21 to 26 pounds. 2lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, ic. PROVISIONS Beet, steaoy; family, lin.M 11 00; mess, W ("Xu" 50. beef hams, I21.irj !50; packet. t'"u9.50; city, extra India mess, tl6.50'17.f). Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. Ill 60 3.26: pickled shoul ders, $8.2Mj.7&; pickled hams. 112.2512.75. Lard, steady; western prime, $&.9a9.(i; ro flned. steady: continent. $9 40: South Amer ica, 110.00; compound, r.12 W7.37H. Pork, steady; ramlly, 19.00a'l 50; short clear. $17.Omfl9.0O; mess, l8.26jia.75. TALLOW steady: city. 6c: country. 4 6 c. RICE Steady: domeatlo. fair to extra. 3Vj4.c; Jatan, nominal. BL'TTEJt rlrm; street prices, extra creamery, 22&22HC. Ofllcial prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 17$22c; renovated, common to extra. 13W(tl9c; western factory. common to extra. 134jfl7e: western Imitation creamery extras, 19c; firsts, 17'g"17ic. CHEESE Steady ; state full cream, large fancy, llVc; state fair to good, 11611c; state, small fancy, 11V4C; state, fair to good, 10V4ullc; sute, inferior, SiS'lOc. htiliS-Dull and unsettled; state, Penn sylvania and nearby, fancy Selected white, 241125c: state, choice. 22S26c; state, mixed extra, 22g28o; western firsts, 18fgl8Hc; west ern seconds, 16V4j&17Hc. lliuul BI L.tve, steaay; western chickens, 14c; fowls, 13 He; turkeys, 12c; dressed, slow: western chickens, 1214c; turkeys, llWHc; fowls, llTjlustc. St. Ixats General Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 7.-WHBAT-Higher; No. 1 red. cash, elevator, 694c; . track. 6tKS704c; December, TC'ic; September, (83 bc No. 2 hard, 89&71c. corn Lower: Ma a cash, 49c; iracK. 49'4,S60C; September, 47V84H,c; December, 3C. OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 30c: track. H4 0c; September, 3lc; December, a2o; ISO. z white, i&GZHc. FLOUR Steady : red winter patents, H,3.Vti4.6; extra fancy and straight, f3.7& 4.S"; clear, SEED Timothy, steady, W.7&S4.00. CORNMEAL Dull. 12.00. BRAN Dull: sacked, east track, 73iJ76c. HAY Steady ; timothy, tlZOOfc 16.60; pralrJo, VS.Oiit) 12.60. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. HAOOINO-91-16C. TWINE Hemp, 7V- PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, 11686. Lard, weak; prime steam, 18.60, Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Tnmacti ci ii Larrtr, bat Price Level is Generally Lower. EARLY FLUCTUATIONS ARE NARROW Last Qaotatlons Show Mlsed Chaoses, with Transrontlaeatal Rail ways on the lde ot the Declines. ni. r 374.1'; g' goM rn!n Id cerliflrttes. S"d b'll'l.-$4S.3n.40. $1.-6 NEW TORK. Aug. 7 The volume of transactions In todiv s stock market wns rather better sustained than yesterday sfter the normal activity of the opening dealings, notwithstanding the continued oppression of the hot wave. But prices did not fare so well. It was evident that a shifting process was going on. such as Is usual In the market leadership of a mm pnign under skilled generalship to farllltate digestion of profits and to lighten the bur den of the large accumulations necessary to force the upward movement of prices. Yesterday's strong market had the effect of bringing In some additional outside de mand over night and it wss the execution of orders of this character which made the activity of the first hour. The narrow range of fluctutlona on which the large volume of business was transacted dis closed the fact that the supply of stocks was kept closely commensurate with the demand. After this stage of the dealing had been passed the stste of activity with sharp advsnces which has recently slg- naiixed the Harriman Pacifies developed in other quarters of the market. Pennsylvania was the aggressive leader of the market. But the change In the leadership of the movement proved lacking In efficacy and in tne dealings the transcontinental group began to fall off The effect of this o.) sentiment proved of more Influence than the new points of strength. A brenK in 1 on solldated Oas helped to unsettle the tone of the market. This was based upon the adjournment of the executive committee with a formal announcement that the quar terly dividend, the declaration of which Is now due, was not considered. This left a way open for an Inference that the dividend would be left In abeyance by refraining from action In this way. This served to cast a shadow on the confident speculative hopes which were being indulged of a com prehensive evstem of dividend increases on a long list of stocks. Hopes of this kind were the mainstay of the principal specu lation going on. Attention was attracted by the agitation among stockholders of the American Express company for larger div idends, which added 10 points to the price of that stock on top of yesterday's 10-point advance. The recent Increase In the Balti more A Ohio dividend was brought into re newed consideration as an Index of the probable policy of the Pennsylvania rail road with regard to subsidiary companies, which would result In corresponding bene fit to the parent company by the Increase In Its Income resulting from Its stock hold ings In the minor companies. The early buoyancy of the Hill atocks was based on renewed rumors of an parly con nmmMlnn nt the ore land deal. The large inrruiai in vrnss earnlnss for July shown 1 Greene Con hu ih. Vor,rlrViilt eomnanles benefited New 1 1' 9. steel York Central. The cheerful resumption of financial mar kets In London after a three days' holiday helped the early tone here. The weekly bulletin of the weather bureau kept up con fidence In the cond Ion of the crops and at tention was attracted by the heavy export movement of wheat. Foreign exchange, however, was firm, good rates for money being maintained, except that time loans for some of the longer dates maturing be yond the first of next year were somewhat easier. Five and six months' money, how ever, was firmly held and b per cent was said to be obtainable for January money. Last prices of the day showed mixed changes and the transcontlnentnl railroads snd some of the leading Industrial spe cialties were on the side of the decline. The Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value. $1,616,000. United States bonds were all un- phinrM on call. yrvr lnrk Money Market. NEW YHK. .Vig 7. -MONEY -On call, easy. 2',tj2 per cent; rulirg rate. i per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered nt lr cent. Tim" loans, firm, sixty das, 3V'.4 per cent; ninety ilays, 4''4 per ctnt; six months, 5 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PArER-5 per rent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm at U e.V15 for demand and at $4 f for sixty-day bills; posted rates. It M and $4 6, com mercial bills. $4 MV&4 SILVER Bar. 66'c; Mexican dolinrs. X 4 .- BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Quotations on New Tork bonds today were as follows: t. 9. ref ts, r3 An retipon V S. li. r 4o coupes t 8 old 4s, do coupon . t'. S. npw 4a, do coupon . Am. Tobscco do Af-h!on sen do d) 4 Atlantic c. U 4a.... Bal. A Ohio 4a do IS Br. R. T c. 4a OnTil of n. a. .. do lat Inc do Id Inc do Id Inc Ch, a Ohio 4a ... rhlcso A A. 314a ... jr.. B ft Q. n. 4a . C K 1. ft P. 4... do col. Sn 1 - -. as U 1 4a I Colo. Ind. R aer. do fierlea B Colorado Mid. 4.. .Colo. 4 80. 4 Cuha 5a ' V. A R O 4a. ... IHatlllera' Sec. (a Erla p 1. 4a do sea 4r Hocklnf Val. 4Vi Japan fin Offered. ! OMAHA LIVE STOCK. MARKET Prices on Gocd Cattle Show force Little Etreneth. HCGS GENERALLY SELL ABOUT STEAOY Sheep Active and Decidedly Hlaaer General Advance Amoantlagf to as Moch as Tea Cents at Least. rI 4a l"44'Jaran s. M aerlra .l'M-. Jo 4a ctfs .ICW-i.' do 4' 1 t? .K! do 2d aerlca 1".' 1. A N unl 4a... ,l".v, Via. c 1 l .17 Mci Ce-ura! 4s . . . .! I do Tat Inc . 77', Mlnn. A St. L. 4a 112i'M , K. T 4a ... .10! do 2a . JV N R R of M. c. A; N. Y. C 1 .!!' N 1 C. s 5a iKS.Se Paclfle 4s . 5 I do Is .111 'N A c 4a . .. . aw, o. a L rldg 4a.. . H-Penn. con. 3a .. . Reallnt cn 4. . . .lots R L I M 0. . T't St L. A 8 F. If . 7, S L. S. W c 4a . 77 Sahoard A. L. 4a . fit So. Pacific 4 ,lfi do lat 4a ctta ... A. 74 So. Rallsay fa .... . .. 74S Teiaa A P. la .... ... 72V, T . St U. A W. . . . HIV, t'nlon Pacific 4a . ..1W, I' P Steel 2d da ... it Wahah la ... NTS rto B . ..101 Weatern Md. 4a . ... ". A L. E. 4a ...IKi ,Wa. Central 4a.. . . . 1H) I v. , ... .i . ... 4H .... , . .. I": . .. 1"! .... :V4 ... is 1 . l . ... ("US 4a 4, .... Ifi ... ... 7 M't aa .... fia 114V 4a. .S ... 7" V . 7 . ni . 84 111 .lit . 2 .10SV . H 1141, . nit BOt'TH Receipts were: Offl'-lal Mondny.. C'flirial Tuesday.. OMAHA. Atig 7. rn. L'ttle. Hogs. Sheep .!) $.i 9 lS.l'.M ,a.i 4a Iloston stocks and Dnnrts. BOSTON, Aug. 7. ("all loans. 3 '04 4 per cent; time loans, 64iCi per cent. Official closing on stocks snd bondi: Two davs this week.... 9.WT 13 089 I6.t3'' Same davs last week. ...12.610 16.434 li t Same two we.-ks ago.... IK4 11.83 12.6 es'irn trrree weeks ago... 6.5S3 U.cW ID.101 Same weeks ago... .17 13 Ui U.iu Same dnvs last year ... 7.36 8.318 15. 7- Rt-CElt-iS foK THE TB.AR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha (or the year to da to. compared with last year: 1U Inn. Cattle m.m 6nt.79 F4.170 Hogs 1,KV7.M 1.657. cVl 14MHi 8heep 7,&ia 86.S07 $1,785 CATTLB QUOTA 1'lONa. The following will snow the prices paid for the different kinds of cattle on the South. Omaha market: Good to choice corn-fed steers $6.5vff 00 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 5fJ5 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 304 Good to choice cows and heifers... $.4ir4.U Fair to good cows and heifers i.7V&3 40 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 1.50W2.7J Good to choice stockers at feeders. $ &VJ4 'X) Kair to good stockers and feeders.. 50 I Common to fair stockers $.fcn!.23 m uiis. stags, etc z.ry34.uo Vel calves 3 76.75 The following table shows the sverage price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: H. 19 .62; clear ribs. $0.87H: short clears, $;0.00. ( American Cotton nil Bacon, higher; boxed extra snorts, iio.d,1; clear ribs. $10.62H: short clear, $10.75. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 9c; springs, 12Vic; turkeys, MVsc1 ducks, 8Vc; geese, 8c. BUTTER Stesdy; creamery, 17(S2:Vic; dairy, lmvm. . , , , , i tOGS-ateaflr. Ito. : I Receipts and shipments of grain and flour were as follows: Jlecelpts. shipments 6,0"0. lM.nmv 2,000 183,000 Articles.) Open.) Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y vvheat I I I I I Sept. 72Vfi 73V 7?H 73W72S'9 Iec ;7jiis 7R''7M'ii 764 May 7&S 79 j 79 ;t,i. Corn- I I I Sept. 4Xfj49W 4tS?SI 48 4HfiV Dec. 46S 4f-4i48Vflti 4NH 46 May 460 4..s,,i. 461 4tHI 46: Onts I 1 I 1 Sept. SU;314lrim Jl4 31V'aV. 31' Dec S-"h! 5- 3J S2'l SI'A iork- ) Sept. 17 06 17 EH 17 05 17 12 17 00 Lard I I Sept. 8 S7W 8 87V, 8 87H 8 87V 8 $) Oct. 8 7, I 97S, 8 iV 8 95 8 r Nov I 8 80 $ 85 Itibs- O Sept. 26 8 25 17V 8 25 t T2 T Oct. 8 97 00 I 9 K I 8 96 8 97 Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. T.-FLOUR-Flrst patents. $4.0fti4 10; second patents, $3.iioi 3 96: first clears. $3.2S'ij3.; second clears, BRAN in bulk, lit. wa it. to. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of Dr ees, as reported py r. u. iay & Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, was: The following are Ptock exchange: Adams Eipress Amalsamated Copper ... American C. A F Am. P. A r. pta. Am. Cotton Oil pta American Kipreaa American H. A L. pfd... American lee. securities. American Llnaeed Oil.... Am. Llnaeed Oil pfd Amarlran Locomotive ... Am. Looomotlve pfd American ft A R Am. S. A R. ptd American Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd clfa. ... tO.CmO i Anaconda Mining Co 80,'X) ! Atcniaon VI 00ft , eicniaon yiu the galas. High. Low. 8.000 42. I l.fioo 100 100 "409 too 1S44 100', IS 145 " lmt i7" 2H 67 V, Articleal Open. H!h. Low. Oose.l Tes y Wheat 1 May... Sept... Leo.... Flax Sept... Oct.... TTHViTSStVffV ilVuV 72- 13411 1 o 74 1 114 1 09w: 78 V :3si, 714 71 73H173k,)73H 1 n 1 09V 1 UK 1 09H 1 11 1 09 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, 75c; No. 1 northern, 74c; to arrive. 74c: No. 2 northern, 7Vc; to arrive, TJc; No. $, 71fg7c: No. 1 durum. SSc; No. $ du rum, Wc. Corn: No 3, 46c; No. 3 yel low, 4oVc Oats: No. S while. J0TACi NO- 2SSIHc. Barley: 3443440. Rye: 49ai& 50c. Flax: Cash, $1.10. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITV. Aug. 7-WHEAT-8ep-t ember, HilVic; December, 68c. Cash: No. t hard. 6S'a;oc; No. 3. HTfTtaV! ; No. i red, 68VoVc; No- 7ati8Vc. CORN September. 45c; December, 40e. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 47'S47c; No. 8, 47c; No. 2 white. 50c: No. 3. 4SHc OATS-No. 2 white, J4W54c; No. 2 mixed. 3'fe32c. RYE Steady, 5tvg67c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $10.2610.50 choice prairie, $j 00. BUTTER Creamery, 21c; packing, 144c. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whttwood cases Included. l&4c; case count.. 16Vc: cases returned, Wc oft. Receipts and shipments of grain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. 162.01 25,000 26.000 28,010 $,000 8.000 $ yellow, 2 white. 5og siva Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3.5fvf $T60; atraiglits. $3.l3 40; spring patents, $JN.u3 90, straiglits. $3.2tg3.76; bakers, $130 WHEAT No. S spring, 70074Hc; No. $ red. nV4t72c. CORN No. 2. 43c; No. 61c. QATS-No. I. SGSc: No. r1; No. S white. 81S2c. RVB-- No 2. otic HARLEY Good feeding. choice malting, 42i4c. SEElS-No. 1 flax. $107; No. 1 north western. II lo; clover, contract grades, $12'10. PROVISIONS Short ribs sl.les (looeei. 19 15 9 "5. Mess prk. er bbl.. $17 l.ij IT S. Iard. per l'O lbs., $8 S2V Short clear sides tboxedl. $9 6(Hl9 2V Folic lug were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: . Receipts. Btupments 353:; fair to Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Visible Supply of firaln. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Special cable and telegraphic communication received by Brsdstreets show the following changes in available supplies of grain, as compared with nrevlous accounts: Wheat United States snd Canada, east of Rockies, Increase l,578,Of) bu. Afloat for and In Europe, decreased SiO.OuO bu. Total supply increased 8.8.00 bu. Corn United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decreased 1. 8441.000 bu. Oats United States snd Canada, eaBt of Rockies. Increased 14. bu. The leading increases reported this week are: 4J5.W0 bu. at tne Chicago private elevators; lHl.OuO bu. at Cleveland; lOl.OuO bu. at St. Joseph; 69.000 bu. at Newport News, and 60,0Tal bu. at Chattanooga. The leading decreases are: 257.000 bu. In elevators In the vicinity of Lincoln, Neb.; 248.00 bu. in Manitoba; 66.00 bu. at Omaha, and 5o,0u0 bu. at Portland, Me. Flour, bbls.. Wheut. bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Rvc. bu Barley, bu.. 22.300 43, y id. wo 631.5") 5 '! lS.Juu 19 ns.oi i!.i 102. ion On tne Produce exchange tods the but ter market was Arm; creameries, liS21c; dairies. luMilsv. Fsgs, nrni; at mark, .-asc Included. l?S1.i l.'4c: firsts. lc; prime fi'sts. 17Vc; extras, 20c. Cheese, strong, 11 ttl-'Ue. Toledo Seed Market. TPiI.EIVl. Aug 7 SEEDS ClCA-er. f".'.. Ch-lober and December, $7.C. . I.y. I. Alslke. IS.90. Duluth firntn Market. DULUTH. Aug T WHEAT To arrive ao4 oa travda; No, 1 noriUein, 75c; No, I c ah, Tlm- l.lverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOU Aug. T.-WHEAT-8pot. noininril; futures, dull; 8eplmhr, sid; December, 6s 47d : March, nominal. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, old, 4a Futures, quiet; September, 4atV-tl, December, 4s T'ad. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), firm at 3 Uil. Mllsaankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. 7 WHEAT-Steady; No. 1 northern. 7?'g7Kc: No. i northern, 74 &7KV: September. 73c, bid RYE Steady; No. 1, 594jOe. BAHLEY Dull; No. 2. 656oVc; sample. 4"a54c. CORN-Klgher; No. $ cash, 4S"ffec; 8ep tember. 48c. Atlantic Coast bins Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.. Canadian Pacifie Central of New Jersey... Central Leather Central leather pfd Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Great Weatem. . Chicago A Northwestern. Chicago. Mil. A Bt. P .. Chlcaeo T. A T Chicago T. A T. Bid. c c. C. a 01 Colorado Kual A Iron. Colorado A Southern... Colo. A Bo. lat pfd. ... Colo. A 80 id pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Product,, rfg Corn Products pfd Delaware A Hudaon... Delaware, L A W Penter A Rio urancie D. A R. O. td niaHllsrs Beeurltlea .. Erie Erie lat pfd Brie Id pfd General Electric Great Northern pro Hocking Valley, otlerea ... Illtnola Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump Inlerborough Metropolitan.. Interborough Met. pfd Int. Pump pra Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kaneaa l ltr Southern Kaneea City So. pfd Loulavllle A Naahvtlle Mexican Centra! Mlnneapolla A 9t. Louis ... M , St. P. A S. S. M M . St. P. A S. M. pfd.. Mietourl Paelflc Mltenurl. K A T M . K A T. pfd National Lead N.tlonal R. R. of M. pfd . New York Central New York. O A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W pld North American Northern Pacific raclllc Mall , Penneylvenla People'a Oae P.. C, C A St. L Pressed Steel Car Praaaed S C. pfd Pullmaa Paiace Car Reading Reading lat pfd. offered.... Reading 2d pfd. offered Republic Steel Republic Steel pfd Rock lt'.and Co Rock laland Co. pfd St L. A 8 F Jd pfd . ... St. Lou la Southweetem St. U W pfd Sloa'Shcffield meel Southern Pacific So Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneaeee Coal A Iron.... Texaa A Pacific... Toledo. St. L. A W T , St. L. A W pld t'nlon Pacific I'nlon Pacific rfd Tuned Statea Expreaa lulled Statea Realty t'nlted Stales Rubber I', f Rubber pfd United Statea Steel V 8 Steel pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical Va -Carolina Chem. pfd... Wabaah Wabeao pfd W'ella-Fargo Eipresa Weetingltouae E.ectrto .... Weetern t'nlon Wheeling A Lake Erie Wleconeiu Central Wle Central pfd Total aaiea foe the dajr. 1.4O0 300 15.900 iiino son 11.41 l.ino '"jftfj 14,100 , l.ioa "ino ino , oo . t.r , 1.700 71 Ul'4 164 tg 134H 101 V, 4j 4 144 111' 18T4 10! 4j 1 W4i 1S9S4 -tn IMS ii7 100H IV, 14S 'n 117 lot iH ?0f'. Atchison adj. 4a. do 4a Mci. Central 4a.. Atchison do pfd Boston A Albany Roaton A Maine. Roaton Elevated Fltrhburg pfd ... N Y . N H A Pere Marquette I nlon Pacific Amer. Arge. t'hem do pfd Amer. Tneu. Tube Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd pomlnton ! A Kdleon Etec. Meea. Elettrlc do pfd Maaa. Caa I lifted Krult t'nlted Shoe Marh no pfd eeeo nfd Adventure .. S . Illu Allouei j.iv Arlt-na l orn .. Bid. Asked. Iix-dlvtdend. . 'Amalsamated ... Atlantic . "S lllinsham . 1 al. A Herla.... .1'"'1 Centennial .147 iCr.pper Range .. .117 '1'aly West 147 Tranklln U ilranby I'l Maaa Mining ... . 5i jMlchiRan .IF-TVM'ihawk . W Mont C. A C... . H old Dominion .. . i:' "'oaieola r Parrot 14 Qjinrr .ltr Shannon . 36t Tamarerk .10 . Trinity .17 it nlted Copper . li" f. S Mining.... . 191a I . S Oil Ma I tah . j'jVt'l'Iciorla .li Wlnona . 7a .Wolverine . 19 North flutte . ... . 1 Unite Coalition . 4'iH Nerada .Ills' t el. ti Arllona. Sa Tecumaeh ...ins ... 1" ... SI . . ."'0 . .. 214j ... "S ... 1H ... lav, ... 114, . . . ... 1!S ... !, ... 2, ...35 .. .10V ...17 ... Hi .... IV, ... to ... ... Itiv, ... ... Hi ... t, ... ... A, ...1V ... 124, .... ISt, ...18 ...lost, ... 10V, ... 39v, 'Date. I 1906. 11906. 11904. 103.1S(0. 11901. 11900. July .1 tl I V July Ailj,'. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Auk. Aug. $9... VI... 31.., 1.. 2.., 3.. 4.. 6.. 1 S 501 Ml I 1 U; t 471 6 3V I 6 OS, 6 O61 7 47 t bo 6 32HI $ M I 6 02 7 62 t 61 ti Ki 1 6 hH 4 rMi 4 9Si 7 41 6 R7 6 IH. B 73! 4 97 7 37 6 76! 6 22;,i 6 62; 4 941 4 M 6 21V, 6 Hi 5 OS 5 02 7 J? ' I 5 75 6 06 6 04 7 82 0 83 6 2iS' 6 07 6 OS. 7 34 , 5 78 I 6 79 I 6 04 7 27 601 i OS 6 01 e 16 is 5 It t 10 e 5 06 5 14 34 co 1147 $ 7 1$ COm .... 4 J 36 2 feeders.. l no J feeder ... . $ 1 feejer... 0 jon I heifers . 7M 1 70 3 heifers . 61 t X 4 steers ..1cm; 1)6 K M Fsddla Nebrsska. 9S steers... .11 3 24 steer .. 1213 4 00 J O. Evans, Wyoming, t cows .... W $ on 19 steers .. 1091 $ 70 F. M. Stewsrt. Boulh Dakota. J6 cows 901 $ 46 Wslsner Hroa, Wyoming 6 rows lieil $00 $ bulls 1440 2 33 13 steers. ...1114 3 70 J. Ii White, Boulh Dakota It cowa 9T4 1 ) I cow Mil i Oi) 1 cow 9.i 1 7& 1 calf 4,w $ 7 Steers. ...1117 3M S3 sreere. ...1146 $96 M steers.. ..11J7 3 C. J. O'Connor, Nebraska. a cows 1004 3 65 George Korch. Nebraska. 39 steerw. ...1343 4 i9 1 cow 1X t C. O Donnell Mont. 141 cows ... $ on 7 cows .... "! $ 60 46 feeders.. 90 $$5 36 steers. ...11 3 6 7 steers.... !M) I Oi 3 Steers. ... ) $68 U9 steers. ..1196 4 10 D. McDonald yo. 45 heifers... f $ 9n 1 heifer. ... S&O 2 26 1 feeder... 100 3 66 H. F. Yoder Wyo. 40 feeders . 1021 3 36 14 steers. ...101 I 40 w. T. Wolfe Wyo. t cows 1097 2 76 M. Butler Neb. 1 cow 970 2 4 7 cows V& I 7S 6 heifers.. 92 3 00 12 feeders 116 4 00 J. L. Bslrd Lumber snd IJve Stock Co. steers.. ..121 4 46 S steers ... 1M 4 Id Heeker Bros Neh. 26 feeders.. 1120 2 66 3 feeders. .11J0 i & 3 40 $ feeders., n m 2 75 1 bull 111 2 46 $66 t steers.. ..10K5 $66 H. Myers -Neb. 2 76 1 feeder... 70 I 78 $ 36 t COWS Mi 3 60 2 60 remberton 6. D. 4 10 steers . ..1178 4 06 Q. Weare 8 D. $ 66 4 heifers.. .11107 z t 4 10 Weare-F. D. 30 heifers .1009 t 60 $2.!-B4M; southern steers. $2 744 60; southern cows. IJ-niUi; native rows. 12 00 t4Jn. native heifers. $ij,t6.!I6; bulls, $1)6 V.V76; calves. $2 Mr. 7 HiXIS Kecelr's. ll.'Xl hesd market. Strong Top. $'40, bulk of sales, $ tf 40. heavy, $V. 2. packers. U 6.37S; lights, .rdl 4n, pigs, 16 2.45eVno. PUKKl' AND U.MU8 Hecelpts, t,000 head; niniket, bV to 16c higher. Toj lambs), $7 0i'. lambs, $n 7"i7.i', fed yewr- llngs and sheep. $4;f.tS.4i. western fed yearlings, $.. c'ij h ." ; western fel sheep, )4 fktj.Vio; stockers and feeders. $, 7fii6 2tV Sunday. RANGE Omaha Chicago Kansas City Pt. I,ouls .... Sioux City . OF I'RICF.S. Cattle ....$1 7fV86 75 .... i.2fv5 .... 2 0HrrJ45.25 .... 2 0r17 15 2 6f-d.00 Hogs. $5 0n&SO 6.$:Va4.72V 6 2.Vn5 40 6 4-ii r5 6S6.tj6.3S London Closlnsr Stocks. LONDON. Aug. 7. Closing Quotations exchange were; . . " 15-H M . K. T.. .. S7 1-1 N Y central n'i,Norfok & W. K'.,l do pfd .104 Ontario A W. on the Stock Conaola. money do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Cars. , 1 3 1 1 W Baltimore A Ohio 1:4 V pennnylvanla Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio .. Chicago Ot. W . C . M. A St. P. DcBeera Denver A R. O). do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do id pfd Itllnola Central Loulavllle A Nanh .14K . 94 . 4"4 ! . 6SS : ' , . .., I . M .1"4 , If I 104 14,i"0 4.4X1 7u0 J00 4.SO0 fkW "40b '"700 '"400 IIH 1.100 100 :io 4.400 aoo 1,700 l.ioo 100 aoo 100 IDA 110 700 tl"" I.4U0 ) 44 Mi, ' 71' 534, 11DV, lO 122 '44 V. '40', 44S -' 70 17, Jill 1771, 87 4f-V, S7 77 SS tf f! ttW 147 MS 64 H 3S 11H Mi US' 10 in 1 '44" 4S 7i 704 17 14 . . 1 . 177 1H M'- 46 1 771 MS 17S 51', 17, f.7 14SV, lIA gf, i.700 441 J JO-) 14 " 841 ( e n 700 81 o ;oo s n 1 700 H! 141 l.SOfl 4-, 47S 1.100 tl 114 11. 600 jot" ti:" 100 38 If 4. 4"l 134 1124, " ioo ii ' ii 00 H', hi 1"0 194 11.400 114V, 1121 (00 4 1"0 fO 1.81 1.(00 4-0 44.600 K 4. joo 710 100 1.700 jno 2'0 44.100 9, 2t, 4 44 14 (Si 71 "V 1184 !7 100 14 3.1 J 44S IOV n MS 24 43 S 44S u MS " tins "S MS IMS US 2" a 4S 1(7 404 1S2S 132 S Philadelphia Market. rHILADEH-PHIA. Aug. 7 Hl'TTKR Firm; extra western ereajnery, 22H; extra nearbv prints. 25c. KOGP-FTrm: nearby fresh and western fresh. ic at mark CHKEfiE Firm; New Tork full creams, iov4ii:c. Orwln Market. T.-CORN-Bteady: Peoria PFORIA. Aug yellow and No. grailo. 4Ktse. OATS Higher: No. 2 white No . $ white, new, lie; No, $ No. 3 $. iOHo; No. 4. 49S; no new, 31se: whit, new, no liO l.ioo 1.1"0 4W 10 Km 1.100 un 800 l.s 46 107 S 41s, loav, S 108 1S 47t US 3 S 41 1071, " 108 la S l" 1"S 47S lug !S T47.1U0 ,bara. 141 103S 100-, MS .'S 240 294 7S 10 41S 494j Jll Mt 11S 1S8S 100S 1874 93 S 100 14.14 12S 92 ton icS 124 . 1"1S (, lH 106 17 11 14 3 64S 1"S 71 S tlv, 134 S 19S 120 (00 44 S 84 S 4"S 4SS 1S 70 147 27 128 174 1S 1S 45S Si, 77S M 1C4 j! ST (7 14M, 11 4 1S2S 171 644. MS s 841 I -wi j 141 47S 91 89 S 96S to( ESS 11S us fci-e M44 9-s n 1324 93 93 S 29 S 99 :t u 44S 13 77 78S 11S 'S 11 U5S 3iS 2'S ns 167 4 111 77 44 S 107i V loa S 38 4 It 10 47 S 21 161 14 11 ?4 ..172,Rand Mlnea . 2,l Keadlns . ISmSoulhern Railway ,.10.1,1 do pfd . 17S Soulhern Paflflc . ,. 47, T Union Pacific 1M ,. 6S do pfd 98 .. 4A1 1'. 8. rileel 42S .. 82 do pfd HI', . . 73 'A arisen 21 ..lKt do pfd 49 . ,16'IU '.oaitnh 4ft . frit- SILVER Bar. uncertain, 30 Sd per Oi. MONEY 2fJ'2V per cent. The rate of discount in the open mar'"t for short bills Is 33 1-lfi -per cnt; for three monMis' bills, 3 1-16 u 3', p r cent. Koreltrn financial. BERLIN, Aug. 7. On the Bourse today operators were watching the progress of events In Russia., Irlcea were slightly weaker. . MONDAY'S SHIPMENTS The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders shipped to the coun try and their points of destination: CATTLE. C. L. Lingo, Tabor, la.Q ,. Ed Hultlne, Saronvllle y W. J. Hystiaw, Worlaud, Wyo. Q.... Joe Thomas, Clarksoti N. W Thomas Adams, llryer, Is. N. W Thomas Adams & Co.. llryer, la. N. II. F. Wltsnn, Wlnslde-M. & O Frank Weltle. Winsiiie M. A O , H. Henrlck. Ottawa, III. A. A. Anderson, Stanton, la.Q E Loyd, Glenwood, la.Q J. M. Keyte. Red la.-Q I U U. Bell. Taylor. Ia.--Q ' Charles Pope, Perrlval, la. Q ! D. !. Broclunvoy, Red OfOt, la.-Q C. ( Hetgel, Strahan, la Wab Oeorge Bacon, Overton L". P 1 D. M. Diiitthett. Overton I". P R. R. Weed, Charter Onk, la Mil M. Wilson. Charter Oak, In Mil.... B. Caranaugh, Neola, la. Mil W. Owen, Council BlufTs, la. R. I. ... H. Garety, Eagle Grove, la. 4. W.. 1 SHEEP. I L. O Shlmway. Lyons M. O.... ! John' McPherson, Craig M. A O.... ' Sam Christensen, Lynns M. A O... De Cou Bros., Woodbine, la. I. C i HORSES. David Johnston. Crocker. Mo. M. P 1 Tho official number of cars of stock ! brought in today by each road waa: cattle, ttogs. sneep. n ses if: D.D. .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 feeders.. 321 W. 14 cows 13 cows 10 feeders. 19 steers. 26 steers.. 67 steers.. 542 916 S7 W. .1340 6 feeders.. 920 $ cows 1160 27 steers.. ..1121 J 1 feeder... fW 15 feeders., 740 21 cows 632 O. A. 16 steers . ..1216 H. 4 heifers... M9R 4 steers. ...1164 Cooper A 17 steer .1090 4 lai Farmalee Cattle t'o-jieo 94 steers.... 1174 3 90 1 steer 1710 4 30 steers . .1341 4 30 1 bull 840 2 16 J. B. Kendricks-Wyo. 2 heifers.. 636 $40 16 heifers.. 991 $ i0 $ heifers.. 105S $70 a heifers. .l is) $40 6 cows 964 $26 18 cows 93 $26 A. C. Smlth-Wfo. 12 mixed... 107 4 (i 10 cows $4$ I Oo 340 Gibson Idaho. 2 30 1 cow 1200 $ IS 2 16 f heifers.. WS 3 26 3 00 37 feeders.. (W9 2 90 H Iewls-Wyo. 4 20 1 steer 1170 4 20 Spear A Faddis Wyo. bi66 3 70 41 steers.. ..1067 3 60 .10t 8 66 Wilson Bros Neb. M feeders 1071 Al HOGS There was very little change In the hoe- market todav. In fact, hardly enough to quote, the general trade being Just about steady with yesterday. The quality or tne nogs was somewnai nrun todsy and thatN would account for any little Improvement that might be noted In prices As waa the esse yesterday heavy hogs sold largely at $0 00Sj 15. with light hogs mostly st ti. (. 86. The top todav was $6 40. which waa 6c lower than yesterday, but there was mime difference In the quality. While the market was slow to open there was a fair njovement when the trade was once under way and the big bulk of the early arrivals changed hands by 10 o'clock or soon sfter. The nnevenness which has been chief characteristic of the hog trade for some davs back Is still a leading feature of the market. It Is a good deal of catch-aa-catch-can market. No one can tell where a load of hogs will sell by looking at It. and buyers' bids will range all the way from 10c to 15c apart on the same load or hogs. More than that the same kind of hogs sell at a ranee of fully 10c. Hepresentative sales: NO, 88. . 61 . 70.. 40.. (9.. 70.. 71.. 77.. 71.. 7.. 48 . ft. Joseph I, lie Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Aug 7 -CATTLF-Rs-ceirts, 2.44S head, maraet. strong to loo higher. Natives, $4Ori6 90; cows snd he.fers, $1 60 -1 4 26; stockers and feeders. $.Vaj.t 76. Hi M ;S Receipts. 6.42H head, market, 60 lower. Light. H -ViH 40; medium heavy, $0. If 7.1V . Vi- bulk of sales. $ S.TH. 7S. SHEEP AND LA MB! -Receipts, 2.7TO head, market, strong to ic higher. Idaho lambs, $7 26. yearling, $6.76. wethers,, $436- lowx City lite Stock Market. lOCX CITY. la , Aug 7.-tSpeclal Tele- gram.) -CATTLE -Receipts. 4V head, mar ket s'earty; beeves. 14 ure f; cows, bulls and mixed. $.'.'ja4 60, stockers and feeders, jvi iV4 Oil; calves and yearlings. $S.0Vivl S6 hi ' its Keceipts. need- market steady on best, selling at $5.736, bulk of sales, $6.96-1)4.30. .'lock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the rlpal western markets yesterday: Cattle Hogs Houtn Omaha Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph Bt. Ixiuls Chicago , sis prVn- Sheep. TotAl . OMAHA .20,348 WHOt.EAALK 9. ' t.tka) t.u 13.0110 6.000 6.2NS 2.7KJ 9.'X'0 6.000 13,0rt) lt0 67.16 89,304. MARKJCT. Wool Market. BOSTON, Aug. 7.-vVOOL Interest In the wool market seems centered In the ma terial. Operations continued l.t Mon tana. Several clips are reported as sold at good prices. Others are easier. Ooods for the coming spring are In moderate ac tivity. An Improved business Is looked for. Territories are nasslng In limited quantities. Pulled wools nre In fairly steady demand. Foreign grades are Arm. Leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania: XX and above, M'dS'tr; X, 31'ri3; No. 1 end half blood, 4"a41c; S, and blood. 34S3Sc; fine unwashed. S'rf' 27c; half blood unwashed. 3Sfitc: blood unwashed. 34'a3Sc: quarter blood un- , washed, 32n3;c; Delaine, washed. Si'S'o? S7c; Delaine, unwashed iu'Sc. Michigan, fine unwished, 24.11:60; half blood un washed. 314132c; . blood unwashed. 32VaG 33o; quarter blood unwashed. 31f(!l2o; De- I lalne unwashed. 27'nJic. Kentucky, ln- ! dlitna and Missouri combing. ' blood. I X3'ri64c; combing quarter blood. 3:iiii;i4c. 'Texas (scoured baaisi, fine 12 months. ' 72ij 73c; do six to eight months. SNiiiOc; fine fall, clean, 2trf3c. California (scouted basis!. northam good. ii6ft7'Jc; middle county, ttV-fVAc; southern. 6V(tiWc; full free. 6nvu57c. Oregon (scoured), eastern No. 1 staple, 73fr7Kc: eastern No. 1 clothing. hVW? 70e; valley No. 1. Wi. Territory staple (scoured basis), fine, ?3ti7fir; fine medium, iVi'tiiic; medium, riStfiieV. Territory ordi nary (scoured hauls), fine. 7V(i7ic; fine me diuiii. t)Ct(70c: medium. 6jifiSc. Colorado and . New Mexico spring (scoured), X, 6Vu70c; No. 1, 64(o. ST. IADCIS. Aug 7. WOfH-Steady; medium grades combing and clothing 233 28c; light fine, 18-(j22c; heavy fine, 144J.17o; tub washed, 32o?i3!iVsc. C. M. & St. P. Missouri Pacific I.'nion Pacific C. & N. W., east C. & N. W.. west.... C, St. P., M. & O.... C, B. A Q., east C. B. & Q . west .... C., R. I. & P.. eaat.. C. R. I. P.. west.. Illinois Central Great Western 64 2 6 3d 6 23 8 IS 25 36 13 Total receipts ....122 131 43 a The disposition of the day s receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 361 1.371 1.4S0 i Bwlfe and Company 1.025 2.1o4 2,i6S ' Cudahv Packing Co W9 2.7S3 l.S"9 Armour Co ") 2.114 4 S3 . Vansant oi Co 64 Carey 23 l.tmian & Co 12 1 W. I. Stephen 23 Hill & Son 47 Hamilton & Rothschild., ft) L. F. Hus- 11 Wolf 211 J. B. Root A Co 67 Bullan & Kline 34 C. H. Clark 40 Sheridan Meat Co 97 .... Other buyera 435 4.1M) Totals S-8G2 a..V29 10.235 No. A. Sh. Pr. II 171 ... 114 1 J4 ... I 80 41 801 40 4 0S (2 110 ... I OS 64 Ill ... 4 08 74 124 140 I 10 47 261 180 4 10 (7 284 80 10 (1 171 40 4 10 47 168 80 4 14 82 Jit 80 4 18 I in 80 I II at 284 40 4 16 84 181 44 4 11 87 171 120 4 16 88 148 10 I II 88 145 110 4 U 64 174 80 8 IS 11 180 140 I II 68 141 10 4 II 48 161 40 I 17S 86... 181 ... 4 1?S 47 144 10 I 17S 61 K4 ' 40 I 171 71 141 124 4 HS 41 181 180 4 17 S 4T 177 I I7S 61 180 120 I t I tit 40 I to 40 104 ... 4 10 77 151 80 4 M 65 28 4 44) 4 tl) (8 281 ... 4 10 71 160 ... 4 20 Tl 285 ... 4 10 74 117 80 I 10 47 10 80 4 20 71 225 200 4 22U SHEEP hen th 64... T7... 71... 71... 74... 7... 74... 41... 41... 41... 41... 61 .. 77... 71... 71... 71... 71... 74... 7... 84... 71... If . . . 60... 15 .. 11... 107. AT. ... .11 ...141 . . . 280 ...161 ...24'i ...141 ...111 ....141 ...124 ....236 ... m ...144 ...166 ...1M ...12 .1. Ill ...241 ...211 ...111 ....! ....117 ...131 ....110 ....117 ...tot ....tit ....128 ....111 ....1M ....111 ...111 107 ...111 ....114 ....117 ...110 187 174 av 120 Pr. I IIS 4 21 v, 4 I2 I N 4 16 4 23 I 21 I II 4 18 I 4 11 I It 4 18 4 17 S 4 17 S 4 ns I 17S 4 7i 4 l;s 4 ns I 17S I 10 I K I It 4 10 I 10 I K I 10 4 tft I M I IIS I I2S 4 IIS 4 16 I II I 16 4 IIS 4 40 eighteen cars were market opened only In sight, but later Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 7. METALS The ad vances in tin officially reported by the closing London cables, as compared with the cloHlng price of last Friday, were hardly heavy enough to sustain the big gains reported In tlie local market yester day. Spot tin in Ixindon advanced 2 Hw to 82 6s. and futures advanced 2 6s to 132 los. Locally the market was steady, but a Utile lower, with buyers and sellers nearer together at about $40.'6 to $40.60. Copper was 5s higher than laat Friday In the Ixmdon market Locally there was no change In the spot quotation, but it Is said that supplies for thirty days shlp-P'i-nt conies l'c on spot. Lake Is quoted at $18 C2S'a 18.75; electrolytic at $18 37'i IS SO, and casting at SIS.tssvi 18.25. Lead was un changed at $6 ,5 in the local market, hut advanced Is 3d to 4716 12s Od in London. Spelter was also higher In London, closing st 12 15a. Locally the market was un changed at $i.0Kit).10. Iron was higher In the English market, with standard foundry iHiotcd at 61s 4d and Cleveland warrants at 52s. Locally the market was unchanKcd. No 1 foundry' northern was quoted at $1H00 8319.60; No. 2 foundry northern, $16 otf lsi.yO; No. 1 foundry southern. $18 2fryi&.50; No. 2 foundry southern, $l7.76'al no. ST. LOriS. Aug. 7.-METALS Lead, quiet, $5.65; speller, quirt, $6.10. CATTLE Receipts weie small this morn ing aa compared with a week ago and the total for tho two days this week -shows a heavy falling off as compared with the corresponding day of last week, as will be noted from the table of receipts at the head of column. As several trains were late today the actual offerings on the mar ket at any one time were decidedly small for a Tuesday. Owing to the light supply, the fair de mand and the encouraging advices from other market points, beef steers generally sold a little stronger this morning. In fact, desirable fa,t steera this morning could be quoted anywhere from strong to S'tilOc higher. The less desirable kinds were generally steady with yesterday. The trade was reasonably active, at least enough so to effect a ressonably early clearance. The supply of cows and heifers was un usually small for a Tuesday, but still there was a sprinkling of both natives and west erns. It was possibly just as well that the receipts should be moderate, thus giving the market a breathing spell. The best cows and heifers were generally quoted strong and there wera salesmen who thought they got a little advance over yes terday's prices. Stockers and feeders seemed to be pretty well closed out and speculators looking for supplies this morning. As it happened there were very few feeder among the early receipts, at least, and the feeling was quite strqig on desirable kinds. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. T.-4-OTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.70c; mid dling gulf. 10.95c ; sales, none. LIVERPOOL, Aug 7-COTTON-Spot. quiet; prices eight points lower: American middling fair. 64M: good middling. 12d: I middling, 5!M; low middling. 6.72d; good I ordinary, 5.46d; ordinary, 6 2kl. The sales I of the day were 61M) bale.s of which 60 j were for speculation and export and In cluded 4.100 American. Receipts, 6.000, In cluding 100 American. ST. lXH'IS. MO., Aug 7. COTTON Dull. Middling. 10c. Sales. 43 hales; receipts. 26 bales; ahlpments, 1.01$ bales; stock, 21 7 hales NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 7 COTTON -Spot closed easy; sales. 1.275 bales. Ivw New York Mlalaar Storks. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Closing quotations en mining stocks were: Adam Coo Alios Breee fctrtnewtek Con .. Comet oca Tunoal Con eal. A V... Horn Silver iron Sllvwr L4vlll Cos ... . M .121 . 10 . to . 14 . 81 li .471 . I Utile Chief ... Ontario Ophir PUovnis Po4oal savas Sierra Nevada 4mll Hope .. Ititandard .. I . rrj .840 .. I .. 11 .. Tl .. IT .. 14 ..1(0 Bank Clearings. Aug. 7 Bank clearings for $1,598,931.35. and for the cor date last year $1,422. 464. ii. OM9.HA. today were responding Trraaarr statement. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In th gen eral fund exclusive of the floO.njO. ' guld reserve shows; Aral.. trash txtUnotj, ordinary. ' 13-1 So, nominal; 67-loc; good ordinary. 7Sc; low 9 7-ltic; middling. 10 5-lOc; good 10l3-lc; middling fair, il S-loc. fnlr, 11 8-lrtc, nominal. Receipts, stock, 34,419 bales. ordinary, middling, middling, nominal; 619 bales; Coffee Market. NEW TORK, Aug. T. COFFEE Market for futures opened firm at an advance of $ to 16 points on higher cables and a con tinuance of the buying movement noted late yesterday on oltlcial confirmation of the report that the president of Braxll had sl?ned the valorization hill. At the ad vance tl.ere was very heavy realizing by Wall street longs, some of whom are said to have been carrying coffee contracts fur a year or more, anl the market reacted sharply during the middle or late session. with the close barely steady net unchanged to 6 polnta lower. Sales for the day were reported of l"6.i30 bags. Including August. 7? inert.:; September, T.lfrfj? 30c; October. 7. .tic; November. 7 46c; December. T.S5ij7 6"C; March, 7K-"'i7 75c; April. 7.7-V; May, 7 oifl 7. Vic. and July. 7 7Vu7.90c. Spot Rio. Arm; i"o. 7 Invoice, Sc, Ms. A. Pr. af. At. I-T. 1 1000 I Tl I la I i 10 6 I 05 'I ll-.'l I 10 I SX I 10 (0 11M I 40 1 74 1 4 08 II 1281 I 60 21 1241 I 44 14 1141 I 84 1 1100 4 60 11 1)4! I T 1 14 I 46 cowa. 1 T64 1 60 I IX IN 1 174 1 76 1 1070 I 16 1 T0 1 75 1 4010 I II 1 170 1 16 1 1104 t 86 1 610 1 76 134 1 16 1 1"40 t 00 16 til I 46 1 880 1 00 4 124 I 14 10 760 I 00 1 too I 50 1 710 I 00 1 171 I 64 l POO 1 00 1 831 1 1 980 I 00 1 870 I (0 1 17" I 00 I lost I (9 1 868 I 10 10 867 I M 1 140 I 10 1 1280 1 60 1 860 t 10 I 1060 I A 1000 I 16 1 810 I 60 1 780 I 18 1 1015 I M 1 K0 I 16 10 inn I a, 1 1240 I II 10 10 84 1 80 I 16 1 lift) I t0 HEIFERS. J 770 I 16 7 714 I 14 J 480 t 16 1 724 1 (0 1 696 I 16 1 716 (0 7 Tul IK 1 140 I (0 1 100 I 16 1 100 t 08 1 660 I 16 I Ill I 08 I 681 I 40 I 1080 I 16 u M1 V'lia. lv" 4 " 1 1110 $80 I 1(21 1 so 1 M0 IM 1 10)0 t 14 1 680 1 60 CAiVE8. 1 180 I tt 41 274 4 86 l 180 I 60 1 110 I 00 14 . 2 1 66 I II ) 1 1"0 I 86 1 iA M J 140 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 61 1 18 is.... III in 1 40 1 6 I TOO 84 t 6:0 1 60 t (87 I 10 I 820 1 0 It 7 I (o 1 481 I 10 (I 9?l 84 7 HI 1 I WESTERNS. NEBRA8KA. rains came In quite heavily loaded with sheep, so that the total receipts before ne day was over became quite large. The market as a whole was In very satisfac tory condition, sell?rs belrg very well pleased with the results. It was, In fact, almost a wild market, sales ranging any where from 6c to 26c higher than the same stuff sold for yesterday. It would be suftl clent, however, to quote the general mar ket ns 10c or possibly 1(K(I6c higher than yesterday. inn trade was active at the current prices and the early arrivals changed hands In very good season In the morning. The late arrival of many of the trains ns matter 01 course proionteo the trade through the greater part of the day. as wss tne rase yesterdsv. there were plenty of feeder buyers on hsnd to take everything that packers could not use, and ne prices paia were strong as comnarcd with yesterday. Quotations on killers: Oood to choice spring iambs. $H.761'7.4'; fair to good spring lambs, $6.26((f6.76; good to choice yearlings, $fi.3oOJ6.76; fair to good yearlings, $o.tiVfi 6 36; good to choice wethers, $4 7616.00; fall- to goon wetners, i4 tttn. ,s: good to choice ewes, $4 3t&4 90; fair to good ewes, $3.$ft? 4.3i. Quotations on feeders: Lambs. $6.6r4i.l0: yearlings. $5.0036.40; wethers, $4.6tS4.76; ewes. $36043416. Representative sales: No. 44 Idaho ewes 63 Idaho wethers 2X8 Idaho wethers 2T.9 t'tsh wethers 329 I'tsh wethers 68 Utah ewes snd wethers 181 Idaho yearling ewes ... 660 Idaho yearling wethers. 99 Idaho yearling ewes ... 161 Idaho yearling wethers 179 Idaho feeding lambs ... 349 Idaho lambs 330 Idaho ewes 460 Idaho ewes 1N4 Idaho wethers 84 Idaho wethers 875 Idaho wether 101 Idaho wethers 2 native ewes. 8 Idaho lambs 86 Montana, wethers J) Montana wethers f' Idaho lamb feeders 6718 Idaho lambs 683 Idaho lambs 464 ladho lambs native lamb bucks 6 heifers. . 630 2 40 cows 894 8 00 13 cows 915 2 60 4 cows 972 2 10 2. bulls 1360 2 36 16 steers. ... 746 8 20 1 calf 870 26 1 calf $10 $ 60 2 belf ers. . M HQ cows Iv47 2 70 At. . 101 . 98 . 98 . 97 . 98 . 106 . 72 . T7 ?! . 77 . 68 . 88 . 94 . 94 . M . 96 . 91 . 92 . iso ,. 46 . 1 . 110 ,. 49 . 66 . 64 :: Pr. 4 36 4 60 4 70 4 7 4 70 4 75 I 00 8 40 6 40 6 40 ( 00 80 4 60 4 60 4 80 4 80 4 85 4 86 t 00 $ OA I 00 6 00 ( 10 8 an I so 6 00 7 00 Condition of Trade and Quotations staple and Fancy Prod nee. EOGS-Recelpts, liberal; freeh stock. 14 45lc LIVE POl'LTRT Hens, vflOc; roost ers, 6c; turkeys. 12-til.1c; ducks, 7c; spring chickens, 13"iji4c per 0. Bl'TTER Packing stock. 14Hc; choice fancy dairy, 154) 16c; creamery, . 21ffHVc. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: Recelp's yesterday. 36 cars; choice upland, '..60; medium, $8.00; coarse, $7.40.3 8.00. Rye strsw, $r, 80. BRAN Per ton, $16.00. VEGETABLES, TOMATOES Home grown, per basket of 20 lbs., 50c. WAX BEANS-Ter market basket of about 15 lbs., 36c. TI RNIP8. BEETS AND CARROTS Per bu. lAX')41.0i). LEAK LETTUCE Hothouse, per dm. heads. 20c. CELERY Per dos , 30c. CrCL'MUEHS-Honie grown, tier dot. 26c. ONIONS Home grown, $0 per lb. ORKEN ONIONS Per dot bunches, 20c. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 15c. POTATOES-Psr bu., 6ic. NAVY BEANS-Per bu., $1.85; No. 2. $1.78. LIMA BEANS-Per lb., 54jC. OR KEN PEPPER3-Per market basket, 76c. TROPICAL FRUITS. OR A NOES Mediterranean sweets. all sizes. $4.00B 4. 6t); Valenclas. all si ses, $6,000 6.60. LEMONS-Limonlers, extra fancy, 24 slr.e. $6.00; 300 slse. $6.75; 300 slse, $7.25; other brands, $1.00 less. BANANAS Per , medium-sised bunch. $1.750'2 26: Jumbos, $2.6063.00. PI NEAPFLE 8 Florida, sixes, 21 $0 and 3. $3 60. FRUITS. PSACHE8 Yellow freestone. $1 00; Mis souri Klbertas. ter 4-baskel crate, $1.00; -basket, $l.fkfil.7a. PLl'MS-Callfornla. $1 604J1.7S, MELONS. W ATER MELONS Per lb.. iyc. or about iOfi "V- each. CANTEIAH'PES-Colorado and Arliona. per crate (standard). $0.V; ponies. 42 60; Texas, per crate (about 45 melons), $2.75; ponies, $2.00. CUT MEAT PRICES. No. 1 ribs. 12c; No. 2 ribs, 10c; No. 8 ribs, 6c: No. 1 lotus, 16V; No. 2 loins, iry,e; No.' 8 loins, 9c; No. 1 chuck. 6Ve; No. 3 chuck. 4tic; No. 3 chuck. 3Vc; No. 1 round, Sc; No. 2 round, ,c; No. 3 round, 3c; No. 1 plate, 3c; No. i plate. 2Hc; No. $ plate, $c MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. $376. per bbl., $6.76. HONEY New, per 24 lbs.. $3.50, CHEESE Swiss, new. ltc; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmbcrger, 12c; twins, 13Vc; young Americas, 16c. - NUTS Walnuts. No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb., lbVfcc; hard shells, per lb., l$VtC, Pecana, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12U13SC. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c: hard shells, per lb.,' 15c. Cocoanuta, $4.01) per sack Of 100. ... SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbl., $626; granulated cane. In sacks, $6.21; granulated beet. In sacks, $6.11. SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gal.; In esses, 1Mb. cans, $1.70; cases. 11 5-'b. cans, $1.80; cases, 24 IVlb cant, $1.86. COFFEE Roasted. No. 35, 25H iter lb.; No. 3D, 20V: per lb.; No. 25. HVyc per H.; Nt. 20, 16Sc per lb.; No. tt, 12Hc per lb. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4 00; Norway mack erel. No. 1. $28 00; No. 2. $26.00; No, $, $24X00; Irish. No. 2, $16 00; herring, In bbls., oty lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $12 00; Norway, 3k, $12,00; Holland, mixed, $11.00; Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 80c: kegs, mixed. 70c. CANNED CJO) Vt -Corn, standsrd west ern. &rffOo: Maine $115. Tomatoes, $-ib. enns. fl.05ifil.40-. 2-lh , 97He8$1.00. Pineap ples, srated 2-lb.. $?(Tf2.30: sliced. $1 9tVj9 2.20; gallon apples, fancy. $300; California apricots. $1 761.O0; pears, $1 762.60; peaches, fnnrv. $1.76f2.40; H C. pesches. $2 0iii2 50. Alaska salmon, red, $1.28: fsncy Chinook, F.. $2 10; fncv sockeve. F, $196: sardines, oil, $2 50; mustard. $2 rVirrr S 10 Sweet po tatoes. 11 WI.I5; ssuerkraut. $100; pump kins, sOrtJfi.oO; wn beans. J-lb., 7MJ90c; lima beans. 2-lh.. 76ci$l 35; spinach, $186; ehean oeas. 2-lb., COc; extra, 7,"i'S90c; fancy. $1 SMI 76 ' HIDK11 AND TALLOW Green salted, No. 1. l?c: N-. 2. Hue: full hides. 8t-fri,Hc; green bides. No. 1. 10c; No 2, 9c: horse. $l.reHJ25: sheep pelts. 50e8fl.2B. Tallow, No. 4e; No. 7. IC WOOI-Per lb.. 18J2Rc. nanr and Molasses. NEW YORK. Aug. T.-8PGAR Raw. firm; fair refining. SHc: eentrlf us-al. 98 test. 8"Se: molasses sugar, 3 l-l"fi3'4jc: re fined, firm; No. s. 4S"c; No. 7. 4 2fe: No. 8. 4!'c: No. 9. 4 16e; No. 10. 4.10c; No. 11. 4 06c: No. 12. 4 00c; No. 11. le: NO. IV 3 96c; confectioners A 4 76c; mould A, 8.26c: cut loaf, i.anc: crusnea. isnc; powaerea. 5ic erannisted. 4ooc; cubes. $.!. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. T.-SUrjAR Firm: open kettle, centrifugal, $1f8 7-16e; centrifugal yellow, 84'84Sc; seconds, 2S CHe. BYRI P 264 SOe. CHICAGO I.I VK STOCK MARKET Cattle and Host Steady Sheep and La m hs Steady to Strong). CHICAGO. Aug. T. CATTLE Receipts, 4.6O0 head; market steady; common to prime steers, IS.fcWW'iO, cows. 82 864.70; heifers. $2 6ra6 35; bulls. $2 (W&4.60; calves. $JOi-676, stockers and feeders. I2.6A&4.2.V HtHJB-Recelpts. lS.Ofx) head; market steady: choice to prime heavy. $) 40rrt 60; medium to good heavy. $6.10'g36' butcher weights. $6 4Mi 60; good to choice heavy mixed. $( lora6 36: packing, 16 7.Vfj 26. SHEEP A.NO LAM tin Hecelpts, IB.ono head; market steady to strong; sheep. $4 28 ft. so; yearlings, 13 imgm.M; lamos, K 0"0 09. St. l.nnts Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug T CATTLE Re ceipts. 4.000 head. Including 2.000 Texana. Market, higher. Native shipping and ex port steers. $4 90tte 16; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3 6fq6 36; steers under 1.000 pounds $3 004.60; Hookers snd feeders $2 0r64 60; cows and heifers. $3 ooj6 40; ran- ners. 81bV)X0O: bulls, $25rrTj40n; calves $2 Sr&iS 00; Trxss and Indian steers, $3 36S 6 10: cows and belters, izuaiiso. Hfxlfl Receipts. 9.000 hesd: market. steadv Pig and lights. K4u-'755, pack ers. 2. nodj no', butchers and best heavy 16 er.-fr. 66 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelpte 8.000 head: market, steady. Native muttons, l3iti on, lambs, 84.flfVrr7 60; culls and bucks. $2 5083.26; stockers. $2. 7t) I 00. Kansas City l.tve llsek Market). KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. 7 CATTLE Receipts, 4. ON) head. Including 8.000 head of southerns. Maraet, steaoy 10 strong Choice export ana areseea rjeef steers t" 4oTf 25; fair to rood. M Ofrrje.B: weetern fed steers, 14 7634.00, Blockers and feeders. REAL ESTATE! TRAJtSFEJRA. Deeds filed for record Augui furnished by the Kers-Shallcnoas. bonded abstracters, 1614 Farnam street: John J. Marsh to Edward Ilndqulst, lot 17. block 8. Clifton Hill $ 8,609 Llsrle J. Graham and husband to Phillip F. McEvoy. lot 10, block 3. McOsvock and OKeefes addition to South Omaha $.076 Charles O. Erlckson to Magnus Ertrk- son. lot a. block 8. Rose I1UI 1.UU Henry Newhaus and wrlfe to Benson Eagles, lots iz and u, block 9, Hal cyon Helg-hts 660 Frank H Uulgard to Harriet A. Chase west 2 feet of lot 12 and east 20 feet of lot 1$, Davenport sub 2.100 Oscar Headvall and wife to Etick Johnson, lot . Bunnyslde 1,050 Mary A. Rushlau to Charlotte A. Cochran, lots IS to 20, block 1, port land Place 1 Wesley Steward and wife to Emma F. Taylor, Irrt 80, Redlcks' 2nd 3,000 Byron Reed Co. to O. L. B. R. R. Co., part m )( or sec. s-it 11 ... 1 Gerald M. Drew to Frank A. Souders. lots 2 to 5. block 1. Halcyon Heights 1 Harry A. Settles et al to Harry W. Sachra et al. lot 1, Freeman's sub. In South Omaha $306 William L. MrElhiney and wife to William O. Hlrhey, lot 62, Luke and Templetons 2,200 Linlnger. Metcalf Co. to H. W. Bry son et al, lot 12. block 6. Marsh's sddttlon 760 EfTle Reed to John M. Hsvllton. lots 23 and 24. block 6, Lake View 226 C. G. Crenshaw to Elisabeth C. Ora ham. north 92 of south 122Vi of east 161 of lot 26, 8. K. Rogers' addition.. 1,260 Clara Foster et al to Loulaa Huth. lot 71, Ilartman addition and lot 6, -block 8. Deer Park t Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. to l.ena F. Claborne, E lot 4, block 8. Reed's 1st 1.700 Ernest M. Jseoberger and wife to Harvey J Urove. lot 4. block 12. Halcyon Heights 1.000 Harvev J. Grove and wife to George R. Wheeler et al. lot 1 Mock 23, Halcyon Heights 1,271 William Krleger et al to Anton Klsh, lot 23 In sub. of Out lot 1. block 3 Smlthfleld 650 Lawrence Enewold and wife to Alex. P. Thompson, lot is, block 4, Man- scorn Place David Reed and wife to Jesse E. Reed nw4 nw sec. 24-16-13 Total for August T, 1906 1000 $ LM.Uk