Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1906)
TIIE OMATTA PATTiY BEE: TUESDAY, AFOrST 7, 100(5. 11 Shots 1" LrWJ ' "P"-'Cf LJiJlUUl pnei h n n n n M 14 n El n n n n n n n n ii M n n ri n, IB Just Received Through the Customs House Direct from Our Own Paris Office Elbow Length Silk Gloves and Long Silk Milts ri n! u n - Ladies' 16-button length, p fashionable all silk gloves ni in blak, white, fi TA jfK 12 gray and cream U J ll pg all of them uw J p and fresh, at M Ladies' Long Silk in black and white these mitts, actually worth $1.00 pair, Tat, pair Mitts 50cl n n ri Embroidery SaJe jj n u n - ri: i : - j : i 1 : J ,4. . - -j .xme raiiiuriu huu iiamsuuK. finuiuiufi if, i-wibvi iuvci j ,j - irlthia with lp;xlina: edrre, insertions bands and headings, p n narrow and medium edges, many to match values up to M 1 thirty-five cents a yard, at 11 n ri n !i n p ii P n p n p n p p p ri p p p p p u cnnnnnnznnnnnnnnnnnnnHnncnnnnnnrmi Pattern Table Goth Such values were never before offered in Omaha. fine 2 and 22 yard all linen pattern table fl 98 cloths, actually worth $4 and $5 now 6hown in the window at, each Napkins to match all cloths. Prices cut in proportion. p p Sale I Extra p n Our Die Oxford Sale ia mill on. Notice the celebrated mule o lire offering you No better shoe mail" than these: Hannn, Clspri and Rnyd-n for men, anil Hannn, Fos ter and Armstrong for women. MEN'S. Hansn's Patent Kid and Patent Colt Oxfords, J IR 15.50 .aJ Hansri' Onn Metal Calf and Kid Oxfords. $5.00 J.diJ Bovden's nun Metal s Calf, J5.00 U,1U Bovden's flenulna French A 1t Calf. $5.80 .aO Clapp's Onn Metal A K Calf. $5.50 Ten stvles Oxfords, Gun Metal Calf Pntent Colt. 7C $5.00 0.O Six styles O-xfords. dun Metal Calf, patent Colt and Kid, 3.00 WOMEN'S. Hanan's Patent Kid. welt 1 ntL aole Oxforda. 45.0O Jd ij Hanan's Kid Oxforda, welt 1 l$t sole $4.50 0.OO Foster'a patent kid Oxforda, 7R turn and welt- sole J. 4 J Foster'a Kid Welt 1 Oft Oxfords, $4.00 O.VU Armstrong's Patent Colt f flfs Welt Oxfords. $4.00 XJJt Armstrong's Welt XC Oxfords. $3 50 Five styles $3.00 Oxfords, Patent Colt and Oun Metal O OSi Calf eS.aSO Two llnea $2.50 Oxford 4 Qft turna and welta k.J DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. ft mum r iTiirii ion in t ct t.iI.. .! SKILLED TAILORS A Ladies' &nd Misses' $1.50 Duck Sailers a.t 50e. Hundreds of whits duck sailors and lingerie sun hats, many prettily trimmed with rib bons and quills, regular $1.50 values, each oil irvwi 50c Ladies' $5 Walking Skirts nt $1.98 Neat tailored skirts for summer or early fall wear black, brown, blue; also white mohair worth up to five dollars, at 1- P P P P P P P P P P P P P SOLOMON FAVORS LOW LEVY Opposei Transfer from Brides and Koad to Qensral Fundi - WANTS TO UTILIZE OLD YEAR BALANCES Coantr Treasurer and Other Mem i bera of the Board of Com ailslsoners Take issue with Molotnun. County Commissioner Solomon has de clared himself against the proposed trans fer of about $CO.ono from the county bridge and road funds to the general fund, and Is In favor of cutting down the levy for this year Id these funds, utilising- the balance now in the funds on next year's expendi tures. He slated hla position before the board Monday at an Informal discussion of the levy. Mr. Solomon has figured that the average : expenditure for bridge work each year for the last five years waa $41,817.72. The levy of 2Vs mill for the bridge fund last year produced $7431.08, about $30,000 more than the average expenditure for five years. A $-mlll levy this year, under the increased valuation of property, will raise JtSl.14S.74, or about $19,000 more than the average re quired each year. A levy of 1H mills would produce $46,861.55, or more than enough to pay the average expenditures from the fund. ' Furthermore, he points out there ia now about $43,000 In the bridge fund, and thla would be almost sufficient without any new levy at all to provide for the year'a bridge work if the proposed transfer ia not made. Beoord for Five Years. The average annual expenditure from the road fund for the last five years waa $35,025.73. The levy of V-k mills last year produoed for the county $42,768.10. A 2-mlll levy thla year would produce aa the county' share of the fund thla year $36,001.10, which would be, approximately, the average expenditure for the last five year. Besides this, there is a balance of $20,000 now in the fund, which it la pro posed to transfer to the general fund. If it la not transferred, he points out. It would reduce the levy so much. Mr. Solomon takes the position the road fund should be uaed for road purposes ex clusively. He aays there are contracts now for about $30,000 worth of work, which should be paid for in cash when completed. Leaving the funds as they now are, he aaeerta the levy could be reduced at least t mllta. He declare he is opposed to making large levies in theae funds for the cratlc commissioners and that new burdens have been thrown on the county by the De tention school and the primary election law. They contend that' as long aa the county has money on hand it might as well be transferred to the general fund and these back bills be cleaned up aa soon aa possible. Then they say the county can pay bills monthly and the levy for current expenses be, reduced. The general fund levy Is lim ited to 9 mills and this It Is claimed is not enough to pay running expenses and pay up the back bills. If the general fund Is limited to the amount raised, by the 9-mlll levy they say the county will never reach a cash basis, but will continue to accumu late a floating debt. County Treasurer Fink has deolo -d him self In favor of a change in the law limit ing the general fund to S mills. He thinks the law should place a limit on the total levy, but not on the different funds. This would enable the board properly to propor tion the various funds and so avoid mak ing the transfers. The cost of election during the year has been large. The fall primary in 1906 coet $7,336.62. The state and congressional pri mary thla year cost $r.812.62. The general election In 1906 cost $2,980.36, the reduction In cost being due to the use of voting ma chines, which lessened the cost of printing. ND competent cutters will look after your order at Nlcoll'. We hold them, and keep them busy during the warm montha by offering you full suit and extra trousers for the price of suit alone. WILLIAM JERREMS SONG. 209-1 1 "So. i 5th" Bt. " 0 TT TV IT T7U ; ; mm m wt mm mm m mwM ii j yj Store Closes Every Evening 'Cept Saturday it 5 In the Art Section "When a Man's in Love" Sunday's Gibson picture the best yetl Q F7 Reviiitifiil frn'm mnrlA cnprinl- "Cv DON'T MISS THESE SPECIAL SALES THE RELIABLE STORK MHwaasMssaMMMHBMaBasaaaaaBasaasaa ANOTHER CREAT BARGAIN WEEK Beautiful frame, made special ly for it Tuesday Second Floor. Eft :m -iLitJTPSfl BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Jos. Tetley & Co's. India and Ceylon Teas. Sunflower Blend, 7 ds pound tin And fifty green trading stamp Sunflower Blend, half pound tin for And twenty.five green trading stamps Sunflower Blend, quarter pound tin for And ten green trading stamp3. Sunflower Blend, two ounce tin for Expert Demonstrator. Have a cup! LADIES' SUITS fl $1.50 Sale Tuesday in Our Ladies' Suit Department The magnitude of our offerings at this price are powerful argu ments why you should buy hero Tuesday. Those failing to attend this sale will commit an oversight to be regretted later Come earlv. Women's $6.00 Wash Suits, $5.00 Matinees. . 40c 20c 10c YOUR MORNING SMOKE For the convenience of our customers who desire a fresh cigar In the morning our store Will Open at 6:10 -A. M. every morning. MYERS-DILLON DRUG . CO., 16th A Farnam Street. HOTEL. Tmke a Vaeatloa. Now l the time to take a vacation, get out into the woods, fields and mountains and visit the seashore, but do nut forget to take a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy along with you. It la almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained on railroad tralna or steamship. It is too much of a risk for anyone to leave home on a Journey without it Yeal Yeal Yeal Reservation for sleeper on Eagle' offi cial train via Chicago Oreat Western rail way to leave Omaha Sunday, August 12, 1906, at 4 p. m. are being made rapidly. All person going on this train who de sire sleeper are urged to secure their berths at once, ao. If necessary, additional cars may be arranged for. Tickets for sale by members of Joint transportation committee and secretaries of various aerie. Sleepers secured at Chicago Oreat Western ticket office, 161$ Farnam street.' W. A. MESSICK. -Chairman Joint Transportation Committee. Veteran Firemen' Pteale. The Veteran Flremen'a association of Omaha will hold its annual basket picnic next Saturday at Krug park. The old Are laddies will nil their lunch baskets and talk over the day when they "ran wid de ma chine." Judge Altstadt. alias Little Bis marck. will carry a large basket of lunch r tr.r..f.i-1-in tn h. enr.llw'th John Baumer. Fred Behm said he ' . . " would carry his lunch In a paper sack. fund, and be hold that these excessive levle are Illegal, He charges that In 1906 the levy In the read fund was mad large In order that $20,000 might be trans ferred to the general fund. . Pink and Other Hitler. County Treasurer Fink and some of the member of the "boa rd do not agree with Mr. Solomon. They point out that the in coming republican commissioners Inherited about $200,000 In back bills from the demo- paper sack. o he won't have anything to carry home after the picnic. The committee In charge con sists of William Altatadt, J. V. Jardlne and F. H. Koester. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Toofli Powder Cleanses and beautifies the .teeth ana purifies the breath. Used iby people of refinement tbx over a quarter of a century. , Convenient for tourists, fftEFAftlO V Burial of Baby. May Relnhardt. the 2-montha-old baby being held at the undertaking rooms of Harrv B. Iavls. will be buried Tuesday morning at Forest Lnwn cemetery. The lrcsiier I alluring company naa paid for a grave, while the Davis company has fur nished the casket. The baby died at the Salvation Army Kescue Home on North Twenty-fourth street. The mother la said to be living somewhere in Iowa. Very Low Hale Tuesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, th Chicago Great Western railroad will aril homeserkers' ticket to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesday. Write W. H. Churchill. Q. A.. 1612 Farnam street. State 'number in Jrty and when going. HOTEL KUPPEH Kiiiu City, rUfsoarl ii nun u Nt if a n Fru ff r s 1 83 " ?s TirT" V"f5XI e-1 111.7 Thla magnificent hotel ha 100 beau tiful rooms and 1 located at Uth aod McOe streets in the shopping diatrlot. Only half a block from the Emory, Bird, Thayar dry good store; near all the theaters. 100 Private Baths. Telepheae la All Boom. Sot aad Cola manning Water tm Try Beom. TraexoaUed Oaf. Perfect On I etna. Ola Breakfasts aad Table D'Xste ZHnaera Served la Cafe. Bate a Bay aad Upward. gnrcpssa Plaa Reservation may be road by tele graph at our expense. KIPPER-BENSON HOTEL OO. . A. BBBSOtT, KtUfW. WW COW-HIDE SUIT CASES, $5.00 We have Just received a shipment of cow hide Suit Cases which should have reached us fully four weeks ago. We have decided to make tlem our leader during August. They are a genuine cow-hide case, with a very strong and durable steel frame. The most attractive and serviceable 8ult Case ever offered for the money. etc fr This month for p3UU We carry the largest and best selected stock of Trunks, Kult Cases, Traveling Bags and fample Cases west of Chicago. We guarant'o the quality the best and the prices the lowest. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, 1209 Farnam St. BXPAZB WOBK OP ALL XI1TDS DOJTE. on. $4.00 Lingerie Waists, $5.00 and $6.00 Walking Skirts, $3.00 Lawn Wrappers, Children's White Coats worth $6.00, $6.00 White Dressing Sacques. Heatherbloom Underskirts worth $3.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Silk Waists, $5.00 Cravenette Coats, Silk Etons worth $ 6.00 all go at one price Tuesday your ( choice 1 1 1 In Our New Bargain Room 25c Silk Strip Organdi, at, yard 2V 12Wc Snow White. Cambric. 2 to 10 yard lengths, at, C yard DC 25c Turkish' TowcM, slightly soiled, while they last, f each 1UC 12ic Silkollne, plain and f fancies, at, yard DC White fioods, worth up to 12 He yard, on bargain square, at, . A yard 7i" Heavy Itrown Sheeting, 3 Inches wide, Tuesday, at. A? yard :,...tsC ON SALE WEDNESDAY MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE LINE OF BED SPREADS at a fraction of their value. See Sixteenth Street Window. - In the Grocery Department CKABAPPLES. Fancy Siberian Crabapples for Jelly We have Just received by express 200 baskets of fancy Siberian Crab apples. They are the finest kind for Jelly, and tomorrow we will sell them per large market basket C Large juicy Messina Lemons, per dozen 15c Large Heads Cabbage, each 3c Large ripe Bananas, per dozen. . . .10c AXOTIIKK IHO KlyOUTt SALE TIKSDAV. To help unload the five cars of Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour we are going to hold another Big Ban ner Sale Tuesday. This Flour Is made from the finest Red Turkey i.avii . in r V.'lu.-at and will take more water and make more loaves of bread than any other flour on the market. For Tuesday's sale we will sell It per 4 8-pound QQ Every sack guaranteed or your money refunded. The regular price of this Flour U $1.35 sack. (H!AVDE&3 BROS. MMO - PHOBIA. AND RETURN J a I 1 I The Evans Hotel Hot Springs, So. Dak. Beautifully situated In th vale of Mln Cekahta. The health and pleasure resort of the northwest. Only a night's ride from Omaha Golf, tennis, swimming, coaching, horse back and burro rides and other amuse ments. Excellent orchestra in attendance. Visit wonderful wind cave. Exceptionally low ratea on both C. A N. W. and Burlington. For rates and Information, address: ItOV M. SCOTT, Manager. SUMMER BOARD Dellevue College Dormitories July 1 to September 7. References required. Address BELLKVCE COLLEGE. Bellevue, Neb. 'Phone Red 2. South Omaha, ICHOOLI AAiD COLLEGES. Balldlaa; Pern 1 1 a. The city ha Issued the following build ing permits: Dennis Ieary. $S,0uO frame dwelling at Thirty-first and Popplelon avenue; O. P. Hansen, fl.ttto frame store at Sixteenth and Ohio; C. A. brockway, U.OiO frame dwelling at Twenty-seventh and Fort. Omaha Kim tirlm Blj oatrael. Callahan. Phelan St Shirley, railroad con tractors of Omal;a. have secured the con tract for building lat mile of cew line en the Milwaukee extension wl of. Foraythe, National Cathedral School . Ml. SL Alba, Washing!, D. C Combines the beat feature of th College Preparatory and Finishing rVhool. Cnrlvalled advantages In Muslo and Art. Certificate admits to college. Bpeclal Courses. fire proof BaUdla. Park of 40 acre, kt. BT. K. T. UTTESLEB, T. XX. X.L. D., president Board of Trustee. For catalogue apply to Mr. BABBOUB WALKS, at. A, principal. August 11,12,13. RETURN LIMIT AUG. 22nd. Ticket good la Coaches and Chair Cars, also in Pullman Car upon payment of Pullman rate. FOUR DAILY FAST TRAINS Leave Union Station 8:16 A.M., 8:15 A.M.. 4:05 P.M., :85 P.M. Ticket Off ice 1323 Farnam saw lk, HOTEL. MB, VHCTMM Drcadway, Fifth Ave. and 27th SL, New York . is a modern, ft ret -cuts hotel. In the oen ter of tn shopping distrloi. Complet la I all Its appointment and absolutely fire proof. Furnishings and decorations en- Accommodation guet: loo suite wun Dam. not and oold water and telephone tn every room. European plan. cuisine unex celled. Room tl 69 a day up. with beta 12(0 up. Th only hotel in Manhattan fronting both on Broadway and Fifth Ave. GBOROB W. SWEENEY - Proprietor tlrely new throughout. for Mo Se3 ONLY 7.35 or Inneanois and Return August 12-13 Good for Extension Returning to Sept. 30. " Special Nebraska O. A. R. Train Aug. 11, 8:30 p. m. Regular Trains 7:50 a. m. and 8:28 p. m. CITY OFFICES: 1401-3 Farnam Street .4 LAFAYETTE HOTEL 'ZHXS? C1IOOL9 An D COLLEGES. Kimball Hall 139 to 253 WabaehAte. Chioago, III. American Conservatory Th Leading School l Hvtie sad Dramatic kX TwT.NTY-FlRST SEASON. Slitynveemtoent in.mictorfl. I'n.urpsbsed course of stuJy T.acliors' Training Department. Diploma-. snd Teacher's Certificate. I'mriwUd free Ativan lagu. Thirty tree scholarship! awarded annually to lal.oted students of 11m ltd mesas. ftUtexoi begia bept li). 14. I at.l.Ht.. mitilM fr. ' JOUM i. UATIlaDf, r-rea4eut, Western Military Academy Upper Alloa. Illinois 28th year. Ideal locttion near St. Louii. Six modern buildings In beauti ful park. Thru fire-proof barracks. Lirge drill hall, with gymnasium and howling alleyi. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer and military equipment furnUhd by Wat Dept. Tuition 450. Capacity 150. Wailing list last year. Immediate application advisable for boy of good character above 6th grade. COL. At.rr.HT M. JACKSON. A. M., Soperlatrndent Lindenwood College for Womea C.Hcfe Atc. t ST. CHARLkS MO Diamond Jubilee College of the West. Academic, Seminary and College Courses. Uusic, Elocution, Art and Domestic Economy. physical and btratuglc Location. Accessibility to a great city, belect patronage. Limited number of boarders. Every room taken during lt school year. U'-aut,ful location. Electric car to St. X.ool. Catalogue on application, ate. Oeog rtedsrlc Avrea. ri. I- rrcs. 7 lfontllfn Y LatHf..!ld?aa SiuX Tlk li f ti I I II fill I 9 I acta-oiinih MiqdlaWwt. riui'liinmjl aTftliSll Ull 111 Ul .Ulsai&iZtTiJBZmi! r tt . . . (I Colorado posseBneB gome of the finest fishing II I II and hunting grounds on earth. Its myriads 1 I r- 1 J of streams ana lanes teem wun mounum i i w. trout and are the haunt of millions of geese, 1 1 Very Low Rates of CCITf Krt To Denver, Colorado Springs, Puehlo and 11 pl.9U return. Tickets on sale dally to Bept. 15. ALS0 w ftic tl To Denver. Colorado Springs. Tueblo and re- I I turn. Tickets on sale Sept. 11 to - UNION PACIFIC ) The Popular Rout to Colorado. J I -y V Inquire at j1 CTT1 TICKET OFFICE, 13 4 FAUX AM ST. N Thone Douglas 334. 1831-1906 VQU WILL EXJOV THfc DKI.U'KH S UtACItAXCE OF A ALWAYS THE SAME. ALWAiu lUt 11EST. F. B. BICK MiO.U.JL-ILLL tiUAK CO, ilauulattuiex. bl, LOU 13 f t