Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
f 1
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La ci of Union Amonc Leiden Acainat
fncoenof Eni iii MoTiment.
Eeid of Organisation! Are Not in Sym
pathy With Purpose of 011.
Iop.0781 of Etrest v-ar Lines and Feme
Back in Iheir Places.
Rrrfplloa of Strike Order la Inland
Cities Today Mar Aot tha
Peadlnsi Sltaatlon
t..e veneral strike, wnien. aim
&Terrri close to TO.ftOO men In h t.'J.
burg, hao met with only slight" t.'V'
in other sections of Russia, probably
be derided today by an adverse express, y,
of public opinion. The lack of union amon.
the leader of the proletariat organisations
is playir.g against the success of the move
ment. The railroad men. upon whom the success
of the entire mo ement depend, are still
working full time. The leaders of the
rill-rsd organizations ars hesitating about
Issuing a call for a tla up. They fear be
ing deserted a nddlseredlted by their ma
terialistic followers, who are no more re
sponsive to tha avowed pretext of this
strike, namely, sympathy with the muti
neers of Sveaborg, Cronstad and Reval,
than they were 'to the similar reasons
given for the abortive strike of last
November. Tha railroad men have been
Intimidated yy the recent making of strikea
affectlnv communications penal offenses.
The law providing severe punishment waa
enscted with direct reference to general
Will Blow Tp Bridges.
The council of workmens' deputies, which
met secretly at Teriokl. Finland, continued
Its session until a lste hour yesterday morn
ing. The deputies were so Incensed at
tha timidity displayed by the railroad men
that they decided to resort. If necessary,
to tha blowing up of bridges and the de
struction of the roadbeds, etc., to bring
the, transportation service to a standstill.
Representatives of all the revolutionary
parties and emissaries from Moscow, Kleff,
Riga, Odes and other cities were present
at the meeting. The telegraphers thus far
have been appealed to In vain. The flnnl
meeting of the council still Is being held at
1:30 this morning.
The (list break In tha ranks of the St.
Petersburg strikers occurred yesterday,
when the printers decided to return to
work. - The employes of severe', streef car
lines end river ferrlea have resumed work.
A steady downpous of rain all day long
rreveited the open air gatherings scheduled
fr the day In Bt , Petersburg, and. the
. qnnr.gjje.nt possibility of collisions and dis
orders. Theday wis' without Incident
except 'for the departure for Cronstadt of
the eighteenth naval equlppage. There was
a large number of drunken men among
these sailors. -
' Conditions In Interior.
Telegrams from the Interior throw little
light on the manner In which the country
may be expected to respond to today's call
for a strike. There has been no cessation
In the number of robberies and murders
in the Interior.
The government attaches much Import
ance to the decletlon of the Poles in the
Minsk j-onsress against the principle of
expropriation and In favor of acquiescing
In the dissolution of the lower house and
preparing for new elections. This action Is
regarded in administrative circles aa al
most equivalent to the withdrawal of the
property classes of Poland from the revo
lutionary movement.
The Novoe Vremya, which Is the only
newspaper appearing, except In dodger
form, devoted a large portion of its space
this morning to an article prophecylng war
between Japan and the United States, and
predicting a sure and speedy Jspanese vic
tory, the seizure of the Philippines and
Hawaii and the occupation by tha Japa
nese of California.
ehnstopol Is Issolated.
ODESSA, - Aug. 8. Telegraphic communi
cation between here and Bebastopol has
been interrupted for the last forty-eight
liours. Governor General Kaulbara has not
yet 'returned from Bebastopol.
Flashlight signals were exchanged at
midnight last night between the roof of
the . commandant's residence here and a
torpedo boat In the harbor a few miles
at sea. Thereupon the destroyer started at
full speed towards tha Crimea.
.. There is a certain apprehension of Im
pending events. For the first time in two
weeks Cossacks appeared in town lsst night,
forming double , guards . at the residences
of tha governor, the perfects and the com
mandants and at public buildings.
Persistent reports ars in circulation con
cerning conditions at the garrison.
The French consul here has been In
structed by his government In case of
necessity to give refuge to all fugitives
Irrespective to nationality.
' I'seoTka Workmen Strike,
I'ZOVKAZ. Aug. 8. In spite of the proc
lamation of the governor general to take
"extraord'nary measures" In case Jhe work
men still laboring in the mines should
ceasa work, the summons from 6t. Peters
burg to a general strike hss met with the
approbation of the workmen here. The pos
tal, telegraph and telephone employes to
day expressed to the Associated Press their
willingness to strike and even an officer
of Cossacks said he viewed the strike with
Wrrkmen In the Mf ngava pits to the num
ber of x.500 went on strike today after Cot
sacks had broken up their meeting and
whipped threa of the resisting miners to
Soldiers have been detailed to pump out
tha flooded mlnea.
Tha emperors manifesto dissolving tha
lower house of Parliament was posted here
Xenraskaa ail r anally Visit tha
Camp.atl and Lnnrb , With
iaiksassisr Whits.
TETnCB. Aug. I William 3. Bryan,
Mrs. Bryan. Miss Oraea Bryan. Colonel
Moses C. Wetmora of 8U Louis. Mo., and
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Dunlap - and theJr
daughter of Jacksonville, III., spent tha
day hers sightseeing. They were Intar
ao' eapootally la tha work of roatortng
tha Camp-"" at Bt. Marks. Tha party
ha4 Panobeoa with Mr. Whits, tha Ainarl-
aaa pmrnssa'li , f
Sooth Dakota Merchant Falls to net
Damages from Creditors Who
Plied Petition Against Him.
8IOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. 6.-(8peclsl )
Judge Carland of the United States court
in this city, has sustained the demurrer in
the case of Ole Haagenaen, a merchant of
Clark, who sought, to recover damages
because some of Ms creditors recently a t
tempted to have him declared an Involun
tary bankrupt.
The defendants In the action were Ware as
Griffin of Clark; Wyman. Partridge A Co.
of Bt. Paul; tha Manchester Biscuit compsny
of Bloux Falls, and Jewett Bros. A Jewetl
of Bloux Falls. Last May, upon application
of the defendants In the action, Haagensen
was declared an Involuntary bankrupt and
a receiver waa appointed to take charge
of his property. On June 1 a hearing In
the case was held, snd ss a result of tha
hearing Judge Carland revoked his order
sppolnting the receiver and ordered the
receiver to turn over to Haagensen such
property as bad come into his possession
through the receivership.
Hasgensen was awarded a Judgment
for the customary costs, but believing he
had been damaged, he filed an application
asking that the decision revoking the order
pointing a receiver be amended to the
nt of awarding him damages ror me
his business had been In charge of
application the defendants filed
snd Judge Csrland now has
decision sustaining the ds
The receiver appointed In Msy
wss not required to furnish a tsahd. The
decision of Judge Carland concludes aa
"There having been no bond taken In this
case, either pursuant to statute or the In
herent power of the court, Haagensen ha
no remedy In this present suit for dam
ages suffered, except the allowance of
costs, which waa made In the decree en
tered." It is thought in some quarters that Haag
ensen will now Institute an action In the
state circuit court for the, recovery of
damages sgalnst those of his creditors
who sought to have the appointment of
the receiver msde permanent.
Allesred Counterfeiter Arrested.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Aug. 6 Special.)
A man giving his na-rre as Charles Reese
Is In custody of the United States author
ities In this city, having been arrested
on the charge of passing spurious $1 bills.
It Is charged that while at Hudson a
day or two ago Reese succeeded In passing
one of the counterfeit bills and attempted
to pass another. When arrested and
searched another of the bills was found
In his possession. Reese claimed at first
that the bills were given him In change by
a saloonkeeper st Elk Point, but when he
was Informed thst Elk Point had no
saloons, he stated he got one of the bills
from a saloonkeeper at Bloux City and an
other from an umbrella mender whom he
met. Reese waa held for appearance be
fore a. federal grand Jury, which will con-
vena at Dead wood next month.
Prisoner Commits Snlrlde.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Aug. S.-tSpectaU
Benjamin Wenael, aged about 48, a pris
oner In the Bloux Falls penitentiary, com
mitted suicide by hanging-, himself. In his
cell. Wenxel was serving a term of four
yes re and had been In the penitentiary
only about four months. He was sentenced
from Hand county for criminal assault.
Vnlted States Consols I nsMe to Find
Any Gronnd for Alarmist
Aatl-Forelsrn Repc-i.
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 5 American Am
bassador Thompson haa- received replied
from American consuls and consular agents
throughout the republic on the consensus
of which Is thao there Is no ground for
alarm on the part of Americans or foreign
ers. The consuls report tranquillity at all
points save some labor agitation at rail
way centers. The railway strike on the
Mexican Central has been conducted in a
peaceable manner, the men participating
simply walking out and Indulging In no
violence. The leaders In the railway men's
union have again called on the American
ambassador. They say there Is no anti
America n movement contemplated by rail
way workers.
The Imparclale charges that recently cir
culated bills warning Americans to leave
the country before September 18 were cir
culated by an unknown American, who
went from station to station distributing
and posting the pretended proclamation.
The Imparclale also asserts that certain
railway companies In Texas and California
have taken part In promoting the circula
tion of false and sensational reports.
The circulars were apparently signed by
the Mexican league of Railway Employes,
but this group of worklngmen declare posi
tively that they had nothing to do with
tha matter.
Friends of Slayer of Prominent
Farmer Attempt to Take Him
from O fflcers.
VINELAND. N. J.. Aug., B.-Nlcholas
Bertl, aged SO yeara. a well known resi
dent of this city, waa shot and instantly
killed today by Alexander Cordelia, a
prominent farmer living near this place.
The shooting followed a quarrel. Cor
delia fled and took refuge tn a vineyard
where he was found by detectives this
fternoon. He confessed to having shot
Bertl, but aald he did not want to hang.
"Give ma a knife or a revolver," he pleaded,
"and they can bury me the same day
they do Bertl." Borne of Bertl's friends
tried to take the prisoner from the officers
and there was a free fight In which sev
eral men were hurt. Tha officers finally
succeeded in getting their prisoner in the
Stewart Barney, Wha Was Carrying
Larara Sam of Money, Beaten
to Death.
TONOPAH. Nev., Aug. I. Stuart Burney,
a teamster, was killed laat night In the
corral of tha "Head Light Stable" near the
depot, and John Keman, another teamster,
was fatally beaten by robbers. Both men
were attacked with a gas pipe. Robbery
was tha probably tha motive aa Burney
la known to have had several hundred dol
lars last night. His pockets had been
robbed. Burney arrived from Manhattan
last night carrying as passengers Leo
Bwart and Lowney Bennett. Swart, who
slept In tha wagon which Burney waa
killed, was arrested today. Ho declares he
la Innoosnt. An effort la being mad to
apprehend Bennett.
Taoht Baolne Holds (enter of State on
Both Eidea of Atlantic
Kings and Qneena of England and
Spain Will Witness Contests
Race for Ulnar's Cop at
WASHINGTON. Aug 6. One of the main
events of the sporting world In the coming
week will be the Cowes regatta, which
opens at Coweo, England, on Tuesday under
the auspices of the British Royal Yacht
squadron. Yachts belonging to the squad
ron will compete in a handicap over the
Queen's course for King Edward'a cup.
King Alfonso and Queen Victoria of Spain,
who arrived at Cowes August 1, on the
Spanish royal yacht Glralda, escorted by
the srmored cruiser Princes de Asturlss,
will witness the contests during tha week.
Rsclng for Emperor William's cup for
yachts of forty tons or over and for the
challenge cup offered by the countess of
Dudley for fifty-two linear rating class are
the principal events on Wednesday. Thurs
day will witness the contest for town prises
for yachts of 100 tons or over, and for the
cup presented by Lady Brassey. In addi
tion to a race for Mrs. Almeric Paa-et's cup
on Friday, the last day of the regatta, an
event has been provided for schooners of
100 tons or over, for prizes ottered by the
Contest for Klnsr'a Cap.
On this side of the water, too, aquatic
sports will have a large place In the events
of the week. On Wednesday the largest
and fleetest yachts of the big fleet of
pleasure and racing craft, now taking part
In the anitual cruise of the New York
Yacht club from Glencove to Newport, It.
I., vlll race for the Kings cup over a
course off Newport. This race Is open
only to sloops not less than fifty feet In
length and schooners not less than sixty
feet In length. At Worcester, on Friday
and Saturday, the oarsmen of the N. A. A.
O. will compete In the annual regatta of
that organization.
Up-state New York will have almost a
monopoly on horse racing during the week.
The grand circuit light harness meet will
begin at Buffalo on Monday and the run
ners who have been at the big tracks
around New York since early spring will
open the racing season st Sarstoga the
same day.
The golfing event of the week will be
the Metroplltan Golf association open
championship in New Tork on Friday.
The International Firemen's tournament
will begin Monday st Hamilton, Ont.
Many Conventions.
One of the features of the coming week
will be the unusually large number of
national and International conventions held
In various sections of the country. Among
thoso are:
Monday International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, st Chicago; the National Asso
ciation of Window Trimmers of America,
New York; the National American Osteo
pathic association, at Put-In-Bay. and the
National United States-Spanish War Vet
erans, at Albany.
Tuesday International Glove Workera'
of America, at .Milwaukee, and American
Photographers' association at Niagara
Falls. -' ,-
Wednesday National . Association .of
Master Bteel Workers, st Indianapolis;
Young People's society of the United Pres
byterian church, at Winona Lake.
Friday American Protestant Association
National Grand lodge, at Boston.
Saturday Natlonsl Heymakers' associa
tion at Bridgeport, Conn.
Charles Freeman and Robert Keen.'
Meet on Street and Kill Each
SPRINGFIELD. Mo., Aug. 8. In the
streets of Chadwtck, a' small town thirty
miles south of Springfield, today, Charles
Freeman, a merchant, and Robert Keene,
IS years old, fought a duel to the death
with revolvers. Suit recently was brought
by Freeman against Keene charging the
latter with assaulting his 15-year old
Freeman was reported to have threatened
to shoot Keene on sight and both men
went armed. When they met on the
street today the two men Immediately
drew their revolvers and began firing.
Freeman was shot twice, one bullet pene
trating tha forehead and another in the
region of the heart. Keene was shot three
times, one bullet striking him In the heart.
Both men were dead when the spectators
reached them. ,
Freeman leaves a widow and severs
children. He was well-to-do. being the
proprietor of stores at Chad wick and Gar
rison, Mo. Keene was the son of Thomas
Keene, a wealthy farmer living near Chad
One Trainman Killed and Two In
jured la Wreck on tha 'Frtsca
JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 6. One trainman was
killed and two were hurt In the derailment
of Bt. Louie and Ban Francisco passenger
train No SOS, en route from Wichita, Kan.,
to St. Louis. In thla today. Nona of the
passengers were Injured.
Tha dead:
MIKE A. O'NEILL, fireman, Monett, Mo.
E. J. Werren. engineer, Monett, Mo.;
Geor-e Shelton. express messenger, Mo.
nett, Mo.; seriously.
Tha train waa running at the rate of
thirty miles sn hour, when rounding a
sharp curve the engine left the rails, fol
lowed by tha combination mall and smok
ing oar. It la believed by railroad men that
a switch had been taepered with.
Child Shot by Elmer Dempster at
WaahJaa-tan, Pa, Dies of
I a) a lies.
WASHINGTON, Pa.. Aug. a Robert Ed
ward Pearca, three years old. who was
shot by the negro. Elmer Dempster, last
Sunday night, died today of hemorrhages,
caused by tha bullet wound. Tha child
was wounded at tha time Dompater killed
Mrs. Pearca and two other of her chil
dren. The death of the child haa re
kindled the bluer feeling against tha negroes
In th neighborhood of th Paaros horn
but there Is no fear of violence felt by
th Jail officials.
Root Visits datsToo Floatation.
8AO PAULO, BrasIL Aug. 8. Ellhti Root,
United Btate secretary of state, today
visited th model coffee plantation of Benor
Eliaa at Chaves. In passing through
Campania Mr. Root received an ovation
from th populaea. He and hla party re
turned her tbia ovanlnc
Maa Who Shot Miss Kuael at Grand
Island is Canaht at
GRAND IBLAND. Nefv, Aug. (Special.)
Sheriff Dunkel. accompanied by Albert
Smith, a fellow employ of Hamlin and who
waa In the party when John Hamlin shot
Mlsa Rachel Enl. Otis Neumann of the
Independent and Beit Watts, a deputy, re
turned at 8 o'rlock this morning from
Dannebrog, bringing with them the would-be
murderer of Miss Enrel. who Is ssfely
lodged In Jail. There Is at present no un
easiness ss to any attempt at mob law,
though during the Inst two dsys of the
carnival, with Its hlg crowds, considerable
talk was heard along this line. Miss En
gel Is this morning reported to be In prac
tically the same condition. The paralysis
Is still complete. It le possible that the
X-ray will be used to locate the bullet. In
which event the young woman msy be
taken to Omaha if able to undergo the
Hamlin went from the Kent bsrn In a d'J'
north direction, tsklng the Bt. Psul road.
He was seen going through St. Llhory In
the night. He ran Into a rainstorm and
his progress was thereafter slow. He was
compelled to walk a great part of the way
and finally, yesterday, laid down to rest.
He fell asleep snd does not know how long
he slept. About six miles from Dannebrog
hla wheel broke down, he ststes, and he
abandoned It on the prairie. He was
drenched to the skin.
Story of the Arrest.
Hamlin walked Into Dannebrog about 6
o'clock last night. Going to Woods' restau
rant he called for supper. The description
of the would-be murderer had been sent
out thoroughly, not only In the Immediate
vicinity, but to all points In the stste, and
Sheriff Dunkel and Special Officer Bowers
of the Union Pacific had a complete net
work laid for the man, and with especial
reference to the home of a sister. In Wayne
county, whither, they believed from the
first, he would work. Mr. Woods, there
fore, suspected at once, when this stranger
called In the little village, that he was the
man wanted. He notified Irvln MrFarlan,
a special detective In the village, who called
In the marshal. Mr. Peterson, doubting
his own authority to make the arrest. When
these had returned to the restaurant Ham
lin had gone to the telephone office to call
up Charles Wicker, a neighbor of the step
father of the girl. Hamlin gave the name
of Emerson at the restaurant. At the tele
phone office he gave the name of Thompson.
He did not get to talk over the phone before
Deputy Sheriff' Dunkel. snd O. E. Hart,
who had been scouring the northern part
of the county all day, drove Into Dannebrog.
Hamlin knew the deputy and at once con
fessed that he was the man they were
looking for. but said, at this time', that he
did not do the shooting. The sheriff did
not know that his brother, the deputy,
would be In Dannebrog and thus' was on
the way before the news reached here
that the deputy was on hand. When tha
sheriff's party arrived Mr. Smith st once
positively Identlfled Hamlin, and Hamlin,
then In charge of the Dannebrog marshal,
remarked that he was sorry It was not
Smith that hsd been shot Instead of tho
girl, though he evidenced no great Inter
est In the condition of the young woman.
Tho party- started at S rjUUock , lor Grand
Island.' " '
Hamlin Fears Mob. . .
Hamlin, when approaching Grand Island,
remarked that he had Intended to get a rig
and drive back" to give himself up. It was
remarked by one of the party that it may
have been well he did . not as there had
been some talk of lynching, at which he
wss surprised and somewhat slarmed. He
talked little, but smoked Incessantly.
Hamlin will be held without formal com
plaint for a few days until the outcome,
as to the girl, can be better determined.
He has no family connections here. He
has a sister In Wayne county, the only
known relative, but the authorities have
not, so far, her address.
Jiew York Boy Who Waa Nearly
Starred Sticks Man la Back
With Frnltknlfe.
NEW YORK, Aug. 8 While apparently
crazed. John Carle, a homeless youth,
crept behind William C. Pearson, a travel
ing salesman who was walking through
West Twenty-third street, today, and
plunged a long knife Into his back. A
Pearson fell Carle sprang upon him and
began rifling his pockets but ran away
when a dozen passers by rushed on him.
Half a block away he was captured by
a policeman, to whom he surrendered the
knife, saying "Here's what's left of It."
The blade had been broken la half leav
ing three Inches In Pearson's back. Pear
son was taken to the hospital where It
was found that he was probably mortally
When taken to court. Carle, who waa
much emaciated and so weak as hardly
to be able to stand, said:
"I made up my mind to kill someone.
and rob him. I was hungry. I had eaten
nothing since Friday night. Yesterday I
stole a fruit knife from a push cart In
Park Row and a few minutes before this
msn cams along, I made up my mind to
kill the first man who passed. This man
was the first and I went for him."
Carle was committed to Bellevue hospital
for mental examination.
Thirty-Two Hundred Volnnteera Join
th Regulars In Camp
AUSTIN. Texas, Aug. 8. The Texas
volunteer troops, some 3.300 strong, entered
Camp Mabry at daybreak this morning for
a fifteen day' stay with the regulars.
With them came their commanding officer.
Major General W. H. Btalr. and his staff.
Th state troops will participate In the
sae practice and maneuver drills aa the
Tomorrow ths field maneuvers will be re
sumed, the program for the week taking
th soldiers Into the mountains, where two
detachments will be brought together, one
tn an attempt to surprise the other while
In camp.
Secretary Shaw at Gleawood.
OLENWOOD. Ia, Aug. S.-(8pecll.)
Secretary lrslle M. Shaw and Maud Bal
ling ton Booth were th attractions at to
day's Chautauqua. Mr. Shaw's sddresa
was listened to by an audience of 4.VH)
people. Thlel s orchestra, the 'Chicago
Mai Quartet and D. W. Robertson's mov
ing puctures. vocalist snd legerdemain ex
ponent completed sn evening's program of
unusust excellence.
Man Drowned at Iowa Falls.
IOWA FALL8. Is., Aug. I (Special Tel
egrsm ) Louis Torsdshl of Radcllffe, la.,
waa drowned her today whil In bathing.
BoTiew of B emits in Various Bepnblioan
Conotj Conventions.
Relative Stand Inn of Candidates for
rutted States Senator and for
Governor on the Fare of
Preseat Retnrns.
Republican Instructions to Date.
ToUl delegates In state convention 8S7
Total delegates slrtady elected W
Total delegates still to be elected Sit
Totnl Instructed for senstor 278
Total unlnstructed for senator 4
Instructed for Rosewater 107
Unlnstructed for Rosewater
Total for Ronewater 212
Instructed for Brown 1M
Unlnstructed for Brown (estimated) 44
Total for Brown
Instructed for Millard
Instructed for Currle
lnslructed for Evens ,
Unlnstructed. preference still unknown.
Instructed for Bheldon
Instructed for Consway
Instructed for Rouse....
Instructed for Well
Instructed for Steele
Instructed for Miles
Instructed for Harsh
Instructed for Kyd
Instructed for Good
Instructed for Bothwell
Instructed for Brlsn
Instructed for Wlnnett
Instructed for Badllek
Instructed for Linn
Instructed for Oalushv
Instructed for McBrlen
No Ins' ruction on candidates
. 8
. 17
. 12
. 7S
. 1
. 15
. 14
. 14
. 13
. 9
. 3
. 23
. 12
. 11
Comparison of this tabulsr exhibit with
thst of a week ago will show that sixteen
republican county conventions held In the
Interval have added 130 delegates to the
number chosen, making a total elected to
date of 638 out of S87 that are to sit In the
state convention. The greater number of
these counties failed to instruct for any
candidate for United States senator, al
though Brown secured Johnson county's
ten votes and Oirrle and Evans as favorite
sons were given Custer's seventeen votes
and Platte's twelve votes respectively. The
Brown prognosttcators at Lincoln had
given out forecasts claiming for him not
less .than half the delegates to be elected
last week, but In this he failed to make
good, resolutions of instruction In his
favor being voted down In Franklin,
Furnas and Harlan counties, which they
were confidently counting upon. SI coun
ties which did not instruct for any par
ticular candidate for senator, nevertheless
adopted resolutions endorsing convention
nomination and Instructing delegate to
sustain the call In that respect.
On the governorship, Sheldon sdded
Johnson county to his list, giving htm
total Instructions aggregating thirty-eight,
and Kearney county brought out Btate
Senator Harsh, making now, seven entries
In-the gubernatorial list with at least an
eighth in- prospect.
Tho. Convention Calendan .
Of tha ninety counties In Nebraska, forty
three have now held their republican
county conventions, and almost all of the
others have, been called with dates and
places fixed. The convention callandar for
the remaining period so far aa posted Is as
follows; . , .
Dat County. Delegates.
Aug. Otoe, at Syracuse 16
Richardson, Falls City It!
Frontier, at Stockvllle 7
Nuckolls, at Nelson 11
i'lay, at Clay Center 14
Perkins, st Grant 2
Aug. 7 Dixon, at Emerson 10
Pawnee, at Pawnee City 11
Aug. 8 Ueuel, at Chappell 3
Aug. 10 Knox, at Center 13
Aug. 11 Gosper, at hJwood 3
Cuining, at West Point 9
B-ott s Bluff, at Gerlng 4
Banner, at Harrlsburg 3
Thurston, at Pender 8
Dak ta. at Dakota City 6
' Sheridan, at Kushvllle 6
Washington, at Blair 11
Loup, at Taylor 2
Grant, at Hyannis 2
Aug. IS Pierce, at Piainvlew 7
Nance, at Fullerton 8
Aug. 14 Burt, at Decatur 10
Greeiey, at Greeley
Dodge, at Fremont 10
Colt ax, at Schuyler 9
Merrick, at Central City 9
Aug. 18 Brown, at Alnsworth 4
Dawes, at Children 6
Aug. 17 Hitchcock, st Trenton 8
Aug. 18 Lincoln, at North Platte I
Barov. at Papllllon 7
Box Butte, at Alliance 6
Howard, at St. Paul 7
Chase, at Imperial 3
Dawson, at Lexington 11
Holt, at O Nell 12
Keya Paha, at Sprlngvlew 4
Aug. 20 Fillmore, at Geneva 13
From this It will be seen that twenty
counties will name 161 more delegates by the
end of the present week. Norrls Brown
is counting on getting instructions from
Otoe, Richardson, Frontlsr, Nuckolls, Clay,
Pawnee, as well as several minor counties.
Sheridan will promulgate the candldaoy of
Charles Weston for governor and a number
of booms for other state officers are on the
boards. The primary preliminary to the
Dodge county convention is on for August
9, with a hot fight assured to determine
whether Ross Hammond can fulfill his
contract to deliver the delegation to Brown
and Sheldon.
, in Congressional Contests.
The outcome last week In Nemsha and
Johnson, both of which Instructed their
congressional delegates for the renomlna
tlon of Congressmsn Pollard, Is supposed
to have settled that question by giving
him a large margin over the majority neces
sary to nominate. Judge Jessen, however,
has not publicly withdrswn from the recs
and will probably ask for his own county,
while It is known that a number of Lan
caster delegstes would bresk away from
their Pollard Instructions if they had half
a chance. The First district contest haa
developed considerable bitter feeling be
tween the friends of opposing candidates.
In the Third district Stanton county has
pronounced for W. W. Young, and Dixon
will this week declere for McCerthy, put
ting all ths avowed candidates In the flell.
i Boyd still lesds on Instructions, and the
j failure of Instruction In Piatt Is ssld to
favor him too. ine ummsie rrsun is sun
said to turn largely on the Dodge county
aiorx corTY repvbmCajh meet
Convention Endorse. Work of Millard
bnt Refnses to Instmrt for Him.
HARRISON, Neb.. Aug 8Bpelsl Tele
gram.) The Bloux county republican con
vention yesterday elected W. H. Davis. C.
H. Blackburn and Conrad Parsons dele
gates to ths ststs convention. The work
of Benstor Millard was endorsed, but ths
convention declined to Instruct for him.
An effort waa mad to Instruct th dele
gation for niarle Weston of Hay Springs
(Continued on Second Paga)
Fair and Warmer Monday and Twee
da. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday I
Hoar. Dear. Hnnr. Den.
a. m at 1 p. m T4
A a. tn cut n. m Tl
T a. m AT 8 p m TH
8 a. m tut 4 p. tn TH
a. m BT B p. m V
1A a. m p. m Tn
11 a. m KO T p. nt TH
11 n T3 Si p. tn T!
ft p. m T4
Dr. E. E. Womersley, Robert Aers
and Lout Roye Are Laid
at Rest.
The funeral of Dr. E. E. Womersley, who
died last week, was held yesterday after
noon. The services and burial were Isrgely
sttentled, the doctor having a wide circle
of friends snd acquaintances. Rev. J. W.
Conley conducted the services at the First
Baptist church at 8 p. m. Dr. Womersley
ass moderator at the church snd closely
Identified with Its growth. Members of
Union Pacific lodge No. 17. Ancient Order
of United Workmen, attended the funeral
In a body. The burial was st Prospect Hill
cemetery. The active pallbearers were J.
A. Sunderland. J. H. Dumont. Amos Field,
L. Householder, 8. V. Fullsway and George
A. Wllrox. Honorary pallbearers were Dr.
O. 8. Woods, Dr. C. Rosewster, John Dsle,
George W. Hoobler, W. 8. Curtis snd J. R.
The funersl of Robert Ayers. who died
at the County hospital Thursday, was held
Saturday afternoon at the undertaking
rooms of Hoffmsn & Gentleman. Rev. O.
A. Luce conducted the services snd Inter
ment was st Forest Lswn. His sister. Mrs.
A. Adls. snd her husband arrived here at
midnight Friday snd the funeral was con
ducted under their Instructions.
Louis Boye. the sged men found dead
Thursday morning st the rear of his daugh
ter's home, 221 Willis svenue, was buried
yesterday afternoon at Forest Lawn ceme
tery. Rev. Charles W. Savldge conducted
the sen-ices st the home of Louis Boye,
1112 North Twentieth street. The roroner's
Jury returned a verdict that Boye came
to his death from heart failure. The old
man was walking from his son's to his
daughter's home when stricken.
Donhle Band Concert, a toop-the-Loop,
a Balloon nnd a
Small Fire. j
Tha concerts given by Chevalier Gar
glulo and his band at Krug park yester
day, 4 to 6 p. m. and T to p. m., wero
cf.mplete In the full enjoyment they gave
to all who are fond of the very best thai
there Is In band music.
Diavolo looped the loop at 6:80 p. in.
within a thirty-two Inch sphere from a
height of thirty-seven feet down an In
cline of eighty-one feet, circling a loop
eighteen feet in diameter and thence In'o
a net. He will do thla ac twice dally
during the coming week.
The baloon ascension at 7 o'clock was a
very pretty one.
The Finn band played from t to 4 p. tn.
and received several hearty encore.
Tonight the "Second Hungarian Rhap
sody" (Llset) wlirbe prayed by the Osr
glulo band as an extra number. Garglulu's
engagement will close tomorrow evening.
For the reason that the band will leav
at 11 p. m. for Pueblo the concert will
commence st 8 o'clock.
Consledrable excitement was caused at
the park about 11 o'clock last evening by
a small fire at the weighing concession
near the candy stand. The Indian In
charge of the scales was pouring gasoilns
ftom one can Into another, when the oil
caught fire, cauhslng an alarm to be
sounded. The park fire department quickly
extinguished the flames and the loss was
very small. One man hsd one his hands
severely burned and It waa dressod by
Dr. Kelly of the park aurglcal ataff.
Federal Graad Jnry at Chicago Will
Look Into Violations of Anti
Rebate Law.
CHICAGO, Aug. 6. The federal grand
Jury called lo Investigate all the ramifica
tions of the system whereby It Is alleged
trie Standard Oil company has for yeara
enjoyed secret rebates from various rail
roads will meet here tomorrow. The grand
Jury, which meets tomorrow, will have
cognisance of acts which the government
alleges were committed prior to March,
Another grand Jury will meet a week
from tomorrow to deal with alleged viola
tions by the Standard Oil company of the
j Sherman anti-trust law.
Former Omaha Maa Offered Fine Po
sition In Argentina.
8IOUX CITT, la., Aug. 6 -(Special Tele
gram.) Charles Dana Reed, tn charge of
the Bloux City weather office, haa been
offered the position of chief of the forecsst
department of the weather bureau of the
Argentine republic, at a fine advance of
salary. Th offer comes through Willis
Moore, chief of th United States weather
bureau. Mr. Reed Is undecided whether to
accept, hesitating to move his family so
far from home. Mr. Reed came here a
little more then a year ago from Omaha,
where he waa assistant In the Omaha of-
j fice. Here he succeeded I. G. Purssell,
who went to Erie, Pa. Mr. Reed haa
proved himself most efficient, recently hav
ing been given tha title of "forecaster."
Americana Arrested In Mexico.
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 6.-Three Amerl
csns, Fred Jones, Jerome Turner and W.
J. Wilaon, have been arrested and sent to
Belem prison charged with practicing
swindling on American tourists whom, It Is
alleged, they lured to a bell tower of a
cathedral. Induced their victims to gamble
snd, when the latter protested against the
swindle, a bogus detective came upon the
scene and frightened the losers Into silence.
I - .
Internrlutn Car Derailed.
I DANVILLE. III.. Aug. 8.-A heavily
, loaded car on the Danvllle-Urbana Inter
: urban line vrae overturned while rounding
j a sharp curve here tonight snd rolled
j down a ten-foot embankment. Kelly Bmoot,
a eonstaMe, was killed, snd twenty pas
sengers severely Injured. The accident was
caused by a draw bar pulling out of tha
front trucks.
Llaktataar Strikes Cbnrch.
DECATUR. Ill , Aug. 6 -Ughtnlng struck
the Walnut Grove church today as Bun
day school was being dismissed. Several
children wer hurt. Carl Button was prob
ably fatally burned. Earl Emerson's
finger waa burned off and Earl Byers' to
was burned off. Fire caused by lightning
destroyed th International View com
pany's plsa
Italian Ship Birio Sinks CAT Island Near
Cape Falos,
Victim! Are Mostly TUlhni and 8paoiard
Bound for Eoutb America.
Number of Fishermen Drowned While
tempting to Eescne Fattentrera,
He !ays Disaster Was Da to III Own
Imprndeno Pnrvlvors Ara
la a Most Deplorable
CARTAGENA. Bpaln, Aug. 8 A terrlbl
marine disaster occurred last evening off
Cape Palos. The Italian steamship Slrto
from Genoa for Barcelonla, Cadta, Monte
video and Buenos Ay res. with about sfffS
persons on board, was wrecked off Horml
gas Island.
Three hundred Immigrant, most of them
Italians and Spaniards, were drowned.
The captain of th steamer committed
The Bishop of Ban Pedro, Brastl, also
was lost and It Is report! that another
bishop Is among the missing.
The remainder of trie passengers and
the officers and crew got away in th
boats or were rescued by means of
sent to them from the shor. i
A number of fishermen who mad
tempts at rescue were drowned. ,
Those rescued from the vessel an
at Cape Palos In a pitiable con '
being without food or clothing. "'
Vessel Strikes Reef. ,
The Birlo struck a rocky reef, kr
Bajos Hormigas, and sank soot '
stern first. Hormigas island 11'
two and a half miles to the east
Cape Palos.
The Blrlo was owned by the Navtgaa
Itallana of Genoa. .
Before he committed suicide, th captain
declared the steamer had 46 passengers
on board and tha the crew num
bered 127 men. The Blrls had 870 passen
gers when leaving Genoa, but addi
tional Spanish passengers wer taken , on
board at Barcelona, wher the vessel
touched a few hours before the disaster.
The dlssster occurred at 8 o'clock rer
day afternoon. The steamer was thread
ing a difficult passage through th Hormi
gas group, where th Bajoa Hormigas reef '
Is a continual menace to navigation. The f
vessel began to settle rapidly Immediately I
after It struck and a terrible scene of f
.M,.atnn m rA mhIh ,nSi All ho t T1 Sj
fishermen along ths coast sought' to Ten-
der every assistance tn their power and
sent out boats which brought many sur
vivors ashore. Most Oi ths officer and
crew of the Birlo are among th saved. "
Condition of Survivor Deplorable.
. The survivors have gon into camp on
ine main square oi urn town v -ym-Palos.
Here, harrowing scenes ara en
acted aa the stricken families anxiously
seek beloved members among the rescued.
A mother who lost her three children
went insane. The doctor of the Blrlo gav
up hla wife and child as lost, but they
were finally brought In by one of th res
cuing boats, and the scene aa this family
was reunited was most affecting. One
of the boats sent out by the fishermen
brought In twenty-four passengers.
The condition of the survivors is' most
deplorable. They have lost everything
and are without money, food or clothing.
The maritime authorities of Cartagena
have dispatched a tug to the scene carry
ing relief supplies. The buildings of a
circus and the poor house are being used
as temporary quarters for the survivors.
The latest reports from the cape say
that three boats have Just brought In a
number of rescued.
An additional sadness Is added to the
catastrophe owing to the fact that a num
ber of fishermen who were conducting res.
cuing operations were drowned in conse
quence of the overturning of a boat.
Th captain of the Slrto. Just before he
killed himself, attributed the wreck to bis
own Imprudence.
The blrlo left Genoa August i.
Salvation Army Headqnartera.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Aug. B.-Flre this after
noon completely gutted the five-story build
ing on the southeast corner of Eighth
and Walnut streets, occupied aa the eouth
western headquarters of th Bslvattnn
Army, with Jurisdiction over eighty In
stitutions throughout Missouri, southern
Illinois, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana.
Joe Matthews, employed aa a baler of
waste paper, fell or Jumped from th Arc
escape at tho third floor and was dashed
to death on the pavement. About twenty
men were asleep In th rooming- depart
ment, but It is believed all eeaaped. A
meeting of the Young People's league, con
ducted by Ensign Edward Baldwin, had
Just closed as the alarm of fire waa given.
It Is believed the fire originated from a
defective electric wire In the paper-baling
department. Lieutenant Colonel J. C.
Addla. tn charge, snd other officers, are In
Kansas City attending a conference. Th
loss Is estimated at tSO.OUO, partially In
sured. Funeral of Rear Admiral Trala.
CIU-: FOO, Aug. 8. Memorial service for
the late Rear Admiral Charles J. Train,
I commander-in-chief of the United States
Aslutlc fleet, who died here August 4,
I acre held on shore this morning. Repre
' seniatlves of the American, French and
' Clitm-tie fleets attended. The body waa
I thn conveyed to the battleship Ohio,
, which left tonight for Yokohama.
Mrs. Thomas W. Ueioa.
8CITUATE. Mass.. Aug. 8. Mrs. Thomas
W. UwoTi, wife of the Boston financier,
died at Dreamwold. Mr. I-a son's summer
home here today. Mrs. Lawson haa been
suffering from heart disease for several
months. With the exreptlon of hr on.
Arnold, all of Mr. Iwsnn's children and
her husband were st her bedslds when
the end came. Arnold Lawson arrived
home shortly afterward. Mrs. Lawson be
fore her msrria-e to Mr. Uwmn In U7I,
was Miss Goodwlllle of Cambridge.
K. W. Tfcbaor.
R. W. Ti-kner died at his horns, l7lsl
Cspltol svenue, Sunday night at 11 o'clock.
He wss 69 years old and a member of
U. B. Grant post Oraod iruf atf tba &a
publto. . .