THE OMATTA RUNHAT BEE. AT'OFST 5. 1306. A 1 f 9 ,1 I i i t 1 fl NEW YORK DEFEATS CniCACO Orkt Crowi Eeas Bciinirn of Crucial fer ii in Rational Learns Eaes. GOTHAMITS BUNCH HITS ON TAYLOR Itrnair, Who ftefased to Play Friday. Gets Back lata thm t;arae Reealls la Other (ltlti. NEW YORK, Auf. 4.-Thlrty trroueand people crowded tha atands and overran tha outfield at the Polo grounds today, ahen tha New Tork and Chicago teama met In tha flrat same of the moat Interesting and perhips crucial series of the season. Police reserves had to be twice called for and then ground rulea limiting any hit to tha value of two baaea were enforced. Al though the visitors were behind at the close of the alxth Inning. Mathewaon waa re lieved by Wlltse In the seventh, and during the remainder of the game Chicago only made one aafe bit off the newcomer. Sey mour, who refused to play yesterday, got back Into the game today and was conspicu ous In tha playa which won for the home club. Bcora: HEW Y0K1C. CHICAOO. H 0 A B B H.O.A.B. Rreanahsa. c. I I 4 l KIfla. ff ... I 1 I 0 0 trtmm. rf... I 4 4 Snenaen. If. ..Ill GevpAesx. of.. 4 1 I M-Oann, lb.. 4 1 II Povhn, lb ... 4 4 I Danlen, aa ... 114 Ollbart. tk.... 14 1 Vathewwm, pill wlltee, a 14 1 4 ahwanl. If . t t 4 4 grbulta. rf.... 1114 4 4 cbanna. lb... 4 J 11 4 1 I 4 ateinfalnt. lb 4 ! I t I 1 4 Tinkar, as.... I 4 0 I 9 4 4Rrara. Jb 1114 4 I 4 Klltif a 114 14 4 4 Taylor, a 1 4 I 4 4 Moras. 1 4 4 4 0 Tttala 40 I It 14 Totala 10 I 14 II I Batted for Taylor In ninth. New Tork 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 1 7 Chicago 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 04 Two-base hlta: Stelnfeldt, Chance ii). Dahlen, Fresnahan. Sacrifice hlta: Tinker, Sherkard, Kilng, Gilbert (2). Slagle. Flrat base on balls: Off Taylor, 4; off Mathew aon, 1. Struck out: Ry Taylor. 6; by Mathewaon, 2; by W'lltae, 1. Hlta: On" Mathewaon, 8 In six and one-third Innings. Passed ball: Rresnahan. Wild pitch: Tay lor. Left on bases; Chicago, 6; New York. (. Double play: Devlin and McGinn. Time: 2:06. Umpires: Emslle and John atone. Philadelphia Bunches Hlta. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 4.-The home team easily defeated St. Lou la by sequen tial hitting. Score: PHILADELPHIA ST. LOUIS. B H OA g B H O A E Thomas, cf . . . I I 1 4 Barry, rf 4 1 4 0 4 1 1 Burrh. cf 4 1 I 4 0 Olaaaoa. lb... 4 0 1 Branetelil, lb 1 14 Tltua, rf I 0 4 Maiee. If 4 11 Poolln. aa. ... 4 I I Courtney, lb. 4 I I Donovan, e... I I I 1 4 Martaa, It.... 4 10 0 0 4 0 Bennett, lb... I I I I I) I OOrady, lb.... I 0 7 u 1 I 4 Phyla, lb I 1 1 1 0 4 OMarahall. c... I t 4 1 1 1 0 Crawford, aa. I 4 1 I 0 4 OKaraer, p I 0 1 I 0 Sparta, p 4 4 1 Rhoaee, p.... 4 4 0 1 0 41 U 17 17 1 Noonaa 1 0 0 4 4 Totala... Totala M 7 14 II I Batted for Rhoadea In ninth. Philadelphia 01021300 -? St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: St. Louis, 2; Philadelphia, 5. Karned runs: Philadelphia, 2. Tu baae hlta' Bennett, Mageu, Doolln ii), Branetteld, Mertes. Double plays: Urans fteid to Gieason, Sparka to Douiln. btruck out: By Sparka, 1; by Karger, 2; by Rhoadea, 2. First base on balls: Oft Sparks, i; off Karger, X. Hits: uri Karger In alx Innings, 11. Wild pitch: Karger. Time: 1:66. Lniplre: Conway. Hvon Break In Brooklya. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Aug. 4 Tha Brook lyn and Cincinnati teams broke even in a double-header here today. The locals won the first and the visitors took tha aecond. Score, flrat game: BROOKLYN. CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A C. B.H.O.A.B. Malaney. cf.. I I 1 4 Hugftna. lb.. 4 1 I 4 Casey, lb.... I I t 4 4 Rally. II I 4 I 4 4 Luralry, r(... 4 4 4 0 1 Juda, rf 4 1140 Jordan, lb.... I 114 ischial, lb.... I 1 10 I t ALoarroan, lb. I I 4 I II Dalahanty, lb I 1 0 I 0 McCarthy. If. a 1 1 0 4 siagla. c( I 4 4 0 0 Lawta, aa 4 1 I 4 4 Corcoran, as.. 1 0 4 0 0 Bar(n. e I 1 I I 4 LMnsaton. c. I 0 1 14 Ourlcklatt, p.. I I 4 I 4 Fraaar, p I 0 I I V - Totals I 17 11 1 Totala..!... 24 4 21 17 i Brooklyn Oliooilo 1 Cincinnati 0000000 0 00 Earned runs: Brooklyn, 4. Two-base hlta: Jordan, Alperman, Bergen, Strlck lett. Threa-baee bit: Casey. Sacrifice hits: Aiperman, Kraaer, Maloney. Stolen bants: Jordan, Muggins, Casey. Double play: Caaey to Aiperman to Jordan. Left on baaea: Brooklyn, 7; Cincinnati, L Fliat base on balls: On Stricklett. it; off Fraar, 1. First base on errora: Brooklyn. 1; Cin cinnati, 1. Struck out: By BtrlcKlett, 6; by Fraaer, 2. Time: 1:43. Umpire; Car penter. Score, aecond game: CINCINNATL BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A C Vsulna, lb.. I 114 OMalonay. ct.. I tally. II 4 1 I 4 0 Caaey . lb 4 Juda. rf I Brblsl, ' lb.... I Dalahanty, lb 4 (lasle. cf 4 Corcoran, aa.. I LWinsaion. c. I 1 I 1 11 v lAimiry, n . .. a UJordao. lb. ... a 1 Hummal. lb.. I 0 Aliartnan, lb. I 0 McCarthy, if. I 4 Lawta, aa I twins. P 4 4 Rlttar, e I Paatortua, P.. I Totala 11 .117 14 1 . , Totals 24 4 17 14 'Cincinnati 0 0200000 0-3 Brooklyn 0 1000000 0-1 Earned run: Brooklyn, 1. Two-base hits: Bitter, Delehanty. Sacrifice hits: Paatorius, Casey, Jude, Livingston. Double plays: Hugglns to Schlel (2; Lewis to Aiperman to Jordan. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 2; Cincinnati, 7. First base on balls: Oft Paatorius, 3: off Ewlng, 1. First base on rrora: Brooklyn. 1; Cincinnati. 2. Struck out: By Paatorius, 3; by Ewlng, 1. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Carpenter. ' Boaton Shuts Oat Plttsbors;. ' BOSTON. Aug. 4. Boaton defeated Pitta burg for the first time this year In a well ell played contest, i 10 u. pcore BOSTON. PITT8BCRO. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. Brldwall, as.. I Tenner, lb... 4 Brain. Ib 4 Bates, ct I Haward. It. . . I palan, rt I tteeoiiam. e.. I gtrebel, lb... 1 loung. p I 1 I OLaach, lb 0 Beaumont, cf. 0 Clarke. II 4 Wagner, aa... 1 Nealon. lb... 40anley, rf.... OKiirhey. lb... 1 Gtbeon. c 0 Willie, p I It I 0 Totala 9 I 17 14 1 Totala U I 24 14 1 Boaton ...1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -l Pittsburg ..:. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Two-baae hit: Clarke Sacrifice hlta: Bain, Bridweli. Double play: Wagner to Kltchey to Nealon. First base on balls: 1. Struck out: t. Time: 1:15. Teama. on. Lost. Pet. 68 30 .6:3 61 32 .iix 69 34 .634 44 63 .454 43 56 .4.14 40 66 .4-1 36 63 . 3i.4 84 62 .364 fey Ybun,;. 4; 1 Uroplra: Klem. -r-- ' Played. CThlcago 98 New York W Pittsburg 93 Philadelphia 97 aiaolnnati ..t 99 Brooklyn 9 t. Louis 9 Boaton 96 No games today. , 1 WO uawiri m uirn rare, "The Joe Duffy team from South Omaha and tne Peterson-Shoenlng team , from Council Bluffs will play with the Diets Athletic at Diets park this afternoon. Thla ia tha first visit of the Duffys at Dirts park and being one of the fastest eluba In thla locality a hard fight la looked for. They will work their crack battery. Bmlth and Bohner. while the Athletics will probably have "Smiling Cy Young do the mnging, wun jnaoaman nriiinu ina ruuuer. I'-iilh.wing is tne 11 ne-up for the first gunie IMKTii A. A. Positions. PETEKSON-S. Strong Mllllken... Latham... Edson .... Inmsn ... Spellman Plainer ,. Goddard . . Catch Cottln . First Utterback , Third Brown Second ....Berrvmnn . 8hort Nlcoll , Left Uoff Right . White .Center Burnt here Pitch Moaner ilathews IJne-UD second game: TIKTZ A. A. Poeitlons. JOE DUFFYS. Carey Bohner Talbot Fletchtr. Spltsine , Bunker Badura Smith Hall . ... Beciina Maaaman ...Catch . ... First ... ... Short .. ... Right . ....Third .. .... IWt .. (amp .... Knight .. Hunter .. Xracy .... nderson 1-afrerly Center Young Pitch Ulce Pitch , Games la Three-I I.eaga. At Dubuque Bloomlngton. 4: Dubuque. I " 'At Ieoauur Pwcatur, I: Rook Ixiand, 5. At Springfield Cedar Rapids. 6; Spring field. I At Davenport Peoria, t; Davenport, 1. Carroll Wlna Twlee la Oae Day. CARROLL. Neb. Aug 4 -1 Special Tele gram. Carroll defemted-Wayne-college in a double-header StiurJuy at Carioll. win- tJuiM both gatuaa. First gaaie, U to 4; second 1 . . I game. 4 to I. Btruck out: Py F nv !. a. tin: i in r.vsns, o: on rue, i. r-ittrr1e: Evans snd Tift for Cm roll. Pile snd Matttson for Wayne. Second gsm: Tift and McVsy, bstteiy for t'srroll: Ktni: and 1'owers. Inr Wayne. Struck out: By McVay. 6; by Pofr, I. o.Kttf.n ii the: amf.hica lkagik, thlraao Wlna a Pretty fnateat from Bnaton Out to Clothing. CHICAGO. Ann 4 Chicago won a pretty mmf from Fnston. 1 to 0, In the ninth 'fi ning today With no on out, Donohue hit nvfr renter field for thre basea. Iougherty tarred the first ball pitched him for a single, ending the name. Score: CHICAGO. BOB TOM. B H O. A . E. B H OA E. Hhn. rt 1 Jnnee. cf .... I 4 ttaTilen. rf... 4 e i 0 Parent, M. ... I 4 S'ahl, ct 4 4 Ferrla. Jb 4 Hoot. If 4 4 Freeman, lb.. I 9 Marfan, lb. . . 8 4 Armbrueter, o I ODIneen, p I ih.n. :t a l i Pavn. 4 3 f pnnnhue. lb.. I Imutherte, If. Sullivan, a. .. I Tannehlll, lb. 1 Pailereon, p.. I t 1) 1 t 4 t 0 1 0 0 Totala 14 I 17 IS 4 Totala W 414 II I Winning run made with none out. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Earned run: Chicago. 1. Ieft on bas: Chicago. B; Boston, . Two-base hit: Davis Three-base hit: Donohue. Sncrl (lcn hits: Donohue, Patterson, Frcemnn. Stolen base: lahell. Double plays: Davis to Donohue; Stahl to Parent. Struck out: Bv Patterson, 1. First baae on balls: OfT Patterson, 2; off Dlneen, 6. Time: 1:21 Umpire: O'Loughlln. Waahloaton hnta Oat St. I.onls. ST. LOVIS, Aug. 4. Patten waa In great form, although wild, and shut out the lo cale 2 to 0. Score: WASHINGTON. IT. LOT' 18 B.H.O A . H O A E Kill, sa 4 ONIIaa. lb I C. Jonaa, cf . . 4 IT. Jones, lb. I OB'nna. If I a Hemphill, rf . 4 OWallara, aa... 1 SO Brlen, 2b. .. I 0 Knehler. cf. . I ORIrkey. c 4 0 Powell, p.... 4 Altlaar, rt.... 4 Crnaa. 3b I Anderson. If. 4 Eiahl. lb 4 SrhaiflT, 2b.. I Wakefield, c. I Patten, p I Totala It 7 17 4 Totala M 4 17 II I Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 t St. I-aiuls 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Sacrifice hlts O'Brien, Cross. Double play: Wallace to O'Brien to T. Jones. 8iolen bases: Stone. Niles, Patten. Wallace. Alt Ixer. Hit with pitched ball: By Patten. Koehler. Wild pilch: Powell. Bases on balls: Off ratten, 7. Struck out: By Pow ell, f; by Pattn. 6. Left on bases: St. Louis, 11; Washington, 4. Time: 1:40. Um pire: Hurst Cleveland Easy for Philadelphia. CLEVELAND, Aug. 4 Hess received mis erable support today and Philadelphia won, 8 to 1. DyRert was hit as hard as Hess, but was effective with men on bases. Score: PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. U.H.O.A E. B H O A E Hartael. If... I 0 10 OPllek. rf I 1 0 1 1 I Armbme'r, rf 1 Davis, lb 4 Lord, cf 4 Murphy, lb... 4 Schreck. e.... 4 Croaa. aa 4 Knlsht, lb... I 1 I 0 Ojarkaon, If.., Ill lTurnar, aa.... .4110 OLaJote, lb ... .4141 ORoaeman, lb.. .4111 OCnntalton, rf. 0 I 1 11 ,4 0 4 1 OBarbaaa. lb.. 4 ,1110 0 Ktttredie, c. I Drsart, p .110 1 mini, p Bemia' 14 I 17 II 1 Totala. Totala 13 I 27 II I Batted for Klttredge In ninth inning. Philadelphia 0 1 0 1 3 0 3 0 08 Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 01 First base on errors: Cleveland. 1: Phila delphia, 1. Two-base hits: Murphy, Lord, Schreck. Sacrifice hlta: Jackson, Congal ton, Schreck, Lord, Murphy, Dygert. Double plays: Murphy to Davis; Schreck to Kn ght. Stolen base: Davis. First base on bulls: Off Hess, 3; off Dygert, 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, 9; Philadelphia, 6. Struck out: By Hess, 6; by Dygert, 8. Passed ball: Klttredge. Time: 1:61. Umpire: Connolly. Sew York Wlna from Detroit. DETROIT. Aug. 4. New York won 2 to 1 In a game In which each side made a run without a hit, while the deciding tally re sulted from a batter hk and an outfield muff. Owing to cripples, Detroit had five men playing out of positions. Score: NEW YOR. DETROIT. B H O A K. B.H.O.A.B. Conroy, cf.... I 0 ODonoran. cf..4 0 1 4 1 Kteler. rf. ... I 1 1 Elherfeld, aa. I 0 I Chasa, lb 4 1 14 0 4 SVhaeJer, aa. . I 1 I I 0 C o Mclntyra. II.. I 0 1 4 4 0 4 Crawford, lb. I 1 11 0 0 1 0 Payne, rt I I I 1 0 I 0 Couihlln, lb. 4 1111 4 0 Llndaay, 2b... 4 4 I I 4 1 o Schmidt, c... I I 4 1 1 0 o Mullln, p I 1 0 I o 2 0 ' Totals n a n it a Laporta, 8b... Ill winiama. lb. I Delahanty, If 4 MrGulre. c. . . I Newton, p.... 1 Hogg, p 1 I 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 Totala 24 414 It a Mullln out, hit by batted ball. New York 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02 Itrolt o 1000000 0-1 Two-baas hits: Crawford, Chase. Sacri fice hits: Keeler, Williams. Stolen bases: Schaefer (2), Crawford, Keeler. Elberfeld, Mclntyre. Bases on bails: Off Mullln, 3; oft Newton, 8: off Hogg, 3. Hit with Ditched ball: By Mullln, 1. Left on basea: Detroit, 8; New York. 6. Struck out: By Mullln, 5; by Hogg, 3. Double plays: Payne to Craw ford; Schmidt (unasKislecn; Eloerfeld to Williams to McQulre. Passed ball: Schmidt. Wild pitch: Newton. Time: 3:00. Umpires: Evans and Sheridan. landing of the Teams. Playe Philadelphia 3 New York M Cleveland 93 Chicago 9d Detroit 94 St. Louis 94 Washington 93 Boston 97 Won. Lost. Pet. 69 34 .634 87 84 .613 62 41 .559 63 43 .552 4 4 .511 47 47 .5K 34 69 .384 : 7i .2i$ Games today: Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. GAMES IK AMERICAS ASSOCIATION Milavaakee Wlna Both Gamea of Doable-Header from LonlaTlile. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Aug. 4. Milwaukee won both gamea of a double-header here today. In the first game the locals could not hit Oberlln with men on basea. Putt mann waa batted at opportune times. The second game was a slugging match, both Henna and Curtlaa being batted all over the lot. Bateman relieved Curtlss In the eighth. Score, first game: MILWAl'KEE , LOVISVtlXE. B.H.O.A.B. B H O A Roblnaon, aa. I Oreen. rf I Hallman, If.. I 0 I 0 0 Woodruff, lb. I 0 1 I 0 a Braehear, 2b. 4 4 I 4 0 4 Bulllean. lb.. 4 I II 4 1 0 Stovall, ct... I 1 1 0 0 0 Kerwln. rf... 1 0 1 0 4 1 Shaw, e I 1 I 1 Ivumlen. as... toil 0 1 Puttanann. a.. 1 0 A a BeTtiia. lb... 4 1 14 Bateman. If. . 4 I I Rnih. c I Hemphill, cf. I M'Chaan'y, lb I Mccorm'k. lb 4 0 4 4 4 4 1 I I I 0 Oberlln. p.... 4 'Keaaa 1 0 0 Totala. .11 inn 1 Totala M 4 17 II s Batted for Puttmann In ninth. Milwaukee 00201100 0 I Ixuisvllle 00000100 01 Two-base hits: Beville, Oberlln, Sulli van. Three-baae hits: McCormlck, Bate man. Stolen bases: Hallman, Stovail, Kerwln. Bateman. Sacrifice hit: Roth. First base on balls. Off Puttmann, 4; off OUrlln. 8. Struck out: By Puttmann. i; by obeiltn, 2. Hit by pitcher: Shaw. lou- Die plays: Met orniU K to itobinson to I tfeviite, noDinson to Mccormick to beville. Left on bases: Ixnilsvllle, 9; Milwaukee, . Time: 2. no. Umpire: Warden. S'ore, second faint: MILWAl'KEB. LOt'lSVILLB. B.H.O.A.B B H O A.B. Knbinaoa. aa. I 1 I 1 4 Hallman If. Oraen, rf 4 Hynea. It I Batrm'n. tb-p I Beellla. e-lb. I Hemphill, cf. 1 M'Chean'y, 2b I Mel onn'k, 2b 6 0 4 Woodruff. 3b. 1 4 Braehear, 2b. 1 c Smllvan. lb.. 4 4Stovall. ct... 1 OKerwin. rf.... 1 uStoner, e I nShaw. c Cortlaa, p. . . . 4 . 1 OQuinlan, aa... Koth a I 10 0a Kenna, p Totals tt 14 17 4 4 Totala 17 14 27 14 I Milwaukee A 0 2 I 2 1 0 1-ln Louisville 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 a Two-bate hlta: lilnea. Greed. Three. base hitr: Roblnaon. Woodruff. Hallman. Hemphill, McCormlck. Stolen baee: Hemp- ma. o.ici iiius 1111: nenna. r irsi Daae on balls: Off Kenna. 3; off Curtles, 3; off Bateman, 3. fciruck out: By Kenna, 2; by Curtiss. s. Hit ty pitched twill: doner. Wild pilch: Kenna. Passed ball: Beville Double playa Stovall to Brashear, Quin lan to tfraahear to Sullivan. Hemphill to McCormlck. Hlta: (Jff Curtiss in seven and one-third Innings, 12; off Bateman In one and two-thirds innings. . Time; l:2u. Umpires: Elliott and Dougherty. Toledo Makes It Three Straight. TOLEDO. Aug. 4 Toledo batted hard and made it thrt-e atralxlu from the Saints. Cum nit 1 pitched great ball. Score: TOLEDO. ' BT. PAfL. B.H.O. A K. B H O A e. 4 4 I I I Clinsman. 4 111 lOier. aa. i. clarka. It. I 1 1 Odwell. ct ... I I I Deanont. Ib. .. I 1 I Kruasar, ab.. 4 1 1 Nance, rf 4 1 1 Vbusden, lb., e at; ere. cl... a rnee. rf OWaaeier, lb tcoy. p IPeddea. lb.. 4 Drill, a 4fla(le. p.... I 11 a 1 W. Clark, lb I 1 II Abbott, lit lamnlta. p Totala... Toledo . St. Paul ..414 .11 11 21 II 1 Totals II I 14 U 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 ,4 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 02 Two-bai ? bits: J. Clarke. Krueger. Cam lilts, Nance. Odwell, Wheeler. Abbott Siolen bases: J. Clarke. Abbott, F lk Ba-aij imji; uaiiioii. i . ia 1.1 jr. a. einir 1 cj cripples tisve rounded Into shape and i.ul: By Cemnitt. . by Coy. t. Hit Miliar back In the game. Joe Dolan has re yiWlii4 bail; W, Clarka. Sacrifice bits: I covered from hla bum leg. wbiuta louii ea- Time: 1:46. t'm- plre: Egan. Millers Take Final (lame. COLUMBUS, Aug. 4. -Minneapolis took the final game of the series by mixing their hits with Columbus' errors. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. COLIMRII B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A E Da via. of 4 4 14 aFllh-rty. rf..4 0 0 0 0 Sulllean. rf . .. I iiremlna'r, lb I Hart. If I Freeman, lb.. I Oraham c... 4 tlylar. as 4 Pea. lb 4 Oahrlng. p... 4 I 4 1 I 2 e t n 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 I 1 coulter, it 4 Pit kennf. cf. 4 4 Frlel. ab I 0 Kihm. lb I IHuUwttt. sa.. 4 4 Wrislay, lb.. I 4 Blue, c I 1 Vail, p I Totala M II 17 14 1 Totala II 4 27 14 4 Minneapolis 2 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Columbua 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Sacrltlce hit: Gremlnnrer. Two-base hit: rickerlpg. Double plays: Hulswltt to W'rlg- ley to Kihm (2). Fox to Freeman: Oyler to Fox to Freeman; Oyler to Fret-man. Struck out: Bv Veil. 1; by ijeliring, 1. nases on balls: tiff Veil, 2; off Gehring, 2. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Owen and Sullivan. Kres Break In Indianapolis. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 4. Indianapolis and Kansas City split even In a double header here today. Both g.-imes were fea tureless. Score, first game: INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS CITT. B.H.O A. E. B H O A E Dunlearr, rf. 4 0 0 Waldrnn, rf.. I 1 4 Mi Hnee, aa. . 4 1 oPerrlne. 2b... 4 0 0 Hill, cf 4 1 1 llurke, b 4 4 4 Kranta. lb 4 I OCaeeady, If... 3 0 4 Leahy, c I 1 0 Bohannon, p. I 0 o Alherton, lb. 4 Hlmes, cf 4 I arr. lb 4 Williams, aa. 4 Parry. It 4 Marran. 2b... I Holmee, c. . . . I Thlalman, p.. I i Totals IS 7 27 II 1 Totala II I 24 12 I Indianapolis 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 S Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Basea on balls: Off Thlelman, 3; off Bo hannon, 1. Struck out: By ihlelman, 7; by Bohannon, 1. Three-base hlta: Carr. Hill. Home run: Hlmes. Double play: Williams to Marcaji to Carr. Left on baaea: Indian apolis, 8; Kansas City, 6. Time: 1:50. Um pire: Kane. Score, second game: KANSAS CITT. INDIANAPOLIS. B.H.O.A.B. B H O A K. Waldrnn, rf.. 4 I I 0 0 Dunlaavy, rf, 4 0 I 0 0 MrBrlde, aa.. 4 111 SAiherton. 2b.. 4 110 0 Perrlna, lb... I 111 CHImaa, rl 4 1000 Hill, cf 4 114 OCarr, lb I 4 14 0 0 Burks, lb I 1 1 4 a W illiams, aa. I 0 0 4 1 Pranti. Ib.... 4 114 OPerry. If 4 4 10 0 CaaeadT. if... I 0 0 0 OMarcan. 2b... 4 0 14 0 Sullivan, o... 4 14 1 OHolmea, C.... 4 4 4 1 0 Sw&nn, p I 0 1 1 OHIrkay. p.... I 10 11 Flaher, p I 1 2 0 0 Totala II I 27 11 0 Totala U I 27 11 Kansas City 0 1110 110 0-6 Indianapolis 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 02 Hits: Oft Hlckey, 4 In five Innings; off Fisher, 5 in four innings. First base on balls: Off Hlckey, 4; off Fisher, 1; off Swann, 3. Struck out: By Hlckey, 2; by Fisher, 2; by Swann. 4. Hit by pitched ball: Perrlne. Three-base hits: Ather ton, Himea, Burke. Sacrifice hit: McBrlde. Double plays: Williams to Marcan to Carr (2). Passed ball: Sullivan. Left on basea: Kansaa Clt, 1, Indianapolis, 4. Umpire: Kane. Time: 1:62. Standing;' of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost, Pet. Columbua M 11 waukee Toledo Louisville Minneapolis .... Kansas City ... St. Paul Indianapolis ... 107 87 40 .627 ..106 60 .bf ..M 57 47 .648 . .106 63 63 .500 ..107 64 63 . 6i6 ..lli 60 Cxi .472 ,.H4 45 , 69 . 483 ..106 37 69 . 349 Milwaukee at Indianan- Games today: olls, Kansas City at Louisville, St. Paul at Columbua, Minneapolis at Toledo. GAMES IN THE WESTER- LEAGUE Poeblo Hammers Ont a Game from the Slonx. PUEBIX5, Aug. 4. The locals celebrated their home-coming this afternoon by out playing the Sioux In every department and winning by a score of 11 to 4. Stlmmell and Jackson were both hit hard, but the former was given the better support and was steady at critical stages. In the fifth Inning, with two men on bases and only one out. Stlmmell struck out Williams and Hess. The locals started to clout the ball In the Initial Inning, scoring three runs, and they maintained the lead throughout. A running catch of Camphell'B hard drive by Cook and Bader'a fielding at second were the features. Tonneman, the Omaha boy whom Sclee signed on the trip east, made his Initial appearance at first. He accepted ail his fielding chances, made two hits in four times up and scored twice. Score: PUEBLO. AB. R H. 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 0 O. 1 2 6 3 0 7 1 8 0 A. 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 4 E. Cook, if 4 McGilvray, cf 6 Bader. 2b t 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Melcholr, rf 6 Elwert, 3b 3 Tonneman, lb. 4 Flske, as Rennlcker, c. Stlmmell, p.... Totals 3 4 a ....88 11 13 27 11 SIOUX CITY, AB. R. H. 1 0 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 O. 2 2 2 o 2 1 It 2 0 A. 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 1 4 12 Campbell, If 5 Sheehan, rf 2 Nobllt. cf 6 Weed, 2b 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 2 1 Newton. 4 Frost, 3b Williams, lb. Hess, c , Jackson, p.... Totals Pueblo , .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 .... 4 ....37 ..8 0 ..0 1 12 24 10 3 0 0 0 6 2 11 0 04 Bader, Sioux City Stolen bases: Frost, McOilvray, Melcholr. Rennlcker. Sacrifice hits Flske, Rennlcker, Newton, Frost. Two-base hits: Tonneman, McGilvray, Cook, Newton, Wil liams. Three-base hits: Bader, Melcholr, Nobllt. Bases on balls: Off Stlmmell, 2; off Jackson, 6. Struck out: By Stlmmell, 3. Passed ball: Hess. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Davis. Attendance: 500. Denver Wins l.latleaa Game. DENVER. Aug. 4 -Dee Moines threw away a raw looking game to Denver this afternoon, giving the Grixxlles a start of alat runa In the first Inning and playing wretchedly throughout. The champions are credited with four errora, but deserve ten. Adams deserves credit for his work. Score: DENVER. AB. R. H. PO. A. Mcllale, lb 6 1 2 14 0 Smith, ss 6 12 0 4 Randall, rf 6 2 2 4 0 Russell, cf 4 12 10 .alusky, c 3 1110 Reddick. 3b 4 12 12 Donahue, 2b 4 113 6 Belden, If 2 10 4 0 Adams, p 3 0 10 1 Totala ,...35 9 13 27 12 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. PO A. K. 0 Caffyn, If .... O'Leary, ss .. Welday, cf .. Dexter, c .... Andreas, lb . Hogriever. 3b Gilien, rf .... Magi on, 2b .. Clcotte, p .... 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 1 6 7 3 1 2 16 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Totals S3 1 6 24 Denver 60001011 9 Den Moines 00001O00 01 Stolen base: Smith. Sacrifice hits: Za- lusky, Adama; Clcotte. 1 wu-lmse lilt : Rus sell. Thive-base nits: Kusseii, ttetmicK. First base on balls: Off Adams, 1; off Clcotte, 2. Btruck out: By Adams, 1; by Clcotte, 1. Wild pitch: Clcotte. Hit by pitched ball: Bunnell. Double plays: Dona hue to McHale, Clcotte to O'Leary to An dreas. Clcotte to O leary. f irst Oaso on errors: Denver, 3: Des Moines, 3. Ixft on bases: Denver. 6; Des Moines. 7. Time: 1:35. Umpire: McCarthy. Attendance, i.zuu. Staadlna of Ike Teama. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Des Moinea 91 66 26 .711 Omaha 88 49 39 .557 filuux City 93 44 4V .473 Denver 93 44 49 .413 Lincoln 92 39 53 t.l Pueblo 93 34 69 .366 Gamea today: Lincoln at Omaha, Des Moines at Denver, Sioux City at Pueblo. DOl BLE-HEADEH AT tlTO PAHK Pa aad the Wen-Footed Hoy a Play Twlee Today. Omaha fana think the rain coat the Rourkn family a game yesterday afternoon, hut they hope to have the team n.ake up for It thla afternoon, when a double Header will be played with the Ducklings, the first gsme to start at 2:30. Holmes and his bunch of Mirkeyltes are popular In Omaha and the fana turn out aa well to aee this team play aa for any other team. St. Louis Jack la playing the game of his life and tne fans like to watch him Just to see how much better he will play for Lincoln than he would play for Omaha The Lincoln team has been strengthened In several places since Ita last apjx-arajice in Omaha and some cloae gamea may be expected. The team will also be here Mon day and Turaday, Monday being Indies' day. The tribe of Rourke haa been playing in hard luck during the last week and have been shut out of two games by rain, and as no game waa acneauieo tor rriaay, ,n, tMn, haa had quit a rest. All of the Abbott. Demont. Odwell thtisWist rsn a spike Into, ami Herman 1ong Is bsrk ready for work sfter his short Indisposition. The pitchers have gotten 'nto the habit of pitching clear llirmiah a g"ame without making a balloon e?'-enlon. so this feature may be mlsssyf this afternoon. Sanders, who has not been irel nn during the Isst twenty-one innings he has pitched, will occupy the box during one of the gamea. AVERAGES OF THE OMAHA TEAM Both Baltlaar aad Fleldlna how 1 a oteh lllither as Ttesalt of Week. Omaha stlil makes a fine showing In the way of batting and fielding. The lowest fielding average today la nicely over the ! per cent mark, and the hlttra are keeping up their good work. It Is a record that anyone connected with the team ought to be proud of. and further em phaslxes the fsct that, aside from the Weakness In the box. Omaha now has ns rood a team as ever wore sn Omaha uni form. A year ago the team was batting i .B and . fielding .966. Just to snow wnai sort of a third baseman Perring Is aa compared with Bill Schlpke, of whom we were so proud: i BATTING AVERAGE8. Last names. AR. R. H. Ave. Week. Schlpke Perring 93 34K 40 W .25 .25 K9 SSO 68 109 .811 .-He FIEI J3INQ AVERAGES. IJISt O. A. B. TC. Ave Week. W K9 30 212 V1 .900 184 207 2H 857 . 927 .927 Schlpke t'errlng In four games fewer Perring has made thirty-one more put-outs, eighteen more assists and four fewer errors than Schlpke. Perring has twenty more hits and twenty eight more runs for four fewer games than Schipka. and still we thought Schlp was a wonder Think of Ted Sullivan try ing to buy Perring for $1,500 and that all hedged around by conditions. Why, ac cording to the way they are tossing play ers around In the big leagues Just now, Perring Is worth $10,0c0. And. during the week Harry Welch slipped on George and knocked him out of his position aa premier run-getter. The average for the season ara: BATTING AVERAGES. Last Gamea. AB. R. H. Ave.Week. Welch R9 Dolsn SI Perring M Bassey .... Oondlng .. Runkle ... McNeeley Howard .. Corna I-o"g Rogers . . , Carter Sanders ., Dorl ge . . . . Lawler ... Bawyer .. Team 89 2.744 428 743 FIELDING AVERAGE. Last Ml 69 104 .834 .334 SI 41 92 .311 .315 3V rW ln .311 .3" . .R9 353 6H 95 .2W .Wl ..64 229 25 61 ,2to .2 ..67 14 60 .2.M .258 ..24 S3 10 21 .263 .2r.O ..62 243 43 80 . 247 . 200 ..II 42 8 10 .23$ .237 ..2S 9H 9 23 .235 .235 .. 7 34 4 8 .2?6 .! ..RO 25 63 64 .217 .215 ..20 76 6 15 .197 .197 ..20 69 6 9 .130 .121 . 9 84 1 2 .059 .056 . 1 2 0, 0 270 .269 C.Ave. Week. 60 l.oio l.ono 51 1.000 1.000 Sanders .. Rogers ... Sawyer . . Oondlng Tolan .... Carter .., McNeeley Bassey .. Welch ... Lawler .. Dodge .... Prrring .. Howard . Ixjng Runkle ... Corns .... 2 l.ono l.ono 409 78 167 58 2n6 215 43 42 .978 .977 .966 .99 .948 .942 .930 .930 .927 .920 .920 .918 .9H5 965 .94 .945 .913 .938 .960 .927 .927 .93 .920 .919 .900 373 149 877 42 Team 2.167 979 1X3 3,3:9 . 945 . 944 KOrXTZE AniITIO Wltl ASOTHEH Council BInffs ( larks Defeated In Fast, nappy Game. The Kountze Additions beat the Council Bluffs ('larks yesterday by a score of 7 to 6. The game was almost lost In the fourth, when a base on balls and three hits netted three runs, but Wherry took, McCague'a place and allowed hut three hlta In four Innings. Lewis' homer in the fifth with two on bases, and the fielding of Chrlsten sen and Yeoman were the features. Score: KOUNTZE ADDITIONS. A.B. R. II. A. P.O. E. Mills. 2b Newton. If Lewis, ss Yeoman, cf .... Rogers, rf Swertly, 3b Chriatensen, lb Jullen, e McCague, p .... Wherry, p ..... 6 112 2 1 1 1 1 2 10 1 1 6 Totala 34 8 9 18 27 2 CLARKS. A.B. R. H. A. P.O. E. Hofer. er 6 Reynolds, sa 3 Berger, e 4 Weller, 3b 4 Anderson, rf 5 Porter, 20 3 West, lb 3 l.omax, p 2 Young. If 3 Totala 32 O. A. E. 11 49 0 46 6 0 0 2 0 3H5 95 9 7-'4 87 27 1.12 17 8 7 48 8 174 20 12 19 11 15 18 22 S 2 37 3 124 307 26 11 182 30 78 59 12 193 153 31 3 36 4 12 110 0 0 4 8 1 110 2 0 0 12 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 10 12 1 13 18 0 0 0 2 4 0 110 2 0 6 9 11 27 2 Kountxe Additions.. 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 1 17 Clarka 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 0-6 Basea on balls: Off Lomax, 2; off Mc Cague, 3. Struck out: By Wherry, 6; by Lomax, 3. Home run: Lewis. Two-base hits: Wherry. Christensen. Stolen bases: Yeoman, West 12.) Time: 1:46. Umpire: I luce. FIVE DF.I.EHASTV S OX THE DIAMOND Family Name Faniona In the Baae Ball World. When It comes to a question of family base hall, the name of Delahanty stands foremost In the public eye. No other fam ily in the niatory or tne national game nan had so many representatives on the dia mond, and no other family In America today haa five of its members playing the game, two being in the major organisa tions and three in the minor leagues, says the Philadelphia Enquirer. These Dela hanty boys were all born In a frame house at 42 Phelps street, Cleveland, and every fall when ihe season haa ended the five who survive return to their home and spend the winter with their parents. Naturally, the chief distinction achieved by the Delahanty family In base ball was due to the noteworthy performances of the eldest son, Edward, who aa a batsman was at once the Joy of Ills club manager and the dismav of the opposing pitchers. Even at the time of the unfortunate occurrence that resulted in his death (he falling off the bridge over the Nlugara river near Buffalo) he still was hitting the ball with great force and frequency. Ed Delahanty batted well over .300 season after Season, and he will go down In base ball history as one of the world's greatest batsmen. He easily ranked with Anson, Brouthers. Lajnle and hitters of their class. While Delahanty. like almost all hard hit ters, was not an expert fielder, still he could cover first base or the outfield In an ac ceptable manner. But his batting made up for any deficiencies In the matter of field ing, and he always was regarded as one of the most valuable players In trie country. He was one of the giants of the game, standing over six feet a,nd weighing close to 2iw pounds In good condition. For the major portion of his career he was with the Philadelphia National league club, and was conxpicuous in that great cluster of hitters, which included Lajole, 6am Thompson, Flick. Cooley and others. Despite the heHvy stick work of that superb combina tion they never were ante to land the flag for the Quakertown club. The records of the boys of this remark able family form an Interesting chapter In the national game. Tom is 31 years old and has been playing ball twelve years, starting with the Peoria, team of the Western league in 1894 and going to Atlanta In 1895. The following year he was sold to Cleveland and played there about half the season, when he waa trans ferred to Pittsburg. Then he waa "farmed" to Toronto, where lie played In ls36 and 1SS7. Next he went to Allentown, of the old Atlantic league where he played In lsirt, 1hH9 and 19U". He waa manager of the Allentown team In the last year of its ex istence. In 1904 he played with Seattle, and In baio was with Pueblo of the Western league. Tom is five feet nine inches tall and weighs 180 pounds. During the winter months he is a machinist. Second base Is his position. Joe Is 28 years old and Is five feet eight inches tall and weighs liO pounds. He ' a lithographer by trade. He has ben playing ball nine years, starting with th Fall River team of the New England league. He waa with Paterson, N. J . in 198. and went to Allentown In the middle of that season, staying there through 1699 and part of 1900. In July, 1900. he was sold to Montreal, finished the aa-asuu there and played mlth the team through out 1901. In the following winter he waa sold to Worcester, remaining there m 1902 and 1903. During the latter cam paign he was sold, wltn five other players, to the New Orleans team of the Southern league. In a few weeks he waa trans ferred to Memphis, of the aame league. In tills league he ranke.i aecond iu bat ting, with an average of .ST-'. Hn waa with Buffalo In 19(14 and 1905. Last year his hailing average waa .313. He has played on two pennant winning teams Memphis In 1903 and Buffalo In 1901. While In Allentowu he made nineteen three-baggera la aa maoy. samaa. Joe J- wavs playa the outfield, generally rlgnt field. Jim la 18 year old. Is five feet tent Inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. lie has been playing base ball for eight years, starting with Montgomery In IM'S. That club hroke up In mideeason. He then to Allentown. stsying there till 1900. That league went to smash and he was sent to Worcester, of the Eastern league. In the fall cf 1900 he was sold to Clilcsgo. Early In the sesson of 1901 he broke his knee and was released. He started tho campaign In 190' with the New York Giants, but bis knee went wrong and he rouldn t do himself or the team Justice. He then went to Little Rock. of the Southern league, in the middle of the aeason. He led that league at tho bat in 1903 with an average of .382. He then wss sold to the Boston Na tionals, with which team he played In 1904 and 1905. Recently he was trans ferred to Cincinnati In exchange for Hinl well. When Jim led the Southern league In batting. In 19n3. nls brother. Joe. wits second. That year was the only one thst the brothers ever stood first and second In any league. Jim alwaya played third base until last season, when he went to the outfield for Boston. Frank is an outfielder. He Is 12 years old. la five feet eight Inches tall an.l weighs 160 pounds. He has been playing ball for four years and never algned a reserve clause until last season. He stnrted In 1902 with the Ashtabula. O., Independent team. He went to Birming ham, of the Southern league. In the mid dle of that year and In 190.1 was with Syracuse, of the New York State league. In 1904 he was In Montgomery nnd Mi ll found him back In Montgomery. Toward the close of last season, when he was sn'd to the New York Americana, he led the Southern league at the bat. with an aver age of .331. W hile playing with the High landers In Detroit on Auguat 80 last he waa hurt and waa laid up for the rest of the season. Willie 1s 20 vears old, is five feet seven Inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. He plaved with the Niles. O.. Independent team last year and has algned with Mont gomery for 1906. He playa In the lnlleld, generally third baae. Ex. ASD RTAT8 IAYS ARE SIBBEHED Old Vet Looke Like He Might Re All in at Last. Jlmmle Ryan has severed his connection with the Evansvllle team, of which he haa been manager since 1904. And one sporting writer. In speaking of the affair, unconsciously srives vent to a fine bit of humor. He says, "It now looks aa if hia playing daya were over." Bill Nye, In one of hia lectures upon the wonderful of medical acience, la mented the fact that discoveries which had led to the prolongation of life In these latter daya could not have been made ear lier in the history of the human race and thus permitted many of the most promis ing youths of the time to come to the fruition of their yeare and not be cut off In the bloom of their fragrant young life. "There waa Methusala," moaned the Inimitable Edgar Wilson, "he gave every promise of making his mark in the world, but one day he fell elck. His father and mother called in the doctor, but the doctor waa not like our Intelligent, progressive physicians of today, and he could not help hia young patient, who waa ruthlessly cut down In the bloom of young manhood." Well, maybe Ryan s playing days are numbered; maybe they are over, but If they are this old veteran will carry back Into obscurity with him the pleasing conso lation of knowing that he quit the game only after some of his old compatriots have been forgotten, except as memory exerts Itself, and are so long gone that the majority of the present generation never knew them. If Ryan's days are over, what of the rest of that great ag gregation of White Sox with whom he made his advent? Where are Dalrymple, Gore. Kelly, Anson, Pfeffer, Williamson, Burns. Clarkson, Corcorran. Flynn. Flint, and even the fleet-footed lillly Sunday? Where are these men with whom Ryan played? Not one Is on the diamond, or haa been for many years Several are dead, and onlv Anson, who Is In politics in Chi cago, and Sunday, who Is In the ministry, stand far enough under tho limelight to be seen with the naked eye. And Ryan's days are numbered. Few ball playera have kept up the lick that Jlmmie Ryan has. He has played In nearly every professional league of any consequence In the country, haa managed several teams and haa done consistent work, though several years ago losing his great National league gait. One day in the summer of 1901 an offl cloue fan walked over to a young man of diminutive atature sitting in the grand stand at the old University avenue ball grounds in St- Paul. w "Why ain't you I playing today. Miller; can't hit em out, eh?" The am a II, young man turned, looked at the speaker and returned his gaze to the diamond, without speaking. "Say, Miller. I Bay. why ain't you in the game? Can t you atlck m out?" The young man still said nothing, but It waa plain he did not enjoy the fellow's rude sense of humor. Jlmmle Rvan wss managing and playing left field for George Lennon'a Western league team that year, and he and Lennon had almost come to the conclusion that Mil ler Hugglns, a whirlwind at second, would never be able to bat good enough to en title him to a permanent berth aa a pro feaslonal ball player. He waa laid off re peatedly, and Holly, now captain for the New Orleana Southern league team, played In his place, not because he could cover second better, but he could hit. "This thing Is getting mighty tiresome to me," Hugglns remarked one evening to Dick Cogan, the Pattersoai alderman, then with Charley Chech, sUir pitcher for St. Paul. "I'm going to fliow them that I can bat and I'll bat ao hard one of these daya that George Lennon can't touch me with a minor league Job." Today Miller Hugglns is hitting the ball over .300, and by Cincinnati, at least, la regarded aa king of second basemen. FIRST STEP TOWARD CITY LEACIE Diets Athletic Aaaoclatlon Plana for Baae Ball Tournament. The Diets Athletls association Is making arrangements for a big base ball tourna ment at Its park In September, which will bring together the best teama In Omaha. Omaha can boast of having at least seven of the fastest amateur clubs In the country and could at a moment's notice furnish anv minor league club with a finished bull player. The clubs figured to play In the tournament are tho Dietx Athletics, the Victor club. Nonpareils, Coronas, Ie Glaaa Andreesen, Originals nnd the Neumayers, nil Ideal Hustlers of Council Bluffs, and the Joe Duffv's of South Omaha. The re sults of this tournament would open the eyes of the lovers ot proiessionat Daso hull This la the first move In the way of forming: a city league, aa suggested a week ago In The Bee. ! Doable-Header for Ramblers. The Ramblera of South Omaha will play a double-header Sunday afternoon at Duffy'a park. Fortieth and Q streets. The first game will be with the Hanscom Parks, a strong amateur team of Omaha, and the second game will be against the fast Coronas, who need no introduction. All three teama are playing fast ball and two good games are expected. The lineup: Ramblera. Poaition. Coronaa. in..h ITlrnt ..If Lenlnskv Corriaan. Second Ferster T.iiimnn.t Third Rhine O'Neill Short Handrj Colltna.... ...ltt Biuitn ...Center English . ..Riarht L. Leptiixky Swift Bowers Hachten .Catch Mokry Uhumhlln Catch Cavanaugh-Ryan. Pitch. . . Pitch... Murphy-Swift Bogatts Doable Header at Jettera. The Gold Todb will meet the Walter (1 Clarka at Jettera park thla afternoon. The Ould Tone have been playing good bull and aa the Clarka promise to take this one a stood came can be expected. The game will atari at 2:30 sharp, as Immediately after this game the South Omaha Eagles and Red men win pisy. following is the line-up for flrat game: CLARKS. Wirth .... Wright .. Harned . Cremer ... Conroy .. Mi Uan . Rohblns.. Smith .... Howell.... Brisbane . Positions GOLD TOPS. Crandall Second. . . . First .... . Ie-ft , Center .. . Catch ... .Third .. ..Short .. ..Right .. . Pitch ... Pitch .... Hiukle van Cleave M. Collier Fenley Kennedy Clark Whltelork-Psare Collier Hlnkle Analey Wlna Pennant MERNA. Neb.. Aug. 4 (Special Tele. gram.) A heavy rain last night brought tha people In from far and near, about 1,2(0 be ing in attendance at the last day of the base ball tournament. Although the day was cloudy fast ball was played. This forenoon Arnold defeated Broken Bow bv the score of 4 to 3 Flatteries: Ar nold. Fleming and Townaend; Broken Bow, Kerr and Gadd. Umpire: Schaeffer. Thla afternoon there waa a hard fought game between An'ley and Calloway, re aultlng Ansley, 4: Calloway. 1 F.atterlis: Lewln and Freerer. Umpire: Schaeffer. A game between Arnold and Merna re sulted: Arnold. 7: Merna. S. Batteries: Ar nold. Fleming and Townend: Merna, Welsh and McCarty. Umpire: Schaeffer. Thla game tied Ansley and Arnold for top percentage and the nnant. A fiva-loalnf gam waa then played. Ana- lev, 2: Arnold, 1. Batteries: Ansley, Iw1n snd Freerer; Arnold. Firming and Town send. Umpire; Graham. This closed the second, annual base hall tournament, with Ansley wresting Ihe pen bant away from Arnold. KVKT O THE Ht.lfJ THMKS James ft. Brady's Arenantant Wlna Ihe Rrlantnn Derby. NEW YORK, Aug. 4 Jamea B. Brady's Accountant, with l-H pounds up. won the llo.ono Brighton derby, at a mile and a half, at Bilahton Beach today. The Brady colt so overwhelmingly outclassed his field that he was held st the prohibitive price of 1 to 6 At no time of the tourney was he In danger of defeat. The Brighton midsummer meeting came to a close today. Silvldere. played down from even money to 7 to 10, nn the Wlngedfont handicap by two lengths. War Paint finished second 1n the ateeplechase, but Was disqualified for a foul. Results: First race, five and s half fiirlonse: Frank (1111 won. Snmnus rec nd. Cave Adsum ihlrd. Time: 1 :. Second race, steeplechase, about two miles: Tom Cogan won. New Amsterdam second. Come In third. Time: tfl. Third nice, handicap, six furlongs: Sal vldere won, Ixird Lovat second, Penarrls third. Time: 1:15. Fourth race, the Brighton derby, $15.ono. one mile and a half: Accountant won, Sim son second, Albert F third. Time: 2:37H Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Klri Cole won. Red Leaf second, Wrenne third. Time: 1:47. Sixth race, six furlongs: Jncquln won. Bn. hernia second. Cold Sifter third. Time: 1:14. Seventh race, six furlonsrs: Alston won. Cedarstrom second. Varieties third. Time: 1:14U. CINCINNATI. Aug. 4. Results at I-a-tonla: First race, six furlongs: Collnnade won. Airship second, Belle Toone third. Time: 1:11V Second race five furlongs: T.ady Vlmont won, Helmuth second, Frank Flesher third. Time: 11 Third race, one mile: Oldstone won. Miss Dovle, second. The Minks third. Time: 1:39- Fourth race, seven furlongs, handicap: Major T. J. Carson won, Colonel Jim Doug las second. Alcor third. Time: 1 :2v Fifth race, five and half furlongs: Lens won. Bud Hill second, Zrango third. Time: 1 :07V Sixth race, six furlongs: Revolt won. Mar tins second, Mlllsong third. Time: 1:14V Seventh race, one mile- Mandstnr won. Shining Star second. Bullfinch third. Time: 1:41V XEW WORLD'S JUiri(l RECORD ( Ray C. Ewrry. World's Champion, j Raises His Own Mnrk. j vrtr TURK A nar. 4. Athletic enthusi asts In considerable numbers gathered Rt the New York American League base ball club field today to see Ihe carnival of sports arranged for the benefit of the non sectarian Sen Francisco Orphans' Asylum '"itay C. Ewry. of the New York Athletic club, champion standing broad Jumper of the world and a member of the American Olympian team at Athens carried off the honors of the day by breaking the world's record held by himself. He cleared 11 feet 6 Inches, the former record being 11 feet 4T Inches. It waa thought at first that the new record might not. stand on account of the ground over which Ihe leap was made, but after careful measure ment had been made it waa given of ficial authorization. James L. Sullivan, chairman of the games committee, said that the crnlval was a decided financial success, many thousands of tickets having been Bold. HOMEWOOD GOLF TEAM WINS H. Chandler Reran Makes Sew A ma te n r Reeord for Floeemor Coarse. CHICAGO, Aug. 4. Homewood's quintet of golfers today won the Homewood team cup In their own club's open team 36-hnle medal play competition at Flosnmor. The Homewood team finished with a total of 817 for the morning and afternoon play. H. Chandler Egan of Exmoor broke the amateur record for the course, finishing the two rounds In 161, two points better than the previous record mark. The play era composing the winning team were W. K. Wood. G. F. Cllngman. Jr.. Charles Mc Arthur, Douglass Stuart and Raymond Wells. The other teams competing finished as follows: Midlothian. 837; Exmoor, 843; Auburn Park, 8M; Calumet, 893. Golf at Field CI oh. Golf at the Field club Saturday after noon waa a double headed affair, as the scores went both for tne Beaton cup anq for the Trschuck trophy. The Beaton cup for the month was to go to the low medal score with handicaps and Clarke Colt and I. J. Dunn tied for . thla e.t 86. For the TzscnucK tropny me eigni low scores qualified and these will play off at some future date. Those qualifying for the Txschuck tropny were: tirosa. ti ac p. iiei 3. C. Colt) .96 70 I. J. Dunn ....95 ....96 ....95 ....91 ....88 ....96 ....92 9 9 8 4 0 6 8 B. Clark J. W. Hill P. C. Davison .. G. D. Thoinaa .. Sharp W. E. Palmetier Heavy Rains Scare Baaa. The heavy ralna of the last week or two have interfered aomewhat with the anglers at Cut-Off lake and have made tho festive bass a little harder to get on ac count of the quantity of food washed Into the lake. Still a numDer or large caicnes have been reported and with two or three dayf of dry weather fly fishing ought to be at Its best. Many veteran fishermen have had their lendere or their roda broken by big bass, showing that the large fellows are atill gamey and worth going after. DOCTORS for MEW I ':'l ref j ; V " f I l : The Reliable Specialists a visit will tell. Perhaoa you are Buffering In silence; perhaps you have bean naootraaBfiiny treated; perhaps you anticipate that but more likely you consider your erv : nnl v to temporary relle' i.on t c-espatr. even Va" y- ""7 , relief. Tnern7 v ncani.n otnee win ten. ruriy u wunu iU. - and paramount to almost anything a human being can poaseae. Come to our office and we will make a thorough, aaavrotiln aod arfjmtrfa examination of your aliment a free of charge; an examination that wtU 4lt . . i i wrlrhnfit a knftwladn of Wttioh YVO Sara office L,lnTn tie daraj and withoa OuwgU 7ndertaadln of which no .hy Rctaa Tor SpXllat sh"1d VreaTVou. We want ail alUng ni to that W !.nim.tiir offloa freely tor aa examination and explanation of their -omo? without liVn? bS?uS & any obligation to take treatment unleaa tbey ao desire EverV man. whether taking treatment, or contemplating same, Ihould take ldv7ntaga cT thla opportunity to Uarn bis true oondlUori. as wa will " advise nlm how to beat regain his health and etreogth and preeer-e, tt cowers of manhood unto ripe old age. DoWt bVaatlafled until you have been examined by the beat anJrUllaU la the ontry. You may be aent away happy without any treatment, but wltn aSvlce that will not only eave you much time ar.d money, but rave you mental MM K o require treatment, yon will be treated hameetly and aail. fimy ano reatoVSd to health wllUln the briefest possible period and at tb 1-aat exoenaa Thouaanda of men are loo ring today to attain health, but are betn 'Id back by their akeptiolara growing out of wasting time and money wtta thoae who treat, but never core Banteh all doubta and avallyooraelf of tha iervlcee of specialists of recognlaed ability such aa we are We have mad a flfSkmV Muoy oftha dlaeaae. and weakneeeea that commute enur apeelalty reinforced by an Immense practice. All that expert ekllL vaat epertemoa ami thorough argentine, office equipment ran accomplish ara nam Mag ckma tor thoae who come to ua for the help tbey need. We cure aafely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-SeroAl Debility. Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), RsctiU, Kidney and Urinary DiseastM, .d all dleaeaaea and weakraeeaaa rf men. due ta evil habtta. eetf-armae, tm ceeeee or the reeult of iclno or private dlaaaaaa. FREE C9KSULTATI0M AID EXJUSIBATIOI ctmXi' STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam Bt., Bctwetm 13th and 14th Ct, Omaha, Ecb. Mama, Be Warned! Pro tect the Little Ones I AMAI Don't be frlrhtened but be warned I Every Mother knows, or should knew that th terrible Mortality among children Is eauied by Stomach and Bowel troubles. Colic, Sour Curd, Cholera Infantum, Summer Com plaint, Measles, Rashes,- Scarlet Fever even Mumps have their first causa In constipation. The Delicate Tissues of a Baby's Bowels will not stand rough treatment. Salts are too violent, and Castor Oil will only pease the passages, but will not make and keep them Clean, Healthy nd Strong. a There Is no other medicine ss safe for child as Cascarets, the fragrant little Candy Tablet, that has saved thousands of families from unhappiness. The Nursing Mother should always keep her Milk Mildly Purgative by taking s Cas caret at night before going to oed. No other medicine has this remarkable and valuable quality. Mama takes tha Caacsret, Baby gets the Benefit. Cascarets act like stretgthenlng Exercise cn the weak little bowels of the growing babe, and make them able to get all tha Nourishment out of Baby's Natural Food. ..,' Larger children cannot always be watched, and will eat unreasonably. The Ready Remedy should ever be at hand Cascarets to take care of the trouble when It comes. No need to Force or Bribe children to take Cascarets. They are always more than ready to eat the sweet little bit of Candy. Home Is not complete without the ever ready Box of Cascarets. Ten cents buys a small one at the Corner Drug Store. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." - - ' 1tt Flies are the favorite lure and soma of thi best etrlnes have been taken on hues tnils. Throe and the darker colored fenther Pics serin to be the favorites Jus! now. The Rod an.l Oun club resort Ii thronged almost every evening with fisher men and Is proving a popular place during the hot weather. Knln gtnpa Tennis. The rain Interfered with the tennis tour nament which was to stsrt at the Omaha Field club yesterday afternoon and the tennis men were, as a consequence, much put out, as they hnd figured on this tour nament as a menns of getting In some good practice before the opening of the Middle West. August 20. The tournament was to he a handicap affair for the Ham ilton trophy open only to members of the Field club. A start will be made In the tournament Monday night and It will be played off as fast as possible. Rain Stops Fremont Races. FREMONT, Neb.. Aug. 4 (Special On account of the heavy rain of this morn ing which lasted until noon, the races at the driving park were declared off. It was a disappointment because of the In terest taken In the 2:10 pace In which great things were expected. The fining of three drlvera yesterday afternoon meets with the general ap proval of all friends of honest sport and will do much to help raclnir here. Iowa State I.eaane. M IthTT ALI.TOWN, la.. Aug. 4.-(Spec,IH Trlegrnm.) Iowa State league results to day were: Marshalltown, 8; Burlington, 8. Osksloosa. 20; Clinton, 8. Keokuk, 1; Waterloo, 0. Ottumwa, J; Ft. Dodge. C. , .v. .. porting Brevities. New Tork had to play without Seymour Friday, but waa ahle to win anyway, . The rain haa stirred up the waters of Cut Off, but the fishermen fish Just tha aame. You can't keep a good man down. Hughes won hia own game agalnat St. Louis by a homer In the tenth inning. Niles la looked upon aa the regular third baseman of the St. Louis Browns, which throws Roy Hartzell on the shelf. Phyla made his start with 8t Louie against the Glanta. He took all the field ing chances offered, but did not register a aafe hit. ... Chicago lumped back Into its atrlde Fri day and copped two gamea from Hugh Duffy. The team is ready for the siege In Gotham with the Gianta. The week of Auguat 20 will be a busy one in thla city, with the Field club enter taining the Middle West tennis men and the Country club the State Golf associa tion. ej. 4 I Ill,1 i r r r S'.USr. ,a If relief can be secured only uu-ongn caae nopeieee, or at eei -' 1 1 -ZA n.caalt VT TT a I ' ", T ,1 a I I A S I) 1