Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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ONE WAY TO GET A HUSBAND Woman Htkea Up u Jawett and
Fooli D. Cupid.
City Clark laavai Finaocitl Eutemaat for
tha Past Taar.
Hamate? of Nebraska Proirrrltf.
N'inRHARl Nih . An H Tn th F.d-
short stay In Knox county to enable the
!( Rasslaa Wllllaa: ta San far
It If tha Aataarltlas Will
KH Their llaaas
EiraM of the (iir Darlaaj the Paat
Ftaral Yrat the Largest la the
History of City Dlvlaloa
la rollee Board.
City Clerk J. J. Olllln ha prepared hl
moat carelews and superficial observer to
comprehend that prosperity has smiled
upon the farmer and It la hardly a surprise
that he Is content with present conditions.
I had occasion to visit a ranchman a few
miles east of this city. I mention him
only because he furnishes a handy exam-
U a girl makes up to represent herself pie. I have known him for twelve years.
as of some other nationality than her and eight years ago he waa engaged In nnai finaiivcla.1 statement for the fiscal year.
own, and by that subterfuge wlna a hue- other business and had lost everything. A brief survey will show that there is a
band, can aha be tried before the peo- wyion u. foreman came to Knox county lue mrmey ift In the various funds with
plea bar, the bar of public opinion or and ran In debt for land. Today he has trie ,xcepton of the library fund, which Is
any other bar for obtaining a husband 1,400 acres worth $.') per acre and a herd entirely exhausted. The largest fund Is
by false pretenses? of Hereford cattle that simply beggar de- th9 water In which there remains
No matter how this question Is an- scrlptlon and whose present market price u 770 91 The total balance for the year
swered the laws of Nebraska declare that would pay oft the email debt against the out of M4 41 available Is $25,178 6. I-ast
rnlacegnatlon Is one of the things peo- I land, and he has made It all on ot this I yer n,, amount turned over waa to2.04d.40,
pie shall not be guilty of within the boun- 1 iana. lie too me up upon tne nun ana rmrlna- the year the Initial levy
da dee of the rich and fertile Antelope I showed me his broad acres and fine timber hoa.te( vy collections from fines, licenses,
state. And that Is why county author- grass land and one of the finest artesian ,n(j .r. vender by S30.949.6a The net
Hies take the position that the marriage I welle In northeastern Nebraska, when 1 e of maintaining the city government
of -Mlchsl Antokal and Nettie Tuenner referred him to the story of the tempta- urn, - haa been ia2.270.76. This
Is illegal and will bear a little closer In- I tlon of Christ by Satan. He laughed and ,he iarCeet expense incurred by the city
specuon tnan the naked eye is capame invitea me to tne nouse, wnere 1 was following la the detailed statement:
of making. royally entertained, hile we were partaJc- rhowINO CONDITION OF FVNP8 UP
Tola unusual case of matrimonial lexer- 1 ing of refreshment ne related tne ntstory
demaln came to light In Omaha yesterday I of his experience In Knox county. It was
afternoon, when It waa reported that I only the story of many a successful career
Michael AntoAal of 101 Booth Twelfth In this garden of the west. Why do peo-
etreet, wooed, won and married Miss Net- I pie crowd our cities to congestion?
Nora Otlrhrlut and Mrs (?iy Harvey left
set nlaht for t'hlomro, where the others
will be the guests of Mrs. Coleman. Mr.
Coleman has been visiting with her mother
for several weeks.
Magic City lodre No. S Mixlern flrnth-
erhooil of America, aarted the following
delegates to the diet 1 ift convention, con
vening here September ft: Jams Austin. A.
C. PanrosKt, O. K. Brown, Mrs. Kmma
Hohblck, Mrs. Bertha Hurda.
Make an offer on the nnrthwrst corner of
lath and Missouri Ave. a nearly new houso,
east front, and neat rottsge. south front;
two new lots. Room for two more houses
Will sell on eajr terms. Prl.-e, 12,750. N. V.
Dodge A Co., 1714 Faro am St.
The burial services of Mrs. Nellie Win
ters will take place Sunday sfternoon from
the residence. The time Is J J0 p. m. The
remains will be borne to St. Agnes' church,
where the rites of the church will be ob
served. The Interment will be In Council
Bluffs, her old home.
Denny Sullivan. Pat Hannlgan. Martin
O'Connor. eorae Mlrek. J. J. Cushlng, Bob
Stoddard and Jake Rothchllcl leave Monday
for Butte county. South Dakota, to Mart a
new town near Salem and call It Btoddard
vllle. They will also take up a number of
homestead claims, water nam ana timoer
or forest claims.
tla Tuenner, thinking all the while the
young woman waa a Jewess, but later to
learn aha waa a . mulatto.
Dr. Cnatd la Deceived
Inaarance Trnst Panda.
NEW YORK. Aug. 1. To the Editor of
Acqualntancee of th couple affirmed that Th B'e: "Mention has been called to
1. 190s.
Amount of levy, 1!6 1147.97 0
Balance of levy, 1( w.ow
Balance of library fund 1.13J99
Collectlona including licenses,
nnes coats, interest, aepoeim,
rovnitle srsvenver. bv county
treasurer S0.W9.50
Interest moneys, transferred 1,375.00
Premiums realized from sale of
bonds 4.6T1.7I
the woman "made up" effectively aa a
Jewess during the courting period, but
when Antokal recovered from that form
of blindness Inflicted by Dr. Cupid, the
groom refused to allow a little thing like
an editorial In your Issue of the 22 Inst.,
headed, "A Struggle Over Trust Funds,"
from which I beg to quote as follows:
'Not a dollar for all this vat campaign
expense has been raised In pursuance of
Total J237.444.41
Ievy Balances
Funds. and Collections.
Fire t 2S.817.41
General 27.2A8 81
Salary 90.773 67
Public light U.lMh 40
rulecegnatlon to affect his heart, proving n'r eneral levy upon the policyholders or Judgment 12.W
that true love knows no particular race
creed or color.
Miss Tuenner'a birthplace was registered
with the license clerk as Kentucky, while
Antokal declared he was born In Russia
The woman Is a light ' mulatto and 24
years of age, while her husband Is n.
Antokal Is proprietor of a lodging house
at 101 South Twelfth street.
Questioned regarding the alleged pre
nuptial duplicity of the woman Antokal
refused to say anything for publication
The groom did Intimate that he and his
wife were happy and Intended to live hap
pily for ever afterward.
appeal to them for contributions."
Permit me to correct a mistaken im
pression In that respect and to enclose a
copy of the address of the International
Policyholders' committee containing an ap
peal for funds. In addition to this ad-
dress the circular Is being mailed, with a
subscription blank, to all policyholders
whose addresses are obtainable. A num
ber of voluntary contributions have al
ready been made and we have no doubt
that ample funds will be contributed by
the policyholders. There Is no other source
from which they can come. There Is no
powerful or other financial interest back
Street repair ia.517.8H
Police 20.749 0
Interest 44.934.72
Curb and gutter..
.f4 47
.. ,W3.4
.. 1.9I1.S5
.. 1.M4K3
.. 4.671.72
I 562 67
t 15,173 M
Hitch la Opening Street
It appears that there will be a hitch or
two In the way of opening Twenty-fifth
street from A north to the boulevard. Some
time ago a number of cltlaens circulated a
subscription for the purpose of raising
I . . . . . UIIU KJ una imunil m ,r. w
wife looked like a colored woman, out I oisimereetea campaign .oy ' 1 nuy the street, which was at the time part
the groom looked confused and declared I tlonai reputation to protect he pollcyhold- lf pmv.ny ot the Kru(f BrewIn. com.
the woman was not a negTesa. txumy
Judge Leslie performed the ceremony
few days ago.
When the marriajre license waa obtained ot th'8 movement on the part of the policy-
the clerk remarked to Antokal that his holders. On the contrary, It la an unselfish
tractare to Be Erected at North
west Corner of Nineteenth
A building costing somewhere between
140,000 and 160.000 Is promised by Shlmer
Chase and the Barker company for the
northwest corner of Nineteenth and Harney
streets. It will be either four or five
stories in height and will be 84x85 feet.
which la the elie, of the lot, for which the
deal haa Just been closed by Shlmer ft
Chase with the heirs of an English es.
ta.te to whom the lot belonged.
The two firms have definitely deolded to
build, and It la their expectation to erect
th building this fall. Negotiations are
under way with prospective tenants, and
t WS seta of preliminary plans will be drawn
for the Inspection of the two concerns
which would use a large floor apace. A
deal will be made with one of theae. It
is probable, though-not sure, that only the
lower floor will be used for business, and
that the upper atorles will be made Into
apartment houses.
A lot on Nineteenth street and In the
ers and as such It ought to receive the
hearty support of the press and the public.
None of the men concerned In tl.a move
ment have any personal Interest to serve.
Without organization the policyholders are
helpless. I am sure that the names of
the men constituting the committee will
serve as a guaranty of their entire food
faith and public spirit.
Progress Never Looked for Is Made
la Rebatldtae; of Paella
pany. The purchase was mane and tne
grading begun, but now two or more cltl
sens come on with the statement that their
property has been damaged by the proposed
grading, and the claim Is also put forth
that the grade of the street at this point
has never been established. One of the
men is a resident of South Omaha and
another Is a resident of Omaha. The claims
of these parties will have to be met In all
probability or an Injunction will put a stop
to the work. The Intention was to make
Twenty-fifth street aa far as F street
part of the boulevard. The whole enter
prise Is private and the city knows nothing
of It officially.
Division In Police Board.
According to the statements of W. B.
Van Sant and A. L. Berquist, of the Board
Mrs. Bertha Moon of Kearney
Deserted la Abject Poverty
by Her Hashaad.
An unusual case of destitution and wife
desertion was brought to the attention of
Superintendent Morris of the Associated
Charities last evening, the object of Mr.
Morris' attention being Mrs. Bertha Moon,
who was discovered alone In a tent near
Thirty-eighth and Fort ' streets. The
woman waa In a bad stste from worry,
fright and hunger. Neighbors are caring
for her until suitable arrangements can
be made.
The woman's story was her husband left
her four days sgo (without giving any ex
planation. Moon worked as a stone
mason's tender on the new Boston store.
He married the woman at Kearney eight
months ago.
The Moons lived 1n a tent half a mile
from the nearest house. The tent Is lo
cated In a thicket and the wife declared
she was afraid to venture out. She said
shw ate nothing for two days and stopped
some boys Saturday evening aa they were
passing her tent. Superintendent Morris
was notified and he rendered prompt as
sistance. The woman's people live at Kearney.
She said she could assign no reason for
her husband's sudden disappearance, as
the day before he left he made arrange
ments to enlarge their humble dwelling
The Union Pacific passenger department
haa received an Intereatinar communication
from Its agent at San Francisco, which of Flr an Pllc commissioners, another
show. th. ranM nrnor... man. In meeting OI me Doera Will De aiiempiec
the rebuilding of the city. The letter aays: n'xt T"" These two members
The first permanent brick building in the "LtUM lnB " 01 ,n" ooara OI rnumng
downtown or "burned" district has Just to meet. The division of sentiment has
been completed. Twenty-one days ago there arisen over the South Omaha Sundsy
r?XtJTZl$ ltVln' " now fdmitted by
substantial three-story business DI00K cov-l""- u mr. ocruuui
ers the lot and the tenants moved Into I did meet the governor In Omaha at the
their offices on August 1. This Is only one tme of hta teat vlslt Tney do not care tJ
Hoo. are aottlnv about the rebuiMin of t4te any of the results of this Interview.
their city, verily, tney snow their raitn by ir. van tsant, nowever, takes issue with a
their works, or. to put it in words of a statement Issued In the form of an order
cowboy poet, "they win afore they start." hv w ... .,,.., , .... ,...,
Provisions for the reopening of the Ban " h- ouuuay . ! - kaiM .,,,,( m nvKlam I TWI DPT. mm follows
same block, was sold this spring by the of extraordinary magnitude, but the sltua J In regard to Q. W. Masson's pretended
First Christian church for $40,000. Shlmer Hon has been met with energy character-j orders appearing In last Sunday's Bee,
milu 'I 111(3 nrw Dun r imiuimu. awi-iw i triHiui I IIP RHloonn nor Closmtr nrnmntlv (
temporary structures have been erected midnight, I believe It would appear to the
ana irn more are in voureo vi cuiiairui: t pudiic more oraeriy as an official, if he
tion. I would appear and attend the board meet-
Mondnv. July 23. was an eventful day In Ings to which he haa been timo mr,A in
I 1. 1 . . . . V. . H..kll. .nkMl, An I -...II'... . . i . . . . . " .
INLntAot Irollment of 27.0CO Is reported by the au- board as a body. This Masson. Nolan and
tnonties a mucn larger percentage 01 me sxixon nave refused to do for the nast two
former registration of 40,000 than was ex- months. This Ides of one or two members
pected. rne numoer nas sieanny incre or me noara issuing orders on the side,
this week and It Is expected that before has demoralised the good effect which the
the term Is over the number of young board once had on the saloons and officers.
"twin ' undermine ine Denaina- process 01 ttaioons in Houtn Omaha are riolnz himi
our public school system will nearly ap- ness on Sunday Is In full blast; also a num
preach tne normal ngure. oer are running as late as 2 p. m. many
The reaucea- attendance is accouniea tor murni-igs 01 tne ween, our omcers are at
eta ana 00 not Know what to do, but to
Albert Washington Has Arm and
Leg rilled with Back
shot. Albert Washington was being entertained
at his boarding house last night In honor
of his 29th birthday when a debate over a
money matter arose and George Carter
rushed out and got a gun and emptied both
barrels Into Washington's arms and left
Roth parties live in the bottoms at 101?
Clark street. After the shooting Washing
ton wandered up to Sixteenth and Chicago,
where Officer Crowe found him lying, and
sent him to the station, where Surgeon El
more dressed the wounds. Both arms were
riddled with small bird shot and the left
leg below the knee was also remembered.
Carter, who Is a colored man. Is well
known to the police and when Is drinking,
as Is alleged waa the case last night, Is a
dangerous man. Detective Drummy was
sent out after Carter.
aV Chase are at present erecting a small
store building on the second lot north of
their new purchase.
Balaaca In Coaaty Treasury for tlx
Months Nearly Doable that
Last Tsar.
The semi-annual report of County Treas
urer Fink which haa luat been filed with bv failure of many children to report Im
the county clerk shows a decided Im- mediately owing to change of address and turn their heads away from this and many
I rkt r,ra haira t anr rw-tPCi f hnmat lit I rtl hr f hlnfl Whlnh AA -, aal. W.
provement in the finances of the county n.arhv towns, their Darents only awaiting Masson and Nolan took the strings out of
over last year. Including the balance on I the rebuilding of their homes to resume the hands of the board and ran thin?
hand January 4. 1804, the receipts for the their residence In San Francisco. themeslves Then they put up a presumptu-
l W a W 1 ruM AAA M ma, fell. I A Id TUT I UWt rfUlHUUH 1 mi? av iiiw.ct 10 i'"a v- liir "lIK KIIU III M tin Oa-llt-VfJ
alx montha have been 11.068.444.38. while ponf , from all p.r 0f the United that they are trying to curtail these so-
...v v,um.w,..,..vw '- , " " wvu.suy.Mw, gfateS. in IUH1I large BTIU RIIWII. X iiw npiiiv I iiuii., nunc mo IOVII MIT. 11 IV ail Dosn.
leaving , a balance of lkiO.U5.7I with all of generosity displayed win maice a perma- w. a, van bant,
outstanding warrants paid. Laat year at nrnt Impression upon i the minds or the . 0llB,M Today
this time the balance waa 24,0(4. inKi.t. .reatlv to the development of broth- This afternoon bids fair to be lively In
Aa its share of the taxea raised the state rry love and patriotism. I base ball circles. The Joe Duffys will
received 1137,006.96, the city $114,000, school
districts $80,000, South Omaha and the vil
lages, $4)0,000. Th county has paid war
rants amounting to $219,T&1.$1 and tax sale
certificate! amounting to 100,000. The bond
slaking fund after the payment of July
Interest contains $37,081.64.
fllsv t Via nial TMa.b T l, I
COUPLE GIVES POLICE SLIP Omaha, and expect to come home with the
scalps of the Omaha team dangling at
and Woman Canarht Fishing,
ant They Do Hot Co
to Jail.
i Dr. Pace's Fatoffte Pre$cr!tr9ca
Is a aoworfal. Invltroratln ionic Imnara.
liig LeaJUi and aungtb. la particular
to th organs dlsUncUy fesaloine. Tha
loeaJ, woanaiilv health u so intimately
raUtad to tke gsuerat beaJU tkat waaa
aUseasea of the delicate womanly orgaoa
are eurso im wnoie txiaf gains la he&llk
and gtrangU. For weak and sick It
woman who are "worn-out,' 'run-down
or debilitated, especially for women wbo
work in store, ontoe or Brjsoolrooaa, who
alt at tae typewriter or sewing raachlua,
ar bear beayy household hardens, and far
ursiag mothers. Dr. Pierce's Katorito
PreecrtDtkm haa oroven a arlcaleaa
aeflt besaoaa of Ita health-roaturtuf
Ad ttrangvh-glrlng powers.
At a south 1 ug and strangtheining nerr
taa. Pavoriae PresoriptloB is tia
aqaaJed and Is Invaluable In allaying and
eabdulag nervoui exoltobllity, Irrt Labil
ity, neryoaa exhaustion, nervous proetra
ttoo. peeralrta, hyaleria. spaama, chorea,
or St Vitus s danoa, aod other dutresalDg
aervoua (ysaptoaaa ouCBanonly attendant
poo funcUonai and organic disease af
tha womanly orgaas. It luduoea refreah
tag sleep ad raJlovea nental anzlaty and
Care olxMnato cases. Favorite Pre
aorlptioa 'la a poaltlva core for tha moat
uiapllcatad and obstinate eases of fe
rn tie weakDeaa," painful periods, irrrgu
WnOea, arolapaua or falling of tha pal via
orgvaa, weak back, benng-dwu urn
iiona. chronic congeeiioa, inOammaUoa
nd vlaeratlon.
Dr. Ftaros'a medicines are made froat
karmlesa but edlclent medical roou
found growing lo oar American forests.
Tha Indiana knew ot tha marvelous cura
tive value of some of these roots end lm
eartAd tort knowledge to some of the
friendlier w hi Lea, and gradually some of
the inore progressive patsi clans canto to
teat and uae them, and ever since they
are grown la favor by reason of thair
superior curative virtues and their safe
auu karuloat quail ties.
Your drugglau aall the Fatoeits Pka
cimogand also that famous altera
tive, blood pnnfler and stomach tonic the
Count MapicAL llisooTaBT.' Write
to Dr. hleree abmit your caae. He la an
Mpartaaoed PhysMao and will treat your
case aa eonfldaotlal and without charge
for cornaipoudeoee. Address him at the
Invalids' Hotel and Harvical Institute,
Buflaio, N. Y.,of wkloat be U uUsi ooar
aiuaf aya
Last evening Sergeant Vanous. D
tectivea Mitchell and Bhepherd and Emerg
ency Officer Hell were detailed from the
police atatlon to go to Cut-Off lake and Redmen
look for aome men suspected oi stealing
old Iron and brass. It waa reported the
suspects maintained a "fence" in a tent
along the lake. A tent waa located and
the policemen entered only to find Mr. and
Mr. McOraw, who are well known to the
police, though not the parties In quest at
that particular time. Thinking the Me
Orawa might have known something of the
men the police were looking for they were
told to don their clothes quickly and go to
Jail. Having dressed, the McOraws asked
permission to go through th rear of the
tent to an adjoining room the officers
Th police waited long and patiently
until they grew suspicious. Opening th
rear of the tent their vision extended over
the lak with the McOraws pulling for the
opposite shore In a boat.
their belt. More exciting still promises
to be the game between a picked team of
the South Omaha Eagles and one from th
braves of the Washakie Tribe of Red-
men. This game will be played at Jet
ter park, 2:30 p. m. There Is great rivalry
between the two lodges and all the rooters
will be out. The line up Is aa follows
..Cstch ...
.Pitch ....
. First
. Second ...
. Short ....
. Left
Center ...
.... rjresner
. ., Holbrook
O. Kennedy
. .. J. Brim
Thos. Hoctor
.. Jos. Duffy
... C Anthes
J. Williams
B. Collier
H. Hlnkls
Crandall .,
M. Collier
McMann .,
Van Chos
John Kennedy Sub
D. W. Lane . Sub
Long Leg t Sub
After this game. In which the city of,
flcials will display their prowess, the Jet.
ter Gold Tops will play the W O, Clark i
aggregation. Clams called at 2.15 sharp.
Made City Geeala.
Minnie E. Hoffke was burled yesterday
iicinuun l t.ur:i nill.
Jetters Gold Top Beer delivered to a
parts of the city. Telephan No. f.
For Rent 4-room cottage. 17th and V
St., So. Omaha. Apply 'phun Dous. 4M7.
Wheeler Tell Nothing; . Else Apoat
Finding Made at Belfast
L. C. Wheeler, of the Federal secret ser
vice, who haa been in Greeley county In
vestigating the alleged burning of docu
ments supposed to show the giving of
rebates by the Burlington railroad, re
turned to Omaha last night. He declined
to say anything about the matter except
that they had succeeded In getting all of
the documents secured by the people liv
ing near the scene of the fire on the
night of the fire and the day following.
The testimony of a number of persons
was also taken.
Deputy District Attorney Lane who was
with him stopped off at Lincoln. The
third member of the party was Mr.
Wheeler's stenographer, R. L. Jervls.
T. P. A. Trie to Hold Plcalo oa
Aanlversary of the Grocers'
The picnic of the Tnvelera Protective as
sociation which was scheduled to be held at
Manawa yesterday afternoon was post
poned because of the rain. It will be held
next Saturday. The officer of the asso
ciation. In selecting yesterday as the day
for the picnic, overlooked the fact that It
was the anniversary of the day set for
the holding of the grocers' picnic on a
former occasion.
Special Sanainer t-oarlst Rates
From Chicago to Canadian and New Eng
land points, via Nickel Plata Road. Ticket
on sale August $ to 22, at one fare plus $4
for round trip, wtth thirty-day limit, and
one far plus $1 for th round trip, with
fifteen-day limit. For reservation of sleep.
Ing car berths and detailed information,
write or call on John Y. Calahan, general
agent, 107 Adama street, Chicago.
I'nahle to Locate Mother.
A telegram haa been received at the
nnll. . , i .... . , UlV,lBn ,.(.. T
j,,,,,. M,,WI i.uill .,., .. vllj, lllu..
chief of police stating that the son of
Mrs. Arnold. S72S Erkslne. is being held
there. Officer Aughe cannot locate Mrs.
Arnold aa there Is no such address. In
formation is wanted at police headquarters.
The burial of Clarence Wilson took place
veMterriav ttlcrnnnii mt Cnr..r I m.n ...
After skulking in the tent for a minute etery.
the policemen wended their way back to Miss May Lovely Is on the point of start
headquertera and told the captain they had ,n ,0T Chicago, where she Is to tuly mu-
had a "water haul." In police parlance " " ' . 1 . o p "' . .u.
water haul" means when a prisoner or morning at the First Methodist church Th
prisoners escape In a boat on Cut-Off lake I Epworih league will conduct th evenina
at night tlm with four officers left waiting service.
vvamea. a man ana wire to work on a
In a tent.
WATCHES Frenaer. 1Mb and Dodg eta.
Flahlae and ramping Rales to Madl
saua Lake, Watervllle anal Klysiaa,
Miss, Via Chleao Great
For parties of ten or more, on fare and
one-third for th round trip, good for tea Bhoe and Clothing House, South Omaha.
farm near town: woman to be a sood but
ter maker. Inquire U. H. Brewer, South
For sale, six-room house; cellar, closet,
pantry, two lots, trees, small fruit, good
outbuildings; owner leaving city. William
Schoenlng, Twenty-sixth and Jefferson.
Tomorrow morning we place on sale all
sorts of men's shirts at 26 cents each. Sateen
shirts, without collar, included. Nebraska
days. Ticket oa aal daily until Sep
tember $0. For further Information apply
to H. H. Churchill. O. A-, 1M1 Fax nam St.
i eeafaes.ea asaeaiblyt
Harlaa. la, Aagwst 4 to 11
Th coroner's Jury in the case of J. W.
Daly yesterday afternoon brought In a sim-
Ele verdict of accidental death. Italy was
II led in an elevator at Bwift s a few days
D. K. Hern, In the employ of Schmoller
t Mueller, surrendered to the South Omaha
v.-. mA t,irA - h .....j police on hearing that hla company sua- I
Fare and one-third for the round trip via ctwl hlm of mbrlllenwnt. j,,, "in j,,,
htcage Great Western Rallwsy. Tickets waiting a complaint. 1
on aale August arjd 11. Return limit Au
gust 1$. For furt'.ter Information apply to
any Great Westrs-n agent, or J. P. Elmer,
a. P. A., St. PeuL Minn.
Sterling sllyer-Frenwr, ttlb and Dodge.
Thomas Manage. William Mclaughlin.
William Meyers. V. A. Smith and Ikey bow
man were given Ones in police court yes
terday. Bowman got thirty days In tha
county Jail for disturbing the peac and r
euiing an officer.
Mr. Mary Culemaa and sua, EarL Mrs.
Hiroey inf 1 9fA Sis., t hone Douglis-815.
Week Commencing Sunday Matinee,
August tth,
Winters and Summers,
Wm. n. Hlndora,
Pauline Courtney,
Miles Brothers Having Pictures
Bijou Stock Company
NIGHTS 10c, toe and '.
MATIN EES 100 and 30c.
Pure Jersey Bee CreaiM
The demand this season for Balduff'a little barrels of ico cream has been far
greater than we anticipated over 47,(XX) of these little barrels have already been
sold, and they are winning favor in countless homes every day.
Each barrel is filled with three flavors of ice cream strawberry, chocolate and
vanilla. It is made from especially pur rich pasteurized cream. It has a pure,
rich, creamy flavor and a velvety smoothness that is particularly its own. Fresh
frozen when you purchase it at the counter and kept hard and brittle by the little
barrels for a long time on a hot day.
Ice Cream at Your Office
Saucers and Spoons Free With Each Order
Com In and get a barrel of tee cream and take It
along with you to your offlre. We will supply you free
with little paper saucers and tin spoon, bo that It will
be convenient for you to serve.
Ice Cream for Parties, Din
ners, Receptions, etc. .
We make a specialty of supplying Ice cream for
parties, dinners, receptions, etc. Call or phone us
about your next order.
Pure Ice cream Is good for the children. They will
enjoy It It Is refreshing, nourishing and healthful
The little barrels are con
venient to carry. They Just
fit the pocket.
Put up In two sizes:
Quart size, sufficient for six
or eight persons,
Pint size, sufficient for three
or four persons, 20c
1 Jl.f Lm 1
A If M I J J A J AtlLi . AT -
LSj Twrmrrjrcr j9Amti xfspX N
After Shopping
Worn out with the effort head aching too tired to think? A bit to eat and
a glass of Gold Top, cool, refreshing and an exquisite flavor wiU renew youi
vivacity and put you right again.
Par Barley Malt (a partly digested food).
Choicest Grade Hops (the best tonic made).
Perfect In Pnrlty, In age. In quality. In flavor.
Jetter Brewing Co.,
Tl. No. 8, South Omaha
aba eadscarfer, HTJU6 F. BILZ, 14th sad Dallas, Tel
Doag. 1142; CaancU Hall's BeauqaaiKra, LEX MiTCULL, llt
Mala Street, Tel. M.
AT 4 P. M. AND 8 P. M,
AT 2 P. M. AND 7 P. M.
J. M. PINN. Bandmaster.
AUGUST 4-5 6 7
Games CalUd 3:45.
Today Many Attractions No Gate Admission Today
Concert Band
Velvet Roller
Howling Alleys, Shoot
ing Gallery, Japanese
Hair Game, Klectric
htudlo, I'enny Arcade,
Merrjr.go-Roond, Gjrpajr
Camp and many other
big features.
for Rent...
Tslsaaaa ka4 Taa.
II. K. Wheelock.
S T A . sCfsra-DUloa Carmrr, lata
aaa ruua, aWatasaoa, aft riaa
affl-'-g... s
Evans Hotel
Hot Springs, So. Dak.
beautifully situated la tha vala ot Mln
nekahta. Xh. healtb and pleasura resort of tha
northwest. Only a night's rids from Omaha.
Golf, tennis, swimming, coaching, horse
liack and burro rides and other amuse
ments, txoellnt orchestra in attendance. wonderful wind cave.
Exceptionally low rates on both C. at N.
W. and Burlington.
For rals and Information, addratai
llOX M. bCUIT, .Manager.