Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Miss Helen Spencer, of St. Louis, Was Afflicted For Years
With Catarrh of the Liver. Pe-ru-na Brought Relief.
VJmu , i . , t in kirn
Miss Helen SpencerJIQp
Boath Omaha Ma Tells of Tronbl Over
Cow, but Denies Shooting.
Man said to Hre Fatally "hot
l,rw r.nldle Admits to Faplllloa
Aatherltles Being la Trou
ble, bat Sot Snooting.
and the daughter wss slightly bruised.
Ir. Ttlx was railed and dressed the wounds
of mother and child.
"I am like a new person and feel perfectly well and happy.
never saw anything work like your valuable Pe-ru-na and it is
a pleasure to recommend it to others.' Helen Spencer.
Mlsa Helen Bpencer, 3924 Cook Ave., St. A catarrhal condition of the stomach
Louis, Mo., writes: I may spread to the duodenum and then
"I gladly recommend Peruna to all those I continue through the large bile ducts into
who are troubled with catarrh of the liver.
That was my trouble for years and I know
II about It. I was tired, despondent, h;id
a, bad taste In my mouth In the morning
ard felt generally used up nearly nil the
t tima. I took Peruna because I had taken
bout everything else and felt so badly
Frits Clements, said to have fired
the shot thst caused the deatn oi
Lew uu.dle Friday evening In South
Omaha, surrendered himself to the Sarpy
county authorities Saturday and Is now In
Jail at Papllllon. Clements reached the
Krnv count v seat at midnight. Immedi
ately on reaching Papllllon Clements told cause complications not desired
of the trouble with Ooldie over a cow and
rroaeratloaa at rittafenra; Will Await
Ead of tae Hartje Divorce
PITTPBURO. Aug. 4. Admission was
made today by detectives employed on the
Hartje case that the conspiracy charges
against at least two prominent men as a
result of the divorce trial had not been
dropped, but that proceedings merely had
been suspended to await the conclusion of
the arguments, which will start before
Judge Frobert Fraser next Monday.
Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje's attorneys are
refraining from any move. It Is under
stood. In order to avert a continuance of
the case. Arrests at this time. It Is said,
might hinder the ending of the case and
the liver.
This partly obstructs the bile ducts and
produces Hlugglslinesfl of the liver.
Sometimes the ducts are so obstructed as
to produce a stoppage of the bile, In which
case the bile is thickened and forms Into
concretions called gall stones. BUllous
colic Is the result.
I xr.iut fnKa f l.lltmia rnllc denend unon
that It seemed Imperative that I should still ; ,, n, the liver. For this condition
keep on taking.
"I am llko a new person and feel per
fectly well and happy. I never saw any-
purgatives are generally used. These give
temporary relief, but do not cure.
The correct thing to do Is to remove the
thing work like your valuable Peruna and catarrh. Then the liver rights Itself.
H I a pleasure to recommend It to others." ! Any one trmibled with sluggish liver
Catarrh of the liver Is a new phase to I should give Peruna a fair trial,
many people. Many will say, "I never) if, after taking one bottle, relief is ex
heard of catarrh of the liver," but the perlenced, it should be followed by a thor
very people who say this may be afflicted j ough course of Peruna until complete re
wlth the disease. lief Is obtained.
Good for Extension Returning to Sept. 3C.
Special Nebraska G. A. R. Train Aug. 11, 8:30 p. m.
Regular Trains 7:50 a. m. and 8:28 p. m.
1401-3 Farnam Street
In the morning reiterated the story, oui
tnutlv itenlerf rinln any shooting. He
said he lcw Goldle had been shot.
Carl, his eldest son, wss with Clements.
The ither two sons, William ana iienrj.
have not been apprehended.
The oollce. assisted by Sheriff McAvoy
of Sarov county and his deputy, spent
large pert of the last evening trying 10
run down Henry and William Clements, the
two sons of Prants Clements, till wanted
for the shooting of Lew Qoldle. Five of
the boys have been working at Armour s
packing house. Since the shooting .me
two larger of the sons left st home r
malned In hiding. It was tipped olt by
the neighbors that the two returned home
at dusk last night and a searrn party
wss hurried out. It Is thought that small
boys warned the older ones of the approach
of the officers and they slipped away into
the tall weeds and the cornfields In the
vicinity. After a search of several hours
the police returned. The police expect
eventually to round up the whole family.
Stories are told about the packing houses
of the eratlc temper and the outbursts of
passion to which Fritx Clements Is subject.
Not over four days ago he had some words
with a colored man by the name of
Texas," as he Is commonly called. In
telling of the affair afterward Clements
said that "Texas" had called him a vile
name. Soon after, as "Texi.i" was going
down the stairs, so Clements boasted, the
latter picked up a lard box. made of Inch
lumber, about four feet square and two
and a half deep and dropred It' over the
banisters on the unprotected head of
"Texas." The . man roared with laughter
at the way "Texas" rolled down the stairs.
He said, "I'd kill a man who called me
that name." Clements was Armour's hide
Ooldie Dies at Hospital.
Lew Goldle, the victim of the fatal
Sarpy county shooting, died at the South
Omaha hospital at 8:35 a. m. Saturday.
During the night he had periods of con
sciousness or semiconsciousness. The
fatal wound was from a 88-callbex rifle
ball, passing In at the left side in a dlrec
tlon to strike the heart. It was deflected
downward by a rib, passing through the
large intestine and the kidney Into the
spine. His body lies at the undertaking
rooms of Heafey & Heafey, where an in
quest was arranged for during the morn
ing by Coroner Armstrong of Sarpy county.
Goldle is survived by a wife and small
child. He appears to have been In rather
poor circumstances, as a subscription list
was circulated to meet the burial ex
The remark cf Ooldie, which drew on
him the Are of the Clement family, after
hearing from Mrs. Bacchus how her so.-i,
J-BicCbus, had been beaten by the-Cle
ment boys, was, ."Well,- If I'd been here,
that kind of a fight wouldn't have been
pulled olt." This the Clements heard, or
he repeated It to them. The family, then
excited to the pitch of murder, began, ac
cording to all present testimony, the fatal
A Jury of Sarpy county residents wss
sworn In at 1 p. m. and the Inquest will
be held at Papllllon at 1 p. m. Monday.
The funeral has not been arranged,
and delicatessen foods. In this box a
At I mm VIPTIU fiPRI ArkfUAKin ton of beef can e corned at one time.
Grand tourist resort of the people and one
of the most beautiful parts of the
American Continent.
Very Low Rates of
(f CGZ t0 Yellowstone Park and Return, lnclud-
pOO lng rail and Btage, dally to Sept 17th.
to Yellowstone Park and Return, lnclud
lng rail, stage and hotelsMn Park beyond
Yellowstone for live and one-half days'1 trip. Tickets
on sale dally to Sept. 17th.
For Yellowstone Park literature and full Informa
tion In regard to rates, route, etc.. Inquire at
'J'hone Pouglus
Weigh flsty Tons Apiece and Made of
Glass and Brick Require Six
olid Columns for Support.
Two Immense bake ovens, each weighing
sixty tons, sjid each supported by three
massive columns of brick and concrete are
being Installed In the new Courtney
These ovens In sixe and character are nov
elties In the west. They are after the
patterns of the latest Improved ovens of
Vienna and Paris and there are said to be
but a few of them In this country. The
ovens are 12x16 In Interior measurement and
built entirely of fire brick. Hundreds of
pies and cake can be baked at a time In
each ot these structures and loaves of
bread enough to satisfy a whole army com Id
be baked In a few hours. Two tone of
gisss are In each oven, one as an oven
bed, the other on the roof. The value
of the glass Is In Its heat retention. The
ovens are to be heated only once a day.
After a fire of hickory wood has burned
underneath for a few hours, the glass at
the top and bottom of the ovens retains
enough heat to admit of twenty-four hours'
baking. This baking plant will be In
full operation when the grocery opens 8ep-
temper 16th, In Its new building- at Sev
enteenth and Douglas streets.
In the construction and equipment of
this modern pure food center Mr. Court
ney and his business associates have so
arranged as to make it a brilliant ex
ample of Omaha industry. Omaha con
cerns have filled every contract. The
fixtures, which well informed men declare
are second In beauty and modem char
acter to none In this country, were all
designed and made In Omaha. They are
made of selected grain quarter sawed
white oak, all finished In fumed oak pat
terns with large flakes. All counters are
circle end and all fixtures have base of
Alps green marble. In the meat and fish
section, the counter tops are of white
Italian marble, 2 Inches thick and 30
Inches wide. To equip this building a
solid carload of marble has been shipped
to Omaha.
One of the most Interesting eights In
the new store will be In the basement, main
entrance to which Is from the west tun
nel from Brandels' new store. This
basement will be devoted to fresh meats
and fish and the delicatessen store, where
ready cooked meats and dishes of all
kinds may be bought by housekeepers all
prepared for the table. All finishings will
be marble, fumed oak and plate glass,
while the floor la of marble slabs. It Is
the aim to have everything about the
store the nearest possible approach to
sanitary perfection. Fish will be kept
In slate tanks. On the drained marble
counters, fish wll b continually packed
In loe. Three Immense refrigerator
boxes, 60 feet by 100 feet and twelve feet
high, will stand against the walls. These
boxes are fronted with windows of three
thicknesses of plate glass, the extra glass
to prevent the formation of moisture on
the Inner pane. One great box Is for
fish and fresh meat. The second Is for
smoked and corned beef, poultry, game
Pasonale Greco Foand Gagged and
Donnd In Hallway la New
York City.
NEW TORK, Aug. 4. Pasquale Qreeo,
36 years old, who was reported several days
ago as having been kidnaped by a black
hand gang, was found today in a hallway
on Eleventh street, gagged and blind
folded and with his feet and hands tied,
He told thfe police that since late Tuesday
night he had been a prisoner of several
Italians, who had given him neither food
nor water In the eighty hours of his
captivity. Eugenie Duche, a tailor, who
notified the police of Greco's presence In
the hallway, was arrested on suspicion of
knowing something of the kidnaping.
Attore Rlccl was arrested on Wednesday
last charged with accepting a payment of
S00 to prevent death by black hand meth
ods of Alfonae Schettinl. an Italian grocer.
and his friend, Greco. Rlccl then told
the police that Greco had been kidnaped
and detectives were at once started In
search of him. Greoo told the police today
that Ave men selxed him at Bleecher and
Sullivan strets about midnight Tuesday
and placed him In. a cellar, the location
of which he does not know, and kept him
there until esrly today, when he was re
moved to a hallway, still gagged and
bound. Greco said he would know three
of the men who kidnaped him.
The suspicious of the police that Greco's
story would bear- investigation were
aroused by the manner In which he was
bound, the marks of the ropes indicating
that he had not long been a captive. A
piece of rope similar to that which Greco
was tied with was discovered In the pock
ts of Duche. i
Duche was arraigned In police court
charged with complicity In the alleged kid
naping of Greoo, but was discharged from
The third box will be for cheese, butter,
eggs and fruit, all In separate compart
ments. In the meat box, large enough
In Itself for a fair sized butcher shop, are
marble shelves and galvanized Iron racks
with an overhead track to convey the
sides of meat to their hooks. These
tracks are equipped with switches and
the meat Is not touched from the time It
leaves the hands of the Inspector and Is
hooked to the overhead track leading to
the box, until It Is taken down to be cut
by a meat cutter In sterilized clothing.
This meat cutter will stay In the box
all day and since the temperature ts to
be 44 degrees It Is expected that be will
work fast to keep comfortable. ' The
glass fronts to the boxes make It possible
for customers to see all the meat, poul
try and game from the outside and make
such selections as they wish.
An eJectrlo conveyor system under
neath the counters does away with the
superfluous handling .of meats and veg
etables after their selection. Everything '
Is placed on these conveyors and car
ried to the wrapping desks. Electric
dumb waiters run from floor to floor,
notifying attendants of their arrivals by-
colored lights at the elevator entrances,
relegating gonga to the background.
Mrs. Marge-ret
Dawa and
Mrt'heaao Knocked
Beaten by an
Bee Want Ads
I'nldentlfled Man.
While returning home late last evening
Mrs. Margeret McCheane, 711 North Nine
teenth street, was assaulted on the corner
of Twen'y-second and Dodge.
Mrs. McCheane states that Just before
she reached the corner a man came run
ning aerobe the street and struck her down
with some blunt Instrument, and after she
fell struck her repeatedly. She was re
moved to the house of Dr. Lake and after
ward taken to the police station, where
her wounds were dressed by Police Bur
geons Elmore and Flynn, an ugly cut on
the head requiring eleven stitches to close
and numerous bruises also required atten
tion. Later she was conveyed home and
no serious complications are expected, de
spite the fact that she Is an elderly woman.
Owing to the darkness Mrs. McCheane
was unable to give a description of her
Knocked Down tey Car.
While attempting to locate a friend. Mrs.
Charleo Groves and daughter were knocked
down and slightly Injured about 10 o'clock
last evening. The accident occurred st
t3--4 North Seventeenth street. Mr. snd
Mrs. Groves and three children wert driv
ing snd had stopped the horr to locate a
friend just as a northbound Sherman ave
nue car was passing Mrs. Groves sus
tained a cut ob tiie bck eX Uie head
Colonel Cothelbert Billet.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 4.-Colonel
Cuthelbert Billet, one of the most widely
known Kentucklans. died today, aged 07
years. He was appointed collector of cus
toms at New Orleans by- President Lin
coln and served in that capacity for sev
eral years, afterward holding other federal
appointments He was known as a great
beau and was extremely particular regard-1
lng his personal appearance up to his last
IHivId V. Aldrldae.
David W. Aldrldge, well known In local
railroad circles, died Thursday at Detroit.
Seven years ago Mr. Aldridge was travel
ing freight agent for the Northwestern at
this point, later holding the same position
at Denver and Detroit. At one time ha
was agent for the iUon Pacific at
Rev. Oscar Fllppo.
WILMINGTON, Del., Aug. 4-Rev. Os
car Fllppp, for thirteen years secretary
for the Baptist Publication society of Phil
adelphia, died at his home In this city to
day, aged 70 years. He was at times editor
of various Baptist publications.
Jndajo Robert Sedgwick.
HALIFAX, Aug. 4. Associate Justice
Robert Sedgwick of the supreme court cf
Canada died at Colchester, N. B., today,
aged 68 years.
D. B. Wesson.
SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Aug. 4. D. B.
Wesson, head of the Arm of the Smith &
Wesson Arms company, died at 6:15 this
Dak of Rntlaad.
LONDON, Aug. 4. The duke of Rutland
(John James Robert Maners) died today.
He was born In 1818.
Iceman Injared by Fall.
O. C. Huff, an Iceman, fell off his wairnn
In the vicinity of Fifth and Jones streets
iwiui o docs imi eveninar. tie u-m
araggea ana sustained a sprained kne and
contuwa buck. ur. Kich and Police Bur-
wn ciiTiore Hiirnurg me injure! man
and he was conveyed to his horns. 1511
luinin la ina pauw wagon.
- - -i-.. " V
fl Schmollcr & Mueller Piano Company, 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha
Begins tomon-ow morning, August 6, at 8 o'clock and closes Saturday, August 18 at 10 p. in.
Every Piano on our fourth floor must be disposed of to make room for immense shipments
coming for fall and holiday trade. In this sale are included over one hundred new and used
Pianos, all in line condition and worth nearly double our sale price.
are urged to avail themselves of this sale promptly as possible. If you cannot come to our
store this week write your name and address, mail it to us, and wo will send to you a com
plete printed list, giving full description, prices, etc
Prices quoted are strictly net. .
Terma on any instrument to suit the buyer.
"V sell hundreds of Pianos by mail to customers from Mississippi river to tho Pacific
Coast and from the Dakotas to Texas. We guarantee each bargain to bo exactly as des
cribed or money refunded.
Re 1 Dexter A good square piano,
thoroughly overhauled and tuned,
f. e. h. Omaha. fBt.OO
We. Yose Splendid square prac
tice piano, worth three time the
sale price ,,...939.00
Ho. 3 Oalsnbnrs-Orlglnal cost f00,
a square better than half the up
rights ., S33.00
He. 4 Xalnes Bros. Square grand,
taken in trade from one of Omaha s
finest homes 937.00
Xo. 6 Kimball Square, overhauled
looks like
Jfo. Xardman A favorite make,
splendid tone and action 90.00
Wo. 7 Fischer One of the many bar
gains worth more than double the
sale price ,....948.00
Ho. 8 Herbert One of the best
square pianos we ever sold, fine for
music teacher 949.00
Ho. 9 Hals Upright,
ebony case,
Ho. 10 Ivsrs ft Fond 1'prlght ma
hogany case, sounding board
cracked, not guaranteed Sufi. 00
Ho. 11 Arion Upright, walnut fin
ish, small size, dandy tone ... 998.00
Ho. 10 9400.00 Sterling Upright,
rosewood case, beautiful mellow
tone, medium sixe 9116.00
Ho. 13 9360.00 Blngsr Cabinet
grand upright, genuine walnut
case, Ivory keys, good ns
new $133.00
Ho. 149350.00 Horwood Mahogany
finish, upright, modern style, looks
like new 9134.00
Ho. 18 9376.00 Martin Bros. Full
size upright, dark oak finish. 9139.00
Ho. 18 9300.00 Foster St Oo. Parlor
size upright 9143.00
Ho. 17 9350.00 Gramer Emerson
Upright, genuine walnut case,
carved panel, fine tone and action,
good as new 9147.00
Ho. 189375.00 Gaylord It Co. Up
right, dark mahogany ftnlRh. beau
tiful brilliant tone, easy double re
peating action 9148.00
Ho. 19 9335.00 Hobart M. Cable
Upright, mahogany, used only thre
months, fine for the money .. 9165.00
Ho. 909376.00 Davis Bons Up
right, rented one year, polished llko
new, dark mahogany finish. .9167,00
Ho. 91 9300.00 Btandard Cabinet
grand upright, heavy tone, niro
rase, good as new ,, 9169.00
Ho. 999360.00 Harrington Fame as
above. In dark walnut case. 91M.00
Ho. 93 9335.00 Mueller VprtghV
Style W, genuine black walnut,
built up case, good as new, only
used thre e years, guaranteed V'
years 9186.00
Ho. 94 9396.00 Mueller Same as No.
23, escept case, which ts a beauti
ful golden oak 9170.00
Ho. 959360.00 Brbe Oo. Upright,
largest size In carved mahogany
esse. used less than two
years .$174.00
Ho. 88 9350.00 aCnsllsr Upright
Style H, in genuine St. Jiigo ma
hogany case, a perfect Instrument,
guaranteed 20 years 9181.00
Ho. 879945.00 Gaylord B Oo .Up
right, new style, marred In top lit
shipping, does not show with s.-arf
on 9188.00
Ho. 98 $376.00 Davis B Bon Parlor
upright, dark mahogany finish, fine
tone and action, fully guaran
teed 9160.00
Ho. 99 $386.00 Mueller Our most
popular upright, style W, In golden
oak case, guaranteed twenty
years 9193.00
Ho. 30 9360.00 XiSSter New, largest
upright, very heavy walnut case,
beautiful carvings and paneled
ends 9194.00
Ho. 31 9375.00 ktasller Selected
English bla ck curly walnut, styli
S, largest size, rich tone. .. .9187-00
Ho. 39 9350.00 Bradford B Oo. New
sample colonial style, bnuutlfu'
dark case, elegant tone ami
action 9300.00
Ho. 83 9350.00 Mueller Style H.
fancy mahogany case, rich, liquid
tone 9310.03
Ho.' 34 9400.000 Bteg-er Upright,
style 17, In fancy golden oak cuao,
Puritan style, one of the most
artistic pianos made 9316.00
Ho. 35 8400.00 Stag-cr Same an
above. In fancy burl walnut case,
slightly used, but does not show
It 933X00
Hoi 38 9400.00 Mueller Style X,
replevtned from agent, never used,
slight scratch on right end, fancy
golden oak case, one of the -best
bargains $838.00
Ho. 57 $436.00 Mueller Sperlnl
style, msde for exhibition pur
poses, never used, slight y shop
worn, former price $426.00. .$208.00
Address all Orders or Inquiries to
Tickets on sale August 5 and 6, 'vnth' return limit of August 15, and
August 11, 12 and 13, with return limit of August 22. A ,
The Burlington has made elaborate preparations in tEe way of spe
cial equipment and extra trains to handle the business offering for
these attractive rates.
Double Berth in Tourist Sleeper to Chicago only, $1.25
No. 6 Fast Daylight Limited at 7:25 a. m.
No. 2 Afternoon Express at 3:45 p. m.
No. 12 After Dinner Flyer at 8:05 p. m.
Tickets 1502 Farnam St.
HO. SB $450.00 Bteg-er largest slsn.
natural oak case, beautiful speclnl
i.. i-aiaiogued. best tone
uuality, will suit the most critical
expert ; ....a4M)0
Ho. 39 $500.00 Bead B Sons Pampt
piano, exquisite workmanship, es
se. Nickel A Cross action. Import
ed felts and wires, one of the most
nrtlstlc pianos ever built, a great
bargain 9836.00
Ho. 409300.00 ateger B ona to
fancy walnut case, largest concert
sixe. upright, with mnssive carv
ings, copper wound strings, extra
heavy plate, patent action, etc.,
8265. OO
Ho. 41 9800.00 Stelswar B Bona
Used upright, parlor size, ebony
case, the most famous make In
the world $378.00
Ho. 43 $450.00 Bmerson The oUl
reliable Boston make, In a beauti
ful mahogany case. Slightly used,
looks new $978.06
Ho. 43 $500.00 Toss B Bona An
other celebrated Boston ma.
known everywhere, elegant goldon
bilk case : 9384.00
Ho. 44 9500.00 MePhall Established
In 1 A3T, this is one of oar best
bargstns for a musical family, who
Is satisfied with only the best, rich
mahogany case, latest style 9386.00
Ho. 489450.00 Hnrtsmaa Another
old standard company, who sent
this without orrfen to show us one
of their new 1907 styles. .; .$996.00
Ho. 48 $958.00 Btefer B Boas A.
new style for next year, masstv
rase, cfreek model, no carving, a
beautiful creation bf the builder's
art ; ; i $395.00
Ho. 47 9700.00 itlliwi y Used,
taken In trade from prominent
Omaha family on Btelnway Orand,
good as new . . ; .$330.00
Ho. 48 $500.00 Xmerson Style 43,
walnut case, their finest plnno,
tised short time In Pianola room,
one of the most artistic plsuos
made t $335.00
Ho. 49 $800.00 Bteg-er Ramnle. In
dark weathered oak, trimmed In
solid bronxe, exactly suited to Mis
sion style den, bne of the finest
offerings of the sale $335.00
He. BO $700.00 Bteg-er B Bona Art
style, In selected rare genuine ma
hogany, massive hsnd carved pil
asters and solid mahogany carved
lion head trusses, hesvy paneled .
ends suitable for richly finished
drawing rooms, weight l,10(t lbs.,
, .... ......... .....$385.00
We cannot list ell. Write or call for complete list and decide quickly. Although we have over 860 pianos In stock there
are only a few duplicates among the 100 on sale at cut prices. Every buyer will receive a term of
We have bought the right to use the finest system ever devised to teach muslo by mall. You will be delighted with It
for it Is scientifically correct and cannot fall to be satisfactory no matter where you live.
Largest Piano House In the West. 1311-13 Farnam Street, Omaha
ton. CMICMf BTCft'a. tnLiaW
Peunyroyal pills
TV -.'lXitl-aiHM tikiHMtn lfM
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fnsarr. Msawi . rai-t fa.
monoy it you.