B TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 5, 1900. W1NCHELL HOPES FOR BEST rmident of Beck Island Tnutt Eii load ill Trtat Omeh Feiilj. SAYS HE KNOWS NOTHING OF TROUBLE Matter for TraHle Mr Haadle aa.4 II BtfRMei Ballet Thr WIU etle Matters UlUUf rr This Cltr. B. F. WlncheU, president of the Bock Island railroad, passed through Omaha Saturday morning; enroute from Kanaaa to Chicago. Ma was in hie private car and vu eooompanled by his stenographer, and remained about ten minutes while tb train was at Union station. "1 don't know a thin about this boycott affair" aald Mr. WlnchelL "except as I hare noticed It In a oasual way. The mat ter Is wholly In the hands ot the trafflo officials of the road and I am sure they will matters so Omaha will not hare cause to complain. At least I hope so. I Mated through a splendid rain In Kanaas last night and the crops of that state are looking Ana, Everything indicate the larg est oroo in the history of the state. Mr. Wlnchell was formerly a clerk tinder John Utt when the latter represented the Atchison Nebraska road at Lincoln, art rward the Burlington Missouri. When Wlnohell became president of the Rock Island he made John Utt general agent of the Rock Island In Omaha. Harllasrta OttaervtasT lw, O. W. Held re ge, general manager of the Burlington, has returned from an extended trip over the western lines of the road and reports the crops good all over tne system. "The Burlington Is taking every precau tlon to comply with the United States reg tiioHnna In retard to car appllanoea,' said Mr. Holdrege. "The requirements In re gard to air brakes have all been met and we try to meet all other requirements as fas as possible. The suits filed or ordered to be filed by Attorney Moody are not be cause of any great violation of the laws or because of any Intention on our part to try to evade the law. It Is simply a question of carrying out some of the provisions cording to the opinion of some government lnDector. It is a question of accidents which happen between- repair stations. "The law Is very strict in regard to air brakes and also grip Irons on the side ot the cara In many instances these are knocked off and are reported by some in spector before we have a chanoe to repair the damage.'' Clerks Get Salary Raise. A voluntary raise In the salaries of the clerks In the employ of the Oregon Short Line at several terminal points Is taken by railroad men as a move on the part of the magnates to permit the employes to have a share in the enormous earnings of the roads and to enjoy some of the fruits of the. prosperity which Is sweeping ovet the country, and especially In railroad clr cles. The roads are making plenty of money to build new 'lines and to pay enor mous dividends, and yet the clerks and offlce men have been working along at' the same old salaries. Thla move on the Short Une Is taken as an Indication that some thing Is to be done for the betterment o the conditions of other employes. Although living expenses have been Increasing In the last few years, the clerks have been work' Ing along at the same old wages and no hope has been held out to them to better themselves, except In case of promotion. which In most Instances Is slow. Many of the telegraph and clerical forces have been raised voluntarily by the Short Une and an Increase has been granted In the yardmaster'a offlce at Evanaton, Granger and other points, and other clerks on the Harriman tines are In tb hope that It Is to become the popular thing on all the lines. Railway Notes aa PessonsJs. H. D. astern ral, WENTY-FOURJFOR THE NAVY Eall.tn.eats Made at Omaha gtatloa te Swell the "Water Forces ot I'aele sm. Twenly-four enlistments were obtained for the United States navy st the perma nent recruiting atstlon In the federal build ing during the month of July. Of this number three were re-enllatmenta. Thir teen enllated as apprentice seamen, two as seamen, one as musician, second claw; one as yeoman, first class; two ss mess attend ants, third cjaxa; one as fireman, first class; one as fireman, second class; one aa hospital apprentice, first claea; one as ma chinist's mate, second class, and one I electrician. The names aad addresses of the recruits are: Louis Pope Bordeaux, Hebronville, Mass. Jesse James Gibson, Bonesteel, 8. D. George Franklin Graves, Red Oak, la. Alexander Casmlr Koslowskl, re-enllsted. Duncan. Karl Richard Fairbanks, Norfolk. Herbert Clayton Brown, Marengo, la. Herbert English, Jamestown, Mass. Jesse Johnson. Detroit, Mich. Harry Guy Fotter, Omaha. Ry Baer, Shelby, la. Dorsle Palls Coburn, Denton, Ky. Martin Dominic' Leach, Brookfleld, Mass. James Elmer Parrlsh, Moberly, Mo. Edgar David Hunter, Lowell, Mass. Archie David Brown, Atlantic, la. Robert Connolly, Omaha, Elbrldge Edward Entsmlngor, Corydon, la. Morris Edward Nicholson, Omaha. Charles Goodall, South Bend, Ind. George Tverberg, Hayfleld, Minn. Lester Jay Huston, Bagley, Wis. McDonald Dorrta Harris, Durham, N. C. Charles Olen Evans, re-enllsted, Blair. Walter Koch, re-enllsted, San Francisco. Dryden, representing the North railway of York, Bjig., was In the city Baturdey visiting with railroad offl Claim. ZZZ3 fZ CZZ3 I I POKE ALU E I Li a nrrmr3 M ELMER STILL A WARM ONE Great Western Passenger Ascent Fast on Ralls as He Was on lee. John J. Ryder, Eagle convention said Saturday morning: "Years ago when Jim Elmer was business man of Et. Paul he was hot stuff, even on the Ice, for aa he was always sliding ahead. Now, as general passenger agent of the Great West ern, he quickly recognizes a good thing when he seos It. Lost Thursday evening FronkA Dunlop, shining even more efful gentiy than usual, walked Into the hall of the local aerie of Eagles, where he is al ways welcome, and sold: 'I had a talk today over the telephone with Mr. Elmer. He said he knew the grand aerie conven tion will bo a great thing for Omaha and for Nehraaka, and that I might say to you that when subscriptions are made to enter tain the convention the Great Western will double the contribution of any other rail road.' "That was the signal," said Mr. Ryder, for the most enlhuslastlo demonstration I have yet witnessed In our aerie. When Frank Dunlop retired it was with all the grace of a conquering hero dodging a popu lar ovation." n boomer, as a plain i noted as aa curler n A STARTING MONDAY-ALL THIS WEEK Our Stock Slightly Damaged By Smoke Only Beginning with Monday we will continue our GREAT FIRE SALE that has been the talk of Omaha. "We are stopping at no cut in price in our effort to close out our stock before the arrival of our Fall Goods. During this sale you can buy goods at A Saving of 50 to 75 Per Cent. Every day brings forth new bargains, so don't miss an opportunity of attending the Greatest Sale in Omaha's history. "Ve mention but a few of the specials below: Wash Waists, worth $2, $3, $4 and $5, choice 79c Any Wash Skirt in the Store, worth up to $8.00. . . .$1.93 Our Entire Line of Wash Dresses and Wash Suits, ' worth up to $15 and $20 (all colors), choice $3.98 $50.00 Fur Jackets box or blouse not damaged. .$15.00 We have two Persian Lamb Jackets at a bargain. $35.00 New Fall Suits, exclusive styles $17.50 New Fall Suits, Fall Long Tight Fitting Coats, Old Fall Suits, Silk Jackets New Fall Furs, Covert Jackets, D Spring Suits (all colors), White Serge Suits, Silk Suits (all colors), Wash Suits (all colors), Spring and Fall Skirts) Wash Skirts, Riding Habits, Fall Weight Peter Thompson Fall Long Loose Coats, For Misses. Opera Wraps, Evening Gowns, Princess Gowns, Silk Waists, Wash Skirts Wash Waists, REAL ESTATE AT LONG BEACH la Twelve Years Lot Goes from Three Hundred to Ninety Thou sand Dollars. X. X Root, with his wife and daughter, has returned from Long Beach, Cal., where he went about a month ago to attend the funeral of his father. Mr. , Root, as he is a real estate man, naturally Inquired Into real estate values In Long Beach, and In doing so found where he had missed oppor tunities. A, lot which he was offered four years ago for $150 recently sotd at $1,600. Mr. Root's brother went to Long Beach twelve years ago, when there was scarcely any town and bought for $300 a piece of property which he sold not long ago for $90,000. OON'T MISS THE BIGGEST SALE IN OMAHA'S HISTORY STARTING MONDAY ALL WEEK. S. FREDRICK BERGER & CO. Authorities on Style The Hew Cloak Shop. rzZZ3 ZZU C 1517 Farnam Street The business to Chicago on the rate of $8 for the round trip started out very briskly Saturday morning and most of the roads reported all the business they wished m carry at mose raves. Oeorge Thompson, the new msster me chanic at the Union Pacific shops, has gone to Denver to SDend Sunday with his family, which has not as yet moved to this city, and J. W. Turtle, who took Mr. Thompson's place at Denver, Is In the city visiting with his family. The Northwestern has arranged to trans port the Colorado section of the Grand Army of the Republic from Omaha to Min neapolis next Sunday evening on a special train of fourteen cara The Northwestern will also run a speclaj Nebraska Grand Army of the Republic train of seven cars from Omaha to Minneapolis. C. Bronson, secretary to the passenger trafflo manager of the Rock Island; A. B. un, general passenger agent of the Min olta ot. Louis road: J. Francis. sen- Best Values at New Hotel Woodstock, New York. It is the aim of the proprietor to give his patrons as near honest value as is compatible with first-class service and homelike comfort at the new steel-built. fireproof Hotel Woodstock (126-135 West Forty-third street, near Broadway, Times or Long Acre square). The very heart of the city, In the midst of the theaters, clubs, etc. Adjacent to subway, "L" roads and Broadway cars to all ferries and rail way stations. neapoi era! passenger agent of the Burlington, and J. Batterman of the Wikuh r. in th. city considering the general proposition of military rates. Mr. Francis will remain over Sunday to visit with former friends In this city. P. 8. Eustls, passenger trafflo manager ot the Burlington, also Is expected In the city this evening, returning from a trip over the western lines with General sasenger Agent Wakeley of the lines west xf the river. f VERTICAL SYSTEM UNPOPULAR Unt is Preferred y the Majority X of Oaslae.e Mem la Osha. Ninety per oent of the replies- received by Superintendent Davidson from, business mpn in response to opinions about tne relative virtues of vertices and slant pen nanahlp, favor the latter. For this reason It Is probable the Board of Education will order the teaching ef vertical writing In the schools discontinued. . at least In the XUgnar grades. All sorts ef objections are made by the employers of clerical labor fresh from the schools, the chief one being that the vertical system, while legible. Is too slow for practical use, and has to be abandoned by the clerk for the old Spen- ww siyie. TM te Minneapolis aai It. Pnnl aa Betnrn frosa Omaha Via Chl-- Great Western Railway. Aocount O. A. R. national encampment si Minneapolis August llth to 13th. Tick sis en sale August llth, llth and llth. Return limit August list, with extension privilege. For further Information apply to II. H. Churchill, a. A. 1111 rarnsjn BL, vmuv ory Low Kates Taeadar. Every Tuesday, balanoe of the year, the cnioago oreat western railroad will bomeseekera tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesdays, write w. H. Church! 1L Q. a 1611 Farnam street State number In party ana wnen going. stake wewoao of Von Talents, ine opportunity ox your life la ewaltln you In the new towns on the Chloage Great western railway. Openings In nearly all lines or Business, write today to EL B. MaiUl. Mgr. Tewaatte Department. Omaha, for full Information and oopy of "Twwn Talk." Have Root print It. Warts, Dentist. SH-I Pax ton Mock. Douglas Wet) Printing Co.. UM Howard. . Men s, boys' children s. clothing, hats, IsdW suits, skirts, millinery, ate. cash or mere, mho ana remain. l aad Dodge, "j srrenaet. Is) IS g I ; f 1 u F. N. Ross, dentist, 406 Paxton block. ' Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reDorted to the Board of Health dur- ng the twenty-iour nours enaing at noon Saturday: Blrtns v. A. Alger, vaa vinion, gin: Samuel A. Corneer. 10Z9 Boutn Twenty- fourth, boy: Eugene Ferren, 262 Burdette. girl; Karl Flck, 3l Boutn Twenty-nrst, boy: Antnony Hanson, uiornson nospuai. srlrl: Edward W. Johnson. 2408 Chicago. Doy; uowara uinaquesi. oriy-sevenin ana Csss. boy:' M. Marnlyama. 1614 f arnam, boy; James May, 2203 South Eleventh, girl; David Marienee, Wl uorras, Doy; james A. McDonald. ISIS North Thirty-second, girl: Frank J. SutcUffe. Presbyterian hospital. girl; Lewis Wltlhof, 123 North Fourteenth, xlrl. Deaths Jonn Albert Eckerman. 3635 Lin coln boulevard, 7; Esther M. Oakegard, 971 Nortn Twenty-nrtn avenue, s months; Jo seph Boye. 2221 William. ft: Glen R. May- nam VHJ La kinti'eM u mnnfhi1 nmns h'sr r-r 1821 Martha, 17; Infant Larkarlc, 1308 South Twelfth, I months; May Relnhardt, &M North Twenty-fourth, I months; Theodore L. Von Dora, 1027 Marcy, 4; Lela Van Ness, Fifty-first and Pacific, I months: Catherine Welch, 124 North Tenth, 68: lid- ward L Womersley, SOU Leavenworth, 64. FleklmgT and Canplif Rates to Clear Lake, la., Via Chicago Great 'Western Railway. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for ten days, Tickets on sals dally until Septem ber X For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill, G. A.. 1511 Farnam fit A y You know Bracelets are the thing in light jewelry this sea son. Anticipating the large de mand we have an unexcelled, beautiful collection, full lines of the different styles for you to choose from. For instance:' Our solid gold filled seal bracelet only $2,50 and up. Our Carmen gold bracelet $5.00 and up. And many others. Perfec tion in artistic style and beau tiful workmanship. Remember we are the head quarters for watches. Prices Always Moderate. At the Sign of the Crown Attention, Members of Apha Camp No. No. 1, Woodmen of the World. The funeral of Sir E. E. Womerseley will take place from the First Baptist church, Twenty-ninth and Dewey avenue, 4 p. m., Sunday, August i. Visiting sovereigns in vited to attend. CHARLES UNITT. Clerk. ONE-FOURTH OFF We are selling any and alt of our Men's Women's, MIiwb', Boys' and Children's Tan 6hoes snd Oxfords st TWENTY-FIVE TER CENT DIS COl'NT. Notice the celebrated makes we are ofTertng you. No better shoes mado ttyn these: Hanen, Clapp and Boydsn for Ken, aad Banan, roster and Armstrong for woman. MEN'S. Hansn's Patent Kid and Patent Colt Oxfords, i ft! $5.10 Hunan' Oun Metal Calf and tt Kid Oxfords, $5.00 JAJ Boyden's Gun Metal f 7Sl Calf, $5 00 J.d- Bovden's Genuine French A R Calf. $5.60 Clspp's Gun Metal A S Calf, $5.60 iu Ten stvles Oxfords. Gun Metal Calf. IS? 7 3.75 Six styles Oxfords. Oun Metal Calf, Patent Colt and Kid, (1(1 $4.00 0.UU 2.50 100 pairs odds and ends, $3.60 and $4.00 uxioras WOMEN'S. Hansn's Patent Kid. welt sole Oxfords. $5.00 , Hannn's Kid Oxfords, welt sole $4.50 Foster's patent kid Oxfords, turn and wit sole Foster's Kid Welt Oxfords, $4.00 Armstrong's Patent Colt Welt Oxfords. $4.00 Armstrong's Welt Oxfords, $3.60 Five stvles $3.00 Oxfords. Patent and Gun Metal O Two lines $2.50 Oxford turns and welts .3. .3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 75 35 75 00 00 65 Colt 25 90 $4 and $5 Women's Tan Shoes . . . . 1 100 pslrs Women's Chocolate Brown Tan Lace Shoes,- In turns and welts. In broken sixes, but still a good as sortment left. These are all $4 and $5 high grade shoes. Cl Ql) at one price DREXEL SHOE CO 1419 Farnam Street. rnn A Comparison of Our Values Will Prove to Our Mutual Advantage IF llil THE RELIABLE STORE We Close at 5 0'Clock Every Evening Except Satur day at iO p.m. Antiseptic Female Douche WZTB GLOBE BfKlT TUBE. This week only we will offer this famous Dr. De Mar's Regular $3.00 Antiseptic Female Douche at $1.60. Come In and ask to see It, as we know It Is the only practical Syringe on the market today. Patented June 1, 1906. Two-quart Fountain enr Syringes Two-quart Hot Water BAr Bottles.. Two-quart Hot Water ftf" Bottles t. ww (Our special guarantee for one year.) Two-quart Fountain R'Xr' Syringes ww- (Bcaton's guarantee.) BEATON DRUG CO., Fifteenth and Farnam Streets. let Us Quote Ton Prices on Bnbbei Ooods. YOUR MORNING SMOKE For the convenience of our customers who desire a fresh cigar in the morning our store Will Open at 6:10 A. M. every morning. MYERS -DILLON DRUG CO., , 141th A Farnam Street. QUAIITY IS NEVER SACRIFICED IN ORDER TO GIVE 10W PRICE All our special prices are on com plete lines of dependable merchandise a e from our own regular stock, thus In suring you not only a great saving la price, but perfect wearing, perfect fit ting garments. Comparison will prova the superiority of our garments. MEN'S OUTING SUITS " In great assortment of plain color and fancy mixed materials, double and single breasted styles worth up to $10.00 at $5.00 AND $3.75. $10 MEN'S SUITS, $5.00 The greatest varlet;- of stylish gray and brown mixed snd plain colors ever . shown, at our sale price $5.00. $15 AND $18 SUITS, $7.50 AND 510.00 . Handsome blue serges, black thlbots, clay worsteds, fancy worsteds, cheviots and casslnieres, single and; double breasted styles, in two great lots at $7.50 AND SiO.OO. MEN'S PANTS regular $3.00 and $4.00 values In all thenewest materials, colors and patterns, remarkable values 1 QC at $2.50 and MEN'S OUTING PANTS our entire stock at sweeping price reductions com plete lines In all colors and patterns CA at $2.60, $1.95 and l,f9 BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS worth from $6.50 to $3.00 single or double breasted styles In plain .and fancy mixed materials 7 clearing sale price, $a.00 and JI J i-sAYDE BROS, m Iff A if SPECIAL For Women MONDAY "Follow the Fiag" Exceedingly Low Round Trip Rates From Omaha to St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, and 13 ....... . .$14.20 Hot Springs, Ark., daily until Sept. 30th $23.00 From Omaha and Chicago to Canadian points daily until Sept. 30th, one fare plus $2.00 New England Points, Aug. 8, 22, Sept 5, 19, one fare pins. ; , . . , ; $2.00 Tickets reading over the Wabash between Chicago and Buffalo are good on boats across Lake Erie between Detroit and Buffalo. Stop-overs allowed Detroit, Niagara Falls, all points in Canada. Ask for "Mountain, Lake and Sea" Booklet. All information cheerfully given at Wabash City Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam Street. Call, telephone or write, HARRY E. MOOHES, C. A. P. W. Wabash R. R. OMAHA, NEB. N Patent Colt 115 South Sixteenth Street. Opposite the Boston Store. DIAMONDS Edaolra. 16th and Harney. Undershirts 10c - Amongst the Auerbach stook we found a j tremendous lot of undershirts wltheut ' drawers to match. These undershirts Auer- bach had marked Sc and SSc, Thejr com-- ' In all sorts of shades and oslora. Including , black. We place them on sale tomorrow at lOo each, stses from 91 to M. You will find them on the first table as you enter the store. Remember we have no drawers onlr shirts, but shirts we have thousands of them, but in order to give everybody s chance, we limit each customer to four. THE GUARANTEE CL0THII1G CO. 1519-1521 Douglas SL Li OMAHA to MINNEAPOLIS and RETURN VIA ILLinOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD ' "The Short Line to Minneapolis." ACCOUNT NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13. Long Return Limit. Leave Omaha, 8:00 a. m,; Arrive Minneapolis, 6:50 p. m. Leave Omaha, 8:30 p. m-j Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. m. Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepers. City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha AND Gun Metal mm g.50 Regular Price $3.50. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOERB. 16th and Douglas Sts. 10c Cigars for 5c Flor De Gounod or 2.50 Flor De Gounod or 12.60 Flor De Gounod or $2.60 Hoffman House or 2.50 Queen Victoria or 2.60 Invlnclbles So (or box ot 60. Per feet 08 Bo (or box ot 60. Panatellas 5e for box ot 60. 6c Perfectos tor box of 50. Perfectos 5c for box ot 60. Et Efecto .... or $2.50 .So for box ot 60. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts. CIT ItATK CICiAK DEALERS V, B. Oax store Is opsa at S:10 a. m. Ost jeas smokers before yon fo to work. READ THE BEST NEWSPAPER fescrlfce Usceiarlr fas Tfce Bee. In If COW-HIDE SUIT CASES. $5.00 We have Just received a shipment of cow hide Suit Cases which should have reached us fully four weeks aro. We huve decided to make them our lender during August. They are a genuine cow-hide case, with a very strong and durable steel frame. The most attractive and serviceable bult Case ever ottered for the money. tc fl This month for 3UU We carry the largest and bent selected stock ' of Trunks, Kult Cases, Traveling Bags and Kample Cases west of Chicago. We guarantee the quality the best and the prices the loweut. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, 1209 Farnam St. BSVAJB WOSI Or AXL XX2TD8 BOOT. Special Homeseekers' Excursion Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory. Louisiana. New Mexico. Oklahoma. Texas, . Republic of Mexl60. TUESDAYS August 7th and 21st, September 4th and 18th. October ad and 10th, Aovember 6th and 20ttu 1906, Via MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. P. T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A OMAHA, NEB. B. C TOWN SEND, General Passenger aad Tk4 Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO. , VQU WILL ENJOY THE DKLimoi'B FKAGKANCE OF A ALWAYS THE SAME. AMY Alb AUti UIMT. F. R. IUCE MEXICAN: TILE UUAil CO, ftbuuiUcturcr. SI, LOlIS , DU.v.'v .1 it