n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 5. 190(5. V 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. PETERS & CO. Kew anil thoroughly modern elght-rnm house, with hardwood finish, every con venience and up-to-date; lot gJHxlUn, lo cated in tlie wt end, near th; price $7,S0t. Vf offer an elght-rnnm modern hour on $lst Ave., n'ar Dodge, which we will be pleased to price on application. On Fhermnn svcnno we hfire a new -rn"m modern hourc, very complete and conveni ently arranged; price $3,'KXi; $.' down, balance to suit. V offer a 7-room modern house at 3.V19 Jackson street; ecmentrd cellar, perma nent walk., good cistern; price $3,30). On (.onrgla Ave., near leaven worth, we . offer a A-room notice, with hath, gas. hot and cold water, east front; price, $3,2TA v ,1n Clifton Hill we have a seven-room mod VACANT On aoth St.. near Dorcas, we offer lot 47x111 1 for $'ino. On the Boulevard, with frontage on both lith and-ila 8t. 80x140 facing Mandcr- DUNDEE BARGAINS We have Just Hold three lota In Dundee to gentleman who la going to build a nice home. He does not need all the ground and we are authorized to offer 75-ft. for $1,200. This gives the purchaser the bene fit of hia purchase. Its are on Califor nia. Just wegt of 40th. This Is a rare op portunity to get a large piece of choice ground at bedrock price. R. C. Peters & Co. BUSINESS . SITE Good location on good car line, a two story frame store, nearly new; good 6-room house, largo barn, two large lots, room to build another store or dwelling; this all goes for $3,5w). BEMIS, FAXTOfJ BLOCK. HE Money to Loan On improved city propertyinOmaha and South Omaha Loans for Building Purposes. W. H. THOMAS, 505 First National Bank Bldg. RE 40$ 5 NEAR 30th ON SPRING 6-room cottage, new, city water, large lot. Price $2,460. AYNE INVESTMENT CO. First Floor N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. Dou. 1781. RE M391 7 WANT OFFER on 7-room house and full lot. Franklin St., near 4th. Owner moving to Minne apolis Sept. 1. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglns. RF D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 722 N. Y. Life. t 8&0 2720" Shirley St., 100x100 rt., corner, one block from car, 2 blocks from llunscom park, with one 6-room bouse, renting $8 per month. Lot cheap without any house. $ 1,200 On 17th St., Just north of Nicholas St., lot 25xl!)0 ft., E. front, with i room cottage, renting $12 per month. ' Easy payments or will take $1,060, spot cash. H i a bargain. $ 1.8&0 talo Ohio St., 5oxlai tt. lot, with a good 6-room house, sewer connec tion, city water, gas in kitchen. A very neat, coxy home. Special price for quick uash sale. $ 1,600 3Mi Parker St., bbxlM ft., with good lta-story, 6-room house, nice shade, city water and gaa, excellent bar gain. $ 2,000 liOi S. 28th St., 2-story, 7-room house, all mod., wit.i good plumbing, new furnace, splendid cemented base ment and collar, corner lot, one side paved, stone walks all uround. $,260 K615 bhcrman Ave., 47x124 ft.. 2 story square, 6-room mod. house, nearly new; look at It; owner will show any time. 4,000 Bemis 1'Hrk, jlstory square, -room mod. house, nicely arranged, well INVESTMENT I 4,50060x210 feet, No 1516 Sherman Ave., and No. 1515 N. 17th St., double frontage, with two houses renting $42 per month; room for three more. Big snap. t 4,600 Corner 27th and Woolworth Ave , two 2-story 7-room houses, thor oughly modern, three years old; renting $.' per year; about 13 per cent Investment. . I 1,00050x142 feet, west front on SSth, be tween Woolworth Ave. and Hickory. I 1,200 50x177 feet, west front on SSd, 200 feet north of Ponnleton. i Chnsn $ 1,10030x02 feet, near 26th Ave and Dewey. SHOLES t L!00 44xSO feet. B. E. comer lth and Vinton Sta Cheapest lot In Omaha or we will give it to you. Come In and tret tt. 73060x132 feet, north front on Vinton, luO feet west of 15th 8. Just half MONTHLY SPECIALS. HERE'S 150 Choice of five 44x198 feet lots, east fronts on l.th, block south of Yin ton; $10 down and $5 per month. 20060x130 feet, outh front on lioyd St., 2ii0 feet wvst ot 2Mh; high and sightly, city water; (10 down and $ per month. l REDUCED TO $3,750 ",f' Two blocks from car line, , on a paved street, , lot 60x120, I 0 . nice shade trees and shrub- i berry, house has 10 rooms, fur- nace, gas, mantels and grates; f built by owner for his own I home; anxious to sell because, tney want to move into a new s , a " and larcer home. 1 PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. rirst F!oor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 17S1. RE M390 T Another Suburban Bargain 15 4 acres smooth, rich land, with T room house, porcelain bath, hard and so 'I water In house, good barn and other Improvements; about three acres In frtot; owner leaving the state and will svake prlca thai will sell this prop erty. J. H. DUMONT SON. T2 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone D 1$. RE 16$ 4 Another Suburban Bargain 16 meres smooth, rich land, with 7-room house, porcelain bath, hard and soft water In hu ih, guod barn and other Improve ments; about three acres In front; owner leaving the state and will make prlca that Will soil (his property. J. II. DUMONT & SON. IM N. Y. Ufe Bids. "PhotM. Douglas 12S9. MS- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE em house, with fine plimblng, enameled hath, cistern, lrn, frul and ehsde tree, permanent walks, altogether riuht; price $J,7V; fson down, balince to suit. On Sherman avenue, near Locust, we offer a re-, modern. six-room hou for ll,t. On Nicholas. urt west of 4otli. we offer a one nnd nne-half-story house, modern ex cept furnace, and In flrM-closs rendition, with permanent walka and bricked rcllnr. This was hullt for a home; price I2,V On Burt Bt., ncsr the Boulevard. w offer a all-room modern house, with permanent walka and good basement; price $3.GX. but want offer, aa owner le anxious to sell. On Charles St., near loth, six-room house, with city water, gaa and electric light, shade and fruit tree, permanent walk; price $1,760. son; price $1,600. Fine to build four houees on. On the Boulevard, north of Ames Ave., we offer an east front lot for $l,0CO. We have a bunch of seventeen fine lots In Dundee, all south fronts and most of them on the car line. We offer the entire 17 lota for $12,000. Boulevard Terrace lots are going rapidly. We atlll have a few to offer and advise those contemplating a home to Investigate before It Is too late. Open Monday eight till 10 o'clock. 220 N. 17th St. (Bee Bldg ) RE HOME, SWEET HOME 6-room, all modern, FlemlRh oak finish, one block from Ames Ave. car, $1,S00. Must be sold. Make offer. BEMIS, - PAXTON BLOCK. RE SULPHUR SPRINGS ADDITION LOTS $700, $750, $800 AND $900. These ara the best and most dcsirnble close In lots offered anywhere In the north part of the city; the location la desirable, being close to stores and school, paved streets, have sewer, water, gas and electrlo light. Over ten houses built In this addi tion In the past year, and every one a sat isfied customer; not one rented house In the addition; all built for homes. We will build a house for ynu on any lot In this addition by paying for the lot. South front lots on Rlnney St., $730. 8outh front lots on Wirt St., $7M. North front lots on Wirt St.. $700. North front lots on Spencer St., $700. West front lota on Sherman Ave., $S50 and $H00. Southeast corner of Sherman Ave. and Wirt, $.o; paving paid. No lots leas than 60 feet wide. Call at our office and get a plat. Open Monday evenings until 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St., Ground Floor Bee Rid. liti AS GOOD AS NEW 2520 Ohio St.. a good B-room cottage In excellent condition, south front; one block from new car shops, one block from Dodge Bt. car and two blocks Ironi Z4tn Bt. Car. Price, only $800. 2326 Ohio St.. 6-room cottage In good shape and good condition; the same as apove, ror xne- same price. . ROBINSON & WOLF, 42$ Paxton Block. RE-412 S FOR SALE cheap, 7-room house and barn! 1715 S. 17th. Ueo. Jirunlng, executor. RE-300 5 Tel Doug. 49 built, thoroughly mod.. double floors finished for rugs, good repair, hlah and siirhtlv. $ 4,000 On Charles St.. about 39th, block and a half from car, high, sightly, lot Goxl30 ft., with thorouKhly mod. 8-room tasty residence, beautifully located, nice home. $ 6,500 On Charles St., about 39th, large 2- story, jo-room mod. nousa, lot oux 130 ft., with good shade, good barn, street paved and paid; owner leav ing city only reason lor selling; in vetitieftte. t 6,000 In llanscom Place, block north Hanscom park, west of 31st St., H block from car; excellent 2-story, 7 room modern house, beautifully ar ranged, hot water heat, toilet and lavulory on flrat floor, large completo bath on second floor; stone steps. ' walk, drive and good barn. Owner leaving city. Immediate possession. 1021 Park Ave.,- 10 rooms, pteam heated, thoroughly modern, well built, large grounds. 66x140 feet, $4,1)00 barn. The biggest residence bargain In Omaha, no question about it. Easy terms If you want. Immediate possession, investigate. $10,000 One block from high school, double brick flat. 8 rooms each, all modern and nearly new; renting for $M60 per year, will bring . more. This is a crackerjack Investment and a good home. Nothing else like It offered for sal. f 7,260 110x150 feet, S frame houses, two new and modern, rent $:K) per year. Owner gone to California and says sen lor mis price, uargain. VACANT $ 2.260-xJ58 feet, N. E. corner SSth and Cuming ots. ; beautiful and cneap. $ 1.50066x140 feet, west front on 16th. sec- ond lot south ot Custellar. A big nap. SUB. price. 650OxlIO feet lots, west fronts on 16th Immediately south, of Vinton. Best lots for the money In he sou'h part of town. Go down and look at them. All lota numbered. WHAT VOU ARE LOOKING FOR 250-50x130 feet, N. W. corner S4th and I'-ovd Sts. A peach of a lot; city water, siaewaiks; two mocks to car a down ana iio per month. $00 8. W. corner Cuming and 43d Stir. paved to Just across the street; $10 aown ana per month. FINE FARM, CLOSE IN 145 acres. Improved, 1 mile from city limits on Center Bt. paved road; $150 per acre, one-third cash. Will divide If desired. This Is a beautiful, sightly place and will grow lntd money. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 726 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Tel. Dou KIOI 1 136$. RE IF YOU HAVE $10 YOU CAN BUY A LOT FROM US In different parts of, the city and pay the balance In weekly or monthly payments. Call and look over our list. Hastings & Heyden, Open Monday evening until 9 p. m. 1704 Farnam BL, Ground Floor Bee Bldg. K- TRACIvAGE A fine piece of trackage property. 14712234, on V. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sis $i$.0 will lake It for immediate sal. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New yora Ufe Bldg. RE 753 -ROOM cottage, lot 13x140. on good street In South Omaha; price $1,000; mortgage $460 In building and loan, payable month ly; good Inwstment; rents $!! 60. Room ' $. 13.4 Faruam SL .. KE-UBi I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE N. P. DODGE & CO. WE TRY TO MAKE A 8PECIALTY OF PERMANENT INVESTMENTS FOR YOUR SAVINGS. WE GIVE A FEW OF OUR CHOICE ONE3 TODAY. $ 4,800 Two three-story brtrk and stone nine-room houses, bath, gaa. furnace, larg", pleasant rooms, near 20th and Lnlie. Could not duplicate for $' 000 today. Needs some repairs and ought to rent for $30 no each. Owner wanM to leav town. Paid $..O0O for thlat property last fall. Thla la the cheapest duuMt hrlck In Omaha. $ I, BOO Four three-story bricks near 29th and Farnam. good condition, Tty water, gas. bath aid toilet, two lots, room for two more houses. Rent $1.JM r vear and should be at least $1,450. This It one of the few big rental anups that still belongs to eastern banks and It ought to be snapped up by Omaha Investors at once. $14,000 Peven stores and !2 rooms, near 27th and Leaven worth, also two-story build ing In rear. 224 feet front on two streets. All paved and paid for. Rents for $1S3 per month and should be more. We challenge vou to find a better Income property between Fnrnam nnd Leavenworth at this rrlce. $1,000 Three-storv pressed brick and stone building snd cottare In the rear. Three stores and six line, roomy flats near 27th and Cuming. Cost $!!fi.noo to build. Rents for $160 per month. Not a dollar for repairs now. Do you want something to leave your children? Then buy this. t 8,000 Ten-room house and large barn on corner 21st and Burt. $0 feet south front and 150 feet enst front. Oround alone worth the money and Improvements are given awnv. We have the southeast corner across the street at $9,000, which is shout right, so you can see how cheap this Is at $S.000. Why somi one has not picked this up long ago Is a mystery to us. No such Snap will ever offer Itself again In the history of Omaha real estate. HOUSES t 6,800 Beautiful home In Hanscom Place, 10 rooms, all modern, hard oak paneling, on list near Hanacom park. Let us show you this house and submit an offer to owner, who wishes- to leave town. t 4,800 Northeast corner 40th and Burt, south front, rooms, all modern; opposite new cathedral. $ 4,000 Eight-room cottage adjoining the above, west front on 40th. Here la a chance for two families to buy adjoining homes. I 2,750 Clifton Hill. 4.12S Rurdette, It-room, all modern, half block from the oar, south front, full lot, hot and cold water, new furnace, good barn. Can't dupll. rate the house for $4,000 today, to aay nothing Of the lot. The owner la painting the house for purchaser. . x LOTS . Why ro out to Fort Omaha, or even Ames Ave., when the following lota can be had a mile closer In at lower prices and on ivonreslnent owners anxious to sell. , $00 Southeast corner 30th and Lake, on car line, right for grade, choice home or grocery location. K00 Double front lot on Lake and Ersklne. near 25th St., 48x125. 350 Northeast corner 29th and Grant. 45x118, one block from car. 300 F.ast front. 'on 29th near Orant. 43xllR. one block from car. $1,500 Northwest corner 26th and Cuming, Hats. ACRES 40 acres one-quarter mile from South Omaha city limits. In Barpy county, $225 per acre. 20 acres, four blocks from lnterurban $250 per acre. 40 acres high, sightly ground north or place for country home nnd fruit farm; $250 in acres near the nnove, i3,ouu. Five acres and new six-room house, $2,000. Two acres and new six-room house, $1,400. N. P. DODGE & CO. 1714 FARNAM ST. FIRE INSURANCE, ACCIDENT AND BIG SNAP 2590 S. 31st St. fin Sheeley). near corner of Bancroft and Walnut St., 2 houses, 2 and 3 rooms respectively, In splendid condition, newly painted, fenced, fine well and g-ood cistern; lot faces two streets; houses would easily rent for $12 per montn. price only $l,0u0; $i.U0 cash and balance $15 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE J. II. DUMONT & SON. $3,40033 ft., opposite new Northwestern terminals, 2-story house, rented $30. 22 ft. W. of 14th. on Douglas -St. Owner will sell lot and one-story building, lnclud- ng party walls, three stories high on both sides, or will build for tenant or purchaser. R8 ft. front On "Farnam St.. near 23d; cheap Improvements; Income $540.. VMU divide. l'rice $17,600. .. ; . . 44 ft. on ;S. 14th St.. next' door to ITotel Reporter Bldg., cash, balance at t per ct. $7.500 Corner lot 90xl27r"1arge house and barn, both In good repair. Make us an offer. . $6.000 9-room, modern house, . on Harney St., near 34th, lot 60x100; good Investment; rental $50 a month. Tenant makes all re pairs. 15:600 Fino residence on Park Ave., be tween Poppleton and Pacific; all modern, well built house. . 13 nooa-ronm modern house on S. 33d St., near Leaven worth, paved street, permanent walks; easy terms; also -room modern ex cept furnace, in same locality; $2,700. Lots 36x142. $2,800 -room house, modern except fur- nnA two stories, nasemeni unnir no, y 36th, near Leavenworth; also small barn. 12700 fi rooms and bath, all modern! H block from car line, and same distance from new boulevard; In Bemls park. $2.20O-Rented for $20 per month; would bring $30 or more if put In good repair; houae cost $5,000 to build. $1.200 7-room house, two stories: house In fairly good repair; lot 50x130; Orchard HUL SUBURBAN Mim-t acres mostlv In young fruit, bal ance In timothy and clover; 4-room house; good, high land. $7O0O- acres, with very large house and ..a i.nmnim,niii: all bearing fruit and alfalfa; high and sightly. Owner selling at cost. x1n. corner 26th and F,1m Sts., near new S4th St. line; property Increasing In value; $350. . 44xl40-SOth and Dewey Ave., on grada, brisk sidewalk, $?S0. Several acre tracts ranging from $150 to $350. nicely situated and not far f rom car line Watch for our change In address and phone number tins cumin J. H. DUMONT & SON. T2 N. T Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1S.9. SPECIALS EOR THIS WEEK MTKiFnr an $-room house on 8. Hh St., near .Costellar. Price reduced from $3,000 to get quick action. In the best possible repair Inside and out. Fine location. $2,750 Only $500 down, balnnce monthly, for a 7-room. modern, two iuu non, outh front and good barn. Fruit trees and grape arbor, permanent walk. One block from car. New boulevard will run within a block. If you want a comfortable home buy this one. f THOS. F. PAYTON. .410 Bee Building RB (20 I A Good $6,000 In vestment f-room modern house on Harney St., near 4th, oak finish, mantel and lavatory on first floor; rented until fall of lKti at $50; nothing to pay from Income but taxes; property increasing In value; cheap prlca for uulck sale. Owner wants the money for -another purpose. J. II. DUMONT & SON. 73S N. Y. Life Bldg. "Phone. Douglns 1269. $700 $ rooms and summer kitchen, with city water; houe lust been put In A-l repair, wlih new roof, painted 1 coals on outside and new brick sidewalk; No. 3110 Maple cash, balance; $1U per month. F. r. Wead, 1K!4 Douglaa. RE COME and let us show you some very fine I, 7 and $-room dwellings, modern except furnace, on Kid and; Manderson Sis., at a luw uric. loquuV H2u X. $4th Bt. , ilE-X$ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE easy terms? 66 feet front. Ideal place for stores and line, on Sarpy county line and filth St.. at Krug Park, at end or Ames Ave: Meal per acre. BEE BLDG. EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE RE MONTHLY 'PAYMENTS Lots near 24th and Miller park, level, $200 to i40u; si u iio per montn. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE I OFFER ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING TOWN MY HOME ' ' WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 204 S. Between Beautiful lawn old asphalt pavement' ;cement all paid wide pcrcnes east iront eignt rooms no handsomer, oak finish in Omaha ---hardwood floors throughout foundation walls to bottom of cellar cellar full size of house cement floor Iruit roon laundry witn bath all in good condition and built for my own home. MY PERMANENT ABSENCE MAKES IT ADVISABLE TO OFFER THIS PROPERTY AT A LOW FIGURE FOR IM MEDIATE SALE. ' M. B. DAVENPORT TRACKAGE PROPERTY An acre of trackage property at 6th and Jones Sts., on U. P. track, will Bell for $13,000. 63 feet trackage on 16th St.. run ning 233 feet to the Belt Line. Only $5,000. A Big Bargain Two modern houses on Georgia Ave. Will rent for $70 a. month. Can sell for $5,500, on easy terms. , A Snap Two modern houses on North 20th St. Will rent for $50 a month. $4,000. Thomas Brennan Room 1, New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1264. RE $150 DOWN balance monthly payments, buys (-room cottage; full lot; No. KCt Lindsay Ave. F. D. Wead, 1534 Douglaa. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS HOUSES $560 421 Dorcas St., 6-roora cot tage, lot 60x100; terms, $100 cash, balance easy payments. $1.600 3322 Boyd St., brand new 6-room cottage, attic, cemented cellar, city water, with 60-foot lot. or will sell cottace with two lots (100 feet frontage) for $1,800; two blocks from Ames Ave. car line. Investigate. Part on terms. $2,000 Near 42d and Farnam, good seven-room house, modern but furnace. A big bargain. $2,600 Nearly new five-room cot tage with two large lots, good location, near 42d and Dodge, one block to car. $4,500 Brand new seven-room house In West Farnam district CLOSE IN - $2,100 Near 19th and Leaven worth, 6-roora cottage, bath, furnace, paved street. Investigate. $3.000 2207 Howard St., good 7 room cottage, modern but furnace, paved street, specials all paid, walk ing distance. A snap. $1,100 Near 17th and Nicholas, 6-room cottage, vpaved street. Snap. $3,200 Near 22d and Mason, good, 8 rooms, modern but furnace, lot 33 feet. Call for particulars. $3,600 Near 24th and Jones, choice cottage, 7 rooms, porcelain bath, hot water heat, nice lot. paving tax all paid. Hvestlpate. VACANT $2,350 35th St., north of Farnam, choice east front lot. Big snap. $1,000 22x132. Cuming St., be tween 19th and 20th. ACREAGE $500 2 blocks north of Country club and Benson car line, choice aero (equal to 6 city lots). Terms, $50 down, balance very easy payments.' $300 Half acre, same location. Terms, $25 down. GARVIN BROS , 1604 Farnam. RR FOR SALE 36TH STREET, Farnam and Douglas shade trees and shrubbery sidewalks special taxes lath and plaster ceiling large cistern turnace gas Rain Interfearred With Our Sale Yesterday. We have decided to continue the sale on our lots in Summit Addition, on Vinton and Sprin streets, between 29th and 30th ALL DAY MONDAY on terms of $10 Down and $10 a Month. , Salesman on the grounds from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. Monday. Call at our office and get a pla Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam Street. Ground Floor Bee Building. BE CALIFORNIA. Live longer and happier. Metter opportunl ties. Will exchange homes or ranches to your Omaha property. Edwin AMersou, ijb a. iiroaawtty. ios Angeles. lit, FOR SALE! l-room cottage; lot, 0xl$7S. iuaulxe at uremlsea, 212 Charles SL .JUS M2JI it FOR SALE REAL ESTATE GEORGE & COMPANY 1G01 Fnrnam. Phone Douglas 75& WHOLESALE DISTRICT $:S.(W for 1V-11 Howard Pt . S etory and 1 $17.4:5 for l.lt.U feet. N. E. corner ttji haaement Prick hulldlna;. Slxir feet; rea- and IoiiKlaa Sts.. Burlington and N. V. sonable terms of payment. I trackage. CLOSE IN $C.iVl for S-room house on N. ?Sth Bt., near Davenport ft., modern except heat; If rented ought to brinn $.1 per month. $2.4.iO for ti-room cottage on 8t. Mary's Ave., near 2fth, niodcrn except heat and bnth tub. pnrt cash, balance monthly. $.t.lon for SSxl.13 feet of ground, double frontage on 24th St.. south, with three old "WEST $11.4nn for well constructed lft-room mod ern house, on 4th St., pear Joslyn man sion, oak finish. In excellent condition, lot 84 6-10x111 & feet; p:trt cash, balance 6 per cent; reduced price for quick sale. DUNDEE OMAHA'S FAVORITE SfRlTtn. $4,750 for fiolO I'nderwood Ave., new 7-room -story modern sijuare house, with recep- lon hail, quarter sawei oak nnisn. obk oors, combination fixtures, strictly up to HANSCOM PARK t m fnr ic nAnn,u Ave . lo-mom mod- 1 ia.l(io for ft-room l-tory modern house, em house, in excellent condition; lot 60x160 feet; very desirable. I BEMIS $H,S0O for new 7-room modern square houa on Burt St., near $4th, oak finish. nicely papered throughout, full cemented basement, cement walks, well built and worthy of prompt Investigation: lot 60x160 feet; win submit any reasonable oner lor Quick sale. NORTI $3,700 for 7-room modem house near Kountse Place and 24th St. car line, with barn, full lot, paved street, convenient to ood school and In nini-ciass conamon; art cash, balance monthly, less than rent. $3,200 for 6-room modern house, on onio. SOUT1 $700 for 4-room cotUga, between 26th and! 7th, on Rees St. ' I ACHES NEAli OMAHA fKO tn two ner acre for choice tracts In Florence Heights, containing from 3 to It) cres each, ".4 cash, ta lance on easy it-mis t A tivr cpnt. This land Is located about 7 blocks north of the end of the street car lne In Florence and affords a mogi neauu- ful lew of the river and surrounding country. To reach land follow cainoun rond north to our sign ooaru. $J0O per aero lor M acres, nigmy im- SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Southeast corner 21st and Chlcsgo Sts., Oxl32; 10-room house. In good repair; an Ideal location for flats. s,ooo. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 5-Room Home 1608 Military Ave. Nice east front lot on corner of alley with a lovely 6-room cot tage; all paving paid; rlpht on the car line. There Is still room on the corner to build another cottage or a good store; good location . Price cut for quick sale; Jl.ioo. ROBINSON & WOLF, 423 Paxton Block. RE 411 5 1HB MIDTNI) GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has the reputation of making the beet abstracts In Omaha. Always get figures from them before ordering. Call at our office, 1714 Farnam St., or telephone Doug las 829 N. P. DODGE. JR., President. PETER JESSEN, Secretary. RE-36S B MUST SELL South-front lot on Burt, east of 32d; can do som cneap; run sir.e. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglaa. RE I WANT TO SELL a very attractive small home, house of six rooms, modern ex cept furnace, most excellent nelghlior hood, half block from car. most desirable part of city, south front, permanent walk in front. A. B. Carpenter, 411IO Nicholas St. RE V. S. Sales Bureau. 304 Neville block. Real Estate and Investments. KE M425 84 SHIMER & CHASE CO. Will build you a homo on 17th street . BOULEVARD PARK a beautiful residence street with an to Spraguo fast building up with A SCORE OF MODERN DWELLINGS Several more houses contracted for during the past week. They sell because they represent the best value in lots ALL PUBLIC city water, sewer, cement walks, trees, and only one block from Sherman Ave., cer. Take car to Sprague St., and go one block west. 8elect your lot Monday. Our representative on the ground at hours by appointment. DWELLINGS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE CITY 4,500 8-room all modern, including hot water heat, full lot, east front on paved street. Owner transferred to another city and must sell. Special bargain. $4,250 7-room dwelling, West Farnam, modern throughout and only a block from car. $1,900 8-room modern house within three or four blocks of Farnam car, owner leaving city. Special price. 1,800 Two cottages on corner lot, good repair, city water, permanent walk, an Investment netting 12 per cent, f 1,700 5-room cottage, almost new, bath, closet, two blocks from car, grow- ing in value daily. Remember we are headquarters for SUBURBAN ACREAGE, FRUIT FARMS RANCHES Open Monday evening till 9 o'clock. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Builders of Modern Houses. Ground Floor. 1609 Farnam. AGood$6,000 In vestment $-roora modern house on Harney St., near $4th, oak finish, mantel and lavatory on first flour: rented until fall of 1307 at $60; nothing to pay from Income but taxes; property Increasing In value; cheap price for quick Bale. Owner wants Uie money for another purpose. J. H. Dumont & Son 728 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 12S9. 1114 Mll4 Special Snap Three 6-room cottages and Urge barn on south front lot, W by lTo feet, right close In the city, walking distance, noar ii'in and Nicholas Sts., will easily rent for $400 per year. This is a snai , come and look at It. The owner la very anxious to sell; has cut the price to $-.760. ROH1NSON & WOLF. 4J3 Faxtou Block. RE FOR SALE Lot 11, Tuttle's subdivision, corner S8th and Sprague Sts., a 6-acra traot. which makes 24 fine lots. 6uxl$0 feet, and alley. I'rlce. $2,40 cash. Block No. 2-4. Florence, on Main 6t., Just north Omaha city limits, 264 feet, facing east on car line, by 2M feet deep, a beautiful home site, streets on all sldea tt hit cush. Both food buys. Adireas Uersrd iiraadeuburg, owner, Los Anglos. CaU RE- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE eottaxea. rented to Inns: time tenant which will pay fair rate of Interest on ln- vestment until improved. $2(Xh for ?!U132 feet, north front on TVw Ins.' near 22d St.; reduced from $J,o0 for quick sale. $1 ( for H?x4 feet. wet front on 37tl St . one block north of ft. Mary's Ave. FARNAM is.h for rood 7-room house, all modern. on SMh Ave., nenr Karnam; lot fchil.1 feet. tt M for CSxlW feet, unimproved, 8. W. corner SSth Ave. and Davenport; easy tern-.s. date, built by owner for his home, who Is leaving city account chansje In business; very deslrahle; lot SOxlW feet. IF YU W1PM TO WY OR SEXil PROPERTY IN DUNDEE SEE US. nearly new. on ZSth St., near Poppleton Ave ; paving paid In full; lot .ixlOO feet. PARK $4,000 for 7-room modern house, with hot water heat, on Hawthorn Ave., near Mr. Kelden's fine residence, choice location; lot 56142 feet; paving paid; want offer for Immediate sale. $2,100 for 7-room house, modern except heat, with barn, near Franklin, school, convenient to Harney car line. PA11T near $0th; lot 40xir feet. $ZJW for two ft-rootu cottaaes. modern except heat and hath, near 19th Bt. Boule vard, within easy walking distance from business center; will pay 14H per cent In terest on Investment; a right kind Of a buy; Investigate. PART See us for choice building lota located In " rarts of the city. proved, on Center Bt. paved road, H miles southwest of court house. $150 per acre for acres, high and sightly, on West Dodge. $.!50 per acre for acres, close In, oa West Dodge St. , , $lo0 iwr acre for 20 acres, adjoining vil lage, of Benson on north and west. $1(X) per acre for lto-acra farm, neal Irvlngton. BOULEVARD HOME R-room cottage, elegant lot, WxlSJ, on Southeast boulevard; fine shade trees, c ment steps and walks; Vi block from South 10th St. car. Onlv 2.Boo BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE CLOSE IiNk 61M7 N. 17th Street A new double brick flat of 8 rooms each, two car lines; street once paved, curbing office. Is now rented for $M0 per year, Price, $7,000. This Is a snap, act Quick U you want a flrat class Investment. ROBINSON & WOLF, . 423 Paxton Block. RE 409 S WEST FARNAM 8-ROOM HOUSE, $5,500 Just north of Farnam. on $6th St., east front, asphalt paved street, permanent walk, large trees, nice terrace, house haa i rooms on each floor, oak finish and oag floors ob first floor, polished floors on sec. ond floor; house Is strictly modern; owner leaving tha city; can have possessloa by August 20. , Hastings & Heyden, BOLE AGENTS. 1704 Farnam St., Ground Floor Ba Bldg. RE ORCHARD HILL One of the most beau tiful homes In city; two blocks from street car; a large barn and garage; owner leaving the city and Is sac rificing the property at half Its valua; price $6,600. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. Douglaa Block. RE ill assured future. Entire frontage Laird having IMPROVEMENTS 8:30 A. M. or will meet yon at other Douglas 3867. RE SILAS BOBBINS S-room cottage, modern except furnace, large corner lot, with beautiful ihnda trees, nice lawn, near 2sth and Miami. $2,l0u. tV-r-om new cottage, full lot. In Orchard Hill, easy payments, $1,200, l-room cottage and full lot, near 84th snd Hoyd, city water, nice shade, many fruit trees, 2 blocks from car line and t blocks from school. ,$l,6b0. -room cottage. 2sih and Miami, full lot, gas, well, cistern, barn, eany terms, I1.4M. $0 lots near 24th St. car line, VsfJ to $a0 each. I have more thsn li houses for sale In Omaha and South Omaha, many on very eany terms. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Bloclc RE 364 tx LOOK THIS UP. l-ronm modern house, on paved street, on block from car, t'.ZOi; on easy terms. 6 acres west of Fort Omaha, cheap and eugy terms. (-room modern cottage on 19th Bt. boula vsrd, on good terms. $2,400. &-room cottage on N. lth St., $1,7M. $ . , For bargains see ' SEARS, ROOM $, N. V. IJFB. KE-MJ79 X DOl'RLB. press brick, 20-room flat on South Zfeth. near Farnam; lot Cxln6ls a bargain. Bee me for priors and numbers. F. D. Wead,' 24 Douglas. I