THE OMATIA BUND AY I3EE: AUGUST 5, 3 .. .'- i 5 - i J V p J - r J I i: 1 MODERN II8UES FOR OMAnA Georc. W, Joknson'i Hew Betidtnoe Fine Example of Comfort OLD ENGLISH BROUGHT UP TO DATE Arohftrrte Adopt he Kllsabethaa te the Tweatlrth reatary wllh i;to4 KaTert au4 Prlee aa Ideal Home. Bom of the qualntfst and moit substan tlat features of the old English dwrhlns have been divested of their gloominess, modified, to conform to modern day Ideaa of comfort and convenience and employed with admirable, result In some of Omaha a handsomest new homes. On of the most pleasing Illustrations of such treatment is found In the residence of Ctaorge W. John ston, 22J Dodge street, designed by Fisher eV Lewrle and recently completed at a cost of 110,000. It la from the Ellxnhethan period that the architects have borrowed In the main, but this does not extend throughout the bouse, for the lighter ami daintier styles bar been employed In some of the rooms, according to their use. The whole la com bined, however, with most harmonious ef fect. An old English hall of generous dimen sions, serving as living room and library, la the main apartment of the first floor and one of the handsomest of the house. It la MxlS feet and extended at the east end by a library alcove built on the south. The woodwork Is rich, and, while heavy, not massive. It Is of beautifully grained weathered oak and highly finished. The exposed beams of the celling occur at In tervals of about four feet and are hand somely turned. The doors are finished In colonial panels and the casings follow the same plain design. A broad recessed mantel and fireplace extend across the east end of the room, close to the frames of a high, three-foot leaded window on either side, which fill the remaining space. The wall space below these la covered by book cases. The mantel sets back abotit two feet, the Shelf being of plain, highly-polished oak, supported by block brackets. The side panels are also rlaln and extend from floor to ceiling, and the front Is spanned by ft slightly arched beam. The back is set with a heavy mirror. The fireplace I Is faced with red brick and Is equipped with heavy brass rail, fuel box, etc., and a quaint old fire box. all brought from Wales by Mrs. Johnston. The library alcove la one of the qunlntest features of the room. It Is a deep, recessed window, bowed to admit of a view up and down the street. This bow Is about three feet deep and filled with a plain oak pan eled window seat. The window caslnss are broad and hung with quaint Imported draperies. The sides of the alcove are formed by Inset book cases, with effectively leaded art glass doors, filling the upper spaco and below by recesses that hold the steam radiators. The light fixtures are of brushed brass pnA Include, besides the electrolier, plain aide brackets with art globes that when , Illuminated give a firelight glow to the ' room. Broad paneled sliding doors leading to the music room balance the west side of ths room, and to the right of these a few Steps lead to the stairway landing, which la arched" and partially screened by the railing. The stairway Is Inclosed and I lighted at Its second landing by a large art window of rich design and delicate coloring. A paneled walruw.ottng follows the stairway to the second floor. The music room follows the Louis XV style. Its woodwork and walls are of pure white enamel. The dining room, opening off the living room at the north, Is finished In Honduras mahogany, highly polished. A heavy but graceful cornice Joins the "celling and side walls and a plate shelf with block supports extends around the mom about six ftet above the floor. A twelve-foot recessed buffet furnishes the north wall. It Is about three feet deep and the lower portion Is fitted with drawers. The hack and sides of the recess are paneled with mirrors and above are three windows of leaded glats with but little color. The buffet lights are of brushed brass, small and severely plain. These are among the handsomest fixtures of the house, being scarcely more than a Square, short rod, from which Is sus pended a bunch of grapes that hide the light bulbs. The wall space between the east windows Is occupied by a gracefully constructed cabinet of mahogany and the room Is furnished In mahogany. The dome of the table light Is of rich art glass and Is suspended by a brass chain. Vpstalrs In the sleeping chamber there Is a decidedly lighter effect. The wood work of the hall and the majority of the rooms is of oak, the same colonial pan eling prevailing below occurring In the doors and other finishing. The apartments of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston occupy the entire front of the house, con sisting of sitting and dressing room snd the bed alcove at tha west. Here the wood Work and finish are entirely of white en amel. The colonial mantel at the east end Of the room is of white enamlel and the fireplace is faced with white tile, the fur nishings being of brass. A deep reresKod window twelve feet wide is paneled in white enamel and has a seat extending across Us entire width. The closets are exceptionally commodious and complete, being furnished with drawers. The bath room is entirely in white en amel and white tile and its leaded art win dow carries out a conventionalised water lily design. The electric light switches are a con- venlenoe worthy, of mention. One turn lights the electrolier; a second turn lights the side lights; a third turn extinguishes one, and a fourth, the other. It Is also worthy of mention that the art glass, which is of exceptional beauty, wu designed and made In Omaha. This Is also true of the greater part of the Interior finishing, except some of the mill work. DENTISTRY Tooth Talk No. 58 "Painless Dentistry" In the mluds of souie people la a mysterious and wonderful thing. It Is really nothing of the kind. It is simply ' "Careful Dentistry" the Ju dicious use of uncommon car and common sense. I do not wish to be classed with so-called "Painless" dentists but I give you my z word that I have practically eliminated, pain from my practice. If your teeth are sensitive and hurt when filled let ma prove to you that I can fill them painlessly. DO, F1CK8, Dentist. 83a Set Eld. Tbooa Dongla 111. Some Novel lies- vi LIBRART NOOK HOMES FOR THE REFUGEES San Franoiioo People. Turn to Wore Prac tical Work of Belief. VOLUNTEERS DOING THE HARD LABOR Inspiring Scene at Mlaaloa Park When the First Saaad Sets to Work on Building; tha First Hoaae. The building of permanent homes for refugees was Inaugurated last Sunday at the Mission Park by Father D. O. Crowley of the Youths' directory and a number of the leading citizens of the district, amid an inspiring scene which will live long in the memory of those who witnessed it. Early in the morning a great throng of people flocked to the old relief barracks on Nineteenth and Dolores streets. In this crowd were most of the prominent resi dents of the mission and many refugees. Almost every one was a volunteer for the work In hand. Foremost among those who offered their services was former United Slates Circuit Judge Van Duzer, who, al though 72 years of age, insisted on work ing a little harder than any one else all day long. There were more volunteers for the work of upbuilding than Father Crowley could advantageously use; but fifty-four were selected, and the work be gan In earnest. The refugees were not allowed to work, but old friends and neigh bors insisted upon doing the work for them. On every side there were the inout encouraging evidences of fraternal feeling. Volunteers Work with Will. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock, under the able direction of Contractor Henry Felge, the volunteers took off their coats and set to with a will. Judge Van Duxor and James Rolph, Jr., vied with each other In the performance of the moat arduous tasks. There were no sticks of lumber too heavy, no boards nailed too tight for these re markable laborers to handle and triumph over. It was a work of glow and glory. Most of the glow showed 'In the faces of the workers, and the glory will be theirs In the years to come. Overalls and Jumpers were the proper thing; Sunday clothes were strictly barred. The roll of honor Includes: James Rolph, president of the MUslori Improvement as sociation; Matt I. Sullivan. Eustace Culjl nan, C. E. Talmage, F. E. Elliott, A. B. Magulre, Father W. J. Morgan, assistant rector of the Youths' Directory; Raymond Gleason, of the Mission bank; P. Broderlck, Eugene McCoy, Frederick Churchill, Henry Felge, Judge Van Duser, J. J. Dlgnan, Wil liam J. Ollfoyle, F. Ernest Edwards, J. R. Doj ienry Sthing, J. C. Lyman, J. A. Cu'.,. -nd S. B. Crawford. Httiie.'to the Mission park relief bar racks have sheltered about thirty des titute families. Father Crowley and a committee of mission cltlxens obtained per mission from the park commissioners to use the frontage of the park on the sides of the block between Nineteenth and Eigh teenth street on Dolores, and on Eighteenth street, between Dolores and Church streets, for sites for refugee cottages. Thirty of these, enough to house the families who formerly found shelter In the barracks, will be accommodated In these- houses. Each house will consist of two or three rooms with bath and sanitary plumbing closets. Each lot will be twenty-five feel front by eighty deep. The houses will either be given rent free to the homeless families, or at a nominal rental. The Mis sion Improvement association will have charge of the leasing of the houses. Father Crowley, the moving spirit In the enterprising work, will push the building of ths houses as fast as possible. Enough lumber was obtained from the barracks torn down yesterday to begin with, but it Is estimated that about Slfi.ono will be needed to fully complete the fottagea. This sum. It Is hoped to obtain from the finance committee. The refugees for whom the cottages are Intended have all been former residents of the Mission district and are known to be deserving. How Banks Stood the Strain. On April 18, 1908, there were tn San Francisco thirty-two Incorporated state banks, six private banks and eight na tional banks, forty-six banks in all, whose aggregate indebtedness, payable on de mand, was approximately $168, 790. XW, and whose aggregate means of immediate pay ment were approximately S20.07X.368 cash In their vaults and t38.oci.0W due from banks and bankers In various parts of the world, or an ajtsTegute of S68,061.& assum ing that creditors would be willing to ac cept drafts Instead of the cash over tha counter, which tha banks wore bound to pay, and that all sums due from banks and bankers were due from solvent banks outside the city. On the same date the eleven savings banks of the city had ob ligations to depositors payable on sixty days' notice, to the amount of $16i2.iM, and only money tn their vaults with which to pay them. There was due to the savings bankafrom banks and bank ers, tUe sum of tiSlO.JiO, but as the In debted banks were presumably all tn this city that ruaouroe cannot be considered for the purpose of this article. Now these cav h resources were quite sufficient under ordinary circumstances to enable all the banks to pay out sll the money which would be called for. With 11. M per cent of all claims In money tn the vaults and 3144 per cent In cash and deposited In banks In cities outside tha city and nearly all the sums due from banks and bankers were from outside the city the commercial banks were very strong Indeed, much stronger, in fact, than they would think they could afford to be If they. were not receiving svme Interest oa their deposits Details of G. W. Johnston's T IN O. W. JOHNSTON'S NEW HOME. in eastern banks and trust companies. As for the savings banks, they also were in a position to respond to all ordinary demands, and In fact, as the records show, both sav ings and commercial banks were In regular receipt from depositors of more money than they were Vailed on to pay out. This money, moreover, was nearly all San Fran cisco, or at least California, money, for California has always been financially Inde pendent. There has been an Important flow of money to this state, but for the most part it has been money for Investment, and not money for loans. So the banks felt strong because tho community was rich and prosperous. Stlreken by Disaster. But the four days from April 18 to April a completely and disastrously changed the situation. Property to the amount of hun dreds of millions of dollars, belonging, In the main, to depositors In the banks, was obliterated. The vaults of the banks were Inaccessible, and whether they would pro tect ths money, the securities and the records which they contained could not be certainly known. That thousands of de positors would be in sore need of money was self-evident.'' Should there be any doubt of the ability of the banks to pay, the gt;eat mass of depositors would be clamoring for their money. Nor was this all, or the worst. Of the Indebtedness of the banks, payable on demand, $10,985,534 was due to banks and bankers, mainly to those in the territory financially tributary to this city, whose bankers habitually keep large balances here. Just as our banks knep large balances In eastern money cen ters. A general failure of San Francisco bar.ks would Impair the resources of the country banks whose balances were In this city, and It was evident that it would take but a trifle to start a panic, which might Involve a run on every bank on the Pacific coast and cause a sacrifice of property and values whose disastrous results might en dure for years. As a matter of fact, the banks cf the state are prosperous, and It Is not likely that the loss of their entire balances Jn this city would have more than temporarily crippled them, but the publlo knows Utile about the banking business, and when a money panic Is once started, the people make little use of what they do not know. They do not reason. They clamor for their money, and the more cer tain they are that they cannot get it, the louder they cry for It. For a few days the financial stability of the Pacific coast hung In the balance. That a most disastrous panlo was averted was due to the con summate ability with which the financiers of this city, aided by those of eastern money centers, the United States treasury and the preiu of this and other cities, quieted the public mind, gradually restored confidence, strengthened the cash resources of the banks, and generally so organized and directed public sentiment that when the banks resumed business they did so without the least ripple of excitement, with no more attendance at their counters than on an ordinary business day, and with de posits, on the first days, generally exceed ing withdrawals. Resources of the Banks. The commercial banks of the city had available 94,752, 493 of marketable securi ties and money on hand or due from banks and bankers with which to pay 1OT,790,888 of possible Immediate demands, while the savings banks had 168.253,993 cash and marketable securities with which to meet within sixty days possible demands for 16G,4fi!.2&4. It also appears that de positors were secured, In the case of the commercial banks, by f.5,21 4,602, and In the case of the savings bunks by 112,444,326 capital and surplus. In case of liquidation depositors would be paid before a dollar of this money could be returned to stock holders, so that depositors in the banks who understood the situation could have no fear as to ultimate repayment of their deposits, as there was and la no question of the Judgment of the bankers In making Investments. But besides tho quick assets the banks had loans outstanding, In tha case of commercial banks, soon to become due, as follows: LOANS PAYABLE TO SAN FRANCISCO BANKS. State commercial banks (Incor porated $ 76.748. W7 National banks M.OM.ra Private banks 2,643.313 Total 134.34.f33 Savings banks Iu9,tiii7,i Besides these loans the banks had large sums invested In bank premises and real estate taken for debt, with some minor Items of resources, so that the aggregate resources were In excess of all possible demands by many millions of dollars. Things, however, were not quite so bad as at first thought they would seem. In the first place, the heaviest depositors were men of large affairs. Many, perhaps most of them, officers and stockholders tn the banks, and who fully understood that their own safety lay tn strengthening the banks. The country bankers, also, having balances In this city, were for the most part wise enough to take the same view, and could be depended upon not to check heavily on thoir accounts. Finally the depositors In the main were the borrowers from the banks, and, as a rule, would understand that if they expected, as many of them would need renewal of their notes. It would be wise to refrain from aiding to put the banks In a position where such renewals would be Impossible. There was also the Influence of the press, which re flected the indomitable courage of the community and a confidence in the Insur ance situation, which was very helpful at tha time, even If rather stronger than ex perience has Justified. So there were fa vorable as well as unfavorable aspects to the situation, and the bankers of the city never for one moment lost their nerva Nevertheless, they fully appreciated the gravity of conditions and recognised the danger that a money pamo might occur. i . PRIZE HERE FOR EVERYONE Bhothonl Drawing; Will Reward All Who Registered for Land. EARLY NUMBERS WILL BE RICH ONES Railroad Demand for Townaltea Indi cate that at least the Flrat aFonr Selections Will Be Worth Money. BHOSHONI, Wyo., Aug. . (Special.) "Every one draws a prize" appears to be the outcome. If It was not the promise, of the Shonshone Indian land lottery. When the registrations closed on the night of the last day of July, with but a few over 10,000 names on the government list, a consid erable number of whom, if the experienco of past land drawings Is to be considered a criterion, will never take the trouble even to draw a number, It was practically announced that there were enough home steads to go around. This means that In a measure the opening of the reservation was a failure. It means, however, that those plucky ones who. In their hunger for a piece of Mother Earth, took the tire some Journey of something over twenty four hours from Denver or Omaha, or of approximately forty hours from Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis or St. Paul, will be rewarded, In greater or less degree, according to their luck In the drawing. No. 1, at least, will draw a prize worth having. Of the 1,400,000 acres which were ceded by the Shonhones and Arapahoes, It In a mooted question which particular quarter section Is the most desirable. It is considered certain, wherever It Is, that the piece selected by entryman No. I will not be used for agricultural purposes. Not withstanding that every possible effort Is made by the land department to render It difficult to transfer a claim, townslte com panies and others are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to get possession of a few choice sites and a big price will undoubt edly be paid for at least one location. Spot Picked by Wise One. One snot which has been picked by a few enthusiasts who know the reservation well is In the center of a magnificent ex panse of bench land some twenty miles west of Shoshonl. Its champions say that it Is the natural point for the crossing of the Northwestern line from east to west and the Burlington line from north to south. They predict that it is destined to be the site of a city that in a few years will be the capital of Wyoming. With two trunk lines, giving It an outlet to the four points of the compass, and situated about the center of the 300,000 acres of agricul tural land under the two big canals which the state Is preparing to build, nothing can prevent the growth of an Important agri cultural city. Sixty miles west of Shoshonl, In the vi cinity of Grow Heart butte, on the Big Wind river, is a site which is destined, ac cording to Its champions, to become the site of one of the big mining camps of the west. In this vicinity are located some of the finest coal lands In the state and In ad dition splendid specimens of gold ore have been brought from the Owl mountains close by. Now that the Indians are giving place to the white man the exploitation of the mineral resources of these hills will be more thorough, and a gold camp as well as a coal camp are possibilities of the future A city here woull also stand midway be tween the headgates of the two big state Irrigating canals, which will Insure a large agricultural territory for It to draw from. Building stone and lumber are In abundance within easy access. A third site Is where the Little Wind river Joins the Big Wind liver, thirty miles below Shoshonl. Here Is a beautiful piece of level land, measuring almost exactly 1G0 acres, and practically all contained within one-quarter section, lying between the two streams, with many trees and good grass. With ample water supply, natural water grades In three directions, and with an abundance of good building stone In the neighborhood, adjoining the extension of the Northwestern railway now under con struction, this Is an ideal site for a city. Asians Buj sen's Plana. Asmus Boysen, who has repeatedly clashed wjth tho United States government in consequence of his persistent efforts to get to work on the Indian lands before the date for their opening to settlement, has selected a site where the river enters the canyon twelve miles from Shoshonl. From this quarter section, which covers both banks of Wind river, Boysen's fifty em ployes were evicted by a detachment of cavalry while the registrations were In progress, ten days ago. If he Is not de barred as a "sooner," Boysen Intends to In stall here an Immense water plant and fur nish power which will not only operate a large smelter for the Copper mountain country surrounding It, but aUo generate light and power for Shoshonl, and perhaps other nearby towns. When the soldiers of Uncle Sam unceremoniously interfered with the work Boysen's men were preparing to build this power plant, and when evicted, left their drills on the ground. These four sites will probably be selected by Nos. 1, 1 3 and 4 In the lottery, but In which order Is a question. Tha failure of the Shoshone reservation opening to attract a larger number of land hungry people to Wyoming Is ascribed to the general lask of Information regarding the value of irrigated lands, and also to the fact that many were undoubtedly de terred by a realization of the fact that the bulk of the agricultural land would be of little value until something like Ho an acre had been expended to bring the water to It. Officials of the land office say that the land here la exceptionally food above tha Handsome New Residence Ml I jrcra t Iff : L 13 r-.-f -r 13 r ' yr . 1' ' .f S it 1 1 1 1 i ; ... Jdv: I.'"- LIVING ROOM, LOOK I NO INTO THE average of similar lands opened to settle ment, beginning with Oalahoma, Okla homa attracted Immense numbers; the Devil's lake country a noticeable decrease; the Rosebud, even though located within a short ride of large centers of population, failed to reach previous records; the recent Crow opening In Montana was termed a decided "frost" by expectant property own ers residing at the various registration points, and with a vastly greater area and the assurance of water furnished by the state, the Shoshone applicants are propor tionately the fewest yet. Plan Will Stand. Notwithstanding the light registration officials of the land office in charge of the ShoBhone reservation drawings are confi dent that the present plan will not be changed. Commissioner W. A. Richards was asked a few days ago as to his views and the views of the department on this point, but to a correspondent he declined to commit himself. The plan was origi nated by Mr. Richards and he has on a num ber of occasions intimated his full faith In the system. It was thought that perhaps the decrease In the number of ipersons at tracted to the registrations would cause the department to find a new way of attracting Interest, but this Is set at rest by a state ment made by Chief Clerk Harry Billings Just after Mr. Richards left Shoshonl. "I have recently talked with Commissioner Richards," said Mr. Billings, "and t am. satisfied he Is Just as firm as ever in his confidence in the plan. He believes It is the only safe and perfectly fair way to dispose of these lands, and I do not believe there will be any change. Preparations for the opening of the Flathead reservation In Mon tana are going forward and there is not the slightest intimation that Its opening will differ from that of the others recently parceled out to tho public." Moreover, so long as "everyone draws a prize" there is no reason why those who register should "kick." TESTIMONY 0F A GHOST One Sufficed to Hans; a Man, Ac cording to British Coort Records. The testimony of a "ghost" would not now count for much In a British court of iaw. but the day has been when it has sufficed to hang a man. It Is stated that the original depositions sre in the Bodleian library, of a most remarkable case of this character. A girl named Annie Walker was sup posed to have been sent away for her good by a substantial farmer. Sometime afterward a so-called appaprltlon appeared to a neighbor, with its head all bloody with wounds, and tolling him that she had been murdered by the farmer and an accom plice. Her body the appaprltlon said, had been burled In a spot which she described, and she begged the man to whom she ap peared to bring her murderers to Justice. True enough, the body was found In the place mentioned, and the men were brought to trial. The sensational character of the case was Intensified by one of the Jurymen declaring that he saw the child of the dead woman "sitting upon the shoulder" of Its father, the farmer. Both the cul prits were hanged. There was a ghosly accuser In a case with which readers of Scott are familiar. Soon after the '"ii" an English soldier, wandering near Bruemer, met a violent death. Hawks do not peck out hawks' een, and no man opened his mouth to give a ciew. inn n V..C, v. a story of a communication from another world. A farm servant declared that in the night a spirit had appeared to him, de claring itself to be the ghost of the soldier whose bones It said lay still unburled. The Highlander must see to their decent Interment and have the murderers two men named brought to Justice. The Highlander promised, but did not keep his word, and a second and third time the spirit appeared and unbralded him for his breach of faith. Alarmed at last and no longer daring to delay, the man called a companion, went to the spot which the spirit had indicated and there found the bones of the murdered warrior concealed In a moorland tract called the Hill of Christie. The story of the Highlander came to the eara of an antl-Jacoblte, who caused the matter to be brought to trial before the court of Judiciary, Edinburgh. There the tale was corroborated by a woman who had seen a naked figure enter the place on the night spoken of by the nian. It was an age of superstition. In a dis trict more than commonly given to su perstitions, and the Jury seemed dls. posed to find tho two men charged guffty of tha murder. But It happened that the principal witness spoke only Gaelic. "Now," said the coutrsel for tha defense, "In what language did the ghost speak 7" "In as good Gaelic as I ever heard in Lochabar," was the reply, "Pretty good for the ghost of an English soldier," said counsel. And, that question and com ment saved the necks ot the men at the bar. The Jury could believe In a ghost, but not in an English ghost speaking Gaelic. London Standard. No Wool Over His Kyaa. Uncle Abe, a grizzled old negro, visited a zoological garden. lie stood fascinated before a cage containing a chlmpansee and could not be induced to move. After a while the animal came to the front of the rage and Uncle Abe spoke to him: "Howdy f" he said. "Howdy?" Tha chlmpansee not making any response, Uncle Abe chuckled and winked at him knowingly. "Ltat's right, dat da way ter do! Loan yeu nebber gin ter talk. Ef you does white man put er hoe In yer ban' en meek yer wuk!" be said. Harper's Week. 1 1 r-Vv MUSIC nOOSJ. TIMELY REAL ESTATE TALK Buiineis Good as Compared with the Came Time Laat Tear. OLD-TIMERS ARE FLOCKING BACK Hen Who Were Attracted to the C'oaat and Elsewhere Itetura to the Ileal Scenc-4if Activity. It Is by comparison that people are rich or poor and by comparison that times are good or bad. The Omaha real estate men say buslnoss is slack, and, in fact, it Is small compared with any time of the first four months of the year. In comparison with a year ago at the same season and two years ago at the some season It shows up well. This is the dull season and It cannot be Justly compared with the months of big sales. Reports from the various firms Indicate that business is picking up and that with a very few weeks it will be as good as It waa before the hot weather. "We have been doing a good business In consideration of the fact that this Is the dull season, and we have no complaint whatever to make," said one realty man. "There is a good demand for houses, par ticularly for those ranging In price from 13.0U0 to SS.OOO, and well located. Then there is a large sulo of cheap lots In out lying parts of the city, where men want to buy on easy terms for tho purpose of building homes." Lot 1 In block 125, city of Omaha, has been sold by Fred Krause to the Omaha ft Southwestern Railway company, a sub sidiary corporation of the Burlington: This Is located on Douglas street, between Sev enth and Eighth, and 1b the property on which was located the Omaha Tank com Iany's factory, burned down this summer. The lot was wanted by the railroad for trackage, as It has other property on both sides, though nothing will be done with it at present. The consideration was $9,100. Back to that dear old Omaha they all come these real estate men after they have been to faraway cities where sales are ten times as many as in Omaha and the agents' earnings several times as large. To Winnipeg, Seattle, Spokane and Los Angeles they go, and when they return tell wonderful stories of feal estato ac tivity there, but Instead of moving their household Lares ajid Penates, they buckle down to business and ucll some more of that good old Omaha dirt. Only for a short time does the glamor of the west and 'north blind them to the fact that Omaha Is a good town, and within a short time after their visit to other cities, they are boosting for Omaha with as hearty a noise as anybody else. Gould Diets has bought through George G. Wallace a piece of ground 110x132 feet, at the northwest corner of Thirty-eighth Fine Farm and aassMawuMMMauMaaawMaauaaasaasMauuaauuuuaaaauuusaaM UlllOd PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Is closing out its lands in ' Western Nebraska, Colorado and Vyoming From $3 to $5 Per Aero Take advantage of the low prices and easj; terms offered. , The opportunity will soon be gone. Special Excursion Bates to the Lands. For further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY 318 South Fifteenth Street Omaha. Neb. it RUSSELL S. HARRIS. WESTERN CONTRACTORS' SUPPLY CO., Building Materials of All Kinds, trnctnral BteeL Iron Castings, lumbar, TWng, Roofing, Cam ant, Sand, Stone, Suit: 430 P.xlorv Block; Yards: 18th and Narcy Sttttt$. TELEPHONE DOIGLAS-I798. OMAHA. Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating General Contracting and Repair Work. Work Guaranteed the Best GET OUR PRICES 1812 Harney Street JOHNSON Phone Douglas 6383 avenue and Jonee streets. Mr. Diets owns other property on the west side e Thirty, eighth avenue, and the entire half Mo- on the east sldf of the avenue, directly opposite his new purehatte. Other sales repot ted by Mr. Wal lace are: A vacant lot. IliixlW feet, at the northweet corner of Port and Thirty, fifth streets, to a man who will not let Ms name be known at present, but who will erect one or more dwellings on his purchase; two lols on Rpauldlryr street, one between Twenty-fifth and Twenty, sixth streets, and one Jut west of Twenty, eighth street, to be Improved with dwell ings; lot and old houses on the south slda of I,mvenworth street between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth, for 13.000, to Emma F. Taylor, to be Improved. Mr. Wallace also reports the sale of the Thelps house at 4774 Capitol avenue. George IT. Payne Is building a unlnue summer horn on his property near Elm wood park. Its first story In of "nlirger heads" which he has had shipped from the) fsrm near Fort Dodge, la., on which h spent his boyhood dnys, and many of tha stones are ns familiar to him as the furni ture In his own office. The second story will be sided with shingles. The house will be after the bungalow style, low snd scuntty, with broad eaves. It Is In tha center of several acres In grass and trees. The Pnyn Investment company reports an unusual amount of activity In property of Grammercy park, which is at Forty eighth street and Military avenue. Twenty lots have been sold there In the last week and the larger number of them to men who Intend to build homes. Other sales reported by the Payne In vestment company are: Three cottages at Seventeenth and Center streets from .an out-of-town man to William A. Becker, who will remodel them and plaoe them on the market; house and lot at 829 South Twenty-fourth street, from tha Callow Falls Savings bank to Abraham Pregler, who will remodel the house and erect an other; store building and two cottage at the northwest corner of Twenty-ninth and) Dupont streets, from Mr. Adams of New York to Mrs. Eugenia Earle, who will Im prove the property; house and lot at ISOt Van Camp street, from James Boyer to Frank Barber, who will tear down the house and erect a large modern one in its stead; house at 2710 Davenport street, from Mr. Bradley to Miss Tlllle Pearson, for s home. Electrical Oddities. One or two curious details of the fran chise In France have come to light In con nection with the general election whloh took place on Sunday, There are altogether 11,000,000 electors, of whom In 1001 8,730,008. actually voted. But blank and spoiled pa pers reduced tho number of effective votes to 8,100,000, of which 6,100,000 wars cast for the deputies elected and 1.000,000 for the unsuccessful candidates. Altogether tha elected deputies represent rather less than half the registered electors. The Jtl deputies) who constitute the majority voting tha separation law represented 1,200,000 voters, or only one-fourth of the total number. London Globe. ) The Old School Readers. Men and women who went to school thirty-five or forty years ago will be dis posed to doubt the assertion repeatedly made that no good school readers ara available nowadays. It may be that "Me- 1 Guffy's" series Is out of print, but It Could, easily be rehabilitated, and any one of tha old boys and girls will maintain that It would be impossible to get up a better reader than "McGuffy." If there Is any doubt about It In educational circles It is because educators, like most other people, do not know what Is good for them these ' days. Chicago Chronicle. , Shimer & Chase Co. Builders of Modern Houses "Be it ever so humble There's no place like home." v Tour means must determrn th4 sire of your Investment Xlappl ness snd contentment Is quits as often found la s eottag a Draw a pencil sketch of the bouse you would build. Ws develop ideas and relieve you of sll the details of construction. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Bonding Sites, Suburban Acreage, Homes liOO Fsrnsm. Ground Floor Douclss 3807 Ranch Lands ' ALLJLN B. HAMILTON. Brick, Metal lath. Concrete Mixers, Concrete KeUXsreemeat. I