Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Office, 10 lar!
Stable Employe i netted on Chare of
Awaoltin Saltixan Girl.
Whlttaker Deate Ills Gnllt, net Bays
Ha Ha Baca Drinking; All
Day Friday with Two
8. C. Wbltuker, employed at tha DWltt
livery barn on North Second (treat, wa
arrested1 yesterday morning by the police
and positively Identified aa tha man who
antlned little 10-year-old Anna Sattsrnan
on Friday evening to acoompsny him along
tha track of tha Northwestern railroad,
when he mistreated her, but was fortunately
prevented from carrying out hie design on
the child.
The arrest of Whit taker was brought
about through Patrolman Gallagher of the
day force. Friday afternoon the officer'
attention was called to Whlttaker by a
little girl, who told him that Whlttaker
bad offered her 10 cents to buy candy wMh
If she would go for a walk with him. The
officer questioned Whlttaker, but the latter
denied any wrong Intent and pulling out a
photograph of two little girls from his
pocket said: "Why man, I here little
daughters of my own, and there Is surely
nothing wrong In my giving a dime to
one to- buy candy with." The officer felt
disposed to arrest the man at the time, but
allowed him to go when he stated he wan
working at the DeWltt bam.
When given the description of little Anna
Bailsman's assailant yesterday morning on
reporting at police headquarters, Officer
Gallagher at once surmised that the fellow
who hsd offered tha little girl tha dim and
the one who had attacked the Saltaman
child were ths same.
Detective Weir hsd no difficulty In locat
ing the man described by Officer Gallagher.
Whlttaker,. as h said his name was, was
found sitting In front of the Neumayer
barn, which is across the street from the
DeWltt barn. He was taken to police
headquarters, where later he was positively
Identified by the Bailsman, girl and little
Mabel Humbert. The Identification was
made complete by1 Allen Aators, a half
breed Indian, who had seen the man lead
ing the two children north on Eleventh
.street Friday evening, and who had been
picked up and detained over night as a
witness by the police.
When arraigned In polio court Whlttaker
denied the charge, but asked for a continu
ance until Monday to secure an attorney,
which was granted. An Information charg
ing him with attempted criminal assault
was filed against him and hi bonds placed
at 11.000. He was committed to the county
Jail for saf keeping.
Whlttaker said he recently arrived from
Chamberlain. 8. D., wher he had been
working In a livery barn. He said he had
been living with his brother-in-law. Oeorg
Duckworth, on I tret In South Omaha.
He said he hsd been drinking all Friday
with two men named Jack Murphy and
Jim Donnell,' who were stranger tp him
and that he waa Intoxicated.
Th polios learned that Whlttaker had
worked but a few days at the DeWltt barn
and had been discharged Friday. When
at the barn yesterday morning he tore
UP the straw hat he was wearing Friday
evening "and tried to hide It under the
manure pile, wher the officer found It
Appropriate Trophies Awsrtet to the
.Wis) nor.
In ths regular contest for pairs at the
meeting of the Central Whist association
at the Grand hotel Dr. Burrell and Al
Dreyfoo of Omaha carried oft first honors
for the aerie of three play. Verne Ben
jamin of Council Bluff and J. Burna of
Omaha were second. These four, were
awarded trophic In the .shape of aseoola-
tkm buttona Ellis and Martin of Omaha,
Mltheo and SUraaon of Council Bluff and
Block and Emerson of Atlantic, la., tied
for third place. The score of yesterday
afternoon' . gam, being th third of. th
series of three play In th pair contest,
:V. Benjamin and Bum ess
rnes,.., 18J -j- I -7
t'iY.'Ji'.'.'. 178 - Jl 7
178 -I- 1 ft-T
ammen ana piimson
(Burr!) and Ureyluoa
JBiocK ana untriou
."Wince and Bel vera
killls and Martin
;Hlwlg and UpaJdlng .
Total score ;....'.... t4
Average 176 -T
Moor and Aakwtth 1M
Mrs Helwlg and Mis Irwin, m
Benjamin and Benjamin Ml
Mr, Hlghter and Myers ' 1
. Mr. 8uDbrakr-Mls Aitkin 1B6
Abbott and Vleregg Is3
.Webster and Miller 182
- 4 t-T
- 4 8-7
i 1-7
H -1
I 4-7
-4 4-T
Total score
: -l- plus. minus.
' Tbe meet waa brought to close laat
night with a free-for-all.
The winner In the free for all were.
east and west. Prince and Bievers; nortk
and south. Abbott and Vctregg.
Gee t Jela RelavtlTW After Three
Tears la Hospital.
Daniel MoOowan, th aged Irishman who
after three years' detention In St. Bernard'
'"hospital ha regained hi mental faculties.
waa yesterday sent rejoicing on hi way
to San Francisco,' where he has a lister
and nephew. Tbree year ago McOowan
left hi home in Dublin, Ireland, with th
Intention of Joining hi relatives In Celt
torn la. At Philadelphia be lost or was
robbed of bis baggage and thla preyed on
his mind. By tbe time he reached Council
Bluff be had become Insane and was
taken off the train and placed In Bt,. Ber
nard' hospital. Hi condition at th time
Wu such that h did' not even know hi
Pwn nam, and for a time nothing coull
f learned about him. Finally hi Identity
waa disclosed from tracing th ticket
which he had tn hi possession. The rail'
fuad company a few day ago issued a
new ticket In place of th old on from
this city .to Ban Francisco. With a basket
uf luneh.and soma money for expense on
th read' tbe old man was placed by H. V
Hattey. clerk of th district court and
Clark of the Board of Commissioners for
lb Insane, on the train yesterday- after
noon. With th tears streaming feom hi
eye the old man, whoss hair ha become
now white during hi three year in th
hospital, exclaimed a be shook hand with
Mr. Betuy, "God blea you for what you
Lav don (or m. I feel like aa If I had
risen from the dead."
Father Ohjeeta te Marriage.
,' ,'H. V. Battey. clerk of the diatrlct court,
received a letter yesterday from Rev. J. L.
Xijrtln, pastor of th Congregational
-jliurch at Moorland, -la.. Instructing him
"fender ao clrouinaunce to iaau a marriag
license to hi son John, who I only 17
gVurs of age, bat he formed aa affection
Cr a young woman named Mabel Taylor.
sev. Urj Martin enclosed In his letter a
description ef the youth also a photograph
so. that Mr. Battey might be well armed
.k. e ih imntn snowing ua for
-, - j j-jia tue -tone of the letter ft
no- x-i
V . f-T
St. Tel. 43.
would appear that the youthful couple
have eloped or Intend eloping.
E. A. Troutman Brings, salt for aa
E. A. Troutmtn began suit In th district
court yesterday against the Council Bluffs
Btreet Fair and Carnival company, cf which
he was formerly secretary, asking for an
accounting, the appointment of a receiver
and the distribution of about llS.ono which
H. H. Van Brunt, president of tbe company,
is a'leged to have in his possession In
money or stock as trustee.
Troutman up to a few months ago was
secretary of the Council Bluffs Elks' lodge
and custodlsn of the clubhouse, well as
being secretary of the carnival company,
the Incorporators of which are all members
of the lodge.
In the suit filed yesterday H. II. Van
Brunt, H. A. Bearle. H. A. Qulnn, W. A.
Maurer, Victor Bender, B. M. Bargent and
Emmet Tinley, the Incorporators nd offi
cer of the carnival company, are named as
In his petition Troutman recites that the
company was organised tn 19ot for the pur
pose of holding street fairs and carnivals.
the profits from which were to be devoted
to the use and benefit of the Council Bluffs
lodge of Elks. That this wss the case Is
well known. The Elks' grand lodge pro
hibited subordinate lodges conducting street
fair and carnival or deriving any profit
directly therefrom and the carnival com
pany waa organised In consequence, fol-
the auspice of the local Elks' lodge,
lowing the first street fair and carnival In
this city, which was given directly under
Th profits from th last two street
fairs were Invested by the officers of the
carnival company In the Elk club house
building stock with the Intention of turn
ing the stock over to th lodge. This,
however, has not yet been don a there
I a grav question whether under the
ruling of th grand lodge the Council
Bluff lodge can accept It. Consequently
the stock purchased from the profits of
the street fairs stilt remains In the hands
of H. H. Van Brunt, president of the car
nival company, as trustee.
Troutman, aa the' basis for 'hi ult, as
serts that th company has never com
plied with th statutory provisions govern
ing the formation or management of cor
poration and that th alleged incorpora
tion ha . never . been In. existence. In
fact he assert that all the business of
the company ha bean don a a co
partnership in. which each member,. Includ
ing himself, had an equal share. After
reciting the law of tha Elk grand lodge
prohibiting subordinate lodges from being
interested In street fairs and carnivals he
assart that H. H. Van Brunt as trustee
is holding about 115,000 In money and
He complain that In June of the present
year the company held a meeting without
his knowledge and formed a new oo
partnership of which he Is not a mem
ber and I now conducting th same under
the auspice of th Commercial club.
Friends of Mr. Troutman state that he
Is not bringing the suit for any purpose
of financial gain but with the Intention
of compelling tbe officer to turn over th
profit where It was Intended they should
go, namely the Elk lodge. The article
of the . Council Bluff Btreet Fair and
Carnival company provide that th Incor
poratora thereof shall not derive any pe
cuniary benefit from the management of
business of the Incorporation.
It 1 stated that at th meeting of the
Council Bluff lodge of Elk last Friday
evening the officer of the Carnival com
pany tendered the lodge til, BOO In stock of
the club house building but that Exalted
Ruler E. H. Walter Informed them that
under the ruling of the grand lodge, the
Couneil Bluff lodge 'had no right to ao-
cept the stock and so th matter rest,
Three Vahappy Connies.
Mr. Mary A. Klin baa brought ault In
th district court for divorce from, Daniel
Kline, to whom ah waa married la On-
clnnati. O.. In October, 1896. The husband
I at present a resident of Alts, la. Mr.
Kiln make statutory charge and ao-
ousea her husband of treating bar In a
cruel and Inhuman manner. Beside th
divorce . she ask that ab be given one-
half of their property, consisting of 160
acre tn Oliver county, North Dakota, and
a house and lot in Boutb Bloux City, Neb.,
In addition. to 18,000 alimony and the house
bold furniture tn their former home In
Alta, which she asserts belongs to her,
Mr. Martha M. MoOill seek a divorce
from' William MoOill, to whom 'she waa
married in December, 1871 In Cambridge,
N. T. Bhe charge her husband with de
serting her In March, 104.
Mr. Mae Mayberry, against whom her
husband, John L. Mayberry,- recently
brought suit for divorce, making statutory
chargee, has filed an answer and a cross
petition asking that she be granted the
decree of divorce In plaoe of her husband
and also that her maiden name of Ma
Morgan be restored to her. Mr. Mayberry
denies tbe charge mad by her husband
and asserts that he know tbem to be
false, while on the other hand ah aocuse
him of being anything but a faithful bus
Rev. Wilbur F. Craft of Washington. D.
C, will preach tht rooming at 10:80 o'clock
at th Broadway Methodist church. Tb
pastor, Rv. Jama O May, will occupy th
pulpit at th evening services at I o'clock
Sunday school will be at noon and Epworta
league meeting at 7 p. m.
Rev. Wilbur F. Craft of Washington. D
C, will preach at th open air service In
Falrmount park this afternoon at 8 o'clock.
Rev, M. Wlllard Xunpe of Omaha will
conduot the service at 10 80 o'clock at th
Second Presbyterian church. Sutnday
school will be at noon. There will be no
evening service.
First Church of Christ. . Scientist, will
hold service In the Temple Emmanuel on
North Seventh street at 11 a. m-, when th
subject will be, "Soul." Sunday school will
be at IMS and the regular mid-week testl
mony meeting . Wednesday evening at
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, will
hold service at 10:45 s. m. in Woodmen
hsll. In th Merriam block, when the sub
Ject will be, "Soul." Sunday school will be
at 11:46 a. m. The mid-week testimony
meeting will, b held Wednesday-evening
t 7:43 o'clock.
Real Estate Traasfera
These transfer were reported to Tb
Bee August 4 by ths Title, Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
earn A. Lewis to F. E. Drake, lot 7,
block 7, Pierce's sub.. Council Bluffs,
w. d !
L. snd J. Masaenberg te C. E. Pries,
trustee, wSt lot 7. clock It Evans'
Id Bridge add. to Council Bluffs,
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company
to James H. McBhane, lot 7, block
08, Riddle' ub. to Council Bluffs,
w. d
Benjamln-Fehr Real Estate company
to Catherine B. Nash, lot 11 block .
w. d
add. to Council Bluffs,
Four transfers, total
Thieve Get Feeket Halves.
During the noon hour yesterday, when
Ed Tysack was alone In tb hardwar de
partment of th Petereea A Schoening e
tabltshment on Pesrl street, two young an
a I rU dressed man enured the Bior. One
J aanted to purchase a key. Tbi &cssi-
tated" "Mf. Tyserfc going tv the Other end
of th large building. While waiting on hi
customer, th other fellow proceeded to j
rifle esse containing s large number of ,
high grade pocket knives. Mr. Tysack,
heard th fellow opening the-csse and.
suspecting something waa wrong, started
to Inveatlgate. As he started from behind
the counter the fellow who had asked for
the key knocked him down with a well
dirrted blow on the Jaw. Before he could
regain his feet the two fellows made ' a
dash for the door and when last seen were
running west . on Willow avenue, Tbe
police were at once notified, but without
results. About two dosen pocket knives
were found to be missing. Both of the i
young fellows were well dressed, wore
strsw hats and on carried a silver handled
Diplomas for Konei,
Diplomss will be given to the first clses I
of nurses to be graduated from the Council
Bluffs general hospital under th ne
management next Thursday evening. The
exercise will be held at Bt. John's English
Lutheran church.
Dr. V. l Treynor on behalf of the board
of hospital directors will address th class
and present the diplomss. Brief addresses
will also he made by Rav. Charles Msyne,
pastor of Trinity Methodist church and
Mrs. C. F. Kimball, president of th Wo
man's Christian association. There will be
musical program.
The following nurses who have completed
three years' course will receive diplomas:
Miss Hope Richardson. Miss Ella McManl-
gal. Miss Lillian Forsyth and Miss Helen
W. C. T. I'. Elect Delegates
The local branch of . the Woman's
Christian Tempersnce union has elected
these delegates to th sixth district con
vention to be held at Woodbine, la..
August' 14 and It: Mrs. El K. Penny,
Laura 8mlth, Mrs. Adelaide Ogdcn, Mrs.
E. Grlffth, Mrs. E. Bteepy, Miss
Josephine Wilson, together with the gen
eral officer, Mr. I O. Balrd, Mrs. O.
. Oldham and Mrs. I. B. Hart.
Arrangements have been made for a pub
lic meeting to be held In this city on the
evening of August (1st, the speaker to be
Oliver W. Stewart.
Meetlna? of Philippine Veterans.
A meeting Of Camp John L. Moore,
Society Army of the Philippines, has been
,, ' , , . ' .
called for Thursday evening in the office
of Dr. D. Macrae In the Merriam block,
The meeting Is for the purpose of making
. . .... . .
arrangements to attend th seventh an-
nual reunlop of th national society to be
held at Pes Moines, August TJ, 14 and
1U All veteran jof the Philippine cam
palgn, whether members of the organlza
tlen or not, are Invited to . attend the
meeting Thursday evening,
Marriage Licenses
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
th following:
Nam and Residence.
L. W. Thomas, Malvern, la
Pearl M. Brtttain, Malvern, la....
jiuou noun, umui
Emma Johnson, Council Bluff ...
D. D. Ashen. Council Bluffs
Sadl Maxwell, Council Bluff ....
28 I
Pwrnlsh the
" Diversion.
Mis Maude Hoagland returned 'Friday
from Chicago.
Mis Emm Boesch I homo from an out
ing at Lake Okobojl.
Mis Roberta Hettenhauer left yester
day for a trip to Colorado.
Mrs. Jacob Sims and children are visit
ing relatives In ottumwa, la.
Mr. and Mrs. France left Friday for
a two week' trip to uenver.
Mrs. 3. Ramaer of Chiearo I' th a-ueat
01 ner sister, Mrs. 11. v. Battey
Mr. and Mr Ned Mitchell left last even
ing tor a week visit in coicago.
Mrs. Thomas Maloney and daughters
are noma irotn jerrereon laxe, Minn.
Miss Green has Mra Ballenger of Daven
port and Mrs. McCabe aa bar guests
Mr. and Mr. O. L. Hammell and danrh.
ter are nome from Jefferson lake, Minn,
Mr. W. Runran of Park avenue enter
tained at a musicals Thursday evening.
Miss Helen Foley Is home from an ex
tended trip to Chicago and Green Lake.
Mr. and Mr. W. M. Pyper have re
turned from a week' outing at Clear
Lake. .
Miss Jessie Macrae of Clark avenue Is
home from a visit with friends at Helena,
Mr. Sam Snyder 1 horn from a visit to
relative in Fremont, Neb., and Sioux City,
Mia Evelyn Egerton left Saturday for
vermilion, 9. v., wnere sue will visit rel
atives. '
Mrs. Will Pryor and Miss Blrdl Oliver
win leave today xor a sojourn at Colorado
springs ...
Mrs. L. E. Uurnev of Neolai la..' la -tha
guest 01 jur. ana aa rs. 4
P. Beach of Sec
ond avenue.
Mis Ida Black entertained at luncheon
Wednesday lor Mrs. e. l. Irvine of Wash
ipgton, i. C.
MlM VIahiva Q.- iilra will h.v, - - w
guets mis week mis uonna Begot of
m . . .
ieecnoe, in so.
Mr. T. L. Eastland and aiater. Miss
joaepnin fryor, . are sojourning at Col
orado Spring.
Mia Dora Mumhy baa returned from
Lincoln, wher she ha been visiting dur
ing me past montn. ,
Mi Beardsley. who has been vialtlne
Mra. May Beardsley, baa returned to her
nome in biuux city.
Mr. Branch of VsrmUlon. S. D ha
been tbe guest during the past week of her
suiter, Mr. Egerton.
Mr. Eva Murray I Visiting friends In
Bloux Kali and will visit In Minnesota
oeroie returning nome.
Mr. and Mr. William Harcourt nf Rhrl,
don, Texas, formerly of Council Bluff,
are visiung iu ins -city
The Miasea Maud and Lurll Plumer
Of Sliver City are visiting Mlsa Frances
lucnmona on Avenue is.
Keti Saturaa"y "or a trip to Denver
Dr. Claud Lewi and Mr. Xenophon
Miss Emma Burke, who ha been th
guest ot Miss Florence Keith, returned to
her nome in Milwaukee
Mlsa Helen Jones of Burlington was th
guest of Catherine Morehouse on Frank
street, during me last week
Mr. W. W. Wallace and Miss Wallaoe
left Thursday for Ludlngton, Mich., where
tny win bpena several weens
Mrs. Lyon of North Seventh street and
grandson, Clyde Lyon, have returned frum
a visit witn relatives in ve Moines
Mrs. Emmet Tinley entertained the mem.
beis of tne Flower mission Tuesday alter-
uuoii ai ner come on vt mow avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Solomon have a their
guests Mrs. M. Ullverslelit of Fort DoUe
ana Alias jennie wenioerg o Cleveland, U.
Mrs. J. F. Cooney and daughter Helen
of St. Joseph, Mo., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ettwara J. fierce, tie fouun streei.
Mrs. Henry Newell of San Dlea-o. Cal
and Mrs. 11. P. Beuee ot Frenioul. Neb..
are visiting Mrs. C. P, Bbepaxd on 1'erln
Mia Ethel Harcourt, formerly of Coun
oll Hiuita, now ot oneiaon, lexas, was
married last week, to Mr. Hoy iianta ot
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. McDonald of
Bloux rails, . JJ., are tbe guest of Mr.
Mi uonaia parents, Mr. ana Mr. C W
Mrs. rioswell u. llorr ha returned to
her home In Plalnfleld, N. j., after -a visit
here of several weeks with her sister, Mr.
B. Alexander
Rev. and Mr. Marcus p. McClura and
laniuy nav gone 10 iaxe usotioji (or a
montn outing. They ar guests at th
. 4. uay cottage.
Rev. W. B. Clemmer, pastor of the First
Christian church, and family left Friday
fur Sterling, Colo., where they will spend
me monin or August.
Miss Frances Chemise, 10t Avenue A
entertained riday evening In honor of Miss
Uertrude Glnslerg of Chicago and Miss
W ernherg of Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rohrer are home
from Lake Okuboji. where they were guests
at u.e suininer cottage of nr. ana Mrs.
j. u. Spalding or Bloux city.
Miss Dera Wright entertained at a pic
nic at- Lake Manawa Thursday In honor
of Miss Mamie Walker of Otnaha. The
party was composed or tt.e Misses Mary
McDonnell,- siii.ce nm, sasmie v aiker
Dura Wright, and Mcturi. Allen balas,
(Ins Vngelcr, Roy Clay and Everett
V right.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Baird have aa their
gueete Mr. and Mrs. Henry Balrd of Pral-
1 i r. v i ij , J "f "1 1 ' . ' ,-) Til.., ' kii..i-
andoah and Mrs. Allle Zirmnerman of Olen-
Mrs. W. M. Groneweg entertained for
her guests, Mrs. li F. C annon of Chi
cago, and Mrs. tlaxry Ralston of Car
thage, at a plmic al i-axe Manawa eu
nenriuy afternoon.
Mies Ora Sweet entertained at a ken-
slngton Thursday afternoon. Those pres
ent were, llasel Long, Luclle Ballenger,
ida llrr, tlalre Kivett. Ine Uenney.
Mrs. Mann, Hlanrhe and Ora Sweet.
Miss Emily papat of this city and Mr.
Albeit Custer of Omeha were married
Thursday evening at the home of the biije a
sister. Mrs. W. W. Rager. in Omaha. Mr.
and Mrs. Custer will make their home In
Mlsa Catherine Morehouse entertained at
a picnic at LvUte Manawa Tuesday In honor
or Miss Helen Jones ana Mis Helen
Kings. Those present were, the Mines
V. , .,m A ..... , Ual.n Dl.n IW..,ku !.'..! ,
irma iaVid, Lydla Lacey. 'Maud Stupfel!
Helen Jones ana latnerine Morenouse.
A plcnlo was given Wednesday at Lke
Nianawa tn honor of Mr. Howard Cowles
of Les Moines, who is visiting friends
and relatives In this city. Those Pre
ent Were the Misses Helen Walker, Hasel
1'lppln, Edith Bmith. r'noebe Judson
llman nnl.1n.nn IPl. ir,nn m U a It I , nn,4
Messrs. Alfred Westerfelt of Omaha, Ben
walker, Charles Bcott, Horace Haver
stock, Harold Rice, Howard Cowels.
A rlcnlc was riven Thursdav at Lake
Manawa In honor of Miss Margaret Mc
pherson of Cram. Neb., and lrla Ware
of Spencer, Neb. The party was com
posed of the Misses Mabelle Inglish, viva
Wind. Helen Pltcklnger, Rose Ward, llatrl
Apdill, Margaret Klickingcr, Ttllle Alt
niannspet ger, Kllen Pohson, Catherine H'r-
rlgen, Husel Sherbondy, Maude McAnney,
lna Ware and Margaret McPherson.
A hsy rack rartv chnreroned bv Miss
Edith organ and Miss Gertrude Reed had
picnic at the Otis farm Monday. 1 ne
party waa composed of Udna Smith
Florence Otis. Cora Buckman, Mildred
Metcaif, Nellie Benton, Hazel WalKer,
Prances Keeline, Theda Bnrsholm. Franoes
Mclntlre, Alma Smith and Pnul Wads
worth, Chanter Dudley, Holland Baker,
Marus Peterson, Robert Organ, Robert
Bender, Dwlght Platner, Theodore Pile.
Homer Bherman and Donald Mayne.
Mr. Martin D. Hukea and Mtxs Marv
Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Edward
J. Pierce, 75 Fourth street, were married
Tueaday morning at St. Frances Xavler's
church, Rev. Father Smyth officiating. The
church was beautifully decorated with flow
ers and pslms. Miss Leona Pierce, sister
or tne orhie, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Pat
rick McHrtde acted as best man. The bride
was dulntlly gowned in white chiffon snd
carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The
bridesmaid wore pink mulls and carried
bride's roses. Following the ceremony -a
wedding breakfast was served at the bride's
hom : ',"? tVl",? 'tft duj;in ,h,e
afternoon for Lake OkoboJI, where they will
,pnd tnelr honeymoon. The groom is the
sun of Mr. Martin Hughes, the well known
contractor -.f this city, while the bride has
been a popular teacher In the city schools
Bnd j, a graduate of the Council Bluffs
High school. Mr.' snd Mrs. Hughes will, on
their return, take up tnelr residence in a
new home which the groom has Just com
pleted on rxmtn avenue.
Iowa News Botes.
EAGLE GROVE Frank Sheenbalr Is at
the head of a movement In Eagle Grove
looking to the erection of an opera house
In this city.
STATE CENTER-Attemntlng to board
a Ferris wheel at the carnival here, while
the wheel was in motion, Don Buck fell a
distance of forty feet to the ground and
was severely Injured.
TC1TOT.A Th, l.vMr.nM rhIM of J. K.
U.alh a t,a rh.p nt this nlui'O rnfelvrl fl
.Tlniiit enf In the fre from a. little hatchet
In the handa of a playmate. The cut ai
moat severed the upper lip and made a bad
gaBh' in the cheek.
ATLANTIC John Schllta. who was
stricken with hemorrhage of the lungs on
the train while enroute home to Connecti
cut from the west, and who was taken to
the hospital, has so far recovered as to be
able to continue his Journey and will leave
Sunday for his eastern home.
WATERLOO Two little girls. 10 ana 11
vesrs of are. were arrested here for shop-
nrrlnr. Thev had stuffed an umbrella and
the fronts of their waists full of articles
which they had picked up at variou stores.
Because of their youtu tnry were ii 011
with a lectur from tne mayor.
11IW1 F-AI.I.S A.rraiiHeinent are on
foot for a big meeting of Elk ef central
lowa in thla city the latter part of Au
gust -or the early part of September. The
gathering will be In the nature of a re
union Picnic, in which' in-- incniuvia vi
the order and women will participate.
ATLANTIC The city counoll has elected
Mr. Nichols of th Carroll electric light
works a city clerk, superintendent of the
lectrlo light and water worka plants, at
a aalary of 8109 per month. The oriloe has
been vacant lor two ween since mo mms
nation of John J. Rapp to take tli assist
ant postmasterahlp.
TiuiiH Horace Aiaen Miner, ai. a.
19u4. Oberlln, baa been elected director of
th Tthnr colleae - conservatory. Prol.
Miller is strongly endorsed Dy me iacuuy
at Oberlln. xle na nau several years
successful experience aa teacner ana ior
the last two years has been at Cornell
teaching organ, piano ana tneory. .
ATLANTIC The fourth annual chautau
ana association closed a successiui nine
days' meeting here Saturday night. Booker
l wasuington ana ur, rox were tue. is
vurites of the. meeting, the Washington day
crowd belli over S.bOO. Ther were more
campers-on th ground man on any pre
vious Oceanian, and special train were. run
on all. braxiches. . Tli meeting voted to
dlionnraiH the effort to take the Quarterly
temperance lesson out of the International
Lesson. Quarterly, the resolution condemn
ing th move in ma strongest terms.
ATLANTIC Tue Botaoa Valley Veterans
association has announced the speakers for
the .three days' reunion to be held here
I Auruit 2 to 24. which 1 expected to draw
I iu.ww peov" i " ""
I al Ih au An I n f 1 vi Fl naif sin
ties Included In the association. They are
man nf national rettutatlon. including Gen
oral J. B. Weaver. Congressman John F.
. Lacy, Colonel Charles A. Clark, commander
i of the Iowa department, Grand Army ot the
; Republic; Judge Horace Deemer, Colons!
George A. Newman, adjutant general of the
Iowa deoartment; .luuge c. wiwaiu anu
N. Boorman.
tnwi ipaLLS Yesterday was the big
seat day in point of attendance In the hla-
I attraction was Booker T. Washington, who
lory or me lowa .huu,uhu. xuo
was the principal speaker on the program
for the day, and every train entering the
citv ud to 2 o'clock In the afternoon
hrnuirht delesatlons from towns within
r.nim of thirty miles. It la estimated
that upward of 2.000 people listened to the
address of this leader of hi race on th
subject ot his work tor the advancement
of the colored race and hi work at the
Tuskegee scnooi.
Great Interest Created la Newspaper
Revelations of Condition la
Anstrlan Capital. '
VIENNA. Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to
Th Bee.) Th ensatlonal revelations of
the Illustrlertes Wiener Extrablatt regard
Ing the corruption In the Viennese po
lice are creating greet Interest. The story
Is almost Incredible, but the newspaper
declarea that it Is prepared to prove Its
The Extrablatt has made allegations re
s anting certain alleged dressmaking estab
llshments and the terrible treatment which
white girl slaves have to undergo until
they submit to every Infamy. Th mother
who Informed the Extrablatt, and thus
raised the outcry, wa able to ee ber
daughter, but only In the presence of sev
eral other persons. In these circumstances
the girl . dared not complain; but a few
day later she secured the services of
new servant, who had a letter to - the
mother. The mother complained, but with
out avail, and the assertion 1 that tlx
police protect such plaoe.
King; Peter' Government Will Give
Ip All Else te
BEIiORADE. Aug 4 tSpeclal Cablegram
tn Th Be.) It 1 stated her that BerVia
1 prepared to grant almost all Austria's
denianda regarding th custom tariff que.
Uon gnd that It will place orders In Austria.
Hungary to the amount of to.0n0.000. On the
other hand, Bervla demand that until th
definitive arrangement ef a commercial
treaty the rattle export to Austria shall
proced a usuaJ. '
The same gam Is now being repeated
by Scrvla a wa played om montbs ago
on the f rst outbreak 'cf the tariff war. J
Should Bervt' proposal be accepted in
Vienna thla would. In the first place, secure (
for Pervla a distinct msteria.1 success dur-
Ing the rattle exporting ason. Tbe ex
perience cf the isst few months a regards
Bervla are hardly calculated to encourage
trie Vienna government to accede to Ber
via's wishes without a further guarantee.
Celebration of Battle of Boyae Re
salts la Deelaratloa Against
Home Rat.
nt'BLlN. Aug. 4 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) At th celebration st Belfast
of the buttle cf the lloyn Mr. W. ft. H.
Lyons proposed the following resulutlou,
which was adopted, snd which shows that
the t'lster Orangemen are not as yet satis
fled with the present liberal government:
That we declare once more our settlel
determination to maintain the Integrity of
the legislative union and to oppose all at
tempts at disruption. 1 whether directly by
a measure of home rule or Indirectly by any
scheme of devolution. We regard the pres
ent government, though having neither
claimed nor received any mnnrfate from the
country In favor of home rule, as hostile
to the Interests of the loyalists of Ireland,
and we impress upon all unionists the ur
gent need of complete organisation to coun
teract the policy of a government pander
ing to and secretly In alliance with the
enemies of our country.
Memorial to One French Revela-
tlonlst Will Be Placed In
Keve Location.
PARIS, Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) A statue of Marat was set Up
In the Pare-de-Montsourls a number ' of
ears ago, whence it had to be removed
on account of the outcry raised by those
who have no admiration for the man who
played such a prominent part In the
reign of terror. The Psrls muncpal coun-
11 hss now decided that this hero of the
revolution Is to have a memorial raised to
him In the park of the Buttes-Chaumont.
Islander Will Spend Large Smn In
Developing; Rosd and Mines
- of Mnnchnrla.
TOKIO, Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) It Is reported that the govern
ment Intends to spend 100,(00,000 yen on
railway and colliery Improvements In
The line from Port Arthur to Chang
chun will be reconstructed to the standard
guage, then a new company will secure
200,000,000 yen In sharea, leaving lOO.OOO.OCO
to th public
Plaster t'nst on Jocko Comes Off
When HI Fellow Simian
Gets Hold.
Bill Fl i-ine (tan was sitting on the Ka
nawha' foc'ile head, waltng to hear the
dinner gong. He wondered what had be
come of Jacko, the companion of his woes
nd pleaeures, and then remembered that
Jacko had gone off in the company of the
second mat and the quartermaster. While
he wa wondering a little party marched
aboard, and presently Jacko hopped up
beside his playmate.
Jacko hopped because one of hi legs wa
In plaster. Some people would have called
It Jacko' left forearm, but Bill knew
better. It was a leg. all right, no matter
what ' Mr. Darwin may have thought.
"What" oh your leg?" says Flnnegan.
Lemur catta and all as he Is, Jscko can
tell a good monkey.- story. Ha told Bill
about the house. Just up th street from
th pier, to which he had been carried by
Second Mat Chapman and Quartermaster
Rush. 1
"Believe me. Bill," he began, "they
didn't have It all their own way. You
were downstairs when they collared me,
or else you'd have seen th struggle I put
up. But what esn one poor little 9-months-old
ring-tailed 8outh American monkey,
even if I do belong to one of the oldeat
families In the late empire, do when four
husky sailors grsb him and march away?
They've got couple of scratches to re
member me by, though, and I uess they're
not looking for the same job again.
"Well, they got me up there to that big
place, Bellevue. There was a lot of fifSs
Ing and a big man they called Holbrook
examined my leg.' The quartermaster told
him the lid of the' rope box fell on It.
Then a couple of other men In white coats
came In, with queer names, like Kem'pf and
MUbank, both doctors. They held What
they called a consultation over me.
"One of them, I noticed, turned up his
nose at treating a monkey, a he called
me, and 1 felt like reminding him who I
wa, and telling him why they call you
Flnnegan. But Mr. Rush whispered where
we rsme from snd told them I was the
particular pet of Henry H. Rogers. They
didn't believe It for a minute, but aa soon
s they found out I was from the Ka
nawha they showed me the most particular
"I didn't know whst was up; and when
thsy got to fooling with my leg and telling
one another thst the shoulder bone wss
broken and would have to be set I got
sort of nervous. Tou would yourself,
Bill scratched hi back meditatively and
looked very solemn. "Qa on," he said.
"Well. t wa no use fighting, though I
did my best. Thsy held m down and put
ome queer ort of a thing over my head
that made me dlny and sick. But it was
worth It, Bill. I'd almost like to go through
It all -over again for what happened then.
Bay, Bill, you remember when we were kids
down by the Orinoco? And how we used to
play In the rubber trees and down in the
cocoanut grove?"
Bill Flnnegan remembered.
"Well, aay. It ail cam back to me then.
I thought I waa down there again and run
ning swinging races with you. And all
through tit air there seemed to be floating
the queerest kind of Jungle music, not a bit
like that In ine saloon downstairs. Great
peanuts, but it was grand! I wonder how
they did that to me. I'd go back tonight
If I thought they'd do it again. Anyway,
they Axed me up without my knowing It,
for you can bet two orange I'd never have
let them strap me thla way If I hadn't been
dreaming of home. And when I woke up
they carried m down here again, and here
I am again. Bill, but tied up like one of
those kid we saw aboard after th
"What that thing f6r?" asked Bill, pick
ing at the bandages.
"I don't know, but it feel awful queer.
Like a If I had a stone leg."
"Let's feel t." murmured Bill, and with
a couple ot sharp tugs he laid bar th
plaster of pari cast. ,
"You'd better not keep that on there," he
remarked sagely. "It'll make your leg
"Holy coroanuts, you don't mean that?"
queried Jacku anxiously.
"I saw a man like that one. He wa ip
bed, with a white thing on hi head, and
when h took it off h hadn't a hair left,"
went on the unromfortlng Bill.
"Take it off. Bill, take it off! Don't stand
there chattering like a man. Pull It off!
D'you tklnk I wsnt to have no hair on my
And between, - then they pulled off th
j bandas. stripped oft tb jlatr and left
( $4f This is
Most famous of all Artists in Peri
and Ink, whose pictures have
made him rich. '
Wouldn't you like to draw. as
well as Gibson ?
Probably you never can, but
perhaps - ,: :1
can start
It contains a Series of Instruct
tive Articles on "Pen and Ink
Drawing," each article supplement
ed by A DRAWING BY y
This Picture Size 10 x 15 inclics, - -
. , . I - e . V V.
' '.VI ' i .1- '
Printed on heavy art paper, each
on a separate sheet, in black upon
tinted background,
with every copy of
' .-, '"''-.
: .- i
Jacko wl(h the dangling foreleg aa before.
But he hopped around merrily acain, c Mat
tering with Bill Klntiesan, and rushing up
to the aecond mate every now and then to
how him that monkey belonging to
Henry H. Ilogers, and caught by lila son at
the mouth of the Orinoco, has some rights
to personal llberty New York Bun.--
Pointed Harasrra phs.
If you "snore the pleasure is all yours.
Few tips come to the waiter who sits
down and waits.
Riches may have wings, but poverty la
seldom a Quitter.
Those wliu are fund of harmony have no
use for chin music.
Many a man loses out in trying to take
a short cut to success.
But the man who lives upright Is apt to
die In a horizontal position.
Why doesn't the stage use Its own wings
In an attempt to elevate itself?
Falling In love doesn't nmke a man fool
ish unless he hus other weak spots.
A woman, a a rule, has more patience
with her children than with her husband.
When tb pure-food law gets It wotk
In H won't seem like the m old frv
Kotiuog make a man tel mors liupui-
vou right.
Bv Permission COLITIS'S WttaXl
' Copyright lOSvF.'gCeluaf 4 .
t ft '" ':
1 '
tant than hi ability, ton answer fh. suss
Hons of a small boy. - - (',
And sometimes a woman'' -cal1if ;)ov
grows cold because of til Inability loi hand
out the cold, cash. . . . '
l'reuuently'a would-be optimise degener.
au-s into a pessimist . because of blc In
ability 'to diagnose a bad' caa of b!1lous
'. ... i.,; r-f : '
Music 1 ald lo hsv charm Jo sooth
the savage breast, "but- some musjo Is cal
culated to render tbe . peaceful tuAt
savage. Chicago New. , ,
Rye Glasses (er tntteHag.
Her 1 another discovery. Eysglasaee
are recommended for those who tuttr.
It Is stated that an Improvement tn the
vision bring an improvement q tn
speech. Perhaps somebody will next find
out that an added refinement In tb sens
of smell will benefit tb sens of hearing.
At the same time this eyeglas idea may
be a good thing, and every young mat,
for instance, who mean to ask tl
adored one to "m -m-marry m-ra-ms"
shouldn't fall to ' assure a alr of eye
glasses! br evert two, before putting the
faieiul question. -Cleveland ruin Deals!
11 U