Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Audit? Oamll Ofwi After Both Old Lln
and the Internal.
WUt Aaaoaaee ifcat tii
It Cleestsnstaaees Will H Aept
Dsssseratle Waeslaattoa far
(From a Staff Correspondtnt.)
tES MOINES. Ia.. Aug. 4.-Speclal
Telegram.) In his annual life Insurance re
port mad to th legislature and died with
Governor Cummins today Auditor B. F.
Carroll make the moat radical recom
rnandaUons for Ufa liumrance legislation
and ntntfwifint that haa ever been made
officially In thla Mate. He reports that an
Investigation haa disclosed that fraternal
1 companies are making Investments all the
I way from the forest lands of Washington
' and Oregon to the stock In the Trsnsslbe.
' rlao railway . of Russia and China. He
states that he found the Dee Moines Life
' Insurance company baa Invested to the ex
tent of $120,521.60 In land In the Boise val
ley in Idaho and Included In the desert
land act of congress, the value of which
depended on im being Irrigated. That It
has not baen Irrigated yet and hence on
his orders the company has called In the
i Joan. Though the loan did not make the
company Insolvent It Is given by the
auditor as a sample of reckless Invest
ment. Ths report recommends that the deferred
dividend be abolished by law, as most of
th evils In Insurance are to be traced to
that practice.
Auditor Carroll states that fraternal and
assessment company rates are entirely In
adequate and recommends that legislation
be enacted prohibiting further companies
being formed unless on rates that are much
higher, and says that many companies or
gantsed In the past have been purely as
speculations and to furnish positions for
Uia officers. He states "experience has suf
flclently demonstrated the fact thnt fr'
ternals cannot of themselves be depended
ttpon to reorganise and bring about condl
iions that can be looked upon and regarded
as permanent."
The auditor points to the fact that eigh
teen assessment companies have been or
ganised In the state and only four remain,
the others having reinsured or failed. Dur
ing ths year ending December 81. 1906. the
life Insurance business has increased from
871,0110,000 Insurance In force to 8S2.000.ono;
premium receipts Increased over previous
years from 82.s00.000 to 82.800,000; admitted
assets from a little under M.OOO.noo to over
89,000,000; amount paid policyholders from
8810,000 to 8803.000, thess figures being for
Iowa companies.
The report recommends a standard form
of policy and that companies be prohibited
from using any other form without first
submitting It to the governor, attorney gen
eral and auditor, and recommends that
proxies be prohibited.
Wade Oat af the Rare.
. Judge M. J. Wade, lata congressman from
the Second congressional district. In an
Interview In Iowa City today stated that
tinder no conditions would he accept the
nomination for governor on the democratic
ticket at the convention In Waterloo next
Tuesday This Is taken as eliminating
Judge Wade from all possibility as a candi
date for that office. During the last few
days there has been a revival of discussion
of Clsuda Porter of Centervllle as a guber
natorial possibility on that ticket. It Is
understood that he Is the choice of Hon.
Jerry B. Bulllvan, the" last candidate on
'ha democratic ticket for governor. John
D. Dennlson, Jr., of Dubuque, Mayor Ball
of ' lows City ad Claude R. Porter of
Centervllle are thus left as practically the
only candidates In the field for the posi
tion. Below that of governor the other
positions to be named on the ticket have
bean. little discussed, either in the papers
or by th politicians.
tatted States Senator Deleg-atrs.
Governor Cummins has named the fol
lowing as the delegates from Iowa to at
tend the convention of delegates from all
th ststes to further the movement to
amend the constitution of the United
States so as to provide for a vote direct
on"' United States senators: Ex-Oovemor
William Lsrrsbee, of Clermont; Thomas D.
Healy, of Fort Dodge; Senator Lester W.
1 Lewis,' of Clarlnda; Jerry B. Sullivan, of
1 Pes Moines; Walter H. Dewey, of Charl
V ton.. The last two are democrats and
' it is understood are favorable to the prop
osition though th resolution passed by
th legislature last winter does not pro
vide ' that democrats must be repre
sented on th delegation. The first three
named are republicans. The convention
baa been called to meet in this city Sep
tember 8 In th hall of th house of rep
resentstlves. Senator Lewis of Clarlnda
was th originator of the resolution which
he offered In the senate and labored dil
igently to get pased.
Rothert Rrapnolated.
Superintendent Henry R. Rothert has
bean reappointed by the 8tat Board of
Control for another term of four years as
superintendent of the school for the deaf
at Council Bluffs. He has held th position
for many years.
Too Maay Pigs.
Thar ar applications thus far for 1.S64
pans for th exhibition of a win In that
department at th state fair this year and
there ar just 1.292 pens available and no
additional ground on which others can be
built. This condition of affairs Is causing
Filatov 11
... . - W., ..1. 11 1 Cookins-.Ready to Est
strengthening and so easy to digct. MalU- ita
is rich in maltose.
Get some Malta-Vita today. Eat it with milk or
cream or fresh fruit. You never tasted anything
quit so good. Always ready to eat. No cooking.
AD Crocer. Now 10 Cents.
some Inconvenience to the swine breeders
of ths west. Arrangements are being msde
for additional ground, but It will not be
available for this year's fair.
Th horse and cattle entries closed this
week and th Indications are that the bams
wilt be more than filled, but this can be
taken care of by erecting tents, which
will be dons.
Assessment Is foncladed.
The executive council has concluded th
work of making the railroad assessment
and the clerks of the executive council's
office are now busy at work tabulating
th results. It will not be known till proba
bly Monday what the total Increase In this
year's assessment has been. It will then
be certified to the county auditors.
Haadred aad Thirty-Five Miles of
Laterals to Re Constructed for
the Interstate Canal.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 4 (Special Tele
gram.) A board of conaulting engineers
of th United States reclamation service
recently convened at Mitchell, Neb., to
open bids for the first contract for the
lateral system of the Interstate canal. The
lowest bid was that of J. W. McNeel of
Morrill. Neb., at 822.RBO. The contract calls
for the construction of 136 miles of dis
tributing ditches. Involving 730.000 cubic
yards of earth work and ll.OOO cubic yards
of rock work, for the Irrigation of lands
In the North Platte valley In western Ne
braska. Lewis A. Andrus has been appointed post
master at Lanes bo ro, Carroll county. Ia.,
vice C. H. Peters, removed.
Rural carriers appointed for lows routes:
Independence, route 8, Thomas D. Hill,
carrier; David Crown, substitute. Ladora,
route 1, Charles H. Hawkins, carrier; Mary
A. Hawkins, substitute. Oskaloosa. route
2, Harry E. Anderson, carrier; Richard
Mastellar, substitute.
Steamer Whitehall, Declared Menace
to Health of All Ports, Is
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. . The steamer
Whitehall, from Colon, was today de
clared a menace to the health of all ports
and orders were given by the State
Board of Health to hold It Indefinitely at
the Mississippi river quarantine station.
The Whitehall has on of the worst fever
epidemics on shipboard In the records of
tropical shipping, having arrived here two
days ago with an outbreak of chagrea
With the death today of the steamer's
second officer three of Its complement of
twenty-one men have already died and
sixteen others are in the hospital. Quar
antine officials say that when the White
hall entered the Mississippi river, with
scarcely enough well men to run it, so
great was the amount of dirt and swarms
of files on Its decks that the nerves of
experienced physicians were shaken as they
boarded It. The steamer will not be per
mitted to com to New Orleans, under
today's orders, even after the fever Is
Two Persons Killed aad Two Score
Injured by Smashnp Near
Vermilion, O.
VERMILION. O., Aug. 4.-In a headon
collision between two passenger cars on
the Lake Shore Electric road thla after
noon two persons were killed outright,
six were fatally injured, while two score
more were Injured, several seriously. The
westbound West Chore electric limited
crashed Into the regular No. 12 eastbound
three miles west of here and the limited
was telescoped more than half way through
Its length by the westbound car. Both
were running at a high rate of speed and
the two cars met at a curve. About eighty
1 persons comprised the passenger list of th
two cars. The collision Is said to have
been caused by a misunderstanding of or
ders. The Injured were removed to a hos
pital In Lorain.
Th dead:
VV. D. MOODY. Beach Park. O.. motor-
man on limited.
FRED SMILEY. 22, of Lima, O.
Fatally Injured:
James Terrlck, Milan. O.
Himor at Fort Riley that Roose
velt Will Visit th
Casn a.
FORT RILEY, Kan.. Aug. 4.-(Bpeclal.)
An unofficial announcement is made here
that President Roosevelt will come west
and visit the camp of Instruction this sum
mer. While there Is no authoritative con
firmation of the report, it haa occasioned
surprise and much Interest. It Is generally
supposed that If th president comes at all
he will be here during the present month.
The arrival of the Nebraska mllltla today,
swelled the number of men In camp to
nearly 7,000.
tenth Dakota Corn Is Safe.
PIERRE. S. D.. Aug. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) A general rain, with over two
Inches of precipitation, visited this section
of the state last night and makes certain
a fine crop of corn.
Wabash to Float Bonds.
NEW YORK. Aug 4 Wlnslow 8. Pierce
of the law firm of Pierce and Green, which
Malta-Vita, a healthful and delicious
food all the year 'round, ia the ideal
Summer food because it gives the body
all the nourishment it requires and
does not give the stomach a lot of hard
work to do. You shouldn't ask your
stomach to do much hard work at
any time.
Malt-Vita it a pure grain product,
imply the finest whole white wheat,
thoroughly cooked and matured, mixed
with pure barley malt extract, tl.en
rolled into little wafer Hakes and baked
crisp and brown. The malt extract
makes all the valuable food elements
of the wheat easy to digest by turning
the starch of the wheat into maltose,
or malt sugar. Physicians everywhere
recommend maltose because it is so
has In charge negotiations looking to the
creation of a new bond Issue of lim.nno.niio
for the Wahaah ralli-nad. sailed for Europe i
todar on the steamship St. Ixiuls. It was '
reported that Mr. Pierce will endeavor to
get Kuopean nnanciers in im a portion
of th bonds, but he decl'ned to have any
thing to say In this direction.
allors of Fear Ukc States Will
t'alte In a Practice
CHICAGO, Aug. 4. The naval reserves of
the states of Illinois. Ohio. Michigan and
Minnesota will make a cruise together, bo- j
ginning today. j
In this cruise, which was suggested by j
Captain W. F. Purdy, commanding the 1111- i
nols naval reserves, and which was heartily
approved Dy the Navy department In
Washington, the sea forces of Illinois will
be represented by a division of men on
board the cruler Dorethea. Ohio will send
two vessels the Essex and the Hawk
manned by seamen from Cleveland and To
ledo, respectively. Michigan will bring to
the rendexvous the former gunboat Tantio,
which, like the Essex, has made many a
distant cruise In the regular navy. From
Minnesota comes the Gopher, formerly
born on the navy register as the Fein,
which will be maned by the naval reserves
hailing from Duluth.
Relations Between France and
Turkey Strained Because of the
African Principality.
PARIS, Aug. 4. Btralned relations have
arisen between France and Turkey over
the frontier of Tripoli, adjacent to the
French Sahara. Turkish troops recently
occupied the disputed territory on the
ground of Turkey's sovereignty over
Tripoli. France's protest was ineffective,
the Turkish ambassador her today receiv
ing Instructions to maintain the Turkish
The officials here do not expect he affair
to assume serious dimensions, although the
attitude of both sides momentarily Is very
firm. Turkey's activity is interpreted as
being further evidence of Mussulman op
position to European preponderance In
North Africa.
Secretary of Agriculture Finds East
ern Packing Houses In Fairly
Good Condition.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. Secretary Wil
son returned to the Department of Agricul
ture today after visits to Philadelphia,
Jersey City and New York, where he In
spected slaughtering and packing houses.
"On the whole," said the secretary,
"conditions In the packing houses in the
three cities named were good."
The trip Just ended is but one of a num
ber which the secretary will make.
Fire Destroys Old Hotel.
AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 4. (Special.)
Fire completely destroyed the Missouri
Pacific hotel yesterday afternoon, the lo-s
amounting to about 14,000, partly covered
by Insurance. The lire Is supposed to
have been caused by a lamp left lighted
by a young woman curling her hair. When
discovered It had made conslderabl ;
progress. This removes an old landmark,
which for years has been the Missouri
Pacific eating house, stops being made
here by trains for meals. The hotel did
an excellent business and will be rebuilt,
a two-story brick going, up In place of
th old frame building. Meals arc now
being served from two small adjoining
buildings and a temporary eating hall
will be constructed at once to accommo
date the traveling public until this build
ing Is completed.
France Enters Denial.
PARIS, Aug. 4. An official denial was
published today to the report from San
Francisco that France was abandoning its
official and military establishments on the
Island of Tahlta, preliminary to ceding the
island to Great Britain.
South Dakota Brevities.
SIOUX FALLS Few Indians In the
United States are in better financial condi
tion than the several hundred Indian.
who compose what Is known as the Yank
ton Sioux tribe, snd who reside In Charles
Mix county. During the past twelve
months R. J. Taylor. United States Indian
agent in cnarge or tnese Indians, has paid
to them In round numbers the sum of
tiw.uiu, mis smount being the proceeds of
the sale of their Inherited lands. On July
i mese inaians n.a in various national
nanus me aggregate sum of J311.310.12,
which was derived from the sale of In
herited lands.
BIOUX FALLS One of the hardest nroh.
lems for the government In its dealings
wun me inaians or noum Dakota la to
prevent them giving away as presents all
meir moveaoie property, in accordance with
an old custom. Recently a number of
Omaha Indians from Nebraska visited the
Bloux Indians on the Cheyenne River
reservation In South Dakota. When the
visitors departed for their homes they
iook wun mem iweniy-one neaa or norses.
two new buggies, harness, and numerous
other articles, which had been presented
to them In violation of the strict orders of
the Indan bureau at Washington.
At the BIJoo.
"Dog" acts, as they are commonly known
are perhaps common to most theatergoers,
but in the offering of Madame Emmy and
her trained pets at the HIJou theater thla
week, beginning mis evening, a spectacu
larly excellent attraction Is promised. Al
in entertainment in the rorm or yodeutng
y the two Hlrshhorns, lately featured on
the big vaudeville circuits, will be no small
item In the musical entertainment, whllo
Wllllan H. Dindom, composer, singer and
actor, will offer a brand new assortment
of catchy airs, guaranteed to make anyone
whistle. Pauline Courtney will render two
new ones this week In "The Oood Old V. 8.
A." and "Starlight." Winter and Sum
mers fantastically dubbed "the Two Sea
sons," sppear in an act which has been
loudly commended In the east. The Bliou
Stork company will present "Barbara, a
one-act play. The moving pictures, giving
"The Acrobatic Burglare." are a feature of
the evening, while the little summer garden
opening from the theater will offer Ita usual
Marriage Licenses.
Ths following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
Jay Frlnk. Omaha 27
Laura Torgerson. Omaha 21
John A. Brubaker, Omaha 44
Florence May Benedict, Omaha 47
Jason Toung, with Itlack the hatter, has
gone to Chicago (or two weeks.
Mlis Kate Keating, Laurentta Keating
and Agnes O'Nell will leave Thursday for
a visit In Denver.
Lucius Pryor. with the A. Hospe conipiny,
snd Frank Newlean have gone to Lake Ge
neva, Wis., (or two weeks.
Charles Beaton of the Beaton Drug com
pany, and Ross Towle have gone on a two
weeks' fishing trip at Iake Madison, Minn.
Judge 8utton will speak In the church at
Waterloo Sunday on the workings of the
Juvenile law. He Is spending his vacation
on a farm near there.
Dr. E. Ilolovtchlner will leave Monday
(or Duluth. Minn., whence he will take the
lake trip to Montreal, Canada, where he will
attend the fraternal congress. He will be
away about two weeks.
Th meeting of colored voters, which
was to have been held last evening at
Fraternal hall, was postponed until Monday
evening, at (he same place.
Charged with conducting a disorderly
house at 724 South Thirteenth street. Oeorge
Brown wss arrested early this morning.
Detectives Maloney, Da via and Home con
ducted the raid and arrested three women
and sis men, all Inmates al lb Una.
"Ve are grateful to our many customers of the past week for their patronage in the disturbed condition of our store
rebuilding operations. "NYe promise when present changes are completed a more convenient and a much more attractive
store to visit. Meantime we will deserve your business by marvelously low prices on dependable merchandise.
Monday we will artually slaughter the prices on WASH GOODS. Everything on otir counter absolutely without reserv
consisting of the finest fabrics carried by us foreign Importations and the best of domestic cloth some of it and
some of linen Krrt variety of color and pattern and worth from 13c to BOc a yard, at, per yard
We will also place on sale a line
of embroidered llnena In white,
blue, pink and green grounds
also dainty white ground em
broidered mull, at, yard, 35c.
On Monday an unrestricted
choice of all of our hand embroid
ered linen semi-made robes, some
sold aa high as 3B our price,
each, $10.00.
BASKMEN'T We didn't expect
to be so torn up on this floor, but
we've had to crowd to give the
workmen space, hence we must
sell a lot of staple stuff.
About 40 pieces of yard wide
bleached muslin, which should
sell for 10c, at Wf.
A lot of Cretonnes and Rllko
lines that were 10c and 12 4c,
for 7 lie
32-inch White Shrunk Cotton
for suits, was 15c, for 9 H re
selling a lot of 12 Vic Ginghams
and Seersuckers for 94c
Selling all our 12 He Outing
Flannels for 9 14 c.
Yard wide embroidered Flannel
clearing up stock of various
prices, at 59c.
Cutting the prices on Work
Baskets, Waste Baskets and Fancy
A few Hammocks Children's,
that were $1.00, now 50c.
Four larger Hammocks that
were $6 and $6.50. each. $3.98.
Others at 09c and 98c each.
Beginning Monday at 8 a. m. and continuing all the week -lots of
Ed Reeves Is having a residence built on
his lots In the south part of town.
Henry Anderson and famllv were vlslttne-
friends at Irvlneton. Neb., one dav last
Mrs. Jnmes Thompson of Burlington. Ia..
spent last week with the family of Dan
Dr. Henry Ahbott of Omaha was a busi
ness visitor here this week looking after
a location for a factory.
Mrs. Market of Kansas City, Mo., spent
couple days here this week, the guest
of Mrs. K. C. Holbrook.
C. 1.. Hatfield of Qllmore. Ia.. was here
this week for a couple days' visit with the
family of E. E. Qabrlelson.
Miss Clara Tbylor returned Monday from
a week s visit wltn ner aunt, Mrs. Will
lam Simpson, who lives at Benson, Neb.
Carl Feldhusen was the only Florence
man going to the Shoshone country to
register. He a'as gone nve days, ana is
fairly well pleased with the country.
The Misses Rica and Sophia Muellch ot
Schuyler, Neb., were visiting their aunt.
Mrs. M. J. Uleason, Saturday ana ounaay,
returning to their home Sunday night.
Mrs. Abbott of Sulphur Springs, Ark., is
spending a few days here visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. E. C. Holbreck. Mrs. Abbott has
charge of one of the Market hotels at Sul
phur springs.
R. H. Ingalls of Harrlsburg, Neb., was
here one day thla week visiting with Dr.
Aker. Mr. Ingalls Is looking around (or
some property and will probably buy some
land in this vicinity.
Mr, B P. Hills and children arrived
Rarurrinv from Salt Lake City. Utah, and
will spend several weeKS nere vimiing iier
parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Edgar roweu, ai
their home, Clover J.eai riace.
Frank P. Brown and John 8. Paul
have been on the sick list the past week.
Mr. Brown was laid up In bed for three
days. Mr. Paul was able to get around
but In a very weak condition.
Herman Smith returned from Long Pine,
Neb., Tuesday, where he has been the
past three weeks on the ranch. Mr. and
Sirs. Jasper Srrlth. his psrents, have made
their home there, taking up a homestead.
The county commissioners msde a trip
over the western road from Florence in
and around the new Brandels possessions,
when tney were out here last week, it Is
very lllnly a road will be opened up
directly west from Florence on the north
side of Forest Lawn cemetery.
J. B. Denton, proprietor of the Florence
(erry, haa been sick (or several days. His
asHlstants have been taking care o( ths
ferryboat and are kept buay most o( the
time. The (erry Is proving to be popular
and ia being used to quite an extent. There
will be a bridge across Pigeon creek In a
couple more weeks. Thla will give a much
shorter road to the (erry.
Florence real estate has been in demand
the last couple of weeks. Several trans
fers of property have been made. People
are getting Interested In the surrounding.
The transfers have been in most part by
home people. The Odd Fellows' lodge pur
phased a lot from the De iand estate.
George Slert of the Florence drug store pur
chased from Mr. Feldmausen a fine resi
dence lot on Bluff street.
Th grading for the new sidewalks wss
let to William Taylor at the meeting; of the
council Saturday night. .There are several
hundred yards to move. John Grant ot
Omaha was awarded the 'contract (or the
laving ot the artificial stone walks, o( which
there will be about sixteen blocks to go
rinwn nn Mnln. Harrison and Fifth streets.
This will give a continuous walk from the
north part of town to tne roresi uo ceiu
etery road.
The Florence canning factory is com
pleted. The machinery was started up
Thursday morning by the man In charge
(or the Hastings Industrial company, Mr.
M. D. Stanley. The- machinery was run a
couple o( hours and (ound to be satisfac
tory by the building committee. W. A.
Saunders. W. B. Parks and W. R. Wall.
In a couple of weeks the factory will b
running. The pack for this year will not
be extra heavy, on aocount of the late
ness In getting started, but there Is quite
a crop of tomatoes and corn in the vicinity
of Florence.
West Ambler.
Mrs. Daley of West Dodge street visited
relatives and friends In West Side th
past week.
Henry Powers and wife from near Flor
ence were West Ambler visitors ths first
ot the wek.
Westsidera are happy over the turning
on of the new electric lights on Center
street Wednesday night.
Mrs. Theodora Smith and her mother.
Mrs. Furman, returned last week from
their extended visit In Illinois.
Miss Myrtle Blake returned (rom Glen
wood. Ia.. Monday evening, where ah was
visiting friends and attending the Chautau
qua. Charles Henderson, wife snd little son,
Arnold, of Sioux City, arrived Saturday
for a (ew weeks' visit at the paternal
Marion Faverty, Jr., is working (or Mr.
Henry Powers on his fruit farm near the
Horence boulevaid on North Twenty-fourtlt
Mrs. Will Todd and children, who have
been the guests of their sisters. Mrs.
Getty and Mrs. Byas. leave this week for
their home at Burwell, Neb.
Roscoe Bonewits leaves on Monday of
this week with a car of supplies (or th
I'nlon Pacific Railway company for Green
River. Wyo. He will be gone about three
Minus Pitman was seriously Injured Sat.
urday afternoon while unloading lumber
from a csr ut the new lumber yard on
Forty-fifth and Dodge streets. He was
CfcUfc-bt underneath liiing lumber and had
Just to close out a lot of chil
dren's vests le a piece. .
Final re-arrangement of lots In
Union Suits grentest values ever.
BOc and 76c Lisle Suits, 3c.
$1 and $1.25 Lisle Suits, OOc.
$1.60 and $2 Lisle Suits, 08c.
10c Vests, flc.
19c Vests, 15c.
25c Vests, 10c.
35c Vesta, 2.1c.
60c Vests, 37c.
$1.00 Vests. 30c.
25c Pants, 10c.
60c Pants, 30c.
$1.00 Pants, 60c.
All wide lace trimming.
2.V will Include 50c qualities.
SOc will Include $1.00 qualities.
No more when these lots are
36c Shirts and Drawers,
each, 17c.
60c Shirts
each, 3Bc.
and Drawers, at,
In one lot $1.00 quality Lisle
Shirts and Drawers and $1.00
quality Union Suits, at KOc.
There are a few left of those
madras Shirts at 25c. $1.00 lines
reduced to BOc, but the lot that is
attractive to men is the one at
Oftc, comprlslnE'$T!50 best makes
of negligee ami $2 soft collar mo
hair and mercerized shirts.
his right arm fractured and spine badly
bruised and Injured. He Is recovering very
Mrs. J. E. Aughe entertained her sunt.
Mrs. Wright Rice and mother, Mrs. Crane
of Dlxnn, Neb., from Mondny until Tties
dny. They were on their way from Min
neapolis, Kan.
Mr. C. E. White and family will soon
remove (rom their present home on Georgia
avenue to their tine new mansion on
Florence boulevard. Mrs. White Is a
daughter of Mrs. J. Bor.ewits.
Miss Anna Hlgely visited (riends In the
Bluffs on Thursday. She will return to her
home In Bentonville, Ark., soon, having
spent the summer with her father here
(or the benefit of her health.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ambler entertained the
Rebekah lodge at their fine home In Eck
erman Wednesday evening. Their spacious
lawn was brilliantly lighted with Japanese
lanterns. Ice cream and cake was served
to a large number.
Rev. R. M. Henderson and wife were
made glad this week by the arrival of
their daughter, Mrs. W. Hoffman, son and
daughter of Norfolk, and together with
their other daughters, Mrs. Nelson Pratt
of this city and Mrs. M. Emory and daugh
ter, Ethel, of New Jersey, and son Charles
snd wife snd son of Sioux City, are en
Joying the first family reunion for several i
The newly remodelled home of Mr. snd
Mrs. J. E. Aughe was the scene o( social
Joy on Monday evening, July 30, when
sixty of their (riends composing the Ladies
Aid snd (amllles, several members o( Phil
Kearney Grand Army ot the Reoubllc and
Woman's Relief corps with Rev. J. B.
Priest nnd family of Seward street united
In "tinning'' Mr. and Mrs. Aughe, it being
their tenth wedding anniversary.
The Indies' Aid society met at the home
o( Mrs. J. Benewltx on Thursday and
quilted a large quilt for Mrs. Covender.
An elegant chicken dinner was served hv
the aged hostess, assisting her were
Mesdames Shandy, Henderson and Bone
wits. There were twenty-three present
The following resolution was read and
ndnpted: "Be It resolved, that we, the
Ladles Aid and residents of Southwest
Methodist Eplrcopal church, do hereby re
quest the bishop snd presiding elder st
the snnual conference at Central Cltv In
September for the return of our beloved
pastor. Rev. W. D. Stambaugh, to this
charge for another year." The next meet
ing of the Ladies' Aid will be held at
Hansrom park (or their annual picnic.
Everybody come. August t.
Mrs. W. H. Leochner has returned (rom
a visit In Ashland.
Swedish Lutheran services at the town
hall today at S o'clock.
Charles Sprague has returned (rom a
few days' visit In Fremont.
John Hansen, who died last week, was
burled at Sprlngwell cemetery.
Rev. John Crews of Tekamah, was a
visitor in Benson last Friday.
Miss Helen Howard haa gone to
Clarion, Ia.
The regular meeting of the fire depart
ment will be held Monday evening.
English Lutheran services at town hall
today at 11, Sunday school at 10.
Miss Alta Thomas has returned from a
six weeks' visit with (riends In the east.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grove have returned
(rom a short visit In Kansas City, Mo.
S. N. Keenan and family will soon move
to Thedford, Neb., where they will reside.
Regular services at 9 o'clock at St. Ber
nard s church today, by Father .McCarthy.
Miss Lena Washburn has returned from
a two weeks' visit with relatives In Schuy
ler. Presbyterian services at the Odd Fellows
hall today at S o'clock, Sunday school at
E. P. O'Conner returned last Sunday j
from the west with a dislocated shoulder
i bone.
Mrs. O. R.
a few days'
Williams has returned (rom
visit with her daughter In
Mrs. J. M. Lsidy left last Saturday for
a two weeks' visit with her parents in
Peoria. 111.
Emma and Tilda Peterson have gone to
Julesburg, Colo., where they win visit
with their sister.
Bertha and Mildred Barnes have gone
to Washington, Neb., where they will visit
among relatives.
Waller Congdon left on Saturday for a
pleasure trip through the west, and to
the Pacific coast.
Mrs. Charles Hesse came out from Omaha
to visit before leaving for her future home
In Spokane, Wash.
The Epworth League" gave an ice cream
lawn social on Wednesday evening, which
was well attended.
Mr. and Mr. James Howard enter
tained a number of their Omaha friends at
dinnei on Wednesday.
Harold Peterson received a bad cut In
his face last week by running, sccidentally, !
into a barb-wire fence. ;
Mrs. Huff and grand children have re- '
turned home from a visit to relatives
near Plattamouth, Neb.
Mrs. J. E. Frederick and son left last
Tuesday for Denver, where they will vis.t
boiii time with relatives.
Mrs. Van Sickle of Fort Dodge, Ia., was
the guest of her cousin, Mrs. r . M. Cong
don, during the past week. '
Mr. John Camlnxend and family wish to
thank sll kind friends (or the sympathy
shown in their late bereavement. I
at 11
Methodist church services today
a. m. and i p. m., Sunday school
a. m.; Epworth League at 7 p. m.
Mrs. G. R. Williams entertained during
the week Mrs. Dr. Knode of Omaha and
Dr. and Mra Williams of Wayne.
Mrs. Alice Hawkins has gone on a six
months' trip through the west. She will
spend part of the time In California.
The Honor lodge ot Benson will give sn
Ice cream social snd dance at the Odd
Fellows' hall on Wednesday evening.
R, li. Kirkp trick returned last week
Unpecedenled prlcine; In our In
dies' garment department. We
never have made such offers. We
never heard of them being made
All white lawn and lingerie lace
and embroidery trimmed Waist,
worth up to $2.60, for 7.V.
All white lawn and lingerie Ince
and embroidery trimmed Waists,
worth up to $5.00, at $1.50.
Entire stock of White Suits,
shirt waist and Jacket styles, sheer
muslin and heavy linen trimmed
and plain, without reserve.
All suits that sold up to $15.00,
for $2.50.
All suits that sold up to $25.00,
for 5.00.
White linen and heavy shrunk
Jackets, worth up to $6.60 one
lot each. x
Kimonos, long or short, no
favorites, all must go, each, BCc.
Muslin Underwear Our rpu
lar prices make bargains In this
stock. These extra special for
Ombrlc Drawers with tucked
or hemstitched lawn ruffles, were
Children's Drawers, all Blzes,
fine muslin, with groups of tucks,
v c ?0p, now, pair, lOc.
Another style, made of cambric,
hemstitched ruffle, sold up to 30c,
now 15c.
Ladles' embroidery trimmed
skirts, were $1.25, now 98c.
Ladles' White Cambric Skirts,
with deep embroidep- flounce,
were $2.25, now $1.40.
from G!onwood, Ia., where he wis called
by the sickness and death o( his brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Blomhurg entertained at
dinner last week In honor o( their daughter.
Covers were Inld (or about twenty guests.
Mr. Emll Sick entertained at his home
last Sunday in honor of his birthday an
niversary, a number of his Benson friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith entertained
nt luncheon last week Mr. and Mrs. Featli
erstone of Omaha-and Mr. and Mrs. Soud
crs of Benson.
Members of the Veterans' association
surprised Mrs. Tom Tull with a basket
party at her home last Friday. A pleas
ant time was spent.
Mrs. James Walsh entertained during
the week. Mrs. B. B. Hopper and son,
Mrs. Decker, of Elkhorn. Miss Parrote
and Mrs. Crews o( Omaha.
The Boys' Gymnasium club will meet at
the home o( Charles Johnson next Thurs
day evening. The afTalr will be a water
melon social (or the members.
The marriage banns o( Miss Frances
O'Connor o( Benson and Mr. John Cal
kins of Omaha, were re-ad, the first time,
at St. Bernard's church, last Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Loechner entertained during
the week Mr. and Mrs. Senger of Chicago,
Miss Brush, Dr. Bruenlng and Miss Buell
or umana ana Mrs. Crane of Joplln. Mo.
A sweet pea prise competition was held
at McCoy's drug store Friday afternoon, a
beautiful display being made. Mrs. Zwelful
Mtss Wedge and Ward Walsh acted as
Judges. Those receiving prises were: Ma
mie Hansen, Anna Christianson and Marg
ory Yarton.
Mrs. Wallace of VUllsca, Ia., Is the guest
of Mrs. Porter.
Miss Lawson of Columbia, Mo.. Is the
guest of Mrs. J. H. Parrotte.
Mrs. William R. Lltthton nnd children are
out of town for a few weeks.
S. R. Rush Is at home again after a
We wish to announce
that are ready to enter orders for 1907 Models of the
Stoddard Dayton and the Pope Waverly Automobiles. The
Stoddard Dayton has proven to be the most popular auto
mobile in the United States in the past season. "We under
stand there is not a single Stoddard Dayton for sale in the
country, either new or second hand, at the present time.
People in the East are offering premiums for them. Only
twenty-five have been alloted to us for next season, and if
you want a good car you had best 6ee us soon.
The Pope Waverly is the most popular electric auto
mobile. They are made in various styles. "NVe can take or
ders for immediate delivery.
J. J. Deright & Co.,
1814 Farnam Street.
I ,n'iiiin Iii n ' "ill in i Till si
August 11,12,13.
Tickets good In Coachea and Chair Cars, also in Pullman Cart
upon payment of Pullman rate.
Leave Union Station 1:36 A.M., 8:16 A.M., 4:06 P.M.. 8:85 P.M.
Ticket Office 1 323 Farnam
r !
One of the lines that are in the
way is large rups. If youll need
a niR in months, buy now.
$55.00 French Wilton, gl7,e
9x12. 45.(().
$4 7.60 French Wilton, size
$4 5.00 Royal Wilton, 9il2,
$40.00 Royal Wilton, size 8-3x
10-6, JJIS2.50.
$36.00 Velvet, 9x12. $25.00.
$27.i".0 Velvet. 8-3x10-6. $10.00.
$33.50 Body Brussels, size 9x
12. for JW25.00.
$22.60 Tapestry Brussels, size
9x12. for $10.50. v
$8.75 Blgelow Axmlnster, size
36x63, for $0.75.
$5.00 Blgelow
80x60. for $3.40,
$3.60 Blgelow
Axmlnster, size
Axmlnster, sizo
24x4 8. for $2.35.
$2.50 Axmlnster, 27x54. $1.80.
$8.75 English Mohair, size
30x63, for $5.08.
A few Oriental Rugs, small
sizes, priced to elope out.
Swiss or Nottingham, worth up
to $1.50, per pair, 75c.
Nottingham and Battenberg, flat
or ruffled, worth up to $3.00, at,
pair $1.50.
Cluny, Wentllle, Arabian and
Snowflake, worth up to $5, $2.50.
A lot of fine Tapestry and Rope
Portieres, some sold at $10.00 a
pair, at $3.08.
All Rope Portieres marked way
below cost.
goods to sell.
business trip In the western psrt of th
George A. Iloagland has returned from a
fishing trip to Luke Washington.
Miss Ella Mnrshell entertained a few
friends over Saturday and Sunday.
Mary Johnson Is with her father, D. L.
Johnson, for a week In western Nebraska.
The Junior Endeavor society of the Dun
dee Presbyterian church had a picnic on
Wednesday at Hanscom park.
Mrs. Edmund Barr and Children of Chad
ron were the guests for a few days last
week of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Barr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. George of Omaha
have moved to Dundee, taking a house oil
Davenport street, near Forty-ninth.
Mrs. Reed nnd children o( Gravesvlllo,
Idaho, have been the guests during part
of the week of Mr. and Mrs. R. C Peters.
Mrs. C. W. Curtis of Dexter, Me., who
ha been the guest for a few weeks of
her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Barr, returned
home on Monday.
The Ladles' Aid society o( the Dundee
Presbyterian church were entertained Fri
day afternoon on Mrs. White's lawn and
porch by Mrs. White and Miss Tlllson.
Mrs. P. N. Deuel snd Mr. William Casey
were the guests one day last week of their
sister, Mrs. I), L. Johnson, on their way
from Colorado to Chicago. After a brief
visit there Mrs. Deuel returns to her horn
in New York.
Emperor at Berlin.
BERLIN, Aug. 4. Emperer William re
turned here today from his cruise In north
ern waters and drove immediately to the
Marble palace, the residence of Crown
Prince and Crown Princess Frederick Wil
liam, to see his grandson, who was born
at Potsdam July 4, during the emperor s
trip to Trondhjem.
Bee Want Ads (or Business Boosters.
1 Slf"1