unday Bee. The Omaha Your Mny' WrHi THE OMAHA UCC Best & West liEWS SECTlOli. Pzks 1 to 12. '4 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, AUGUST 5, IMG-FOUR SKCTIONS-THIIITY-TWO PAGES. VOL. XXXVI -NO. 7. c. ALL EYES ON POPE Cathglio Circles Anxions for Declaration on fiocject of Situation in France. CONDITION OF PIUS' HEALTH IS GRAVE Uoi Tronbles Hesd of Church, Who ii in Tain Cocstsntlj. FOR STATE STEAMSHIP LINE l.nbor Partr of Aoatrutlu Woill Hove Rirrnmrnl lnii(art Feet Mall Service. MFT.ROT'RNK. Aug. 4 (Special rMf gram tn Th Pe All the ftrta connected with the new Australlin mull contract are not yet disclosed. So far from the ar rangement mart hy trip cnimnnnwuun government being n mere renewal of a mull service on slightly varied I'rmi and with new contractors. It It believed t worM Is on the ere of a mild revolution orenn transit, practically under cnmmo. wealth auspices. The aspiration of Austra lia, and especially of the labor party. Is tn possess a state line nf mall stesmers con necting with Great Britain. That condi tion la not yet attained, but It la undcr atood that the new mall service will be mainly financed In the colonies, and that U will receive strenuous official aupport, al though It la of the nature of a private undertaking. The cloae grip which the commonwealth government haa of It la In dleatel by the fact that the. new ayndl rate can he bought out by the federal authorities at any time, of course, on pay ment of the value of the fleet which la to be constructed, and the a-ood will of the nuaft AU, 1-iBpecmuuifir.m w i , ouslnes which la to be built tin Be.) In Catholic circle a good deal or MAY BE FORCED TO LEAVE THE VATICAN FhjiioUn Oirsi Alternative of Bemoval or Death if Disease Inoreuee. WALLS OF APOSTOLIC PALACE ARE WEAK railing; Plaster Revrala Crurks mad Uria Raaa ( Money Will Be Accessary to Make Repairs. GERMAN MUCK RAKE Duisburc Po1" Make Interesting Discorery at to f . . ut Parti of Eausaee. pet r J CATS AMONG INGREDIENTS I Surprise la expressed at the alienee the ! pop continues to maintain concerning i the Separation law of France, and whether or ndt it la to be accepted by the church. There are two currenta of opinion on the subject of the Impending papal decision. Some assert It to be absolutely certain that . the pope will refuse to authorize the for- matlon of public worship aaaoclatlona on ,- the lilies told down by France, whereas othera declare be will not venture to re 1 fuse -submission to the law seeing how ; disastrous thla would be to the material -l-'mterests of the church and of the prlest- hood. The state of uncertainty haa been f already prolonged much beyond what wua I anticipated when the French bishops met v ! In Paris In congreaa and expressed their y views on the subject and it la hoped that ' , the Pope will soon make public his program , concerning the matter. i The condition of the pope's health this mid-summer gives rise to serious anxiety. He la much troubled by gout, and In al ' most constant pain. Uls holiness Is also very depressed. He has not the Iron will power of Leo XIII, and he feela the matter of being compelled to remain In the Vatican very keenly. Cardinal Oreglla, who also suffers much from gout, recently experi enced great relief from a change of air. When he visited the pope on his return Pius X, said to him, "You seem to want ma to die here In the Vatican, and yet I feel If I too could only have a change of ftlr that I would b. saved." But at the name time, his holiness' mental depression la such that he doea not desire tu face , uch a serious problem as that of lcuvlng J the Vatican would be. In return for a lnrre subsidy th" new contractors will offer a reduction of sixty hours In the mall transit, partly owing to the employment of a fleet of steamers with a uniform speed of fifteen knots and partly owing to the selection of Rrlndlsl as the European mail port In place of Naples. One fleet of eight or nine steamers prob ably nil to be built In British yards, al though there Is power to purchase suitable vessels will be thoroughly up-to-date In the matter of passenger accommodation. These vessels, each of the 11,000 tons, will have great cargo-carrying capacity. They will. In fact, be able to carry as much as .coo tons of measurement and dead weight, whereas some of the steamera at present employed in the mall service can carry not much more than 1.5O0 tons. To this very large provision of space for the swift transit of Australian products to Europe the highest Importance la attached by the colonies as well as by the new contractors. Am Playfellow! and an Lmsti tion Brintri Out Startling Facta, Eojal Prince and Associates Involved in Gambling Deal at Munich. SOCIAL DEMOCKAIS MAKING GAINS Centerlats' Candidate la Weetphnllan Constituency Uoes Down Before Socialist in Spite of Fnalon by Opponents. WOMEN GRADUATES LOSE OUT Scotch Court Declares Titer Have So Right to Vote at Flections. GUSOOW, Aug. 4. 'Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The female graduates nf Ed inburgh university have sought In vain for a judicial declaration of their right as members of the university council to vote In the election of Parliamentary representa tives. Women are now admitted to grad uation honors, and as graduates they be come members of the general council of tVARIAN SOCIETY NOW HAS SCANDAL their alma mater. The members of the council have the privilege of electing a member of Parliament. Parliament has de clared that every "person" of full age and "subject to no legal Incapacity" en tered upon the register of the general council shall be entitled to vote. Miss Mar garet Nairn, M. A., and some sister grad uates at the lRSt general election applied to the registrar for voting papers. He re fused their request. In his view of election law they were not "persons," and In any event, being women, he told them that they were legally Incapacitated from voting. Burning with Indignation, they rushed to the court of sessions, demanding from the university authorltlea 123 for compensation for the expense and Inconvenience to which CULLOM IN THE LEAD Illinois Senator Wins in Primaries by a Handsome Majority. TALKING OF DREYFUS CASE Anti-Semites Declare Revisionists Failed to Make Case nnd De plore Major's Acquittal. I , May Leave Vatican. '. Tha pope Is anxious to go to Caatel vjiclt,Ao, And he has already spoken of I ' th.a to Dr. L&pponl. The pope's physi cian Is too discreet to discuss such a ques tion with any but the few famlgllarl ot the pope on whom he can rely. If, how aver, his holiness' state should get worse, and It should be I)r. Lapponl's duty to put j : the alternative bi fore the Curia that Pius ' X. must either leave the Vatican or, lose his life, the problem would be a very dc ' j llcate one. Thttt a section of the more , broad-minded members of the Bacred col . Itg-e favors an understanding with the QUIrin-il la certain, but, this ' Is not tn section that haa the pope's ear. The ultra conservative party, headed by Cardinal Merry del Val, Is practically supreme at present. The eternal problem whether a Catholic sovereign may visit the king of Italy in Rome has again come under discussion. The king ot Portugal has never been in Italy. He once got as far as Paris on his way to . the city of the Caesars, but waa stopped by the Vatican. Now It appears T thai Win r&rlnt hAd Arranged to see his cousin. King Victor Emmanuel, at tbe Milan exhibition, but this time It Is the Italians who raise an objection. Even tn the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies , protests are heard, it being maintained that It would be undignified for King Victor to receive the Portuguese sovereign anywhere but In Rome. That, however. Is Impossible, so the project will probably be abandoned. Apoatolle Palace Falllna. A fact ot much Interest to the whole : world haa leaked out, notwithstanding i Coat efforts on the part ot the Vatican to beep H secret. There seems to be no doubt that the apostolic palace Is In a grave state, and many walls are threatening to fall. The other day while the Noble Guard were on duty In the papal ante-chamber, they were ; thrown Into a state of panlo by a shower . of plaster, tbe fslt ot which revealed large cracks. A hurried examination was made, showing cracks In all directions, caused by tf. frequent subdivisions which had been made ! lrj the course of oenturles without regard to the strength of the original walla It Is estimated that the expenditure of more than 1260. K will be necessary for restora tions. Fortunately the glorious picture gal lery has already been moved to a place of aafe'ly. ' A young Llgurlan printer, named Cava, , Jias' Invented a method of typesetting by ! telegraph. . He couples the Hughes Instru ment with a monotype composing machine ' and, Instead ot the message being printed on the tape of the receiving apparatus, per foratlona are made on the monotype paper bands. Completely successful experiments hive been made wtth the new Invention. The newspapers are complaining that the alien government will not allow them to private wires, without which they r I TURKEY EXPECTS TROUBLE w. Sii R ran! rwhl In Case of Rnsslan PARIS. Aug. 4 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Dreyfus, In an Interview de clared that he would be glad ceraonallv If a great foreign war should break out and if be could by his conduct on the bat tlefield show how much he appreciates latter-day treatment at the hands of the French nation. He does not hesitate to atate that he would willingly die for the nation on the field of battle If circum stances would only permit It. One of the Hebrew papers of France calls attention to the fact that though the Hebrews are alleged to make promin ent their religion though they have been accused of being lacking In patriotism the career of Dreyfus has given the lie to falsehoods of this sort. All ot the boyish dreama of Dreyfus, his youthful ambitions appear to center . around the army and French nationality. Ha appears to have cared little or nothing for the Jewish re ligion and according to. the Frertch Semitto papers he cared absolutely nothing for money making. On the anti-Semitic side of the contro versy the "Libre Parole" after declaring that the revisionists have not made their case says: "The Jews triumph, and their traitor la the central figure of the apoth eosis, whilst everything that our ancestors respected, everything that went to make FTance, Ilea shattered on the ground re ligion, army, magistrature, crosa, and flag." INSUflANCE MEN FEAR TROUBLE Representatives of British Companies Write Home Abont the San Francisco Situation. BEP.LIN, Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) in various sausage manu facturing centers the German police have discovered abuses which. It not so scan dalous or on so large a scale as In Chi cago, should make importers of German sausages and tinned "delicacies" very careful. Among these abuses Is the largo and growing use of horseflesh, and In Dulsburg, on the. Rhine, where large quantities of sausage for export are manu factured, the police have happened on large quantities of disgusting stuff which It was Intended to work luto these arti cles. Russia and the eastern provinces of Prussia are the main sources of supply. In some cases the - old-fashioned Jokes about the sausage makers grinding up the favorite cats and dogs of the children for sausage meats are no longer reck oned as Jokes, inasmuch as cases of thla kind are not Infrequent. In fact. In one case, at Dulsburg In particular, It was the destruction of the 'canine and feline f ets of the children and the protests of the little ones to the grown-ups which led to the Investigation of certain sau sage factories, and will. It Is stated, ,-e-suit In a new order of things all around, Bavarlnn Society Scandal. A great society acandal at Munich la causing Intense excitement In Bavarian society. One royal prince, two duke, about twenty counts and many lesser members of the nobility are ln!vcd in the scandal, which haa overwhelm nur.y leading Bavarian families with n. r . d shame. The root of the whole evil cp- pears to be a fashionable club a M in .eh, which Is nothing less than a gambling re sort of the worst type. Heavy losses have ruined many promising young ollkeis ot the Bavarian army, as well as numerous young noblemen and members of tiie i n 11 service. Some of them, unable .o fiice the disgrace of not paying debts incurred at the card tables, resorted to 'ill sons of swindles to secure sufficient funds to enable them to continue attendance til the club. Othera committed suicide to escape the consequences of their folly. The suicides Include .Count May Preying, who was un able to pay gambling debts exceeding 1500.000. Prince Francis Joseph of Bavaria, who waa accustomed to play at the club. Is Implicated In the scandal owing to the fact that a number of officers forged hla slg' nature to promissory notes, whrreby they obtained large suma of money by fraud. Investigations have shown that sums up to $250,000 have changed hands within the club In one night. Some unscrupulous members rsorted to systematic card sharp ing In order to fleece Inexperienced players. One young officer haa been arrested In con nection with the scandal, but the precise charge against him Is not known. War on Long Skirts. The campaign against trailing skirts be gun some weeks ago by the Nordhausen FIRST TEST OF NEW PRIMARY LAW Voters of All Three Parties Express Prefer ence for Candidates. THREE CONGRESSMEN ARE RENOMINATED Lorimer, Mann and Graff .Win Fifhti in Their Distriota, SALE OF LIQUOR IS STOPPED IN CHICAGO For First Time In History of City Saloons Are Closed, While People Take Part In Election. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Mariner Sunday. Mnnnay Fair. and STRIKE IS HALTING they were put by their refusal of voting privileges and seeking a declaration from the court that. Instead of trampling upon their electoral rights In future elections, the registrar should be ordained under pains and penalties to Issue to them voting papers. That they were "persons" could not be disputed. To say that they were subject to any legal Incapacity when they were of full age waa seemingly ridiculous. They naively Instructed their advocates to suggest that In using In the reform act of 1S6S, upon which they based their claim. the word "person" In dealing with uni versity elections and the word "man" In regard to burgh and county elections. Par liament had In Its deliberate contemplation the day that subsequently dawned when women became entitled to enter the general council as graduates. This Idea was scouted by their opposing counsel, and Lord Bal- vesen has dismissed their plaint with a note tb the effect that they are not "per sons," at least In the sense of the statute they were pleading, and even If they had been, aa women they were subject to the legal Incapacity of voting. LONDON. Aug. t.-(8peelal Cablegram to The Bee.) Advices by mall from the fire Insurance comrany men now In San Fran cisco are to the effect that they are greatly worried over the outlook there. They write that they can stave off a settlement of the earthquake claims, but that If they take the risk an agitation is likely to result which may cause the legislatures in the various states of the union to pass laws forbidding the fire companies to do any business If they neglect or refuse to take care of-California claims. The position of the Insurance agents now In San Francisco Is that they can "stave off" payment and that they might even fight matters In tha courts, but public opinion may be reflected LONDON HAS HOUSECLEANING Confectionery Storea ot Metropolis fald to Be in nn Insanitary Condition. IX3NDON, Aug. 4. (Special Callegram to The Bee.) London, like Chicago, Is "clean ing house." One of the causes Is the re port on the Inspection of factories and workshops In 1905. The report contains a thousand or more detailed statements as interesting as the following: "I have found a newly-opened choco late department the walls of which were excessively dirty. It Is surprising how very rarely overalls or head-coverings are provided in fruit factories for the girls and boys, who come In their oldest and dirtiest clothes. "I have seen the surface of the floors of confectionery works reduced to a.condl tlon of sticky, churned-up mud. In a mar garine factory the floor was thickly coated with a black, greasy, sour-smelling mud. In a creamery I found dirty water and muddy milk standing In palls on the floor." says the Inspector The principal lady Inspector says that In the underground labeling department of "a world-famous provision manufac turer" the only Inlet for fresh air was at the yard level at the loading hole, where cars and horses stood a large part of the time. Many Impurities and a marked odor of ammonia were noticeable, t'p to then the firm "had opposed every suggestion of Improvement." In a certain bakehouse In London the presence of a brush, ' comb, sponge, etc., on the baking table led to GLASGOW SCORES FAILURE Scotch Town Declares Municipal Ownership of Telephone Lines ts Mistake. later in antagonistic legislation, as in the ciaIlBt" .and th! "al electoral the explanation. "When the place Is cleaned town council Is being continued by the ' up we bathe lhe chndr,"n ner'-' municipal authorities at several Sileslan summer resorts. The local commissioners responsible for the administration of affairs at Salsbrunn Issued a public appeal to female visitors at this favorite health re sort to abstain from wearing long skirts. This appeal being disregarded, the local commissioners have now paased bylaws In flicting penalties for the wearing of trail ing skirts. The local commissioners at Warmbrunn. also in Silesia, have followed precisely the same course. The social democrats have scored a re markable victory by the return of their candidate, Htrr Haberland, for the con stituency of Altena-Iaerlohn, In Weat- phalla. Although the radicals. Christian so CHICAGO, Aug. 4 -For the first time In the history of Illinois all the primaries of all the parties were held on the same day and the voters were given an opportunity to express their preference through their ballts for candidates from Tnlted States senators down to sheriff. The new primary law passed by a special eeswlon of the legislature last spring was given Its first trial and gave general satisfaction. In the tempestous districts In Chicago the vote was large, but In the districts where there were no local contests apathy was manifested by the voters, and In these sec tions the Vote was so light that It pulled down the total for the city to slightly over 12O.0H0, out of a total registration of STS.000. The greatest Interest In the election cen tered In the vote for I'nlted States senator and for that or republican congressman In the second and sixth districts, located In Chicago. The voters cast their ballots for three candidates for United States senator, Shelby M. Cullom, ex-Governor Richard Yatea and William G. Webster. The demo crats had no candidate for United States senator. Cnllom Fnr In Lend. Today's vote for United States senator waa merely an expression of preference and Is not binding on the members of the legislature. In Chicago Senator Cullom re ceived nearly twice as many votes as former Governor Yates and from scattered returns throughout the state the Indica tions are that he will carry the atate by a handsome malorlty. The total vote cast in the city for United States senator i was: Cullom, 36,783; Yates. 21.297; Webster. ,S71. Both Congressman I.orimer and Congress man Mann secured a majority of the votes cast In their districts. In both districts a heavy vote waa cast. In the Sixth the Indications are that Congressman Lorimer received nearly twice as many votes as his opponent, Louts P. Frtestadt. In the Second district Congressman Mann waa opposed by Franqls W. Parker and the vote was heavy, as both candidates made a spirited campaign. Mann won by a large majority and will go before the con vention wltlt. enough delegates pledged to hint to Insure his nomination. Chlcaaro Saloons Closed. , For the first time In Its history Chicago was today, while the primary elections were held, an absolutely "dry" town. The law forbids the selling ot spirituous or malted liquors during elections under Iron clad provisions, which make it mandatory upon the authorities to cancel the license of any saloon keeper violating the law Should a license be taken away the saloon keeper could not In any way secure an other ono for at least twenty years. Hith erto on election days It has always been possible for the thirsty to secure relief via back entrances and side doors, even when the police attempted to keep the saloons closed. But It Is the saloon keep ers themselves who are responsible for to day's unprecedented condition of affairs. Cnllom Cnrrlea Peoria County. PEORIA, III., Aug. 4. Cullom won over Yates In Peoria coupty today, I to 1, and W G. McRoberts and Charles Black, Cul lom men, were chosen to go to the legis lature. Joseph V. Graff was renominated for congress. KKWS SF.CTIOSi Twelve Panes, t All Eyes In F. a rope on the Pope. Germans Discover Adulteration Cullom vVrna in Illinois ITImnrles. Turmoil Prevnlls In Husaln. 3 Sews from All Parts of Sebrnskn. Republican Conventions Held. 4 Crowd F.nrnned Oier n Shooting. Victims Before People's nr. H Sporting Events of the Day. II Clement Denies Killlnar tioldle. H Past Week In Omnhn Society. T Philippine Bandit Alive Aanlu. Sunday Services at the Churches. S Honaebont Life in America. Flnnnre nnd 'Prosperity. 9 Condition of Omaha's Trnde. New (arc lor Cnncer is Found. lO Honaebont Life In America. Flnnnre nnd Prosperity. 11 Council Binds nnd lown Xews. 12 Allison, town's Velvet Senntor. Greatest of the Hnwnllnn Kings. EDITORIAL 8F.CTIOS Eight Pages 1 Two tooths Fooled by Cupid. Shreley Juveniles t p in Court. Big Hnrvest and Shortage ot Help. 8 Edltorlnl. S Modern Homes for Omaha People. Homes for Sun Frnnclaco Refugees Prise for All at Shoshonl. Timely Real Estate Topics. 4 Want Ads. B Want Ads. tt Wnnt Ads. T Flnnnclnl nnd Commercial. Wlnchell Hopes for End of Strife. Uprising: in Russia Does Not Develop the Proportions Expected. W0RKINGMEN ARi HANGING BACK Success of MoTr-ment Depends Lareely Upon Disaffection in Arm). HAl.K-TOSK SECTION Eight Pages. 1 Brynn nt Sen of Onlllee. Recent Progrese of Edncntlon. S Some of Cnpld'a Uneer Copers. Tales of People and Things, fi. r;osslp of Plays and Players. Music and Mualcnl Mutters. 4 Secretary Root nt Hlo de Jnuelro, Meanderlnga of Migratory Homes. Quaint Features of Curreut Life 6 Omnhn Trnde Boosters' 1-otest Trip 8 Woman Her Wnya and Her World. T Weekly flrlst of Sporting; Wosslp S l.lttle Stories for Little People ( hat Abont People of Note. Temperature at Omnhn Yeaterdnyi Hour. Dear. Hour. .Dev. B a. m TJ 1 p. m tut n. m 7"1 2 p. m 78 T a. m T2 8 p. m 72 8 a. m 73 4 pm 7" ft u. m 74 5 p. m TH 10 n. m 7lt p. ra 77 11 a. m 78 7 p. m 77 ii m M TROLLEY CARS IN COLLISION Two Persona Killed and n Score Injured hy Smnshup Near Vermilion, O. VERMILION, O., Aug. 4.-In a headon collision between two pasrenger cars on the Lake Shore Electric road this after noon two persona were killed outright, a third was fatally Injured, while a score more were Injured, several seriously. Tha westbound West Shore clectrlo limited crashed Into the regular No. IS eastbound three miles west ot here and the limited waa telescoped more than half way through Its length by the westbound oar. Bot were running at a high rate of speed and the two cars met at a curve. About eighty persons comprised the passenger list of the two cars. The collision Is said to hav been caused by a misunderstanding of or ders. The Injured were removed to a hos pltal In Lorain. The dead: W. D. MOODY, Beach Park, O.. motor man on limited. FRED SMILEY, 22, of Lima, O. Fatally Injured: Jamea Yerrlck. Milan, O. '.) case of tha life Insurance scandals. Under the circumstances the representatives of the English and Scottish fire Insuance com panies now on the coast decline to take the responsibility for acting In this mat ter and have referred the entire subject to their home offices. i ne i f Italia: CONSTANTINOPLE. Aug. 4.-(Speclal Cablegram to The Bee.) The new Turkish cruisers and destroyers in thevflolden Horn are coaling, and an extraordinary council of ministers hss met at tbe palace tn con elder measurea to be taken In connection wit & the disturbed atate of tha Russian Black sea littoral The unrest In tha Island of Samoa Is also thought to be con nected with the meeting. TURKEY PREPARES FOR "WAR Hew Warships May Be Found Csefal In Case of Russian Revolution CONSTANDNOPLE. Aug. 4 (Special Cablegram tn the Bee.) The new Turkish cruisers and destroyers in the Golden Horn IRRIGATION IN ANTIPODES Three Australian Pravlncea Make Arrangements to I se Water from River Murray. SYDNEY. Aug. 4. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The Interstate agreement be tween New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, which permits a certain amount of water annually to be drawn from the River Murray for purposes of irrigation, will have the result of making large areas of land available tor settlement. A be ginning ts to be made with a patch of S.0O0.0OO acree in Victoria extending from Swan Hill to the border of South Australia. All homesteads are to be on the river frontage. In aettlementa of from twenty to fifty families, and each settler is to have a consliierable area of from 4U0 acres and upwards of Interior land. Terms of payment are to be made easy in the early years, the crown's charge for the land to be on the basis of lis value. subject to Irrigation advantages, but other wise unimproved. BRITAIN SURPRISES JAPANESE Asiatic Allies of European Power Do Kot I'nderstnnd Reduc tion of Army. TOKIO, Aug. 4 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The proposed reduction of the Brltsh army haa caused widespread sur prise in Japan, where, despite tha success achieved In war, the army is to be enor- committees conjured their parties to vote for the candidate of the center rather than for the socialist, the former haa been sig nally defeated. There is consternation In the liberal and radical camps, as It Is evi dent that unless they close their ranks for joint electoral action the socialists will succeed in gaining further seats. PANTHER IS FOUND IN HOUSE British OOIeer in India Hns with Benst from the Jungle. Fight GLASGOW, Aug. 4 (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The committee of the Clvlo Federation of Arnerlca, headed by M. EX Ingalls of Ohio, will And Unnecessary to reviae its reports upon municipal owner ship so far as Glasgow ts concerned. When the committee visited Glasgow among other cities in search of intelligence regarding municipal ownership the members of the committee appeared greatly Intereated In the workings of the municipal telephone. This telephone was established between five and six years ago to compete with a private company. It was found that the municipal company was not a paying ven ture and the town council decided to sell the business to the postofflce at a loss of $19o,nu0 rather than continue the under- WYOMING MAN IS A WINNER Hana Berlin of Laramie Draws First Prise at Shoshone Lnnd Raffle. LANDER, Wyo.. Aug. 4. Hana Berlin of Laramie, Wyo., drew No. 1 here today In the lottery of Shoshone Indian reservation homesteads. The drawing of names began at I o'clock and Is proceeding rapidly. The drawing was In charge ot Commis sioner General W. A. Richards of the general land office, with Judge McGlnnls of Billings, Mont., and Colonel W. R. Bchnltger of Cheyenne. Wyo., as referees. Hans Berlin of Laramie, Wyo., who drew number L will have first choloe of all the BIG THEFT BY TWO CLERKS Employes of I nlon Trust Compnny of Pittsburg StenI fl2A,000 Off tha Counter. hnmxinili offered. The statement haa taking. When the sale was decided upon mad. that tWa privilege Is worth more man .l.ww.uw nao oeen spent on me , tti. luck holder. It is also said CAIiCUTTA. Aug. 4-(Bpeclal Cablegram to The Bee ) An extraordinary adventure In a bedroom with a panther is told by Lieutenant Colonel Bundle, the comman der of the fifth brigade of the Royal Field artillery at Jubbulpore, in the Pioneer. One afternoon Mrs. Rundle came out ot a portion of the bungalow that waa seldom used and said she had seen the tall of a panther protruding from behind a large coll of matting In one of tha rooms. Colonel Rundle supposed that the animal was a tame panther and sent for a brother offi cer to assist in dispatching It. Opening the door enough to Insert his rifle barrel, he flred and wounded the beast. The door swung open as the wounded animal bounded against It. It then sprang at Colonel Rundle, missing him by about a foot, and bolted. Colonel Rundle, with Lieutenant Macan, reconnoltered each room In turn. eventually ine paniner was round In a I spars room hiding behind a coll of mat ting. There was a window to this room about fourteen feet from the ground, and Colonel equipment and a further expenditure of tyO.OOO had been found to be neceaary. The Glasgow Herald asserted that the undertaking was a mistake In the begin ning and that the citizens have cause for being thankful that the loss Is not more. that any number up to twenty la worth from 16.000 to IIO.OUO. Other names drawn up to No. 25 were: No. 1. F-dward B. Buck. Basin. Wyo. No. 3, Thomas Flye, Falrplsy. Wyo. K' i .Tnhn 11. McPliersoii Central. Mich. V-.. William Urlntiiir I 'ti.vunn. V',' Telephone experts say that the Glasgow j ,; t; charlrs Overcanip. Lyons, la. experlmenta settle tne question as to the No. 7, rumert 1 nariey, oaiex, mo. practicability of a municipality successfully operating a telephone exchange. It is ad mitted that the nationalization of the tele phone under the management of the Post ottlce department may become a success, but that the municipalization of a tele phone in any city is doomed to failure. VIENNA PCLICEARE CORRUPT Creat Interest Created In Newspaper Revelations of Conditions In Anstrlan Capital. VIENNA, Aug. 4 -'Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The sensational revelations of the Ulustrlertes Wiener Kxtrablatt regard ing the corruption In the Viennese police sre creating great Interest. The atory is almost incredible, but the new-paper de clares that it Is prepared to prove Its statements. are coaling, and an extraordinary council niously increased, both In men and gun, of ministers haa met at the palace to ion- ! 1 ' Vars' system of conscription is alder measures to be taken in connection with the disturbed state of the Russian Hack Sea littoral. The unrest In the Island f of Saim la also thought to be counseled ; Vita Uis meeting. tn bt- adopted, sweeping reforms will be msde, and all brigades and regiments are to be commanded by young and cnerge'.i ofrrera. The wceding-out process has J already cwuinicuui-d. The Extrahlatt has made allegations re- Rundle procured a ladder, but before he ! garding certain alleged dressmaking es- No. 8, James A. Morrow, Lewlston, Mont. No. , R. N. Gllwoti. Clinton. Neb. No. 10, Bernard Frommell, Spokane, Wash. No. U, Will T. Cressler. Cincinnati. O. No. 12, William B;iasart, lender, Wyo. No. 13, Henry Scholrs Cheyenne, Wyo. No. 14. William St. Clair. Butte. Mont. No. l&, John Ixindon, Osborne, Colo. No. 1. Willie Watts. Sheridan, Wyo. No. 17, Rudolph Anderson, Nlwott, Co!o. No. IS, Mrs. Karah Vaugh. lender, Wyo. No. 19, t'atherlno Ki.onahn, Mantle, 111. No. 2o, Gates A. Nahlxjx. Cody. Wyo. No. 31. John M. Coanxhan, Katun, Colo. No. 22, Charles H. 1 hompann, Omaha, Neb. No. 23, Walter Petty, Zealtb, Mo. No. 24. Charles M. Alspaugh. Cougill, Mo. No. IS. Charlea S. Kelley, Thermopolls, Wyo. PRISON FOR TWO SWINDLERS Oregon Legislator and lawyer Sen traced for Conspiracy to Defraud ftovernnient. , PITTSBURG, Aug. 4. Official knowl edge of the $125,000 embezzlement fro.n the Union Trust company several days ago waa disseminated today in a state ment Issued by H. C: McEldowney, presi dent of the trust company. The statement says: On Wednesday, August 1, while a book keeper, C. S. Hlxson, was on his vacation, a discrepancy , waa found in his books in the Union Trust company. Hlxsou was immediately arrested and has made u complete conression. H stated that, acting Jointly with C. B. Wray, a toller, they had stolen $125,0til. dividing the money equally, vt ray, iri teller, taking uie money on; me count ir, while Hlxson, the bookkeeper, falsified the books. The money waa all lost In specu lation. Our auditors have verltleu tne confession of Hlxson to a cent namely 1125.000. Hlxson Is now unuer arrest ana the Union Trust company will endeavor to apprehend Wray. who has escaped, anJ see that he Is punished. NAVAL RESERVES MOBILIZE Sailors of Four Lake States Will tnlte in at Prnctlee Cruise. CHICAGO. Aug. 4. The naval reserves of the statea of Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota will make a cruise together, be ginning today. In thla cruise, which was suggested by Captain W. F. Purdy, commanding the Illi nois naval reserves, and which was heartily approved by the Navy department la Washington, the sea forces of Illinois will be represented by a division ot men on board the cruiser Dorethea. Ohio will send two vessels the Essex and the Hawk manned by seamen from Cleveland and To ledo, respectively. Michigan will bring to the rendezvous the former gunboat Yantlc, which, like the Essex, has made many a distant cruise In the regular navy. Frotn Minnesota comes the Gopher, formerly borne on the navy register as the Fein, which will be mantd by the naval reserves hailing from Duluth THIRTY WORKMEN KILLED IN MOSCOW Bombs Intended for Soldiers Are E xploded Premttnrely. MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IS PROBABL! Martini l.nw Will Be Proclnimed la All Disturbed Districts nnd Ornnd Duke Mrholas Will Take ( Charge. Bl LI.ETI v. LONDON, Aug. 4 A dispatch to th Evening Standard from Moscow says thai number of workmen there today had prepared to receive with bombs a detsch mrnt of troops sent against them, wheg one of the bombs was prematurely ex ploded by accident, which exploded other bombs, blowing thirty workmen to pieces and wounding many others. Tha soldleia were uninjured. ST. PETERSBURG. Aug. 4-Wlth a gen eral strike formally declared and the country apparently on the threshold of glaantio struggle, minor Issues fade Into t lie background. If the strike Inaug urated today gathers sufficient headway to endanger the life of the state it has vir tually been decided that Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholalevllch will be named commander of all the troops In the em pire "where martial law exists," which would be tantamount to the decreeing of military llctatorship. It Is possible. however, that the government will not be driven to this extremity, aa the show ing made today by the St. Petersburg proletariat was not ln)reslve. Al though nearly 70.W0 workmen are reported to be out at nightfall, many of the men ppear to be entering the struggle with heavy hearts. The spontaneity with which practically the entire nation ar rayed itself against the old regime laat fall is lacking; the endurance of the peo ple has been sapped by the long strain, the sympathy of the more conservative liberals hus been alienated by fear of a revolution and the lowest elements of -the population have been organized Into what are known as "black hundreds" and are ready to enter the fight on the side of tbe government if the signal Is given. Dissensions also are rife among the lead ers over the opportuneness of the battle. But these will probably be short lived it the response of the country shows that th nation endorses the movement. Cltlea Will Decide Issne. Moscow and St. Petersburg, or rather 6L Petersburg, sre expected to decide the Is sue. The railroaders, upon whom tne Intlal success depends,, although committed, have not yet formally ordered a atrlke. On the ulterior object of the proletariat leaders, which at present Is masked, must depend the attitude of the troops. If the military supports of the, government stand up as they did at Sveuborg and Cronstadt the leaders acknowledge that the game Is lost, but even so they declare thut de feat, it It forces the disaffected portion of the army to show Its colors, will only pre pare the way for final victory. .The waver ing of the artillerists at Crohsladt and the attitude of a major por"n of the crew of the armored cruiser Pamyat Azova, which remained nominally loyal, and which they believe would undoubtedly have thrown Its lots with the rebels. If the rebels had received expected support from the Revel fortress, they cite as being In their favor and they are confident that If put to a test thousands of soldiers will refuse to fire on the people and that weak spots will develop in the army where the government least expects them. While the authorities undoubtedly are anxious, they manifest equal confidence that the army will not fail the emperor In a crisis and that the strike will prove a dismal failure. Indeed, the faction now In control seems to welcome an Immediate test, tn the conviction that It will be able to scotch the revolution for a long tlma to come. The weakest point In tbe revolu tionary armor Is believed to be lack of competent leaders. could get hla rifle up the panther had seen him and sprang through the doorway. Lieutenant Macan flred two shotx. but PORTLAND. Aug. 4. Willard N. Jones, a member of the Oregon legislature of 1903 and a wealthy contractor and timber dealer, today was sentenced by Judge tabllshments and the terrible treatment which white girl slaves have to undergo until they submit to every infamy. The William H. Hunt In the United States ( charged Itself when It neither proved fatal, and the panther mother who Informed the Extrahlatt and I circuit court to aerve one year's imprison- j The bullet entered his bolted cut cf the house and across the thus raised the outcry was able to see her ment in in reuerai peiiuemiary on at. tennis room Into the Royal Field artillery's I dsnghtcr but only In the presence of sev- Nelll's Island and to pay a Alio of $2,00 . mess compound. eral other persons. In these circumstances Here It gave chase to an lniuislt!ve the girl dared not complain: but a few sweeper, but was too badly woundej to do ' days later she secured tne services of a more thin make a clutch or two at the I new servant, who gave a letter to the v.an's clothes. mother. The mother complained, but wlth- e.n . llu f AmrA I... - J . . ...:. -.-II m rA flh Blrlli.n im , V. . ,).. 1 a here It waa dispatched. police prulect such places. Jones was convicted or conspiracy to de lraud the government. Tl.arideus htevens Potter, a weii-knowu Portland lawyer, who was tried and con victed Jointly with Jones, was sentence! to serve six months l:i the MuIIik ioh.i county Jail s-ud to pay a Ana ot ao. AUTOMATIC GUN KILLS OWNER Revolver Falls from Belt nnd Dis charges Itself on Striking Floor. CASPER, Wyo.. Aug. 4-(Specll Tele gram.) A. J. Mendenhall accidentally shot and killed himself this evening about 6 o'clock. Mr. Mendenhall was playing nlth a pet dog. In stooping over, an auto matic revolver fell from his belt and dis- struck the floor, left breast and heart and went entirely through his body. Death resulted instantly. Mr. Mendunhall was employed at the Grand Central hotel bar and was held In high regard among his acquaintances. Coroner Tubbe empun eled a Jury which returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts Mr. Men denhall waa Ju years vt age and leaves a Widwt Ferment tn Industrial Quurters Tonight brought Increased excitement throughout the Industrial sections of the city. Although the police are reinforced by mounted patrols in the central districts of the city all la quiet there.- In the work men's quarters, which the Associated Press representative visited, there waa ferment. Dragoons and Cossacks were irt evidence in the principal streets snd police pickets, armed with rifles, were at almost every corner. Nevertheless, the correspondent heard orators addressing crowded meetings at many places. The police displayed open sympathy with the men, turning their becks to avoid seeing what was going on. On Basil Island the workmen have begun to close the shops and have even stopped cabs, turning the occupants of them Into the streets and instructing the drivers to teturn home. Rcarih lights from a cruiser at the Baltlo works and from the roof of the building are sweeping the Neva and several torpedo boats built in the United States are scurry ing up and down the river. No collisions of Importance were reported up to mid night. There will he no newspapers pub lished tomorrow, exrept the Novoe Vremya, whose men do not belong to the union. The cabmen have agreed to strike Monday. Real Object of Strike. The battlecry of the strike, a recon voca tion ot Parliament for the purpose of elab orating a law providing for a constituent assembly, does not ring true and is, la fact, simply a peaceful slogan, to be aban doned If the government totters when the true colors will be run up. The mob of the workmen s council. In conjunction with the, radical groups of the outlawed Parliament, have made definite arrange ments to proclaim themselves a provi sional government if success crowns their efforts. But unless the whole army sides with the revolutionists thoue in control ot the government are convinced that, the srike will end in failure. A prominent member of .the government, who is In complete sympathy with the de cision I4eii at Petetliuf to fight the revo lution energetically, points out that the workmen's unions are without funds tu carry on a protracted struggle, and be was disposed, like many of Ids class, to contend that the real power behind tha kcer.es are the rich Jews, who are later eltd at aU'iklug a bluw at Russia,' gdi