Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Ladies' Petticoats, Shirt Waist Suits, Children's Dresses
Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits
AH high class wuh suits, daintily mad
of tint) Uwtts, trimmed with psjisls of
rich ambroid 617, nit stint; with
rows f Ucs. florsl lawns, colored
Udms, etc., actual $6 tAQQ
Our Fins All Silk Petticoats Dain
tily and elaborately trimmed, all this
Reason's most desirable colors resedas,
Alice blues, corals, eta. as well as the
blacks, handsomely tucked and pleated &
flounces, wide silk underlays. g
All our silk petticoats (T C 11 i
worth $5.00, $6.00 "JHU?
, and up to $7.50, m -- -j
All our Silk Petticoats, fQQb
worth $8.00, $10 and ruU S
up to $12.50, m one nj I
lot at Aw
The prettiest little- girlish effects, in
white lawns, percales, linens, cham-
brayv, ginghams, etc, ages 2 to 14, j
many new Russian blouse T Sj?
effeota, daintily trimmed, I UH
worth up to $2.C0, i j i
at & w S
LevlW White Wool Bolts In Eton and poor J
stylos, oar com Minns up to io pin u
M mm mm m m m m B
Greatest Sale of the Year
Bankrupt Shoe Stock
Fr)m WM. PORTER. Q. SONS, Lyn, Me..
Bought from Boston Wholesale flerchant.
and II suits,
Hand Emhroldemd Bhlrt Waist Salts
Floated skirts, all oTor m broidery
fronts, bandkorcblef llntns, anion
llnsns, stc., wortb
up to 117. BO,
Ladles' 12-nutton
Hal thread
t a
Brandeis Supplies the Big Demand for
A new shipment direct from our ovm Paris office
of t lie fashionable Elbow Length Pure Silk Mitts.
These are in blavcs and
whites and are easily worth
$2 a pair, on sale at Bran
deis, special Saturday, pair
Ladles' lt-button
blank taffeta
QloVes, spe
claly priced
at per
pair. .....,,
ladles' 1 '-button lengtk
i ij hir uiom, in
black, white
and colors,
at a
pair .'.
n N N m
ft mm 'pmw k
final reduction, at.
Ladles' tnusltn (owas and drawers, good i)tin
values, worth up to 60e, at v
Ladles1 Bilk Waists, all black, corded and ytin
pleated fronts, wortb It. 00. at. each. ...I t
Ladles' Corset Corera, wortb lso and Kn
10ft aach at
Ladles' 7 60 quality Sateen Petticoats
a splendid bargain at
Big Price Redactions la
Men's, ladles' and children's white, black,
tan and fancy Hose in f )i 1 p
on bargain tables.
Ladles' Lace Lisle Hose, al lover lace and
boot patterns go at per 39c
Ladles' black and white Allover
Lace Lisle Hose pair ,
Final Clearance of Ladies'
Ladies Shoes nttd
Oxfords at Actually
Ladies Oxfords D
This season's very latest style ox- f
fords, court ties, oxford ties, two
English eyelet ribbon ties and
pumps every site and width
worth $3.00 and $3.60, for $1.69.
gn Ladies' High Shoes
wsv" Made for fall wear 1906 the li
Ladies' Summer Mats
From ft 6th Ave. Now York Deslrjnor
These are stunning hats in the swagger Bum
mer styles now bo popular in the east
lingerie hats, white
and black chip hats,
horsehair braids, eta
trimmed with flow
ers, ornaments, etc,
very etylish and up-to-date,
for wear
now or later.
1 .tsmim-.:. 1
Pretty embroidered lace Turnovers and
Stocks, In white and cream, all new and
Ladles' high (rade Union Rp.iQo
Kult. at fiarh AOC'WC
est bhirher lace and button shoes
light or extension sole widths
AA to E, sizes 2 Vs to 8.
Ladies' $3.60 and $5 Oxfords -and High Shoes $2.49 The low shoes are
extremely dressy court ties, Fifth Ave. ties, oxfords ties and pumps
every width and sire, high shoes made for this coming fall
BVr PVPrv wirltri nnA giro frnm A A tr V f. 01 ' o UJ
. , ' J " uiuu IJ) 11UU1 "2 W
$3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 values, at Asrt
Ladles', mleeea' and children's
llfht welsht Vests
Ladles' finest Vests and Pants
Basement, $1.(0
and $3.00 women's
will go at,
per pair
Basement, $1.60
and $2 1, 1 and 3
I slippers.
Boys' shoes, good
durable satin calf
lace, will
go at, per
l Pair
Baby lace and but
ton shoes will
go on sale
at, per
pair . .
Gr.i Clearance Sale
New lots of the Peter Pan
Waists included striped
and figured white lawns,
lace .and embroidery trim
med white lawns,
etc, long or
short sleeves,
Ladles' Daintiest Lingerie Waists,
also large pleated and fancy
. Jap Silk Waists, spe
cials, at
$5.00 Dotted Swiss Matinees, short
sleeves, full flounse J TA
skirts, etc., at A.aJU
Ladles' $1 Dressing Sacques iQ.
and short kimonos, at . . tJ
Ladles' $1 Striped Gingham IQ
Skirts, at, each
Book Sale at Brandeis
Three New Books lor Sale Only at Brandeis
A Rock In the Baltic The Lady Evelyn The Man Between
jr tekert Brr. sj Mai rtifcu mu ljr AmtU t. Barr.
These Beoks are $1.50 volumes for sale here
, exclusively, at
UDtna b, aWT.
Popular Copyright Books at 48c Soldiers of Fortuts, by Davis; Rock
Haven, by Munn; St. Elmo, by Evans; The Call of the Wild, by Lon
don; Resurrection, by Tolstoi; The Law of the Land, by Emerson
Hough. The Gray Cloak, by Harold McGrath; On the Face of the
Waters, by Flora Anna Steel; The Crisis, by Wlnton Cburth
bill and 12 B other titles. These books sold formerly at
$1.60; nicely bound, fully illustrated at, per copy
10c Paper Bonnd Books for Be T.e popular modern authors' library-
books by Bertha M. Clay, Mary J. Holmes, Mrs. Bouthworth
and 60 others, each
Lace curtains, 3 yds.
long, neat patterns,
worth up to $1.26
pair at,
Ruffled Swiss cur
tains, a cool, pretty
summer cur- 7C-
tain, pair. ,
.: 1.98
New patterns in full
slse cur
tains, pair,
Scotch Nottingham
curtains,; fine mad
ras weaves, white
and two ' : qo
toned, pair. -'O
New line curtain Swiss,
full bolts, yard f f
wide, yard.
Sanitary couch covers,
large, heavy couch cov
ers, in Bagdad stripes and
Oriental, wortb up to $3
each at,
Ee sle Albaroyal
Cream IvW
80c site Albarojral - n
Cream UC
11.00 Rubber Glove e A
all elaes 4MC
76o Fountain Syringes 3Qc
16c Perfumed Talcum i Powder""" lln
for , $C
26c MamhmaJlow Cream . "Ti ,
for HG
J6c box highly perfumed Toilet
Soap box IVW
S6c Propholactlo Tooth Bruab, Olr
any else SOW
Pond's Extract Tooth Powder,
Paste or Cream sells Iflo
everywhere at 26e, at
Marshmallows fresh
pound Butter Beans
pound Salted Peanuts
pound Fudge fresh
pound Yankee Peanut
pound Twenty-six. sticks Candy
Mixed Creams
pound Pit-Pat
... . 5c
Saturday we will place on sale the latest hits
in the country at lflc per ropy, by mall 16c. Here
are a few of the latest hits:
Won't You Take a Float with Me; Give me tie
Girl from Klllarney; Burnlnu of 'Frisco Town;
Walt on the Corner for Me; Sona My Sweetheart
Bang; Like the Rose, You're the Fairest of Flower
(beautiful ballad); Where is Brown? On the Mov
ing Stairway; If You Don't Like Your Job, Quit;
I Wish I Was Back to My Livery Barn; Remember.
Dear (high class ballad); Down Amid the Coral
Caves (One baas song); Mrs. O'Harahan.
.0,,w Jnt"eso; Helen of Troy: Love's Con-
three-step); Frog Krollo (fine
sohottlsrhe) ; Smart Bet Girl; Co
lonial Girl; Blue Ribbon; Cannon
Ball; Carbollck Acid (a warm rag);
Rose Leavea (a new Hearts and
Flowers); Northern Lights (good
waits); St. Louis Tirklft;
val Times; Rusllng Stlka
and Clark Exposition Mi
Walts; A String of Pearla
grade teaching number-
many more beautiful numbers.,
All Popular Folios 28c; by Mail 20c
SB rt 1BBJ
Carnl- I i M 1
p; Lewis il II
irch and I 1 P-1 X J
i (a high V i
-also , U -
Windy City Satioiah &hut Oat Fhils
dalpbia in Twi Fast Contests. .
Omlr Ran' la First Game Is Made
on Maker's Man of a fly Ball
Scores of Other .
PHILADELPHIA. Aug'. J. Chicago took
two games from Philadelphia today. The
only run scored In the first game was made
by the visitors on Magee's muff of a fly
"ball. The second contest was won by hsrd
hitting. Score, flrat game:
B H 0..E: B H O.A K.
ia. w. ... i i sTtioRMa. cf. .. i 1 t a
tuiMion, lb... Ill
Br.o.fl.lil. lb io
0 0
t 0
Shockard If. . a
Schalta. rt f
Cbane. lb... 4 t 11
i.lnf.ldt, lb 4
Tinkr, m.... 4 11
Krtrx, lb I I
Kilns, e I 1
brown, S..A III
STHui. rt
MlM, If
Doolln. m...
Courtnty, lb.,
DonovaD, e...
OLuah, p
i a
o a
Philadelphia ...
Left on bases
u TOUIl M 17 II I
..U O 0 0 0 0 1 0 01
..OVO000O0 ft 0
made another one of their ninth-inning
nnlxnes today, defeating Ht. Louis by i to
1. Burch and Hoelsknetter of the visitors
were put off the field for disputing ths
rulinga of Umpire Klem. Score:
Bmnahan. rt 4
Brown, rf... I
Phtnnon, If.
MrOann. lb.
IXvlln, lb...
Pihlen, n...
Ollbart, lb.
Amaa, p....
a i
1 o
i a
l u
l a
a l
i i
0. I 111
aBarrr. rt
I Burch. ef I
Heflak'r, ef. a
aHennatt, lb...
I Martta, If.... 4
lOradr. lb-ef.. I
0 Phyla, lb 4
aW.Marah'll, cl
oNoouan, lb. .. a
Crawfont, aa. 4
Toula II I7 1I IThompaao, p. 4
B.H.O.A S.
1 14
Totala at aM 14 I
One out when winning run was scored.
New York 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2
St. Louis .'. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Two-base hits: Gilbert, Barry. Stolen
base: Mertes. First base ou errors: St.
Louts, S: New York, 1. First base on
balls: Off Thompson, 3; oft Ames, S. Struck
out: By Thompson, S; by Ames, (. Left
on bases: St. Louts. ; New York, 6. Dou
ble plays: Bowerman to Gilbert, Crew
ford to Bennett, Gilbert to Dahlen to Mo
Gann. Time: :08. Umpire: Klem.
Ronton Defeats Clnclnoatl.
BOSTON. Aug. S. Wicker allowed the
home team only two hits today, but these
i s single ana nates borne
eft on bases: Chimi n- thii...iv.i
Stolen base: Slaale. Tn.h .hu!
Bcnulte. Secrlllce hit: BranHtlelrt. nmii,i
jplays: Doolln and Brandfleld; Slugle and
Tinker. Struck out: By Lush, 2; by Brown
J Bases on balls: Off Lush, ; oft Brown"
I. Hit with hall: Btelnfeldt. Time: 1 45
Umpires: Carpenter and Conway.
Score, second game:
B.H.O.A. . 8 H O. A E.
Stasia. cf....l I I a eThomaa. ef... I I I a a
Stiaoaars. U..4 I I t OOtaaaoo. lb. .4 lilt
SvhuHa, rt... I I a a Kran.fl.14, lb 4 4 10 1 a
Chase, lb... I a I I OTIlua. rf 4 I 1 a a
staiuiatdt. mi i Mm., if 4 i i a a
Tlnkat, ....! 114 1 fioolln, aa.... a I I a
vara. lb..,.. I 14 4 acourtnay. lb.. I alia
Moraa. a 4 111 arwaoTan. e. .. I a I I I
hauibaca p. .4 a i a aiuisiahr. p.. i a i i a
, , S". p a a a a a
Toula II 11 17 14 lAraalia ....I a a a a
Toula SI mill
PaUad for Duggleby In eighth.
Chicago .: o 10 10 10 1 J-7
Phllsdelpbla 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Left on baaea: Clilcago, i: Philadelphia,
T. Two-base hits: Evera, Sheckard. Three
base hit: Evera Sacrifice hit: Evera.
Btruok out: By Dugglrbv, 1; by Reulbach,
1. Bases on balls: Oft Duggleby, 1; oft
Roy. 1; oft Reulbach. 2. lilt; Off Dug
gleby, 10 In eight innings; oft Roy. In
one Inning. Hit with ball: Stelnfeldt.
Time: l;4u. Umpires: Conway and Car
penter. Mew York Wins In Slntb.
NEW TORK. Aug. ..-The New Torhs
included Brain
run, both In the same Inning.
won, 1 to l. Bcore:
B H O A E. B.H.O A S.
4 a I a iHnsaina i.. 4 i I I a
a i i a a
4 l a a a
Ilia uBcblal, lb.... 44110
14 4 0 ODalrhantr, lb I a 1 I 4
i tnii. rf 4 a i o a
I a Corcoran, aa. 4
CMAwatl. aa..
Tanoar. lb... I 111 GK.U.jr. If
Brain, lb I 1 I ajuaa, n
bataa, cf..
Howard, It
Polan, rf..
Naadham. (
Rtrabal, lb
i a i
14 4 0
I I 0 1 1 t.lTlniiioo. e. 4 0 1 0 0
Llndaman, p. I 0 0 t OWIrkar, p.... 4 1114
smot a a a a a
Touts mu i
Total! 14 1 M I I
Batted for Wicker in ninth.
Boston 00000200 2
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Home run. Bates. Stolen bsse: Wicker.
First bsse on balls: Oft Wicker, 3: oft
Llndaman. I Hit by pitched ball: Slegle
Stolen base:. McCarthy. Double plays: Ma
loney to Lewis to Alperman, Jordan to
Bergen, Oanley to Rltchey to Nealon, Leach
to Nealon. Left on bases: Plltaburg, 7;
Brooklyn, S. First base on balls: On scan
lon, 4; off Lynch, 2. First base on errors:
Brooklyn, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By
Scanlon, L Struck out: By Scanlon, 2; by
Lynch, 4. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Johnstone.
Standing; of the Teams.
New York...
Pittsburg ....
Cincinnati ..
Brooklyn ....
St. Louis.....
.... 87
.... 82
.... 9i
.... W
.... 97
.... 83
.... 88
.... 95
Won. Lost. Pet.
68 28 . 701
80 82 .052
59 33 .641
43 63 .448
42 65 .433
39 64 .419
gij 62 .367
33 62 .347
g at Boston, Cin
cinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York,
St. Louis at Philadelphia.
Walsh: Pitches a One-Hit Gam and
Chicago Shuts Ont Boston.
CHICAGO, Aug. S. Opportune hitting
gave Chicago a victory over Boston today,
4 to 0. The Invincibility of Pltch.-r Walsh,
coupled with the fielding of Jones and
Davis, held the visitors to one hit. Score:
Hahn. rf I 0 0 0 D Harden, rf .
Jonaa. cf I 110 0 Parent, a..
laball, lb.... I Oil OSt.hl. cf ...
DaTta. aa I 4 4 a Terrla. lb..
Donohue. lb.. I 111 (Hw. If
Dooghanr. If I I 1 0 0 Praaman. lb.. I 0 14 4 0
await mora ii. o... a i i i
I 1 I 0 0
10 0 1
4 0 1
10 0 1
I 0 1
0 0
4 a
Sullivan, e.
Tanneblll, lb. 4 1 1
Walah. p 10 1
1 0 Armtiruatar, cl 4 4 0 0
I a Name, p I S 1 i 0
1 0 0 0 0
Struck out: By Wicker, 6; by Llndaman,
Time: 1:07. Umpire; Knslle.
Brooklyn Wins In Moth.
BROOKLYN, Aug. f.-Jn a splendid bat
ting rally In the ninth i.-.ntng Brooklyn
scored two runs and defeated Pittsburg,
2 to 1. Lynch and Scanlon both pitched In
excellent form. Bcore:
B H O.A.E..
atalon7. cf.. 4 0 I 1 OLaaeb. lb I
Caaar. lb.. . 4 111 smuraont. cf. 4
10 0
Lumtcr. rt... 1 1 0 0 0 Clark, if I 0 0 a a
Jordan, lb.... I 1 t I 4Wa0r. aa... 4 4 111
Alparraaa. lb. I 0 I 1 iNaaloB. lb... I Ilia
Mroanhr. If. a 1 T 0 aoanlar, M ...I 4 4 14
I asiteher. lb.
Toula II TI7 111
Totals 1 14 11 1
Batted for Harris in the ninth.
Chicago 0 10 10 10 1 I
Boston OVOU000U 0 0
Left on bases: Chicago, 8; Boston, S.
Two-base hits: Dougherty (21, Jones.
rhree-base hit: Tannehlll. rjacrtnee hits:
Donohue, Hahn, Sullivan, Dougherty.
Stolen bases:. Parent, Dougherty. Mruck
out: By Walsh, a; by Harris, 3. First
base on balls: Off Walsh, S; off Harrii.
Time: 1:35. Umpire: V Loughltn.
Washington Shuts Out St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 3. Hughes' home run
Into the center field bleachers In thtt tent'i
Inning scored the only run of the gamo,
Washington winning, 1 to 0. Score:
B.H.O.A . B H O A E. 4 I I 1 ONIIea. lb-rf..l 0 4 11
C.' Jonas. cf.. I 1 4 0T. Jonaa. lb.. 4 4 0 a 0
4 4 I a 0 lit one, If 4 1 I II 4
I 1 Hamph'l, e rf 14 10 1
a Wallace, as.. I a 1 I a
Lewla. aa Ill
I 1
Berceo., a I a 4 a OOlhaoa, a I 1
.1 0 4 4 4Lrnca. p.
4 0
4 0
14 4 10
Totala M I 17 II 4 Totala la lN 11 I
One out when winning run was scored.
Brooklyn OSO00000 22
Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Beaumont, Jordan Sao
liflca hits: Clarke, Lumley, Alperman.
While we have the utmost confidence in the curative powers of S. S. S.
ia all blood troubles, yet we realize that in some cases causes unknown to
the patient often hinder the best effects of the medicine. For this reason we
have maintained for many years a branch to our business known as Our
Consultation Department." This department is composed of regularly
graduated and licensed physicians who have made blood and skin diseases
their special study, and who are employed solely to advise and help, without
charge, those who uae S. S. S. Thousands of people have been cured of
bloo4 and skin diseases of every kind by the use of S. S. S., and many of
those who, perhaps, at first did not find the results- entirely satisfactory,
wrote our physicians a full statement of their case, and a little advice has
tened the cure. We have nothing to sell you, and the only reason for want
ing you to write to us is that we may use every effort to see that you get the
best result from the medicine. You can then help us by advising your
friends to use S. S. S., which you will know from experience is all we claim
for it. Vou can write with the assurance that all correspondence is held in
strictest confidence, and that our physicians will give you helpful advice
without charge. 17iX SWIFT SPCC1F1G CO ATLANTA, CA,
AHIiar. rf..
Croaa. lb 4 4 I
Anoeraon, If. 4 1 I
Bl.hl, lb 4 I 14 I aO'Brteu. lb... I Ilia
10 10 0
I I I I 0
UKoehlor, ef..
OO'Connor, e.
cVhaiajr. lb... 4 11
Wakefield, a.. 4 a 4
Huabee. D.... 4 14 1 aoiade. a
Hartiell, lb
Totala IT 10 11 lRlckr ...
110 0 0
Totala. II 4 10 I 1
Batted for Glade in the tenth.
Washington .000000000 1 1
St. Louis 0 00000000 00
Earned run: Washington. Two-base
hit: Nlll. Home run: Hughfs. Hac
rlflce hit: T. Jones. Double plays: Nilcj
and T. Jones; Glade and Wallace. Stolen
bases: Nlles, Hemphill, Wallace, O'Brien
(.'). Nlll, Anderson, L. Jones, wild piti i:
Hughee. First base on balls: Oft Hutches,
I; oft Glade, 2. Struck out: By Glade,
; by Hughes. 4. Left on bases: St.
Louis, S; Washington, I. Time: 2:04.
Umpire: Hurat.
Detroit Wins from New York.
DETROIT. Aug. l-Up to the ninth Orth
held Detroit to two scratch hits. Then
Payne's single and an error put a man al
third, and Warner, batting for Schmidt,
tied the score with a hit. Mclntyre's triple
and Payne's single won it In the tenth.
Coughlln's playing was the fielding feature.
By Donovan, I. Left on bases: Detroit, 10;
New York, 8. Struck out: By Donovan, 2;
by Orth, 4. Double plays: Coughlln to Lind
say to Crawford; Schmidt to Schaeffer.
Passed ball: Klelnow. Time: 1:46. Umpire:
Sheridan and Evans.
Philadelphia Wlna In Ninth.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 8. Philadelphia
bunched hits and bases on balls with Cleve
land's errors In the ninth and scored five
runs, winning the game hy a score of 10 to
7. Both teams fielded poorly. With per
fect support not a run would have been
made. Score:
B.H.O.A E.
Hartaal. If... 4 1 1
Artnbr'at'r, rf 1 1 1
Davla, lb I I II
Lord, cf 4 0 I
Murphy. 2b. .. 4 1 1
Croaa. aa 4 1 I
Knlaht, lb... Ill
Powera, c I 0 I
Plank, p 4 10
Hevbold .... 10 0
Schreck. c ... I 0 1
Uldrisf. lb... 1
1 0
a 0 Flick, cf...
0 0 Jackaon, If... 4
0 0 Turner, aa. . . I
0 OLajole. lb.... I
1 1 stovall. lb... 4
4 oConfcaltoa, rf. 4
1 I Darbeau, lb.. 4
a OHuelow, a.... I
I 1 Hhoadea, p... 4
0 0 Totala 14 I 17 14 i
1 0
6 H O A K.
4 110 0
4 0 1
I I 1
0 II
Totala II I IT II 4
Batted for Knight In eighth.
Philadelphia 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 610
Cleveland 2 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 07
Two-base hits: Knight, Hartsel, Cross.
Three-base hit: Turner. Sacrifice hit: Bue
low. Stolen bases: Turner, Stovall, Arm
bruster (21, Murphy (2), Cross. Bases on
balls: Off Rhoades. 4; oft Plank. 1. Hit
with pitched ball: By Rhoades, 1; by Plank,
2. Left on bas-s: Cleveland, ; Phl'adfl-
?hla, 7. Struck out: By Rhoades, i: by
'lank, 2. Passed balls: Buelow, 2. Time:
2.20. Umpire: Connolly.
Standing; of the Teams.
Philadelphia .
New York
C leveland . . ...
St. Louis
Washington ..
Boston ,
Games today: Washington at St. Louis,
Philadelphia at Cleveland. New York at De
troit, Huston at Chicago.
ed. Won. Lost. re.
92 68 84 .630
2 66 16 .t0
H 62 40 .6(6
6 62 43 .647
3 48 45 .619
83 47 46 .606
1.2 33 b .6j
it 2 70 .m
Jones, ef 4 4 4 1
('ConroT. cf i 1 I 0 4
Cchaefer. aa .l a I I 1 Keeler. 0 10 0
Mclntrra. II.. 4 1 0 aElberfold. a. i I t 1 I
Crawford, lb. 4 4 11 1 4(haae. lb t 111 I I
Payne, rf I I a 0 OLaporte. lb... 4 1 I I
Couahlln. lb. I
Llndaar. lb... 4
Srhmldt. ... I I I
Waraer. a.... 1
1 1
I 6 Vkilliama. lb. 4 0 I t
I tlvl.hante, if. 1 a 1 0 4
4 1 Kl.lnow, C.I 4 I I a
1 a I cOnh. a 4 a 0 I 0
DoaoTan, p... 4 4II
Toula S3 rtt 14 1
Tm'i M I so II 4
Winning run ct red with one cut n tenth
Detroit 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 I
New York 1 0 0 t 0 0 0 0-3
Three-haae hit: Mclntyre. Stolen bases:
Jones, I imroy. Rases on balls: Oft I no
van, 4, off Orih. a Hit with pitched hall
Indianapolis and Kansas City Break
Eren on Doable-Header,
INDIANAPOLIS. Aug. 8--Ind!anRpolls
snd Ksnsas City split even In a double
header here today. Cromley was In the
box for Indianapolis In the first game, his
llrnt appearsnce (or seversl weeks, and
Indianapolis wrn by a score of 3 to 2. In
the second Indianapolis failed to get a
run over the plate, being shut out, 8 to 0.
The game was called In the eighth Inning
in account of darkness. Score, first game:
B.H.O. A C B.H.O.A K-
Dualearr. at. 4 1 10 0 WaMron, rf . 4 1 4 4
Jamea, lb,...l Oil I MV Bride, aa... 4 0110
Hlmea, cf...,l 1 I I OPerrlne. lb... 4 1111
r.rr, lb 4 110 0 Hill, cf 4 4 14
Wllllama. aa.. 4 0 I I 0 Burba, lb.... 4 14 11
Prrrv. If .4 110 Pranii. lb . ..4 144
Marran. lb... 4 4 11 ('eaeadr. If... 4 114 1
Holmea. c . . I 1 I t Leah, I 1110
Cromley. p .. 4 1 4 1 4 Durham, p... I 4 a 1 I
Alhanon. lb 1 114 4
Toula 14 TU I
Tnaala II in I 1
One out when winning run waa made.
Indianapolis 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 13
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32
Bases on balls: Oft Cromley. 2; off Dur
ham, 2. Strui-k out: By Cromley. 4; by
Durham. 2. Hit by pitcher: James. Hlmea.
Two-base hits: Hlmes, Leany. Three-base
hit: lasMdy. Bacrince hits: Hlines, Wat
dron. Stolen bases: Williams, Marian.
Left on bases: Indianapolis, 7; Kansas
City, 8. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Kane.
Score, second game:
bases: Kansas City, 4; Indianapolis, 7.
1'ime: 1:46. Umpire: Kune
Brewers Defeat Distillers
LOUISVILLE, Aug. S- Milwaukee de
feated Louisville In the second game 'of
the series today. Both Btecher and Elliott
were batted hard by the visitors. The
Iocs Is started a batting rally In the laat
half of the ninth, but could not overcome
the visitors' lead. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Bob'on, aa-lbl 111 OHallman. If.. 4 1100
0 0 Woodruff, lb. 4 I 0
Oreen. rf 4 I I
Hynee, If 4 1 I 0 0 Brajihaar, lb. 4
Bateman, lb.. I I 10 0 0 Sullivan, lb.. I
Roth, c i I I 0 0 Stovall,
1 1
4 I
H'phlll. rf-aa I
MTh'er. Ib-cf III
MoCorm'k. lb 4 1 0
cf... 4
1 Kanna, rf.... 4
OShaw. c 4
lQulnlan, as.. 4 I
110 1
Dougherty, p. 4 1 0 I 0 Sterner, p
Elliott, p.
ToUla 40 14 17 10 I'KerwIn..
I I 1 0
0 4 I a
4 I I
a a I o
l a o o
Totala N 11 IT II 4
Batted for Elliott In ninth.
Milwaukee 0 2 0 0 2 0 2 2 08
Louisville 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 46
Two-base hits: Kenna, Sullivan, Mc
Chesney. Three-base hits: Hynes, Hall
man, Woodruff. Stolen bases: Green (2),
Robinson, Brashear, Roth, Bateman. Sacri
fice hits: Woodruff, Hemphill, Stecher,
Hynes. Bases on balls: Oft Dougherty, 3.
Struck out: By Stecher, 2; by Elliott, 2;
by Dougherty, 2. Hit by pitched ball:
Oreen. Hits: Off Stecher, 8 In five Innings;
Off Elliott, 8 In four Innings. Left on
banes: Louisville, 8; Milwaukee, (. Time:
2:06. Umpire: Werden.
Minneapolis Kaay for Colusnoua.
COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 8. Coulter s bat
ting was the feature of ths second easy
victory for Columbus over Minneapolis.
After two were out in the ninth. Freeman
tripled and Graham singled, saving Min
neapolis a shutout. Score:
B.H B.H.O.A B.
Clrmer, rf ... 0 10 0 Davla. cf I 14 10
roulter. It ... 4 110 OPulllvan. rt . I 1 ate
Plrkerlns. cf. I I I 0 0orem!ng"r. lb 1 1 0 0 l
Prlel, 3b 4 1 I 1 0 Hart, If 4 I 4 a
Klhm, lb I 0 1 Freeman, lb.. 4 1111
Hulawltt, aa. 4 1 1 1 aOraham. a.... till
Wrtgier, lb.. I I 1 I OOyler. aa..
blue, c I
Berser, p 4
I arm. lb....
1 OFord, p....
B.H.O.A B.
Waldma. rf.
MBrlde. aa.
Perrlne. lb..
Hill, cf
Hurke. lb...
Pranti. lb ...
raraadv. It..
Sullivan, a.,
t'rutrher, p..
aPunleavy, rf. I
0 Athertoa. lb. I
1 Hlmea. rf.... 4
OCarr. lb
a Wllllama. aa.
0 Perry. II
aMarraa, lb..
1 Holmea. e. . .
OHaflord, p...
Toula eu a II 14 1 Totals ta T 14 II I
Kansas City.'. 0 2010006
Indianapolis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uisea on balla: Oft Haftord. 2; oft
Cruti her. 3. Struck out: By HafTord, 4
by Crutcher. 1. Hit by pitcher: Perry
Two base hit: Frsnts. Three-base hit
Hnfford. Sacrifice hiia: MrBrlde. Perrlne,
Hurke. Double play: McHrliie to Frants.
dtolen base. Carr, Burke, Hill. Left on
Totala U 11 it I I Totals 10 I 14 II I
Columbus 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 4
Minneapolis 00000000 11
Stolen bases: Wrlgley, Blue. Graham.
Sacrifice hits: Wrlgley. Sullivan. Two
base hits: Coulter (2)), Friel, Berger.
Three-base hits: Pickering, Freeman. Dou
ble play: Wrlgley to Klhm. Struck out:
By Beiger, 6; by Ford, 2. First baae on
balls: Off Berger, 3; off Ford, 2. Passed
ball: Graham. Time: 1:61. Umpires:
Owens and Sullivan.
Toledo Piles I p Bis Score.
TOLEDO, Aug. 3 Toledo batted Rode
baugh, the St. Paul's new pitcher, out In
tne first inning and then pounded Slagle all
over the field. Score:
B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B.
Cllnsman. aa. 4 4 4 4 OOeler. aa I 14 10
J. Clarke. It . I I 1 0 gulden, lb... I I 1 a
Odwell. rf ... 4
remoat. lb... I
i i a a
14 4 1
day hopeful of being able to purchase the
Boston National league club. After a con
ference with the owners, he announced that
the price they demanded, although reason
able, in his estimation, was In excess of
what he could pay and that he has, there
fore, relinquished all Intention of becom
ing a base ball magnate In this city.
Refuses to Play Until Given Share of
Purchase Money.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3. "Cy" Seymour,
the center fielder for whose reiae ttie
New York National Lt-ague club paid 31).
000 recently to the Cincinnati club and
who has been playing with the local tea.u
for some time, refused to don a uniform
here today In the game against St. Lou.
at the Polo grounds. Seymour
that he is entitled to a share of the money
paid by the New York management to
Cincinnati for his release a.d until he
receives his share he says he will not pi.;
longer with the New Yorks, nor with any
other club. The management of the IochI
club cannot do anything In the case, u
they have nothing to say as to what ar
rangements or agreement th v player may
have made with the Cincinnati manage
ment. '
Seymour says he has nothing to com
plain of so far as the New York club Is
concerned and he repeated the ststement
to John P. Brush today. At the same
time he refused to put on a uniform
walked out . of the grounds just as he
game began. The local club is chagrined
at the loss of Seymour's services Ju on
the eve of the series with Chicago, which
begins here tomorrow.
CINCINNATI. O., Aug. 8 President
Hermann said tonight of the Seymour
"The Cincinnati Base Ball club does not
owe Seymour one ceni. It has always bt-en
the custom of the Cincinnati club to givW
tbo player half of the purchase price In
euse the player Is sold to a minor leauo.
In Seymour's case, however, h madr no
secret of the fsct that he wanted to go
to New York and he was transferred ut
his own request."
Mr. Hermann would not state what step t
hn would take, but Intimated that Seymour
would not play ball In the National league
if he waits for any of the transfer money
coming from the Cincinnati club.
4 14 0 Myers, rf..
14 1 SPrtak. rf...
Krueger. lb.. I 14 1 o W heeler, lb.. 4 1111
Nance, rf 4 4 1 4 oCoy, If I 0 I 0 I
W. Clarke, lb I I 1 4 u Partden, lb... I 4 4 11
Land, lb 1 0 1 1 brill, c I T I a
Abbott, e 4 I I ORodabaufk, p 0 4
atlnahaa. p .. I 1 0 8iale. p I t 1
Totala U 14 !J II 1 Totala la 4 II 11 I
Toledo 4 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 12
St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base hits: J. Clarke. Abbott f2
Cltngman. Three-base hit: Demont. Home
run: Odwell. First base on balls: Oft
Minahan, 7; oft Rodebaugh, 2. Struck out:
By Minahan, 4; by Slagle, 4. Hits. Off
Rodebaugh, 3 and nobody out In first In
ning; oft Single, 13 In nine Innings. Double
plays: Geier to Psdden to Sugdrn, Demont
to Cltngman to W. Clarke. Stolen baae:
Odwell. Sacrifice hit: Minahan. Balk:
Minahan. Hit by pitched ball: Myers.
Wild pitchea: Rodebaugh. 1; Minahan, 1.
lime: 1.4b. Lmplre: t-gan.
Standing- of the Teams.
Played. Won Lost Pet.
Columbus li tw 9 .tt3
Milwaukee 1"4 6 4 .663
Toledo 103 64 47 .641
Ixuisvllle 1"4 M 61 .oiu
Minneapolis 1 63 63 ."
Kansas City 14 1 66 . 471
St. Paul 1' 46 M - 4?7
Indianapolis l'l 3t tie .M
Games today: MMwsukee at Louisville,
Kansas t'iiy st Indianapolis. St. Paul al
Toledo. Minneapolis at lolumbus.
Pnlllam-Boston Deal Is OS7.
BOSTON, Aug 3 President Hsrry Put
nam oi lb rvationai league came here to-
1 ,
Cllffdwellers sad Cownnnrhers Will
Flap for n Purse.
Another one of those terrible convulsions
among the beings of the globe is to Like
place August 26, Sunday, when the base
ball allegations from the court house
meet a similar tribe that procures its dally
bread at the city hslL The occasion la a
picnic under the chaperonnge of the IlllnoU
Central railroad and the Ascot Amusement
Company at Ascot, Ia. The company lias
hung up a purse of 350, real money, for a
collision of the CUrrowellers and the Cow
punchers. It is needless to say that ac
ceptances from Managers Ryder and
Grotte were Issued at rapidly as bulkta
from a Gatlin gun. The challenge, as a
matter of form, was written st the eliv
hall and among other things had this fling:
"On account of the recent one-sided game
played between us. 18 to 2 In our favor, we
feel that it Is but proper that the challenge
for the third game should come, from our
quarters. Therefore we will agree to accept
the terms of the amusement company, pro.
vlded you can secure enough braves from
the cliff to withstand another bombard
ment. Hoping that you will be able to
gather enough of the unsophisticated to
gether, we expect an early reply."
Each team has won something termed a
"game" and the contest at Ascot is to be
the deciding one of the series, and clinch
the flaunting place of the pennant on the
city hall or the court house.
Finale to Be Played Off Saturday
MERNA, Neb., Aug. 8 fSpeclal Tele
grain.) The second day of the ball tourna
ment here was a big Improvement over
Thursday. People from all parts of the
country are flocking In and the town is
crowded with strangers. The following
games were played today: Merna and Cal
loway. In the forenoon. Score: Merna. 8;
Calloway. 0. Batteries: Welsh and Mc
Carty; Nicholson, Boat and BctukrIiis.
Umpire: ShaefTer. In the afternoon
Broken Bow and Ansley played, with a
score of 7 to 4 in favor of Broken Bow.
Batteries: Ryan and Gadd; Hagln and
Freer. Umpire: Wilson. Arnold and
Merna followed with a score of 6 to 3 In
favor of Arnold. Batteries: Uucklln and
Hall; Hunter and McC'arty. Umpire:
Shaeffer. Tomorrow the winning teams
will play for the pennant.
Duekllna Come Saturday. v
Duckey Holmes will come up from Salt
creek with his Mlckeyltes for a series of
games with Pa's Colts, beginning Satur
day afternoon. Two new faces will be seen
In Holmes' lineup since his last appearance
In Omaha. Gagnler Is playing short In
place of Ftllman and Zackert is a new
Iiltcher. The Omaha pitchers are getting
ack Into condition and the day lost b
rain and the other day left vacant on the
schedule have given the men a needed rest
which should help some, Fenlon is play
ing left field for the Saltpeters and
playing a good game. Monday will be
Indies' day, when all the women are In
vited to accept the hospitality of the man
agers and will be admitted free to His
grnunns ana grannsutna. ins lineup:
., Thomas
, ... Burton
... Qulilln
.. Gagnler
.... Fenlon
. Ketchem
.... Collins
... Zlnran
Omal a.
Do lan ,
tinri cling
Sanders. ......
... Second
... Bhort ,
. . . Center
... Pitch
... Pitchy...
..... Eyler
.... Jones
.. Zackert
town l.easrua Results. .
MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia, Aug. 8 fSjx?'i
elel Telegram.) Following are tho re
sults In the Iowa league:
Keokuk, 2: Waterloo, 1.
Marshalltown. 7; Burlington, 4.'
No game at Ottumwa; rain. '
Oskaloosa, 6; Clinton, 2.
In the Western l.easms.-
Games today: Lincoln at Omaha, Des
Moines at Denver, Sioux City at Pueblo.
sr- j B" basis'
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