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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
TirE OMATTA DAILY PEE: RATTTRPAT. AT'OT'ST 4. 100(1 12 t Saturday We Cut the Price Again on our up-to-date MEM'S aOTHMG Suits Worth up to $20.09 p Tj I II We are going to make a tre mendous clean up before the middle of August. "We are go ing to sell our high class cloth ing for men at prices never thought of before, because we cannot spare the room with our tremendous stock of fall clothes about to arrive. That's why we offer at less than half all these stylish summer outing Ruits and men's 3-plece suits well made, very latest patterns and styles worth up to $20.00, at 3 SPECIAL PANT BARGAINS 7 9 Choice of all our men's Choice of all our men's Choice of any men's $8.00 and $3.50 pants, outing pants, worth pants in stock, worth will go at. O t4.00 and $5, 9 JO up to $7.50. 7QC per pair . . . . . I.O J go at t,lj go at J,J D HOT WEATHER. CLOTHES AT BIG BARGAINS ..Tour choice of all our men's Al PfLC coat, serges, in single and doufrle breasted, Slllclas and pongees, in tan and black, at ONE-HALF PRICE. Boys' and Young Men's Outing Suits, ages 14 to 19 worth $6.50. $7.50 and $8.60 to clean them up quickly, Choice of our Children's Wash Suits, ages 3 to 10, sailor or Buster Browns, sold up to $1.00, at JZJG Choice of Children's Wash Suits in late styles, that have been 7 C selling up to two dollars, at i DC Choice of any Children's Wash Suit in stock, Sailors, Peter ) pa Pans or Buster Browns, worth as high as $6.50, at Z,J) $2 Men's Shirts 75c All sample shirts this summer's latest and best styles collar sep arate or attached all new and styl ish patterns,' act ual $2 and $2.50 values, on bar gain square, at. . 75 Men's Straw Hats Half Price Msn's and Boya' Straw Hats, t(r have bfen selling- t 85c, at.. 'VIC Men's Wc Straw (lata, OBx 45c at Urn's 11.00 Straw Hata, at Men's $2.50 Straw Hats, i at , Genuine Panama Hata, worthy Oft up to tio.00, at vo TRUXK8 AND SUIT CASES All the odds and -ends of our best suit cases at just about half price specials at 98c-$M5-$2.98-$3.98-$4.98 SO sample trucks that are worth up to $12.00, iro on i CO-tS-IS OS aale Saturday, at ....' msm V - or I ITS B& tffc llk v BdUU 6 and Return . August 12-13 Good for Extension Returning to Sept. 30. Bpecial Nebraska O. A. R. Train Aug. 11, 8:30 p. m. . Regular Trains 7:50 a. m. and 8:28 p. m. CITY OFFICES: 1401-3 Farnam Street THE Purchasing Power behind the unsurpassed homo circulation of The Omaha Bee is- vhat makes advertisers know that it pays to use MR' Slice Me Our big oxford sale is the talk of the town you don't get a chance like this very often all the celebrated makes such as the follow ingare included in this big sale: HAN AN, ClAPP and BOYDEN !or men, and HAVVN, FfiSTU and ARMSTRONG for women. 1 MEN'S Hanan's patent kid and patent colt oxfords A I C 16.60 . Hanan's gun metal calf t and kid oxfords $6 . . . Borden's gun meUl calf 'J Hoyden's genuine French A f C calf $6.60 T.1 Clapp's gun metal A C calf $6.60 r.IJ Ten styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid T "$6 ..... mr M Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 3 Q Q 100 pairs odds and ends $3.60 and $4 J C() oxfords ,mmtJ WOMEN'S. Hanan's patent kid welt t ?P sole oxfords $6 t O Hanan's kid oxfords, T Q welt sole $4.60 J,JD Foster's patent kid oxfords, welt and turn sole T 7C $6 J.l 0 Foster's kid welt 1 fifi oxfords $4 J.UU Armstrong's patent colt T AA welt oxfords $4 J.UU Armstrong's welt oxfords C $3.60. .,Z.O J Fire styles $3 oxfords, patent colt and gun metal l r calf... L.LD 'Two lines $2.60 oxfords, 1 Oil turns and welts J3 All pumps in patent colt, gun metal calf and canras 25 per cent off. art ar wit off on all oar Men'a, Wni'i, Bora' mm 4 MlaaeV Tan Shoca, ava well aa Oxforda. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. a SPECIAL . FOR MEN v SATURDAY Patent Colt' and Gun . Oxfords Regular Price $3.50. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOERS. 1ttk and Douglas Stt. HOTXLA. HOTEL KUPPER. Kuiu City, fBja niuowii IHHUIlUIlrf - '""M i til, ,.. aVafc.l4jjLu aaaXannaM 1 TMs marnlfloent hotel hu 800 beau tiful rooma and la located at 11th and UcOm atresia In the ahoppluf district. Only half a block from the Einory, Bird, Thayer dry gooda atore; near all the tbeatera. ISO rrlTate Batka. Talepnanaa 1m all Moomm. Hot aad Cold Btuiaisa Water la Bvery Boom, trnesoelled Onfe. rerfec Oolalae. Olna Itwtfuti and Table X'Boa Xtlaaera erred la Ce4a. Bates 1 a Day aad Upward. Buropeaa rlaa Reaerratlona may be made by tle sraph at our aapene. Kl'PPER-BENSt)J( HOTEL OO. 9. A. BBBaOaT, HuH. r.lcn'oand Doy Suits 53.00 Patunlay we pier on aale an additional lot of Men's two and thre-ptce Bulta, alio Boya1 Lon-Pnta Suite that Aur harh anld aa hiRh aa . take your choice for IS.0O. Tou will find them on the ftrat table aa you enter the atore. Anybody that haa a boy aped from 15 to X) to clothe ought to take advantage of thia ex traordinary opportunity. Pants $1.00 worth up to tl.M. There are eUH a gnoA many on hand, but they have been re moved to the epcond floor. Pants $1.90 rants worth up to $4.00, eome from the Auerbach at nek; aluo a food many Suit Pants, ne Well aa odds and ends, from our own stock roar choice, $1.90. On eale In rear of main floor. Men's $3.00 Oxfords at $1.25 It's the blftareet Shoe enap ever offered In the town. Men's Tan Oxforda, worth $3.00; aale price, $1.26. ' Tou'U find them In the baaement. . , Men's Shirts 25 cts. All aorta of Shirts that were made to be retailed for 80c and 76c take your pick for 25c. For 48c your choice of Shlrta worth up to $1.60. On aale on main floor. Men's Hose 9 cts. Men's Hose worth c for 9c. Te have added aome fine blue and tnn Hoee with extra fine fancy allk embroidery. On eale on main floor, also on second floor. Fine Men's Suits For $9.90 we give you cholre from Suits that Auerbach sold as high aa $20.00. Aucr bach was known to carry the very finest of goods. Suits that he sold as high as $35.00 you can take your pick for $14. W. Tou pay merchant tallora aa high as $43.00 for some not aa good. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-1521 Douglas St. More New Styles In stork mnklna; a splendid show ing of exclusive Fall Shoes. YOUR FAVORITE lasts In dull or shining leathers. Many new models with character, fnst color Ovalold hooks and eyrl.'ts. our ahoea are perfectly moulded to every part of the foot. I'nsurpaased work manship. Every pair fitted by meas urement You ran Introduce the latest styles by wearing $3.50 or $4.00 Walk-Over Shoes SODL. ONLY AT Walk-Over Shoe Store, 152 i Farnam St. Ed S. Thompson, the Wnlk-Over Man SKILLED TAILORS AND competent cutters will look after your order at Nlcoll's. We hold them, and keep them busy during the warm months by offering you a full suit and extra trousers for the price of suit alone. WILLIAM JERREMS SONS ?00-1 1 "So." 1 5th" St, 21 Housekeeper's Guide AT LAXGE'S GROCEKY AXD MEAT MARKET. Nowhere else will you find the same purity, freshness and high quality at such low prices. Let us add your name to our list of patrons. You will save money and Improve your table by trading here. A trial will make you a regular cuatomer. ONLY A FEW OF OUR LOW PRICES OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION 20 lba. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar ' $1.00 . Large sack Purity Flour, the best on- the market, every aack - guaranteed 91. IS Butter, fresh from the coun try, per pound flOo Rggs, fresh laid, per doz.... ISO Good Steak, per pound.., Fresh Oatmeal, per pound.. 3lo Round Steak, per pound., Navy Beans, per pound 10 Mrioin tsieaK. per pouna. . Fancy large Banana, dor. , iOo Sweet Corn, per dojsen TWO Cookies, fancy, per pound... 9VaO Laundry Soap Beat-'Em-All, Lenox and I), c. 10 bare for ato Tar Soap, 6c bars SViO MEAT DEFAJITMEKT. TV40 9o IOo Porterhouse Steak, per pound IOo Good Boil Meat, per pound. . . 3o Chuck Roast, per pound 60 to 7Vio Rib Roast, per pound 80 3-lb. can Rexaltne Lard 8S0 R-lb. can Rexallne Lard 43o 8O0 Coffee, rearular 20c. on sale per pound lSe Iced Tea, per pound B5o Tomatoea, home grown, per baaket 19He Annie. Via Ad nicked, ner neck ISO Lemons, rancy Messina, aoi. goo iu-id. can neiwino Lara.... TOE LANGE GROCERY CO.. 24th and Cuming Streets. '.i ... Telephone Douglas 1530. Special Homeseekers' Excursion Missouri. Arkansas. Indian Territory Louisiana. New Mexico. Oklahoma. Texas. Republic ot Mexl60. TUESDAYS August ?th anf 21st, September 4th aad 18th, October 2d and 10th, November flth and 20th. 1906, Via MISSOURI PACITIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HTGHES, T. P. T. P. GODFREY, P. T. A., OMAHA, NEB. XL O. XOWK8K5D, General Paengr' and Ticket AgmU BT. LOUIS, MO. MANY NEW BARGAINS SATURDAY THE RELIABLE TRE v J DELIGHTFUL VALUES IN ALL DEPARTM'TS Magnificent Clothing Values Saturday will be the climax In br jrain Riving In our men'a rlothlnit dpjmrtnirnt. Every garment In. our utork room has heon hroufM for ward, which mrnna a ahowinu for thp first time Saturday of abotit 30J now suits. Not only stylo but qual ity and VHrlpty or these offorlnp: will Impress you whh their auperlorlty. Sea them Saturdny. MKN'S oi'TIMl si'lT in great aa portment of plain color and fancy mixed materials, double and ln(tl breasted styles worth up to flo at $5.00 AND $3.75. $10 MEN'S SUITS, $5.00 The greatest variety of stylish ttray and brown mixed and plain colors evef shown, at our aale prlca $5.00. $15 AXD $18 SUITS, $7.50 and $10.00. Handsome blue serges, black thlbets, clay worsteds, fancy worsted cheviots and casslmeres, single and double breasted styles, In two great lots at $7.50 AND $i0.00. MEN'S PAXTS regular $3.00 and $4.00 values In all thenewest materials, colors and patterns, remarkable values IOC Saturday at $2.50 and I..J MEN'S Ol'TIXO PANTS our entire stock at sweeping price reductions com. plete lines In all colors and patterns f Cfl nt $2.o0, $1.95 and I.kU HOYS' LONG PANT SI ITS worth from $G.50 to $9.00 single or doubla breasted styles in plain and fancy mixed materials 7C 1H? p ft mm clearing sale price, $j.00 and EMYDEE3 BR! Wot In the Rockies. The air is pure without undue moisture. There Is no excessive heat in summer. There are no continuous saturating rainfalls. m COLORADO the summer nights are Invariably cool, In ducing rest and refreshing sleep. Very low rates of T-f 7 CA In pffrct dally to Sopt. 30 to IVnvpr 9li9V Colorado Sprlnga, Pueblo, and return. ALSO (4e A A to same points. Tickets on sale SlO.UU Beptoniber. 19 to 23. VIA UNION PACIFIC THE rOPULAIl ROAD TO COLORADO. Inquire at CITV TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARXAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 334. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DELLEVUE COLLEGE COLLEGE ClaaalcaJ, sole oil fla, phlloao. K)hical cuursea. Preparea tor Bellavua or any otnar c.i- lege or university. MmnAL l-rn.KJLr r.iBiiwni.1 J vanoed rnurari. CertiHcatea rantd. mKBVHVATORV-Thwrr of muale, pi ano, votca, violin, elocution and art. (ONNW IIU.NB wim um.ii., excuw Una and Burlington Railway. ITa 1 1 h m ..fur rtnn. fi.ntafnbr IS. A4isa .ftaaWaul . JVaiawwUi, Bnvua OMAHA to MIHHEAPOLIS and RETURN VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD "The Short Lina to Minneapolis." ACCOUNT IIATI01IAL EtiCAMPMEHT G. A. R. Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13. Long Return Limit. Leave Omaha, 8:00 a. m.; Arrive Minneapolis, 6:50 p. m. Leave Omaha, 8:30 p. m.j Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. m. Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepers. City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam fit., Omaha TO OR AND RETURN August 4th, 5th, 6th RETURN LIMIT AUG. 15. Tickets sood in Coaches and Chair Cara, also lo Pullmaa Cars upon payment of Pullman rate. FOUR DAILY FAST TRAINS Leave Union Station 8:25 A.M.. 8:16 A.M., 4:05 P.M., 6:35 P.M. Ticket Office 1323 Farnam iManj..n ' 1 'i SCHOOLS AKO COLLEGES. JMentwortlil Military Academy id lb MUX Aim WmL CLawa "A 1 by rwwni of War lvt.l One of U tn U. b. Oul 0OjDJTOf THE FTF?rTCT BET ft How refreshing after a hard day's work Pure Darloy Malt Highest Grade Hopo ' Pure Spring Water QWe this beer the exquisite flavor that comes only wli perfectly brewed and aged. , We will send a case to your home. ' ' Omaha Headquarter HITKT Y. PLITii. 14tli and la Iousaa. Tel. Ixjn. lMt Co. .Bluffs Hadnuart ra, Tel. Ho. 0. South Qm2ha fiai "at. Ti. K uU, f i 1