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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 190a 10 SPECIAL NOTICES tmw re ewiassaa rwatsug eAHl e- tn the MmlM U4 Ni4r egltleav. ruse. "" " - i rr IM lui wm ler ih sins tmmmr flam. nn UTWtlamntl sasst We ran Kifttll nl y MISCELLANEOUS 198S FALL TERM BOTLE8 COLLEGE Opni Sept. 4. Htiar4naa. Shorthand. Tetearraphy, English. New catalogue Just ihiihjul CajT. write or 'Dhone for It. AMmM Jl B. Boylea, Pres., 1803 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. R 407 OMAHA Safe a ad Iron Worts make a spe cialty of. Are escapes, shutters, doora and - . fui a im w D 1 sates. i. Anareen, P"P- D- '" R 708 BION PAINTTNO-. H. Cola, 1301 Douglas. I ckj 1 1 TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. irX R-710 IOWA Bantta ry Clesnlng Co., 1919 Farnam. MX tu. ANTI-MONOPOLY Osrbage Co., JS21 N. lth. Tel. Doug. 17T. Res. -pnone iui. (wi. R 712 ELHASRER A BRICE, Machinists, 17 South 12th St. Tel. 6W7. B 713 Tl1ZIJJ JT"t?c-lLji;!lM' 2'6- Vox TvnewrUer Co.. 1622 Farnam, R M367 AuglS WHF.RIC TRTTNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit eaaea and shopping bags. Old trunks taken in exenange. repairing. FREUNO A BTEINLE. N. ISth St. 'Phone Douglaa 4936. R MnZl BUSINESS CHANCES Tin, Vnn "WTJari in MuVa a f!hancrfi. If vou have a farm. home, business or prop- erty that, you want tu aeu or exenange - - . - .. 1 write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Uloux city, la. T-M172 Ag31 FOR BALE OR TRADE Store building and residence combined; ten rooms 011 I best corner in Monroe, Neb., also 33.W0 drug stock In same town; go well in above building. barn, water, etc., IK per acre, also good farms in Bon Homme Co.. 8. D. and soma small tracts near town and State Normal school. Large Hat sent on appll- PARTIES desiring to work in sugar f ac catlon. George W. Snow, Bprinfleld, 8. V. tory at Leavltt, Neb., during the coming T M2U1 llx FOR SALE Nice- clean stock of millinery gooda in town of 1. 000 inhabitants: only one other millinery stock in town; good business;, reason for selling, owner called away and unable to return; one of the best openings in the state for up-to-date milliner, call on or address F. W. Crew. St. PauL Neb. Y M20 I 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; gooa location. Address u M. care 01 tee. X 714 BEBT drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about x6,uno cash required; sales 122,000; prom f,uui. Address a ti, tiee. ' Y M56S Augn BAKERT goods, cJurars, confectionery. scnool supplies, laundry agency; a nice little business, across from One school. for sale cheap If taken at once. Counters, i nr tl"v1n- mil stock. WANTED Man w'h small capital, to Join v ,u a... cmiuuimicu uiuuiviurui uuii I J the trade) BOS per month and expenses J lien, biiii ia tm ( rLi ia unuuuDfi lor to good, sober man; experience unneces sary u able in fumun good reference. Aaareea u a, tm. i-jum FOil BALE A first class Job office with A-l newspaper plant la connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding . lowns; jop ryp ail new; acting good buslneea; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or coma, as this snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Bog tit, Hastings, sen. i-au FOR PALE A stock of general mer chandise; Invoice about $26,000; In a Sood, prosperous South Dakota town: ualneas last year over $7.000; beat of reasons for selling. Address L 42, care of Bee. Y M260 10 PROFITS $309 AND $360 PER MONTH two testauranta In good mining towns; prices $1,000 and $1,U cash. Bend for statements. Must sell, account ot serious ailment. Address Whits House Cafe, cnppie creea. uoio. x uuant A LIMITED capital will purchase a gooL progressiva plumbing business. Personal reaaona for discontinuing. Address L 43, cars joee. T mzw WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Tws or three experienced sales men or saiesiaaias. or Do to, to take cnargs of a well selected stock, of high grade pianos in Deal, town ana country in oen- tral Nebraska of 10.OW Inhabitants; good salary and commission to right nartv: stale sxpsrlamas, sgs. nationality, refer- I ence, etc, first letter. Cash Wllllami Mualo House, Hastings. Neb. I - u-auH augt i WANTED Salesmen for eboloa nursery I stock; liberal cash payments weekly; writs lor particulars, wimi nurseries, i Ottawa, Kan. L M280 i SALESMAN WANTED On acquainted with the drug and dry goods -trade and familiar witn perrumee ana toilet aru cles. Address U at, oars ttea. L-M22$ WANTED One man in every county. with horse, or horse and boggy, to em ploy snd control agenta for a work which every farmer wants. Terms most liberal and cash profits guarante, 4; Dpomotlon and still srreater c rents wll. follow rapidly. Tha Thompson Publish ing CO.. bV UOUIS. JSO. LriH x WANTED Hardware salesman;- an enrr gstlo young man with at toast 6 years' xpertsncs. Address, with references, L it. Bee, stating salary expected, litl WANTED First -class t ravelin man: good salary: no competition; ex pense money advanoed. Midland hotel. 10 a. m. . 4. skyie. kJ WANTED A capable man In svery county, with experience as solicitor, to ploy, organise and direct squads of solicitors; good rash profits guaranteed fer fall and winter work. The Thomp sen Publishing Co.. Bt. Louis. 26$ 4x AGENTS WANTED AOKNT8 WANTED Something entirety new and needed by everybody; our $2,000 eeniblnauon pouoies, covering an acci- denta diseases and oocupelUms; costing ;, S Bar .nnum each. Davabla auer- only M Dr annum each, payable quar terly. IMUVU V turn t vu. VusLOOO already paid in benefits. Agents wanted; large commissions snd exclusive territory given. Asoress national a oca Cant Society. $20 Broadway, New York. fcetabllabsa u years. J WANTED Ladles or gentlemen, to sell la- dies' embroidered shirtwaist patterns and also other novelties to the public; no In vestment: can make $! to $16 dally; don't tarry ana lose a good thing; ws answer all mall orders. Inquire of The U. 8. Em roldery works, liw . Xfttn Bt. J M80 Aug4 Xv A VTED A rents to represent us in the sale of our western Kansas lands. Glule Lsind sad Investment Co- Omaha. Nb, and. Sioux city, la. J is attractive money-making prep- tiling or handling crews with ttlan Cleaner: makes old signs AGENTS Attract! O' tuon. our Gold ne A?frrT,.?SSstSmalc f-cl.anln, WANTED Young lady whs hs. had some curry comb; write, for Introductory of- experience In office work; give references f?r fo first' from each locality -Clean 'r1t.r Ad I'lo B ""c Efl' Comb Co.. Racine. Wis. J 35 4x writing. Addieas L 40. Bee. C-2W 3 tW- JLUZm't0011, "'jJIsTlS04 WANTED-Oood girl for general hou.e ts.. Burralo, W. I. " work; best wages to competent one Mat A TICKET BROKERS rrrTW A TTE rallwar tickets everywhere. p P. B. PVUbia, VMS Fernem. Thou Doug. WANTED MALE HELP Omaha . . -- Ir,,,. mi nrnvci prtvn o X Alula irjtl UXXj-iNO OlUi A. O. All departments. Pay and night sessions. Write or call for free souvenir catalogue. All department. Pay and rrlght sessions. write or eUl Tor free souvenir caiajoxue. ROLLRBOUGII BROS., Prop's., 19th end Fsrnam Sts., Omaha. B 249 WANTED Cigar maker; I rollers and bunch breakers; will pay tne Dei 01 price to go out of town; will send tickets. Aoarese 11 12, care 01 nw. a DRUG 8TORE8 bought and sold; drug cleiks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. 1.1 w in MEN with teams to sell line of medicines. Btar Med. Co., Charles City. Ja. out tiii WA NT ED Men to learn barber trade; the idvinuri we offer save veara of ap prenticeship; positions waiting; top wages; the men lor DarDem never great; special offer now. Cell or write Moler Barber college, 1118 Farnam St. 15 BUgflK CIVIL SERVICE-Want youns ; me r, 1 to pre- pare. Dee u nueriuu, oo.v . . " , 1,1 B M385 SUfl4 TOUNO MAN, Al references, to sell typo- writers on road. Address Kalllng, 122 Farnam. B M424 aualS WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at the Avery brick yard, two miles souin of Albright; boarding house at plant- WANTED Good marble cutter; good wages; steady employment. unaea Glides, Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neh. B M4.$ WANTED - Carpenters; steady work. Ad- dress Jos. Shleslger, Tutan, Neb. B M'n WANTED For the U. 8. marine corps, men between ages II and so; an oppor tunity to see tne world. For further in formation see poster In postofflce of any county seat in the state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B-MS46 B30x WANTED Car builders, repairers ana truxkman fllrtahv Packing CO.. South Omaha. B-MS40 A-10 ROOFER To do new work and repair work. Nichols Roofing Co., iincoin. Neb. B-M866 aug4 WANTED Teams at C. B. Havens & Co.'a yard, 14th and Webster Bts. WANTED Two men to travel for Minne- innlls wholesale house in this territory 141 rr wk unci exnenaes to start; ex perience unnecessary: win rrnm i"i personal Interview; address at once with seir-aanressea siampea envelope, r . , Potta, Minneapolis, Minn. B M166 Bx nmnalrn. which Is exDected to start beptemoer la, will pieaee nie uppiicaimn now. The better DORltlons will be as signed parties who file application prior to Aiirunt 20. and later aonllcants wUI be assigned what may be left after that date. Address w. rt. rerguson, agent, Leavltt, Neb. B-M214 11 BOO YOUNG MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100; brakemen, 380 per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or con ductor; hundreds of positions open. Call or write for particulars at onca, National Railway Training Ass'n, fell) Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. a mzus sepi POSITION open for first-class registered a rug clerk. Apply lo roner-nyrrmra-Hoobler Co., 1316 Howard St. B-M200 6 manent job. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. pRESSER wanted. The Wardrobe. 618 B. 13th. 1 ZJU WANTED - Experienced furniture packer. Apply to manager furniture department. Hay den Broa. aen roa. o zis WANTED Two flrat-claaa tinners, with experience, on furnace work. Milton Rogers st Hons co. a Bum i GOOD POSITIONS with good houses paying good salaries can be obtained oy competent men through our offices. Positions secured everywhere. Cull and aet Hat or write for our plan. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (INC.). Dept. B 840-41-42 N. X. Lite Bag. B 0 CLEAN, neat boy of good character and habits to make nimseit generally usnui. The Omaha Newa Co., 16th and Daven port. B-244 4 YOUNG MEN WANTED If not "born tired ' and willing to work, apply tne Omaha News Co., 15th and Davenport. U ifi4o 1 MACHINISTS wanted for light repair work, 14th and Nicholas, a. rtumme at Boa. a v ix Bookkeeper $68. Stenographer $. Stenographer $). Bank Cashier (German) $HS to $100. Flrstclaaa Grocery Clerlr 000. We place applicants In good positions. - Call or write tor particulars. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (INC.), lept. a, MU-ti-4Z N. x. uire mag. B 271 4 WANTED Table waiter at once: $36 per month, board and room. Bon Ton Hit kery and Restaurant, Red Cloud. Neb. box let. o M2i ox BLACKSMITH, iron worker, wire worker and boys 17 to 19 to learn trade. Apply at iron works, oil B. ittn Bt. BM209 IT WANTED An all-round printer, capable ot handling Job composition, ad. com position, stoca cutting anu joo press inakeready; country town. Anti-booze. Bend references snd state wages. Ad dress L 46, care Bee. B WANTED A first-class cylinder press man, competent to handle high-grade work, including half tones and color printing. Will have charak of press room; country town. Anti-boose. State references and wages. Address L 4. care Bee. B-M267 6 WANTED Twenty men; lee houses eaat end Cut-orr lake; good pay. Take oner man Ave. Locust street cars to Lead works. . BM272 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP CRESS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell System. Itii f arnam. C MtSSt 4 GIRt( for ,neral housework: no washing. Mrs. S. S. Caldwell. 1308 Georgia Ave. C 217 6 WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies for fall season; none other need apply. Address K a. Bee. C 431 WANTED Women cooa. $36 per month must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Bee. C-MS66 I WANTED A competent girl for general housework, where a second girl is kept; good salary; family of three. Fred Hall, care Peoples Store. C M163 6 WANTED Marker and sorter at once Puritan Laundry. 810 Farnam. C 179 3 Two Oliver stenographers, $50. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (INC.). Dent. B 340-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 223 $ WANTED Chambermaid, Koehler hotel. Grand Island. Neb: will furnish ticket. C 246 4 WANTED A good, plain cook at onoe; good wages paid. The Rose. JtX Harney. C 250 6x WANTED A good cook. 1314 & 32d Ave. C-24S W t'Lt HX w,.r.k- 1,11 Cumln 8t- fj'-ti.t !" 'y c Park Ave. C MJ70 t OSTEOPATHY jOflTNSON Institute. 4U N. Y. Lt TeL -7S. Hardly a subscriber who doesn't read the per sonal ads on the Bee Want Ad Page. You should have yours there. BBBBtaBksl MHSMBDBlss : . .. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. & JaW Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks E 728 Thurston hotel; rooms SI. SO up per week. E 729 FOR RENT 2 or 3 beautiful rooms, fur nished , or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway.. Co. Bluffs. E Mia CAPITOL HO.TEL. ISth and Capitol Ave., south front; rooms with or without board. E 730 FT'RNTSHED room In new modern hotie. 2306 Douglas St. E-S35 FURNISHED rooms; private family, 'phone red 7141. 2422 Charles St. E M261 x TWO furnished rooms, with board; pri vate family; sultsble for two gentlemen; references required. 1312 Park Ave. E M265 5x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-731 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, csfe. F-732 NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent board ratea reasonable. The Rone. 2020 Harney Bt F-MW A27x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL, t rooma; bath. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. G M131 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest trices. Tel. Douglas lii25. Schmoller A ueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 733 TTnTTSVQ In all parts of the city. R. XltJUOJUO C- PeterB 4 Co.. Bee Bldg. D-734 riUUiarjO O. F. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D 735 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. D 736 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 18th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Douk. 1S69. D 737 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1466. Office, 1713 Web ster Bt. u TM Bee us when shipping household goods to large cities west, we can save you money. EXPRE88MEN"B DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth Bt. Tel. Doug. 1196. D 738 CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room flats. Tixard, 220 D M611 in. xsa SEVERAL at $13 to $26. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Bt. 'Phone Doug. zow. D-740 STORAGE ROOM FOR RENT Good lo cation, with elevator, 13th and Jones. Brown Truck Co. D 116 Ag5 RTDT? A OF1. Maggard Van and Storage W-M669 Aug5 414 S. 29th BT., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. John in. trenxer, upp. oia ir. u. jj mud COUN8MAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house in the city, immediate attention given. 1629-31-33 N ,16th St. Tel. Douglas 4619. D M1R9 Ag31 FOR RENT 8-room, partly modern house, 1642 No. 18th. D 182 4x FOR RENT Five-room cottage, 1937 8. 17th St., inquire on premlaes. D M199 6x 2304 N. 21ST ST. 7 nice rooms; modern ex cept furnace; large barn; only $22. D-261 6x t-ROOM cottage. 9th and Pierce. D M26S 7x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tizard, 220 N. 3d. I-Mo09 STORE ROOM for rent, 406 S. 16th, Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 1618 Doug las. 1-742 DESK room for rent. 644 Bee Bldg. 1483 FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement basement and good elevator; 107 Douglas. Building will be put in good order at once. Inquire at 1209 Douglas. John Under. i mo ROOM 20x50, rear. 317 8. 16th SL 1859 FOR RENT ACREAGE TWENTY acrea with house and barn. Ill 8. 16th Bt. M159 . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any slie. 1818 Farnam. 4 710 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q-71 HALL'S safes, nsw, 2d-hand. 1318 Farnam. Q 717 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire ot J. R. Campbell, the mall room. Q 642 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Uruns-wlok-Balke-Collender, 407 S. 10th St M-219 WE buy everything In the furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q 718 OFFICE FURNITURE. One two-drawer Besley letter cabinet Two tops tor Globe-Wernicke cases. One leather seat chair. One letter press. Ons flat top desk. One bookcase with three doors, about I feet high. . Two oak pedestals with base. Call for Mr. Wright, Bse office. Q 832 FOR SALE Steam house heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. Q Mta BEND US your snail orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 720 FINE Minnesota lea for sale In carlots. A, G. Gilbert Co.. Council Bluffa. Q M304 FINK upright piano, cheap. 415 No. 33d. lano. hall tree, go-cart, etc.. 4 1N3 4X FINE upright piano at a sacrifice. No reasonable offer refused. Dealcis neisl not apply. 1819 Davenport. 1 M206 4x pyir KALE Furniture and carpets of 7- room house, in whole or in part, at a bargain; must go at once, au.i ri7 SU Q M223 x FOR BALE Fins single harness, ss good as new. 1304 Douglas Bt. Q M226 4 x WANTED SITUATION WANTED By refined, cultured womm position ss housekeeper tr governess; best of references. L-2X Lee. A 111 Aug Ix YOUNG man desires position; has had road experienoe; fair eoucation. aquh-m i. .i. care Bee. a BY TOUNO -male stenographer; socurste; ran also write Bonenuan; reirrencea FOR SALE REAL ESTATE AGood $6,000 In vestment -room modern house on Harney Bt., near 14th, oak flnlfh. mantel and lavatory on first floor; rented until fall of 1WT7 at 50; nothing to pay tcom Income but taxes; property Increasing In value; cheap price for qMlck sale. Owner wants the money for another purpose. J. H. Dumont & Son 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1269. RE M164 A PRACTICABLE DEAL. A fine new house in a good locality, half block to Dodge St. car line; modern except furnace; built of Al material; nice rooms and large recep tion hall; 3 bedrooms and bath room upstairs; cemented cellar, coal bins; brick sidewalks; on grade. House will rent for $24. Price, 32,150 ; 3250 cash, balance $22.33 per month. FITZGEKALD-DERMODY CO 836 New York Life Bldg. RE M 234 4 Park Ave Home Cheap t,om r un lot, s rooms, reception nan and bath, modern throughout, lot worth $2,500, house would cost $4,500 to re place; owner wants to locate nearer 1 his business. J. H- Dumont & Son 726 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1269. ,' RE 218 3 SPECIAL . Elegant south front lot at corner of 60th and Grant Sts., In Grammercy Park addition, on grade, only 1 block from car; price, $300. Let us ahow it to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Fl. N. Y, L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE 2a 4 BIG CLEARINGSALE We find that we have Just nine lots left In Elllstons Park Place, between 2Sth and 30th Sts., east of Fort Omaha. These lots will be put on sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. AT 9 A. M. AND 1 : JO P. M. Some lots right on car line, none more than one block from car. tvery lot Is well lo cated and Ilea high and sightly. Rapidly growing neighborhood. Large lots, 604x 1364. A great, big piece ot land for 130. on very easy terms one-tenth down, bal ance easy monthly payments. This gives you a fine building site, room for large lawn and garden. STEP WVELY These lots will be picked up quickly be cause they are worth, more money and the terms are easy.1 Other lota in thin same addition, no better lots than we are offering, can't, be bought for leas than $376, and some are priced at $450. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. 1201 FARNAM ST. Take Sherman Ave. or N. 24th St. car and meet our salesman on the ground.. RE MEMBER. ONLY NINHf LEFT. RE 237 $ SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK $2,760 For an 8-room house on S. 20th St.. near Castellar. Price reduced from $3,000 to get quick action. In -the best possible repair Inside and out. Fine location. $2,750 Only $600 down, balance monthly, for - a 7-room. modern, two full stories, south front and good barn. Fruit trees and grape arbor, permanent walk. One block to car. New boulevard will run within a block. If you want a com fortable home buy this one. THOS. F. PAYTON, 410 Bee Building. RE 239 $ FINE FARM, CLOSE IN 146 acres, improved, 1 mile fromclty limits on Center Bt. paved rood; $150 per acre, one-third cash. Will divide if desired. This Is a beautiful, sightly place and will grow Into money. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 72 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug 1263. RE-M236 i SAMPSON & SONS, (OS Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 38W, BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. RE-MM3 TRACKAGE A fine piece ot trackage property, 147x34, on V. r. track, at tn ana jones on.; $U.0)4 will take it for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. KB 762 Something New and Cozy Two new 6-roon cottasea on full south- l?'.1 Si'S'tenm" HarrJ? car to suit, BEMIS, Paxton Illk. RE 233 $ FOR SALE (-room cottage; lot. 60x127 Inquire at premises. !12 Charlea St. KB M233 6x KERR-SH ALLCR08S CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro trcted by a $10,000 bend against loss by errors. You don t buy a law suit when you bu a ' Kerr" abstract. 104 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6-47. RE Another Suburban Bargain 1 s fc. ai-rea imith. rich land. with T- room house, porcelain hath, hard and i ' - . I .... . . . .4 V.nrn mrA ; inn u, Hlth rooms electric horses, etc.. In any amount, at less than li'shVTn i Xrz?i ern. except furnace. Price, $2,000. Terms I".;,',. -.,.,. .,,r,n,ir,i i t OIl .niri in iivuk, e w , .. ' other improvements; about three acres In front; owner leaving the state and will make price that will sell this prop erty. J. H. DUMONT SON. I2 N. T. Life Bldg. Phons D 13.3. RBm 4 0 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Orchard Hill Bargain A finely located, all modern home of eight large rooms, with modern bath; large closets In all bed rooms; cemented cellar, separate vegetable cellar; extra good fur nace; barn, electric lighted, room for fpur horses, three vehicles. Everything about the place is In the best of repair; 1H blocks to car. Price. $5,500. Will give terms. This Is a bargain. Owner Is leav ing city and has placed price far below actual value. See us at once about it. BENSON & CAR MICHAEL, 843 Paxton Block. I RE M2fiS 7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1B04 Farnam, t and fH per cent loans on real estate; no aeiay. W 763 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W 764 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 756 BUILDING loans on residence property; per cent. W. B. Melkle, Ramge Hlk. W 756 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. W-757 PRIVATE MONEY-F. D. Wead. 1530 Doug, W 777 $1,100,000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, K. l, w. x Life. W-758 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters A Co. W 759 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.L. W 760 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. i nomas, cmo f irst XMationai uanx King. W 761 LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building purposes. Hast ings A Heyden, 1704 Farnam. W 693 25 FOR SALE FARMS Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60,000 acres ot fine wheat lands, $4.00 to $15.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globs Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. and Sioux City. la. HM 421 A18 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands in western Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion ratea to the lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, 318 South 15th St., Omaha, Neb. H-M-216-t Two Lovr Rate Excursions On August 7 we have an excursion' from Omaha to Pierre, S. D.. and also to Akron, Colo. Rate to Pierre and return, only $7.06; to Akron and return, only $12.30. This la considerably less than ope fare for the entire round trip. You will have to call early Tuesday to secure tickets at this low rate, as the number will be limited. 'Phone Douglas 4603, and make arrangements. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO., 32-36 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. H-M273 6 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And thl3 is the place to come and get it Don't let money atand in tne way of en Joying yourself when it can be so easily ' obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PIANOS. HORSES. WAGONS. ETC. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. $07-308 Paxton Block. X M&7&-AUG4 OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous ana we are always pieasea to explain our manner of luana. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be and If you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow there Is no harm done. We loan on furniture, planoa, live stock and other chattels and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates aa low as you will find and our facilities, for quick and confi dential services are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our line in the city and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 113 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2295. X-77 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Beed,3i0 S. 13th. X-778 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Lift) Bldg., Advances private money on chattela or salary; easy to get; no red tape; you get moiiL-y same day asked for at small cobt. Opvn evenings till 7. X nil CHATTEL and salary loans. phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. X-7SU EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. IMl Douglaa. X 751 I DK PRIBENOW'B PRIVATE MONEY loaned on . furniture, pianos, salary. sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach block, 303 8. liiih St. X i&2 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others witnout security; easy pay ments. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714. New York Life Bids- X 1&3 r-i-n nrTl'U C I i . . talirv Inani Duff Green Loan Co., room S. Barker block. a-im CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans Foley Loan Co.. 1504 Farnam St. X 7 PRINTING ' ivv-fiBTin Hlh Grade 117 Calendars. 8. E comer 16th 8t. and st JUHVt, Capitol Ave. 743 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotrra 4 Co.. 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglss 2u)7. -T4 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., 11 8 17TH PERSONAL- PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OTF.RATION ALL kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or itching piles A guarantee given In every rase treated by Ir. Max mell, who has had twenty-five years' ex per'ence In treating piles. Hundreds of testimonials given on applicstlon. t24 Ree Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Thone Ioiclaa 1C4. U-M174 Ag31 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matmn of the baivation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. U M100 TRY KELLY'3 Laundry. 'Phons Pouglss U-T3 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 3 3. 1606 Fartj m. PRIVATE conflnemnt home; Mrs lr. King. 2H8 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. L ,66 PI F A T I N Ct Buttons, Ruchltig, 1 LLH I inVJ ir.,nhrolderlng. Dyeing and Cleaning. Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6o per yard. Bend for price list and sample. Goldman pleating co., 200 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglas 1138. t iiininn C IT t B 1 V. A M, U-767 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Garden, 2216 Charles, Tel. Doug. bill. U-768 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. lith St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U 6S f iflVVTIf 08TEOLOOY. Mrs. Rl JlrtUiNtillVy tenhouse. 410 N. lth St. Room 2, 2d floor. u mjii si FREE medical and surgical treatment nt CrelKhton Medical College. 14th snd Davenport Sts. v Special attention pld to confinement cases. All treatment su- EerviRed by college professors. 'Phone loug. 1167. Calla answered day or nlnht. U-12 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-7G9 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluff. Ia. Tel. 774. U-322 SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. ' U-770 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Pldg. U-771 MAOKFTTP treatment and bath. Mme. -"UlrjXlV Smith. 1H N 15, 2d floor. U M938 AualOx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut trices. Send for free catalogue. Myer illon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 77i WE RENT sewing ' machines at $1 per wt-ek; we sell second-hand machines $5 up Nebraska Cycle Co.. corner 15th and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. U 773 LADIES. If despondent or in trouble, are given sympathy, counsel and aid. Room 2, 321 So. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M699 A6x DRS. VOGEU private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2313 8. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U M397 Augl7 MAGNETIC 412 n. ith su JJ.ilUiUllU second lioor. room 2. U M800 aug26 CHIROPODIST-Dr. Dunbar. 206 Neville block; halrdressing, etc. Douglas 61.0. U-M149 Aug30 RUPTURE CURED-Our new ELECTRO GALVANIC treatment cures rupture l: 30 to 60 days without pain or detention from business. Our "Home Treatment." after one visit to our offices, enables you to cure yourself at home Write for free booklet or call at our offices. The. QUICK CLUE RUPTURE CO., 611 Woodmen of the World building. U M160 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Cq Omaha. 774 DR. PRIES. Withnell Blk., 15th and Har ney, room 2. Treats successfully diseases and Irregularities of women, recent or long standing. Doug. 3768. 775 LOST LOST Gold brooch, in shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee office. Lost M37x LOST Small female ox terrier: ''reward. Call Douglas 11XM. Lost 133 LOST A large oval shaped brass cap for auiomoone tank; cap is aoout o or ( Inches long and 4 Inches wide, with knob on top, and was possibly lost on Cuming St. Finder will please return to Kerr Shallcross Co., 1614 Farnam Bt., and re ceive reward. Lost 189 3x LOST Trana-Mlssourl mileage book; No. T I 37226. Return to Sunderland Broa. Co, 1608 Harney and get reward. 231 $x LOST Near Burlington or union station. fraternity pin; opals; V. T. J. on back; reward for return to Bee office. Lost 262 4x FINDER of lady's brown alligator handbag containing money ana spectacles write L. 41, Bee; 'reward. Lost 262 4x FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE for stock of merchandise department store building in town or 1,600. Strictly modern.. Rented for long time at $100 per month. Price $15,000. Write to Box 266, Plainview, Neb. Z M661 AugS IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you win soon get it. Z-333 WANTED To exchange a good lot for 19u6 automobile. U 14, cars Wee. Z Id 874 Aug4x WANTED City property for 160 acres land near Meadow orove, Maoiaon county, iseo. Sampnon A Sons, 603 Bee Bldg. Phons Douglas 3860. Z 240 $ FOR SALE OR TRADE $16,000 stock general mercnanaiae; ,uuu atore building and dwelling In good western Iowa town. Address Z. P. Jones, Omaha, Neh. Z M229 4x PATENTS F. J. LARSON & CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -746 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 6t4-i13 S. 10th St. 747 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional investment Co., 63 Douglas hik. M!70 AuS CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER, 811 First Nat. Bank. Power plants, manufacturing processea, ice plants, tests, inspection, reports. -M5I74 All HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE Very stylish, pleasant driv ing horse; stanhope and harneva; n. speed and lady can handle safely; will aell cheap. Address L 33, care Bee. P M241 6 FOR SALE Highly bred, toppy matched span fine driving light harnesa mares as are lo the city; a bargain. See aame ot tuth St., three blocks south of Center, or Tel Harney 1027. P-Ml'3 (x FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Poata. Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and Iron Works, lf7 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red MS1$ A3 ANCHOR snC Tron Fencing; Wire Fencing 5c per foot 2u6 N. 17th St. Tel. Bed 614 M3T3 all WANTED TO BUY ' WANTED TO BUY. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, clothing snd shoes. Pay the best prices. TeL Douglas J97L N-M4 Aug PLUMBING BUY Plumbing suppllea direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Onlv firit class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Fend for catalogue. B. F. Karol. 235 Harrison St., Chicago, III. i 2X CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. LEAPING TALMIST OF OMAHA. Fvrntful and truthful predictions given. Call m S. Itth St., Opp. Boston P're. 8 Ml$ WANTED TO BORROW WANTED A $10,000 loan on first class real estate security; 6 per cent Interest. Write i;n 114. Red Cloud. Nb. V 167 6x LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M Mnrfarland, 309 N. Y. U Bldg. TeU jrougL ,ss. I TM) FLORISTS I HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Dong. 12. -760 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas S21. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. The following proposed amendment to the constitution nf the State of Nehmtba. herelnsfter set forth I if full, is sub mitted to the electors of the Slate of Ne braska, to be voted upon at the gneral election to be held Tuesday, November 6, A. D., 13o6. Be It enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: Section 1. That st the general election for state and legislative officers to be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Mon day In November, 108, the following pro vision be proposed and submitted to the electors of the state as an amendment lo the constitution. Section 2. There shall be a Stats Railway commission, consisting of three members, who shall be first elected at the general election In 19o$, whose terms of office, ex cept t-hose chosen at the first election under thia provision, shall be six years, and whose compensation shall be fixed by legisla ture. Of the three commissioners first elected, the one receiving the highest number of votes shall hold his office for six years, the next highest four years and the lowest two years. The powers and duties of such commission shall Include the regulation of rates, service and general control of common carriers as the legislature may provide by law. But In the absence ot specific legislation, the commission shall exercise the powers and perform the duties enumerated In this provision. Section 3. That at said election In the year l!m6, on the ballot of each elector vot ing thereat, there shall be printed or writ ten the words: "For Constitution Amend ment, with reference to Stats Railway commission" and "Against Constitutional Amendment, with reference to State Rail way commission." And if a majority of all votes cast at. said election shall be for such amendment, the same shall be deemed to be adopted. I, A. Galusha, secretary of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that the fore going proposed amendment to the constitu tion of the State of Nebraska la a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and engrossed bill, as palmed by the Twenty ninth session of the legislature of the Stats of Nebraska, as appears from said original bill on file in this office, and that said pro posed amendment la submitted to the qua li ned voters of the State ot Nebraska for tholr adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 6th day of November, A. D., 1W6. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln, this 24th day of July, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Six, of the Independence of the United States the One Hundred and Thirty-second, and of the state the Fortieth. A. GALUSHA, 1 (Seal.) Secretary of State. NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the secretary of the State Normal School Board until 9 a. m. August 22, UM!. for the furnishing of coal for the normal schools at Kearney ana Peru for , the year -ending Sept. 1, 1H07. For specifications write tne preeioeni at either institution or Luther P. Ludden, sec retary. Lincoln, Nebraska. A-1-2-J-4- RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TKjVTU AKU MARCY Inioa Paclno. " Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a :u am a :18 pra The China and Japan Fast Mull a :is pm a a.iv pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pm a 3:30 am California & Ore. Ex.. a 4:26 pm a 6:10 put Los Angeles Limited.. .. all to am alo:ti pm Fast Mall a 1:66 pm a 3:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 ain a 7:44 am North Platte looai a i:iv am a :w pm Beatrice Local b 3:16 pm b 3:uU put lulcaav Oreat Wester. SU Paul It Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 sm HU Paul tt Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 pm $:Uam Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Chicago Northwestern. Local Cedar Rapids a 7:06 am a 6:00 pnt Chicago Daylight a S:U am 11:30 pm Chicago Limited a 8:38 pm 8.16 am Carroll Local a 4:112 pin $.60 am Bt. Paul Faat Mall a 8:25 pm 7:U5 am Sioux C. St. P. Local. b 3:60 pm a 8:36 am Faat Mall $ JO pm Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Limited all aw pm 11:16 am Norfolk st Bonesteel ...a 7:40 am 10:35 am Lincoln A Long Pine... a 7:40 sm 10:46 am Casper tt Wyoming. ...a 3:00 pm A 6:05 pin Dead wood & Lincoln... a 8:00 pm 1:06 pm Hastings A Superior.... b 3:00 pm 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion .b 6:S2 pm bl2:40 pm , .all:30 am 3:46 pm .al2:30 am a 8:00 am . 7:60 am 10:00 pro Chicago Local Shoahonl Express . Twin City Limited. Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8.00 am a 3:66 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Cnivo, it oca. lalaaal 4t Paoitte. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited tit am a 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7 :0u am a 4:30 pin Chicago Mall a 8:16 am alO lO pm Iowa Local b!2:16 pm b 8.65 pm Chicago tt-astern Exp.). a 4:06 pm a 1.45 pin Chicago tlowa Limited) a :46 pm pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 am a 31$ am Colo. A Cal. Express. ..a 3:01 pm a 3:56 pm Okl. A Texas Exp a 4:40 pm al3:u6 pm Colorado Fast Mall alO lO pin a 7:36 ant a dally, b dally except Sunday. C'bleaao, Milwaukee A St. Paal. Chi & Colo. Spoclal....a 7:66 am a 7 30 am California A Ore. Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 30o pm Overland Limited a 8:86 pm a $ 20 am Marlon A Cedar R. Loc.b $.46 am b 11:00 put Mlsaoarl Paclfle. St. Louis Express a 8:00 am a 8:30 pm K. C. & Bt. L. Express.. all :16 pm a 8:00 pu Wabash. Bt. Louis Express a 8:30 pm a 8:40 am bt. Lutus Local tfrom Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am al0.30 pm Btanbvrry Local (from Council Bluffa) b 6:00 pm bll JOara BtBLlNGTON STATION loth MASON. Barllngto. Denver 4fc Callfornl Black H Us Northwest Bpeclal , Northwest express Nebraska Express . Nebraska Local...., Lincoln Local i in,.in Vuat Mall.. Leavs. Arrive. ..a 4 lo pm a .3o pnt ..a 4:10 pm a $: pn ..a 4:10 pm a $.u am ,.all:lo pm a 6:3v pin ..a 8:10 am a 7:4 put ,..a$:V0am a 9:06 am ..b 8 00 pm al2:jo pm Ft. Crook A Plattsm'h..b 3.60 pm blO.J jU iicllevu 4t piaiiain'ta.. 1-60 tn a $ w am Denver Limited a 7 10 am Bellevua A Fac. Juno. ..a 3:40 am a $.30 ant bellevue Sc Po. June. .a $10 am a 1:60 pro Chicago special mm a i :a a Chicago bxpress Chicago Flyer a 3 46 pin a $ 66 pm a 8.US pm a 7:26 am a 3:16 am slo w pm a 4:46 pm all:30 am al0:46 pm a 6 48 am a 916 am a 6.10 pin ,a 4:46 pm Iowa Local. bt. Louis Express Ksnsas Clty-St. Jos.. Kansas City-fit. Jos.. Kaxsas City-BL Jos... WEBSTER DEPOT 10th WEBSTER. Chicago, St. real. Minneapolis as Ousts. Lears. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b 6 30 am b 9:10 pre Sioux City Passenger... a 1:00 pm all Warn Emerson Local .b I N pm b 3:10 am Emerson Local e 8:46 am S 6:60 Dm Mlsaoarl Paelfla. Nebraska Local, Yle Weeping Water b 160 pm bl$ JO pra a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Dally except Saturday, s Sunday only. ball ' sxcept Monday. (A V A ies. i iwi, st. Write Li at. Bee. A-M213 4