Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Dthlmu Ptmnglly VUiu FUmi tad
WnU TmI by GflTrBsnt Expirt.
Cklsf Eseratlre Oriees CUr Frs
eatwr re Alsst leesaea
Wb Persist la CkMtlac
Their Patraas.
Wsynr Dshlmsn spent moit of Wednes
day going over the city Tlsttln meat
lrarsets t In sstlgsts ths Sxtusl wor.
Inn of th computing teal widely used
nd alleged by Inspector of Weights ami
HrMurra Pegg ' Ti'J rlrs.1 manufacturers
b carablo of dishonest manipulation.
The mayor arrorapanled by ths In
spector, Dave O'Brien, George Rogers and
rpresenta,tWes of the acale attacked. At
'the cloae of the expedition the mayor ex
preened himself a still uncertain whether
or not the sesls. should be allowed In use.
He haa arranged for a final teat and dem
onstration next Wednesday and he hopes
to have a government expert on hand. If
' the rival manufacturer! will bear the ex
penae. Apart from what waa learned about
scales, the mayor discovered that the Ice
companies are not obeying the new ordl-
nance compelling them to weigh all de
- liveries. . He was told by a meat and
grocery dealer orf" Lake street that he
could-not get the Icemen to weigh the
product. Another man Informed him that
he had received a chunk alleged to welgn
fifty pounds that pulled down only thirty
nine pound when weighed privately
Tho mnyor lias Instructed City Prose
cutor Tce to procure evidence and file
complaints against the offending Ice com
pany. DotU. the Ice wagon men and the
ccinranv nro liable to lines under tho
fluht Start in Ohio.
It develop that the scale agitation In
Omaha Is the echo of the "Olilo scale
wnr." which whs the outgrowth nf a fight
made r-y a Toledo concrn on a Onyton
nunufacttirlng house. The Toledo people
hive rent circulars broadcast, declaring
the Dayton device dishonest, and reprinted
. ai alleged circular from the manufac
turers actually exploiting Its cheating
proclivities . and assuring the dialer he
could tave 30 cents on every 110 worth
of meat sold. ' Tho matter has got Into
tMc courts, and the Dayton people havu
$.160,000 llhel suits pending against
the attacking concern. Representations
have hron made to Mayor DaHlman that
pending the Settlement of the trouble In
Omaha no sales can ba made In Ne
braska, because of the publicity that has
been produced. One big Omaha grocery
is withholding an order for twenty-five
Mayor Dahlman says:
"The fault that seems to lie In ths
Scale under Are la ;that It weighs In frac
I oni and computes on the side nearest
the seller. At times two prices are In
iew. Instructions are to call the top
. price above a red line, but If the lower
price Is taken It ar1: ''ars the customer
joses a ronple of Cents. The Toledo peo
ple offered to send an expert to prove the
. scale, dishonest. t have asked them If
they will bear the expense of a govern-
lent expert and am waiting a reply."
(Q .tlie tris to the meat markets the
dealers declared they invariably selected
th.i rtop figure In selling goods. Home
wVre angry, thinking that they were under
Investigation, and protested loudly that
they were honest and did not chest.
Tooth Talk No. 57
People, are beginning ta realise
that It is not necessary for them
to suffer pain In the dental
chair, If the dentist uses rare
and tsk sdvantsge of the reme
dies which science hss lately pro
duced tnr the elimination of pain
t In dental operation.
Hava you ever thought that th
Sain might be removed before
rilling Into, the sensitive psrt
cf a tooth? Beems logical, does
It not?
I fill and crown sensitive teeth
every day In my office without
hurting my patients. I csn do
the seme for you.
I make no charge for etamlns-
tlon and sdrlre. Crown and
brldgework a specialty.
DR. FICKES, Dentist. 88S Dec tlldg.
'Phone Douglas 5J7.
Joseph Boye, Old Mas, Found
Where He Pell While
Joseph Boye, 70 years of age, waa found
dead Thursday morning by a boy named
Albert Ma lander In the alley at the rear of
2221 Willis avenue, the address of Mrs. C.
H. Isard, Boye s daughter. The old man
la believed to have dropped over with
heart failure Wednesday evening while
walking from the home of his son at 1113
North Twentieth street to hla daughter's
place. Boye lived with his son, Louis,
while his sged wife stayed with the
daughter on Willis avenue. The old folks
divided their time with the married chil
dren. The father was walking over to see
his wife at the daughter's home when he
expired. The son thought the father had
reached hla destination.
Three years ago boye suffered a severe
sunstroke and was never the same nines
Coroner Brnilcy took charge of she body
and may hold an Inquest. .
Take a Vacation
Now is the time to take a vacation, get
out into the woods, fields and mountains
and visit the seashore, but do not forget
to 'take a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy along with
you. It Is almost certain to be needed and
cannot be obtained on railroad trains or
steamships. It is too much of a risk for
anyone to leave home on a Journey without
VI Chicago Great Western Railway
Tickets on sale August 4. 6 and (. Re
turn limit August IK. Also August 11. Re
turn limit August 22. For further Informs
tlon apply to H. II. Churchill, Q. Agt., 1612
Farnam St., Omaha, Nob.
'"aniart Rlnaker of Beatrice Think
Rosewafer Has Fine Chance
to Win.
Knmuel Rlnaker of Beatrice, one of ths
loading politicians and lawyers of southern
Nebraska, is in Omaha.
"I have been over the state a great deal
recently and I find that Mr. Roeewater has
Ms -of friends. Mr. Brown seems to be
conducting a spectacular campaign," said
Mr. Rlnaker, "but I do not know as to Its
t. Inning out. There seems to be a growing
tendency to let up on the senatorial In
' t mictions features In ths county conven
. tluns Just now. With Mr. Rosewater going
into the convention with the Douglas
county delegation back of him solidly It
.rather looks to ma as If he was the msstcr
ot the situation." ,
Commercial Club Appoints Commlttw to
IioorporiU Company for lactones,
Handred Tknsissl Dollars Will Be
Capital to Bar Stock In tha
Concerns Locating
In Omaha.
Members of the Commercial club com
mittee appointed to organise a stock com
pany whose object will be to encourage
new industries to locate In Omaha received
formal notification of their appointment
Thursday. The committee consists of I. W.
Carpenter. J. E. Baum. Z. T. Lindsay, C.
M. Wllhelm and William Haydea. the first
three having constituted the - committee
which formulated the plan for the corpora
tion and the other two having been added
at the last meeting of the executive com
mittee of the club. Mr. Carpenter will
leave the city on a vacation In a few days,
but he will ask Mr. Baum to act as chair
man of the committee during his absence,
and It Is planned to hava the first meeting
Within a week.
The committee In Its report which was
adopted at the last meetlniHof the execu
tive committee, declared Itself as opposed
to any general plsn that Involves the giv
ing of money or property as bonuses for
the location of new concerns. It suggested
that no manufacturing concerns should be
encouraged whose product would not find
ready sals In the locality of which Omaha
Is the distributing center. The best way to
encourage desirable enterprises, aays tha
reports of the committee. Is to subscribe
to a limited amount of preferred stock or
special capital In each concern, under such
restrictions as will insure safety to the In
vestors and at the same time put behind
the new manufacturing concern a local
Interest and Influence which will tend to
increase its chances of success.
The plan Is to organise a corporation with
$100,000 capital, which will buy stock In
new concerns not exceeding S per cent of
the corporation's cspltal In any one month,
in no case more than 10 per cent in the
aggregate, and never in any case more
than one-third of the paid up capital of
the concern which Is to be helped. In re
turn for the money from the corporation
the other concerns are to Issue preferred
stock, which shall agree to retire at or
before the end of five years, at par, with
accrued dividends. The corporation la to
be given the privilege of selling Its stock
In the other concerns at any time at not
less than par. It is figured that this pro
vision will always keep money In the treas
defendants denr llshllltv in excess of II. una
snd refuse to par s greater sum. The case
is transferred from the district court of
lnuglaa county.
Woman .
for Her Hasbaad
are Their Money.
Mrs. Edith Msrh hss ftld a petition In
county court asking for the appointment
of a guardian for Charles Marsh, her hue
hand, on the ground he Is a spendthrift
and Is getting sway with sll of the money
snd property belonging to hltn. She rte
clsreg In the petition thst he drinks snd
gambles so much he Is likely to reduce his
family to poverty and mske them burdens
on the county. She says he now has
property worth lo.fmo.
The hearing on the appointment of a
guardian for Kdward C Gates, the Farnam
street bookseller, charged by his relatives
with being a spendthrift, was begun before
Judge Kstelle Thursday morning. A num
ber of witnesses to support the contention
that Gates Is In the habit of drinking to
excess were examined by the attorneys.
H. Van Dusen Is representing the rela
tives and A. H. Murdock appesred for Mr.
A Novelty.
Have you seen the newest fall hat for
men? It Is a real novelty. You can adrnlra
It, but you can't buy It because there is
only on In Omaha and that one Isn't for
IxndOn shops that cater to extreme trade
are booming this new shape. It looks ex
sclly like a man's sailor hat except that
it la made of stiff gray felt, with a light
band and binding to the brim, and la cork
lined. When the straw hat Is discarded
early in the fall and. it Is still . to warm
for a derby, you can put on the "8pe
ciallte" and defy the Indian summer. They
may do thla In , London, but they won't
In Omaha, because the hat la so new and
extreme that it will hardly be taken up
extensively lo America, tblaxomlng season.
Brandels has ene In a plate glass case at
their north entrance and many would
be buyers have suffered disappointment.
The hat waa aent specially from London
by one of the Brandels buyers who Is now
Colonel John O. Ma her of Lincoln, who
is In Omaha on busl.-.ess,- thinks George W.
Bergs will be the democratic nomine for
"The race ilea between W. H. Thompson
and Berge. with odds In favor of tha lat
ter," ssys the -colonel. "Ton notice thst
Kerg.e carried Platte county. Dne of Hie
banner democratic counties of the state,
l.havs got In pretty close touch' with sen
timent over the state and It seems pretty
clear to me that Berge wljl be ths man.
Tha feeling is that he made a good race be
fore and could make It if given loyal sup
pert 'this lime. Personally I am inclined
toward his candidacy. I am aatlstled that
a, number of counties with good-slied rep-',
.resenlulions In. the convention will Instruct
lor him within the next two weeks."
. R. R. . Kyd of Beatrice Is at the Her
Grsnd. Mr Kyd Hss the hacking of Gage
county In his candldsry for the nomination
for,, ueasurer on the republican stats
"I fe.! very much encoursged over the
outlook." said M.'. Kyd. "and feel reason
ably -sure of the nomination But then we
cannot al- aj s tell, Wherever I hava been
in 'the state I find I have many friends.
' Th senstarlnl campaign has the ssoen
dency of Interest, however, and we smaller
fry will have to take our chances." .
Annanl Kacnrakoai to Dnlnth.
Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux
City at 6:30 p. n., Thursday, August 2, ar
riving Duluth Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at t o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August 6. Round trip fare only
16. Special through trains will be run,
consisting of tourist sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth In sleeping car $1
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
on of the most enjoyable points for a few
days' ouling. Boat trlpa may be made to
many places of interest In Lake Superior
at amall coat.
Persona desiring bertha should mak
reservations as early as possible in order
to Insure getting accommodations. Apply
to Agent Great Northern Railway, Sioux
City, or to Archibald Gray, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Sioux City, la.
Several Appointments Are Mad by
Judge Manger for TTTO
Year Terms.
Judge Munger of the I'nlted States court
has RDDolnted the following referees In
bankruptcy for two years, beginning Au
gust 1:
Ernest C. Ames, E. E. Spencer of Lincoln
for the counties of Lancaster, Saline, John
son and Seward.
August Wagner of Columbus for the
counties of Platte, Merrick, Nance, Boone,
Colfax and Butler.
Fred W. Vaughn of Fremont for th
counties of Dodge, Cuming and Saunders.
E. P. Wetherby of Norfolk for the coun
ties of Madison. Pierce, Stanton, Knox,
Antelope and Boyd.
W. S. Klrkpatrlck of York for the coun
ties of York, Polk, Hamilton and Fillmore
W. V. Hoagland of North Platte for the
counties of Lincoln, McPherson, Logan
Keith, Deuel, Cheyenne, Scotts Bluff, Ban
ner, Kimball and Dawson.
Fulton Jack of Beatrice for the counties
of Gsge, Pawnee, Jefferson and Thayer.
James Brltton of Wayne for the counties
of Wayne, Cedar, Dixon, Dakota and
J. L. White of Curtis for the counties of
Perkins, Gosper, Frontier, Chaee, Dundy,
Hitchcock, Furnas, Red Willow and Hayes,
J. A. Gardner of Hastings for the coun
ties of Adams. Clay. Nuckolls and Web
G. Norberg of lloldrege for the counties
of Phelps; Kearney, Harlan and Franklin.
H. J. Shinn of Broken Bow for the coun
ties of Custer, Loup, Blaine, Thomas,
Hooker and Grant.
Low Rates to OkoboJI and Spirit Lake
Via Chicago, Milwaukee A St.
Panl Railway,
Round Trip from Omaha.
16.30, on sale Friday or Saturday, good
returning Monday.
Hon on sale daily, return limit 30 days.
M. on sale dally, return limit Oct. 31st.
An Ideal spot to spend a summer vaca
tion. Write for OkoboJI folder
F. A. NA8H. Gen I Western Agent,
15: Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
Very l.ovr Hates Tnesday.
Every Tuesday, balance of the year, th
Chicago Great Western railroad will cell
homeseekers' tickets to Minnesota. North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
, half rate: to other territory first and third
j Tuesdays. Write W. H. Churchill, G. A
IBIS Fsrnsm street. State number in party
and when going.
i-4Ma Who Took Elevator Boy'a Word
A 7 ' Kevill for netting;
Braus he obeyed the Instructions of an
elevator boy and got a severs fall. Edward
Qu!nn has begun suit for in district
court against Jamea Nsvllle, owner ot th
building at the northeast corner of Six
teenth and Harney streeta.
yulnn aays he was going down In the ele
vator ene night about a year ago when
the machine stopped between floors. Tb
bottom of th elevator .mas about lo
1 and a half feet below th top of th ele
vatpr door; Uulnn started to crawl out
through tb opening onto a high stool,
when th elevator boy suddenly called to
him to let go of th lever. Qulnn said he
did not have hold th lever, but waa
grasping th sldo ot th cage to steady
himself. He let go, however, and fell to
th floor, sustaining Injuries that kept him
,' in bed several weeks. He chargea th 1-
valor boy waa th caua of hi fall ana
. that Neville employed an elevator con
.duotor below th ag required by th ordi
nance. .
a newly discovered region, - rich in silver
and other metsls. Is conveniently reached
by the Grand Trunk Railway System.
A well prepared booklet descriptive of th
section will be mailed on sppllcatlun to
Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. A T. A., Grand
Trunk Railway System. 16 Adams St., Chicago.
e Woman Seek Divorce foe Abas
an Another for Desertion
by Hasband.
Mrs. Margaret Henderson wants the dis
trict court to give her a divorce from her
husband. Oscar L. Henderson, th driver
of an Ice wagon, and has secured a re
straining order from Judge Troup to
prevent his molesting her or their chil
dren. She charges him with abuse for the
last year or two and of making false
charges against her. She says he came
to their rooms on Fourteenth street and
made trouble, threatening to kidnap two
of the children. She asks for allmonv and
the custody of their thres children.
Delia Hayes charges Elmer with deser
tion. In her petition for divorce filed Thurs
day. They were married In Knnxville, Ia
June 4, 1902. and she says he left her In
October of the same year. She wants her
maiden name, Grate, restored to her
Three Men Pass Thronah Omaha nn
Way from New York to
J. J. Hagerty, E. L. Cadner of New
York and H. D. White of Enid. Okl., were
t the Murray over night Wednesday, en-
route by automobile from New York City
to Enid, Okl. The party left New Tnrii
eight days ago, arriving In Omaha about
I o'clock Wednesday night. They report a
fin trip all the way until striking the hills
In western Iowa. They made but 174 miles
Wednesday, having lost three hours by bod
roads. They suffered no mlfhans excent
punctured tire, which was soon reme
died. The men left Omaha for the south
at 9:45 Thursday morning and expect to
reach Lnld sometime Sunday evening.
Tho Beat Diarrhoea Remedy.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and consider It the
best remedy of the kind On the market,"
says W. F. Mayes, a prominent merchant
of Walllsville, Tex. This remedy always
effects a quick cure and is pleasant to
take. Every family should keep It at hand
during the summer months.
1S.BO to St. ram aii
si Retara
From Om ha. via Chicago Great WstrO
Railway. Tickets on aale dally after Mat
II to September ?0. Final return limit,
October 11 Equally low rate to othsr
points In Minnesota. North Dakota. Wiscon.
sin and lower Michigan. For further la
formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general
tgani, lull r a mam street. Omaha.
Kehraeka Brethrea Who Meet Bryan
at Kevr York Will Travel
Llka Real Aristocrats.
Nebraska democrats will go to meet
Bryan In style.- Arrangements hava been
made with the Great Western for a special
train, starting at Omaha and terminating
at New York, to carry a bunch of from
aeventy-flve to 100 cornhuskers headed by
Mayors Dahlman of Omaha and Brown of
Lincoln. From Chicago the train probably
will proceed over the Grand Trunk line.
The Great Western has made a rat of
131.10 for the round trip, which is Just one
half the regular fare. This waa the best
price Mayor Brown was able to secure.
Starting from Omaha the Bryan train
will have three or four standard sleepers,
or possibly a private car or two, and a
baggage car and buffet. Staterooms will
be reserved for Bryan and his party in
hopes of bringing them home under an es
cort of Nebraska democrats. It is Intended
to make the trip going and coming an
event, and sine the rate has been an
nounced patriots of the proper political
attires have been stepping up and declar
ing that they go esst all along
and show the Gothamites how much Ne
braska thinks of its famous friend ot Eu
ropean royalty.
Schedules and details ar to be announced
later by Frank Dunlop, who has engineered
the deal for the Great Western, but th
special train Is declared a sure go.
WATCHES-Frenxer, 16th, and Dodge Sta.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births snr deatha ha...
been reported lo the Board of Health dur
ing me. twniy-iour Hours ending at noon
Thursday: ,
Hirtns Martin Hanson, 8040 South
r.ignieenin, do.v; jgnacl FOwelexyk, m3, gin; josei iroan. fierce, gill
ttorace u. conkllng... 4010 . Franklin, twin
Deaths Johanna Swlnpholm, !02 South
r ourieeninl w; jonanna j lerney, 6111 North
Thirtieth, 3; Mrs. Catherine Canienxlnd,
nfiivon, oj; lrtir.Hra ACKiey. sd Harney,
2; Hendlx Peters. St. Joseph s hospital, ;i;
Richard M. Young. Ii6 Jones. 60; Ida Caro
lina aernioi, Heward, ii; Ruth Gorst
41 South Twentieth, 10; John Laughland
84a North Thirtieth. 74.
Marrlaa;e Licenses.
The following marriage license has been
Name and Residence.
George Arthur Sanders, South Omaha
Anna 8. Ollverlus, South Omaha 20
DIAMONDS Edholm, 16th and Harney.
Fssersl of Job a Laaahlaad.
Th funeral of Joh Lausrhlajtd will b
I hald Frl4ay afternoon, sen rice to b eon
. ducted at th First Presbyterian church at
'l I o'clock. Members of Clsn Gordon will
attend In a body. The pallbearers will b
' John Dour las, Alfred C. Kennedy, Hugh
Jdurray, Dr. J. B. Rslph. Congress n
Jo a L. Kenned) aud Willi iu kantd.
One Far for Roaad Trip.
From Chlcego, plus 14 00, for thirty-day
limit, and one far for th round trip plus
IT 00 for fifteen-day limit, to Csnsdlsn snd
New Englsnd points. Tickets on sale via
Nickel Plate road from Chicago August
I snd 22. Informstlon given upon appli
cation to John Y. Calahan, general agent.
No 107 Adams St , Chicago, I Salle St.
Biulnn. Chicago, the only depot on th
Elevated Railroad Loop.
Mak a Saeeess of Voir Talents.'
Th opportunity of your life is awaiting
you In th new towns on th Chicago Qnat
Western railway. Openings in nearly all
line of business. Write today to E. B
Maaill. Mgr. Townslt Department, Omaha,
for full Information and copy of "Town
Om to w York an tb Lehlch.
Double trark acanlo highway. Connects
at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all tins
from th west.
Writ passenger depsrtment. Lehigh Val
ley R. R-. HI South Clark St., Cblcsgo, lil
David A. Hancock of Penbrook has filed
his voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the
I'nlted Ststes district court. His ltabllltes
are about teflon, wth 130.000 assets.
Thieves stole a lot of dental work and a
pair of valuable ruff huttona from th
office of Dr. D. W. BradtKiry, second floor
of Fsrnsm street, Wednesday evening.
The articles taken were valued at 130.
The postomce department is In receipt of
a letter asking the present address of Elroy
Ungle, who was last heard from in one of
the Omaha sanitariums In March. lf4 The
Inquiry comes from his parents, living at
Fredericksburg, Ind.
John McHale has begun suit in district
court against th Omaha 4 Council Bluff
Street Railway company for lo.uOO, assert
ing he was burled In seven feet of sshes
while cleaning a clogged up ash chute In
the power house, it required two hours to
dig hhn out and hs ssys its health ha
been Injured by th accident.
Paul Clement has brought suit In th
United Ststes circuit court agalnat th
Cudahy Packing company for 116.600 dam
ages on account of personal Injuries re
ceived while In the employ of that com
pany. Clentent had KU left hand badly
lacerated and partly chopped off in a meat
chopping machine at the Cudahy plant
December s. 1W6. The ras is transferred
from the district court of Douglas county.
Pearl A. Welshana. widow of John M.
Wslshans, has brought suit In tha I'nlted
States circuit court against th Aetna Llf
Insurance company for 16,160, with Intereat
and cost of suit, to recover on a policy
of insurance. John M. Welshana died Feb
ruary 11. 19u. from Injuries received th
day previous la a railruad accident. Tb
(D)'lffiiai-Miiii C
o j
A Great Opportunity in Ladies' Wool Suits.
50 Suits, this season's purchase, in Mack hiu!
colored Panamas and mixtures, formerly
Fold at $15.00, $17.50 and $20.00;
Friday pale, at '
Children's Wash Dresses White India linon,
embroidery and lace trimming; also colored
French gingham, strictly up to date;
marked down from $3.50, $4.00 Q
and $4.50 1.Oa
Ladies' Silk Kimonos r inest Jan silk, in.
Oriental colorings, shirred should
ers, regular $5.50 quality
Ladies' Vests, 3 for 25c.
100 dozen sleeveless low neck gauze vest,
must be sold regardless of cost; this lot
worth 10c and I2V2C. each; all in one t
lot, special, 3 for sC
Ladies' Hose, 3 Pair for 25c.
Fast black cotton Maco hose, southern manu
facture, double soles, regularlOc value, stock
too heavy; will close out this lot
special, 3 pair for 0f
Belt Sale, 3c.
Friday, 10 to 12 A . M. Odd lot of fancy and
plain wash belts, slightly mussed and soiled,
25c values; for this sale only, Z
each ,
j Ota
Ladies' Wash Suits at 08c.
White Uwn, with polkadots ami rings, full
circular skirt, piping of black or QQ,
blue; marked down from $1.75 to. . . .VOL
Friday. 9 to 10 A. M Embroideries, 3c Yard.
Odd lot of embroidery edjee. one to four Inchpg wldo,
lnertlon nd amall nppllquPB for wash T
dresses, sold 7H and 10c yard; for thla hour JQ
only, a yard
Lace Special, 3VaC Yard.
Friday, 10 to 12 A. M. Will place on sslo a hl lot
of Imported torchon laces and Insertions, rluny,
Antique and Paraguay bands and trimming Tl
lares, worth to 25c yard, ecru and white; J0f
while they last, a yard
Cleaninir-Up Prices on Embroideries
This lot consists of 18-Inch corset coyer embroideries,
wide and narrow flouncing embroideries. 3
to 8-inch wide Insertions, sold from 25c to
60c yard; all on sale Friday, a yard
Special Lot Kmbrolderles In Swiss, heavy and flno
Nainsook, flounclngs and yoking widths. In
sertions to match, worth 16c to 25c yard;
special, a yard, Iftc and
Remnant Bargains for Friday.
100 pieces of lawn, in light grounds with mall
floral patterns, worth 8 l-3c; Friday only,
a yard
1,000 yards of S-lnch percales, in lengths from
2 H to 10 yards, light and dark colors, worth
to 12 Mc yard; Friday only, a yard.
All the short lengths of lawn, batiste, Rwiss
suitings, worth to 18c a yard, lengths from
14 to 12 yards; Friday, while tney last,
a yard
All the short lengths of dimity, mull, Swisses f e-ij
and summer suitings, worth to 46c a yard; l0C
Friday only, a yard avassjav
and On
is and
Donahoe-Redmond Co.
Owners of Dry Goods, Cloak and
Suit Departments in Bennett Store
Tickets on sale August 4, 5 and 6, with return limit of August 15.
Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13, with return limit of August 22.
The Burlington has made elaborate preparations in the way of spe
cial equipment and extra trains to handle the business offering for
these attractive rates.
Double Berth in Tourist Sleeper to Chicago on'y, $1.25.
6 Fast Daylight Limited at
2 Afternoon Express at .
12 After Dinner. Flyer at .
No. 26 St. Louis Flyer at 4:45 p. m.
No. 22 Night Express (via Kansas City) at 10:45 p. m.
Tickets 1 502 Farnam St.
mm i
Meted Oat lo Krajro Who
Break lato Bos
One year In the penitentiary wss what
C. F. Lenear, colored, drew from Judge
Estclle for breaking Into a boj car snd
eating a midnight luncheon of ch;nne.
Lenear was caught full t cheese by Mis
police. He pleaded guilty to the charge
of breaking snd entering and was 'n
tenced by Judg Kstelle Thursday afternoon.
Among th new designs there are some
very ehsrming house Jarkets for girls, snd
on of the most practical for the home
dressmaker Is shown here. It is the es
sence of simplicity, having no contrasting
elaboration of any kind save the ribbon
girdling the waist. It consists nf a pointed
yoke from which depends the full gathered
sacs, ine oeep consr is extremely grsce- j
iui. being crested ny tucking ths straight
ptec f the material to a depth of two
or three Inches, and sllowlng the fullness
therefrom to provide ripple for the edges.
Two nsrrow tucks on the edge assist the
flare, and th same Is used to construct
th frill at th mrlst. A pretty chains or
silk would be excellent for this design,
while wsshlng fabrics are slso suitable.
Th Jacket Is so easily msde that th girl
may almoat do It herself. For the medium
sis three yards of M-lnch material ar
No. 47o-8lses, 12 to 1 years.
For th aecommodstlon of Th Omaha
Be readers these patterns, which ususily
retail at from K to U cents, will b fur.
nlshed at a nomlral prlc (10 cants), which
covers all expenses. In order to get a pat
tern enclose 10 cents, giving number and
nam of pattern wanted and bast measure.
Aa th patterns ar mailed direct from th
publisher In Nsw York, It will requlr
about a week's time to Oil ths order. Ad
dress: Palters Department, To Oman
W. F. Dawson of Linwood was In the
City on business Thursday.
Dr. E. E. Womersley appeared weaker
Thursday. He Is very low.
Fred B'idnian. a merchant of Chsppl!e,
Neb., la regisieied st the Merchants.
Dr. Martha K. Clark has returned home
after spending a month In Chicago ami
Dixon, HI.
Thomas W. Evans, cashier of the Mer
chants' Natlonsl bank of St. Joseph. Is an
Omaha visitor.
N. D. Ja ksun of Nellfth. member of the
Nehraslia supreme court comniinsion. is a
guest st the Her Oran1.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacDonn.ii(?h of Chi
cago are visiting frlemls In rimalia. Mi.
MacDonough Is an old-time Omaha news
paper man and Is now connected wltli the
teleg-rsph edi'or's room of the Chicago
Edgar 1.. Davis, a real estate salesman
In th employ of (Seorge & Co.. hin d'-clde l
o move to Ixis Anees and enuaije In th.
real estate business with his f.iiher. He
will sell his newly built home In Dundee
and go to the California city in the near
future. Mr. Davis was In I, oh Angeles re
cently and was Impressed hy the quick and
numerous sales of real elate in that city
A. B. Wylle. proprietor of the Wylli
buffet. 1613 Farnam, returned Thursday
morning from New York City, where he
attended the funeral nf Ms slater, who
was one nf the victims in the Saliahury,
Englsnd. disaster. Mr. Wylle s sister wns
a famous milliner on Fifth avenue. New
t.rk City, and was known ss Lllllas Walt'
Hurd. She was a leader In her profession
Klie waa burled In Woodlawn cemetery.
New York.
1 2?
H e3-ia
3 idm
We Promise Nothing but What Can
Fulfill. We Are Skillful Workers and Honor
able Helper. Our Practice in Founded on
Twenty-Four Years, of Actual Experience in
Hperial Frivate Work Among Men. OVR
(i res ark thorough. certain and
hi.ooi) poison. kk1n djska8e, rorks,
i'm'ers, stricture, varicocele, hv
urocele. nekvol's decline, weak
ness, piles or chronic diseases of
the kidneys and promtate cured.
-Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning, itching snd Inflammation stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In 7
If you have violated the laws nf health snd are conscious of constant
drain which Is ui-derminlng your svstem, come to us before you become a
nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have
, bad diexms, depressed, lack anili'tion and eneigy, unable to concentrate your
thoughts, lack vim, vigor and vitality, come to us st once. Our treatment
will stop all drains and overco-.ns all weeknete and rofitlvely restore you
to strength and health. We have cured' thousands of weak men.
Northwest Cor. 13ih and Farnam Ht OMAHA. NEB.
L Baiting $
I Powder t
sL ll.tOD OS vill ke stm fat Qi
fc"Safc M' wbt)ljurfcnss lo
jp 1 -
"The Short Line to Minneapolis."
Tickets on Bale August 11, 12 and 13. Long Return Limit.
Leave Omaha, 8:00 a. m. Arrive Minneapolis, 6:50 p. m.
Leave Omaha, 8:30 p. m. Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. m.
Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepers.
City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam Ot, Omaha