Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tun Omaha Daily Bel.
e. iiorkwatkr. emtor.
Entered nt
class mutter.
(JiiMlia rustolT.c aa evcomi j
tkhms or M-nsruiiTlON.
Daily jo iw;thiyi bnni). -n year.. It. w
8umr.,rUur;,V:.:r..:::::::::: I
tjaiurdny u. p, orm rar l.w
laiiy it... .inciu.nn t-umuv.. k..i.c
Daiiy itt-e (Kiiiiout Bun'Uyi. j'-i w- . j
kvcning i:. e (without AunuriVi. i r iv'.ii u i
Evening Beo (with Bumluyi, p-r week. .let
DUnrlay Bee. r.r rnriv
Address wmn,-ilhia nf It-mfcuirirttlcs In le
lively to City circulation lieiiirtment.
Omaha The Iiee uuiiaing.
Smith Oinaha I'lly linll P.'ilMing.
Council Blulla 10 Pearl Flrcel.
Chicago pitfl lnlty Building.
New York J5"S Home Lite In. Building
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communication relating to news anil edi
torial matter should he addressed: Omolia
Be, Editorial Department.
Remit by dratL exires or postal order i
payable to The t'n mi ni
I he Hee Publishing company,
Only 2-cent etmis received as payment of
mail account. Personal checks, except on
Oinaha or eastern exchanges, not wcei'ted.
6ta'gr Nebraska, Douglas County. s:
C. C Rosewater, general manager of
Thn Bee 1'ubllshinr company, being duly
sworn, says thst the actual n'lmocr of
full and romrlete copies of Tho Dally,
Morning'. Evening and Sunday Bee printad
during the month of July, 106 was as
1 30,140
2 31,710
2. 33,530
4 33,900
t 33,600
...'. 31,60
7.' 33,230
I. 30,300
t 31,930
10 31,650
11 31,630
12 33,890
13 .'. . 33,360
14 34,080
16 30,400
17 31,620
IS 31,820
19 31,680
20 31,680
21 33,420
22 30,503
2J 31,790
24 31,680
25 31,630
20 31,870
27 31,750
28 38,180
29 30,850
JO 31,6 JO
Jl 31,610
14 33,900
Total 987,860
Less unsold copies.. 10,066
Net total sales 376,994
Dally averaged . 31,bl9
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and tworn
to before me this 31st day of July. lu.
(Seal.) M. B. Hl'NuATK,
Notary Public,
Subscribers lea r Ins; the city tern
porarlly should have Tbe Be
untied to them. Address will be
chanced often as required.
When paving contractors disagree, it
takes the courts to decide.
The first real effect of tbe Panama
canal seems to be upon railroad mag
nates, who are scrambling for lines to
the gulf. '.'
China is exhibiting the usual Orien
tal shrewdness in starting to educate
lta lawyers twelve yeara before It
adopts a constitution.
The king of Spain Is to build a yacht
(or racing, but until he has a special
brand of tea to advertise he cannot
hope to compete with. Sir Thomas Lip:
ton. '
largo number of western men have
filed for claims on the Shoshone reser
vation, but even the wisest sometimes
Tbe number of applicants for posi
tion of chaplain In the navy may indi
cate that the prosperity which covers
America at this time haa not reached
the clergy.
Omaha1 desire for the next national
gathering of Eagles Is backed up with
the promise ot a soft feathery nest. If
the Eagles know what is good for them
they will plan to fly to Omaha.
Russia's revolution moves apace
despite the defeat of the Sveaborg
mutineers. Absolutism is doomed and
the . cxar will eventually have to de
cide between retiring gracefully and
dodging a bomb.
No one can question the enterprise
of Russian newspapers since one sue
ceeded In printing a detailed account
of tbe assassination ot a liberal mem
ber of the Duma twelve hours before
the crime waa committed.
It seems that the duties of the mem
bers ot the Water board for which they
are drawing salaries out ot the city
treasury are so onerous that they are
unable to get even a Quorum to attend
the regular monthly meetings.
Secretary Wilson's annnouncement
of his Intention to "surprise" packers
by a visit to their houses can hardly
be considered a successful way of ac
complishing that result, but it may
serve Its purpose as a warning.
The Venner proposition to the city
Is substantially an offer of $500,000
for Omaha's rights under the purchase
clause of the water works contract and
a new franchise thrown in. This, how
ever, is not municipal ownership.
Developments In Minnesota Indicate
that the Iowa freight rates are not so
onerous upon, railroads as some liua-
fglne, or one railroad company's ac
counts are devised with a view of niak
i Ing different showings in different
, An attorney for the Standard Oil
t company will watch the proceedings
Of the federal grand Jury at Chicago.
.'.This shows the difference between big
, corporations and Individuals threat
; ened with indictment, as the latter
usually learns of a grand Jury's action
after it haa quit work.
That democratic congressional con
. vention on August 30 comes in mighty
, handy as an excuse for O. M. Hitchcock
to decline an invitation to serve on the
Bryan reception committee at New
r, Tork. Of course,' the democratic con
; greaaional convention here could not
'possibly get along without Mr. Hltch-
rock, while the Bryan reception at New
' York win not nila him."
r;r ioxta nKPvnuctxs.
The Iowa rnpubllcens have rstise for
relf-conRratulatlon. Contrary to the
exieatlon and prediction, the bitter
I laciionoi contest ny wnirn tne party
! hud b"Pn co""" for the past six
j months haa culminated In the notnlna-
I ,,on of t!rkPt Rnd ,he p'on ot 8
! lai form that should restore harmony
ian'onK the Jnrrlng and warring ele-
merits end Insure another victory for
.. ... .
the party na?:t November.
The renomlnatlon of Governor Cum
mlns after a tremendous struggle, la
dlrtlnctlvely a personal victory, due
largely to the overwhelming sentiment
against corporate domination. Under
ordinary conditions the deep-seated
and widespread sentiment among the
rank and file of Iowa republicans
agnln&f. the third term would have
proved a barrier to Governor Cummins'
The platform shows signs of solici
tude to avoid factional trouble. The
so-called Iowa Idea as to tariff revision
has been materially modified and re
vised by the platform makers so as to
embody a strong protection declara
tion paraphrasing the last national re
publican tariff plank. The pledse to
enact a primary In.w for the nomina
tion of candidate for office by direct
vote is in-line with the spirit of the
times, but while the corporations were
handled without gloves in tho plat
form tho managed to maintain a tight
rain on the portions in which they are
most vitally Interested. With the en
actment of the direct primary, this
pernicious Interference with popular
self-government will become extremely
difficult and the emancipation of Iowa
from corporate rule will be complete.
The officially certified facts of tbe
experience of Mexico during its first
year under the gold standard, which
ended May 30, demonstrate benefits
unexampled in the history ot that coun
try and annihilate the representations
that a few years ago became so famil
iar to us concerning silver currency In
Mexico. The wisdom of Mexican states
in assimilating their monetary system
to that of the other principal nations
of the civilized world which secure a
stable bimetallic currency on the gold
standard with limitation of silver
coinage, is thus again more than vindi
cated. The fact of the industrial prosperity
and progress ot Mexico while it still
delayed to Join the world on the legal
ized gold standard of which our sll-
verltes sought fallaciously to make so
much, was of course not because of
its archaic coinage system, but in spite
ot it. Its true basis was the substitu
tion under the strong Diaz govern
ment of public security and social
order for the bid chaos of violence
and revolution. But. next to that,
nothing has been so beneficial as the
firm establishment of the gold 'stand
ard for strengthening the confidence
of the world and -promoting Interna
tional trade and internal growth.
Within the twelve months the capital
of Incorporated banks has Increased
$20,000,000, or one-third, with cor
responding increases of reserves and
loans, and over 1150,000.000 of new
foreign capital was invested in produc
tive enterprises. And among the
proofs of extraordinary gain the offi
cial reports significantly show that the
farming industries have been stimu
lated most of all. . It is well Indeed
for Mexico that the change was made,
but the result is so satisfactory that,
If it were to be done over, the change
of legal standard would be made many
years sooner.
Charles H. Venner, who flgured'quite
conspicuously In legal battles over the
control and possession of the Omaha
water works some years ago, has come
to the front with a proposition to res
cue Omaha from the clutches ot the
present water works monopoly by the
creation of a new water works monop
oly under conditions that would trans
fer Omaha from the frying pan into
the fire.
Mr. Venner's proposal contemplates
tbe purchase by the city of Omaha of
the water works plant at the valuation
placed upon it by a majority of the
appraisers, $6,263,000, and its re-sale
to a new Venner water works company
for the sum of $6,763,000 In bonds
$6,263,000 In bonds and $500,000 in
cash. It is proposed furthermore that
this $6,763,000 bond issue is to be part
of a $10,000,000 bond issue secured by
first mortgage on the water works
plant, of which $3,737,000 of bonds are
to be issued in the future for the pur
pose of paying costs of extensions and
betterments. In consideration ot these
ingenious suggestions the city Is to
grant to Mr. Venner a new franchise
for twenty-five years, with the privi
lege of re-purchaslng the plant at the
end of that time, and In th,e meantime
to pay $75,000 a year for the rental of
the existing hydrants aud $50 per
annum for each additional hydrant
planted in future extensions ot the
water mains, provided ' also that the
taxes against the new water company
shall not exceed $50,000 a year.
Mr. Venner is a clever stock broker
and ha knows a thing or two about
Etock watering and water works stocks.
We apprehend, however, that it will
take a long pull, a strong pull and a
pull alt together, as tbey say at sea,
before he will be able to convince the
people of Omaha that they have any
thing to gain by accepting his proposi
tion. To begin with, the contention ot the
city ot Omaha la that tbe actual value
of the water works plant does not ex
ceed $4,000,000. while Venner pro
poses to accept the appraisement with
out deducting a penny. Assume, how
ever, that the city were obligated to
I take' the works at the figure named by
the appraisers, where dros It gain any
advantage from Venner'a proposition?
If Mr. V'enner can borrow $10,000,000
on a first mortgage bond for the
Omaha water works plant, so can the
city, If It determ'nes to own and op
erate the works. If. however, the city
should desire to Issue a new frauchlso.
the Venner proposal affords no advan
tage or relief either to the taxpayers
or water consumers.
While ostensibly effecting a reduc
tion of 12 5,000 a year on hydrant
rental, which a originally fixed was
regarded as fair for a city of 30,000
population. It would be excessive for a
city of 150,000 population, and out of
all reason for a city of 250.000 to
300,000 population, which Omaha
surely will be within twenty-five years.
There Is, moreover, not the slightest
allusion In Venner'a proposal to a re
duction of rates to consumers, who
must pay the freight. If Omaha ever
gets Into the frame of mind to grant a
new water works franchise its policy
will be to throw the doors wide open
so that It may avail Itself of the most
advantageous proposition.
Tho republicans of Idaho in state
convention have Just nominated their
candidate for United States senator in
the person of William Edward Borah,
tt leading attorney residing at Boise,
who Was also a prominent candidate
before the legislature in 1903. The
name of Mr. Borah will go on the
ticket in Idaho along with the other
nominees for state offices, and should
tbe republicans control the legislature,
as in all probability they will. Mr.
Borah will be the next United States
senator from Idaho.
It Is to be noted that the republicans
of Idaho are not moved by the pre
tense that by taking the people Into
their confidence and nominating their
candidate for United States senator in
state convention they will be Jeopardiz
ing their chances at the polls. On the
contrary, the very fact that they have
taken this action indicates that they
are convinced they are thus strength
ening their position with the voters
who will have a voice in the selection
of their next representative in the
upper house of congress at Washing
ton. If It is a good proposition for Idaho
republicans to name their candidate
for senator in advance and so before
the people on that issue, it will take a
preponderance of proof to show that it
is a bad proposition for Nebraska re
publicans to follow their example.
The disposition manifested by the
American commission headed by John
W. Yerkes, commissioner of Internal
revenue, which Is studying the dena
turlzed alcohol systems in force in
Europe, to magnify, the peril of fraud
on, the revenue will naturally excite
apprehension lest our revenue regula
tions may be drawn so as to prevent
manufacture of alcohol under the new
law in distilleries in the neighbor
hoods where the grain and other raw
materials are produced. The west
especially has entertained the hope
that tax exemption of alcohol for fuel
and the arts might be the basis of a
widely diffused system of local manu
facture, as It has proved to be In sev
eral European countries, and particu
larly. In Germany. But If the Treasury
regulations are drr.wn with an exag
gerated fear of revenue frauds it there
be a large number of mall local dis
tilleries, manufacture will be arbitrar
ily concentrated in a few mammoth es
tablishments. It is conceded by the American com
missioners after investigation In Ger
many that frauds are practically un
known there, notwithstanding the regu
lations are such that denaturlzed alco
hol is produced by a great number of
small local distilleries but they ex
press serious doubt whether similar
rules could be similarly enforced In
this country. To the ordinary mind
this looks like forcing theory in the
face of tact, whereas the reasonable
inference from experience abroad
should be that substantially the same
satisfactory revenue results would be
produced here.
Extreme multiplication of petty dis
tilleries beyond the point of safe or
economical revenue collections is
largely foreclosed by competitive ad
vantages of large establishments at
central points. But on the other hand
the west will not be satisfied with a
scheme of regulations which banish
manufacture from communities which
are at once extensive producers of the
raw materials and consumers ot the
alcohol, and will insist that presump
tions as to revenue frauds fairly stand
on experience abroad until they shall
be negatived by actual experience here.
Candidates for congress on the pro
hibition ticket have been placed in
nomination in five out of the six dis
tricts in Nebraska. In order that no
one in Omaha may be in the dark as to
who is aspiring to represent this dis
trict in congress, we make special an
nouncement that the new candidate is
a gentleman named J. V. Lintell, resid
ing at Valley, in the western part ot
this county.
If somebody had said that Governor
Mickey had been "fixed" with so flimsy
evidence to support the statement as
the governor had in charging County
Assessor Reed with being "fixed," you
may "be sure all sorts ot fireworks
would have been set off.
Tbe Bee again warns republicans
throughout Nebraska that the political
manipulators, retained In the Interest
of candidates who dare not appeal di
rectly to the people for support, are
working overtime to pack the dele
gations that go to Lincoln -with men
who will vote against making any con
vention nomination of United 8tate
senator at all, and turn the selection of
tho senator over to the legislature,
where the corporate interests and cor
rupting lobby can get in their smooth
operations as before. It behooves
every republican county convention
still to be held In Nebraska to Instruct
its delegates for Its preferred candi
date for United States senator and,
whether agreed on senatorial prefer
ences or not, both to instruct the state
delegation to vote for the nomination
of the senator In strict accord with the
convention call as Issued by the state
committee, and to pledge its legislative
nominees to the candidates for United
States senator endorsed by the state
The result of the conference be
tween the Interstate Commerce com
mission and the railroad representa
tives seems to be that the latter will
be expected to obey the new rate law
even though they fall to understand
Time for Bill to Pease.
Chicago Tribune.
Has Mr. Bryan reflected that there may
be a grave constitutional question Involved
In his accepting the presidency of the
United States while still holding the Im
portant and responsible office of dattoT
Coin Doesn't Clrealate. -
Washington Tost.
During the next Bryan campaign It IS
not likely that "Coin" Harvey will be a
prominent figure, for, like a aenslble man,
he settled down to business after the last
defeat and has been busy since then taking
In the "coin." .
Old-Fashloned Farm Workers.
Boston Transcript.
The old-fashioned farm workers, like the
"gentlemen of the old school," are all the
w-hlle growing, fewer; yet there are some
left. An Orange woman ot so, with only
the help of a small grandson, picked five
bushels of blueberries in as many day
last week, made butter from six cows and
did all her other housework. Her husband,
who Is 84. With the aid of one man, has
done all his haying on a hundred-acre farm.
Snare 'a a Lender.
Wall Street Journal.
According to the Sage estate lawyers,
Russell Bage left 130,000,000 money loaned
out In Wall street. Of the fifty-three
bnnks composing the New York clearing
house, only seven have outstanding a larprer
total of loans than this. Mr. Sage, there
fore, was a bigger lender of money than
most of the banking Institutions of the
city. And there Is probably not a bank
In the city that would not be glad to take
over the Sage loans on the terms he im
posed. Base Ball In Kansas City.
Kansas City Star.
In a Hip! Hip! Hurrah! game, full of
hard hitting and errors, the Tribe of Burke
made a Garrison finish at Association park
yesterday afternoon and best Milwaukee
by a score of 8 to 7. At the end of the Mil
waukee half of the seventh Inning, the boys
from the source of the Wurtxburger river
had the heavy- end of the score of 7 to 8.
The Blue Logs then bussed like a bevy
of bazugars.""ard. by landing big, vicious
wallops, on Mr- Bage until he had sprained
a dunkment In a mad endeavor to miss the
Aeure Elmne "bats, the' town' boys kicked
the can enough times to put the game on
the left-hand ' .side of the percentage
column. .i
Ontslde the Storm Area.
F(. I.outs Globe-Democrat.
All the great bourses In Kurope are de
pressed by the convulsion In Russia, but
America's shows no sign of weakness. In
fact, storks went up yesterday In New
York. Wall street, on the general line of
sectirlfles. Is strong. At this time te
t'nlted States Is in a particularly fortunate
position. We have not enough Russlnn
stock to count among the Influences which
affect things In our financial centers. A
crash, of course. In Berlin, Ixjndon and
Paris would register Itself in New York,
to some extent, but the damage to us
would be comparatively sllpht. American
securities are not only better than Russian
these days but they are preferred to those
of England, Germany or any other coun
Marse Henry's Opinion of the Hand
wrltlnp; Professors.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
The handwriting "experts" are getting
In their work some more. This time they
are Illuminating divers and sundry ques
tions growing put of the notorious Hartje
divorce case. Borne are testifying In sup
port of Hartje's contentions and others
in behalf of the wlfe'a. It seems largely
a matter of who is doing the hiring.
What Is a handwriting "expert," any
how? How does he become expert? By
what other power -doea he read writing
than that ef his eyes, and by what other
method does he Judge of the authenticity
of a letter than that of comparison? Lack
ing supernatural gifts, why should his eyes
be more trustworthy than the eyes of any
body else of good vision and Intelligence.
Being unpossessed of omniscience, pre
science and gift of mental Infallibility, why
should his mere opinion be more valuable
than the opinion of anybody else of sound
mind and discretion?
The more one hears of the much-ex-plotted
handwriting "expert" the more of a
fake he seems.
Award of Monrl Prise to Mr. Roosevelt
Is Interesting.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The report that the great Nobel peace
prize Is to be given to President Roosevelt
this year Is interesting. Iscl us hope that
It Is true. The Nobel prlie of 140.000 is
given each year to that "person who shall
have best or most promoted the fraternity
of nations and the abolishment or diminu
tion of standing armies and the formation
and Increase of pec congressea"
Lest any one should be surprised that
our most strenuous public man, the flour
Isher of the big stick, the champion of a
great navy and fighting army, the bellicose
Roosevelt, who haa lauded war as an anti
dote to the cankers of a long peace, should
be chosen as the peace champion. It may be
well to mention that the president very
promptly and successfully used his good
offices to mediate between Russia and
But even If the president had not ended
the Russo-Japanese war. It would be wise
and politic for the trustees to grant the
prise to him. There is a wise principle
underlying such a aelectlon. In the west.
In troublous frontier days, the most bellig
erent man In the poet or town waa always
chosen to act as town marshal. When
killings were of everyday occurrence the
leading cltlsena were wont to make the
chief "bad man" marshal. Then there waa
peace, beoauae oil the aide of peace waa the
man moat expert at gun play, the man
with the most notches on his piatol arlp,
who would "have peace U be had to fight
for tt."
SHI. niasri.L SAUK
Personality of the nirheat Wsims
la the World.
Mrs Russell Pe. by the terms of her
husband B will, becomes the richest woman
In the world. It la expected that she will
distribute the great bulk of tbe money left
her to charities of various kinds. This
Is not enjoined on her by the terms of the
will, but appears to have been an under
standing between her and her late hus
band, who waa content to die accused of
being uncharitable and mean that his wife
might have the credit of Riving away his
hoarded millions. If the estate Is not tied
up by a contest Mrs. Bags will be able,
mlthln a few months, to begin to distribute
170,000,009 left her under the will. Very few
years are left to this woman of 77 years In
which to make disposition ot this Vast es
tate. When Mrs. Page was a T-year-old girl,
so she has told tbe story, her mother once
rebuked her for tearing her skirts while
climbing fences. "If you tear your clothes
this way," said the mother, "I will have
to make your skirts out of bed ticking
blue bed ticking with white stripes. Little
girls who tear their dresses In hoydenlsh
climbing of fence will soon be too poor to
afford anything but bed ticking."
It was even while she was young enough
to have the haunting fear of being garbed
In blue and white striped bed ticking keep
her In the paths of proper deportment
that Mrs. Bage had Inculcated In her the
first precepts of right living and right
thinking precepts which, rigorously ad
hered to by the growing girl and the
woman, have had their part In making the
Mrs. Bage of today worthy of the trust
reposed In her by her husband.
It was the old style training that was
given to 'Olivia Blocum by her mother
that discipline which Insisted that "chil
dren should be seen and not heard." Mrs.
Bage once told a friend a story Illustrative
of the Spartan discipline which ruled In the
house of her girlhood.
Mrs. Slocum had told her daughter that
If she played with a certain little girl,
whose company she did not believe was best
for the child, she would be punished.
Olivia slipped through a hole In the fence
and, with the daring of Eve strong In her,
enjoyed the delights of the forbidden com
panionship. When she returned home, with
guilt stamped In red letters of shame on
her cheeks, her mother, at the time busy
entertaining guests, hardly noticed the
daughter. "Olivia," she called, "I am busy
now and you have disobeyed me."
"I hurried to bed," laughs Mrs. Bage In
this recital of her Infantile transgression,
"thinking that perhaps she might forget
her promise to punish me. I went to sleep.
After the guests left the house my mother
came upstairs, waked me up and whipped
me as she had promised to do."
After she had gained her apprenticeship
In the three Rs at home Olivia Slocum was
sent to the Troy Female seminary, after
ward known as the Emma Wlllard sem
inary, under which name the school now
ranks high as a school for young women.
Emma Willard was herself a teacher at
the seminary at the time Olivia Blocum at
tended, and waa beloved of all the scholars.
In 1847 Miss Slocum was graduated from
the Troy Institution. Fifty years after
ward she returned to address the girls of
the graduating class. It was on June 19,
1897, Mrs. Sage, then 68 years old, cele
brated the golden anniversary of her grad
uation by appearing In a white muslin
dress, with the school colors pinned on her
bosom, like all of the young misses on the
platform whose diplomas were freshly
Mrs. Sage addressed the girls, dwelling
remtnlscently on the times that she had
known fifty years past and drawing com
parisons between the pleasures she had en
joyed as a schoolgirl and those of the girls
of the day.
"Our greatest fun," said Mrs. Sage to the
girls of Wlllard s, "was to take our sewing
at a warm afternoon after recitations and
sit out under the apple trees In what was
then a nearby orchard, stitching while one
of the teachers read Sir Walter Scott and
Jane Austen. In those days we girls did
not think of such things as golf and ten
nis and weekly dances. I believe that
maybe a good knowledge of how to sew
and how to turn the heel on a stocking
fitted us better for wives than the ability
to sail a boat or beat a bogey on a golf
Mrs. Bage often has expressed her doubts
as to the value of the present day "all
round" education for women. She has put
her question In a sententious anecdote. "A
woman I know." once said Mrs. Sage to
MIfs Helen Gould, "has a daughter who
wmts to be one of the 'advanced' girls,
with a 'broad education." Now this girl
wrote a letter one time to a lady who Is
many rears her elder, and she wrote It as
If she should write to me, for example,
My Dear Sage.' "
From the time that she graduated from
Wlllard's seminary until she married Rus
sell Sage Miss Slocum taught school, most
of the time In Philadelphia. Then with
her marriage came her sudden transition
! from the gray, unobtrusive life of the
echoolma'am to the station of wife of a
rich man, for Sage was rich thirty-five
yeara ago. If not yet the muttl-mllllonalre
he was destined to become.
As the wife of a rich man Mrs. Sage
found more than one unpleasant perquisite
of office which had to be tolerated, chief
of these the beggar and the crank. For
many years she steadfastly refused to em
ploy a private secretary, preferring to
come Into closer touch with her corre
spondents, as she put It. by answering
with her own hand all letters received and
meeting In person every one who called
upon her.
What has been Mrs. Sage's experience
with cranks and beggars In the past will
probably be her even greater misfortune In
the future, now that It Is known that she
Is sole arbiter of the disposition of such a
great sum of money.
It Is probable that the Sage house on
Fifth avenue In New York will know little
more of Mrs. Sage. She has often ex
pressed her dislike of New York and said
that she lived here only because her hus
band's business interests made his con
stant presence In the city Imperative.
"I am not as fond of New York as I
might be expected to be," Mrs. Sage once
replied to a question. "One never seems
to he at rest In this great city. Here In
New York we are so quick, and so restless
that we appear to have no time, even If
we had the Inclination, for the better
things In life."
And again Mrs. Sage has had this to say
of New York: "I think New York Is not a
good field for the really ambitious. Men
have to work so hard to achieve success
here that they kill themselves In harness."
Plea for aa Old Resident.
Springfield Republican.
It Is a shame-that that noble animal, the
American alligator. Is being exterminated
Of course, our old friend, "pocket greed."
Is responsible. The demand for alligator
leather cannot be met entirely by the manu
facturers of the bogus article, and the re
sult la that 280,000 real alligator hides now
disappear annually In tie great maw of
commerce. The number of alligators In
Louisiana la 30 per cent lees than twenty
flve years ago t'nleba the alligators form
a union and regulate the output, they are
I doomed.
Tom Seddon, a son of the late premier
of New Zcnlsnd. has been elected to rep
resent Westlsnd In the New Zealand Par
llament In succession to his father.
Senator I,aFollette Is a vegetartsn. His
dally mean consists of fresh vegetables.
English walnuts and milk, and It la said a
prise fighter anxious to get Into the pink of
condition would envy htm.
Sir Donald Mackenile Wallace haa gone
to Russia, on whoee history and present
condition he Is a great authority. He ac
companied the present csar when as ctaro
wlts he made the eastern tour In 1S30.
The German Foreign office Is considering
the purchase of the house at Valllma, Sa
moa, formerly owned by Robert Louis
Stevenson, as a residence for the governor.
The bouse was sold by Mr. Stevenson's
belrs to Ilerr Kunst, a merchant of Ham
bung. Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria la a very
distinguished ornithologist, and Iris knowl
edge of the science of birds Is equaled by
very few In Europe. He devotee a good
deal of time to the subject, and Is a mem
ber of the Ornithological Society of
Governor Cobb of Maine Is to be present
at Camden, In that state, on August $0 at
the unveiling of a tablet to the memory
of Bill Conway, the United States sailor
who at the outbreak of the civil war re.
fused to haul down the American flag at
the navy yard at Fensacola. Fla.
The Congressional church of Greenland,
N. H. celebrated Its 200th anniversary on
Thursday. The pastor of the church Is
Rev. Dr. Edward Robin, who has servsd
the congregation for fifty-five years, and
In the two centuries of the church's ex
istence there bavs been but seven pas
tors. Joseph Balmonson, who calls himself
"Nleva," Is exciting much amusement In
Paris, where he parades the streets dressed
only In a flowing white robe reaching to
his knees and wearing a gilt circlet on his
head. He declares he's the apostle of the
"simple life." His hair and beard have
never been cut.
The kaiser once told Admiral Evans that
of all the good stories his brother. Prince
Henry, brought back from America, none
amused him more heartily than this: As
the German boat bearing the prince came
up New York harbor hundreds of boats
crowded close and from the deck of one
unpretentious river boat came a hall In
megaphone tones "Hey, Henry, bow's
Sir Charles Tennant, though an octogena
rian, has four daughters, the children of
his second wife, the oldest of whom Is 7
and the youngest still a mere Infant. Mr.
ABqulth and Lord Rlbbleadale, the husbands
of his daughters by his first marriage,
have to stand some good-natured guying
from friends to inquire sollcltlously after
the Infant sisters-in-law of these dis
tinguished Englishmen of advanced age.
Samuel Btlllman Locke, a 74-year-old ath
lete of Raymond, N. H., is out with a
challenge to walk any man over 60 yeara
old until one of them gives out. Locke
has tried many times to get tip a match
with men In Raymond and adjoining towns,
but all seem afraid to take up his chal
lenge. He boasts that he has never ridden
on a train, he never owned a horse and
that whenever he wants to go anywhere
he walks." .
President Roosevelt's Record the
Campaign Ara-ament for lOOO.
Kansas City Journal.
As a matter of political strategy the re
publican congressional campaign committor
has made a shrewd move In making Presi
dent Roosevelt's ' personality and his -executive
record the chief Issues of the cam
paign this year.
Mr. Roosevelt Is, as a London writer ex
pressed it the other day, "easily the most
popular figure In American public life,"
and consequently his party, which is re
sponsible 'for his acts, can well afford to
put him forward as the ''central figure."
and his achievements as the "central
thought." Jn the campaign. In the next
place, being an oft year In politics, when
a change In national administration is Im
possible, and furthermore, being the first
campaign since Roosevelt's election In 1SC4,
the logical Issue Is what haa been accom
plished so far by his administration. In
giving an account of hla stewardship Presi
dent Roosevelt Is assured In advance of the
Indorsement and approval of the peopl",
and therefore of their continued fajth and
confidence in the party of which he is the
The democrats have already virtually
confessed Judgment on the Issue thus
framed and Joined for the decision of the
American voters. They have stamped
Roosevelt's administration with tacit ap
proval in their mournful complaint that
he has carried out their policies; or, as
they put it. has stolen their clothes. By
this Ingenious, though unconscious, ad
mission they have put themselves out of
court. They are not only estopped, as
the lawyers say, barred from criticising
his policies and acts, but they have no
facts left sufficient to constitute a cause
of action and to make out a case. No
higher praise could ba given the president
by an opposing party than Its frank
statement that he has done Just what It
would have done had It been in power.
The American people, however, can
form a pretty accurate opinion as to
whether the administration has been a
democratic one In disguise, a jackdaw in
peacock's plumage, and, Judging by the
past, whether the democratic party could
be trusted to carry out the policies which
the republicans have brought to a tri
umphant conclusion. Whenever the dem
ocrats have been given a trial In national
administration since the war they have
made a sad mess of It. betraying their
utter incapacity to execute any policies
whatever. Witness their tariff flxxle In
1904. which cost the country so dearly,
and which even a democratic president
denounced as "a contract with perfidy and
The republican party says that Rooae
velt Is all right and claims an endorse
ment of him at the hands of the people
this fall ao that his administration may
be uplifted and strengthened for Its work
In the future. Inasmuch aa the democrats
admit that he la right, the verdict is apt
to be pretty nearly unanimous.
HELLO I is this Browning King & CoT Is the clothing sale still on?
Certainly; Men's suits that sold from $16.00 to 126.00 are now
What? Odd suits left from our season's stock Not sll sixes of any one
pattern, but all sixes among the number. Missing a good thing; you
bet you are, so come ahead, we'll be waiting for you.
Browning, King & Co
Ft. S. WILCOX, Manager.
Qaestlna that le Sow Worrying the
Treat aery OSptavls.
. Chicago , Tribune
In some parts of the country trouble Is re
ported on account Of the scarcity ft dimes.
What becomes of the dlrnea? An official in
Washington suggest that because the coun
try Is prosperous people keep dimes In their
pockets to hear them jingle. This position
Is not tenable, because any-other coin would
jingle Just as well, and It people are so
prosperous as to find pleasure In Jlngllne(
coins In their pockets they would be likely
to use larger onee foe the purpose.
The penny-ln-the-alot roaohlnea are held
responsible for a scarcity ef pennies. Street
car tinea) and automatio talephonea accumu
late nickel 6 -cent pieces, but there Is no par
ticular use for dimes thai would cause them ,
to be concentrated In tha hande of a fen J
corporations. It Is not llkeiy that they .
hoarded In children's savings banks to the
extent that pennies and nickels are, because
It does not take many dimes to make a dol
lar, and dollars are deposited In banks
where they draw rateraitt and then the
coins are released to go back into circula
tion, i
Estimating tbe coinage of dime since the
publication of the last report of the di
rector of the mint aa averaging the earns
as In the Inst tew years reported, there have
been coined from 173 to the present day
about 120,000,000 dimes. More than half of
these, however, have been coined In the
last twenty years, and the older ones have
largely disappeared from circulation. In
the year 190 the different mints ef the
United States received nearly s.OtPO.OOO dimes
which were retired as urrcurrent, a number
almost exactly equal to one-third the
coinage for the year. . It la probable that
there are not In circulation more than three
dimes for each Inhabitant of the United
States. The slight relation which the total
coinage, or even the amount outstanding,
bears to the amount In circulation Is shown
by the fact that there are still outstanding
about 800.000 half cents, 28,000,000 2-cent
pieces and 80,000,000 nickel. I-Cent pieces,
which no one ever sees and which may
have been lost or melted long ago, but are
still on the treasury books aa outstanding.
In view of the statistics the scarcity of
dimes need not be wondered at The only
extraordinary 'thing la that any one should -complain.
There Is nothing dime will buy' '
that cannot be paid for In other coins with
almost equal convenience. Any kind of
money la good If there is plenty altogether.
"Things are not as they need to be," said
the man of melancholy reminiscences.
"No," answered Mr. Dustln Btax regret
fully. "The time wee when great wealth
would get a man out of trouble. Now It
gets him into it." Washington Star.
Tlmklns I hate that fellow Plan tern. H
Is always talking shop.
Slmpklne Plantem, the undertaker?
Tlmpkins Yea. Every time I meet him
be asks after my health. Detroit Tribune.
She I agree with Cow per I hate a man
who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.
He So do I. It spoils 'em for bait.
Cleveland Leader.
Chemist (to poor woman) You must taks
this medicine three times a day after
Patient But, sir, I seldom get meals
these 'ard times.
Chemist (passing to next cnetomer)--Tnen
take It Derore. uiasgow iimea, ,
She That waa a long sermon, wasn
He-I should say so. Why, It took hV
half an hour alter be oegan to preacn be
fore he got back to where he started.
Town and Country..
Miss Mugley I'm thinking seriously of
taking up the auto fad.
Miss Knox-Clever idea! It certainly
would be becoming to you.
Miss Mugley Becoming!
Miss Knox Yes; you know, you can wear
a! aiaek in p4 atft.-ePtyladeJjlla iT
Barmaid Have I given you your change,
Artful Customer No, mlea; I have not re
ceived it yet. ' .
Barmaid I thought not, because you have
not paid yet. Smiles.
"It seems to me," said Mrs. Oldoastle.
"that Dr. Fourthly Indulges a good deal In
"I've been thinking that same thing, re.
plied her hostess. "Land sakes! I should
think a man with ns much sense ss him
would leave thev French drinks alone."
Chicago Record-Herald.
He (watching a ini.nher of women say
ing gooilnv at ti.e weHnwoniw rini m n
tea) Women are unmlly dilatory In brlng
Iiik their functions to a close, are they
She Yes.
Yes. ltut never In ' bringing their- ,Ji
to a function Harper's Weekly.
"That young Medders seems rather new
to the city, but he's got lot of money.
How did be get It?"
"You mean he was engaged In the manu-
fa"Nor'art?"oTid uncle of hi. blew it eut."
Catholic Standard and Times. .
Montreal Star.
The latest things In operas in London town
these daya , m ,
Are playful little parodies on Mr. Shake-
Theyput on' "Hamlet" with a ghost who
does a song and dance
And springs a moldy gag or two, while all
the chorus chants.
And Hamlet, on beholding him, lifts up a
lively clog . .
And says: "Is that you. father dear, or
juat a London fog?"
When old King Lear goes maundering
serosa the canvas lea.
His graceless daughter winks and says;
"Now. don't you Lear at me!"
And Kent exclaims when through the
storm he hears bis monarch shout:
"It's pretty windy, ain't it, king, to take
thoae whiskers out?"
And when his subjsota hall tbe king, the
old man says, complaining:
"Away with youl How dare you, knave, to
hall while I am reigning?'
When dark Othello from the wars comes
double-shuffling back,
Iago says: "I'm scared of blm beeouse
he looks so black."
And Desdemona'a stifled while that Villain
calmly smokes,
Remarking philosophically tbe while! "I
hope she chokes!"
And when Othello stabs himself, Iago, with
a roar,
Shouts out: "There's always room where
you are bound ior Just one Moorf'
When Caesar geta the gleaming knives he's
circled by a bunch -
Ct ,hn lrla whllA Imti fnaftltlfl moumff
" 'Twaa too much Roman, punch!
Macbeth beholds the aged crones dance
round their babbling pitch.
And asks them, with a grin of glee: "Now,
tell me, w'leh Is witch?"
They're turning crowds away, they Bay.,
and down by Avon's wave. I
It's said, the bard is turning, too he's
turning In his grave. .