TIIE 0MAI1A DAILY REE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. 190ft' ' 3 f 'A TALE OF CASH IN TREASURY Mr. Mortsnwu Hat Little Om Half Million Bt&U MoO'j in Custody. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND IN SCHOOL FUND Thla TV 111 Be Materially Hdaed Wku Baada Which Hav Been Contracted far At Deltr ered to TrtMirtr. Hall ha been mentioned aa a probable can didate. All are warm friend of Mr. Bryan and t think It out of plara for Lancaster County to Instruct for Mr. Barge, a mem ber of another party. In view of thta being Mr. Bryan's horn. "Mr. Ber has charged that all demo crats sulked In their tents and ha fought the la at battle alone. Thla -has not en deared him to the democrats of the state and It would not do for Bryan'a home county to plik him up and alap Bryan'a other friends. I aha.ll certain) oppoae any Instructions." ' , today, shows there la In the trenaur 4jf i tlim $201,41.7f la In the- permanent (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Ail-. !. (Special.) The re port of State Treasurer. Mortenaen for the month of July, filed ''with Auditor Seuie jry now Of thla achool fund. Thla amount would be materially leaa than It la had the governor of Ten nessee delivered bonds which the mate treasurer had purchased during the month, but because the southern governor was out of hla state the bonds have not yet been delivered. The temporary achool fund con tains tl41.74o.16. The report in detail, to gether with', the bank statement, la aa follows: Ttalances July 1. Aug. 1. ...t 2.-'S 24 I .22 4 ... 19T.HM .TS 2"1.41.7 ... M.M4.M 30.1M.77 6.M3.77 14 645.50 Funda. General Permanent school. Temporary school Permanent university.. Agr. college endowment Temporary university.. i-erinenuary Redemption l.lfrJ.irt. Kearney Normal library 32.24 Orthopedic hoapltal 6&6a Hospital for Insane 14438 State library l.M6.7t Vntversity cash 19.W.9 97 Normal library 2.2."5 Normal endowment 2.649 12 Normal interest 2,461.79 Agr. and mechanic arta 6100 U. 8. Exp. station 229.11 Totals 1362,744.48 24,488.16 Bank balances. Julv SI: City National, Lincoln.. Columbia National, Lincoln. 141."4.M 50.710 53 3. 242. 43 .4U44 619 50 .S f 602 67 621 50 1)00 1.415.31 27.0S3 2.117.77 4.79M2 312 63 2o,ft.01 16.236.00 PLATTE MHTR1CTII FOR EVA3S Resolatlon to Inatrnrt for McCarthy Voted Dow a COLUMBUS, Neb., Aug. t (Special Tele gram.) The republicans of Platte county met In delegate convention thla afternoon. Ben R. Cowdrey was chairman and L. F. Franklin, secretary.. The convention waa a very tame affair from beginning to end. All waa arranged before-hand and there waa little to do but carry out the program. No platform resolutions were offered. The motion to Instruct for Congressman Mc Carthy waa voted down by a large major ity, and yet It la said that more than half of the convention waa for McCarthy, but opposed to Instructions, though Just before that they had Instructed the delegatea "to Lodge, and Broe. O. J. Vandyke and 8 R. Barton, of the Nebraska Grand Lodge, will deliver addressee. Congreesman Hin shaw and others will apeak during the afternoon. DROIHMO DESERTS TWO WIVES' Now fa Jail at Beaver City Charar of Blaamr BEAVER CITT, Neb., Aug. l-(8peclal Telegram.) Walter Degarmo Is In the county Jail charged with wife deaerllou. Degarmo waa married In July to Miss Lu ella Thompson, a prominent young woman of Wllaonvllle. It was a double wedding In more wave than one. The Ilcenae was Issued In Furnas county, but the couple went across the line In Red Willow county, where the ceremony was performed. After wards the county Judge Informed Degarmo that the marriage waa not valid and a sec ond ceremony wua solemnised in Furnas county. In a week after the marriage De garmo disappeared and was captured a day or two ago In Red Willow county. Ke was detained upon a charge of wife de sertion, but evidence haa been obtained that he haa a wife In Carthage, 111., and today In county court. In the presence of the girl that he had wronged, he confessed that he had a previous wife and had not been divorced. He will be held on a charge of bigamy. wvj mi iiviiiii KUIC IIITjaun vr liuimiianc v j roll D. Evans, as United States senator, ( Miss Thompson, whom he Imposed upon, is WEIRICH DROWNS IN LAKE Omaha Man Bailed with Crtmpi While lathis: in Manawa. BODY NOT FOUND UNTIL NEXT MORNING Went Oat Alona la Peraoaal Electa and Falls to with Cai Boat, Leaving at Karaaal Retara t 30.RO4 00 K 1SS 71 Farmers and Merchants, Lincoln. 15.0R 08 29.319. 94 26.375 SO 66. 132. 36 11.118 19 30.53S.71 35.730 VI 27.3HO.fr; 6,OtC.S2 8.104.S3 500. uo First National- Lincoln... National Bank of Com'rce, Lincoln First National, Omaha.. J. L. lirandets fk Sons, Omaha Merohanta National, Omaha Nebraska National, Omaha . Omaha National ...... .-.i. 1 Alliance National tiuiiiA ru r..n-.. Bank of haxfle Mlf)e"U!!!!!!!;.'.'!!I L& Broken Bow State 4 out on Cuater National, Broken Bow $.01090 Security State. Broken Bow 3.63.K5 Flrat National, Chadron 6.12ft.( Flrat National, Crete 4 90.163 State Bank, Curtis...'... 42 Iannebrog State 1.601.90 First National, Fremont S 41 Bank of Glenvllle 1 527 94 Commercial State, Grand Island.... 4.768.94 Greeley State 2,610.13 I nlon State. Harvard 3.W56.30 Harvard State 2,602.08 First National, Hasting 4,(0.4 87 German National, Haatings 7,to 61 Flrat National, Holdrege 8.635 3D State Bank of Jansen 8,087 00 Central National, Kearney 6.ononn Ixlngton 2.500.00 Flrat National, Loomls 3,000.00 Newport State 1 600.00 Norfolk National 6.501 ( First National, Ord 6 (Ml 50 Ord State , 4 793 09 I'lerce State fnrmiso First State, St. Paul 4 058 00 rirai rvauonai. Boot is UlutT In the state convention," and that waa the only resolution adopted. The following are the delegatea to the state convention! VA Hoare. C. C. Gray. E. H. Chambere. G. W. Vlerguti. Chrla I Medll, B. R. Cowdrey, Ed Luilenskl, W. W. Frank, H. P. H. Otrlrh, Oscar Olson, J. L. Lower, Harry Umb. Congressional: Ed Hoare, J. O. Reeder, Bruce Webb, Geo. Falrrhlld, I. Cluck. It. O. Rtrnther. C. M Waaner. Charles Charn- qulst, Kmll Hedburg, C. C. Gray, E. H. Chambers, R. W. Hobart. Carl Kramer, J. W. Apgar, Reese Williams. I Delegatea were elected to the float and senatorial convention. For county attor ney, C. N. McElfresh was nominated. The central committee was empowered to fill vacanclea on the ticket. After listening to an hour'a address from W. W. Toung, candidate for congress in the third district, the convention adjourned. highly esteemed. It developed that he not only Ingratiated himself into her affections, but that he also secured a considerable amount of money from her. First National. Superior !!!!'.!" R057'33 nuns ni pyracuae 2 706 82 Flrat National, Valentine 8 041 07 Valentine State f 13I 31 Saundera County Nat l, Wahoo.... 5.080 46 First National, Wayne . 4 017 83 Weat Point National 7 ww nn yaOVolbach State L6OO00 i iiy iNationai, york Flrat National. York 6.278.41 10.931.50 Contempt Case at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. 1 (Special) In the district court yesterday County Attor ney Klllen filed complaints againat Mr. and Mra. Beth Terry and their son, Memo W. Terry, charging them with contempt of court. The papers were aerved by Sheriff Trude at the home of the Terry'a near Plckrell and they were cited to appear before Judge Kelligar, Thursday, August I. The arrest of the Terrys la the out growth of the long-drawn-out case over the custody of the two children of their son-in-law, J. Alfred Johnson, of Vllllsca, la. Some time ago Judge Kelligar placed the older of the two children in the cus tody of Its grandparenta, Mr. and Mra. Seth Terry, and gave the other to Ita father, thus separating the children who were at that time living with their grand parenta. Recently the younger child was brought Into court and given to Mrs. De volre of Omaha, a sister of Mr. Johnson, who came here after It. She' had boarded the train and waa about to leave the city when Mr. and Mra. Terry again secured the custody of the child by habeas corpua proceedings. The ease waa called in the county court and continued to August 27. The action of the Terrys In violating the order of the court by again coming In posaesslon of the child la the cause for their being held In contempt by Judge Kelligar. Bonds for Kew Plants. FREMONT. Neb.. Aug. J.-(Speclal.)-The proposition to build a new electric light plant separate from the present water plant and to issue bonds In an amount not exceeding $40,000 for Its construction was submitted to the voters of the city at a special election yesterday, and carried by a good majority. Only 490 votes, less than a third of the registration, were caat and there was but little Interest taken. The new plant will be built near a rail road, the location of which haa not beer, decided upon. The water commissioner is nstalllng water meters aa fast as practi cable and. It is believed, will thereby de crease the amount now pumped. The minimum rate per year is $6 for 40,000 gallons. ) Total 8f.22.845.15 Hla- Crowd at Assembly. The principal address before the Epworth assembly today waa delivered by Rev. L. A, Banka, of Denver, the crowd hearing him numbering over 3,000. TheEpwortb parlia ment waa addressed by Rev. D. K. Tynda.ll. Tonight the Jubilee singers entertained the crowd which was leasened by reason of the rain this afternoon. The Women's Home Missionary society held forth thla afternoon. Miss Nellie Snider, national or ganiser, delivered the principal address on "Mctliuds of Work." Thla society elected the following officers: President, Mra. S. E. Miller, University Place; flrat vice presi dent, Mrs. Thomas Darnell, University Place; second vice president, Mrs. Lyrla Andwera, Table Rock; corresponding secre tary, Mra. Leslie Stevens, University Place; recording secretary, Mra. C. M. Shepherd, Pawnee City; treasurer. Mra. J. 8. States, Lincoln; assistant treasurer, Mra. C. W. Reiser, Lincoln; conference organiser, Mra. Nellie Richardson: mite box aecietary, Mrl. Holmea. Table Rock; mission supplies, secretary, Mra. J. F. Piper, Lincoln; young people'a work, secretary, Mra. G. H. Dan forth, Lincoln; chlldren'a work, aecretary, Mra. A. T. Searle, Lincoln; literature secre tary, Mra. John Vance, Wymore; systematic benefcence aecretary, Mra. Eva Parker, Geneva; reading circle aecretary, Mra. Clara Elder, Hebron; temperance secretary, Mra. J. L Clad In, University Place. Lydla K. An. drewa, of Table Rock; was elected dele gate to the national executive board melt ing to be held In this city In October, at which time delegates will be present from very part of the country. Mra. W. B. Alexander, of York, was elected alternate. Bert laaaea lltlmatum. George W. Berge, populist candidate for governor, before the democratic state con vention today Issued an ultimatum that Lancaster county must Instruct for him, and. It la reported, he also said Dr. P. L Hall and Mayor Brown could not go aa delegatea to the atate convention unless In structed for him. The ultimatum haa started, the fight In this county and It will be a tmt one. . Mayor Brown said: "I am opposed to Instructions. W. HNThompson la a candi dal and so is Mr. .Shallenberger, and Dr. Rilled Mall Sack Poand. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Aug. 2. (Special.) Edgar Stevens, who Uvea a couple of miles southeast of here, near bridge No. 113 on the Burlington line to K ansae City, yester day found a rifled United States .mall pouch, which i had, . been slit - open . and robbed of Ita'contenfs. "Thls'mafl sack "had been - mlneing alnce June 22 and was pouch which had been left here from train No. 41 from the aouth, which passes at U p. m., to transfer td train No. 13, which cornea from the same direction at 1:20 a. m., but passes west on the Denver line. The pouch was taken from the platform of the depot or the car, but by whom la not known. The mall clerk from No. 41 reported that he had made the pouch up und the one from No. 13 reported that he had not received It. , The mall sack was brought here to the postmistress, who re ported the matter to Chief Butler and It will likely be thoroughly Investigated and the responsibility located. New Bnlldlna- Material. ARAPHOE. Neb., Aug. I. (Special) In a small way Richard brothera have begun making cement building blocka for foun dations and entire buildings. The blocks are eight by ten by twenty-four Inches and so moulded as to resemble cut stone. In the moulding the fronts are covered with a water proof cement and are leas ex pensive than brick and cheaper to lay In the wall. The new residences of Robert Chambers and William Weaterbeck will be built of theae blocka and additional moulda have been ordered. The force employed will be doubled to meet the demand. Last year the brick yard at thla place made 960,- 000 brick and not enough to supply the de mand as It waa Impossible to secure handa at any price. This year William Kalley the proprietor expects to double the out put snd while he shipped some thirty cars last year to other points haa boen com pelled to refuse car load orders for ship ment. Plcale at Dlller. DILLER, Neb., Aug. I ((Special) On Thursday, Aug. 16, the Workmen and De gree af Honor lodgea of Dlller will hold their tenth annual picnic. Arrangemenla are being made for a bigger time than ever. Bro. J. G. Tate, of the Supreme Come Own Now Up You don't like those gray hairs, do you? And your husband certainly doesn't like them. Then why not try a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor? It restores color to gray hair every time, all the deep, rich color of early life. And it cures dandruff also. The best kind of a testimonial "Sold for over sixty years." 1 N . V Kaae by the 1. C. ayar Ce., Lawelt. Mae. Ala ataaaOMtiawa af AYKt'SSAItAPABIIXAPwtsSSlooi. ATER'S PILL 7oc caettipa tioa. AVIKaCUKKYfliCTOSAV-rstCeecka. ATlB'g AGU E CUKI Foe malaria sa Afa. BBWBawaaaawBnmsBBBBBWsufiaBa Xewe of Nebraska. BROKEN BOW Nearly two and one-half Inches of rain has fallen In this vicinity within the past thirty-six hours. FLATTSMOUTH-Ou te a number or Plattsmouth people are attending the Ep worth league assembly in Lincoln. TEKAMAH Cmmnv EX Nebraska Na tional Guard, in charge of Captain A. H. Barker and Lieutenant G. P. Thomas will leave tomorrow morning for Fort Riley, Kan., for a ten days' outing. LEXINGTON This haa been another Ideal day for the Chautauqua, and the at tendance haa reached Ita climax, save per haps that of the coming Sunday, whlcn Is expected to eclipse all former occasions. NORTH PLATTE The attendance at the North Platte Junior Normal has now reached 106. Examinations were held laat week and but few failurea resulted, most of the teachers receiving excellent grades. BEATRICE John H Ellis today assumed the management of the Gage County Her ald, a weekly paper published in thia city. He succeeds Ed Huberts, who has taken a position on the road In the Interest of the western publishing company. BEATRICE Word was received here by the local lodge of Elks that Horace Soun der, a member of the order and at one time one ot the croDrletors or me raaaucn hotel In this city, wao lying seriously 111 of typhoid fever at Denver. NORTH PLATTE The funeral services of Edward A. Park, Jr., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward U Park of Omana, were held from the Eoiscoual church Sun day. Rev. C. V. Chapman officiating. The child died at Denver Friday. PLATTSMOUTH A stmnged passed a 810 check on Ed Donat. The check waa arawn on the First National bank of thla city and made payable to H. H. Brown and bore the false signature of A. S. Will, a wealthy farmer residing west of Plaits mouth. . '. PLATTSMOUTH W. C. Williams, who disappeared ao suddenly from his wife and chuuren in Council Ulurts, haa been lo cated near Oreapolia. working for a farmer. He says ne nua no intention .ot oeserung his faintly and will send money to tnem aa soon aa ne earns it. BEATRICE Edward Ulrich and his sis ter. Miss Augusta, were severely injured in a runaway accident near De Will, uoth narrowly escaped being killed and tne buggy in wnich they were riding was smaiiiied all to piecea and scattered along the ruaa tor a cunsiuerajjie distance. NORTH PLATTE Richard Sculley. who was killed on the Union i'aclllc railroad here last. Friday. left unite a bit Ot prop erty. He had recently sold a piece of land for which he received fo.Ouu. He was a single man and at present there are no relatives known. Leo lotiln ot tins city waa appointed special administrator. TEIvAM AH George Waters, an employe at Stout tiros, meat market, met with a very paint ui accident yesterday while load ing ice. The team became frightened and Blurted to run, and in attempting to get the lines Waters slipped under tne wagon and the rear wheels ran over nis back, in tllctlng severe injuries, but luckily no bones were oroaen. PLATTSMOLTH On the Perry Walker farm Frank Jean and w. 1. Smith threshed 12.UU0 bushels of oala by welgnt in four hours, or at an average of five bushels per minute. The oats are turning uut from thirty to forty bushels per acre. Tne wheat Is also a large yield. The large ears of early corn are hanging down and the late corn la growing very rapidly. Tne potato crop waa never better. FREMONT Work has commenced tear ing ilown the old buildings west of the Kuiniera and Merchants National bank on Sixth street, which are to be replaced with a brick block extending to the alley. The buildings were among the oldest In the city and have been an eye-sore to that street for some time. .Another new busi ness house is under construction on the same street one block west. OAKLAND The Burt county teachers' Institute will open at the high school here next Monday morning. Miss Nelson, the superintendent, has secured Miss Daaie C. Johnson and H. H. Hahn aa instructors. A lecture course has also been arranged and the speakers are Dr. Edward Amherat Ott. Superintendent H. H. Hahn and Dr. George E. Condra. A reception to teachera and patrons will be neid at tne nigh achool ou Monday evening. NORTH PLATTE-Mr. Hoffmelster. pres Idem of the North Platte Water Works company, haa been In the city for aeverai days In connection with the negotiations pending for the disposition of the local plant to the city. The mayor of North Platte Informed Mr. Hoffmelsier that the city would not submit to any other valua. tlun than a physical one and that any value which might be attributed to the plant ua a going concern would not be considered by the city. Mr. Horrmelster nnnouncea that lie will go at once to Pitta burg. Pa., to consult with the officials of the corporation which owns the local plant OAKL.AND A teain hitched to a lumber wagon belonging to uuat Hailing, a farme living six miles soutnwest or here, ran away Wednesday afternoon. They started on Main street and when they reached the Northweatern tracks turned and ran down the tracks until they reached the tower house, then ran onto the road going west and were not stopped until they were over a mile west of town. No serious damage was the result, but some of the wires and filpes running from the power house were adly bent and twisted, out were soon re paired. One horse was scratched a Utile, but the wagon remained Intact. T. Milton Weirlch of 810 North Twenty- second street waa drowned In Lake Man awa Wednesday night. While swimming alone he evidently waa atrtcken with cramps. His body waa recovered at (.46 o'clock Thursday morning 400 yards north of the Kursaal. Welrich waa a drug clerk and worked at the Sherman A McConnell and Peyton pharmacies during hla two years' residence here. He left the employ of the Peyton pharmacy, 2401 Leavenworth, Wednesday. The body will be sent to Munroe, Wis., for burial. Weirlch was 82 years of age and single. He was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Weirlch of 810North Twen ty-second street. Hie uncle, T. H. Welrich, is secretary ot the Alfred Bloom Planing Mill company. Weirlch hired a boat shortly after o'clock Wednesday evening at the Kursaal, checked his valuables and started out with bathing suit. In an hour he returned and placed hla coat, vest and hat In the boat. At 9:30 an empty boat was slghtid by partiea at the boat club house on the north aide of the lake. The boat waa brought In and from letters found In the coat It was surmised that Weirlch was missing. A search waa at once made and the uncle at Omaha notified. The body was dragged from the bottom some dis tance from the Kursaal. Coroner TrOynor was called from Coun cil Bluffs. From the position of the dead man's legs and arms, which Indicated cramps, the coroner decided an Inquest waa not necessary. The body waa sent to Swanson'a undertaking rooms on this side. Thursday morning the dead man's fulhcr stated his son was an average swimmer and had been In the habit of going to Man awa to swim. So far as (he father could aay his son's health had been normal. Weirlch was born at Munroe, Wis., where the funeral .service and burial will be. The bodjt will be taken to the Wis consin town by the father, mother and uncle. T. M. Wrelrlch worked six years at the Auditorium pharmacy, Chicago, before coming to Omaha. Last Sunday he visited hla sweetheart at Belleville, Kan. WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Contract for Telephone Service for North Platte Irrigation Worki. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-(Speclal Tele gram) The secretary of the interior, has approved the contract with the Platte Valley Telephone company, of Scotts Bluff, Neb., to furnish telephone service In con nection "with the North Platte irrigation project. In Nebraska and Wyoming. Un limited service will be furnished until July 1, 1906, for $110 per month, and additional Instruments will be installed and paid for at the rate of 83.00 per month. If desired. The business of the reclaming service shall take precedence over the llnea when pos sible but not to the extent of Interfering with the use of Its toll lines for toll busi ness, but between hours of 8 and 9 p. m.. of each day, the busineea ot the reclamat ion service shall have right of way over all llnea. - - ,. The acting secretary-of the Interior has ! ordered a temporary withdrawal of ninety- three townships of unoccupied land In Wy oming, so that it may be examined by the gelloglcal survey to ascertain Its character. The lands withdrawn consist of twenty-five townships In the Evanston land district. thirty-four In Lander, -twelve In Cheyenne, seven In Douglas and fifteen In the Sun dance district, amounting to 80,800 acres. E. A. Baugh and wife and Dr. F. Simeon and wife, of Oakland, Neb., are In Wash ington after a month's sightseeing in the east. They will remain in this city several days. The Farmers National band, of Madison, Neb., has been authorised to begin busi ness with 825,000 capital. Thomaa O'Shea, president; Oliver S. Christian, vice presi dent; and John Tulley, cashier. INQUIRY INTO REBATE FIRE Investigation of Belfast Sldlngc Affair 1 Ordered by Wnahlngton and Officials Go Oat. Pursuant to telegraphic Instructions re ceived late Wednesday afternoon from the Department of Justice, Assistant United Statea District Attorney Lane, L C. Wheeler, superintendent of the se cret service department, and R. L. Jervla, stenographer for Mr. Wheeler, left lata Wednesday night for Greeley Center to Investigate the alleged burning laat week at Belfast Siding of two cara containing rebate records belonging to the Burling ton. The purpose of the visit of the offi cials la to secure affidavits and state- ments of partiea In that vicinity supposed to have knowledge of the burning of the cars. As late aa 4 p. m. Wedneaday Lane and Wheeler declared they had received no word from Washington. rVfll L The "Anna Held" is a "cultured " cigar. Real "cigar culture" begins at the beginning on the plantation not in the factory. It commences with the planting of the seed j and continues through the cultivation and har vesting, the sorting, the curing, the grading, the fermenting and the blending of the tobacco lea rvn rvn n n n nn nv is produced under the American Cigar Company's exclusive system, which combines all these de partments of cigar-development under one management, insuring the correct treatment of the tobacco from plant to purchaser. This is real cigar culture,possiblc only under such a system. You benefit as you'll realize, when you smoke the "Anna Held." Sold by alt dealers in good cigars. Trade Supplied Dy j. a B. MOOS, DES MOINES, IOWA mm FRISCO RITE IS OFFSET! Memphis Equalization OounteracUdby Low Tariffs East from River. BOYCOTT STILL ON r)GAINST ROCK ISLAND Reduced gehedalea - 'Will Protect Omaha from Discrimination I'ntil Expiration of Former, Which I'alla on August XO. One result of the low rates which have been made on grain from Missouri river points Is a counteraction of the evil effect on Omaha of the 'Frisco's Kansas Clty- Memphls "equalliatlon" tariff, calculated to give Kansas City an immense amount of grain which has always moved through Omaha. When the rates were cut from Missouri river to Chicago, they were also cut to Memphis, the tariff to that pol.it being 9 cents from Omaha and 8 cents from Kansas City. As the cut rate from Kan sas City is 1 cent under the Kansas Clty Memphls proportional under the equaliza tion plan, the grain naturally goes by the cut rate, and the 'Frisco's "equalization" is noneffective. It Is said but a small amount of grain, in comparison with what the railroad peo pfe expected to get, has gone to Kansas City from what Is regarded aa Omaha's territory. From . the time the 'Frisco a plan went into effect, the Omaha grain firms, determined to hold their own, paid I to 8 centa more for grain than the mar ket warranted, simply In order to hold prestige and bring the grain througn Omaha. They have handled large quanti ties of grain without any profit. The cut ratea will keep Omaha from harm at the hands of the Rock Island and "Frisco until August 10. when they become noneffective. In the meantime the boycott on the Rock Island by Omaha merchants la In effect, and it la said the road Is getting practically no business out the city. The Oraln exchange and the Commercial club promise to keep up the light indefinitely unless the railroad comes to terms by August 10. JULY COOLER THAN AVERAGE Month Just Paased Slowed Mean Tem perature of Seventy-Three, Mai lman, Ilelnw ninety. The meteorological summary for the month of July, as shown by the records of the weather bureau for the Omaha station Indicates a mean temperature for the month of soventy-three degrees, as against a mean average temperature for the lust thirty-six years of seventy-six degrees, or three degrees deficiency. The highest tem perature recorded during the month was ninety degrees on the 27th, and the lowest flfty'seven degrees on the 17th. The total rainfnlj during the month waa 2.85 Inches. The greatest precipitation In twenty-four hours was .88 on the ISth. The average precipitation for the month of July during the last thirty-six years Is 4.43 Inches. The Heaviest rainfall recorded dur ing any July waa 10.38 Inches in July, 1XM, and the least .61 In July, 1K!)4. The de ficiency of rainfall during the month as compared with the thirty-six years is 1.68 Inches. The prevailing direction of the wind dur ing the month waa southeast, with on average hourly velocity of 6.1 and a maxi mum velocity of thirty-one miles per hour for five minutes on the 25th, when the wind came from the north. Number of clear days during he month, twelve; partly cloudy, thirteen; , cloudy, six; on which more thon .01 of an inch of rain fell, nine. Thunder atorms prevailed on the 1, 4, 12, lft. 18. 20, 2, 27 and 31. Go to New York on the Lehlarh. Double track scenic highway. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all llnea from the west. , Write passenger department, Lehigh Val ley R. R., 218 South Clark St., Chicago, 111. FORECAST OFJHE WEATHER Fair and Cooler In Nebraska Today. Fair Tomorrow Fair in Iowa Both Day a. WASHINGTON, Aug. 2Forecaat of tha weather for Friday and Saturday: For Nebraska, and South Dakota Fair and cooler Friday; Saturday, fain. - For lowa, Mlssonrl and Kansas Fair Frl day and Saturday. For Colorado--Local ralna and cooler Fri day; Saturday, fair. For Wyoming Fair, except ahowera In southeast portion, Saturday; Fr'day, fair." I.oral Record, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, Aug. 2. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the lut three years: . 1006. 1906. 1K04. 19ua. Maximum temperature....- 84 81 M 85 Minimum temperature Oil 68 til 66 Mean temperature 75 74 70 1 Precipitation 67 . 32 .03 . 00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March U and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 74 Excess for tho day 1 Total deficiency alnce March 1, 19l6 179 Normal precipitation 12 Inch Excess for the day .45 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .16.84 Inches Deficiency since March 1 2.82 Inches Deficiency for ror period 19s. ... 8. W Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1904..-.. S. 99 Inches Heports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State Temp. Max. Raln- of Weather. ? p. m. 1 Rismarck, clear 78 Cheyenne, clear 78 Chicago, clear 80 Davenport, pt. cloudy 88 Denver, pt. cloudy 84 Havre, pt. cloudy 62 Helena, clear 70 Huron, clear 78 Kansas City, cloudy 86 North Platte, clear 82 Omaha, cloudy 70 Rapid City, pt. cloudy. 74 St. 1-nuls, clear 84 St. Paul, cloudy 74 Bait I-ake City, clear... 84 Valentine, pt. cloudy 80 "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. l. fall. 80 .00 2 T 82 .00 92 .00 8 .00 64 .00 75 .00 82 .00 90 .00 86 .00 M .67 80 .74 94 .00 83 .03 M T 84 . .08 2L St. Loals Maa Takes Polaoa. 8T. LOUIS. Aug. 2 -(Special Telegram.) Alfred Scannell, president of the Alfred Scannell Leather company, father of Mrs. A. B. Hoaglanl of North Platte, Neb., died today after drinking carbolic acid. Mlae-re Waiea Advaaeed. CALUMET Mich., Aug. 1 An unsolicited Increase of 12 a month in the wagea of the l.&uo men employed underground In the mines controlled by the Copper Range Consolidated company waa announced to day. Bllllaaa Bays Blaekloek. DECATUR. III., Aug. i -W. H. Stubble field of Oran. Mo , laat night sold the aial llon. Blat-kiock (2:0?, to C. K. G. Billings of Chicago for tlo.OuO. Blaekloek next sea aon will go for the world a pacing record. Dtrldend Declared. PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 1 The Lewis and Clark Centennial Kxpoaltinn corpora tion today declared a dividend of 284 pT rnt on the par value of tha slock. It also declared itavlf dissolved. . PECK' SECURES GOOD JUMPERS Geta Promise of Patronage of Omaha Horaa Ikon from Borne Illinois Men. E. P. Peck returned from the east Thurs day morning. He stopped over to witness the horse show at Monmouth, 111., which he aays was a hummer. "Incidentally I waa able to do a little missionary work for the Omaha show,' said Mr. Peck. "I secured the promise of several people to attend the Omaha show, among them being the owner of a good stable of jumpers. Many present aald they looked forward with pleasure to the com ing of the Omaha horse show." LAND FILERS UP FOR TRIAL Men Who Seek Claims to sell Are Hanled Before tha Fed eral C'oart. Suit waa begun In the United Statea cir cuit court Thursday morning by the United Statea against Charles Ganow, M. J. Gates and othera for the cancellation of a patent to certain landa In Cherry county. The petition alleges that Ganow, who had orig inally entered the land, did not do so In good faith and for hla own benefit, settle ment and cultivation, but merely as the agent of another party and that he made false statements in perfecting final proof. Continental Will Par Charlea R. Tuttle of Chicago, assistant aecretary of the Continental Fir Insurance company, is In the city. "The Continental will Day all of Ita San Francisco losses by August 15, with the possible exception of a' few small house hold furniture loaaea where the parties have moved awiy and have made no rlalm on us," aald Mr. Tuttle. "Such of these as do turn up, however, wa shall cheer fully pay.1' OMAHA (mm) u TO CHICA VIA GO kM RETURN ILLINOIS RAILROAD August 4th, th and 6th. Return limit August Sih. Tickets good on all trains and in chair cars and sleepers. Diagrams now open for reservations. Double berth in Tourist car $1.25. TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE Fast trains leave Omaha at 8:00 a. m.t 5:00 p. m. and 6:00 p. m City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. -- ,1.- J