10 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, lOOfl. v R11LE0ADS ON RATE LAW t romimt Fiuencer tad Trflirht Offioiili Btj Part ii ImpoMibl. MINTING AND POSTING TARIFFS BAD Btk Declare that Ktrlrt ()il(rmtt Or-tala Mtlaa Wld E tall Omi Kil fardeas oa Botli. As th Mm approach for the new rtn trill t f Into effect railroad official! arc wondering- how what they term Ita "lm possjble provisions" will be met. Aurust a la not far away and still the railroad ar making no move to cotnply with the feature! which compel! them to print a tariff living the ratee from every point on IMf line to every other point In the coun try. Thl! must b done or notice of the intended aale of a through rate ticket filed with tha Interstate Commerce commission for at least thirty day! before the sale, dorlng which time the passenger must wait. One of the leading passenger official! In Omaha, declining to permit tne publication of hli name. In speaking of the effect on tha pancenger situation, said: "Section of the amended Interstate commerce act provide! thas every common carrier shall print, file with tha eommls sion and keep open to public Inspection schedules of all passenger fares between different points on Its own route and be tween points on Its own route and point! on the route of any other carrier, by rail road or water, when a through rate and Joint rate have been established. Bueh schedule! must be plainly printed In large type and copies for the use of the public kept pouted In two public and consplcuoii! places In every depot or station where pas sengers are received for transportation. No change may be made In passenger fares which have been filed and published by a common carrier, except after thirty days' notice to the commission and the public Fxample of Hardship. "A literal compliance with thl! section of the act with regard to the printing and posting of passenger tariff! Is going to work a considerable hardship on the travel ing public without commensurate gain. For example: John Brown of Lincoln wants to visit his boyhood home at Skaneatles, N. T.. comparatively unimportant station on the New Tork Central, no more or less Important than 15,000 or 20,000 other rail road !tatlons to which through ratoa have not heretofore been printed In passenger tariffs. Desiring to buy a through ticket and check hie baggage through to hli des tination, thus getting rid of the incon venience of rebuylng from point to point and rechecklng his baggage, lie goes to the local agent at Lincoln. The local agent tt Lincoln write!, telegraphs or telephones j to his general office and aska it to name ; a rate to Skaneatles. N. Y. Heretofore It ' l.as been the custom to construct the ! through rate upon a' proper, lawful basis and authorize' the ticket agent to sell a through ticktt and Issue a through bag gage check. After the amended law takes effect It will be necessary, unless the railroads are relieved, either to decline to sell the through ticket or ask John Brown to remain in Lincoln thirty days while the rate la being thoroughly digested by tho Interstate Commerce commission and the traveling public, ns required by law. Another Hide of It. "Again: Suppose John Brown resides at l small local station, where the demand for through tickets is Infrequent, and where in consequence a supply of Interline tickets and baggage checks is not carried. Hid that Instead of going to Skaneatles, h wishes to go to Chicago. Heretofore If he notified his agent a duy In advance of his desire to buy a ticket to Chicago the agent would communicate with the general office and a ticket and baggage check would be promptly forwarded with authority to sell the ticket at the correct through rate. A literal compliance with the new law will render this Impossible. "The requirement of posting two copies af passenger tariffs in every waiting room Is also going to be burdensome to the railroads, and unless I am greatly mistaken, a most expensive one, as these tariffs will be taken down by curious people, would-be students of the railroad buil reus and village cut-upa, who will think It smart to steal them. "In an experience In the passenger bus iness extending over twenty years I have never heard a complaint from the public s to the method of quoting passeng3r rates. I have heard a good many com plaints shout the measure of passenger fares, but none as to the general plan of preparing and filing tariffs. "A committee of western railway offi cials recently has been In Washington con ferring with the Interstate Commerce com mission and I am Inclined to think the commission will grant relief In these mat ters If It lies In Its power to do so. It la certainly not the Intent of the law to work unnecessary hardship on the railroads or to curtail the privileges now given the traveling public." Freight Case Haiti to Be Worse. The freight situation Is said to be even worse than the passenger. Attorneys, gent-mi i..i:"agers and presidents of the roads have held meetings and have declared their Intentions of complying with the new law, but how to do some of the "impossible" things Is a situation which must be met. The press reports In The Bee from Wash ington show the Interstate Commerce com mission has told Mr. Lomax and Mr. Wood the Union Parltlc that It wanted to be fair, but could take no action until after the. law went Into effect. The freight situation Is slsed up by one of the leading freight officials of this city as follows: "Many Imposalble features present them selves in the new law in its application to freight conditions. One of the greatest difficulties la the tariff requirements and the greatest mischief seems to emanate t":m a man Vy some considered high In autbomy In railroad circles. We all know " you can't learn to play a piano by com plying alone to the rules of Instruction as set forth in the book, nor can you run a railroad' fcy. trying to follow absolutely a few written laws. ' Akawralty of tho Plaa. "Tha absurdity of the plan proposed of posting the tariffs in the station Is very evident.' It would be an Incoherent mass of old fubbtih stuck up In the corner of a depot, which the laymen could not under stand. -Another Question would be whether or not a tariff costing M.000 or tlO.000 to pub lish can bo amended from time to time by supplemental publications or must we tear tbe whole house down to fix a ' window butter. Tbe difficulty of publishing and posting all rates from everywhere, tha routaa and routing and all terminal charge absorbed or charged for at both ends of tho Una, and how to meet the urgent com mercial conditions that can't wait thirty days for a tariff, and how to adjust our selves to constantly changing atoamship rate, line very remote, under which two weeks Is . required to get notices If we tried, company material rates, and what there la left under the state rates, nearly very fluctuation la whtoh will affect in terstate rates, are things which have to be oonaidered. "Our troubles have but begun.' Aausaaobtlo Iteatat Co. Offloo Nile ft Koser, aUxtaoata and Fa mar. Tel. Doug. Men's $2.00 Shirt it 75c Sit.r.i. jD toll' Sils of Ladles Silk Pit- tlcoits kSitorl'i GRAND BARGAIN DAY FRIDAY HUNDREDS OP EXTRA SPECIALS IN FINE m oa on lis Note big price reductions in wash goods $1 Wash Goods at 19c Yard Silk noveltir, imported tilk organdie, nilk dotted mmimelinr many dm linen and nil oar high grade ira$h ynnd token from ovr main fnnr rmh good frtinn rahir vp K to one dollar all go in basement, at, jtr yard, j JJf5 U Sra" only , Fine ginghams, checks, . stripes and plain desirable shades of blue. Just the thing for children's school dresaes,. in. long dress lengths, will go at Trlnted batistes, organdies, lace lawns, dress Swisses, white grounds with colored em broidered dot!, worth up to Hie yard, at, yard Excellent wearing quality Scotch lephyr ging hams, will go at, per yard Black and white dre!! lawna. fifteen cents val ues, will go at, per yard French organdie!, white grounds with beautiful floral patterns, always were 2fic yard, Friday, per yard . . . Remnants twilled cotton Toweling worth six cents yard, at, yard . . Sic 5c 61c 5c 5c 10c The regular 15c cream Danish cloth, will go at, per yard All the balance of our 19c m w ool finished batiste, will be sold at, yard M Mill lengths fine quality madras cloth, as long as they last, will be sold at, nf per yard stai2w Thousands of short lengths print ed dotted Swisses m many pieces to match, at each w Big bergaln table filled with yard wide percale, all excep- T tlonal bargains, at, Inf per yard 21c Sample pieces table damask, suitable for tray cloths, napkins, etc., each 1c Hemmed Towels, the five-cent kind, slight ly Imperfect, will go at, each, . 2c R.emna.nts of Allover Levcei at 10c Each. In Point de Paris, crochet, and fancy effects white, crehm and black, half to three-quarter y.trd lengths, worth up to 35c each, at, each 10c .12-Yd liolts of Val Laces Nar row dainty French val laces. In sertions and headings, 12-yard bolts, worth up to 35c lff a bolt, basement, each. . . 1UC French Val, Torchon and Point dp Paris Luces and Insertions odd lots, worth up to ten cents a yard In basement, 1 ' at, per yard I2C Remnant Piecec of Silk Remnants of Silk 1 yards, 1 yard, i vard, Vt yard and yard long, every imaginable quality, suitable for i,,S.w:.r..':,.c::. ... 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 39c A GREAT SUCCESS! BANKRUPT SHOE STOCK 0 Bought Through A Boston Wholesaler From WM. PORTER & SONS Lynn, Mass. W Ladies' AT Shoes and Oxfords HALF PRICE Hundreds of this season's stylish Oxfords, Court Ties, Oxford Ties, two English Eyelet Ribbon Ties, etc. also High Shoes for this coming fall light or extension soles all sizes, all widths worth three dollars and three dollars and a half at pair g Ladies' $3.50 to $5 Oxfords and Shoes at $2.49 The Low bnoea are tne extremely The sweiiost shoes from the Porter Court Ties, Fifth 0 m f !"?,'" J"aa?. 'r 'n, T' 8 ia.ii nrai, i- r-1 j niuvu ouu dii from AA to K. from 2 to b, college cut and regular lust ful), H and tit values, at ta.49. dressy Avenue Ties, Oxford Ties and Pumps every slxe aud width at $2.49. 2.49 Exceptional Shoe Bargains in Basement Basement. $1.50 and I Basement, $1.60 and $2, I Boys' Shoes, good, dur 2 women's nn I 1. 2 and 8- 7 P I "o1" ""tin i tt Oxfords rlOC I trl women's jC calf lac, I.I -I for WV suppers at a.S Baby Lace and Button Shoos will go at 24c Misses' and children's High Shoes, all sizes, 98c SCHOOIjS AND COLLEGE). BROVilELL HALL, OMAHA A Home School for Gtrla. Academic and College. Pre paratory Courses. Exceptional HHuniluiru In Milalo Art 1 m. mestlo Science, Oerman and French. Acad emlc course rives Kood aeneral education. ertiflcate In college preparatory course admits to Vassar, Welienley, Mt. Holyoks, Smith, t'nlverelty of Nebraska. University of Wisconsin and I'nlverslty of Chicago. Instructors college graduates of large teaching experience. Thoroughness Insisted upon aa essential to character building. Careful attention to social training. Well equipped gymnasium, with professional director. Tennis, hockey and other field sports. Students mothered sympathetically by experienced women who appreciate the needs of young womanhood Addresa: MIS8 MACRAE, Principal. Western Military Academy lper Altoa. IUImIs 2Sthvcar. Ideal location near St. I.ouii. Six modem building! in beauti ful park. Thre fire-proof barracks. Large drill hall, with gymnasium md bowling alleys. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer snd military equipment furniihd by Wsr Dept. Tvition $450. Capacity 150. Waiting list last year. Immediate application sdviiable for boy of good character above 6th grade. COL ALBFRT M. JACKSON. A. M., Sapcrlnteadent Lindenwood College for Womer ST. ClUlilK MO 18JM906 Diamond Jubilee College of tbe West Academic, Seminary and College Course. Muale, Elocution, Art and Domestic Economy. Physical and Strategic Location. Accessibility to a great city. Select patronage. Limited number of boarders. Every room taken during last school year. Beautiful location. Bleotrle cars to St. XjoaU. Catalogue on application, ftev. Oeoge Tredcrio Avrea. rk. , Vre. JfcOfi f) n fv n rt h SmZs Mii vUlllifUl lllUeu; mJL'-j? OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Friday Fair. raw CEN TRAHK3 STAMPS EVERT TIME Friday Shoe Bargains Misses' and children's Patent Colt Gibson Ties, $2.00 Oftp value, nt eOv y -------------- Misses' and Children's Vici Kid, extension ole, Gibson Qflp V 1 Ties, $l.oU value, nt Men s ici Kid Oxfords, extension soles, $2.50 value, ' JJQ Ladies', Misses' and Children's "White Canvas OR Gibson Ties, $1.50 value, at .OC Infant's Tan and Black Sandals 49c Men's and Bovs' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords $1.00 s Splendid Bargains Friday. The Besf Values to be Found in Omaha. THE RELIABLE STARE V 1 IVe Close at 5 p. m., Except Saturday at iO p. m. BENNETTS SWTMTWfffl Bennelt's Big Grocery corrEEs boasted dailt. Java and Mocha Coffee. 3 lbs tl-00 1 1 , 1,.,.,,, Trnrilllir Strir.lPI". Golden Santos CorTe, lb. 28o And 20 lin'cn Tradtnij Mumps. H.-nn tt's Breakfast Coffee, 2-lb. can , ,B0 Ami '-' Oreen Trirtlnff btampe. Brick Cheese Special Brick Cheese, lb. . . . .. . . Blood of Grape. u.urt brut. a.. 600 And 30 Green Trading Stampj. Kippered HerrlnK. can 8o And 10 Given Trndl.i Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Lemon Kxtract. bottle 180 Ami n r.,.Mi Trading Stamt'r. two large cans 3 And 10 Green Trading stamps. Japan Rice, two pounds "u And 10 Green Trading; SMmps. Iaundrold, six cakes 860 And 1 reen Tradln Stamps. Bayles" Cider Vinegar, pint bottlo 0 And 50 Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Bargain Soap, 10 bars 850 California Ripe Olives, bottle XOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. I,l,.!r22.c,2f Red Cross Cream, Honey Special Large jar pure honey 25e And Thirty Green Trad ing Stamps. Special in Hardware-Friday 1 quart Tin Tomato Cans, per dozen 38c And ten green trading stamps. Galvanized Water I'alls. 10c, 22c and 24c and twenty green trading stamps. Galvanized Wash Tubs, Cflc. 04c and 72c And forty green trading stamps with each. Fruit Jar Wrenches 10c And ten green trading stamps. Three-hole Gasoline Stoves, regular $3.98, special at . $3.15 Two-hole Gasoline Stoves, regular $2. 98.. 2.25 Fruit Presses or Potato Ricers, .regular 25c, special ... i Large Glass Lemon Squeezer ' .' And ten green trading stamps. Universal Food Choppers, 9lc, $1.08 and And forty green trading stamps with each. Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, regular, 98c, special, at B. O. E: Had irons, regular $1.23, at rr,,e j 15c g ioc n 91.88 B 60c Eg 08c H rnvsmmammmm ft- SM Our Great Water Damage Sale prices mean splendid savings to our custo mers. Dcn't miss these specials. Wash Goods Specials. MAIN WASH C.nnns DEPARTMENT. 0-INCH I AWNS-In all color!.- (E, regular lSVje quality, at, yard All 19e. Inc. 124c LAWNS and KIMIT1K8 plaln aiid llftured (E to close, at, yard - ALL 2M BATISTES AMI K1GI RKt) l.A'N8-t close 71-, at, yard M i:V- TO I LB 1K NORD GINGHAM3 Krlday f c at, yard ALL HIGH GRADK WASH GooPS AT Jl'ST HALk TRICE. Will 1st Lot A gieat assortment of chil dren's handkerchiefs 11 Friday, each 1-C 2d Lot A fine line of ladies' and chil dren's handkerchiefs, at, choice saiC 3d Lot Fancy embroidered and Initial handkerchiefs, at. V choice 4th Lot A great line of 10c embroid ered handkerchiefs, at, C v choice In Our New Bargain Room. 6 Wo Standard Dress Prints from the bolt, at, per yard Wash Good llomnants of all kinds worth up to 15c a yard. In 3 lots, Friday, at, 4c 2c and IV Mercerised Waist iiiRS and India Llnons worth up to 25c. T1 yd, at 15c linings all kinds and colors, at, yd 12V4c A. F. C. Ginghams In long mill ends, Friday, 7lC at a yard 2' Sc 5c Friday Furnishing Goods Specials eiittio - Peoria AND. RETURN August 4th, 5th, 6th RETURN LIMIT AUG. 15. Tickets good In Coaches and Chair Cars, also In Pullman Cars upon payment of Pullman rate. FOUR DAILY FAST TRAINS Leave Union Station 3:26 A, M , 8:15 A.M., 4:05 P.M., 6:35 P.M. Ticket Office 1 323 Farnam Ladies' I'nlon Suits In lisle thread, Jersey ribbed, lace trimmed, regu lar 50c values; Friday, at 39c and riiildrrn's Vests and Pants Jersey ribbed, all sizes; at. per Ifln garment 1 WV Boys' Suspenders, regular 25c values in Friday's sale, at, C choice Groceriesl GroceriesI Groceriesl Tts g-r.at.rt g-roc.ry, frssh fruit, cracksr, buttsr, obsasa, and candy dspartmaats la ths w.st. 8 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans.. 8 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal .,,i7?? 10 lbs. best Granulated Cornmual. . 011 Sardines, per can..... ;o . a V i.ih. nan Fancy Alatika Salmon.., 1-lb. Jars Crosse & Hlackwell's Jams or millers' Marmalade SSo I'lnt bottle Pure Tomato Catsup. .. .8 l-3o Tha best Soda Crackers, lb bo Fresh, crisp Gingersnaps, lb 80 Xcelo Hreakfast Food, pkg 60 Saratoga Flakes, pkg 19 Ho Rotted Meats, per can 3o Condensed Cream, ran ...,7fo TEA AWD COrKB PBICE8. Fancy Santos Coffee, lit Ho Fancy Porto Rico Blend, nothing finer for family uae, lb 2 00 Fancy Pun Dried Japan Tea, lb 950 Fancy Haaket Fired Japan Tea, In... 20o Fancy Tea Slf tings., lb lg'o Hosiery for Hot Weather We have all kinds of White Hoae for Ladies' and Children at ISc and I5o a pair. In all sizes. Pure i-lale and Split Sole Hose for Ladles' and Gents', 15c a pair; 2 pair for 'i Be. All the new shades in Fancy Hose. Prices always right. BEADS We have the new Curtain Beads, In all colors; Pearl Beads, In all shape i and sixes. Pictorial Review Patterns for September are now ready for delivery. YARNS Now i the time of the season to think of Varna. Our stock is complete In all its branches. Fancy Cro 'I. el and Knitting Yarns, in all colors. JOS. F. BILZ 322 South 16th Street. OMAHA. NEB. Watch for Sale of Tools and Building Hard- ware, Saturday. Our Prices Mean Great Savings. LbUU mm 0) IS) 1 SCHOOLS ASD COLLEGES. National Cathedral School & ML St Albas, Washing!, D. C Combines the best features of the College Preparatory and Finishing School. Unrivalled advantagea in liuslc and Art. Certificate admits to any college. Special Courses. Tlr proof Building. Park of 40 arrea. t T. H. T. IATTEBHB, D. S. rresldemt Board of Trustees. For catalogue apply to Mrs. BAKBOCm W1UZ1, M. A, rrlaalpai. W!LS0 COLLEGE FOR WOMEN In tbe beautiful CuniberUnd Valley. Courses leading to degrees of A.. B. and Mua B Claaatcs, Music, Art. A most excellent fac ulty. Campus (0 acres; 14 buildings; rates moderate. M. H. REA8KH. Pb D, Pr"t, M CeUg ATI, gHMBRaBURO. PA. I Successful Do you know that statistics show that only 1 per cent of our business men are successful, and then It comes back to this same old subject. Why? Show us the man who says business first and pleasure afterwards and lives up to it, not in theory but in practice by keeping his stock up-to-date, a clean attractive store and courteous clerks to serve your every want and we'll show you a successful merchant. Beaton Drug Co., Fifteenth and Farnam. P. 8. The above la our first offense. It u th ky tu iir iucom aad we're nut I .lAsb. Special flomeseckers' Excursion Missouri. Arkansas, Indian Territory ' Louisiana. New Mexico. Oklahoma. Texas. RepubllG of Mexl60. TUESDAYS Ang-ost 7th' antffclst, September 4th and 18th, October 2d and 10th. November Atn and 2Uth. 1906, Via RHSSOURI PAQHC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. P. A T. F. GODFREY, P. X. A.. OMAHA, NEB. H. 01 TOWM8EITD, General l'assnrer aad Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, M0. fi Great Sale of Silks FnmAV vim, nr. f '-i.rp dat ON AM, 81UK It KM ,")AM A!KI) SILKS. ; UNK !,)T OK DAMA(lKl), bf .will go Friday, at, 1f)c per yaril 4Vw AI.K HI.ACK SILK RKMNASTS will irr. In ntrtays sale at Jf8T HALF FK1CB. Any 36-lnch damaRfd color satin, ur to $1 f0 nliir-- 4Sc at. yard -sow 6m t'nloro.l KMk Mtllls- lOc it Inches wlile, at, yard MANY OTHER BARGAINS IN FR1DT 8 SALE. Grand Handkerchief Sale, Friday V.very noilfd or ovn sliirhtlv lmiHsed linndkonliipf from the great sale be cIommI out Krlday AT .11' ST HALF IlKtil 1,.H ri!H'r. nth Ixt Kmbrniderd and platn linen handkerchiefs In great 7'o variety, at 1.C 6th 1ot Kmbroldered and scalloped rwIph handkerchiefs 10 Friday, each lUi 7th Lot Embroidered and scalloped swiss handkerchiefs J Friday, each Ii2V Hilt iMi -Pure Linen hand embroid ered handkerchiefs Fri- C day, each , 1C Snow White Table Diuttawk Pretty patterns, at, 1 yard k 21c Heavy ltrown Slieeting, 2 i yards wide from the bolt, at, IR?, per yard HJ2i 12?c Quality English Long Cloth In Friday sale, at, C per yard BOO rerlinAnt of bleached and un bleached table damask at Just half price. . . . 7 HC IWOHChca .llUHlin BOH UDIDU irum the bolt, yard Men's Hose In plain, and fancy colorn, worth up to 25c, at i 1C. pairs for M Fancy Ties in four-in-hand tecks or strings, new patterns, regular I 2Bc values, at IUC Men's Linen CoUars, all .styles, regu lar 15c values, at, choice C Boys' Waists in blouse or tight fitting stylee, 60c values, at. choice ,..........4iC BUTTER AID CHE EBB FKIOES. Fanry Dairy Table Hutter 10 Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb,.8l0 Fsni-y Full Cream Wisconsin or New York White Cheese, lb ISo Fancy Full Cream Swiss Cheese, lb.. ISO Bayles' Af ter-lJlnner Cheese, Jar 7Ho OANDT. CAW DT. OAJTST. All regular 20c Candy for this sale per riound lOo All regular 40c Candy for this sa le per pound 80o muiT. PBurr. rnxm. Fanny Table Peaches, basket SO Quart boxes fresh picked llakterles.7$a Pint boxes fresh picked Red Raspberries lOo Two heHds' fresh Celery u.6o LflrRe bHskets fresh ripe Tomatoes. ,.10o Lartre, .lulcy Lemons, per dozen BOo 2 measures fretih roasted Peanuts 60 Bee Wont Ads Bring Results .4 s "at