THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TTURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1903. CORNS PITCHES GOOD BALL Runrtall. rf 4 0 1 1 1 K'IS..-II. rf 0 1 6 ' Zaliisk). r 1 (I 0 1 3 " Kcddlik. 3b.. 1 0 1 2 1 T'onnhue. :i 3 0 12 10 l-'.l.1c. If S 0 1 1 0 it Wright, p a o o i : Tot Hid !! 1 24 Lincoln 0 1 0 0 1 0 I 0 6 lfrnvfr 0 ft 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Holds 8ioox Citj to Fi? Hiti and Ornaia Wici Cff Jarrott. irri piiiv at rt at tut rinsr i.arnfl run: oin. . i wo-pup nn I Thnmai .SncriiVe him: Collin. KussHI r . g m , M nny. riuirn i ihmiih n , m . r,..,.r, Q.allln. Ketchem. Frnlon. First base na tat? Plat In the eenth and Twt In Eighth Innlnae. Corns pitched a game all the way through snd won It from Bloux City at Vinton B'reet park WrtnfMiy afternoon by the score hulls: Off Wright, I. Rtrttck nut: By fcyler. 4; by Wright. 4. Pasted balls: Zlnrsn, 2. Left on bases: Lincoln, i; Denver. Time: 1 :3S. L'mplre: Keefe. Attendance: 1,600. ( hnmna hnt Oil Tallnl'ra. DF? MOINES. Auk. 1. Manske pished frral ball for lies Moines today and Pueblo was shut out by a score of 8 to 0. He r,- i m r nui tini i t-ii nun niif''Vj i.n l iitj of 4 to 2. The game was pulled out of the ! hits, two of these coming tn the ninth in- ',i r. f re by a batting rally In the last two In rings, Jarrot holding the Rmirke family to two little hits until the seventh Inning, w hen a series of well placed hits did the business. Oorna seemed to be extremely wild and would put himself In the hole at the start, but generally pulled out In fine share He pnssed 'but three men. although be did not strike out one. In five of the nine Innings the rlrst man up reached first lme, but all the scoring wss done In the fit at and third for Hloux Mty and In. the seventh rind eighth for Omaha. Butch Freese was heard to remark before the game, "All we have to do Is to put Jsrrott In to pitch and Omaha Is beaten." It looked that way for some time, but time tojd on the youth from Rulo and he wa landed on at Just the right time to win the game. The Boo won the first run in the Initial lining, when Campbell hit safely to left n nd was sacrificed to second by. Sheehan. Noblit fouled out to Gonding and Weed hit a high one to Welch, who missed It after a linrd run, and Campbell came home. Runkle waa tesponslble for the second run which the Boo mnde In the third in ning. Jarrott had hit safely to left, when Campbell knocked an easy one to the pitcher, who threw to Runkle at second. Runkle hsd plenty of time to get hla man, but he whirled and threw to first to catch Campbell without touching second base and both were safe. Again did Reddy Sheehan pull off a well directed sacrifice, advancing each a base.: Nobllt flew out to Carter and Jarrott scored on the throw. C orns Trance Around Runt. In the eighth Inning, wben Campbell bad walked and Sheehan beat out a bunt because Corns ran all around It, Noblit hit a liner to Corns, who whirled Hnd got the ball to Runkle at second In time to catch Campbell oft the base for a double play, but again Runkle flled to touch the base. He did start a successful double play-In the ninth Inning, when, after Frost hsd hit safely. Williams hit one right at him and he. relayed It. on to first In time to ratch Froat before he could return.. Corns led off with a double In the sixth Inning, but .that was as far as he could get, fur Jarrott. was still pitching the ball they could not find. The score was tied In the seventh Inning, when Welch waltel for four wide ones and went to third on Bassey'a single. Bassey did not Intend to make a single, but waa simply dodging the ball, which hit' his bat and went safe to right. Welch . came home on Polan'b double, which tried to climb over the left field fence on the bound, but Bassey was CHUght at home because he tried to coma too far after the ball .bad been returned. War Sanders did not use his usual good Judgment In sending him In on the hit. Gonding tied the 'score with a single which brought Dolan home from second. ' Two raqre were added In the eighth Carter beat out a bunt which Butch Freesu threw over Williams' head tn an attempt to catch Carter, who had the hall beat a mile. Carter reached thlsd' an the Butch er's throw. Howard hit one which Weed Juggled until Carter had scored and How ard was on first, perrlng retired from Jarrott to Williams, and Bassey hit a afe one, which brought Howard homo from second. Bassey , waa caught trying to steal second. Nobllt made as pretty a? catch as has been seen , on the home grounds this year, when., in the seventh Inning, he pulled down Runkle's drive, with one hand after a hard run. The same teams will play this after noon. . , Cflffvn. If ... O I."arv, s . . Welday. cf .. rextrr. r ... Andreas, lb . Hogrlever, 3b (iillen. rf ... Ma goon, ib Manske, p ... . Totals ... DES MOINES AH. R. H 6 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 3 O. 0 0 14 9 0 o n 1 29 PUEBLO. AH R. C ook, If 4 10 Mcisilvrsy, lb Under. 2b ... Melcholr, rf Klwert, 3b .. Rermlcker, c Flsk, as Minor, cf .... Morgan, p .., H. PO. 1 3 0 3 o 1 1 0 2 4 3 0 0 24 A 0 2 1 0 1 4 0 2 0 10 A. 0 1 s 0 1 3 0 3 B. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 32 0 6 24 17 1 Pes Moines 0 0 2 1 1 4 0 0 -li Pueblo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 StoUn bases: Caffyn, O Leary, Welday i2i, Dexter. Andreas i), Magoon. Two-base hit!-: Cnffyn, Welday 2), cook. Hader (2.) Iiouble plays: Klwert to AlcUllvray; Hader, Fisk to MctSllvray. Home run: Caffyn. Mases on balls: Off Morgan, . Hit by pitched ball: Hy Morgan, 1. Struck out: Hy Manske, 13: by Morgan, 4. Passed hall: Kennicker. Wild pitch: Manske. Time: 1:30. L'mplre: Davis. Attendance: l.Orn). "landing: of the Teams. The score: Carter, rf. . . Howard, 2b. . Terrlng. 3b.. Welch, ct. . . Ilassey, If . . , Dolan, lb... ltunkle, as., c'iondlng. ' c. . Corns, p OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 4 0 I 11 3 : 1 Played. Won. Lost. Des Moines US 4 Omaha ft 49 Sioux City its 44 Denver 01 42 Lincoln 1 38 Put-blu jii a names today: Sioux Citv at Omah.i. Pueblo at Des Moines. Denver at Lincoln. L'5 39 4.1 49 62 6!) Pet. .71 : .5o7 .4i .42 .42 SPARKS TOO MUCH FOR CUBS Windy City Nationals Unibls to Connect with Cnrrei of Quaker Twirler, PFEISTER IN THE BOX fOR CHICAGO Former Omaha Pitcher Touched tn In the Second and sixth genres of Other Games. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. l.-Chlcago was defeated by Philadelphia today through the Inability to hit Sparks. The home team played a good snappy game. Score: . rHILADGI.rHIA. CHICAOO. B.h O A f.. B.H.O A B. Thomi". rf .. 4 I IS Gleatn. Jb. . I I 0 BrantSrlil. 1M I I I Tims, rt .4 1 f 0 MC". If tOtS Doolln. u I t 1 4 Ceiirtner. lt.l I I t Pnnovsn. ... t 1 1 0Mnrn 6prki p ... 1 lit 1 ttrla)r. p. ' Ktulhsch. p otli M i 71 7 I Kllni " Slid rf 4 U i r,. rd. If.. 4 t "irhiihe. rf... 4 1 1 l Thsi. lb... 1 10 4 glrlnfeldt, 3b 4 1 0 (I 1 iml.rr, . .. I I ' 4 1 ' Even, JB 4 1 I I n . 4 o j n . I 0 II 0 ll .0 0 0 1 ( . 1 0 0 .11 I Z4 14 I SKI.KR SIGSS TOK!AS FOR FIRST Will Pot MrUllvray Hnck In the Out Held. Frank Sclee returned to Omaha yester day alter a scouting trip for players in the state. He has signed Tonneman of this city lo play first base for him. Tonne, man is a well known amateur who has played some splendid twill and has 're cently been playing with Fremont. Srlee said: "1 heard of TonneniHn and sent Stiinmnll out to watch him play. Stlmmeil's report was so favorable I thought 1 would take a trip myself to see him. I did not get to see him play, but Stlmmell had rec ommended ' him so strongly and he looked sr good to me In his street clothes I Just slgnrd htm anyway. I nm going to make some changes In my team. MKillvray's risltlon Is in the fleld and not at first. to will play Tonneman at first and put Mac back in the field." Ted Sullivan of the Cincinnati team and Tom O'Brien of the Cleveland team occu pied a box at the game Weonesday wilh Selee. and watched the work of Welch and Perrlng besides some of the Boo team. These mistier for players are very smooth and close mouthed and would not let .a word drop that would give an outsider an idea as to what waa. In their minds. O'Brien bought Caffyn from Mike Cantlllon hist week and Is now looking for an In flelder. Selee said he also had his eye on a good pitcher in these parts whom he was going to give a tryout. Meyers and Williams. - Harry Meyers, who has been first base man for the Packers, has been released and did not accompany the team yesterday on Its trip to Omaha and the west. The unexpectedly fine showing of "Davey'" Williams on' the Initial bag so fileasea the. management -that it concluded t was no longer - necessary .to retain Meyers. Williams' work on the bag was superior to that of Meyers, and he has been hitting at a good clip. At the end of his first week of regular playing he had a record of .3B0 at bat and a proportionately fine record in the fleld. He was a first baseman beforw he became a pitcher. The Packers' pitchers are now Jackson. Jarrott. Oorbett arid Ne,wlln.. Williams can pitch when he Is needed. Sioux City Jour, nal. '. ToUll Retted for Pfelster In eighth. Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 -6 Chicago 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Lett on bases: Chicago. R; Philadelphia, 2. . Famed runs: Philadelphia. 2. Stolen bases: Chance. Ever. Two-base hits: Btelnfeldt, Bransdeld. Sacrifice hits: Tinker, Oleason. Double play: Sheckard tn Ever. Struck out: By Sparks, 7; by Pfelster, 3. Bases on balls: Off Sparks, 3; off Pfelster, 1. Hits: Off Pfelster. In seven innings; ofT Reulbach, 1 In one Inning. Time: 1:35. . empires: Conway and Car penter. Boston Defeata Cincinnati. BOSTON, Aug. 1 Poor fielding by Cin cinnati and especially by Pitcher Hail, who played first base, gave Boston Its second victory from the visitor today, 6 to 1. Welmer was removed from the game in the second inning for objecting to ono of Kmslle's decisions. Young pitched a steady game. Score: BOSTON. CINCINNATI. B H O A E. B.H.O. S B. ! 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 I 1 2 Three-base bits: Hart (It. Hemphill. Stolen hases: McCnrml.-k. Yesger. First base on halls: Off Thomas, 1. Struck out: Hy Sage. I. ImuMe plsv: McCormlck. Robinson snd Bateman. Sacrifice hit: S'll llvan. Left on bases: Milwaukee. S; Min neapolis. 4. L'mplre: F.gan. Time: 1:4V Colnmnn Wins with Stick. COHMRt". O. Aug 1-By good hit ting Columbus todsy defeated Toledo I to I snd took the odd game of the series. Huls w it starred at fielding with four remark able stops. Score; COLIMRV TOLBOO B H O A B n.O A T. Htnrhman, rf I 0 1 rmilier. If . . . 4 1 1 Plrkerlns. rf. 4 I t Friel. b 4 1 Klhm. lb 4 1 It Hlm. M . 4 1 1 'rllty. Jb. . t 1 I B!u. e. I t t Roberta!), p. S l l 0 nintman. . t J rtirkt. It.. I (lOilwell. rf ... 4 I 0 rmont, rf . .. 4 0 Krwi. lb . 4 f I gnaen. lb. ... 4 4 W. C larke, lb I t a Al len, t . . . 4 1 bch, p I Totali li in t; n Tstala to t! 11 I Blue out;- running out of line. Columbus 0 0 10 10 10 8 Toledo 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Stolen base: Pickering. Sacrifice hits: Blue. Kihm. lmble plav: Robertallle to Hul'witt to Klhm. Struck out: By Rob ertallle, 2; uy Chech, 2. First base on balls: Off Robertallle. 4. l'mplre: Kane. Time; 1:40. Packer Banrh Hits. KANSAS CITY. Aug. l.-By bunching their hits at opportune times Kansas City won the last game of the series, shutting out St rani. Hill's hitting and batting was the feature. Score: KANSAS CITY. ST. PA 11 B H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.E. Walitrnn. rf.. t A I 0 AGater. aa 4 0 4 4 0 MrBrlrt.. aa..4 1 1 1 . S SiMTtait. lb... 4 111 rarrtna. aa ..4 0 11 OMrera. rf... Hill, cf Ill OFrtak. lb..., Purka. Sb.... I til 1 Whavler. lb. F rani i. lb.... I 111 OSlaala. rf... CaaaadX. If... I 110 t Pa-Men. lb.. ueahr, e lilt ennii. c Bohannen. p. I 0 0 1 0 Morgan, p.. Brtflwall, aa. . I Tenney, lb.. 4 Hraln. lb 4 nalra, cf 2 Pfefrar, It.... 4 tinlan. rf 4 Neadham. c. 4 Strotxl. 2b. .'. 4 Yotinf. p I Totala. Totals Campbell,' If. Sheeiiao, rf.. Noblit. cf.,.. Weed. 2b.... Newton, ss.'. ' Frost, lb...'.., Williams, lb. Freese, c. . . . Jarrott, p.... 29 4 7 27 14 SIOl'X CITY. All. R. H. PO. A. K. . . 3 1 t . .30 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .. 1 1!" 0 I) 0 0 1 l 2 0 II u I 1 3 -J 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1. 0 , To.sls 30 2 , f 24 .10 Omaha Run ......... Hit . .-'toux City i ' .u Runs..... 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 03 Hits 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 a ..Two-base hit: Dolan, Corn's. Left on bases: Omaha, 4; Sioux City, . First base on balls: Off Corns. 8; off Jarrott, 2. Struck out: By Jarrott, 3. Double plays: 'Runkle to lmlan; Weed to'WIII lams. Sacrifice hits: Perring Sheehan t2. Time: 1:14. Umpire: Mc.'arthy. Attendance:- 300. ,. fCyler Too Mark for Denier. -LINCOLN. Aug.. 1. rttcher "Pop" Eyler, whom Denver batted out of the box In one Inning In Monday's Kame. went In sgsln today against the same team and tne Grlxsllrs could hardly touch him. Lin coln won by a score of 6 to 1 by baitlns Wright hard In nearly every inning, but tha Denver fielders gave him brilliant support. An error by Oagnier depri,-ii Kyler of the credit of a shutout The two teams will play a duublu-headi't- to morrow. Kcore: LINCOLN AB. R H PO Dlaronnt on Merit. And now we have Cantlllon and Holmes after "Slsts" Davis' scalp. My, what for? Has "Slats" made the rough players of those teams behave themselves, or what has he done? Surely they can find no fault with his shiiity as an umpire: Go out on the coast and you'll hear every player abuse and knock Da via, but you talk to the fans, the fellows who pay the money st the gate and make It possible for the players to get their salaries, Hnd one anS nil will tell you he Is .the best umpire they ever had. And that's Just i he kind ot umpire that O'Nell needs on his staff one that won't be bulldoxed by the manager or the player. Denver Post. Keichem. cf. r ullllu. 3b. . . Fenlon,. If... Thomas, lb. . Cllhs. rf... irasiner, aa.. 7.1 n ran. v.... Barton. :b.. Kyler. p Total , . . . I mplrr O'Day Suspended. NEW YORK. Aug. II President Pulllam of the National league today announced the MispcnHion of l'mplre Henry O'Day for violation of contract and Insubordination and Joseph Ward of the Philadelphia club for'- vfoiation 'of 'contract.- The release- of '' George McBrlde' of ' St. Louis Nationals to Kansas. . Oity was approved, l'mplre O'Dav umpired" a game pTitved recently At Pittsburg with the New York' team- during which 'Catcher Pelts of the home team and Pitcher McGlnnlty of the New- Ynrks became- Involved In a fist fight. Yesterday . l'mplre -O'Day failed, to report for dutv at the Polo, grounds, thl cits,. preKkient .Pulllam had warned O'Day that he would be auapcndta tf he did not report for duty.. . ... . ." -i .. Lincoln lilt Hard In First. CENTRAL CITY. Neb.. Aug. 1. iSpeclal) The local Young Men's Christian associa tion ball team won the game today In the first inning, they bunching three singles and a double on ,,uan, the crack Cretghton university pitcher. Score: R. H. K. Greeley 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 8 Central City ...I 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0--7 3 Batteries: Lannigan and Klttrldge. O Hnun, Kubrlnk and Patterson. 1 1 a OHusslna, Sb.. 4 1 1 II 1 1 Kellrr. If.... 4 0 10 11 Juria. rf 4 I 1 1 0 OSrhlel, r 4 1 0 10 ODtlehanty. b 4 1 .4 0 0 0 0 Stasia, cf.... 4 " . 4 0 a 0 OCorrryran, aa.. 4 I '. 4 I I S 0 Hall, lb 4 1 .10 11 0 Wirmer, p.... 1 0 Ewlng, p 1 0 12 I 27 10 2 Totala 14 I U :i I Boston 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 Cincinnati ..0.0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Hall. Corcoran. Hits: Off Welmer, 2 In two innings; off Ewlng. 3 in six Innngs. Sacrifice hit: Brldwell. Stolen bnses: Brain. Bates. Double plays: 8tro bel to Tenney; Strobel, Brldwell to Tenney. First base on balls: Off Bwing. 2. 8truck out: By Weimer, 3: by Young. 6: by Ewlng, 6. Time: 1:35. Umpire: Emslle. Wlltae Too Strong; for St. Loo Is. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Wlltae proved to be too strong for the St. Ixuls team In the second game of the series today and the locals won, 7 to 1. Score: NEW YORK. . ST. LOt'IS. B.H.O.A.E. B H O A.K. Breanahan, c. I 1 7 1 0 Burrh, cf 4 I 1 0 0 Browne, rf....4 i I 0 0 Bannatt, 3b... 4 0 1 I 0 Shannon, If.. I 1 I 0 0 Barir. rf II 1 0 0 Seymour, cf..l 0 10 0 Marias. If.... 4 0 10 1 MrOann. lb . 4 1 10 0 Ouradr. lb.... I 0 10 0 IieTlln. 3b.... toil 0 Cra "lord. aa. t 1 0 S 0 Uahlan, aa....l 1 1 I OW.Marah'll. c4 0 I 1 0 Gllhort. 2b. ..4 0 0 I lHoalak'er, lb 4 0 I I 0 Wiltaa. p I 0 0 1 0 Bar ha, p 1 0 0 1 0 Totala .24 I 27 11 1 Totala SO 4 24 14 1 New York 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 -7 St. IoulB....- 0 0000100 0-1 Two-base hits: 8hannon. Crawford. Mc Oann. Sacrifice hit: Beebe. Stolen bases: Bresnahan 2), Seymour li). Burch. First base on errors: St. lxiuls, 1. Bases on balls: Off Wlltse. 2; off Beebe, 8. Struck out: By Wlltse. 3; bv Beebe, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Wlltse. 1. Passed ball: Bresnahan, 1; Marshall, 1. Left on bases: St. Louis. 7; New York. 2. Double play: Hoelsketter. Bennett to Grady. Time: 3:00. Umpire: Klem. Plttsbnrar Win In Thirteenth. BROOKLYN, Aug. I. In a pitchers' battle which lasted through thirteen In nings Brooklyn was defeated by Pittsburg today by a score Of 1 to 0. For ten Innings not a hit was made off Mclntyre. Score:' PrTTSBl'RO. BROOKLYN. B.H. OAF. B.H.O.A.E. Learh. It I 0 1 0 0 Malnney. cf. . I 0 1 0 a 0 Caaay. 3b I 1 1 I 0 0 Lumlay, rf... i 1 2 0 0 0 Jordan, lb.... 8 1 14 0 0 OAlperman, 2b. I S I 1 0 McCarthy. If. 4 2 1 0 1 lwla. aa 4 1 I I 0 0 Bergan, c 4 0 II 1 4 0 Mclntyre, p..l 1 0 4 0 Beaumont, cf. I 0 t 0 Oanlay, rf..., 5 1 1 0 VVaaner, aa... 8 1 I I Naaion. lb... 4 1 17 I ghaahan, lb. . . I 0 1 4 Kitchay. 2b... 4 1 I 7 Phalpa ,c 4 0 11 I.irDcid. p... 4 0 0 4 Totala 41 4 II 21 I Totala 42 It II I Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base lilts: Wagner, Lumlcy. Sacri fice hits: Maloney, McCarthy, Bergen. Stolen bases: Casey, Iewls. Double plays: Alperman to Lewis to Jordan, Wagner to Ritchey to Nealon. lxft on bases: Pitts burg. 2; Brooklyn. 9. First base on balls: Off Mclntyre. 1; off Lleneld. 3. First base on errors: Pittsburg, 1. Struck out: By Mclntyre, 8; by Lteilcld. 6. Time: 2:12. Umpire: Johnstone. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost Chicago Pittsburg ... New York... Philadelphia Cincinnati ... Brooklyn 95 .. 91 .. 81 .. 4 .. P6 93 IW 69 bS tl 41 3ft 34 32 82 32 6J :.4 M ri t.l Pet. .t8 .MM .46 .417 .41 .371 .344 lift 1 l a o 10 11 01 0 110 III 14 10 Totala 24 I 17 10 1 Totala 10 I 14 II 1 Kansas City , 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: Caaeady. Morgan. Three- base hit: Hill. Struck out: By Bohannon, 4; by Morgan, I. First-base on balls: Off Bohannon, 1; oil Morgan. 3. Left on bases: Knnaas City, 4; St. Paul, 4. Double plays: Wheeler to Pad.len to Sugden; W heeler to Geler to Sugden: Drill to Sua- den. Passed ball: Leahy. Hit hy pitched nan: r-naaen. stolen base: sugden. Sac rifice hits: Slagle, Burke. Time: 1:39. Umpires: Sullivan and Prultt. Standing; of the Teams. Played. Won. Ixist, elation,' charged wrth betting on gsme in which be otTiciateil, was speedily exonerated st the meeting of the directors of the a. awlstlon here today. F.vldence was Intro duced to show that the affidavits charging the umpire with fraud were maliciously obtained through the payment of money. A resolution wss adopted Insfuotlrig the president of the association to ascertain who was responsible for the charges and to mete out adequate punishment. Gasaea In Three-I l.eaaae. At Dubuque r.Mihuo'1". 4; Decatur. n At Davenport Davenport, 3; Spring field. 1. At Bloomlngton Rock Island. 3; Bloomlngton. 3. At Peoria Peoria. 7; Cedsr Rapids, u. Rarrh Stay at St. I.oala. CINCtNN AT7. Aug. 1 The claim of the East Liverpool, O., club to play Piaver Burch, now with the fit. Louis National league team. Is declared to be not estab lished In a decision promulgated by the National Base Ball commission today. Hastings One to the Good. BF.RTRAND. Neb.. Aug 1 -(Special Tele gram.) Hastings defeated Bertrand today by a score of 6 to 4. Score: R U E. Hastings 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 05 7 S Bertrand 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 04 6 Columbus 104 Milwaukee loj Toledo 101 Minneapolis liH Louisville if2 Kansas City 101 St. Paul lik) Indianapolis 101 Games today: Milwaukee at Louisville. Kansas City at Indianapolis, St. Paul at auituu, iviHllirapuilS ai toiumDui. 67 M 53 52 47 4S 35 39 45 47 51 50 M 5ft 66 Pet. .625 .9 .535 .510 .510 .44 .446 .347 GAMES IX AMERICAN LEAGl E HARNESS R ACING AT I.KVKI. WD Alfalfa Win the ilil Pace from rrlnre Hal. CLEVELAND. O. Aug. 1 -The crowd wss smaller for the third day's races at the Grand Circuit meeting than on tiie two previous days, ss It was considered the off day of the meeting. The banner event on the card was the sweepstskes for 3-year-old trotters. Some high-class colts were started. The race was only for two heats. Authorities in Newburg stopped pool selling In that hamlet this morning after the betting on the colt race had been started. Ed Custer sold for IJ6. Noma 117, Gay Bingen $10 and the field l. James Brady's Son of Bingen 2:OH'4 had a walkaway In this race, winning the first heat In a Jogging finish In 2:12S and the next heat In 2:14i4. being five lengths ahead of the second horse at the wire. W. L. Snow's Imperial Allerton won the nrst anri tnira neats tn the 2:17 class trot ting. The Phantom taking the middle heat. In the 2:12 class pace Alfalfa showed tin well and won the second and third heats in easy style. Billy Cole won the 2:lo class narlna In straight hents, never being headed In the second and third heats. Sirdar nosed Vesto Boy out of second piece right at the wire in the third heat, one of the best finlehes of the day: Summaries: Sweepstakes, trottlnar. 3 vears old. nurse 125:' Gay Bingen. br. c, by Bingen (Brady).. 1 1 r.a tuster. cn. c. i handler) 3 2 Noma. h. f. (McMahonl 2 5 Roy Brook, b. c. (Hogan) 6 3 The Abbe. blk. p. IB. White) 4 4 Julsetta, b. f. (Noianl 5 Direct Tone, br. g. (Walker) ds Time: 2:124. 2:14. 8:17 class, trotting, purse ll.flnO: Imperial Allerton. br. h., by Aller- by 14 27 IS Mv-Hale, lb., T.nilth. s 35 6 DENVER AB. R H. Pa A. 4 0 0 4 1 ....4 1 1 11 Randolph Defeats Carroll. RANDOLPH. Neb.. Aug. 1. (Special) Randolph defeated Carroll at Carroll Mon day by a score of 18 to 0. Carroll's best twirler, Evans, waa landed on for-twelve hits and retired in the sixth and McVay was substituted. Brandt for Randolph pitched a tine game allowing Cartull thite scratch hits, and striking out fourteen t..... ,U U ra rAt unit r- I i, .. ll f.ana MfVsv and Tift. 0 t n i v. i i . , . . . , - - - 0 I i'..ii..,.ih II a m ilia- Marala. 1 wi i.i.FRTON. Neb.. Aug 1. (Specials Kullertoii defeated St. Edward In a loosely plaved game here today b7 tha score 'of 15 to 4. The features of the gan was the hatting of Holier of FullertoM a ' the pitching of Chrtstenson, who struck out . twelve men. Batteries; . Fullertuii. Chrtstenson and Oav; 6t. Edward. Peter son Rnd Rosencranx. Hits: Fullerton. 12; St. Edward, 4. ' ' 0 1 0 0 St. Louis 97 Boston 93 Games today: Pittsburg at Brookly.;. Cincinnati At Boston, Chicago-at Phila delphia, St. Louis at New York. GAMES IX. AMERICA ASSOCIATION l.oularllle' Wins Two Easy Vlctorle from Indianapolis. LOUISVILLE. Aug. 1. Louisville won both games of a double-header here today. In the first game the locals outplayed tua visitors at all point and won an ih victory. Stovall's batting and several ions hv Kulllvan were the feiture.. in the second game Elliott was a pilule to the visitors, allowing th-m but nvu scat tered hits. Score, first game: LOVISVIbtE. ' INDIANAPOLIS. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Hallman, If.. 4 i 0 0 OPunlaavy. rf. 4 1 I 1 0 Woodrult. lb. 4 14 1 OKallum, cf ... 4 13 10 Braahcar. lb. 4 1 0 4 0 Hlmaa. lb.... 4 1 10 1 0 Sullivan, lb.. 4 1 II 0 0 Jamas, lb I 0 0 0 0 Sloall.: rf... 4 4 10 OKaboa, aa 4 I I b 0 Kanna, rf I I f 1 1 Parry. It I 0 2 0 0 Shaw, c 4 14 0 OMan-an, 2b... I 0 4 10 Uulnlan. aa... 4 Oil OHolniaa. C....4 0 0 I 1 I Puttmann, p. I 0 I 0 Flihar. p..... I 10 10 Totala 14 14 17 II 1 Totala 12 4 24 11 1 Louisvill 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 Indianapolis 0 0 0 i 0 0 u u u 2 Three-base hits: Fisher, Hlmes, Ka hoe, Kenna. Sacrifice hits: Kenna, Mar can. Stolen bases: Hallman, Wo xJi'uff, Stovall. First base on balls: Off i-ui.-1-innn. 1. Struck out: By Puttmann, 3. Hit by pitched ball: By Puttmann. ,. Left on bases: Louisville. 6; Indianapolis, (. Time: 1:40. l'mplre: Werden. Score, second game: LOl'ISVIULK INDIANAPOLIS BH.O. A. 8. Hallman. If.. 4 Woodruff, lb. I Braahaar, 2b. 4 Sulhaaa, lb. . 4 Storall, cf . .. 4 Kanna. rf I Stoner, c 4 Uulnlan, as... I Elliott, p I Donahne Win HI Own Game Triple In Eighth. DETROIT. Mich.. Aug. 1. Donahue rave a great exhibition today, scoring the win ning run on nis own triple In the eiuhih and retiring New York without a run in tne ninth, after the bases had been filled on two hits and an error, with none out. Newton pitched finely, but wan taken ou to let Deiehanty bat. Both teams fielded brilliantly. Score: DETROIT. . NEW YORK. B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E. Jnnaa, ct 4 0 I 0 OConror, if.... 4 2 10 0 Fchaerar. an.. 4 0 2 4 OKaalar, rf 4 I 0 0 Crawford, lb. 4 1 11 0 OKIbarfald. aa. 4 1 I 1 0 Mrlntjra. If.. 112 0 OChaaa, lb 4 0 10 0 fame, rf I 0 10 0 Laporta, lb... 4 0 13 0 Couahlln, lb. I 1 0 t 1 Williama. lb. 4 . 0 I I 0 Llndaar. 2b.. I 1 1 4 0 Hoffman, rf.l 0 I 0 grhmldt. c... I II I 0 Klalnow, C...I 12 0 0 Donahua, p. .. I 10 1 ONawion. p.... I 10 10 Griffith, p 0 0 0 0 0 Totala 21 117 11 1 Dalehantr ..11004 Totala 21 1 14 10 0 batted for Newton In eighth. Detroit 01000000 1-2 New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Base hits: Off Newton, 6 In 7 Innings: off Grittltli, 1 In 1 Inning. Three base hits: Donahue, Klelnow. bscriflce hits: Payne, IJndhay. Base on halls: Off Donahue, 1; Ijeft on bases: Detroit, .4; New Y'ork, 6; Struck out: By Donahue, 3; Newton, 2; Double plays: Lindsay, Schaefer and Crawford. Time: 4:13. Umpire, Sheridan and Evans. " Bender na Wild Inning;. CLEVELAND 0., Aug. l.-Bender wn Wild In the fourth inning and Cleveland scored six runs On tree passes, three hits, Oldrlng's error 'and a double steal. Eels also developed , wild streak and was re placed hv Hess-' W save tha game for Cleveland. Turner's' fielding was brilliant. Cleveland made four double plays. Score: CLEVELAND.' PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.E., - B.H.O.A.E. Fllrk. rf....,l 0 0. OHartsal. If... 4 I 0 4 Jarkron, If... 4 110 lLord, cf 1110 0 Turnar. aa.... t III ODavla. lb I 1 10 1 Lajota-, Jb ... 4 0(1 Oseybotd. rf... 4 1 0 Itoaxman, lb.. 4 t 10 1 ' OXurpbr. 2b... 4 114 0 Contraltos. rf4 1 f 0" OSrhrark. C....I 14 0 1 Barbeau. lb.. I 1 P OCroaa, aa 10 14 4 Butloar, C....2 Oil OOldrlnf. lb... 4 till Eela, p I 0 0 0 OBander, p.... 2 0 0 0.0 Hsaa. p 1 1 0 1 OCoaklay, p... 0 0 0 1 0 . Annbruater . 0 0 0 4 0 Totala 14 10 21 II 1 . Totals...... 10 I 24 II t batted for Coakley In ninth. Cleveland 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 2 t Philadelphia 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 O 03 Hits: Off Bender, 4 ' in 4 Innings; off Coakley, K In 4 innings; oft Eels, 8 In 1-3 Innings; off Hess. 1 In 2 2-3 innings; Two base hits: Barbeau, Flick. Three base hits: Davis. Sacrifice hits: Buelow, lotd. Stolen bases: Flick, Jackson. Congslton, Oldrlng, (2i; Murphy. Double plays: Hess, Buelow and Bissman; Buelow and Tur ner; Barbeau, Turner and Rossman: Tur ner, Lajole and Rossman; Cross, Murphy and Davis. Base on balls: off Eels. 2; Bender, 2: Hess, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Eels. 1; Bender, 2; Hess. 1. Left on bases: Cleveland. 7; Philadelphia. . Struck put by Eels, 1; bv Bender, 3; Hess. 1. Wild pitches: Coakley, 1; Eels. 1. Time: 1:44. Umpire: Connolly. Boston Win from Chicago. CHICAGO, Aug. 1. Chlcmjo lost a hard fought game to Boston here touuy; 3 to 1. Towne. Comlskey's new catcher, was given a tryout. Score: BOSTON. CHICAGO n u C A E. B.H.O.A.E. I 1 I 0 0 Hahn. rf I 0 i 0.0 I I I 0 Jonas, cf 0 0 0 4 a i a 0 OO'Nall. rf-rf.. 4 0 a 1 4 4 1 4 7 0 labali. 2b 4 1110 4 110 0 liarla, aa 4 1 0 4 1 a sill 0 Iionohus. lb.. I 111 I I Morgan, lb. .. 4 0 0 4 1 Doug hartr. If. 4 I I 0 Armbrualar, e 2 0 I 0 o L.Tan am, id a i I i j.Tannablll, p4 1 I 2 0 Towne, c 2 110 1 Sullivan, c. 1 0 0 I 0 Totala 21 10 17 :l 1 Allrock. p....l 4 00 Walah, p 0 0 0 1 0 ROBS 1 1 0 0 0 Dundoa 10 0 0 ton (8now) The Phantom, blk. h. (Walker). Irish, ch. g. (Thomaat Doctor Chase, ch. g. (Gahagen) . O. H. W., h. g. (McCarthy! Prince Edward, blk. g. (Eldriee) joe M., Dlk g. (Hassardl ... Asniand Dorr, br. h. (Paul) vsestley Baron, ch. g. (Oeers) 9 9 Pluto, b. g. (MrMahon) 8 ds Time: 2:124. 2:lom. 2:12V,. 2:11 class, naclna. nurse Sl.Oon- Alfalfa. ch. in., by Argol Wilkes (Pender) 1 Prince Hal. b. g. (Snow) 1 2 Crystal G., blk. m. (Valentine) 2 6 ppui. d. g. ((jerrlty) 13 3 Black Bird, blk g. (Ctirrv) 3 5 Daphne Direct, blk. m. (Walker).... 4 9 mercy Me, n.. m. (Thomas) 10 4 Hardan. rf.. Parant, aa... Btahl. cf.... Farrta. lb... Hoar. If Freeman, lb.. Stanton Dents Nodaway. STANTON. la.,' Aug. 1. (Special Tele gram. ar-The Stanton base ball team de feated Nodawav at Red Dak today by a score of I to J. Batteries: Stanton. Mollep hoff and Arnell: Nodawav, Maloney and Orme. Stolen t-aees: Hill. . Bases on balls: Oft Maloney. 1. Errors: Stanton. 2; If rou or .om, m.mb.r ct your Umlly , n-. sek 0o,n. vera lagan uuuouij iu-uiu " - ivurs. Harrard Shnts Oat liLeaeeaw.' KENESAW. Neb.. Aug. 1 (Special Tele gramsHarvard's fast team defeated the locals here today 1 the score of 11 to 0. Score R.H.E. Harvard ...... 0 0 4 0 t I 0-11 6 2 Kenesaw ......0 08000000 0l Batteries: Harvurd. Ling snd Ung; Keiusaw. Bast Inn and Hallock. 8truck out". By Ling,-; by BaUan. 7. Iowa Iraoaa Recalls. MARSHALLTOWN. I-, Aug 1 -Spe-cUl Telegram ) Following are the results hi .the Iiiwn league: ... Fort Dodge. 4, Osksloos. 1. I'llnton. i; B.UalUi8ln. 3, ,. Murshalitown. Keckuk 0. , pttumww, t; 'ta-ldo, 1. ' Basin VriA la Tenth. BASIN. .Wyo.. Aug. I (Special' Telegram.) In a base ball trams here today. Basin against fchei lila '.1, after ten innings LOS K.vt swpl 1 l I lu favor ot Baala. DIAR.R.HOEA r)lrrho4a. Dyaantary. Flux. Cholera Morbus, or Cholera Infantum, would 1 jo bo prepared to check it? . I Erery borne arrouia nave a suppiy t Wakefield's Dleick berry B8clsa.m II it a moat reliable remedy for all looee tondltlona X Ue bowel. XXI drugglatAi all It,. u J. ajaaa. ' TLb -'unarlbk I roi - yj i naaaaa which aau lb 1 I aj sf hfs should 11 a Jui i Dleaaurca. 1 Jure I'll 1 a. On bos will tell a story of narralaui raaurta. This madictna has saor ratTaiiag. Tiiallslng foro than has aar 'Kafor sae onseao. neai poaa-piuu ID piaua asrkaa eolr a receipt of this sot. and gl. Mart jt ortgiuaturs C. I. hood I o.. pre aslaiwn Uve4'a .MHUiUA iU. alas B.H.O.A.E. 110 0 Dunleaay, rf . I 0 I I 0 4 0 11 Kallurn. rf... I 0 I 0 0 1 4 4 0 Hlmaa. lb.... 4 1 I 1 0 I 10 0 OJamea. lb 4 110 0 110 1 kabne, aa.... 4 0 t 0 0 1 0 0 0 l-rrrr, It .... I 1 I 0 0 1110 Harran. lb... I 1 1 1 1 114 0 Holmea, c. ..I 0 I I 0 1110 liukay. p. ... 1 1 1 I 0 Totala M 14 2T 14 2 Totala 10 5 24 I 1 Louisville 0 030310s 1 1 Indianapolis ..OOOOUOOu 0 o Two-base hits: Woodruff, ' Brsshear. Sullivan. Three-base hits: Woodruff. El liott. Stoner. Sacrifice hits: Kellum, Kenna, Mtovall, Elliott. Stolen bases: Woodruff. Sullivan. Brashear. First bai on halls: Off Elliott. 11; off Hlckey, 1. Struck out: By Elliott. 4; by ilicaey. i. Hit by pitcher: Hlckey. 1. Passed bsll. Holme. Double plays: Woodruff, Brashear and Sullivan: Quinlan. Brashear and Sullivan. Left on bases: Louisville, d; Indianapolis. . Time: 1:40. L'mplre: Werdeo. Miller Win from Brewers. MILWAl'KHE, Aug. 1. Splendid hit ting by the visitors, of which Hart's work was the feature, csused the downfall of the home team In today's game. Score: MILWAl'KIg. B.H.O.A E- B H.O A E 4 111 ORoblnaoa. ss. 4 1 I 4 I I 1 I 4 t (.ren. rf I 0 4 1110 Hrnas. If 4 1 4 110 0 Batemaa, lb.. 4 1 4 10 0 OHoth r 4 1 4 0 4 1 OHampbtll. cf. I 1 I 1 t I M l kaan'r. lb 4 I 4 14 1 0 Mn'orni'K. Ik 4 I 4 11 . t rila. cf Sullliran, rf . . Uranam, Ik . Hart. If.' Frarman. lb.. G)lar, a Faa, 2b Taaser. Thowaa.. P too 14 0 30 Totala It 1 17 11 1 Minneapolis . . . . i 0 Milwaukee 0 0 Xvt0-ba blia; fouls 14 I It 10 4 0 0 4 3 1 0 0 5 2 9 0 1 0 0 03, YMfor. o i i 4 0 I 0 1 4 I 0 1 4 1 1 6 .2 2 7 .4 3 2 .7 5 3 .3 8 ds 10 6 4 .6 7ds Director Joe. blk. h. (Demarest).... 5 10 12 Biruie B.. b. m. (Shea) 3 7 6 Bill Bailey, ch. g. (Fleming) 9 8 7 Illinois, b. h. (McMahon) 7 16 10 Starlight, ch. m. (Grady) 11 11! 11 Harry C, Jr., b. h. (Laney) 14 12 13 Fred Miller, ro. g. (Stout) IS 11 rl. John XV. Patterson, ch. h. (Hogan). .13 13 14 omiy roinier. rr. m. (Hall) 16 14 ds j ime: z:iji,; z:us; Siotj. 2:16 class, pacing Durse 31.000: Billy Cole, br. -g., by Romancer. 1 1 1 4 2 3 3 10 2 i ids 5 3 5 7 4 4 Totala II 7 27 tl t Batted for Altrock In eighth. Batted f ir Towne In eighth. Batted for Hahn In elgnth. Boston I 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-3 Clilcniro 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Ift on bases: Chicago. ii; Boston. . Hits: Off Altrock, 9 In eight innings; off Walsh. 1 In one Inning, iiiree-oase nits: k Tannehlll. lloey. Sacrifice hits: Alt rock 1 Tannehill. Stolen bases: Ferris. Btahl. Double play: Parent. Ferris and Freeman. Struck out: By Altrock. 1; by lanneliill. 3. Bases on balls. OfT Altrock, 1 off TannehlU, 1. Time: 1:35. Umpire: O'Lnughlln. St. Louis Wins la Tenth. ST. LOCIS, Aug. 1. St. Louis won from Washington today. 3 to i. Superior batting won from the Manors in tne last inning. Score: ST. LOt'IS. WASHINOTON. B H.O A E. B.H.O.A. Nilaa. lb..... I tit OAltiaar. a....4 III T. Jonea. lb.. I 1 lu 1 0 Sianlay, rf...4 1 I Ktona. It 4 2 4 0 0 C. Jonaa. cf..4 0 1 Hrmphtll. rf . 2 V I I OCroaa. IB I 0 0 Wallaca. aa... 4 1 1 I OAnderaon. If . . I 0 0 O' Brian. 2b... I Oil I Slahl. lb 4 011 koahlar. tf.... 1 I 0-haln. 2b.. I 2 1 OTonnor. c... 4 14 1 4 Haydon. e 1,0 I Pelly. p...... 4 0 14 OFaikanbarg. p4 I 1 WakaBald, c. I 0 I . Totala......!! I 10 11 t Totals 31 12 II I Two out when winning run was made. St. louls 0 0 2000000 13 Washington ......0 1 1000000 03 Earned runs: St. Louis. !. Two-bsse hit: Bchalfb. 6acrlnce hits: Hemphill i2l. Anderson. Koehler. Altir. Jones u ) Wild pitch: Kalkenbeig. Bases on balls: Off Pelty, J; off Kalkenbeig, 3. Struck out: By Pt-lty, 4; by t'alkenberg, 4. Left on bases: St. Louis, 9; Washington, 5. Time; l:a&. l'mplre: Hurst. landing af the Teams. Played. Won. 1-ost, Pet. Philadelphia ") New York 90 Cleveland "O Chicago M Detroit 1 St. Louis 91 Washington ' Boston 94 Grfmcs today: Wssnlngtun st 81 Louis. Philadelphia st Cleveland, New York at Detroit, Bostou at Chicago. Owens Is Ksonerated. CHICAQO. Aug. 1 Clsrenc B Owens, an umpire Ui Auiarluui aa BsUI aaso- (Nichols) Vesto Boy. ch. g. (T. Murphy) Sirdar, b. g. (Nuckols) Kila Purcell. b. m. (Valentine).. Fred R, blk. h. (L. Murphv) Miss Adbell. b. m. (Mennevi Captain Derby, b. g. (Bldrldge) 11 9 g rrincesa Helen, b. m. (A. McDonald) 13 ft 9 T,om,B b- (McCarthy) 9 7 8 Hidalgo, b.' g. (Demarest) ....10 8 7 TaseweU Bov. hlk. a (Thnm.n c a. Grace Direct, blk. m. (Ellison) 8 . ds vernon, cn.- g. (McMahonl 12 .da Time: 2:08V,: :07. 2:08V. EVEKTS OX THE RlM TRACKS Gallant Dan Win the Sunshine Stakr at Brighton Beach. NEW TORK, Aug. l.-The heavy rain which began before the races at Brighton Beach today made the track a sea of murl and mtiddere of t;ie '"onounced type were 111 tiemnna. in' rara was practically ruined by the withdrawals. Fountainblue. owned by F. A. Forsythe. the good 2-year-old colt by Odd Fellow-Ferroe, was with drawn from the Sunshine stakes, as he was sold to James B. Brady for ;6,0i). Gallant Dan took the lead at the start in the Sun shine stakes and won handily by one and a half length from Frank Gill, with Pen arris, an added starter. George 8. Davis, favorite and the only other starter, ran a poor race. Three favorites. Results: First race, six furlongs: Annetta Lady won, Mollle Donohue second, Cassandra third. Time: l:U. Second race, steeplechase, about two miles Bound Brook won. New Amsterdam second, Arabo third. Time: 4:28. Third race, selling, mile and a sixteenth: Woolwich won, Sonoma Belle second, No veno third. Time: l:48i- Fourth race, the Sunshine stakes, five and one-half furlongs: Gallant Dan won, Frank Gill second, Penarrls third.- Time: 1:0JH. Fifth -race, mile and a sixteenth: Geran ium won. Little Scout second, nbony third. Time: 1:49.- Blxth rece, selling, five furlongs: Eudora won. Fishhawk second. Elf a II third. Time: 1:09. CINCINNATI. Aug. l.-Results at La tonia: First race, mile: Leo Bright won. My Gem second. Sea Mate third. Time i:41:. Second race, five furlongs: Margie won, Deck law second. Aline Crocket third. Time: LOJVk. Third race, mile: Larone won, Oberon second. Search Me ihlrd. Time: 1:42. Fourth race, steeplechase handicap. Club House course: Dalesman won, Sutiador sec ond. Class Leader third. Time: 3:. Fifth race, six furlongs: Oak Grove won, Zinda second, Airship third. Time: l:14Vj. Sixth rate, mile: Amberlta won. Bull finch second, 8nlnlng Star third. Time; 1:41 Vt. Collin Win Championship. CHICAGO. Aug. 1 Krelgh Collins, twice winner of the western tennis chnmpionnhlp In singles, won the title today for the third time, when he met Nat C. Emerson of Cincinnati, winner of the tournament In singles st the Kenwood Country club, which was finished yesterday. Both men played brilliant tennis, Collins excelling In serving and backhand work, while Emerson showed to good advantage in hack court work. Collins won the rlrst two sets 6-2. 6-4. In the next set Emerson took a de cided brace and won. 6-3. Collins took the fourth set 6-2, which gave him the match. A CERTAIN SAFE 0 TREATMENT Even if mercury and potash could cure Contagious Wood l'oison, tht Condition in which these strong minerals lc.ive the system would make tht cure worse than the disease. Hut they cannot cure the vite disorder ; they can only cover up the symptoms for awhile to break out with renewed vio lence when the treatment is left oft. When the vims xt Contagious Hlooi! Toison enters the blood the entire circulation Ix-cjmics poisoned, and tht loathsome symptoms liegin to appear. The mouth and throat ulcerate, hail and eyebrows come out, glands of the neck and groin swell, copper-colored spots appear on the body, and in severe cases sores and ulcers break out. and even the bones become diseased. S. S. S. is the only cert.iin, safe cure fot Contagious Blood Toison ; thousands have been cured by it after failing with the mineral treatment, Hot Springs, etc. It is the only remedy that is able to get at the root of the disease and force out the poison so that no signs are ever seen again. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, being made of roots, herbs and harks, and never leaves any bad effects, but instead, tones up the stom ach and digestion and builds up every part of the svstcm while removing the poison from the blood. Book with instructions for self treatment amj medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA 11 FOR 7 ' ..:.,'aw-l w I V s J 1 1 1 1 miiWaa m -iawsrv-ay The Reliable Specialists CAUSES OF SUCCESS OR FAILURE The difference between sin ress and failure In business lire Is due in nine, out of every ten cases to lnck of physical manhood. Your growth, yoir strength, votir ahllitv. your inteilectiuil or business capacity, your skill as a workman "in the usual business pursuits of life, your popularity with other human beings, of either sex, is all shaken and your future career blighted If vnur standard of manhood Is depleted. You can't be half a man physically and a whole man otherwise. A chain Is no stronger tlmn Its weakest link. t'pon possessing the essential elements of manhood depends chiefly tho happiness of marital life, success in the commercial world and the perpetuity of our race. Intellectual power snd vigorous manhood cannot be measured !n dollars and cents. It Is a power snd a privilege that should endure with nmn as long as life Itself, and whenever it Is Impaired or suspended through Ig norance, excesses, indiscretions or dissipations, nature will assert herself and the other bodily ami mental functions weaken. If you have violated nature's law you must pay the penalty, unless you are again restored to what nature intended you a strong, robust, healthy man physlcnlly, mentally and sexually. By health Is implied that beautiful and harmonious blending of the mental, physical and sexual forces, A'blch con tribute so much to our happiness and success In every walk of life, and tha absence of which materially accounts for our failures. It is useless to worry about the past cause after the disease or weakness becomes once established. The fact that the trouble now exists makes it necessary that there bIiouUI be no Bpathy, no delay, no deferring matters until later on. We cure safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,. Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, sclf-abuSO, or the result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. "-ToVi W t0 8 p STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. QSflZs2E9sEsBBsEsS aC9salaalBBna f f 1 ! : rr3 3 o m w Si r Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha TO 150 CANADIAN AND NEW ENGLAND CITIES AND RESORTS. DATES OF SALE. Canadian Destinations, Daily. New England Destinations, August 8 and 2. RATES 15-day limit, one fare plus $2.00. 30-day limit, one fare plus $4.00. Chicago and Return, August 4, 5, fl : $ 8.00 San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. . 60.00 One vay via Shasta Koute 73.50 Spokane, Wash 55.00 Butte and Helena -, '. 50.00 Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden ......... 30.50' Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50 17.50 26.40 18.75 16.40 20.00 18.50 15.00 32.15 .51.25 15.20 Smith Wins Honor Prise. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Alex Knilth 3 0 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo Sheridan, Wyo Deadwood and Lead, S. D Hot Springs, S. D Chicago, 111 St. Louis, Mo Peoria, 111., and Return, August 19-20. Roanoke, Va., and Return, August 11, 12, 13 Mexico City and Return, August lS-SoptPinber 1 . . Siloam Springs, Ark., and Return, August 7-10. .. MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN RESORTS. Reduced Rates Daily. of 66 31 .til bS ft .61 1 J2 SS .i't y 44 .bit 47 44 .al 46 4o .&' M N .3S'. 2 8 ,2H Nassau. I- I., thl ear's western and na tional open champion, and the Metropolitan (kilf association champion of last year, j won the honor prise In the open professional , golf tournament at Vancortlandt park to day. Fifteen of the best professional golf ers In this country took part In the tourna- I ment, which began yesterdsy, and Smith won out cleverly as his total of 301 for the seventy-two holes was five strokes better than the second man. G. C, Turnbull, of Waterbury. Conn. Miss ftntton Wins Match. NEWfABTLK. England. Aug. 1 Miss May Button of Pasadena, Oal., played In the Northumberland county tennis tournament todav. In the singles she heat Miss Atchi son 6-?. Miss Iiouglass. the British champion, is ill and consequently Miss Sutton cannot again try conclusions with her. Mis Sutton will eall for home on the Cedric August 10. to compete in the Amer ican championships. After Automobile Rrrnrd. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 1 -From 9an Francisco to New York In fifteen days Is the time planned by U K Whitman and C. 8. Csriss. who will leave this city to day in a stg cylinder runabout in an effort to lower the transcontinental motor car record. Whitman snd t.'arlsa are holders of the present record of thirty-three days which they made In a two cylinder car In VOL t ' ' T. H anillh Heroines (lllarn. T. if. Smith, president of the T. H. Smith Refrigerator company, was formally admit ted to I'nlted States cltisenshlp Wednesday afternoon before Judge Munger In the I'nlted States circuit court. Mr. Smith is a natlv of t'annda. though being In business in Omoa tor upwards et twenty year. Better call or write and let mo plan your summer vacation for you. I can give you all the latert information and free descriptive lit erature. J. D. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. ia " - ' ' - ' -i Jl'j Ik-MasMSBMMHt-l W 1 n "rf (a"H'' I aka F i i i m m -is , -..i.i.i ii iiw ' jjii -J in. in n mm itiaai i l si ilia. iaa " ' 1 i r1 OR ffl IMaa llimft IBtami, VMM mm By (he 014 Rrnnble DR. SEARIES k SIARLtS Establiahed in Omaha lor It yrs The many thoo. sands of cases cuied by Ji ui.i us the naojl export need Specialists in the went. In all diseaaes and ali ments of men We know Just what mill curs you sj.d our quickly. UE aiU lOU THI N YOU PAY US OL'R t'FE W mak no mlaieadiug or false statement or OfTna you cheap, unimt-iu. Our reputation ana Asm am too favoiat-ly kn-,n every tua we traat, our reputatiun Is at s.ake. loi r health, ilfe and ban plneas is too scrlou.4 a matter to pliacn in I lie hands ( a "UAMEIiEHH OCT OK.." Honest doctors of abilltr usa th-lr OWS MAtui, 1ST U 11 LIB SUSUIXlaii. W rau ftTct rir everyone a iltr-ini.g CklJtxi for Weak. Nertfoats Men. Varlcocel troubles. Nervou Deollity, Jilood Poluon. 1'roatatlo troubUs, Kidney. bl4dra ailTUia PISBA8r.3. Hydrocele. Chranlo Dium Contracted LuseiaaaH, stoinacb and Skin Disftaaa. crint? EumicaUuL and Cousuluvtlon. Writ Asa rift-1- Symptom Blank for Uom Traslnwat, IMawjsl gtreeta.