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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1906)
8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1906. E 1 t i ! SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these commas rlll be fake entll 19 as. tor the rrln( edition 4 antll 8 . m. for , K Ha Hsalnv a a. .1 4Ulnil. ! Rat 1 l-S wnrsl first Insertion, lie a word thereafter. Nothing- takea I far less than aoe for the first luser !tloa. Tfceae advertisements Iron consecutively. 4vertlsers. ay reqaestlna; a nna Jtierra check, hart aaawcra ad dressed to a mtfna letter la ear 1..f The Rrf. Answers ao addressed 'will ba delivered oa presentation at MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL ' BOYLES SCHOOL " Evorr flay In enrollment day. Business, ; Shorthand, Typewriting . Telegraphy and I English. Catalogue free. Address II. B. f l'.oyles, Pres. Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka make a epe j rinlty of lire nca)icn, ahultrra, floors and area. O. AnUreen, prop., 102 S. 10th St. H 210 mi r, SIGN PAINTING S. II. Cole. 13TB Douglas. R m I TRY Kelly Towel Supply. Tel. Doug -.15,10. I K 212 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. 1 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. (Cil N. 161 h. i'el. Doiig.-17i. Rea. phono Doug. -7061. j U 2i4 ri.SianirH RRirF. J Machinists, :il J Houth 12th St. i Tel. !K37. ll-lli TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes. $2S l'cx Typewriter Co.. 122 Farnam. I R-M3.7 AugM j WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. ' Trunk, null cases nnd shopping bai.a. Old j trunk tnken in exchange. Iiepilrlng. ' FRELINU & BTEINLE. I 410 N. Kth St. 'Phone Douirlas 4035. ' R MtCl Ag'j MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS j VACATION MONEY j EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. I And thin la the place to come and get It. ' Don't let money tand In the way of en- i Joying yourself when It can be o easily ' obtained at thl office on HOUSEHOLD 'OODS. PIANOS. HORSES. WAGON8. I ETC. f PPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 107-308 Paxton Block. X-M979-AUG4 OUR LOANS uur employes are weii Informed cd ivuiicouH and w a.e always pleased 10 explain our manner ol loans. Vo tell yuu to the cent what the cott will be, and l( yuu conclude tbat It will not pay yuu to bui row, there la no harm dont. We loan on furniture, pianos, live atoclc and other Chattels and to salaried peoplv unun Ibei;- own aa ret-iuent to pay. We cfler you rates as low as you will find and our facilities for iulck and con fiUental i.eivlcta iwe tuikurijasaed. We are the oldest concern in our Una la the city, and v aiv.oa ii piuaou uu.' pairotie. UMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 111 Board of Tidde mrf. Pbone Doug. 2L64. X-3 liOXEY loaned on piatiua, furniture, Jtw- ;i, lioieeu, coms, kic. C. if'. Kecd. 310 tl Uowen, 7U3 N. Y. Lil'e Bldg., Aav.incts ii..lo money on j battel cr saiiy. liay to vl-uo itU tape. 1'JU kel money kauie oiy aoeu wi ai rtnait i.uet. oprn vvniii,. tui i. A;tiie CiiAiiUL, and salary loans. Credit. U, ul pkxtun Iilk. PllObUlg a.AvLU Loan Olliue, leilaole, acommodat tnai ail uuailKwa cunuueu llal. Uul Liuug. DH. PKIBENOW B PiUVATE Mu.NEY loaned on luiiutuie, piauos, wua:y, borscs, etc.. In auy amount, at ICm limn balf tne tale; no red tape; period prl Immediate attention, ou uny leiius waiileu; iuiiieiila suspended In vase ut elcknesH or out of employment. Kooiu .14 ivaibach bik., 303 b. iiiu bl. KM alONUY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLh and uinirs wunuut aecuitiy; easy py Incuts. Offices lu W prlncipa.1 cities, lot. room in .New turn i-ifu mug. ai rUKNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans. Dull Ureen Loan Co, room a, baikcr UlK X-l!e CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. . F"'y Loan Co.. lja Farnam BL X 2tfl rOR SALL MISCELUNEOUS bUDA FOUNTAIN, any alxe. lsis Farnam. i en KJt WIN-WILLIAMS CO.. beat mixed paint. Sherman st McConaell Drug Co.. o in ana, tui HALL 6 safes, new. Id-band. Farnam. Q ll FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. H. Campbell, tna mail room. 14 4il FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, ttruns wti k-iaik-Collender, 07 b. luth St. -M21 WE buy everything In tba furniture Una. Cmcao f urniture Co., itiv uouge. W-I3I MILCH COWS. or. Center. easy ternia 43d and OFFICE FURNITURE. One two-drawer Bealey letter cabinet. Two tops for Globe-Wernicke cases. One leather aeat chair. One letter presa. One flat top desk. One bookcase with three doora, about I feet high. Two oak pedestals with base. Call for Mr. Wright, Bee office. Q 832. FOR SALE Steam house healing boiler; was used to heat 1-ioom bouse; will be aold cheap. W. tl. tirtdgea, engineer Dee Bldg. U-Mil) SEND US vour mail ordera for druaa; freight paid on $10 lota. Myera-Dilloii Drug Co.. OiUblia. to SB FINE Minnesota Ice for sale In carlota. A U. Gilbert Co., Council lsiufla. Q M364 UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany case, at 1 bargain. 1819 Davenport. Q M130 2x FOR SALE Good Acorn baseburner, good kitchen cabinet and other furniture, cheap. 22 Miami St. y-Llx FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE for stock of merchandise department store cuiiding in town ui t-aou. Strictly modern. Rented for long time at Woo per inonin rrice sio.wiu. write to Box ioo, Plainvlew, Neb. M6G1 Aug I IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put aa ad in and you will soon get it. WANTED To exchange a good lot for automobile. L 14. care Bee. Z-iitnt Aug4x KTU'K hardware, live northwestern Iowa town. !a people; can trade for cheap western land; must be taken immediately Addiess L 26. Bee. Z.-1J. six 40 ACRES well Improved land In Dawson rountv. Nebraska: want southern Missouri T Arkansas land. Lerew Land l'o.. I S. 13th St.. Omaha, Neb. 7.-M171 1 FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and Iron Worka. SU7 Bee Ulda. Tel. Ked-t. Mll A ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencinx ao bar look M N. lit U Tel Red all WANTED MALE HELP WAITED-Cigar makera; t rollers and 8 bunch breaker; will pay the heat of prices to go out of town; will Bend tickets Address H 11. car of Bee. B-M81S DRUG stores bought and Hold: drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest. 624 N. Y. I B 230 69 TOfNO MEN to prepare for firemen and brakemen, experience unnecessary; firemen $HO. brakemen $M) per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or conductor. Hundred of positions open, fall or write for particulars at once. National Railway Training Aits' n. 640 Fsxton Blk . Omaha, Neb. B-M601 AuX WANTED Cb-tV maker, per, Wyo. M. Anson. Cas B 5S4 Auglx MEN with teems, to eell line of medi cines. Star Jf.ed. Co.. Charles City, la. B 891 Atl? WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the advantages we offer Have years of ap prenticeship; position walling; top wagea: the ruah for barbers never aa great; special offer now Call or wrlta Moler Barber college. 1116 Farnam t. B Mill aug$ CIVIL. SERVICE Want young rn", prepare. See Underhlll. 33 JO North 24th. B MJ85 Augl4 YOUNG MAN. A-l references, to sell type- writers on mud ArlrlrMI Kttlllng, 122 Farnam. Al WANTED Prick handlers and laborer at the Avery Hrlck yard, two miles aoutn of Albright; boarding hue at P'n;,., B M4al W A NTED Good mnrhle cutter; good wage, steady eniiilorment. Glldea Olldea, Norfolk Marble Worka, Norfolk. Neb B-M478 Rookkeeper, SAO. Shipping clerk. IW. Traveling s,tlemn. dry goods, Two extension clerks, 0. Call or tvnie for complete list of vacan cies, and our plan of placing competent WESTERN REF. ft BOND 'ASS N., INC., Dept. 13, MO-41-42 N. Y. Life Jju sl MEN WANTED on steamships as cattle at tendants to London. Liverpool. Ikotter dam. Antwerp, Hull. Hamburg and Bre men. Agent wanted In your city. For eigners' Protective Association, 235 E't 117th St., New York City u WANTED Carpenters; steady work. Ad dress Jos. Slileslger, lutan. iseD. B M'31 WANTED For the t". 8. marine corps. mn between aires 21 and 3.; nn oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster In postofllce of nny county seat In tho state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. B MN45 S3ix WANTED Car builders, repairers and truckmen. Cudahy Fucking Co.. snuin Omaha. B-MS40 A3 ROOFER To do new work and repair Roofing Co., Lincoln, JX MS05 aug4 work. Nichols . Neb. WANTED Teams at C. B. Havens & Co.'a yard. 14th and Webster Sts. B MSS6 Autr4 WANTED FJrst -class meat cutter, city ex erience and references required. Address l!1, Bee. B 124 Alx WANTED Two men. Omaha Box Co., B J3o Al East Omaha. WANTED An experienced tinner and plumber; permanent position for rignt man. Address A. A. Becker, Wlsner, Neb. B-M153 2 WANTED Two able bodied men not afraid of work; permanent position for rignt partv. Call on foreman A. Booth & Co.. "130S Leavenworth St. B M161 lx WANTED Two men to travel for Minne apolis wholesale house In this territory; HO per week and expenses to start; ex perience unnecessary; will arrange for personal Interview; address at once with self-addressed stamped envelope, F. W. Pott. Minneapolis. Minn. B M165 5x WANTED FEMALE HELP DRESS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell System. Iu23 Farnam. C-Altx At WANTED A cook; good wagea, small fam ily. 11 Park Ave. C-3J0 WANTED Experienced- cloak salesladies fur fall season; none other need apply. Addresk K b, Hee. C 431 WANTED Woman cook, 136 per month; must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Bee. C MSi WANTED Girl for general housework. C 142 1 2MJtl Dewey Ave. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, where a second girl is Kept; good salary;' family of three. Fred Hall, care Peoples Btore. C Mitts 6 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By refined, cultured woman. position aa housekeeper c . governess; best of references. L-22, xee. A 111 Aug Ex WANTED Situation as bookkeeper by young married man; good penman, best reference. Address Box 6, Osceola, la. A-166 lx WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Two or three experienced sales men or saieaiaaiea, or botn, to take charge of a well selected stock of high grade pianos In best town and country In cen tral Nebraska of 10.000 Inhabitants; good salary and commission to right party; state experience, age, nationality, refer ence, etc., first letter. Cash Williams Music House, Hastings, Neb. L-M864 aug4 TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell fancy leather gooda In Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma; only experienced sales man In said territory need apply. Address A. L. Reed Company, Richmond HIU, New York City. N. Y. L M852 I AGENTS WANTED WANTED Agents to represents us in the sale of our western Kansas lands. Globe Land & investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. la. J M44o Aug IV WANTED Ladles or gentlemen, to sell la dies' embroidered ahirtwaist patterna and alao other noveltlea to the public; no In vestment; can make $10 to $15 dally; don't tarry and lose a good thing; we answer all mall orders. Inquire of The U. S. Em broidery Works, luvtt a 15th St. J M9S0 Aug4 WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu cation to travel and collect for firm of tJfi.(.) capital. Salary, $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced; references required Address, with stamp. J. A. Alexander, omana, isen J 152 3lx PATENTS F. J. LARSON CO., patent lawyers; patent dook ire, xice ning., uinana, is to. 6HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings. patterns, castings, machine work. eV4-6lj b. luia st. a PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional investment tu., a uougiaa uia. 11'!' Augi 'CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER, 611 First ttat. Bank. Power plants, manufacturing processes. Ice plants, tests. Inspection, reports. M-974 All PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars. & JOKVE, Capitol Ave. 4 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co., law Howard. Tel. Douglas Soul. -2S9 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. 110 S. 1TTH. 981 Al M974 All PLUMBING BUY plumbing auppllea direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first, class gooda handled. Prompt attention to every order, beqd for catalogue. B. T. Karol. Ui llarrisva Hi-, Chicago. 111. -UM7s STRANGE YOU JUST TRY A BEE customer, a: FOENTFURNISHED .ROOMS CEWET European hotel. 11th and Farnam. B 132 Doug. 611 0. M. E. naul Trunks b a i Thurston hotel: rooma 11.60 up per week. E 2J5 FOR REllT 1 or I beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 611 Broadway. Co. Bluff. K M12S FT'RNIPHED room In new modern house. ng rouglaa St. E 3o CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave., aouth front, rooma with or without bonrd. E MfjJ FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-3 VIENNA hotel; private dining room, cafe. NICELY furnished cool room, excellent board rates reasonable. The Rose. 2020 Harney St. F-M97 A27x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 1 rooma; 23d. both. Tlzard, 1-0 N. G-M131 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest orlces. Tt-L Douglas 1GJ. Schtuoller & Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-U13 farnam. D iM ITHTTKFSl'n " port of the city. The HUUOJiiOy. y- Davia Co.. oub aee Blug. D io (inTTlTUin all parte of the city. Ri UUUOjOc Peteia & Co.. Bee Bldg. D C HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Bk. 1 241 THE Omaha Van 4 Storage Co.. pack, move and Btore H. H. ooda; storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Douglas ISM. D-242 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14i. Office, 1713 Web ater St. D-:4 SEE us when shipping household goods 10 large cities weat. We can save you money. KXPKESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug, llfi D 244 CENTRAL 4 or 5-room flats. Tlzard, i2 N. 23d. 1 aaoii SEVERAL at $11 to $2S. Chris Boyer. 12nd and Cuming St.; 'phone Doug. 20. D sfl -- ONE 6 and one 6-room cottage, on paved street; rent, $25 per month; Inside prop erty; price, $2,100. One 6-room cottage; p;wed street, brick walk, city water and sewer; price, $l,3o0. MCAGLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1506 Dodge St. di57 , STORAGE ROOM FOR RENT Good lo cation, with elevator. 13th and Jones. Brown Truck Co. D 116 Ag5 CTDPAHP Maggard Van and StoruK OlUiiVUrj COi .Aei )OUgi-iu3U-Hii D M6ti4 AUKi 414 S. 29 ST., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. John N. Frenxer. Opp. old P. O. D M416 EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, on paved street, flrst-class neighborhood; good condition. Price. $37.50 per month. Will be vacant August 1. M. J. Kennard A. Co., 3OSM0 Brown block. D MaSO AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household goods stored; dry rooms, low put. 'Phone 1062. 1106 Farnam. D-M131 FOR RENT Brick house within 2 blocks of court house, 8 rooms, absolutely mod ern. Apply Elmer J. Neville. 301-2 Ne ville blick. D 139 COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO. Storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city, immediate aiienwon ivi-n. 1629-S1-33 N. 16th St. Tel. Dmiglas 4C19 D Ml 63 A 31 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city Dan building. 41 1 n. lain St.. bourn unnna. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlxard, n. aa. iXLvm STORE ROOM for rent. 401 8. 15th, Or. pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball, 15U Dou. bis. SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing, 22JUUO; 1. floors and basement; luub Farnam. inquire 114 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 1-2 IS DESK room for rent. 544 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT One 4-story brick atore with cement basement and good elevator; U07 Douglas. Building will be put in good order at once. Inquire at 1A Douglas. John Llnder. 1 M 623 ROOM 20x50. rear. $17 S. loth St. 1869 1127 FARNAM ST. Large store room and basement, in new West Farnam St. re tain district; $35 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM. 1-141 11 2127 FARNAM ST., Urge store room and baaemeni in r.ew west h arnam, St. re tail district; Via per month. GEORGE & CO.. 1001 Farnam. 1-148 31 FOR RENT ACREAGE TWENTY acres with house and barn. Ill S. 16th St, M159 LOST LOST Gold brooch. In shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee office. Lost M376X LOST Black Cocker spaniel pup; tag No. 27K2; suitable reward. Phone Douglaa 6641. M loo .tlx LOST Saturday at Christian Endeavor picnic at Bellevue, small epen face watch. Ketu.-n to McCoy & Co.. 1114 Dodge St and receive reward. Lost 134 augl L08T Grip, between 27th and Cuming and Courtland Beach; reward for return to Gem I A very Stable, 1718 Cass St. Loat-M162 1 LOST Tuesday, about noon, gold mono gram locket, near 16th and Farnam Sta. Reward if returned to 722 N. Y. Life Bid. Loat-168 1 LOST Small female Call Douglas 1962. 'fox terrier: reward. Lost 133 LOST On road from Forest Lawn cem etery, probably near Fort Omaha, lady's dark leather handbag containing a blue enameled and gold case watch. Liberal reward If returned to Mrs. George A. Hoagland, 48th and Cass Sts., Dundee, or Tel Harney 199. Lost M176 1 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE ring horse, with English folding-seat trap and harness, as good as new; very reasonable price. Dr. Pribbenow, Z14 Karbaeh block. r 5u9 B. lith 8:. P-M47 3x LAW & COLLECTIONS 1. U. Macfarland, SOI N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug lx- tl DRESSMAKING Woodruff at Arnold. 513-14 Neville Blk. -M47S A OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, ill N. Eeu. Uk L Tek CAN'T GET OUT IVflNT AD AND QUICKLY FIND A CASH a: a: a: a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CHOICE INVESTMENT. $4,600 Two , story stone and brick houses; brick walls In front; one story stone, near 20th and Lake; half block from car; good condition; 9 rooms each; cannot be built for $6,500; will rent for $56; we say with confidence that thia Is an unusual bargain even for us. CHOICE HOME. $2,800 Owner says sell at once his 8-room all modern, south front home on Clifton Hill; half block from car; full lot and barn; fruit trees, shade trees; new fur nace with hot water pipes In furnace; could not build thia place today and buy lot for $4.B00; let us show It to you. la your furniture Insured? Have you seen our policy covering sickness or accident? Ask about It. N. P. DODGE & CO., BEE BLDG., 1714 FARNAM ST. BE 158 2 ONLY A FEW LEFT The fine, sightly lota at 48th and Military Ave. are nearly all gone. Those still unsold will go for from $150 to $260 each; $25 down; $5 per month, without Interest; on the Walnut Hill oar line; paved street and with city water. See us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1711. RE MS05 augl TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x2234, on U. P. track, at 5th and Jones Sts., $12,000 will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS. BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. H.E-451 SAMPSON & SONS, 608 Bee Rldg 'Phone Douglas 3S60., BUY, SELL. AND RENT PROPERTY. RE-M962 FOUR CHOICE Building Lots $400 Each. We sold all of our lots last Saturday In our 2d addition nt N. W. corner 24th and Fort streets, excepting 4 on 26th nvenue, north of Fort. We will offer these for sale at the same price and on easy terms of $10.00 cash and $10.00 per month. These have city water and gas. Sewer now being put In. You cannot And any better bar. gains than these In the north part of tha city. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Ground floor Bee Bldg. RE 143 31 $750 Your Choice of Three Lots On Cuming street, between 42d and 43d, f laved street, sewer, water and gas, good ocatlon, no specials to pay. These are bargains. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St Ground floor Bee Bldg. RE 144 31 DON'T, WAIT For a new ahstraof company to make your title from the beginning. We have your title already on our books and can make an abstract on short notice at low price. MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY. 1714 Farnam Street. RE 160 31 Something New and Cozy Two new 6-rooni cottages on full south front lots, V4 block from Harney car line, on 33d St. Bath rooms, electric lights, In fact, everything neat and mod ern, except, furnace. Price. $2,000. Terms to suit. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. RE 145 21 BENSON ACRES. ON EASY PAYMENTS Choice acres (equal to six city lots) two blocks north of Country club and Benson car line, suit able for fruit, garden truck, poultry or suburban home. Price, $400 to $550. Terms, $50 down, balance very easy payments. Call for particulars. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. RE Ml 61 i A Good $6,000 In vestment l-room modern house on Harney St.. near 34th, oak flnlRh. mantel and lavatory on first floor; rented until fall of 1907 at $50; nothing to pay from Income but taxes; property increasing in value; cheap price for quick sale. Owner wantS'the money for another purpose. J. H. Dumont & Son 726 N. T. IJfe. 'Phone Doug. 12H9. RE M164 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has the reputation of making the best ab stracts in Omaha. Always get figures from them before ordering. Call at our office. 1714 Farnam St., or telephone Dug las 29. N P. DODGE, JR.. President. PETER J ESSEN Secretary. RE 1701 Home or Investment Five-room house, and lot 46x160, In good shape; water in kitchen; located con venient to Missouri Pacific shops; on bluffs; 16 minutes' car ride from retail center. Address L 26, Bee. RE-M177 2x FOR SALE FARMS Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60,000 acres of tine wheat lands, $4.00 to 116.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Globe I.nd and Investment Co., Omaha, Nab., and Sioux City. la. HM tJl Alt SINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands In westers Ka. braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and eaay terms offered, tba opportunity will soon be gone. ' Special excursion ratea to the lands. For further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCT. US South Uih SU. Omaha. Neb. U-U 129 S OF BUSINESS a a a a b PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION A I.L kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or Itching pile. A guarantee given in every cape treated by lr. Max well, who ha had twenty-live years' ex perience In treating pile. Hundreds of testimonials given on application. 624 Ree Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 1424. U-M174 Ag31 FAIR, healthy, satin skin bestowed by 8atln skin cream and Satin skin powaer. c. L ANT POOR G1RX, In need ot a friend call rr write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 1824 N. 21th St.. Omaha, Neb. U M100 TRT KrcLLY'S Laundry. 1520. 'Phone Douglas U tit DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. I S. 15 Far nam. L 171 PRIVATE connnement home; Mrs. Dr. King. 2011 N. list St. TeL Doug. 3o9.j.j PLEATING S ALL KINDS, lucning. tr.mhrntderin. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink. Ing, only 5c per yard, bond lor price list and sample. GOLMAN PLEATING CO.. 100 Douglas Block. Tel. touIIas21p CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 254. 111 lUhU8i2S0 LAUNDRY PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Uardell. 2216 Charlea. TeL Doug, THE Salvation Ar-n V solicits cast-off 'othlng; In fact, anything you do n? need. We collect, repair and sell, at in N. 11th St., lor cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon win cau. u M AnNF.TIf! OSTEOLOGY. Mrs. Rlt Room 2. 2d floor. U M361 A1S FREE medical and aurgicat treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th nnd Davenport Sta. Special attention paid to connnement cases. All treatment su pervised by college professors. Phons Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE City Garbage Co. Office. 14th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas L7. , U-282 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San Itarluin. 728 Flrat Ave., Couni.ll Rlufta, la. TeL 774. U-322 SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer. Ill Bee Bldg. U-2M OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U-2S4 M A nNF.TTr: treatment bath. Him, . U M&3S Aug lux SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. U 8a WE RENT sewing machines at 11 per week: wa soil second-hand machines $5 up. Nebraska "Cycle Co., corner lath and tiarney. xei. nougias aura. u zs LADIES, If despondent or In trouble are given sympathy, counsel and aid. Room 2, 1 So. 15th St., Omaha, Neo. O M69 AX DRS. VOGEL. private hospital for women and lor ladies bvtore and during connne ment. 2319 S. 13lh St., Omaha. Neb. U-MJt: Aug. 17 MAGNETIC M"' ,4,iLN' U M800 auglt WANTED Free attractions for street fair. August if and 18. Address John i . Hume, Cortland, Neb. U M132 1 PERSONAL Tne doctor who cured me of Asthma and Hay Fever will not let me publish his name. I suffered all but death from childhood to manhood; tried every thing I heard of without help, and 1 tell you I feel thankful and propose to let other folks know who cured me. If they write. Wm. P. Stokoe. Scottsvllle, New York. U WANTED Bid 1 from contractors for a two-story brick addition to the high school building at Exeter. Plans on hie with J. S. Blouch, secretary of the board, Exeter. Neb. U M166 2 CHIROPODIST-Dr. Dunbar, 206 Neville block; halrdresslng, etc. Douglas 6170. U M149 Aug30 RUPTURE CURED Our new ELECTRO GALVANIC treatment cures rupture In 30 to 60 days without pain or detention from business. Our "Home Treatment," after one visit to our offices, enables you to cure yourself at home. Write for free booklet or call at our offices. The QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 511 Woodmen of the World build In U M lflO MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer tor men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 287 DR. PRIES, Wlthnell Blk., 15th and Har ney, room 2. Treats successfully diseases and Irregularities o' women, recent ur long standing. Doug. 176 64 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, i and iti per cent loans on real estate; no delay W-26J MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-264 WANTED City loans and warrants. VvT Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 26J BUILDING loans on residence properly; I per cent. W. ii. Meikle. Rtunge Blk. W-266 LOWEST RATES Bemla. Paxton Blk. W-2.7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Weed. 1620 Doug. W i $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rest, dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay, 'ihomas Uicuuan, H. 1, N. Y. Ufe. W--A WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ec Co. W-270 City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y L W-271 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H, Thomas, bub First National Bank Bid. VV 273 LOANS made on Omaha Improved property: also for building purposes. Hastings oc Heyden. 1704 Farnam. W 171 1 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED A 110,000 loan on first class real estate security; 6 per cent Interest. Wilts Box 114. Red Cloud. Neb. V 1; 5x WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY. SECOND HAND FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, doming and shoes. Pay tne peat prices. TeL Douglas-3:i7l, N Aug AUTOMOBILES FIVE-PASSENGER touring car. fully equipped, standard make, 16, good as D'-w; aiso 16-h. p. runabout, fine condition, will sell ft..' cash or real estate. Address J 44, Pee. M 9T9 CLAIRVOYANTS HUE. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St.. upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. S-7?7 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets sverywhere. P. 11. Pbiibia. Faruaiu. 'Phone D" 4 to. DEATH NOTICES CAMENZIND Mrs John, axed !U years Funeral Wednesday. Aug"st 1, at lo-Sn a. m., to Pt Bernard church. Benson. Neb. Interment German Catholic cemetery, South Omaha. HANSEN John, aged 4" yrars. Funeral Wednesday st 2 r. m.. from his residence In Benson. Friends Invited. KINKEAD James W.. July SI. l!w. aged A years. Funersl from residence, !v7 Charles street, Thursday. August 2. at 9 a m In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend In vited. NEtSON August. July JO. aged 47 year Funeral Wednesday, August 1, at 1 p m. from Bralley Dorrance's chapel. Twen tieth and Cuming street. Interment For est Iytwn cemetery. Friend Invited. FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. Don -0 1261 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 621. VIM Aug4 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change. If you have a farm, home, business or prop erty that you want to sell or exchange write us. OLOHE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-M172 Aril 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Addrw G (4, care of Bee. Y M761 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about $5,000 cash required; sales $22,000, profit $6,000. Address K-47, Bee. Y M56o Aug21 s FOR 4ALE-$3.K)0 stock of racket goods In one of the best towns In central Iowa; Inhabitation 2,500, doing good cash busi ness; established 8 years; cheap rent; the only storo of the kind In town. Reason for selling Is sickness. Address Box 63, Eldora, la. Y-MS46 A3x FOR SALE Good Pyln " business, only one In town. 2 people, northwest Iowa; snap; must be taken Immediately; selling account health. Address L 23, Bee. Y 136 llx WANTED Man with email capital, to Join me In an established manufacturing busi ness, shirts and gents' furnishings for the trade; 110ft per month and expenses to good,' sober man; experience unneces sary If able to furnish good references. Address L 2. Bee. Y-M154 FOR SALE A first class Job office with A-l newspaper plant in connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; Job type all new; doing good business; excellent reasons for selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, or come, as this snap will not last long. Prices low. Address Box 616, Hastings. Neb. Y-M146 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO COAL DEALERS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the secretary of the State Normal School Board until 9 a. m. August 22, 1906, for the furnishing of coal for the normal schools at Kearney and Peru for the year ending Sept. 1, 1907. For specifications write the president at either institution or Luther P. Ludden, sec retary. Lincoln, Nebraska. A-1-2-S-4-6 When You Write to Advertisers remember It takes only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw their ad In The Bee. RAILWAY TIME CARD UKIOil STATION TENTH AND MAItCT Union Paclflo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a v:4u am a :1S pra The China and Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm a :30 am California & Oie. Ex.. a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am al0:45 pm Fast Mull a 1:66 pm a 3:80 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Beatrice Local b 1:16 pm b 1:00 pm Cblcaato Great Westers. ft. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm T:10a.m St. Paul & Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11:50 pm Chicago Limited 6:40 pm t:o0 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express 1:80 pm 8:30 pm iblcuifo at Northwestern. Local Cedar Rapids a 7:06 am a 1:00 pm Chicago Dayligiil a &: am 11:30 pm Chicago Limited a :S pra 9:lo aun Carroll Local a 4:32 pm t:o0 am Kl Paul Fast Mail a 8:26 pm i :uoam bioux C. Ac St. P. Local. b 1:U) pm a 9:16 am Fast Mall :0 pm Chicago Express a 6:50 pm a 7:80 am Chicago Limited all.uo pm 11:16 am Norfolk Ac Bonesteel ...a 7:40 am 10:15 am Lincoln oc Long Pine... a 7:40 am lu:36 am Caster Ar Wyoming. ...a 1:00 Dm a 6:06 Dm Deadwood A Lincoln. ..a I:u0 pm 6:06 pm Hastings A Superior. ...b 1:00 pm 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion b 6:02 pm bl2:40 pm Chicago Local ...4 all :0 am 1:46 pra Shoshonl Express al2:S0 am a 6:00 am Twin City Limited 7:60 am 10:00 pre Illinois Central. Chicago Express . Chicago Limited . I ...a 8:00 am a 1:66 pm ...a o:ou pm a V v am Cnicatfo, Hock Island Pacific. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 1.2 am a 7:10 ara Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 6:16 am alO lO pm Iowa Local bl2:16 pm b 9:65 pm Chicago (Eastern Exp.). a 4:06 pm a 1:45 pm Chicago ilowa Limited). a 6:35 pm al2:10 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 am a 1:16 am Colo. & Cal. Express. ..a 2:01 pm a 1:66 pm Okl. & Texas Lxp a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm Colorado Fast Mail al0:10 pm a 7:36 am a' dally, b daily except Sunday. Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paal. Chi. & Colo. Special. ...a 7:65 am a 7:30 am California Ore. Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a l:li pm Overland Limited a 6:35 pm a 8:20 am Marlon & Cedar R. Loc.b 6:45 am bll.OO pm Missouri Pacific. St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 pm K. C. 6c St. L. Express.. all :16 pm a 6:00 pm Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 1:40 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Blurts; a :16 am al0:S0 pm Sthiib.ury Local ifrom Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:30 am Bl'RLIXOTON STATION lOth fc MASON. Burllagton. Leave. Arrive. Denver A California.... a 4 lu pm a 4 90 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a b:30 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm a 9:i am Northwest Express all:10 pm a 6:30 pra Nebraska Express a 10 am a 7:40 pm Nebraska Local a 8:00 am L.iricoiii i-ooai a 9:0 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:o0 pm al2:a pm Ft Crook Plattsm'h..b 1.50 pm blu:26 ara lie'ilevuv Plaltaiuh..a 7:oo am a 8. JO am Denver Limited a 7:10 am Bellevue Ac Pac. June. ..a $.30 am a 8:30 am Bellevue & Pac June. ..a 9:10 am a 1:50 pm Chicago Bpeciul a 7:k am a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 8:45 pm a $ 56 pm I Chicago Flyer a e:uo pm a :aam ! t.i laical a 9:15 am a 10:53 pra ti Louis txpreas a 4.45 pm all 30 am Kansas City-Si. Joe....al0 46 pm a 6:43 am Kansas Cily-St. Joe. ...a 9.16 am a 6.10 pm Kaisas Clty-St. Joe a 4:48 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 10tb WEBSTTH, Chicago, St. Panl, Minneapolis Omaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b 6.30 am b 9:10 pm Sioux Cltv Passenger. ..a 2 00 pm all 20 ara Emerson I-ocal ..b 6:-0 pm b 9 10 am Emerson Locsl .... MUsonrt Paelne. Nebrsska Local, Weeping Water . ...e 8:45 am e 1:50 pro via ..b 30 pm bl2:30 pre a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, d Dally eicept Saturday, c Sunday only, a Daily except Monday. OCE4.S STEAMERS ORIENT Clark's tth Annual Cruise Feb. '07. 7n daya, by chartered a. 8. ' Arabic " 16.000 tons. 8 Tours Round the World. FRANK C. CLARK. 96 B way. N. T. HONOR FOR SCOUT -ORATOR Datid City Chaat&nqna Confers Distinct Compliment oa Captain Jack Crawford. HERO OF PLAINS NO ELOQUENT LECTURER t atatored la Letters or Art, He Picked I s What Others Threw Away and Made Hlaa aelf Versatile. Captain Jack Crawford, the old scout, pioneer and newspaper correspondent, who Is now on the lecture platform, had signal compliment paid him at the David City Chautauqua Sunday. It was the clos Ing day of the meeting and there were 10,. 000 people r.n the grounds Captain Jack followed Maude Ralllngton Booth and other famous persons on the program. When the plainsman finished Rev. Mr. Harmon, the platform manager, Jumped to his fort and declared he had not had enough of Captain Jack, at the same time asking those who agreed with him to give the salute. Every handkerchief waa In the air a moment later, meaning that the captain will give his entertainment lectures there again next year. Captain Jack describes himself aa an 'Il literate, unlnstructed Nebraska pioneer, but he was chief of the Black Hills Rons ers and was correspondent for The Boe In the Black Hills in 175 and 1R76. ljjter he waa chief of government scouts under Gen. erals Crook and Merrltt In the Sitting Bull campaign. Since then he has made a repu tation as a platform orator and entertainer and la as much In demand as Hobaon, La Follette and others of national fame. He has proved a banner attraction at Chnu- tauquaa from Kentucky to California, draw. ing great crowds, which are alternately moved by laughter and teara. Ia hel Fnar Days. Not the least remarkable fact about the man la that he attended school but four days In his life, knows nothing whatever of the formal rules of grammar. Is a stranger to the multiplication table and yet writes and talks as though possessed of a college education. He passed through Omaha from David City to Charlea City. Ia.. where he filled a two days' engage ment. Hla lectures give evidence of a ripe knowledge of history, affaire and the arts. 'I have had the good fortune to asso ciate with refined people and I've picked up what they seemed to he throwing away," said Captain Jack. "Old nature haa been good to me and I love her, else I could not hare written In the Grand Canyon of Arlsona the other day. as I stood on the brink of 'God's ante room,' a poem that will remind the early readers of The Bee of my old broncho verses of '7S and 7. Here are the first lines: Oh, Canyon, grsnd and wild and free. You've got a lariat on me. My soul is broncho-busted, too; My hat Is off; I bow to you. Almighty Hand, who cut this brand. That broncho souls can understand. "That's why. when asked If I liked the city of New York, twenty years ago, I wrote: Like It? No; I love to wander 'Mid the vales and mountains green, In the border land out yonder. Where the hand of God la seen. "And that's the secret of tt all. I guess God kept an eye on me alwaya." RICHARDSON ON GOOD ROADS Secretary of National Society Recom mends Use of Macadam la Dona-las Connty. Colonel R. W. Richardson, secretary of the National Good Roads society, addressed the county commissioners at their meeting Tuesday morning In the Interest of good roada. His suggestions were listened to with considerable Interest by the commis sioners In view of the fact that they are about to construct several miles of perma nent country roads. Colonel Richardson advocated the use of macadam In country road making, be lieving It to be the best for all-round use In this section of the country. He also favored narrow and long roads rather than wider ones, proportionately shorter. He declared all of the width over nine feet In a country roadway was waste, conse quently he advocated roads ot this width In the country rather than twelve-foot roads. He pointed out that the loads always went In one direction, and the teams going In the opposite direction pulled empty wagons and could turn out for the loaded vehicles. In good weather, when the condition of the roads permit, the aver age farmer would rather use the dirt road snyway. A nine-foot road, he thought, was wide enough for uae In bad weather. He cited Instances at San Antonio, Tex., and Monmouth, III., to support his contentions. Colonel Richardson advocated the adop tion of a general plan for the main roads. the laterala to be decided on later aa need for them arose. Y. M. C. A. STILLAFTER WATER First Test Strikes Less Than Half Enough to ' Supply tha New Bnlldlng. Only three feet of water-bearing aand was found In the test well sunk under the Young Men's Christian assoclstlon building and another test will be made at the north end of the building, where the well men say there la likely to be more sand. Eight feet of sand will supply enough water for the building. The first hole wss sunk ninety-seven feet, or several feet Into the bedrock. At a meeting of the board of directors of the association Tuesday the contract wss awarded for the marble partitions and wainscotlnga of the toilet and bath rooms and the plungo rooms, also for the fer raso and tile doors In these rooms and In the vestibule and lobby. The Drake Mar ble and Tile company of St. Paul captured the contract, which amounts to $7,678. The contract for lining the swimming pool, for $9A waa let to F. M. Hamllng of Omaha. The building committee made a report to the board ahowlng that so far the aggre gate of contracts had come within the es timates of the architects. FENCES ARE COMING DOWN Enclosures Are Belngr Removed Rapidly as Possible, Snya Special . Prosecator Rnsh. 8peclal District Attorney S. R. Ruah haa returned from Valentine, where hs had gone to Investigate the land fencing condition!. He said: "We find the fences are coming down Just as rapidly as the cattlemen ran And help to remove them. The country up there is rapidly undergoing a transformation In the matter of agriculture. New settlers are coming in and are brl iglog In smill bunches of cattle, particularly cows. They are tak ing up clnlma under the Klnksld law. There Is scarcely a section In that part of the country but will furnish sustenanc for from fifteen to twenty cows, and there are little valleys on practically all of them that are sufficient for raising small crops and for garden purposes. The cresmery companies are Invading the country and ars buying cream at the farms at good figures and all of the newcomers ars mak ing a good living." M 4 li Ail