Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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This Stock Advances 25 to 50 Per Cent
By Which Time Two More Great Oil Wells Will Be
Completed Either of Which May Discover the
Main Oil Pool ot the Osage Nation and
Put This Stock to Par at Once.
BER 20, 1906.
Stock is Almost Certain to Be Selling at 75 Cents to $1.00 Per
Share by Christmas Company Has Two Great Refineries Built,
Is Building the Third Also Parafflne Plant at Refinery No. 2,
' and Lubricating Plant at Refinery No. 3135 Miles of Main
Trunk Pipe Line Nearly Ready to Pump Oil Through and Es
tablishing the Balance 75 Main Distributing Stations in the
Central West Nearly a Millon Dollars Cash and Ten Thou-
- sand Men Back of This Oreat Independent Enterprise and
, Growing Stronger Every Day.
For the p"t five month Uncle Sam stock
hi been selling at 10 cent per hr. Pur
ina: that time the bit; river refinery. Unci
Sam No. 2. nun been built at Atchison, Kan.,
on the bsnk ot navigation. Also nearly
WO mile of main trunk and lateral pipe
line have ben seetired. also numerous
distributing stations have been eetsbllshed
and Tulsa refinery, Uncle Bam No. t, on
the bank! of the Arkansas river at Tula,
I. T , nearly half constructed, also eight of
the greatest oil producer yet dlacovered In
the west have been developed on 1,100-acre
lot 43 and other Important development.
Including the doubling the capacity of
Cherryvale Refinery, Uncle Sam No. 1.
During the paat five months the stock ha
grown In dmand until during the past six
weeks remittance have totaled for several
different day over ($6,000.00) six thousand
dollars dally.
May . Strike Main Oil Pool Before
Time Limit.
Now, this company I not a stock-selling
scheme, but In good faith has solicited and
received heavy subscriptions from the com
mon people from all over the United States
and Canada and has pushed the work as
far and an fast as finances would permit,
and while the stock should have been
bringing at least 36 to 40 cents per share for
the past three months, has let the old prte
Question that it Agitating Mind of Bail
road Ilea Throughout Country.
Rumors Arm He Seeks Illinois Central,
Oreat Northern, Northern Pa
elfle and Santa Pa Stock
- - i.r to. Get Control. ,
What Is the Union Pacific doing with all
the million of dollars It 1 borrowing?
Thl question Is punllng those who fol
low railroad affairs all over the country.
Jt I learned the Union Paclflo recently
borrowed UC.CC0.miO on Wall street and that
this is but one of numerou loan which I done and offer It as a solution of the
the company ha made In the last few trouble that has been had since last winter
months This loan waa for six months at ' between the sheriff and the commissioner.
i.4 per cent. Why was It necessary for I This would. In effect, give him 35 cents a
Mr. Hurriman, to borrow money T (day each for boarding the prisoner. At
It has been a .generally accepted belief i present he is allowed 35 cents each for feed
that the trensury of the Union Pacific was j lng prisoners and Is required to furnish the
not emy well filled, but that It held plenty 1 supplies out of thl fund. The communica
of money to spare. When the Northern j tlon was referred to the committee of the
Securities company was dissolved by order whole.
vf the supreme court large holdings ot Resolution Introduced by Mr. Solomon of
Oreat Noithern and Northern Pacific stock tn committee of the whole were passed
vatue Into the possession of the Union Pa- j authorising the county treasurer to move
title. , The sale of this stock would have : to the roorn8 provlded for him In the city
ptovlded the I nlon Paclflo with a vast , na nd .owln, nlm to take such fur-
u.ivunt uf ready cash and It was generally . nture he from ,,, prent offloe.
supposed this was done. The question now j Th, ,uperlntf ndent of the court house Is re
alises ss to what . done with the money ,red , k ,n -Involca of the furniture
secured by the aale of those securities and
removed. what Is Uilng done with the large 1 Th. h.rll ..,,,, wiinm u Christie
urns which are being borrowed T
Home wbo have learned of these loans
mad m secret were Inclined to sugguat
that the recent heavy purchase of Illinois
l entral stock and , the stock of several
uilirr itt the lending western railroads which
wttllld 'V frnnri IHhlilnrv Irt Hi. t'ninn .
cine might explain the disposition which
hat been made of the millions borrowed
mid the millions more which were sure.
poeed to be In the Union Pacific strong box.
Honie think It means a railroad movement
by Mr. Uarriman. much more extensive
llign any he has yet undertaken, and that pounds. 12 41; !,0O0 pounds. U.3B. Missouri
It was being managed secretly because of screened domestic lump, 11.2, $2.15 and IJ.90,
the large Interests Involved. j respectively.
ttolna- After Competitors. rr th county hospital the contract wss
Another rumor 1 Mr. Harrlman la not ,et t0 the Central Coal and Coke company
only laiylng up the Illinois Central, but these prices per ton: Cherokee steam,
clsp the stock of 'the Atchison, the Urea t i- Cherokee domestic nut, mine screened.
Northern and the Northern Pacific, with W .00; Cherokee mine run. 13.16: Missouri
the view of securing a voice In theae com- I mine run. $2.48; Iowa mine run, $2.58.
' petlng roads, even If not a controlling one, J 'The claim of the Omaha Electric Light
at .least to have a voice in the manage- ' and Power company for 148718. which was
merit. Thus a community of Interest ' deducted from the bill allowed last sum
could be established by Mr. Harrlman and mer for electricity used by the county, was
some of the worst competition cut off. I rejected. There Is a controversy between
It has always been understood that when ' the commissioners and the company as to
toovO shares of Atchison stock were sold what rate should be paid by the county.
three years, ago for )30.(ioo,ou they were
bovghl by Union Pacific Interests. Thl
, stork 1 not now represented In the as
set of the Union Pacific company. Rumor
had It at the same time that a Uke amount
of . stock In the New York Central wa
bought by the same Union Pacific Interest.
Wby t net's holdings are not shown In any
of the Union Paclflo tables and what is
to te done with them are matter 0f specu
lation. Many recent heavy purchases In the
Tooth Talk No. 56
To those whose teeth are sens!.
t tlve to such an extent that they
dread having them filled. I'll ay
' that I have remedies and meth
ods which enable me to fill or
s crown sensitive teeth painlessly.
There Is no mystery or magic
about painless dentistry. It Is
Imply "careful denttairy." In
my practice I use common sense
and uncommon care. 1 get results.
If you have teth that need at
tention and you want the work
dor. lr. a cleanly, painless way
at a reasonable price come to my
offloe. You'll not regret It.
I -snake no charge whatever
tor elimination and advice.
PR. FICKE3. Dentist, 8R8 Bee Bldg.
'Pkons Douglas 8 ST.
remain In order to make the Investment at
tractive and to secure large sums of mnny
necessary to push the great work rapidly.
However, the old price will not remain
much longer, and as you will notice from
the headline of this announcement, at mid
night Saturday. August 11, 1!, this stock
will advance from a to W per cent. We do
not promise that It will remain at the old
price that long. Down on Eleven Hundred
acre lot 43 Unole Sam drillers were nt a
depth of 1,2.10 feet In well No. 17 Saturday
afternoon and over 1.100 feet In well No. 1.
Poth of the locatlona are within one Iocs,
lion of the big No. 14 well completed by
this company about one month ago, which
la conceded by oil men to be one of the
very largest oil producer yet dlacovered
In the north part of the Osage nation.
Either one of these wells may discover the
main pool of the Osage nation. At any
rate, they are both going down deeper
every minute In territory rich with grand
possibilities. Both of these wells will be
completed before Saturday night. August
11. 190. Should the main pool be discov
ered, or even as good wells a No. 14. It
may put the stock at once to a half dollar
fer share. Can you afford to delay your
nveetment In this stock under these condi
tions T Tou know it will advance 25 to SO
pr cent In ten days snyhow and why not
play safe and forward your remittance by
return mall? Il.niio check or draft sent at
once will pay for 6,000 shares with a par
value of $5,000 and the chances are 100 to 1
that the stock will be selling TKc to $1 per
share, or par. as soon as the next dividend
Is paid, which will not be long.
stock of western road are now accounted
for by these loan of the Union Pacific.
The court will not permit of the ' Union
Pacific gaining control of these roads, but
enough stock could be secured to have a
potent voice in their management and thus
secure advantage in the way of rates and
of avoiding rate war and the like.
McDonald Ask Board . to Let Him
Make Requisitions (or All bat
Prisoners' Food.
t 1 1 .. - ' ,
Bhet Iff McDonald submitted a requet to
the county commissioner at their meeting
yesterday afternoon that he be allowed to
make requisition on the county for all sup
plies used at the Jail except those used In
feeding the prisoners. He cites the recom-
mendatlon of the grand Jury that this be
night watchman at the courthouse In ac
cordance with a resolution passed some
time ago. He will give his undivided at
tention to his duties as watchman and will
not be required to do any Janitor work.
The board let the contract for furnishing
cottl t0 ,he ,lnd'f Pr ?,,CVB- "V!"
Co - he low bldder- on ,he ba'" .f
following prices: Cherokee screened do
mestlc nut, 600-pound lots, 11.15: 1,000-pound
,0,- ' .000-pound lots. 13.78. Cherokee
domestic lump. 5O0 pounds. fl.M; 1,000
Diamond Kater Goes to I.lneoln to
Take I s Residence In
Mrs. Mae Hayes, convicted of swallowing
m tvui Hi a mnnd belonalna to T. 1,. Combs.
' was taken to the penitentiary at Lincoln
I Tuesday afternoon to begin her five-year
sentence. Since the sentence wa Imposed
Mrs. Hayes has apent most of her time
weeping In her cell at the county Jail. At
first she was bouyed up by the hope of
getting financial help to appeal her case
to the supreme court, but so far the
money has not been forthcoming and she
I beginning to lose hope.'
Aanaal EirsMls lo linloth.
Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux
City at . p. "n.. Thursday, August I. ar
riving Dulutti Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August 5. Round trip fare only
$6. Special through trains will be run,
consisting of tourist sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth In sleeping car $1
each wsy, Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable point for a few
day' outing. Boat trip may be made to
many place of Interest In Lake Superior
at small cost.
Persons desiring berth should make
reservations as early a possible In order
to Insure getting accommodations. Apply
to Agent Great Northern Railwsy. Sioux
City, or to Archibald Gray, Assistant Oen
ral Paaaeoger Agent, Sioux City, Is,
tock Mar All He Sold la Less Than
a Week.
The company has nearly eight thousand
(J.nooi stockholders, the majority of whom
re rapidly increasing their holdings and
now that a big advance In the stock is i
certain to occur In a few days nine out of
ten of these stockholders sre almost sure j
to buy more stock. In addition to this the j
company la In touch by telegraph and by ,
mail with nearly sit thousand (li.onoi other I
Investors, all of whom have at different
times written the horn office for Informa
tion and are Interested and figuring on
stock. Pesldes these 14.000 Investors this
announcement will srpear in all the prin
cipal papers of the United States during
the next three days and will be read by
millions of people.
As before stated, remittances In the past
have been from six thousand $.,n00) to
eight thousand S.noo) In a single day, be
side at thl 20-cent rrlce offered to you
over i$32i,onO) three hundred nd twenty,
five thousand dollar have been subscribed,
so don't It stand to reason that with all
the vast strength back of this Uncle Sam
Company and the thotisanda of Investors
already Interested thst the hours are lim
ited at which you can secure tnis stock at
any price?
Onljr a Small Per Out of Stock Loft.
There Is less than S per cent of the stock
unsold. This d rer cent, however, will
bring the company (I160,onn) one hundred
and sixty thousand dollars, and complete
the great work to where
The Income on CHI Sales Will Total
$10,000 Daily.
Tou must remember that thl Uncle Sam
Company Is a strong manufacturing enter
prise right now. Oil Is a necessity. Larger
fortunes have been made In refining oil
than any other two leading Industrie In
the world. Millions of dollars can be made
honestly In the producing and refining bus
iness. If you have money to Invest, and
most everyone has. you better accept this
opportunity to Invest In about the only real
live oil enterprise In the west by sending
your check or draft for from $10 for fifty
shares to $ft.6i1 for 8i',) shares by return
mall, for In ten days' time you will either
.have to pay a whole lot more for the
same stock anil may not ne ante to get
It at ail, for when the stock once gets
Into the hands of scattered Investors It
will soon ao to 76 cents or $1.00 per share.
I Will Have 250 Miles Main Trunk
1 11 rut lino
This company has secured (136) one hun
dred and thirty-five miles of main trunk
pipe line during the past fourteen months
and In due time will secure the balance of
2S0 miles necessary to reach the bank of
navigation, when the company can barge
the oil to the markets of the world free
from oil trust, railroad rebate conspiracies
or the double burden hitherto heaped
on Independent organizations by the world
known and despised criminal trust. In
other words, this company will be Indepen
dent and free and when you Join our band,
now nearly eight thousand strong, with
nearly a million dollars cash back of It,
you secure an Interest In a great enterprise
one capable to protect the Interest of the
smallest stockholder. A chain of three great
refineries and a main trunk pipe line 260
miles long, with barges on the Missouri
river and TWO HUNDRED main distrib
uting stations In the Central Western
states, Is the coming enterprise you are
Foreigners. With lint DaoamenU Hasten to
Farfeot Their Citizenship.
Sally Lehman Wants HI Name,
Frank, to Avoid
Situations, Sack as Ha
Has SnlTered.
Foreigners who have taken out their
first citizenship paper are flocking to the
office of the district clerk to Complete the
process before the new law passed last
June by congress goes Into effect, Septem
ber 29. The new law Is much more rigor
ous than the old one and under It many
who could get In under the present con
ditions will be shut out. One requirement
of the new law la that a formal written
petition In the handwriting of the appli
cant must be presented to the court before
final papers will be Issued. Then a hear
ing, at which witnesses may be summoned
and examined, Is fixed, and It will be
necessary for the applicant to prove some
of the essential facts. It Is also necessary,
unless he Is a homesteader, that he be
able to read and write the English lan
guage. Naturalisation papers cannot be
Itsued within thirty days preceding a gen
eral election.
The Increase of Jnps In this country
during the last few year ha raised an
Interesting question which seems to have
been decided both way by the courts.
Heveral Japs have applied here for natural
isation papers, but have been turned down.
The law provides that only persons of
African desefnt and white persons can be
naturalised. Chicago courts have Judicially
decided Japs are of Malay and Mongolian
origin and do not come within tho favored
classes. It Is said In some places they
have been admitted, however.
The new law provides a foreigner with
a hard or odd name to pronounce can have
It changed at the time he gets his papers.
This featuie will be taken advantage of
by at least one applicant In Douglas
county. This man Is Bally Lehman, and
he wants hi first name changed to Frank.
In Germany, where he was born Bally I
recognized a a man's name, but since
coming to this country It ha led htm
In a MarCarthy-WUaon made-for-you
Butt and there I unlimited ground
for elf-congratuJatlon If you obtain
this world of satisfaction during this
when we're cutting down the price of
our $30 00 suitings one more dollar each
day. For Instance,
AM $0 hl.MMKK Kl ITlMi,
(Except Solid Black and Blue)
We sincerely advise those who wish
to get the real pick of these suitings
lo buy today or Saturday.
Perfect Satisfaction Guaranteed
04-304 Soutn Sixteenth Street.
'Phone Iwugla 1801.
Next Doer lo Wabakk Ticket Ofllce.
easting your lot with when jou join Uncle
Sam. ft take time to do all this great
work, hut you will sve this organisation
hammering along these lines until the high
est pinnacle of success Is attained. We are
In the fight to win and you will win with
ua and place your Investment where It will
help a worthy cause and secure you great
profits at the same time $: will buy
one thousand shares, while the name stork
In a very few days will cot you or $.
Now Is certainly a pretty good time for
you to get busy.
Crowding Work on Main Trunk Pipe
In a very few days Uncle Sana Company
will be able to pump oil towards navigation
over (140) one hundred and forty miles.
This will deliver the oil from eleven hun
dred acre lot 4.1, north, to the Kansas
state line by Caney, Kan., then by Tyro,
Wayside, Bolton, then east by Independ
ence, and on enst to within six miles of
the Coffeyvllle field, and then to the Cher
ryvale relltury, I'nele Bam No. 1. Then
straight north through t iierryvale field, by
Thayer, Chanute, Humboldt, Neosho Falls
and l.eroy, and then straight east to Col
ony, on the main line of tne Santa Fe and
Missouri Pacific railroads. From Colony
Uncle Bam will temporarily tank car the
oil to the big river refinery, and under
the protection of the Just Kansas maxi
mum freight rate law we ran deliver this
oil to the Atchison refinery, I nele Sam No
2, for 24 cents per barrel.
Saving 27 Cents Per RhitoI.
Over this pipe line the company will not
only save 27 cents per barrel, but will In
sure prompt delivery of their oil. A train
load of oil can he run from Colony In about
half the time that It could be from Bar
tlesvllle. Furthermore, a start like this
on the main trunk pipe line Insures Its
final completion.
Oil Trust Knockers Said We Would
Never Build a Mile of Pipe Line
or lieflne a Gallon of Oil.
When this company started to work cer
tain railroad oil trust sheets which are
continually lying about the I tide 8am Oil
Company fooled a great niHny Investors
hv mlslendlnir nnrt malicious statements
aiong the lines of "Never would refine a
i gallon of oil." "Never would build a mile
of pipe line." With all thts abuse and with
every obstacle the oil trust gang could
throw In the way of this Uncle Sam Com
pany, Just the same Its flag is steadily and
safely advancing and the time is not far
distant until it will secure and maintain
the oil trade of the west, and If you want
to advance with It and secure part of the
great pronts, your time Is limited in whlcn
I to Jo. n this company. $100 will secure M)
l shares now, while In ten days It will coat
i you $125 or $150 to secure the same stock,
j Join a winner by sending your draft or
cnecK today.
From Corner to Corner of Montgomery
Uncle Sam Company will soon have over
forty-five miles of main trunk pipe line
and two main trunk pipe line pumping
stations In Montgomery county. Besides
this, when fully completed, will have over
seventy-five miles of lateral pipe lines In
Montgomery county alone, and will also
run a lateral pipe 'line Into Chautauqua
county, and then with a few miles of
lateral Ilnea either way, as the main pipe
line comes north, can rach W) per cent
of the Kansas oil fields.
Into many embarrassing situations. One
of these was on the ship coming to this
country, when he was assigned to the
women's section. He has had a number of
similar experiences, so he wants the court
to let him use a first .name that will leave
no doubt as to hi sex.
Merer Sent a Man to the Hospital.
During the Spanish-American war I 00m.
manded,Company O, Ninth Illinois Infantry,
During our stay In Cuba i.early every man
In the company had diarrhoea or stomach
trouble. We never bothered sending a man
to the surgeon or hospital, but gave him a
dose or two of Chamberlalns Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and next day he
was all right. We always had a dozen
bottle or more of It la 'our medicine chest
Orra Havlll. This remedy can always be
depended upon for collo and diarrhoea and
should be kept on hand in every home.
Special Summer T-onrlat Rates
From Chicago to Canadian and New Eng
land points, via Nickel Plate Road. Ticket
on sale August 8 to 22, a l one fare plus $4
for round trip, with thirty-day limit, and
one fare plus $2 for the round trip, with
fifteen-day limit. For reservation of sleep,
lng car berths and detailed Information,
write or call on John Y. Calahan, general
agent, 1U7 Adam street, Chicago.
97.8A to Minneapolis and Return Via
Chicago Great Western Railway.
Account of O. A. R. encampment, August
13th to 18th. Tickets on sale after August
11th. For further Information apply to H.
H. Churchill. O. A., Iil2 Farnam St..
There is a charm of ease about this te
Jacket which invites admiration from the
lover of the beautiful. The lines are long
and grace-giving, while there Is no over
elaboration to mar Its simplicity. The
Jacket and skirt portions sre laid In two
deep plaits at either side of front and back,
while the trim belt girdles the waist. The
sleeves are of elbow length and the ntck
becomingly low In a V. Embroidered
challls, silk or crepe de chine would he
prettily made up In this way. For the
medium sise &H yards 27 inches wide are
Sixes Si to 42 Inches, bust measure.
For the accommodation of The Oman
Bee readers thee patterns, which usually
retail at from :5 to to centa, will be fur
nished at a nomiral price (10 cents), which
cover all expense. In order to get a pat
tern enclose 10 cents, giving number and
name of pattern wanted and bust measure.
As the patterns are mailed direct from th
publishers In New York, It will require
about a week's time to (III thl order. Ad
dress: Pattern Department, The Omana
Bee, Omaha, Nek
W ill Start ripe Gang No. 2. !
During the past meek Uncle Bam pipe line
men nave oeen crowning worn wnn an
possible hasie and coming through the bot
toms on the Caney river south of Caney
In the Cherokee nation Thla Is a dlfllcuit
stretch of country to work through, men
at times working knee deep In mint, water
ana oil, but are malting neaoway every
hour and another pipe line gang will be ,
started at cherryvale In a few days and
the entire 135 miles of main trunk line
Soon completed.
Cheap Fuel for Kansas.
The completion of this pipe line and
lateral mean a whole lot to the fuel
user of Kansas and that includes about
every household In the state. I nele Sam
company has a fuel oil domestic burner,
and as soon as pipe line Is screwed to
gether and enough light oil pumped to
Cherryvale Uncle Sam will have ready for
Shipment over (Klt) six hundred carloads
of tuel oil and will keep up a supply there
after. If you are a Hansen and want to
burn your own fuel this coming winter get
in line with Uncle Sam; $4u0 will buy 1.000
shares now, while In ten days the same
stock will cost you $500 or $.
WiU Have 2. TOO Barrels Daily Ca
pacity by November.
It will be but a matter of a few months
until at Tulsa, Cherryvale and Atchison
this company will have a combined ca
pacity of two thousand seven hundred bar
rels per day, with a parafflne plant at
Atchison and a lubricating plant at Tulsa,
turning out all the by-products.
Manager in Fhiladelphia Now Secur
ing Parafflne Plant Machinery.
The big parafflne plant at Atchison will
be built Uelore you realise It. Uncle Sam's
superintendent of construction arrived In
Philadelphia Sunday, July ie, to look after
part of the machinery. Thus It goes. Work
Is being crowded all along the line.
Great Strength of This Company.
When you buy I'nele Sain stock you se
cure valuable property, safeguarded by
ttiunt Btrenirrh nn everv Nirle Nenrlv M
l.llll.,n HnU,. . r.H .lh, l,..n.'.n.l
stockholders back up the companj. The
company baa thousands of acres of oil
rights, controls or owns over one hundnd
oil wells, owns and operates four complete
dulling I Iks. has nineteen main distributing
stations In that many Important trade cen
ters in Kansas, Missouri ana UKianoma.
with lank cars, tank wagons, etc., neces
sary to deliver Uncle Sam oil to the grow
ing trade.
Main Headquarters at Kansas City,
Kan., L. 8. A.
Compelled to move Into larger quarters
to handle the rapidly growing trade, the
home oltlce of the company was moved a
few i- . ago to Wyandotte building, Kan
sas Clt. , Kan. From the office you can se
cure permits to visit any of the different
firopertlee. You are requested to come and
nvestlgate, hut don't lose too much time
In doing so If you wish to secure advantage
of the present low prices.
Money Invested Is Safe, and Can't
Help but Increase In Value.
If you have money to Invest and fall to
grasp this opportunity the future will
prove that you made a big mistake. The
tacts are that the Uncle Sam Oil com
pany of Kansas will bear the closest In
Pronounce Falie Enmors of Proposed Oom-!
bine With Lincoln Wholesaler.
Omaha Merchants Inabie to Aceoant
for Persistent Ksoeklsg by
Dealers la the State Insti
tution Municipality.
At noon Tuesday none of the Omaha
Jobbers who are to appear before the State
Board of Equalisation Wednesday had re
ceived the summon, though some ot them
said they expected It before the day was
over. The heads of several of the firms
concerned will go to Lincoln In person If
notice to appear there Is received; others
declare they will send their lawyers.
Indignation was rife among the Jobbers
when it was learned Tuesday morning
that the protests of the Lincoln merchants
before the State Board of Equalisation
on the assessment of Omaha houses had
borne fruit and that the Omaha men were
to appear before the board.
"It looks Just as though Lincoln wanted
Omaha to pay the taxes of the entire
state," said one of the largest local ship
pers. "We are assessed higher than the
Lincoln houses In proportion to the amount
of stock carried and I cannot see why
they should keep knocking at us. About
$1XKJ,OUO of money derived from taxation In
Omaha Is now spent In Lincoln In the state
Institutions annually and I should think
that would make the Lincoln merchant
more charitable toward our people here.
Take away the state Institution from
Lincoln and what would be left?
Stock Now at Pnll Valne.
Another thing the Jobbing house have
their atock assessed now at full value,
and the statements that their taxes are
lighter than those of the small merchant
Is untrue. It is also notably true that the1
local Jobbing houses pay a higher tax
than those In any city of the country. I
have figures which show the taxes are
only about one-fifth as large In Kansas
City as In Omaha and about as low In
comparison In St. Louis, Minneapolis and
St. Paul. New York Jobbers pay much
lighter taxes than Omaha."
None of the Jobbers knew anything of
an attempt on the part of the wholesale
merchants of Omaha to make a combina
tion with Lincoln" merchants to keep as
sessment down on their property. One
aid the report grew out of a conversation
one Omaha man had with a Lincoln mer
chant on assessment, but thst no proposi
tion had been made and that the man was
not In Lincoln as a representative of
Omaha wholesale Interests.
DIAMONDS Frensei, :jtti and Dortge.
E. 8. Otevene Says It la ot I a
creaslno; Business Down
the Rlier.
E. S. Stevens, commercial agent of the
Frisco at Kansas City, was In the city
Tuesday. Mr. Stevens maintains thst th'j
people of Kansas City srs not doing any
business on the strength of the rate of
which the Omaha Qrain exchange is com
plaining, while on the other hand the
Omaha dealers are doing all the business.
"The rate on grain from Omaha to th
gulf, as announced by the Missouri Pa
cific.'' said Mr. Stevens, "is lower tban the
'Frisco rstc on grain from Kansas City.
I do not know why the roads did not meet
the Omaha cuts, which will be effective for
ten days, but they did not see fit to do it
snd Omaha is getting the benefit."
Automcblle Rental Co. Office NUes A
Moser, Sixteenth and Fsrnam. Tel. Doug
las 1H95.
Bands at Krast Park.
Gsrglulo's band delighted an appreciative
audience st Kiug park yesterday afternoon
and taut night. The band Is made up "f
very capable muslclsns. and the two pro
grams wre played In a very artistic man
ner. Chevalier Oarglulo lads very se
dately In comparison to other band con
ductors. He Is a musician happily un
touched with frtakishnes. Every cumber
vestigation. Jt I hsmmerlng slong well- ,
laid plans of sucress. has already secom- ,
rllsbed ten times more than wss expected .
on the start. The management Is the same
now as at the beginning and Is working
with might snd main to make the stock
worth rar. and that Is Just about what
I you can expect In less than a j ear If you
Join our band, and we solicit you to no so.
May liaise Over 9 lOO.OOO During
Next Ten Day.
Tou may Ihlnk that you have all summer
to secure part ot this stock, or that Uncle
Sam stool- la not In demand. However,
a few minutes at the home office In the
Wyandotte building. Kansas City, Kan.,
would Soon convince you otherwise. In
quiries have been coming In by the hun
dreds of late, and now that a day la set
that all must buy or there may be a great
advance, the order for stock will come
thick; and fsat. and, Judging from the
past, all of the balance of the stock Is al
most sure to be sold, while the remit
tance will run at least to $80,000 during
the next ten days and give the i-"iiiiiin
sntnclent funds to put all the refineries
and the pipe line to where big proms will
be msUe. A 2.fn check or draft now will
se-ure 10.100 shares, with a par value of
IW.Ooii, while in ten days' time this same
stock will cost you $2,500 or $.1,0ft Better
consider well before you let this opportunity-
pass out of your reach.
Will Continue to Pay Dividends.
The company has made one dividend
with relineiy No. 1, at Cherryvale, and
dossn't it stand to reason, with the capa
city of thst plant doubled and one Just
twice as large at Atchison, Uncle Sam re
finery No. t and with I'nele Sam refinery
No. 3 at Tulsa, which will be ready to re
fine oil In about six weeks, and with the
help of a pipe line, that much larger dlvl
denda can be paid?
Another Dividend December 20, 1906.
Dividend No. 2 will be declared December
20. inn. Dividends will be paid semi-annually
and increased as fast as the earn
ing capacity of the refineries will permit,
snd there Is no reason why In two or three
years' tlm the company cannot be built
up to a capacity of 18.0iX barrela dally.
The quicker you get your name on this
dividend psyroll the better for you; $
check or draft will now purchase lo.oit)
shares, with a par value of $15,000. In ten
days from now the same stock will cost
you $3.&i0 to $4,200. Better secure part of
thl stock and derive the benefit of thl
advance and be In a position to secure
other advances that are certain to come
In the end.
Your Remittance Must Re Mailed by
Midnight, Saturday, August
11. 10OO.
No remittances will be accepted at price
advertised below unless In the malls by
midnight Saturday, August 11, 1908. A
far as possible mall yours early, as our
clerk will be covered up with mall the
last few day.
Write or Wire for Particulars and
The company ha about eighty picture
taken from real life In the different de
partment, showing part of the great
work; also more complete report. We will
be glad to mall them to any Investor In
the United States or In any foreign coun
try and any other Information de
sired. We stand ready to prove any
on the afternoon program was well re
ceived, particularly the selection from
"Monsieur Beaucalrn" (Kosse-Bucalossl), a
New Y'ork recent success. The evening pro
gram comprised Mahl's "Southern Stars;"
the overture, "Poet and Pleasant"
(Suppe); a selection from "II Trovatore"
(Verrtl); three little musical gems by
Pugno; a grand selection from "Ernnnl"
(Verdll. and the "Beautiful Danube" wait
by Strauss. Slgnor J. Rafueno played a
cornet aolo, "Happy Days" fflchelley),
which was encored, and Mons. and Mine.
Begue sang "Estudl-Antlna'" with such ef
fect that a recall was necessary to satisfy
the audience.
Tho Royal Canadian band played care
fully selected programs, and Is winning
sdditlonal praise with each succeeding con
cert. Sterling Silver Frenser, 15th and Dodge.
Motion for New Trial In Tank Matter
Overrated by Judge
Judge Day overruled the motion for a
new frlal In the case In which the gas
company Is seeking to compel Building
Inspector Wlthnell to permit It to build .1
ga holder at Twentieth and Center
street. Judge Day refused the man
damu asked by the gas company and
the latter demanded a new trial on the
grounfa the ordinance requiring the con
sent IT all property owners within 1,000
feet of the site of the gaa holder was an
improper delegation of the police power to
the property owner.
In overruling the motion Judge Day held
the ordinance waa not a delegation of
legislative power, but a prohibition which
should be set aside in case the property
owners consented.
Low Roand Trip Rates via Chicago.
Milwaukee A St. Paal Ry.
One far plus $2.00 for 15-day ticket, one
fare, plus $4.00 for SO-day ticket, on sale
dally to many points In Canada and west
ern New York, and on August 8th and 22d
and September 6th and 19th to many New
England points. Tell us where you want
to go and we will give you the best rates
for your trip. Call at city ticket office,
1524 Farnam street, or write to
General Western Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Charles K. Bccbtold burled.
Charles E. Bechlold. known In Omaha for
many years ss a printer snd musician,
was burled Tuesday afternoon at Forest
Lawn cemetery. Rev. D. W. McGregor,
pastor of the Diets Memorial church, con
ducted trie services at the residence. fl'J
Pierce street. Mr. Hechtold was 9 years
of age and left a wife and two children.
Pale, Thin,
Nervous ?
Then your blood must be in a very
bad condition. You certainly know
what to take, then why not take it?
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If you doubt,
then consult your doctor. We know
what he will say about this grand old
family medicine. Sold for 60 years.
We have no secrets ! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines,
MA kg the 0. Arer O.. Leweli. htsae
alee Haniifeeturere of
ATI It'S laTB TTOOt Vsr th kair. ATIH'S PILLS For eoortipatiea.
atfitf 8 CHUtBT rnOTOftAL Fot conga. ATKK't AGDB CL'kiPoi naUna ao4 tgaa.
ststement made herein snd solicit 'your
Investment In this stock In good faith, anil
we will see that vou get a square deal In ,
fact as well as In words. The companv
will not sell over jo.ono shares to any one
man snd reserve the right to reject ativ
offer bv returning the remittance. Would i
rather bave fixe men subscribe $2o each
than one man V 1 .000. for (his company is
a common mans organlxation ana win's
s large a number of stockholders among
the middle class as possthle.
In Conclusion.
Charter name of the company I 'The) j
Uncle Sam oil Company.' authorised csn-
Itallr.ation Is ten million shares; par T'lue,
$1 each. The sto. k Is nonassessable and
there la no personal liability, and ea n
share of this stock draws the same amount
of dividends as any other share. James
Ingersoll Is president: J H. Ritchie, vice,
president, and It H. Tucker, jr.. secretar,
and treasurer. These officers constitute the
board of directors References. M
Wslker, president Atchison Savings bank
(oldest state hank 1n Kansas), Atchison,
Kan.; T. R. C'.endenln. president commit
t of fortv. Atchison. Kan; wiipam
Strvker. editor Tulsa Democrat, Tulsa,
I T. ; Montgomery County National bank,
peoples National bank. Cherryvale State
bank, all of Cherryvale. Kan . (he fit"
Bank of Kansas City (Kan), the
Home Slate bank. the Wyandotte
Plate bank snd h Commercial Ns
tlonal bank, all of Kansas City. Kan. Also
vou cn find the company rated In in
Bradstreet and Dun commercial agencies.
Price of Stork.
ID slnrt $ 10 t.nen (iMret $ I "A
ine hro to ."" ilures V)
tn shares U 4.n0 shires l
Inn thsres I"" shires 1.(10
1,000 shans fcOl
Special Offers.
10,000 she res tl .sTR 00
15.000 shnrea I.A00 00
30,000 share b.mi.VO
Monthly Payment Offer.
From the start Uncle Bam Company ha
made It possible for men of limited means
to Join the company, and In addition to
offering treasury stock t the above men
tioned caah price, will sell on monthly
payments as follows:
Shares Six Monthly Tsyments.
60$ 2 00 cash ( 150 each
lot) 3 00 cash 3 00 each
250 7.5 cash Tftoeacn
M0 IB 00 cash 15 00 each So.Oo cash s.0O each
J.noo 0000, cash 000 each
$.000 80 00 cash P0 no each
6.01O 150 00 caah 1&O00 each
18,000 600 00 caah 4"O 00 each
Make all draft, check or money order
payable to "The Uncle Sam OH CoMpany,"
or H. H. Tucker, Jr., secretary, and your
stock will be sent promptly by return reg
istered mall.
For further particulars, write or wire
H. II. TUCKER, JR., Sec.
Wyandotte Building
Kansas City, Kan., U, S. A.
Electricity Will Be Used by Wye-Schneider-Fowler
for Power
In Omaha Granary.
j The contrectlng department of the Omaha
Electric Light and Power company ha
Just closed a large deal with Hermann
Schmidt, engineer and contracting agent
for the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler Elevator
company, to furnish that company with,
the motors which will be used in thl ele
vstor. The contract calls for twenty-eight
motors ranging In iilze from five to seventy
five horse power. There will be seven of.
the larger slie, or seventy-five horse power,
and these will be used for running the ele
vator boot for elevating and unloading
grain. The elevator will be so equipped
that a car ot grain can be unloaded In less
thsn five minutes. One motor will be fur
nished for each machine on what 1 known
as the Individual drive system, so that any
machine can be worked even If the others
are out of commission. The elevator people
expert to have the elevator completed In
time to handle this year's crop of corn.
Aside from Having Sanity Questioned,
Wife Sues for Divorce
front llliu,
Ina E. Gates has begun suit tor divorce
from Edward C. Gates, the Farnam street
bookseller, whose case Is now before the
Insanity commission under the dipsomaniac
law. Mrs. Gates charges him with cruelty
and the excessive use of Intoxicating liquor.
The files acre withdrawn by her attor
ney. An attempt Is also being made to secure
the appointment of a guardian for Gate
on the ground he la' "blowing In" an In
heritance of $16,000 he received from hi
father about a year ago.
Edith Smith wants a divorce from Ed
ward Smith on the grounds of habitual
drunkenness. She asks for the restoration
of her maiden name, Edith McKee.
DIAMONDS Ed holm, 16th and Harney.
The following marriage license ha been
Name and Residence. Age.
Albert Irwold. Omaha 33
Antonla Poullcrk, Omaha 21
Hoy Monroe Humphrey, Omaha., ?i
Mary Ellen Price, Omaha 21
John Ilutfles, Omsha 23
Immth Ruby, Omaha,.., . lit