Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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I '
I "A
ChirrM Hs Had Foea Lett Esyine Omitt
Msrchsnts "Fiisd" Assessor.
Letter, Wkf Finally rrodaeed, -talae
lark Charge Mrrrhinli
Asked ta Appear flefnre the
Boar 4 an Taeeday.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July ai. (Special.) A spec
taeular performance was given today at l he
session of Ota Slate Board of Equalisation
,, when Oovernor Mickey wan forced to back
down from a public assertion that lie had
seen a letter written to a Lincoln man by
an Omaha merchant Raying that the county
assessor In Omaha had been "fixed" by tha
Omaha Jobbers.
The other mcmbers'of the caat were At
torney II. H. Baldrlge of Omaha, who rep
resented County Assesaor Reed and the
'Aj' county board, and J. E. Miller,
heado4i well known retail establishment
In this city, with other member nf the
state board and a hunch of newspaper re
porter aa 'spectators.
Oovernor Mickey ha ssld positively snd
distinctly eleven times In succession to the
State Board of Equalisation: "I stsnd for
the square deal. I'm honest and want to do
my duty, yei sir," and he had repeatedly
made the assertion that he had seen a letter
received by a Lincoln merchant f- im an
Omaha business man stating In effect that
Assessor Reed had been "fixed." and the
Lincoln merchants should "fix" their as
sessor Instend of trying to boost the Omaha
Knier.1 to Say Who Had1 the Letter.
Forced to say who had the letter, Oov
ernor,, Mickey said the letter was written
by J.' E. Bourn to J. E. Miller, who had
shown .It to him.
Othr members of the board who have
rv4 with the eovernor for a considerable
length of time suggested sending for Mr. i
Miller to bring up tha letter, not doubting
f f eoureS, that the governor was telling
the truth.
Miller Makes Denial.
Just before Mr. Miller reached the gov
ernors office H. H. Baldrlge appeared and
Oovernor Mickey repeated his charge. Mr.
Pnldrlge took a turn with Miller when the
litter came before the beard.
"Did you receive a letter from Omaha
that Assessor Reed had been fixed?" asked
"No. sir. I did not," answered the gov
ernor's bondsman.
"Did you show Governor Mickey a letter
from Omsha saying Assessor Reefl had been
fixed V .
"Noi sir," answered Mr. Miller.' "I got a
letter from Omaha saying the merchants of
TJncoln should not protest the assessment
of the Omnha merchants, but It did not
Intimate that the Omaha merchants had
e,xed' their nssessor. It said If I remem
br correctly that the Unonln merchants
should look after their own assessment, but
T will not say the letter In the least re
flected on Mr. Reed. I wanted to ahow the
letter to the governor, but I could not find
It when the governor called upon me. I
hlnk I showed the governor my answer.
ly'' "! Tlia letter also aald the railroads are not
t , ' assessed high enough."
"Now. then, Oovernor Mickey," exclaimed
Mr. Bnldridge with some heat, "you have
made a statement here In front of these
rewrnaper men that Mr. Reed, our county
ersor, haa been "fixed" by the mer
chant of- Omaha to keep down their as
sessment. Mr. Miller tells you and this
honrd that the letter he received did not
ear that Mr. Reed had been fixed. Tou
" have made a serious charge against an
honest official, a chsrge that no man would
wont to stand against him. Now la your
chance to correct your statement. Will you
tell this board and these newspaper men
you were mistaken?"
Governor Mickey Dodges.
. "I will do my duty.': replied the governor.
"It is our duty to. look Into the assessment
of every county and I Intend to do mv
duty. I nm for the square deal, yes, sir."
"Then why don't u admit you wera mis
taken In your chaise against Assessor Reed
If you are for the square deal?" chimed In
Secretary of State Oalusha.
i But Instead of doing so Oovernor
Mickey turned to Mr. Miller and said:
' "Have you any evidence that Omaha
'merchandise Is not assessed high enough?"
"None that I can give this board,"
answered tha Lincoln merchant. "I have
Is rood for on and all A
ulates, appctizea and create good temper. 1 he hap
pieft home u that where health it a matter of course
sickness unknown. .
For half a century UNDERBERG Boone
kamp BITTERS "Always tha same" has been
a boon and blessing to thousands of families.
It tones up the system and keeps it at "top-notch."
Enjoyable as a cocktail and better for you
Ovtr 0,000,000 bottles Imported to U. S.
AI Oraors. Wlas Marckaati, IMrli.
you to strength and health.
You Want a Permanent Cure We Can Accomplish It.
No cnatter how skeptical yon have become over failures of others Do not
heaitata longer We can give you quick relief and perfect health.
Office hour 8: SO a. m. to S p. m. Sundays 9 a. m. to IS m. Consultation free.
Northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute
Northwest Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta., Omaha, Nob.
aaammmammmmauumiitt ian tit kh
agency reports, which ara conflden-
"Have you anything elseT"
"Te, sir; common report."
"Have you anything elseT
"Well, we know they ara not assessed
high enough. If you want to know any
thing more, why don't you send for tha
Omaha merchant. Ask them If they ara
assessed high enough. They can tell you,"
snswered Miller.
"Tour county assessor ssys Lincoln
wholessle merchants are not assessed
high enough." said Galusha. "What about
that r
"Well, send for them. I wilt defend
the Lincoln merchants. Let Omaha mer
chants rrotegt then." said Miller.
The board, acting upon the advice of
the attorney gneral, concluded to Invite
the merchants of Omnha Interested to ap
pear Wednesday morning, having no
power to compel their attendance. Tha
county assessor, however, will be sum
moned to appear.
The letter written by Mr. Baum to Mr.
Miller, which Oovernor Mickey said con
tained the statement that Assessor Reed
had been "fixed." was finally produced, aa
was also the answer by Mr. Miller. Mr.
Baum's letter Is as follows:
Letter af J. E. Banm.
OMAHA. June SO, 190S.-J. E. Miller, Pres
ident Commercial Club, Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Sir It is currently reported In
Omaha your club again Intends to
make a protest against the assessment of
storks of merchandise in Omaha. If I am
wrongly Informed in this, then I wish to
apologise In srtvance for writing this let
ter, but If I am correct I hope that my
letter wlH receive your serious and careful
tlon wl(hln the laM fpw Vf,ars on gtocka
of merchandise is due to the fact that the
railroads, who should bear a large portion
of the burden, are escaping with com
paratively a small levy, and In order to
put the various cities and counties In a
position to raise a certain amount of rev
enue for their current expenses, without
calling on the railroads for a heavy tax,
this last reveaue law was put through the
legislature, so you and we have to thank
the rallriHd companies for the unfortu
nate position that we find ourselves In.
One of the unfortunate features of this
law Is the extraordinary power given to
tne county assessors, which makes it pos
sible, where an unfortunate selection is
made, for mi entire community to be
?'",, ?" hn"l" that is relatively unfair
and out of proportion to other counties
operating under an assessor whose Ideas
are otherwise. I think that It Is generally
admitted that I,ancaster county has been
extremely unfortunate In electing sn as
sessor who has crowded the assessment
beyond any reasonable limit and whose
rulings are at variance with those of
other assessors operating under the same
If this Is true, your reonurse is not
against Douglas county or any other
county of the state, but should be ngainat
the corporation Influence that enacted the
law and against the Individual whose un
usual Interpretation of the law throws an
unusual burden upon his constituents, and
It seems to me the business men of Lin
coln could better afford to' direct their
efforts toward a lowering of their own
tax rather than toward raising the tax
of other counties.
I recall a circumstance of one of your
club members appearing before the state
board last year and testifying that the as
sessments of the was too low. I
believe I am absolutely correct in saying
that this gentleman has not for three
years beon In the establishment and has
never at any time been beyond the office
railing and In his one or two brief calls at
our office did not enter the warehouse part
of our building at all and could not possi
bly havo seen through the walls and par
titions to know 'anything whatever about
the amount and condition of our stock.
Nevertheless our assessment was raised
In an amount which Increased our taxes
several hundred dollars on this testimony
and that of other equally vague and un
certain with reference to other stocks of
merchandise in this city, the general re
sult being an Increase of 16 per cent for
every business man In Omaha.
I am writing you this letter personally,
because I feci thnt you do not realize the
antagonism and hard feeling toward Lin
coln that you are creating as a club and aa
an Individual when you go Into a transac
tion of this kind. I think Lincoln and
Omaha could better themselves hv work
ing with each other rather than against each
other and I have been In hopes that the
recent visit of our Commercial club to Lin
coln might bo the beginning of a more
friendly co-operation, and was much sur
prised at the newspaper articles Indicating
that there would be a repetition of last
year'a tax fight. I hope you will use your
Influence to avoid anything of this kind.
Sincerely, J. E. BAUM.
Miller Indites Reply.
LINCOLN. Neb., July T.-ror Sir: Tour
favor of June 30, only rn" -ito my hands
yesterday. Some nnusu.i' -rk had kept
me away from my desk, he i.-e the delay.
You address me as president of the Com
mercial club, and a little later speak of
writing me "personally." I am, there
fore, In some doubt as to wnether I should
give you merely a personal reply or write
you officially as president of the club. Aa
I did not wish to make the club responsible
for my Individual opinion or conduct, I
presume It Is better to make this letter
a statement of my own position, leaving
the club free to act as Its board may de
cide. You are. perhaps, tolerably light In
your opinion that the corporations are re
sponsible for the present revenue law and,
If It la true that they are, It Is a reasonable
presumption that their motive was not the
dellciou drink ftimr
Csfca, Clata tat l
A i
Tf nt- UN.::'
We onr for every man a life-long cure for
Hydrocele, lilood Poison, Neuralgia, Varicocele,
Skin IMscase, Kidney and Bladder, Urethral
Obstruction. Pile and Fistula,
Nerro-Vltal Debility.
Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases
If you are weak, gloomy, despondent, lack ambi
tion and energy unable to concentrate your thoughts,
lack Tim. vigor, vitality, come to us at once. Our treat
ment will overcome all weaknesa and positively restore
bst. I wish to add. however, that In my
opinion the law is very much superior to
any previous law on the subject In this
tMe, and In all essentials the very best
which could be enscted under our constitu
tion. If you examined the constitution and
provisions covering the raising of revenue
ou will agree with me that the legislature
has very little real discretion. As to how
the law should be executed and obeyed. I
do not think that among honest men there
could be two opinions. The law demands
that all property shaJI be listed at Its real
value "In the ordinary course of trsde."
Such value every merchant Is supposed to
fix or ascertain at least once a year, and
I have no doubt that when Omaha mer
chants take their annual Inventory they
enter upon their booka the real value of
their assets. Every one familiar with the
situation remembers what a deplorable
situation we were In under the old law, and
when the new law went Into effect, the
merchants of Lincoln as a whole accepted
In good faith and returned o the assessor
the real value of their property. I be
lieve the same Is true of a large portion
of the state.
It wss, therefore, a good deal of a shock
to those who had tried to play fair to find
that as a whole the larger merchants of
Omaha returned their stocks at figures so
low as to make them appear ridiculous, it
Is useless to quibble as to how we know
this. Any man familiar with the situa
tion, who has ordinary Intelligence and
posesses himself with only fair means of
securing the facts, can very closely state
the value of any mercantile concern In tha
state. This point I am sure It Is needless
to argue.
When I appeared before the state board
a year ago 1 urgpd them. In fairness to all
concerned, to send for the Omaha mer
chants complained of and to take their di
rect testimony. This, it seems to me, would
have been a very simple end fair way of
settling the matte r For some reason, how
ever, ii was not done.
1 do not agree with you thnt the featura
of the law which puts great power in the
hands of the county assessor Is a bad one.
neither do I think that Lancaster county
should be condemned because It elected an
assessor who, although far from Infallible,
has made an honest effort to obey the law
and his official oath. How can an honest
man swear that he has SHiu.nOO worth of
property when lie knows that he has Kno,
000, and how can an honest assessor accept
his statement? let me Insist upon it, my
friend, real progress Is not made by con
demning the honest man, hut by compelling
the dishonest man to do his duty. All that
the Omaha merchants have gained by their
flagrant undervaluation has been the sav
ing of a few thousands on stste taxes,
which any one of a dosen of them could
have paid Individually without embar
rassment. I certainly agree with you that the cor
porations are not paying their share, but
I want to go on record as saying that I
think their present assessments are fully
as high as the average of all property In
the state, perhaps higher; and that under
our present law more can be honestly done
In that direction. Of course I am not In
formed aa to the personal views you had
heretofore held on these subjects, but It Is
Interesting to note an antl-corporatlon ar
gument from an Omaha business man.
There Is a popular Impression abroad that
perfect harmony has existed between the
business men of Omaha and the men who
preside over our great service corpora
tions, and to a xconslderable extent tha
policies of our state. If the present situa
tion will put an end to this alliance the
new revenue law will not have been
enacted In vain, even though It fall In
some other directions.
As to any antagonistic feeling between
Omaha and Lincoln, If It exist at all, it
must be largely onesided, for I feel sure
that no ungenerous feeling of rivalry exists
In Lincoln. Our own firm has nver failed
to give loyal support to Omaha's enter
prises, having bought merchandise from
your wholesale houses whenever It could be
done to advantage.
In conclusion, let me say that If you and
your associates feel thnt you are assessed
unfairly or are In danger of being assessed
unfairly, wbv not act on the suggestion
which I mentioned above as having made to
the state board last year and come down
In a bodv to appear before them. With
the friendliest personal feelings toward you
and all other merchants with whom 1 have
the pleasure of an acquaintance, I am. sin
cerely yours, J. E. MILLER.
Rains on Assembly.
Tha Epworth assembly began Its meet
ing at Epworth Lake park tnls morning
In a gteat downpour of rain, which
stopped proceedings for a few hour,
though none of the tent dwellers wo
drowned. A number of visitors went to
tha park after the rainstorm, but there
was little doing. .Tomorrow evening
Booker T. Waahlngton will deliver an ad
dress and hundreds of visitors are ex
Demand County Option Law of the
LINCOLN, Neb.. July SI. Nebraska pro
hibitionists held an all day state convention
a't the Oliver theater today, with an attend
ance of nearly 200 delegates. A state ticket
was nominated, with the exception of
United State senator, which was passed
over with the understanding that the state
committee would designate the candidate.
Following Is the ticket:
Oovernor Prof. H. T. Button, Bethany.
Lieutenant Oovernor Rev. J. D. Foraythe,
Cnlverslty Place.
Railroad Commissioners J. 8. McCleary.
Beatrice: E. A. Glrard, Monroe; Samuel
Llchty. Fulls City.
Secretary of 8tate-J. M. Bell, York.
Auditor W. E. Nicol, Mlnden.
Treasurer W. H. Maddox, Falls City.
School Superintendent Bert Wilson, Hum-
'"Attorney General J. D. Graves. Peru.
The platform reaaserta adherence to tha
principle of no traffic whatsoever in liquor,
but Insists that the people have the right
to vote out the saloons by states, counties
or municipalities, and to that end declares
for the enactment by the next legislature
of a county option law.
Declaration la , made for tha Initiative
and referendum: election of ITnlted States
senators by direct vote; for a law prohibit
ing railroad passes and the granting of re
bates; for a reduction of freight rates and
government ownership of railroads, tele
gjrapha and telephones.
Odd Fellows Ptento at Alnsworth.
AINS WORTH, Neb.. July I. Speclal
telegram) Today the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows sand Rebekah lodge
of four counties held their re
union and plcnlo here and a more 'rep
resentative set of people was never seen on
ths streets of Alnsworth. The counties
represented were Holt. Rock, Keya Papha.
Brown and Cherry and the business peuple
of Alnsworth went to a big expense to
prepare floats to represent their business,
which It would be bard to excell. There
was a special train of six coaches from
O'Neill and the crowd wss from 2,000 to
J,)0. There was a game of basket ball
played between Bassett and Long Tine
Bassett won 6 to 0; purse 115. A 150 purse
for a base ball game was played ror by
Bassett and Alnsworth. Score, Alnsworth,
7; Bassett, 3. There waa to have been a
balloon asceenslon but as It waa ready to
go it caught fire and burned lo less than
a minute. No one hurt.
Grandparents Awarded Children.
BROKKN BOW. Neb.. July II. (Special
Telegram.) In the county court today
Judge Humphreys decided that the three
little Eaton children could go to their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Shep
ardson. who reside at Pender. Owing to
the fact that Mrs. IJllls Powers, the aunt,
haa been heavily fined tor maltreating the
two little girls, the judge held that neither
she nor tha father wera fit guardians for
them. The children will be held In the
custody of the sheriff until the grandpar
ents send for or coma after them, not
withstanding that Mrs. Powers has ap
pealed to the district court. The evidence
against her and the father today waa
damaging. Iva, the oldest girl, is still In
the hospital.
Normal at Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb.. July Sl.-(Speclal)
With the opening of the model school the
first department of the Buffalo county
teachers Institute waa started under moat
auspicious circumstances at the state nor
mal Monday morning. The Institute proper
will not open until next Monday. August 6,
and by that time the little folks will
have gotten over the novelty of being
model pupils, and fully overcome whatever
feeling of stage fright may attend their
Introduction to lbs institute. Tbsrs are
yir Amnniyal August
Extensive Alterations Now
Wednesday Morning,
Rearrangement and Reconstruction
A condition of Forced Selling exists for want of proper space. Never hare we made "uch PrlCO Reductions.
Our entire stock of Wash Prrss Qoortg, consisting of the largest
assortment of staple fabrics In desirable patterns .we have ever had In
August. All the proper materials batiste, dimity, mercerized novelties,
pongee silk, chiffon embroidered Swiss, etc.
IRe goods, yard Vc 25c and 35c goods, yiird ....-. IV
20c and 25c goods, yard 10c BOc, 65c and 75c goods, yard. .20c
Embroidered Waist Patterns, each
Hand Embroidered Linert Waist Patterns, worth up to $6.50, each. .S2.50
All Linen Hand Embroidered Robes, were $20.00, each ?.V00
$5.00 fine white Swiss and Batiste Shirt Waist Snits, each fl.RO
$12 and $15 fine white Swiss and Batiste Shirt Waist Suits, each st.08
White Linen Suits at less than the skirt Is worth. Staple, desirable,
$25.00 lines on sale at $0.75
$18.00 lines on sale at .tS
$15.00 lines on sale at $.VOO
$12.00 lines on sale at $:t.0S
$10.00 lines on sale at $2..V)
A table full of dainty White Waists, lnce or embroidery trimmed, each, c
All Peter Pan Waists, worth ttp to $3.00 $I..10
Lingerie Waists, $2.50 ones, $3.95 ones, $1.83; $5.00 ones, $2.15
White Lingerie Jackets Just the thing for evenings now ana
earlv fail Juot half price $3.00 ones, 91.AO; $5.00 ones 2.r.O;
$7.50 ones $3.73
Long Batiste Kimonos, were $1.25, each oOc
Our Muslin Underwear business has been Immense. These Heme
will give an Idea of what we are doing to clean tip stock. An assort
ment of gowns at 98c should be at least $1.25. Another table contains
muslin skirts, deep flounce of embroidery, fine hemstitched tucks, etc., 98c.
$20.00 values, skirts of cambric, with deep India llnon ruffle, cluster
tucks $1.49
Two Lota. I'nprrcedcnted Offering.
All Skirts which sold up to $9.00 for $5.03
All Skirts which sold up to $15.00 for $7.03
Wednesday at
8 A. M.
fifteen or twenty In attendance, and this
figure will be maintained throug-hout the
institute. The little folks sre brought Into
school In a wagonette in the morning and
returned to their homes In the same way
at nleht. The Institute proper will open
Monday at 9 a. m., and rontlnue for a
week. The attendance promises to be un
usually large and excellent Instructors have
been secured.
Will Hohl nt Pierre Tells of Robberies
at Osmond.
PIERCE, Neh., July II. (Special.) Wil
liam Hohl, a prisoner In the county Jnll
from Osmond, charged with breaking the
large window glass In the fronts of th
Osmond State bank, drug store and ment
market on the evening of the 22d of last
June, has Just made a confession. In con
versation with Rev. E. J. T. Connely he
said he had nothing to do wtth the glass
breaking, but that it' was , done by his
brother Fred. He says that after this wss
done they went to Blllerbeck hardware
store and his brother broke Into the store
and stole a double-barrel shot gun and
soma rasors and knives. These h took
home and carried them up Into the attic
of the house and hid them between the
partitions of the house. Mr. Connely took
the confession down In writing and showed
It to County Attorney Van Wagenen. As
Fred Hohl was out on ball the county at
torney and sheriff went to Osmond and
had Hohl rearrested on new charges. While
there they searched the house occupied by
Hohl and found the gun, rasors and knives
that had been stolen by Fred Hohl. Will
Hoh! also said that while here a week ago
last Sunday his brother, at an opportune
time, slipped a file In to him so he could
file his way out. He turned the file over
to County Attorney Van Wagenen.
Ashland n Division Point.
ASHLAND. July . (Special.) The Bur
lington authorities have declared Ashland
to be a division point upon the line, and
Ashland division time table No. 1 haa been
Issued. This Is tha first time table cover
ing regular through service between Ash
land and Sioux City and tha north. In
cident with their order much activity
about the Burlington yards haa been mani
fest. Contractor F. Kati with four car
loads of grading outfit and a large force
of men has arrived and begun the work
of grading for the extensive alterations
now being made In the Burlington yards at
this point. -
Pearson Held for Shoot Ins.
HASTINGS. Neb.. July II. (Special
Telegram.) At the coroner's Inquest held
today over the shooting to death of Wal
ter McCulla, at an early hour Sunday
morning in the home of Barney Pearson,
the Jury brought In a verdict to the ef
fect that Walter McCulla camo to his
death from a gun, probably held In the
hands of Barney Pearson. There were
several sensational features brought out,
In which James McCune of Harvard
figured as the mysterious man. Barney
Pearson will have his preliminary hearing
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
News of Tiehraska.
PIATTSMOl'TH-A gentle, steady rain
has been falling In this vicinity nearly all
SEWARD R. E. Dunphy haa sold his
blacksmith business to I'erry Bradley of
Tamorla. j
PLATTSMOl'TH John Corey has leased I
V. n I) 1.1 I. - I 1 111 . I . i
rriRiii, uuiri mtu win lame puitliun
8EWARD There will be a base ball
tournament at Mtlford and two-day picnic
August 15 and 16.
IXJNG PINE The Brown county demo
cratic convention will be held at Alns
worth on Saturday, August 4th.
BF.ATRICE Mr. Jacob Payne and Mrs.
Jessie Moose, both of this city, were mar
ried last evening by Judge W. H. Walker.
BEATRICE The democratic caucuses
will be held In this city nxt Saturday
evening. The county convention has been
called for August 7.
BEATRICE Two boys named Routh and
Quackenbush disappeared (rum their homes
In Beatrice yesterday and at last reports
had not been apprehended. ,
8T. PAl'L A fine rain, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, fell here lust night.
The precipitation amounted to .89 of an Inch
and wss needed for the corn.
LEXINGTON The Interest In the exer
cises of the Dawson County Chautauqua Is
at fever heat, and the attendance far sur
passes either ot the former sessions.
PAPILLION The first money under the
Inheritance tax law was received by County
Treasurer Morlson last week. It waa from
the John Hahn eetate. The amount was $154
GIBBON Another heavy rain fell here
last night. It Is getting too plentiful for
threshing, as none has been done for about
one week and the grain is still In the shock.
TEKAMAH Deputy United States Mar
shal Sammons was here today on his wsy
to Decatur with a bench warrant from the
federal court for Frank Ingrem, who Is
confined In the Jail at that place.
SEWARD Home talent will give "The
Cowboy and the Lady" at the opera house
here on August 17 and 18. Part of the pro
ceeds eill go la the promoters and lo ice
Thomas ECilpatricEx & Co.
Daughters of the American Revolution and
the Seward band.
BF.ATRICE Mr. Jacob G. Vreeland of
Blue Springs and Mrs. Ellra Feather ol
Adams were married here yesterday in
county court. Judge Spafford officiating.
The groom is 73 and the bride 64.
IXiNG PINE Mr. Orvll Conard and Miss
Thearer were united In marriage at Alns
worth on Monday afternoon. Rev. John
son performed the ceremony In the presence
of a few close friends and relatives.
AL.BION Mike Burns, who was com
mitted to Jail some weeks ago, charged
with the killing of James Grlmlson on the
6th of July, was given his liberty lout Sat
urday by furnishing the required bond.
PL.ATTSMOUTH The republican float
representative convention, consisting of del
egates from Cass and Otoe counties, will
meet In Nebraska City August 16 for the
purpose of placing In nomination one can
didate for float representative.
BEATRICE G. E. IJston, who has been
In charge of the Western Weighing asso
ciation's business here for the last few
months, will return to Omaha to work for
the association. He will be succeeded here
by Charles Kinney of Omaha,
GENEVA The republican central com
mittee settled on August 10 aa the date of
the county convention, when candidates for
county offices will be nominated and dele
gates to the state convention. The primaries
will be held on the Saturday preceding.
BEATRICE The board of supervisors
hcM a meeting yesterday afternoon and
took up the matter of reassessing Fllley
township. After considerable discussion It
was decided to leave the assessment as
turned In by the county assessor two years
FCLLERTON The Nanca county re
publican central committee met In the
courthouse In this city and fixed August
13 at 1 p. m. in the county courthouse In
the city of Fullerton ns the time and place
ior noiuini
ng the republican county conven-
TEKAMAH Deputy Tnlted States Mar-
snai nines Drought Louise Raymond, a
squaw, before I'nited States Commissioner
Singhaus yesterday, charged with intro
ducing liquor onto the Winnebago reser
vation. She was bound over to appear be
fore the grand Jury.
SEWARD Charles W. Warner of Beaver
Crossing, who has been In California since
the spring, died there last Wednesday. The
remains will be brought back for burial.
Mr. Warner was an early homesteader In
this county and was one of the county
supervisors the last term.
BEATRICE Mrs. Blddle, who ran away
from her home at Wymore a few days ago,
was located here yesterday by the officers
and taken to Wymore by her father. She
Is only 15 years of nge and left her home
about two months ago, causing her parents
considerable trouble at that time.
CREIGHTON The barn and granary be
longing to N. A. Reynolds was totally de
stroyed by fire at 11:30 a. m. today. A team
and harness belonging to George Le Branch
wns consumed In the flames, together with
a large amount of grain kept for storage.
I.os on team and harness 3X); Insurance,
SEWARD Samuel Plerson died suddenly
at his home at Bee, Seward county, Friday,
from neuralgia of the heart. He was 47
years of age and had lived In the county
for twenty-five years. His funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilcox of the
Methodist Episcopal church from his late
home last Sunday.
ST. PAI'I I'nited States Consul Max. J.
Baehr of Clenfugos. Cuba. Is here on his
annual vacation. The citizens of St. Paul
are always, heartily glad to greet their
friend and esteemed cltlren. Consul Baehr,
and he In turn, with his usual pleasant
smile, seems to enjoy shaking hands with
his old neighbors. He expresses himself
that the citizens of Nebraska should avail
Ready for Business!
in our old location
At the time of
market, hence
an entire new
Wholesale Millinery
in Progress
So great Is our pressure for room that utaple goods must also b
All Calicoes, the best made, per yard
3 2-lnch Percnl. In dark eolers, 10c grade.
SUple Dress Ginghams, in neat patterns, the 12 V4c and 15c lines. . . .DH
All Novelty Dress Goods, Unen Suitings, Voiles, fine Madras, Crepe.
etc., worth up to 25c, yard
Ours is the right kind. Many numbers which we carry the year
round -mill be Included In the sale, for we must get rid ot the stock.
10c Vests 0tc
19c Vests 13c
25c Vests 10c
60c Vesta S7c
75c and $1 Vests.. r.Oc
25c Pants
35c Tants
50c Pnnts
75c Pants . .
$1.00 Pants .
We will place on sale a reseryc case of the "Empress," the best
seamless stocking 12 He
Gauze Lisle, black, for, pair
Rembrant open work and fashioned Lisle that were 60c, for 20c
AT 10 O'CLOCK All broken lots
lisle, lace lisle and embroidered,
price, pair.
These are now displayed In East Window.
25c and 35c qualities, balbrlggan, rib and gauze 17He
60c and 75c qualities, spring needle rib French balbrlggan, each....83e
$1.00 quality I'nlon Suits 0o
$1.50 quality Union Suits BRc
A lot of striped Madras, wide stripes, to clean the lot, each 23c
Regular $1.00 Shirta, populnr brands ftOe
Regular $1.50 Shirts, popular brands 8c
NECKWEAR Scarfs, Four-ln-Hands, Strings, 25c and 50c qualities
themselves of the opportunity to send Hon.
E. Rosewater to the I'nited States senate.
I,ONG PINE A call for the Brown
county republican convention has been Is
sued. The convention will he held at Alns
worth on Wednesday, August 15th, for the
purpose of placing In nomination candi
dates for county attorney, county surveyor
nnd two county commissioners. and
elect four delegates to the state conven
tion. SEWARD The first threshing mschine
accident In this locality occurred last week.
Will Schleckty. while helping with the
threshing mschine. In some manner fell
Into the self-feed. He caught hold of the
board with his left hand and his position
being noticed by the men the machine
was stopped. It was found that bis arm
waa badly crushed and cut.
Am ION Several large yields of wheat
have been reported In this county, among
them being Frank Clark, whose crop av
eraged forty bushels to the acre. Charles
Raymond of Boone precinct, who threshed
Inst week, reports that by actual measure
ment of the ground, his whest averaged
sixty bushels per acre by weight. This Is
the largest yield yet reported.
BEATRICE The Union Pacific company
has a large force of men employed on Its
roadbed between here and Lincoln, which
causes many to believe that tha company
Is making preparations to put on through
trains between Lincoln and Kansas City.
Seventy-pound steel rails are being laid,
and It is said the work will contlnuo on
south as far as Msnhattan. Kan.
CREIGHTON The members of the
Crelghton fire department, their wives and
families held their annual picnic In the
MeGlll grove west of town yesterday. Pin
ner was served In the form of a buffet
lunch and numerous sports were Indulged
In. The day's outing was ended with a
red hot boll game between two opposing
nines selected from the different fire com
panies. '
LONG PINE I xing Pine was visited by
one of the most violent wind and hall
li lias ferii lor yeaiB. iiib murm
lasted one hour, doing Immense damage
to property In the town, blowing In and
breaking windows, tearing up trees and
leveling barns to the ground. The hail
did a vast amount of damage to toe crops,
especially the corn In the country east of
Ixing Pine.
H. T. Cooper of Lowell, Aired Eighty,
Weds Sweetheart of Youth
In Ohio.
CINCINNATI. O.. July SI. (Special Tele
gram.) After searching for nearly forty
years for the sweetheart of his youth Judge
Howard T. Cooper of Lowell, Neb., has st
last found her and they were married last
night In Columbus, her home. The bride
was Mrs. Josephine Blake, 65 years old.
Cooper Is SO.
The couplo were childhood sweethearts,
but they drifted apart thirty-seven years
ago and up to a few weeks ago Cooper had
been unable to find any trace of her. He
met her by chance while visiting In Colum
bus. During the Interim of thirty-seven
years both the bride and groom had mar
ried twice, this being the third venture for
each. Judge Cooper will take his bride
back to Nebraska, where be haa a large
Itooher dominated for Congress.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. July SI Charles F.
Bonher nf Savannah was nominated for
our recent fire our buyers were in the
we are enabled to reopen at once with
stock of the latest Millinery
. . 10c 75c Suits ROe
. .23c $1.00 Suit 0e
. .80c $1.50 SulU OAe
. ,30c $2.00 Sulfa $1,115
. 0r $4.00 Sutta $2. -IS
of fine Imported Hosiery, plain
worth up to $1.60; our fi00
We Close at
5 P. M.
congressman by the northern district dem
ocratic convention.
Increase Yotr laeome.
Opportunities In all lines of business In
new and growing towns In Iowa, Illinois,
Missouri and Minnesota, along tha line of
the Chicago Great Western railway. Writ
to Industrial Department, C. O. W. Ry.,
St., Paul, Minn., for "Town Talk." and
county map.
Showers In Xebrnaksi Today, Cooler
In West Portion Showers
WASHINGTON. July SI. Forecast of tha
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Showers Wednesday,
cooler In west portion; Thursday shower.
For Kansas Partly cloudy Wednesday,
warmer In southeast portion; showers and
cooler at night or Thursday.
For Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy
Wednesday, showers In vest portion;
Thursday showers and cooler In eastern
For South Dakota flhower and cooler
Wednesday; Thursday showers.
For Colorado Local thunder showers
Wednesday and probably cooler Thursday
and In western portion.
For Wyoming Thunder showers Wednes
day; Thursday fair, except showers In
southern portion.
For Montana Fair In west, showers and
cooler In east portion Wednesday; Thurs-
1,, i-
Loral Rerord.
OMAHA. July 11. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the laat three
years: 1908. IX. 1804. 19C8.
Maximum temperature.... II M II M
Minimum temperature 86 tt 64 M
Mean temperature 71 74 74 61
Precipitation So .00 .00 .22
temperature snd precipitation departures
from the jinrmal m Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 7g
Deficiency for the dav 4
Total deficiency since March 1, 1908 10
Normal precipitation II Inch
Excess for the day 17 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 16.07 Inehea
Deficiency since Msrch 1. 1908,... I.3S Inches)
Deficiency for cor. period 105.... 7. M inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1904 1.78 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. fall.
Bismarck, clear 70 74 .00
Cheyenne, pt. cloudy 72 84 T
Chicago, pt. cloudy 70 76 .00
Davenport, pt. cloudy 80 84 .00
Denver, cloudy 0 SO T
Havre, cloudy 81 90 .00
Helena, cloudy 84 84 .00
Huron. clar 84 M .00
Kansas City, raining 74 90 T
North Platte, clear 84 M .00
Omaha, cloudy 76 78 ,07
Rapid City, clear H 86 .00
St. Louis, clear 81 88 .00
St. Paul, clear 70 78 .04
Salt I .eke City, cloudy 71 88 .04
Valentine, clear 88 92 .09
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.