Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Tef"tl'.oTi'riiraa 11.
End oi
Our Ktork never before held such a host of values, "My, isn't that cheap," is what you
hear'on all pflet. .J-W-ing is ,holieving and you cannot appreciate the great bargains that are
here by utayfng at home, but you must come down and pee them. -Hundreds and hundreds of
vards of choice wash materials are here for your choosing.
LOT ONE... ; ..
Oigsndies mid mulls that sold up to CSc
rr-rturpd to Rc, a ard.
; ' lot TTVt).
rtsllstes, tissues, Irlch dimities and silk
c'nlffnr.s that K-ild up to ". reduced to lftc
m yard.
Z'thi gWhSms, v Ilk suitings, linen do
!--,le nd tissues that pold up to 50c, re
iiik "i 1 1 lap ' yrd.
Lmbrcildersd Ki(, . rilk orgindies and
figuinlr Jsrqusros, that wild up to fioc, re-ii.-e-.l
to ;.V n yard.
In., f sue merit .. '
Stirring News;
Oiy grsst nildsunijci clearing Ml of all
r-.l'jred. and blnfk dress gnods .remnants
ro!iii-Mondny. .jlaiist . The ladles of
OrrsHa know wptj this means when i
,xy ! fvery reirmai ,inu.t go; this means
sevire, sweeping, reductions. No nwtter
how nice the gc.ocjs or what they cost. fiee
CM-.fls rUsjIsied In our' lth St. window.
fvJVe Parabola And Every
- One Must Be Sold.
'i rii!? t. ail thMt.ia left ft m stuck of 3.0
pur&scit j ' e bM- sm'I'ii! to sell those li
v citrlcl-niy If low lines will do It. Head
them then re sum and
fllllllA .itt T I V 1
Wtdi'.f'i.iy rnninliiK. .
One 1 1 1 :i lavender lfi-rib parasol, nov
li tater silk, was, now $5.10.
One plain white parasol, with dainty
floiJrTrsVn. was $7.50, now $5.00.
On T-ilh silk' ptmsot. with red renter
jnd Hretty Terslan border, waa 18.00, now
One l-rlh silk parasol, with white cen
ter nrt pretty novelty, border, was $S.OO,
now Jfcoo.
two. He 'said there 'was' no occasion nor I
c-.lse ' f or" abusing srrybddy and that he
, Hnd 'profound respect' for -both Mr. Perkins
and GoVei4noY Ciimmliis. lie has been say
ting the aa'me thing 'today" to the delegates
whom he meets ' tiept)iers are doing the
k'nme. ' II Is Understood that Congressman
Lacey denies that he ever said he would
rather be defeated skan to be sent to con
Isfiss by' Cummin's .votes,,. Other congress
men present are talking harmony. There
Is nof a 'cbngressTtiart - WhO la not mixing
among .4ha-delegates .and o-unelli)g wise
acting and punctuating the advice with
statements that there should not be two
conventions. - -
f Tomorrow morning a t ( o'clock the con-
giexsinhal district caucuses will be held for
,-t,he- pm pose of making - nominations of
members of the state central . committee,
resolutions committee,' 'credentials commit-,-t
and' permanent, organisation commit
tee. Tbe caiieuses will be held at various
I-.P'"'" dljolrf' tlie city ' arivj' "the -contested
. trtd lllcs Income of the, .districts mar make
.trak aesstona. Jengthy. It. posibla that
the Sixth district caucus may adjourn till
after the state convention has decided
which delegations from, Jasper and W a p
jieljo will , bn, seated. , -
' ' Towner Temporary ' Chairman.
, Tlje conv'pHon will be cajled to order at
Jt1:)) lnatha Auditoiium: .Chairman Spence
will cauee the call to b read and will
then , name Judge Townrr for temporary
chairman,, ; Xhcce is now every Indication
that the Cummins men will accept this un
less the atnte . central committee ahould
ordei;.a fMf nuniber ofthe Perkins dele
gvtlnns to 'be seated. -In that event they
will nanta their, own', temporary chairman
'ttv.S tfier jWill; be two conventions.
; The. time tll the noon adjournment will
be itvotid to '- he address of Judge Towner
of Coining. The committees will then be
aelctedvf by accept In . the . nominations
1 iiutit th,e congressional caucuses and
the convention will then adjourn till - I
o'clock. During the noon reoesa tbe coin-
.ailttees, will begin, their work. . There is
every indication that they will have no
small tank. The credentials committee will
have ;fhf hartesl" "work. ' Thfa once dla-
Tosed'ot the 'homlitatlcfiis will be; made
and' t lie j resolutions adopted. The resolu
tions -wllj be, of tji character adopted for
soiHe Vfdrm In thla state, except that the
tariff plunk' will be about what was offered
riy the 'Cummins men through the press
'the other day, if the Cummins men con-
trol the convention.
shim on State Committee.
,i Het ween discussion of what the state
'.'fomnilttee will do with the contests, dele
gates lo the state convention are dicker
ing on', place on the leading committees.
'There Still be a very radical change in the
make up of the state central committee,
,-;iie to the change in the political sentiment
In some of the congressional districts. The !
ThlrtJ'- and Fourth districts are sure to
have progressive committeemen to displace
stantlpeitlera on ' tie iiew committee.
' In $he : FpurtU dlatf tot J. "O. 'Ilnnpel of
Clayton, Converse of Howard and Howland
vbf Cerro Gordo are all candidates and
actively In the field and ajl ate progressives.
7hy have been In the field for some
time and the change's are even between
heni. Woodrd, the present standpat com
ijiitteeman, cannot be re-elected.
"In the Third district J. Scott Stevens of
V"edar Falls will be defeated by the fact
that his district Is now all progressive.
Jlarry Mitchell of Dubuque, a progressive
ind Colonel Carl F. Franke of Parkersburg,
. progressive, and Johnson- of Waterloo, a i city today. The delegates, numbering sev
j standpatter whose candidacy Is backed by eral thousand, are mostly from southern
yU Boehmler of the Milwaukee railroad, are 1 states.
Trta sulcs-a of TVtley'e Tea is a triumph of purity and economy. It
uoeaesHes the qualities to a greater degree than any other tea on the mar
ket. lYove It for yourself.
, JJcCORD, BRADY & CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha.
(he Season Prices on Wash Goods
Prices Tell the Economy Story
One l-rlb white linen pa rssol.. eyelet em
broidery lirder and lining of green silk,
very easy on the eyes, was 17. FA now $6.00.
, One black . and white striped parasol,
very neat, was H.7R, now $3 00.
Cine- "white linen iarsn, with lira and
tucks, was $T Rfl, now $vnn.
One plain black silk parasol, gray cen
ter, with real light gray border and a
touch of lavender here and there In bor
der, 16 ribs, waa f ui, now $5.00.
One pink silk parasol, with lace tucked
edge, was $10.00, noW $S.nt).
Ona plain "Alice blue" silk parasol, 14
rlb, was IR.OO. now !.!..
One black chiffon trimmed silk parasol,
one of the prettiest of the season, waa
$15 00, now $7.60.
Ah this la the entire atock, you must be
here early in order not to be disappointed.
Main floor.
tans The. New Color for
Ladies' Gloves.
fashion' decrees their comino
We have had blacks galore, white, gray
end In fact most every other color but the
now popular tana. Of courae there are
times when a black or u white glove Is
necessary, but for a relief from the black
comes these new tan shades for popular
wear. Fashion followers of the east fivor
I tllAM .At'V hlffhtv All
the new shades
" ' I IIF. I I, J . 'l
; from a delicate bisc;ilt to the deep tan
shndes. We are ready to meet the de
mand for these new Oloves. Come and
ace them.
Two-clasp Kayer Silk Gloves, very
heavy and Paris point stitching, In all the
new shades of tan per pair, $1.00.
Two-clasp Kayser Silk Gloves, good qual
ities and leading tan shades per pair. Too
and 50c.
Two-clasp Kayser Lisle Milanese Gloves,
We dose evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30.
Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth.
in the field. Ore of the. progressives In
sure of election.
In the First district C. J. Wilson, the
present committeeman, is a candidate, and
hopes to be made chairman if tha stand
patters control. Charles Junkin of Fair
field and Lamonte Cowlea of Burlington,
all standpatters, are candidates.
In the Second district it la understood
that Dave Brandt of Iowa City has failed
and has abandoned tha field to McCoy cf
Clinton, the present committeeman.
In the Fifth district Estabrook Is a can
didate for re-election, and Colonel Dows of
Cedar Rapids and F. L. Anderson of
Marion In the same county are enndtdatfr.
It Is still a question which will get the
Linn delegation. Anderson Is a standpat
ter and Dows a progressive. Estabrook
may be re-elected.
In the Sixth Epps Is a candidate for re
election, and if the standpatters win the
majority of the committee he will be a
candidate for the position of chairman of
Ifce committee. He Is being Opposed by Tom
BrayJ a progressiva.'' ir the progressives
control the caucus In the seating of Jasper
and Wappello, It la understood a break i
will be made In the Monroe delegation that
will nominate a progressive, and Bray will
be the man. If the standpatter control
Epps will be re-elected. '
In the Seventh district Fitzputrlclc of
Story is not a candidate for re-election.
Mills of the same county will be a candi
date with every probability of election.
There waa some talk of a Polk county
man, but the delegates from Polk are dis
posed to allow the fefflce to remain with
the outside countlea of the district.
In the Eighth district Spence will un
doubtedly be re-elected, but evn If the
standpatters are In control of the commit
tee It Is understood he will refuse the posi
tion of chairman. '..
In the Ninth district George C. WrUjht of
Pottawattamie will undoubtedly be aelected
to succeed Asmut Boysen,, . ..
In the Tenth district there are three
progressiva candidates to succeed Stlts X.
Way, who Is not a candidate for re-election.
They are Frank P. Woods of Eather
vllle, George Long of Mansen and Ruch
Clarke of Webster ' City: ' The last two
named are postmasters ' ahd the first a
bunker. An effort IS being made to land
Wooda on the argument that riot being a
postmaster or office bolder of any kind, nor
a candidate, for one. he is a disinterested
cttlsen and should bt selected. He seems
to be in the lead.
In the Eleventh district George C. Scott
of Sioux City could undoubtedly be re
elected if he wanted It, but does not want
It. He may be a candidate himself for dis
trict Judge and in that even would not care
to be committeeman. ' No other candidate
la being talked to any extent yet and it is
quite possible that the position may be
forced upon him again. Progressives are
disposed to give him all credit for the
fight he baa made against Perkins In
Perkins' home town.
MISSOT'RI VALLEY. Ia., July Jl.- 8 pe
dal.) The marriage of J. E. Shields and
Orace Mlnshall, both of. Logan, occurred
at the Chautauqua grounds near thla city
Sunday afternoon. They will, reside In
Yonaa, eroe Meet.
WASHINGTON, July 1.-The Negro
Touni PeoDle's Christian and Educational
1 congress began a five days' session In this
Bee, July tl. 10.
a washable Glove, very durable and com
fortable, made with ' pretty three-strand
stltchlngs per pair, 60c and 75c Main
Women's Union Suits Low
Women's I'nion Suits, mercerised lisle,
low neck, sleeveless, knee length regular
$1 60 quality (all sizes) now $1.00 a suit.
Women's t'nlon Kults, low neck, sleeve
less, umbrella knee regular $1.00 quality
(slxe 4) only 6Tc a suit Main Floor.
Investigate Our Customers' De
posit Account Department.
It makes shopping In this store a pleas
ure; 4 per cent Interest paid, compounded
every three months. We. do no banking
business. Investigate Main Floor.
End of the Season Prices in Our
Cloak Department.
In a large Cloak Department like ours
there are always bargains to be had. a
we are constantly buying and constantly
selling. For Wednesday we offer the fol
lowing: Separate 8kirts, made of strictly all-wool
cloth, beautifully made, of brown and
white check, at $2.59, worth I7.2B.
Petticoats of every description at reduced
Tnllor-Made Suits all at one-half regular
There are still many great bargains from
our great Waist sale of last Saturday at
98c. $1.28, $1.48 and $1.68 all sizes, .32, 84, 36,
38, 40, 42 and 44.
Indies' Sweaters from $3.50 up to $7.60.
New Street Skirts are coming In every
day. The choicest styles are always here
Second Floor.
(Continued from First Page.)
tune to Jump to conclusions ' too' rendlly
and to be misled by men whose assumed
friends for a boyhood companion is not
sufficiently great to prohiuit their at
tempting to place him in an awkward ami
false light before the great majority of
the democrats of Illinois. The men to
whom I refer, Millard Fillmore Lmnlap and
Judge Owen P. Thompson, the leaders ot
the faction known as the Jacksonville
cabal,, are men who have been twice, ut
terly repudiated by the democrats of the
stale. The fact that my name happens
to be Sullivan, is by tar a more potent
reason to them tor attempting to discredit
me than any that they have, or can be
urged. The real reason for their opposi
tion to me, 1 believe,' Mr. ' Bryan lo be
ignorant of.
11 is not the first time Mr. Bryan has
been deceived -by these men. lie was
Inveigled into pleading their, cause two
years go.. lie gave their claims the only
merit they pueeessed by presenting them at
St. Louis. , '.
Whut was the Verdict? He pleaded for
them before a subcommittee of the demo
cratic national committee and the com
mittee decided against them. He renewed
his efforts In their behalf before the
democratic national committee and again
lost his case. A committee on credentials,
composed of democrats, representing every
state and territory In the union next de
clared the men whom Mr. Bryan now
champions to be liars and villlfiers. Finally
the highest tribunal to whom an appeal
could be taken heard Mr. Bryun's plea for
Dunlap and Thompson and the result was
as betore.
Mr. Bryan says I hold my seat on the
democratic national committee by fraud.
That seat came to me by virtue of a vole
of in to i in my tavor. It is one to wltlcn
a democratic national convention declared
1 waa entitled to. If 1 hold my seat by
fraud then Mr. Bryan must accuse Sena
tor Tillman of South Carolina, Senator
Culberson of Texas, Senator Dubois of
Idaho, John Sharp Williams of Mississippi,
Clark Howell of Georgia, the. demo
cratic leaders in the "solid south'' the
majority of those In the east, the north
and the wevt. of compounding a felony-. If
I am unfit to associate Willi "honest demo
crats'' as Mr. Bryan says, then the men
who stood by me are also, and surely Mr.
Byan cannot accept a nomination-which
must come, If come It does, from the
men who decided thst I wss fit ana that
Dunlap, Thompson and the Jacksonville
cabal were not only unfit but ' had lied,
slandered and villitiwd, not myself alone,
but Ihe majority of the delegates -who
sat In the Springfield state convention oi
1WH and by virtue of whoae voles 1 hold
my office.
Even If I were willing to resign as re
quested, I could not do so under present
conditions. If I did after the charges
which Mr. Mryan makes. I would be de
claring not only thai 1 waa guilty of fraud,
but that three-fourths of the democrolic
leaders in the country were equally guilty.
A word as to mv "corporate connections
on which Mr. tuyan seems iu "
much importance. The only corporation
with which 1 am connectea is me wgueii
Gut company, of which l riave me nonoi oi
. , ( . i. .. . .. rtri L, vl Iril'W
oeing yriniueiii. h v " ' ....,
because of a demand for cheaper gas In
this city. ' It gave to the people of the
community for M .cents wnai mey were
then paying ior.
In conclusion would like to remind Mr.
Bryan that the "fundamental principles of
democracy ' which lie speaas nj qo noi in
clude recognition oi ponndi i-z.wumm.
Democrats may have their leaders, the
leaders may iisve their followers, but
their leaders will never be autocrats and
the followers will never be serfs, obedient
to the orders prompted by court favorites.
Chicago Her Wanted to Throw l ight
oa Death of w York
MAD1FON. Wis.. July'JI.-Three bullets,
found in the head of Joseph Bardenheier.
the Madison Jeweler, whose body waa dis
covered in woods near this city yesterday,
prove murder. One bullet was flred Into
the right side of the head, the other Into
the back of the head.
It is inferred that the murderer came
from Chicago, as a Chicago boy was with
the supposed farmer who lured the Jeweler
Into tha country. Detectives will go to
Chicago for the boy. One theory Is that
Bardenheier was the victim of a vendettl.
as two men were ones sent to Jollet on his
Ambassador ' Thompson M ires Stats
Department That Alarmist Re
ports Are 1'nfonnded.
WASHINGTON. July 81. The State de
partment received the following dispatch
today from Ambassador Thompson at the
City of Mexico:
Tou will please cause the Associated Press
to say that the numerous statements In
American papers relative to an uprising of
Mexicans against foreigners in Mexico on
September Hi. is without foundation so far
as Is discoverable In Mexico, where seem
ingly nil said Information conies, from read
ing American papers in this city. President
Dias assures me this morning, as he did
week since, that he is unable to find cause
for any of the alarming Intervleaa and
statements said to have ben siven out try
Americans returning. l the Unllsd Statss
fiom Maxlco.
Brad of Eute Department Addresses Pan
American Concregs.
Right of the sninllest and Weakest
Nations the Text of His Address
Pavilion amed Palace
RIO DK JANEIRO. July 31 Secreta.y
Root and his party accompanied by mem
bers of the diplomatic corps came doan
to Rio this afternoon from Petropolis on
a special train. He waa met by a large
numher of prominent persona who wc,it
across the bay in three ferry boats. I'pon
arriving In this rlty he drove to the Abran
tes palar-e where tea was served. At half
past nine Mr. Root left the palace to at
tend the special meeting of the Fanameit
can congress held In hie honor.
The pavilion was surrounded by troops
and thousands nf students who camtd
torchlights. The streets leading to the
pavilion were festooned with garlanda of
flown and made brilliant with many
Secretary Root's Speech
Senhor Nabuco, Braxillan ambassador to
the I'nited States opened the session with
an address In which he praised the Ameri
can secretary. Mr. Root replied In part as
I bring from my own countrv a special
greeting to our older sisters In the sis
ters inhe civilization of America.
The smallest and weakest member of
the family of nations is entitled to the re
spect of the grentrst empire and we deem
the observance of that respect the chief
guarantee of the weak against the oppres
sion of the strong. Wc neither claim nor
i'.ne rtglits, privileges nor powers we dj
not freely concede to every American re
public. We wihh V Increase our prosperity,
expand our trade it mi grow in wealth aiid
wisdom but our conception of the true way
to accomplish this is not to pull down
others an profit by their ruin but to help
all our friends to common prosperity and
to growth, that we may all become greater
und stronger together.
Within a few months for the first time the,
recognised possessors of every foot of soil
on the American continent can, and I hope
will, be represented with acknowledger)
rights as equal sovereign states at the
world's congress at The Hague. This will
be. the formal and final acceptance of the
declaration that no part of the American
continent is to be deemed subject to coloni
sation. Let us pledge ourselves" to aid each other
In the full performance of the duty to hu
manity that this accepted declaration Im
plies, so in time the weakest and most un
fortunate of our republics may come to
march with equal step with the stronger
and more fortunate. Let lis unite In creat
ing, maintaining and making effective an
American public opinion whose power and
Influence may prevent International wrong
and forever preserve our country from the
burden nf such atmarnenta as are massed
behind the frontiers of Kurope and so bring
us nearer the perfection of orderly liberty.
Thus will come, security, prosperity, pro
duction, trade,' wealth, learning, arts and
Grent Tivrehllaht Procession.
At! 10:30 Mr. Root and the delegates to the
congress went to the balconies of the pa
vilion to watch a great torchlight proces
sion. A vast throng had gathered about
the building and many thousands of per
sons acclaimed the secretary.
.At A special meeting of the Panamerican
congress today . Baron de Rio Branco. 'the
Brazilian minister of foreign affairs, an
nounced officially that President Alves had
nameM the St, Louis pavilion the "Palace
Monroe," In honor of the visit of Secretary
March ol Squadron from Rock Island
To froat ' Harrison Sears
' "I 'Vfcad. ' ." ' -
' ,- r ' ,
BROWNSURA Ind.. July Sl.-The thfrd
squadron of Troop A of-the Second regi
ment. United. States cavalry, marching from
Rock Island. JI1., to Fort Benjamin Harrl
Bon, near Indianapolis, , lost one horse,
which died In camp here. The squadron
waa entertained by. the cltliens and re
sumed its march today.
Fort Benjamin Harrison will be reached
tomorrow, the length of the entire, march
being 5 33 miles.
Indianapolis, Ind ), July 81. Troops I, K.
L and M, Second United States cavalry.
Major 8. W. Sibley commanding, arrived
In camp this afternoon after a march of
833 miles from Fort Snelllng, Minn.
The Twenty-eighth infantry of Fort
Snelllng arrived In camp today. The regi
ment went to Chlrago by' rail and marched
the remaining distance.
AUSTIN. Tex., July 81. This morning's
exercise at the federal maneuver grounds
consisted in mustering In the troops and
locating them on the ground for their long
' The automobile 1s being given full op
portunity to manifest Its 'Utility.
Brother of Pat Charged With Try I a a
to Bribe Juror In
CHICAGO. July ' 31. Stephen A. Crowe.
proprietor of the Revere hotel of this city
and brother of "Pat" Crowe, the latter of
Cudahy kidnapping notoriety waa Indicted
by the grand Jury here today for attempt
ing to bribe a Jury to "hang" the Jury
which yesterday sentenced Circuit Court
Clerk John A. Cooke to the penitentiary
on a charge of stuffing pay rolls. The In
dictment was returned after Thomas n.
Carr. t lie Juror said to have been ap
proached, had told the grand Jury of at
tempts made to Influence his vote and had
Identified Crowe as the man who offered
him $1,000 to prevent the Jury from arriving
at a verdict. Crowe was placed under ar
rest late tonight and his ball fixed at
110.000. '
A lot of
people like
and it's
liquid food that
makes for
Five Hundred Celebrated Dallett Waists In
thv vrrv latest lingerie stylos, worth f I Q
2.:)0. .TTi0 and $193: Wednesday ...lam U
Three Hundred of the Famous
Thfi foremost waist in
$4.00, $4.30 and $4.93; Wednesday,
If you want the up-to-date
Auto Coats, we can supply them.
One of our oems Miver srrav
finest vulcanized para rubber,
able capurian hood, patent dust
proof sleeves and latest collar. . .
flain para rubber, champNiffne shade, 50
with all the latest devices; prico. . . . .law
46 to 5S-inch light, medium and dark gray
Panama suitings, in fancy checks, plaids
and plain mixtures, sold at
yard; Wednesday only, the
46-inch light weight black Panama, the right
weight for .warm weather wear, dust proof,
regular price $1.23 the yard; j C
Wednesday only, the yard 1 JC
a yard for plain and fancy
-waist and suit silks that sold
from 59c to $1.25 a yard; sale
begins Wednesday morning.
O'Donahoe-Redmond Co. tas2tfft&&
(Continued from First Fage.)
to one rumor almost all the officers, and
according to another, almost all tha Junior
officers sided with the mutineers.
The marines at Skatudden are said to
have . convened an elective court-martial
which condemned several officers to instant
The wives and families of the officers on
duty In the fortress were sent ashore by
General Lalmlng and were not molested by
the revolutionists.
The "red- guard" whose leaders were
cognizant of the plot, dispatched an expedi
tion by a special train as soon as the
revolt- broke out, to cut the railroad track
outsld. of the city. In order to prevent the
arrival of reinforcements.
A general strike was declared this after
noon and was obeyed by' the workmen Of
all the factories. - . (
The Island of Skatudden lies close to
the city of Helslngfors with which it Is
connected by a short bridge. The Skatud
den fortress Is about three miles from
New Cabinet Promised.
BT. PETERSBURG, July Sl'.-The Asso
ciated Press was Informed from a high late this afternoon that Premier
Stolypln ' considers the reorganisation of
the cabinet to be an accomplished fact.
The negotiations are terminated and tho
premier entertains no doubt of the acqui
escence of the emperor, with the conditions
to which he has agreed, and an official an
nouncement of the reorganization of the
ministry may be made tonight or tomor
row.' A number of former Octoberlsts who de
clined to sign the Vlborg manifesto havs
now constituted themselves Into a parly
for the peaceful reconstruction of the min
istry. Premier Stolypln agreed tentatively
to certain conditions which they pro
posed and thereupon a- number of the Oc
toberlst Ubersls offered to accept office In
the cabinet..
The Novoe Vremya says this Involves the
retirement of M. Chtchglovlvoff, the min
ister of Justice; M. Schwanebach, con
troller of the empire, and M. Kauffman,
minister of education, and the entrance of
Count Heyden as controller of the emplr.
Alexander Guchkoff as chief of the Depart
ment of Trade and Industry, Prince Nich
olas L,voff of Saratov as minister of agri
culture, Paul Vlnogradoff as minister of
education and Anatolo Konl us minister of
Justice. ,
Liberal Reform. Promised.
The program contemplates putting the
liberal reforms Into Immediate execution
with the design of pacifying the people of
the country and preparing the way for
next year's Duma. It Involves sn agrarian
program looking lo the expropriation of
land In extreme cases fur the pin-pone of
correcting abuses where the present lands
have been divided and separated into pri
vate holdings, but maintaining the prin
ciple of the Integrity of private property
and the gradual abolition of exceptional
laws. It provides for the abolition of the
death penalty, except In the army and
navy and In places where martial law su
percedes the civil administration with mil
itary authority. (
Premier Stolypln has given his first Illus
tration of the modified policy of the gov
ernment in dealing with the members of
the Duma who have arrayed themselves
against him. A week ago he directed the
commencement of legal proceedings against
those who signed the Vlborg manifesto,
then later he announced that the govern
ment InU-nded to entirely ignore the action
of the members of Parliament at Vihorg.
nd now he turns agln and announces
that proceedings will be initiated, although
he dnubtles hss no Intention of forcing a,
trial. H. will probably hold the prosecu
tion of these cases over the heads of the
accused to prevent them from becoming
candidates fgr re-election to the Duma.
Records of 1w Men.
Count Peter Ileyden. who has sgreed to
enter the Stolypln isbinet, has been for a
numher of yesrs one of the lesders of the
moderate liberal element In Russia uphold
ing the autnersry, hut sdvorstlng Par
liament, lie is a marshal of the nobility
of the province of Pskov, lie Is over 60
yesrs old. lie presided at the famous
zemstvo connrrus in Moscow in July,
and was elected to the Duma, where he
became the leader of the moderate liberals
In the lower house. He went to Vfborg,
but refused to sign the manlfeMo.
Alexsnder Ourhkcff. who Is slated fr
minister nf trade and Industry, has been
a well known figure in Slnwnw Ufa for
msny years, but wss flm heard of promi
nently in politics st the second semstvo
congress cf ths present year. With M.
Bhlpoft bs acted as Count Witts Inter-
We will put every Ltfdies Pyjama in
stock on sale Wednesday At one price. '
Our finest mercerized sateen l'yjatuas wilh
loup trimming.
All white madras ejoth wjth.loup.and pearl
buttons. - . v. -
Striped ami figured Nninwwk in the nobbiest-
styles, marked at from $2,25 to.'" . I ft C
$4.30 on sale Wednesday, at. . . . : lrJ
BO pIpcps of fine white Swiss mull. 32 Inches wide. C .
worth to lBc ynrd; Wednesday only, a yard. . JC
All our Irish dimities, Henley speg, -wool flnlshftd
Kolleto nt nriinHlM wnrtb In 2f,r- Wpdnfi-- ft
America, w
rain and f-hil
saieen on mi
with adjust
$1.30 $2.(0 the
tir entire sfork, edgings and
prim. Come early
ni'lnt as this line
TwoRleces of babv
baiBs. sold for
Fouriecea of
uan.m, one piece
iineiwefifics mat
W sti
yaramonly, a yard
Three lj?ce8 of
rmbrt Woi ed bands, sold for $1.25; and 'vCt
$1.50 ;vard; only, a yard DC
Specialirlces tin nil our line Japanese KitifcroMery,
baby Irlsllflnishert AHovep. Skirling and V6k1h Em-
broideries eunesuay.
If you have not alrealy opened a savings
account, we respectfialy! solicit youtd,
start one with us.
Oldest, Largest and Strongest livings Bank in Ne-
City SavingBanI(,
1 6th and
3 C
Our store will b cloved for ft few
Monday evening;. Will reopen
S. Fredrick
U U LIU l3
' -at- ;. "
1 c
inedlary in endeavoring to. arrange an ad
justment between the government and the
constitutional democrats. During the lioer
war he accompanied ths Boer . forces as
a volunteer.
Prince Nicholas I.voff, the nominee for
minister of agriculture, should not be con
founded with the well known Prince George
Lvoff of Tula. Prince Nicholas I.voff Is a
personal friend of Premier Stolypln. He
acted with the constitutional democrats
and was elected a member of the agrarlai
Paul Vlnogradoff, the proposed minister
of education, is a professor of the Moscow
university,- holding the chair of German
history. He is slso well known as a lec
turer on Husslan history and literature at
Senator Konl, who will probnhly assume
the office of minister of justice. Is one of
the most eminent Jurists In Russia.
CJorlanatl Psbliskirr Falls
CINCINNATI. July Jl. On application of
local creditors the "Men and W omen" Pub
lishing, company was blaced in thti hands
of a receiver today. ,
IF Til
... Mda mt mVnvj v4M or
I I- L . . 11. t.
fJf I. $0 end more
1 uteti,ratpooy fe to.
mm Hmyrim tm tmm
II 1 1 'A
ii r if aw m v
ei (C
I'll I I IM I lit. r,f.. uta,-', .--... - - ' , - - m m
. day only, a yard .;. . . . v. . . ... itC .
All our summer nvltlnpB. Mtk orgijl.p an7" f A
Ml II ill, WUIUI l wvv n, jniM) -
100 plecofl of odd llnon (Might. y noilcvlu ,uch afc
iAiuna rlAfho MvielftA Khnmft nnd fcnlafth-. 1 4T
u i 1 1 irt, ii nj viwiin't ' - wm g
no, r j i i ii kj j m t m - - ------- -
100 dozen bleached Turkish to el, worth - r
i 20c; this sale, each .'i . . . . .i Ud
of the finest batiste anil irnerTaH-"
tandf, ciqh-o, uui i"i
Wednesday and get your hick ana,
ia rather limited. .
Irish finished fin batiste
69c: only, a yard. . .'.'.". . :
bnby Irish finished linen and batiste
hatisle applique and tvy pieces or
sola ior oc Bia ilu a
fine linen baby Irish t and Japanese
WeVlready have 7,600
r." M
Douglas tots.
3 ran c
days on account, of tUgbt fir
a eooa loss are ftdjuteo.
th and Harney. Phone Doug f,li.
Tlie I'retly flare Ploe
rieasur.". . f-
' ' ..
All Star lle-adliners
Best and clearest of .Movlpg .
Picture. .
Matinee Wedpebdax and Saturday,
2:15. 10 and 20c. ' '.-
- . si
"SKID00" Night Friday
. U,k lut For Xpnilier
Concert in beautiful JJJumluated
Garden evferjr etfenijiK at 7.:
Prlcea-lf),' ld' nd' Sft'trtts.
Omaha vs Sioux City
July 30' 31. Aug. 1, 2; ,
Games 'CaHH S:1j. '
u I & n D T
at 4 and ... -
clolstsi Mons. and Mine. Butf. iur-
mrly of ins ;onreij ii-era o.
At a4 T V. at. . .
L 1
f Co.,