Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1906, Image 1

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    m Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. SXXV1-XO. 38.
If '
hi i
re-mocratio Leader Demtndi Regienation of
Committeeman Sullivan of Illinois.
fnrprisinir. Me4?e from Scotland Dealine
with Democratio Party Affairs.
Sulliran Wa Pint Quiatly iaked
Eesipn His Fcsition.
failure of Sullivan to Obey Order
of Xehriiaktn Brings Strong
Arraignment of Course of
Illinois Man.
CHICAGO. July ill Judge Owen P.
Thompson of Jacksonville, III., announced
this nfirnioon that In ft letter drted July
17 William J. Bryan requested-- '' Judge
Triompo:i call upon Mr. K y .Mlvan
with u ineFsage from Mr. Brya "''V 'Ing
thHi Mr. Sullivan In the Inter "Sq
uinny resign an national comn.
fruni Illinois. Judge Thompson s.
saw Mr. Sullivan today end dellverov
Bryan's message. Mr. Sullivan dcclln
i i sign as requested.
Judge Thororson thereupon mode public A
Inter from Mr. Bryan declaring that Na- I
Mural Committeeman Sullivan holds the
office by a fraud and thut it Is Impossible
1 rr honest democrat to associate with Mr.
Bulliva! an a member of the national com
mittee. Teat of Letters.
Mr. Bryan's letter la aa follow:
The Trossachs Motel, Loch I.'atnn
Scotland, July 17. Judge O. P. Thompson.
Jacksonville, 111. My !ar Jung
going to Intrust you with a message to
Roger (Sullivan. If I were at home I
would fee him myself, hut h 1 do not ar
rive until after your staio conwntinn. and
as 1 think action ought to ! tnken ut
once, I will send I he message by you.
Please say to Mr. Sullivan t hat lie Man
expressed a tiestre for harmony, and that
I assume that he means to help the party
to the extent of his ability, hut tin-re s
but one way In which he can promote
harmony and that Is by resigning as na
tional committeeman. We are apprnacn
Inc another national campamn an
party's chances all d"pend upon It ability
to convince the public of its good int i -
tlons. Mr. Sullivan's presence on the torn
mlttee contradicts ull that we can nay .i
the. party's helm If. Ml corporate connec
tlon would harm the parly lar Deyo
, bin power to aid the organization, but th
lennlri ho lrt for Home future convent l df
lof tl
L Th
i,to deal with if lie was actually thu chol
the democrats of Illinois.
Holds Office by Krand.
The fact, however, that he hold
Affioe by a fraud and against the ex ,
wishes or a minority ot tne uonioi it
the state convention make it imio
for honed democrat to associate
him as a member of the comimiUi
we do not maintain the right of I'l
Jorlty to control parly policy an
the party's representatives, lor Jn can
we contend? r lie met inai Mr. r""'"
Vina anoken klnillv of me enahlol me to
discus the matter without rlsklof hav-
1ns m . actions attributed to ero.;di
Piatlrn. but he odght to see tha
ri wniid
be unworthy of any one' conn
failed to protest against hi ci
upon the committee, either to
I nee it I
him or out of fear of his hostilt
There ,
Is room in the party tor all wh
fnvnr riemoeratlf nrini'l nlea. .
honeni.y I
l)Ut the I
leadership must he in the hanji of those
who have the confidence of tlif party and
whose nromlnence will KtrfMhcn the
party. If he will at once sentlfils resigna
tion to me cnairinau or tne tajiiunui in
mlttee and make the matter JShllc he w'll
show his desire to help the i
ilo much to restore himself
ty tin Hi .
of those who felt outraarf by the last
state convention. If he re fifes to resign
and thus put hi ambition f r hi business
berore tne party s success me nooner ne
Is ejerted from the comnif tee the better.
It ought to be made an itf ne In the Btato
convention, if necessary. I for the de
mocracy of Illinois caifot fight under
such leadership and nuifft not to permit
itself to he mlsrepres'T ed on the na
tional committee. Your truly.
IW, J. nil I A,N.
Message to Illlnovi Demoerata.
The Troasach Hotel I.och Katrine,
Julv 17. Judge O. P. Thoinpeon, Jack
sonville, III. Mv Ier Judge: If the ef
fort to Induce Mr. Sullivan to resign rom
th national committee fall I wish you
would deliver the fo. lowing message to
the democrat of Illlfols:
You live In the laf.'est of the western
slate and must plat an Important part
In the work which Ira before the demo
cratic party. You little to advance
democratic principle fco long a you per
mit the most f undai'ff-ntal of these prin
ciples, natnelv, the ilfht of the majority
to rule, to be vlolatfl Mr. Sullivan wa
elected as national t Imniitteeman by del
egates who were no I chosen by the con
vention. As he wa I one of the leader
In the high Crimea and misdemeanor
committed against '.fe democracy of Illi
nois, his refusal to resign cannot be at
tributed to Ignorance of the facts, but If
proof positive of his unfitness for the
place. We are shout to enter upon a
campaign In which our party will appeal
to tne people and ask the confidence- of
the nation. I do not know how you. the
democrats of Illinois, could better open
that campaign in your state than by de
manding his resignation. 1-et It be known
that you Insist on honest politics within
the party and then you will be believed
when von plead for honesty In the gov-
eminent. I am sorry that your conven-
lon meet before I return, for I would be
glad to come to Illinois and give you any
assistance within my power. I lia e
avoided taking part In the persons! con-
ona:u.!:'.n n'm-iPa d:;
the right of the i.artv to govern Itself f
do not hesitate to take part In the fight.
I had hoped that he would resign In ne
Interests of harmony. hut his refusnl
leave vnu no chohe hut to repudiate him
or abandon democratic principle. With
best -wlshe for your success. I am. your
very truly. ii.liah j. hkva.n. i
The charges of fraud brought by William
W..V1 .
f "i j e w
ft "
. y 3. Bryan. In count ctlon with the selection
, . r, a ...i....i
of Roger Sullivan as democratic national
committeeman from Illinois, are bused on
the action of the committee on credentials
f the democratic state convention of 1!.i
In unseating a number of delegates from
Conk county ami seating contesting dele
gates, backed by the so-called Hopkins
Bulllvun organisation, thus giving the con
trol of the convention to the hitter or-
Th. action was bitterly cot.Vted and
later wa brought before the democratic
national committee by Mr Bryan.
Hgia Been Deeelietl.
CHICAGO. July 81 Mr Bulllvan in re
plying to Mr. Bryan letter tonight gave
out the following statement:
I have seen the letter purporting to
have been written by Mr. Bryan, and I
am prepared to accept It a genuine. aW
though th character of the men ahota
Mr. Bryan appear to have chosen aa hi
confidents 1 such that there nitiitit be ser
ious doubts as to it authenticity. If th
letter was wrllen by Mr. Bryan It furnlfhe
proof that he has allowed himself to per
sist In what the democratic convention of
declared was a misrepresentation and
a libel. It is proof that he is mlstsken
again as he was on the free silver question
and that he Is wtong again, as he was
when he permitted himself to cut so un.
enviable a flgure a lie did la the Bennett
will controversy. j
it la apparently Ur. Bryan' misfor-
,CouUau4 oa ocQa4 P.(
, r
Pllgrlme I nder tit. hop c.u"1ele Talk
of the t ailed
P.OME Jntv 71 The ik.i ., receive 1
the American pllgrinsa. iVicted by the
Rt. Rev. Mnry Gahrlcls. bl P "f Ogden
btirg. N. T., and John J. Mi""' ' Brook
lyn. N. T. The pontiff. enjoying
excellent health, recalled j at Immediately
after his election the fr pilgrimage he
held was composed of erleana and wa
presented by Cardinal trbons.
Rlshnp Oahrlel read tJ address In which
he said Catholicism " making rspld
strides In the fnlted flats, due to the
complete freedom wlih 'he church en
joyed and the good " nf the American
civil authorities. B'fon Gabriels quoted
President Rooseveft saying to him on
learning that the bh nI '8 conduct a
pllgrlmsge to Ro
Tell the none thai T sent him my pro regards. I have tried to treat
Protectants and rftliollcs alike, as my
latest appointment show. I will try to
perpetuate this P''"V- This republic will
stand for manv J'-entury. I expect that
there will he Csf '"'"' presidents as well
as Protestant. l'rust that they all will
treat each other'" have tried to do.
The pope thik"' the bishop most
warmly, expres'g his great love for the
I'nited States rd his very highest esteem
of President losevelt. Th pontiff pre
sented the le fT of the pilgrimage with
medals and
in the grnu
sented to be photographed
f pilgrims.
niffertce to ne Made Between
Aron and Boer la
J F.lerttnns.
July SI. Winston Ppencer
parliamentary secretary of the
dice, outlined In the House of
today the government's proposal
the constitution to be granted to
Com mi
lsvaal. The guiding principle, he
uld be not to make any difference
Prlton and Boer, but to extend to
fullest privilege of British citizen
Allnales. 21 years old. who had resided
In ! Transvaal for six months would be
ha I
d to vote and each district would
a single member of Parliament, Irre-
tlve of population.
t 1 the Intention to give the Rand
ty-two seats. Pretoria six, Krugerdorp
and the rest of the Transvaal thirty
Ti e member of Parliament will be ejected
r five years and will be paid for their
The constitution will contain a clause
abrogating the Chinese labor ordinance
after a reasonable time. The recruiting pf
Chinese labor will cease entirely Novem
ber IB.
Franchise for Street Car
Tides Cheap Tickets and
I'nlTrrsal Tranafera.
DETROIT, July 21. It wa announced to
day that after month of discussion Mayor
George P. Codd and President J. C. Hutch
ing of the Detroit railway have agreed on
the term of a new street railway franchise
for the Detroit United railway, which will
he submitted to the common council to-
mill iniri umiiiiiru iu jnjf uiai
or tne people at tne November election.
I'nder the franchise the Detroit United
railway make a number of important con
cession, Including the following:
Ten tlcketa for 26 cent during working-
mtn', hours, from 5 to 8 a. m. and from
4:30 to 6:30 p. m.; six ticket for C5 centa
at all other time; universal transfers on
all lines at all hours; the street car com
pany to pay for all paving between the
track instead of part of It, as at present,
and the company to pay a S per cent tax
on Its entire gross earnings Instead of
the earnings of only part of the system,
as at present.
The franchise provide that all of the
franchise under which the older line of
the system were built and which expire
In 1W9 be extended for fifteen years, the
city then to have the right to buy all the
property at It real value.
Standard Oil Magnate flays that
Will Star There I'ntll
CLEVEIAND, July SI Mr. and Mr
John ' D. Rockefeller reached Cleveland
early today on the lAke Shore limited.
They were driven directly to Forest Hill,
their suburban home.
Mr. Rockefeller greeted the newspaper
men who gathered at the Union station
most cordially. He said he wa glad to get
hack to his old home.
"Our stay In Cleveland," continued Mr.
Rockefeller, "will last until the autumn, I
! ",, , " " Z
In October. It will be a little shorter
, than usual owing to our trip abroad, but
h ,t w, be ,on. ,nougn to enable
. . . , "
I u to see a treat deal of our f rlenda."
' nara Carriers and Poatmaaters Ara
for Nebraska aad
From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 31 (Special Tel-
! egrani. ) Rural carriers appointed: Ne-
I l.rxln rtulde Rock. route ?. Carl V.
braskn Ciulde Rock, route !, Carl Y.
Scherdacher, carrier; Wendell 8. I.ambett,
substitute. Plckrell. route J, Dud I
Welser, carrier; Ben Welser, substitute.
Tobias, route 1, Charle H. Mitchell, car
rier; Haitio S. Mitihcll, substitute. Iowa
Waukee. route i, Clarence L. Wilson,
carrier; Krlc Boston, substitute.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa White
Oak, Mahaska county, John W. Lundy,
' vice T. W. Caldwell, resigned. Wyoming
Clarence. Converse county. George H.
Spracklen. vice S. T. Lyon, resigned.
Says California Disaster Was Visita
tion of PruvUrsre, Heace It
la Sot Liable.
BAN FRANCISCO. July 31-The Transat
lantic Klre Insurance company of Ham-
' burg. Gerinany. has refuaed to pay Ban
Francisco Insurance claim approximating
HOOO.OOO. Th following statement wa
given out late last night by the local offl-
I ciala of the company:
The Transatlantic Fire Insurance com
pany denies liability upon the ground that
i the loas aroee from an overa helming
: catastionhe. due to a lMtatlon of Provi
dence, for Indemnity against the conse
quence of which the policy never was In
tended to provide and doea not provide.
Moreover, the attitude of the reinsuring
i companies at home compels th Traxvsat
llaaUo U aaiume thi position.
. ' if
! .7
Garrison of the Gibraltar of the North in
Open RaTolt.
Fight Between Matlaeer Armed With
Machine (irn Besnlt la
Great ltaa of
HEIJINGFORfl, Aug., 1.-1:40 a. m
Sveaborg I entirely In the hands of the
mutineers, who now have In their posses
sion every kind of armament. Horrible
scene occurred during last night, when
the fierce fighting was continued. The
heaviest artillery were used during the
LONDON. July 31 A dispatch received
here by a news agency from Helslngfor
dated July 31 says fierce fighting broke
out again tonight in the Sveaborg fortress
and Is still proceeding.
ST. PETKRSBtT.G. Aug. 1. No report of
the suspension of the great revolt of the
garrison St Sveaborg fortress, the "Gib
raltar of the North. ' has been received In
St. Petersburg up to this hour.
The secondary uprising among the ma
rines and troops stationed at Skatudden
harracks, on the peninsula communicating
with the mainland, wns crushed out at a
late hour yesterday afternoon by loyal
troops after heavy firing. In which eleven
cruisers, destroyers and torpedo boats par
ticipated. The sound of firing on the Islands ind
from the fortress has ceased, and in spite
of the fact that the occupation of the en
tire water front by Cossacks prevents the
obtaining of positive new, it Is announced
at Helsiigfors that the mutinous artil
lerymen and sappers still are holding their
positions. The outlying islands and the
fortress appear to be in their possession,
snd they have practically all the machine
guns, quick flrers and movable artillery of
the fortress.
General Lnlmlng. the commandant of the
fortress. Is holding on to the main fort on
Commander Island with a force of loyal In
fantry. General Strike Declared.
A general strike was declared In Hel
ingfors by the socialist workmen today
All factories have been closed.
The last direct dispatch from the cor
respondent of the Associated Press, which
ha Just arrived here, was eleven hour
en route from Hdsingfors. The corre
spondent aaid that the "red guard," the
armed socialist legion, was contemplating
an armed uprising to attempt the release
of the prisoners captured In the Skatudden
Owing to the cutting of telegraph wire
by the flying expedition of the "red guard,"
which destroyed the railroad at Rllhloakl,
the Associated Press Is receiving the new
of the mutiny by the roundabout means of
telephoning to Vlborg and telegraphing
from there to St. Petersburg. This entail
a delay of everal hours.
The military authorities received a tele-
gtam from Helslngfora this morning from
Major General tatmlng announcing that
the fortresses and artillery had opened fire
on Commander Island. The Insurgents
seized artillery, all the machine guns and
took possession of one of the Islands. Some
of the telegraph wires have been cut.
Major General Laimlng announced Jhat
he himself wa on Commander Island with
four companies of the garrison and two
companies of sharp shooters sent from Hel
slngfnrs. He doe not give the number of
Premier Btolypin alo ha received fre
quent messages concerning the mutiny. He
told a caller that the situation was critical
to an extreme degree. Almost the entire
fortress is In the hands of the Insurgents
and there was comparatively few loyal
troops In Helslngfors. The entire socialist
population is led by the "red guard."
Part of Gigantic Plot.
HELSINGFORS. July n. A giguntlc mil
itary conspiracy aiming at the simultaneous
capture of Russia' three great ea fort
resses. Cronstadt, Sebaatopol and Sveaborg,
arranged by the revolutionary military
league was prematurely sprung here last
night by an attempt to arrest member of
a company of sapper who had mutinied
on account of the death of one of their
comrades alleged to have been iue to ill
The entire garrison of the fortress at
Sveaborg flamed out instantly in revolt. All
the artillery men and sappers garrisoning
the place were Involved. Only four com
panles of Infantrymen remained loyal. The
mutineers seized forty machine guns and
practically all the quick flrers and light
artillery In the fortress, but even with thla
aid they were unable to hold the main fort
against the loyal infantry. The fighting
continued all night long. The heaviest
firing waa heard from 10 o'clock In the
evening until 10 In the morning.
This morning a detachment of 'civilian
revolutionaries aelied the marine barrack
on Skatudden Island, hoisted the red flag
and were Joined by all the marines. Nine
cruisers, torpedo boats and destroyers lying
In the harbor opened Are on the barracks.
Thla fire waa answered from the third
story window of the barrack with ma
chine gun and rides. The torpedo boat
and destroyers, which were lying closer to
the shore, were subjected to such a hot
Are from the barrack that their crew were
driven below deck. They finally steamed
out and Joined In the bombardment with
the cruiser. The sea attack was In co
operation with attacks by Cossacks and In
fantrymen from the land side, which began
at t o'clock In the morning and continued
through the whole day. Finally, towards
J evening, the firing ceased and the author
ities announced that the barracks had been
At 1 o'clock In the afternoon the Cossack
cleared the square In front of the palace
facing 8veaborg and then drove the public
from the entire water front for the purpose
of preventing the sending of assistance
from the city to Sveaborg.
The exact situation at Sveaborg Is not
known. Rumor are In circulation that the
entire -fortress has now fallen Into the
hands of the Insurgents, but they lack con
firmation. It Is believed that thla cessation
of fighting I only a prelude to the renewal
of the battle between th mutineer and
the government troop.
Loss of Life HeaTy.
An authoritative estimate of th killed
and wounded cannot be obtained, but
the casualty list on both aides must be
heavy, for the fighting waa waged with
Various rumor are heard regarding the
fata of th officers who were at Sveaborg
and In the Skatudden barracks. According
iCouUuuod OA Scad Ptt i
Pennsylvania Railroad Makes Flat
Rate of Two and a Half
Cents a Mile.
PHILADELPHIA. July 81. -Important
changes in passenger rates were announced
today by Fourth Vice Pnsldent John B.
Thsyrr of the Pennsylvania railroad, fol
lowing a meeting of the hoard of directors
of that corporation. The company has de
cided to reduce the maximum one way far
from S and 3 cents to If1 cents a mile.
This action will Involve a readjustment of
all through fares from the south snd. owing
to the vast amount of work Vntnlled by th
change, the new rate of fare will not be
come operative for some time, probably
November 1. It is assumed that the com
peting lines which reach New York by way
of Cincinnati and Louisville will meet the
Pennsylvania Railroad company's reduc
tion by a readjustment of fares, so that all
southern passenger traflV, whether by way
of Washington. Cincinnati or Loulsvillo will
be on an equal basils.
The company will also on September 1,
place on sale 1,000-mile ti kets, valid only
on Its lines east of PIttsbirg and Erie, at
the flat rate of $.0. Then- mileage tickets
will be transferable. No -hange Is to be
made In the price of th Interchangeable
mileage books now sold ly the company,
which are not transferable nd upon which
a deposit of $10 above the regular price is
required. It Is estimated hat Inter
changeable mileage boi' are presented
dally on the various n tds and of this
number l!S per cent are uhi .1 on the lines of
the Pennsylvania rallrnar Concerning the
reduction In one way far- the company a
announcement, made thi'.ugh Vice Presi
dent Thayer, says:
"This reduction of fares has been the
subject of serious consld ration for a year
paat. The company has pent large sums
to build relief lines upn which freight
trains could be moved that this class of
traffic might be diverted from the present
malt) lines and thus secure less liability
of delay In the company's largely Increased
service. The company has bcl'eved that
the time would come when a much larger
traffic could be handled profitably with a
reduction of the present rates of fare."
Proposition for Amendment of Fed
eral Constitution Endorsed by
Mtchloran Republicans.
DETROIT. July 31. Excepting a slight
brush in the resolution committee over
Congressman William Alden Smith's reso
lution pledging the party to the direct
nomination of United States senators, to
day's republican state convention was fea
tureless and partook more of the nature of
a ratification meeting than a convention.
The brief contest In the resolutions com
mittee resulted in the adoption of a com
promise resolution which recommends to
the Michigan delegates to the Iowa con
ference In September "that they direct
their efTorta to the end that the people of
the United State so amend the constitu
tion of the United States aa to permit the
election of United States senators by di
rect vote of the people." j
The platform which was adopted thor
oughly endorses Preside, lnots(;velt'f adr,
ministration, affirms continued belief In th
republican policy and endorses Governor
F. M. Warner, the other state officials and
the last legislature. The nomination of gov
ernor and lieutenant governor at the pri
maries last June seemed to have taken
from the convention much of its usual In
terest and the business was so expedi
tiously transacted that the delegates ad
journed at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon.
The state ticket is as follows:
Governor-Fred M. Warner of Farming
ton. Lieutenant Governor Patrick H. Kelly
of Wayne.
Secretary of State George A. Prescott
of Tawas Cltv. ,
State Treasurer Frank P. Glazier of
Auditor General Dr. James B. Bradley
of Eaton Rapids.
Land Commissioner William H. Rose of
Attorney General John E. Bird of Ad
rian. Superintendent of Public Instruction
Luther L. Wright of Iron wood.
Member of State Board of Education
D. M. Ferry, Jr., of Detroit.
All are rencminatlons except Messrs.
Kelly, Wright and Ferry.
Wife of Prisoner Says There Ha
Been No Falling Ont
In Family.
NEW YORK, July 31. "I wish you would
deny the stones sent out yesterday about
the falling out between Harry's mother
and myself." said Mrs. Harry K. Thaw
when she visited the Tombs today to see
her husband. "It is an infamous lie," she
continued. "We are the best of friends,
both working for Harry's best interest."
Mrs. Thaw was then asked about the re
port that Thaw and his mother bad dis
agreed over the method of conducting his
"Tou may deny that, too, if you want
to," replied Mr. Thaw. "It Is not tru.
As far as I knuw, they are getting along
Mrs. Harry K. Thaw was joined at the
prison by Roger O Mara, the Pittsburg
detective, and the two went together to
visit Thaw. O'Mara said that his work
would keep hlra in New York for a few
Three witnesses, who offered voluntarily
to tell what they knew about the Thaw
c&se, were examined today by Assistant
District Attorney Garvin. One of them
said she wss a nurse employed In a sani
tarium In thi city where Evelyn Neahit
was a patient, and where both Harry K.
Thaw and Stanford White are said to have
visited her.
Assailant of Miss Annie Pools Knot to
Death In Front of Her Fath
er's Residence,
ATLANTA. Ca., July 31. -Floyd Car
michael. a negro, about 22 years old, who
was Identified by Miss Annie Poole of Ike
wood. a suburb of Atlanta, as the man who
had assaulted tor eatly today, was shot
In front of the Poole residence. In sight
of his victim this afternoon, by a posse
which had captured him. After he bad
been hot, there were cries of "burn him,"
but th county police, arriving at tbla
time, prevented uch action.
About 10 o'clock this morning, while re
turning from a visit to a neighbor. Miss
Poole, who Is 15 year old, daughter of
J. J. Poole, was attacked by the negro
and choked until unconscious. When the
alarm was sent In a posse quickly formed,
but It waa not until late In the afternoon
that the negro waa raptured and t-rought
Into Miss Poole's presence. She Identified
him. a volley of shots rang out, and tha
negro fell dead.
Western Railroad Man Intiet Compliance
with One Featnr Impracticable.
Also Assert It Would Be a rhyslral
Impossibility to Compile It by
the Time Beqalred I nder
the Law.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 81. (Bneclal Tele
gram.) The close, stuffy room In whlrh
the Interstate Commerce commission holds
its meetings In Washington looked like a
section of the Western Traffic association
today, due to the presence of the best
known railroad men of the Mississippi and
Missouri valleys, who are here for the
purpose of taking tip with the commission
matters in relation to section 6 of the new
railroad rate law, which goes into effect
August 28, relating to tariffs.
The moms was Insufferably crowded with
representatives of nearly all railroad lines
except the Eastern Trunk Lino association
and New England association. They are to
be heard Inter. But south and southwest,
middle west and northwest and far west
were represented among them being: J. C.
Stubbs, traffic d'rector of Harrlman lines;
Darius Mll'er. vice president of the Bur
lington and In p-actlcal charge of the Hill
lines; H. R. McCiilough, vice president of
the Northwestern; J. H. Hlland, vice presi
dent of the Milwaukee; W. B. Riddle, vice
president of the Rock Island and 'Frisco
combination; F. B. Bowes, freight traffic
manager of the Illinois Central; Judge
Dickinson of the same system; C. Halle,
traffic manager of the "Katy"; E. L. Lo-
max, general passenger ngent of the Union
Pacific; Elmer H. Wood, general freight
agent of the same system; H. A. Jones,
traffic manager of the Houston & Texas
Railroaders Want a Rating.
There were no speeches made, but In
formal talks with the commission, Mr.
Stubbs. Mr. Blddle and Mr. Culp, third vice
president of the Southern, taking the Initi
ative In presenting the railroad side to the
operation of section six of the new law.
This section. If literally Interpreted, provides
that all tariffs must be printed and promi
nently displayed at every station on every
line of railroad, and whether this mean
both passenger and freight tariffs men who
operate the great railroad systems of the
I'nited States desire to have an opinion
from the commission. If the railroads are
compelled to hang In waiting rooms of sta
tion both freight and passenger tariffs It
will not only prove a hardship on the part
of the public, but In practice be an impos
sibility, so they contend, for the reason
that while many of the tariffs under ex
isting law are made up on the basis of
Joint and proportionate rates, properly filed.
In many respects they would be disjointed
and require calculations covering an Im
mense territory not only Including the
United States, but Canada and Mexico as
well. They wbuld also In the very nature
of things have largely to do with the export
trade, and In consequence, these officials
contend that If the law be literally Inter
pret the ( bejrtnted. would
require a Philadelphia lawyer to explain
their meaning.
Rate Sheet Vnlnmlnons.
The representatives of the railroads ex
plained that they desired to carry out the
law, but they did not believe the commis
sion would compel them to do Impossible
things if brought face to face with the sit
uation. It waa stated In the course of the
hearing today that efforts were made to
give each town along the line of railroad
the same facilities as enjoyed by cities so
far as freight rates went, particularly, but
that classifications which determined
freight rates were of surh a character that
It was well nigh impossible to print a tariff
sheet or book that would cover any line of
railroad or system. But now that a printed
tariff of some kind must be gotten up, not
only showing rates and classifications, but
the names of all towns between which the
railroad does business. It means a reference
book covering thousands of points between
which property Is carried and passenger
It Is estimated that should the commis
sion decide upon a literal Interpretation of
section six of the new rate law that It
will cost every trunk line from $260,000 to
t5ftn,nnn to prepare such a tariff schedule,
both freight and passenger, and every rail
road In like proportion. And even then
should the commission decide to have these
tariffs published the size of the book and
the mass of Information therein contained
would absolutely be useless to the general
public, so the railroads contend.
Another matter of more serious moment
was suggested today to the commission,
snd that Is that It will require more rate
clerks than the railroads now have to get
out the book before the date fixed for the
law to go Into effect, and as the very best
experts are required on this class of work,
It would not be at all surprising if the rail
roads would flatly refuse to attempt the
impossible. The representatives of the
Union Pacific and Burlington are a unit
In Insisting that the law literally Inter
preted, so far as the publication of the
tariff Is concerned, Is an Impossibility, and
the framers of the law did not contemplate
the assembling of such a vast amount of
figures as to make chaos worse confounded.
Extension of Time Likely.
As It looks now the western representa
tives will not finish the presentation of
' their cse before Thursday, and with the
1 mass of matter presented today, which will
probably be supplemented tomorrow. It is
safe to guess that the commission will not
be ready to hand down its decision anl
formulate Its rules before August 15, and
that an extension of time will be granted
the railroads in which to comply with the
commission's demands over and above the
date set for the law to become operative.
Pension Surgeon Exempt.
At the last session of the Iowa legisla
ture a law wa passed prohibiting physi
cians or surgeons employed by railroads
taking positions under the federal govern
ment, and as a consequence a number of
, pension examining surgeons resigned their
! positions with the government. On Inves-
tigatlon, however, It was found the law
j did not apply ta pension examining ur
1 geons. and today W. H. Morse, on the rec
ommendation of Judge Connor, represent i-
tlve of the Tenth dlctrirt. was reappointed
as pension examining surgeon at Algona,
Baflalo Planing Mills.
BUFFALO. N. Y., July 31. -The plant
of the Montgomery Bros, a) Co. planing
mill and box fictory on Court street waa
partially destroyed by fire early today, a loss estimated at tlT'Mnin. The
Pierce Automobile company occupied Lie
top floor, where they manufactured the
wooden frame for their car. Tbey iU
iuai tWr lesa at UuO.QW.
Showera Wednesday and fooler In
West Portion. Thursday Showers.
Trmperntnre nt Oninha Veaterdnyl
Hone Ilea. Hour. le.
ft a. m 7 t p. m...... T
a. m tw a p. m Til
T a. m mi ,t p. m TT
N a. si lrt 4 p. m TT
M a. ni...... T ft p. tn TT
to a. m HI n p. m TH
It a. m HT T p. m Til
18m mm H p. m T,1
O p. m T4.
Xegrn I, easily tlanared for Assault
Fifty Mlnntea After Jnry
W'as Sworn In.
MAYFIELD. Ky., July 31 The hanging
of Allen Mathls, the negro who criminally
assaulted Miss Ethel Mcdatn Inst Wednes
day night, took place nt 8 o'clock tonight
In a legal manner In the yard of the county
Jail. Fully lo.Otn people were on Hie scene,
but only a few hundred could see the
execution, although almost the entire fence
surrounding the scaffold had been torn
down by the curHged citizens while the trial
was going on. It was only fifty minutes
from the time the Jury was sworn In until
the negro was pronounced dead. Mathls
arrived here at 6:40 tonight from Louisville
In charge of deputy sheriffs and the mili
tary company of Hopklnsvllle. The local
military company met the train and the
negro was marched to the court house.
Several attempts were mad .to seize the
negro and he was twice In the possession
of the mob. but the soldiers finally suc
ceeded In forcing their way with their
prisoner to the court house, where Mathis'
trial was at once begun.
There were rumors tonight that another
negro in Jail from Hickman county, charged
with a similar offense, waa to be lynched,
but It Is understood that he was spirited
Man Who Organised the nHalnnl
Trnst First 4o Be Squeesed
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 31. N. H.
Trask, a witness at the Ice hearing which
was resumed here today, testified that he
helped to organize the first loe combine
here and had been the first man squeezed
out by the alleged trust. In company with
four others he was in the ice business on
an extensive scale. They had no plant
and bought manufactured Ice.
To maintain prices and retidce competition
the witness said, he and the other four
dealers planned a combination for the de
livery of Ice. Trask said that he visited
the various companies which made Ice,
explained his plan and secured their
promise of co-operation. A company wa
organized according to his plan, the wit
ness said, but he was not allowed to par
ticipate as a stockholder, though he was
given a Job a wagon boss. The witness
said that this transpired In 1K98.
The purpose of the combine, the wltnes
said, was to keep competition from reducing
the price when they had been established.
He had taken an active part tn getting all
of tha Ice men Into an agreement, and
was .then,, "Tartly; squeesed and partly
Robert Lynn of Spencer Endorsed for
Commissioner of Public
LTNCH. Neb., July 81.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The republican county convention
met In Anoka today and endorsed the can
didacy of Robert Lynn of Spencer for com
missioner of public landa and buildings and
instructed the state convention delegates
to vote for a senatorial candidate. On ac
count of Mr. Lynn's candidacy, a motion
to endorse E. Rosewater was voted down.
However, a Rosewater delegation consist
ing of O. A. McCutcheon. William Forbes,
G. B. Ira, P. Anderson, J. Branding. H. L.
McCoy, R. H. Harris and M. Kenastor was
elected to the state convention.
A contested delegation from Butte pre
cinct took up the forenoon. After dinner
Congressman M. P. Kinkaid and E. Rose
water addressed the convention and their
remarks were heartily received.
The following ticket was nominated: At
torney, G. A. McCutcheon; coroner, Dr.
Keep; surveyor, P. Branding.
While Deranged aa Result of Long
Illness Mrs, Qeorge A. Brooks
Takes Poison.
DENVER. Colo., July 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Suffering from meninl trouble
brought on by a long siege of cer bro spinal
meningitis. Mrs. Gertrude K Brooks, wife
of George A. Brooks, a wealthy grain
dealer and miller of Bazllle Mills, Neb.,
committed suicide at 10 o'clock this morn
ing by drinking the contents of a four
ounce bottle of carbolic acid. Mr. Brooks
brought his wife to this city from their
home In Bazille Mills six weeks ago, ex
pecting that the climate would be beneficial
to her health.
For the last two or three day Mrs.
Brooks has been In greatly improve I
health and for the first time since com
ing here she was left entirely alone for a
short time. When Mr. Brooks returned he
found her dead. Mrs. Brooks never had
any children. She was 53 years of age and
had been an Invalid for the last three
Registration for Dranlns for Sho
shone I.ands ( loses Tuesday
SHOSHONI, Wyo., July ?1. (Special.)
! R gist rations closed at o'clock tonight for
the Shoshone Indian hinds At the land
, office here 4,3."3 names were ,,n the lint,
j and the total at Umlir, Therniopulis and
; Worland will be slightly in excess of this
figure, making about ft.tico altogether.
I Sensational developments In the Moody
murder mystery are expected within a day
i or two. The slu riff has been working
I quietly on important clws and hopes to
be ready to make an arrest shortly.
Movements of Ocean essela Jul) t I .
At New York Arrived : K.iIht Wilhelm
dr Grouse, from Bremen: Astoria, fiu.u
Glasgow: Noordam. from Itnturdtni.
Sailed: Carmanla, for Liv rx)ol ; Cat palliia,
for Genoa.
At Boston Arrived: Cenarlan, from Liv
erpool At St Michael1 Arrived: Canonic, fioin
Gnoa. Naples and Gibraltar, for Boston,
and nro, e.-ded.
At I xiihIoii An ivi fl : Minneapolis, from
Nc-.v y.
At Dover Arrl ed : M' nonilni . . from
At Liverpool Sailed : Csronla, for N.w
At Glasgow Arrived: City of Vicuna,
from I'LUadelhia.
State Committee Decide, to Seat Perkins
Deleeatei from Fire Counties.
Thii Leates Him With FluralitT of Sixtj
Four on Temporary Boll.
Square Deal is Insisted Upon for the Good
of the Party.
Governor Cnmmlns Makes a State
ment That Me Will Yield
Kothing;, but No Trouble
la Expected.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. Aug. 1.-1:30 a. m -fSp.
cliil Telegram.) Immediately after the ac
tion of the central committee seating the
Perkins delegates from Audubon and
Dallas counties members of the committee
emerged from the room and pressure Is
now being brought to hear on the commit
tee to got It to reconsider Its sctlon.
Sneaker Clarke of Dallas, a Cummins dele
gate, had retired for the night. He wa
awakened and appeared before the com
mittee to say that the Dallas county Cum
mins men would not stand for the action.
Senator Dolllver and Congressman Blrdsall
were summoned. It Is possible the com
mittee may reconsider Its action.
The state centra committee adjourned at
12:30 tonight to meet at 7 o'clock tomorrow
morning. As all the counties have been
acted upon the further meeting tomorrow Is
taken as Indicating that there Is still a
possibility that some counties may be re
considered. Pressure Is being brought to
bear to that end.
It develops that the twenty-seven dele
gates from Clinton county will not all vote
with the Cummins men on temporary
organization, . none of the Dubuque,
twenty-eight delegate, half of whom
signed a statement that they will support
Cummins for governor, will vote with him
on temporary organization. Thla would
leave Cummins a majority of but nine on
temporary organization, but there are fur
ther reports that deflections In other coun
ties among the Cummins delegates will
give Perkins a majority of the tempor
ary organization aa seated by the state
central committee. Conferences are being
held by both the Cummins and Perkins
leaders with tha congressmen aa inter
mediaries between the two forcea.
DES MOINES. July 31. (Special Tele
gram.) The state central committee fin
ished hearing the arguments In the con
tests at 9 o'clock tonight and Immediately
weft Into executive session to determine
the decision of the committee. At 11:30 the
committee was still In session, but tha In
formation ha percolated from tha com
mittee room from the most direct source
that the committee report will favor th
eatin: of the pft.-.a delegate ..r Jc-T-son,
Jasper, Wappello, Audubon and Delia
counties, a total of elghty-elght delegates,
and will recommend the seating of , th
Cummins delegates in all the other con
tested counties. This will give Cummins
RS; delegates and Perkins m on temporary
roll call. The decision' of the committee
esrries with It the decision to give tickets
of admission to the Perkins delegates in
the counties named and to the Cummin
delegation on the other counties.
In the light of the Interview given out
by Cummins this afternoon, that he would
not swerve a hair's breadth, there la a
question whether or not this action will
meet with satisfaction with the Cummins
men. It may lead to their deciding to
place In the chair their own temporary
chairman, but It Is believed at thla hour
that this action will result in but one con
vention being held tomorrow. The Cum
mins men having the majority of tha tem
porary organization will, of course, control
the convention and seat their delegate
from the five contested counties given by
the central committee to Perkins.
Congressmen Demand Square Deal.
Senator Dolllver and the Iowa congress
men held a conference this afternoon ut
the Savery on the political aituatlon and
then notified the central committee that
the Washington delegation would not rec
ognize 'so-called fake contests and that
for the good of the parly there must tie a
square deal. This same Information it I
claimed Was Tarried to J. W. Blythe. while
the bulk of the delegation in Washington
is recognized na being "stand pat," this
action on the part of the Washington dele
gation In interpreted by the Cummin men
as being in their favor. Several congress
men present personally confirmed the re
port of the conference and of the notifies
tlon to the central committee. They also
confirm tho report that a meeting of tha
delegation was held In Washington soma
days' ago at which It waa decided that
each congressman should take It up with
hi central committeeman.
Cummins and Perkins are said to have
been in u short personal conference 1st
this afternoon. There are other confer
ences being held this evening. The con
gressmen have been mixing all day with
the delegates couticlllng moderation. The
advice of Congressman Hepburn of the
citjhih that there are enough republicans
' lor one party and not enough for two
j lias been repeated hundreds of time today.
The Cummins following held a mass
meeting tonight which was addressed by
the governor and others and a Cummins
inarching club paraded the treets shout
ing, nu iii'Timu i ui nirir lauruuate.
Statement Candidate.
The attitude of the two taction 1 de
Hail ily shown in two statements given out
At the request i t the correspondent of
The lie. , George D. Perkins dictated tho
j following Ftati'tneiit :
j I am oiiliielv hopeful that the republi
cans In tins convention net siucirely
for the wtllare of the republican rt.
i l'i iNoual aiiililtioiis of any Individual should
, t- nuiio; ilm.i ted lo that larger Interest
I Governor Cummin dl.iul-il lit follow
ing: The pofiiiitm of myself and my friends
, has not cli.mned a hair s In cadi Ii smcn we
I coniciTcd last Mnud.ty anil decided to da
I sli In our power i i see (hut a majority ,f
! tec d"letidi' to the convention govern th
j Uid v. 1 have a majority of the ilelegaies
; to the coiivcriiiin wtiii-n meet tomorrow
I morning. 1 'll not and my friends Kill
I not yield an inch from our position. We
, have won a liiiiil littlil and will not b
rubbed of our vn toty .
! Iitilllvrr'a Influence Frit.
I Tncie i- . ne hing iry noticeable today
; an. I that .n the Inllin in e of Senator Dolll
. ver. t'.,i.:: S-IH..II I.'inlsall anil others fur
I in i' t ( i.r.i-re-i-i. n Hepburn said laat
I ni,;! t i.t ti"' r ttt,.i.,i laity m tl,e Young
j Men's ( lii .a' Association auditorium
I that there are enough republicans in lona
(ur one gland party anil oot enough tut