Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Hatband Respond! to Call for Help, but the
. Assailant Escipsi,
MlllUm Jukum'. .vllsalna from
Vsaal Jlanfat afcri Ha KoanH I
Woman's rHem Identified
5 '
An unknown ,itgro entered 1 residence
f.f EJmef RolHrisOir at, rtxtefith street and
avi.uj. XrTty" ul't'-t ' 2 u'c-I'Vcfc
Bunjajr meruiitg and attempted to i iniin
ally assault Mm. Koblnsou. Mrs. Ivohln-
fon, who occupied a attorn uh on? of the
children, w"1eerf when alio n-ro En
tered by th window,. Clutching. Mis.
Robinson by, ti throat, the negro 'lore tho
clothing from the bed and the night dress
from -hi Intended Victim, Tli bruie le
laxed hii grip on t lie woman's, throat tor
a second tnd Dill enabled 'iter to (Ive
one cry for help which was board by her
husband sleeping In an adjoining, loom.. v
Rushing, to hl Wlf. S assistance, Rob
inson, who Is a rrlirsetilar man grappled
with to intruder but' the. negro, after
a desperate "struggle, Succeeded In break
ing loo and with a bound. Jumped through
tha open wlndw, escaping In ' tiie dark
ness.' '.' ' '
Not wishing1 the notoriety arising from
such an affair -Robinson failed to notify the
l-ullce until' "yesterday ; morning, but tbe
pollc had. already lwe vn tha trail of
a negro supposed to have been tlio one
who attempted to assault Mrs. Robin
son. Sunday afternoon word wae sent to police
headquarter that a negro, costless and
listless, with jlUe slceV missing: from
his shirt and his head bandaged with a
handkerchief , way skulking In the woods
near Hasri street. Officers went to tha
placa but were unable to locate the ne
gro. Later 'in tije . day " Jhe .negro was
heard of in the vicinity of tbe old paper
mills. -. - , v
Shortly after Robinson, had notified the
police yesterday morning word was re
ceived from the postmaster at Crescent
City over the telephone that a negro, coat
less and hatless and with his head tied up
with a handkerchief, had passed through
there a few minutes before and was thought
to be tUdlnir in the weeds -on the outskirts
of the' town. The postmaster thought It
possible, that tbe fellow might be wanted
In Council Bluffs. He wbi told that the
negro was tyantcd badly. Detective liough
and a posse started after the fellow, but
! . . . . . . . t , I
eviaenuy. io. signi 01 mm. ticicv.u,w
Voir and Callaghan, who' had atarted after
the negro before -word was received from
Crescent City,'" learned that he had gone In
that ' direction and kept after him. From
Crescent -City they kept on towards .Honey
Creek., and at one time, aocordlng to a
report' received from them, were but a
little-way benin the fellow. Bhorttyefor
10 -o'.qlockv. last nlgbt further word from
the officer - waa that they thought they
had .(he negro located in a school house
not far 'distant and were going- after hint.
The negro who attempted to assault Mrs.
Robinson lost his bat In the struggle with
Roblnaon and also one sleeve of his shirt.
Rath. vnpw. In possession of the police.
Investigation , "by the' police disclosed the
fact that. William ''jae8ont a negro Who
worked for Contractor Wlckharri", had sud
denly "4llspeajl.?' who were"' Ac"-""
qusjnted with Jaokson. .Identified the hat
as one ha had been wearing. . . . .
Chara" Hart wltk Swindling;.
""C. . B.", Hart, allar Clark, charged with
being a' 'short change artist, will have a
hearing In polio court this morning.
Emll " Leftert, the '- Jeweler, who was
buncoed out of tll.TB by5 Clark on the
short' changw game has filed an Informa
tion against him charging him with- swind
ling. Clark, or Mart, purchased a collar
button for twentyifive cents and gave tb
young woman olerk In the Jewelry star a
2d Mil, '-then discovered he had a quarter
and receiving fcack his 130 bill, the young
wOmah clerk discovered later that she was
short the uhang she had given the fellow.
Frame WrrkM Bsrsed.
The big frame shed at the corner of
T in i h avenue and Ninth street, formerly
occupied by the Republic Oil company
as a storage warehouse, .for oil wa,de
stroyed by fir shortly after 1 o'clock last
evening. . T;b buUdIng, saturated as It was
with oil. rnade a blase of considerable dl
nenslons. The cause of the, fire Is un
known, .but It Is -supposed to have started
from a apark from a locomotive, the atruc
tiire being between the Great Western and
I'uion, . Paciflo . tracks. The Standard Oil
company is sld to have owned the build
does to Pastewr Instltat.
P. C. Holloway, a teacher In the Iowa
Srhool for the Deaf, left Sunday for Chi
cago to receive treatment at tbe Pasteur
Institute. ' Prof. Holloway, while on his way
home fKMa the school Friday, was bitten
by a dog owned by a man named Iacke,
The dog . Inflicted a deep wound In Mr,
Holloway' limb. Later It was said the
dog .showed signs of. rabies and Mr. Hoi
loway's. friends prevailed, on htin to lose
no., time, but () to .Chicago for treatment
A Skin of B uty I m Joy forovor.
rPt. T. FIIh Oeursud's Oriental
Oressi or Magloal Butif)r
u tstrf l ul
on beulf . Mid
M fflCsl lot trl
U 90 bWDlleM l
A irpi cuatrr
fcli of oiatUM
ttm: Dr. L.
fcalrs to t
Imij ot tin bras
t" (o pulMi:
" At TO l4l4l
Will Iih thnm
I riovasiil
HloaraaS's Croooa m ttio kiS Iwmral of ll Uit
rion." F"t an or ou arnru sm ocoy
itun ts tlx V si4 Stout, C'ii out Ktooo
FffilLKITCI"S,rrtf, 37 Bral Jca Slrxt IwTsr.
g..l . Ill l,,l!gwl,ltwf.. i ,B tMUJWIISW
. - SOLD
ms ciTT.crncE. '
, MJ Tarjun St,
or ddru - - '
v WaJbsksh K. &.
I orrmltl Tasks. .
OMAHA. July 10 To the Editor of
The Bee: There has been considerable
controversy of late, brought about by tha
enormous gas tsnk which the gas mm
pah.' Intend to erect si the turner of
Twentieth tnd Center streets. A word
from the property holders in the vicinity
may not be smls.: These property hold
ers were here fur jesrs before the tanks
and factory were erected snd would never
have permitted the erection of the same
had they re.iltred what sort of menace to
life and health and property such a
plant Is. .We object to thie tanks prin
cipally for the following reasons:
First They constitute a 'menace to life
and health.
Second They cause a depredation of
the value of our property.
Third They are a general nuisance.
That such gas plant and as holders
are a mefince 16 life and h'-slth Is arhply
attested by the fact thst such tsnks have
frequently exploded before In New York,
in Chicago and In other places, where con
siderable loss of life- and property oc
curred; also, here In Omaha, where sev
eial such explosions have taken place.
Once' In particular. January 19. 104, one
of Hie tanks exploded, bursting a. large
hole In Its sldf from Which Issued such
volumes of gas that the gas company Im
mediately ordered the people in the vicin
ity' to" put out their fires and lcaye their
homes without offering them any shelter
or sssistanco whatever, not even aiding
In any way a lady .In delicate circum
stances, whom ' they ordered from her
home, simply leaving all to the tender
mercies of the mid-winter breezes and the
snow-dad streets. These explosions can
and will occur again. What If a fire
should take place In a house now standing
not twenty feet from one of tanks?
What If one of them should be struck
by lightning? Only lately an automobile
exploded on West Farnam street and
pieces were hurled for three blocks and
windows broken one block away. - What If
a gas holder, 130 feet In diameter and
fifty fect higher than the New York Life
building, should explode? A school at
tended by over 400 pupils stands within
the 1,000 feet radius of the gas holder:,
also a church, often visited by over 1,000
people at one time. What If such an
explosion should occur during church
services or school hours? The panic alone,
which would almost surely result, might
cost many lives.
The gas tanks depreciate our property.
Real estate men refuse to make loans on
our property for the sole reason of its
nearness to the gas plant. The rents of
our houses have decreased; Insurance
rates have been raised.
The icas company sarys It ha Invested
many thousands ot dollars. Have the
homes of all of us no value? Have ur
live no value. Is our good health of no
value? .
These tanks must not necessarily be here;
they need not be within the city limits
anywhere;-only th- gas ompany does not
wish to be put to the expense of moving
Its plant or of building a new tank else
where, becwus'e It Considers Its dollars of
greater Value than the' lives snd health
and property ot the residents of the vi
cinity. -
The 'tanks are a nuisance. Lt any
one who wishes to Inform himself on this
question pay a visit to the corner of Twen
tieth and Center streets and smell the ever
present odor of gas which, can frequently
be :smeUed Tor several blocks around; let
him see the clouds of smoke and the sheets
of "flame which' Issue every few. minutes
day and ilght7rom the works; let him hear
the -thundeT which reverberates as often
through the air, loud enough to make the
uninitiated look about for an Approaching
storm; let him live here a. while In constant
dread of .an ever likely explosion which
may sweep himself and all he loves and
own Into eternity then he will appreciate
why It Is that we are fighting the erection
of more gas holders, and why we want the
whole works removed ' outside the city
limits. Then he will see why It Is that
the gas company has been driven from
or haa been prohibited from, locating In
other locations throughout the city.
Every one expects thst South Omaha will
soon be part of our. city; In that event the
gas works in the very heart of our
metropolis; certainly no ornament, but a
disfigurement calculated to make life and
property unsafe for blocks around. The
water works plant Is" located' at Florence
and pumps water all through the city.
Now, water requires much power to be
moved over 'a great distance; gas travels
anywhere In the direction of . least re
sistance, and therefore could be distrib
uted as cheaply .from outside the city
limits as from the present location.
The above facts were very well presented,
and the legality of the city ordinance now
In force prohibiting the erection of a new
gas holder without the consent of the
propertyholders within a radius of 1,000 feet
most ably defended by the city legal de
partment against the gas company recently.
Although Mr. Pritchett, for the gas com
pany, argued that any one who could not
see how unreasonable and absurd the pres
ent ordinance Is, must have no more brains
than a monkey, nevertheless Judge Day
decided in all Justice against him. Where
upon the gas company la again "trying to
overthrow the ordinance upon a techni
cality. This1 rnstter concerns not only the people
near .the present gas plant, but' every
cltlsen of Omaha. For, if the present or
dinance falls the gas company, has a tight
to erect a holder or plant anywhere In the
city. . For this reason all Improvement
clubs ars supporting our cause, and we are
surs of victory. (Signed)
J. M. LIES, President.
Anaaal KscaralOB to Dalatk.
Via Great Northern line will leave 81oux
City at (.30 p. m., Thursday, August 2, ar
riving Duluth Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August i. Round trip fare only
t6. Special .through trains will Be run,
consisting of tourist sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth in sleeping car II
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable points for a few
days' outing. Boat trips may be made to
many places of interest in Lake Superior
at email cost.
Persons desiring berths should make
reservations as early as possible in order
to insure getting accommodations. Apply
ta Agent Oreat Northern Railway, Sioux
i City, or to Archibald Gray. Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Sioux City, Ia
8.00 te Milwaukee ftetara
account Eagles' convention August . It
Tickets on sale August II and It Return
llnilt August 22. For farther information
apply to H. H. Churchill, O. A., Uli Far
nam 6t , Omaha, Neb. -
Tekajoiak Mat Hiai tarlety.
Letter from Tekamab to Dr. Georae I
i Miner, president oi tn KtorasK Humane
ov'lety. ask thst steps be taken to or
ganise a branch of the organisation there.
as many .Inaiarcea of abuse to animals
have boeil Bote in Hurt county. The te
quest will b ooinptled with and Buperln
tendant Elllann of th state ycleqr wll
Uk th mailer In baud, -
Ceunoil TraDitot Little Baiiaeit Beyond
Opening; 8wtr Bids.
Fsarta National Itauk mt Seer tnrk
Deellaea to Dfroiar Depositary of
llty SeoarHleo aad Another
Rank la ftnbstltated.
All order of business were side-tracked
at lat night a council meeting that the
council might take up tha bids m the j
sewer system. A fair crowd was in the
hall. Among the contractors there were
many firms represented. It was found,
however, that only four firms had offered
bids and not all these had hid on all
branches of the system. The firms were
Dan Hannon, George I'arka, James Jensen
snd the Denver Building and Construction
company. As a rule the bidding was high
and In nearly every case too high to be
considered, as they overreached the engi
neer's estimates. The bid of the Denver
company was. howver, within the estimates
all the way through and covered every
branch of the- sewer except the north
branch of the N street gulch sewer. The
bid of this company therefore injures the
construction of the sewer, which Is a source
of great relief to the city engineer.
After the adjournment E. M. Rohrbough
expressed himself In effect as follows; ."I
am satisfied that there ran be but one bid
considered for the reason thnt It 4 the
only one whlrh lies within the estimates.
That Is the bid of the Denver company.
Their hid Is very good. Where they got
their data for the hid I do not know. They
have never visited the office to my knowl
edge." On one section of the Mud creek sewer
George Parks had the lowest bid. hut his
bid on the rest of the sewer was high. The
engineer Is of the opinion that on hla esti
mates there Is a margin of at lesst 110.000
to guarantee a contractor. Some of the
contractors thought thl too smalt for the
chance taken.
I'pon the reading of the bids the mayor
refen-ed them to the committee on viaducts,
streets and alleys for tabulation. They
will be reported on at the next meeting
of the council.
Bids on Sidewalks.
Aside from the bids on the sewer there
were bids opened for the construction of
permanent sidewalk of brick. Gus Hamel
and P. J. O'Connor were found to be the
low htdders. O'Connor's bid was from 1
cent to half a cent lower. These bids were
also referred to committees for sction. Tho
bid of Dan Hannon on S street grading
from Eighteenth to Twenty-fifth was also
received without competition.
After this a communication from Spltxer
ft Co., stating that the Fourth National
bank of New Tork had refused to become
a repository for the . $160,(VlO In municipal
securities which was to have been de
posited with them as additional security
Insuring the faithful performance of the
contract of Spltxer Co. with the City- of
South Omaha. The company therefore
asked that the Mercantile National bank
be named, which bank would be- willing
to transact the business renulred of the
Fourth National. This by resolution the
council agreed to do. Adjournment wn
then taken until Wednesday evening,
when the committees will be ready to
make their reports.
. Made City Onset.
Mies M. C. Gallagher has returned from
her recent vacation to the lakes. "
Mr. Ed Harvey has been a guest of
inenas in me city tor several days 'past
Dr. M. W. White of Sioux City Is visiting
wun tns amuies or u. m. men -spa u. m.
Lefier. . .t , ,
Joseph Sporl Is about to build a neat
residence at Twenty-second and Q
Miss Mabel Reed and her mother have
recently paid a visit to St. Paul and
There will he a picnic of the members of
the I'nlted Pfesbyterlan church Friday of
tins weeK.
Washakie Tribe No. 39 of the Independent
Order of Red Men initiated a class In the
Chief's degree at their wigwam. In Masonic
The members of the Bantlst Sunday
school will give a picnic at hanscom park
this afternoon. They leave the church at
Z p. m. - - .
C. R. Coombs of Bellevue, was the man
who caused the capture of Arthur Leech
and the recovery of the horse which wus
stolen last Saturday.
Members of St. Mary's No. 677 of the
Catholic Order of Foresters are requested
to meet with a full representation al the
next regular meeting August 6.
The 1'nlon Paclrtc Is tearing down the
fence before the new freight depot on O
street and moving the same bark so that
switches may be constructed to accomodate
the depot.
It la currently renorted about the Kx
change that Armour ft Company are about
to construct s Dig new piani in niinnrnpu
lla and perhaps build new stock yards in
opposition to Bi. rum.
Dr. Capelle of Omaha raised the quar
antine on the residence of W. A. Mc
Cllntock, who has been suffering for .the
past two weeks with an attack of small
pox. The resiuence waa morougniy uism
rhe meetlna- of the Women's Missionary
society of the First. Presbyterian church
wlilcli was to nave Dn neia tasi v eunes
rtav will be set for Wednesday even
lug. August 1. The same program will ue
curried out.
The South Omaha cattle market received
tha linnl ahlDment since luat Novem
ber! Tbe consignment amounted to I.OuO
head. Prices rn lined 10 cents lower. 1 ne
cattle were all from the range and were
in good condition. '
The following births were reported yes
today: Christ Jacobson, loXi BeiTjr
avenue, a boy; F. H. Swanson. Fifteenth
id streets; a ooy, una vv doibuhi,
S67 South Twentyelghth street, a girl;
Frank Handera, wenty-nlnlh and 11, a
girl; Henry Uaxles. rl hiriy-nrsl and ,
aitl; C. H. Van Wle, 2403 R, a boy. ,
The entire family of John J. Painter,
who aroused such a stir a tew days since
by the neglect or their child at f
street, where they left it ail day many
times, have disappeared from the cily.
They took the child with thnm and has
tened - on Its account, knowing that the
Juvenile officers were seeking to take it
away from them.
Several people of . the city, espectnliy
some thrlftv housewives, are mourning the
loss of their feather beds, which, as of
old, are a possession of great pride to
the women. Recently a feather cleaning
comnany came Into town and did a rush
ing " business in renovating for sever!
days, hut when the business waa at its
height the renovators laid hands on whut
feathers they had In their possession and
departed from the city. It is also said that
In may cases Inferior feathers were sub
stituted for the good ones. As a result
Mrs. Elfrieda Wulff of Fourth and Ban
croft street. Omaha, yesterday swore out
a warrant for the arrest of the chief
member of the firm charging him with
obtaining money under false pretenses.
The man's name Is Lind. the first name
being unknown.
I'nion Pacific lodge No. 17, A. O. V. W..
A. O. I'. W. drill teams snd sister lodges,
D. of H.
Tou are hereby ordered to sttend the
funeral of our deceased brother, Joseph
Tysarcsyk, Tuesday morning, to St.. Peter's
church, ftth and Leavenworth, at t o'clock.
Funeral will leave residence of his brother,
Garfield Tysarcsyk. 2601 Walnut street, st
I a. m. Interment in 8t. Mary's cemetery.
Father Beads far Bey. '
Charles Hale, the lt-year-old lad from
Fredericksburg. Vi , left the care of the
Omaha police Monday evening to continue
his Journey home, money for transporta
tion having been received from th buy s
father. Dr. Hale. The boy Is the one who
reached Omaha several day ago trying
to make his way home from Table Rock,
Neb . w here he had been sent to spend a
year with an uncle. Charley, however, did
not . like his relative, and rut hla visit
short after ttuea weeks, trying to earn
passage money bark to Virginia by oan
vasoiug and working la botals.
It romrs as good news, especially to those
members of the press who have covered a
biennial, that there Is movement on foot
among some of the prominent women of the
General Federation of Women's Clubs to
aliollsh the foolish and unnecessary secrecy
that has In the past been maintained re
garding the result of the sitting of the
nominating committee previous to the bi
ennial election of officers. At several of
the biennials this result has been re
garded with a diligence that exceeded pre
caution to the extent of flagrant discour
tesy to press correspondents and for no
better reason than a tradition that the
result should be withheld from the press
until announced to the convention. The
useleesnesa of such secrecy has long been
evident to many of the women and they
have protested sgnlnst the members of th
committee pledging themselves In this way.
This was the case at the St. Paul meeting
last June. . -
Mrs. Walter Stokes Irons of Rhode
Island, chairman of the nominating com
mittee, urged the members not to vote for
secrecy, but she was disregarded and In
consequence, as haa always been the case,
while the press had the report of the com
mittee next morning, It had to secure It
at the expense of broken pledges on the
part or members,' Mrs. Irons, with others
who realise the Injustice of this old plan
to the committee members a well as to
the press. Is agitating the adoption of a
new rule at the next biennial and they
have received the hearty co-operation of
officers of a number of states that promises
betteT things In future.
The child labor law prohibiting the em
ployment In sny manufacturing establish
ment of the state of Georgia of any chl'd
under 12 years or of any child under 14
at night seems almost assnredM as the
upper house of the Georgia legislature con
firmed without a dissenting vote. July 30,
this measure, which passed the lower
house July IS by a vote of 125 to 2. Pub
lic sentiment Is so generally In fnvor of
the law that there Is little danger of Its
veto by the governor unless some flaw can
be found In It, which Is scarcely probable.
Tbe law will not become operative until
January 1, 1908. The repeated failure of the
club women to secure such legislation In
the past had almost discouraged them, and
It had been practically decided It this
year's effort failed to Work from another
side next time and urge compulsory edu
cation law. It Is probable that they will
do this anyhow, as the new law only ac
complishes part of the much-needed legis
lation for tho protection of the children
now and ne future cltlxens. The legisla
tive work of women in the south has en
countered bitter opposition not only from
those whose financial. Interests were at
stake, but from those conservative ones
who. resent the extension of women's In
terests. Miss Charlotte Templeton, secretary of
the State Traveling Library Commission,
was In Omaha recently and is enthusiastic
over her new work, she having succeeded
Miss Edna Bullock last spring. Miss Tem
pleton. Is working tip several plans tha?
will strengthen the library work of the
state and that should shd will receive the
hearty co-operation of club women. SIfe Is
greatly tn sympathy .with the efforts of
the club women and anxious to work with
them. . '
r) t ,
The thirty-ninth annual convention of
the National American Woman Suffrage
association will be held 'at Chicago Feb
ruary 14 to 19 in Muilte. lialj In the Fine
Arm Duuaing. . ,.,
Sastalas Severe Injuries About Face
Bad Body Wheat Star
I. Kulakofsky, grocery man at 1944 South
Tenth street, was severely injured early
Monaay morning oy ine explosion of a
gasoline stove. Mr. 1 KtilakofBky arose at
4:45 and lighted the stove for breakfast
The explosion resulted In. the man being
burned about the face, hands and back
Dr. timer, Porter was summoned. The
property loss was slight.
Hammer Tones.
The Wabash has- Issued a beautiful
SEA." Those planning a summer trip
should ssk for one. Wabash City Office,
1601' Farnam St., or address Harry E.
Moores, G. A. P. D.. Omaha, Neb.
Ear for . Antoraoblllats.
Complaints were again made to the police
Monday evening about persona throwing
eg" ac auiomoiiiiea. mis time in tne neigh
borhood of Fortieth and Cuming streets
One automohlllst called at the station and
toio captain Mostyn someone threw
brick at him when passing that nolnt. and
an egg struck his wife, breaking all over
her waist. Mostyn told the man he was
doing all he could to suppress such actions
nut also said automomilals can helDa area
deal by refraining from further scorching.
wnicn, ne says, is wnai inauces egg-throw
Sonth Dakota Brevities.
8IOVX FALIJJ The contract has been
awnrded for the Immediate erection of
new 3Z.CW cnnttian cnurcn building a
Carthage. 8. D. It will be constructed of
concrete blocks.
GREGORY Owing to the rank growth of
vegetation in K.-cnii waKota tnis year th
greatest of precautions will have to be
taken to prevent serious prairie Area In
lt:e newer portion of the state, between the
Missouri river end the Black Hills, and in
the newer settled portions of Gregory
county, tn which thoiiat)(is of new settlers
have flocked this year.
The Aid Boc etv of Garfle d Circle No. 11
Ladiea of the Grand Army of the Republic
win oe neia r rinay arternoon at s o cloc
at Hanscom park. All members ure aukc
to be present.
The ftufate of Jane Rogers list paid Into
county court 1.3t2.74 as Inherence .ue on
the property belonging to tne estatM. The
value of the property is pinted by the sp
pralser ft ST.
The parents of tiennle Weissenbach, aged
10, a South Twelfth street, are worried
over the disappearance of the Utile fellow
wnom tney nave nut seen since o cloc
nionuay morning. The lad Bells papers,
uui nas not oeen in tne nanit of stayln
wy irom noine ail oay ana night.
Albert Jackson, colored, who gives ou
sustenance to men from a sandwich wago
at Ninth street and Capitol avenue, wa
arrested by Detectives Drummv and Ma
loney Monday afternoon, chrged with as.
sauit snd Mtltery upon the person of
man who gave his name as E. D. Graves,
nineteenth and Leavenworth atreeta.
Judgment for $375 was confessed bv th
I'nion Pacific In the suit of George 8
iMigore against it ior oi.aro s ror tli rteatl
of Ieroy Kllgnre, a freight conductor a
Papilllon laat January. Kilgore was hang
ing to the aid of a freight car when hi
was brushed off by the railing of a bridge.
i ne amount nas Dten accrptea by the plain
That A. H Kohr. the south side butcher
wno disappeared mysteriously" several day
ago. Is alive and well, not dead by hi.
own hand, aa was feared bv the faml!
and police. Is the Informatloq contained
in o nui BoarriMHi m an umino news
paper and received Monday. The writlna
which Is In pencil on ellow notepaper, is
genuine, accoroing to airs. Konr.
Charles Tuiey. aged U. 1705 Laavenwort
street, has not been seen bv anyone wh
knows him since noon Ssturdsy. when li
waa tn saloon at Thirteenth snd Leaven
worth streets. The young man was en
ploved at Tenth and Pierce streets unt
Bturday morning, when he wss dis
ehargeC. His parents sre st a loss
understand what haa become of their son
and have BOUQod lb pulic f bi dlaap
poof ne.
I: 2 - H
Embareo Acainit Rook Island Rot Lifted
by 8op Thro Cat
McVann Declares Memphis Equalisa
tion la Real Objection and Abro
gation of Kansas City Eleva
tion Is Sot Victory.
When the Omaha Grain exchange and
the Omaha Commercial club declared a boy
cott on the Rock Island two concessions
were demanded, the payment of elevation
llowance at Omaha as at Kansas City and
he elimination of the Kansas City-Mem
phis rate. The announcement of the Rock
Island that it would abrogate the payment
of elevation allowances at Kansaa City
does not meet either one of these demands,
says Secretary McVann of the Grain ex
change, and even If It did the boycott would
till be on until the other point was yielded
That the RocV Island has not msde even
a semblance of peace with the commercial
interests of Omaha Is made clear In this
statement made by Secretary McVann Mon
It is extremely unfortunate that, the ae
Hon Of the Rock Island road depriving the
Kansas City dealers of the elevation allow
nee of 1M cents should have been heralded
as a victory for the Omaha commercial In
terests. (
In the first place, Omaha never asked
that Kansas City be deprived of this ad-
antage, but only that It should be. given
to Omsha, which Is an entirely different
In th second plsce, the real controversy
between Omaha and the Rock Island sys
tem has been chiefly over the Kansas Clty-
Memphle 'equalisation' plan, which was un
der discussion t the time th elevation al
lowance discrimination wa sprung. W
had notified the Rock Island people In plain
language that we would not stand for the
Memphis 'equalisation' plan, and that If
Vice President Blddle persisted In putting
It In effect It would make trouble for the
Rock Island rosd in Omaha, because we
could not be on friendly relations with one
member of a family, another member of
which was breaking into our back yard and
stealing our grain.
Attltnd Is Not Changed.
We want every business msn In Omaha
to know that the position of the Commer
cial club and the Grain exchange toward
the Rock Island system haa not been
changed one whit by reason of the can
cellation of the Kansas City elevation al
lowance. As a matter of fact, when Mr.
Gower, freight traffic manager of the Rock
Island road. - was here he and Mr. Utt,
their geneial agent, called on me and made
a tentative proposition for settlement of
our difference with that road, based on
the elimination of the elevation discrim
ination. . I absolutely declined to conaldor
any proposition from them which would
not Include the cancellation of the Kansas
Clty-Memphls 'equalisation' tariff.
'I did not consider It worth while to
give out any particulars regarding my
conference with ' Mr. Gower, except that
It failed of results, but th Rock Island
people knew well that they could not set
tle their differences with Omaha by can
celling the Kansas City elevation allow
ance or even by giving It to us without
also adjusting the Memphis situation.
"I have this morning a long letter from
Mr. W. B. Blddle, who Is vie president,
In charge of traffic of both the Rock
Island and 'Frisco system, in which he
uttempt to defend the position of the
'Frisco system with regard to th Memphis
'equalisation.' I will reply to this letter
todsy and In my reply I will make It very
clear to Mr. Blddle that the Kansas Clty-
Memphls 'equalisation' basis must be can
celled before the difference between the
Rock Island road and the commercial In
terests of Omsha can be adjusted.
Development af Sonth Dakota I the
Thlag low, Say teaatar
United States Senator Robert J. Gamble
of Yankton, 8. D., accompanied by Mrs.
Gamble snd their son, are guests of the
Her Grand.
"W are homeward bound on our way
from Chicago," said Senstor Gamble. "Po.
Utical matters are rather quiet in South
Dakota Just at this time. The convention
of June I settled matters, which resulted In
my endorsement for re-election. We ar
more Interested In the material develop
ment of South Dakota Just now thao any
political controversies. Numerous rail
road extensions ar now In progress In the
stats and others are under contemplation.
The Northwestern and the St. Paul roads
ar pushing their egtensions rapidly the
St. Paul west from Chamberlain and tb
Northwestern from Pierre which means
that the St. Paul road will go on to tbe
Pacific coast. About 1,000 miles of railway
have been built In tbe stste within the
last year, which will have the gratifying
effect of more closely uniting the eastern
and western part of th stats, a thing w
have desired for y.ars.
"Within anotbar year w ar looking for
th opening of a greater part of th Roee
bid reservation for settlement, which will
be a duplicate of the big rush Into Tripp
county. Agriculturally th stat wa never
In better shape than at thl season; In
fact, w hv been enjoying excellent crops
In South Dakota for the last eight years.
and tha fropcu for th prnt year
invested in a package of
teaches you many truths:
That soda crackers are the best of all food made from flour..
That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda cracker.
That Uneeda Dlscutt are always fresh, always crisp, always
will take high rank with the best states
In tha union. Otif mining Industries sre
also In a highly prosperous condition, bet
ter than for many years."
District Attorney Not la Tesek with
Brlag ot Rebate Case,
gay Lane,
Local Burlington officials still profess ig
norance of the burning at Belfsst Siding
of two csrs of rebate papers. Th officials
are being twitted considerably sbout the
bungling Job their representative at Greeley
made of th thing. That it wa a part ot
th general house cteaning proces engaged
In by railroads generally as a result of th
popular movement and legislation against
a continuation of th rebate system la hot
denied. The officials simply say nothing,
assuming an air of mysterious Ignorano of
th whole matter, lit which, of course,
they arc thorqughly veraed, but of which
they dare not spesk.
Inquiry at th office of the United State
district attorney elicited, the statement that
no a word of any kind had been received
by that office ooncerning th matter. As
sistant District Attorney I-ne wa the
only officer of that department in th city.
District Attorney Goss Is In th east en
Joying hi vacation, and Special Attorney
Rush Is In th northern part of the state
tsklng testimony In th land fence case.
Mr. Lan ssld he could not say what would
be done by his office, as he had no Informa
tion except what he had read In the dally
napers and tne matter naa not oeen
brought to his notice Officially in any man
ner whatever..
L. C. Wheeler, superintendent of the se
cret aevlc of th government, wa asked
if his office would look Into the matter
and replied that he would do nothing un
less Instructed by the district attorney.
Mr. Goss win not return for ten days..
. It has been developed that the papers
found, according to the press reports, do
not apply to Interstate business, but to
butter and eggs and dairy products Into
Concordia from points In Kansas, and for
that reason would not come under th Jur
isdiction of the Interstate Commerce com
Showers In Nebraska. Today, Cooler
In Bonth Portion Wednesday
Probably Showers.
WASHINGTON. July So.-Foreeaat of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesdsy:
For Nebraska Showers Tuesday and
cooler In south portion; Wednesday, prob
able showers.
For Iowa Fair Tuesday except possible
showers In extreme west portion; Wednes
day, showers snd cooler.
For South Dakota Showers Tuesdsy,
cooler In central and east portions; Wednes
day, showers.
vFor Kgnsas Fair Tuesdsy and Wednes
day. I.oeal Reo.rl.
OMAHA, July 80. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding dsy of the last three
years: 10 106 1.04
Maximum temperature... 85 II It
Minimum temperature... 62 th 71 61
Mean temperature 74 7S 77 14
Precipitation 00 .00 .01 .00
Temperature snd precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the isat two years:
Normal temperature 71
Deficiency for the aay i
Total deficiency sine March 1 17
Normal precipitation. .. It Inch
Deficiency for the day 'i'."0!1
Total rainfall since March 1. .15.77 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 I. It Inches
Deficiency cor. period, 1108... 7.70 Inches
Deficiency cor, period, 1804... LSI Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and Stats Timp. Max. Rain
of Weather. i p.m. temp.
Bismarck, cloudy IS
Cheyenne, clear 74. 84
Chicago, cloudy. ...... .74 71
Davenport, clear 80 84
Denver, partly cloudy.. .10 88
Havre, partly cloudy... It II
Helena, clear 10 86
Huron, cloudy 10 86
Kansas City, clear. . .
North Platte, pt. cloudy. 90 14
Omaha, cloudy 81 15
Rapid City. Clear .j "
St. Louis, clear., 86 88
PL Paul, clear...... ...76 80
Silt Lake. pt. cloudy.. 88 4
Valentine, pt. ciouay...i
"T Indicates trace 01 precipimnun.
L.A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Angnst Averages.
Ths following data for the month of
August, covering a period of thirty-five
years have been compiled from the
weather bureau records at. Omaha. Neb.
They are imued to show the conditions
that have prevailed during the month In
question for the sbove period of year, but
uiuab not be construed as a forecast of
the weather condition for th coming
TEMPERATURE Mean or normal tem
perature, 74. The warmest month was
that of 1881, with sn average of W. The
coldest month wss thst of 1875. with an
average of 70. The highest temperature
was 105 on August 10. 1874. The lowest
temperature was 44 on August 10 lfcat.
The esrllest date on which first "killing"
frost occurred in autumn. September II.
mi. Average date on which first "killing"
frost occurred in sutumn, October 12. Aver
as. date on which last "killing' frost oc
curred In spring, April 15. The latest date
on which last "killing" frost occurred In
spring. May 1, 18s4.
PRECIPITATION frsln or melted snow).
Average for the month. 1.54 Inch. Aver
age number of days with .01 of an Inch or
more. 8. The greatest monthly precipita
tion ws. 1150 Inches In lis The least
monthly precipitation wa 0 56 inches In
18.44. The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded In any twenty-four consecutive
hours wa 7.06 incbea en August D6 and t7,
a. m . 80; average 7 p. m . 5v
number of clear days. 11; partly aloudy
davs. 12; cloudy days. 6.
WIND The prevailing winds have been
from the couth. Th average hourly veloc
ity of th wind I 17. Th highest velocity
of the wind was 54 miles from th north
west on August 15. 1J I A. WEIIH
Local Forersster Westher 13 ure O
Omaha. Neb., July 10, IM.
i ii
Well Contested names Draw Ont !
Craved of Interested
Mondsy evening wss field day st Ju
venile City. Fully - VS youngster wer
present to enjoy the spirited contests Ir
athletics and the boys acquitted them
selves very creditably. There were fl
vents, consisting of a forty-yard dash
pull up, rope citmb, standing broad .Vimt
and running hop, step and Jump. Resul-s
Forty-yard flash were Will Hw, lni
S seconds, with i points; John Vei
Merhrn, time 4 seconds, with I points
Claude Bslley, time St seconds, with u
points; Carl Noael, time 44 seconds, i
points; Harold Pagels, time 5 second. 4
points; Ed Burdlck, Clarence Pagels, sam
time and points; Harold Roberts, tlnv
64 seconds, 44 points.
run up win
UD Will Hose. John Ver Merhin
Harold Pagels, Ed Burdlck. Clsrenci
Pagels and Bert Foreman. 12 each, irhl
4H points; Claude Bailey. 17. with 4i
points: Harold Roberts, g with points
Csrl Nogel. , with lit points.
Rope climb Rose. t, seconds. f
points; Ver Merhrn, 10H seconds. S'
points; Bailey, seconds, M'i polms
Nogel, UH seconds. 7 points; II Pagelr
Mt seconds. Stfr points; Ed Burdlrk. (
seconds. 10'4 points- C. Pagels. 12 sec
onds. Bi points; Roberts, W seconds
94 points; Freeman, ti seconds. 1AV.
Btandlng broad Jump Rose, ft feet Sni1
4 Inch, f points: Ver Merhrn. 7 feet nhi'
Sty Inrhes. 1 points: Bailee, feet and '(
Inch. 4 points; Nogel. I feet 1 Inch. 4H
points; H. Psgels. t feet I Inches. I
points; Burdlck. 8 feet Inches, SA points;
C. Pagels, 7 feet S Inches. !, pot'its; Rob
erts, 7 feet 4 Inches. 1 points; Foremin,
i feet 7H Inches'. 2i points.
Running hop, step and Jump Rose. M
feet 1 Inch. 7 points; Bailey SO feet M
Inch. 4 points; NogeU 30 feet 11U Inches. I
points; H. pagels. SO feet S Inches. Vt
points; Burdlck, M feet 11 inches. I points:
C. Tagels, 2S feet 10 Inches points;
Roberts, tl feet M Inches, 114 points;
Foremsn. SO feet 11 Va Inches, I points.
The totsl score by points: Burdlck. W:
Rose, SS: H. Pagels, $; Bsllev, S7'4: For
man. : Nogel. KH; C. Psgels, : Ver
Merhrn, 19; Roberts, 1S14.
In the basket ball game George Sugar
man was csptstn of the "BJacks." consist
ing of Burdlok, Ver Merhrn. C. Psgels,
Burdick and Claude Bailey. The "Blues"
were captained by Cgrl Nogel, with Itlls
Dodds. Will Rose, Harold Psgels snd Bert
Foreman. Th VBlue".wer the winners
by a score of 22 to t.
The next athletic contest will take place
August U. There will be five events, fun.
nlng high Jump; putting 12-pound shot,
still dips on parallel bars, running broad
Jump and one-fourth mile race. The hoyt
are looking for- some exciting times during
these events.
A baseball team called the Juvenile Cltv
Juniors has been orgsnlsed with Henry
llonack ss captain and George Sugsrman
as manager. The team Is In active prac
tice and will be ready Soon to tackle any
Juvenile team In the city. The Juvenile
"crack squsd" will meet on Tliursda)
from 8:30 to 9:30 for practice.
Superintendent Sherwood snd Frank
Heller were present st the sthletlc meets
Monday evening, and found no difficulty
In keeping the boys In th best of order.
A large number of spectators viewed th
events from th outside.
Considerable new paraphernalia haa beer
added to the equipment of Juvenile City
and the boys are tsking advantage of I
enthusiastically. All young working bftyi
of ths city are Invited to become member
of the Juvenile City and will find a cordis
welcome awaiting them there each even
ing. Never Sent a Maa to th Hospital.
During th Spanish-American war t com.
manded Company O. Ninth Illinois Infantry.
During our stay In Cuba nearly every man
In the compsny had diarrhoea or stomach
trouble. Ws nsver bothered sending a msn
to the surgeon or hospital, but gave him a
do or two of Chamberlain's Cpllo, Coolers
and Diarrhoea Remedy and next day h
was all right. W always hsd a dosen
bottles or more of It In our medicine ahest.
-Orra Havlll. This remedy can always be
depended upon for colio and diarrhoea and
should b kept on hand In every horn.
ga.OO to Chicago ana Retarn
via Chirac Great Western Railway.
Tickets on sal August 4, 5 snd 6. Return
limit August 16. For further Information
apply to H. H. Churchill, O. Agt 1812 par
nam St., Omaha, Neb.
WATCHES Frenser, I5th and Dodge Sta.
Marrlaa 1. )
The following marriage licenses .
... SI
... in
... 21
... 21
... SIS
... 2!
... 2i
... 51
been Issued:
Name and Address.
Elmer Clark Thomas. Omaha
Lulu Myrtle Shackelford, Omaha...'.!
John Bona, Omaha
Annie Donsfor, Omaha ,
Floyd Child., Omahs
Susanna Davis Thrush, Omsha
John Pressly. Gillette, Wyo
n.riorvi uiud, umini
Martin Sorenson, Omsha
Margretha Bkow, Omaha
DIAMONDS Ed bolm, 16th and Harney.
Dr. Waaaerslay III.
Dr. E. B. Womersley, 3011 Leavenwortl
street, lies st his home in a serious condl
tion, and death is fesred at almost an
time. The doctor waa taken to Hot Springs
Ark., a few weeks ago In th hop At
benefiting bis health. He grew worse la
stead, and wss brought back boms Thurs
day. F.lata Bailer Market.
BliGIN. July 0. Butler advanced IV10 a
pound today, selling st SlVfrC- Output for
ths week, tV2,0uO pounds.
Ms ten eer tor eenr SIXTI Vgojt kr MlLUo
Ino. with pmrnt SCt't IS. IT SOOTHS la.
ClftES WIND lOUC, it too rinulr lof
lilASKHOSA S014 kr L.rl I .for, fort ot
the oorl. B. .ar. ant US lor
44 loa f ate. M KM I IsMia,