Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1906. SPECIAL NOTICES will be take antll 13 ia. for the e-enlnsj odltleo nna aatll H a. aa. for thr mo ml bK linear edition. Rates 1 l-2e a wor flrat liirrtlan, le nart thereafter. Nothlnsj taken for less thai SOe for the flrat loser tla. These advertisement mail ha ran oonaaeatlrrly. Advertiser, by requesting n a in hered check, ran have aatwfri ad dreaeet to a numbered letter la ear of Th Bee. Anewero o aedreaeed mill ha delivered oa preaeatatlon af cheek. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and r.nguso. catalogue free. Address it. H. uoyle. pres.. Boyle Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-MiS OMAHA flafe and Iron Work make a una. rlalty of fire earapea, ahuttera, door and sates, u.- Andreen, prop., 103 B. loth kt ' K zio B1(JH PAINTING 8. H. Cola, IW Dougla. ' it in TRT Kelly' Towel Supply. Tel. Doug.-3S30. R 213 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning- Co., Farnam. NTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co.. 821 N. 16th. Tel. JJoug.-177. Hes. phone loug..7061. K 214 ELflABSER A BRICE, Machinists, ill South 12th St. Tel. 8837. R 213 ARCHITECT. Preliminary sketches; estimates furnished. -moi ia uroune, us ilea tiiag. uoun -inn. R 76 30 TYPEWRITERS rented, all maices, 12 50. Fox Typewriter Co., 1823 Farnam. R M367 Augls WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit rases and shopping baxs. Old truriKs taken in exchange. Repairing. FREUNQ & STEIN I.E. 410 N. 16th St. Thone Douglas 4936. R-MS21 ASM BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm. home, buslnoa property that you want to sell or ex- crania write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, umiai, ieo., or oioux city, ia. Y M412 Jl 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers: good location. Address a 84. care of Bee. Y M788 BEST drug stock In southeast Nebraska; about 16,000 cash required; sales $24,000, prom lo.uuv. Aaaress H.-4Y, Jee. Y M58 Aug21 BRIGHT, CLEAN GROCERY STOCK FOR sale ennap; catn or trade; rent low. Ad dress K-62, Bee. Y M688. BAKERY Doing a good business; will sell cnean tor casn. Address K.-64, Bee. Y-M607. CIGAR, confectlonerv. bakerv arooda. Iain. dry agency and milk depot for sale; 176 i nun luaea Dusiness, stocK ana nxtures; aeaire to leave city, can at 2307 Ames ave. Y 131 JX FOR BALE $3,600 stock of racket goods In one of the best towns In central Iowa; innaouaiion J.ow. doing good cash busi ness; established years; cheap rent; the - only store of the kind In town. Reason tor selling is sickness. Address Box 63, xiuuib, in. I MM ASX FOR BALE lcurnltiira of l.ronmal eQ , with large summer kitchen, southern ex. posure, atsam heat, bath; rooms all rented; partlea leaving the city: will give uummuii i once, aijyt a. join hu; nat L. Y-M11S 11 x . FOR SALE Good paying Ice business, only one In town. 2,6t people, northwest Iowa; snap; must be taken Immodlately; selling account health. Address L 23, 1140 HI ia meat market on reasonable terms, if isaen at once. no trade considered. Ownef deslrea to leave city. Address or can M2 iiamuton. X M166 31 WANTED Man with small capital, to Join me In an established manufacturing busi ness, shirts and gents' furnishings for the trade; $100 per month and expenses io, guiia, sooer man; experience unneces sary If able to furnish good references. Aaaress L z, tsee. X M154 FOR SALE A first, class Job offloe with a-1 newspaiier piuni in connection, pub lishing three papers In surrounding towns; Job type all new; doing good ouaineas; excellent reasons lor selling; located at Hastings, Neb. Write now, ur rami, as mis snap win not last long. Prices low. Address Box 616, Hastings, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CODA FOUNTAIN, any slae. Uis Farnam. eHER WIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Bnermao at aacuonneu urug Co., unraua, AXt HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR BALE Empty ink barrels. Inquire ot j. n. vampovii, me mail room. y u FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; wa lead the world In cheap bar natures ; easy payments. Uruns- wica-iai-i)itenaer, ! g mm gu -M21 WE buy every thing In the furniture Una. cnicago s urniture wo., luo uoda-e. Q-82. CHEAP chicken fence, long flr Umbers, wnita) ajasawwuq ivr Burnt wora. -l pi. ItlO. Q 321 MILCH COWS, on easy temia 43d and center. nza OFFICE FURNITURE. One two-drawer Besley letter cabinet. Two tops for Ulobe-Wernicke case. One leather seat chair. One letter prei-a. One Cat top desk. One bookcase with three doors, about leet nigu. Two oak pedestals with base. Call fur Mr. Wright, Bee office. Q 832 FOR BALE Steam house heating boiler: waa used to hvat fc-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee mag. q MiM BEND US your mall order! for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-LilU,n I urug vo., (j malt. 4)Ui FOR BALE Bargain, Emerson high-grade piano, oniy siigntiy used. &K9 Miami St. g-iu 3KX FINE Minnesota Ice for sale In carlota. (j. UlllMit Co., Counoll Blufta. 14 M364 UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany case, at bargain. lbl Davenport. Q M130 2x ICE fur sale. In car lots. Frank Lutter, Cambridge, Write me. Ia. Q-140S0 FOR EXCHANGE lTO EXCHANGE for stock of merchandise department store building In town of l.ouO. Strictly modern. Rented for long time at JiuO per month. ITice $16,000. Write to Box 266, Plalnview, Neb. Z M6tl Aug 8 IF yOldo not find what you want In this column, put an ad in and you will soon gat It. fc wu WANTED To exchange a good lot for automobile. L 14. care Bee. Z-M74 Auglx STOCK hardware, live northwestern Iowa town, 8,&uu people; can trade for cheap western land; must be taken immediately. Address L X. Bee. Z-137 Six HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR . SALE An excellent lady's driving horse, with English folding-seat trap and tierneea, as good as new; very reasonable price. Dr. Pi Ibbeoow, 214 Karbarh block. 4 fi. l&ih P-M347 3a WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Clxsr makers: I rollers and 8 bunch breakers; will py the Deft l prl -e to go out of town; will send tl'-VMa Address II 12. cars of Bee. B-MS1S DRUG stores bnupht and sold; drug clerk ranted, r . V. Knltst. 624 N. I. i B ISO 6"0 YOUN'l MEN to prepare for firemen and braknmen. experience unnecessary, firemen 8100, brikemen 80 per month, with rapid promotion to engineer or ronoucior. Hundreds of portions open. Call or write for particular! at once. National Railway Training; A is n, 640 Psxton Hlk . Omaha. IN CO. JJ M0U1 u makers. M. Annon. Cm B 6S4 Auarli per. v yo. MEN with tec ma. to sell line of medl- clnea. Star tf td. Co.. Charlei City. la. H 891 Aum WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the advantages w offer eave yeara or ap prenticeship; positions walling. i"P wages: the rush for barbers never ear &reat; special offer now call or wiiw loler Barber college, 1116 Farnatn St. B U11S Wi CIVIL SERVICE Want vntina man to prepare. Sea Underfill". fc'JO North 24th. B M:SS AUK14 YOUNG MAN, A-l references, to sell type writers on road. Address Railing, 122 Farnam. BM-t4 A18 WANTED Brlrk handlers and laborers at the Avery Brick yard, two mnea soum of Albright; boarding house at plant. WANTED-Oood marble cutter; good wages, steady employment. unaea k Olldea. Norfolk Marble Works, Norroig. WANTED AT once a good 1 sausage maker. No boozers butcher and e maker. No poolers neea vi- C. H. MOKIAN, Newman Grove, Neb. rjDiw Bookkeeper, 150. BhlnnlnsT clerk. 840. Traveling salesman, dry goods, 11,200. Two extension clerks, 10. Call or write for complete list of vacan cies, and our plan of placing competent men. WESTERN REF. & BOND AP8 N., INC.. Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Hldg. B 147 31 MEN WANTED on steamships as cattle at tendants to Ixmdon. Liverpool, noner dam, Antwerp, Hull, Hamburg and Bre men. Agent wanted in your cuy. rui- elgnerV Protective Association. 2.(5 East 117th St., New York City. B M829 A2 WANTED Carpenters; steady work. Ad dress Jos. Shleslger, Yutan, Neb. s ai I WANTED For the V. 8. marine corps. men between ages 21 and 3d; an oppor tunity to see the world. For further In formation see poster In postofflce of any county seat In the state of Nebraska, giving address of recruiting office located therein. mr.w hii WANTED1 Car builders, repairers and truckmen. Cudahy Packing Co., sou tit Omaha. B M840 A3 ROOFER To do new work and repair Roofing Co., Lincoln, B M805 aug4 work. Nichols Neb. WANTED Energetic young man of good address; can easily mane xt a nay. ror particulars call at room 831, Board Trade. WANTED Teams st C. B. Havens St Co.'s yard, 14th and Webster Bts. B MUD AUgl WANTED Flrst-clBss meat cutter, city ex perience and references required. Address L 19, Bee. B 124 AJx WANTED Two men. Omaha Box Co., B-136A1 . East Omaha. WANTED An experienced tinner and plumber; permanent position for right man. Address A. A. uecKer, v isner, Neb. B M153 2 WANTED Two able bodied men not afraid of work; permanent position for right party. Call on foreman A. Booth ft Co., 1308 Leavenworth St. B M161 lx WANTED FEMALE HELP DRESS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by Mcuoweu uystem. rarnnm. - WANTED A cook; good wages, small fam ily. 1120 Park Ave. v 3J0 WANTED Experienced cloak salesladies for fall season; none neen appiy. Address K. b, .Hee. c ui WANTED Neat girl for yeneral home work; small family; near high scnooi. in. quire 26i3 Capitol Ave. C MS44 WANTED Woman cook. $36 per month: must furnish recommendations. Address L 7, Bee. C MS5 A MIDDLE-AGED woman as housekeeper and comonnlon for elderly lady: refer ences required; German preferred. Call after 6 p. m. at 2U03 N. 17th Ave. C-138 30x WANTED Girl for general housework. 2608 Dewey Ave. u Hi i WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By refined, cultured woman. position as housekeeper cr governess best of references. L-22, ie. A 111 Aug 6x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Two or three experienced sales men or salesladies, or Doth, to take charge of a well selected stock of high grade pianos In best town and country In cen tral Nebraska of 10,000 Inhabitants; good salary and commission to right party; state experience, age, nationality, refer ence, etc., first letter. Cash Williams Muslo House, Hastings, Neb. L M864 aug4 TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell fancy leather goods in Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma; only experienced sales man in said territory need apply. Address A. L. Reed Company, Richmond Hill New York City, N. Y. L-M852 t WANTED A first-class dress goods man to take charge of the dress goods stock good salesman and window trimmer; man that can speak German. Address 10, care Omaha Bee. L M378 31 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED Something entirely new and needed by everybody; our $2.ouo combination pollclea. covering all bccl dents, diseases and occupations; costing only $6 per annum eacn. payable iuar terly; issued try tnis society only; ove $4i,o00 already paid in benefits. Agents wanted; large commissions and exclu8iv territory given. Address National Accl dent Society, 320 Broadway. New York, Established 21 years. J WANTED Awenta to represents us in th sale ot our western Kansas lands. Globe Lund & Investment Co., Oniulia, Neb. and Sioux City. Ja. J Mlli Aug 1!) WANTED Indies or gentlemen, to sell la dies embroidered shirtwaist patterns and also other novelties to the public; no In vestment; can make $10 to $15 dally; d n't tarry and lose a good tliliiK ; we answer all mail orders. Inquire of The U. 8. Em broidery Works, 14 S 16th St. J M80 Augl WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu cation to travel and collect for firm of $6.0u0 capital. Salary. $1,072 per year and expenses. Salary paid weekly and expenses advanced; references required Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha. Neb. J 152 31x PRINTING LYNG3TAD High Grade UroT Calendars, . mHVrp B. E. corner 16th St. and JOKVE. Capliol Ave. -2S8 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co.. 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2007. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTP.AL PRINTING CO.. 110 8. I7TII S1 Alt -M974 All OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. Doug 164. 418 N. T. L, TeL -tl LAW & COLLECTIONS I. M. Macfarlanel. N. T. U Bldg Doug, fewe. Tel STRANGE YOU JUST TRY A BEE CUSTOMER. X FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HAVE a nice, pleasant, cool, south front room which we will rent to one or two fpiitlennn; large lawn; bent location In West Farnam district; detached house; everything modern. Will try and make It homelike and congenial. Price very reasonable. Address. L 8. Bee. E MS46 31 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, Doug. 6'lfO. M. E. Haul Trunks E-ai Thurston hotel; reoms 81 60 up per week. E 21' FOR RENT I or t beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard AH Co.. 61 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. E-M125 FURNISHED room In new modern house. !3"6 Douglas St. E-tuo CAPITOL. HOTEU 18th and Capitol Ave , south front, rooms with or without Donra. E-M!33 FURNISHED room for gentleman, private ramuy. 316 N. 18th St. hm-bm six STRICTLY modern furnished room for on or two gentlemen; walking distance. 'Phone Douglas 4076. 608 S. 24th Ave. E-MS7 31 r FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-3S VIENNA hotei; private dining rooms, cafe. jr .ji FINE suite of modern rooms with hot and cold water, suitable for four or five gentlemen; house Is elegant, deslrablr nnd convenient to business. fi!7 South lSth. F M985 31x NICELY furnished cool rooms, excellent The Rose, 2020 F Mfi07 A27x board rates reasonable. Harney St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 1 rooms; bath. Tlzard. 2'jn N. G M131 23d. FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Uouglus 16 A. benmouer a Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 farnam. TTtlTTKFS'n. all parts of the city. The Davis Co., ao8 Bee Blug. HOTTKF.S'ri all parta of the city. UUUOiOc. peUTs & Co., Bee Bldg. D 240 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack. move and store H. M. goods; storenouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnum. Tel. Douglas 16a. U 241 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age Co. Tel. ooug. lttfti. uruce, nu weo ter Bt. D-24I BEE us when shipping household goods 10 large cities west. we can save yoj money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO. nt N. Sixteenth Bt. MeL uoug. u D 244 CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room fiats. Tlzard. ?2 D MtiU n. ad. SEVERAL at $1$ to $16. Chris Boyer, m r,A Piimln, fit 'nhnna Uouar. 204'J. L 6!6 FOR RENT New brick flat. West Far nam district, just being compieieu. Strictly first-claas, oak finish, hardwood floors throughout, best nickel plumbing. Wm. K. Potter, 801 Brown Blk. D 128 A. H. Hennlngs. Harry O. Counsmao. Storage and Transfer. Best Storage House In the City. Immediate Attention Oiven. 15i-81-fSi N. 16th Bt. wltL uoug. vu. D U4X July31 8TORAQE ROOM FOR RENT Good lo cation, with elevator, 13tn ana jones. Brown Truck Co. " D 116 Ago STORAGE Maggard Van and Storage Co. Tel. Douglas-103a-149. D M66i Au6 414 S. 29 BT., 7 rooms, modern, $22.50. John N. Frenier, opp. 010 f. u. u-ru EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, on paved street, nrst-cias neignuumu, good condition. Price. $37.60 per month. Will be vacant August 1. M. J. Kennard & Co., 309-10 Brown block. D M6M HOUdES FOR RENT. 2902 Farnam St.; new 6-room flat; modern; 2T0I cuming, o-room; moueru. 812 N. 2Uli St.; 8 rooms; $10. N. P. DODGE A CO.. Bee Bldg. . 1714 Farnam SL D " D Mi)91 31 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household aoods stored: dry rooms, low pii. Phone 1062. 1106 Farnam. D M131 FOR RENT Brick house within 2 blocks of court house, s rooms, sdhoiuipij umu ern. Apply Elmer J. Neville. 301-2 Ne ville block. D I39 r'OR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 2th bt., bouth Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlsard. 220 N. SSd. I-M 8TORE ROOM for rent. 408 8. 16th, Or plieum Theater Bldg. DybalL 1518 Doug las. 1 i-tu SUITABLE for retail, wholenale or manu facturing, Zxluo; 8 floors and basement; luoa Farnam. Inquire 314 First Mat Bank Bldg. J -48 DESK room for rent. 644 Bee Bldg. I-4SJ FOR RENT One 4-story brick store with cement basement and good elevator; lMl Douglas. Building will be put In good order at once. inquireXat lAit Douglas. John Llnder. I M ROOM-20x60, rear. 317 B. 16th Bt. 1-853 STORES FOR RENT. 2:10 Farnam St., $30. 21IU8 Farnam St., $.U N. P. DODGE & CO , Bee Bldg. 1714 Farnam St. I M!'f2 31 2127 FARNAM ST. Large stoie room and basement, in new West Farnam bt. re tain district; $06 per month. GEOHGE Ac CO., I60I FARNAM. 1-141 $1 2127 FARNAM ST., large store room and basement In new West Farnam St. re tail dlNlrlct; $.10 per month. GEORGE & CO., 14 Farnam. 1-148 31 LOST LOST Gold brooch, in ahape of a knot. Keaard on return to Bee office. Lol-M3T6x LOST Black Cocker spaniel pup; tag No. ?'; suitable reward. Phone Doug-lac-664L M l'n.llx LOST Saturday at Christian Endeavor picnic at Bellevue, small open face watch. Hetui-n to McCoy & Co., 1314 Dodge St. and receive reward. Lost 134 augl LOST Small female fox terrier; reward. Call Douglas 1W2. Lost 133 CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 Sou in 14th St., upstairs. Reaultful prediction absolutely given. s-m FLORISTS L HENDERBON. 114 Farnam. TeL Doug U68, tM 1 CMT GET OUT WANT AD AND QUICKLY FIND A CASH -eC FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ONLY A FEW LEFT The fine, sightly lots at 48th and Military Ave. are nearly all gone. Those still unsold will go for from $160 to $260 each; $23 down; $6 per month, without Interest; on the Walnut Hill car line; paved street and with city water. See us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M805 augl GOOD INTERESTON THE MONEY. I can sell a modern brick building, new; three houses that pay 12 per cent on price, close in. Also six modern cottages, splendid con dition that pay 14 per cent on price asked. Also good corner and four cottages that pay 13 per cent .on the price. A special price of $1.6S0 for good cottsge at 25:3 Caldwell St.; modern except furnace. 3515 Howard St., modern cottage, seven rooms, $2.ftnn. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. RE-M101 31 JUST FOUR MORE All the Grammerey Park lots at 4Sth and Military Ave. are sold; we still have i fine south front lots on Grant St., between 48th and 60th, which we can sell for from $200 to $250 each; $-'5 down and $5 per month. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M879 31 THE J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,0u0 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" sbstract. 1008 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2244. RE 860 TKACKAGE A flne piece of trackage property, 1472234, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones tits.. $12,010 will take It for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. RE 458 SAMPSON & SONS, 60S Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 3850. BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. RE-M96: KERR-SHALLCROSS CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. '6487. r - RE- FOUR CHOICE Building Lots $400 Each. We sold all of our lots last Saturday In our 2d addition at N. W. corner 24th and Fort streets, excepting 4 on 26th avenue, north of Fort. We iwlll offer these for sale at the same price and on easy terms of $10.00 cash and $10.00 per month. Theso have city water and gas. Sewer now being put In. You cannot find any better bar gains than these in the north part of the city. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Ground floor Bee Bldg. RE 143 31 , $750 Your Choice of Three Lots On Cuming street, between 42d and 43d, paved street, sewer, water and gas. good i location, no specials to pay. These are I bargains. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. Ground floor Bee Bldg. RE 144 81 DON'T WAIT rt.rt,; ,rma, title already on our books and can make n abstract on sho-t notice at low price. midland guarantee and trust company; 1714 Farnam Street. RE-50 1 Something New and Cozy Two new 8-room cottaares on full south front lots, H block from Harney csr line, -on 33d St. Bath rooms, electrto lights, in fact, everything neat and mod ern, except furnace. Price, $J,0CO. Terms to suit. BEMIS, Paxton Blk. RE-146 81 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and Vi per cent loans on real estate; no delay W 263 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment o. i WANTED City loans and warrants. W. I Farnam Smith & Co.. 1X0 Farnam bt. W-244 BUILDING loans on residence property; 1 per cent, w a. aieiKie, niuiiii ua W-264 LOWEST RATES Bemis. Paxton Blk. W 2JI PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1620 Dou W 3o $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rest, dtnee property in Omaha; lowest ralus: no delay. Thomas liiennan. ft. 1. N. Y. Life. Wi WANTED City loans. R- C. Peters & Co. W-."7 City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.N.Y L LOANS on Improved city property. VV. H, Thomas, 606 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY, FURNITURE, stoves, and shoes. Pay the Dou8ias-3j71. SECOND HAND carpets, clothing oest prices. Tel. N Autia WANTED Tickets to California for gen tleman and young lady. L 20, Bee of fice. N 122 30x FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and lroo . Works. 6u7 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red-OS. Mali A ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing - jr foot. i06 N. ITth Bt. Tel. Red 814. M973 AM PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct.' Wholesale prices. Bave on every article. Only first. Class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Bend for catalogue. B. F. KaroL 236 Hamsun Bt . Chicago. III. -MSS7X OF BUSINESS al SC -C IOIlJIy FOR SALE FARMS GRAIN AND STOCK FARM SO acres level land, soil Is of black vegetable mold on a heavy clay subsoil, Is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones; 2uO acres In cultivation, balance pasture and hay land; good fences, sheds and other outbuildings and windmill; neat o-room dwelling. Price only $10 an acre. It would make an Ideal home. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas n'81. H-Mi77 31 Western Kansas Wheat Lands 60.000 acres of fine wheat lands, J4.00 to $15.00 per acre. Special excursions every Tuesday. Write for particulars. Olobs Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Slouz City, Ia. HM 4J A18 2,000 ACRES AT $2.50 AN ACRE In western Nebraska; soil Is black loam on a heavy clay subsoil, 's Very rich and easily worked; no stones. The owner Is anxious to sell. The same kind of land, under Irrigation, sells as high as $100 an acre, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 17S1. H-MS96 31 1.8TO-ACRE Wyoming ranch, partly lrri- gated, well fenced and watered. 133 acres. Nemaha Co., good Improvements. Ccal discovered In vicinity. U. S. SALES BUREAU. , . 304 Neville Bldg., Omaha. ' vm 30 FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lands In wsstern Ne braska, Colorado and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $6.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. for further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 818 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. H-M 128 2 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And thlj is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand In the way of en Joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. S07-808 Paxton Block. X M979-AUG4 OUR LOANS Our employes are well informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and If you conclude that it will now pay you to borrow, there Is no harm don. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and to salaried peopio upon their own agreement to ly. We oner you rates as low us you will find and our facilities tor quick and con fidential servicea are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our line la the city, and we always try to please cur r. t pn.iH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. VM. . X-iUI MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horaea, cows, etc. c t . Keed. 310 . UU1. X-iit Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels tr salary. Easy to get no red tape. You Ket money same dsy asked foi at a mall cost. Open eveninus till 7. X .ij CHATTEL and salary loans. ' Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. Plioe tug X-ltM- EAGLE Loan Oflice, reliable, acommodat lag; all business coniideiitial. liol Duutt. X-J6J DR. PRIBENOW'B PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianoa, i;y, hursts, etc.. In any amount, at less man half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy. Immediate attention; on any let tut wanted; payments suspended in caae ol sickness oi' out of employment, liooiu 314 Kaibach Blk., Ju 6. i&ttt bt. X X MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLs) and others without security; easy im incuts. Offices In 63 principal citiea. To, iiiji. room U4 New xuik Life ttiug. X-25S FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 6, Lik:r bik. x-a CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. IX rarnam Bt- X 2tU PATENTS H. A. BTURGE3, registered attorney; pat ents; trade minks, copyright; no fee un lets succesatui. 617 N. Y. Lift, omaii.1. -224 F. J. LARSON A CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Blug., Oiualia, Neb. -22 6HARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, r Herns, tastings, machine Murk. eoi-Otl loth Bt. j -m PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. M" " Aug3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER. 511 First Nat. Bank Power plants, manufacturing process. Ice plants. lei, lnboection, rep irts. v M-S74 All AUTOMOBILES FIVE-PASSENGER touring car. fully equipped, standard make, l&ui. good as new; aiso 16-h. p. runabout, fins conciiinn; will seli ft,.' cash or real estate. Adilrcsa J 4, Bee. -M'Jll AUTOMOBILE RENTAL CO. Office Niles A Moser, 16th and Faicam. Ttl Ioug. 1- T.'i Jul3ux TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tlckeU everywhere P H. Pbilbla. 16u Faioam. 'Phune D"'ig. 784, DEATH NOTICES BErHTOLD-Charles E.. July SO, IM, aged years. Services from residence. 1? Pierce St . Tuesday, July 31. st ! o'clock p. m. Inter ment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends In vited. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN Ol'EKAl ION-ALL kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleetiing or Itching piles. A guarantee given in every case treated by Dr. Max well, who has had twrnty-flve years' ex perience In treating plls. Hundreds of testimonials given on, application. 614 Pee bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1424. U-M4Q0 Jyii ADHESIVE, Invisible, harmless. Pstln skin powder Is made In four alluring iluts.o. OMAHA Steam Taste Co. manufactures pure Hour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. Doug. 4521. U WIRE AND IRON FENCES. Pee our line. Cheaper than wood. Free cataiogue. Omaha Wire and Iron Wka Oftlce 607 Bee bldg. 'Phone Red 6908. U M44 Aug 1 ANY POOR GIRL In need ot a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at Si24 N. 2Uh St.. Omaha, Neb. . I MUX) TRY KcLLY'S Laundry. 862a 'Phone Douglus V-tlt DR. ROY. rhlmnnitir RIAL 1306 Far nam ' " it 7a PRIVATE confinement home; 'Mrs. Dr. King. 2J18 N. 2lst St. Tel. Doug. u6s. II "S PI F AT I NO Buuous. Ituchlng. 1 LLf 1 U1J Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 6c per yard, bend tor price list and sample. UOLMAN PLEATING CO.. 0 Douglus Block. Tel. Doulas l&A Li 2T LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doutf. 264. 211 S. UlUBI PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. Uardcll, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. THE Solvation Army solicits cast-off c'othlnts, in fuel, any thins you do not need. We collect, rtpair and sWl. st 114 N. 11th St., lor cost of collecting to t'ne woriliy poor. Call Phone L'oug. 4135 and wugun will call. U 6U MAdNF.TIH OSTEOLOGY. Mis. Rlt AUiHllj tennouse. 410 N. Itith Et. Room 2, 2d floor. V M361 Alii FREE medical and surgical treatment at CielKhton Medical College, 14th anl Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment u- Cirvlsed by college professors. Phune oug. 1167. Calls answered day or n.tjlit. u-ia THE City Garbage Co. Office. 14th and Leavenworth bis. Tel. Douglas 13!7. U-282 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 72 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-822 SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer, $12 Bee Bldg. u-ia OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Rarnge Blk. U-ll M A d VF.TTP. treatment bath Mma. JVliVUJN ill Ally Bnmh 1U N. ij, id hour. U MS38 AuglOX 6YRINGEB, rubber goods, by mail; cut rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers itllon Drug Co., Omaha. VUia WE RENT sewlnc machine at $1 per week; we sell second-hand' machines $6 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16ih and iiaraey. Tel. liougiaa lira. u iJ LADIES, If desponaent or In trouble are given sympa:ny, counsel ana aia. noom x, tzi so, Kiin Bt.. omana, is so. U Matt ASS DRS. VOOEL, private hospital for women and lor ladles belore and duriug coniine uient. 2318 S. 13lb bt.. Omaha. Neb. U M-37 Aug. 17 MAQNETTC Massage, 412 N. 16th St, JUZVUiMHiXlU' Bei.ond ioor. r00m 2. U M800 augI6 WANTED Free attractions for street fair. , August 17 and IS. Address John F. Bunte, Cortland, Neb. U M13J 1 WANTEI Bid from contractors for a two-story brick addition to the high school building at Exeter. Plans on tile with J. B. Blouch, secretary of the board, t-xeter. Neb. u Mlbtt i CHIROPODIBT-Dr. Dunbar, 208 Neville block; halrdresslng, etc. Douglas ir,0. U M149 Au30 MEOICAL BEST nerve bracer ior men. "Cray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 237 DR. FRIES, Wlthnell Blk.. 16th and Har ney, room 2. Treats successfully diseases and irregularities o' women, recent or long standing. Doug. $768 "When You "Write to Advertisers It will take only an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw their ad in 'i lie nee. MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 6K2L DRESSMAKING Woodruff & Arnold. 313-14 Neville Blk. -M471 A3 RAILWAY TIME CARD IMOJj STATION TENTH A.D MARCY Inion I'aclllc. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a k:u am a 8:18 pm The Clnna and Japan Fast Mail a 4:16 pm a 6:10 pm a 8 30 am Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:16 pm California & Ore. Ex Los Angeles Limited... Fast Alall Colorado Special North Piatte Local... Beatrice Local .a 4 2a pm .all:30 am .a 1:66 pm .a 7:46 am .a 8:10 am .b 8:16 pm a 6:10 pm aiu:4s pm a 3:80 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pm b 2:u0 pm iklcasa Great Western. St. Paul & Minneapolis. 8:30 pm 7:10 am 11 :6o pm 8:00 am 11:60 pm 8:30 pm St. Paul & .Minneapolis Chicago Llmiitd Chicago Express Chicago Express 7:46 am 6:10 pin 7:46 am 3.30 pin ii,'UiO A .Norlb western Local Cedar Rapids a 7:06 am a 8:00 pm Chicago Daylight ...a :ijO am ...a h:li pm ...a 4:32 pm 11 3o pm Chicago l.linneu ... Cat roll Local St. Paul Fast Mall.. .lo am 1:60 sin ...a pm 7:06 am bioux C. or. st. P. Local. b ;bu pm a 8:8u am Fast Mail Chicago Express a 6:60 pin Chicago Limited all:oopm Norfolk & bonesteel ...a 7:40 am Lincoln & In Pine. ..a 7:10 am Casper & Wyoming a 8:0o pm Deadwood & Lincoln. ..a 2:uu pm i.'Mt pm a 7:8o am 11 16 am 10.86 am lv.36 am a 6 06 pin 6:06 Dm Hastings & Superior. .. .0 3:uu pm 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion . b 6:02 pm bl2:40 pm 8:46 pm a 6 00 am 10 :00 pm I Chicago Local .... Fhoshonl Express ! Twin City Limited Wlluots Central. .all :30 am al2 30 am 7:60 am vnicago r.ipron .. Chicago Limited .. .a 8:00 am a ! 65 pm a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am tliicasa Hock. Island A Paelse. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Iowa Local Chicago Mall .... Iowa Local .a 3 2b am .a 7.0o am a 7 :10 am a 4:30 pin al0:10 pm b 8.66 pm a 1:46 pm al2:10 pm .a 8.18 am ,bl2:16 pm Cklcagu tl-Jastern Exp l a 4 ' pm Chicago (Iowa l.lniueni a x pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 atn a 316 am Colo. It Cal. Express. ..a 2 01 pm a l li pm Okl. A Texas Kip a 4.40 pm al2:t pm Colorado Fast Mall al0:10 pm a 7:38 am a dally, b dally except Sun lay. Chicago, Milwaukee A St. 1'aal. Chi. A Colo. Special. ...a 7:66 am a 7:80 am California A Oie. Ex. ..a 6:46 pin a 8:10 pm Overland Limited a s ao pm a jo am Marlon A Cedar R. Loc.b 45 am bll:00 pm Mlsaonrl Pnvlne St. Louis Express. a $ no am a 6:30 pm K. C. A St. Li. Express.. an is pm a s ou pm Wibtik. St. Louis Express a 6 80 pm a 1:40 am St Louis Local (from Council Bluffsj a :le am a 10. 80 pm Btanbeiry Local (from Council Blurt a.) b 60 pra bll :80 am RAILWAY TIME CARD Bl RLI.1GTO BTATIOJI lOth MASOS. Barllagten. Leave. Denver California.... 4 10 rm lUack Hills a 4 10 pm Northwest Fpeclsl a 4.10 pm Northwest Kxprese aU:10 pro Nebraska Express a 9 lo am Nebraska Local a 8:00 am Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:00 pm Ft. Crook k Plattsm'h..b 1. 50 pm Brllevu ,v Plattsm'h . .a J .60 am Denver Limited Bellevue A Pac. June. ..a 3:30 am Bellevue A Pac June. ..a :10 am Chicago Special a 7:2 am Chicago Express a 144 pm Chicago Flyer a 8 06 pm Iowa Local : am Pt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas Clty-8t. Joe....aH 4 pm Kansas Clty-8t. Joe. ...a :15 am Karsas Clty-Bt. Joe 4:tt pm Arrive. o pm a 8. 30 pm a 06 am a ( M pm a 7:40 pm ... a t ot am al! : pm b!0. am a 8:30 am a 7:10 am a I SO am a 1:60 pm a 7:26 am a I 66 pm a 7:76 am 10:63 pm all 30 am a 8:46 am a 8:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT ltl WI18TE", Chlraaro, St. rani. MlBBoapoIl Omaha. Lear. Aniva. Twin Civ Passenger... 6 .80 am b :10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 8 00 pm all:) am irmeraon I ATI ....D l .w I'm b 10 am Emerson Local o 8:46 am O 8:60 pra Missouri Paella. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water o j:so pm di:w P ra a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. ft Dan, Dally except Saturday, a Sunday only, except Mondsy. OCEA STEAMERS Scandinavian American Una V Large rest Iwn Bersw FsssssfM Btesasft -Dlreei ta- NORWAY. SWEUEN and DENMARK Silling; from New York at noon. Ut Ctbln 10 00 and upwards, td Cable 141 60. F. T1ETIIEN All , Bapt. W HKI.LIO OLAV ...Aug. 1. (apt. It I N I I ED STATE? Aug. 80, Oct. 11 OSCAR II Sept. 13, Oct. 24 For Tlrkrta ippljr ta Ixral Afanlts, er lo A. E. JOHNSON, 1 Broadway, N. Y. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. South Omaha Land Company to Rosa J. zertre, lot 8. block 2U Houtn . Omaha t 500 1.000 800 1.600 800 S3 South Omaha Savins Bank to the South Omaha National Bank, lot 11, block 81 and 62 ft. of lot 12. block M. South Omaha Turkey Land Company to Marie J. wiuiams lots u and lz A. p. tur key's re-plat block 2. Bemls Park.. Jt rmlah M. Fitzgerald to Balthas .let ter N. 22 ft. of e. so ft. of lot l, block 37. South Omaha Wojcech Raruh and wife to Balthas .letter lot 12, block l, potter anu Cobb's addition. South Omaha Edward Cassldy and wife to Annie Dunn lot 8 blocK 11 zna aonition to Mt Doualas. South Omaha Zora I. Shields to Louis Hlller E. 4 ft. lot 15 and W. 4 ft. lot lfl. block 6 First Sub-dlv. GrlfTln and Smith Addition , James Hromatka and wife to Abols and Marie Tuksa lot 20, block Z, Melia's First addition. Eolith Omaha John Kegan and wife to Frank Bvo- boda and wife, lot e biocg t r orest Hill addition i John Schneider and wife to Thomas J. O Nell lot 2 block 3M Boutn Omaha Mahala E. Cox and husband to Thomas J. O'Nell w. w it. lot a hinric -U1 flouth Omaha John V. Vacck and wife to James F. Kastl and wife Bi or lot z, diocb; 10, 8 E. Roger's addition John W. McDonald to Hugh H. Thomas lot 11, Dioca ua, norencc. Total ....$18,617 MRS. FOSTER ASKS DIVORCE Wife of Dentist-Legislator Complain of Cruelty and La est of Support, i Mrs. Grace Watrous Foster filed a petition for divorce in district court Monday from Dr. Harry A. Foster, a member of the last legislature and a prominent dentist of the city. She charges him with extreme cruelty and failure properly to support her. She also secured a restraining order from Judge: Troup to prevent Dr. Foster from interfer ing with her or their child, or Incumbering or disposing of their property, until after the hearing of the suit. They were married, according to the pe tition. March . 1804. and the domestic trou ble started the following June. She charges the defendant with personal violence ant threats at frequent Intervals from that tlma on. She also says he did not provide for her as he should have and a part ot th time she had to depend on her father. Jan uary 1, 1906, she says he flew Into a rag because dinner was not ready at o'clock. Some time after that she ssys she went to his office and told him she was going to leave him and go to her father In Mllwatt kee. He consented and gave her money to go and then, she charges, took a revolver from his desk and made her return th money, saying If she left him It would ruin his political prospects. In June she say she left him and went to her parents, wher she now Is. She asks for alimony and th custody of the child. Catherine Neu wants a divorce from Jacob Neu, to whom she was married In Germany In 174. She charges him with extreme cruelty and nonsu,pport. She se cured a restraining order to. keep him from molesting her. COUNCIL TELEPHONE PLAN Committee Snbmlts Proposition to Nebraska Company Which Is Token I'nder Consideration. The committee on telephones and tele graph In the council hss submitted a pro position to the Nebraska Telephone com pany, which, If the latter accept, will se cure It against the granting of a fran chise to another company In this city. The proposition, which consist of three sections, has been tsken under advisement by the company, but there ta a belief th company will not be willing to agree with out some modification of this proposition: 1. Reduction of the price on all business telephones to 86 a month. 2. Connection and Interchange with alt lines entering Omaha. I. Free connection with Bouth Omaha. It Is estimated that the total reduction under the first and third heads will amount to 7O.000 a year. STREET STANDS MUST MOVE Commercial Carbaarles Beeoaso Ob ject of BaHdlnc Inspector Wlthnell' Attention. Building Inspector Wlthnell ha declared war on the frultstand that permanently monopolize sidewalk apace In the town dis trict. One at Sixteenth and Harney street on the southeast corner has been partic ularly obnoxious to the merchants close by. With the aid of awnings and other contrivances a smalt hut of a building ha been made to accommodate an establish ment. The Inspector has discovered that fourteen feet of street space Is occupied and that the ordinance permit but four feet to be used. He will Insist that th stand move bark on the vacant lot on the corner and rent specs there, or he will carry the matter to the court. Very Low Rates Tuesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, th Chicago Great Western railroad will at 11 homeseekers' ticket to Minnesota. North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesday. 'Writ W. H. Churchill, O. A., 1612 Farnam street. Stat number la part and when going.