Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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' Allowi But Fife Eiti, While Omaha OtU
.) Hine Off 5ewlin.
' ptnaha Jimpi on to Career's. Slab
.' Artist la First laalng for
Thrr Hits bb4 Two
MrNIy took a hand In th shutout
business at Vinton Street park Monday
afternoon and gave- Sioux City the same
mdicln aa was. 'administered to lies
Molncs and Ienvtr by War Sunders, the
score being 7 to 0.
It wiwa women's day and the members of
the fair sex were out In abundance, but
McNcfloy did not Intend, to let that spoil
his game as It has other aortal favorites
whom Itourke has had to do the honors
In the box for him. He never onre glanced
at tlv grandstand, but 'tended strictly to
biiKiners nd htld ("nrn'-y's men to five
hits with but two bases on balls. He also
took rsrt In the hitting btanrh of the (tame
and mode a double mhlih brought home
two men and he cam In later himself on
Carter's hit. He pitched himself out of
several pinches, an n,Ve different times the
first man up fo'r the Sioux reached first
and only one man got ai far as third.
McNeeley had opposed to him Newlln.
the lengthy man whom Pa bought from
Carney and who was taken back before the
. goods were delivered and Sawyer sent In
his place. After the first Inning, which
" was very bad for the Sioux and good (or
Omaha, Newlln settled down and did some
excellent work for .four innings, not al
lowing ft hit, but nCter'that he was touched
up fiulte freely. Your old friend, ..the
Butcher, sun on de k. but he was unable
.to Conner safe With the 'ball, although
he Sept two long ones to Harry Welch and
the third one was a i t H grounder to
I.avlir, tt, caught evcr thlnr, thaf came
his way; tint was not as lively rm the coach
ing, lines as when he had the Omaha
bleachers to bock Mm up.
' " First Man Wnlks
Cainphell, the flret man up In the flrt
inning, walked, but he could not score,
' although Weed made a safe hit and was
caught nt second In trying to stretch a
Dingle Into a doulH". Omaha, started after
the 'Game from the first jump. Carter lined
out h afe one and Howard fouled out to
TYresc. 1'crrlng hit a triple, the ball hit
ting the Roek Island sign on the fly. Carter
scoi Ing. . iWrlch .flew out Jo. Campbell and
Perrlng scored on the throw. Itassey hit
far a triple ' but could not cash It In as
liolan flew out 'to Newton.
No more runs were made until the sixth
"First Aid" to the
V7 a rrHEN Heartburn,. Sour
W Stomach, Headache, Bad
Breath, coaled fTongue,
- Belching of Stomach, Gas,
, or any of these forerunners of Indigestion
appsar. Old Dr. Cascaret; wants to be right
. en the spot in your pocket. :
Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure the
most obstinate cases of Constipation and
Indigestion,, without discomfort or Incon
venience.' ' " " ..'""
.His medicine does not gripe nor purge,
but exercises naturally the -.muscles that
line the walls of the Intestines and Bowels.
;'' '
' Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes
. the Bowel-Muscles, Just as It- weakens
Arm and Leg muscles.
Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
these, Bowel-Muscles. He wakes, them up
Just as a cold bath would wake up a lazy
Then he works them (throujfh the
' nerves) till they get so strong from that
Exercise that they don't need any more
help to do their duty.
5 '. , "
Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey,
wine or beer drinking, nervous excitement,
" sudden exposure to cold or heat and a dozen
other everyday likelihoods rife' the' Bowel
Muscles. In such cases a little Cascaret In time
is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
Inning, when Welch hit a hrd rtrlva
through the pitcher, was sserlflred to sec
ond end ram home - oa fmian's double.
Freeze endM the Inning by reaching Into
the grandstand for a high foul tip which
be safely corralled. Carter led off In the
even4h with a baea on balls and came home
on Herring's single to left field.
The 5lourke family added three more.rtns
on three hits and art error In the eighth.
Just for good measure. After Bassey and
Dolan had been put alde Jjiwler reached
first on Newton's-error. The ball was a
high popup' and as Newton ran backwards
he fell and then nearly caught the ball.
(Rogers singled and McNeeley hit for two
sacks, bringing in both I-awler and Rogers.
rrttr hit a clean single to left field and
brought McNeeley home and was then
caught trying to steal, second. It was all
blank for the Sioux.
The same teams will play this afternoon.
The score:
AB. R.
. . 4 2
. 4 - O
. . 4 1
..a l
..3 o
..4 0-
.-.4 1
.. 3 1
.'. J 1
Carter, rf . . .
Howard. ?.-,
I'errlng. 3b . ,
Wcleh. tf..t
Rnssey, If..,
Dolan. lb...
1HWler, ss. .
Rogers, c . . .
McNeeley, p.
Totals 32 7 9 27 12 1
AB. Ft- H. PO. A. E
Camjihell, If..
Sheehan, rf . . .
Nohllt, rf .
Weed, 2b.....
Newton, ss...
Ftost, 3b
Williams, lb.
Freise. c
Newlln,' p...'.
. Totals . . i .,
Hits ."'.'..
Sioux City J.
i o
i 24
', n- n a . i
Runs .". :'... d 'fl ' 0 , P .0 0
Hits ..." .1' J. 0 "0 -1 2
. -Two-base hits: . Tin l'fn, "McNeeley. Three
hnse hits: PerrVhg,' Basef, Left Jm
bases: Omaha, $: lu ",My4 S. Pssvl
ball: Rogers. First haw on balls: jtOft
MeNeclev. 2: off Newlln. 3. Hit by pitched
ball: Newlin. Struck out: By , Mo-.
Neeley. 2; hy Newlln, 1. Double jjluyS:
Howard to Dolan; Weed to --Newton', to
Williams. Snerlfk-c hits: ' Bsey, Frivt.
Williams. Tlm: 1:15. Umpire: Mc
Carthy. Attendance: 1,300, . .
Lincoln Wins from Denver.
LINCOLN. July 30. Lincoln won -an
uphill game today from lenver by a score
of 4 to 3. The. visitors started out like
sure winners, pounding Kyier for two
doubles and two singles, which, with a
hasp on balls between, netted three runs.
Then Jones went in the box and the Grtx
xlles were helpless before him. Ketchem
vas the star of the game, hatting Paige
for a triple and two doubles and scoring
two of Lincoln's four runs. Score:
S f-
0 I 5-6
Windy City Nationals Defeat Bean Eaters
ia Free Hitting Contest.
Virions Roaader trlkes Him
Oiff the Eyr and Krees
II I m o l.ear the
BOSTON. July Jfl.-Ther was plenty of
hitting by both teams In today s game, but
Chicago's efforts In this direction were
the more timely, and the visitors won by
6 to 1. Evers was hit over the eye by a
vicious bounder and compelled to leave the
game. Score:
. B H O A B B HO A f
S1I. cf 4 110 Hrli. n
J Tenner. lt-
0 Bruin. Jh...
0 Batra. el. . .
1 i 1 If.
4 4 iKDnlan. rf . ..
1 i Sn-Netll, r..
Shkrt. H. . 4
Prhulte. rf. ... 4 1
( hnr. lb... S I
arelsrrlilt. 3b I 1
Tinker, m.. ..41
Krm. it, 4 0
Hoffman. 2b . . 0 0
kilns, r 4 2
Lundgrtn, P . 4 1
t. 4
14 1
I II 1
1 3 0
t 1 0
1 1 0
0 4 t
1 1 I
1 0 1
AB. R. ' H. O. A. E.
Ketchem, cf 4 2 3 1 0 0
Qulllln, 3b 4 0 ! 1 0 0
Fenlon. If 4.1 2 1,0 0
Thomas, lb 4 1.1 13 1 0
Collins, rf 3 ft 0 0.0 0
Oagnler. ss 3 0.0 3.3 2
Zlnran, c 4 0 t 7 I 0
HHrton, 2b 4 0 0 1 2 1
Hyler, p..., 0 0 f) Q" 0 0
Jones, p 4 0 0 0 7 0
Totals 34' 4' 8 ' 27 15 3
McHale. lb...
T. Smith, ss.
Randall, rr. .
Russell, cf...
.Hlusky, c. . .
Reddlck, 8b;.
Donahue, 2b.
Belden. If...
iaige, p. . .
AB. Rk
4 1
H. O,. A. E.
Totals .33 3 7 24 12 4
Llneoln ,.,1'0 1 0 0 1" 1 0 4
Denver 3 0 0 0. 0.0 0 .0 0 3
Earned runs: Lincoln,' 2; Dehver. 2.
Three-base. hit: Ketchem. Two-hase hits:
Ketchem 2 v Quillin. Mclialh, Randall,
Reddlck, Belden. Stolen bass; , Quillin,
Fenlon, Thomas, Zlnran. Double plays:
Thomas to Gagnler; Donahue t Smith to
McHale. First base or balls: ' Off Eyler,
1: off-3 ones, 1; ff Paige.. k Hit rbv
pitched hall: By Paige. 1. Ktruck oin:
By Jones. 6; by Paige. 4. Left. on bases;
Lincoln, 8; Denver. 6... Time: ,1:35. Um
pire: Keofe. Attendance:' 600. ,
Champa Win a. watfest.
DE3 MOINES. July SS.J-Des Molnea won
a slucglng' matcn from FuHlo torlav
twemy-one'.Nlngles' and .sVven rwo-baggeis,
neing niHoe during inc game- . J ne i nam-
piois had a shade .the best of trie fielding
while I'ucblp secured the moet hits. Score
AB.. RT' H.. TO. A.. E.
Pes Moines, f ...... 4 1,2 3 0 0
O I.eary, 3b 5
later on, to say nothing of the suffering,
discomfort, loss o(f Business Energy, and
loss of Social Sunshine, it saves.
4) .
.Utile thin Cascaret Box, shaped so you
don't notice Us presence in purse or vest
pocket. Contains six Candy tablets Price Ten
Cent a Box at any Druggist's. .
' Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
Welday, cf.
Dexter, lb. ...
Towne. c
Hogrlever. rf.
Andrciia, s. .,
Mugonn, 2b. .
Miller, p
Cook, If.
McUllvray, lb.
Shugart, 2h. ..
Melcholr. rf.
Elwert 3b, ....
Ronnlcker, o. ,
Fluke, ss ,
Bader. cf
Bttmmell, p. ..
0 0 ngirohol. Ib
3 10 Lindaman,
1 I 1
Totals 3S 12 V 14 S
Totala 3 11 T 1J 1
Chicago 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1-6
Bostpn .....0 .0 0 0 0 0 1 1 02
' Home runs: Chance, 2. Sacrifice hits:
Shcckard, Brain. 6tolen base: Chance.
Double plays: Evers to Tinker, to Chance;
Bchult to Kllng. First basa on balls: off
Llndaman, 1; off Lundgren, 2. Struck out:
By Llndaman, 4; by Lundgren, 4. Time:
S:6. Umpire: O'Dijr.
Kew York Makes It Poor Straight.
NEW YORK. July 30.-The New Torks
had very little trouble In making It four
straight' from Cincinnati by winning to
day's game. Corcoran's errors were re
sponsible .for the big score of the home
team", .The fleldinx features were fine
catches ''-by Jude and Shannon. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. 8-HO
Breanahan. c. 4
Browne, rr. . . 4
Shannon, If. ., 4
Srmonr. f . . 8
Brfwerman. lb 4
DvMn, 3b ... 4
Pahlen, .... 4
Ollhrt, 2b ... 4
Mathewnon, pi
Frrpiaon. p.. 1
.A B.
l i
( i
I 3
9 1
I 0
4 2
I t
0 i
OHna-xIna, 2b.. 4
0Klky. lb.... 4
CJute. rf 4
0 Smont. If I
OOrlrhantr, 3b 4
1 Stulo. rf t
0 Corcoran.' aa. . 3
0 t.tvlna.ron, c. 2
0 Wlckfr, p 3
- Totals 3D 4 11 11 i
Totala 3 17 24 11 1
New York 1 1 4 0 0 0 3 -9
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Left on bases:' New York. 8; Cincinnati,
8. First baHe on balls: Oft Ferguson, 2;
off Wicker, 2. Struck out: By Mathew
son. 2; by Ferguson, 4; by Wicker, 2. Two-
base hits: Browne, Bowerman. Oilbert,
Mathewson, Corcoran. Sacrlllce hits:
Browne, 2. Stolen bases: Devlin (f, Fer
guson, Huggins. Hit by pltcned ball: By
Ferguson, 1. Hits: Oft Mathewson. 4 in
six innings: off Ferguson, 1 In two innings.
I'mpirea: Johnstone and Kmslic. Time:
2:00. Game called on account of darkness.
St. I.onla Defeat Brooklyn.
BROOKLYN, July 30. The St. Louis
Brooklyn series ended In an even break
today, the visitors winning the fourth
game. Brooklyn was outplayed all the
way and Just managed to squeeze away
from a shut out. The locals were at
Karger's mercy at all stages until the
final. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
Burch. cf 6
Bnntt, 2b... 4
Harry, rf
Mertea, If 4
Orady. lb 4
Crawford, aa.. 6
W.Manhsll. c 4
Ho-l,kr. 3b. 4
Karser. p 4
0 Maloner. ct-. . 1
0 Canejr, lb
0 Lumley, rf... 1
0 Jordan, lb. . S
o Hnmmtll, 2b. 4
0 McCarthy. If.. 3
e iwti, na 3
Rllter. c 3
0 Eaton, p 3
0 1
0 0
1 1
0 11
1 s
2 4
0 4
0 0
Sullivan's betting and Alliser's one-hand
catch were tHtures. 8eore:
B H f. A r.
R H O A K.
Hahn. rf . . . .4
F Jfm. cf. . 4
!fSll. ?h I
tATl. ft 4
Jtnnrthu. lb . 3
inihrrtr. If 4
Sullnan. r. .. 4
C'en, p.
1 4
I 'I
I) 'i
4 1
lb 2 1 3
.. 4 0
ltlr. a ...
siani. rf. ..
11' Jnn. cf..
f i'wm. ?b
P An1rnn. If.
! haifly. !b ..
Biabl. lh
a He1on, c. . . .
ratten, p
n s
0 11
1 1
1 I
a e
1 i
Totala r.3 27 14 Totala 31 4 24 11 1
ChicHiro 1 0 3 P 0 t 0 0 4
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Left on h,ti': Chicago. t: Washington, .
Two-baso hits: Hevdon. Dsvls. Three-tse
hlt: Sullivan. Sacrifice hits: Stanley. Tatt
nehlll. L'. Stolen has: Patten Bases on
hulls: tiff Owen. 2: (.(T Fatten. 1. Hit with
bsll: Isbell. Time: 1:22. I'mpire: O Ixtigh
lln. Standlna of the Trams.
Flared. Won. Lost. Tel.
Philadelphia W n
New York w :
Cleveland S f.0
Chicago 91 t
Ietroit ! 45
St. ljottis S9 44
Washington K8 32
Boston M 26
Onme.i toiav: Washington at 8t. Louis,
Philadelphia at Cleveland. New York at
Detroit. Boston at Chicago.
. tiJ.S
Toledo Wins from 4 (tlnmlini One to
COU'MBCS. July ."Jl.-Iir a brilliantly
flayed game. Toledo won from Columbus
too. W. Clarke's two-bagger, followed by
Abbott's single, gave the visitors their
run. Pickering's fielding was a feature.
B H O A B. B.H.O.A.E.
Cllnfman. aa. 4 1 I 1 4 Pickering cf. 4 1 1 I t
1. Clarke. If. I 4 t Wrll
Odwall, cf .,. 4 II Hlnohman. rf 4
Drmont,' rf... 4 14 1 OCoultar, If... 1
Kruciror. lb.. 4 111 Klhra. lb....
Knab. lb.... 4 0 n I Prlel. 3b....
w ciarka, lb I 1 7 0 v Hiilavltt, n
Abhott. o ,4 1 I
Mlnahan, p. . . 3
2b.. 4 I
I t
111 4F)lut. c...
10 14 Barfar. p
4 0
8 7 11
0 1 0
Totals. .....U 7 27 Totala 2 4 27 10 1
Toledo ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Ol
Columbus .....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Stolen . bases: Hulswltt. Cllngman.
Krueger. Sacrifice hit : Coulter. Two-base
hits: Odwell. W. Clarke. Double play:
Demont to W. Ctarke. Struck out: By
Herger, 6; by Minahan. 4. Rases on balls:
Off Berger 2. Time: 1:55. Umpires: Kane
and Sullivan.
Millers Easy for Brewers.
MII.WAVKEE, July 30.-MI1 waukee won
an easy victory toctav by bunching their
hits off Ford. Oberlin pitched srlentlld ball.
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Rohlnaon. aa. 6 1 0 i 0 Pacta, cf 4 0 3 0 0
Orn. If 4 1 3 6 n Sullivan. rt..4 0 10 0
ll,m,n. rr . 4 2 1 0 0 Crahatn. Ib. ..S 2 2 0 a
Hoth. c 4 1 10 1 0 Hart. If 1 1 I
Hcvlllc. lb... 4 3 8 II 0 Freman. lb. 1 1 7
HomphUI. rf. 3 1 1 0 4 Oyler, aa 10 11
Totala 14 14 27 11 0 Totala 14 t t1 11 1
St. Louis 0 0 0 2 4 0 3 0 09
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Two-base hits: Bennett 12), Mertes,
Grady, Marshall. Sacrifice hits: MerteB.
Casey, Lumley. Stolen bases: ' Maloney,
McCarthy. Left on bass: St. Louis, 6;
Brooklyn, 4. First base on balls: Off
Kasnn, 2; off Karger, 2. Struck out: By
F.aaon, 3; by Karger, 6. Wild pitch:
Postponed Game,
At Philadelphia PitUburg-rhiladelphla
game postponed; rain.
, Standings of the Tramii.
Played. Won. Lost
' Sir
13 27
AB. R , H. PO. A.
6 18 10
.. 4
.. 6
.. 6,
.. 6
.. 6
.. 4
.. 1
..43 5 15
0 ,
6 '..
1 .
. 0
Diseases of Men
Cured for $5.00
Fay what you can Hid begin treatment now.
Dr. McGrew
Is and always has
been the pioneer of
low charges for
treatment and fair
dealing -vlth men.
Over Thirty Thous
and Cured Cases of
all forms of Dis
eases and Disorders
' or wen gunrnniwai
t,. this fact. inirty
. . 4 years experience.
k t? " Over JO years prac-
- Xii-l-iaV, tica right her . la
Omaha and throughout the WeaL
A Guaranteed Cure
practically assutad for only 15.00. Consul
Utlon and ad vie FKKE.
Treatment by mail .Call or wrlta. Bos
76.' Offiees 215 South Fourteenth street.
Omaha, Nab.
Every 7oman
vumsM IM anouM ln.w
T new Taftod Srrta. y...
waata . i.mi. liMI-nu
at-"! I ornament.
4Miaiif v
ft ba rtnnut anpply tba
n.niri.. a,ceap na)
. 04iter. dui aana atamp for
iituatntad aoek ft gtvea
lull pajtiealara and 1 1 raci i i.
luU to U,la, M t R4 ax -Jl-$
4 Sk ST., AW iWKJaT'
4T( thOa Ljt .
lSih sad Duda 6ta.
, H M. Cat. lath and Fanam Slav
aTV I t'aa Bis 44 for vasatsra4
kuX I 4iacba,ra,wSaanmatiaa,
m4 U IrrtiAUoua of ulctatiooa
t. tf amceaa saambrajiaa.
'Caa. PaJanaas, an4 aot aMita.
al 04 f t or poiawBotaa.
r -J 4a44 kg atntstrtaia,
a B s1'" rapr,
I r aasraw. praoots. tor
'J SI . or t fcotllna ti 74.
si Cutsiai swt va liMa4.
I' 1
I ista4n.l
V a. a, a.
Batted for Btimmell in ninth Inning.
Des Moines 1 2 0 10 4 0 0 8
Pueblo 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 05
Stolen bases: Caffyn, Welday.' Two-base
hits: Caffyn. Welday (2), Hogrlever (2),
Bhugart, Melcholr, Klwert. Double plays:
Magoon to Andreas to Dexter: Shugart to
Fluk to McOllvray. First base on bulls:
Off Stlmmell. 3; off Miller, 1. Struck out:
By Hllinmell, 3: by Miller, 4. Passed ball:
Bennicker. Time: 1:46. I'mplra: Davis.
Attendance. 900.
Standing of. the Teams. .
Played. Won. Lost
Des Moines
Bioux City .
Put bin
Games today: Sioux City at Omaha.
eblo at Des MolneH, Denver at Lincoln.
(raati Island Wiaa In Tenth.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., July 30. (Spe
cial Telegram) Grand Island won to
day's game In the tenth, when Hyan
singled, stole second and came in on a
passed ball. Score: R. H. K.
G. l-limd...l 10100000 1-4 g 1
liaatings . .1 01000100 03 9 3
Butteries: Grand Island, Port and Po
teet; Hastings, Coykendall and Town
send, ....
Kitting Charges Agalnat
P. O Brlen of tiie American BatM Ball .aa
koclailon today Issued a ,cn for d meet
ing of, the hoard of directors in' fTilcago
ttunorrow after noon .to. sift th. charges
against Umpire Owen, who 'is accused of
collusion with gamblers. The charges are
preferred by the secretary ,of lhe Min
neapolis Base Ball club during the last
Minneapolis-Toledo series. ,
Caffyn Sold, to Cleveland.
DE3 MOINES. July 30-Bn Caffvn, left
fielder for the Des Moines Western league
teau: for twa year, was today sold to
me leveia-ia American league team
Caffyn'a price la aald to be t3.ftw. Caffyn
hub piayeu in an dui tout games tnis year
lie tias a nailing avei
fleldtug average of .9i6.
Colambas Down l.ladsey.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. July JO (Special )
Columbus base ball fana are jubilant
over the fact that they went over to
Humphrey yesterday. A hot game was
Slaved, with the result that Columbus
owned the Lindsay team, the score stand
ing 1 to 6.
Schneider Dofeata UDoarrar,
Fr.' Schneider, who but recently gave up
tennis to play golf, had but little trouble
in defeating H. M. LaDouoeur in the aml
tlnal round for the president's cup, which
now leaves Schneider and Allen to fight It
out for the month of July.
Chaataaajaaa Aaaenably,
Harlan, la., Aagaat 4 to 12
Far and one-third for the round trip via
Chicago Great Western Railway. Tickets
on sal August , and n. -Rrturn limit Au
gust liV For further information apply to
any Graat Western agent, r J. p. jrimar.
Q. P. BU FsuL Uu4
Chicago . . . ,
Pittsburg ..
New York..
Cincinnati .
Brooklyn . .
St. Louis........ I' r
Boston 91
Games- today: Pittsburg at Brooklyn.
Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago at Phila
delphia, St. Louis at New York.
Kew York Wins av See-Saw Game from
Cleveland In Seventh.
CLEVELAND, July 80. New York won
a seesaw game today, scoring three in the
seventh on a double, two singles anil an
error. . Hess' support was weak at critical
times. Score:. . .
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Conror, If ... 4 1 3 0 OFIkk. ef 3 1 I 1 n
Koalar, rf....t 1 1 0 OJacltaon, If. . . 4 0 1 0
Elborfald, aa. t 0 2 3 tTurnrr. aa ... 4 114 0
Laporte. lb. ..4 1 1 4 Pl-ajolc. 2b 4 I 4 1 0
Wtlltama, 2b.. 4 i n " lb.. 1 0 10 o n
Mnrtarlty, lb. 4 0 17 1 OConaalton. rf 1 2 1 0 0
Hoffman, ct.. 4 1 2 U 0 Ilarbrau, 3b.. 4 0 14 1
Klalnow, C...4 I 1 1 0 Bualow, c 1 0 114
Ortb, p I 1 0 1 Heaa. p....... 4 2 0 0 1
Slorall 1 0 0 0 0
Touts 17 11 17 17 I
Totala 33 I 27 14 I
'Batted for Buelow in ninth.
New York 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 16
Cleveland .....0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 V 4
Two-base hits: Lajole, Congalton, Turner,
Iaporte t-l. Williams. Three-base hit:
Keeler. Sacrifice hits: Ortli (2). Conroy,
Flick, Bossman. Stolen bases: Hoffman (2).
Base on balls: Orth. Left on bases: Cleve
land, 5: New York, 6. Passed hall: Buelow.
Wild pitch: Hess. Time: l:au. Umpire:
Boston Bats Out Victory. .
ST. LOUIS, July 30-Hard hitting won
today's game for Boxton. 5 to 3. After
pitching unhitahle ball for five innings,
Harris lost control, and after passing the
first three men up in the clxth inning, was,
succeeded by Young. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Hardan. rf... 1 1 0 o Niiaa. lb 1 0 0 2 0
Parent, as.... 4 114 0 Jones, lb 1 0 7 0 0
fubl. rf 4 0 1 0 0 Slona. If 4 I 4 0 0
Kerr la. 2b 4 1 4 S 4 Hemphill, rf . 4 I 1 0 It
Hnay. If 4 10 0 1 Wallace, aa... 1 14 10
Freeman, lb.. I 1 11 0 f O Brlen. 0 2 10
Morgan. 3b... 4 1 0 0 0 Koehler, cf... 4 0 4 0 4
Armhruatar. el 0 4 1 0 O'Connor. o..4 1 2 1
Harrta. p 1 1 t I OCIada. p 1 0 0 1 0
Young, p 1 0 0 0 KIae I 0 0 0 0
Totala 16 14 17 11 I Toula 12 4 27 I 0
Batted lor Giade in the ninth.
Boston 0 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 0 &
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 03
Earned runs: Boston. 2. Three-base
hit: Hemphill. Sacrifice hit: Armbuster.
Wild pitches: Glade, t. First base on balls:
Off Glade 1; off Harris, 4. Struck out: By
Glade. 2, by Harris. 2; by Young, 3. Pitch
ing record: Off Harris, 1 hit, no runs, In
live innings:' off Young, 3 hitd, 3 runs, in
four innings. ' Left on bases: St. Louis,' 7;
Boston, 5. Time: 1:42. Umpire: Hurst.
Quakers Banco Hits.
DETROIT. July V plank was never In
great danger until the ninth, when a good
rally was checked Just in time, i'he runs
off hlnv In the first two innings both re
sulted from scratch hits. Siever pitched
a good game, but luck broke against him
In the two Innings In which hitting wa
bunched on him. Score:
B H O A E. -B.H.O.A.E.
Hanaal. If... 4 111 4 Jonaa. cf 4 1110
herd, rf 1 1 1 0 a rVhtefer. lb.. 2 1 i 1 ft
Pavla. lb 1 4 11 0 Crawford, rf . 1 lilt
8.. bold. rf... 4 110 OMVlni.r. If . . I 0 1 4 u
Murphy. 2b... 4 111 Sloughltu. lb.. 4 0 0 i 4
Croaa. aa 4 1 0 1 SL,lnda. lb... 4 1 7 1
Oldring. lb... 4 14 1 0 Lo.. aa 4 12 6 0
Poera. c 4 1 4 t I Warnar. c I 2 7 0 0
Plank, p 44 4 Slaver, p 1 0 1 1 e
'Pajsa 1 1 0 u k
Totala 11 14 17 U I
Totala II i 27 IS 4
Batted for Siever In the ninth.
Philadelphia 0 0 0 t 0 0 3 0 06
Detroit 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
Two-baac hits: Warner. Seybold. Sacri
fice hits: Schaefer. Crawioid- Stolen
bases: Schaeler. Indsay. Murphy, Cross.
First base on balls: Off Siever, 3; off
Plank, i. Hit by pitched bull: By Plank.
1. Left on bases: Detroit. 7: Philadelphia.
( Struck out: By Siever. 5: by Plank, i.
Double plsyt: Jones to Lindsay: Hansel
to Murpny. Passed bill: Powers. Time:
1:45. I mplres: Sheridan and Evans.
hlcas Baarkra Hits.
CHICAGO. July 30.-Chlmgo bunched Its
bits In the first and third Innings and de
feated Washington for the third tinia here
toda, 4 to 0. leu pitching good ball.
keeoUig tba .visitors' tills vtaU :stlcrd.
M'l'heen'r. 3h 1 0 1 1 Itm. 2b
M.-Corm k. Zb 1 2 1 2 0 Yeager. 0 3 o 4 J 0
Oberlin, p ...4 t 0 2 Ford, p 4 0 0 4 0
Totals 84 12 S7 '0 Totala 2 4 24 18 4
Milwaukee 0 3 1 2 2 0 0 0 -8
Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Two-base lilts: McCormick. Beville.
Green. Three-base hit: McCormick.
Home run: Graham. Bhspb on halls: Off
Oberlin, 6; off Ford. 1. Hit by pitched hall:
By Ovler, 2. I'assed ball: Roth. Struck
out: 'Bv Oberlin. ; by Ford. 2. Sacrifice
hits: Bateman. Hemphill. McChesney. Mc
Cormick, Freeman, left on bases: Mil
waukee, 7; Minneapolis, 7. Time: l:o0.
Umpire: Egan.
Distillers On I play Boosters.
LOUISVILLE. Ky.. July 3H.-Louisvllle
outplnved IndiMinipolis and won the first
game "of the nerles. Both Dunkte and
Cromley pitched good ball. Score:
B.H.O.A E. B.H.O.A.E.
u.ii,.n if a ill 0 Iiunlpavy. rf. i a
0 S 1 o heuum, rr t
14 i f Hlmea, lb.... 2 12
0 2 11 Jamea. Sb 4 0 1
0 4 10 Wllllama. aa. 4 1 I
Kulllvan. lb.. I
Braehear, 2b.. 4
Ktovall. rf 4
Woodruff, 3b. 4
Shaw, r 4
Quttilan. as. .. 4
Henna, rf 4
Dunkle, p.... 4
a-. I a n Perry. 11
2 3 3 2 Marran, 2b... 4 0 1 1
4 2 0 2
3 0 0 1
0 0
0 1
1 0
7 0
0 0
1 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 Kahoe
10 4 0 cromley, p
Holmea ..
... II Zi. 16, 1 T.T.T..
Totals m i -i
Batted for Cromley In 4he ninth.
Louisville ..........:. s)04001 -8
Indianapolis ...,. 0 0 J 0 0 1 0 0 03
Two-base hitsi,' Dunleavy, Kellum. Three
base hit: HallPiiau.- Home run: Himcs.
Stolen base: Perry. Sacrifice hit :.' Perry.
u... hj.H: lan 'Tliiiilcle . oft Cromley
1. Struck out: .;By Dunkle 3. Hit by
pitched ball: Hlmes. Passed Dsn: sniw.
Double playt Marcan to Willhtnia to
Hlmes. Left on bases: Ixjuls'tlle i, In
dianapolis . Time: 1:40. Umpire: Warden.
Parker Wis Fast Game.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July SO.-Knnnas
Citv ftefeated St, Paul In a last game in
day. Swunn pitched a shut-out game un
til the ninth, .when Van-Zandt made a
Hill's batting was
home run
Score: '
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E
walrirnn. rf..4 0 1 0 0 Oeler. aa I 1 4 1 0
Mi'Hrlde. aa..4 141 0 Bugden. .lb...l
1 0 VanZaiidt. rr. t
0 PYtak, If 4 0 o
Perrlua. Sb... 4 t 1
Hill, cf 3 14
Burks. 3b 2 0 11 OWhealer. lb.. 4
Kranta. lb....l 0 10 1 Oi'oy. rf 4
Caaaady. If... 2 0 t 0 0 Paddan, 2b... I
Leahy, c 1 1 I n 0 Prill, c. .
bwann, p 1 1 1 4 1 Single, p
110 0
0 1
1 0
Totals 54 7 27 M 1 Totala 24 6 24 12 I
Vmasi Citv 0 0 0 0 1 1 o :
Bt. Paul ;...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11
Twn-hae hits: Iahv. Coy. Home run:
Van Zandt. Struck out: By Swann 3, by
Slagle 2. Ba.xfs on balls: Off Swann 4, off
Slagle 2. Left on buses: Kansas Citv 4,
St. Paul 5. Double plays: Perrlno to Mc
Brlde to Frants 2. Swann to Frants, Pt'
den to Geler to Bugden. Stolen bases: Hill
2. Bucrlllce hits: Burke Bugden. Time:
1:36. Umpire: Owens.
Standing; of the Teaaaa.
Columbus .-...102
Milwaukee 100
Toledo 9
Minneapolis 102
Louisville W
Kansas City W
St. Paul i
Indianapolis US
Games today: Toledo at Columbus, Indi
anapolis at Ixmlsville, Kansas City at St.
Paul, Minneapolis at Milwaukee.
Silver Bsnd. blk g. (MMr-tlre-
Frank Herd!.-, blk. g iGradyi
'I tme: 2 II',. 2:13. MI'i
On I.i.. trotting, purse $1.?C0:
Malnsheet. blk. h. (Thomas
Ture. b. g (t)eersi
AtirIoIs. b. m. ( Amesi
Ttimi, b. m. (('urryl
John THVlnr. gr.'g (C.ra'lyt
Kid Slies. li g illosetnlrei
lime: 2 ctt,. 2C'i. 2 :'W4.
"'Hiss '2 lo inflns- nilrne 11 OntV
rttidv Kip. hr. h.. by. McF.wen
(Mui'iliy '
Pearl Tlpplnc. br. m. I Heszard). . . .
Bonalet. b. in. tBenvoni
CHitina. b. in. (Grady )
ItrtltH. b. m (Nllekolsl
Cleo S.. b. in. (Price)
Missouri Chief, br. h. (McFweni..
Leslie Wsterinan. ch. g. (lllgbee)..
Rett Niarhtlnv:,le hi- m (Stfikesl .
Hawl Hanks, blk. m. ( Valiitine. ,
I ime: 2:05. 2:fs. 2.10.
i dr
8 11 dr
1 I
3 1
I 3
4 4
3 dr
ITOLDREUF, . Neb.. July 3ft. (Special
Telegram. I The Harvard and Brrtiand
nun teams .ire nere Tor two games, tne
mei i mnicn whs piHea tnis Hlteriloill
In the presence of a good crowd. It was mi
exciting game from start to finish, result
ing in a victory for Harvard by a score
of 8 to 5. Score: R ll E.
Htrvarl OOOOOIOB 08 13 5
Bertram 0 2 0 j 0 0 0 3 o 6 6 3
Two-base hits: Perry. Gaddis, Sander
son. Ncsllebush. Three-bHse hit: Bender.
lniible plays: Piper, Gaddis to Perry;
Perry unassisted. Batteries: Miller and
Bender: Rupert. Atkinson and Rurs?rt. Uni-
Behr Defeats Clothier.
BOSTON. July 30 Karl H. Behr of Yale
defeated William J. Clothier of Philadel
phia in the finals of the Longwood Cricket
club's tennis tournament today in straight
sets. 6-1, 8-, 6-4. Behr tomorrow will meet
vllllnm A. Larned. the rormer national
champion and present holder of the Long
wood 'iiji, In the challenge round. The
Yale player cauirht the former Harvard
expert off his game at the beginning of the ;
match and try as he enulo Clothier was
unahle to regain control of his strokes.
Behr showed plainly the benefit of the hard
work of last week and played today with
a confidence and daring that carried his
opponent off his feet.
Waldner and Collins Win.
CHICAGO. July 30. Nat C. Emerson, the
Oljio champion, and L. H. Waldner. Il
linois chHinpion. today defented Kreigh
Collins of Chicago nnd H. G. Hunt of Cal
ifornia In n hard contest for ilie western
tennis championship in doubles at the Ken
wood Country club courts. The final score
was 8-4. 0-fi. 6-4. 2-8. 6-4.
Mrs. R. B. Neff earlier in the day de
feated Miss Mlrlan Steever In the finals of
the woman's tournament, 6-7, 6-4, R-l.
L, H. Waldner and Nat C. Emerson will
nice' tomorrow in the finals for the singles
Catarrh cannot be washed away with sprays, inhalations and such treat
ment nor can it 1 smoked cut with medicated tobacco, cigarettes, etc.
When you attempt to cure Catarrh with such things you are wasting tim
and allowing the impurities and poisons in the blood, which produce tho
disease, to get so firmly rooted as to become not only a disgusting trouble,
but a very dangerous one. The annoying symptoms of ringing noises in the
ears, "hawking and spitting," headaches, mucus dropping back into the
throat, impairment of the senses of taste and smell, and a feeling of general
debility, prove that there is a deep-seated cause for. Catarrh. This cause la
a polluted and unhealthy condition of the blood, and the disease cannot be
cured until this is removed. The only way to get rid of Catarrh permanently
is to purify the blood, and S. S. S. is the ideal remedy fot this purpose. It
soon clears the system of all impurities, purges the blood or all catarrh.'
matter and poisons, and effectually checks the progress of this disgusting
and far-reaching disease. S. S. S. puts the blood in perfect order, and as
this pure, healthy blood goes to every nook and corner of the body Catarrh
is permanently cured. Book with information about Catarrh and medical
advice free. THE SWiFT SPCCIflG CO,, ATLANTA, GA.
IIIH- limbing Contest Postponed.
BRKTTONWOOP8. N. H.. July 30.-The
steep road up the Crawford Notch re
sembled n cataract today., and it was im-
Fmsslhle to hold the hill climbing contests
or which forty-eight autns. including sev
eral of those which participated in the
Glidden tour had been entered. If the road
la in good condition tomorrow the event
will be run oft beginning at 8 o'clock In
the morning.
.Ia bankers Shut Out Beatrice.
BRATlTTCE. Neb.. July 30 The Mrtrvs
Vllle, Kan., bull team defeated the Beatrice
nine by a score of 3 to 0. Marysvllle mnde
all Its scores In the first inning on errors
bv Beatrice. Marysvllle plays at PlcUrcll
tomorrow morning.
Iowa League Resalta.
MAR8HALLTOWN. Ia.. Julv 30.-tSpeclal
Telegram.) Following are the results in
the Iowa State league:
Postponed game. Fort Dodge, 6; Oska
loosa, 2.
Traveling day; no other, games.
Calhnnn Defeats Blair.
FORT CALHOUN. Neb.. Julv 30 (Spe
cial.! Fort Calhoun defeated Blair here
today, 13 to 7. Score. R.H E.
Fort Calhoun. 1 0 I 1 R 2 4 1 13 13 ti
lair 2 02000012-7 95
, vsw-e 7 T Tjev, v, j.essr -T-. - . i .
' . '
e ". : -, X ' '' ' '"'
:; -, Vu'
' - ' VJst --' J '
? '"0 - l4'JW-' 4 "
. ' .''. , ' I :
ft ? ' f'? ' H ' ' ''' ,V a!" '
i: '4 . V
. H'.?;.-fi,V
The Reliadle Specialists
Are you weak, don't feel right, nerves shattered, suffering J.!"
drains and weakness, despondent, urciess, wunoui ainmuui , ""i'"."""
easily fatigued I excitable, restloss. haggard looking. Irritable.-and on the verge
of mental land physic! iolla pee. primarily induced by abuse n youth, excesses
?i? Uter I fe or the result of private diseases, whloh are Impeding rout ' Protrress.
both commercially and soclafly? If so. you should consult im wlthovit unneow
ary delay and escape from the slavery that la holding you captive and ds-,
P'e W? make Scot men out of the pony and weak. Teetering thM lorM
and Infiltrating that old feeling of youthful Are, vim and oouraare. Do jroo wmnt
to be , tro"g possess nervea of steel, self ocnfldemoe. strerurth in ej jnfU.
ambition grit energv and endurance In order to make your Ufa complete? We
have gUddened the hearta of thousands of young and mkMle-agod num. .reetor,
Ing them to specimens of physical manhood, full of vim. Tigor and vitality. Ir
you are lacking in these essential elements of manhood or sniftering; from
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
or any disease or weakness due to evil habits, excessea or the result of rssrfTlo
or private dtaeases, you ahould take proper stepe rli yourself : of such i ft
condltlonTaa It may cause you bitter regret and humlllaUon in arter-Ilfe. We
oure this class of trouble safely and thoroughly.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts Omaha, Neb.
and ' ueturn
Won. Lost. Pet.
63 30 . 618
6fi 44 .660
54 45 .545
52 50 .510
4a 50 .455
44 5.1 .4(13
44 55 .444
35 63 . 367
Ann Direct Wins the Big M. and M.
CLKVKLAND. July 30. Even without
pool selling, the opening day of the local
grand circuit races attracted a crowd of
over 8.0i to the track. The M. & M.
stake of 310,000. transferred from Detroit,
proved tiie principal attraction. There
were twelve nuarter, Ann Direct being the
fuvorite In the pools sold in Newburg. out
side the Cleveland city limits. Brilliant
Girl wnn the tirst heat in 2 :11K. the fastest
heat of the, race, but finished lame and
Ann Direct won the next two heats and
the race, second money going to Brilliant
Oirl and third lo Kenneth Mac.
The first race, the 2:K pace, waa won
by Hal C. a Cleveland horse, second going
to Black Pet.
The 2:0S trot was won easily by Main
sheet, while Rudy Kip won the 2:10 pace
In itrulirlil h. w. ...tiii'lnv hla rfiwd (mm
2:10'i to 2:i5V He has been raced on
tne nan-mile tracks ana mm was ins nrsi
appearance In the grand circuit. . Sum
maries: Class I OS,' pacing:
Hal C, ch. g., by Hal Dlllard (Shanks). 1- S 1
Kiidura, blk. m. ( Valentlnei 2 4 I
Daphne Direct, b. in. (Watkerl 4 3 4
Kthel Mac, ch. ni. I McCarthy ) 5 S 3
Ml win B., ch. g. (Currvi 3 7 7
Snupshot. b. g iMcDevilt) 8 5 6
Ijflgateer. hr. s. (Ueersi 6 a b
Black ret. b. m. ignnwi..; 9 Ids
yueen of Cliitis, b. in. (McKwen) 7 ds
Time: 'itiK.. 2:08'. 210.
M. tr M. Htukes. 2:24 trot, stake $10,000:
Ann Iiirect, blk. m. i.McHenryi 10 1 1
Brilliant Oirl. b. m. (Currvt 12 7
Kenneth Mac. br. s. (Nitckolsl 2 3 4
i 'a I. tain Bacon, b. s. (Murphy) II 9 2
l'.dle Isle, b. m. ( 3 4 li
Allie Jav. b. ni. (Kinneyl 6 7 3
J N. Blakeniore. blk. g. (Foute).. 4 10 6
Faslioda. b. in. (fieersi 9 5 6
Csarina Dawson, b. m. (McCargoi.. 7 19
"When you compare Summer resorts, don't forget the Summer attractions of Chi
cago, with its lake journeys, its magnificent parks and boulevards, its Summer theaters
and gardens, its cool nights, its nearness to Southern Wisconsin and Michigan. You can '
go to Chicago and back on any of the Burlington's excellent trains on August 4th, 5th
and 6th for $8.00, returning any time up to August 15th.
Tickets good in coaches, chair cars; also in Standard and Tourist Sleepers, if you
Becure berths early. Double berth in standard sleeper, $2.50; double berth in tourist sleep-,
er, $1.25.
Three trains daily:
Ko. 6-Fast Daylight Limited at 7:25 A. M.
No. 2 Afternoon Express at 3:45 P. M.
No. 12 Afterdinner Fast Train at 8:05 P. AL '
1502 Farnam Street. Omaha.
P. S. $8.00 to Peoria and Back, Too
: ' "j- - r
1 ftnd hag ben for 60 yri a prompt
Mid relUbU cure for Dlarrhoe. Dyaenv
T. Flux. Cholara Infantum, etc. Ag
the dlte&aog often oome In the night,
verr home ghotUA be prepared to eheck
them vrthont delay by baring euppiy
ot thia excellent reoHtdr on fcaj Ail
i aaiucslsu aeli it
(5.(0) fmfiT
August 4th. !th and 6th. Return limit August lS'th. v
Tickets good on all trains and in chair cars and sleepers..
Diagrams now open for reservations. Double berth in Tourist
car $1.25.
Fait tralni learo Omaha at 8:09 a. m., 6:00 p. ra. and 6:00 p. nr
City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam CL, Omaha.
r e