TTTE OMATTA TUTLY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 31, 190(1. THE SALE ALL OMAHA HAS BEER! WAITING FOR BEQNS TOMORROW imju-aaL-'.. jam ; J.jWi1dDDr girt ' t . ; Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock we will usher in the long-looked for bargain event Our Great Removal Sale. Our entire stock of Furniture, Carpets, RugsLace Curtains and Draperies to be sacrificed that we may open our new store at Sixteenth andHoward Streets with an entire new stock. This sale is sweeping in its character, it affects everything in the store and not merely a few things selected from each department. We have always marked our goods in plain figures, owing to the fact that iuwould require too much labor to mark down each article we are offering everything at a discount which ranges from 10 per cent to 0 per cent, and in some instances are even greater. This is by all means the greatest saving event in Omaha's commercial history. This sale will begin tomorrow at 8 o'clock and continue till our entire stock is disposed of. . SPECIAL NOTICE Removal Hale of i;Tapestry Brussels Rugs 25 Per Cent Discount On Tapestry Brussels Rugs, both I floral and oriental designs. . I Removal Sale of Body Brussels Rugs 20 Per Cent Discount On all room sized Body Brussels Rugs. . , . .Removal Sale of I Wilton Rugs ,V ; 20 Per Cent Discount On all Wilton Rugs. , e ' Removal Sale of Axminster Rugs 25 Per Cent Discount Oh all Axminster Hugs, both small and large sizes. .Removal 8a I of Fibre Rugs 25 Per Cent Discount T V 1 . ' l.i Oft.lV Fibre, Rugs. totl room and I small sizes. jui-i' ' .. - Removal Sale of Smyrna Rugs . ' 25 Per Cent Discount Oh all slze and grades of Smyrna Ruga XJXJUJX-TXAjUUlli iii ii""- " ---nn as anas . . Removal Kale of Japanese Silks 15 Per Cent Discount "On Japanese Silks. MWWW " Removal Sale of Shikii Silks 15 Per Cent Discount On Shikii Silks. MWMMWW ' Removal fial of Colonial Nets 25 Per Cent Discount On Colonial Silks. Iji.ritinni .1 r -1 m.iimniiiii i Removal Sale of Ruffled Swiss 124 Per Cent Discount ' On Euflled Swiss. . BIC sniPMOTS OF CRA1N Two Million ButhoU Expctd to Go Eut on Reduced KaUt. CAR SH08TAGt MAY'; HAMPER TRAFFIC trktdilfi Xew la Ke Havr latll Ht Emplr Ta(M Aa What -la ipc4 to prove the largeat hort-Ume movement of rrin in the hle 'ory of the Omaha Grain tchane bn Maoy. Membwa of the chne U i"te tbn RnleM prevented by unforeseen rirc-jmtanu. euch a ' ahortage, Omaha will- ahout X.000.vfl0 bushela of f ikln te aa board and Chicago by Au jt 1 alter which the cut ,riea to thoee lointa ate bo longer effective. AU the railroad put la effect Moaday J -1 ( I tii i.iw-ri-iLi hi'ii'i - . Removal Sale of Removal Sale of Shades Madras Curtain Goods I f t- 10 Pep Cent Discount 1 25 Per Cent Discount I i Shades On Madras Curtain Goods. i i - jjuumnnrn m S s r r tuuuw nnr.v.v.v." WArvxrvuwuuuuuJ ' ' ' ' ' """ - 1 " " . I During the Removal Sale a deposit of 25 per cent is requested on all NO GOODS TO BE SENT Removal Rale of Drapery Hardware .20 Per Cent Discount On all Drapery Hardware. Removal Sale of Tapestry Fur. Coverings 20 Per Cent Discount On Tapestry Furniture Coverings. Removal Sale of Bobbinets 25 Per Cent Discount On Bobbinets. Removal Sale of Embroidered Swiss 12V6 Per Cent Discount On Embroidered Swiss. nrij-Lri.r n -, ..-.i njijTj-ru-TrM----i" afmhasasasdn Removal Sale of Plain Swiss I2V2 Per Cent Discount On plain Swiss. Removal Sale of Fringes 25 Per Cent Discount On Fringes. Removal Sale of Short Lengths ot Silk 33 Per Cent Discount TflJU"UU"M"ll Removal Sale of ' Florentine Silks 15 Per Cent Discount On Florentine Silks. . iiu irirn'ii'i Removal Sale of Sash Net 25 Per Cf nt Discount On Sash Nets. ' I n nru-ijiri ---- i fiqnruLTi - " " - - w - - i Removal Sale of Botted Swiss Jiyt Per Cent Discount On Dotted Swiss; MiMMMWl JJVJXTUTJTJTJTjnJTJrrU-U UUUUl , I pAMA I I , 0, I I : Removal Kale of . II- 1 11 n n n n ri ri rin n nr"i "" morning the rate of 7 centa on corn from the Missouri river to Chicago, and I centa on wheat. Wedneaday they will make ef, fective an export rate on all graina from the MiMourt river, the rate being 1 centa to Boaton and New York and lT centa to hlladelphia. One Omaha firm alone expecta to ship 604,000 to 710, udO busheli of wheat and al ready haa U&O.OOO buahela sold. Thia con cern ia aendlng out bide in the country and buying large quantltiea ot grain eath day. All pu're reported large acceptancea Monday morning. larly 'are f w Wkeat. Ninety cara of new wheat arrived In Omaha Monday morning, and the move ment east began with a ehlpmcnt of eighty-three cars, for a week or two shlp menta have been' very light,, running aa low aa one car a day, for everybody held grata to take advantage of the rate. Corn receipts are a little larger, aggregating 13 ears for three daya, but the mala arti cle of shipment will be wheat. From July 10 to August 10. tad' year' .. 00 bushel of grain were shipped aaal Removal Sale of Odd Lots of Fringes 50 Per Cent Discount On all odd lots Fringes. Removal Sale of Oiiice Supplies 10 Per Cent Discount On Office Supplies. Removal Sale of Bedroom Furniture 20 Per Cent Discount On Bedroom Furniture. Bed Davenports 25 Per Cent Discount On Bed Davenports- Removal Sale of Leather Couches and Rockers 25 Per Cent Discount On Leather Couches and Rockers. Removal Sale of Early English Furniture and Desks 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Early English Furniture and Desks. Removal, Sale of Iron and Brass Beds 25 Per Cent Discount On Iron and Brass Beds. Removal Hale of Odd Wood Beds 50 Per Cent Discount On odd "Wood Beds. MMMMMMMMMaiMiWaaW Removal Sale of Parlor Goods Lot 2 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Parlor Furniture. ttaasaa i Removal Sale of Removal Sale of Parlor Goods Lot 1 Porch Furniture & Go-Carts 50 Per Cent Discount 50 Per Cent Discount On Parlor Goods. On Porch Furniture and Go-Carts. (Removal Sale of Removal Sale of Rockers Springs 20 Per Cent Discount 20 Per Cent Discount . On Rockers. . , . ; Springs. without any cut rate. All local Arms are making strong bids for grain this year, and they say the movement will be more than double that of the same period last summer. In addition to wLat ia In the country elevators and on the track, a large amount haa accumulated in Omaha eleva tors since the whest harvest begau. General Agent Churchill of the Great Weatern, who haa charge of the Independ ent elevator, has put an extra switch en gine st the elevator to handle the cars and says he will run the elevator night and day and expects all the business be can handle. Other roada have not met the Wabash rate on export grain to the Atlantic sea board, preferring to utilise all their equip ment during the rush on Chicago business. The Wabash Is better situated for this sea board rate, as It gets the long haul to Buffalo, while the other roads can haul the grain only to Chicago. ticket at the September primaries. H. Deitrmont and A. I.. Anderson both want to be democratic committeeman, the for mer from the second precinct of the Twelfth ward and the latter ' fiiHii tiie Klrnt of tne Ninth. County Superintend ent W. A. Yoder has Hied as a candidate for that office. Flaking and Canipiii Kates to Madl aoa Lake, Watervllle and Elyslau, Mlaa., Via t blrago Or eat Veeiera. For parties of ten or more, one fare and one-third for the round trip, good for ten days. Tickets on sale dally until Sep tember 30. For further Information appl to H. H. Churchill. U. A.. 1512 Farnam St. Mt. riesaeaa, the Mistral Bath City, Is reached without change of cars only by the Grand Trunk Hallway System. Time tables and a beautiful descriptive pamphlet will be mailed free on applica tion to Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. ft T. A.. Lis Adama Be. Chicago. Candidates File Mantes. Automobile Rental Co. Office Nlles A Moaer, Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. Doug Ua IMt. Fred W. Anheuser of US North Kiaht eutb ttrset baa filed with the county clerk for a place on the democratic legislative I Removal Sale of Morris Chairs 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Morris Chairs. Removal Sale of Medicine Cabinets 24 Per Cent Discount On Medicine Cabinets. Removal Sale of Kitchen Cabinets 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Kitchen Cabinets. Combination Bookcases 25 Per Cent Discount On Combination Bookcases. Removal Sale of Stationery Bookcases 20 Per Cent Discount On Stationery Bookcases. Removal Sale of Velour and Box Couches 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Velour and Box Couches. Removal Sale of Clocks and Cabinets 50 Per Cent Discount On Clocks and Cabinets. Ilmoval Sale of Library Tables 25 Per Cent Discount On Library Tables. Removal Sale of Mattresses, Box Springs and Pillows 1 20 Per Cent Discount On Mattresses, Box Springs and Pillows. AH LIU FIRED t hlnamaa Oar More to that Dear Ko, J For the third time Liu Sang, a Chinaman who haa lived In Omaha for some years, has been ordered deported back to China. The last order was Issued by United States Commissioner Anderson Monday. Sunns attorney, W. F. Wappich, at once bppealed the case and Liu Sung was re leased on $jCu bonds to appear at the next term of the I'nited States district court. In November. It Is alleged by the government fhat Liu Sung, while claiming to have entered the country as a student, haa followed the vocation of a laborer and Is conaequently subject to deportation under the Chines exclusion acts. Sung ia one of the most thoroughly Americanised Chlnamea In Omaha. He has taken a course of study at one of the com goods to be held for future ON APPROVAL Removal Sale of Ingrain Carpets 20 Per Cent Discount On all Ingrain Carpets. Removal Sale of Body Brussels Carpets 25 Per Cent Discount On all Body Brussels Carpets. Removal, Sale of Straw Mattings 50 Per Cent Discount On all Straw Mattings. " - - - rii--M-M-- nnjijij-innnj-in mmmmm m -. - . -,-,-,--w-irtru-u-Lnfl-n Removal Sale of Lace Curtains 25 Per Cent Discount On Lace Curtains. tru-UVU-WM"M"i-i -T m ateaaaasah-niaa Removal Sale of Lace Bonne Femraes Curtains 25 Per Cent Discount On Lace Boone Kemmei Curtains. Removal Sale of French Velour Portieres 10 Per Cent Discount On French Velour Portieres. trxjTxuTJxrijLnjxnjT-ri Removal Sale of Armure Portieres 25 Per Cent Discount On Snow Flake Curtains. " ! Removal Sale of Snow Flake Curtains 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount On Snow Flake Curtains. Removal Sale of Tapestry Brussels Carpets 25 Per Cent Discount On all Tapestry Brussels Carpets. Axminster Carpets 25 Per Cent Discount On all Axminster Carpets. Removal Sale of Inlaid Linoleum 25 Per Cent Discount On Inlaid Linoleum. THIRD i TIME Is Ordered Back Old Half I I u Removal Sale of j mercial college. The first time he was ar rested and ordered deported the order was set aside and he waa released. At his second arraignment there -waa a defect In the complaint and lie waa again dis charged, during laat winter. A new and corrected complaint waa at once (lied against him. Liu Sung managed to elude arrest for several months, but wss Anally apprehended about two months ago and the case has been hanging Are since. His attorneys allege that having put In more tlms aa a student since In the country and other employments not Included aa la boring, he Is entitled to remain In the country. Ftshlaar and Csatlsn Hales to Clear Lake, la.. Via Chiang Great Western Railway. For parties of ten or more, one fsr and one-third for the round trip, good for ten days. Tickets on sals daily until Septem ber SO. For further Information apply to H. H. Churchill, G. A.. UU Farnam St. DIAMONDS Frens at, Utb aad delivery. Removal Sale of Linoleum 25 Per Cent Discount On all Printed Linoleum. 1 Removal Sale of Lace Bed Sets 25 Per Cent Discount On Lace Bed Sets. Removal Sale of Lace Door Panels 25 Per Cent Discount On Lace Door Panels. Removal Sale of Tapestry Portieres 25 Per Cent Discount On Tapestry Portieres. Removal Sale of Silk Portieres; 25 Per Cent Discount On Silk Portieres. X Removal Sale of , ., . Festoon Draperies 25 Per Cent Discount On Festoon Draperies. Removal Sale of Fibre Carpets 50 Per Cent Discount On Fibre Carpets. Removal Sale Of Wilton Velvet Carpets 25 Per Cent Discount On Wilton Velvet Carpets. . Removal Sale of Odd and Soiled Lots of Lace Curtains 50 Per Cent Discount On odd and soiled lota of Lace Curtains. Removal Sale of Rope Portieres 25 Per Cent Discount On Rope Portieres. AAMAAAMMAJWMAiWMWMWM Removal Sale of China Silks 15 Per Cent Discount On China Silks. "'''" - - n n nj"Lru-ijLnjTjxruxnjKJX AtfWMM haaah1 DRIVER KILLED IN RUNAWAY Head lajared aad Chest trashed by Wherla f Waga Fasslag Over Hiss. Gustav Nelson, aged about 36 years, died at 16 o'clock Monday evening at the Omaha Oeneral hospital from Injuries re ceived from being thrown out of a Diets Lumber company wagon which be waa driving at Forty-second and Farnam streets, during the forenoon. His ribs were broken and he also received wounds about the head. Nelson was employed as a teamster by the Arm. His horses became frlghttned throwing him out. One wheel of the wagon passed 'over his chest. The police were notlned and the Injured man was re moved to the hospital In the police ambu lance after being attended by Police Bur geons Harris and Raber. Nelaon waa un married and roomed at Kit Chicago street Ha had relatives living in th city. Cor oner Brailey took charge of U bod-. PoAgs. 9 1