Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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TiiE Omaha Daily Bee.
Enteral at Omaha fostoffice as second
class matter.
Dally Pee twithoiit Htfnilay), one year. II W
I'aily b-e and nundav. sue ytai of
Funday Bee, one year...' -ti
fraturday Bee, on year L40
Daily be (Including Sunday), per weik..lic
Dauy bee twittiout Bunuayt, pr wea..lJ
Lvenlng Hee (wlihout 8unaay. per work tc
Evening Hee lth Sunday), pti' week. 1W-'
Sunday Hee, per ropy 'c
Address complaints of irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation iwpattment.
Omaha The Bee building.
Couth Omaha i lty Han Hulldtng.
Council Biuffs-lu i'can Street.
Chicago 14 t int Huilding
New York l;Jt Home Ijie ins Building
Washington 1 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to neat and edi
torial matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Baa. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal ordei
Payable to The Bee 1'ubllshlng Compuny.
Only J -cent stamps received aa payment of
mail accounn reraonal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanc'S. nil -copted.
Stat efNebraska, Douglas County, as:
C, C. Rosewater, general manager of The
Bee Publishing Company, beinr duly sworn,
aaya that the actual number ; nil and
complate copies of The Daily, Morning,
Evening; and Sunday Bee printed during tha
month of June. 1!. wu aa follows:
1 1.790 1 S,4S0
S S3.S10 IT S0.800
30,750 II 31,980
19 31.810
10 33,000
tl 31,940
11 31360
II 33,370
14 30,340
It 31,780
If 31,800
IT 3150
II 31.780
19. 31.700
10 33,850
Total ..854.160
Less unsold copies 10,494
Net total sales
Dalljr average ...
General Manager.
ny pr
before me this 3uih day of June
Notary Public
SsBerlbcrs 1 ea v 1 n g the city trm
srarily should stave The Bee
mailed to them. Addreaa will be
Thla letter burning business la evi
dently not what It is cracked up to be.
With but four of eighty-six Russian
mutineers drawing death sentences,
mutiny seems less fatal than fighting
tha Japs.
Governor Cummins' letter to the
stats committee Indicates that ho also
can "stand pat" when he thinks It Is
to his interest.
with Virginia negroes erecting
memorials to "Stonewall" Jackson
race prejudice in the south should re
ceive) a strong backset.
That discussion of tha pollard back
salary graft must be very embarrassing
to some other, statesmen who -, are
. tarred with the same stick.
. The packing house which does not
use tne government label will have
difficulty explaining the reason in the
light of Secretary Wilson's regulations.
With Johfi D. Rockefeller started
for Ohio, a number of county attor
neys may be compelled to "make
good" oa their promises of prosecu
Debs offers to lead a million men to
Idaho to liberate Moyer and his asso
ciates. Presumably 9,999 volun
teers would not be enough to start the
column forward.
The actual loss to the insurance
companies In the Ban Francisco disas
ter, as admitted by them, Is f 132.823,
000, but this does not include court
costs and lawyers' fees.
The local fake reform newspaper en
dorses the characterisation by The Bee
of the Journal-News-Brown combine
at Lincoln as "fake reformers." Mis
cry loves company.
Owing to the lateness of the season
It is greatly to be feared that the
scheme to transform the market house
into a municipal ice plant will have to
be put into cold storage until next
Texas democrats have Just nomi
nated a state ticket by direct primary
ots. Nebraska democrats, however,
are careful to confine their advocacy
of direct primaries to platform plati
The World-Herald, however, Is very
silent about the grab It Is trying to
make Into th city treasury for double
pay for advertising city notices by
which it Is repudiating its own con
tract prices.
With Uncle Sam holding title to
MOO, 000 gcres of coal land In the
west, both miner r.nd operators wlil
bs less Inclined to jeopardize the in
terests of the consumers when they
discuss wage scales.
These persons who wrecked a train
la France in order to kill a Russian
(rand duke seem to have placed a
higher value on his life than the condi
tions .warrant and their error should
exact the heaviest penalty.
All that saves the Russian govern
ment today Is lsck of ability of the
revolutionists to draw their fortes to
gether. As a country of magnificent
distances the United States holds sec
ond place to the realm of the rxar.
The street railway strike In San
Francisco Is said to have been Inaugu
rated by men. brought to the city by
the company since the earthquake.
Those who went through the disaster
are doubtless glad enough to be alive
wlthoat aeakisg further' trouble.
1!cstuct rue vksaoatw. a.
Certain candidates for United States
senator who dare not appeal directly to
the people for endorsement and the
political manipulators who thrive on
legislative deadlocks are still exerting
themselves to hesd off Instructions in
the different republican county con
ventions with a view to defeating any
popular expression through state con
vention nomination, t
Thla Is evidenced enew by the let
ters being sent out In the Interest of
Senator Millard, calling upon the party
workers "In the Interest of harmony"
to send unlnstructed delegates to the
state convention at" Lincoln to be
traded off or voted by orders from
headquarters In complete disregard of
the sentiment of the rank and file at
home. The only thing "In the Interest
of harmony" for the party Is to re
spond to the universal demand that
the men who aspire to represent Ne
braska In the United .Statea senate
come out In the open and submit their
claims on their merits in the full light
of day. . 1
The effort likewise to prevent in
structions In different counties on the
plea that It Is opposed to precedent Is
equally without good basis. The re
publicans In most of the counties are
Instructing their delegates to congres
sional conventions for their preferred
candidate for congress and have long
made It a practice to do so. There is
even more reason why .they ahould In
struct for their preferred candidate for
the upper branch of congress than for
their preferred candidate for the lower
house. Members of congress corns
back every two years for a new vote
of confidence, while the people get a
chance to select their United States
senator but once every six years. The
same principle that governs Instruc
tions for congress should therefore
govern with threefold force for Instruc
tions for senator.
Republicans' everywhere must not
close their eyes to the fact that the
game of the corporation stalking horses
Is to pack the state convention with
unlnstructed delegates and thus to
relegate the senatorshlp to the legis
lative lobby or to juggle the conven
tlon choice against the candidates who
have popular backing. The only way
for the people to protect themselves
is to be on their guard at all stages of
the proceedings and not only to in
struct the messengers they send to the
state convention, but also to choose
messengers who can be depended on to
carry out the Instructions. They should
follow this up, too, by pledging their
legislative nominees to vote for the
nominee of the state convention.
According to a suggestive story that
Is well vouched for the real purpose of
the meeting between John Sharp Wil
liams, the leader on (the democratic
side of the national house; and Colonel
Bryan abroad was to deliver a mes
sage from a formidable number ,of
southern democratic leaders .to , the
effect that the south cannot be made
solid for the Nebraska statesman in
1908 if government ownership of rail
roads Is pushed to the front by him
upon his return or put into the demo
cratic platform. In the excitement of
the moment some time ago, when
there happened to be unusual clamor
for national railroad ownership by cer
tain elements whose favor and support
the colonel has had in the past, he
gave it to be understood that that pol
icy was to be part of his program. As
he Is supposed to be preparing to emit
a program in official form upon his
home-coming, It was deemed so essen
tlal that he omit the railroad owner
ship notion, so the accepted story goes
that Mr. Williams was deputed to
make known to him in advance that
the solid south would not stand for it.
Curiously enough the ostensible
ground on which protest against relt
eratlon of the Bryan ownership hint I
based Is the spates rights doctrine
solid south tenet whose praises he has
also been wont to sing, but back o
that, as Mr. Williams is privately to
make clear, la the "Jim Crow" car
practice, which under national owner
ship would collide with the federal
constitution. Upon the whole this
earnest solid south admonition is fund
amentally democratic, dealing exclu
slvely with what must "not" be done
Like practically all the advice that
emanates from democrstlc sources
this also Is negative, not positive, an
obstructive, not conservative, and th
chances therefore are that it may be
It is asserted on behalf of the Chi
cago packing plants which are engaged
in the foreign and Interstate meat
trade that they have already essen
tially compiled with most of the sani
tary requirements laid down by the
Department of Agriculture, accepting
as ineviteh'e eniorcement in the
strictest sense when the new rules go
Into effect. While this assertion is
universally credited, the very tact that
the national law. applying directly only
to establishments supplying markets
outside the state. Is to be thoroughly
carried out Is now naturally directing
public attention in Illinois and Chi
cago to the far more numerous es
tablishments supplying the local mar
ket within the state. If the elaborate
national sanitary regulations ajs nec
essary for protection of the public, but
under constitutional limitations can
be made effective only as to meats
shipped across a state's boundary, ob
viously equivalent regulations under
state authority are imperative for that
portion of the consuming -public left
unprotected by the Inspection act
passed by congress at Its last session.
It is not surprising that an agita
tion is In prog-Tea throughout the Illi
nois towns and particularly la Chicago
to secure for thsU ewt cliUeos
through state snd municipal authority
as efficient supervision over local
slaughter houses as the national leg
islation secures for citizens of other
states. The very efficiency of na
tional Inspection Immensely Increases
the necessity of state Inspection, be
cause by closing outside markets a
larger amount of improperly prepared
meats Is thrown upon the home mar
ket. Many of the municipalities are
accordingly straining to the utmost
the powers conferred upon them by
existing law, while there Is evidence
of an overwhelming public sentiment,
demanding at the earliest possible mo
ment, new state legislation, practically
duplicating the national act.
The same Influences operating in
Illinois are bound to be felt In other
states. And as one state after another
brings Its laws np to the standard es
tablished by congress, these Influences
will be felt more powerfully In the
states that have not yet taken action,
because the market still remaining un
protected will be correspondingly re
stricted. coal tAxns withdraws.
The unbiased judgment Of the coun-
ry will emphatically approve the
withdrawal, which has just been or
dered by the secretary of the Interior,
Ith the president's approval, of
,000,000 acres of workable coal land
from entry, notwithstanding the order
as been Instantly dubbed in certain
hostile quarters with the epithet "so
cialistic." Examination by the geo
logical survey discloses the fact that
altogether 58,000,000 acres of public
land, lying principally in New Mexico,
Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Da
kota, Montana, Oregon and Oklahoma,
contain coal deposits, but only the
6,000,000 acres withdrawn are known
to be underlaid by strata from which
coal can be profitably mined In large
quantities. The available aggregate of
this coal Is officially reported to be so
vast that the country's demand could
be supplied from It alone for an in
definite period.
The withdrawal order, therefore,
must be regarded in the light of a
great act of precaution in the interest
of the future Inhabitants of the United
States. It was made necessary by the
rapid monopolization of these coal re
sources by great corporations through
manipulation of the public land laws,
and of designs which, if the coal lands
were not withdrawn from entry, must
at no distant date absolutely vest in
these corporations the title which the
government as trustee for the nation
now holds to this invaluable heritage.
It was only by arduous effort during
the late session of congress that rail
road and other corporation plans to
acquire ownership of extensive tracts
of some of the richest of these lands
could be defeated, and their defeat
spurred them to greater effort .to ac
quire the coveted property piecemeal
by title through private entries under
the land laws.
A stake of such Incalculable value
and so eagerly played for by corporate
monopoly is well within the solicitude
of the government on behalf of the
people. Already an enormous amount
of rich coal land has been lost to
monopoly beyond recall through ad
vantage taken of the public land laws,
whose true intent certainly is not to
sacrifice so vital a public Interest to
selfish private gain. Summary with
drawal will result, as Is intended, in
putting a stop to this disastrous
process. Time, which is absolutely
necessary, will also be gained to de
termlne wisely, in the light of changed
conditions, how to dispose of these
coal lands with guarantees against
misuse. At the same time the govern
ment has only fairly begun the solu
tlon of the problem of reconciling pub
l.c Interest with the already privately
owned and worked coal deposits, espe
cially as related to transportation and
mine ownership In transportation cor
The action of the administration Is
as sagacious as it is practical, relieving
the situation at once and opening wide
the door for progressive and opportune
treatment of this vitally important
subject, and is in complete harmony
with the president's positive and
thorough-going way of dealing with
national interests.
The backdown of the Rock Island
from Its rate schedule unduly favoring
Kansas City as against Omaha has
shown what our business men can do
in the way of protecting Omaha against
railway discrimination when they are
aroused to the issue and put their
shoulders to the wheel. It the rail
roads knew that they were sure to go
up atsinst the combined business men
of Omaha every time they gave this
city the worst of it on a rate tariff they
would be very careful In the future to
see that Omaha got a square deal that
would afford no excuse whatever for
The organization of "the Dahlman
democracy" in Omaha Is calculated to
give some of the mayor's political ene
mies the cold shivers on a hot day. It
is fair to presume that the new or
ganisation will make its debut at the
coming democratic state convention,
where it will attempt to lasso every
thing In the way of political honors
that may come within reach of the me
tiopolls and under the lead of such an
expert ropor as the Honorable "Jim"
it will have to be a fleet-footed animal
to get away.
The new appraiser selected by the
Water board has not yet publicly slgnl
fled his acceptance, but there is no dan
ger that he will refuse to serve if oc
casion permits. A chance to milk the
water works cow Is too good a thing to
let pass by.
Senator Millard's bank cashier and
his bookkeeper and several other of
bis adherents went Into the Douglas
coosty primaries as his representa
tives, agreeing over their signatures
"to abide by the result." but evidently
neither the senator nor his private sec
retary recognize this as having any
binding effect upon them.
Urease far the Oeelea.
Philadelphia Preaa.
With reference to Mr. Hesrst'e presiden
tial boom It la the consensus of opinion
among Mr. Bryan's friends that. Judging
by Its downward speed, somebody has been
greasing the sliding board with bacon rind.
Land fr the Landless.
St. Louis Olobe-Democrat.
t'nele Sam still has open to entry MS. 000.
TO acrea of land, or nearly one-third of
the original public domain, exclusive of
Alaska, fnless reports from the big north
western territory are Incorrect, there li
good land there also.
Jim Ham's Ha bit a.
Cincinnati Enouirer.
Jim Ham. Lewis. Chicago's legal adlvser,
has detected an effort of the heirs to s
rich estate to hide or shift taxable securi
ties. Once his time was occupied In
seachlng for subtle parts of speech, and
he found many of them, too. Maybe that
is how he acquired the Bherlockholmes
At the Established Rate.
Chicago Chronicle.
In a letter to a lyceum manager the
Honorable William Jennings Bryan says
that he Is open for lecture engagements.
In view of Mr. Bryan's well known thrift
the announcement was hardly necessary.
He might have added, however, that he
will alao be at liberty for lecture engage-
menta or any other kind of outside work
after the prealdentlal election In 1904.
Chicago Chronicle.
Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman evoked
some criticism when he hurrahed for the
Russian Duma, but his friends excuse him
by the statement that he Is an enthuslaatlc
friend of Russian liberty. That may be.
but If history furnishes any precedent to
go by Sir Henry also believes that Russia's
misfortune Is England's advantage. So long
as Russia is rent by revolt and Insurrec
tion there is no danger of the bear taking
the road to India. As the Duma has got
Russia Into a mess of the worst kind. Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannerman naturally feels
that It Is an admirable body.
Omaha's Democrat of Destiny.
Kearney. Democrat.
Desiring that the democrats of Nebraska
rhall not forget It, the Democrat again
reiterates its oft repeated statement that
there Is but one man within the democratic
party of the state who can be elected gov
ernor of Nebraska thla fall, and that man
Is Mayor James C. Dahlman of Omaha.
The nomination of any other man la only
throwing soft-mannered sop to the repub
lican nominee. While Mr. Dahlman Is not
the only capable man In the state, he la
the only available man at this time and
under existing conditions. At another time
such men as Judge Howard, Congressman
Shallenberger. G. M. Hitchcock, Colonel
Jack Maher, Judge Westover, Judge Old
ham and a hundred other finely qualified
men might be named with some degree of
successful assurances, but not this year.
This year the finger of destiny points di
rectly at Jamea C. Dahlman.
Selection Meets Approval.
Kearney Hub (rep.).
The action of the executive committee
of the republican state central committee
in selecting Hon. W. E. Andrews, auditor
of the treasury at Washington, to preside
over the republican., state convention at
Lincoln August 231 will meet with the ap
proval of the party generally in the state
No more satisfactory person could have
been selected. He is absolutely of the
cleanest and best and the fact that he Is to
be chairman of One of the greatest con
ventlons of republican history In this state
will lend confidence in advance and set it
upon a high plane among convention rath
erlngs. The wisdom of appointing a com
mlttee on resolutions is not so apparent
If all of the parties named shall be mem
here of the convention It will not matter
so much, but It cannot be gainsaid that
the convention Itself has the light and the
only right to act upon the resolutions
through a committee appointed from Its
own body. The move Is an Innovation that
has been adopted .-lsewhere, and It may not
do any harm, but the action taken Is
clearly a usurpation of the rights of the
convention. Itself In advance of its aasem
bllng. By the same sign a chairman has
for a number of years been selected for the
convention by the atate committee, and no
harm has come of Jt, but It becomes a que
tlon as to how far the committee can go
In assuming prerogatives that do not clearly
oeiong io n jrouoie win come oi u some
aay even mougn no narm nas oeen aone
thus tar. tieuer stop m
Af.i Admirer of Seaator Waata to
w p.i... -i,-.w
rr 1 Time.
Bryan will undoubtedly be the democratic
nominee for the presidency
In lSmt Th.
factions antagonistic to him at previous
elections are making haste to endorse htm
now, while his old supporters are as loyaJ
as ever. But who shall be the republican
leader Is growing to be a serious problem.
Roosevelt might be If he would, but he con-
tinuea firmly and consistently to stand by
his announcement of two years ago that
he would not serve another term after
the present. Aside from him there seems
to be no one In the public gase who could
be nominated with any assurance of de
feating the popular Nebraakan. Fairbanks,
Cannon. Shaw. Taft, Root and many others
are mentioned, but each has opposition In
his own party that would be likely to
handicap him In the race. Recent elections
In Oregon, Ohio, Massachusetts and else
where have shown that voters are not
standing by any party as la the past, but
that a popular man may win even though
he represents a minority party
Wlille the country Is carefully studying
Its list of available men with a view to
selecting the beat, the Times would suggest
one who can beat Bryan. Thla Is another
Nebraska n Hon. E. J. Burkett of Lincoln.
He may not be as well known to the coun
try now as Bryan, but he la as well known
aa Bryan was before the Chicago conven
tlon In 1896. He Is a young man. He Is
an orator. He haa served three terms in
congress. He is now serving his first term
aa United States senator, selected by vote
of the people and elected by vote of every
republican In the legislature. He Is a
trusted friend and counselor of Roosevelt
He stands for all the president repreeenta
On the stump and In congreas he has talked
and voted for railway regulation, truet
regulation, for giving every man and Inter-
eat a "souare deal" no more, no leaa. He
nas born on an Iowa farm; he worked
his way through school and college, he
studied Inw while he taught, be has won
his way in life solely on hla own merit.
he knowa the needa and sympathises with
the wishes of the great common people of
the country. He can get more votes than
Bryan In the letter's own precinct, own
city, own county, and own state, and we
believe would beat him as a national can
It would make a contest ever to be re
memhered to pit one popular Nebraskan
against another Burkett against Bryta.
Coaveatloa Day la Madison.
Tllden Cltlsen (rep ).
The republicans of thla county were well
represented In the convention held at Bat
tle Creek, the delegations being present In
most Instances In full strength. W. M.
Robertson was elected chairman and W. A.
Witslgman aecretary. Editor Rosewater,
Attorney General Norrls Brown. Judge
Boyd and Hon. W. W. Young were all
present and each had staunch supporters
In the convention. A resolution commend
ing the state officers now serving their first
term, and endorsing them for a second
term, was voted down. Another resolution
Instructing the congressional delegation for
Judge Boyd carried by a vote of K to 47.
Judge Boyd and Hon. W. W. Young each
delivered an earnest speech and the best
of feeling prevailed between the supporters
of the rival candidates for congress. C. A.
Randall, who aspires to represent this dis
trict In the state senate, was given the
privilege of selecting his own delegates.
The date for the senatorial convention has
not been set. and Mr. Randall will later
notify his delegates by mall of selection.
Only one name was presented for state
representative, that of Thomas Alderson,
ho Is a substantial and highly respected
farmer of Union precinct Jack Koentg-
ateln was renominated by acclamation for I
county attorney. Mr. Rosewater was
greeted with genuine applause when he ap
peared upon the rostrum and for about
three-quarters of an hour he rolled off
facts and facts and figures that kept his
audience highly Interested. He made no
ttempt at oratorical effect, but told In
plain pure English his views of govern
mental affairs and Incidentally read ex
tracts from a conference he had In 1886
with the congressional committees having
charge of the Interstate commerce bill. In
his answers to Inquiries put by the sena
tors and representatives ha suggested al
most Identically the same remedies for
controlling railroad corporations as are
now forming the bone of contention be
tween Theodore Roosevelt and his support
ers on one side and the big corporations
on the other. Attorney General Brown
followed and was respectfully listened to.
He confined himself mainly to state af
fairs. He Is a fluent speaker, fairly well
versed In matters pertaining to railroad
taxation and tax evasion In the state, but
there Is this difference between him and
Mr. Rosewater. While Norrls Brown knows
nd can express himself concerning the
Burlington and Union Pacific railroad at
tempts to escape a Just share of taxation,
Mr. Rosewater suggesta an adequate rem
edy and is well Informed on the affairs
of corporate capital in the whole nation.
Brown's Fool Friends.
Loup City Northwestern (rep.).
Norrls Brown Is all right In his desire
to be made a United States senator, but
he should call off some of his fool friends
who persuade themselves they are a part
of God's anointed, and any who fall to
see things as they do are going to the
demnition bow-wows, so to speak. Borne
time since the Northwestern had an ex
planation of Its attitude on the senatorial
question, declining to be a boomer to any
great extent, when one of the Brown salel
ites, whose initials closely resemble those
of Perkins of the St. Paul Republican, im
mediately sent a broadside Into poor us,
loaded with the stuff we have alluded to
"fdbl friendship." to the effect that we
were looking for financial recompense be
cause we did not jump into ui Brown
vehicle instanter. It Is such fool friends
that disgust the conservative element of
any party, and hurt the cause of the men
who are their political prophets. Can Nor
rls Brown expect to swim to the shining
shore with these millstones about his neck?
Keep an Rye on the Railroads.
McCook. Tribune (rep.).
The railroads of Nebraska seem to havt
given up the Idea of holding off the con
ventions and senatorial endoraements, out
no one can safely charge them with keep
ing their eyea off the gun the state legis
lature. Sentiment Favors Rosewater.
Crelghton News (rep.
The senatorial situation in N .raska Is
waxing warm In some parts. Some coun
ties are Inatructlng their delegations,
either for Norrls Brown or Edward Kose-
i-ater. while many others are giving no
Instructions at all. and this will probably
be the position of Knox county, although
there Is a strong sentiment tnrougnoui
the county for Mr. Rosewater.
Before and After Taking:.
Newman Orove Reporter (rep.).
"He" (Norrls Brown) "Is carrying the old
Burlington territory by atorm." You have
got that dead right. Mr. Hammond. And
up this way he la carrying the Union Pa
cific and Northwestern territory by
storm. And, aa far aa can be learned, he
Is rarrvtnr everv political passholfler in
Madl,on 00unty along with it. Thla is
wrUten OM jay before the coi ention
i n), w, wU, cneck up there and let you
. w th -its
But the people have
a few territorial reaervationa ataaea out
which may give him a bump yet
Later We made a careful study of the
siiojec yrsiom-j .
1 say, wnn great cunimonvc. mm yv
i ... . ..
Ulicai paasnuiurr in ui.u,i iuu..v,
working against Rtssawater and for
Brown. II oy any iuhiuum; u
haa crept Into this statement we hope
aomeone will call our attention to It and
It will be corrected. It may be a coinci
dent, but It looks suspicious.
LJoa aad Lamb la Lancaster.
Falls City Journal (rep.).
There Is considerable speculation as to
the real meaning of the Lancaster county
convention. While there haa been a great
I'm Falling
Thus cried the hair. And a kind neigh
bor came to the rescue with a bottle of
Ayes Hair Vigor. The hair was saved!
In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and
with all the deep, rich color of early life.
Druggists have sold it in all parts of
the world for over sixty years.
The best kind of a testimonial -"Sold
for over sixty years."
.a aiSlfATLLA-Vf tae etoet.
ATE?' casaar "atioaau-- gas.
of the suffering and danger in store for her, robs the expectant mi
of all pleasant anticipations of the coming event, and csti over her a
shadow of gloom which cannot be shaken oil. Thousands of womeaa
hsre found that the use of Mother' Friend during pregnancy rob
confinement of all pain and nagger, and insures safety to life of mother
and child. This scientific liniment is a god-send to all women at the
time of their most critical trial. Not only does Mather's" Friend
carry women safely through the perils of child-birth, but its use
gently prepares the system for the coming event, prevents morning
sickness," and other dis-
Ii.oo per bottle. Jiook
containing valuable information free.
TbeBr4te 1 ReqwUta Co.. Atleata. Ge.
r, i rzi i j
J U lAi LEi
Owr store wM be closed for a few days on account of a alight fire
Monday evening. Will reopen aa soon aa loasea are adjnsted.
S. Fredrick Berger & Co.,
1517 mUU STREET.
3 I "1 I
deal of talk by the State Journal about
the railroad machine crowd. It looks very
much to an outsider as though the Hon
and the lamb had divided the spoils and
laid down together. The only man who
got left In the melee was George L Sheldon
and he Is really the strongest and best man
In the race. It may be all right, but It
looks strange.
Status of Rd Willow.
Beaver City Tlmes-Trlbune (rep.).
The state papers gave It out that the
Rod Willow county republican convention
Instructed delegates to the state convention
for Norrls Brown for United States sena
tor. This Is erroneous, as we are reliably
Informed. , No such Instructions were madt.
The convention expressed a preference for
Brown, but the delegates were not bound
by Instructions of any sort.
Where He la Rtroagr.
Crete Vidette-Herald (rep.).
Some of our exchangee claim that If Mr.
Rosewater Is nominated as senator In the
state convention, a republican legislature
cannot be elected. On just what grounds
they base their claims we do not know.
Certainly not on the ground that The Bee
has failed to champion the rights and In
terests of the common people. For thirty
years The Omaha Bee has been one of the
most fearless, outspoken champions of the
people In this western country. It is true
that Mr. Rosewater has made some per
sonal enemies because he has seen fit to op
pose some candidates of the republican
narty. He has never knifed a man In the
'tick. If opposed to a nominee he has
nvarlably fought him In the open, and
as always given timely warning of his
ppoaltlon prior to' tha conventions. What
ever may be his faults. In our Judgment,
te could poll more votes In Saline county
than any other republican In the state.
A. I. Black, minister of agriculture In
the Dominion, says that more than 30.SOO
harvest hands will need to he Imported this
year to handle the crops In Manitoba.
Iw1s Mann, the biggest manufacturer
of clothespins In the world, lives at Bry
ant's Pond, Me. He began yeara ago with
a capital of 9400 and now Is reckoned a
very rich man.
Nelson's grandson, Horace Ward, has
come to America In connection with some
western mining enterprise. He bears a re
markable personal resemblance to his fa
mous grandfather.
The aultan of Turkey Is said to possess
a fire screen J00 years old made from the
tanned skins of twelve faithful alavea who
rescued a former sultan from a biasing
palace at the cost of their own lives.
Rev. Angus Johnson, a Presbyterian min
ister. 97 years of age, and the oldest active
preacher in the world. Is conducting a pro-
I tracted meeting at Wood's chapel, at Ms-
mney, tex. r or over seventy years ne nas
been actively engaged In ministerial work.
Mrs. H. M. King haa bought the Laureloa
ranch In Texas, embracing lTO.Ono acres, the
consideration being 91.ono.000. The purchase
of this ranch makes Mrs. King the owner
of l,2S0,00O acres, practically In one body.
Thla cattle queen's domain Is now nearly
twice the aroa of Rhode Island snd nearly
ks large as Delaware.
William Merrltt Chaae, the American
artist, nt present In London, says he Is
getting the support of Messrs. Bargeant,
Abbey, Gibson and others for the defense
of the Inte Stanford White, who admit
tedly did more to beautify New Tcrk and
encourage architectural development In
America and any other ten men.
. Ars Oe., LmH
sayrsrnirtrs W
A TIB'S PILLS- Vw seastlMtle.
Alta i AttcaciiiLS-g,, .u tt (re.
is so crdesl which all
worpen approach with
indescribable fear, for
AT -
"Really er I'm afraid you overheard
what I er said about you." Stammered
the gossip, who had been caught red
handed. "Perhaps 1 er was a bit too
severs "
"O! no," replied the other woman, "ynu
weren't nnarfy as severe as you would
have been if you knew what I think of
you." Philadelphia . Press.
"Cholly wants to enter his father's bank
Ing house."
"Doing what?"
"Oh, I don't know. I suppose making
himself general, useless." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"It's just scandalous the way the harded
lady la loadln' himself with bnnse these
days," remarked the ' wild man from
Borneo. "I should think he'd be afraid o
delirium tremens."
"Oh, no, he considers himself ssfe." re
plied the living skeleton; "he s msrrted to
the snake charmer, you know." Philadel
phia Press.
"What do you Intend to do with your
"That doesn't concern me," answered tfe
nervous man. "The question Is 'What Is
my automobile going to do with me?' "
Washington Star.
Tommy Pa, what Is the Isthmus of Pan
ama? Pa The Isthmus of Panama. Tommy, is
a narrow strip of land connecting Central
America with the United States treasury.
The germ theory seems to have boosted
cleanliness Into first place, with gVlline.s
pretty much distanced. Puck. '
In Philadelphia
Giuseppe da barber ees cstcha da wife!
OI my, you weell laugh w'en you see w'at
he gat.
She gatta de'face'Oa so "sharp like da
knife -. '
He say "ees no styleeah for face to be
Her fingers so skeenny, ees hotheeng but
Tou "frald dey weel bust w'en you go
for shak' ban.
He say: "Dates sign she ees vera high
tone'. She no gatta ban's like two bonch da
banan ."
Ha! w'at you theenk dat
For talk een hees hat?
W't good eeaa wife eef she don'ta be fat?
Giuseppe he tal me I no ondrastsn'
Da 'Merlcan lady so goods like heem:
He tal me heea wife ees da "swell 'Merl
can" An' looka so styleesh baycause she ee
For keepa da house an" for helpin' her
To nursa da baby an' carry da wood.
He say: "I no care eef she news do
Ha! w'at you theenk dat
For talk een hees hat?
W't good eeaa wife eef she don'ta be fat?
Tooth Talk No. 56
To those whose teeth are sensi
tive to such an extent that they
' dread having them fllled. Ill
that I have remediea and meth
ods which enable me to fill or
crown senaltlve teeth painlessly.
These Is no mystery or mglc
about painless dentistry. It Is
simply "careful dentistry." In
my practice I use common sne
and uncommon care. 1 get reiulta. -
If you have teMh that need at
tention and you want the work
dor.e Ir. a cleanly, painless way
at a reasonable pi ice come to my
office. You'll not regret It.
I make no charge whatever
for examination and advice.
DR. FICKK8. Dentist. 338 Bee Bldg.
'Phone Douglas 637.
King & Co
All of our broken and
odd lines of summer
suits 300 in all goon
sale at
$15 $18 . $20 . $22 and $25.
See Douglas Street Window
Fifteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Omaha. Neb.
Broaden W F W Tflf-
Cttnptr vM