Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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LancaiUr Couuty Aimmt Bars MsrcbanU
Are Assessed Too Low.
Only Chances Fr Made la the Re
tarn, of the County
Has Been In Horipi, Mai
4 t'nttle.
smssutJi 'U I girs
Nsmaha County Talli in Line with Lei-
TWaliimi imi Mistl-'r "
(From a Buft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July JO. County Assessor
Miller of Lancaster county, charged before
the State Board of Equalization this after
noon that the wholesale merchants of
Omaha had endeavored to get the whole
sale merchants of Lancaster county to
enter Into a combination to keep down as
sessment on this class of property, and h-s
also requested the board not only to ln
vestlgsto the assessment of wholesale
r.ouses In Omaha, but In Lincoln as well,
charting that the Lincoln wholesalo houses
were under assessed.
Mr. Miller wns asked for the names of
the Omaha merchants who had made a
proposition to the Lincoln merchants, but
he said he did not know. A letter con
cerning the combination, he said, had been
received by J. E. Miller.
In his talk to the board Mr. Miller merely
ra'd Lincoln merchants had gone before the
county board here and asked for reductions
tn th" ground that Omaha wholesale mer
chants had been undervalued, though lie
himself did not know what the Individual
assessments were In Omsha. At the re
quest of the board Mr. Miller later In the
jiy made his complaint In writing, and
I he bourd derided to summon Omaha wit
neares and give them a hearing
diy. Mr. JTIiler Slid the Lincoln nvelianta
had figured the Omaha wholesale houses
were undervalued In comparison with Lin
cister merchant on the basis of the
amount of business done by the different
Aims. On this basl. taking one-seventh
of the sale as the value. Miller siild, Mc
Ccrd Bmrty should have been assessed
for HW.'W, wheresr. he thought, though he
d:1n't know, the firm was assessed for $360,-
Mr, Miller also brought out the Inter
est ng fact that Reymond Bros, ft Clark,
the firm that made the protest Hgalnst
Douglas county, were assessed In 1934,
JC.S26; In 1905, 137,000. and In 19n, r.(0), a
lediieMen cf about M.orfl In the last two
years. Miller thought the firm was under
assessed. 1 im satisfied," said Mr. Miller, "the
soi ill merchants In Omaha and Lincoln
sre ursessed all right, but the wholes3le
1 nuses are not high enough In either town.
The 1 incoln merchants In some way have to get the county .board to make
reductions, and the state board should do
pomrthlng to hrlng them to time or we will
sorn be beck to the same ondltlon we
were In under the old assessment law. It
I not the little fellows but the big fel'owa
who are escaping. When I found the beard
was going to reduce the big firms I called
cn J. E. Miller and told him he could get
p reduction ss the rest of them were. Mr.
Miller, however, refused to ask for the re
duction and his assessment Is about the
only one tlint Is right among the big mer
chants In this county."
Miller's formal Protest.
Following la the formal protest filed by
Mr. Miller:
To tiie Board of Kn'inllMtlnn and As
e e "wnient The undersigned assessor and a
t i flyer rf Lnm-asier county. Nebraska,
i -ronaly nnd as county assessor of said
I inrm'r county, Nelra-n, and In heha'f
rt t.ncasr county. Nebraska, and himself
I errbv prot-sts ngalnst the mercantile as
sessment of Ooiigias county. Nebraska, as
i'"--ed In that county.
1 Pecnrse the same Is below Its value
In 'h ordinary course of trade.
-' Because it Is not uniform as to value
coTipned with other portion of the state.
1 I'ecause it tends to benefit the mer
Came Out Constantly Hair Finally
Had to Be Cut to Save Any Scalp
Now in Good Condition and No
More Itching Another Effective
"I wi'.l gladly give you all the infor
mttion concerning my rase. I used
the Cuticura Soap and Ointment for a
diseased scalp, dandruff, and constant
failir.g of hair. . Finally I had to cut
my hair to save any at all. Just alv
that time, I read about the Cuticura
Remedies. Ones) every week I sham
pooed gny hair with the Cuticura Soap,
and J used the Ointment twice a week.
In two montha' time my hair was Ion
enough to do up in French twist. Thai .
is now five years ago, and I have a
lovely head of hair. The length is
six inches below my waist line, my
scejp ia in very good condition, and
no more dandruff or itching of the
scalp. I used other remedies that were
recommended to mo as good, but with
no results. If you wish to publish
any of what I have written you, you
are welcome to do so. I am, respectful!-,
Mra. W. F. Oriess, Clay Center,
Neb., Oct. 23, 1905."
Mothers Should Use Cuticura
Soap, the World's
Mothers are assured of the absolute
purity and unfailing efficacy of Cuticura
Boap and Cuticura Ointment, the great
Skin Cure, in the preservation and puri
fication of the akin, scalp, hair, and hands
of infants and children. For baby ecse
mas, rashes, itchings and chafings as
well as for annoying irritations and
ulcerative weaknesses, and many sana
tive antiseptic purposes which readily
suggest themselves to mothers, as well
as for all the purposes of the toilet,
bath, and nursery, Cuticura Boap ana
Cuticura Ointment are priceless.
SaM tuMliHl IM wwrt. Catlem -. St.,OM.
kal, Rm.. uc. im tors 4 CbocoWm ChiiS
fut IM- POT vtfti fen, wmmj b h4 f tU 4r4l
f ftM Lrc Cam. t , SoW rne.. la MM
It makes tha toilet something to be ea
Joyed. It removes all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly heat and chafing, and
lecves the akin white, soft, healthy. In the
bath It brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common soap cao equal, imparting the
vigor and lite sensation of a mud Turkla
AU. GlrOC! iD IU.U&61STS-
Put your Foot into a
Foot-Schulze Shoe
Evtfy one J made on honor by "the
WeA leading afioe
maker." -the leading
r to. thebeA qaaf.
ever put into foot
wear. For
S3, to $3.
Made only by
rhsrls of Omaha to the detriment of mer
chants In other part of the state.
4 Because It allows the merchants of
Omsha to escape paying their Just share
of state tsxes to the detriment of other
taxpayers of the state.
f Because it Is not In accord with the law
of the slate.
Wherefore this objector prays that your
honorable bonrd may henr and adjust the
matters complained of and grant such re
lief os may bo Just and equitable.
The following merchants of Omaha will
be notified to appear before the board
Wednesday: Brandels 8ons. Hayden
Pros., Smith & Co., Byrne-Hammer Dry
Goods company, Baum & Co., Bennett &
Co., Marks Hros., Haley & Co., Lee-tJlass-Andreeson,
K. E. Bruce & Co., Richardson
Irug company, Allen Bros., MeC'ord-Brady
Co.. H. D. Rifd, county assessor.
These merchants represent dry goods,
hardware, drugs, groceries and harness.
All Itone Hnt for Protest.
The Stnte Hoard of Equalization con
cluded Its labors this afternoon with the
exception of looking Into the matter of
merchandise in Douglas and Lancaster
counties. The levy cannot be made until
the controversy between these two counties
Is settled. The hearing will be held
Wednesday at 11 o'clock.
The only changes the board has made
Is on horses, mules and cattle. Following
Is a list of the counties and the increase by
per centum:
AnteHpe 10
Burt 10
Cherry 20
Chevenne 10
Colfax 25 .. 60
Cuming 10
Douglas 20 '.. 20
Deuel 10
Dundy 10
Fillmore 10
Franklin .. 10
Gage 10
Garfield 10
Grant 30 .. 28
Havn 10
Molt 20 .. 10
Hooker 0 10
Howard 10
Jefferson 10
Kearney 10 10 10
Kimball 10
ICnriT 10
Lincoln 20 20 20
Mndlson 10 .. 20
McPheron 10 26 25
Merrick 10 .. 20
Phelps 10
Platte 10 10
8llne 10 10
H.iinHr 10 10
Sheridan 10 .. 20
Rherman 25 . " .. 30
Th,v.r 10
Thomas 60 .. M
U'.VIM .. 10
Webster 10
Returns Donohoe Moier
Governor Mickey this afternoon received
a draft from L. H. Harding of Omaha
for H3.85 with a letter explaining the
money had been left with him by Detective
Donohoe. Mr. Harding explained that he
had advanced Donohoe the money to de
fray the expenses of getting a prisoner
from Kansas City and Donohoe told him
the state would refund the money as
soon as the proper voucher had ben filed.
Donohoe. he said, had left the money with
his bartender but had not told him what
It was for. Later, be wrote, he saw the
notice In the paper about the affair and
had returned the money at his first oppor
tunity so the governor could put It where
It belonged. He also Informed tne govern
or he thought Donohoe had not Intended to
get anything that was not due him.
Hall Damage Corn.
Governor Mickey returned from Polk
county today and said the hall storm there j
had done considerable damage to corn,
beating the stalka to the ground. The
storm covered a space ot tnree nines
Ide and extended from Silver Creek
throueh Shelby clear to Surprise.
Committee to Meet Bryan.
Mayor Brown, accompanied by a party
of democrats, will go to Jew xors; 10
greet William J. Bryan. They probably
will leave Lincoln August 24. According to
the announcement made today the follow
ing will go: Mayor F. W. Brown, Mayor
Watzke, Humboldt; Mayor Wood. Tecum
seh; Mayor Hunker, West Point: Mayor
Burke. Friend; Dr. P. U Hall. Lincoln,
John G. Maher. Lincoln; J. H. Wlnter
steen, Fremont. "Ed" Friend, Lincoln; K.
W. Brown. Jr.. Lincoln; O. W. Palm. Lin
coln. Mayor Gerlng of Plattsmouth may
possibly go. Dan Stephens, Kdgar Howard,
both of Fremont, and P. E. McKlllip, of
Humphreys, will go from Fremont.
Rnlo Not General.
Though his friends are Insisting on Dr.
Wl.nnett naming his delegation at once.
Norrls Brown had not yet named his
Buffalo county delegation to the slate con
vention. The News-Journal, the Brown
boosters, have been demanding that no
vest pocket delegation go, but so far they
have failed to Jar loose the Buffalo county
delegation and It la still In Mr. Brown's
vest pocket. Today the attorney general
said he was In correspondence with some
of the parties who will likely be on the
delegation, but he had not yet taken action.
Browa Makes Denial.
Norrla Brown takes exception to the
statement in The Bee that he was delin
quent In the campaign contribution levied
on him as attorney general, although he
admits that he paid only half of his as
sessment of 1905. His newspaper organs
here wax Indignant over what they term
a canard and try to excuse him for not
paying the other half of his assessment on
the ground that he canvassed the state
In behalf of himself and associates without
asking the committee to pay him.
Horsc Killed. Boy Escapes
KEARNET. Neb., July 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Thurman Henllne, a eon of I. 8
Henline. residing half a mile east of Buda,
while riding across the railroad crossing
near his home last night was run Into
by train No. . He was on his way home
st the time, and sitting. It Is said, asleep
in Ms buggy. Tha horse was Instantly
killed and the buggy smashed to pieces.
The boy was thrown a distance of fifty
feet and badly rut and bruised. This morn
ing he appeared to be getting along quite
well and Is able to sit up. It Is possible,
however, that Internal Injuries may be
found more serious than was at first expected.
MM i
o atter and Cast.
E. K. Good, Candidate for Stato
Treasarer, Aothorlae to Select
the Delegation to State
AUBURN, Neb., July 30. The Nemaha
county republican convention today In
structed Its delegates to the congressional
convention to vote for the renomination
of Congressman Pollard. A resolution to
Instruct the state delegation for Brown
for senator was voted down. The Instruc
tion for Pollard, taken In connection with
similar Instructions already taken In Cass
and Lancaster counties. Is taken to Insure
him a majority of the congressional con
vention and a renomination.
The convention organized with B. H.
Bailey as chairman and W. 8. Crlcbton
secretary. The congressional fight was the
principal Issue. Congressman Pollard and
Judae Jessen were both on the around i
early this morning and the partisans of J
each were busy until convention time.
Both aspirants addressed the convention.
A resolution to Instruct the delegates to
the congressional convention to vote for
Pollard carried by a vote of 61 to 47.
So Apologies to Make.
Mr. Pollard, In his speech, explained
to the convention that he was sworn In as
congressman at the same time as the oath
was taken by the other congressman, that
he served the same length of time as the
other members and under the statutes of
the United States was entitled to the same
salary and that he had no apology to make
and stood on his record.
A resolution Instructing the delegstlon to
the state convention for Norrls Brown for
United States senator was badly defeated,
but no other preference was expressed for
A resolution carried authorising E. E.
Good, as candidate for state treasurer, to
select his own delegation. Mr. Good hss
not yet made his selection.
The following ticket was nominated: For
state representatives, Charles D. Parker
and A. L. Lawrence; county attorney, C.
O. French; county commissioner, Charles
R. Hacker.
The d'pgit's to the senatorial conven
tion were Instructed for J. W. Armstrong
for float representative.
Evans Gets Platte.
COLUMBUS. Neb., July 30. (Special. ).
In the primaries held today the scrapping
was as to' who would have the delegates,
between Carroll D. Evans, candidate for
United States senator, and W. A. McAl
lister, candidate for railroad commissioner.
In the Third ward of the city, 1n which
both candidates reside, the Evans ticket
won out, the vote standing S3 for Evans
and 55 for McAllister. The First and Sec
ond wards had but one ticket, and It Is
presumed they are Evans men and that
the whole county primaries have gone In
the same ratio. In that case the convention
will Instruct for Evans for senator and Mc
Carthy for congress.
M'ctXLA's worsns PROVE FATAL
Walter Pearaon Arrested on the
Charare of Murder.
HASTINGS, Neb.. July 30. (Special.)
Walter McCulla. who was shot In the back
at an early hour Sunday morning, while
In the home of Brney Pearson, died at
1 -o'clock this afternoon at bis home on
West Seventh. His wife and four children
were with; htm when he expired.
Barney Pearson was arrested yesterday
on a warrant sworn out by County Attor
ney Olmstead charging him with mali
ciously shooting with Intent to kill and he
Is still In the county Jail. The coroner's
Inquest will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow
McCulla wan shot by Pearson, who re
turned home unexpectedly and found Mc
Culla In company with his wife.
At 11:45 yesterday afternoon Rev. A.
Lemkau and W. A. Baker went to the
county Jail to see Pearson. In speaking
of the Interview that took place In the Jail
Mr. Lemkau Bald:
I spoke to Pearson saying, "I expected
to see you again last night.' There was
no response I then asked him, 'Did you
empty both barrels?' to which he replied
that he had shot only one. Then Pearson
asked me If I thought he had committed
a. sin and I told him It wasn't right, but
God would forgive him. Pearson showed
much emotion; here he broke down and
Sheldon Drnaraed and Robbed.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 30. (Special. )-
Charged with drugging and robbing Rich
ard B. Sheldon pf S40 and tw.o gold
watches, C. V. Stortx was brought here
from Lincoln today by Sheriff Trude and
Chief Burke and lodged In the county 1all.
The robbery occurred last week. After the
two men had drank together and ate a
sandwich at Stortx' stand on Fifth street,
8heldon became dated and wandered down
In the vicinity of the Driving park, where
he fell asleep. When he awoke he found
he had been robbed. Storts left town that
A Wonderful Record.
As made up by Improved and exact
rnceasee Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prew rip
lion Is a most efficient remedy for regu
lating all the womanly functions, corrocu
Ing displacements, as prolapsus, an Inver
sion and retroversion, overcoming painful
periods, toning uu the nerves and bring
ing about a per fret state of health. It
corns the backache, periodical headaches,
the dr&ggtng-down distress In the polvtc
re I on, the pain and tenderness over
lower abdominal region, dries np the
pelvic catarrhal drain, so dlsagreeabie
and weakening, and OTorcorat every
form of weak noes Incident to the organs
distinctly fnmlnlne.
"Kavoritw Prescription" Is the only
medicine for women, the makers ot
which are not afraid to print their
formula on the bottle wrapper, thus
taking their patrons into their full eon
iidence. It la the only medicine for
women, every Ingredient of which has
the strongest possible endorsement of
the most eminent medical practitioners
and writers of our day, recommending
It for the diseases for which "Favorite
Prescription" Is used. It is the onlv
put-up medicine for women, sold
through druggists, which does not con
tain a large percentage , of alcohol, so
harmful In the long my especially to
delicate women. It has mom gen o Ins
cures to Its credit than all other medi
cines for women combined, having
saved thousanda of sufferers from the
operating table and the sifrgeon's knife.
It has restored delicate, weak women to
strong and vigorous health and virility,
making motherhood possible, where there
was barrenness before, thereby brighten
ing and waking happy many thousands
Of tomes by the advent of little ones to
strengthen the marital hoods and add
sunshine where gloom and despondency
had reigned before.
Write to Dr. B. V. Pierce. He will send
you good, fatherly, professional advice.
In a plain, sealed envelope, absolutely
free. Address htm at Buffalo, S. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Ploasant Pellets do not
ripe. They effectually cleanse the sys
tem of accumulated Imparities.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, by Dr. Pierce, lone pagea. ts sent
Jrw on receipt of tarnps to pay expense
of mailing oeUy. Send 1 one-cent stamps
tor the book In paper covers, or II stamps
for the cloth Wusd voJuata, Address
as aiev
jh) vOJ-Wii UJJISfL
Tr rvrt
slsk for the Brewery Bottling.
Common beer is
D3 Q avot' being imposed upon, see tliat tJie cork
That Made
evening, and It is allegod ttiat Sheldon M
drugged while eating, 'the. sandwich. The
two watches were recqvered. Sheldon has
been following the circuit races and says
he is a resident ot Stuert. Ia.
I'nable to Reach Operator, bat
Smashes Instrnment.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 30.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Thomas Wad., one of the three
alleged Callaway burglars awaiting trial i
here, has again seriously objectejj to being
photographed and nearly created a rough
house this morning in consequence. He,
with Martin and Ityan. were taken under
atrong guard to the barber shop. They re
turned by way of the chief's office where
Photographer Frank Laylor was concealed
with a camera. Martin and Ryan passed
the Instrument first without comment, but
Wade, happening to catch Bight of It, broke
away from Constable Ixiwsley and made
a furious rush at the photographer, who
Immediately vacated the premises. Falling
to get his man he turned to the Instrument
and demolished it before Lowsley could
overpower hlm. Wade swears he will kill
Laylor when he gets free. Fair, pictures
were obtained of Martin and Ryan.
TVkatnnb Mnn Struck by Train.
TEKAMAH. Neb., July SO. While at
tempting to drive across the railroad track,
John Thomas, a carpenter at this place,
was struck by No. 4. the northbound pas
senger, about 8 o'clock this morning. T'lf
southbound train No. 7 had pulled down
on the Biding to wait for No. 4, and Mr.
Thomas was watchlng that while No 4
was pulling In on the main line. As soon
as he heard the whistle he stopped tha
team and tried to back them off the track,
but was unable to do so In time. The train
struck the team and threw Mr. Thomas out
of the wagon, breaking his right, leg In
two places and Injuring him Internally.
One of the horses was killed outright, but
the other escaped Injury.
As Mr. Thomas Is over 60 years old his,
condition ts considered dangerous.
Hospital for Arapahoe.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., July 30 (Special Tel
egram.) Among the many improvements
In Arapahoe this summer Is a spacious and
beautiful residence being built by one of
the local physicians. It Is arranged with
a view to establishing a hospital and will
be fitted up with all modern appliances,
laboratory, operating room, etc. The cost of
the building will be KC-0. and hospital bet
terments nearly as much more.
Frelsrbt Train, foil Me.
BENNINGTON. Neb.. July 30. (Special
Telegram.) I-ocal freight No. 40. eastbound,
and an extra freight westbound collided
head-on here today. Considerable damage
was done to property but none of the train
crews was injured.
Sena of etrakn.
8FWARD The little son of Howard Dlfk
Inson. of Bee, who as visiting his grand
parents in Seward, hail two of his fingers
cut off Jn a lawn mower.
SEWARD Kenneth Dries, the ten year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dries, of
Gresham. fell from a pony, while at
Seward, and broke both the bones of one
GRAND ISLAND The Parker Carnival
company is setting up its various attrac
tions on the main street of the city today,
and Grand Island will have a carnival
this week.
COLL'MBrS Mr. Ray Stark of Berlin,
Wis., and Miss Marguerite Stark were
Joined In holy wedlock by Rev. L. R. De
Wolf, the pastor of th. Methodist Eptt
copal church, at the horn, of the bride's
EDGAR Th. news reached this city Sat
urday of the death of John Portwood, a
highly respected cltisen, formerly of this
vicinity, but who moved to Missouri, near
St. Joseph. In 1UOS. Th. body was brought
h.r by early train Sunday morning.
LEIGH Leigh scored an ea.y victory
over Clarkson In a gam. of baa. ball her.
yesterday afi.rnoon. The score waa; Leigh
- J t" r ttnn Tv- ic
A3 VJWVa 1U1 JUUi A l 1J inw iiatiwiiui tsv, v ,i tv I
where vigor and health are the rule, and f(T
nervousness the rare exception.
Malt is a food, half digested. Hops are v a
tonic. A little alcohol there is but a trifle in
beer is an aid to digestion.
But insist on a pure beera beer that's
well aged. Get a beer that is clean, filtered
and sterilized. That
sometimes substituted for Schlitz.
12, Clarkson 1. Batteries: Leigh, Ely and
Black; Clarkson, Kopac, Vlach and Allen.
Two hundred and fifty people saw the
game. m
SEWARD The 16-year-old daughter of
S. C. Sonday, living near Seward, had
the misfortune to badly cut her foot, last
Saturday. Two arteries were opened and
the foot cut -to the bone. She almost
bled to death before Drs. H. B. Cummins
and Vnnderhoof 'could reach her.
GRAND ISIMND Bert Downing, an at
tache of a disreputable resort In the north
eastern limits of the city, was shot in the
arm In a fracas with the landlady of the
house. Alice Gordon, lsst nlsht. The po
lice were called to the scene, but the
various parties connected with the escapsde
now Insist that It was an accident. Down,
ing Is at the hospital. The bullet which
struck him is a 44-callber.
GRAND ISLAND-j-Burglars attempted an
entrance into the, office rooms of Drs.
Miller & Mayer, dentists, Saturday night,
but did not succeed. In the same building
entrance wns gained to the offices of Drs.
Davis & Farnsworth, but so far the doctors
are missing nothing, though the open safe
was ransacked. It is believed that the men
were after dentists' tools and gold, and
entered the Diivls & Farnsworth offices, ad
joining the Miller Mayer, with the hope
there would be a connecting door.
7..13 to Minneapolis and St. Panl and
Return from Omaha Via Chi
cago Great Western Railway.
Account G. A. R. national encampment
at Minneapolis August 13th to ISth. Tick
ets on sale August 11th to 13th. Return limit
August 31st. with extension privilege. For
further information apply to H. H.
Churchill, G. A., 1512 Farnam St., Omaha.
Capture. Job of t'onst rnctlna Com
ml.sary llulldlna; for the
I nlon Parlfle.
The contract for the construction of tho
new commissary building for the Union
Pacific has been let to B. J. Jobst of this
city and excavation for the building has
begun. The dirt Is being loaded on cars
and hauled across the river. The build
ing will be erected on the south side ot
Leavenworth street at Eleventh, west of
the Eleventh street viaduct, and will be
four stories high on the north side and
two stories high on the south. It will be
a substantial building of brick and will
be used for supplies for the Union Pacific
commissary department, for refitting cars
and for the handling of stuff for the eat
ing houses along the line. x
Bradbury Looks for Kew Work.
W. C. Bradbury, railroad contractor of
Denver, Is In Omaha looking for new
roads to build, as he has about completed
several on which he has been working
this summer. Mr. Bradbury says the grad
ing ts 96 per cent completed on the line
from North Platte to Northport which he
was building for the Union Pacific, and
the trackmen are hustling down the rails
as fast as possible. Mr. Bradbury has
also completed the double tracking of the
Union Pacific from Lane to Valley, and tho
tracklayers have begun laying on this
siretcti, which, when the Lane cut off Is
completed, will give th. Union Pacific a
double track from Omaha to Valley.
Railway Mote, and Per.onnla.
Superintendent Park of the Union Pa
cific returned from the west Monday.
II H. Churchill, general agent of the
Chicago Great Western, returned from Chi
cago Monday.
C. M. Rathbum. president and ticket
agent of the Atchison Union Depot -and
Hi II road company, ia In th. city.
The Great Western has announced
August U a an additional date for the
sai. of t tickets for th. round trip to Mil
waukee and Chicago. Tb. return limit la
August 22. Howard of the firm of Shlckle,
Harris tt Howard of St. Louis and for
merly of this city, arrived Monday for a
short visit with railroad friends.
W. W. Cot on, formerly of th. Union Pa
cific legal department In thl. city, now
rneraj attorney for the Oregon Railway
MavtgaUea ovaipenjr, accemivaiaea by bis
T"V r norinnnl Vrf 7fm cr f
always means
or crown is branded
Phone 918
os. Schilti Brewing Co.
710 So. Oth
wife, spent Sunday In . Omaha visiting
frier ds.
John C. Ialor of New York, One of the
executora of the Marcus Daly estate, and
W. A. Laler, assistant general passenger
agent of the Burlington at St. Louis, were
in the city Bi'nday visiting their brother,
Tom Lalor of Swift and Company, They
left Monday for the west.
W. H Murray, chief clerk In the passen
ger department of the Union Paclnc, has
gone to Minneapolis to arrange for open
ing u Union Pacific office during the Grand
Army of the Republic encampment, where
tickets will be sold to those who wish to
take advantage of the cheap excursion
rates through the west.
Union Pacific passenger officials are im
mensely pleased with the success of their
Sunday excursion from Norfolk, Albion and
other points to Omaha. The two trains
rarried fifteen and eighteen cars and it
was estimated that between 2,fkO and 2,8u)
people weii' crowded on the two trains.
The railroad officials claim they do not
care to run these excursions for any rev
enue that might accrue, but simply to give
the people In the state an opportunity to
visit Omaha If they wish to go to the
parks and the ball game. The trulns were
run without accident.
Sterling Sliver Freozer, 16th and Dodge.
Wreck In Indiana.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., July 30 A south
bound passenger train on the Pennsylvania
road today collided in the yards at Colum
bus, Ind., with an accommodation train and
a number of persons were Injured, none,
however, fatally.
A lot better than you
Manufactured under the American Cigar
Company's new and exclusive system which
follows the tobacco from plant to purchaser.
Experts in each department of cigar-development
see that the tobacco gets the selection,
curing, fermenting, blending and care the
culture so necessary to a good, smooth
dependable smoke.
The result is that delightful, uniform flavor
you'll notice in every "Anna Held" you smoke.
J old by all dmaUn
JAB MOOS, Ilea Moines, Iowa.
Tress swppU.4 by
St., Omaha
Pioneer Firm Take. Lestal
on Bnlldtnc for Dtstrlhntlnc
, Hssu.
The Sherwln-Wllllame company, the let
est and oldest mixed paint and color C0
cern In the United States, whose headquar
ters art In Cleveland, has taken a five,
year lease on the building at UCS-10 Harney
street which it will use aa a distributing
house. The deal was made through the
Tayne-Bostwlck company. Bherwln-Wll-Itams
company la represented In Omaha by
Sherman A MeConnell Drug company.
This concern's main factory la In Cleve
land, and It has manufacturing' branches
ot Windsor, Ont., Montreal,. Quebec, and
Chicago, with distributing houses In a
dozen' or more of the larger cities of tha
UnPed States. The establishing of an ,
Omaha branch means the giving of qul-k
service to Its agents, who are located In
every city and town of this section. The
building leased is owned by Ross Towle,
and Is at present occupied by the Regent
Shoe company, which will vacate between
now and September, when the lease of tha
Sherwin-Williams company begins. ,
expect for a nickel
la good clgart.