10 J.'" i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 31, 190. i t HI f $1.00 Liei Mini. 50c v. t m inr n Ladies- Pure Silk 5 Long Glciet, $2.00 EXTRA AnnOUnCEMEUTS! NEXT THURSDAY VVUl Be Our Greatest Sale of SIM Waisfi Suit Bought for 20c e Dollar Inm Jos. Bravermcn & Son, TSSQSr 1,000 stunning Ladies Shirt Waist Suiti J ' m a ail A sV B m rganaiee, jawna, owiepes, reps, eic. elaborately lac trimmed, open work em broidered and cluster tucked, worth up to fH.OO, at SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY 98 Bankrupt Shoe Stock Entire stock of ladies' shoes and oxfords bought through Boston wholesaler from LYNN. MASS. Vm. Porter -Sons, Thursday See the Window Display Stylish Shoes - Half Price !OUR BIG OXFORD SALE Continues All This Week. Notice the celebrated makes we are offering you. No bet ter shoes manufactured than these. DA VAN, CLAPP and BOYD EN lor men. and HASAN, FOSTER and ARMSTRONG lor women. MEN'S. Hunan' patent kid ind patent .4.15 3.75 3.75 .4.15 4.15 rolt oxfords $5.60 Ilanan's gun metal calf and kid oxfords $5. . Boyden's gun metal ralf 15 Borden's genuine French calf $5.60 Ciapp's gun metal calf $5.50 Sale begins not. rz WEDNESDAY Embroidered Waist Patterns Thwueare semi-made waists, have been selling up t $2.50, prettily embroid ered, at, each an VT LJ OMAHA to MlllliEAPQLIS and RETURN VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD "The Short Line to Minneapolis." ACCOUNT HATIOIIAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. Tickets on sale August 11, 12 and 13. Long Return Limit. Leave Omaha, 8:00 a, m.; Arrive Minneapolis, G:50 p. m. Leave Omaha, 8:1)0 p. m.; Arrive Minneapolis, 7:25 a. m. Tickets good in both Standard and Tourist Sleepers. City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha Si Ten styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 3 75 Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 3 Q0 100 pairs odds and ends $3.50 and $4 oxfords WOMEN'S. Ilanan's patent kid welt sole oxfords $5 Hanan's kid oxfords, welt sole $4.50 Foster's patent kid oxfords, welt and turn sole 75 Foster's kid welt oxfords $4 Armstrong's patent colt welt oxfords $4 Armstrong's welt oxfords $3.50 Five styles $3 oxfords, patent colt and gun metal calf Two lines $2.50 oxfords, turns and welts , $4 and $5 Women's Tan Shoes $1-00 100 pairs Women's Chocolate Brown Tan Lace Shoes, in turns and welts, in broken sizes, but still a good assortment left; these are all $4 and $5 high grade shoes at, one CI AA price ...l.UU DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street. 1F s $3.50 g 2.501 3.75 3.35 .3.00 3.00 2.65 2.25 1.90 9 D") you fear that our tempting offer to Include an extra pair of trousers gratis with your suit order during this month may mean Inferior t workman ship. ' Suppose you Inspect one of the finished girments before placing your order. ' WILLIAM JCRRCMS SONS. " 200-11 'So. 15th" St. " CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN Railway EAGLES' OFFICIAL ROUT Milwaukee and Return. . August Uth and 12th Chicago and Return. August 4th, 5th, 6th and 11th Tickets and Information, 1512 Farnam Street Union Station VQU WILL KXJOV THK DKLlflOrS FHAGHAXCE OF A D1 R. JOSEPH ZEI3- LER of the Northwestern Universi ty of Chicago, says: "I fully believe that the moderate use of good beer at meal times acts a a tonic and is there fore useful to adult per sons." Eton Beer Is the em bodiment of the doc tor's idea of good beer. You order a case sent home today and drink it with your meals. It will not only add Best to the meal, but it will build you up. Try it. Stor Brewing Co Omaha. D4 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGH9. ALWAYS THK SAME. ALYAS IHli UKSiT. F. n. KICK MEltCANTlLK CIUAK CO.. Manufacturer. ST. LOUS. SCHOOLS AD COLLEGE. Western MUilary Academy Upper Alton. Ikllaots 28th year. Ideal location near St. Louis. Six modern building in beauti ful park. Thre firt-proof barracks. Large drill hall, with gymnasium and bowline alleys. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer tnd military eouinment furoishd by War Dept. Ti'ition $450. Capacity 150. Waiting list last year. Immediate application advisable for poys of pood character above 6th grade. COL. ALBFRT M. JACKSON. A. M., Superintendent Lindenwood College for Women 1831-1906 Cailtra s ST. CtlAKLkS MO Diamond Jubilee College of the West. Academic, fcemlnary and College Courses. Muale, Elocution, Art and Domeatlo economy. fr'hyaltai and Strategic Location. Aeoeaalbillty to a great city. H.lect patronage. Limited number of boarder., alvery room taken during leet School year. U-autlful lovauon. Bleetrlo cars to St. bouia, Catalogue on applanation. aV.T. Cteoge Prsderio Ayree. Ph. D Prea. a&VJenteorth lMllitary Academy I-aalsatee, Me. OMMutUifMlluiui; SotMono Uia atuale Waal tlM'4 tfimil mm ef War baM. Oua ef 14 la D. a. Oaiy National Cathedral School S. Ml SL Albaa. WashlngUa, D. C Combines the best features of the College Preparatory and finishing School. Unrivalled advantages In Music and Art. Certiorate admits to any coUene. special Courses. Plze proof BaUdlng. Park of 40 acres, fct.. mev. K. T. IATTBB1B1, X. S. Z.I.. Presldeat Board of Traateea. For catalogue apply to Mrs. I BAUOtn WiLIBB, L A, Principal. American Kimball Hall aaeto ass Wabaah Ave. onioego. III. Conservatory The Leadlsa caeel el Mseia aad Oraautia aT The Leadlsa caeel d stasia asd Oraautia TWENTY-HUT SEASON. Blatr-flveeaimeat loatractors. Unsurpassed course o( stodr Taacbars' Training Department. Diplomas aad Teacher's CertiOcatae. (araaW Arm Afum ix. Thirty f re echolarahtpe awarded annually to laleowd stuxlaotaof Umitad meaaa. Pallierm bayuis bept 10. !. ratalaeaa stalled free. JOHN j. iiATTelAJIDT. ieatdeaL OMAHA WEATHER FOIIECAST Showers and Cooler Tuesday. . 4 I liJLl JLu ii ii 3 1 Our Great Water Damage Sate. Crockery! Crockery! Crockery! Beautiful Clear Crystal Water Set ju and six tumblers to match; prettily engraved; complete Pet 1 7 C worth $3.00, Tuesday leej New shipment of Table Tumblers, good clear crys tal, special for Tuesday, each 3c Our Telephone No. is now roughs 355. Ca Ho. tnd fk to' dept. winttd. (in ill! THK RELIABLE STRE We dose at 5 o'clock every evening except Saturday at iO p. m. JUG SALE STILL GOES MERRILY ON. All handsome jugs from Haruey street window. Each worth to $2j will go J f i f HCk Tuesday at 4l7C.6!7C,7l7C Theo. Haviland's China Dinner Sets the finest china brought to America, 100-piece set, and easilj CI 7 C worth $35 of any one's money, Tuesday,' set Hundreds of odds and ends of china, cut glass and bric-a-brac on crockery bargain square at throwing away prices, goods worth to $1.00, for 10c, 7c, 5c, 3c and 2c. SECOND FLOOR. Bennett's Big Grocery Best values in Teas. A complete line of the finest. Jos.' Tetley & Co's India, and Ceylon Teas Special offer. Sunflower blend, pound can...75c And fifty green trading stamps. Sunflower blend, half-pound can.40c And 25 green trading stamps. Sunflower blend, quarter-lb. can. 20c And ten green trading stamps. Two ounce cans, each : . .10c Headquarters for all kinds of Teas. lip mm AMD $C5) BACK CQ)n Aug. 4, 5,6. AND JJ? L BACK U q Aug. 11, 12, 13 (Opecial G. A. R. Train Aug. 11.) U l L L BACK CQ)n Augirst 11th. VIA THE Ii Biggest Bargain Event Ever Known Each day's sale means tremendous savings to our custo mers. DON'T MISS THEM. 1 SIX BARGAIN ROOM SPECIALS. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING Tha Only Double) Traak Lin CITY OFFICES. 1401-1403 FARNAM STREET. SEVM WONDERS of tha American continent ; Yellowstone National Park; T Tha Great Ehoahona Falls; Tha Columbia Rlrer; Mount Hood; Tha Bl( Trees of California; The Tosemlta; Lucln "Cut-OS" across Oreat Salt Lake CAN ALL BE SEEN ON A TRIP OVER THK UNION PACIFIC AND CONNECTIONS. Go Via PORTLAND AND RETFRN THROUGH CALIFORNIA Inquire at CITl TICKET OFFICE, 1824 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 8S4. 20 DISCOUNT ON Traveling Bags, Suit Caar and JapaiK'Ne Matting Suit Caars this month. Largest stotk and greatest range of prices in the went. We are aole agents for the Karnum Wardrobe Trunks. We carry everything In Traveling Itagti. Trunks mid Sample Cases. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, soao Farnam HI reel. umiDa, iieu. Turkey Red Table Damask 39c qual ity, fast colors f Tuesday, at, yard IjC Waah Goods of all kinds worth ud to 15c ysrd on bar- A gain square, at, yard fC 25c Sheer India Llnon tO-inch wl-'", ..5c slightly soiled while It lasts, at, yard 91.2.1 Pattern Table Clothes bleached 10-4 site," greatest bargain ever offered Tuesday C Ci at, each , OJ T.V Red Spreadspretty patterns, ex tra large slze v - A O on sale, each mi. TUt Re Wash Cloths on sale Tuesday, each lc Ladles' Union Suits In lisle and fine cotton, worth up to 75c. In two lots, Tues day, at. 89c and . . , 25c Broken Lots of Children's Wear including dresses, shawls. Jack ets, etc., that sold regularly up to $1.98 cn choice .. ...JUC Peaches, Peaches. Peaches Can them now. Nothing finer than this delicious fruit to put up tor your winter supply. We have Just received another car of fancy Arkansas Elberta Freestone Peaches. These are very fine, rich In flavor, sweet and Juicy. We buy direct from the grower, thus saving you the broker's and commission house profits. Tomorrow, Tuesday, we will sell them, per four 7(i basket crate at ' vw Single basket each ....... 18c fU Ul n?rn hi! Special Homeseekers' Excursion easaBBBVkBisamsaaaB MUsourl. , Arkansas, Indian Terrttoru, Louisiana, Now Moxlco, Oklahoma, Texas, Republic of Jftexteo. TUESDAYS AvnaT Tl51aiJ"ttalV September 4 th aad 10QL October 2d and 10th. JiOTombe OtH aad SOtti. 1906, Via MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. P. A T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A-, OMAHA, NEB. H. C. TOWNSENTJ, General Paasemgar and Ticker! Agn, ST. LOUIS, Ma , . HOTEI,". OTEL VICTORIA Broadway. Fifth Ave. and 27th St, NEW YORK A . in int utnitK CF THE SHOPPHsQ f -Vs DISTRICT A Modern Flrst-Claas lioteL Complete la) all Its appolntmenta. Furnishings and drey. orations entirely new throufhouC Aocom motions for tot fuesta, 1(0 enltaa with batha. Rooms. SI. 6 day up: with batha, l it up. Hot and cold water and telephone la every room. Culslae . aaea sailed. ABSOLUTELY M REPROOF Tha only hotel In Manhattan fronting on Broadway and Plfth Avenue. sTUeaCAN PLAN- GEORGE W. WESNEY, Proprlata The Evans Hotel Hot Springs, Oo. Dak. Beautifully situated In the vale of Mln Bekuhta. The heah and pleasure rcaort of the northwest. Only a night s rld from Omaha. Uulf, tennis, liniiilng, cuaching. horse back and burro lides and other amuse ments. Excellent orchestra In attendance. Visit wonderful wind cave. Kaceptlonitlly low rates on both C. ti N. W. and BurllnR-ton. For rstea and Information, address: KOV M. SCOTT, Mauager. SUMMER BOARD Dellevue College Dormitories July 7 to beptembt-r 7. References required. Address BELLKVl'K -OI.I.K5K. lit llevue. Neb. I'hone Ited !-. Smith Omaha. Whir Ada Count THE OMAHA O EE Best i1;. West HOTEL KUPPEH Kansas City, rilssanri Jiitl'':isr ill" ;;.rCC.i f .mil ie"i: .u CSS aT3jr?ii: . n This magnificent hotel has 30O beau tiful rooma and Is located st lltb and Mi'iiee streets In the shopping diatrtot. Only half a block fiom the tjnory, 1(1 id. Thayer dry gooda store; near all me theaters 100 Private Batha. Telephone, la Ail Booms. Mot aa4 C,l munalng Water la Every Beoea. UneaosUeil Cafe. Perfect Oul.lae. Oloe Breakfasts aad Table D'Kote Diana rs Barred la Oafe. Bates a Bay a4 Upward. i Xuropeea Plaa Re.ervatir.s may be made by teW graph et our expense. KtlPKIVBENSO! HOTEli CO. P. A. BZBSOaT, Bfaaagea. .s! A. 1 . i , A. X 4 I t