Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XX XVI -NO. 37.
fierier! of Vibor Manifesto Are to b
Prosecuted for High Treason.
Intent on Probably to tisipalify Popular
Leaden for Ee-el?ction.
Premier Still Hcpea to Induce Repmenta
tire Men to Enter Ministry.
l.ahor Leader of Industrial Outers
Try t rrcvnt Premature Strikes
Knetory and Mine Men Hard
to Hold.
ST. PETKR8BURG. .-Th public
prosecutor has tarted ' 'ing against
the members of the low, "ec of Par
liament who signed the Vlb ''f 'nlfesto.
The charge under whict. 0- signers
of the manifesto will be bro. .i trial
In violation of article 129 of tl. -.Inal
code, which provides for "atti to
overt nrow the existing government
Is virtually high treason, the mlt.
pennlty being hard labor In the mine I
No arrests have yet been reported, and
the constitutional democrats do not antici
pate anything approaching punishment
of (heir representatives. It Is understood
that the arrested will be admitted to bail
pending trial. The constitutional demo
crats are chiefly apprehensive that the
possibility of prosecution held over the
heals of their leaders will render them
Ineligible for re-eWtlon. In the same man
ner that Frof. Mllukoff and M. Hessel
and others were excluded from the last
lowir house.
Socialist and radical members of the
late house may have to cool their heels In
cells for a long time and thus be pre
vented from continuing the full-fledged
revolutionary agitation upon which they
are now embarked. Many of these ex
members are now living under rover In
the houses of friends In St. Petersburg, or
have gone Into hiding In the provinces.
f A correspondent of the Associated Press
today met two peasant ex-deputies who
had cut off their luxuriant hair and beards
and who could scarcely be recognized.
Motive for Prosecution
The motives of the government for aban
doning Its attitude not to prosecute the
signers of the Vlborg manifesto, aa set
forth recently by- Premier Btolypln In an
Interview Is not stated, but was evidently
Influenced by the need of doing something
to counteract the effect of the Vlborg ad
difsj. This has obtained an enormous
circulation In the provinces In spite of the
greatest efforts on the part of the admlnl-
. tratioa to prevent Ite circulation.
( The "selsure" of the Boussel printing
plant Jiere by the armed revolutionists for
, the purpose of getting out copies of the
Vlliorg .'address , m .duplicated, today In
Kknterinoalavv but It 1 In believed that this
forcible occupation of printing offices .s
merely a bit of amateur theatricals ar
ranged between the proprietors of the es
tablishments and the revolutionists to save
the former from responsibility. This same
method was employed to effect the printing
of the illegal organ of the workmen's coun
til of St. Petersburg last winter.
Stolyptn Working; on Cabinet.
The rumor In circulation last night that
General Trepoff had been assassinated turns
out to be as baseless as the report to the
sume effect which was current early last
Premier Btolypln has not abandoned hope
of Inducing public men outside of bureau
cratic spheres to enter a reorganized cabi
net and carry out hla policy of "strong
handed reform." The following nomina
tions have been made for the capinet of
Premier Btolypln: Count Heyden. comp
troller of state; Prince LvofT. minister of
agriculture; Konl. minister of Justice, and
Vlnogradoff. minister of public Instruction.
A mob of 1,(109 workmen completely de
molished a brewery on the Schlusselburg
road here laet night. Before a detachment
of Cossacks sent to disperse them arrived
ihe mob destroyed practically everything,
The central committee of the social demo
crats has been hastily summoned here from
the provinces. It has been formally de
cided to support the action of the revolu
tionary groups last week In pushing the
agitation for a general strike and uprising.
The social democrats' central committee In
Its resolutions announced that the aims of
the revolutionists Is to secure a constituent
assembly of the Russian people to decide
on the future form of government.
M. Allndln, who waa leader of the Group
of Toll In the outlawed Parliament, has
arrived here from London, where he went
to attend a conference of the Interparlia
mentary union, but Is carefully concealing
Ms whereabouts.
Premier Btolypln has Issued a special clr-
cular to the governments instructing them
to employ eversi means to compel the pay
ment of the taxes now falling due, as well
as the arrearage.
The last official telegrams from Poltava,
where s. seriuus outbreak occurred July 8
In the First battalion of the Sevskl regi-
ment, say that order has been restored, but
the affair Is ftlll shrouded In considerable
mMeiy. Nevertheless enough is known to the fact that the lcyal troups used
machine guns against their mutinous com
rades which alone Is enough to err He a
ilr. p ItnpreHsion In the army generally.
Workmen Watch Capital.
Thr-e is very aral saltation among the
woikmen In this industrial district, but ths I tenant Astor's troop was engaged In swim
luders thus far have successfully oreventej I m,n Prectlce. when a tropper s horse got
a strll.e, urging the necessity for cuntinu
l 4 nork until the signal is given from
M.'Sio and St. i'cierghurg.
At Ymovka and Yrkaterlnodar, however,
vuhout mailing fir the geneial signal,
iii:iy factory and mine workers have
a imk.
'I n f consuls at Yekalennoslav t made representations to their govern-j
iu.. ,egarding the necessity for protect-
in? foreign suhjicts, three foreign n.anag-
of Mia. Williams having been attacked I
ciming the last week. A German manager J
a shot with a revolver and killed while!
l'iilng hla factory, a Belgian manager ea- j
f.tred death tl rouxh the Intervention of a i
P'llcenian, whom the workmen shot dead. J
" I a Frenchman manager waa compelled j
t nee under menace of death. The garri- j
foil here has been reinforced by a detach- !
ment of dragoons.
PSKOV. Russia. July SO. -A band of S
peasants burned the Manor house and stock
stables belonging to M NasymofT. president
of the dlstrhl ssmstvo. Subsequently the
iConUaued uu Second i'age.)
Thaw's Defective Orders Evelyn ThJW
to l.enve Jul! and Sot
Return Today.
NEW YORK, July 30.-Whlle Mrs. Wil
liam K. Thaw was In conference with hr
son Mrs. Harry Thaw hurried to the war
den's office from Thaws celf. She was
evidently disturbed and asked the warden
to make an Nexreptlnn to the prison, rulrs
and allow her to use the prison telephone
to rail up Clifford W. Hartrtdge and his
detective, Roger O'Mara. She derlared that
the matter was urgent and the warden con
sented. Both men responded promptly and
held Interviews with Harry Thaw at his
cell before Mrs. William Thsw left the
prison. When the elder Mrs. Thaw came
down to the warden's office there were
traces of tears en her face and she seemed
agitated. She did not speak to Mrs. Harry
K. Thaw In going through the office.
The younger Mrs. Thaw left the prison
In company with Mr. Hartridge
There waa an excited conversation be
tween Roger O'Mara and Mrs. Harry K.
Thaw before they left the Tombs today.
O'Mara and Mr. Hartridge started to leave
the prison together, but O'Mara returned
to Mrs. Thaw and asked her to go to her
"No. I'm going to stay right here," ah
said, "until the visitors 'hour comes this
afternoon. I don't want to leave with
things as they are."
"You must gO," said O'Mara positively.
He took her arm while she was still pro- j
testing and led her to her hansom. As he
helped her In O'Mara said to the driver:
'You take her to the1 Ixirralne and don't
bring her bark here again today."
It Is believed that the excitement at
Thaw's cell today was brought about by a
letter rerelved by Mrs. Harry K. Thaw
which she took to the cell with her.
William H. Relrher of Pnterson,
J., Delii-era Himself to Officers
of that Town.
PATERSON. N. J., July 3n.-Former
Mayor William H. Belrher, who surren
dered himself at the Jail today after hav
ing been a fugiHve from Justice for about
a year, said that he has been In nearly
every state of the union since he went
"What have you done with the money
you got?" was asked.
"That is the subject of which I am not
willing to speak at this time," replied
Belcher. "If llOO.ono Is gone some one must
have got It and blamed it on me; but I
shall Implicate no one In what I did."
A doxen Indictments have been found
against Belrher. In which he Is accused of
embezzling about $160,000. The Manchester
Building and Loan association, of which
he was president, was forced to go Into
Two Persons Killed and Over Twenty
Hurt In Accident in ,
Indinan. .
VINCENNES. Ind.. July 30. Two work
man, were, killed.; and over iwentjr. ethers,
were Injured by the explosion of a boiler
t the plant of the Vlncennes Paper Mill
company today. The property loss Is
16,000. . ' -
Of the Injured the worst hurt Is Charles
Conners, who was blown through the air
fifty feet.
The boiler was hurled through the roof
of the boiler house and falling 100 feet
distant It badly damaged the Harrison
mansion, home of William Henry Harri
son, when he was governor of the North
western Territory.
All the Injured will recover.
French Knabassy Expresses Sorrow
for Accidental Killing of Amer
ican Xuval Lieutenant.
PARIS. July SO. The French embassy r.t
Washington hss been instructed to express
the deep regrets of the French government
at the killing of Lieutenant Clarence Eng
land, navigating officer of the United
States cruiser Chattanooga, who was mnr-
j tally wounded at Che Foo. China. July
j 2S. by a rifle bullet fired from the French
j armored cruiser Duetlt Thouars. while the
crew of the latter was engaged in small
arms practice.
The authorities here are awaiting fuller
reports before establishing the responsi
bility for the accident and determining on
the disciplinary measures to be taken.
Rail Removed In an Alleged Attempt
to Kill Russian Grand
CHAR1.EROT. Belgium. July 30.-An at
tempt was made last night to wreck the
j Northern express from Paris. A rail waa
j removed, the engine and tender were
ditched and the engineer and fireman were
killed. The cars, however, remained on the
tracks and the passengers were uninjured.
It Is reported that Russian agitators were
responsible for the attempt to wreck tho
express, owing to their expectation that
Gr,nrt V"k Vladimir was proceeding to
St. Fetersburg on the line. The railway
officials say t lie grand duke was not on the
train. They have no trace of the men who
committed the outrage.
tutor Mates Trooper's Life.
WINDSOR. Eng.. July ao.-Second IJen
tenant John Jacob Astor, son of William
Waldorf Astor, gallantly rescued a trooper
of his regiment, the First IJfe Guards,
from drowning today lit the Thames. I-ieu-
Into difficulty and kicked his rider. The
trooper sank In deep water and young
Astor dived In and brought him up.
Pope galnst Socialists.
ROME, July SO. A papal encyclical
! against Christian socialists, Italian and
1 forelsn. is exriected tn K iauft tonivh
,t und,toud ,hltt wll dn , wh
,n ,itu.Uon of reliKioua affairs In France
growin(t out of le ,eparatlon of church
and gtate.
Persia a t.rand Ylsler Dismissed.
TEHERAN, Persia. July 3a The grand
vlsier, whose ultra-reartlontsm made nim
very unpopular, has been dismissed. Ha
opposed the granting of reforms, which
resulted In popular demonstrations for hla
r reach (ahlaet Meets.
nAJinuii-r-i it. juiy su.-i he cabinet
held Its first session here today at the
chauteau occupied by President Fallleres
es a summer residence. Plans 'for the
early application of tne law providing
pensions for workmen rs adopted.
Accident on New York Central Wont on
that Road in Yean.
renple Thrown from Cure Into River
Escape with Might Injuries
and hut Two Men Are
NEWBL'RO. N. T.. July 30 The wreck
ing crews are at work this morning clear
ing the debris of the wreck of the New
Yoik Centrals Pacific express which ran
into a landslide one mile south of New
Hamburg at 11:30 last night, reaultlng In
the death of Edward Wells, the engineer,
of Albany, and Edward Warren, fireman,
of New York, and Injuries to about a dozen
passengers, none of which will prove fatal.
There are three tracks at the point where
the accident occurred, but they were all
torn up or badly twisted for 100 feet or
more. The wreck was the worst that has
occurred on the Hudson River division
since the New York ' tunnel disaster. It
seems miraculous that there were no cas
ualties or serious Injuries among the pas
sengers, especially with' regard to the
twenty or more men who were In the com
bination smoking and baggage car, which,
when the locomotive turned over after
ploughing for forty feet Into the great heap
of gravel which had fallen down upon the
track, shot upward and then, turning al
most at right angles, came down with a
crash across all three tracks.
Some Remnrlmhle Escapes.
Joseph Shine of Poughkeepsle, who was
In the forward part of the smoker, felt tho
floor knocked out from under him and as
the car landed, without turning over, he
was dropped Into the river and swam
ashore uninjured.
Dr. B. K. ' MeCambrldge of Pousrhkeepsle
wss thrown through a window and, with
another man, fell upon the tender, which
had turned over on Its side and lay em
bedded In the gravel bank. Neither was
hurt to any extent. Other passengers had
equally narrow escape.?, getting off with
slight ruts and bruises. The most seriously
Injured was E W. Kelly of Poughkeepsle,
who sustained a broken shoulder, but many
were stunned.
Fireman Warren was dead when he and
the engineer were lifted out of the locomo
tive, which turned at right angles from the
train, darted across the track and, turn
ing on Its side, lay on the embankment,
with the front of the boiler In the river.
The engineer died three hours later. John
Carstens, baggageman, was thrown through
a window of the smoker and received a
very deep cut on his wrist, notwithstand
ing which he seized a lantern end ran
north to prevent any southbound train from
running Into the wreck.
The second and third conches were
slightly telescoped, but of the eight care
that composed the train only the first three
left the rails, although the track was so
badly twisted under some of the others
that the ears Inclined to one side, and the
panic among the passengers was at first
general throughout the train.
The southbound freight had Just cleared
the , saint,, when the slide came down In
front of the northbound express.
Base Ball Plavee Hurt.
Harry W. Taylor, a member of the
Poughkeepsle base ball team, had his leg
badly fractured. He is In the hospital at
NEW YORK, ' July 0. Word waa re
ceived at the offices of the New York Cen
tral road that both the northbound and
southbound trarks near Newburgh were
cleared for traffic today.
Witness In Hartje Case flays He
Twice Visited Room of
FITTSBCR.CS. July 30. There waa a spirit
of weariness pervading the court room,
despite the recess of two days, when the
trial oP Augustus Hartje's application for
divorce from Mrs. Mry Scott Kartje was
resumed today. This Is the beginning of
the sixth week of the rase and the nine
teenth day of actual trial.
The plaintiff offered testimony a to
where he obtained the famous love letters
written to Coachman Madlne, the co
respondent. v
John B. Staubb, an operative for a pri
vate detertlve agenry, was asked alKiut the
letters. The witness testified that he had
visited Madlne's room twice, and, with John
Anderson, 'another detective, had broken
open Madine's trunk and removed the let
ters. He Identified the court exhibits as
the missives taken. '
During fitaubb's testimony Mrs. Hartje
appeared uneasy and then angry, while her
husband's manner was apparently one of
cool indifference.
Madlne came into court while the wit
ness was still on the stand, and after
listening to the testimony for a time hur
riedly left.
Staubb on cross-examination became
badly tangled several times under the Ire
of questions. Detective Anderson then cor
roborated Staubb'e story of the taking of
the letters.
When court adjourned a large crowd as
sembled In front of the court house and
for a time Grant atreet waa almost Impas
sable. Threats were made of an attack on De
tectives Staubb and Anderson, who testi
fied today, and a detail of police waa sent
to preserve order.
K umber of Appointments Made
Yarloas Branches of Federal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 30.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) W. J. Noble of Wausaw, Neb.,
has been appointed a saddlemaker at Fort
Kiley. Kan.
H. N. Blckel of Cody. Wyo.. has been
appointed a stenographer In the reclama
tion service.
Jease M. 8tewart has been appointed reg.
ular and Fred A. Beck substitute rural car
rier for route at Davenport, la.
Wyoming postmasters appointed: Pen
rose. Big Horn county, Annie P. Shumway,
vice C. A. Johnson, resigned; Shoshoni!
Fremont county, Arnold O. Heyer, vice R.
H. Knlttle, resigned.
Alleged Assailant Guarded.
MAYFIELD. Ky.. July -Judge R y
Burnt empanelled a special lur to inHi.i
i Allen Mathias, the alleged assailant of Mia
Mcl lain, ins couri directed Jailer Mc
Cracken to turn Mathias over to Graves
county authorities. Acting undrr the orders
of Governor Beckham Judge Budd ordered
Captain Boswell to have Company I at the
srnuiry here this afternoon armed and
equipped. There are large crowds tn town
and business is at a standstill A mob en-t-ri
the jail bare today, but failed to find
the negro.
Falls to Convince tlemseritle Breth
ren of Initiative and Referen
dum's eed.
Decided opposition OP the psrt of most
of the other democratic counrlltnen met
Councllmen Elsasser'e ordinance to accept
the Initiative and referendum law at the
general committee meeting yesterday aft
ernoon. Elsasser declared that democracy
meant government by tho peop' and hat
the Initiative and referendum was the
way to get It. Councilman Bruckrr said he
did not think he needed any of the law In
his democracy. Councilman Davis moved
to place the ordinance "under the table."
but Sheldon added an amendment to post
pone action a week, and this was done.
Brucker attempted to revive the defeated
limited street car transfer ordinance, but
the discussion became Involved in the
proposition of getting Councilman Jackson
from Twenty-fourth and Cuming atreets to
his home in the Seventh ward via the west
side park line when he had company who
used the east side line end yet have no
sorrowful separations this side of Pacltlo
street. In spMte. of decumentary evidence
Jackson refused to be convinced that It
could be done on one nickel under the
proposed ordinance.
A curbstone medicine man attacked the
Zlniman ordinance barring street fakirs
and asked that lunch wagons receive the
same kind of treatment. A councilman
a.sked him what his line of business was
and he replied that he "handled mineral
water." His talk was entertaining, but
when lie declared he Mid not believe In
"poisoning people to nj
ake the.m well" In
an attack on the medlckl profession. Conn
cllman Davis, a practt
to the defense.
"I ll be d If yo
ing physician, rose
can make those
statements to me," he exclaimed. "I don't
poison people ami I won't stand for thut
kind of talk."
The mineral water man offered to debate
the question at length at any time or
place, but desisted for the time being.
The committee agreed to allow the
Northwestern to put in another switching
track on Eighth street between Farnam
and Dodge. The street Is now used chiefly
for trackage.
A settlement was made with William
Hlggins for S100. Mr. Kiggins had an eye
knocked out by a base, ball, which struck
him as Tie had finished a noonday lunch
building and while he waa one of the
In the rear of the army headquarters
city's street gangs.
President McCague of the Board of Ed
ucation objected to the location of the
new Fifth ward fire eiwine house at the
northeast corner of Nineteenth and Lake
streets because of proximity to the large
Lake school. The committee was disposed
to favor his protest. Several sites for the
house are under consideration, but the fire
chief was Instructed to look Into the mat
ter further and see It qnher-lote were not
available. .' -
YonnaT Man Who Killed Woman and
Children I'ndee Arrest in
night no attempt btti.
ben made to take
from Jail Elmer Dempter,"the negro, who
Is charged with the murder of Mre. Samuel
Pearce and her children at Cannonsburg
last night. The" excitement which pre
vailed upon the arrival of the officers with
the prisoner subsided during the night and
all danger of a demonstration Is apparently
over. Dempster made several confessions
during the day and late tonight made a
clan breast of the Cannonsburg tragedy,
admitting that he killed Mrs. Pearce and
the children. In a supplementary con
fession he cleared up another murder mys
tery which led to the arrest of two other
negroes. The names of the men are Pat
terson and Bucher, and they are charged
with the murder of John Koboda, a wealthy
foreigner who was found dead In a clump
of bushes along the Wabash railroad
tracks In independence township on May
1. The men will be brought to the county
Jnll hre tomorrow.
CANONSBIRO. Pa.. July 30-Coroner
W. IT. Slpe and Constable John J. Miller
of Canonsburg drove Into town today with
Elmer Dempster, a Ift-year-old negro, who
had been arrested for the murder of Mrs.
Samuel Pearce and two children and the
shooting of a third child last evening,
Dempster was taken to the Washington
county Jail at Washington, Pa., leaving
here on a trolley car at 8 o'clock. Whilo
no blood stains were found on the prisoner,
suspicion first rested on him last night,
when It wra learned that he was the last
person seen about the house before the
tragedy. Dempster was a helper on the
Pearce farm and after the departure of
Samuel Pearce with his sister, Miss Fannie
Pearce, for the Canonsburg railroad sta
tlnn, Dempster la said to have been at the
scene of the tragedy looking after the
stock. He was taken from his bed at ?
o'clock this morning and put throutrh a
course of sweating, which lasted until day
llirht. when. It Is alleged, ho made a com
plete confession.
The only things missing from the Pearra
home are 12 and a few cents and ths re
volver with which Mrs. Pearce and her
two children were murdered.
Robert Pearce, 3 years old, the only sur
vivor of the awful tragedy, who waa shot
through the body, will be brought to the
Canonsburg general hospital In an effort
to save his life.
According to the story told In his con
fession, young Dempster attempted an as
sault on .the 4-year-old daughter after the
departure of Mr. Pearse. but was frus
trated by the mother, who went to a bu
reau to get a revolver to shoot him. The
negro says he secured the gun first, and
after killing the mother and shooting the
children, set fire to the house to hide the
Feeling against Dempster is running high.
Civil Service Promptly Furnishes
Large Corps to Kierute
Mew l.sw.
WASHINGTON. July 30-The facility with
which the Civil Service commission fur
nished Inspectors to the Department of Ag
riculture in the execution of the meat in
spection law is shown in the statement
Issued today by the commission. Although
the law was not enacted till June 30. the
commission in exactly three weeks from
that date conducted examinations through
out the country. Arrangements were made
to examine 3.386 applicants. During the
week ending July 28. 2.140 sets of papers
were received at the offices of the commis
sion, of which 6h0 were rated, and out
of which number forty were certified for
appointment, by the end of the present
week It is expected that the remaining
papers will be examined and rated and
some (00 eligible certified for appointment
as Inspectors.
Two Fattalioni of Thirtieth Infantry Beach
' Tort Riley.
Thousands Witness Mnncnvers of
Texas Mllltla and Regular Troops
t Camp Mabry, Sear
JUNCTION CITY, Kan., July 30-The
headquarters band and the first and third
battalions of the Thirtieth regiment of In
fantry of Fort Crook, Neb., arrived at
the camp of Instruction at Fort Riley. The
two battalions came here under the com
mand of Colonel Edward B. Pratt, march
ing the entire distance, more than 200
mllea. The troops arrived In camp In good
condition and are already under tents on
Pawnee flats. This Is the only addition
to the camp's force today.
Maneuvers at Camp Mabry.
AUSTIN. Tex.. July SO.-Thousands
visited Camp Mabry this afternoon to
witness the maneuvers of the National
Guard of the states of Texas. Louisiana,
Arkansas and Indian Territory on their
first day In camp. The first reconnais
sance of alarms was held this afternoon,
when the assembled troors were divided
into two opposing armies and brought to
gether in combat for the display of their
military and field actions. The two op
posing forces were supposed to be ap
proaching each other from San Antonio
and Marble Falls, Tex., those from the
first named place being geographically lo
cated on the plains for the purpose of re
pulsing the attacking force from Marble
Falls. The maneuvers were excellently
executed, the umpires, however, withhold
ing their decision as to which side won.
The 8tate Volunteer Guard Is expected
here on August 4, to spend two weeks with
the National Guard.
Troops at Fort Benjamin Harrison.
INDIANAPOLIS, lnd.. July 30.-Thls
week will mark the beginning of the sum
mer maneuvers of the Department of the
Lakes, at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Briga
dier General William II. Carter command
By Wednesday all of the regular forces
assigned to Fort Benjamin Harrison will
have arrived.
Next Saturday the Michigan National
Guard, commanded by Brigadier General
Charles W. Harrah, consisting of three
regiments of Infantry, one battery of artil
lery, one troop of cavalry, one company of
algnal corps, one company of hospital corps
and one company of engineers corps will
Immediately after the arrival of the Mich
igan troops Brigadier General Carter will
begin the work of Instruction.
Drill Bearlns at f hlckumuua-a.
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn.. July 30,-The en
campment of regulars and National Guard
at Chickamauga National park opened
formally today. The troops now there are
the Twelfth cavalry. Seventeenth Infantry,
Third and Four Held batteries of the regu
lar army and the Seventy-first Virginia In
fantry, Second Alabama Infantry and Third
South "CsroUnainfwitT.ofthft Xittlonel
Guard. The first period of Instruction ends
on Friday, and on Saturday the mllltla
regiments will leave for home, their places
to be taken by commands from other states
The work for today, as outlined In an or
der by Brigadier General Bubb, In com
msnd. will consist of company Instruction
by all organizations. There will be nlso
technical engineer and signal service work
exemplified by men from detachments of
Nevada Jury Gives Decree of Sepnru
tlon to Wife of Steel Trust
RENO. Nev.. July 80. Mrs. William
Ellis Corey, wife of the president of the
t'nlted States Steel corporation, was
awarded a divorce on the grounds of ue-
sertion In the Second district court of
Nevada, sitting at Reno, at 2 o'clock this
afternoon. The rase was submitted with
out argument and the Jury took but one
ballot. It was out but a few minutes.
Mrs. Corey was In tears when told she
had been given a uerree and the custody
of her 18-year-old son, Allan Corey, hhe
drove at once to her home on Riverside
avenue, where she says she will continue
to reside. No evidence was submitted by
the defense and there was no argument
The question of alimony was not intro
duced. Mrs. Corey made an interesting
admission, however, touching upon this
phase of the case, stating that In May
1906, several weeks before her petition
for divorce was filed, he negotiated
through her attorneys a financial settle
ment with her husband. She was not
asked what the nature of this settlement
At the conclusion of the trial Attorney
Sardls Summerfteld stated that his client
William E. Corey, was as anxious for the
decree of divorce as his wife. "If the de
cree is granted," he said, "Mr. Corey will
be entirely satisfied. He has consented
to the divorce. This understanding be
tween Mr. Corey and the attorneys of
Mrs. Corey was reached some time ago.
T. R. Chadhourne of Pittsburg also ap
peered as counsel for Mr. Corey, who was
not present.
Chief of Army Signal Corps Will In-
veatlgate Wireless Systems
in Europe.
WASHINGTON. July 80.-Brigadier Gen
eral James Allen, chief of the signal corps
of the army, will sail for Europe on Augusi
4, where he will investigate the signal serv
Ice In various foreign armies -preparatory
to attending the International conference on
wireless telegraph which will convene a
Berlin October 3. Charlemange Tower,
American ambassador to Germany, will
represent the State department at that con
ference; Rear Admiral It. N. Manney. U
8. N.. retired, will represent the navy; Gen
eral Allen will be the army representative
and John I. Waterbury of New York, who
Is now in Europe, will represent the De
partment of Commerce and Labor.
Practically every great power will be rep-
resented at the Berlin conference, wbl
will take up the work of International reg
ulatlon of wireless telegraphy where It was
left by the preliminary International con
ference held tn Berlin In 1Su3. Germany
Austria, Spain, the United States, France
Hungary and Russia were- signatory to
preliminary agreements then framed as the
basis for an International convention regu
latlng wireless telegraphy. Since the
most of the other nations of importance
have signified their intention to partlcipat
In suca a convention.
Showers Tneadnv and f ooler In Snnfh
Portion. Probably Short era Wednes
day. Temperature at Omaha Wsterdavi
Hour. Ilea. Hour. Pea.
A a. m H.1 t p. m t
a. m a 2 p. m SKi
T a, n 'J n p. m
n. m w 4pm 'f
On. m 7" A p. m tl
ill a, m 7tt Hp. m Nil
1 1 a. an TA 7 p. m t
I J m Hit si p. m Tl
O p. tn TT
Harry Westlake Thought to Have
Been One Who Went Into
laske- With Train.
PrOKANE. Wash., July 30-(Special Tel
egramsWord comes from Seattle Indi
cating that another victim of the recent
Great Northern wrefk at Camden was
Tarry Westlake of Council Bluffs. Is. It
s reported he was to have arrived at Se
ttle Monday, on the train which was
wrerkrd. He left Council Bluffs the Sat-
rday brfore. Wrstlake's wife has writ-
ten to Seattle friends for word of her hus
band, but no trace of him Is obtainable at
last report.
Seven persons are knnwn to have been
drowned when the Great Northern limited
plunged over the ninety-foot embankment
Into Diamond lake. As the engine and
cats disappeared under 2f0 feet of water
It was Impossible to recover the bodies of
II the victims. It has been suspected sev
eral were drowned who had no acqualn-
ances on the doomed train and were con-
qtiently not reported as among the mlss-
ng. It Is more than possible that est-
uke was one of the occupants of the
submerged smoker.
Hay Healer of East St. I.ouls gays
He and Others Are
WASHINGTON. July 30. A complaint
has been filed with the Interstate Com
merce commission by J. R. Lucas of East
St. Louis, III., against the Louisville A
Nashville Railroad company. In which an
allegation Is made that the railroad com
pany Is vloisting the interstate commerce
J. R. Lurss Is engaged In the hay busi
ness at East St. I-outs. He declares In
his petition that the Louisville A Nash
ville railroad discriminates against him
and other hay dealers In East St. Louis
by exacting a rate of 2 cents per hundred
pounds for hsy reconslgned at East St.
Louis for southeastern points. This charge.
he Insists, Is In violation of the inter
state commerce law and he asks the com
mission to Investigate the matter, and by
an ordr put a stop to the discrimination
against East St. Louis charged In the
Mrs. Ferdinand Reoa, Who Saw
Napoleon Bonaparte, Dies
tn Indiana.
LA PORTE, Ind., July SO. Mrs. Ferdinand
Rees, the oleV woman In Indiana- and
perhaps In the t'nlted States, died here
today, aged 113 years. According to docu
ments In her possession she was born In
Volgravltx, Poland, In 1794 and, after mar
rying and burying two husbands In Po
land, cams to America In 1870, settling at
Buffalo, N. T., where she married Ferdi
nand Rees. Later Mr. and Mrs. Rees
removed to Laporte. Her husband died
two years sgo.
Tn 1S0J, when Napoleon and an army of
"OO.onO Invaded Russia, she saw the French
emperor. On her deathbed she recalled
vlvid'.y the circumstances of his visit to
Volgravlti. which he devastated. She,
among others, escaped by fleeing Into the
woods. She attributed her long life to her
simple method of living. She had two
meals, of cornbread and black coffee,
St. Louis filves Damaging Rvldence
Against Associates In an
Alleged Trust."
ST. LOUIS, July 30. Testimony obtained
by Circuit Attorney Sager today In his
suit to dissolve the Merchants' Ire and
Coal company and the Polar Wave Ice and
Fuel company on the allegations thst they
have violated the anti-trust laws of Mis
souri, developed the fact that a meeting
was held In May at the offices of the Polar
Wave company for the purpose of raising
the wholesale price of Ice from 13 to S4
u ton.
Theodore W. Mertens. a so-called Inde
pendent Ice dealer, testified that after con
ferring with representatives of the two Ice
companies and suggesting thst the price of
Ire be raised from 13 to 14 a ton and meet
ing with no objertlon, he raised the price
arcordingly. "After that meeting," said
Mertens, "I was Informed that the larger
dealers had derided to charge 40 cents a
hundredweight for Ire to small customers."
E. H. Wood and E. 1 l.omax of I nlon
PaclCela Attendance at
fProm a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July So. (Special Tele
gram.) A considerable number of railroad
officials (rom all parts of the country
arrived In Washington during the day to
confer with the Interstate Commerce com
mission as to the administration of the
railroad rate bill. E. H. Wood and E. L.
Ixunax of the Union Pacific at Omaha are
among those who arrived tonight.
Receiver Appeals for fash,
Zin PITY. Ill . Julv 30 John C M.l.u,
receiver for the Zion City Industries, tooav
issued an ap-x-al to the Moneied believers
!", ir1a7'.,:?..,e?"",,!'.'hJf.,r. V '''
Hr ... r-. ...- ,..1,..T. .'Ul llt I
I..-. . . . t . . 1 I A a m '
j t-wki t n i i uu i.riti. uripctl on
greatly. A large ixrcentase of the ponula
tion Is underfed and Insufficiently clothed
and the land Into which ihey put their sav
ings has little value under existing condi
tions. Prompt relief is needed.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jaly H.
At New York Arrived: Mlnnetonka,
from London.
At Hamburg Arrived : Kaiser Auguste
Victoria, from New York. Sailed: Bul
garian for New York.
At Bremen Arrived: Rarharoesa, from
New York.
At Boston Arrived: Parisian, f rem Glas
gow. At Montreal Arrived: Lake Michigan,
from Antwerp. Sailed: Mount Temple, for
At Cbrlstlansand-8ailed: Helllg fHav, for
New York.
At Glasgow Arrived: Iurentian, from
Boston: Furnesela. from New York
At Boulogne hailed : Nleuut Amsterdam,
for New York.
At Cherbourg-Sailed: Grosser Kurfurst.
for New York.
Rumor of PalliTer at Compromise. Candi
date Promptly Denied by Senator,
State Committee Decidet to Hear Content
and Make Temporary Boll.
Letter from the Governor Sayi Committee
Has No Authority in Matter.
Report that Committee Will Kot Sent
Knnnah Perkins .Men to Control
Convention Tilth Intention
of Avoiding Bolt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July . (Special Tele
gram.) There was a rumor here late to
night that an effort will be made to give
the nomination for governor to SenatW
Dolliver, with tho Intention of preventing
a division In the party. When questioned
regarding the matter, the sonator said
there was nothing In it. He said that It
Is entirely without his authority and Is
utterly ridiculous.
The republican state central committee
met today and decided by a vote of tn
3 to sustain the action of the chairman
of the committee In notifying Governor
Cummins that the seats of a number of
delegates to the republican convention
were contested. By the same vote the
action of Chairman Fpence In calling the
present meeting of the state central com
mittee was ratified. In both cases. It ap
pears, the chairman acted upon his own
responsibility. He received a petition from
adherents of George V. Perkins, a candi
date for goverror, giving notice that the
seats of a large number of Cummins' dele
gates were contested. The chairman there
upon sent notice of this fact to Governor
Cummins, who seeks a renomlnatlon.
Authority of Committee Denied.
The governor replied In a letter denying
the authority of the state central committee
to take up the matter of contests, asserting
that It had no Jurisdiction. The chairman,
however, sent notices to several news
papers calling the state central committee
to meet In Des Moines today to consider
the contests. Hla explanation to the com
mittee was that two or three of the mem
bers were In Dee Moines at the time and
after consulting them and receiving their
approval he felt Justified In tsklng the ac
tion he did, tn order that the delegates
whose seats were contested might have
two or three more days' notice than Ihey
would have had If he had called the com
mittee together and submitted to It the
petition and the question of a call for to
day's meeting. The vote of i to S wtl
regarded as an Indication that the com
mittee intended to assume Jurisdiction ' of
the contests and to hear the contestant -and
the Cummins' delegatee, l(t the latter .
(tered, u eppeararMin., - I.,
'mere are delegates entitled to scat
In the state convention from the ninety
nine counties In the state. When the com
mittee met today there were ten of the
eleven members present. Chairman H pence,
of course, did not vote on the motion to
sustain his own action.
Contest br Perkins.
Thomaa F. Bevlngtqn, an attorney repre
senting the friends of George D. Perkins,
gave notice of contests In ten counties,
making 287 delegates objected to.
In Boone county, with twenty delegates.
It wan rlalmed that the call for the county
convention stated that delegates to the
Judirlal and congressional conventions were
to be eleven, no mention being made of
the etite convention, although the Cum
mins people assert that this allegation is
not founded on the facts. As to Polk
county, with seventy-two delegates, It
was rlalmed that It, as well as Boone, had
no legally elected delegation. In the Polk
county convention a motion waa made that
Governor Cummins be authorised to name
the seventy-tm-o delegates. An amendment
was offered looking to a division of the
delegation between Cummins snd Perkins,
based on the votes cast when the delegates
to th-3 county convention were elected.
This amendment was laid on the table,
but the original motion was carried. It wss
urged that the tabling of the amendment
carried with It the original motion and.
therefore, the delegatee selected by Gov
ernor Cummins to represent Polk county
In the state convention were not entitled
to seats.
Cummins Delegates Appeal.
The committee took up and heard a num
ber of the cases but reached no con
clusion. Cummins' representatives from
Scott, Dallas and Boone appeared before
the committee and stated the Cummins
side of the contest question In those coun
ties, but were careful In each Instance to
Inform the committee that while perfectly
willing to lay the facta before the commit
tee they would not bind themselves to
abide by the results of the committee's
derision. Numerous affidavits In Dallas
rounty of demorrats voting for Cummins
were filed and the Cummins men filed affi
davits by the saqie men saying that they
were not democrats but life-long republi
cans and had ntgned the first affidavits be
cause paid to do so.
Committee Heroines Cnntlons,
The talk late tonight indicated thaf ths
committee would decide not to let tn all
of the Perkins contesting delegates. It Is
quite possible, It is said, that some may
be put on the temporary roll, but not
enough to give the "stsnd-patters" control
of the temporary organisation. While a
majority of the committee are understood
to be "stand-patters" It was asserted that
they are not Inclined to take any action
which may result In two republican state
! "ckets and posHibly endanger r-.ot only boUi
' tickets, but probably two or three close
ic-ongreaslonal districts. The friends Of Per-
kins, however, are still seemingly confldnl
that they will be able to control the situa
tion. They count on ninety delegates. In
structed for Captain Rathhurn fwr govsr
nnr, after the first ballot."
Such a situt...n as that now existing In
Iowa is new to the republicans of this
state. The party is apparently divided
Into two factions one known as the "pro
gressives'' represented by the friends Of
Governor Cummins, and the other called
the "stand-patters" who are adherents of
George D. I'erklna. The feeling on both
sides is very bitter and It Is not unlikely
that there may Im two repuhllrsn tickets
in ths field In Iowa after next Wednesday.
Although the state central committee hag
a yet taken no action looking to the mak
ing up of a temporary roll, ths Cummins
followers say If the contesting Perkins
delegates are authorised t- participate la
the temporary organization f the cog