Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 29, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 17
B - TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 29, 19001 - J T 0 i V 4 V ii I FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 721-22 N. Y. Life Building Telephone I 5uO 4B07 Meredith Av., 60-foot Jot story and a halt house, thrr rnnmii down stairs; upstairs not linlshed; good i J'v,!!3" V"h "nd ln fr month. Ohio St.. full fin-foot lot, good five-room houw, icwer and water, food repair. Bargain. $1. MO Nearly new 6-room houiie, dower, water, gas, hath, porcelain tub; lot box2 feet, nenr 3"th, thre blocks south of Hanscom park, on the car line. $1, TOO 712 Bancroft St., 6 rooms, water and gas, permanent wnlk, on boulevaid, park hoard paving now; first-class condition; eaay terms; lot 4oxll7V feet, 2,WO Brand new 6-room modern cottage, room upstairs for two more rooms, full brick cemented cellar, Rood fur nace, complete nickla plumbing, porcelain bath, double floors, pol ished for rugs; front and back vesti bule; east front on 44th Ave., be tween Harney and Dewey, with tx 150 feet of ground. m cash, bal ance monthly. A splendid, nice home. wen num. $3,260 47x124 feet, with i-story square 6 room, modern house, nearly new, on paved street; cement walk and steps, nice lawn; No. 3516 Sherman Ave. Owner will show. $4,000 Two-story square S-rooni house In Bemls park, nicely arranged, well built, thoroughly modern, double floors, finished for rugs, good repair, high and sightly. $4,000 Brand nw 7-rnotn framo bouse within two blocks from 24th and St. Mary's Ave.; 60-foot lot; flrst-class In every particular- Just finished. Terms reasonable Paving and side walks paid for. $6,500 In Windsor Place, 2 blocks from west side car. 10lxl40 feet, east front, with large 2-story 10-rootii modern house; nice shade and lawn. $6,000 In Manwim Place, one block north of Hanscom park, excellent 2-stoi y 7-rooni modern bouse, beautifully ar ranged; hot witter hent, toilet and lavatory on first Hour, large com plete bath on second floor; stone steps, walk and drive and good barn; lot 4Txl5 feet. Owner leaving city. Immediate posesslun. SPECIAL BARGAIN 1021 Park Ave., 10 rooms, slcam heat, thoroughly modern, excep tionally well built, several mantels, fine oak finish, large grounds, 66x140 feet; fine barn, costing $4,K). This "tv "ii lie sold at the biggest bargain of any residence property u.-..u in oiu4i...d. About M per cent of the cost of the improvements alore, and the lot Is easily worth $3,600. 'BUSINESS SITE. Good location on good car line, a 2-story framo storo, nearly new, good 6-room house, lariro barn, two large lots, room to build another store or dwelling; this all goes for $3,500. BEMIS. Paxton Block. RE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM 40 acres level land, soil Is of black vegetable mold on a heavy clay subsoil, is very rich, works fine, having no rocks or stones; 200 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and nay land; good fences, sheds and other outbuildings and windmill; neat 6-room dwelling. 1 Price' only $10 an " ' acre. It would make an Ideal homo, FAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.- Douglas i'Sl. RE-M877 31 ACRES No. 1 farm and pasture land, all fenced, 140 acres In crop; good Im provements. Will sell with crop, ma chinery. 30 head horses, 30 head cattle. Ten miles to good railroad town. Bargain If taken soon. li. C. Emptlcld. Anseln no, Nob. RE 9X1 29 Shimer The NORTH & Best in SOUTH Boulevard are still the center of attraction for Modern Priced Property with all public conveniences, city water, sewer, cement walks, trees; one block frm car; no waiting they are there. No wonder they go like "hot cakee" this weather. Dctter get one yourself. We build to suit-, purchaser. Good time to get a home. Entire frontage Laird to Sprague, both sides of 17th St Take Sherman Ave. car. Improved 8 rooms, modern throughout, near 7-room dwelling on Poppleton Ave., C-room dwelling, Hanscom Park Submit offer. ' 8 rooms modern, good lot, fruit, lighting plant Special price $1,900. 9 rooms modern, 36th and Leavenworth. Special price $2,750. 6-room modern cottage, good lot, two blocks from car, $1,700. OPEN MONDAY EVEXINUS TILL 9 O'CLOCK. Shimer & Builders of Modern Houses, x GROUND FLOOR. 1609 FARNAM. W. G. SHRIVER 1023 New Tork Life Bldg. SNAPS SNAPS SNAPS 9-room house, modern, cement walks, barn, fruit, shade and ornamental lite. Urge burn, tine shape, tine location, one blovk from street cars, Clifton Hill; easy terms. IJ.2HJ. VACANT 40 feet on ioth and Patrick Ave., fine place to build. $460. Two lots near North 10th St., must be sold, fcach $.6. I) acres tuljvlnlng Benson in Benson, $1 m. Want customer for S-room modern house, centrally located; also i-room modern house. Fulr payment dowu, balance monthly. What have you got? Kii Beautiful home, six rooms, modern south and east front, lu one of the beat residence district in Omaha, close to car line. Must be told by August 1st, J2.S00. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas Blk., 18th and Dodge. KE-Mue 30 WANT TO 8EI.L a very attractive mall home, house of six rooms, modern .x MiJ f 1 1 r. vrwiat . I Hilt n.lchhul hood, half block from tr. most dealt able pert of city, south front, permanent walk In freot, A. tk Carpenter. 4lv NlcuoUa aw FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Douglas 49 . INVESTMENT $4,600-60x120 feet, 1516 Sherman Ave. and 1515 North 17th St., double frontage, with two house renting for 142 per month; room for three more; close In; rar line parses one side; both rtreets paved and paid for. Cer tainly a big bargain. $4,600 77x2S0 feet, two cottages fronting east on 17th St., room for three more fronting west on Mth. This la just I best south of William and one or tne renting localities In the city. Uood buy for Improvement, VACANT $!,B0-r,2xs feet, S W. Cor. Iewey; room for tb' buy. "th Ave. and flats. Good $l.lno 30x2 feet north front on Dewey Ave., Just east of 26th Ave. $l,2f0 50x177 feet west front on 33d. !00 feet north of Poppleton; permanent walk and street ordered paved. Big bar gain. $2,260 66x158 feet, N. R. Cor. SStfi and Cum ing; lies beautiful; fine shade. $2.0 66x158 feet Joining above. $3,780 112x160 feet 8. W. Cor. 39th and Cum ing St.; beautiful corner; ail spe cials paid. $1,600 fifix 140 feet west front on 16th, Just south of Castellar, with all specials paid. Exceptional bargain. $ 3O0-6.ixl2fi feet B. E. Cor. 29th ' and fluggles. Big bargain. $ 250 N. W. Cor. 34th and Boyd, beautiful corner, city water, two blocks from car. $2fi down and $7.60 per month. No Interest. I 200 b'mlM feet south front on Boyd, 800 feet west of SUh; high and sightly, city water. $10 down and $6 per month. No Interest. SHOLES SUB-DIVISION n. a uvso tet S. K Cor. ICth and Vinton; cheanent business lot In tne city of Omaha or we will ulve It to you. Stone navnlg and permanent wnika; water connection. One-fourth cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent. 1 7SO seiiS' feet north front on Vinton, 1"0 (mi .st nf lFith atone navlng and permanent walk: large oak trees. A big snap. $ 600220 feet east front on 15th, 198 feet deep, block south of Vinton; a full acre. Exceptional bargain for fruit, chickens, etc. E50 4fxl20-foot lots, west fronts on 16th, (nt nnth of Vinton, with perma nent walk, perfect grade, high and sluhtlv. city water, trees. One-half cash, balance to suit, 6 per cent. RE AN ACRE. nr Kiwlx? feet lots near Miller park, cornering on two streets; $KU0 BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE Otto Siemssen & Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals. Room 838 N. T. Life Building. Phone Douglas 6880. umana. neo. This Week's Bargains 7-room modern Cuming St., street paved. house, 4108 south front, lot 60x140, a few feet above grade, with shade and fruit trees, etc.; good neighborhood; will sell for $2,800; $1,000 cash, balance to suit buyer, with Interest rate of $ per cent. Come and sea us. 10-acre tract near city, 6 miles of P. O., southwest of Cen ter St., beautiful, slghtlyi Improvements, house, barn, chicken house, hog pens and 2 wells, fruit, 4 acres In ap ples, 6 acres In grapes; all In good condition and fenced. RE FOR BALE 160 or G40 acres fine land near Brighton, Colo., with 4 shares water; ex cellent irrigation privileges. Address 8. A. Clark, Freeport, III. RE-MS1S 30x Chase Real Estate Co. WEST Park Lots , home buyers. Several choice sites left Property Farnam car, $4,250. $2,000. District, bath, lavatory, closet, $2,500. Chase Co. DOUGLAS 3867. RE JUST FOUR MORE All the Gram mercy Park lots at 4Mh and Military Ave. are sold; we still have S fine south front lots on Urant St. between 4Sth and &.h, which we can sell for from $200 to $220 each; $25 down and $i per month. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE MJ79 SI A Nice Home at a Sacrifice A 7-room cottage at 27th and Decatur Sts.. bara and buggy shed, property In good repair, lot Gxl2S, alley In reax, cistern. nue l run ana shade trees. Price for quick sale, $2,100. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co. 'Phone Douglas 5108. fc N. T. Life Bldg. 1 FOR HAI.E Cheap, 7-room house and barn. ' tilt 0. 1(10. UeO. OlUUiDl, cxeruior. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 2208 Poppleton Ave. 6-room modern house, hot water heat, lot 70x113, price $;?,0X). 1814 Corby St. G-room house, price $1,1500. 2807 Miami St. 8-room house, barn, very cheap, price $1,500. 2017 No. 21st St. walks, fine repair, 1015 S. 31st St. 7-room house, large lot, very cheap, price $1,500. 1207 Cass St. 7-room house, price $3,000. VACANT Lot at 17, Davenport's subd., fine building lot 25th and "Wirt Sts. Price $750. Lot 17, "Washington Madison Ave., price W. R. IIOMAN, PUSH SALE. One block from Sherman Ave. car, 6-room cottage; all modern; owner built for himself, but has now made arrenge ments to go into business; therefore, will sacrifice his home for only $1,800. BEMIS, , Paxton Block. RE CHEAP LANDS GOOD LANDS at Sidney, Neb., on the main line of U. P. Ry We offer 12,000 acres of land. For years farmers In the vi cinity have been raising big crops of small grains, pota toes, etc., and this year Is no exception. Prices range from $2.60 to $5 per acre, one-half cash, bnl ance 1 to 6 years, or 6 per cent discount for all cash. .We can show you many fields where this year's crop will pay for the land two or three times over. These lands are sure to In crease In value. Special excursion next Tues day via U. P. Ry. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M890 30 $1,350 for the 6-room cottage on 80th stroet and boulevard; has city water, sewer, gas, water closet; and, while It needs some repair outside, considering walking dis tance, It Is a great snap; abstract a 1 warranty deed; must be sold this week. Tel. Douglas 5229. F. C. BEST. $21 N. Y. Life. RE GARVIN BROS. HOUSES $550 421 Dorcas, 5-room cottaee. lot 50x100; terms, $100 cash. $600 2208 Meredith St.. old cot tage, with lot 60x133 feet. $660 3721 Ohio, 7-room house full lot. $1,600 New 5-room cottage, attic, cemented cellar, city water, with 50 feet, or, if desired. 100 feet frontage, price $1,800; 3220 Boyd St. $2,600 nearly new 5-room cottage, modern except furnace, with 100-foot frontage, near 4 2d and Dodge Sts. $2,000 Nice 7-room house, mod ern except furnace, near 40th and Far nam. $3,100 Price reduced from $3,500, good 8-room dwelling, modern except furnace, 60x142 ft; shade and lawn'. $4,600 Brand new 7-room house. every modern convenience, near 35Lk and Dodge. VACANT $1,000 22x132 ft on Cuming St., between 19th and 20th streeU. In vestigate. $150 Nice south front lot west of house 3204 Boulevard Ave. $2,400 Nice east front lot on 3 5th St., one block north of Farnam. Pav ing all paid. $450 iflt front lot on 27th, near Shirley. ACRES $500 3 blocks north of Country club and Benson car line; fine acre for fruit, garden truck or poultry; easy terms. $300 Good half-acre in same loca tion. Investigate. Easy terms. GARVIN BROS- 1604 FARNAM. .. RE A Good $6,000 In vestment s-room modern house on Harney St., near 34th, oak finish, mantel and lavatory on first floor; rented until fall of 19u7 at $60; nothing to pay from Income but taxes; property Increasing in value; cheap price for quick sale. Owner wants the money for another purpose. J, H. Dumont & Son 7 N. T. Life. 'Phone Doug. 1269. RB- INVESTMENT BARGAIN Lota 1 and 1 and t cottages at the southwest corner of 24th and Sahler, rent ing for fall annually; make me an offer; must be sold soon. A PRETTY HOME On N. 28th ave., near Bristol St., east front; a pretty, full lot; large shade trees; house In extra good condition; price ll.Juo. II. A. STEVENSON, 390 Board ef Tradecorner 16th and Far cam. R K iwj 2 FOR SALE Lot Jt Tuttle's subdivision corner Kih and eprarue Sts.. a 6-acre tract, which makes 24 fine lots, 60x160 feet, and alley. Price, $2,400 cash. Block No. 224. Florence, on Main St., Just north Omaha city limits. 164 feet, facing east on car line, by 284 feet deep, a neautiful home site, streets on all sides. Price. 11.500 rash. Both good buys. AdJress Gennl Brandeuburc wwner. Los Angles. Cel. ' JIB FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE 7-room house, stone price $2,100. Square, $G00. 15th and 1517 Farnam St. RE WEST FARNAM and Hanscom Park districts; lots at right prices. B.EMIS, Paxton Block. RE NEW HOUSES $1,700 5 IiOOM COTTAGE ON VINTON ST. Between 2!th and 3mh, south front, large lot, hlsh ground, 2 more rooms can be finished ulT on the second floor. $1,600 5 ROOM COTTAGE. ' 33d and Boyd Sts., Just completed, full lot. $2,100 5 ROOM COTTAGE. 44th and Seward, modern, full lot. $2 900 7 ROOM SQUARE HOUSE. On North 24th St., one hlork north of Fort St., east front, full lot, $5u0 , cash, balance $25 a month and In terest. $ r)0 7 ROOM HOUSE. On Wirt St., Just east of Sherman Ave., modern In every way, full south front lot, close to car; a very desirable neighborhood. $3,500 7 ROOM HOUSE. 41st and Hamilton, we have one of the three houses left that are Just being completed at the southwest corner of 41t and Hamilton; they are modern In every way; east front lot, close to car, shade, terrace, ce ment walks In front and around the house; can arrange terms. $1,300 8 ROOM HOUSE. On Lathrop, between 10th and 18th, full lot, paved street, good neigh borhood. $2,250 ROOM COTTAGE. On 5th Ave.. Just north of Fort St., full lot, one block from car, all ready to move Into; the rooms are finished In mahogany, oak and the bath room In white enamel; a very pretty little home; small payment down, balance same as rent, $3,600 2 NEW 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSES On 24th St., Just north of A St., South Omaha. These have 4 bed rooms and bath on second floor, 3 rooms and large reception hall on first floor, full cellar, cemented, fur nace, electric Hunt, gas. -bath, paved street, permanent walks. Open Monday evenings until 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 FARNAM ST.. Rround Floor. Bee Bldg. RB FORT OMAHA LOTS $100 EACH, $10 CASH AND $1 PER WEEK. NO INTEREST We are authorlxed to offer 60 lots near Fort Omaha, at very low prices and exceptionally eaay terms. No Interest on de ferred payments. Single lota $100 each, $10 cash and $1 per week. Two lots to one customer, $90 each, $ai cash and $1 per week. Three or more lots to one customer, $80 each, $10 cash per lot, 50c per week per lot. You can make monthly pay ments If desired. THERE ARE ONLY V) OF THESE LOTS AND THEY WILL GO QUICK. Beautiful, sightly location for a home. Every aian should own his own home. Buy 5 lots and you have an acre. Think of it, an acre fur $400, and only a few blocks from car line, when It costs $500 to $300 to buy a lot only a few blocks nearer town. Pleased to show the lots at any time. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., SOLE AGENTS, FIRST FLOOR. N. Y. L. BLDG. TEL. DOUGLAS 17U. RE JJ&25 2 SILAS BOBBINS -room cottage, 2Sth and Miami, full lot, KL.M. weli, if tern, barn, $Mfi. $0 lots near 24th St. car line, !$u to $VX) each I have more than Km houses for sale, many uii ery eay terms. Silas Robbins, Frenzer Block RE-981 2x THE J FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB BTRACT8 OK TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $lu.000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when ycu buy a "Kerr'" abstract. 10i N. 1. Ul AJlug. 'i'kwn Douglas 2244. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE TheKerr-Shallcross Co 1614 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 6487. 1600 Small cottage near 33d and Seward Sts. 11,100 5-room cottage near 33d and Seward Sta. $1,850 S-room modern house near 2 5th and Kees Sts.; good well and ets- tern; snaae. vmh rent ror 2&.oo a month. $2,300 7-room strictly modern house, fine grounds, near 41st and Nicholas. $2,500 8-room house, all modern, near 25th and Templeton. $2,800 7-room house, all modern except furnace, near 2 4th and Parker. $4,500 7-room strictly modern cot tage, near 24th and Grand; fine shade and lawn. $6,000 20-room double house, near 23d and Cass. The Kerr-Shallcross Co. 1614 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5487. RE Near 38th and Jones, Corner lot, east front. 80x160 feet; $1,600. BEMIS, Taxton Block. RE THOMAS BRENNAN Real Estate. 'Phone Doug. 1264, $1,700 will buy house and lot No. 2520 Chicago St. $2,200 will buy house and lot No. 2613 Davenport St. $3,000 will buy corner lot and two houses, Nos. 1501 and 1503 South 28th St. Trackage Property 63x233 feet. Can sell for $5,000. Investments Three stores and full city lot at 12th and Howard Sts. Rented for $225 a month. Make me an offer. Full city lot next to northeast cor ner 16th and Leavenworth Sts. Large brick barn and frame residence. Only $9,000. THOMAS BRENNAN Room 1, New York Life Bldg. . . re- A CLEAN UP Five-room cottage on Frederick St.. near ltith; city water; all In good repair; newly papered; lot 33x120. Owner needs money aim wtu buii ior Two five-room cotaaes near north end of Dodge car line. One Is two-story, nearly new; hard pine finish, toilet, city water and sewur. The other Is a one-story five-room cottage, city water and sewer. All In ex. col lent condition, owner aska $t,9U0 for both, but wo want oners. On North Z7th St., south of Lake, seven- room house, city water, cistern, gas, ce mented cellar, all In good condition; lot 4vx 85. Eastern owner says sell for $1,600. On 28th St., near Dodge car line, eight- room house, corner lot 83xlt6; house needs some repairs, but could be made an ele gant home. Price, to close an estate, $1,800. We want offers on the southwest corner of 11th and Bancroft Sts. Ground 13tix2s2, on which there Is a good nve-rooin cot tage, burn and large a pie ana snaae trees. This Is an excellent opportunity for chicken ranch or garden, price reaucea irom ii.uw to $2.0u0, but owner must leave city ana will not refuse any reasonable offer. Easy terms If desired. New seven-room house, all modern, full two stories, hot water heat, four rooms on flrHt floor and three on second. Lot 60xl2i, south front, one block from car. Owner lt to sell on account of other busi ness arrangements and will sacrifice for $4.Ui0. This is the best bargain In Kountxe Place. On South 27th St.. north of St. Mary s Ave , eight-room house, all modern, goou k,.. .o tr h,.utlnir nlant and Rood new Everything In A 1 repair. Price reoucea irom nw w ale. VACANT Don't buy a lot until you have seen our new "Bmlin s bud ai toyi ".'"J cer. LAits an aoove biu. water, sewer, permanent walks and shade trees. Price, Jow io ;uu. Good south front lot on Fowler Ave. Just west of riorence uuuivm, sewer, permanent walks; best lot In north end at $0cu. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. lSiO Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1W4 li fcj BARGAINS. Two 9-room modern brick, $0O rental, $7,&wi. Frame houses, mo renmi, 1508-12 Caus, WX132 ft), o,0tx. . N. W. cor. Kltn and uortm, duc mm frame dwelling, oj reiiini, . J6xl"9, west front oi Sbin ei-. oei- m Webster, paving pam, B E 28th and Howard, suomu oner. 21a N. 13th St.. 3t'x6 ft., $2,300. 10 acres east of Benson. $2j- 6 acres near Fort Omaha. 1834 North 20th St.. 6 rooms $1,600. !uh near Clark, 4uxl40 ft.. $ llii Seiirti 7th St.. 40x124 ft.. $900. ii rnKMER. OPP OLD P. O. 'UV" RE-J6 2 GOOD INTERESTON THE MONEY. i fan kc'.I a modern brick building, new; three houses that pay 1$ per cent on price. close in. Alan six modern cottages, splendid con dition thut pay 14 per cent on price asked. Also good corner and four cottages fiat pay 14 per cent ou uc y A special price of $1,550 for good cottsge at "'i-J Caldwell St.; modern except furnace. IK16 Howard St., modern collage, seven rooms. $2 ,. BeeBidg. r TRACKAGE An niece of trackage property. 147x2234, on U. P. track, at ith and Jones at.. 112.000 will take It for Immediate aaJe. THOMAS BRENNAN. Jtoom 1. New Ywfa UXe - . .. iuu 1W FOR SALE REAL ESTATE George & 1601 Farnam St IMPROVED PROPERTY 7,M for 1M0 and 1??4 N. lth St.. I large houses of 11 and 17 rooms, respectively. arranged for twn families; lot O'xltO feet; close In. $0,150 for 15J OeorrH Ave.. 10-room. mod ern house, In excellent condition; lot oox 1W feet. $5.fio0 for good 7-room house, all modern. on P. arth Ave., near rarnam fct.; lot 603 feet. 14.750 for M10 fnderwood Ave. (PundeeV well-built. 7-rooin, I-story, modern square house, with reception hall; highest grade o.uarter-sawed oak finish, oak floors, com bination fixture's, full cemented P.ise- ment, laundry; strictly up to date; built by owner for a home, who is going to leave city areount change In business; very desirable; lot BnxJl.S feet. $4.5nn for 7-room, modern squire house. new, on Burt St.. near 34th St.; onk fin ish. Cement walks; very drslrable; lot 60x150 ft. $4,100 for s-room, modern house In Pundee; 2 full lots, linxU5 ft.: nice shade trees. Reasonable rash payment down, balance $J0 per month. $3,700 for good 7-room, modern house, on 'aved street, In north part. ne:ir 21th car line: full lot. good barn, and In best of condition. Half cash, balance on monthly payments less than rent. $2,800 for two S-room cottages, modern ex cept heat and bath, renting ror .b4 per year; Iti walking distance; enn be ninde to pay 114 per cent gross. Special deal for quick sale. $!,7B0 for 1030 N. 29th St.. B-room house, In good condition; lot 50x103 ft., on corner. $2,000 for 1518 Madison Ave., R-room. mod ern house, with barn; lot 45x127 ft. Re duced price for quick sale. $2 6V for -roont house on N. 2Mh St., near Davenport St., modern except hint; would rent for $.10 pt r month; close In. $:..r-l for 2504 St. Mary's Ave., 6-room cot tage, modern except hent and hath tun. Tart cash, balance monthly. Closo In. $2,!SO for 8. K. Cor. 2th and Pacific, fi-room cottage. In good condition; lot MxloO ft. Very easy terms. $l.ftiO for 5-room cottags on N. lKth St., within walking distance; city water, eewer and gas: lot 3oxl40 ft. l'art cash, balance monthly. $1,250 for 4-room Oottaife In samo location as above, with city water, sewer ana gas; lot 30x140 ft. Small cash payment down, balance monthly. $900 for 6-room cottage on Maple St., near 43d St.; good burn and well; near school. Anv reasonable terms will be considered. $1,900 for R-room cottage, modern except furnace, on Hurt Bt.; close in ana nearly new. Brick Block. 2-story brick; store below nd modern rooms above; cost 18,000 to nuiiarour years ago; cornering on two paved street; $7,600 takes It. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RE ONLY A FEW LEFT The fine, sightly lots at 48th and Military Ave. are nearly all gone. Those still unsold will go for from $160 to $260 each; $25 down; $5 per month, without Interest; on the Walnut Hill car line; paved street and with city water. See us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1781. RE M805 augl $75000 182 feet square, exceptionally strong build ing in wholesale district on a short spur H. R. track. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 108 29 WANT Information regarding good farm for sale within hundred miles of Omaha; write price and description; owners enly need answer. W. C. Cunningham, Au di us Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. RE Ml 29x R. C. PETERS & CO. $3,800 On Dewey, In walking distance, we have an 8-room house that Is thor oughly modern, with hardwood floors and cellar under all the house; per manent walks and paved street. $3,300 On Jackson, near 35th, 7-room all modern house, cemented cellar, splen did cistern, permanent walks; all in fine condition. $3,000 A new, well built, (-room modern cottage, large hath room with open nickel plated plumbing; splendidly situated on Sherman Ave., near KounUe's Park; $600 down, balance to suit. $3,100 On Maple, near 24th, we offer a new and modern e-room house, gas and electric lights, cement walks, every thing attractive, neighborhood fine. $3,000 On Burt St., near Boulevard, we offer your choice of two 6-room mod ern nouses, with cemented walks, good basement. This can be pur chased on terms to suit. $2,760 7-room modern house, enameled bath, good cistern, earn, permanent cement walks, shade and fruit trees; exterior to have two coats of paint and place is now being put In excel lent condition of repair; situated In Walnut Hill, one block from car line; $3ju to $ouo will take this, with terms on balance to suit. $2,400 Story and half, 6-room modern house, in excellent condition oi re pair; permanent walks, attractive yard. Let us show you this; It Is on Walnut Hill car line. 11,500 A good house, good modern plumb ing, nut no furnace, I rooina; can ue sold on payments. $1,800 9-room modern house with furnace. recently completely uvemauit-u .nu placed In good repair; a good cheap proposition on payments. R. C. Peters & Company 220 N. 17th St., Bee Bldg. WEST FARNAM HOME Look at $319 Harney St. A new house of S rooms; oak finish downstairs; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor; finished, In white enamel; maid's room finished In attic; fine combination gas and electric fixtures; mantel, with built-in book cases, etc.; street pav6d; cement walk around house; everything first-class; price, $6,600. The Byron Reed Co., 'Phone 237. 212 S. 14th. RE M797 23 AN IDEAL HOME 8-room, all modern house, brand new, In Kountxe Place. A great bargain. Owner must sell. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. yirst Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. -1781. RE CULT EDGE INVESTMENT. Double house, flue location, near best car line. 8 rooms each side, always rented modern except furnace; pays lo per cent (iet . CARSON CO., il it. X. Ufe. ' , - - - RE 884 29 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Company 'Phone Douglas 7$& UNIMPROVED $1.4S for 132x132 ft.. N. K. Tor. Sth sn4 Untight St., R M. and N. W. track sge. $r..i for all of block 7. A. S. Patrick' Add., hounded by i'fith and 27th BJil Miami and t'oihy Sts.. with 3 houses on It. tho rental from which will pay In terest on cost of whole block. $4,500 for M12S ft St. Mary's nnd , on Nth Ave. Dewey Aves. between Jtf.-ml for 100x120 ft.. N. K. Cor. Slst and Chicago Sts. Want offer. $l.f for 150x120 ft., west front, on 1!Hh St.. 7 ft. north of ftanrroft St. Could be subdivided iuto live -ft. lots. Very, easy terms. $1,750 for 45x11.1 ft., west l ft. south of IHhIko front, on 35th St., St. Cheap. $! for 50x150 ft., 150 ft. west of north front, th St. on Burt 8t- $T."5 for lots 40.23x124 ft., north front, on I'ratt between SMh and :7th St.j eHf wtT and gas In street; nice shade tree. Choice. $5i for 60x133 ft., southeast corner 35th an4 Francis Bts., near Kteld club. ACRES NEAR OMAHA $250 to $30 per ax-re for choice tracts In Florence Heights, containing from 3 to 10 acres each v4 cash, balance on easy terms at ( per cent. This land Is lo cated about 7 blocks north of end of street ear line In Florence. To reach land follow Culhoun road north to our sign boards. $3f per acre for S4 acres 44 miles southwest of Center St. paved road. highly court Improved, house, on $350 per acre for 30 acres unimproved, on West Dodge, St. $150 per acre for 20 acres, high and sightly, on West Dodge St. KnO per acre for 480 acres on West Podge St. Owner refused $3uo per acre ovor It years ago. $150 per acre for 20 acres adjolntng village of Benson on the north and west, wlta small house, spring of water, etc $126 per acre for SO acres, unimproved, ad joining Benson on north and west. $100 pel aero for 30 acres, Center St. paved road. unimproved, oit Reduced $25 per acre for quick sale. $100 per acre for 155-acre farm, highly Im proved, near Irvlngton. JulV 29. 1906. RB LOTS. $100 to $200 each; only $5 down and onlyl $5 per month; near Fort Omaha and Miller park. BEMIS, Paxton Block. RB Park Ave Home Cheap $8,600 Full lot, 8 rooms, reception hall and bath, modern throughout; lot worth $2,600; house would cost $4,500 to re place. . Owner wanta to locate nearer bis business. ' ' ' , J. H. Dumont & Son 726 N. Y, Life. 'Phone Doug. 1169. RB DON'T WAIT. $2,800 will never buy a better bargain than the modern house of 7 large rooms, well built and In good repair; almost new , plumbing and furnnce; corner lot 60x128. Cash or terniB. Possession at once. Must be sold this month. Inquire upon the premises, 4401 Farnam, or see JOHN W. ROBB1N3, 1802 FARNAM ST. RE W0 28 $3,000 WILL BUY a 7-room new house, open plumbing, full lot, five blocks from high school. For other bargains SER HUTCHINSON BOLLARD CO., 1623 FARNAM ST. RE 870 29 $1,600 6-room cottage, ' gas. city water, a splendid cistern and near lath and Ohio. a good cellar. $3,000 The best built 7-room house In the city for this price, new and modern; the entire finish,-both down and up sralrs, is oak and birch; hot and cold water and laundry in basemeut; lot 60x100. $1,640-j-rooni house, with barn and city water, one . block from car line, on paved street. ThlB Is a large lot, 63x236. If you want lots of ground this Is the place for you; newly papered and painted. . 31,760 A 6-room 2-story house, city water, gas and electric tight, cement walks, shade and fruit trees, and strawberry bed; two blocks from car line. DUNDEE $3,750 A 9-room modern house, oak fin ished Interior, new plumbing, porce lain bath, excellent furnace, two large lota, being a plat of ground, 100x182; one-half block from car line. $ 700 tin Davenport St., half block east of car line, full lot, In a choice neighbor hood. This is a good lot to build on. $ 650 Another one on Capitol Ave., one block from car line; good lot. $ 650 On fnderwood Ave., on car line, south front. $2,500 The three best lots In Dundee now on the market. These are but a few of our Dundee bar- gains. Let us show you before they are all gone. BOULEVARD TERRACE We to again call your attention to this beautiful building location, for which we ere exeluslve ugents. These lots are going fast and new houses are springing up on every hand. Don't delay if you want a choice site for a home. It will soon be too late. RE 1403 DOUGLAS ST. Owner will sell lot and one story building, Including party walls, both sides; three stories high. Or, will build for tenant or purchaser. See us about this. J. H. Dumont & Son, 725 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas-13. RE-836 21 IN FLORENCE We have nine 00-foot lots In Florence. only one block from the main street ana car line, near school, fine view, east slope. that we can sell you for . and $250 each, on easy terms. Open Man lay evenings until 9 p. m. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 FARNAM ST., Ground Flour, Bee llldg. KB-8S1 29 BIDS are htrtty Invited for the purchase N. E. oiner 2tilh and N Sts., of the South Omaha (2Lxmii. This Is one f the best vacant business lots In Kouth Omaha. ALF C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bauk Building Telephon Douglas VA ... . RE-Mi 21 t