12 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 23, lPOfl. M -.JH- fc,SSaW IW fcJ Sit tti silk Dlsplij li Window as . r i ii BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS IN OUR. Summer FOR Dressy Summer Suits Cool Outing Suits To clear away all our $10 $12.50 and $15.00 Summer Suits at once we group them all in one big lot for $G.5. These suits are all neat, dressy, up-to-date summer styles 2-piece or 8-piece iults. worth up to 116.00,- at Men's Blue Series are the favorite aulta for dreaa or business 12 months In the year. Blue' serges control the high est price in the market to day. The prices have ad vanced greatly. We are positive that Brandeis is the only 'house in the west Relling all wool blue serges at prices as low as last year. P purchase did it. An actual saving for you of $5 to $.50 on every suit worth $15, $18 and $20, at OUR. SEMI ANNUAL PANTS SALE The great values in men's high grade pants are the talk of the town. Prices are cut in two on these good, up-to-date trousers. Choice of all our men's pants that are worth $3.00 and 69 $3.50, at I Choice of all our sum mer outing pants worth up to J49 $4 and $5, at. BALAXCK OF OUR HOYS' AM) CHILDREN'S WASH SlITH T( Just the thing for rough and tunble vacation wear, light , j and dark wash colors, at J s Choice, of all boys' and children's units that sold up at $3, at $2.50 Zr Men's Straw Hats Prices Cut Squarsly In 1 wo ..10c Men's and boys' 3Bc straw hats, Saturday,, ax Men's and children's 56c straw hats, at , . . . Men's and boys' $1.00 straw hats, at Men's $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50 straw hats, at Men's high grade $3.50 and $4 straw hats, at 25c .45c .98c .1.98 Pana- 3.98 Importer's samples, genuine ma hats worth up to $10.00, at Dress Suit Cases $1.50 Knit Cases, Imitation alligator, at a 98c .1.45 2.98 3.98 $2.00 Suit Cases, at $3.50 Klrotal Cases, at $5.00 Iather Cases, at Aug. 4, 5, 6. 1LWAIII(EEZsp August 11th. AHD p L BACK a Aug. 11, (Special C. A. R. Via-'F-mnTU IRICCTCnM I IMC The b.UII I 11-.11.0 I E.IIN E.II.L THE BEST OF EVERYTHING The Only Double Track Lino CITY OFFICES, 1401-1403 FARNAM STREET I MILLINERY! WINDING UP OF THE SEASON! About 100 hats on sale Saturday, JuJy 28th, from 9:00 a. m. until 12:00 ra. Your choice ( AA for. l.UU Penncll Millinery Company 111 South Fifteenth Street Juat before you go to bed, a glaaa of this per fectly brewed and carefully aged beer will bring you the quiet restful sleep of childhood, preaenra your atrength and youthful grace, gtvtng you an appetite tor breakfast and a delight In the day to follow. We will send a cam to your homo. JetlerBrewingGo, Omaha iffa TeL Ka. 8. South Omahi fcj M BIS Silk Sill Next Mondif i " ff da i l bt. Iohes MEN An immense tJS your choice- Choice of any pants In our great stock worth up to t9S $7.50, at J Lace Curtain Bargains Saerlalt In Drapery Dept. ft uooa strong lace curtains, 6 4 Inches wide, 3 yards long, white or cream, dozens of pat terns, worth $1.50, at, per pair 98c New line of fine pretty curtains, regular price up to - 1 CIQ $3.50 Saturday, pair . . I.JO Cloth window shades with good rollers, 3x6 feet "JC each DC Curtain swlss, 36 Inches wide, In dots and figures new clean goods full bolts, at, lfl per yard , . 1UC Tapestry curtains, full size, all colors, worth up to OO $4 pair, each JOC m 1 mmA AIID (o) BACK CQ)a 12, 13 Train Aug. 12.) Heads, uartara. . BLITZ. 14th and Tl Doua 1ML Headauartara. 1 I C J LOTS OF GOODS TO MOVE And we prefer to moTW them but once. Ave have to make room for the .Mon' new elevator entrance. These prtrew should move the goods right ont of the house: $1.00 4 tit. Fountain Syringe Be Tooths Ticks, 2 pkgs Zbr Banzai Tooth FYiwder 53c 5c 18c 37c 5c j Boc Quart Bottle Grape J nice 1V Root Beer Extract 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder with caks of Cashmere Bouquet soap, t En hnth for '- $.100 Capitol Ladles' Syringe 60c Perfumes, ounce $1.98 25c 2 qt. Howell's Quality Water Bottle or Fountain Syringe, $1.00 Pig lot Of Soap, flfl nil. Jf Pint Bottle Witch Hazel 25c 1 on Wright's Tasteless Cod IJver QQq 76c Beef, Iron and ' Wine Good Bath Brush, for Il.rio Bath Spray, for Howell's Malt Extract, dox Crutches, pair 50c 39c . 65c $1.35 89c HOWELl DRUG CO. 16th and Capitol Ave. P!U1 AND RETURN VIA THE AUGUST 4,5, 6 LIMIT AUGUST 15 Tickets honored in Either Standard or Tourist Sleepers. TICKET OFFICE 1323 FARNAM ST. FLOR DE GOUNOD CIGARS A popular 10c domestic cigar; we sell Be straight. Shipment Just re ceived, all In good condition; have 26,500. It will pay you to Investi gate our plan of selling cigars. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th EL FARNAM STS. Call Us by 'Phone Wbenarer you want ao me thing call 'Fhoae 288 and make it known through & Bat Want Ad. HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER. Kaaaaa City, te&t rUsaeurl This magnificent hotel has JO beau tiful rooms and Is located at 11th and McOee streals In ths shopping d' strict. Only half a block from ths fefcnory. Bird. Thajrsr dry goods store; near ail ths theaters 100 rrlvsU Batka. TslspKaass la Ail Booms. 1st aag Oota Baanlag WUt La MTry aVoom. VsomUU tafa. rsrfso Oolalaa. Olnb Brsakf asta e4 Table D'meSa Dluut Barred La Cal. Ba.ta 91 a Day aag Vpwaxd. Biuopaaji Flaa teservatlona ruy be made by tsls graph at our expanse. Kt'PPER-BESSON HOTEti X. T. A. BaHOV, Maaaget. CA60 mm Saturday at the Die Sale Men's Suits Q3.00 All men's suits that Auerbach sold aa high as $., your choice, $$.00. This Includes outing (two-piece) suits. You can find them on the first table as you snter the store. $5.09 buys suits Auer barh sold as high as $12.50. For $9.90 we give you choice of suits that Ajerbaeh ant as much as $20.00 for. Auerbach was known to carry the finest of goods. Suits that he hold as high as $35.00 you take, your choice for $14. SR. You pay mer chant tailors as high as $45.00 for some not aa good. Men's Pants $1.00 Pants that Auerbach got as much aa iz.bo lor, your pine i.oo. rants tniu Auerbach sld as high as $4.00, your un restricted choice $1.90. You'll find these pants on ths two last tables in the rear of the stors. Men's Underwear 15c All sorts of light weight underwear, black, fancy colors, mottled, etc., worth the, your choice 16c. On sale on second floor. Other Big Snaps President suspenders, 9c. Fhawknlt Hose, 20e. Men's suspenders, 7c, -Silk suspenders, 15c Boys' odd coats, 60e. Johnny Jones hats, 89c 20c men's hose. 9c flood handkerchiefs, 3e. Boys' heavy overalls, 19c. 50c knee pants, 26c. $3.50 tan shoes, $1.65. Boys' odd vests, 10c. Boys' long pants, 4Sc. Fancy vests, worth up to $2.00, 95c Silk bow ties, 3c. 50c underwear, 25c. $1.25 men's union suits, 75c Men's unllned- blue serge coats, $1.25. Silk tecks and four-ln-hand neckwear, c. Many other articles too numerous te mention, Including all sorts of odds and ends; amongest them may be Just whta you need. If so, It certainly means a big saving to you from the regular prices. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-1521 Douglas St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Pabllshea Timely Farm Topics. One Dollar Year. Introducing New f ijjt Styles YOUR CHOICE of the very latest styles at Dull and shiny leathers, button and lace. Character in every shoe, qual ity and workmanship best ever put Into shoes for the price. Feet fitted by measurement. You can lead in fashionable foot wear 1 fyou buy at the Walk-Over Shoe Store, 1521 Farnam St. Ed S. Thompson, the Walkover Man. See America First Learn something of tha Groat West; tee the Rocky Mountains COME TO COLORADO The Wonderland of our continent The Grandest Scenery The Most Perfect Climate The Colorado & Southern Ry. baa Issued a serlea of beauti fully Illustrated booklets, de scriptive of this faaclnating country. Send all cents la tamps to cover postage. T. B. FISHER, General Taaeenger A gen I 082 Cooper Baildiag. Deaver Colo. ra I Oxfords Must Go 25 OFF i In this sale we have in cluded several styles of cele brated makes HAYW, CLAPP and BOYDFM tor men. and HAYW, FOSTER and ARMSTRONG lor women. MEN'S. Hanan'a patent kid and patent colt oxfords Jt C 15.60 T,lJ Hanan'a gun metal calf 1 and kid oxfords $5 . . . r. f J Boydon'a gun metal calf J Boydon's genuine French Jt f C calf $5.60 . ., .TT.I J Clapp's gun metal A f C calf 5. 50 flf Ten styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 3 75 Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 300 100 pairs odds and ends $3.60 and 14 J PA oxfords dtm9 t WOMEN'S. ITanan'a patent kid welt T TT sole oxfords $5 Jt O Hanan'a kid oxfords, Tr welt sole $4.60 JJD Foster's patent kid oxfords, welt and turn sole 7 7 5 . .J.I D Foster's kid welt Z fifi oxfords $ 4 J.3 U Armstrong's patent colt THA welt oxfords $4 J.J Armstrong's welt oxfords 1 f $3 50 Z.O J Five styles $3 oxfords, patent colt and gun metal 1 1C calf Two lines $2.60 oxfords, f ff turns and welts l,J) All . pumps in patent colt, gun metal calf and canvas 25 per cent off. 2fl per eent off on all oar Men's, Women's, Boys and Misses' Tan Shoos, aa vrll aa Oafords. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Farnam Street It Costs So Little TO command thoroughly first-class tailored garments as we now sell them that no gentleman need fall Into the error of wearing poorly designed or ill fitting garments on account of the price. Every suit order includes an extra pair of Trousers. TAB LOR WILLIAM JERREMQ' SONS. " 809-11 8o.15th"st. SPECIAL For MEN Saturday Patent Colt and Gun Metal xro Regular Price $3.50. FRY SHOE CO. THE BHOER3, 16th and Douglas Sts. ME VoUow tb FU." LOW RATES HEW ENGLAND POINTS SOLD DAILY II JUIE, JULY 11, AU8. I JLKD 22, SEPT. 5 AID 11 Ask WABASH CITY OPPICE, 1001 Farnam Su. or addrnaa HARBT K. MOOKES, O. A. P. IX, WaLaah U. B, Your Monty's Worth THE OMAHA DEC Best tiT. West 1 Water Damage prill THE RELIABLE STORE v M Men's Clothing Values that are unequaled. The Quality is What Counts. and yon'll find the very best of It here in oar Saturday Clothing Offering. Our entire stork of Men's and Hoys' Clothing, Including light, medium and heavy wrlnht garments all must go. Not Just a few odd lots, but erery garment will be sold at stupendous price reduction. h.wK Ofpff Sy?v M'iB aX MAYDERJ Grand tourist resort of the people and on of the most beautiful part of the American Continent. VERY LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES TO YILLOWSTONl PARK have been put In effect this summer by the Union Pacific For Yellowstone Park literature and full Infor mation in regard to rates, route, etc., Inquire at City Ticket Office, pron. Doufiaa 334. WE A long list of attractive off.rlng-s for thrifty hous.wiv.a. . Xf yon trad at Xang-.'s yon sav. from 10 to 80 p.r cut and ar. always aura tkat .vary articl. you bny Is as r.pr.s.ntd. .Btmimbir w. always sar. yon mon.y. , HATIKUAV 8PKCIALH: 20 pounds pure cans granu- flf lated sugar for 1V Flour, larg-a sack Purity flour, the best on the market, .very sark e auaranteed or mon.v back...-' Fanry freestone Peachea, per crate 70c Ring-le baskets 18c Tomatoes, fancy, Ol,, per basket "It Arrls. extra fine cooking", per peck 15c Fancy F.atlng Apples, 21" per peck Sweet Torn, per dozen Bananas, fancy fruit, per dozen 74c ,124c Potatoes, nice and large, l2Ac per peck I.emons, nice and Juicy, 20c pr dozen ivrw Meat rn-partinent Tbe best meats at the very low- THE LANGE GROCERY Telephone 1 Mlsl sMBBBAa Homeseekers' Excursion Mliiouri, flrkania. Indian Terrltoru. Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Republic oT MexUo. TUESDAYS 1906, Via MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM ITTGHES, T. P. A., T. F. GODFRJET, P T. A., OMAHA, NEB. H. CL TOWXSKXD, General Paasenger and Ticket AfvaK ST. LOUIS, MO. u... Sale Specials. 77ie Greatest Bargains ever offered In Omaha. Men's Fine Suits $5, $7.50, $W Buperb in quality of material and workmanship; perfect In style and fit; very latest patterns and colors. Satisfaction awaits you here, no matter what you desire, for thee stocks Include complete line of sizes and styles, many of them hand tailored throughout, Snlta worth 910, Snlta worth $1R, Sulth worth in three lot Satur- f AA day $10, $7.50 and 7,UU Men's Outing Snlta, In nobbiest pat terns, very best styles, unsurpassed In quality and fit, Satur- T CA day, at $7.50, $5.00 and. .. " Rcigularly worth np to $15.00. Men's Outing Pant You'll need an extra pair to finish out the summer, and here's your opportunity. All sizes, all patterns, all colors; worth up to $3.60 your f QfJ choice Many Children's Clothing Bar' gains, Saturday. BR 1324 Farnam St HAVE eat prices. We sell you the beajt steaks for what you pay elsewhere for the poorest, k Good Steak, pr pound Hound Rteak, per pound Porter House Rteak, 7ic 9c 10c per pound. Blrloln Kteak, per pound it Hnlllna Steak, per pound Fresh Dressed Chickens, per pound Fr'-sh dressed springs, per pound Rlh Hnasl. the best, per pound Paeon, hlK strip per pound Hams, No. 1, regular, per pound . 3c 124c ...21c . 84c 124c ,124c CO., 24th and Cuming 5 JO Doug. 3223 Special Ansnsi Tth and Si 1st, 6pterober 4th and lACh, October 2d and 10th, AoTember Oth and SiUth. 1 i y I . . . ' J