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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1906)
6 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1903 FA WINS WITH DODGE IN BOX Onisfc Jtkn Firtt Gam of tie Berie with 1 ; ,th Grinliw. DENVER UNABLE TO CASH IN ON HITS i , . Visiters Cat Wine Ob Oil Deflate, krt They Are eeallere. LsUr Htkft Great Cat... Pads pitcher rood ball and Ornaha won tha opening unit of the eerlee from Dan r . Thuraviajr at Vinton street park by tmnehttia; tfvree ot tha five hit made off Adama In. the flint limine, which, coupled with . Russell's error, netted three runs, enoug-h to. win the game. ,Th ranie was aort of listless all the war through, although there were-many tnterestln feature and a few hltchra whldh reminded the fan of the time lust paat whop, the Pea Moines team wa visit ing In Omaha. Belden tried to get a little obatrepero'u and went to the bench for a drink of water while at bat. and when TAm .nllRh4 I K m R. 11 rvr the nlAte In his' absence txivls called him out. It wa the third strike. Bill Everltt waa omni present, hla new buff-colored bargain coun ter suit having been laid aside for a Den ver uniform, ao he could coach from; the aide line ana paraae ms mamy 10 v fore the grandstand. tawler played !n bard luck. He had two balls coma right at him and then bound out of reach so he- had no chance to set .them and retire tha runner. He covered himself with glory In me seventh inning, when he ran backwards to catch Russell's Teai leaguer, fell all over himself and recovered In time to catch the ball. It saved 'a . run, for Randall had preceded Rursell wl'h a three-sacker, and the score would ,have been tied had not the oil mag nate raptured the ball In the phenomenal fashion h did. ' T)rn'tr, .has , a new second baseman In the perarn "f one Donahue, who might hall from Kerry Patch. He. la about fhe mouthlest , man who has been on the grounoa ror some time, tie ma noi seem to bother Davis any, but kept chewing the rag with,. hla. teammates for . hie own blurjlers. Denver made one- run In the first Inning off k walk by McHale. who waa sacrificed to second-by Tommy Smith, and came home when Russell hit' down the third base line. Perrlng had plenty of time to capture the ball, hut It go In the hope that It would roll outside. .Denver's other run wa made in the seventh Inning after two were out. Smith-hit to left field and came home on Randall' triple. , Omaha, made three In the first Inning, and that was' all. for Mr. Adama aettled down and" there. was nothing farther doing. Car ter led off with a double to left and was sacrificed to third by Howard. ' Perrlng hit a popup to .the Infleid that no one evinced a desire to capture. Welch flew .out . to RandaU and Carter acored on the throw. ' Bassey knocked a high one to Rsasell, who fell In running backwards, rose in time to get to the ball; but, unlike Lawler, he muffed It, and Perrlng scored, while Bassey went to second. Baasey acored on Gondlng's soaker to middle field. . , The game presented two lively firet base men. Old' Sport McHale covered the bag In good aha pe and took everything which came hla way, taking one pretty atop of .Lanier's drive In the, sixth Inning and re covering In time to throw to Adama, who had covered the bag. Herman Long waa 'elo rJohnhy-on-the-apot. ' He - made aome plendld ' stops and several ttmee caught ''the half wh(itv H seemed Impossible to ,ejei IV. ,f ,. ,. , ..... , .. . j, .The same teams will play (this afternoon, Mh m'tll'VM istl.a nmv - Trt. I ' ". ' .. ' ' OMAHA. ,-' - AB.. H. Q . Carter. rf ... 4 114 Howard. -2b, 1 0 1 t Perrlng. b... .'.:.....'.. 4 ' 1 1 1 Welch,, of 4 0 10 Ao 1 0 0 0 Bassey. If 4 '1 0 1 OondtiiK. c t 0 1 S I..wler. -tm 1 - A . 1 . 1 Long., lb, t 0 0 11 1 Podge, p.'..j I .0.0 . 0 . .4 Totala . .1 . I .27 . 11 DENVER. . . AB. R. H. 0 0 o. 0 A. 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 McHale. lb... T. Smith, aa., Randall, rf... Russell, cf.... Zalusky, c... Redd It It, lb . ., Donahue, 2b. Belden. If..;., Adams, .... Wright ...... ........ 1 . 4 4 4 4 I 1 -Total!.; JS 24 Wright batted for Adam In ninth. Omaha . Run ..-..-..-.I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hits-..,... 2.0 0 0 0 1 0 1 -2 Denver Run . lilts - .1 ...1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ...1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0-2 0 Two-base hit: Carter. Three-baae hit: RandaU.. Left on, base: Omaha. 6; Penver, t. Basea on. balls: Off Podge, t; off Adama. 1 'Hit b pitched ball: By Podge. 1. Struck out: Iiy Podge. 4: by Adama, t. Double play: Lawler to Iong. Stolen base: McHale. Sacrifice hits: Howard. Smith. Time: 1:2S. VtPlr'tI:avl Attendance: 400. Wild Time TTlth Pitchers. S.SIOt'K .'CITY. la . July M.-Sloux City won today's game from Pueblo In the first Inning on . a combination of hlta, errore and wild pitching by Carnes. Pitcher Jackson for Sioux City waa almost equally erratic, but waa fortunate In having better aupport than his Pueblo opponent. Carnea settled down to some extent after the first, while-Jackson weakned aa the game progressed, holding hi lead by a narrow margin at one or two critical points. Score: . .... ' SIOUX CITT. AB. R. H. PO. A: E Campbell.' If.. Sheehan. rf.. Nobllt. cf....'. Wefd.- 3b...... Now ton. aa... Frt lb. .. V lUl-ni, lb.. Hess, cv.. Jackson, p... Total .... 4 Jt I PUEBLO. .. AB. R. 12 27 14 H. PO. A. 1 e Cook. If. ...i... MiKlilviay. lb, "hug-art, lb... Mek'hnlr. rf.. , 6 , ( 1 0 a 4 4 rjwrn. bu ,, Rrnnk'ksr. C 4 Elwert, b... KtslLe. as 6 Bder. cf 6 Corn?.' P 4 - Total i 10 3 IS Sheehan out, third bunt Sioux City ...'4 0 0 0 2 pueblo, .1- 0 0 0 0 Earned rune: Sioux City. 2: 1 0 0 4 0 0 0-6 Pueblo. 2. Two-base hits. Weed. Cook. Flake. I .eft on. bases: Sioux City. K: Pueblo, 8tolen bates- Sheehan. McOiliray. Sacrifice hits: Nobllt.' Weed. Frost. Bases on balls: Off jwcaaon. a; on t-arnes, a. nil Dy pitcnea ball: Weed. Williams. Struck out: By . Jackadn. I. by Carnes, S. Paased balls: Hess. Rennlrker. Time: 2:06. Umpire: Karl. Attendance: cOO. LlaceLa Wabea In Too lte. LINCOLN. July I. The Llneolna played 'a sleepy game of bail today and Pes Moines woo by score ef 4 to 3. The pitchers were v cquaily effective, but every one of Lincoln's error figured la the run getting. A bat . ting rally in the ninth saved Lincoln from a shutout. The local team sr., weaiarned by tite observes of Third Baseman Qullhn. vu auinLa. . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Caffyn. If 4- 2 2 t 0- t oVIUpWe,. 3b 8 0 0 1 3 0 .-WrlcUy. cf I 1 t I 0 1 Andreas, lb...j I 111 0 leaner, .c..... 5 1 2 T 0 . Hogrlever. rf 4 0.1 1 0 0 O'Leaxy, aa 4 0 0.1 2 0 Maatxin. ID. 3 0 1 I 4 0 Oinen. ................ 3 1- 1 ft u 0 k- Total .....3 ' n "I UNCOLN. AB. R. H. PO. A. E fclalcliajn. cf... 4 1 a a a Collins, rf... ... i ... 4 ... 4 0 110 0 0 0 1 1 1 10 o 1110 1 2 1 t 0 0 0 0 14 4 0 02 0 10 "l TO 27 11 Wolfe, lb... Thomas, lb. Fenlon, If.. Ganlr, as. Zinrsn, c... barton. 2b.. K ler, p Holmes .... .... 4 .... 4 .... I .... 1 Total 27 Batted for Eyler In the ninth. Des Moines .1 0 19 0 0 0 Lincoln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 -t Earned runs: Lincoln, 1; pea Moines, 1 Two-baee hits: Fenlon. Holm's. Stolen bases: Ketrhem, Andreas ?. Dealer. Hogrlever. Sacrifice hits: Schlpke ill, Hogrlever. Double play: Barton to Oag nler to Thomaa. First base on balls: off Eler. 1: off Oilln, 1. Struck out: By Kyler, S; by Olllen. Tlme 1:40. plre: McCarthy. Attendance: ". tanflaar of the Trams. Um- Played. Won. Lost Pet. .M ,H3 - .42 .46 .430 .m Pea Molnea Omaha I)enver 8i')U City .. Llnvoln ..... M 26 n S5 66 as 44 41 89 7 33 17 44 4 48 61 Pueblo Games todsy: Penver at Omaha, Pueblo at Sioux City, Pea Molnea at Lincoln. OIT AFTER IMP1RR DAVIS SCALP Manaaera Cantlllnn and Holmea Find Common Rrsaad, IJNCOLN. July J6-If Manager Cnntll lon of pes Volne and Manager Holmea of Lincoln have their way the clays of Ira J. iSlatsj Davis ns a Western league um pire are numbered. Both manngere today announced their Intention to Hie charges with President O'Neill against Pavls, de manding the latter dismissal." The com plaints against Imvls do' not deal so much with his decisions, but chiefly with hi character. Manager Cantlllon aald: "Davis Is so partisan and partial toward tha Omaha ball club that it Is almoat Impos sible for a visiting team to win a game In that town while he la umpiring. He took a game from Pes Molnea and gave It to Omaha by forfeit absolutely without a shadow of cause. All the time -he had a telegram In his pocket from President O'Neill positively forbidding a double header. I refused to permit the Pes Moines club to play two games, aa was my right under the rules of the league, and Pa-vls deliberately look the game from us. In the presence of spectators and In frcnt of the grandstand. Pavls charged me with trying to Influence his decisions, the Insinuation being plain that I had sought to bribe him. If the charge were true I deserve the blacklist, but they are not true, and Pavls himself la the one deserving expulsion. I shall file charges with O'Neill and the directors of the league and dt mand hla dlimisaal." Manager Holmes declares that Pavls, during a game In Lincoln two weeks ago, the day nfter the fistic combat between the Lincoln manager and the umpire, threatened to get even with the Lincoln club. The threat was made to Tltcher Zackert while the latter was In the box and while Davla was umpiring behind him. GAMES 1! AMERICA ASSOCIATION St. Panl Defeata Mianeapolla by Bat ting: Both Pitchers Hard. ST. PAUL. Minn., July 26. St. Paul de feated Minneapolis today bv batting Cad wallader and Oehrlng hard. Morgan waa wild In the first Inning, forcing In two men, but after that he allowed but five hlta. Score: ST. PAfL. MINNEAPOLIS. B.H.O A.E. B.H.O.A B. Oeler. rf I 1 1 0 Paris, tf 4 1 1 0 Siidm. lb... 1 1 II 1 Ognlllvin. rt . I I I I I V,nZndt, cf. I 1 14 tQremlni'r, lb I 0 0 FrlKk, If 4 I I 0 CH.n. If 1 1 0 0 Wharler. It.. 4 I I 0 lb. I I i 0 Rock deld. Mill! 0O?lr, u 4 4 1 I A Paildra. 2b... 4 t t 4 4 Fnt. b t 1110 Prill, c Ills r)rahtra .... 1 t 0 Moron, p.... I 0 4 4 AShannon, C...I J 4 4 0 -Yeatrr J 0 0 4 0 Totals 1114 17 11 OCadwal'der, pi 0 0 4 0 Oehrlng,' p... 1 0 9 0 0 Total, II 24 I Batted for Fox in ninth. Batted for Shannon in ninth. Pt. Paul 2 01- 0 0 0 0 1 4 Minneapolis 200001 0 0 02 Two-base hit: Frisk (2), Padden (2), Geler, Wheeler. Stolen bases: Oeler, Rock enfield. Double plays: Prill to Sugden, Morgan to Padden to 8ugden. Hlta: Off Cadwallader In one inning, 2: off Oehrlng In seven innings, 11. First base on balls: Off Morgaiy i; off Cadwallader, 4; off Oehrlng, 2. 'Struck out: By Morgan, 6: by Gehrlng, 6. Sacrifice hit: Vancandt, Mor gan, rreeman. ieri on Danes : Bt. laul, b; Minneapolis, a. Time: i:ub. Lgan. Umpire: Toledo Win lav Klnth ' INDIANAPOLIS, July 2 Poor fielding on the pari of the locals gave Toledo the first game of the series here today. A spectator in the 'grandstand ao angered Carr. the Indianapolis first baseman, that the latter, on returning to the bench aur the first half of the ninth, made hla way into the grandstand and assaulted a man aid to be M. L. Clawaon, an attorney of this. city. Clawson, it is claimed, wu making disparaging remarks of Carr a fielding ability. Carr waa arrested and later released on bonds. Score: TOLEDO. INDIANAPOLIS. B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A. Cltnfman. as. I 0 1 I 1 DunlaaTT, ef. 4 0 I J. Clark, If., f 1 I Odwall. cf I I 0 Demont, rf-tb 111 Krugar. lb... Ill Knaba, lb.... Ill W. Clark, lb. 4 1 II Land, e 10 4 Cboch. p 10 1 Vaooa. rf.... 1 0 0 Mlnaban, p.. 0 0 v jamas, in.... 4 4 4 1 0 0 Hlraea. If.... 4 110 0 4 Carr. lb I 111 1 I 1 William,, aa. 4 1111 1 4 Bcttt. rf 4 1 4 1 tluai, lb... 4 4 10 1 I Holmas, c... 4 1110 I 0 Kallum. p.... 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 44 t n 14 Totala U T t? II I Batted for Chech in the ninth. Toledo 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 7 Indianapolis ....0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Hits: Off Chech, T In eight inning First base on balls: Off Chech, 1: off K - lum. 2. Struck out: By Kellum, i; by inrrn, z. vna pitcn: Keuum. Hit oy pitcher: By Kellum, 1.. Two-base hits: Odwell, Pemont. Three-base hlta: Holmea. J. Clarke. Sacrifice hlta: Carr; Clingmaii, Demont, Kxueger. stolen bases: Hlinen Williams (I), erry, Knabe. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 2: Toledo, a. : Um pires: Worden and Sullivan. Time: l.u Brfwera Pile l Big Score. KANSAS CITY, July :. Milwaukee won touay by hitting the ball hard. Tha batting of McCormlck waa the feature. bcore: MILWAl'KEK KANSAS CITT. B.H.O. A.E. B.H.O.A.K Roblnaoa. as.. 4 1 I I 1 Waldreo. rf.. 4 1 I i UraxDe. 1ft... 4 0 D uab'tr. c-rf I 0 Both, lb 0 Bata'n. lb-rf. 4 I btlle. c 4 I Hemphill, cf: I 1 MThean'jr. lb 4 4 Mctorm k. lb I 4 UoodwlB. p.. I 1 I I III. Brlda. aa.. I 1 I I : I t ' I PirrtH. lb... I 1 4 4 I 14 4 Hill, cf 4 0 l 4 0 0 Burks, lb.... till! I '0 OLaahr, e I 1 I 4 1 14 4 Caaaa4, If... I I 4 0 l 0 1 OCrulrbar, p., I 0 0 -0 ' 1 I ISulllvao. lb.. 1110 0 1 Fraali, p-lb . 111! Totala 111117 T I Totals......!! I 17 17 Milwaukee 04440000 0 1J Kansas Clty...O 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 t 4 Two-base hlta: McCormlck, 3. Three base hits. Hemphill, McCormlck, limiu. pouble play: Leahy to Perrlne. pans, d boll: Bevllle. Wild pitch: Goodwin. Hit by pitcher: Robinson. Left on ow-i: Kansas City, 11; Milwaukee, 4. Hlta: off Franti. 7 In three Innings. Struck out: By Goodwin, 8, by r'rantx. i; hv Crut her, 2. Firat base on balls: Off Goodwin, 8; off Crutrher, 6. Stolen baseb. Perrlne, McChesney. Sacrlflio hit: iio vtlle. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Owen. Colnmbu Win from Lonlavllle COLUMBUS. July 2. The home club, by superior batting and aenaatlonal field ing, easily defeated Louisville, t to i. Score : COLl'MBl'S LOL'ISVILLE. B.H.O.A.K. ' a H.O.A C. Plcaertiil. ef. 4 I 0 w 4 Hallmsa. If.. 114 0 4 Wriler, lb.. I Htnrninan, rf 4 t'oullsr, II.... 4 hlam. lb I Friel. lb 4 Hulewlu. aa. I 4lue, c I Merger, p 4 0 I 1 1 I 0 I 10 1 I 1 I I I 1 0 4 Sulllvaa, aa.. 4 14 8 1 4 Urmahoar, lb. I 1 4 0 4 Pullmans, lb 4 4 11 a 1 4 Sto.all. cf... 4 1 I 4 0 4 Woodruff,. IS. 4 4 114 4 Shaw, c I 4 4 0 0 0 Keena. rf ... I 0 1 0 0 4 allllott. p 10 14 1 j Totala. M II n II Totala.. Columbus 0 1 0 3 0 M 4 14 II I 1 0 4 Ltuisyuie 1 u a o 1 0 0 u o . Stolen bases: Pickering, Wrlgley. Hall man. Two-base hits: Kihm 11. uis witt. . Struck out: By Berger, ; by El liott. 3. rUcrince hits: Kihm, Hulswltt, Brashear. Flrat base on balls: Off lar ger. 3; off Elliott, 1. ased ball: Shaw, imptr: Kane. Time: l:i. Standing of the learns. . PUyed. Won. IxjsL Pet. Columbus Milwaukee Minneapolis .... .62 36 .633 W 5o 41 .673 9; 61 . 46 . jJi 4 48 46 .63 46 49 .44 tt 42 61 .442 94 41 63 .4V 93 35 64 .376 l.ouuvllle Kanxaa City .... St. Paul Indianapolis .... Gamea today: Toledo at Indianapolis. Louisville al Columbus. Milwaukee at Kan. aa City, Minneapolis at St. Paul. Gaaaes la Three-I Lee gee. At Rock Island Rock Island, 4: catur. I. Pe- At Broomlngton Pubuque. 14; Blooming ton. 2.- At Peoria Peoria. 11; Paveoport, 10. At Cedar Rapid Cedar Raflda , Spring field, 3, CHICAGO WINS ON ERRORS Blunders of Begs Eaton Enable Cubs to Hake Hon Bans Tbtn Bits. BOTH PITCHERS MAKE FINE SHOWING Brilliant Playa by Brtdwell and Chasre'a Steal Home Are the Featarea ef the Contest. BOSTON. Masa., July 25 Numerous mis- play by Boston erjabled Chicago u ac quire more runs than hits today and the visitor won, B to 2. Pesplte hi two costly error' BYidwell' brilliancy waa the fea ture of the game aside from Chance teal home. Score: CHICAGO. B.H.O.A . BOSTON. B.H.O.A B. l,'a. ef ... 4 4 I 0 OPrldwall. 1 0 4 4 1 Sberkard. If.. I 1 4 4 4 tmt. lb... 4 I 14 0 SrhuHe, rf... 4 1 I 1 II 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 ft 0 0 4 Brain, lb 4 111 rbanr. lb. .. I 1 4 tlitn. rf 4 1 4 Howard. If.. 4 4 0 Dolan. rf 4 4 1 O'Neill, c. ... 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 I I I I 0 1 FtetnffliJt. lb 4 Tinker, aa.... I F.rera, 2b 4 Kllng. c..... 4 I 0 Strohl, lb... I Taylor, p 4 4 0 Pfeffer. p I Total, 31 I 17 14 1 Totala II 4 17 11 t Chicago 01200101 0 Boston 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Two-base hits: O'Nell. Rtelnfeldt. Three- base hit: Polan. Stolen bases: Tenney. Chance (21. Double play: Bates to Brain. rirsi ra se on dsiis: un r-ierrer, : on Taylor. 1. Struck out: By Pfeffer. 2 Wild Sltch: Pfeffer. Time: 1:33. Umpire; Pay. Ft rates Wla la First. PHILAPELPHIA. July .-Oood hitting iy Pittsburg. oouDled with several mls- plays by Philadelphia, gave the visitor today' game in the flrat Inning. Phila delphia waa unable to make any headway against Willis' pitching. Score: PrTTSBt'RO. PHILADELPHIA. B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.AK. Lesrh, lb.... I 1 0 0 OTtiomaa. cf... 4 1 I 0 0 Shaehan, lb. . I 0 0 1 OGIeaaon. lb.. 4 1 1 I 0 110 0 Tltua. rf. I 1 0 C 110 Orourtnar. lb. 4 0 0 I 1 114 0 Maiea, If.... 4 14 0 0 1 14 0 0 lo..lln. aa.... 4 1 I I 0 0 10 4 Prar.rffeid. lb 4 It 4 0 0 0 4 4 Liooln. e 0 0 0 0 1 111 0 Donoran. C...4 1100 1 1 I 0 Sparka, p.... I 0 tl I 1 Lu,b 1 0 0 0 0 Beaumont, cf 4 Clarke, If.. Wagner, aa Nealon, lb. Oanler, rf.. Pitcher, lb Olbann. c. tttlna, p... Totals.... I 17 II 3 Totals Batted for Sparks in ninth. H I 17 .1 1 V 0 12 0-7 0 10 1-2 rJ-,ltr,Haal Pittsburg 4 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 Left on bases: Pittsburg, 3 hla, ". Stolen base: Ganley a uiuicii uaot; . Mm i itt j u v i j r uv. tvimlr nut y Sparks. 1: by Willis. 1. First base un balls: Off Sparks. 1: off Willis. 1. Wild pitch: Willis. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Klcm. Jfew York Bnnchea Hlta In First. NEW YORK. July 24 -By bunching hit In the opening Inning New York defeated Cincinnati today by a (core of 2 to 1. Score: NEW TORK. CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O.A.K. Breanahan. el I I 1 1 Hutglna. lb.. I 1 I I 0 Browne, cf .. I 110 0 Smnot. If 4 0 0 0 0 Shannon. It.. 4 4 0 0 1 Jude. rf 4 0 1 0 Seymour, cf., 4 1 0 0 0 Deal, lb 4 1110 McOann, lb.. 4 111 0 1 Delehanty, lb 4 1 I I 0 Devlin, lb.... 4 1 0 4 0 Sleile. of 4 0 4 0 0 Dahlea, a,.... I I 0 k 1 Corcoran, aa.. 4 I 1 I 0 Gilbert, lb... 4 111 Ol.lvlnanon, e. 1 0 4 1 0 Taylor, p 4 10 1 0 rVhlel J 0 0 0 0 Fraier. p I 0 1 i 0 Total, II 14 17 14 4 Totals II I 14 II Batted for Livingston in ninth. New York 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 Left on bases: New York 6. Cincinnati 7. Bases on balls: Off Taylor 3. off Frazer 3. Struck out: By Taylor 4. by Fraier 2. Two- base hlta: Seymour. Huaarlns. Corcoran Bacriflce hit: Shannon. Stolen bases: Browne, Pahlen. Corcoran 2. Pouble plays: Pahler. to Oilbert to McGann 2. Hit by pitcher: Frazer 1. Umpires: Emslle and Johnston. Time: 1:56. St. Lonla Defeat Brooklyn. BROOKLYN. July 26 The Brooklvns on their home-coming from a successful western trip had to succumb to a young pitcher whom the management of the St. ixiuis ciuo iound In Parsons. Kan. After a chance to retire the visiting club In the eighth Inning, Pastorlus went to pieces and was naitea ior nve sare hits, Which, with errors, gave St. Louis five runs and the game. Score: ST.- LOl'18. ' ' BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.K. B.H.O. A.E. Bureh, ef . .. Bennett, lb. Barrr. lb.... Mertea, If... Grady, e Beckley, lb. Marahall. rf. 410 0 Malonej. ef.,4 I i 0 110 0 r.eer. lb I 0 1 1 0 10 4 OLumler, rf...l I I 0 vl 111 Jordan, lb... 4 1 4 0 0 1 4 0 4 Alperman, lb 4 0 4 II I 14 0 0 McCarthy. If. 4 i 10 0 110 0 Lawla, aa 0 4 1 0 114 1 Rltler. c 4 010 10 1 0 Paatorlus, p.. I 0 0 I I Hoalak'er, aa. 4 Bbodea, p.... 4 Totala II lo24 17 I Totals II ir I I Lumley declared out for Interference. St. Louis 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 07 Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 14 Two-baae hits: Hoelskoetter, Beckley, Lumley. Three-base hit: Grady. Sacrifice hlta: Mertea, Casey. Stolen basea: Barry, Mertea 12), Maloney (2 Lumley (3), Jordan. Pouble play: Pastorlus to Alperman to Jordan. Left on bases: Brooklyn, ; 8t. Louis. 8. Bases on balls: Off Pastorlus 3; off Rhodes, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Rhodes, 1. Struck out: By Pastorlus, 2; by Rhodes, 4. Time: 1;68. Umpires: Carpenter and Conway. Btandlnir of the Team. Played. Chicago 90 Pittsburg 87 New York 8 Philadelphia W Cincinnati 80 Brooklyn 87 St. Loul 82 Boston 68 on. Lost. Pet. 62 28 .e8 66 31 .644 54 - Si .628 42 48 .4-i7 41 49 .4,-4 35 62 .4)2 35 67 .iH) 30 68 . 811 Oamea today: Pittsburg at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at New York. Chicago at Boa ton, St. Loul at Brooklyn. SAWYER INSTEAD OF EWLANDS Young Collegian Cornea from Slonx City to Omaha. After Manager Rourke had announced to the press Thursday that he had aigned Newlands of Sioux City, whom he had bought from Carney by telephone, he re ceived another message telling him Carney would not let Newlands go, but offered him Sawyer, "a better pitcher for more money " and Rourke accepted the offer. Sawyer will report at once. Hastings Defeata Schnyler. HA8TING8, Neb.. July 2fi. Special Tele gram.) Hastings defeated Bchuyler to the tune of 8 to 4 In a seven-inning game played today. The game was called on account of rain. The features of the game were the home run b' Johnson and poteet and the fielding of Jenkins and Harms snd Ruff of Bchuyler. Score: R.H K. Hastings 0 0 4 1 0 3 08 8 2 Schuyler 0 0 0 0 8 1 04 8 6 Batteries: Hastings, Bailey- and Poteet; Schuyler, Stlt and Smith. Two-base hlta: Ruff (-), Harm. Home runa: Johnson. Poteet. Struck out: By Bailey. 7; by Stits. 3. Flrat base on balls: Off Ballev 1; off Stlts, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Mc Carthy. Left on bases; Hastings, 6; Schuyler, 7. Fremont and Hastings will play here Friday and Saturday. Orleans Beata Alma. ORLEANS, Neb., July 28. ( Special. Orleans and Alma played a very interest ing game of bail before a large crowd here. Score: Orleans 0 1 0 0 0 3 4 0 8 Alma 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 03 Batteries: Orleans. Bramble and Wade; Alma, Stout and Hayden. Struck out: By Bramble. 7; by Stout, 7. Hlta: Off Bram ble. ; off Stout. 11. Errors: Orleans. 2; Alma, J. Attendance: sco. Umpire: Peery. Lincoln Win at I tlca. UTICA, Neb.. July . (Special Tele gram.) Another good game of ball waa Llayed here this afternoon between the incoln and I tlca teama. A good slm-d crowd attended. The feature of the game waa a borne run by Clint Neff. Score: v R H. Utlca 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 5 Lincoln 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 16 8 Struck out: By Wlnslcker, 4: by Pari. 18. Two-base hit: Vt elgert. Home run: I Clint Neff. Batteries: Utlca, Wlnslcker and Cunt Neff; Lincoln, Pari and Traver. Umpire: Ragan. . Iowa Leant Resells. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. July H. (Special Telegram.) Following are the result in the Iowa league: Marahalltown, 9: Oskalooaa, 1 Waterloo. I; Burlington. 3; ten inning. Clinton. ; Ottumwa, 4. Keokuk, 5; Fort Podge. t Ilaekell Indiana Win. REPUBLICAN CITT. Neb.. July 2t (Speclal.) The Haskell base ball team of Indiana of Haakell Institute, Lawrence, Kan., were here yesterday and played toe Republican City team. The local boys, not having had the practice that the Indians fcavs, r badljc dcltaitd t a low o( 14 to 0. The town wa full of people to witness the game. 43 AMES I AMERICA l.EAAt K Cleveland Wins Bat feat from Waah ' laaton In Third. CLEVELAND. O. July .-Tha crippled Cleveland bunihed nine ot their twenty one hits in the third inning, driving Hughes from the box snd winning easily. Score: CLEVELAND. WASHINGTON I H O At B H O A C. Fllrk. lb.. 114 4 AAMIier, 1 2 Jarktnn. If... 4 I 1 4 Stanley, rf.. I I 4 4 I 1 I 1 loia. aa I 4 4 4 1 Nlll. cf Rnasman. lb. 4 1 IS 1 4Croa. h Itll, rfl I M OAnderroa If. Jfa,, cf 4 I 4 I 0 4 flSrhalflr, lb I OStabl. lb... 4 4 KerOns. e... 0 1 Barheau. 8b. . I 1 II l 4 Buelcw. c... 4 11 till Heaa, p I 4 n i e Hnahea, ... 1 4 4 0 4 - KltMS. p.... I 1 I 0 Total, 44 11 IT II I Totala 14 II 14 S I Cleveland .0 0 8 0 0 1 2 2 13 Washington 0 0000003 14 Hll: Off Hughes. 10 in two and one-third Innings; off Kltson, 11 in five and two thirds Innings. First base on errors: Washington. 1. Two-base hit: Barheau. H'sa. Stanley. Three-base hits: Rossman, Kltson. Sacrifice hit: Joss. Pouble plays: Lajole to Rossman; Rossman to Lajule to Rossman. First base on bslls Off Hughes. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Kltson. 1. Ief t on bases: Cleveland. 10; Washington, 8. Struck out: By Hess. 4: by Hughes, 1. Wild pitch: Kltson. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Connolly. Detroit Win from Boston. PETROIT. July J Petrolt won today by mixing two clean singles and a double with a lot of Boston fumbling in the sev enth, scoring five tallies. Kllllnn wa In vincible after the second. Score: DETROIT. , BOSTON. B.H.O.A E. B.H.O.A.K. Jones, ef 4 I 14 1 Heydon, if ... I I 1 t 1 4 4 I Parent, as.... 4 lilt 4 1 lltahl, ef 1004 10 1 Ferris, .... 4 4 14 0 10 0 Hoey. It 4 I I 0 110 Freemaa, lb. 4 1 11 4 0 ? 0 0 Morfan, lb... 8 18 11 14 1 Peterson, e. . 4 4 I 0 111 Young, p I 1 0 1 I O'Tannehll ...11000 Bcbaefer, lb.. I 1 Crawford, rf. 4 Mclntrrs, If.. 4 1 Conthlln. lb. 0 0 Lcwa, lb 4 1 Llndaay, lb.. I .4 O'LeajT. ss... 4 1 Warner, . ... 4 1 Kllllsn, p.... I 0 Totala...... II I 17 17 1 Totals 14 I 14 II Batted for Young In the ninth. Detroit o 0 1 0 1 0 6- 0 -7 Boston 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 Earned run: Petrolt, 2; Boston, 1. Two base hit: Mclntyre. Sacrifice hits: Schae fer, Lindsay. Killlan (2). Stolen bases: Bchaefer, Lindsay, Parent (2), Ferris (2). bJa"?-:.,..De,rolt' Boston, . Struck out: .' a-J ip L IIIIah 4k. 4 r . 1 tr-ln. 1 oy n- 4. uouble play: Killlan to Schaefer. Passed balls: Peter Bon, 2. Time: 1:35. Umpires: Sheridan and Evans. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost Pet. .638 .616 .61 .ta .517 ,4?4 .876 Philadelphia ., New York Cleveland Chicago . Petrol t St. Louia Washington .., 86 M 82 33 86 42 42 43 63 66 63 60 45 46 U 3t , W . S8 . 87 . 85 . 85 Boston 88 23 261 ( .it mc lvl. .. . . . . , , "emningcon ai tjnicago, Palladelphla at Petrolt, New York at Cleveland; Boston at St. Louis. Gneata of Diets Athletic Association. The Omaha and Penver base ball cluba will be the guests of the Pleta Athletic as sociation Sunday evening, July i. when the famous Cherokee induns play tue even ing game by electric light. The Indians are praying great ball tnrough Iowa and two of the best games of the season are booked for when they arrive. HARNESS RACING AT WINDSOR Ed Geera Win the 3il3 Trot with I.ndy Gall Hamilton. PETROIT, July 26.-What looked in ad vance to be a very open race turned out an easy victory for Geers and Baron Grattan in tha free-for-all pace at Windsor today. Conditions of the best drew 6.(iu people, who were somewhat disappointed in the time made. Baron Grattan could have low ered the season's race record had he been pushed, but the others neither pushed or had staying power. Alfalfa showed high class In the 2:12 class, winning off the reel, the third heat btlng by a neck In 2:i. Imperial Allerton won the 2:17 trot im pressively after losing one heat. In the 2:12 trot Lady Gail Hamilton waa favorite. Lake Queen made a heat in fast time, but the next time Oeers put up one of his famous stretch drives with Lady Gall Hamilton ana isnaea ner nisi in 2:0K". Results: Pacing, 2;12 cla?' purse ll.OOO: Alfalfa, cn. m., ' try Argot WllkeS ' (Pender) 1 1 3 2 5 6 4 8 Bill Bailey, ch. g.rrUslemlng) 2 Papne Pirect, bi. .in. (Walker) 4 Prince Hal, ch. g. (Snow) 6 Kingniore, b. h. (Hopkins) 6 Spill, b. g. (Gerrltyi 10 John W. Patterson, ch. h. (Hogan).. 7 Mercy Me, b. m. (Thomas) 8 Harry B. ch. g. (Thorsby) 9 d 7ds Hlghwoud Spider, b. g. iQuinn) 8dr lime: 2:.4, 2:UW4. 2:0H. Trotting, 2:17 class, purse 11, COO: Imperial Allerton, br. h., by Al lerton (Snow) '. McAiiams, Jr., br. g. t Johnson)... Ashlanddorf, b. h.. (Stout) flrace Cameron, b. m. (Hlgbee)... O. H. W., b. g. (McCarthy) Irlah, ch. g. (Thomas) 1 1 1 6 7 11 2 3 6 8 2 10 7 6 2 3 8 4 4 9 3 9 4 6 Wesley Baron, ch. h. (Geers) 10 The Phantom, blk. h. (Walker).... Joe S, blk. g. (Hatard) Electric Bow, br. g. (Valentine) Plrectness. ch. h. (MeMahon). . Nina K. br. m. (SDencer) .8658 . 9 11 10 7 .11 12 11 9 .12 10 12 dr Time: 2:U'4. 3:13, Z:ri. 2:13, Free-for-all pacing, purse $1,000: Baron Grattan, b. g . by Gratton (Geers) 1 1 1 1 Citation, b. m. (MeMahon)...-. I I 3 Maude Keswick, b. m. (Curry) 2 8 1 Jubilee, hr. g. (McEwen) 4 6 4 Hasel Patch, blk. h. (Fleming) 6 4 6 Time: 2:06Vj. 2:0K. 2:08. Trotting, 2:12 class, purse $1.0n0 (unfin ished): -Ladv Gall Hamilton, blk. m., by Oak land Baron (Geersi II Iake Queen, b. m. (Curry) 112 Exalted, br h. (MeMahon) 3 3 3 Gale, b. g. (Hopkins) 4 4 4 Camilla, b. m. (Boone) 6 5ds Time: 2:08,, 2:08U. i:M- BANNER DAY AT BEATRICE RACES Wymore Send a Big Delegation to Help Oat. BEATRICE. Neb., July 38,-The attend ance at the circuit, racea wa much larger today than on any day lnce the opening. Wvmore sent a delegation of 200 citizens with the Wymore band. Many from other parts of the county were In attendance. Resajlts: Pacing, 2:16 class: Wapello Girl ill Fred H , Jesisic A 115 Miss Capry f J 2 Senator, jr Time: M8. 2:14V,. 2:16. Trotting. 2:17 class: . , , , Thoma M ? 1 1 S Silk Tie 15 15 Rear Guard Best time: 2:22 Pacing. 2 23 claas Fxldie Woods Bill Moore Billy Equity Clela John Walnut Bryan I 4 8 6 dls die 4 2 6 6 1 College Maid FlosHle Wiles ". ','c', J.u .. 1 4 Time: Z.W. Z:1M. ' A7 V Z'nn Running, half-mile naBhs"m c third! Young 1'llgrlm Second. Nettle L tniro. Time: 0:4s. EVENTS OX THE HISMSG TRACKS Coy Maid Wins the Test Handicap at Brighton Bench. NEW YORK. July 26,-f'oy B,;;t ?! to 1, won the test handicap, one " Brighton Bea.H today, defeating Bedouin bv a head and Inquisitor by a half lgt". The mile wa. run in 1:3V ,V"m,n2!d'"e in winning the fifth race equalled the track record for sla furlongs, 1:1. fiat. First race, six furlongs: J""1-w0".', PT: pban Lad second. Iunvalle third. Time. Second race, mile and a sixteenth: 'Druid won. Miss Rillle second, Greville third. Time: 1:404. . . T Third race, five and a half f urlongs: Ijor Ing won. ijiura A second. Suada third. Time: 1:06V ,. , Fourth rnce, the test handicap, one mile. Cov Muid won. Bedouin second. Inquisitor third. Time: 1:3&-V . . Fifth rsi-s. six furlongs: Commedienne won. Nannie Hodge cond. V atergrasa third Time: 1:12. . Sixth race, mile and lxteenth: Wool wich won. Donna econd, All Right third. Time: 1:4?V CINCINNATI, July 38 Reaulta at La ton la: First race, six furlongs: Sallle B. won, iJidy March second. Bhelagh third. Time: 1:15. Second race, five furlongs: Forward won. Avendow second. Helmuth third. Time: 1 A Third race, six furlong: Martius second, Minnie Freebooter won. Johnson third. Time: 1:14V Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap: Colonel Jim Douglas won. Meadow Brees second. Barden thlid. Time: 1 14. FifUi tac. flv and a ball 'urlonfi: Pells, Thorpe won. Zlpango second. Iin third. Time: 1 :. Sixth race, one mile: Barkelmore won. Search Me second. The Only Way third. Time: 1.43V KASTF.B1 l,l TKIlie TOlHrtf Reral-Flaals Are Rearhed la the Play for the I oasftood Cap. BOSTON. July 2K The scml-flnals were reached todsy In the lawn tennis tonrament for the tjongwond cup. while th close of the contest for the eastern championship In doubles was within one match of that stag. The survivors In the singles event are W. J. Clothier and K. B. Pewhurst of Philadelphia and R. M. Rehr of New Haven and F. O. Anderson of New York. Tomorrow riothler- will plav Pewhurst, while Behr will met Anderson. In the doubles the favorites for th finals. Hsckett and Alexander and Clothier snd Turned won their matches todav In straight sets, although the Boston pair, Johnson and Johnson, gave Clothier and Lamed a hard contest. The feature match of the dav was the contest between Pewhurst and Robert l-e-roy of New York. Five sets were played before the Philadelphia expert won. Of the nine matches plaed during the day In the eastern doubles onlv two re quired extra sets. Pana and Gross plaved a four-set match with M. E. Haves and N. W. Cabgt, while Hallowell and Ware put out Pell and Irov in a hard flvc-st contest. It Is expected that the semi-finals In both events will hn played tomorrow and th finale on Saturday. CITT TESS1S TOl RN AME.NT Ft, A Y Mntehe Movlnsr Along So thnt All Finals Will Come Snlnrdny. The tennis tournament for the city cham pionship I drawing to a close and the first round In the consolation doubles and the semi-finals In the consolations will be played this evening. This will leave the finals In all departments to be played off Saturday, when the remaining set In the finals for the championship will be played between Scrlb ner and Hughe. The game played laat night were: Championship double Scrlbner and Mar tin beat Patten and Schneider, 6-3, 8-2; Sweet and Vandoran beat Heyn and Heyn, 9-3, 8-2; Hughes and Kolin beat Swart and Koch, 8-3. 0-4. Consolation singles Heyn beat Prltehett, default; Newell beat F. Porter. 7-5. 8-2, One Tennla Game In Chicaao. CHICAGO. July It. Play In the western tennis championship, which Is being con ducted on the Kenwood Country club courts this week, waa prevented today with the exception of one game on account of rains. That was the contest between Ruben G. Hunt of California and . V. Vernon, champion of Missouri. The California Player won in straight sets, the score being 6-4, 6-5. Teenmseh Victor at Tennis. TECirMSEH. Neb.. July 26. (Special.) Tecumseh defeated Auburn In the tennis contest In this city yesterday. Sullivan nd Atterberry of Tecumseh defeated Crilcy and Htocidara ot Aumirn. score: e-z. i-3, 6-3. Moore and Woods of Tecumseh de feated Eustl and Eustls of Auburn. Score: 6-1, 2-6. 6-2. 8ulllvan of Tecumseh beat Stoddard of Auburfi. Score: 6-4. 6-2, 6-0. Atterberry of Tecumseh beat Crlley of Auburn. Score: 6L 6-3. Sporting; Brevities. The Diamonds would like to hear from all amateur teams for games. They especially want a game for next Sunday, July 29. 'Phone Harney S211. Omaha missed a fine chance of winning the second game Wednesday when Qondlng hit into that double play. Any other kind of a hit probably would have done the busi ness. The New Tork Giants helped Chance out In his championship race Wednesday by winning from Pittsburg, the real con tenders at present for first place. Mathew son wa said to have finally rounded Into condition. This Is the steenth time this re port has been sent out. Mike Cantlllon and his bunch have de parted and peace probably will reign at Vinton street park for a time, barring, of course, the harmless barking of Old Man Everltt, who, however, does not lay awake nights figuring out aome deep-laid scheme to injure base ball In Omaha. O'Nell states the rules wrongly If there are any rules when he says double-headers are not permitted until the last time around the circuit. He know the rule Is that double-headers cannot be plaved the first time around, thst they may be played the second and third time around, and that they must be played the last whirl around. But, then, like master,. like servant. The golfers from the Country club will Journey to the Field club links Saturday afternoon to play the third game In the interclub championship series. Each club has won a game and much Interest 1 at tached to the third. The old plan of cor lng will be resorted to. one point for each nine holes and one point for the game, making, three points possible. The Field club boys won on their own grounds, but the Country club gave them an awful drubbing on the Benson link. MONEY IS EASY EVERYWHERE Prosperity Prevails In All Section, Bay Frank Johnson on Re turn from East. Frank B. Johnson, president of the Omaha Printing company, has returned from an eaatern trip, where he went In search of improvement to hi health, and he ha come back a brown a a berry from taking sun bath on the Atlantic beaches. "There Is nothing to thl country but prosperity," said Mr. Johnson. "One can not help but be Impressed with It wherever he goes through the east or the west, the north or outh. The man I pretty slow who cannot make money In these prosper ous times, for It la In the very air." Very Low Rate Tuesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, the Chicago Great Western railroad will ell homeseekera' ticket to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate; to other territory first and third Tuesday Write H. H. Churchill, O. A., 1512 Farnam atreet. State number in party and when going. Bee Want Ada are the dependable seed of success. OMAHA TO ILLINOIS August 4th 5th and 6th. Return limit August 15th. Tickets good on all trains and in chair cars and sleepers. Diagrams now open for reservations. Double berth-in Tourist car 01-5. TICKETS SOLD IN ADVANCE Fast trains leare Omaha at 8:00 a. m., 5:00 p. ra. and 6:00 p. nv City Ticket Office. 1402 Farnam Ot., Omaha. 0 - ' . r DEATH STOPS CONVERSATION Two Men Walk Alone and Talk, When One Talla and Dies. J. W. M'MASTER, LABORER, FROM LINCOLN Letter Hire to Work on Perm of tart Soreneoa of Florence and on Way Ont Expire. J. W. McMaster, a laborer from Lincoln, died Wednesday evening while walking along the railroad tracks north of Flor ence with Carl Sorensen, his prospective employer. It is believed McMaster died of heart trouble. Coroner Rialley took charge of the body and will hold an Inquest Ft dsy. Relatives of the dead man will arrive from Lincoln Thursday afternoon. McMaster came from Lincoln to Omaha In quest of work. He stayed at the Aetmt house n few days and met Sorensen Wednesday afternoon. McMaster engaged to Sorensen to work on the latter' farm two miles north of Florence. The two men left a street car at Florence and started 1 v 1 -.: ! V 4 'i-' 1 The Reliable Specialists the blighting effects of weakness and disease. Weakness 1 a malady that rob a man of hi pirit, ambition and tore. The nerve, self-assertion and stamina are killed by it. The courage that lead manly men to mile at fate and continue to fight la destroyed. Thousands of young, mlddle-aiged and old men can look back to their boyhood day of early manhood with a sigh of remorse. The ignorance of early youth Or later on a mis-spent life as "on of th boy." ha own the seed of future anr1a. Nature passes no act without affixing the penalty for It violation. When he I outraged h will bare her penalty, although it takes a lit. VToan through violation of her Immutable law In early life or later sxosssee, man wastes away hla nerve and bodily vigor, he I then compelled to struggle under the disadvantage whloh impede hi proarreen and defeat hi end. Bh) cam scarcely hops to compete with those of hla fellow, who, possessing eq,uJ op portunities, have all their faculties unimpaired and bodily energies at their best When the vital organs are in a weakened and undeveloped state, whloh la in consistent with health, strength and vigor, and which render them uraftt tor the aotlve duties and pleasures of life, they are eating the danger point, and should secure Immediate attention. Millions of men have been wrecked on the rock of secret vioe. The trovble I not so much that they have digressed from Nature's Immutable law. but that they have permitted the trouble to Insidiously progress and become more ag gravated. They allow It to terminate, a unoared private dlseaaea invariably do. In th horror of lost manhood with Its many depressing oornpUcaUlona. . Thl fact I usually responsible for about nine-tenth of th suffering. Toa should remember that private diseases are progressive in their nature. They must be conquered by proper treatment or they will devastate yoar ayatem suoid blight your future career and prospect. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all disease and weaknesses of men dne so evil hablta, self-abuse, mm a. or th result of specific or private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION SSSTuJJ STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Hal! of large $25.00 I wish to share the large corner office I am occupying , on the second floor of THE BEE BUILDING. 1 This faces Farnam St.; has a handsome oak counter! private office; large vault; running water; electric light. W. G. TEtVIPLETON, Room 206 Bee Building. CHICAGO VIA CENTRAL tr) walk the tracks, Sorensen keeping thl lead and conversing along the way. When about midway between Florence and the Sorensen farm Sorensen turned around to see why he received no response from McMaster. The Florence man noticed something writhing In the weeds beside the track. Hurrying back he found the Lin coln man gasping. In a minute McMaster was dead. McMaster was SO years of age and had a family at Lincoln. SELLER OF LIQUOR IS SUED Willow gprlnga Brerrery Asked foe Ten Thonaand Dollar for ratros'a Life. Frank Murphy and Ellen Murphy, parent of Jame A. Murphy, who wa killed July 22. 1K. by a Burlington train, have brought suit against the Willow Springs Brewing company for $ln.nno and Ellas 8wsnon and August Norden for IS.ioo, alleging the brewing company sold their son liquor, upon which he became drunk. Swanson and Norden are sureties on the saloon bond. The brewing company operates a salmon at Third and Hickory streets, where the petition says young Murphy became Intoxicated. It Is alleged he was only 1 years old at the time. Sterling Silver Frenser. 15th and Dodge. for PJiEEvl J . if.- i t corner office per month. 3L RAILROAD ''.,jr44i-; ' ; J ' -S t ' I .-"V-;--' Al RETURN IE