Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Bclioitar Ddoudom Nswrpaper Tnblioitj,
But Discreetly Km pi Mouth Shut,
Coaatr Attoraey Professes Fur of
Failure to Kstabllssi Baal at
Procreating; Dealers for
Comblao Oi Price.
nun vi ma mnpgra trust
a solicitor for
Mora. refusals to answer questions relat
ing to the riet.ii. f iv. i. i.......
"County Attorney Klabaugh In hla Invesilga-
hen L. J. Healey,
the Omaha Cold Storage
J company and In charge of the distilled
, water branch of the business, waa aaked to
testify Thursday morning.
j Mr. Heal.y willingly answered general
truat, hla answers being in the negative.
He ahao denounced newspaper atorlea a
without foundation, "like other atorlea
they print." But when Judge 81abaaah
p aaked Mm what It costa to make dlatllled
, Ico, he refuaed to answer. The same re
.itfusal met a question as to what It cost to
prepare ordinary Ice for market.
"Prices ax a high," declared Mr. Healey,
"because of the scarcity of the product.
He denied that all companies sold it at the
same price, and when aaked to name some
of the companies that sold below 60 cents
to the domestic trade he said one of the
drivers told him the Ryan company sold it
for 40 cents.
He waa asked why one company could
sell at a higher price than others, and In
reply said it was because the customers
knew his company could take care of
them. The schedule of prices his com
pany followed Is aa follows: Domestic
trade, 60 rents a hundred; saloons, $7
ton; butcher shops and meat markets, 6;
grocers, $7.
"Is it not true that profit could be made
this year at 36 cents uvnd 40 cents a" hun
dred?" he was asked.
''That Is true of local Ice."
Refaaea to Answer.
Following thla he refused to answer
questions relating to the cost of the manu
factured product. Mr. Healey was very
positive In his statements that there Is no
trust or agreement to keep up prices.
Mr. Healey's name was sent to County
Attorney 81abaugh on a postal card signed,
"An Ice User." The card stated he was
well posted on ice affairs ana could give
some interesting Information about the Ice
County Attorney Blabaugh is of the opln
Ion that he will be unable to get sufficient
evidence on. which to base a prosecution
All of the witnesses he has examined so
far have denied the existence of a trust.
though they have been rather reluctant
to go into details regarding costs and
profits. -'. They all Contend uniformity In
price, is due to the fact the companies are
all short of ice.
Deputy County Attorney Shot well eatd
Thursday the next legislature would be
asked to pass a law giving the county at
torney' power to subpoena witnesses and
examine them ' under oath, like a grand
Jury and force them to show their books.
Several of the eastern states have laws of
this nature.- At present the office is de
pendent on the good will of the witnesses.
as they cannot be forced to testify nor
punished if they give false testimony.
tually caught the dogs a private account.
The real records are In the hands of tho
city clerk on file, and public property,
signed and vouched for by the representa
tive of the Hoard of Health and attested
by the comptroller. These r the only
records that exist snd can be read in tha
printed annual city report.
Mr. Laughland has p9 coming to him
and not some S3o0 as reported, and the
two peg's handed to Mr. Millard were
given as a favor merely that he might
know the form In which to make his re
port. There were no other records when
Mr. Laughland took possession, and as he
is almost at death's door he knows noth
ing of the report of the humane officer."
Mickey ia Coeitatinc on What to Bo with
Omaha DttectiT.
Chief Baeentlve Writes to Depaty
Coaatr Attoraey ghotwell of
His Demand for Hetora
of the Money.
Omaha tltlseas Will Celebrate Anni
versary of Great Reformer's
Thursday morning Deputy County Attor
ney Shotwell received a letter from Gov
ernor Mickey relative to the Detective
Donohoe case. Part of the letter reads:
"I have demanded that Donohoe Imme
diately return the 43 86 he wrongfully
received from the state treaaury. Aa soon
as I receive a statement from Donohoe I
The Rohemlans of Omaha will celebrate I shall determine what courae I ahall take
the fiftieth anniversary of the death of in the matter.'
their great Journalist and statesman, Karel I Upon request of the governor Mr. Phot
Havllcek Rorovsky. Sunday at Bohemian well sent to Lincoln depositions and pa-
Turners' hall on Bouth Thirteenth street, pers relative to Detective Donohoe's ac-
Nearly all the Bohemian lodges of Omaha tlons as agent for the state in bringing J.
will participate In this celebration, number- J. Herx, prisoner, from Kansas CKy
Ing thirteen. July 1.
Karel Havlicek Borovsky waa born In isa June S7 Donohoe received from Dave
In a village named Borova, in Bohemia. Harding, saloon keeper, 143.85 expenses
Hla father was a country merchant. After for Bam Rosenberg, complainant against
his philosophical studies he began to study Hers. The case against Hers was dis-
theology In the Prague Catholic seminary, missed In the police court by the county
where he spent a year, his liberalism not attorney with the understanding that the committee did not expect or wish that the
permitting him to continue. In U4 he waa 'te would not be field ror the expense
appointed editor of the Praxske Novlny money. Donohoe, however, billed against
(Prague News), which In April,. 18A0. waa ,no ror tne receiving me
stormed bv the rovernment for his liberal money through an Omaha bank July 14.
writing against the oppressive actions of tnus receiving the $43.85 twice for the
,u , , t- v ,,- .,. same services. vvnen tne matter was
he heaan to tm'hllsh another Miner, named flr,t brought to Mr. Donohoe's attention,
Hlnvan. which he also had to atoo in August mBl afternoon, ne maintained ne
The biennial number of the Federation
Bulletin includes the following statement
from Miss Jane Addams regarding the reso
lutions Issued Just previous to the 8t. Paul
biennial, asking club women to endorse
the enfranchisement of working womnn,
which occasioned so much comment and for
a time threatened to precipitate the ques
tion of woman suffrage at the St. Paul
"As chairman of the advisory Industrial
committee, I venture to Issue a word of
explanation in regard to the circular sent
out by our committee In April. The mem
bers of the committee signed the circular
because we believed that the ballot would
afford the best possible protection to work'
Ing women and expedite that protective
legislation which they so sadly need and
In which America Is so deficient. The cir
cular was sent In our sdvlsory capacity.
and with no reference to the general policy
of the General Federation of Women's
Clubs, nor to the convictions held by Its
officers. No plan was made to bring the
matter up for action nor In any sense to
make It an Issue at the St. Paul meeting."
The Woman's Journal of Boston quotes
Mrs. Florence Kelly, also of the udvlsory
industrial committee, in a private Inter
view as follows: "Jane Addams and the
other members of our advisory Industrial
biennial this year should vote on our reso
lutlon In behalf of equal suffrage for the
sake of working women. We offered it in
order to promote the consideration and
discussion of the question, and we hope
it will serve this purpose in the state fed
erations and local clubs all through the
next two years."
of the same year, being warned by the gov
ernment. He knew Journalism would help
his countrymen In both polltlctl as well as
the material ways, and to do this work the
best he could even resigned from the Par
liament, of which he was a member. Dp-
cemberl, ISM. he was at night arrested by
the gend'armes and driven to Brlxen In
Tyrol. And even there In banishment he
did not stop, but continued writing his best
poems and politics,! articles.
Most of his political compositions were
confiscated by the government.
He remained in Brlxen until 1S55, being
visited In his hsntshment by his wife, but
returned the $43.85 soon after his return
from Kansas City. Sunday morning he
Insisted he paid the money to
Club women of the south, especially the
Fred chapters of the United Daughters of the
Klrchner. Harding's bartender. Friday
evening of last week between 4:30 and 6
p. m. Klrchner now emphatically Insists
that he received the money after 4:30 p.
m. last Saturday from Donohoe, which
was after the time a reporter for The
Bee called on Donohoe for a statement
of the case. Saturday afternoon at 4
o clock Dave Harding could not say
whether he had received the 143.86 bark
from Dnnohoe or not.
Deputy County Attorney Shotwell se.
cured a sworn deposition last Friday after-
when he returned in the spring of m he no(m from Harf,n tatln that Hari,ln,
found his wife had died a short time pre- up to that t,mB hR(, nQt rpppVP(1 tho $4, 85
vlous. A year after his return. In lfS, he
died, his last word being "Julia," the name
of his wife.
back from Donohoe. The receipt given by
Klrchner to Donohoe for the $43.86 bears
no dste. Donohoe maintained he was only
in uonemians in mis country win erect careless In not returning the money to
a statue to MavuceK in i nicago, ana me Harding sooner than he did.
proceeas or me ceieorauon in limans will T.ot Mnnrinv mnrnlnu llnrlni rnn.
go toward the erection of thla statue. The flrmed Klrchner's statement that the $43.85 'rom the .clty' and came hpre ,nen enuh
Confederacy, are waging an onerxetlo cam
paign In the Interest of education. In
many of the southern states the poll tax
applied partially, or entirely, on the
school fund. The penalty of failure to pay
this tax Is disfranchisement until all ar
rears are paid up, but In spite of this an
amazingly small proportion of the men
keep up their taxes. The women are doing
all possible to bring to the attention of
the voters their full responsibility and have
been Instrumental in materially Increasing
the school funds, especially In Louisiana.
The building fund of . the local Young
Women's Christian association continues
to receive small though encouraging sub
scriptions. Wednesday an out-of-town
woman handed the building secretary $10
for the fund. Bhe declined to give her
name, but said she lived about fifty miles
celebrations of this fiftieth anniversary are had been returned by Donohoe on the Sat
held all over this country In Bohemian set-I urday previous,
tlements. as well as in the old country.
The people now in the critical days In Rus- Never Sent a Man to the Hospital
ala, as well as in Austria, are beginning During the Spanish-American war I com
to appreciate the work which their great manded Company G, Ninth Illinois infantry.
to appreciate what the association means
to out-of-town as well as Omaha women.
The work of the Denver Woman's club
received substantial recognition recently
by having Its building exempted from taxes
men. Journalists and statesmen, began. The During our stay in Cuba .early every man on th Kround th1 the r'ub 18 a charitable
program In Turners' hall In Omaha will In the company had diarrhoea or stomach
consist of orations, singing and music, and trouble. We never bothered sending a man
promises to be an excellent one.
dose or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
organization and engaged in humanitarian
work. The money formerly used for pay-
. ,,, '' , ' . . . ., ing county and city taxes will now be au
to the surgeon or hospital, but gave him a ,, . ,1 , ....
THANKS FROM KING LEOPOLD and diarrhoea Remedy and next day he
waa an rignt. we always naa a dozen
bottles or more of It In our medicine chest.
Orra Havlll. This remedy can always be
depended upon for colic and diarrhoea and
should be kept on hand In every home.
ei.'ma4naicf mt Death's Door,
. Says J. C. Lindsay, In Explana
tion of Record.
In regard, to 't,ne "statement 'which-"p-
neared in Th Bee that farmer S"ouno
master Laughland Is holding up certain
public records James C. Lindsay, whose
name . was mentioned in connection there
with, said:
"On June 18 Mr. Laughland became sert
pusly sick and has been since In a half
Unconscious state. He asked me to go
down to the pound and hand It over to his
successor, and on the 21st when. his repre
sentative applied for same he was given
possession, even though hla bond had not
been signed, aa the mayor was out of the
city. Mr. I-aughland aaked me to have all
his private papers sent to his home, which
was done, though he has been too sick to
see them yet. The 'record' of which so
much has been said Is a book which, to
my own knowledge, has been in Mr. Laugh
land's possession for the last fourteen years
and was used to keep note of how much
money was paid to his assistant who ae-
Major Chnreh Howe Geta Note of
Appreciation for His Remarks
at Recent Banquet.
Before leaving Antwerp for his new post
at Montreal Major Church Howe, who was
United States consul general to Belgium,
waa the guest at a banquet, where he waa
called upon to respond to a toast. His re
marks on that occasion, referring to King
Leopold, drew from the monarch tha fol
lowing note of appreciation; . .
Mrs. Bar&b Kellop 'of Draw, Color
Bearer of Uls) Woman's Belief Corp.
Banda Tbanka to Mra. Pins-ham. i
Tho following
letter wis written
by Mra. Kellog-ff,
of 162S Lincoln
Are., Denver,
CoL.toMra. Pink
ham.Lynn.Maaa.t Dear Mr. Vlnknaxn j
' For five years I
waa troubled with a
tumor, which kept
roAAWAfJ growiiig,caulnf me
great mental depression. 1 waa unable to at
tend toniy houae work, and life became a bur
dsn to me. I was confined for dayi to my bed,
lost my appetite, my courage and all bops.
" I could not bear to think of an operation,
and In my distress I tried every remedy which
I thought would be of any use to me, and
i reading of the value of Lydla B. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound to sK-k women decided
to rive It a trial I felt so discouraged that I
had little nope of recovery, and when I began
to feel better, after the second week, thought
rt ordv meant temporary relief; but to my
great surprise I found that I kept gaining,
while the tumor lessened In aiae.
. " The Compound continued to build op my
goners! health and the tumor seemed to be
absorbed, until, m seven months, the tumor
waa entirely gone and I a wall woman. I am
so thankful for my recovery that I aak you
to publifch my latter In newspapers, so other
women may know of the wonderful curative
power of Lydi & Pin i ham Vegetable
When women are troubled with Irrer
lar or painful period, weakness, dis
placement or ulceration of the female
orfama, thai bearinr-down feeling'. In
flammation, backache, flatulence, gen
eral debility. Indication or nervous
proetraUon. they should remember
there i one tried and true remedy.
Lydla El Plskham'a Vegetable Com-
pound at once removes auou uvuotce.
No other medicine In the world baa
received each widespread and unquall
aA endorsement. No other medicine
baa anon a reoord of cures of female
Mra. Plnkham invites all tick womea
in write her for advice. 8heUdanghter
In-law of Lydla. . Finkbam and for
twenty-five yeara ander her direction
and ainoe ner decease baa been
ad vial eg1 aiok womea free of charge,
he baa ruided thousands to health.
Vddreaa, Lynn. waaa.
Ee member that It la Lydia E. Pink
aam'a Vegetable Compound that la cur-tog-women,
and dont allow any druggist
to sail you ay wuag suae ia in yimnmm
July 14th. 190&
Mr. Consul General:
The king, deeply touched by the
Idndly aentimenta which you were
good enough to express in the toaat
you recently pronounced at Antwerp,
command me to thank you elncerely.
Accept, Mr. Conaul General, the ex
pression of my most distinguished
(His Majesty's Private Secretary.)
Annnal Excursion to Dnlnth.
Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux
City at 6:30 p. m., Thursday, August 2. ar
riving Duluth Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon. August S. Round trip fare only
5. special tnrougn trains win -jje run
consisting of tourist sleepers snd day
coaches. , Double berth In sleeping car $1
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable points for a few
days outing. Boat trips may be made to
many places of interest In Lake Superior
at small cost.
Persons desiring berths should make
reservations aa early as possible In. order
to Insure getting accommodations. Apply
to Agent Great Northern railway, Sioux
City, or to Archbald Gray, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Sioux City, Ia.
August ( to 11 are (he dates announced
for the International Woman Suffrage con
ference, which will be held at Copen
hagen, Denmark. The Hotel Kongen of
Denmark, Copenhagen, will be headquar
ters. A number of prominent American
woman suffragists will be In attendance,
among them Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,
Miss Shaw and Miss Lucy Anthony.
To Major Church Howe,
American Consul General,
Striking Indian Nomenclature.
"Muskoka," "Clear Sky Land." "Mag-
netewan, "Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka
wartha," "Bright Water and Happy
Lands, iemagami. - ".Deep water" are
Indian words that fittingly describe some
of the most delightful spots for a sum
mer's outing on the American continent.
All reached by Grand Trunk Railway Sys
tem. Double track from Chicago to Mon
treal and Niagara Falls.
Descriptive literature, time tables, etc..
will be mailed free on application to Geo,
There is something seductive about the W. Vaux, A. G. P. T. A.. 136 Adams SL,
n...t u.wiii.n nk club alnrinK with the I -nicaa
Flower Grown by Frank Dewey and
. Named After Hla Royal
Frank Dewey, deputy county clerk, has
discovered a new flower which he pro
poses naming the Ak-Bar-Ben daisy. He
grew the flowers from seed sent him by
Congressman Kennedy, but so far no one
has been found who can name It. In form
It Is like a large daisy. The petals are
red and yellow and In the young flower
the center Is green. As this combination
forms the official colors of King Samson
he la thinking of naming the flower after
Ak-8ar-Ben. Those who have seen it hav
commented on its beauty.
Popular Favor Is Going Oat to the
Organisation Now at the
Card of Thanks.
We, the undersigned, hereby wish to ex
press to our neighbors and friends the most
heartfelt thanks for their beautiful floral
offerings and their deep sympathy with our
grief at the Irreparable loss of our dearest
husband and father, Anton Bortenlanger.
Mrs. Wllhelmlne Bortenlanger, Anton J.,
Joseph A., Frances M., Anna A., Wllhel
mlne F., Marie J.
Hawaiian band at the Auditorium
native songs, with string accompaniment,
lull the senses of the hearer and make htm
think he Is swinging In a hammock with a
gentle breese of the Pacific fanning hla
brow. The band waa liberally patronlied
last evening. The program was an Inter
eating one. At the conclusion of the ten
numbers the floor was cleared and a danoe
program was given.
After the first number, which waa Sousa'e
"Hall to the Spirit of Liberty." the band
responded to an encore with a medly of
American national alra which stirred the
audience to a high pitch of enthusiasm.
Miss Lei Lehua and John 8. Ellis were
again vociferously received.
Low Ronnd Trip Rates via Chicago,
On. fare plus $2.00 for 15-day ticket, on. ?uncU ?tt day at th9 Chautauqua,
Glenwood Chautaoqna Low Rates Via
Burlington Ronte.
Saturday, July 28, will b. Omaha and
fare plus (4.00 for 30-day ticket, on sale
dally to many polnta In Canada and west
ern New Tork, and on August 8th and 22d
and September Sth and 19th to many New
England points. Tell us where you want
to go and we will give you the best rat.a
for your trip. Call at city ticket office.
1524 Farnam street, or write to
General Western Agent, Omaha, Neb,
Glenwood, la.
Round trip tickets at 11.20 from Omaha
and 86 centa from Council Bluffs on sale
dally July 28 to August 3. Limit August 6.
Tickets, 1602 Farnam St, Omaha.
Automobile Rental Co. Office Nlles Si
Moser, Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. Doug
las 1996.
(O)'loiaiis-Miiiifl)ii C
Ladies' Imported Linen Hand Embroidered
White Skirts perfectly elegant in style,
wore sold at, $12.50 -Friday $7.60
Other Ladies' "White Skirts that must be
sold Friday-$5.f)0 skirts $2.95, $4.50
skirts $2.25, $3.50 skirts $1.75.
Young Ladies' Peter Pan Suits in plain
white organdy lawn, also blue trimmed.
Should be $5.0Q Friday $3.25
All our other wash suits and dresses that
were sold at $4, $4.95 and $5.05, on Fri
day at $2.95
Children's Mother Hubbard Aprons In col
ored dimities and .white India linon, ruf
fled shoulder straps, marked down from
25c and 35c to 19c
Now is the time to buy remnants and get
tho cheap.
500 remnants from 1 to 6 yards each lengths
suitable for waists and skirts. You will
find amongst them all of this season's most
popular weaves, such as panamas, serges,
batistes, mixed cheviots, invisahle checks
and plaids. Any of these lengths are worth
75c a yard, some are worth as high as $1.25.
They all go for the same price Friday
only, the yard 25o
sBlack French Peau de Solo, the silk that has no equal
for wear our 75c quality on sale Friday, yd. .40c
36 Inch Black Taffeta Silk, beautiful soft finish and
full one yard wide our $1.15 quality on sale Fri
day at, per yard iqc
R.EMXANTS of Organdies. White Ooodg and Summer
Puttings, in good lengths, worth to 76c yard, for
Friday only, per yard 1S
KEMXANT9 of Patlstea. Lawns and Mercerlied Suit
ings that sold at 35c yard for Friday only, yd. 10c
RF.MXAXTS of Lawns, Suitings and Percales worth
to 20c yard for Friday only, yard.., So
RKMXAXTS of Table Linens from 1 to R yards long
to be closed out Friday at greatly reduced prices.
25 light weight summer bed spreads, full slie, worth
8 9c each, for Friday only, each .U0c
It KMX A. NTH of tine quality tinbleached sheetings,
worth 25c yard for Friday only, yard tfk
RKMXAXTS.of good dress Percale, in light and dark
colors, 36 Inches wide, worth to 15c yard for Fri
day only, per yard . l-3c
9 to 10 A. M. Friday Odd lot embroidery, edges. In
sertions and small appliques, worth to 10c yard
for this hour, a yard 8
10 to 12 A. M. Friday Broken sets Of Val laces and
Insertions, worth to 10c a yard for this sale, a
yard 2Hc
Ladles' Fancy Trimmed Linen Handkerchiefs plain
hemstitched borders, regular 10c kind 4 to 6 p.
m. Friday, each Ho
Low neck, sleeveless, ribbed gauze vests, taped tip.
our Regular 10c and 124c value on sale 3 for Site
Bargain table full of Ladles' Fast Black, Plain South
ern Manufactured Hose, worth 15c sale price a
pair 10c
BELTS lOc Big lot of Buster Brown Belts, In white
wash canvas and colored patent leather special,
each 10c
O'Donahoe-Rcdmond Co. 238&t1s
Mueller Will Case.
The hearing of the Arthur C. Mueller
Make m Snecess of Tear Taleate. I will case was becun before County Judge
The opportunity of your II f Is awaitlna P,lle Thursday afternoon The hearing
you In th new towns on the Chicago Great m. uoiiur ,n maw
Another concert dance will b given Bat-I Western railway. Openings In nearly all whether or not'thls tourt ha Jurisdiction
urday evening. lines of business. Write today to &. B. and whether a copy of the will can be
(Anl M.gill. Mgr. Department. Omaha, '-ly last ".verai day. M r ,"
MAN K LLED WH LE AT WORK for ful1 lnrmtln and copy of "Town formerly- a clerk for Schmoller & Mueller,
mll i. in rt. Talk wa, on9 of ,he prin(.ipai Witnees. He
.... . . . ald Mr. Mueller's actions In the full;
Certificate for TiTe-Stpry Bpiasbereer
8traotnre on Tarn am Issued.
Old Hanrr Residence Being Moved
for Real Estate Exchange Home
Y. M. C. A. Plastering Con
tract Is Awarded.
The permit for the five-story brick build
ing at 1114-18 Farnam street, which Is to
be Occupied by M. Spelsberger & Bona
when It Is completed about January 1, has
been issued by the city building depart
ment. The estimated expenditure is 36,
000, meaning Just that amount coming to
Omaha from the east. H. H. and A. B.
Emmons of Boston have owned the lot,
which is Just east of the Omaha Rubber
Shoe company's building, for a long time.
It Is the only piece of property they have
in Omaha and they have decided to place
a structure on It, believing the future has
bright prospects in store for the city.
The deal, which was handled by Harri
son & Morton, Includes a ten-year lease
by the Splesbrger firm on the new build
ing. The latter will be 44 feet wide and
128 feet deep. John McDonald drew the
plans and Qriffen & Chapln Becured the
general contract. As lndicsted by the Is
suance of tha permit work Is to begin at
i Blsjr Plastering Contract.
One of the largest plastering Jobs ever
let In the city has Just been awarded to
the firm of Anderson Bros., which makes
a specialty of this kind of work.
It Is the Job on the Toung Men's Christian
association and is said to be the biggest
since the Bee building and the New Tork
Life building were completed. The con
tract waa awarded by Parsons & Keene,
the general contractors, to Anderson Bros,
for $16,000. It shows the rapid construction
of the association building at Seventeenth
and Harney streets.
The old Edwin Haney house at Elgh
teenth and Farnam streets Is being re
moved to make way for the Real Estate
Exchange building. The task of getting
the unwieldly structure down to the street
is a difficult one. Before the new building
Is started considerable grading must be
The city has Issued permits to O. H.
Vaughn for a $2,600 frame dwelling at
Thirty-third and Pine; M. Dlmlck, 11,700
frame dwelling at Twenty-sixth and Wool
worth avenue, and the Omaha Gas com
pany, $1,000 concrete coal bins at Twentieth
and Center.
Walter B. Breaaeastall Accidentally
........ .... -wk ow n. Glenwood Cbaataao.a Low hates Via
I Burllnatoa Route.
Break lag nee. Saturday, July 28, will be Omaha and
Walter B. Brennenstall of Thirteenth and Council Bluffs day at th Chautauaua.
William streets waa Instantly aiuea in me Glenwood, Is
the year 1904 led him to believe that he
was not in his right mind. He cited sev
eral instances en which he based his belief.
car repair shops of Swift and Company,
South Omaha, Thursday morning at 11
o'clock by having his neck broken. With
companions, h was engaged In taking
some car wheels from a box car and waa
using a steel crowbar with which to handle
the wheel. A h was prying on a wheel
with th bar bm hand slipped and the
bar flew up and hit him under the chin,
killing him Instantly. He leaves a wife
and two children. Dr. Bchlndel was called,
but h was too late to be of any service.
aa th man probably was killed Instantly.
Th body waa taken to Brewer' undertak
ing rooms and aa tnquest probably will b
held Friday.
Round trip tickets at Sl.tO from Omaha
and S6 centa from Council Bluffs on sal
daily July ZS to August L Limit August (.
Tickets, 1601 Farnam St., Omaha.
tammer Tears.
The Wabash has issued a beautiful
BrA- Thos planning a aummer trip
should ask for one. Wabash City Office,
1601 Farnam St., or addre Harry E.
Moore. Q. A. P. D., Omaha, Nb.
Federal Building tcoratlon.
The work of revarnishlng the Interior
mahogany finish of the south federal court
room ha been completed and the maze
of scaffolding removed. The palmer will
at one belt In to do a similar lob of work
in the north court room, the scaffolding
now being placed for that purpose. The
new opera chair for seating the audi
torium of the court rooms will be plared
in position in the south court room next
week. The old settees have already been
shipped to Norfolk to be used In tar
nishing th federal building there.
DIAMONDS Frenxer, 13th and Dodge.
Announcement of the Theater.
The variety and excellence of the vaude
ville program offered at the BIJou theater
thla week have drawn large audiences at
each performance. As the hlghv character
of the new playhouse has become better
known the attendance has Increased stead
ily. The stock company's clever presenta
tion of "In Old Virginia" has proved one
of the features of this week's bill. Marck
ley, the banjoist; Pauline Courtney, with
her ballads; Hugh Mccormick's ventrll
oqulal entertainment; Mr. and Mra. Water
ous, the vocalists; Russell and Held, In a
lively singing and dancing aketch, and a
series of humorous motion pictures com
plete the bill. A matinee at popular prlcea
will be given Saturday afternoon at 2.90.
So Somewhere
Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha
Canadian Destinations, Daily.
New England Destinations, August 8 and 22.
15-day limit, one fare pins $2.00. . ;f ,
30-day limit, one fare plus $4.00.
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. . 6G.TK)
One way via Shasta Ronte 73.50
Spokane, Wash 55.00
Butte and Helena 50.00
Yellowstone Park Tour 75,00
Salt Lake City and Ogden.i 30.50
Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo..: 17.50
Sheridan, Wyo 26.40
Deadwood and Lead, S. D 18.75
Hot Springs, S. D 16.40
Chicago, HL, 20.00
St. Louis, Mo 18.50
Peoria, DL, and Return, August 19-20 15.00
Roanoke, Va., and Return, August 11, 12, 13 32.15
Mexico City and Return, August 15-September 1. ..51.25
Silo am (Jprinks, Ark., and Return, August 7-16... .15.20
Reduced Rates Daily.
Better call or write and let me plan your summer
vacation for you. I can give you all the
latert information and free descriptive lit
1502 Farnam St Omaha. Kelt.
Mas Ceht Between Car
Loul Mantell, an employe with the
Nebraska-Iowa Grain company at Oibon
waa Injured Thursday afternoon by elnj
William McKlnley lodge, I. O. B. B..
will hold a picnic at fries' lake nt .1
Sunday. Th program of entertainment
Include swimming and boat race and
contests or various ainas.
cranes r. nut! nas been granted a
caught between two cars at Third and divorce from Mary Dittel, growing out of
Plerc streets. Manteu was sugnung be
tween two boxcar, which came together
on th man, on of th car being with
out a drawhaad. The man left leg wa
bruised. Mantell wa removed to hi
room at the Pacific hotel In the police am
bulance, follce Burgeon Harrl attended
Marrta l.leaaaw.
Tha following marrlag licenses have
been Issued:
Nam and R sldene. Aere.
Edwin P. Robinson, Cedar Rapids, la..
Uoldie M. Walker, Cedar Rapid, Ia.... M
David P. Doran, Oalesburg, ill 19
Fdna B. Hill. Oaleaburg. Ill 21
William J. Snyder. Omaha 17
Marl Bl, Omaha ;..17
Iliril MI'HDauei in in HAV rnAm nt
hou at South Omaha, which Mr. Llttel
formerly operated. The testimony for
air. 1'iiici wit onerea oy roomer at
th plac and Mr. Dittal did not fight
ilia ic
Henry Coomb ha beaun ult In gm.
trlct court against Edward LaPare. irn.
Ing out of injuries he received November
e, iiui, in a collision witn a wagon
owned by I .a Pave and driven by Oeorge
Hlgby. an employe. He aav h. wu re
fined to hi bed for eight r ten weeaa.
jib warn ta.vuv.
A complaint has been filed In juvenile
i.'un gnwi.i ii) i i.yons, tne youth liv.
Ing at 2507 Hlmehaugh avanue, who la
riinr.'n wun sruing nrs lo buildings m
th neighborhood. The complaint I fl1l
by John p. Behren. The boy fire th
punning, ii i iigea, for ta plaur
Has a special claim on all lover, of pure ten, for it la absolutely pure,
Superiority begfta surer, beuce lite evrr-iut-reaalng populauit' of
Tetley'a Tea.
McCORD, BRADY & CO., Wholesale Agents, Omaha.
The direct route to St. Paul and Minneapolis, Su
perior, Duluth and all points in southern Minnesota,
northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan is via The North-VVestern Line
C-fl 0m7fZ Round trip from Omaha July 24th, 25th and 26th.
J II ' Return limit July 31st, with privilege of extension
I w until August 15th on payment of fee of 50c.
S4 O50 Round trip from Omaha daily during the summer.
mum Return limit October 31st.
Two fast trains per day leave Omaha 7.50 a. m. and .,
8.28 p. m. Splendid equipment. The night train
is electric lighted throughout with buffet-smoking
and library car, splendid Pullman sleeping cars and
free reclining chair cars.
&hc Hest of Everything.
For tickets, sleeping car reservations and full information apply St
1401-03 Farnam SL, Omaha, and 522 Broadway, Council BlullJ
PL-U0Nt8TEdbolra, Uth and Harasy.