TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1906. 4 The Omaha Daily Bee. C R08EWATER, EDITOR. Entrd t Omaha Potoffle aa second class matter. TEAMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Be (without Sunday). on year.. KM uaiir be and Hunday, on rear Sunday Be, one yeer Saturday Bee, on rear l.M DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally B (Including Sunday), per w..17e Lialiy Hf (without Bunday), per wk..lJO fcvenlng Bee (without Sunday), per wek c fcvenlng Bo (with Sunday), per week..lOo bunday Be, per copy Address complaint of Irreg ulaiitlea In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFriCES. u.riahn Th Bee Building. vAit.i Omana City Mall Building. Cwunrll Bluff 10 Pearl Street. ciiiiaso 1MO Unit, Building. .-.ew lork 180s Horn Lit In. Building. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRE8PONDKNCK. communications relating to new and edl tunai matter should be addressed: Omana le, Eoitorlal Department. REMITTANCES. kemlt by draft, xprs or postal order Payable to Th Bee Publishing Compuny. Oniy 2-cent stamps received aa paynmnt of man accounts, personal checks, except on Ohm ha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. B i'ATKMKNT OF CIRCULATION. Stale of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss; C. ('. Husewater, general manager of The Iio Publishing Compuny, being duly sworn, says that tli actual number i .till and complete copies of The Daily. Morning, Evening and Bunday Bee printed during tlio month or June iFa. was aa ioiiowb: 1 81,780 H 33,460 : 32,610 3 30,780 4 31,960 t . .'. 31,800 C 33,070 7 33,010 1 31,900 33,410 10 30,600 11 33,300 It 31X30 II Sl.blO 11 31,830 ) 31,4.70 17 30,800 II 31,980 It 31,810 20 33,000 tl 31,940 22 31.860 21 83,870 30,340 25. 31,720 21 31,800 27 31,850 21 31.780 2 31.700 10 32,360 t..i 964.160 Leas unsold copies io.s Net total sales mk Dally average 3l,ao C. C. ROS.JWATKH, General Mannser. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before mo this turn oay of June. 1!. (Seal.) M. B. HL'NUATE, Notary Public. WHEX OVT OF TOW. Subscribers leaving; th elty tern, porarlly shoald hav Th Be mailed to them. Address will b rhaaged often a repaired. What el bc waa to have been expected but rain on circus day? In the language of chess, the Rus sian situation bears strong resem blance to a "statemate." Tom Johnson of Cleveland must be polishing up his anti-monopoly record bo It will shine when he welcomes Mr. Bryan. . Douglas county is said to be low on assessed valuation of mules. Mules mutt be at a discount where the auto mobile fad is furious. In leaving his entire fortune to his wife Russell Sage doubtless figured how to keep it out of the hands of pro- Late court lawyers. North American Indians could have told the Pulajanes what necessarily follows when hostiles face the Twenty fourth United States' infantry. I And now the Black 1 country la learning that Omaha's i.ade boosters have a taking way with them when touring the land on a trade excursion. Now that China Is taking steps to educate its lawyers, the real limit of dilatory practices may be realized when oriental apathy is added to that of the law. The gubernatorial contest over in Iowa Is coming to a head with pros- pects of a political battle royal when the republican state convention meets at Des Moines next week. Attorney Wright of the Water board assures the public that the newly se- lected water works appraiser la a first- ciass man in every regard. Now. u n0 historic catastrophe like univer the recipient of this bouquet will only eai cM commotion In Russia, sud- roclprocate. Roports of American consuls ln Germany Indicate that the natives Lave little to fear from American tinned meats If their stomachs can dl- gest the food habitually served by bome purveyors, The Interstate Commerce commis sion declines to give out rulings under th new rate law until specific cases arc presented. Thus does that body ahow its appreciation of the judicial duties Imposed upon it. In meeting King Edward at a prl- vate audience, at th request of the "" utuwi iau nrwuea irouDie In the ranks of his supporters which might hav followed the appearance Of a photograph showing him In court d1" is ii not strange mat wnen a cor poration wants to hold laborers In 'peonage It always selects some state where democratic majorities are the rule. In states where that party is ln a minority It poses as a friend to labor. Th Rock Island wants Omaha buel- ness men to suspend Judgment until it can rearrange the rates that are com- plained of as discriminating against this city. Omaha asks the Rock Island to suspend the discriminating rates. Her is a chance to get together. President Stickney evidently meant business when he promised the Omaha I of corporation records and papers, al Commercial club that he would have I though the giving of such testimony the Union Pacific grain allowance case reopened by the Interstate Commerce commission. If Mr. Stickney should wla out It would doubtless b a feather la the cap of th Chicago Great West era. but ther Is a decided difference of opinion a to what extent Omaha woald be th iainr. Ksovan crop monet. A far more stringent money marl et than exlata at present might naturally have been expected from the reporta of the national hanks, which are really the reserve banks of the country. The proportion of cash reserves to deposit liabilities la far below the record for a series of years at the beginning of the crop movement, while the crop to be handled the next few months is enormous. Yet there Is comparative ease In the money market and no ap prehension of eerloua failure of emer goncy funds. The explanation chiefly emphasised In financial quarters is the availability of the gold stores of Europe for Im portation, coincident with the favora ble balance of International trade, which the treaeury abstract recently published shows amounted for the twelve months preceding July to over a half billion dollars. Not only will the $70,000,000 imported after the San Francisco disaster not have to be returned now, or soon, but the situa tion Is such that further drafts can be made almost Indefinitely as needed. Engagements for new gold are re ported in the ordinary course of busl- ness. and the secretary, of the treasury cornpuisory purchase had led the peo ls known to stand ready. If it should nlA tn ,,,, iti,.tinn ha become be necessary, to extend the import ac commodations which were so effective In the San Francisco emergency. Besides, the treasury Is in better position even than It was at the corre- spondlng season the last three years, the surplus being large and a consid erable part of the proceeds of the $30,- 000,000 Panama canal bonds being j available for deposit with the banks for a time. The result, too. of the liquidating process In trie stock mar- .v..-. to reduce Immensely the speculative use of money, These important conditions. In con nection with the further fact that the western banks themselves are in stronger position than ever, fully countervail the apparent Inadequacy of the bank reserves in the great east ern centers and lack of preparation to meet the demand at this period of the year. A DEPRESSING FINANCIAL FACTOR The most serious factor which the financial world has now to take into I account is the possibility of a break-up in Russia. Some small fraction of its seriousness is shown by the nervous- nesB manifested in European financial centers. In spite of protestations that the crisis precipitated by dissolution of lhe Duma will pass away and the ex- traordinary means resorted to to main- tain Russian government securities In the chief markets. All this, although it may seem very I remote, affects the status of values in our own stock markets almoBt as dl- rectly as those of Europe. A revolu- tlon paralyzing Industry and regular ! government in the czar's domain would instantly start panic in Berlin and Paris, for unnumbered hundreds of millions of Russian securities, na- tional and industrial, are in the hands of the French and the Germans, who under such conditions would begin to throw them on the market. The emergency. In short, would instantly cause a call for accommodation on London and New York, although the holdings of Russian securities Is small nere and ln Ureat Britain, in the form ' Ba'es f a" kinds of American stocks and bonds. It would be precisely the Barae Process that followed the insolv- ency 01 Baring uros. in iss irom the memorable collapse of South American securities, when overloaded European holders were forced hur- rledly to raise cash by selling the bet- ter stocks and bonds representing the public and private credit of the United States. And we have Just seen slml- har transactions, although on an in- comparably smaller scale, as a conse- 0Uence of the San Francisco disaster, denly destroying hundreds of millions of values held abroad, could befall without the shock being disastrously felt throughout the financial world. Although no such event Is anticipated now nr tn tha nnr fntnra tha mora tLought of ,t a8 a poM,buity u today a depressing Influence in every finan cial center, great or small. TRUST orFlcULS as witnesses. The action of the United States dls- trlct Judge ln New York In the grand Jury Investigation of rebates alleged to have been granted by the Sugar trust to the trunk lines la another 8lgn that the time has gone by when rorooratlon offic als can succesnfull v rerUse to produce in court the books and recorai of their companies and to te.tifv fuliv frnm thie wnwiH I nriilnr tha Bam It IWMo ihn.l f a revolutionary change so far as en forcement of law is concerned that the general auditor of one of the colossal trusts is peremptorily given the alter natives of instant obedience or of be' lng sent to Jail for contempt. Such action is among the first fruits of the recent epoch-making decision of the V State supreme court In the Tobacco tPU8t c8. "herein the immu- mty Provision or the constitution w6,cn WM lon bulwark of trusts 8na tru" nn" against prosecu t,on na PuWlcUy. " swcojingly held not to apply to corporation offl cers and employes as witnesses touch lng corporation acts and as custodians could not be used in criminal proceed- ings against the witnesses themselves. The practical result is that all the transactions of the Sugar trust or any other corporate trade combination I charged with unlawful acta, whether the evidence of such acts be their 1 books and records or the testimony of thelf officers and agents, can now be turned Inside out to the uttermost de tail for the Inspection of the courts or other competent public authority en trusted with enforcement of the law. Such witnesses, therefore, stand be tween the penalties for perjury on the one hand. If they testify falsely, and on the other hand the arbitrary penal tlea for contempt. Including imprison ment, if they refuse to testify. This dilemma now lmpregnably established, is proving one of the most formidable weapons in the hands of earnest au thority for the vital purposes both of publicity and of bringing offending corporations to book. WATER WORKS COMPLICATIONS. That the Howell compulsory pur chase law has tangled Omaha up in a ruaie of water works complications, foreshadowed by The Bee at the start, Is now apparent even to those who up to this time have wilfully shut their eyes to the dangers and pitfalls which that law opened up. Having pursued the course required by the compulsory purchase law up to the point of an ap praisement at more than $6,000,000, or nearly twice what the sponsors of so critical that the discovery of a way out Is practically imperative. The Water board Is continuing on the theory that the water works is to be acqulred under the purchase clause of the contract and has rejected the finding of the appraisers and laid the foundation for securing a new ap praisement upon the same plan. Against this the water company Insists that the appraisement already made is valid and binding, and that the city has no right to reject it or to ask for a second appraisement. The conten tion of the water company is that it has a complete right to a decree for specific performance of the purchase contract at the price fixed by the ap praisers, and it remains for the courts to adjudicate these conflicting claims. In the meanwhile, a diversion is at tempted by the suggestion that the city abandon the idea of acquiring the pres ent water plant and proceed to con struct an Independent water works of Its own. Of course, if there were any thing to be gained by building a new plant instead of buying the one now here, the city could and should have set out In that direction in the first place without wasting three years of time and bquanderlng from $50,000 to $75,000 on a needless appraisement, unnecessary litigation and a salaried Water board with no water works to manage. The proposal to build an other water plant at this time would also run counter to the pending pro- ceedlngs. The city has elected to buy the existing plant under the purchase clause and can doubtless be held to that option, the only matter in dispute being the question of price To build a new water plant and then be com polled to buy the old one in addition would be foolishness personified even If legally practicable. If the city can only get out of its present dilemma, forced on it by the vicious compulsory purchase law, it would be free then to acquire the water plant under its power or emi- nent domain, with a right to name all the appraisers and accept or reject the appraisement as it sees fit. This was the course 1 ne nee advised at tne out- set, and it still offers the only feasible way to reach municipal ownership of our water works The selection by the Water board of another appraiser to represent tho city under the purchase clause of the water works contract is doubtless harmless, so far as It goes, providing it does not carry with It a big retainer until It Is. earned by actual service. The bll! against the taxpayers" is pretty large already, considering that we are apparently no nearer municipal owner ship than we were when the original appraiser was appointed by the city. With an "open rate" of 60 cents per hundred pounds on sugar between San Francisco and New York it is diffl cult to imagine a rebate from this I SOUTCe but On Order of COUrt the books will show if railroads were so anxious for business as to take it at a pretended loss, With Platte county, the supposed stronghold of rock-ribbed democracy in Nebraska, instructing for the nomina tion of a populist to head the demo cratic state ticket, the democratic prog- nosticators will have to wake up and get their bearings. The assurance that there Is no ill feeling against Americans along the northern Mexican border is proof that that part of Mexico is not rejecting a good thing" In the way of Yankee cash for development of its natural resources. It was hardly necessary to deny the report that Major Dreyfus had been assaulted by a French army officer, as the most rabid of the plotters has sense enough not to antagonize unl- verBal gentlraent at this time Claald Chicago Tribune. Considered aa a part of th "Whit Man's Burden," the Pulajanes ar entitled to rank aa exhibit A. Devotion to th Ideal. Washington 8tar. Mr. Qrover Cleveland la a man of stead fast purpose. H keep .fishing as Indus triously aa In th days when reporters hov ered near tn th hop of getting a chance to count up hi catch. Will History Repeat! Baltimore American. Twenty-thr days after th dissolution of th national assembly of Franc by King Louis XVI occurred th fall of th Bastlle. The csar may well wonder whether ihr la mor significance In this than the fact that twenty-three Is an unpropl tlous number. Soavealr for th t sar. Chicago Record-Herald. The members of th duma might add to the fitness of things by sendlrg to th ciar the ien with which their manifesto was writteo. Example Are Plenty. Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat The ptesent cisr of Russia la not likely to be the first ruler to disprove th truth of the proverb that revolutions never go backward. Plenty of Time Yet. Washington Post. It Is asserted that Mme. Tattl has earned more with her vole than any other per son. Still, Colonel Bryan Is not as old as Mme. Pattl. Rah-Rah-Boy In Kansa. Chicago Inter Ocean. Th college yell la now heard In the fields of Kansas, and at no time does it sound more genuine or more hearty than It docs when the dinner horn blows. What's the Answer Chicago Tribune. Owing to an overproduction of gold, sn underproduction of the necessaries of life, or soma other reason, you have to put up a little more collateral for most of the things you buy. Figure It out to suit yourself. Occasion for Surprise. Bt. Louis Republic. The admission of northern supreme court Judge that he had asked for a rebate on a premium paid an Insurance company Is said to have caused a great sensation. The company's refusal to accommodate him looks like the sensational part of the Incident. Rale for Editor. , Springfield Republican. Colonel Cmborn. editor of the New Haven Register, offers an adequate reason for de clining to serve as the chairman of th coming democratic stat convention In Connecticut. His editorial position forbids this kind of "partisan service." It surely does. Suppose the convention over which he presided embraced policies against his convictions; as an Independent editor In the campaign he might have his troubles. A good rule for editors is "either edit or git." I.Tlnir In Welaht. New York Olobe. It certainly would be a sever test of the popular temper If it were found that the Ice scales of the city had been called In and reset at a 40 per cent discount rate. There Is considerable reason for believing that the commodity end of many retail weighing machines systematically deceives the indicator dial, but the amount of the pilfering is unusually small, and more the result of carelessness than design. Inspec tors of th bureau of weights and meas ures who have rounded up aeventy-elght short-weight Ice scales during the last week report that about half of them weighed long by from twenty to forty pounds per hundred. ' That is, the dial Indicated a hundred pounds when the actual weight was only from sixty to eighty pounds. DEMOCRACY IN THE COLLEGES. Effect Of Edocatlon oa Trot Ideals of Eqnlty. Philadelphia Public Ledger. It has been suggested that the presence of so many wealthy studenta tn certain American universities fosters th exclusive spirit and endangers the democracy that should be encouraged In our Institutions of learning. President Hadley of Yale in the current number of Harper' Magaslne, In discussing the Influence of wealth in college life, observes that the Increasing number of rich etudents docs not, under present circumstances, constitute a serious danger. "There Is enough vitality ln our collea-e democracy," he says, "to take care of rich bt ys and poor boys side by side. and make them both useful cltixens." While President Hadley admits that It Is easier to maintain the democratic spirit where everybody Is doing the same thing and nobody has much money, h points out that the college world Is a type of the world without, where the rich and poor exist together, and where each class has Its responsibilities. He regards It as one of the most hopeful signs of the under graduate life that the students, "and par ticularly the wealthy students," are pre paring for the assumption of political re sponHibllltles. College studies, he thinks, tend to the establishment of a system under which the man with money feels that he holds It In trust for the public." In this way the democratic spirit is main talned. The universities and colleges of the country are probably doing mora to en courage a feeling of equality among Intel ligent young American than any other Influence ln our national life. LOVERS' VOWS I COVRT. Sweet Exnberanc of Tender Passion Not Binding neclnratloa. St. Louis Republic. Pledges of affection written and spoken have netted more public entertslnment. though perhaps less pecuniary penalties. lately, than promissory notes those dan gerous human documents. Suits to recover for breach of promise and to punisn anus of love have been frequent tn the chronic les of the year. Pittsburg furnished the most sensational ... ... l l II.. v. A . n case or tne ainu, pniu-iiwuj i.-uoc the fervency which characterised the un fulfilled promises of undying affection. The public Is familiar enough with tne courtship that ends In court for both living lovers, but the Instance of the Philadelphia woman who sought to moke a tender pas- sag In a love note the basis of a claim against her dead Idol s estate Is unique. even In this day of surprises. "I am youra to do with as you like. All that I hsve Is yours to do with as you like," wrote the wooer ln a burst of amatlveness. Those little sentences came In handy for the bereaved Juliet who, per haps, saw a chance to get a substantial remembrance of the departed Romeo. The letter containing the generous declaration was filed as a will with the register In Philadelphia. Fortunately for other heirs, and unfortu nately for the young woman and the pub lic who would have been glad to see th romance completed, the register of wills, In s scholarly opinion, decided against Juliet- He held that "ordinary poetic or romantic license Is considered an essential privilege of a lover's Impassioned rhe toric.'1 and had no doubt that the deceased Romeo "Intended to retain some remnant of supervision over the actual disposition of himself and his possessions." That decision seems to have been written while a vivid remembrance of similar wholesale phllanthrophy In hla young days glowed In the msglsterlal mind. In sny event. It Is a safeguard thrown round the fee of a vast deal of wealth, which ardent swains arc now giving and will continue to give In letter to their charmer Had the principle for which the pretty young litigant strove been recognised, hardly any man's substance would be safa after his death from the clslms of th doxens of young women to whom in his lifetime he had made ssslgnments of body, soul and chattels. But th Incident show, too, that "to love and be wise" If possible. Laberttis to th contrary notwithstanding. HOIR OP LAROR. Legal Restriction to Re Submitted t Jadlrlal Teat Philadelphia Ledger. During the last session of congress, when Mr. Oomper and other labor leaders made their demands for the passage of the law against Injunctions and of an act extending tke scop of th present eight-hour law, Speaker Cannon and the president spoke rather sharply to the labor leaders of the unreasonableness of many of their de mands. The labor leaders then announced that they would embark upon the otoriny sea of politics on their own account. Congress Is now adjourned and there Is no hope for the present of passing the eight-hour law, but the congressional elec tions are approaching, and the president Issues an order for the enforcement of the limited eight-hour law of 1S92 In the Army, Navy and other departments. There is thus, happily, provision for the "spell binders" In the fall; but shipbuilders need not fear thst their contract work, taken at bids Based on nine hours. Is In Jeopardy, nor ned labor leaders delude themselves with the notion that the eight-hour law which congress refused to consider Is to be established by "executive order." The eight-hour lsw which failed of pas- sag at th last session was a broad bill, which provided that eight hours should he the limit of Isbor on work don for the government. Under the terms of the bill, shipbuilders and manufacturers of all sorts of articles and contractors and subcon tractors employed on government work or contract, whether or not they happened to be performing the labor or service within the limits of government property, would hav been limited to eight hours. It was drastic bill. Th act of 1SD2, now in force, provides that laborers and trtechsnics employed by tho United States or by contractors or sub contractors "upon any of the public works of the United States" are limited to a day of eight hours. The president proposes to enforce this law. It Is a difficult matter. The wisest lawyers do not know how to Interpret the law. The attorney general of the United 8tates long ago decided that the eight-hour law under this act could not be enforced In contract work for the gov ernment. It Is certain that men employed In tho navy yards and on dry docks and the like men working on government property for the United States have the benefit of the law. But the law Is a puixle. Th men laying th stone on a breakwater are eight. hour men, but the men employed by the same contractor half a mil away unload ing ston to deliver to the stonemasons, where do they stand? It appears that one and the same contractor may employ nlne- nour or ren-nour men on practically the same Job with bis men who enjoy the eight- nour term. The president's Intervention at the pres ent time may result in an Intelligible In terpretation by the courts of the existing eight-hour law, and naturally It may soften the asperity of Impatient laborites. PROSPERITY AJSD POLITICS. Why It I Reasonable to Expect More Repabllcan Majorities. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A familiar sign of republican prosperity Is seen In New England at this moment. Advances of wages are being made In cot ton, woolen and worsted mills In that lo cality. Thus far 186,000 textile operatives have been affected by the advance, two thirds of whom are cotton workers. In some of the Iron mills, too, a higher sched ule la going Into operation. The advances range from 5 to 15 per cent. The country looks for things of this sort at frequent Intervals when the republican party is at the front. In such times pros perity 1 generally the order of the day. All th panics hav come In democratic times or from democratic causes. The democ ratio party was in power at the panics of 1817, 1837, 1857 and 1893. Every panlo which the country has had came dur ing days of democratic sway, except that of 1873, and that one was a result of demo cratic folly. The democratic rebellion of 1861-65 created the conditions that flnally retulted in the cataclysm which came in Grant's second term, and the republican party at that time checked the disaster by passing the specie resumption act of 1875, which went Into operation at tho beginning of 1879. Long before 1879 came the effects of that piece of legislation had a bracing effect on the country's finances and re stored prosperity. . These advances of wages now under way will be a good thing for the republican spellbinders to mention In the congressional canvass. They will help to roll up a ma jority for the republican party In Novemr ber. The republican campaign orators will have an embarrassment of riches In the way of concrete arguments for th renewal of the popular mandate for the party to keep on running things, but they should contrive to utilize most of them. Repub lican sway has been a grand thing for the country, and th continuance of this sway for a decade or two longer will give the American people a new cause for pride in their land. PERSONAL NOTES. Pictures of th devil have been barred from Chicago bill boards, but ln various forms he still lingers at the stag door. Mr. Taggart, however, asserts that It waa positively lost, and that there Is no possible chance for the kitty to come back. Margaret Deland, the authoress. Is sum mering at Kennebunkport, Me., where she loves to work for hours In the large garden that she has mad to blossom under her care. Notwithstanding th Illustrious example of Russell 8age, It still remains true, tin fortunately, that not every man who works every day and saves all th money he can live to be 90 years old and dies worth 1100.(00,000. , And then there are other people who can't see why Winston Churchill wants to be governor of New Hampshire when he can have a lot more fun making pub lishers lose sleep wondering what he Is going to do next. Senator LaFollett Is a vegtartao, never eating meat of any kind. His dally menu consists of fresh vegetables, English walnuts and milk, ana It is said a pr?i fighter anxious to get Into the pink of condition would envy him. Lawrenc academy, on of th oldest of th old country academies, founded In 1792, will hav a new head master this fall ln William B. Oaud of New York, chosen to succeed H. H Bingham. Gaud waa born In Toronto, Canada, of English and Scotch parentage and waa educated ln Illinois. Howard F. Mayhew, a young millionaire of New Bedford. Mass., Is employed In a cotton mill there, going to work at ( SO In the morning and quitting at i at night, and studies In a textile school until 10 o'clock. Young Mayhew two years ago won and wed th daughter of a . wealthy southern cotton mill owner and Is learning th business which his wlf will Inherit some day. M. Hyashl of Toklo, wishing to establish a stable such as Is owned for breeding pur poses by J. B. Haggln, near Lexington, Ky., has sent his two sons to America to remain at the Haggln stables In order to learn Just how they ar conducted. King Edward was delighted to listen to Vienna's millionaire choir. For kings, you know, ar not, after all, so different from , other poopia. , MAGOO A COMHO Rorernor of Panama Canal f.nae lated for Hlaher Honor. Th career of Charles K. Msgoon of Ne braska, governor of the Panama canal son and American minister to Panama, la regarded hy th New York Tribune as "a remarkable refutation of the oft-repeated assertion that there Is no futuie for a man In the government service." The Tribune Intimste that higher honors ar In store for the Nebrsskan. "Seven years ago," snys the Tribune, "Mr. Msgoon was a lawyer of Lincoln. Neb., with a good but modest practice, snil was little known outside of his own state. Today h holds the most Important place In the canal son and has almost outgrown it and higher honors will soon fall to hi lot. while ultimately he will. In the esti mation of his superiors, be selected for a place ln the cabinet or a seat In the su preme court. And hla rapid promotion has been won by sheer ability and Indomitable energy, for never has he commanded what Is known ln Washington as 'Influence.' "When Mr. Magoon assumed th duties of law officer of the bureau of Insular affairs In March, 1K9. he had th good fortune to And himself under the Imme diate direction of EUhu Root, then secre tary of war. The secretary was quick ti detect the ability of the young Nebraskan who had been selected to Interpret the Jurisprudence of the Philippines. Cuba and Porto Rico and to reconcile the often con flicting legal principles of Spanish and American law, and In a short time "Judge" Magoon he unwittingly acquired the title with the office became the trusted legal adviser of no less a lawyer than the sec retary of war, himself too busy with large enterprises to study the dusty tomes, in this capacity no task proved too arduous. no Investigation too tedious and no problem too abstruse for the energy and application of Judge Magoon, and he won the hearty admiration and approbation of Secretary Root. His decisions and legal opinions were, by direction of the secretary, pub lished ln book form under the title, "The Uw of Civil Government t'nder Military Occupation," and It has been necessary to produce two editions since "the first waa exhausted. Judge Magoon also acted as special counsel for the secretary of war, co-operating with the attorneys of the De partment of Justice In defending the fa mous "diamond rings" case and several of a similar character ln th United States supreme court. "When, In 1904, this country had acquired provisional sovereignty of the Panama ca nal sone. Secretary Tsft found urgent ne cessity for an able jurist to prepare a code to meet the peculiar conditions existing In the sone, and everything ln Judge Ma goon's experience seemed peculiarly to qualify him for the position. He waa ap pointed In June of that year. When he called at th White House to thank th president the executive said to him: " 'When a man has won his spurs as you have there Is no need of hi thanking any body to wear them.' "Magoon blushed like a girl when he heard this frank praise from the 'th big chief,' but he replied with his usual quick wit, and the president asked him If he were not of Hibernian descent. The Judge ex plained that he was a Mlnneeotan born, of New England ancestry, and th president told him h was a 'a credit to both cast and west.' "As counsel for th Isthmian Canal com mission Judge Magoon not only solved the numerous knotty problems affecting' the conduct of the commission, but he also pre pared the laws of the sone, which are still In force, and which were the subject of high praise from Senator Morgan of Ala bama during the recent session of congress. "Judge Magoon Is mor than an able Jurist. Ha is a diplomat, He Is a big man, constructed much on th lines of Secretary Taft, mentally, physically and temperamentally. And what Taft did for the Filipinos Magoon was calculated to do for th Panamans. And he has dona It. When, a little more than a year ago, the president determined to reoreanlxe the Isthmian Canal commission he made Judge Magoon a member, and then designated him as governor of the Panama canal sone. letter he was nominated also as minister to Panama, en office he has since filled, al though without remuneration. "It is as governor of the Panama canal sone that Magoon has won the renewed admiration of the administration, which is certain to result In his further mate rial preferment. When he went to the Isthmus in June, he found deplorable conditions. The sone and, in fact, the entire republic of Panama, were atrlcken with yellow fever, and the republic was on th verge of a revolution, a not un usual condition with a Latin-American re public. "The people of Panama had been or dered to "clean up by Mr. Magoon's pre decessor, but they were loath to take orders. They had been ordered to 'keep the peace.' but such an order they re garded almost as an Insult to their man hood. Governor Magoon gave no orders, and yet he accomplished all he set out .to do. He did It by persuasion and appeals to the pride of the people. Tou are an American republic, and th people of the United States expect great things of you," said the new governor In his Fourth of July orstlon last yesr. and that was his text throughout the cleanlng-up days. His suavity and diplomacy made It possible for Colonel Gorgas. his expert assistant at the head of the sanitary division, to eradi cate all the sources of yellow fever con taglon. The Panamans, always urged on by his expansive smile and fatherly con sideration, aided and assisted. The result Is that for the first time ln the history of For Lung Troubles Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainly cures hard coughs, hard colds, bron chitis, consumption. And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your own doctor. . If he says it's good, take it. If he has any thing better, take that. We have no secrets! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. Ksd ky tk . C. Arm Co.. Lwll, fetus. Ala SuilMtiutrl of A TBI'S HAIB YI0OB-Fr tk salt. ATIB'S PILLS-Fer coottlattoa. ATfcfi'S SAE8APARUXA Fat tk blase. AYKB'S AGUB CURB-F.T malana AS4 af. this continent the isthmus of PsnamS It free from yell.-w fever, and not only rt' the people cf rnm snd the thousand of Americans who hav gone ther to construct the csnal enjoy good health, but a grave menace to the southern cities of this country has been removed. "The metier of revolutions Governor Ma goon found n ore difficult to deal with, hut he mastered the eltuaHon. 'Revolutions sre Inimical to progress, snii the eyes of the American people sre upon you. They expect great things of you, snd they will be sorrly disappointed If you wsst your energy and your substance In Internecine conflicts.' was the text from which h preached. When on one occasion last winter 'a tempest In a teapot" seemed Inevitable, Governor Magoon gave a re ception to which he Invited the leaders of both factions, and over the coffe cups In the smoking room the differences were patched up. Governor Magoon presiding. When the elections were in progress, about the first of July this year, the governor was everywhere In evidence. He strolled shout or drove around the polls. He walked arm in arm with th alcsdes, and by the very contagiousness of bis good humor snd the manner In which h man aged to convey the fact that he expected of a people 'as Intelligent ss the Pana mnns' an exhibition of law and order he did more to prevent friction than th en tire police force of th republic. In a word, all that Governor Taft was to th Philippines Governor Migoon Is to Pana ma, and h Is Just as dearly beloved. H Is not a married man, but he seems to hav a heart so expansive thst It takes ln th Interests of all who rorr In contact with him. There Is much sentiment In Charles Magoon. Never does he com to the United States, even for a brief stsv. but he races half way across the continent, to visit his mother, who Is still living In Lincoln. Neb., and It Is a safe assertion that not many mothers feel a greater pride ln their favorite sons than does Mrs. Magoon. "But the dav has passed when a man of Governor Magoon's high order of at tainments Is required to govern th Pana ma canal xone. He Is capable of a larger and more Important work than remains there to be done. Chief Engineer Stevens will now become the man of the hour In the canal xone. and construction will be the order of the dav." MIDSIMMER MERRIMEST. The Editor Th opposition refers to you as "a cheap wit." The Humorist Ah! And you ar going' to escape th stigma by raising my salary? Baltimore American. Customer Ar you th waiter who took my order for that chop? Walter Yes, sir. Customer Bless me, how you have grown. Brooklyn Eagle. "What I regard aa most conspicuous "Is her naJvette."' "Yes," replied her hostess, "I wonder what made her get a red one?" Modern Society. "How is your brother. Tommy?" hick in Den, miss; he's hurt hlmseir." "How did he do that?" "We were placing at who can lean the farthest out of the window, and he won." Ixis Angeles Journal of Eclectic and Medi cine. Mrs. Hlx When John wn courting m he called me his little duck. Mrs. Dlx Indeed! Mrs. Hlx Yes; and we hadn't been mar ried a month before he called ma an old ben. Mrs. Dlx Well, only a goose would live with a man who called her such fowl names. Brooklyn CWlxen. New York Lover Come Into the garden, Mauds. New York Girl No, thank you. My taste for shooting affairs has been Satis fled. Wheeling Intelligencer. "Wer you frightened when you aros to snake your first spechf" ,- "What should frighten me?" "Th audience." ' "The audience left as soon as my name was announced." Cleveland Leader. "Miss Oldglrl told somebody she ex pected to blossom as a flower at that garden party." "Kid she?" "In a sort of fashion; she went to th well." Baltimore American. "But." sh said with a sigh, "my daugh ter was never Intended to be a poor man's wife." "No," her neighbor anawered, "that's plain enough. But, of course, it had come to a point in her case where she couldn't afford to sit around any longer and take chances on Fate's Intentions." Chicago Record-Herald. "They say that a man never reaches his highest mental power until h Is about tfi years old." "Oh, pshaw, I don't believe It. My hus band's mental power was highest Just about the time w were married." Chi cago Record Herald. WHEN SHE CAME TO GLORY. Florence Wilkinson in th Atlantic Nay, loose my hand and let me go! God' glories pierce and frighten. I want my house, my flres, my bread. My sheets to wash and whiten. I liked the dusty roads of esrth, The brambles and the roaming; I liked the flowers that used to fad, The small lamp ln the gloaming. Th fields of God they blind my eyes. Dread Is this heavenly Ullage. I want the sweet lost homeliness Of the duoryarda of our village. Where are th accustomed common things, Th cups we drank together; The old shoes that he laced for me, The cape for rainy weather? Dear were our stumbling human ways. His words' Impetuous flurry. His tossed hslr, the kind anxious brow. The step's too eager hurry. Oh tall archangel with auch wings. Your beauty is too burning! Give me once more my threadbare dress And the sound of his feet returning. r 3