Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Cut Eowd of AaMtuneot Tinda fom
DiaonpuoiM la lUton.
Bar; follower Jafcllaat Orff HI
Victory I Piatt Caaaty !
Predict Hla Soaajaatloa
far Ooveraor.
(From a 8tfT Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 2 . Special. ) Tha
Btat Board of Equalisation took a re
ces this moraine after spending an hour
or more discussing; automobiles to 1t
the secretary time to call up tha assessors
and find out why It Is no mora are on
the assessment roll Inasmuch aa tha
owners of automobiles are required to
register tha same In tha office of tha ec
retary of atate, the board has a complete
record and tha secretary he been ordered
to sea that the resort of tha aaaeasors
tally with the number registered prior to
April 1. i
On this class of property Lancaster
county shows a big discrepancy. Its as
sessor returning fifty-six machines, while
the records In tha office of tha secretary
of state show there are elghty-flve ma
chines owned in the county. Douglas
county's assessor reporta ninety-eight,
while tha records show 10 were owned
there before Arll 1. Holt county re
turned two machines, while the records
at the state house show only one was
owned there April 1. Thla county also
carried on in oanner lor piecing ine
highest value upon the automobiles, its
j. sir being returned at $300 each. In Lan
caster automobiles were assessed at flit
and In Douglas at 11(5 each. In Dixon
county automobiles were returned at til
'each, though the assessor found one more
than Is registered In the office of tha
secretary or atate. Only twenty-six coun
ties returned automobllea, though the
records In the office of the secretary of
state show automobiles are owned In
sixty-three counties.
The value placed upon automobiles in
the various counties Is as follows. Boyd,
134 : Buffalo, $60; Burt. $70; Butler. 190;
Clsy, $121; Colfax, $10; Cuming. $71;
Dawson, $100; Dixon. $32; Douglas. $165;
Harlan, $100; Holt, $300; Howard, $80;
Jefferson, $60; Knox, $80; Lancaster, $181;
Nemaha, $112; Pawnee, $X; Phelps, $88;
Platte, $87; Polk, $70; Red Willow, $76;
Richardson. $80; Sheridan. $100; Valley,
$100; Webster. $120.
The following v table shows the number
of automobiles registered In the ofilce
of the secretary of state and the number
reported by the assessors:
u- Re- u- Rs-
csnart pones cenww ponwl
lMUtS bj SS-
lstia br u-
Aprll I. son.
Adams 14
Antelope ... 2
Uoone ...... 2
Box Butte.. 1
Boyd 1
Blown X
Buffalo tf
bart 5
Butler I
Cass ........ 7
ifder I
Cheyenne ... 1
Clay 7
Co If 8.X 1
Cuming 2
Custer I
Dakota I
Diwron .... 8
Deuel 1
Dixon ...... 4
Dodge 19
Douglas ....109
Fillmore ....
Franklin- ... 4
Oaje 4
Hnll 11
Hamilton ... 11
Harlan 1
Hitchcock .. 2
Holt X
Howard .... 2
April I.
Johnson ...
Kearney ...
Keya Paha
Kimball ...
Lancaster .
11 Lincoln
loup . ......
Madison ...
McPherson ,
Merrick ...
1 Nuckolls
Otoe 12
Pawnee I 4
- Phelpa 1$ 11
J Pierce I
1 Platte 31
; Polk 4 6
Red Willow. 1 4
Richardson.. 10 S
w Rock
.. Sarpy
Saunders ...
Boon's Bluff
. Sheridan 1
Sherman ..
Stanton ..
..Thayer 4 ..
.. Thomas .,
Thurston ... 1 ..
4 Valley 2 2
.. Wahins'n.. 6
.. Wayne 2
2 Wehster .... 4 I
.. Wheeler
1 Tork 13
Jeesen Oat for Conarreaa.
It waa reported In Lincoln today that
Judge Paul Jeesen of Otoe county had
announced his candidacy for the republican,
nomination for congress In opposition to
Ernest M. Pollard, present congressman
and candidate for re-election. "According to
friends rf Judge Jessen In Lincoln, he waa
Induced to announce hlmaelf by the sud
den turn of affairs since the publication
of the stories that Congressman Pollard
had drawn salary for a period of time
previous to his election aa a member of
congress. There la no question but whst
number of the Pollard delegatea In Lan
caster county will refuse to stand by
the Instructions of the Lancaster county
convention, but will either get off of the
delegation or vote for someone else for
he congressional convention. Some of
Pollnrd a friends. Including the Journal,
are asserting ha waa Justified In taking
me salary because such a precedent had
been established. His opponents and other.
however, criticise Mr. Pollard severely and
ay that aa he was elected as a reformer,
he should have been the man to have
smashed such precedents.
Berg Followers Jaallaat.
Berg democrats In Lincoln are rejoicing
today over the outcome of the Platte county
convention yesterday, which endorsed Mr.
Berge for the democratic nomination for
governor. On the other hand, those who
oppose Berge merely say It was a slap at
Edgar Howard and the convention cared
nothing about Berge. Berge now Intends to
put up a fight In Otoe county, snd if that
Instructs for him his friends assert he will
get the nomination without any more op
position. One of the principal backers of
the Berge candidacy said last night:
"A few of the so-called leadera of the
democratic party are fighting Berge on the
ground thai he Is a populist. The fight In
Platte county forever puts an end to that
opposition. Platte county Is the hotbed of
democracy In this state. The remit of
that convention practically ends the con
test and Mr. Berge will be the nominee of
the democratic party.
"Hitchcock will try bis best to name
Bhallengerger, but he will fall, and with his
failure there his chance to be Vnlted States
senator, even if the democrats control the
legislature, is gone glimmering. In fact,
there Is no opposition to Berge except by
a half doeen would-be leaders who can do
nothing with the uprising among the rank
and file of the democratic party for Berge."
Pallmaa Assessment.
The attention of the next legislature will
be directed to the law which governs the
assessment of the Pullman Car company In
Nebraska. Attorney General Brown, upon
the request of Tom Benton, the Pullman
representative here, told the Board of As
sessment, when that body wanted to In
crease the assessment, that under the law
It would be Impossible for It to so do.
Every member of the board expressed a
desire to Increase the assessment of the
Pullman company and Treasurer Mortonren
and Governor Mickey wanted to do so even
after Mr. Brown had told them the law did
not permit It.
Mr. Mortensen and the governor wanted to
double the assessment of the Pullman com
pany by adding the franchise value Instead
of Just assessing It upon the dead physical
property. Both held that the' railroads were
assessed that way and that it was legal to
assess the franchise of the Pullman com
pany. Tom Benton at once sent for the
attorney general and Mr. Brown sided with
the Pullman representative.
That Tom Benton, the Pullman lobbyist,
then became the ardent supporter of Mr.
Brown for Vnlted States senator and as
sisted him In getting Lancaster county, ac
cording to Mr. Brown'a friends. Is of no
In the meantime Mr. Mortensen. though
still believing the board has a right to as
sess the Pullman company on Its franchise
value, believes If the law Is not right the
next legislature should amend It so the
Pullman company could be assessed at
something near the value of Its property In
First Car oa laterarbaa.
The Interurban company this morning
received Its first car and It was formally
received Into the city by General Manager
Hurd, who smashed a bottle of good rich
win over Its side after which H. H. Wil
son, attorney for the company, made a
short address In which he told of the diffi
culties which the company had overcome.
The car will be tested and will be used
In a few days to carry passenger to the
Bethany assembly.
Capital Briefs.
Dr. Singer of Omaha, who has been ap
pointed by Governor Mickey assistant su
perintendent of the Norfolk asylum, called
upon the governor this morning and later
consulted with Dr. Young, the new superin
tendent. Dr. Singer will go to Norfolk
tomorrow to assume his duties. Dr. Toung
will not go there until Dr. Alden has been
Dr. B. F. Bailey was thla morning ap
pointed a member of the penitentiary board
to suoceed Dr. W. T. Johnuon of Pawnea
City. The law requires that the physicians
of this board shall be members of the
Board of Secretaries of the Board of
Health. Governor Mickey made the ap
The State Normal board will meet In tha
office of Superintendent McBrlen August
23. At thla meeting the opening of the
normal school will be discussed and the
work of the summer school will be re
viewed and passed upon.
Rev. Dr. Bchleh of Omaha was speaker of
the day. The outing waa successful In
very way.
M 4010
Eleeted I.lealenaat Caloael of First
LINCOLN. July 2(1 -(8 peel al Telegrams-
Fred Gregner of Madison hss been elected
lieutenant colonel of the First regiment,
Nebraska National Guard, to succeed Lieu.
tenant Colonel Mclaughlin, who resigned.
Major Richards of Omaha Is succeeded In
the same election by J. J. Grim of Wllber.
Major Richards wss a candidate for lieu
tenant colonel and came within a few vote
of being elected.
"I want to say that In the loss of Major
Richards the guarda are deprived of on of
the best officer they ever hsd." was the
assertion of Adjutant General Culver this
afternoon. .
Though we're clipping a dollar off
ur price every day now. we're not
subtracting a particle from our stand
ard of tailoring. PASTE THAT IN
la allowing you to have your pick of
530 and $35 SUMMER SUITING
(Except Solid Blacks and Blurs)
W cannot promise that the best of
our Suitings will not be gone by Fri
04-04 atoatk attxteeata Street.
'Phone Douglas 1101.
Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office.
Leave Legislative taadldate for the
ALBION. Neb., July 26.-(Speclal Tele
gramsThe largeat democratic county con
vention that has convened In this county
for fifteen years met here this afternoon.
Delegatea from most of the precinct were
present. Mr. Compton of Cedar Rapid and
Le Juvenat of Petersburg ware elected, re
spectlvely, chairman and secretary. Dur
Ing an Intermission ex-Governor Poynter
addressed the convention, but admitted he
waa not a democrat, but on of the found
ers of the Independent party. Hla speech
was directed against corporations generally
and railroad companies In particular. He
predicted the democrat would, in 1108. nom
Inate and elect W. J. Bryan president.
The committee on resolutions made a brief
report condemning railroads and corpora
tions, also recommending an antl-paaa bill
and also the election of 1'nited Statea sen
ators by direct vote. No nomination was
made for the legislature, doubtlesa for the
purpose of giving the populists an oppor
tunity to nominate a candidate for that
office who will In the future receive the en
dorsement of the democrat. M. W. McGIn
of Albion wss nominated for the office of
county attorney and he doubtlesa will be
endorsed by the populists.
A resolution favoring the nomination of
Mr. Berge for governor resulted In a pro
test which caused the resolution to be with
drawn. Andrew J. Pitchford of Cedar Rap
Ids was nominated for commissioner from
the First district.
Rprare - Ceaslderable ! from s
tnert Merrhaat.
STl'ART. Neb., July 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Thursday morning, 'between the
hours of 1 and 1 o'clock, the general mer
chandise store of D. M. Stuart was broken
Into by burglars and the aafe blown up
and robbed of $?JS In cash and endorsed
checks. When Mr. Stuart came In at 6:10
In the morning he found the front and
aide glass doors broken In and the safe
completely shattered. The burglars e
cured the content of the sfe, the day's
sales. $150 In cash and the rherks. Mr.
Stuart telegraphed fct once to stop the
payment of all checks. Nitroglycerine
and soap were used to blow up the safe
and It wa done In a way to show the
hand of a professional. Mr. Stuart tele
graphed Sheriff Hill, who had Just sr
rested a man In Atkinson for an attempted
burglary. It Is thought there Is an or
ganlacd gang of outlaws working along
the line to Shoshonl. Wednesday two sue
piclous looking characters were In town
from the north country. Mr. Stuart has
telephoned to the Nellgh sheriff to bring
up bloodhounds on the night train. Every
rffort will bo made to rapture the robber.
I'Mlcrul IM. m I ..
PENDER, Neb.. July 2C (Special.) The
W. O W.p K. v., K. Ji. and Danlsi
Brotherhood held a union plcnie her today
It 1 estimated that 2.000 were present
Woman Accidentally Killed.
FREMONT, Neb., July 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Laura Foy was found hanging
by her dress to some nails In the rafters
of her barn on her farm, about eight miles
east of town. It was at first thought she
had committed suicide, but later Informa
tion Indicated that It was accidental. The
boards of the floor were broken and Im
mediately below on the mow floor were a
number of broken eggs. It Is supposed
that she had gone to the barn after eggs,
that the board broke, letting her through.
and her dress caught, leaving her suspended
head downwards. She lived alone and had
been dead evidently several hours. Bhe
was found by her son-in-law, John Fran
sis, who lives near. Mrs. Foy was about
60 years old. She came to Nebraska with
hr husband forty years ago, taking up a
homestead, where she had ever since lived.
Two years ago her husband deserted her
and much of the time since then she has
lived alone.
Mrhol.on Quit Monday.
NORFOLK. Neb.. July 26.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Dr. Nicholson will withdraw from
his position as assistant superintendent of
the state Insane hospital next Monday.
For six weeks he will rest In Cnnada. He
Has not determined his future location.
Jlmi of Nebraska.
PLATTSMOfTH A heavy rain fell In
this vlrlnlty Wednesday evening.
WOOD RIVER Dr. W. J. Redfleld of this
place has purchased a large touring car.
SEWARD The members of the Congre
gational church will picnic at the fair
grounds here Thursday.
COLl'MBrS Mary, the 8-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Benham. is dead
as result of Brlght's disease.
NEWPORT A case of smallpox Is re
ported here. Vncclnatlon la general and
the situation will be controlled.
PLATT8MOUTH Commencing August 2
the stores In this city will close at 6:30
In the evening, except Saturdays.
SEWARD Wheat goes from thirty-six to
forty-five bushels per acre in various local
ities and test aa high as sixty-three pounds
per busnel.
ALBION Judge Paul convenes the dis
trict court today to tiear an uppeal on
a saloon license granted by the city coun
cil last week.
BEATRICE This section was visited by
a heavy rain and electrical storm last
night. The moisture will be of Inestimable
value to crops and especially corn.
PLATTSMOUTH County Judge Travis
Ipsued a marriage license to William V.
Chapman of Omaha and Miss Maud Davis
of Cedar Creek, each aged 30 years.
RTJIyO The Missouri river Is unusually
low for this time of year. Old timers say
they never saw it o low tnis early, it
Is as low now as it usually gets in Sep
tember or October.
OSCEOLA A pretty wedding took place
at tho home of the brides parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Morse, last evening, when
Miss Mildred May and Mr. J. LIndlie Heald
were united In marriage.
NORTH PLATTE Dr. Twlnem of this
city lost his second bicycle Saturday. Some
one stole It from the foot of the stairway
leading to his office. The former wheel
wa stolen less than a year ago.
BEATRICE Judge Spafford performed
two marriage ceremonies, the contracting
parties being Samuel McGuIre and Theresa
H. Majeskl and James B. Llllle and Maud
Pitman, all residents or Beatrice.
SEWARD J. W. Dally of Oermantown
Is having a new bank building put up at
Malcolm, and Mr. Louis Westerhoff, who
Is aslstant cashier of the Oermantown
bank, will be cnHhier of the new bank.
BEATRICE Maupln & Son, who recently
came here to prospect for oil and gas,
yesterday ordered tneir machinery snipped
from Fredonia, Kan., and expect to beitin
operations within the next few days.
YORK Word has Just been received of
the management of the York Chautauqua
that ail railroads entering York have made
a rate oi one and one-third fare to the
York Chautauqua, commencing August 10.
SEWARD The Germantown school board
has appointed Prof. J. Moler of Fremont
as principal. Miss Lulu Mitchell of Ger
mantown as intermediate teacner and Miss
Nell Green of Seward as primary teacher.
RULO The third crop of alfalfa la now
being cut. It Is heavy. The prospects are
excellent for two more crops yet this
season, torn prospects are excellent and
old corn is being put on the market rap
WOOD RIVER An Immense amount of
grain Is being marketed here at present.
tne elevators running rar into tne nignt
In order to take care of It. Most of the
farmers are threshing their wheat from the
PLATTSMOUTH The warden of the Col
orado state penitentiary has informed
Sheriff Qulnton that he can have 150 if
he will return W. Johnson, who escaped
from that Institution the 30th of this
NORTH PLATTE-A. H. Davis, a former
attorney and county attorney of thla
county, who 'moved away from North
Platte to Grand Junction, Colo., about two
year ago, was recently married at that
place to Miss Anna pope Hart.
COLl'MBl'S The bodv of Robert Conn.
who was a bridge Inspector of the ifnlon
Pactflo railroad, and who was instantly
killed by the Loa Angeles Limited, east
bound, yesterday, wa brought to Colum
bus. Conn leaves a wife and one child.
BEATRICE About a dosen of the visit
ing sheriffs from various counties in the
state, who arrived In town last evening
to attend the annual state meeting of
sheriffs, were entertained last night at
the Elk' club by Sheriff Trude of this
YORK Otto Stout, a young man well
known here and an employe of the Bur
lington, fell thla morning from a freight
train which wa switcnlng m the yards
near the depot. He was unconscious for
neurly two hours and hi injuries are seri
ous. NORTH PLATTE Carrie I. -McMurray,
through her attorneys, Hoagland A Hoag
land, has filed a claim for IJ6.U0O against
the city of North Platte for injuries alleged
to have been received from a fail upon a
defective sidewalk In this city on April 23.
OAKLAND Ed. O. Peterson, eldest son
of Rev. and Mrs. John A. Peterson of
this ally, was married Wednesday after
noon to Miss Anna Westphal, daughter
of Mr. and Mr. John Westphal, at their
home three miles northeast of town. They
will reside on the Peterson homestead,
west of town.
BEATRICE J. D. Thornburg. who lives
east of the city a few miles, last tall
plowed up six acrea of clover sod and
bowed in wheat. Yesterday he threshed
the crop and secured from the ground
forty-two and one-half bushels to the
acre. He sold the grain yesterday for
62 cents per bushel.
ALBION H. C. Young, who formerly
conducted a meat market at thla place,
but lately baa been engaged In the same
business at St. Edward, was this morning,
at his own request, adjudged an in.
ebrlate and sent to the asylum at Lincoln.
This Is the first person sent from this
county under the statute.
RL'IXD Pe&chea are ripening rapidly. The
marketa are overstocked and many or
chards contain wasting peaches that can
not be sold or given away. M. C. Brine
gar has at least l.Ooo baskuts of them
wasting, as he could find no place to sell
or consign them In Kansas City, St. Joeig h,
Lincoln, Omaha or Denver.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Cerekl mills
yesterday shipped three carloads of its
products to outside points. One of tin
rare waa consigned to Washington, en
to Mississippi and the third to Wisconsin.
The mills are shipping on an average of
three rara a day to various point la the
I'nited biatea and Europe.
ALBION A democratic caucus was held
her last night and delegates to the
county convention selected. The demo
crats hold their convention two daya be
fore the pops- It looks as though If any
endorsing r don it will b ctceisjy
for the pops to do It, as the democrats
III make tneir nominations nrst.
EDO A R A much-needed rain fell here
lsst night. The weather had been very
dry for the past six weeks and corn and
grass were suffering severely. The storm,
which was an electrical one of considerable
magnitude, began at a little after mid
night and, continued I wo hours. The
amount of precipitation was two Inches.
SEWARD The children of Jacob Maurer
of "D" town have commenced action In
the oountr court, the object being to have
a guardian appointed for him on the ground
that he la Incapaoie oi loosing aner nis
property. The case wa hotly contested
and meny witnesses were examined. Mr.
Maurer Is said to be worth nearly I'AOu.
Judge Leaven took the case under advise
BEATRICE The funeral of Mrs. Anna
Lang, who committed su-ide here yester
day, was held this morning at o'clock
from St. Joseph's Catholic, church. The
services were conducted by Bev. M. M.
Merkl. Emll" Lang. ne of the lesdlng
arocers of this city, snd Vlrtor Lang,
engaged In the restaurant business here
for many years, are stepsons of the de-ceesed.
YORK The Commercial club bsnd of
York ha engagements for nearly every
week from now until cold weather. On
August 1 they go to Geneva. They have
consented to entertain at the state talr at
Lincoln and also at the county fair at
Nelson. The Commercial club band of
York hs the reputation of being one of
the finest and best musical organisations
In the west.
WOOD RIVER Seth Lee. one of the
early settlers In this portion of Nebrsska,
is dead at his home lu Cameron town
ship, northwest of town. Mr. Lee was 88
years ot age ana ne naa neen sick Dut a
short time. He Is the father of four chil
dren, two girls and two boys, one of
whom, Arthur Lee. Is engaged In business
at Hastings. He has a brother, James Lee
of isewton, la.
YORK Little Paul Bernstein, the 11-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. William
Bernstein, who lives at 660 East Twelfth
street, was severely burned and at the
present writing is a great sufferer. The
children had a bonfire in the street, and
Paul struck the fire with a stick scattering
the blase, when unexpectedly some sparks
burst into flames in the bark ot his shirt
and before the garment could be removed
he waa badly burned.
BKA1NAKD Last night about S o'clock a
heavy rainstorm, followed by hall, passed
over a narrow strip of country about four
or five miles east of this place. On about
a halt doxen farms the entire crop was
completely destroyed by the hall. On Wil
liam Brown's farm fifteen window lights
were knocked out. At this place the hall
stone measured as large as from four to
seven Inches. Fortunately not over a half
doren farms were touched by the hail.
TECl'MSEH Lightning struck the latae
barn of George Domlney, one and a half
miles northeast of Johnson, last evening,
and the structure, with its contents, to
gether with a small Icehouse and a liUKgy
shed, were burned to the ground. In the
barn was i busnels of corn. K) bushel
of oats, eight tons of hsy, harness, imple
ments, etc. The stock was In the pasture.
A buggy was lost In the buggy house. Total
loss estimated at a&ouu, wun insurance or
TABLE ROCK Pawnee county farmers
who are so fortunate as to own walnut
timber are reaping a rich harvest. A buyer
has recently been through here, securing
such timber, and paying from 116 to
per thousand feet, the price being deter
mined somewnai Dy me size oi me log
thirteen inches in diameter at the top of
the log being the minimum accepted. Over
6n,oon feet will be shipped from this county
to Kansas City, where' it will be sawed
and shipped afterward to Germany and
France, to be used in the manufacture of
fine furniture.
HARVARD At midnight last night a
heavy storm came up, accompanied by con-,
tinued flashes of lightning and sharp peals
of thunder and some hall, but so far as
known no material harm was done except
the usual harm by wind to stacks and
shocks of grain. The rainfall was close to
an Inch and a half. This morning waa
clear, cool and bright, but at U o'clock
another storm csme on, lasting only a few
moments, accompanied with wind and light
hnll. ThpM rains will ajratn delay thresh
ing and cause much Inconvenience and some
loss to the farmers.
PLATTSMOUTH Articles of Incorpora
ting the Cass Land company have beuu
niea in mo cuumy tin a vmvw. i.c
capital stock Is 1100,000. The purpose of
the organization Is for the raising of
cattle, enecp, hogs, horses and other kinds
of stock and buying and leasing land for
ranch purposes. The company recently
purchased a large tract of Irrigated land
near Lamar, Colo., but the headquarters
will be in this city. The following of
ficers were elected: President, C. C.
Parmele; vice president, J. M. Stone; sec
retary, County Attorney . C. A. Roawls;
.oo.nrcr n c. Westi general manager.
J. U. Kichey. The latter will have charge
of the property In Colorado.
BEATRICE Sheriff Trude yesterday
executed an order from the district court
which commanded the infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. George Whitcomb returned to
its parents. AOOUl a year ago mo emu,
then a babe 2 weeks old, was deserted by
Its mother, who left It with Mr. and Mrs.
(iecrge Reed. About six months ago
Mrs. Whitcomb returned to her husband,
and soon after her arrival in the city she
and Mr. Whitcomb brought habeas cor
pus proceedings to recover the child from
Mr and Mra. Reed. The case was carried
to the district court and decided in favor
of the Whltcombs. At the last session of
court the attorney for the plaintiffs se
cured an execution and had the sheriff
return the child to its parents, who ore
at present residents of Crete.
NORTH PLATTE Last Saturday a small
excursion on the new line of the Union
Pacific railroad from O'Fallons up th
valley of the North Platte river was taken
by General Superintendent Park, Superin
tendent Anderson, Trainmaster Clabaugh,
Assistant Engineer Thayer, W. H. McDon
ald Arthur McNamara and Ira Bare, ed
itor of the Tribune. The Tribune editor.
In writing an account of the trip for his
paper, issued yesterday, says that the line
is In every way an almost perfect one and
that the bridge across the North Platte
rlv?r north of Paxton, though frame, la a
splendid construction. Section house are
being erected almost as fast aa the railroad
is built and tho grading for the sidetrack
and depot Is being done. The telegraph
line and the fences on each side of the
road are being constructed a fast aa the
steel Is laid. Most of the road on the eaat
side of the bridge across the North Piatt
river ha been urfaced.
rhanderstorms Today i Probably Fair
Tomorrow Showers la West
ern Iowa Todar.
WASHINGTON, July 26. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Thunderstorm Friday;
Saturday, probably fair.
For Iowa Fair In east, showers In west
portion Friday; Saturday, showers and
For Kanaa Thundershower and cooler
Friday afternoon or night j Saturday, prob
ably shower.
For Colorado Occasional thundershow
ers Friday and probably Saturday.
For Wyoming Thundershower and
cooler Friday; Saturday, fair.
For Montana Fair Friday, cooler In
southeast portion; Saturday, fair.
For South Dakota Thundershower and
cooler Friday: Saturday, fair.
For Missouri Fair Friday, warmer In
east portion; Saturday, showers and cooler.
Local Reeord.
OMAHA, July 2b. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the' corresponding day of the last three
years: 4!5. Wf. 1904. Ii3.
Maximum temperature 74 83
Minimum temperature.... 66 63 63 '1
Minn temperature 76 68 "3 80
Precipitation 00 .36 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
snd comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 76
Total deficiency since March 1 174
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
lKnelency for th day 14 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1. .. .IK 63 Inches
Deficiency since March 1... 113 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1.... 7.17 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.... 2.30 Inches
Report from Stations at T P. M.
Station and Stat Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. 7 p. in Temp. fall.
Bismarck, clear n 86 .f
Cheyenne, clear 82 86 T
Chicago, part cloudy 74 84 .00
Davenport, clear 64 to .00
Denver, part cloudy fci 14 .00
Havre, cleur "i 88 .no
Helena, clear 74 84 . 00
Huron, clear 82 86 .00
Knna City, pert cloudy. 86 9 ,uo
North Platte, cloudy 66 0 .00
Omaha, cloudy 8! 86 .no
Rapid City, clear 0 to .
St. Louis, cloudy 72 84 .38
St. Paul, clear 80 64 .00
Salt Ieke City, part cloudy 86 88 T
Valentine, cloudy 14 11 ,04
T Indicates trsce of precipitation.
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Penoni Who Cell Land Patent Froiecuted
by tha GcTsrnment.
laele Sam laslsts that This Laad
Caaaot Be Takea lp Merely
for gaeealatlvo Par-aoses.
That th government means what It say
when It declare that persons filing upon
land must carry out the conditions of the
homestead law and not sell their relin
quishment or otherwise dispose of the land
for speculative purposes Is brought to light
in several suits Just Instituted.
United States District Attorney Gos ha
brought suit in the United Statea district
court In behalf of the United State against
certain parties In Cherry county for the
cancellation of their patents to government
lands. There are five of the suits, the de
fendant being Clara A. Felch, who I
charged with having alienated her land to
Ellas Btllwell; Mary J. Donoher alienating
her land to W, W. Anderson; Charles B.
Harris, alienating his land to Julius C
Round; George W. Miller, alienating his
land to R. F. Olllaspie and Jacob W. Stet
ter, and Kate Meyer, formerly Kate Strain,
for alienating her land to Robert F. Gil
lespie and Jacob W. Btetter.
Conditions of Law Violated.
The' petition In each case states that
the first named I parties In the suits did
not file upon the lands for homestead, cul
tivation and settlement, that their respect
ive affidavit on final proof were false,
that the landa were taken up for specula
tive purposes and were Immediately trans
ferred to the second named parties In the
casos aa soon as final proof was made, pur
suant to a previous arrangement made at
the time of entering the lands. The petl- j
tlon also asks that the lands In question !
may be restored to the nubile dnmsln for !
actual settlement.
These suits are but the beginning of a
number of like suits that will be brought
for the cancellation of patents In the cat
tle country.
R. F. Olllaspie, one of the parties named
In two of the suits. Is now under Indict
ment by the federal grand Jury for con
spiracy and alleged subornation of perjury
in seeking to defraud the government ot
title to certain public iand All of the
lundu In question Involved i.. these suits
are located In Cherry county.
Brief Xews of Bonth Dakota.
GREGORY The railroad grade Is
progressing rapidly and It Is expected the
cars will be In Gregory long before the
snow flies.
GREGORY The general crop outlook
of Gregory county this season is splen
did. A large acreage was put in and the
season has been very favorable for a
large yield.
SIOUX FALLS Resident of Aurora
county have been greatly Interested in
the report, sent from Yankton a few days
sgo, that a large' colony of colored people
are to locate In Aurora county with ho
object of subsequently securing largo
tracts of land In Lyman, Stanley and
Meade counties.
SIOUX FALLS The authorities of
Sioux Fall will follow the example o.
the authorities of Lawrence county and
seise and destroy in the future all gam
bling paraphernalia found within the city
limits when used for gambling purposes.
Mayor Pillsbury has Issued to Chief of
Police Wade explicit Instructions to this
SIOUX FALLS John T. Cogan, ecre
tary of the South Dakota Press associa
tion, together with George Schlosser of
this city, departed for St. Paul Wednes
day, where they today discussed with In
spector General White of the Canadian
government railway department the pro
posed tour of the South Dakota edl'ori
through the British northwest posses
sions. GREGORY The stockholder of -th
town of Dallas have held a meeting aim
concluded to move to Gregory, the rail
roads having missed them about three
miles to the north. The Geddes moving
outfit came down Sunday and will at one
begin the labors of moving thm to
Gregory, the neareat town on the railroau.
Gregory Is now by far the largest town
on the Rosebud reservation and when the
town of Dallas gets here Gregory will be
a larger town than Bonesteel. Gregory,
being situated as It Is, only four miles
from the Tripp county line, will be th
gateway to the opening of the Tripp
county Indian lands, which, without
doubt, will be opened during the season
of 1907.
Nationar Cathedral
School &
MU St, Alban, Wsshlngton, D. C
Combine the beat features of tha
College Preparatory and Finishing
School. Unrivalled advantages In
Music and Art. Certificate admits to
any college. Special Courses, fire
proof Building. Park of 40 acres.
Rt stT. X. T. BATTEstLEE, D. D.
1.1b D., President Board of Trusts.
For catalogue apply to
In th beautiful Cumberland Valley. Course
leading to degree ot A.. B. and Mu. II
Classic. Music, Art. A most excellent fac
ulty. Campus 60 acre; 14 buildings; rate
moderate. M. H. REA8ER, Ph. D., Pre'!.
Why Pabst Malt Is
The Perfect Malt
PABST has proven by scientific
experiment nd aixtv vrar of
practical brewing that eight days are
required in making malt to bring shout
those necessary chemical changes by
which the perfect preligested malt is
produced. In many breweries the old
four-day process is still used and the malt
is of forced, unnatural development. It
lacks in nutrition and is in all ways inferior,
much of the vital nutriment of the grain being
lost. Beer brewed from Fahst eight-day malt
retains in predigested form all of the nutritious
life-giving elements of the grain.
It is the exclusive Pabst method of brew
ing with Pabst eight-day malt that makes
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer superior as a
nourishing tonic and a delicious beverage.
When ordering Beer, call for
Pabst. Blue. Ribbon
130? Leavenworth St.
Phone Son;. 7.
"We are specialists for diseases of
men and men only. The most stubborn
and complicated oases yield quickly to
our scientific treatment.
for Cures
We cure Nervoua Debility, Vital
Weakness, Enlarged Veins, Euptur,
Sores and Blood Poison, Swollen
Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal
Diseases, and all diseases and weak
nesses of men due to inheritance, exhaustion or the result
of specific diseases.
Northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute
Northwest Corner 13th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb.
8 fx0s-gu-
The Right Road to St. Paul and Minneapolis.
$12.50 There r--v'W a H.H.CHURCHILL(
and Back. d TYC "Y It cnriAgnt,
"Guid to Gulda SLiWL.3r'i JrKfi i5i Farnam St
Boost tree.
Western Military Academy
Upper Alton. Illinois
28th yesr. Ideal location near St. Louis. Six modem buildings in beauti
ful park. Thret fire-proof barracks. Large drill hall, with gymnaiium
and bowling illeyi. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer and military equipment
furnishd by War Dept. Tuition $450. Capacity 150. Waiting lilt fait year.
Immediate application advisable for boys of good character above 6th grade.
COL. ALBERT M. JACKSON. A. M.. Superintendent
Lindenwood College for Women ST. chaklTs
Diamond Jublle College of th West. Academic, Seminary and College Cours.
Music, Klocutlon, Art and Domestic Scon Amy. Physical and Strategic Location.
Accessibility to a great city. Select patronage. Limited number of boarders. Every
room taken during last school year. Beautiful location. Elcctrlo cai to St. Xrtula. ,
Catalogue on application. eof rrederio Ayr. Ph. D. Pres.
Military Academy
LezlDstea, Me. OI)at&n4 Ijkrgnt MUtUiry
ftcboolin tbs Middle Viru Class A ' by reonil
rsUns of War liept. One of 1 In D. B. Only
om la MlasuurL Bead for oalalcwue.
and Return
When you compare Summer resorts, don't forget the Summer attractions of Chi
cago, with its lake journeys, its magnificent parks and boulevards, its Summer theaters
and gardens, its cool nights, its nearness to Southern "Wisconsin and Michigan. You can
go to Chicago and back on any of the Burlington's excellent trains on August 4th, 5th
and 6th for $8.00, returning any time up to August 15th.
Tickets good in coaches, chair cars also in Standard and Tourist Sleepers, if you
secure berths early.
Three trains daily:
No. 6-Fast Daylight Limited at 7:25 A. M.
No. 2 Afternoon Express at 3:45 P. M.
No. 12-Afterdinner Fast Train at 8:05 P. M.
1502 Farnam Street, Omaha.
$8.00 to Peoria and Back, Too.
P. 8s