Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FMPAY, JULY 07 iwr Tel. Douglas (18. 4,0CK) new and beautiful Shirt Waists bought at a fraction of 9:00 in the morning till 9:30 at night. "We guarantee there "will be more pretty waists sold that day than was ever sold before in the same time in Omaha, Notice: Ladies are beginning to tele phone, "Can't I have some of these waists reserved till Saturday!" To every one we wish to say, not one waist will be sold before 9:00 A. M., Saturday, f Have Your Bed Blankets Wash ed by Mill Process Now. Th beauty of fine wool blankets Is often spoiled by them not being wanned properly. They have shrunk, turned hard, oily, or have changed from while to a dirty yellow. All this ran be avoided and you can have your bed blanket like new If you aend them to tin. We have them asahed, bleached, rebound and re f.nlshed by one of the hen mllla In the ccuntry. Prices for single blankets. 75c; double blankets. 1110. Fend them to blan ket department In basement. We will make a shipment to our blanket mill about August 15. Get your blankets here In tlm. Infants' Short Dresses. THE NEWEST ASP DAINTIEST STYLES. Most any store can. show a line of In ante' dresses, but to show the kind that signal ha gone forth arrests will be use less and the government will again And that It acted too late In closing the po litical clubs which has been followed by the rlnxlng of all the workmen's unions and suspected tea houses, .New Police Proclamation. The prefect of police ha issued another proclamation warning the population that persons guilty of armed resistance to the authorities or police, or of attempt to com mit political crimes, will oe given over to the tender mercies of military courts-mar-Hal, while lesser offenses, like participa tion In the formation of league, Incite ment to strikes, etc., will be punishable administratively without trial by a line of I1.SG0 and Imprisonment of from three to six month. The reports from the provinces Indicate that the authorities do not fear to employ harsher measure than used at the capital. The editors of confiscated newspapers are compelled to give hoatagea as guarantees against attempts at illegal publications. In the meantime the government In spite of the rebuffs received from M. Shlpoff and ethers, whom It appeared haa not aban doned the Idea of inducing men of standing In the country, outside of bureaucratic cir cles to enter a reorganised or enlarged cabi net or of creating an advisory council. The emperor In this connection haa renewed the pressure brought to bear upon M. Ouch koff, the prominent moderate member of the Moscow gematvo. "Dependent Rations" Meet. There are also Indication that the gov ernment, following tha complete' surrender to the demands of Finland, will seek to expropriate land and Baltic province by concessions for the purpose of divorcing them from tha revolutionary movement 4a Russia, proper. The assembly of nobles and representatlvea of the towna and peasantry Is now meeting at Riga, and it Is believed that overtures have been made by some of the Polish leaders for a similar confer ence at Warsaw to dlsauss th present needs of the Poles. However, In the BsJtlo province at least, the government Is re lying for pacification upon the German aristocracy who ar more molested by the native Letts and Esthonlans than tha Rus slana themselves. Sis of the elected members of council of the empire (upper house of parliament). Including lour represent atlvea of science, have resigned. Stolynla Ontllnes His Pint form. "Strong handed reform" Is laid down by M. Stolypln as the keynote of his ad ministration In an Interview today In which th new premier expressed his confidence that thla policy, with the aid of the "In nate patriotism of the masses," and tha army, which. "In spite of all report is still loyal and reliable." will tide th country over until the convocation of the next Parliament. He emphasised, as did Controller of the Empire Schwaneback on I ...!...... A... .u. nt duiiuu, hit "ii" w Parliament was never representative nor capable of constructive work. He spoke with scorn of the leader of the constitu tional democrats, not attempting to conceal Ma Impression that the quasi respecta bility of the party was but a cover for Insincerity and truckling with the worst element of the revolution. They did not i honestly believe In either a general ex propriation of land or In complete amnesty. Their advocacy of these features was , . ..... merely n campaign cry. i ne premitr niira that the member of Parliament were not arrested for signing he Vlborg "; ...... mill aim iuui;ii them. But they for the slightest a constituent seditious doctrine, ucn as Our Mid-Summer unii ru inai I. iiiui I uuu I ......... nun ir nna un-n tini ill v rri.iiunii.u ... .... ... . . . , . ... . ! . . - nmm rtt llf In ftt,- Ku w "w ... V ..... ' " r " ...... fin would ds neia responsium inn " --" ,' V. r'i,.iT pelled to make similar allowances ttempt to preach to their w"v and brldgea beinV badly fr, " lne,i I?d 5 Honest, plain and straightforward selling, whether at a profit or a loss. 'Tls the policy that bind old customer and makes new one every day for the Boy' and Ctrl' Own Store. A Few Specials in Front Aisle CaTLDKCX'n Will HATS, toe Pique lists with corded brim, button on cruwn Fancy Pique Hats, daintily trimmed nlth ribbon, reduced CI e from 11. 1 to Fancy Lingerie Hals that aold up to 41.7V now 7( .. and 0mXVOMXW'9 COATS Age . White 11iue Reefer with detach able colored sailor collars and ciiffs, to. 00 value, now Aft 3-M and i.9V Pique Jacket for age 1. t and X, values to MOO. now tl H. fjajt and BENSON g - OflAIlAaJJEB. A .an 1515 Douglaa Street EXTRA! EXTRA! We expect to receive by American express have style, originality and character, la a different proposition, the one we speak of today are truly beautiful; ' eaamlne every seam, and the general workmanship and you will agree with us that they are made absolutely perfect. ' Come Friday and see them, even If yoti haven't the slightest Idea of buying. ' We mention some of the best styles, space does not permit describing all of them.- Infants' dresses, made of India llnon, small tucks snd lace Insertion, ' put In by hsnd, feather stitching to form yoke; also tucks and lace Insertion and ruffle lace edge around bottom. Price. W W)' each. Infants' dresses, mad of India llnon, fancy yoke, made of smsll embroidery pat tern, lace Insertion and band feather stitching, lace trimmed neck" and aleeves, turks In skirt and wide hem. Fries. 13.00 each. Another beautiful style, made' of India llnon, yoke of embroidery , medallions, feather stitching snd French knots, tuck snd embroidery ruffle on skirt, neck and We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. refusal to pay taxes or furnish recruits to the army. Evidence of Alleged Plot. PARIS, July 28. -According to the Jour nal's St. Petersburg correspondent the Russian authorities discovered In the course of recent searches the existence of a gi gantic organisation for a general revolu tionary strike In October hrxt, the plans of which had been perfectly, prepared. The emperor consequently decided to strike sharp blow by dissolving the representa tive assembly and thus prevent Parliament from becoming a tribune for revolutionists. The Echo de Paris state It was police Intervention at a secret meeting at the offices of the newspaper Mlsla, which was attended by a number of deputies, that led to the dlscoverey of a plot by the organised labor and Jewish groups of the lower house of Parliament. The govern ment demanded the expulsion of the leader of the movement. Deputy Solomka. The house refused to nccede and consequently It was dissolved, the government believing It was cognisant of the plot. Finnish Policemen strike. HElINOFORS. Finland, July 26,-Thls city la without police protection owing to a atrke of patrolmen on all the beats. After a. conference between the authorities and cltlsens today It was announced that the striker had all been discharged and that the residents would undertake the preservation of order until the organisation of a new police force. Conditions In Interior. KHARKOV, July 28. A Vorreapondent of the Associated Press, who arrived here today from St. Peteraburg, found the rail road station en route heavily guarded by troop. While all la quiet, he says there 1 a - tremendous undercurrent of excite ment. , ; ' .J The governor general ha confiscated; the paper owned by Prof. Qrodeskul, who was vice president of the lower ' house, 'and another liberal paper, and ha forbidden the printing offices to publish contribu tions of any kind from member of the outlaw Parliament. The attitude of th peasantry In this province I represented to be alarming. Agitator are traveling from place to place. Inciting the peasant rlae, burn, plunder and take possession-of the land. Two estates near here were burned last night. WRECK ON 'FRISCO RAILROAD Coses Containing Sixty Persona Ditched at Springfield, Mo., and Thirty of Them Injured. SPRINGFIELD. Mo- July 28.-Thlrty per. sons were Injured, two of them fatally, a the result of the wreck of' St. Lpul & San Franclaco passenger train No. 12, bound for St. Louis, at 11 15 o'clock tonight. The ; ' . ' ., .R- J-. lhorP of Montlcello, Ma: concus- sion ot tne Drain. Mrs. Kate Sliotley; Injured Internally. The wreck was caused by a defective switch. Three coaches passed over In safety, but the fourth left the track and turned over. This coach contained about sixty passenger and all of them received slight Injuries. Two sleepers did not leave the track Cloodborst He port Uustrrattd. MODANE, France. July fA The reports 'that fifteen person were allied as a result . -f--ne .louubur.i yesterday In the Mont ! --.. rfi.trirt are Incorrect. The rumors . I v "'." . .v.. . W "Hl1" these have heen but nce then ' damaged. Clearance Sales BOYS' BLOUSES. Boy' $1.00. 1.:& and $1.56 K. & K. laundered Blouses, selling 7Q fast at Boys' I'nlaundered K. A K. and K. 8 blouses, special values snd liberal assortment, 50C BATS aa CAM. Price reduced on many atylea of boys' and Girls' Hals anu Capa, straw snd clulli hits and wn- able caps, two large lota at 60o and 25c THORNEB a 1 1 -Yl n- SI Bee, July 18. 1906. today, our great purchase of their real value Saturday, from sleeves, Main lace edge, floor. Price, 14.00 each. Gown Special for Friday. One of our regular numbers, the work manship Is good and the style la dainty, low priced for Friday' special selling. This gown Is made of fine long cloth, with round neck snd short sleeves, with Valen ciennes edging. Regular price, $2.28. FRIDAY 1125 EACH One other pretty style of cambric with embroidery yoke and short aleevsa. Reg ular price, 2.25. FRIDAY $1.28 EACH Second floor. Miss Steenstrup, Expert Needle Artist Gives free Instructions In fsncy needle work every day from 2 to 4:30. All the newest stitches are taught. Class meets In millinery department on second floor. Materials must b purchased here. WAR IN GRAIN RATES (Continued from First Page.) organizations and acting in entire harmony with their purposes. in pursuing nis investigations Mr. oower called on me this morning and, with Mr. I'tt's sssistance, we went over tha whole basis of the controversy. Boiled down, the position of .the Rock Island with regard to the elevation allowance discrimination Is told clearly by Mr. Gower in his publlo statement of yesterday. In reply to that I want to say that the business public of Omaha Is not concerned with tne motives of the Rock Island officials, nor with their reasons for any action they may take, but solely with the effect that action has upon our Interests. W have no ohject'on to the Rock Island making an unloading allowance at Kansaa City. Our objection arises from the fact that It Is withheld at Omaha. There Is no legal complication In the way of making that allowance a Omaha. On the con trary, our lawyers advise us that the fail ure to make It is absolutely illegal, being a gross discrimination against Omaha. Th reduction of rates to which Mr. Gower refers in his statement has nothing whatever to do with the controversy, such reduction having been made from Omaha to the east. Kansas City has the same re duction and the unloading allowance also. We want to be fair with the Hock Island road and with all roads that serve this market. No other policy will avail us In the long run, but we do not know any standard of fairness that compels us to submit to a severe Injury, based upon an uncertain and vague promise that It would result ultimately to our good. We' want the ultimate good, of course, and we are willing to give the Rock Island people credit for good faith in promising It. In the meantime our situation with regard to Kansaa City may be likened to that of two men badly injured In a railroad wreck. Both are promised, that they can ultimately be completely cured. One Is taken to a hospital, safeguarded In every way, given every attention his condition needs; the other is left lying out In ,the cold to XAko care of himself. If he can. He may re cover, but. whether he doe or, not, he may o paraoneo iar reeling resentful and un- irienaiy on socount ot tne neglect. The Otnaha market will undoubtedly weather all the present railroad storms, but It will feel friendly only to those railroads that extended it neoessary succor during those storms. Mr.. Gower could offer no relief from th effect of the Memphis equalisation, but made light of that effect, claiming-that little business was moving. I assured him that we were contending, In that case, against the recognition of a dangerous J.rinclple, which would constitute an in urious precedent. He objected to holding the Rock Island for the sins of the 'Frisco. I told him that we were not lawyers and refused to recognise the separate entity of two properties which were so closely -related that one man, W. B. Biddle, con trolled the policies of both. In other words we must reach the 'Frisco through the Rock Island. . To sum up, the situation remain exactly the aame as when Mr. Gower came, except that I am glad he knows, of his own knowl edge, that his road Is facing a thoroughly united and hostile sentiment In Omaha and that that sentiment can only be dispelled by the removal of the discrimination that caused It. This la the text of the Interstate Com merce commission's finding at the former hearing of the caae: , Inton PacIHe Elevator Allowance. The I'nlon PaclHc entered Into contracts with Peavey & Co., under which the latter erected grain elevators at Council Bluffs and Kansas City for the transfer of grain at those terminals of the Union Pacific sys tem and for the service of transferring grain by elevator at said points the Union Pacific agreed to pay Peuvey & Co, 14 centa per hundred. Corporations controlled by Peavey A Co. were formed to conduct elevators at each point. Peavey & Co. ate large buyers and shippers of grain in the northern and western graln-produclug stales and control a large number of coun try elevators. In making this arrangement the I'nlon Pacific acted in good falib. and the facts Indicate that lVt cents per luu pounds Is not excessive charae for the serv ice as coi ice as conducted by the elevator companies. The real complainants In the nroceedlna , Th. rl .onplatau ,h. proceeding ! ar carriers competing with the Union Pa- rrangeineni be com et truns Ipper nor y A Co. has appeared to protest nor complain In any manner against this arrangement. Held: First That the compensation paid for ele vator or transfer service la not unreasona ble. Second That the Union Pacific 1 entitled to perform the work itself or hire It dona by other and la not legally at fault or guilty of wrong-doing, because Incidentally those employed by the carrier to transfer the grain are aided more or less In another Una of business In which they are engaged. Third That any Injury or detriment re sulting to rival carriers under the arrange ment Is aomethlng which the law doea not seek to prevent. The conclusions reached by the Interstate Commerce commission In Its decision states: "However objectionable the arrangement In question, may appear from any point of view, we are convinced, rather against our original impressions, thst It cannot be ad Judged unlawful. We have found these contract were made In good faith and fur a legitimate purpose. Tl parties were competent to contract; the thing done la proper and necessary to protect the Inter ests of the carrier; the consideration la not excessive and the honesty of the transac tion is unlm peached Krdln the assertion that the action of th Union Paclfio will compel other cur riers to make similar altoau'ei at other point the commission sa' a: This appre hension on their part may be well founded, but how does that alter or affect the legal rights of the respondent? The law Imposes no duty on the I'nlon Pacific to safeguard the business ot Its competitors or the ship pers they serve. The commission holds also that the effect of the arrangement Is no more a violation of the law than would be a reduction of the rate. Mailing Trnst Move. MINNEAPOLIS, July ! -The Amerlcsn Malting company, or "Malting trust," cap italised at tao.iuo.OOO. the greatest corpora tion of the kind and predominant ia the barley trad of the United States. wiH re move Its western purchasing headquarter from Milwaukee to Mlnneajll.s about Au gust L S egress Bear Sis Children. NASHVILLE. Tentu. July M. At Klng aton. In Williamson county, this state, a negresa yesterday gave birth to six chil dren. The children ar well formed and all wr allv at last acceuala, 1 MAN ATTACKS MRS. HARTJE Defendant ia Dirorc Case AMtulttd u She Wi Leaving Court Houio. ASSAILANT MAKES H,S ESCAPE IN CROWD Colored Coachman's Story thai Ills Wife Was Paid for Lying; - for Mr. HartJe Fall " rut.' PITTSBURG, July 86-Just after leaving th courthouse today' following the adjourn ment of the hearing In the HartJe divorce case, Mary Scott HartJe, the respondent in the case, was attacked by an unidentified man on the street. Despite th crowd about the courthouse at the time the man made Ms escape. . AlthhugH a short chase was made after him he escaped through an alley. Mrs. HartJe left th building with Mr. Alexander Slocum; who haa been Mr. HartJe' constant companion throughout the hearing. The women were on their way to the office of John Freeman, Mr. HartJe counsel. They had gnae but a few step from the court room when a man having the appearance of a mill worker thrust out his arm and grabbing Mrs. HartJe dragged her across the pavement, saying: "Mary, come m-lth me." Screaming with fright. Mr. HartJe man aged to escape from the man and found refuge In Mr. Freeman' office. In the meantime th crowd stood about apparently paralyzed at the Incident. The man started to run and was lost P those who took up the chase. Some .few minutes later Mrs. Slocum' pointed out B'tnsn as the assailant and he was arrested, hut released when Mrs. HartJe said he was not the man. Today was the first since the hearing that Mrs. HartJe has appeared on the street without a detective being near. At her own request the detectives were dismissed from protecting her. ' 1 More Sensations Promised. At today's session of the Hartja trial counsel for Augustus HartJe called wit nesses to refute the story told by Coachman "Tom" Madlne' to the effect that while Mrs. Mary Scott HartJe was In Memphis HartJe met a blonde woman In Schenley park and took her to hi home In the car riage driven by Madlne. A new sensation In the case Is promised before the week )s over. . Josephine Wright, whom Augustus HartJe had been charged with visiting at ?40 Sec ond avenue, was placed on tha stand and testified that HartJe had never visited her. It ' Is said that witnesses would be placed on the Ma rid by. Mrs. HartJe to rebut the Wright woman' testimony. It was . re ported that Informations are to be' made and that they are to be based on the Wright woman' evidence. Ashby'a Story Falls Flat. The unusual spectacle of a husband giv ing evidence that If produced In criminal court would tend to convict his wife of a crime, the punishment . for which Is 1m prlsonpicnt In the penitentiary, was seen this morninsr. Wilbort Ashby, husband of Blanche Ashby, formerly a domestic In the HartJe household, swore that his wife had told him she had lied In the deposition she made for Mrs. - HartJe and that Bhe had been promised money for doing so. Ashby also swore ,that his wife had told him that Mrs. HartJe had declared to her ahe was sorry .slio' had not returned to live with Hnrtje. when he asked her to go back to him. t At this statement Mrs. HartJe showed ' ifire astonishment than she ha exhibited a any, of the testimony hitherto. .5. . ,-, ,. - Tn . cross-examliWflon a letter which Ashby had. wrlf tea Mfa. HartJe was placed In evidence. In 4t fold.Mra. HartJe that If "she could pay Blanche for speaking for her HartJe could do the same." This took some of tho wind out of the (alls of the HartJe aide, a all the testimony on that point, had been to the effect that Ashby had written .that if Mr. HartJe could pay Blanohe for "lying HartJe could afford to pay for the truth." On of the closing events of the trial wlll .be to ahow how, where and when the Madlne love letters were secured. This, It waa reported . thla afternoon, would be done tomorrow. DEATH RECORD. H. C. Brokmeyer. ST. LOUIS, July 26. H. C. Brokmeyer, former. lieutenant governor of Missouri and at one time acting governor, died at St Luke'. hospital this morning. He under went an operation Saturday and did not rally, having been 111 so long that hi vitality had become practically exhauated. Mr. Brokmeyer. was a nephew of the "Iron chanoellor,'' Prince Otto . Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, on ' his mother' tide. He waa born August 12, 1836, near Minden, Prussia. He came to this country at the age of 18, his first occupation being 'that of a bootblack in New York City. Hi education was received In th college at Georgetown, Ky., and Brown university. Providence, R. 1. In 1875 he wa democratic lieutenant gov ernor. From 1ST6 to 1877, during the Illness of Governor John S. Fox, ' he waa acting governor. In the latter capacity he at tracted considerable' attention by pardoning Dick Little, a convicted member of the Jesse James robber band. He was an ar dent debater with Carl Schur during th "crist of, '73'' and was an eleotor-at-larg on the Cleveland ticket of 1884. athan Hlakeley. BEATRICE. Neb., July 2.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Nathan Blakeley, aged S3 years, who located in Nebraska In 1167. died sud denly this morning of acute gastritis. Mr. Blakeley served In the territorial legislature i s "A Toothsome Flavor True for you, there's a treat In .th crisp, nutty, delicate, sweet tast of Grape-Nuts served with thick rich cream. (Don't spoil the food by trying to cook It. That work la done perfectly at th factories.) Th cream should soften It a bit, but not enough, to excuse the eater from at least a few good earnest "chews," for old Dame Nature send rich blessing to the long chewer. Of course the one with weak teeth can aofteg the food with milk down to a mush if necessary, but tha good old Dam doesn't smile quite so cheerfully on them. You know children and adults must us th teeth and grind freely to make them grow strong and to preserve them. Then the act ot chewing brings down the much needed aallva from the gums, and that help amasingly In the dlgetlon of food of various, kind The saliva 1 not so much required with Grape-Nuts, for this f'd is pre-digested. that is, the starch turned into a form of ugar In Ihe process of making, and that helpa give It the fascinating flavor. Orapc-Kuts people are healthy and enjoy good UUoia.' ."Thr'g a reason." from 11 to ISM. was receiver In th gov ernment land office from 1M7 to 1STB ml wa county clerk from ISM to W9. For many year he was engaged In the mer cantile and banking business and did much for the upbuilding of Beatrice. He la sur vived by a widow and one son. James Richard IH-Ilemer. DENVER, Colo., July 26. -James Richard DeRemer, civil engineer and railroad builder, died of paralysis todsy at his resi dence in this city, aged 59 year. He was born at Mauch Chunk, Pa. Mr. DeRemer built the famous swinging bridge on which th Denver A Rio Grande railroad goes through the Royal gorge and achieved other difficult engineering feat In construction of mountain road. Colonel A. J. Smith. CLEVELAND, July 2 Colonel Al 3. Smith of Cleveland, general passenger and ticket agent of the Lake Shore A Michi gan Somthern railway, died today at Har rlettstown, N. Y. SEVERE STORM IN ST. LOUIS Lightning Starts HeTen Fires and a Kamber nf Frame Houses Are Blown tlovra. ST. LOUIS, July 2K.-A terrific wind and rainstorm struck St. Louis and vicinity this afternoon. Lightning started seven fires In different parts of the city. A negro, name unknown, was blown from his wsgon under a rnsslng fire engine and killed. Electrlcwires were blown down, sheds and a few frame houses were demolished and a number of people hurt by debris. The excursion steamer Liberty, filled with pleasure seekers, caught In the storm near Alton, III., was driven through the Mis sissippi river at uncontrollable speed and dashed Into a dike on the Missouri side. Rocking and toppling, with the terrorised passengers huddled In the cabin, the prow of the boat was forced upon the govern ment dike, while the force of the wind hurled chairs Into the river from the deck and shattered the cabin windows. The boat held firmly on the dike, however, and when the storm had abated sufficiently the government boat Lucia trans-shipped the passengers and landed them In Alton. The wind blew at a velocity of thirty mile an hour and was accompanied by In cessant lightning, a heavy downpour of rain and, for a short time, hailstone fell. The rainfall was .33 of an A bolt of lightning struck an electric wire cable In front of tho Commercial building, on Olive street. For a time the cable burned with a bright glare, causing considerable excitement. A porch under which John Welby had taken refuge on Franklin avenue was blown down on him and he was severely hurt. Reports from the western portion of the city are to the effect that several frame houses were blown down and a number of person w-ere hurt by debris, but none se rlously. MILWAUKEE NEEDS NO CASH Dividend Derlared and Sentiment Issued that No Loan Would Be Perfected. NEW YORK. July 26. The director of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul rail road, at a meeting In thts city today, de clared semi-annual dividends of Z per cent on the common and preferred stock. Thla was r.o change from the last pre vious dividend. It was expected that the director would announce a plan for Issu ing $25,000,000 of the company's common stock, which wa authorized some time ago In connection with the company's plan to extend Its system to the Pacific coast, but William Rockefeller, who attended today' meeting, said that ho plan for financing the road would be announced today fend that the company needa .. no more money at present. v , 1 FOSTER PRODUCES THE BOOKS Andltor of tho iagar Trnst Complies with Order of Federal Grand Jury. NEW YORK, July 26. W. E. Foater, gen eral auditor of the American Sugar Refin Ing company, who on Wednesday waa taken before Judge Hough In the federal court for falling to produce certain books asked for by the federal grand jury, today com piled with the subpoena and appeared be fore the grand Jury with the books and data desired. Mr. Stlmson, the United State district at torney, declined to either confirm or deny the statement that the federal grand Jury waa Investigating certain western railroads suspected of granting rebates to the Sugar trust. TWO BODIES TAKEN FROM LAKE Coroner Says Great Northern Wreck Was Caused hy High Speed Over Dangerous Track. SPOKANE, Wash.. July 26. The bodies of Fireman George Bell and E. M. New- combe, killed In the Great Northern wreck near Camden on Monday, were recovered from Diamond lake today. Coroner Mc- Rae of Stevens county has decided to hold no Inquest. He says there 1 no doubt that the wreck was caused by running at too high apecd over a dangerous piece of track. FIRE RECORD. Cleveland Conntry Clnb. CLEVELAND, O. July 26 Fire early today practically destrojed the building of the Cleveland Country club, a few mile east of the city limits. The lost Is est! mated at $160,000) partially covered by Insurance. The fire Is thought to have originated from defectlva electric wiring, Barn Near Fremont. FREMONT. Neb., July .-(8reclal Tele gram.) A barn on the farm of Theodore Dlttmare, near Nickerson, was struck by lightning Inst night and burned to the ground with a horse and a quantity of grain. Loss about $800, partially covered by Insurance. Hotel at Leeds. LEEDS. England. July Is. The Great Northern hotel here was practically de stroyed by the fire which broke out here lute last night, but the tire men prevented the flames from spreading. The total loss Is $760,000. HYMENEAL. ,y Hlgalns-Tamlsa. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia., July 2 -(Special.) The marriage of Charles K Higglns and Jesnnette A. Tamlsla. both of thla place, occurred yesterday morning at I o'clock at St. Patrick's Catholic church. Riv. Father Malone officiated. They will reside In Missouri Valley. Petlsilka-Tndlork. Mr. James Petlzllka and Miss Bessie Tad lock were married Thursday evening at the parsonage of Diets Memorial church, Rev. I). W. McGregor officiating. Mr. Pellsllka Is a clerk at the Merchants hotel. Robbed In a Colored Resort. C. E. Rsnd of Frsnkfnrd. Ia.. reported to the pollr-e lale Thursday evening he had been robbed of his r"ll containing $120 In a negro resort at 115 North I'.l-ver.i li street hy an inmate Hergean" Ronifrow and Vanoua and Patrolman 1.1' kert pulled a net through the lowlands and at 1017 Capitol avenue secured one who gave her name as Maggie Jones and a horn Rand prndtlv ly Identified as th woman wbo extracted his money from bla pocktu 1 c il -AT- BERBER'S Onr storei will bf closed for a few darn on account of a sllnht Are Monday evening. Will rroiort goon losses,.. aj-e adjusted. S. Fredrick Berger St Co., 1517 FARNAM STREET t 1 MWLAWS FOR THE CHINESE Imperial Commission Sueeestt Number of Reforms in Legal Procedure. WOULD INTRODUCE TRIAL BY JURY Intention Is to Make Conrt Prnetlee Conform to Western Standard ' Barristers Have Always Been Banned. WASHINGTON, July 2.-Marked evi dence of the reform which Is sweeping China can be seen In a recommendation of commissioner named by the government to revise the code governing Chinese lena. procedure which was recently submitted to the empress dowager and emperor for their consideration. Two revolutionary change In the legal procedure of Chin are suggested. These are the. right of trial by jury and the employment of attorneys for the defense of criminals. Never In the history of China has the practice of law been recognised as a reputable profession. The study of law has been frowned upon from time Immemorial, and only recently have attorneys been permitted to argue casea In courts, and thla permission has been limited to courts in coast cities, where foreigners reside. Heretofore a class of scribes versed in legal phraseology has been authorised to draw up petitions and other legal document, but these men have not been lawyers In the broader sense. From the report of the commissioners. which has just been submitted to the State department. It may be seen that Jnpan's action In bringing Its legal procedure Into harmony with the European court methods has Induced the Chinese commissioner to suggest the abolition of the present an tique methods of that empire for the methods In vogue among all western na tions. Recommendations of Commission. Internal tonal complication a a. result of the difference between the procedure In China and in other parts of the world are discussed by the commission, which says: In China mixed Chinese-foreign casea ate daily Increasing In number and complexity. uiniuni i-uusiuer- our manner i judg ment different from theirs, and there con stantly arises a difference ot. views. Chi nese merchants, too. are not familiar with foreign regulations and constantly suspect bias, and as such suspicions accumulate harmony become Impossible. Every law suit growing out of some ordinary trifling dispute become a question for interna tional intervention. 1 here nave oeen in numerable cases of this sort In recent years. Unless tha rule of court proc dur-j be revised, with changes of all kinds being permitted and their adoption even being urged, although tha real body (of the laWi may be perfect. Its general operation will not be a success mid the judicial adminis tration will not be Improved. Heretofore at the various ports of Inter national trade In China foreign lawyera have already been permitted to practice In the courta. Worst of all, even the Yaniens, following the custom of employing ad visers, have depended upon foreigner for defense In Chinese suits, with the result that much obstruction has been experi enced. For Instance, when a case of Inter national concern has arisen they nave in vited such an attorney to conduct the case, although there Is certainly no right principle of action requiring a man to as sist others to the detriment of his own pnople. On thla account the ex-territorial powers of the consul grow and extend themselves. How can one bear to think of the evlla that must afterward result? May Educate Lawyers. A the change suggested by the com mission. If put into effect, would necessi tate the employment of hundreda ot law yer throughout the province, the com missioner make recommendation for China to undertake thla legal work. They suggest that henceforth . In each' of th provincial chool where men ar being trained In the law a definite number of student of good character, "aerlou mlnded and well veraed In the law," shall be selected, who, after they have com pleted their' courses, shall be examined, and If found qualified shall be given diplo ma and apportioned among the province to argue caae before the court. If such young men cannot be provided on short notice the commission recommend that each province ahall aelect the beat quali fied of Ita legal secretaries for thla work. These legal secretaries are men familiar with the code, employed as private crs tarles by the magistrate to assist In diffi cult caaea. Until recently such aecretarlo had no official (landing. A revision of the cod accomplished by the commission provide for the division of all casea Into two classes, civil and criminal. Th civil elas Include case having to do with debts, houses, lands, title and damages. Cases that have to do with rebellion, counterfeiting, murder, rob bery and swindling are Included In the criminal clasa. DIETZ FAMILY FIGHTS POSSE Wisconsin Man Holds Port In Contest for Water Right on River. MILWAUKEE. July 2p An Evening Wis consin special from Ladystnith, Wis., says that the long-threatened clash between John Diets and family on one side and a posse on the other occurred yesterday, and Incomplete Information Indicates that Diets still hold the fort. About ISO shot were fired. One of the posse waa ahot three times and la in a serioua condition. Clar ence Diets, aon of John, wa also wounded, but hi condition Is unknown. JoUn Diets for a long time has pre- Moderate Price TOO LATK TO CI.A1KV. WA NTED Csrpenters; steady work, Ad- drtts Jus. aUileslgsr, Xulan, Iter- -AUU L Baking S Powder f , 11 000 O) will U sires foe a fc. kmf lutiewrf liJitffliMM to L 3 I I C 3 C vented the delivery of'W feet of log at the' Cameron," dam. on the Thortiapple river. Repeated "efforts to serve 'paper on Diets, who declared he would dle defending himself, fallfd. Several days sgo, how--ever, the court called for a 'posse, which Included six militiamen.' and sent' It to the dam to serve ptipers Vm Diets. ArcoiMIng to Jnnies Harrington, 'who witnessed the flgqt and who ai rived" af'f .a dy smith tortSiy, Dletr, aldrd by his wife and son. opened fire when the posse appeared and A lively funllude was maintained for some tlitie. Diets firing from behind a stump. " Hevrlngton left the siehe. helping to onre for the wounded man before the fight had terminated, hut he h"lMveit tint prior to that time paper's had not been served on Dlete. ' A Journal special from" Ladysmlth,' W is., ssys: "effort to" Capture Diet haa been abandoned for t he ' present. SCRETARYtSHAW . m CHtCAGO Head of Treasury Department Any He la "lot Mixing;. In. lovra . FlBbt. ? CHICAOO. July :fi -Secretary of the Treasury Bhaw arrived fn 'this city tonight from Washington. ' " "I will grf to Waterloo, la ; FrldAy after noon." he said at his hotel foday. '"Where I will deliver n lecture ht the rnatftauiua noW in sesMon there'. Saturday I go' b Ot tumwa, where I will' deliver an 'address fo the Chautauqua aserhhly there. ' 'After that ( will go to Des Moines to' fltterM tlie re publican pohventle-n.'" ' ' . "My mission west bears' no official sig nificance. It Is slmpl.r a'Jou'fney ritiprlvate matters. I am rM"rhflng up' "'In any fac tional fight,' as soMe have stated "ahonf iny present trip. I wltf YetdVn' fo Washington within the coming two wepks , JUDGMENT. . AGAINST "r,D0WIE California Conrt Orders "Apostle" Id Pay Expenses of Owe Re-.. Ilgrlona Bevlval. . j SAN FRANCISCO, .July jH.-The " Cali fornia supreme court yesterday . handed down a decision-; on a petition by John Alexander Dowte from a Judgment of' the superior court, ordering him to pay to Attorney Hugh Craig $1.764. ), with inter est from 1882. The Judgment of the. lower1 court, was affirmed.', ; tl . Craig advanced money for-DowIe to con duct a revlvallstlei meeting 'at the Jpt;nd Opera house In this city: In 1KS ' for which Dowle agreed to reimburse - hint from the proceeds of ' the collection.: Tha proceeds did not come- up to expectation and Craig brought.eault to recover --th money. r" ioinUi1 ' ' ' Clldden Ton r I sis In Maln."".0 WATERVILLE, Me., July, 26. -The Glidi den automobile tourists were favored with pleasant weather as they rode out of Waterville today, beaded for Rangley bikes, a distance of 105 miles. There were fifteen cars with clean acores In the group of machine contesting for the Qlldden trophy, snd two contestants for the Deme Ing trophy had not marred their reoords up to the hour of starting today.. . CHICAGO)' AND RETURN 5I.Q0 lyj VIA THE AUGUST 4, 5, 6 LIMIT AUGUST 15 Tickets honored in-, Either Standard or,", i Tourist Sleepers. TICKET OFFICE 1323 FARHAM ST. SHUKMKITS. BASE BALL VINTON ST. PARK. OMAHA vs. DENVER July 26. 27, 28. 29,' '29. Friday, July 27th. Lavas' Day. Sunday, July 29th4 2 (iarak.' 1 '.' 1st game called 2:30. Games called 3; 45. '' '. '.. . llarney ami-Jmti t 1'l.uor iNiug. .i Tonight :H. Oilmen (Vneert 7 ti MABOKZ.ST. World's Famous Bar.loiet'.play at th ttllou this week. Ionf ml-"s him. Vopalar yrtcs. Me, Me, Mo. i Saturday Matlaee Beat luit too. ( I