Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    I a to.
Board Finds lfott Counties flow tfl
Ioctmjm Ofir Lt Year.
Dr. Bteholaoa. Aaaia-bsaf. aerta
teadeat of a Sorfolk iirlu,
H stifle CTtrr He Will
alt tkc r-aa-lttoau
( fTZZ n rzr nj V
u U lax Ls l
,, Is) LeL Ins rj a, if
rn. Fl
f? (sZns$) Equals
fj 15 glasses of . . , , , 1 lassoh
Our store will be closed for a few days on
account of a slight fire.. Monday evening. Will
reopen as soon as losses are adjusted.
S. Fredrick
imatXi iiaaa. -i i'l nmrii an 13 ad
3 E
Antelope County Van OeU Instructions for
Oonenssiontl Delegation.
Elaht of the TvrelT Delegates, How
ever, Arc Bettered to furor Iloae-wmtr-Ulrt(l
to Vote for
Nomination or Convention.
NOHFOLK, Neb., July 25.-Spec!al Tele
gism.) The Madison county republican
lunventlcn, held at Battle Creek this afttr
i.oon, elected a delegation to the state con
vention which, though unlnstructed. Is be
lie', td to stand eight out of the twelve In
favor ef Rosewater for United States sen
ator. Judge Boyd of Antelope county was
endorsed for congressman and the delega
tion Instructed to work for his nomination.
Jack Korningsteln was renominated for
county attorney. T. C. Alderson was nomi
nated for representative In the legislature
nnd Burr Taft was renominated for county
cor-jtr.issk nr r.
Hon. E. Rosewater of Omaha and At-
torne.y General Brown were present and f
both made addressee before the convention
as dM Hon. W. W. Young of Stinton and
Judge Boyd of Nellgh. On the senatorial
question the following resolution was
Resolved. That the republicans of Marti
an n county cordis Uy approve the action
of the state central committee in Includlne
In Its call th nomination of a candidate i
lor I nitea states senator, and we hereby
irtruct and pledge the delegation from
Msrtlron county to the state convention to
oiroie at every stage all attempts to dis
pense with the nomination of a candidate
Eczema Broke Out Also on Hands
and Limbs Suffering Intense
Doctors Said Too Old to Ba
Cured -An Old Soldier of 80
Years Declares:
"At nil times and to nil people I am
willing to testify to the merits of Cu
tietira. It saved mo from worse than
the torture of luulca, about the year
l'JOO, ":th itching cm my scalp and
temple and afterwards it commenced
to break out on my hands. Then it
broke out on rr.y limbs I was advised
to use suit and water, Vhirh I did, to
no effit t. t then went to a Surgeon, who
rcn.mcrifcd treating me with a wash of
It) rax. Tnifi treatment did me no good,
but rather aprrtvtted tho disease. 1
then told him 1 w ould go and ace a phy
sician in Lrie. The reply was that I
could ro anywhere, but a case of
f-cxerna like mine could not be cured;
that 1 was too old (80 ). 1 went to an
eminent doctor in the rity of Erie and
treated with him for six months, with
like results. I had read of the Cu
ticura If r medic often. I w a strongly
tempted to five them trial, so I sent
for the Culitura fcioap, Ointment, and
Itrsolvent and continurd taking the
Kfeolveut until I had taken six bottles,
stopping it to take the Pills. I was now
getting retter. I took to baths a day,
and at night I let the lather of the Soap
dry on. I used the Ointment with
great effect after washing in warm
water, to stop the ittlun at once. J
am now cured.
"The Cuticurm treat n-nt is a blessing
and should be used by every one who
baa itching of the skin. I can't aay any
more, and thank (.loci that He has given
U world such a curative. You can
use this letter as you please. A very
much befriended man, Wm. H. Cray,
83(13 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia, Pa,
August 2, 10OS."
OaaspM IiMvsal a a latmil TmIwm tor my
Itwr.fKNM Ptup.aa I rrnl, frww Intanry A I.,
Mttif f rntirura St, to., Oipir. Mr.. iV.
aw Mr , I fnnn of Oinculaii C.i4 fill. .- par rial
!, mmf to had ol all Iniutrii. A Mt ft ear,
feta lmf, t Omm ('rr., Sol Pre , Boat. Maaa.
r-Ulil i.BW a Cura l.kau,Ut Maauan.
tvory Ycmaii
luenaaa sna uwmll tn.w
sk"" wonderful
MA.RUL Whirling Spray
" man. Jmlf.
mm Aurtum. llaat-ear
est Moal ('oiivanlvnL
Liaaaaaa law aa,u ,
CKitrT. IhiI and arajna foe
l lunrai 1 It It
full itartleular and ltr;a im-
alu.Oia ' 'a1. NIHt ft.1. I O..
S Mm S ras.k awsua.
fot BaUa) Ojr
liih fciid Dodse nts.
H. Cur. lCih and Farnam Sta,
trtU appear If you nsa tka proper re ma
dies to eiear your system of ImpurlOsa,
Ul Dsl. WKTMU't
a aaar "jUI ftr pLTT
Li !, -nnlKltupil7thS V '..-.
Berner S Co., 11
for United States senator and every propo
sition to change the order of nomination
as provided In the call
Resolved, That the candidates for the leg
islature from this district are hereliy In
structed to support the candidate for United
States senator nominated by the state con
vention. The convention failed to Instruct for sen
ator, though Norrls Brown had boasted he
would have an Instructed delegation from
Madison county.
The following resolution of Instruction
was adopted:
We, the republicans of Madison county, In
convention assembled, endorse Judge J. F.
Boyd of Antelope county for congress and
we Instruct our delegates to the congres
sional convention to vote for and use all
honorable means to scure his nomination.
Delegation to State Convention C. E.
Greene, C. K. Burnham. V. N. Huse, E. A.
Bullock. Chris Schavland. Morris Gross.
Herman Hogrefee. Harry Barnes. E. P.
South. C. A. Smith, H. A. Alderson, Joe
Congressional Delegation J. H. Harding.
Robert Eccles, George N. Beels. F. H. U
Willis. Howard Miller. W. H. Field. James
Nichols. U. .D. Mathews, E. Crook. 8. O.
Davis. A. L. Carter. C. A. MIUr. O. H.
Gutru, W. C. Hastings. E. H. Oehrbordt,
Burt Mapes. E. H. Tracy, W. M. Robert
son. J. R. Hays. M. D. Tyler, Jack Kaenlg
stcln. Furnas Convention Called.
BEAVER CITT, Neb., July 25. Special
Telegram.) The republican county central
committee met here today and fixed the
rt,e ror tne county convention at Heaver
cltv f"r Wednesday. August 1. The time Is
short, but on account of the congressional
convention on August i It was thought
best to hold the county convention on above
Dodge Convention Called.
FREMONT. Neb., July 26.-(Speclal.)-The
republican county committee has
called the convention for this county for
Fremont, August 14. The primaries are to
be held August t.
the First
Late Candidate Wine O
COLUMBUS, Neb., July 25. (Special Tel
egram. ) The democrats of Platte county
met In their county convention, with 12
delegates present. Frank Kernan presided,
with George Bender as secretary. The
usual resolutions were adopted1. There was
quite a scrap as to Instructing the dele
gates to their atate convention for George
W. Berge for governor and the ballot was
106 In favor of Instructing and 20 against,
so the vote waa made unanimous. James
Gregg was nominated for the legislature
and Judge W. N. Hensley for county at
torney. BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 2S.-(8peolal
Telegram.) The democratic county conven
tion met here today with Marshall Eddy
of Merna In the chair. Seventeen dele
gates were elected to the state convntion.
W. B. Estham, who expected to be endorsed
as a congressional aspirant, was turned
down !n a decided manner. Frank Kelly
of Merna was nominated for county at
torney. latrnder Frightens Girls.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., July 26 (Special
Telegram.) John Woods, register of deeds
at this place, la looking for a midnight In
truder who nearly frightened the life out
of his daughters during the night. The
screams of the girls awoke the parent,
who, rushing into the room, found a man
fumbling with the bedclothes. The Intruder
made his escape through a window. All
efforts are being made to lecAte the man.
Certain shady parties are under suspicion.
Nebraska Minister tor Indiana.
LA PORTE, Ind.. July 25.-(8peclal Tele
gram.) Rev. Frank E. James of Fremont.
Neb., today advised the congregation of
the Christian church at Pendleton, this
state, of his acceptance of the unanimous
call voted him. He will begin his labors
September 1.
Gleanood C'hantaaqua, Loir hates Via
Bnrllagton Route.
Sunday, July 2t. will be Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs day at the Chautauqua, Glen
wood, la.
Round trip tickets at J1.50 from Omaha
and S3 cents from Council Bluffs on sale
dally July S to August 3. Limit August 6.
Tickets, lfOI Farnam St., Omaha.
Summer Tours.
The Wabash has Issued a beautiful
SKA." Those planning s summer trip
should ask for one. Wabash City Office,
1H Farnam St., or address Harry K
Moores, G. A. P. D.. Omaha. Neb.
Caaeelled Statna Dealers Held.
NEW YORK. July JB Five men who were
srrcsted last nicht were today held in
llmm ball in police court for further ex
amination in connection with the washing
and reselling of stale tax stamps. It was
i. led by the police today that 2.000 men
,-ind boy in the Wall street district are
implicated in some wjv in stamp frauds In
I which the suite arovernment has lost about
I t:i.u0. Two additional warrants were ls-
sued today for the arrest of two men who
rm v - vvwtx upviaiiui null's lur me dandling
of the fraudulent stamps.
ckvtir, etasosf a so.
aa a arr turn aaaaaaw , i ill a
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July J6. Special.) The State
Board of Equalisation this morning went
over the reports of assessors on merchan
dise and figured up the Increase In the
various counties. No meeting waa held this
afternoon, because there waa a base ball
game and because Governor Mlckey'a eye
was again troubling him. Horry Dobbins
of the News, who made such a splurge
against the assessment of Omaha mer
chandise, for political reasons, again failed
to show up and demonstrate to the board
that he knew what be waa talking about.
By a comparison with the licenses Issued
by the secretary of state, it Is shown the
number of automobile returned by the
assessors Is greatly below the number
registered. This may be accounted for,
however, by the fact that many assessor
did not list automobiles separately, but
counted them with vehicles. While the
schedule provides all vehicles should be
listed as a total number, In the same line
a place is provided for automobiles.
The following table shows the increase
and decrease In merchandise compared with
last year:
County. In Mdse.
County. In Mde.
iciTerson 2,000
Johnson 100
Kesrney 4,00
Keith 6"0
Keya Paha ... S.OOA
Kimball SO
Knox 14.000
1-ancaster ....
Lincoln 14.ow
Logan WO
Loup 600
Madison 2.0H1
Mef'herson ... 100
Merrick 1.000
Nance 8.000
Nemaha 14,000
Nuckolls 6,0
Otoe 20c)
Pawnee L000
Perklna a
Phelps 1S.0OD
Pierce 6.)
Platte 4.500
Polk 6.000
Adams $ 2.(00
Antelope 8.O0
Banner ..
Box Butte
Brown 2.500
Buffalo 3.3iO
Burt 2, (HO
Butler 8.0O)
Cass 6.000
Cedar 3.000
Cherry ...
Cheyenne .
Play 4,000
Colfax B.000
Cuming 2.joo
Custer Sl,l
Dakota 1.000
liawes S.frW
Dawson 10.0
Deuel 2.000
Dixon !0
Dodge 15.000
Douglas 32. 0
Dundy 2.000
Fillmore 1.500
Franklin IB.oeo
Frontier 8.000
Furnas 32,oon
Gage 4,000
'Garfield 6.000
'jiosper 8.000
'Grant 2,000
"Greeley l.Ort)
Hall 22.O0O
Hamilton 20.000
Harlan 16,000
Hayes 100
Hitchcock .... 8,noo
'Holt 1.000
Hooker 12
Howard 8,000
Red Willo
3cott's Bluff
Sheridan 10.000
Sherman 4,000
Sioux 100
Stanton 2.000
Thayer 9.000
Thomas 1,600
"inurston .... 3.000
Valley R.OiiO
Washington .. 40.000
Wayne ?,ooo
roster 12.000 J
wneeier J'i
York 8.000
Lancaster lias Troablea.
Harry Dobbins, in a labored article In
his paper last night, proclaimed himself,
the manager of Dr. Wlnnett, candidate
for railway commissioner, by announcing
that the Lancaster delegation would not
bo a trading delegation, or In other words.
It would vote for Wlnnett and Brown, and
Dr. Wlnnett could not use the delegation
and neither could Mr. Brown In making
trades for more votes. Mr. Dobbins was
trying to explain there was no friction over
the naming of the delegation. The county
convention gave Dr. Wlnnett authority to
name the delegation, but . as soon.. as the
convention was over the machine that
assisted In manipulating the county . con
vention at once got busy to tell Dr. Wln
nett who should and who should not be on
the delegation. Dr. Wlnnett, however, is
somewhat of a politician himself, and there
Is little doubt but what he knows the
Journal-News-Brown combination cares
little for him, but wants to use the state
delegation as It pleases. Because he knows
this and because he wants to be railway
commissioner Dr. Wlnnett will likely see
to it that his own friends are appointed on
the delegation.
Jonrnal to Print Reports.
After all, the State Journal, company will
print the supreme court reports. This is
the work upon which the reform sheet bid
87 cents a page, but owing to the fact it
had made a combination with other print
ers to run up the price of state printing,
the board rejected its bid. The work was
readvertlsed and the Omaha Printing com
pany got the contract for 54 cents a page,
a saving to the state of some 1.600. Now
the Omaha concern has made a deal
whereby the Journal company does the
work and the two firms will divide the
profits. Members of the State Printing
board express some surprise that the re
form sheet should be able to do the work
at the lower price when It had bid 87 cents
a page, and the members are wondering
what would have been the Journal's profit
If It had been allowed to do the Job at Its
owij price.
Dr. Mathews Appeals.
John O. Yelser Is In Uncolii today pre
paring his bill of exceptions to appeal to
the district court from the decision of the
State Board of Health, which revoked the
certificate of Dr. Mathews of Omaha to
practice medicine In Nebraska. Notice that
he Intended to appeal to the courta has
acted as a stay and the board will not
enter Its finding as a matter of record until
Mathews has time to perfect his appeal.
Nicholson Steps Out.
Dr. Nicholson, assistant superintendent
of the Norfolk asylum, will not contest
the right of the governor to remove him,
but on the contrary he has notliied the
executive that tomorrow he will move out
of the Institution. Dr. H. D. Singer of
Omaha has been appointed to take hia
Dr. Mabel Dunn of the Lincoln asylum
lodsy notified the governor of her Inten
tion to leave the Institution and Dr. Hallle
Ewlng of the Hastings asylum will take
her place. Dr. Dunn has been with the
Lincoln asylum for five years. Her reslg
nation takes effect August If. She will
go to New York to take a apeclal course
In her line of work. The place at Hast
ings will be filled later.
Call for Stat Warrants.
Ststa Treasurer Mortenaen has Issued a
call for warrants to the amount ef J30,-
000 to be delivered July 10.
Beeaner to Lose Boarders.
Warden Beemer Is getting ready to lose
a number ef residents of his Institution
during the month of August by reason of
thf expiration of terms. Those who sre
to go out are Donavon Y. Morris, Lincoln
county, two years, for grand larceny;
George Rogers, Lancaster, f orrery: L. 1.
Wlnn, Madison, forgery, four years; W.
Carter, Platte, horse stealing, two years;
Fred Smith, Buffalo, larceny, one year
rtugn Miner, uougiaa, burglary, two
years; George Edwards, Douglas, forgery,
one yesr; Reid Yates, Douglas, robbery.
six years; K. T. Uruber. Seward, wife de
aertlon, ten months; Clyde Armsn, Rock.
larceny, two years; VlrgU Adair, Rlchard
aon, ahootlng, fifteen months; Clarence
Tyler, Douglas, burglary, one year.
Woman Takes Poison.
Msrguerlte Vermette. a resident of the
Red Llrht district, died from the effects
of an e sides ot mgr.hlut last night.
9J hUtH
The Prohibition Theory on Beers
lias been weighed in the balance and found wanting. The great scientists of all Nations after careful analysis declare that
beer brewed from pure barley malt and hops contains only about 34 Per 0604 f alcohol or just enough to mildly stimulate
the body and promote healthy digestion. Dr. Bauer, the German analyst (whose fame is international) cays "Beer has a
number of pleasant and valuable qualities. No other beverage contains such a combination of useful properties. The water
of it quenches the thirst, the carbonic acid refreshes, the extracts are nutritious, the alcohol furthers digestion, the mineral
salts build up the bones and extracts of hops act as a tonic."
Dr. Bauer's statement here given exactly describes the qualities of
Its commanding superiority over all merican brews was proven at the St. Louis World's Fair where in open competition
with the best America can produce it won the Gold Medal. Peerless has been brewed for over 60 years from the best
Malting Barley and finest Bohemian Hops by the world-famous "Gund Natural PrOCCSS and has won its high position
solely on account of unadulterated genuine honest merit. Sold at all places of public resort and generally found in the homes
of our very best people. Telephone, write or call; a case will be delivered to your home at once.
John Guild Brewing Co., La Crosse. Wisconsin,
W. C. HEYDEN, Mgr., 1320-22-24 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb., Telephone Douglas 2344.
3ARNHAET & KLEIN, Wholesale Distributers, 162 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
sett. .11 "a.
After taking the poison the woman begged
to be removed from the :lace that had
been her home for years that she might
die In more 'pleasant surrouiullnftR. This
was done and she died at bt. Elizabeth's
Indiana Ttiouaht to Have Killed r4e
nolllaril May o lie Prosecuted.
CENTER. Neb., July S. (Special.) Last
winter, while tho Missouri river was par
tially covered with ice, Pete Roulllard, a
Santee Indian, In company with two other
Indians, went across th river to Spring
field, S. D., and indulged In a spree. Thoy
started for home In the evening and a short
time afterward the two companions of
Pete returned to Spdngfleld with the re
port that 'Pete had fall-rl out of the boat
when a short distance frm Bhore and had
gone down under the ice. Circumstances at
the time pointed to foul play and the two
were arrested. It developed at the hearing
that during the day Pete hod done all
the spending, the others having no money,
and that after the reported drowning they
spent money at the saloons about town
It waa also repotted that a new hat belong
lug to the drowned man had been found
with a hole cut In It and that flicre were
blood marks upon the sides of the boat.
However, in the absence of the body
nothing could be done and the two suspects
were turned loose. Numerous reports have
been circulated from time to time to the
enct that a body supposed to be that of
the lost Indian had been taken from the
river horribly mutilated, one report statins 1
that the head was almost severed from the
body. All doubts as to his fate were set
at rest last week when a skeleton was
taken from the river at Decatur, wearing
Pete's clothes and with letters and papers
In the pockets that established the Identity
beyond a doubt. There being nothing but
bones left. It was impossible to determine
the manner of death, but the absence of (Id
In money which he was known to have has
strengthened the theory of murder, al
though It will be Impossible to push the
case. The empty pocketbook waa found In
the clothes.
Old Resident Commits Suicide.
BEATRICE. Neb., July 25. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Anna Lang, an old resident
c.r this cltv. committed suicide this morn-
I ln at hrr nome by nanS'S herself to the
! door knob wl,n a plrip of bnMd torn from
her dress. The body was found by Mrs,
Adler of West Reutrice, who called at
Mrs. Lang's home to have her accompany
EMIT" ' "T"
li Why .
jt 5yrup ofr
I ViiU
m --aaaas-a-aaaaa-a-asa-anaa-saan-aa-a-saas - - - , ltaaaaaaia-aaa-a-Li : i .1 .v.:-..-.".
- -1-11 -... . - - M 11 inn hi t in ma im iiimum i j
immcPs Peerless IBeeir
, I ansa in
mmii tirfiaalii
her to St. Joseph's Catholic church. Mrs.
Lung was 72 years of age and had lived
alono for many years. She leaves four
stepchildren, three of whom are residents
of Hcatrice. Tho other, Mrs. Anna Lein
weber, lives at Mulison, Neb. Temporary
insanity is given as the cause of the deed
by tho coroner's Jury.
John MrllTaae Killed at North Platte
and Robert Conn Near 0?alalln.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., July 25.
(Speclal Telcgrum.) About i o'clock last
night, while a heavy wind and rain
storm raged, John Mcllvane, a popular
young man of this city, employed as a
switchman in the Union Pacific yards hure,
was killed while attempting to throw a
switch. His foot slipped, owing to the
mud, and the caboose passed over his
limb, cutting it ol below tho knee and
causing Internal Injuries from which he
dlid at 3 o'clock this morning at his home.
He was a single man, 21 years of age.
Robert Conn, bridge foreman In the em
ploy of the Union Pacific, was killed yes
terday afternoon above five miles east of
Ogalalla on tho main line of the Union
Pacific, while riding a railroad tricycle.
He was hit by train No. 8. The train
stopped and picked up the body, bringing
It to North Platte, where it was prepared
for transportation to his home at CoIuiudus,
Richardson County
VERDON, Neb.. July 25. (Special Tele
gram.) The biggest prohibition county con
vention in years convened at Verdon yes
terday morning at 10:30. Samuel Llchty
presided and Rev. Ray E. Hunt was secre
tary. The committee on counly nomina
tions asked until August 20 to prepare
Prof. A. C. Milllcan of Seattle. Wash.,
tlun adrtrecsed the convention. The fol
lowing delegates were elected to the stale
convention: Bert Wilson, B. S. Scott, Sam
Edfe-ar, C. F. Helm. B. W. Kelly. M. Van
Derentcr, D. lllgslns, W. H. Madilox, al
ternates. Misbes Smith, Helm and lluscr,
Messrs. J. W. Robinson. J. S. Shaffer, Sam
Llchty, Ray Hunt, Edmond Husbarger.
Jurixe Itelenaea Fisherman.
AIN8WORTH, Neb., July 25. (Special.)
There waa quite an Important case tiled
,ere yesterday, in which Harvey McDon
ald waa arrested by one of the slate game
wardens for having two seines In his pos
session and in a skiff In Long lake, with a
quantity of fish In the skiff. Long lake Is
about two miles in circumference and
iKr best family laxative
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It 6tandi highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the
world produces.
three cltirens own land adjoining the lake I
and it thus becomes subject to tho game I.
laws. Tho Judge admitted that this is the
law, but sn'.d he coulld not believe that
the legislature Intended It that way, there
fore, ho discharged the prisoner.
Kcits of Nebraska.
CAMBRIOOE A specUl village election
has been called for August 1 to vote bonds
In the sum of Jlno). for a water works
FALLS CITT B. F. Morgan, a prominent
stock raiser and one of tho pioneer settlers
of this county, is seriously sick at his home
In Falls City.
BEATRICE The annual meeting of, the
State Sherifls' association will be held in
Beatrice Thursday, July Jfl. The sessions
will be held at the court house.
McCOOK The democratic and people's
party conventions for Rett Willow county
will be held in Indianola Friday, August
10, both beln: mass conventions.
BRA TRICE The Degree 'ot Honor held
a largely attended meeting laat night at
which there were several Initiations. A
banquet was held after the business meet
ing. OAKLAND O. J. Savage and his crew of
wurklnginen are here drilling a new well
for the Northwestern railroad Just north
of their tank. The supply of water in
the old well la about used up.
BEATRICE J. R. McCann returned home
last evening from a trip through sixteen
counties in different sections ot the state,
and reports that no where did he find crops
suffering trom lack of moisture.
LONQ PINE Word has been received
here of the cieath of Al Q. Bronson, a
railroad brakeman formerly residing In
i ng pine, lie died of typhoid fever at
the M
lot Springs sanitarium, Hot Springs,
I ""- reccpuon was given last even-
tail to Grand Mastor Workman O. J. Van
Dyke. There was a large attendance ana
the lecture given by the grand master was
highly appreciated.
BEATivit. E The Beatrice aerie of Eagles
will held a Jollification meeting next Thurs
day evening over the wiping out of all
dcuts and tne placing of the local aerie on
Miund footing. A program, consisting of
music, etc., will be rendered.
FREMONT James Gentry of this city
returned this week from Harding, Mo.,
wnere lie learned that his daughter Enner,
the sole survivor of the Rainwater murder
and suicide, which resulted In the death
of five people, died there last fall.
BEATRICE The Beatrice ball team re
turned home last evening from Pawnee
City where It lost the second game of tho
series with the Pawnee team by the score
of 11 to 2. The locals will play the Marys
ville, Kan., team at tnls place next Monday.
OAKLAND Miss Christian Peterson has
sold her milliliter) stock to Mrs. Ida Neff
of Washington Springs, H. D., who took
possession Monday and will continue tiie
business at the same place. Miss Peterson
will go to California to reside with her
parents. '
RUSH VILLE Harvesting has commenced
here and the reports indicate a bigger
yield than lost year, notwithstanding the
dry weather. The early crop la particularly
encouraging. The usual hunt for harvest
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture
and to the originality and simplicity of the
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
aufqrnia ffa
Sara Francisco, Cal.
Louts-rill, Ky,
ros sals b r all lbadixq
hands has commenced and they are offered
rnm 11 60 to 12.00 icr dnv and are hard to
llnd for that.
Lr-A i'Rit 'E Thomus H Franklin was
fined tt0 and costs by Police Judge Craw-
rora or wymore tor creating a aisturimnce
In the postoflice at that place. Franklin
was unable to pay his fine, and he was
brought here yesterday and lodged In the
county Jail.
BEATRICE James Kerr made a trip to
his farm near Fllley yesterday and brought
home with him a potato that weighed
one pound and seven ounces, and measured
sixteen inches In circumference. He says
the potato crop is excellent in that sec
tion. Whest Is turning out fine and corn
never looked better at tills season of the
iORK The real estate men of York met
at tho Commercial club rooms last evening
and commenced preliminary organisation
of York's booster lo.tiOO club. They will at
once place an order for 26,(HJ0 Illustrated
folders, advertising York and Its many ad
vantages, which will be mailed any one on
request and will bo Inserted In all corre
spondence of. the real estate men of York.
YORK The executive board of the state
association ol Boys' Agricultural clubs and
Girls' Domestic Science clubs will meet In
session here tomorrow afternoon In Iho
office of the superintendent of schools. ,
York will make every effort to land the
next meeting and hopes that the induce
ments offered by York and Its Commercial
club will Induce the associations to hold
their fall meeting at York.
BEATRICE Several members of the
Seventh battalion of field artillery, which
broke camp here yesteruay morning, en
gaged In a free-for-all fight on the streets
Monday night. One of the guards In at
tempting to nrrest the fighters wus struck
on the head and quite badly hurt. Several
officers took charge or tne scrappers ami
the man who did the slugging will prob
ably be given a Jail sentence for hia con
duct. FREMONT The fire department was
called out at lu:.'sl Inst night by an alarm
from the normal school. A student in the
women's dormitory accidentally tipped
over a lamp, selling fire to some papers.
She kicked out the screen and threw the
lamp and papers out of tho window. Thero
was a lively commotion in the building
for a few minutes, as many of the occu
pants had retired and rushed out partially
dressed when they heard the alarm.
YORK York wants one or more of the
railroads that are building and extending
their lines and feeders. The Commercial
club, at Its meeting last night, took action
and Is going after the Union Pacific exten
sion from Stromsburg south to York and
thence In a soutne.isiernly course through
the rich valley of the Blue to Milford and
Lincoln. The committee is In corresuon
ednce with the tireat VVes;ern, the Mis
souri Pacific and other railroads that are
running surveys.
LONG PINE-Frank H. Wlnkley, the pro
prietor of the Long Pine opera house and
one of the leading citizens of the town,
ins been suiTering from a stroke of apo
plexy and was expected to die any minute,
but through the efficient medical skill of
iJt Black, the attending ph)slcian, und by
good luck, he after a day of unconscious--ness
sloy began to recover, and today he
has gained full consciousness and is, ac
cording to all indications, on a speedy road
lo complete recovery.
Now York, N. Y.