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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY HKE: THURSDAY, JULY 2fi, 1P06. Tel. Douglas -e- C; Extraordinary Shirt Waist 9.. mvmrutn. "Xsl 1 . tt yesterday w made on of the largest purrhssrs of fine waists ever consumated hy a western house. We bought the en tire line of the Standard Waist Manufac turing Co., one of the very highest class mkr of fine waists In the United Ptatee. Today those wslsts are being parked and shipped and ehould rrlve here Friday morning by the American F.prees. They will be ready for eah Saturday. Pample are now ehown In our Sixteenth str"t window. Clearing Sale of Children's Wash Hats. Tliese daln'y Wiih tlm with pretty trimmings of lacee and embroidery are much In demand. We have gone carefully over the lot and marked every hat at low price for Thursday's selling Tlaln rique Mata with buttoned crcv were 5c, reduced to 60c each. Pique Hate In pink, blue and whlli with buttoned crown and lare trimming, were 9bc, reduced to 76c each. White rine Hate with buttoned crown and embroidery trimming; were 11.50. re tired 'tO Dotted Swiss Hets. trimmed with ruffle rf embroidery and ribbon bowe; some were t: .15. other that sold a high at 2-7S: reduced to 11.00 each. Plain-Mull Hate, trtmmed with lace, embroidery, medallion and ribbon bowa; were J?. 76, reduced to 11.10 each. Beautiful Pongee Silk Hata, ahirred UPRISING IS TO WAIT (Continued from First rage.) from the profound conviction that It would be , a crime. In the midst of tha present dangers, to attempt to shake the power of the sovereign. After Brmly etlng forth the view of tee signers of the address regarding .the solution of the agrarian and other ques tion and. their dissent from the govern ment program, which made co-operation between Parliament and the ministry Im possible, th addfes -says tha emperor only exercised hi legal prerogative In sub mitting the I f lie again to the people to decide whether the vlewa of Parliament actually coincided with the sentiment of the nation. It then appeal to the people to prove hy their ralmne that they ara fitted for self-government, at the aame time to show the monarch by representa-1 fives whom "they eonaclentiouely elect," what they desire, and adjures them not to attempt to use force, which would be criminal madness, aa It surely would pro voke sever measures. "The government," the address add. "I compelled to maintain tha Integrity of the state and the safety of the eltlaene at any price. Resistance with force not only means an enormous number of fruitless sacrifices, but will also bring holy Ruaala to final economic and political ruin." Financial Crash Impend tnai. No word of Ihe military disorder I now permitted to be published. Discussing' the financial situation the Recti today saya that the 'quotation of Russian securities here and abroad are not a true barometer. Tha paper say that a financial crash la Impending, aa tha gov ernment I resorting to Count Wltte's old stem by which million are used In Ber lin and Parla as well aa In St. Petersburg to bolster up Russian bonda. This Is the only Indirect reference made by the prea to the parliamentary appeal to the country to cut off the government" supplies by refusing to pay taxes. In the province the suppression of news paper and the arrest of agltatora contlnuea unabated. Up to the present time there la no evidence of the expected rising of the peasantry, but newa travel alow In the country. The only sudden growth of dla crder among the peasants thua far reported la at Kostroma, 200 miles northwest of Mftscow. A recrudeacence of the revolution la also reported In tha Baltic provinces near Demi trovsk. In Orel province the peasants on th crown estates are reported to be In erup tion. Th refusal of the authorltlea to send troops to aav tha estate of Baron Fred erick, aide-de-camp to tha emperor, forty mile from the capital, which waa plun dered by peasants yesterday, seem to In dicate that until the danger la paased It la th Intention ot th War office to keep the troops concentrated In th cities and pro tect tb line of communication between here and Moscow and St. Petersburg and the frontier, so that In th event of serious trouble In the army becoming apparent troop cn retire on St. Petersburg, where tha laat atand will be made. Troepa ail Moscow. MOSCOW, July .-The massing of troops In this city continues. Th radia ting railroad lines are carefully guarded and the whole city la under martial law. In addition to th regular troop guarding Nicholas station, th terminus ot th Una connecting Moscow and Bt. Petersburg, a 1 machine gun detachment la on duty there. It la reported, but not confirmed, that th workmen' council ha decided In favor of a general strike, to begin July 13 RKVAL. Russia. July 2s. A steamer loaded with Finnish workmen arrived bar lodiy, but th authorities would not per mit them to land and the vessel departed, the men singing J-he "Marseillaise." R1UA, Russia, July 16 -Nine thousand factory workers struck her today, dateter at Odessa. ODESSA. July XV-Thia city ia compara tively jjUlet today. About seventy Jews have been arrested on suspicion of be longing to a self-defense organisation. During the disturbances of yesterday two Jews wera kllltd, seventeen were wounded and twenty-aeven shops wrecked. The presence of General Grlgorleff, tb prefeet of Odessa, and General Karakoaoff, com manding the troops, who were quickly on th scene, caused stringent measures to THAT SATISFIED WELL FED FEELING Con with gatlnj Grape 'Nuts line sliirl waists on special brim, dainty trlmmlnge of lac and rib- brawn and black, email slses only; teg bone; wera $2.50, reduced to 11.00 each.. ular snc quality. 2!c per pair Main Flour. Children's Colored Sailor Hata. In pink, blue or white; were 11.60; reduced to tl. 00 ! Final Clearing Sale Of 11 and - each. . Beautiful Eyelet F-mbroldery Hata, pret tily trimmed with bowa of blue or white ribbon; were 17.00, reduced to 14.00 each. Main Floor. Clearing Sale on Wash Materials. . . Tou have no Idea of the wonderful values we are giving unless you aee for youraelf and you will not have another chance to ! buy choice Waah Gooda. at tbeee price. V Silk Glnghama 26c. 40c. Bilk Spot Eollenne at 10c a yard. 4M Embroidered Pongee at 36c a, yard. "c Linen Suiting at 16c a yard, do Embroidered Tissues at l&c a yard. .So Organdies at 6c per yard. ': Embroidered Swiss at 10c a yard. oc silk Organdies at 10c a yard. 16c Silk Mnusselines at 10c a yard. 3na Irian Dimities at 10c a1 yard. ' 2So Vicereine Panama at 10c ; a-yard In Basement. Women's Hosiery. I.nre Lisle Hoee, epeclal value; white, brown and black, 2Pc per pair Economy ba sment. Children' ftne-rlbbed Black Lisle Hoee, double knee and toea. 26c per pair. Spe cial eale of Children- I.ace Lisle Hose, We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. be taken to protect the lives and property of all classes. The hospital where the wounded were taken waa visited later by Governor Gen eral Kaulhars, Officials Killed at Warsaw. WARSAW. July 26. Colonel galamatoff Of the gendarmerie was stabbed to death here today. The assassin escaped. Salamntoff, who was assistant to the chief of gendarmes of the province of Warsaw, had been active In the repressive measures. lie was walking on Moko towska street at about noon when he was attacked by two men. who stabbe him several limes, and then, as tna colonel sank down dying, walked quickly away In different directions without the spectators trying to stop them. Conrtland Castle In Flames. MIT A I'. Russia, July 25. Rempton cas tle, situated near Tukum. one of the finest and most ancient In Courland, Is In flames. Armed revolutionists are again In pos session of the surrounding country. Two columns of troops are advancing respect ively from tha east and west. HYMENEAL Rankla-Taylor. CAMBRIDGE, Neb., July 26. (Speclal.) One of tha brilliant social event of the season ws s the marriage this afternoon of Mr. F. M. Rankin and Miaa Hasel n. Tay lor. Mr. and Mra. Rankin bearded No. 6 of tha Burlington for Chicago. From there they will Visit In the east for few days and on August 4 they will sail frotn New- York for a tour of Europe.. One at tha featurea of their European trip will be a visit to Mr. Rankln'a birthplace In Scot land. Gleawead Chaatanqoa Low Ratea Via BarllnTon Route. Sunday, July 9, wilt be Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs day at tha Chautauqua, Qlen wood, la. Round trip tickets at fl.V) from Omaha and 85 cent from Council Bluff on sale dally July 28 to August S. Limit August 6. Ticket, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. Cobalt, a newly discovered region, rich In silver and other metals. Is conveniently reached by the Grand Trunk Railway System. A well prepared booklet descriptive of the section will be mailed on application to Geo. W. Vaux, A. G. P. T. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, IS Adam St., Chicago. . DEATH RECORD. 6. F. Bergeaer. O. F. Bergener, for a number of years' In charge of the furnaca department at the Milton Rogers' establishment, died Monday evening in San Francisco. Mr. Bergener left Omaha four years ago to establish a business of hi own In San Francisco. Ha lived In Omaha twenty years and lived at Twentieth and Douglas streets. Mr. Ber gener la survived by a wife. , Large manufacturer deaire aervlcea of first-class specialty man. Applicants muat be between age of S and 40, fair education and selling experience. Muat now b em ployed. Cheap man need not apply. Ad dreaa K bt, care Be. FORECAST 0FTHE WEATHER Fair Today In Itehraaka, Warmer In Extreme Baat Portion Pair Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. July . Forecaat of th weather for Thuraday and Friday: For Nebraska Fair Thursday; warmer In extreme cast portion; Friday, fair., For Iowa Fair and warmer Thursday, except showers and cooler In extreme east portion; Friday, fair and warmer. For Wyoming and South Dakota Fair Thursday and Friday. l.aoal Hnat4. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, July 25. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1 16. 13. Maximum temperature so 7 7H M Minimum temperature.... to H 5 12 Mean temperature 75 ti 72 ti Precipitation 36 .) .14 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from tha normal at Omaha sine March 1, and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 7s leficlency for the day 1 Total deficiency since March 1 174 Normal precipitation 14 Inch Fxcesa for the day 22 inch Total rainfall almr March 1. .. .16.1 Inches Deficiency sine March 1 1W Inches Deficiency for Cor. period, 1 T V Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1!M.... t l Indies Reports from fttatlona at T P. Station and Stat Temp. Max. M Rain fall. T or vt earner. 7 p. in. Tunu. Bismarck, part cloudy 72 0 C. neyenne. clear U f4 T Chicago, part cloudy 74 7S .00 Davenport, cloudy'.... S3 to uo Ienver, clear M M oo Havre, clear It 2 .no Helena, clear M w Huron, clear it M .02 Kansas City, clear M M on North Platte clear bi M .au Omaha, raining Kt M 34 Rapid City, clear sO M '.10 Si. Louie, cloudy 62 to 01 St. Paul, part cloudy 74 K T Salt laks City, cloudy... . M : 00 Valentine, clear , af M oJ T Indlcalea trace of preopnatioa. . A WLfiil, Local JFticaatr. Bee, July 25, 1906. Purchase of 4,000 sale next Saturday Embroidered Waist Fronts. We have lea than a doien of these beau tiful Hand-Embroidered , Linen Waist Front. Thursday morning at o'clock we will sell them at the following closing out price. ' . Five Hand-Embroidered Waiat Fronts; regular price, tt.00; Thursday' price, (1.19 each. One Hand-Embroidered Waist Front; regular price, 16 On; Thursday'a price, :.23. One Hand-Embroldcred Walt Front; regular price, t5.0f; Thursday' price, $1.49. Final Clearing Sale of Mull Waist Patterns. Only six of these beautiful Embroidered rat terns left, but it will pay you to be here early, aa we have marked them at a very low price. Note the reduction: Two French. Mull Embroidered Waist Patterns; regular price, $10.00; Thursday's price, $3.69 each. . One Fn-nch Mull Embroidered Waist Pattern; regular price, $8.00; Thursday a price. $2.69. . One French Embroidered Waist Pattern; regular price, $7.76; Thursday' price, lilts. One French Embroidered Waist Pattern; regular price, $.75; Thursday's price, $2.29. One French Embroidered Waist Pattern; regular price, $.0O; Thursday'a price, $119. Main Floor. RUSSIAN'S VIEW. OF STRIFE Dr. Elias Holovtohiner Predicts Triumph of leople Over the Government THINKS CZAR HiMSlLF MAY BE KILLED Look a for o Soch Revolution aa France Had, hot la Con fldent the Autocracy Will Kali. Dr. Elias Holovtchlner, 2437 South Six teenth street, a student of public affairs and particularly those of his native Innd Russia, regards the Impending gloom In the riar's kingdom with seriousness enough, but believes no such revolution as that of France will follow the recent dissolution of Parliament by the emperor. He is convinced the liberty-loving people of Russia will achieve ultimate victory over the autocracy, though It be at the terrible loss of thousands of patriotic lives. He regards Nicholas aa a weak man anl would not be surprised to see him killed before the era of war la at an end. Through friends and relatives Dr. Holovtchlner keeps In close touch with affairs In Russia. "Russia-has astonished the world in many respects," says the doctor. "The general idea In .Europe and America waa that Rus sia waa not for self-government, but look at - the complexion and makeup of the Russian Parliament, the most enlightened men, who would be an honor to any na tion, men thoroughly familiar with parlia mentary work and deep scholars of ao clology. Perfidy of the Government. , "The Russian government did all in its power to interfere with the election of the first Parliament, packing the house with reactionaries, but even by the application of physical force the wave of radicalism could not be stopped, and the first Parlia ment waa made of extreme leftists, with a few on the right. They have challenged from the very start the authority of the autocrat and have tried to flood the coun try with reforms. Ita life was short, as was natural and to be expected. Autocracy ia dying hard, and while there la a shadow of confidence In the army the result was to be expected. "The Russian Parliament waa the great est demoralising body ever called together In Russia. I mean to the power of au tocracy, the confidence of the people In the government and the shaking of the loyalty of the army. A great many of the out lawed deputies who have taken revolution ary stands will be punished, but that will not stand In the way of reform and will not crush the fight for freedom and liberty. The outcome of the dissolution of Parlia ment will not be of very great consequence; I mean we do not expect a revolution on a grand scale like the revolution In France. There will be a aerie of assassinations; In other words, guerrilla fighting will be adopted and here and there a general or a grand duke, or maybe the emperor himself, will be killed. Devastation Will Continue. "The peasants will keep on devastating the property of the land owners. We will hear of mutiny In the navy and army. An attempt will be made to inaugurate a gen eral strike, but 1 doubt If It will be as 'ef fective as that of a year ago. While the revolutionary element I organizing there I a great lack of arms and ammunition, and you cannot fight an army with fists when that army la well aupplied with rifle and when machine guna are trained on th masse. The army will in some instances refuse to fire on the people, but a great many soldier will do It. If they could only get at the top notchera of the Russian gov ernment, and If they could make a few attempts at the emperor, he himself a weakling and not overburdened with cour age, he undoubtedly would listen to reason and give' the people the freedom they have been fighting tor so many year. "Ruaaian patriots will win In this fight. It will get the victory at the cost of thou sands of lives and blood will flow freely before th autocracy la crushed and wiped out of existence, but th liberty-loving Russlana will fight until they have achieved their purpose. Russia Is a nation of great thlnkera, writers a nation which possesses more flgbtfrs ready to sacrifice their Uvea for th cause of liberty than any nation In the world. The new premier may delay the final victory for alx months, but th second Parliament will b still more radical than the first. Th most radical of the leaders of the first Parliament are sure to be returned and their experience will help to go about the work with more resolution and greater determination than ever." Hall Does Mara Damage. LINCOLN. July S. Dispatchea from points in Adams county say a hall storm there tonight did heavy damage for a radius of severs I miles. Around tne town of Heartwell crops were totally destroyed, all vegetation being pounded Into the ground There waa a furious windstorm in Lincoln tonight, followed by a heavy rain . and . hail. Damage was limited 10 broken treas and doodad gardens. ADVICE TO THE CONFERENCE laterparliamanUr Union Would Baft Property Protected in Cue ef Wf. CONTRABAND SHOULD BE WILL DEFINED (fereiri at Londnn Ends After Aelontln ' Resolution Asa Inst lrm Armament " Dele ' gates Vlell Hons f Lord. LONDON, July iS. The conference of the Interparliamentary union, after a pro longed debate today, adopted tha follow ing resolution: The Interparliamentary union, now as sembled In London, expresses the view tliat the second llnaue conference should1. First By treay define contraband of war as ling restricted to aims, munitions of war and explosives; nei onn --Kt'anerl and connrm ine prin ciple that neither a ahlp carrying contra band of war nor other goods aboard such ship, not being contraband of war, may Im riewt r.rvnri Third Affirm that even belligerents i private property should be aa immune at sea as it is on land. The conference also adopted a resolu tion In favor of the discussion by The Hague conference of meana to cut down Ihe "Intolerable expenditure on arma ments." Another resolution provides that each national group shall apply to ita own gov ernment to grant funds to aid future con ferences of the Interparliamentary union. The decision as to the time and place of the next conference waa left in tha hands of the International council. It 1 expected that it will b held In Berlin in 1908. Cnngressnvan Bartholdt of Missouri read a paper for Senor JJiego Mendosa, repre senting Colombia, making a plea 'for Bo gota, Colombia, as the place for the next meeting, which, with other Invitations, was referred to the council. The conference then concluded Its ses sions. ' ' The delegates were entertained at I., . , . , . , . . luncheon at the House of Ixrds A depu- , ,, , . ... . , . ., ,n'iti vi hit iimiuin will of) rtjceivt-u vj , King Kdward at Buckingham palace to- morrow. Mr. Ilryan Talks. Lord Chancellor Loreburn presided at the luncheon at the House of Lords, and Ambassador Reid, Paul Cambon, the French ambassador; Count Benkendorff. the Russian ambassador, and other mem bers of the diplomatic corps; the speaker of the House of Commons, Mr. Lowther; Herbert Gladstone, the home secretary; Chief Secretary for Ireland Bryce, William J. Bryan and Prince HllkofT were among the distinguished guesis. Mr. Bryan made the hit of the occasion with a brilliant piece of word painting, describing the glorle of peace, hla text being that a ni.hlo life Is better than death on the battlefield. Prolonged ap plause greeted Mr. Bryan oratorical ef fort. The delegates and their ladles visited vundsor casfle during the afternoon. They were received by the officials and conducted through the royal apartments hy special Invitation of King Kdward. Tea was served In the conservatory. BANKER AND BRIDE DROWN Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Renner Meeteetse, Vo., Meet Death In Flood In Iron hatch. of CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 25.-T. A. Ren ner, a wealthy sheep owner and banker of Meeteetsee, Wyo.. and his bride, formerly Miss Catherine Wovds of Eddyville, Neb., were drownejl a ftp: days ago In a fload caused by a cloudburst In Iron gulch, nar Meeteetsee. They had been spending their honeymoon at one of Renner's ranchea and were driving from town to the ranch when their buggy waa overturned by the rushing water In a stream which they were at tempting to cross. .. Their bodies were re covered. lDI START TO SHOOTTP TOWS Prompt Arrest Prevents More Berlonr Trouble. GREGORY, 8. IX. July 25.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Two Indians came to town today from the Rosebud and filled up on flrewatei and started out to paint the town red. They shot through the bakery building, but luck was with those inside, as no one was hit. They still kept snapping their guns at those who were on the street. If they had not been arrested promptly there would have been something doing, as sev eral parties went' after guna to protect themselves, and they meant business. The cltlxens are determined that this rowdyism shall be stopped. The names given by the Indiana were Tarry Cohary, policeman No. 46; the other Charles Nines, policeman No. 36. New Fan I It County Town. WATERTOWN, 8. D., July 25. (Special.) The Minneapolis and Bt. Louis town site department at Watertown has brought forth another new town. This is the fourth new city which the new Missouri river extension haa brought forth. It la called Cresbard, and ia located in Faulk county in the heart of the great artesian well district of South Dakota. Like Florence. Wallace and Brent ford, the new town haa rushed forth to join the sisterhood of South Dakota cities with a swing which manifests the richness of the country the new road la opening. It la from twenty to thirty miles from other competing towns and haa a imir- vtdously rich territory, Banks, lumber yards, etc., have already secured advance locations. Plana are on foot to utilise the Kiftsz. fj I I tel'a to Iowa Man Killed. PIERRE. S. P.. July '26 -(Special Tele gram.) Dan McAdams. whose home waa In Ottumwa, la., waa killed on Pad River today by a load of piling running over him, crushing his chest. FRANK C0NSTANTINE ARRESTED Aliened Marderer af Mra. Gentry of Chicago Apprehended at rouBhkerpale, . . CHICAGO. July a. Frank J. Constan tlne, the alleged murderer of Mr. Louise A. Gentry at her home, 5S2 I.a Salle avenue, January last. Is said to be under arrest in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Constantlne Is said to have been reeog nlid by a woman who at one time lived In the apartment building In which the murder was committed. She reported to the police authorities st Poughkeepsle that the man was Constantlne and he was at once arrested. Sheriff Hoffman of Dutchess county, New York, telegraphed to the locsl ponce mat he was holding Constantlne, saying that th" prisoner did not deny his name, but claimed that he was a brother of Frank J. Constantlne. Letters, cards and papers found In the possession of the man all bore the name of Constantlne. The murder of Mrs. Gentry was one of the series of brutal crimes against women committed In this city early In the year which aroused public Indignation to a white heat. No motivs for the crime has ever been discovered, as Constsntlne and Mrs. Gentry were alone In the apartment at the time. She died without being able to utter a word and no trace of Constantlne was ever discovered after he had left the build ing, except from a storekeeper of whom he bought a hat thirty minutes after the murder. The first Intimation of the crime was by Mrs. Gentry herself, who fell down the stairway leading from her apartments against Ihe doorway of a physician who lived on the floor below. He at once opened I the door and found Mrs. Gentry lying against It with her throat cut from ear to , par. one nan rv npniiy imennen in in om, . . M ' ., . . 'as she was dressed for the street. Constantlne was a boarder n the Gentry apartments and a raxor marked "C" was found on the floor Just outside the door way. It has always been the theory of the po lice thst he sppmaohed her from behind and cut her throat before she was aware of h's Intentions. POUGHKEEPSIE. N. Y.. July 26-Frank J. Constantlne Is locked up In the Dutchess county Jail In this rlty on a charge of murder. The prisoner waa positively Identi fied this afternoon by a young woman from Chicago. BUILDING AND LOAN MEETING Many Delegates Present at Four teenth Annual Convention of tbe National League. CINCINNATI. July 26.-The fourteenth annual meeting of the United States League of Local Building and Loan asso ciations waa called to order In the con vention hall In the Burnett house In this city today. Delegates were present from all parts of the country. After a welcoming address by President Bader of the Hamilton County league the reports of the president and secretary were presented. The report of Beeretary Cellarlus of Cin cinnati contained the following: The local building and loan associations have, during the last year, In a marked degree shared the general prosperity of the country and they have done the business tn their history. The assets of the asaociatlone of the I'nlted States now amount to 62S,S44,257, which Is the largest sum ever held--by them and is t26,ftiO.OOO more than- the assets shown by the report of last year. The totnl membership in the S.2S4 aasoclatlons for W05 is 1,642.127, an In crease of a little over ll.ono for the year. During the last two years the asso ciations have gained nearly 150,000,000 in assets. There has been a continuous growth since 1901. i ne largest gain in assets on ring the laxt year was In Ohio, where the increase was I7.162.M1: Pennsylvania. $4.6u4,4i7; New Jer sey, I3.296.3fil; Mnesachuiet ts. 13 111,0.14; Illi nois. 11.921.665; California. 1, 200,829; Indiana J1.0S4.142. and Nebraska, $1,051,947. There were but three states which showed less issets than the preceding year: Missouri, 201.410: Tennessee, I1S",S5, and Connecticut :Z,2HB,M8. There are 1.257 associations In Pennsylvania. 6T4 In Ohio, 5o5 In IlllnolB, 357 tn Indiana, 382 In New Jersey, 247 in New York. 142 In California, 139 in Massa chusetts and 125 In Missouri. The receipts In 1!W were 1)28. 621.200. and the disbursements $426,899,872, the excess being about $38,000,000 over the previous year. The earnings Increased $V294.304 and the mortgage loans were over $22,000,000 In excess of 1904. GREAT FORTUNE FOR MRS. SAGE Multimillionaire Leaves All Hla Immense Ratal to Hla Widow. NEW YORK, July 26.-The World tomor row will say: Kvery dollar of Rusaell Sage's great fortune is left to Mrs. Sage by a will made In 1901, except an Insig nificant bequest made to Mra. Fannie Cha pin of Oneida, N. Y., an only sister, who died two years J.go. The will Is to be read at the home of Mrs. Sage at 632 Fifth avenue today and will be offered for probate Immediately. The will undoubtedly will be contested by the Troy relatives of Mr. Sage, who mil charge that the 1901 will waa made after a mental breakdown on the part of Mr. Sage, and that Mrs. Sage exerted undue Influence over him In the distribution of his wealth. Not one dollar of the fortune la left to charity. The only contribution Mr. Sage ever made during hla lifetime for this pur power furnished by the artesian manufacture electric light, etc. Food to work on is food to live on. A man works to live. He must live to work. He docs both better on Uneeda Biscuit the soda cracker that contains in the most properly balanced proportions a greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. UfiieecSa B iscuil NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY v, Pi 1 K?r The Perfect Food" Little children like Malta-Vita e . but there is a better reason for letting them have it. Malta -Vita provides them with all the nourishment their young bodies need, and in such a form that they digest it easily. This perfect malted whold-wheat food is the ideal food for children. It makes them health' and robust. There is nothing else so delicious, so satisfying s a bowlful of Malta-Vita with milk or cream. It's good fot the children whenever they are hungry. Always ready to eat. No cooking. No inconvenience. All Grocers, Now 10 Cents. Do Business at Home Persons borrowing money of this sso clation have to do with us only until their debts sre paid, as our mortgages sre.non riegntlable and are always at this office. , And then ie are handling Nehranka, money almost exclusively, and If you hcr row of us yon pay Interest to Nehrnxka people and not to eastern money Immers. fall and see us relative to our p!;in. The Conservative Savings and Loan Association 205 5. 16th Street OMAHA pose was when, after a year's solicitation by Mis. Sage, he contributed $y.onn to build a wing of the Presbyterian hospital, of which Mrs. Pnge was vice president. The fortune of Mr. Snge, which was popu larly believed to be, and even thought to be greater hy the best Informed financial men of Wall strfet, amounts to only about $60.0nn,CO. STOCKMEN READY TO FIGHT War on Commission Men Begins at Kansas City Sep tember I. KANSAS CITY, July 25-The Co-Opera-tlve Live Stock Commission company. In corporated In Denver, whose offleere, di rectors and stockholders represent a large part of the sheep and cattle raising In dustry of the west, has started a contest against the Kansas City Iive Stock ex change. Hostilities will begin September 1. Simultaneously the sheep and cattle raisers will boycott the exchnnges of commission men In Chicago and St. Joseph. They pro pose to sell their stock without paying what they contend Is an excessive commis sion charge. The sheep raisers are leading the movement. The Co-Operatlve IJve Stock Commission cdmpany has absorbed the business of two members of the Kansas City exchange and will buy and sell atock. Independent of the Live Stock exchange. The movement Is recognized aa the be ginning of a bitter contest between the producers, backed by (he packers, agalmjt the commission men. The Independent com. mission company will reduce Its commission on sheep $2 a car and the aame en hogs. The charge 'on tattle will be the aame as that of the-Live Stock-exchanges . One of the. potent causes fofthe organisa tion of the- co -operative company waa the action of the commission men in advancing charges for the ale of live stock.- ' Saturday Real Estate gala. The real estate firm of Hastings & Hey den Bee Building, are planning a sale of twenty-five very nice lota at Twenty-fourth and Fort streeta for next Saturday. The property out this way la all Improved, and at the terms they are making theae lota will make record time In finding buyers. Arapahoe Wine at Harvard. . HARLA,BDVN:t" L",.?S LBP-.cJ?i todav in a well-Dlaved aame. Score: RII.E. Arapahoe ....I I 000110 04 t Harvard 00000010 2 0 Struck out:' By Miller, ; by Ruppert, 6. Hit by pitched ball: Bellamy. Earned runs: Arapahoe, 4; Harvard, 1. Um pire: Cook. . Vaalt Robbers Canaht. ROCK FORD, III.. July 26 Nearly every safe and vault in the Brown building, a six story office structure, was ransacked by burglars last night. Today after a hand-to-hand fight the police arrested Edward Williams and George Everett, on whose persons $1,000 in currency and a large amount of negotiable paper were found. Iowa Lesgae R faults. MR8HLI.TOWN. Ia. Julv 25 iSnectal Telegram.) Following are the resulta In the ! Iowa league: Marshalltown, (; Oskaloosa. 1. Burlington, 8; Waterloo, J. Clinton, i; Ottumwa. 1. Fort Dodge. 4: Keokuk. 1 Indiana Wis at Bloomlnatoa. BLOOM INGTON. Neb.. July 25 (Spe cial Telegram ) The Haskell Indians de feated Bloomington today 4 to t. Bat teries: Left Hand and Lawrence; Harris and Scrogglna. Strrllnaa at Field Club. Harry Saga's Sterlings will play at the Field club, on - Saturday afternoon. Tha Sterlings would like a gam for Sunday. err I I IV STORZ BEER won Highest Award, at Lincoln State Fair, 1893. Highest Award and Oold Medal at Trans Mlsstsslppl Exposition, Omaha. 1898. Highest Award and Gold Medal at Lewis and Clark Cen t e n n 1 a 1 Exposition, Portland.. Ore.. 19 OS. This, when In competi tion with the renowned beers of the world, and when Judged by a Jury of tha most critical ex perts. No other beer has had higher endorse ment Drink StoraBeer for your health's sake. Keep a case In your home. Eton Brewing Co Omaha, JJ2 Reduced Prices, on We still have plenty, of Hawaiian Bant Concert Tickets. '' Books of 10-50C Tickets for $4 00 Books of 10-3&C Tickets for $3.00 We can sell you SINGLE tickets, too. The music is fine. Ask anyone who haj heard them play. r . t)i Some drug prices for remalpder of week 26c Mistletoe Cream for....; 1...10i 25c Williams Shaving Stick ,.4 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. ...29 Golden Gate California Olive Oil.......... $1.25, 75c, 45o and 25 Ws sail tha famous Bexall Kamedias. 1 60c Societe Hygienlque Soap for... ....29 I 28c Mennen s Talcum Borated of Vto!et.,15a 25c racker's Tar Soap ior .ISO Sherman & M'Gonnell Drug Co., THE, REX ALL DRUGGISTS. ; i Corner 16th and Dodge, Omaha. ' I AMISKMENTS. Great Musical Attraction AT THE AUDITORIUM BEGINNING MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 23 AND CONTINUING ALL WEEK. .,".' The Royal Hawaiian Band AND ' '' Rojal Hawaiian Orchestra and Glee Clus Assisted by Several Kamous Vocal Bulolatf All .Native Hawalians from Honolulu , Matinee at 3:30 and Kvening Concrt sV :30 Eve.y Day During the Week. . Reserved Seat Sal Now On" at Th ' I Auditorium. POPULAR PRICKS iOc 3c and 5"0.,.'. BASE BALL VINTON ST. PARK. ... OMAHA vs. DENVER July 26. 27. '28.' 29; - 29.'- Friday, July 27th. Ladles." Dy. Sunday. July 29th, 2 Game.' 1st game tailed 2:30. " Games called 3:45. liHrn-y and ll'th H's. Phone lntijr Tomtht :!?. (Jsnjcn Curi'-ni t t ;tl. ', Kit I e well Vaudeville Ai-ru-arai-ce wl.1 Mr. and Mrs. Watarons The fin-at Vccal Artists. Popular Prtcss 10c, 30c, 30c. FOLLOW TIIE CROWD TO GAe CALUMET r-'K TUB BfcSr OF SVSflTTHJNQ EATe UlliriBHlfiMM) m t t