Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1006. r . b2 i - - H.$0$nd IJSfilrfi Sllardty wmm I SILK PETTICOATS I 2 These are the best ausilitv All Silk Petticoats, dain tily and laborately finished, all the vwt desirabl-e colors, Alice blues, corals, resedas, pinki, blacks, etc. Ladies $7.50 Petticoats at $3.98 Thtve Petticoats are fashioned of good hear? taffeta, silk and cotton un derlays, handsomely tucked, pleated and ruffled flonnces a doren of the moRt desirable shades go at each . 398 s Ladies' $4 and $5 Walking Skirls at $1.98 m 2 H New frays, blues and blacks. In the very latest and most swagger tall ored effects, pleated and cir cular models. Also the white Danish cloth skirts. All new summer tylea worth four and five . dollars ro at 1 98 7 T3L... ' IT OPENED WITH A RUSH The Ouunnlf ClotMn Bala of tha Auw barh tork npn1 with a rush. Pforl uphtiM to appwlntft IhB xtrrrdlnry low prices. If you nrc opn fnr Rnjrthn at a'.l either In men's or boys' Mothlnn or In the furnlshtnit line, do nnt overlook this extra ordinary ndvantaa-a of sa-ln hi money. B aure and strike the rtjtht place as we and we nly secrrd the antlro Aaerharh stock. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 161IMHI Douelas Street. XFORDS MUST GO I Dainty Lingerie Waists Underpriced I ft A special showing of waists, made of sheer lawns, dotted Swisses, colored batiste and tailored linens most of these dainty effects read ily worth S5 and 16 each, at All our elegant $7.50 quality Lingerie Waists, elab orately finished with finest laces and A QQ embroideries, at Dainty Waists, styles, at White newest 1.50 Pretty . sheer White Waists 100 styles, at .. 95c New White Waists, Peter Pan effects, etc., at 69c m M O u Swell Summer Millinery This summer's latest hats in white chips, -j, black chips, trimmed with ribbons and flowers, also new duck sailors, y j"A trimmed with ribbons, at ... . JU Street Hats and Trimmed Hats at $1 Prettv new trimmed hats, ready to wear effects and duck hats, special, at . .$1 LADIES' VERY FINE, PRETTY MADE EMBROIDERED ROBES Our own special imputations, swiss embroidered robes, hand embroidered trench batiste robes and Irish hand embroidered linens worth up to ''$30.00, at X8-59i-9L8 s Wash and Trlmmlnjr, I.nces In a variety of desirable widths torchons, net tops, vals, etc., bargain tables. Fagles Annua I picnic AT BENNINGTON. NEB, THURSDAY, JULY 26 Special Train via The Northwestern Line 10:30 A. M. Returning Same Evening Public Invited Beautiful Grounds Varied Entertainments Special Arrangements for Ladles and Children OFF In this sale we have in cluded several styles of cele brated makes HANAN, CLAPP and BOY DEN for men, and HANAN, FOSTER and ARMSTRONG for women. and patent 4.15 3.75 MEN'S. Hanan's patent kid colt oxfords $5.50 Hanan's gun metal calf T C and kid oxfords $5 . . . J Hoyden's gun metal calf to Hoyden's genuine French M C calf $5.50 Clapp's gun metal A 1 C calf $5.50 f.IJ Ten styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 3 75 Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 300 100 pairs odds and ends $3.50 and $4 7 oxfords iJ V WOMEN'S. Hanan's patent kid welt T J C sole oxfords $5 f J Hanan's kid oxfords, f 'T f? . welt sole $4.50 J.JJ Foster's patent kid oxfords, welt and turn sole 3 75 Foster's kid welt 7 AA oxfords $4 iJU Armstrong's patent colt ff welt oxfords $4 J,t f Armstrong's welt oxfords $3.50 U Five styles $3 oxfords, patent colt calf -S.ZJ Two lines $2.50 oxfords, f (A turns and welts iJ3 All pumps in patent colt, gun metal calf and canvas 25 per cent off. SS per cent off on all oar Men'a, Women's, Hoys' and nisaea Tan Shoes, aa ttfII a Oxfords. 2.65 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thnraday Fair. Close 11 11 GKIEN TRAD1K3 STJIUPS EVERT TIME Every Evening 'ccpt Saturday at Omaha's Big Crockery Section Special Bargains for Thursday Good Clear Crystal Tumblers for jelly preserving can bo used handily as table tumblers C, Thursday, dozen aiJC The .New Sunset Ware the craze of last fall. Finn new shipment just In Jugs, Vases, Sugars P and Creams, Cracker Jars, Etc., $2 to. . . . DC 16-lnch Ioga Flower Vase, very pretty thing, charm ing decorations, on a delicate logo brown Jjn background Thursday, one to a customer. f UC Two Havlland China Dinnersets (two or three pieces shy in each set) worth $35, CIO Thursda $U Kent Dinnerware, pretty new shape, totally different treatment In gold from anything we have hitherto shown, very charming at that, 100-plece set, Thursday 8.98 Three Hundred Free Tickets to the Theater Watch Thursday Evening's Ad. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Main Source of Supply for the nest at Lowest Prices. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, 2-lb. can 48c And thirty sreen truding stamps, i'eas, assorted, pound 48c And thirty green trading stamps. German Noodles, large, package 15c And ten green trading ptamps. Diamond "S" Fancy Salmon, pound can 22c And twenty green truding stamps "Tieese New York full cream, pound 200 And thirty green trading atainps. Honey Special Large jar pure honey .25c And thirty green trading stamps. Bayles Cyclone Relish, bottle 10c And fly green trading stamps. Bayles Yum Yum Tickles, bottle 15c And five green trading stamps. Bayles Ping Fong Pickles, bottle 15c And Jive green trading stamps. Japan Rice, two pounds 14c And ten green trading stamps. Baked Beans, three large cans 25c And ten green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Wheat, package 10c And five green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Extract, assorted, bottle 18c And ten green trading stamps. Velvet Coco Toilet Soap, six cakes 25c rmi.twiirrcgriMNv DWIUJrfrvrnrHtl; OMArUJIEft. THE BEST BARGAINS EVER KNOWN fSlYK THE RELIABLE STORE OMAHA'S GREAT BARGAIN SENSATION 1 Ice Cream on tx Hot Day Take a barrel home with you lhey just fit your pocket. If you try one of Balduff s little barrels of ice cream you will know why thev a re ao nnnnlar and whv over 25.000 have already been sold. M1'4 "'.' Each barrel is filled with three flav. ' Dra or Ice cream, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, fresh frozen when you purchase it at the counter. The little barrel Is ho constructed that It will keep the Ice cream hard for a long time on a hot day and It Is not necessary to put it on Ice. you can take it to your home or office, keep and eat It later at your convenience. Send and get one. Put up in two alzea. ' Quart size, sufficient for six A fie or eight Dei-eons Pint aie, sufficient for three or four perauns The Greatest Day of Ml In Our Ladies' Suit Department Thursday's sale will mean a "avino; of over half to you on entirely undamaged garment,!. Slightly damaged garments at a fraction of the cost to manufaciiuc. iJon't miss them. $20 and $25 Tailor Suits hi bronclHotlis, plioviots, Panamas, rtc, very eliphtly damaged, all nowost stylos and colorings Thursday, 5 ftP 1.95 at, choice Handsome Wash Suits All clean and perfect garments In Une batistes, Per sian lawns, etc, worth up A OA to $30, Thursday O.ZtVJ Dainty Wash Suits That sold regular ly at $7.50 and $10, abso- 7 QP lutely undamaged, choice. . . D,JO $5.00 and $0.OO Wash Suits Go In Thursday's sale, at, choice , . . , $20 Princess Suits All clean, fresh, beautifully designed, the most re markable bargains ever shown In Omaha, at. . . , Women's $8.00 and $10 Ire Skirts In Thursday's I nn sale, at T.!0 Women's $6 and $7 Skirts, choice Thursday 1.95 i, fresh, lost re- 5.00 Jfi.OO White Sicilian Skirts, sllghtlj soiled, the greatest bargains ever shown, Ht . . . . $5.oo Matinees, in fine lawns 1 QC and Swisses, at l,JJ Fine Dressing Sacques at Iiess Than Manufacturer Coat. Women's $1.50 Waists, choice, Thursday Women's $2.50 Waists, choice Thursday Women's $5 Silk Waists Thursday, at Women's Wrappers that sold "fXQ $1 and $1.50, choice JJG 59c 95c 2.45 ,3c4 Der yard. 5c 20c BALDUFF 'Phone Doug. 711. 1520 Farnam St. a a .,.111 11 ii iy 11 in. in 1 111 1 m a innin..Miwi)jlmu, DREXEL SHOE CO (? " " I 0 FAST TIME TO CHICAGO Mel tSJ 1 R II -XXi HI IME TO CHICAGO 1 1 Women's $2, Wrappers, Qfi Thursday, at vOC 2.95 GRAND LACE SALE THURSDAY A cleaning uji of our entire stock of fine French and German Val Laces, imitation Torchon and Zion City Wash Laces in four great Jots: 1st Lot, J 2ndLot, 13rd Lot, per yard. .15 per yard. per yard. AVe are sole selling agents in Omaha for the Zion City Wash Laces, the best on the market. These laces not being subject to duty, enables us to sell them regularly at the prices of greatly inferior quality of goods. This Sale Means a Great Saving to You. A TREMENDOUS SHIRT SALE Everybody knows what splendid bargain opportunities are always offered in Hayden's shirt sales and Thursday's sale will outclass them all in point of great variety and high quality of offerings. Men's Shirts, in all the best colors and patterns, percales, madras, silks or mohair bosoms, all sizes and worth regularly Crt up to $1.00, in two great lots, at 39c and 6ZJG Groceries "'ffJStSZSSSt' Groceries 3 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuits 10c X-celo Breakfast Food, pkg Rc Potted Meats, Verlbeat brand, can.. 3c Sour Pickles, per quart 10c (Small Quraat Ple1rla tier nuflrt . . .lAe I Chns rhnw npr nnnrt 12Uc Jell-o or Bromangelon, per pkg..7Hc 1 pound pkg. Corn Starch 4c One pound pkg. Magnetic Starch.. 4c Pure Fruit Jelly, per glas 4c 5 pound pails pure Fruit Jelly. . . . 15c 1 pound Plug Chewing Tobacco. . .25c One pound pkg. Smoking Tobacco. 16c 6 bars best brands laundry soap. . .15c Porto Rico blend coffee, a fins drink, rich flavor and fine blended coffee, nothing finer, for family use, per pound 20o Choice Santos Coffee, pound 15c Fancy B. F. or Hun Dried Japan Tea, per pound 25o PEACHES! PEACHES! PEACHES ( 4 basket crates of fancy Elbert free stone Peaches, per crate 70c Single Baskets, each .10 Large Juicy Lemons, per doi 25o 2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts.. So Large heads of Cabbage, each..... 8c we Round Trip Tickets $1.00 ON SALE AT UNION STATION 1 Half of large corner office FOK RENT,. $25.00 per month. I wish to share the large corner office I am occupying cn the second floor of THE BEE BUILDING. This faces Farnam St.; has a handsome oak counter; private office; large vault; running water; electric light. W. G. TEMPLETON, Room 206 Bee Building. Of Slightly Damaged Wall Paper I Now going on. Over 2,000,000 rolls i of paper to select from. This stock j must be closed out at once. Prices from 2c per roll up. I Odd rolls of fine gilt at lc per roll. FREE CEILING PAPER If you purchase the border and the paper for the side walls of your rooms ; from us we will give you free the celling paper to match. ! FKEE estimates for painting and pa per hanging. The lo nst prices on all work. We guarantee first clas work In every respect. SAM NEWMAN 119 N. 12th. Phone Dong. 3618 WE DON'T KNOW ABETTER way to tempt your order than to offer you the best tailoring the choicest fabrics and the assurance of well fitting garments at a tempting mid-Bummer price. All suit orders Include an extra pair of Trousers during July. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Leave Omaha ....6:00 p. in. Arrive Chicago .....7:30 a, m. Cheap Summer Tourist rates to many Eastern point Special 15 and 30 day rates to several Canadian and New England points. Information and tickets at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent. 2Z BROS. HlG AI1D W Colorado possesses some of the finest fishing and hunting grounds on earth. Its myriads of streams and lakes teem with mountain trout and are the haunt of millions of geese, ducks and other wild fowl. Very Low Rate of Daily to Sept. 30 to Denver, Col orado Springs, Pueblo and return. ALSO i 'Follow the Flag Harry E. Moorcs, G. A. P. D. Wabash Railroad 1601 Farnam St. OMAHA. NEB. No! Was There Last Year I am going soon for a 30-day trip via "The Cool Northern Route." The "WABASH offers ahout half fare to points in Canada, New England, etc. They give you choice of route to Chi cago, thence via Detroit, Niagara Falls, including lake and river trips, and all that port. They have a hook let giving description of a great many trips. Get one and think it over, and go along'. $175 $1522 UNION PACIFIC To same points. Tickets on sale September 19 to 22. VIA Inquire at Cm TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARXAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 334. WILLIAM JERRCMS' SONS. " 209-ll"So.'l5th"St." Business Boosters Try the Want Ad Column of The Be LAKE BREEZES Can be eitoyed la sale delight on the HULL ST&AMSHIF WMTOU 4 OR COMFORT, REST AND PLEASURE It offers an unequalled opportunity i Exclusively a era od J 1 " cms fnr li YQV Wlhh K.VIOV THK lKIJnors ? ItAC.KANCK OP A ,i m n I ' - .i , . IVAVS THE SAME. AlAVAls 111 K liEST. F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIUAR CO Mauufacturr, BT. LOUIS. Special Homeseekeps' Excursion Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Territory,. Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Republic of Mexl60. TUESDAYS Anguat 7th and 21st, (jeptmber 4tlt and 18th, October 2d and 10th. . AoTember 0tb and 20th. 190G, Via MISSOURI PAanc RY. & IRON mountain route. TOM IH GHE3, T. P. A., T. F. COUFREV, P. T. A., OMAHA, NEB. y IL C TOWXSEND, General raaaengcr and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, LIO. Q 4