Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1906, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
Workmen' i Commitfe Say i Condition! in
Ennia Are Not Eipi for BeTolt
Strike More Likely to Encceed After
Eerveit ii Over.
Stremros Effrrti to Persmds Moderates to
Enter Cabinet.
He My Duma Was Dissolved
HrriiiF It Unrpril F.xeeutlve
Function and Fomrnlrd
ST. PETERSBURG. July 25.--Though It
to difficult to obtain trus picture of the
condition In the Interior. owing to the
embargo that hn ben put upon pre dis
patches, all Indication point niore ami
more o the postponement of the threatened
general strike until the government shall
be less nnd the country more prepared for an event; until the harvest 1 finished I
and the revolutionary moyenient develop
spontaneously (imonc the Idle peasantry.
What news ha been received from the
province today Indicate that condition
are scarcely ripe, except In the famine
districts, for an upheaval. The strategists
of the revolutionary council are laboring
with the hot head to Induce them to defer
the call for a general strike until It can
coma a a supplement to the movement al
ready under way. A definite decision will
be reached within a day or two In the re
organized council of workmen.
Scorch for ew MlnUter.
Th remnant of the constitutional demo
cratic deputle. many of whom, after hav
ing collected tha arrears of alary and mile
age due them, have started homeward, are
caucusing Industriously, but their Import
ii me hn gone, neither the government nor
t!'e revolutionists paying much attention
to the former dominant party In the lower
Louse of Parliament. The government. In
deed, has not abandoned It efforts to enlist
moderates In the cabinet. Prof. Mouromts
eff, th president of tha dissolved house,
for whom rremler Stolpyln was vainly
arching with an Invitation to go to Feter
liof whlla the former was presiding over
tre outlaw Parliament at Vlborg, was again
approached today, but there I not the
(lightest prospect that he ran be swayed,
even by imperial command, to take office.
No further changea In the cabinet hare
been decided upon, but M. Qurko, who was
assistant to M. Btolypln In the ministry of
the interior, who is mentioned as M. SMuii
insky's successor aa minister of agriculture.
and whose character may be Judged by
live fact that he was higher in favor under
both Plehve and Prince Sylatopolk-Mirsky.
probably will be jettisoned altogether by
premier Btolypln, his name alone being
sufficient to damn the new government.
1'ue rk fi may overtak AUlltiiry .Fro
curator l'avloff. who la now engaged in
'. organising the league of Estate Owners,
tj educate the peasantry up to his ideas
before the new elections.
Distress In . Interior.
The most urgent problem before the gov
ernment, in case an immediate outbreak Is
postponed la the. relief of the distress In
the Interior. The cabinet meeting Tuesday
evening was devoted to consideration of thia
subject and it was voted to extend relief
works In the famine districts. A commis
sion was appointed to decide where the
budget could best be cut to find the 17,500,-
000 voted by Parliament for famine relief. It
111 be necessary also to provide more cash
for the settlement of claims for damages to
estates during the peasant excesses, the
commission for Yekaterinoslav province
alone demanding t'on.OOO In addition to the
I2.70.ono already expended, but this is capable
of befng deferred.
Premier Btolypln announced to the council
of the empire today that he had obtained
from Emperor Nicholas special powers for
Admiral Skrydloff In restoring and main
taining order and discipline in the Fllack
sea fleet. The admiral, who departed today
for 8ebatcpol. told the Associated Press
that his first tack would be to investigate
the arrests of sailors of the fleet and liber
ate those who were unjustly sent to prison,
lie Intimated that he considered the offloers
largely to blame for the mutinous spirit of
the various crews. The admiral took with
h'm a new naval procurator to see that
justice is done in future court martlals.
Admiral Skrydloff said he had learned that
Admiral Rojeatvensky and Captain Clado
probably will be restored to the roster of
. the navy.
Th Rech will say tomorrow that the re
covery on the bourse today was due to a
loan of 2SO,OiiO,000 by the Mendelsohns to
sustain prices.
tsar's Reason for Dissolution.
Premier Btolypln tonight authorized the
official St. Petersburg news agency to Issue
th following statement to the foreign
From the very first days of Its existence
the lower house of Parliament overstepped
all the limits of law. in It reply to the
speech from the throne, modifies! km of tue
fundamental law was demanded in tne
shape of the suppression of the council of
the empire and the creation of a responsible
cabinet. By Its agrarian program, based
on the expropriation of land, the house
raised hopes that could not be realised and
weakened the respect for property of oth
ers, already enfeebled. In th speeches of
its members the house consistently dis
credited the government, which it even
accused of organising and causing d
order. By sending
Teadered (nasal lwenrnlhl at
Callao, hat Declines the
(From a PtafT Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July 25 (Special Tele
gram.! Max J. Baehr. one of the best
equipped of American consuls, now sta
tioned at Cienfuegos. Cuba, Is In Washing
ton on his way to his home in Bt. Paul,
Neb., on a two months' vacation. Mr.
Baehr has given the best of satisfaction
since he entered the consular service eight
year ago, his first post bring Strssburg,
Germany. He has advanced step by step,
having b-n transferred from Magdeburg,
Germany, to his present position. After tne
passage; of the bill reorganlz'ng the Con
sular service, Secretary Root of the State
department rsbled Mr. Barhr if he would
like a transfer to the consulate general
at Callao. the salary under the new con
sular act being 14.300. but not being able to
have his family with him In Feru any more
than he ran at Cienfuegos, he gracefully
declined. Now that he has seen state depart
ment officials and been received rourte
ously by Acting Secretary of State Bacon
and the third assistant, Mr, Wilson, Mr.
Baehr rat' r regrets that he did not accept
Secretai ot's tender of Callao, which
is looket. j as a promotion at the 8tate
departmeri Baehr. however Is desir
ous of belt, ' ilnted to a place where
he can take 0- nilly and at the same
time receive ai In salary, which
he believes he Is to by reason of hi
years In the servlt. -retary Bacon and
his associates assu 'r. Baehr today
that a place would . nd for him to
which he could take hi, mlly and which
would be in the nature or h pronounced
promotion. The declination of Secretary
Root's tender, Mr., Baehr learned today,
has not In any way prejudiced hla chances
for promotion except for the time being.
Secretary Shaw started west today to be
absent until about the middle of August.
Mr. Shaw will spend day In Chicago and
then go on to Waterloo, la., where he will
deliver an address on Saturday. The sec
retary has been In great demand on the
Chautauqua circuit and has a number of
dates in his home state. It Is expected
he will be a looker-on at the Iowa state
convention which meets August 1.
Rural route No. 1 has been ordered es
tablished October 1 at Butte, Boyd county,
Nebraska, serving 460 people and 112 houses.
Daniel P. Bullock has been appointed
postmaster at Cushing, Woodbury county,
Iowa, vice F. II. Smith, resigned.
Stockholders Accuse President with
Lssseklsg Private Venture
with Company I'ssdi.
PITTSBURG, July 26 At a sensational'
meeting of the stockholder of the West
lnghouse Electric Manufacturing company
today George Westinghouse, president of
the company, w charged openly by stock
holder with launching private ventures
with the company's funds. The directors
were charged with aiding him In this, but
after a bitter squabble the slated board
of directors was elected and the official
coterie won out.
Jamea Carrothers, one of the minority
stockholder led th 'Opponent Of Me.
Westinghouse. The Incident grew out of
the report of the company. Mr. Csrrothers
called attention to the asset in which was
stock and bonds of the Urkawanna &
Wyoming Valley Rapid Transit company,
t6,SO0,000. Mr. Carrothers wanted to know
how much was stock and how much was
bonds. '
There was a hot discussion and it devel
oped that the capital stock of the Lacka
wanna A Wyoming Valley Rapid Transit
company Is $3,000.(100 and the road cost
about $6,000,000. No one was sure that
these figures were correct, and there was
more or less confusion.
Finally Mr. Carrothers said:
"We have $6,000,000 worth of bonds and
$300,0i0 worth of stock. Who has the re
mainder of the stock? Thl company fur
nlshel all the money that Is spent on the
road and gets only $300,000 worth of stock.
Why should not this company have all the
stock if It pays for the road?"
No one present was enabled to explain
the report in detail. The adoption of the
report waa moved by John Gregg, one of
the director, who aald:
"Before we close I want to know from
whom the stock of thl rapid transit com
pany was purchased. I understand that
these stocks were purchased from Mr.
Westinghouse, that this is a private corpo
ration and that Mr. Westinghouse unloaded
the stock on thl company."
A vole waa heard. "At twice it value."
After several calls for a vote the report
was adopted, the old board of directors was
re-elected, with the exception of Jamea
Hasen Hyde, who I succeeded by T. W.
Siemon, and Frank H. Taylor, whose place
Is taken by W. D. Uptegraff.
The meeting held today was the first
held since July 23, HOT, nine years ago,
when the stockholder met at the plant in
Kast Pittsburg.
General Auditor loiter of Combine Befnie
to Produoe Books.
Jadae Noith Sara Rook Moat Re
Forthcoming by Today or Punish
ment for Contempt Will
NEW YORK. July 2R.-Thst the United
Ststes grand Jury Is Investigating western
trunk line railroads suspected of having
granted rebates to the American Sugar
Refining company was made known today
when W. K. Foster, genernl surtltor of
thst company, was taken Nefore Judge
Hough In the United State circuit court
as a recalcitrant witness before th grand
Jury. The foreman of the grand Jury
stated to th court that Mr. Foster had
declined to produce before the grand Jury
certain books and documents demanded of
him. Mr. Foster said thst he had not re
fused to produce the data. He said that
he had not the physical possession of nil
books and papers In question, except as
general auditor of the corporation. A por
tion of them, he said, were In the safe of
the company's president. He could only
temporarily produce the books and papers,
he contended, and would do so providing
he was assured that thev would be given
back to him at the end of the day' session,
that he might return them to the officials
who had their proper custody.
Judge Hough gave Mr. Foster until to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock to comply
with the grand Jury's Instructions. Unless
the paper are forthcoming, the Judge In
formed Mr. Foster, he would consider an
application to punish lilm both as a recalci
trant witness and for contempt of court.
Conference on Oil Prosecutions
CHICAGO, July 25. Five of the men who
are expected to be prominent in the gov
ernment proceedings against the Stsndard
Oil company, which are to be commenced
early In the fall, were In conference today
concerning methods of procedure. They
were Assistant Attorney General Pagin,
Counsel C. B. Morrison, Special Agent T.
C. M. Schlndler of the Department of Com
merce and Iabor, District Attorney Sullivan
of Cleveland and Assistant District Attor
ney Francis J. Hanchett. No announcement
was made at the termination of the confer
ence, but It was intimated that no indict
ments will be sought and that the Standard
OH company will be placed on trial with
an information as the basis of the proceedings.
Prosrrntlon Makea Farther Effort to
Discredit Testimony for the
PITTSBl'RG, July 26. Counsel for Au
gustus Hartje today renewed efforts to dis
credit the testimony of one of Mrs. Mary
Scott Hartje's witnesses. Mrs. Blanche
Ashby, the colored domestic who lived In
the Hartje home, and to prove that she had
admitted that she had been promised $300
If she Would make th deposition to the
effect that Clifford Hooe, the negro coach
man, never had slept in the spare room
at the Hartje home when Mr. Hartje was
away. Several witnesses who live in Wash
ington, D. C, testified that Mrs. Ashby
had told them she had lied In her desposi
tlon and that she had been promised money
for doing so.
All these witnesses were put on the rack
in cross-examination by Mrs. Hartje' chief
counsel. Attorney John M. Freeman, and
some of them contradicted themselves in
several instances. .
Mrs. Ashby was In court all day and It
was said will go on the stand and reiterate
the statement made In her deposition and
deny that she made the statements attrib
uted to her by the witnesses on the other
The hearing of the conspiracy charges
against Augustus Hartje, John S. Welshons
and Clifford Hooe, the colored coachman
now in jail on a charge of perjury in con
nection with the divorce case, has been
postponed until one week, from today.
Woman Who Brooa-ut Rrelru Thaw
from Pari 1 Fouu tor
NEW TORK. July .-Th Evening World
today published an Interview with Miss
Annie Crane, a masseuse of this city whose
statement was taken yesterday by an as
sistant district attorney lor possible use in
the Thaw case.
According to the World Interview Miss
Crane, who is about W years old, was sent
to Paris by Stanford White In 1EM In re
sponse to appeals from Mrs. Nesblt (now
Mrs. Holman), Evelyn Nshlt's mother.
and brought the young woman back to
New York. Miss Crane is quoted by the
World as saying that he knew Miss Nesblt
before the young woman and her mother
went abroad In W4 and were followed to
Paris by Harry K. Thaw. Mr. White, she
said, then sent for her, told her that he
had received several communications from
Mra. Holman and asRed her to go to Part
and straighten out matters. When she ar
rived In Paris, Mis Crane'- said, she found
that all three had been living In a beautiful
apartment near the Champ Elysee and
that Thaw hd been the principal caller
upon Miss Nesblt.
"The day I got there," said Miss Crane,
"a terrible row had taken place, and Mrs.
Nesblt had been put out of the apartment
by Thaw, who acted like a maniac. Mr.
Thaw was nearly destitute and but for the
arrival of a woman newspaper writer, who
had gone abroad with the NesMts and been
left behind in London, she would never
have got bnck to the Vnlted State. The
newspaper woman aided Mr. Nesblt with
her own money and subsequently cabled
Mr. White for fund."
Sue declared her belief that Thaw was
a lunatlo and said that 'Miss Nesbtt also
believed it at that time. Miss Crane said
that Miss Nesblt showed lo her bruise on
her back and arm which Miss Nesblt said
were Inflicted by Thaw. Several occasions
when ahe was present, .Mis Crane said.
Thaw tried to choke Mis Nesblt and left
the marks of his fingers on her throat. Miss
Crane asserted that she saw Thaw beat
Miss Nesblt and thatt twice when Miss
Crane interfered Thaw struck her also. It
was Thaw's habit when tie went out on tha
Paris boulevards to stroll with other
women. Miss Crane said, to lock Miss Nes
blt and Miss Crane in. their apartments.
Miss Nesblt considered an appeal to the
French authorities, but realized, through
fear, that it would ruin her stage career.
Thaw constantly raved over men whom
Miss Nesblt knew in New York and often
spoke of Stanford White in a threatening
manner, MJns Crane declared. Finally
Thaw consented to aliow Miss Nesblt to
return to New York and they sailed after a
violent scene in I.ondon. :
On the way across the ocean, said Miss
Crane, Miss Nesblt declared her Intention
of bringing a suit of breach af promise
against Thaw and of charging him with
assault. When they arrived in New York
White's automobile was waiting them, and
Miss Nesblt went direct to White's office,
which. Mis Crane, said, . must have been
by arrangement made by. Mias Nesbit's
mother. A family conference, she declared,
ensued and several day .rater Miss Nesblt
. . i. . ..
went to tne omce or ji. is. iiummei, tne
lawyer, end made a s'v ment concerning
Thaw' conduct. The ":', Miss Crane said,
"was to have beea lor tiWtf.
.Mis Cran said uji 'Stanford Whl'o
acted like a gentleman, that Mis Nesblt
had only the kindest words to say of him
and that he was a kind-hearted man, whom
Mrs. Holman had Interested In her children.
Forth west Nebraska Wates Up Early to
Giie Them a Greeting;.
Chadron, HI Former Home, Torn Ont
Kn Masse to Greet Mayor ! al
ma n and Ml Felloe?
Omaha Boosters.
Fnlr Thursday and
Extreme F.ast Portion.
Warmer l
Friday Fair.
Temperature at Omaha Veterdayi
ft a. m . . ,
A a. m. .
T a. m . . ,
a. m. . ,
a. m . ,
lo a. m .
It n. m . .
13 m
. . i4
. . T
. . !
. . ra
. . T
. . T
. . 1
, . HO
1 .
S p
B p.
4 p.
K p.
T P.
Cleveland Mayor Continue to Tear
I p Street Hallway Track After
Injnnclton I Served.
Kansas City Object to Mebraakaa
Monopolizing; the Kissing;
KANSAS CITY, July .-8pclal Tele
gram.) Because David Tent, a 17-year-old
boy, ha a mania for kissing pretty girls
who pass on the street, he 1 to be sent
out of the city. The boy csme here recently
from Beatrice, Neb., where he had been at
tending a school for the feeble minded.
t The boy ha been arrested several time.
- Colonel J. C. Greenman, humane officer.
deputation to Ubily- i tni,i Ji.fW. Kvde In nolle court this mnrn.
power "e-iceu . u.urp rr.uwv. n(f (mU ,h, boy w ,noorrl(tibIp.
Fourteen deputle appealed to the people, "We both know that Kansas City girls
inciting disorders, a tep which called torth Ue to tie WLed. Judge," said Colonel
KuaE' Greenman. "but 1 doubt If th.y car. to
the boue declared that the government ' have a 17-year-old boy monopolise things."
had acted Illegally in explaining to thel "I agree with you there. Colonel," replied
dies a manifesto to the people persuading I back to the wild and attend to this buai
tdem not to believe in the government ic- nets ourselves."
garding the question, but to await lis let- j
tmetu by Parliament. I
Aeveral members also undertook journeys i iTI(:KNfcY DEN ES RFPHDT
., nt Bu.ila with the nlii-l ftf 1" . " ' " 1 w 1 1 I
supporting Bgltatlon. their abearance being
followed by renewed disorders, pogrom and
strike All the cause necessitated the
decision to dissolve the house.
Appeal by Conservatives.
Count Heyden, Prince I.voff and H. 8tako
vlch, th three member of Parliament who
refused to sign th Parliamentary address to
th country ls.ued at V'borg, July S, today
Issued a separate addreaa appealing to
the people to quietly submit to th im
perial decree dissolving Parliament and to
prepare for th election of member to the
new Parliament. The new address points
out that th emperor acted within his
constitutional rights, under th funda
mental law, and say that th signer of
th adires. in offering thl advle. act
Detachment of Twenty-Fourth In
fantry Drive Robber Before
It In Leyte.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 2b. A special
cable dispatch to the Examiner from Ma
nila says that a detachment of the Twenty-fourth
infantry, colored, and a company
of native constabulary were attacked yes
terday by hundreds of Pulajanes while on
a trail between the towns of Toloas and
Domatrl, Island of Leyte, and a desperate
battle took place, resulting in the rout
of the fanatics, with a loss of fifty killed
and more than sixty wounded. The only
American caaualty was one sergeant of tlie
constabulary, who was wounded.
MANILA. July 25. Advice received here
from the Island of Leyte say that a large
band of Pulajanes yesterday attacked a
column of constabulary and regular com
manded by Captain George II. McMaster
of the Twenty-fourth infantry. The en
gagement, which took place near Paneun.
CLEVELAND. O.. July 25 Papers were
served on Mayor Tom L. Johnson late this
afternoon citing him to appear In commoa
pleas court tomorrow morning to show
cause why he should not be punished for
contempt for violating a temporary In
junction Issued by Judge Ford today.
The injunction was Issued upon applica
tion of the Cleveland Electric Railway
company, restraining the city from pro
ceeding further with the tearing up of
the street car rails in Fulton street, which
was begun by a force of several hundred
men, under the personal direction of Mayor
Johnson, early today. The work of tearing
away the tracks was well under way when
the restraining order wa served on the
mayor and no attention was paid to It.
The mayor put the papers In his pocket
and ordered the work continued.
The matter is the only outgrowth so far
of the contest between the Cleveland Elec
tric Railway company, which Is seeking
an extension of its franchise, and the
Forest City line, which is the new munic
ipal line backed by Mayor Johnson and
Mayor Johnson tonight In a formal state
ment defends his own action and that of
his subordinates In the city administration
In tearing away the tracks of the Cleve
land Electric railway. He says In part:
"On June 11 the city council by resolution
ordered the railway company to move Its
single track on Fulton street and directed
the Board of Public Service to move the
tracks unless the company complied within
thirty days. That was six weeks ago. And
the order has been utterly Ignored by the
company. The railway has been violating
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
RAPID CITY, S. D., July 25,-tSpeclal
Telegram.) Royal was the welcome ac
corded the trade excursionists todsy. All
along the line from Valentine to Rapid
City the whol population greeted the vis
itors, and if the latter ate one they ate
half a doxen times, such was hospitality
shown them. At Merrlman, a town of lf)
people, the boosters were escorted to a
little grove by the depot and served with
a lunch consisting entirely of articles
bought In Omaha. At Gordon the women
served Ice cream, lemonade, rake and
cigars and would take nothing but sou
venir in return. Frank Currle of Chad
ron was among the hosts.
Chadron' depot platform was so
crowded with cltlxens It was with diffi
culty the boosters alighted. They were met
by Mayor Donahue, members of the city
council and a band and taken to a dinner
of fried chicken and roasting ears at Rome
Miller's hotel. Dinner over, the town was
Invited In and en exchange of courtesies
took place, 8. J. F. lager acting as chair
man. Judgn A. W. Curtis welcomed the
Omahans and paid a tribute to Mayor
Dahlman aa a man who had helped build
up Chadron and would help make Greater
Omaha. Mr. Dahlman complimented the
town of which he was once mayor and
assured its people they could sell their
stock In South Omaha at better prices
than any city on earth and could buy
goods in Omaha cheaper than in any city.
Short addresses were made by Mr. lager
and J. F. Houghton.
Arthur Smith replied, thanking Chadron
for loyalty to Omaha, which loyalty, with
the prosperity of the surrounding country,
had helped make Omnha what It Is. He
took occasion to refer to Omaha politics
and pleased his hearers when he said Mr.
Dahlman would make a good mayor and
would get many republican votes if he
ever ran for governor. Chadron people
were Invited to the Ak-Sar-Ren festivities
this fall and Chadron's band was prom
ised a place In the parade.
Big Dny for Dahlman.
Other towns stopped at were Rushville and
Hay Springs. Neb., and Oelrichs, Buffalo
Gap, Falrburn and Hermosa, 8. D., at all
of which there was a lively time. The train
stopped at Irwin, Neb., solely to let E. E.
Zl m merman kiss his wife, who is visiting
It was a big day for Mayor Dahlman.
At every town women gave him flowers
and at Chadron so many shook his hand
that the train was held ten minutes over
time. The country passed through is In a
prosperous condition. Rain have been fre
quent and grass and grain crops are large.
At Hay Springs cltlxens had a fine agri
cultural display at the depot, and at Rush
ville showed some fine potatoes.
Mayor' Emerick of'RapT?) Ctty-rtth' J; CT
Haines and G.' P. Cory met the train at
Chadron. The party marched through the
street of Rapid City and lined up In front
of the Harney, where the citlsen gathered.
Mayor Emerick welcomed the excuralonlsts
and Mayor Dahlman replied with remark
very complimentary to Rapid City. Stores
were kept open and the Omahans spent the
evening visiting.
Breakfast at Valentine.
MERRIMAN, Neb., July 25. (Special Tel
egram.) Valentine' cltixen gave Omaha
trade boosters a warm reception this morn
ing, turning out en masse to watch the
parade of the band and umbrella brigade
and shake the hands of men from the
metropolis of the state.
They piloted the way to breakfast at
hotels, one of which had fifty pounds of
black bass caught from the Niobrara the
day before. Women and children were
decked from head to foot with souvenir.
Mayor Dahlman was the center of attrac
tion, for everybody In Valentine bs
known him for years. After patting ba
bies on the head for awhile, Mr. Dahlman
was persuaded to sit for his picture on a
pony. Dave O'Brien came by and the
mayor started after him, swinging a
lakso. Mr. O'Brien ran and dodged well,
but was stopped in his mad flight by a
dexterous throw, which showed Mayor
Dahlman had not forgotten his cowboy
training. Attention soon shifted to Clarke
Colt, who was forcibly kissed by a Sioux
squaw, whose fancy he had caught. He
cume from the encounter blushing, but
Short stops were made at Crookston,
Cody and Merrlman, and at each town the
whole population turned out. The siren
whistle was lost at Long Pine and the
railroad officials are trying to find It, that
It may be put in commission at Rapid
City. General Superintendent C.
Hughes of the Northwestern Joined the
party at Norfolk and E. E. Benjamin, gen
eral agent at Deadwood, got on the train
at Cody.
Interstate Commerce Commission Grant
Rehearing Union Fscifio Allowance Case.
Enrlincton and Santa Te Join in Petition
for Another Argument.
Water Board Take Another Step 'n
Effort to Defeat ff1.01M,0M
The Omaha water board, at an adjourned
meeting held at t o'clock yesterday after
noon, appointed Mortimer E. Cooley of
Ann Arbor, Mich., to be the city's repre
sentative on a new appraisement board in
the event that the appraisement of the
ater works, made by the lust bosrd,
should not hn held good, as the water
board's lawyers contend.
The appointment of a new appraiser on
behalf of the city Is said to be simply
the next Btc;i In the procedure outlined
by the lawyers to head off the $,00fl.od0
appraisement, which the water board un
dertook to reject, alleglnft that only two
of the three appraisers had agreed to II,
that It was excessive ami that It was not
fairly made. The appointment will prob
ably be followed up by official notifica
tion of the water company and demand
that It name a new appraiser on Its side,
which demand Is sure to be Ignored It
Is said, however, that the lawyers want
all of these motions made In order to
bring that Into the rase, which Is Impend
ing In the federal courts. In which the
water company haa applied for a writ of
specific performance in the sale contract.
The new appraiser, on the part of the
city, Is the brother of Engineer Cooley of
Chicago, who Iras employed by the water
board as an expert In presenting testimony
before the last hoard of appraisers upon
which to base its finding. Ho Is said to
stand high In engineering circles, and to
enable the public to get acquainted with
him Attorney Wright prepared the follow
ing memorandum for the press:
Mortimer K. Cooley, the man appointed
by the board as Its appraiser. Is at pres
ent the head of the KnBineerlng depart
ment of the I'nlverslty of U! hiKan. He
Is a graduate of the corps of engineers
of the Naval academy and served in the
navy until he was detailed by the I'ntted
States government to assist In the or
ganization of the Engineering department
at Ann Arbor. At the reiiiest of the fac
ulty of the university, hit; detail was ex
tended and he was afterward appointed
Binoe First Hearing Contract Has Eeen
Offered to All Elevators.
Derision I Regarded Clear Vlc
to., for Stlrkney, hot HI
1 Itlmate Sucre I
WASHINGTON. July 3K.-An order was
made today by the Interstate Commerc
commission on petition of the Chicago
Great Western Railway company, the Chi
cago, Burlington & gulury Railway com
pany, and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa
Fe Railroad company for a rehearing In
the matter of allowances to elevators by
the I'nlon Pacific Railway company.
The petitioners allege that the I'nlon Pa
cific entered Into a contract with Teavey
ft Co., under which the latter company
erected grain elevators at Council Bluffs
and Kansas City for the transfer of gralu
for the public from the incoming cars of
the Union Pacific to outgoing cars of the
connecting lines at thesn terminal points
of the I'nlon Pacltic and for this service
the t'nlon raciflc agreed to pay Feavey &
Co. lt cents per hundred weight. The com
plaining railroads allege that the facts are
"the elevators of Peavey & Co. were not
i built for su.-h purposes and never have to
any considerable extent. If at all, thus
transferred grsln for the public, but were
built and have been used solely and exclu
sively for their own use In the grain trade."
I Local Opinion of Suit.
Nothing In railroad rate matter recently
has created the Interest among local trafflo
men that this news has. It Is generally
regarded as another victory for Stlckney.
"When the old man gels after you you
better run," was the sententious expres
sion of one railroad man when he read the
report In The Bee yesterday evening.
It's another victory for Sltrkney," re-
to the chair of engineering of the Culver- mark, ,nnth,p
Sitv of Mirhliran. He ho. ftlle,! thl. rbnlr : marK" anotner
continuously for about twenty years. , 'While all were interested, many were
the exception of a brief period during the surprised, as it seemed to have been tsken
!nJ;Vm that the case would not be reopened for
m a I I us
lie is a man or large experience an'l
recognised authority on engineering mat
ters. He waa appointed by the state of
Michigan to appraise the railway systems
Because of Its present position, which Is
much stronger than when the case wss
of that state for the basis of taxation, it nr,,t hrd. the eeneral feeling la that the
was upon his appraisement that the state
of Michigan, under the recent decision of
the I'nlted States supreme court, ha been
enabled to collect about SS.ono.000 of
axes from the railroad systems In th-
resulted in the Pulajanes being repulsed
with the los of fifty men killed and lxty ,he lftw thl tlm and nas shown no In
wounded. The troops and constabulary suf- i rllnatlon to obey the city's order, which was
fered no losses. The Pulajanes fled witlt
the column In pursuit.
letter estimates place the number of the
Pulajanes dead and wounded at 150. The
flght took place In thick underwood and
lusted thirty minutes. The Pulajanes, who
are said to have numbered fxX) men, armed
with guns and bolos, charged the American
column three times. The latter was com
posed of fifty constabulary, commanded by
Captain Neville, and twenty-six colored sol
diers of the Twenty-fourth infantry, com
manded by Captain McMaster. Since the
fighting of yesterday the column has not
struck the Pulajanes again.
cCouunucd. oa Seccad '.)
Head of Great Western Not Offered
Plaeo by Interstate Com
merce Commission.
ST. PAfU July 3-W!th reference to
the story President Stlckney of the Chi
cago Great Western railroad had been or
would be offered a place on the Interstate
Commerce commission Mr. Stlckney n!d 1
"I hav not been offered urh a position." j
A man who I very close to Mr. Stlckney,
when asked if he thought Mr. Stlckney '
would accept a position on the commission !
if it was tendered to him, ald:
"Of course. Mr. Stlckney alone can an-
, suer mm oennueij, nut i ao not think he
, v.uuid accept such an sppjluliueut.''
Dere Fire nt Woman, Who Escape,
nd Hit Pedestrian on
NEW YORK. July 28-Prompted by
Jealous rage. Balvatore Deve, 26 year old,
fired four hot at Theresa Lodito In Wet
On Hundredth street today. Mis Lodito
escaped uninjured, but three pedestrians
were truck by flying bullet, two of them
being seriously wounded.
The wounded re: Abraham NefTsky. II
yi-nr old. hot in the left ld; Cologero
Farace, . (hot In th right side, and
Elisabeth DeEgan, 23, shot in the left leg.
The shooting occurred on the sldewalV
at an hour when th street was crowded
with people. Dev was arrested. Th po.
lice sy th man wt Infatuated with Miss
l.i c'tto and that Jealousy as U motive
, Ut Uit attack. .
a perfectly reasonable and usual one."
The hearing tomorrow In which Mayor
Johnson Is cited before Judge Ford for con
tempt will be stubbornly contested on both
sides and promises to be sensational and
Has 1 nder Arrest May Have
mltted Mnlrlde In Cell In
Try to Plar "Sooner on Shoshone
Reserve and the Soldiers
Overtake Them.
SHOSHON1. Wyo., July 25.-f8peclal Tele,
gram.l A gang of fifty workmen employed
by Asnius Boysen on the Shoshone reserva
tion, In disobedience of an explicit order
from the federal government, was surprised
thl morning by a detachment of the Tenth
I'nlted State cavalry, and after a mild
show of resistance laid down their arms
abandoned tlieir drills and other machinery
and left the prescribed territory. Thi
soldier had been detailed to patrol the
border of the reservation from the camp
I'nlon Pacific may win in the second hear
ing. The petition for a rehearing was brought
nut hv President Ktlrknev nf the Ore!
"'V?' V' WJt' ""n bV j1"1 government I western, but he secured the signature of
of Newfoundland to appraise the railway j , .., . . " . .
his position and to help him out with the
ystems of tht country to determine the
value to be paid upon their purchase oy
the government. He has recently been
appointed by tlie city of Chicago to up.
pr:ie. 1 he-'vjliio of 'at ret-, rallwt'tiy dtov
erty and franchises under the proceedings
In that citv looking to their purchase ami
acquisition. He is a first-class man In
every regard.
Butter, Saasaees, Wine, Chocolate and
Cocoa. Found to Contain
WASHINGTON. July K.-German food
adulteration is the subject of a rtport re
ceived by the bureau of manufacturers
from Consul Brlttaln at Kehl. Dr. Jacken.
ack of Berlin state that there were 1,400
prosecutions for adulterating food products
In Germany In 1WS; In 1898 the number had
Increased to .S.OrtO; In 1901 to 3.6Xti. and In
evidence. The case is that against tha
Colon I'siifl-.for Slaving a contract with
Peavey A Co. b? which the Vnloti Pacltlo
agrees to pay 14 cents per hundred for
grain elevated. The conditions now ar
slightly different from what they were at
the time of the other hearing, the Union
Paclllo having strengthened Jts position by
publishing a tariff granting elevation to
all elevators on the Missouri river which
will perform the service. When the con
tract was entered Into with Peavey & Co.
It was understood this company wa to
build elevators at Omaha and Kansas City
to receive all the grain coming In over the
I'nlon Pacific and to transfer It to other
lines to carry beyond. The complaint Is
that the general public was not Invited to
use these elevators, but they were used ex.
cluslvely to handle the grain coming from
the lines of elevators of the Peavey com-
1903 to .000. With Increased stringency nanv.
Inlon Pnellle Win Flrt.
At the former hearing of the case th
In the Inspection laws It was discovered
that many large and reputable German
firms were carrying on privately special
departments of their factories where reg
ular chemists were employed to scientific
ally adulterate their food products.
Thirty Berlin butter manufacturers were
summoned before the courts for an almost
Incredible adulteration of their wares, and
the German papers have frequently pub
lished accounts of the manufacture In
Strassburg and elsewhere of sausages from
spoiled meat, colored and doctored with
chemicals. Few weeks pass in Strassburg
without the arrest of market women for
adulterating butter. Wines, chocolate.
cocoa, brandies and medicines have been
discovered to contain absolutely Injurious
and dangerous substances used for adul
teration. Cosmetics and perfumes contain
many foreign Ingredients.
In fact, according to a Strussburg paper,
there seems to be few articles of manufac
tured fond and drink products which have
not been the subject of adulteration on the
part of the German manufacturers.
NEW YORK. July JS. Walter K. Free
man. a chemist who wss arrested at hla 1
summer home In Oscawana. N. Y., yester- I WMt ' Shoshonl to the north of the canon
day and locked up at poll. headquarter i ' 'he Big Wind river. 8couts sent out on
last night chsrged by Parke, Davis & Co. the ,r" reported that nrty men were
of Detroit. Mich., dealers In druas and : working within the canon where the Big
chemicals, with the larceny of 12,500, was
found In an unconscious condition in his
Wind river enters the mountains. The
detachment deployed among the rocks and
cell today and was believed to be dying, ."surprised the workmen. As the soldier
He had taken morphine, but the authorl- ' appeared every workman sprang for his
ties were unable to ascertain whether he fne- Th 'hanged their mind. howver.
took the drug with suicidal intent. i and peacefully laid down-thelr arm snd
Freeman attracted considerable atten- submitted to arrest
tton In clentlflc circle a few year ago i They had with them eight drill propelled
by the claim that he had discovered the gasoline engine. The soldiers gave
secret of making camphor by a synthetic ' them five hours to remove the machinery
process. It is auegeu umi wnne carrying
on experiments under contract with Parke,
Davis & Co. at his laboratory In Ruther
ford. N. J . he obtained a billhead of Baker
A Co. of Newark. N. J . and turned In a
bill to Parke. Davis & Co. purporting to
show that he had purchased from T"h
Newark firm 11.600 north of platinum.
This bill, it is charged. uaiii to i'ree
uou by tli Michigan fu li
ana' lve the proscribed territory. Later
the soldier returned and found the men
had gone and left the machinery, and It
I ill stands where It was.
It Is alleged that despite the positive
prohibition of the government. Boysen sent
r. B. Fsrmer, a surveyor, onto the reserva
tion and started operation. Rnysen made
a big flght to prevent the issuance of the
order keeping him off laud.
I'nlted States Consular Aarent Denies
Report that Colonel l.reene
Wa Shot.
DOl'GLAS, Ariz., July S. I'nlted States
Agent John Breamitt of Cananea, Mexico,
arrived here tonight with an emphatic denial
of rumors current along tho border of an
other uprising st Cananea, In which Col
onel W. C. Greene was alleged to hove
been shot, saying:
"AH stories of unrest or of prospective
trouble at Cananea are absolutely false
and clrculuted for mercenary motives. The
newspaper correspondents sending out this
traah are availing themselves of rumors
they know to he without foundation In
fact. As for Cananea and Bonora, the
friends of the thousands of Americans nho
are there can rest assured that they are
absolutely safe. Not only Is there no feel
ing against Americans, but the Mexican
government has taken th necessary steps
in providing troops to prevent any possi
bility at any future time of disorder of
even a slight character."
Movement nf Ocean easel Joly 2-V
At New York Sailed: Teutonic, for
Naples; Georgia, for Trieste.
At Antwerp Arrived: .eeland, from New
At Naples Arrived: Slavonla, from New
At London Arrived: Mesaha. from New
York; HunKarlMn. from Montreal.
At pHleriine-tjailed : Biclllrn Prince, for
New York.
At Havre Arrived: Bordeaux, from New
At Bremen Arrived: Kaiser Wilhelm II.
from New York.
At CherUiurg- Sailed: Kaiser Wilhelm
der Orosse. for Nr York
At Philadelphia Arrived: Maryland from
Iyui'bin, via Swansea.
At Boston hailed : Canadian, for Liver
pool. At Liverpool-Sailed : Majestic, for New
lurk. Arrived: Oceanic, from Nw York.
Interstate Commerce Commission decided
the I'nlon Pacific company had a perfect
right to pay this elevation charge on ac
count of its situation. Omaha and Kan
sas City are the terminals of the Cnlon
Pacific and that company Is willing to pay
1 n cents per hundred to have its car
emptied and returned to it inside of forty
eight hours so they can be sent back for
another load. The contract with Peavey
& Co. has stood, and In addition a contract
was entered Into with the Trausmlssis
sippl Grain company similar to that of th
Peavey contract.
When Mr. Stlckney began his agitation
against the payment of elevation charges
at the Missouri river th t'nlon Pacific
thought to strengthen its position by
making the rate open and agreed to pay
1 '4 cent per hundred to all elevator
which would perform the service of un
loading these cars and getting them back
to the Union Pacific Inside of forty-eight
hours. This removed the exclusive nature
of the contract and gave all elevator an
even break. A cruaad was started and
all other roads have stopped the psyment
of elevation charges except the I'nlon Pa
cific at Omaha and Kansas City and th
Rock Island at Kansas City.
I'nlon Pnrlfle' Attitude.
Th I'nlon Pacific claim tht by the
nature of it position in terminating on
tho Missouri river it lias the right to pay
this service for the prompt delivery of it
car, it being worth that much to. get the
car back immediately. Time was, not far
back, when several elevations were paid.
The road tired of thl Snd rut out th
elevation allowance and cut th rata,
which they said was th same to them.
They claim It I better to hav a lower
rate than to be handing back rebates a
the shape of elevation allowances.
It wos the announcement of the Union
Pacific that it would pay the elevation
allowance to all elevators performing the
service which brought on thi recent rate
war with the. Burlington. The Burlington
reduced Its rsto and refused to pay eleva
tion. This war has been settled and all is
running quietly, waiting for something
new to turn up. The date of the hearing
has not been announced, but the Union
Pacific officials say they are ready. They
say they won the case before when their
position was not as strong as It Is now
and when the best legal talent the Bur
lington and the Sart Fe could procure
was engiig-d In prosecuting il,e case,
which was thnr basin d out.
Roy Killed In Kunanay.
EVEREST, Kan. July 2fl -Special Tele,
gram ll'iy Nottingham, a 12-vear-old bo v.
whs killed at 4 o'clock thin afternoon nhlle
working on the farm of Frank II innrll,
three miles south of town. Tlie team Irnik
fright and ran away, throwing th bov off
the machine, one wheel passing directly
over bls.bead. crushing his skull snd break
ing one' arm. killing him instsbtly. The
hoy Is a son of George Not rlnghaisv Who
is also tmyloed by Mr. HunneU.